McPherson college, McPherson. Kansas. Wednesday, sept. 23, 1931



Varsity Quartets Are Not Yet Chosen By Supervisor Of Voice


Temporary Male Quartet Goes To Summer field October 8

seventy-five attend


Held In Y. W. Room, Under Auspices Of Social Committee

Sat., Sept., 19—in the Y. W. C. A. room this evening the so-called social bour sponsored by the Social com-mittee lengthened to three boutz as the students, under the direction of Miss Mattie Shay and Mr. Vernon Rhoades, engaged in the various games arranged for their amusement. No definite program of games was conducted but as the guests assembl-ed they took their places at Book tables, checker boards, bean bag boards, “Cootie" tables, and other game centers. The informality of the amusements and the hilarity of the participants contributed much to the enjoyment of the evening. About seventy-five were present.

Simple refreshments of ice cream cones were served.


Tues., Sept. 22—The duties of the various committees and cabinet members of the W. Y. C. A. were outlined this morning in the regular meeting of the Association.

Each of the cabinet members told of her work, and the facts told by each were illustrated following the talks by short tableaux given by Mil-dred Doyle and Viola De Vilbas.

Evelyn Saylor conducted the de-


Social Committee Arranges For Talk In The Dinning Hal

At the request of the Social Com-mittee, Miss Mellirath, head of the Home Economics Department, kindly consented to give a talk on dining etiquette at the dormitory during the lunch hour last Wednesday. Miss McLirath outlined the major points of seating and serving, then discuss-ed the details of individual table eti-quette and minor problems of the would-be correct diner. Her remarks were practical and timely and were well received by the students.


Time wasted is existence; used is life.

Thurs., September 17- Members of the World Service Group have finished tabulating the results of the Student Activity Survey which was made at the time of registration this fall

Each person was given along with his enrollment blamks a record sheet on which he was asked to record both former participation and in-interest for the coming year in (he extra-curricular activities available to McPherson college students. The record includes many activities in the fields of Journalism, forensics. dramatics, music, athletics, deputa-

tion and social service. Y. M. C. A.

and Y. W. C. A. and the World Ser-vice group itself.

These facts are available at present, and are a valuable aid to those in charge or the included subjects.

The Women's Athletic Association is beginning its schedule of tennis, basketball, baseball, horse shoes, soccer, biking, and health rules.

The purpose of this organization is to promote sound bodies and minds among the women students at Mc-Pherson college.

Honor points are given for each sport and awards are then made. At the end of the first year a girl having the required number of points wins an insignia. The second year she gets a numeral, and at the end of the third year a letter is awarded. The highest award is a pin given to fourth year members.

At the beginning of each sport, the members plan a definite number of practices and three-fourths of these practices must be attended in order to win honor points. Each sport requires approximately three hours of practice.

The crowning event of the W. A. A. year is the annual banquet held in the spring.    


Cheer Leaders Will Teach Yells and Songs

Next Thursday morning at ten o’clock the first organized pep meeting of the year will take place in the college chapel under the direction of Mildred Doyle and John Kindy, cheer leaders.

At this time. In addition to the usual enthusiastic cheering, those present will attempt to learn the yells and songs which are unfamiliar to them. This will be of a special  benefit to the freshmen.

It is hoped that every loyal M. C, student will be on hand to do his part in maintaining the school spirit  which has made McPherson college famous.


McPherson college yearbook for 1931-32

Class Pictures To Be Taken Immediately, Beginning; With The Freshmen This Week

Mon., Sept, 21—Fifty-nine stu-dents are included in the combined men's and women's glee clubs as announced by Mrs. Anna C. Tate. The selections were made on the basis of tryouts held early last week for positions in the glee clubs and the two varsity quartets.

Mrs. Tate has not yet decided upon the permanent members of either the men's quartet or the ladies quartet but a quartet composed of Delvis Bradshaw, Harlow Nachtigal. Ben Kim, and Chester Siemens was chos-en to sing at the District Conference of the Church of the Brethren to be held at Summerfield, Kansas, on October 3 and 4. The latter three of this group are former members of the Buhler high school male quartet.

This year Mrs. Tate plans to have a first and second quartet for both men and women, to be made up of members of the upper and lower classes respectively.

Members of the ladies’ glee club are as follows: Attillia Anderson, Ar-line Anderson, Alma Atchison, Rosalind Almen, Velma Amos, Dorothy Brooks, Elaine Baird, Orpha Beam, Edith Bechtelheimer, Bernice Drosh-er, Florence Dresher, Viola De Viliss, Mildred Dahlinger, Lois Edwards, Vera Flora, Bernice Fowler, Evalyn Fields, Elizabeth Holzemer, Helen Hollowaym, Gulah Hoover, Fern Handke, Faithe Ketterman, Clara Mast, Neoma Nordling, Una Ring, Alice Ruehlen, Ellen Steinberg, Ethel Sherfy, Genevieve Suttle, Mattie Shay, and Mary Swain.

