McPherson college, mcpherson, Kansas, Wednesday, apr. 20, 1932
Oration on "ContrastS" Takes Decision Over Field of Six Other Contestants — First Prize is $60 — Southwestern Takes Second
in McPherson today
Fri., April 15—What Prof. Mau-rice A. Hess, coach of forensics, classes as "the most successful forensics season in the history of McPherson college" was concluded tonight when Lawrence Lehman, senior, won the State Peace Oratorical Contest held at Friends university, Wichita, with his oration on “Con-trasts.” The award was $60 in cash.
Lehman was a member of the var-sity debate squad, which won the state championship attain for McPherson, and has taken an active interest in forensics while in college. In addition to a heavy load of academic work he has participated in many extra-curricular activities. Including the varsity male quartet, the college chorus and men’s gice club, the Y. M C. A., the World Service Group, and for the last two years has held a student pasturate in the Church of the Brethren at Holland, Kansas.
In his prize-winning oration he first drew a contrast between Gandhi and Mussolini, then showed that there is a similar contrast between nations in their attitudes and acts in relation to war and peace. His outline was definite and well-chosen, He will submit the oration for the contest where judging is based on thought and composition
In the nine years of the contest McPherson has placed five first place decisions, two seconds, one third, and one fourth. During the last five years the local school has won four firsts and one second. Altogether McPherson has taken $480 of the contest
The Peace Oratorical Contest was made possible through the efforts of the Misses Helen and Mary Scabury of New Bedford, Massachusetts. They have contributed $100 for prize money annually in each of twenty-two states, and an additional $100 for the national prizes, consisting of $60 far first prize and $40 for second place. McPherson college has taken one first and one second prize in the national contest.
The ratings of the seven contestants entered in the 1932 State Contest are as follows: Lawrence Lehman, McPherson, first prize of $60; Paul Kitch, Southwestern university, second prize of $40; Cecil Hinshaw, Friends university, honorable mention: Lorin Sihley, Bethany college, fourth; Francis Hayward, Ottawa, fifth; Fay Green, Sterling, sixth; and Amelia Mueller, Bethel, seventh
M. c. Has Enviable Series of Wins During History of Peace Contests |
Music Contest, Tennis Tournament, and Banquet Will Attract Many to M. C. Dean Mohler To Be Main Speaker— Replogle Toastmaster of Banquet Program |
Today—Allied Campaigners visit McPherson, Mass meeting in Contention Hall, 2:30 and 8:00 p. m.
Thurs., April 21 —Tennis meet with Bethany Swedes here at 2:30 p. m Fri. April 22- Junior-senior S. S. Class party at Blair home, 7:30 p. m.
Sat., April 23 Senior Festival— Music contest and tennis meet. Banquet in College Church 6:30 p. m.
Over Two Hundred Visiting Scientists Come to McPherson
College for Sixty-fourth Annual Meeting_
Largest in History
Dr. Daniel A. Poling, national young peoples' leader and radio speaker, will speak at a McPherson Mass Meeting this afternoon.
Well Known Young People's Leader Will Appear at Mass Meeting, 2:30
Lawrence Lehman, senior who completed a winning forensic season for McPherson College by winning the State Peace Oratorical Contest last week.
Dr. S. A. Barret Displays unusual Army of Excellent Animal Photographs
"The Challenge of the Cross" is Given in College C. E.
Dr. Daniel A. Poling, editor of the Christian Herald and president of the International Society of Christian Endeavor, will be one of the principal speakers at the big mass meeting for college and high school young people, to be held in the Community Building at 2:30 this afternoon. Dr. Poling’s talk will be a part of the program taking place in McPherson today under the auspices of the Allied Forces for Prohibition.
The other speakers for the meetings will be Oliver W. Stewart, vice-chairman of the Allied Forces and well-known champion of the 18th Amendment and law observance, and Dr. Ira Landrith, chairman of the National Temperance Council, a former president of Ward-Belmont College, and citizenship superintendent of the International Society of Christian Endeavor.