The men's glee club is composed of the following:

Charles Austin, Glen Austin, John Austin, Dennis Andes, Delvis Bradshaw, Clarence Bartley, Donald Brumbaugh, Donald Dresher, Lewis Flora, Everette Fasnacht, Milton Goering, Frank Hutchison, Blanch Harris, Posey Jamison, Ben Kim, John Kindy, Lawrence Lehman, Melvin Landes, Lloyd Larsen,Harlow Natchigal, Vernon Rhoades, Bernard Suttle, Paul Sherfy, Harvey Shank, Chester Siemens, Leonard Wiggins, Royal Voder, and Wilbur Yoder.


Fri., Sept., 18—Announcement was posted today of a special student election to be held on Friday, October 2, in order to fill the offices of cheer leader and treasurer of the Student Council.    

At present John Kindy and Kenneth Bitikofer are occupying these offices temporarily, by appointment, of the Student Council. Nominations for candidates must be accompanied by a petition bearing fifty signatures, which is to be given to the president of the Student Council before the time of election.



States Necessity For Purpoae

Fri., Sept. 18—-Dan West of Elgin. Illinois, gave an inspiring talk in chapel this morning,

Assembly was opened by the pro-cessional played by Miss Fern Lin-genfelter. After Mrs. Anna C. Tate had led the student body in a song, Dr. Schwalm introduced Dan West, who has been out this summer in young people's camps throughout the country. In his talk he said that a person is not quite ready to live until he is ready, if necessary, to die for something. He may be stupid or foolish, but not despicable if he hon-estly believes in his purpose.

After some announcements were made Miss Lingenfelter played the recessional.


MEETING MONDAY NIGHT Dispose Of Business Matters- Will

Have Hike Soon

Mon., Sept. 21—The first meeting of the W. A. A. was held this evening in Sharp Hall, with Nellie Collins, president in charge. Several busi-ness matters were disposed of.

The group elected Velma Bean treasurer, and selected Mildred Stutzman for baseball manager for the coming year. The members de-cided to make an attempt to raise the

necessary funds by a number of se-

ling campaigns rather than by assess-ing dues, it was decided to change the time of the regular meeting from 6:30 to 6:45 P. M.

In the near future the W.A.A. will conduct a hike and picnic especially for the new freshman members.


Next One in Two Weeks

Fri,. Sept. 18—Nearly two hundred spectators attended the five-reel moving picture, “When A Man's A Man," from the novel by Harold Bell Wright, which was shown In the college chapel this evening under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. A number of people from outside the College were present.

The next Y. M. picture will be pre-sented in two weeks. The subject has not yet been selected.



Send The Spectator Home.


International Club to Take Active Part in Peace Movement.

Wed., Sept. 16—This evening the International Club held its first, meeting of the year. A group of about forty students met together to discuss what they could do for world peace, under the leadership of Dan West. Anyone who knows Dan West knows that he can usually get the most timid and reticent person to express his views. Some hot and almost violent arguments were en-gaged in and it was with a great deal of reluctance that the group finally disbanded.

The International Club is planning to take an active part in the peace movement this year Meetings will be held twice a month on Monday evenings and interesting programs on the peace question will be given An effort will also be made to send out deputation teams to adjoining high schools and to bring a special speaker to the campus during the winter. Anyone who is at all interested in the great question of peace and war is urged to attend these meetings.



Speaks in Chapel Monday

Mon., Sept. 21—"We have an obligation to meet responsibility. We must not avoid it.” This was the substance of a statement made by Prof. Maurice A. Hess this morning in chapel service.

Prof. Hess cited the methods used by various classes of individuals or groups to dodge or compromise with the responsibilities which come to them, the outstanding example being Pontius Pilate. He said that dodging responsibility was a far graver offense for him who knows to do good than for he who must act on impulse.

Dr. V. F. Schwalm in a brief talk said that students this year are already finding their level of i classifi-cation in the eyes of the faculty. and urged that they make the opening weeks of college effective in organizing their principles of conduct for the year and for life.



Every Student Expected to Take Part

Pep and then some more pep for McPherson college and her football team are going to come into full evidence next Thursday evening when the big annual Night Shirt Parade is scheduled to take place, in prepara-tion for the fist football game with Hutchinson Junior college on the following night.

At seven 0‘Clock P. M. the students will meet in front of Sharp Hall, clad in proper attire for occasions of this kind, and then will be led by the cheer leaders to town for an enthu-siastic pep rally. It is expected that every person connected with the col-lege will be one hundred percent behind our team this year, and cooperation in this first big rally will go a long way toward assuring a suc-cessful season for the Bulldogs.

Thurs.. Sept. 24, 10 Am M.—Pep rally in the college chapel.

Thurs., Sept. 24, 7 P. M.— All stu-dents gather in front, of Sharp Hall for annual Night Shirt Parade.

Fri., Sept. 25, 5 P. M. -McPher-son-Hutchinson football game in Mc-Pherson Athletic Park.

Tues., Sept. 29, 10 A. M.—Regular Y. M.-Y. W. meetings.

Tues., Sept. 29, 6:30 P. M — Regular meetings of World Service Group.



Wed., Sept 16- A radio speaker Dr. Wilson, presented the morning chapel address. Dr. Wilson is a widely known radio speaker and has been in McPherson giving lectures at the Methodist and Mission Churches. He broadsis for the Kansas City Star.

In his address he showed the im-portance and greatness of two great books the outdoor books. Nature; and the indoor book, the Bible. He related several examples and cited many facts showing that everything in Nature and in the bible is perfect, and that they were made perfect by a living God.



Sponsors Sports And Habits Which Improve Both Body And Mind


" Dummy" Has Been Made Up By Members Of Quad. Staff

Mon., Sept 21 Contrasting some-what with "Work" the subject of last year's Quadriangle, the yearbook for the present term will follow the

theme of "Cheerfulness," according to a plan made public today by editor Donald Trustle

Both the editor and the business manager, Verle Ohmart, have been working hard since last spring in or-der to make possible the 1932 Quad-rangle, and at present the plans are practically completed. A "dummy” has been completely made up, and the chief task remaining for the "Quad" staff is that of obtaining photographs.

This will begin immediately. Dur-ing the next week the freshmen are expected to have their pictures taken at the Walker studio in McPherson for the yearbook. Beginning a week from today the sophomores will do likewise, and the two upper classes in order during the following weeks. The cost in each student for the Quadrangle cut has been reduced to seventy-five cents, the former price being one dollar.

The Quadrangle is sponsored by the Student council. Members

the staff are: Donald Trostle, editor; Verle Ohmart, business manager; Ethel Sherfy, associate editor; Nellie

Collins, editor of calendar and humor section, Delbert Kelly, snapshot editor, and Harvey Shank, photograph editor. The photograph editor will bring proofs from the studio to each student, and will see that the proof desired is returned for development.

A faculty advisor for the Quadrangle has not yet been selected.



Books still continue to come into the library. During the past, week the total number was increased by sev-en "John Brown's Body” by Benet 'Our Country's Flag and Anthem" by Emmanuel Baja; "A First Course in Physics For Colleges" by Millikan and Edwards; "Minerals and How to

Study Them" by Dana; “Literature

of the Old Testament by Purinton;

"Essayd of the Past and Present" by Warner Taylor; and "Religion In Higher Education" by Towner.

"John Brown's Body" is a poem in War, resembling the book “All Quiet on the Western Front" in con-tent. The book "Our Country's Flag and Anthem" is a gift of the Hon, Judge John W. Haussmann. Ward Williams donated the Physics book by Millikan abd Edwards.



Sun., Sept. 20—The College Chris-tian endeavor met in the church basement at 6:30 this evening for the third meeting of this school year. Clinton Trustle led an interesting dis-cussion on the question "How Far Can We Follow Jesus?” Delvis Brad-shaw spoke on "What do we Mean by Following Jesus?" The second speaker, Velma Keller, spoke on “Can it Be Done Today?" Ralph Keedy spoke on "Why Jesus' Teach-ing Is Always Up-to-date." The last talk, given by Lois Edwards, was on “How Far can we follow Jesus?"

Two outstanding points brought out in the talks were the facts that "to follow Jesus means to love our fellow men", and “a follower of Jesus is marked by a distinctive Christian attitude toward life". Spe-cial music for the program was given by Viola Devilbiss, who played a violin solo.

There is no evil which we cannot face or fly from but the conscious-nesss of duty disregarded.—Daniel Webster.




Business Manager    Lloyd A. Lansen

Asst' Business Manager    Paul Sherfy

| Circulation Manager    Frank Hutchinson

Vernon C. Rhoades Wilbur C. Yoder Albert Yoder Ward Williams

Editor-in-Chief Associate Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor



We do not count a man's years

until he has nothing else to count. — Emerson.



Before we boast of making our mark in the world, we had better find out what colour our pencil writes.