Mr. Stewart will deliver the main address at a luncheon in Convention Hall at noon, at which most of the business men and many other citizens of McPherson will be present. Tonight, following the mass meeting in the afternoon for young people. Dr. Landrlth will address a second city wide mass meeting in the audi-
The meetings in McPherson are a part of a great national effort, led by Dr. Daniel A. Poling, to develop support for the Eighteenth Amendment. Dr. Poling is chairman of the Allied Forces for Prohibition. It is the intention to present the great prohibition issue in a forceful and interesting way.
Next Saturday, April 23, is the day for the annual McPherson College Senior Festival for high school seniors, and plans for one of the largest festivals ever held are now being made. During the last few weeks President Schwalm, Dean Replogle, several other members of the faculty, and a large number of students have been engaged in visiting various high schools surrounding McPherson with a cordial invitation to seniors to be the guests of the college next Saturday.
The music and tennis contests to be held in connection with the Senior Festival will both begin at 10:00 o'clock in the morning, and run until about 5:00 p. m.
by Miss Jessie Brown, who is in charge of the music contest. The competition in music includes both a juvenile and an adult division in voice, violin, and piano. The prizes, in the form of music tuition scholar-ships in the McPherson college fine arts department, total nearly two hundred dollars, and in addition any student who enters the contest and does not win a scholarship will re-M. C. music department if enrolled
Judges for the music contest will consist of the McPherson college mil-
Outstanding Senior Co-ed Will Attend K. U. Next Year By Means of Honor
AH Cooperate in Cleaning Up And Improving Appearance of Campus
At 1:29 P. M. April 16, students of McPherson College sat on the steps of Arnold and Fahnestock Halls respectively with boe in hand eagerly vwaiting the 1:30 whistle which sig-naled them to their respective tasks assigned them for the beautifying of the campus.
Lawn mowers buzzed in perfect rhythm to music furnished by the "drivers", girls grasped the bricks or Harnly Hall while polishing the windows thereof, and sunbonnet las-sies with bended knee weeded flower gardens, white faculty members rushed to and fro coaching and directing the laborers, and thinking up more tasks that needed attention
All joking aside, the students of McPherson College were proud of the results of the clean-up-day which was introduced this year. Out of
Academy of Science seemed well impressed.
Practically all of the work, (exception being made to a few improvements required) was furnished free, and this of course is well in time of
Special mention must be made of the improved drive In front of the administration building. One hardly knows when he leaves the pavement with this improvement.
Sun., April 17—“The Challenge of the Cross," a pageant by Charles A Marsh, was presented in the College Christian Endeavor program tonight The seven parts in the cast were well bandied by college girls, and a mixed quartet sand verses of several hymns as part of the pageant. The pageant portrayed true Christian spirit as shown by willingness to bear any cross that may befall, as contrasted to the kind or Christian who is not willing to sacrifice.
Those in the pageant were: Genevieve Crist, Merle Fisher, Corrine Bowers, Florence brother, Martha Marsh, Velma Keller, and Vera Flora. The members of the quartet were Lois Edwards, Gulah Hoover, Harvey Shank, and Delvis Bradshaw. The entire program was under the direction of the C. E. program chair-man, Mildred Ronk.
Dr. Poling is a forceful and in-spiring speaker and leader of young people. For several years he has been heard by radio listeners all over the country during the National Youth's Conference which is broadcast from New York City every Sunday afternoon. A young people’s banquet scheduled for 5:45 o'clock this evening, at which Dr. Landrith was to speak, was cancelled by the local committee when it was learned that Dr. Poling could be brought from Hutchinson for a meeting here in the afternoon. College students who miss Dr. Poling's talk will be overlooking an opportunity not often coming to residents of McPherson.
Dean Lerew, a former McPherson student, visited Grace and George Lerew in McPherson several days last week. He left for his home at Portis, Sunday.
Spectator ads pay.
Evalyn Fields of McPherson was the lucky senior to receive the Kan-sas University Fellowship for next year, having been selected by the college faculty to receive this honor. The fellowship is granted annually to the member of the senior class who is voted most outstanding in respect to grades, general scholarship, personality, popularity, and other qualities which go to make up a good student.