One way not to make headway is to be stuck on yourself.— Forbes.

Nine Out of Fifteen Highest Are from McPherson High School

Herbert Eby

Dorothy Dresher

Faculty Advisor


Lillian Carlson Dennis Andes

Mattie Shay

Everette Fashnacht

Prof. Maurice A. Hess


"Specialization is carried no far in colleges and universities today.” according to F. L. Pinet, Secretary of the Kansas State Teachers Asso-ciation, as reported by the Topeka Capital. "Too much specialization in any one line decreases the number and variety of subjects which a teacher is qualified to teach. This is especially important when an applicant is seeking his first position in rural communities where two and often three or four combinations of subjects must be met."

Mr. Pinet's opinions are based upon problems faced by the Kansas Teacher Placement bureau, which he supervises.

The first consideration of any second board, he explained, is whether or not the applicant has had the proper training. Perhaps, however, one of the strongest points in securing a position is the small reprint photo-graph attached in each application, which gives a considerable index to the personality of the individual. In one instance a board member refused to hire an applicant because she was too fat, and therefore could not command the respect of her pupils. Mr. Pinet says that the personal interview, too, is a requisite today in obtaining a teaching position. Recommenda-tions, while they still have an important place, are no longer sufficient in themselves.

"Our greatest difficulty," Pinet said. "is in getting the right kind of teachers rather than in finding vacancies." The motto for his bureau is "superior teachers for superior schools."

The past five years have seen an increased overflood of qualified ap-plicants for teaching positions, but late this summer only 400 vacancies had been reported as compared to 600 last year.

Manual training, music, and kindergarten lead the Held In demand at the present time, while English and history continue t0 be the most overcrowded. In the case of the latter subjects a combination with music, physical education, or public speaking is almost invariably demanded.

August brings the largest number of vacancies to the placement bureau. Many school boards deliberate to make selections until the last minute, and changes in plans, including marriage, a better position, or return to college, are listed as other primary reasons.


The advent on our campus of a man like Dan West is bound to leave an impression on the lives of those who were privileged to hear him. Dan is the kind of a man who brings young people to a realization of some of the deeper meanings of life, underneath the superficial covering of our everyday activities. His quiet and unassuming manner carries with it a dignity and authority of unusual degree.

We are indeed fortunate in our college environment to have contacts with the great personalities which come to our campus. Every student owes it to himself at least to give attention to their public messages, and in most cases can arrange for a private talk with these sympathetic men of experience regarding his own problems or interests.


McPhorson college is considered a democratic college. The question involved is this, Is it or not? If one were to observe the inside workings of the organizations his opinion would be negative. If the question were asked, Do the organizations of the school follow Robert's Rules of Parliament—what would the answer be? Do the students or laymen have a say concerning the procedure? The answer would bo "No." Why? Because the field has been so thoroughly covered and investigated by a few leaders and definite plans outlined. The student is expected to follow outline as given.

A certain instructor giving a course has gone over the course so many times, and has given the same line of procedure for years. Right or wrong, if the student does not stay to the habitual line of thinking he is doomed for failure.

Again, the other day a certain class held a class meeting. The presiding officer of the class proceeded to give a drawn up, cut and dried plan. based upon a haphazard investigation of the affairs of the class. He proceeded to give orders and appoint committees as he saw fit, finally dismissing the organization without move, recognition, or consent of the class, is that democratic? Must we like snakes be force-fed or like a bunch of cattle be driven by a chosen few whether we like it or not? Is McPherson college to be democratic? If it is let us make it so or change the advertisement to something else. The World War was fought, to make the world safe for democracy. Kaiser and kings must abdicate. Autocracy must fall. Students, your opinion is no good as that of anyone else. Do your part in making McPherson college not a school of masses ruled by a few autocrats, but a school where democracy rules supreme.—Submitted.


If we gove booze just one little hole through which to come back, what will happen? The worst outlaws in the country are more or less addicted to drink. The drinker is not the man that has the highest respect for either the laws or of man. In fact he who drinks is a violator of both the law of God and of man.

Give liquor any sort of chance to get back. In any kind of restricted manner, and liquor drinkers will be hilarious, they will over-ride and overreach the privileges granted until liquor will either flow more freely than in saloon days or the enforcement machinery will have to be multiplied many times beyond its present capacity.

Henry Ford is quoted as saying: "For myself, if booze ever comes back to the United States, I am done with manufacturing. With booze in control, we can count on only two or three effective days' work a week in the factory—and that would destroy the short day and the five-day week which sober industry has introduced." Are we selfish that favor prohibi-tion? The greatest sufferer would be the laboring man and his family.

If booze comes back in any form, the difficulty in keeping drunken drivers off the public highways would be multiplied many times. They say our jails are full of liquor law violators now. They would be ten times multiplied if liquor were made ten times easier to get and drunks were to be kept off the highways.

—Prohibition Defender.

"" I cannot sing the old songs,"

She sang with face away.

"And since you can't," said broth-


"I wish you wouldn't try."

A shady business never yields a sunny life.

It sometimes takes more courage to live than to die.

"Thinking is the hardest work there is which is probably the reason

so few engage in it,"‘—Henry Ford.

Horace Mann declared." There is nothing so cheap as an education, and nothing so costly as ignorance,"


Clement Shirk    Sept.     20

Velma Keller    Sept.    27

Helen Holloway    Sept. 28

Mildres Doyle    Sept.    22


Ray Nonken, Class of '30, who is teaching in the high school as Wa-keeney, visited the campus Saturday evening.

Guy Hayes spent Sunday visiting friends at the College. He is teach-ing this year near his home at Gen-eseo.

A brief illness prevented President V. F. Schwalm from his office on last Wednesday.

Miss Ruth Lerew, A. B. '27 was at McPherson during the week end.

Mr. Charles Weddle of Bloom, Kansas, spent Sunday on the campus visiting Mary and Walter. He was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Weddle and Mr. Norman Young.

A former M. C. professor, Mr. B. F. Jaminson, was given the position of superintendent this fall at the Compton Junior high school, Comp-ton, California. At McPherson he was professor of English and history.

Llayd Diggs, B. S. ‘30, now teach-ing at Gaylord, Kansas, was at the college during the week end.

Among visitors at the dormitory Sunday were Mrs. D. A. Crist, Mrs, G. B. Porter, Mrs. Mark Neher and daughter, Rowena, of Quinter, Kan-sas.

Tues.. Sept. 22—"What We Expect of Freshmen." was the topic discussed by Lilburn Gottmann to the meeting of the Y. M. C. A. this morning in the college chapel.

From the viewpoint of the upper-class men he told what the new mem- were expected to do and he in three fields, the mental, the spiritual, and the social.

Devotions were led by Kenneth Bitekofer, and Vera Flora gave a vocal solo, "My Task."

Do today's duty, fight today's temptation; and do not weaken and distract yourself by looking forward to things which you cannot see, and could not understand if you saw them.—Kingsley.

Mon., Sept. 21—Maxine Ring. Irishman, made the highest score in an objective test which was given recently to the freshman of the College. She made the score of 145 points out of a possible 150 points. Miss Ring graduated from the Mc-Pherson high school as valedictorian in the class of 1931.

The English test which was given is devised by E. R. Harrett and is distributed to all the colleges of Kansas from K. S. T. C., Emporia, to be given to freshmen. The test measured the student's use of words, punctuation, capitals, and syntax.

Among those scoring in the fifteen highest, nine are graduates of the local high school. This fact is complimentary not only to these students but also to the type of work being done in the local high school.

The fifteen students and their scores which ranked highest are: Maxine King, 145: MArlene Dappen, 138: Eunice Vogt, 136: Donald Evans, 132: Margaret Oliver, 138;

Edith Bechtelhelmer, 128; Bernice Dresher, 127; Agnes Bean, 127: Ruth Spillman. 123; Walton Smith. 122; Gladys Riddell, 121: Ruth Hobart, 118: Harry Frantz, 118: Royal Frantz, 117; and Henry Kittell, 117.


Sun., Sept. 20—A social hour was sponsored by the College Church this evening for the purpose of acquainting the students and the older members with one another.

A program led by Paul Sargent followed a short period of getting acquainted. Blanch Harris led the group in some friendship songs, and talks were given by Rev. Richards. Lloyd Larsen, Dean Replogle, and Dr. Schwalm.

Refreshments were served at the close of the hour.

Where boasting ends, there dignity


Tues., Sept. 22—The college or-chestra met and rehearsed for the first time last Wednesday under the direction of Miss Margaret Shelly.

There seems to be an added interest in the orchestra this year as there will be approximately twenty members. The woodwind section n par-ticular has been increased by a great deal over that of last year.

All in all prospects for a good orchestra this year are looking unusu-

ally bright.

A man's character is like a fence —it cannot be strengthened by whitewash


Dignity and rank and riches are all corruptible and worthless; but moral character has an immortality that no award-point can destroy.




Lester Selves of C. of E. Will Assist Binford


Has Charge Of Back Field— Later

Will Coach R

Wednesday, Sept. 16—Lester Selves, assistant coach at the College of Emporia during the past two years, today became assistant to Coach Binford for the coming Bulldog football season.