Miss Fields has done outstanding work while in college, always ranking high in her studies. She has tak-en an active interest in school activities. She will continue her edu-cation next year at Kansas University, through the fellowship which has been granted. It carries with it a cash value of approximately four hundred dollars.
Last year the fellowship went to Ethel Jamison, who has won unusual recognition for her work at Kansas University this year.
Recent additions to the great number of books in the library include the three following books: a bound volume of the Gospel Messenger for the year 1931; The Life of George Rogers Clark, by J. A. James; and The Life and Works of Francis Hop-kinson, by George K. Hastings. The last two books above will be used in the course of Representative Americans.
Seniors- and also sophomores and try other students or faculty mem-bers who do not expect to be at Mc-to have The Spectator coming to
the old Alma Mater. Sports, music, forensic, religious organizations, personal notes, news of alumni—in fact all school events are covered by The Spectator, which should be in the hands of every person interested
J. T. Williams, newly elected busi-
paign to secure subscriptions for next year's paper. Orders may be given to him any time between now and Commencement. The price is only one dollar, a reduction of fifty cents from the price in past years.
The Spectator for next week, coming off the press Wednesday morning. Will be a special Forensics edition, in honor of the especially suc-cessful season enjoyed by M. C. in Forensic activities. It will contain pictures and writeups of the various students who have engaged in these activities this year.
Premier Benito Mussolini of Italy has turned author as well as statesman. He has dramatized the events which led to the unification of Italy in the play "Villa Franca."
Visiting Scientists from outside of McPherson, about 220 in number, were on the McPherson college cam-pus during the last half of the last week
of the Kansas Academy of Science. This was the sixty-fourth annual meeting, and the third to be held in McPherson.
Local scientists of McPherson col-lege and the city of McPherson were well pleased with the attendance and the success of the convention. The members of the local committee on arrangements. Including Dr. J. Will-lard Hershey, Dr. H. J. Harnly, and Dr. Warren Knaus, were immediately
plans as far as the local arrangements were concerned. They were aided by the willing cooperation of other members of McPherson College faculty, by students, and by the peo-ple of McPherson.
Prof. L. E Melchers, head of the botany department of Kansas State college, Manhattan, opened the Academy of Science program Thursday evening with his illustrated lecture on "Egyptian Oases of the Libyan Dessert." The large crowd which was present in the college chapel was well pleased with the lecture, which was based on Prof. Melchers actual ex-perience in that part if the world, He used unusually good colored slides to illustrate his talk.
Most of Friday was given to o business sessions and general scien-tific papers. Among those on the pro-gram who are connected with Mc-Pherson college were Dr. J. Willard Hershey, Dr. H. J. Harnly, Dean F. A. Replogle, Prof. J. L. Bowman, Donald Trostle, Leland Lindell, and Arnold Voth.
Dr. Warren Knaus of McPherson, editor of the Democrat-Opinion and scientist of note, was toastmaster of the big banquet held at 5:45 on Friday evening, which most of the visiting scientists attended. After a short ad-dress of welcome by Pres. V. F. Schwalm and toasts by several other present, Dr. Roger C. Smith of Kan-sas State college, president of the Kansas Academy of Science, deliv-ered the presidential address. His subject was "Upsetting the Balance of Nature, with Special Reference to Kansas and the Great Plains Reg-ion."
The McPherson community Build-(Continued on Page Three)
April 15, in order to avoid conflict with sessions of the Kansas Academy
of Science meeting.
Mrs. J. G. Bailey of McPherson Will Coach Play
The cast for the senior play. "The Fourth Wall," a mystery play, by A. A. Milne, has been announced. The production, which is under the direction of Mrs. J. G. Halley of this city, will be given during Commencement Week.
The cast in order of their appear-ance in the play, includes Jimmy Ludgrove, Kermit Hayes; Susan Cunningham, Mildred Doyle; Adams, Charles Smith; Edward Laverick, Lawrence Lehman; Edward Carter, Ralph Keedy; Major Fathergill, Donald Trostle; Mrs Fulverton-Fare, Ethel Sherfy; Jane Westm, Adelyn Taylor; Arthur Ludgrove, John Kin-dy; P. C. Mallet, Roy Peebler; "Ser-geant" Mallet, Verle Ohmart.