Coach Selves was a four year letter man in the backfield at Emporia, graduating in 1829, and was on the mythical All-State Eleven for three years. When for the same three years Emporia held the conference cham-pionship. His experience and success as a halfback make him well fitted to train the sixteen men who are trying for backfield positions on the McPherson squad. When the first squad has boon developed he will have charge of the reserves.


Opponents Will Have 175 Pound Average

The following is probably the ap-proximate lineup of the Hutchinson Junior college team which the Bulldogs will face next Friday night:

Powell    .......    ........... LE

Henry .......... .......... LT

Harmon (captain)..............LG

Massey ..    ..    ........ . C.

Pratz ......................... ...... RG

Britton ................. RT

Krautzer .................. RE

Anderson     QB

Johns ....................LHB

Bodwell ______ RHB

Kelly    f

An average weight, of 176 pounds is claimed for the Hutchinson team and they predict that McPherson will have her hands full when the two teams clash. In a scrimmage last Friday the first team made four touchdowns against the reserves, Kelly and Johns making most of the long gains. Johns did some brilliant work last year on the Inman high school team.

It is reported that Pratz and Britton also will bear watching, as both have been showing up well in practice games.


Composed Of Both Students And Faculty Members

he Social Committee, a new group this year, was organized by the Student Council to study and further the social life of the students. For some time it has been felt that there was a need for a more constructive and more effective social life on the campus.

A committee consisting of two fac-culty Members, Miss Delia Lehman and Dean R. E. Mohler, and two students, Adelyn Taylor and Kermit Hayes, was elected last week.

The committee plans to arrange the social calendar to that each stu-dent may participate in a maximum number of social events. The aim of the committee is to arrange the major social events for a wider dis-tribution throughout the year and to enliven periods of relatively little activity by special Student Council parties or social hours.


Sept. 25 —Hutchinson Junior College, here,

Oct 2—Kansas Wesleyan, there, Oct. 9—Phillips University, here. Oct. 16—Baker University, here. Oct. 23—Hays Teachers, there. Oct. 30- Friends University, here. Nov. 11—Ottawa University, there, Nov, 18—-Bethel College, here. Nov. 26—Bethany College, here.

Spectator advertising pays


Binford Announces Tentative Lineup


McPherson college gridsters are working out this week in bard and long sessions in preparation for the Hutchinson game Friday night While having a lineup which includes a large number of inexperienced men. Coach Binford will have a working machine that will be able to put up some stuff competition when it goes into action on the Mc-Pherson Athletic Field next, Friday.

A particular advantage which the Bulldogs enjoy this fall is an exceptionally large number of qualified! reserves, any one of which will be practically as good as the men on the field. Them are fourteen or fifteen men trying for the backfield position alone at present. Therefore no player has his position clinched in yet.

The following will be the tentative lineup for the Hutchinson game as announced by Coach Binford, who is giving at least two alternatives for nearly every position:

Hochstrasser ................ LE

Quigg or Kim....... LT

Minear or Countrymen LG

Mowbray or Ikenberry    C

Keck ..... ........... RG

Siemens or M. Sorenson . ______ RT

Pauls ..... ........... RE

Rex Anderson or Taylor........ QR

Haws or Beckwith     LHB

Carpenter or Binford _______ RHB

Zinn or E. Anderson F

Leonard Wiggins, freshman, has been showing considerable kicking ability, and will doubtless see action at one or the other of the half-back positions during the game.

This lineup will have a line averaging about 170 pounds, with a backfield averaging 167.

The game Friday night is scheduled to begin at eight o'clock. The referee will be Leslie Edmonds of the Topeka Daily Capital sports staff.




Ralph Keedy proved his fitness: as head of the McPherson student body last week. In a meeting of the international club what on earth can that have to do with athletics? the suggestion was made that we drop war terminology as a peace move. Keedy protested "Yeah, and we might urge our teams on to vic. tory yelling, "Struggle, team, struggle. ”

After looking over the members of the Ethics class it looks like the huddles this year will last even longer. It may become necessary to determine the ethical implications of the contemplated action.

Blanch Harris is back. Do you remember two years ago when he furnished the entertainment during the intermission between halves? Moral: Freshmen should remember that they are not to have dates at athletic contests until after Thanks-giving.

There is no doubt that we fail to realize our privileges as Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. members. The things we receive from these organizations are lasting things that promote good will and friendship, and inspire students to realize more consecrated lives.

Every full college life begins with both "Y" organizations sponsoring a get-acquainted program. An all-school watermelon feed is conducted, each fall, while the Y. M. C. A. furnishes a “stag” hike, and the Y. W. C. A. sponsors a Big and Little Sis-ter project. Parties and other social events are provided during the year. All students, as well as alumni, agree that such events have aided a great deal to their education.