BASEBALL DE LUXE By the Substitute Sports Editor Quite frequently, if you are at all observing, you have seen some rather unusual occurrences out on the college baseball diamond on the track field and you have noticed some queer looking people doing what might have appeared to you some queer things, but if you had gone closer, you could have easily comprehended that it was only the faculty playing baseball. If you don't believe all the things that we are going to say about this baseball team, you will have to go out and investigate for your own selves. It probably is the logical thing to do to begin with the fellow who seems to be the most important man on the entire team, and the one who is the center of every interesting play. This is the player whose business it is to see that the ball gets over the plate in some sort of fashion, or in other words, the pitcher. In this case, the pitcher is very enthusiastic over any type of athletics, but baseball seems to be his game. He first ties a clean while handkerchief around his noble brow—this seems to be a prerequisite to his good ball playing—then he begins to pitch balls across the plate so fast that they have been in the catcher's mitt and are on the way back to the pitcher before the batter has finished swinging at them. He fools 'em too he can vary the fast ones with the slow and he does have the most beau-tiful curves—both literally and figuratively, or however you want to take it. He seems to be very frank about telling the umpire what he thinks of his decisions. Sometimes you can hear him remark in a disgusted tone, "'Oh, Boy, you're crazy!" —that happens whenever a perfert ump blithely calls it "Ball 9." on the other hand when this said pitcher is up to bat and he sends a ball rolling out to the opposing third baseman who nicks it up and slams A cordial invitation to the annual McPherson College High School Senior Festival has been carried to all of the high schools in the vicinity of McPherson during the last two weeks by representatives of the college. In addition to invitations to high school seniors to attend the banquet in the church next Saturday night, the M. C. representatives invited high school students to participate in the music contests and tennis tournament to be held in conjunction with the Senior Festival. Monday a group composed of Esther Brown, Velma Keller, Grace Lerew, Harry Frantz, Wilbur Yoder, and Dean R. E, Mohler was engaged in this work. Others who have aided were Pres. V. F. Schwalm, Prof. J. A. Blair, and Dean F. A. Replogle. it to first, just loo late by the fraction of a second and the wrap yells out "Safe," this faculty man tells him he is perfect. And rather inci-dentally, we happened to notice that aforementioned pitcher was out playing baseball without any socks to cover his lovely ankles—this is just to warn him to keep away from Prexy or the dean of women when he is in such an undressed condition. We can’t spend all the time on this "fascinating pitcher—the catcher is quite as entertaining. He is one of these little fellows who finds it difficult to bold such a large object as a baseball in both of his small hands no usually the ball goes on past him and he picks it up near the backstop. (We came to the conclusion, after careful consideration, that someone invented backstops after college faculties began playing baseball). He is quite a brave man though, for when those big fellows from the opposing doesn't budge one inch but just lets them crash into him and takes it grinning. He has been seen to pick than once after such a mishap. One of the fielders doesn't seem to be much of a ball player, but he has a costume that is a wow. Whoops, my death! If you want to see a man in an intriguing ensemble just get a glimpse of this fellow. I wouldn't mind giving you a short description. He wears large brown oxfords of some sort, they are actually monstrous and must be at least three sizes too large, when you see them you realize why he encounters so much difficulty in his running. He encompasses his legs in a pair of greenish blue socks and above these he wears tan knickers—they have a beautiful blouse at the knee. Instead of a shirt there is some sort of brown suede jacket and to top it all off, a tiny little cap is placed very carefully on top of his head in order to protect the bald spot up there from the dangerous rays of the sun. This is the same fellow we saw pacing up before it was time for him to journey to the church and present his excel- Another fielder, I think he is usually shortstop, seems to be quite efficient at catching flies which come his direction, although I did see him miss one and he said something which sounded very much like “darn." But we aren't criticizing him for that, we would have probably said something worse. He is very demonstrative too from all ap-pearance—loving and affectionate— instead of making some bright re-mark when his team makes a partic-ularly brilliant play he throws his arm around the fellow who is nearest him and gives him a fierce em-brace. Don’t know where he learn-ed all the technique. I think he is |
the same guy who knocked a home run and then came back and laughed about it until it was time for him to bat again. The third baseman has a wonderful running form —It looks quite like a duck waddle or it might be compared to a cow's attempt at galloping. No matter, he always gets where he We haven't enumerated all of these outstanding ball players, and in fact, not all of our professors seem to find it possible to expand part of their energy playing on a baseball diamond. There are two or three others we would like to see out there, it might even be a better way to lose that corpulent appearance than riding a This team so far seems to be rath-help of a couple coaches from down probably aren't needed greatly. Perhaps their success is due to the fact that they intimidate the opposing players, but according to most opinions, they are just naturally good. It is a great team and they play the game- if any of you wish to spend an hour doing something which is truly entertaining, we suggest you travel out and witness the Faculty Baseball Team take the next game from some of these conceited college BIG SENIOR FESTIVAL HERE NEXT SATURDAY sic faculty. Many entries also have been re-ceived for the high school tennis tournament which will take place on the McPherson College courts in co-nection with the Senior Festival. The big banquet for high school seniors will be held at 6:30 p. m. in the parlors of the Church of the Brethren, and an attendance of at least 300 hundred guests from towns near McPherson is expected. Dean F. A. Replogle will act as toastmas-ter for the banquet, for which a vari-ied program has been arranged. Prof. R. E. Mohler will give the main talk of the evening. Other fea-tures of the program will include group singing led by Blanch Harris, a reading by Miss Delia Lehman, a vocal solo by Mrs. Anna Tate, a one-act play. " Not Quite Such a Goose," directed by Esther Brown, and other musical numbers by quarter, violin, and piano. The Senior Festival is a day always anticipated with pleasure by high school graduates of the McPherson college area, and a large group of guests should be on hand next Saturday, M. C. GROUPS CARRYINVITATION TO SENIORSAnnounce High School Festival Program in Nearby Schools BLAIRS WILL ENTERTAIN |
Meher Baba, the Indian spiritual leader whose disciples call him "the Messiah,” and "the god man," will speak fr the first time in eight years when he reaches the United States this month. He comes to establish a spiritual retreat similar to Mahatma Gandhi’s in India. When he made his vow of silence eight years ago it was to last until he reached New York. The British people are patting themselves on their backs for the heroic war they taxed themselves to balance their budget. When the house and the senate get through with our own revenue bill we can do a little buck patting ourselves—and a lot of digging into our pockets. Great Britain has resumed its an-cient position among the powers of Europe. Not only is there a return of funds into sterling, but also there is unmistakable evidence of an enormous recovery of political prestige. Last summer it looked as though London had ceased to command that Paris was supreme. Pierre Laval, former French premier, will have an opportunity to come back in power in the May elections in France. There are 612 deputies to be elected. Nineteen years ago Laval was elected a deputy for the first time, and in 1924 was lead-er of the socialist and radical party. His first cabinet position was as Minister of Public Works. Five years ago Laval left the house for the senate, where he did not affiliate himself with any political parly. A year ago he was elected premier. His ago. So far as cabinet rank is concerned be traded positions with the present Premier Tardleu. It will be many years before Great Britain consents to an All-Indian Federal Government. India buys ten per cent of the total export from Great Britain each year. If India were allowed to exercise independence i foreign relations, financial affairs and trade policies, it would fatally disarrange the present economic order. When India is no longer one of Great Britain’s chief customers, it can hope for independence. |