But more vital are the opportuni-

Game Called At 8 P. M. —Leslie Ed-monds To Referee.

ies provided for development of spiritual life. Through cooperative efforts Christian leaders are brought to the campus. During the last two years such men as Powers Hapgood, Dr. Wilson, Norman Thomas, C. C. Elchelbarger, Sherwood Eddy, and Dr. Clement Richardson have come to us thus.

Besides companionship with men and fellowship with books, these Y. M. and Y. W. organizations afford opportunities denied to many others to gain great interests in the world through pictures. Motion pictures of educational value can, indeed, stimulate progress.

When we attempt to estimate the values that such organizations give, it should spur us on to cooperate our individual efforts more devotedly with the "Y", which will load finally not only to cooperation with fellow men but also with Christ. —Genevieve Crist.

Oh East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's great Judgment Seal;

But there is neither East nor West.

Border, nor Breed, nor Birth, When two strong men stand face to face, though they come from the ends of the earth!




Patronize Spectator or advertisers. They are M. C. boosters.



(By D. C.)

Hearts? Yea, it is a geat game! And even our dear M. C., in spite

of her frowning abhorrence of such trivialities as cards, plays this age-old game of love. As one bright scholar once said.

"In the fall a young girl's fancy.

Turns to ways of trapping men,"

So here goes the low down on some of these flourishing romances, new-born inspirations and infantile flirtations, and please remember that

we are just staling facts.

A good starting point is a blonde Senior man, tall and good looking, who has for his theme song, just one word. "Esther". That evidently is a requirement that all his women must fulfill. It was thought that surely here is one conscientious hero who is going to spend a year in col-lege and remain true to his charge but woe unto all these trusting ambitions, for already he has succumbed to temptations we would have him withstand.


Since we have started we might at well continue the freshman line-up in this game of hearts. How about coming in college with a diamond on the ring finger of the left hand and expecting to keep it there when the donor has said farewell, sending the little wearer away to school while he has stayed up north thus putting hundreds of miles between the two?

Just as an illustration, last year another freshman wore a solitaire and led a solitary existence as far as men were concerned. Now this fall she still has a solitaire but this one doesn't have the characteristics of last year’s diamond and more than the ring has changed, it is even a different better-half-to-be.

Some of these upper class men have evidently taken upon them-selves the business of seeing that small children just out of high school receive the proper instruction in such matters as campus dates, library strolls and what have you. Anyhow there are at least three winsome--missues, new to the ways of M. C. that are not understanding such ancient customs as the pulling of the shades in the lobby when it comes time to say good-bye and not know-ing just when and why to get leave of absence from Dean McGaffey, whom we observe are being quite frankly and openly rushed by interested men. From the conversations or these modern Circes and the words they let fall when confiding in model Senior women, it may be inferred that all this is quite thrilling to the cosnared damsels themselves.

This is most certainly one of the cases when practice makes perfect. It is an ingenious couple who can find worthy entertainment on this campus or even a place to spent a few hours protected from the wind and rain when there is no automobile and the dear old Y. W. room is locked tight.

buck to every noble soul brave enough to start in the maze of ad-venturous wandering in search of this thing called LOVE


Kelly, Flora Fill Vacant Offices; Dean is Sponsor.

Fri., Sept. 18—This morning the Junior class met and completed the organization for the work of the coming year.

Since two class offices were left vacant, the class elected Delbert Kelly treasurer and Vera Flora secretary. These officers were instructed to prepare a budget for the year and present it soon for the approval of the class as a whole.

The Juniors also unanimously elected Dean F. A. Replogle as class sponsor, and voted to give financial support as a class to the 1932 Quadrangle, with the recommendation to the yearbook staff that expenses be kept, as low as possible.

lt is one thing to wish to have truth on our side, and another thing to wish to be on the side of truth.-Whately.

Even this man can't compete with the sheik who has a girt in every town he has visited, doesn't believe in writing letters, but likes to love em' and leave 'em. He repeatedly insists that he wants his women to be the kind that tell you goodbye then proceed to forget you ever exist-ed until you go bark and meet ‘em again. Then they're willing to say hello, take you back and start right in where you left off. No wonder

poor disillusioned women wake up in the morning to the fact that it is a cruel world and thus add more suicides to the overflowing records.

We know a worthy Senior lassie, quite dignified, entertaining, and in-telligent really equal to the name of Senior who has in addition to all this an ambition for a young man resoding in a southern state and who happend to be a trustee of this very

Institution she calls her alma mater. Although they are seldom privileged to gaze upon each others smile this is one instance where that old adage of "absence make the heart grow fonder" is holding true, in so far as any one is competent to judge.