FORMER STUDENT HONORED tell and show by means of pictures the truth, about the animal life of Africa, in order to dispel the current belief that Africa is a most danger-ous country. He stated that "the native armed with a spear is no more dangerous than the American youth armed with an automobile."Dr. Burrell used alternating groups of lantern slide pictures on moving pirturee to illustrate his talk. All of the pictures shown were taken with great difficulty and care, and displayed unusual success from the efforts put forth by Dr. Barrett and his African expedition in taking pictures of the animals and plants of Africa. They demonstrated in a graphic manner the truth of the speakers repeated statement that wild animals of the tropics will treat one right if only given half a chance. The science meeting was concluded Saturday afternoon after a day spent mostly in discussion of papers presented in the various sections of the conference. The artificial diamond electric furnace used by Pr. Hershey and the chemistry department in diamond making” formed a part of the exhibits on display during the Academy of Science meeting in Room 108 of Harnly Hall. Two of the diamonds made by the famed process devised by Dr. Hershey also were on display, including the largest artificial dia-mond in the world and the first ever made in the United States. Most of the exhibits were various kinds of scientific apparatus shown by manufacturers of such supplies. |
The advertising copy is now in the hands of the printing company, the McPherson Daily Republican, and while a small part of the regular copy must yet be organized, most of it goes to the press this week. All of the pictures are in the hands of the engravers, the Mid-continent Company at Wichita. The 1932 Quadrangle will be deliv-ered to the students May 16 accord-ing to Editor Donald Trostle. This will be more than a week earlier than the usual time for delivery of the yearbook. Now is the season for Partoes, Banquets and Picnics. Keep looking for your best by visiting Hawley Barber and Beauty Shop regularly. We know your needs. Ask our Bulldog Friends. Hawley Barber and Beauty Shop. Phone 499.-Adv.
1932 QUADRANGLE READY FOR FINISHING TOUCHES One million Frenchmen can't be wrong. But their wives don't necessarily agree with them. A new drive for suffrage led by two of the most aristocratic women in France failed should be given the franchise. A bill right to vote was vetoed by the senate after being shelved for six years. It has been passed twice by the chamber of deputies. Preparations are now well advanc-ed for the celebration this year of the centenary of the death of Sir Walter Scott which occurred Septem-ber 21, 1832. Pilgrimages will be made in the Loch Katrine district and to Douglas Castle.
Session on American adherence to the World Court are almost at the zero point. It seems that a majority of the foreign relations committee are in favor of putting off until tomorrow what they can't do today. Dwight E. Newberg of McPherson, has been elected to membership in Kappa Delta, PI, national honorary scholastic fraternity at the Emporia Teachers College. Only junior, sen-ior, and graduate students whose grades rank them among the high-est twenty-five per cent of their class are eligible to membership. Char-acter, professional promise, and so-cial leadership are also considered in selecting members. The fraternity was founded in 1911 and now has 87 chapters. The Lota chapter of Emporia Teachers College was established In 1920. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Blair will be hosts to the two Junior-Senior Sun-day School classes of the College Church, at a party next Friday night at the Blair home on College Hill. The party is scheduled to begin at 7:30 o'clock, and an interesting pro-gram of games and other entertainment is being planned. All who are enrolled or are eligible for enrollment in the classes are being invited. (Continued from Page One) hear the lecture by Dr. S. A. Barrett, which began at 5:13 o'clock Friday night. Many declared that Dr. Barrett's lecture was "the best thing they had over heard,” In his intro-duction he said that he wanted to |
Outpoint Bulldog 881/2 - 42 3/4 in Second Meet of Season WESLEYAN TAKES DUAL TRACK CONTEST FRIDAYThurs., April 14- The Bulldogs lost a dual track and field meet to the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes this afternoon. The final score was 881/2 to 423/4. Wesleyan had the upper hand during the entire meet, but the Bulldogs showed considerable improvement from the week be- McGill, star distance man of the Bulldogs ran a great race in the mile Wesleyan runner, led most of the way in this race, but McGill passed him in a final sprint and won by about five yards. Van Nortwtck tied the half mile, his time being 2:11.4 Ward Williams made a desperate attempt to win the two mile after trailing most of the way, but was nosed out by inches. Boxberger of Kansas Wesleyan won the shot, discus, and javelin, and made good records in all of them. He also placed second in the broad jump. The summary of the meet is as fol-lows; 100-yard dash- Won by Robinson, Wesleyan; McIntyre, Wesleyan, second; Ohmart, McPherson, third. Time, 10.3. 220-yard dash—Won by McIntyre. Wesleyan; Ohmart, McPherson, sec-ond; Barnes Wesleyan, third. Time 23.9 440-yard dash- Won by Robinson Wesleyan; Smith, Wesleyan, second; Williams, McPherson, third. Time 54. 880-yard run- Won by Van Nort-wick, McPherson, and Eckert, Wesleyan; Dickerson, Wesleyan, third. Time, 2.11-4. Mile run—Won by McGill, McPherson: Hards, Wesleyan, second; Perrill, Wesleyan, third. Time, 4.45. Two mile run—Won by Dillinger, Wesleyan; Williams, McPherson, second; Hards. Wesleyan, third. Time. 11.42-5. High hurdles—Won by Barnes. Wesleyan; Himes, McPherson, sec-ond; Suran, Wesleyan, third. Time 17. Low hurdles- Won by Milton, Wesleyan; Buckland, Wesleyan, second; Bloom, McPherson, third. Time, 26.6. Shot- Won by Boxberger, Wesley-an; Zinn, McPherson, second; Rock, McPherson, third. Distance, 42 feet, 1 inch. Javelin- Won by Boxberger, Wes-eyan; Rock, McPherson, second; Dyck, Wesleyan third. Distance, 180 feet. High Jump-Won by Himes and Williams, McPherson, and Moore and Suran, Wesleyan. Height, 5 feet, 7 inches. Pole vault—Won by Milton, Wesleyan; Wiggins, McPherson, second; Suran Wesleyan, third. Height, 10 feet, 8 inches. Discus—Won by Boxberger, Wes-leyan; Zinn,McPherson, second. Rock, McPherson, third. Distance, 130 feet, 2 inches. Broad jump—Won by Robinson, Wesleyan; Boxberger, Wesleyan, sec-ond; Himes, McPherson, third. Distance; 21 feet, 3.5 inches. Relay—Won by Wesleyan. Time, 3:35. NEW COURTS SOON READY |
PLAN AN EXTENSIVE PROGRAM FOR PLAY DAYSports, Luncheon, Banquet, & May Day Program Will Be Features of Affair Plans are going forward for the W. A. A. Play Day to be held at McPherson college on Friday, April 29, when members of the Women's Athletic Associations of several Kansas colleges will gather to participate in various sports. The day's program will include contests in basketball, volleyball, baseball, track, and tennis between teams composed of W. A A. members from different schools. A luncheon is planned for the participants at noon, and in the evening a banquet for all W. A. A. members present will be served in the College Church basement. Following the banquet a May Day program consisting of folk dancing and the crowning an May Queen of the best athlete of the day will be held in the college chapel. Those in charge of the arrange-ment area are Mildred Stutzman, Velma bean, Adelyn Taylor, Ada Brunk, Mary Weddle, and Nellie Collins, president of the local organization. — drippings — THE DOPE BUCKETThree McPherson runners ran the kind of races that spectators like to see last Thursday against Kansas Wesleyan and they certainly looked good in their events. Each of these men came from behind at the last of those distance runs and thrilled the McPherson spectators, McGill came from behind and won the mile. Van Nortwick tied for first in the half, and Williams lost by inches in a last desperate attempt in the two mile. Verle Ohmart is getting back into form of other years as was in evidence in the meet with Wesleyan. Verle took a second and third and ran in faster races than the week previous. Verle formerly ran the quarter, but is now running the 100 and 220. George Zinn and Loren Rock each got good throws in their respective events, namely discus and javelin but were beaten by the famous Boxber-ger of Wesleyan in last week's meet. This man Boxberger is a good team himself and always makes his share of the points. COYOTES TAKE TENNIS MATCHES FROM BULLDOGS |