There is a certain little tow-head-ed kid around school whom you’ve probably seen just "messin' around” or else talking for all she's worth since she is a debater both during and between practices. Her special Joy and pride seems to be a tall, noble looking stole, who from his great height looks serenely down on the rest of poor stumbling mankind but who, according to his lady, isn't at all silent or bushful. He is a great athlete and he ought to play well for his old alma mater this senson considering the fact that, the short of this combination is one of the two who’s duty it is to help keep up the old fight during this school year.    

And another couple quite devoted are happily basking in contentment after dreaming away the summer months in far distant thoughts—he to often stop his horses at the western end of the corn field and sit gazing into the sinking sun with an expression of rapturous longing on his noble features and she, to wonder how watermelons were growing in eastern Kansas. He had no sooner reached his home in early June that his feet began to have a vagabondish itch and his brain fairly reeled under the impress of that famous injunction "Go west, young man, go west!” And it was only the malady acquired from a certain well known vine that kept him away from the conference and a certain dark haired girl in Colorado.

Here's to Clara and may she never again have to suffer the indignity of being stopped by the Cops and searched for fire-water and accused of behaving an a prowler.

Now if any of you care for con-trast, let me cite you to four inno-cent maidens, each one being an important co-ed in M. C. They all have B. F.'s who in order to some day properly fill their positions as mainstay and provider seem to deem it necessary to leave the dear ladies and seek honorable positions or worthy education many miles distant.

There are several ways in which these co-eds may be contrasted, but just to give you a faint idea, two of the girls are the well known “gentlemen prefer blondes” type and the other two are calm-eyed brunets. Two of them inhabit the dormitory while just one, although she isn't a native of McPherson lives down town. "But here is the item of most interest—two men are assured that whenever they feel the urge to return to the familiar paths of this campus their chosen ones will never fail to rejoice in anticipation or thrills few of us have ever experienced. Alas! the other two gentlemen may return only to find their ladies spending enjoyable hours with other Apollos.

However, one must not judge too harshly, for who can be sure that any druggist in Farmer's College will be able to resist some Kansas

City Kitty's wiles or a handsome Beta the intrigues of Manhattan's sorority femmes and it is always good policy not to high hat all other males unless you think you are sure of at least one. While on the other hand few temptations are thus presented to staid school teachers in Kansas and a business man at K. U. can scarcely afford to while away precious hours in such pleasures.

We all hope that fate holds a happy ending in store for each one of this foursome in spite of what the cards prophecy.

And here is a wee freshman miss

who feels it imperative to send a telegram telling the one she left at home that she needs must see him at all costs and as soon as possible He, being a loving disciple, needs the call and the situation is saved for at least one more week.



M. C. Hopes Dashed As Team Loses 1000 Pounds Last Week

The optimistic supporters of the McPherson eleven are at the present time in a state of complete dejection. The facts have leaked out despite the vigilant efforts of the athletic department to keep them concealed. The fact is that last week the football squad of McPherson College lost over a thousand pounds in weight. The gains at the beginning of the season over last year of approximate-ly ten pounds per man will soon be but a memory of the past.

Coach Binford made the confes-sion only after the most determined questioning. He said that in every practice the team lost more than two hundred pounds in weight, if you are mathematically inclined you readily estimate that this is over one thousand pounds per week.

There is only one fact which gives us the slightest comfort in such a time as this. The team has the habit of gaining the two hundred pound back again before practice the following day.


Tues., Sept. 22- The McPherson college "M" Club held its first

meeting of the year todayat 1:30


In the absence of Herbert Mowbray, president, Ralph Johnston. vicepresident, acted as chairman of the meeting. The other officers are Posey Jamison, treasurer, and Elmer Keck, student council representative.

The club disposed of a number of

Not only the patronage, but al-so your person has been appreciated in our place of business. We are equipped to take care of your needs, with prompt service, sanitary meth-ods, and good workmanship. Haircuts 40c. Finger waves 50c. Perma-nents $5.00 to 10.00. The Hawley Harbor and Beauty Shop in Hawley Hotel Bldg.—adv.

business matters. A list of rules for eligibility preserved by Verle Ohmart.

was discussed by the members, but no definite action was taken. A com-mittee was chosen to have charge of the concessions at football games this fall. It consists of Loren Rock, Elmer Keck, and Edward Bradley. The amount of dues for members was not decided upon.

The Student Council has agreed to handle the publication of the Bulldog Bullet, which is distributed at athletic games. No advertisements for the Mullet, are to solicited from McPherson business men.