Says That German Students Lead a More Colorful Life Wed., April 13—Adolph Frantz, a recent comer from Germany where he has been engaged in educational work, presented in the chapel hour He revealed the conditions in Germany from a student’s angle. He first made some general statements about the universities of Germany. There are twenty-three state universities in Germany. Two of these were started in the 14th century and others have been added to the number in more recent centuries. He stated that the University of Munich has 8,000 students. The present day universities there were compared to those of our own country. He stated that the medical department has a vary large enroll- ment. In comparison with universi-ties in the United States the physical equipment is rather lacking, but like some American students the German students also have scarcity of money. However. MV. Frantz expressed his belief that the German students have a much more colorful life, and went ahead to show some phases of their college life. They have many student organizations, many vacations, athletics—especially football, duelling on a small scale, tours, and many student movements. The students al-so have a much more general inter-nal in politics. He made the following brief comparison of qualities of the German student and the American student. The German university students are on the average two years younger; they are more clannish: they are equally intellectual; but morally inferior, which is caused by drinking and the general condition of their |
LOWRY SPEAKS DURING'COOPERATION' PROGRAMTues., April 19—A second program on the subject of “Cooperation” took place in the Y. M. C. A. meeting this morning, with Mr. William Lowry of the Alliance Exchange Grocery company as the speaker. Mr. Lowry said that cooperation is not a new thing, but that history reveals many incidents of cooperative activity. The three divisions of cooperative systems, he sair, are cooperative distribution, cooperative production, and cooperative financial organization. Forty-three years ago, the speaker said, the “Alliance" movement began in Kansas, designed to cut out the unfair profit of the middleman. The McPherson company, which began then, has survived better than many others, largely because or dividends being paid to stockholders based on business done with the company's store and the accumulation of a surplus to tide the organization over economic depressions. Shank: “Professor, I can't go to class today. I don’t feel well.’’ Replogle: "Where don’t you feel well?” Shank “In class." |
GIVE PART OF THE PLAY Several members of the senior class at McPherson high school came to the college last Monday morning to present a few sketches from the high school Senior Play. "Apple-sauce," during the chapel period. The play, a three-act comedy, was presented last night in the Community Building. Many a wife has helped her bus-band to the top of the ladder. And then left him there while she decided to have that picture somewhere else. ADOLPH FRANTZ TELLS ABOUT GERMAN SCHOOLS Manager of Alliance Exchange Tells of Company’s Organization
Thurs., April 14—Martian Andes led the World Service Group in a short devotional program tonight. The program consisted of a piano prelude by Mildred Ronk, a reading and a story, and devotional reading in unison. Those on the program included Lois Lackey, Mildred Ronk, Lawrence Lehman, who dismissed the group with prayer, and the lead-
Thurs., April 14—The Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes were victorious over the McPherson Bulldogs here this afternoon in the tennis matches held in connection with the McPher-son-Wesleyan track meet. The Coy-otes won four of the six matches played. Binford and Gottmann each won their singles matches, from Spring-er and Linderman, respectively, of Wesleyan. Charles Austin and Kelly dropped their singles matches to their opponents, and the M. C. net men also lost both doubles matches. Complete results were as follows: Miller, Wesleyan, beat C. Austin, 6-3,6-4. Lindsberg, Wesleyan, beat Kelly, 6-1, 3-6, 6-2. Binford, McPherson, beat Springer, 6-1, 6-2. Gottman, McPherson, beat Lin-derman, 11-9, 6-1. Springer and Miller, Wesleyan, defeated Binford and Gottman, 8-6, 7-5. Linderman and Lindsberg, Wesleyan, defeated Kelly and Austin, 6-3, 1-6, 6-4. Miss McGaffey; “Who was Hom- Freshman: “Homer ain't a who. It's the what that made Babe Ruth famous.'' Hobart Hughey, who is in charge of care of the McPherson college ten-nis courts, announced that within a week or slightly longer the two reconditioned tennis courts north of the ones now in use will be in good shape for playing. After being roll-ed down with a five-ton roller the courts were thoroughly soaked with water and allowed to settle before being rolled and dragged further. Al-though the new courts will be lined for play before the time mentioned, they will necessarily be somewhat spongy and dead for a few days. The college management kindly furnished a part of the expenses of re-condi-tionned the courts. A child may be more polished than its parents, but its ideals are gener-ally on the same level as theirs. |