College Students Looking Toward Teaching Take Work in All Schools of McPherson-Thirteen of Them in High School Alone


Courses Open Only to Perspective Teachers Who Are Sophomores and Seniors


Every day sometime during school hours the 25 students in the practice teaching department journey to their respective buildings, and spend an hour in instructing the young hopefuls of elementary and high schools. These students must spend 5 hours a week or 90 hours a semester in this work. One third of the time is spent in observation, another third in participation, and another third in actual teaching. They are graded almost entirely by the critic teachers.

Those students teaching in Park grade school are Clem Shrik, 6th grade under Miss Aspegren; Alice Ruehlen, 5th grade under Miss Coder Miss Robinson; Edgar Mlkow, 5th grade under Miss Sangren.

Those in Junior high school are Clara Fern Mast, English under Mrs. Brand; Constance Rankin, Home Economics under Miss Brooks; Mildred Doyle, General Science under Mr. Dresher; Leslie Myers, Algebra under Mr. resher; Charles Smith, Ralph Johnson, Donald Trostle, Manual Training under Mr. Holloway; Kermit Hayes, American History under Miss Sangren.

Those in the high school are Or-vile Countryman, Elmer Keck, Physics under Mr. Bell; Clinton Trostle, Biology under Miss Benson; Verle Ohmart, Herbert Hockstrnaser, Man-

Ada Stutzman, typing under Miss Hollingsworth; Ethel Sherfy, English under Miss Haight; Willis Neff, American History under Miss Kingsley; Roy Unities, bookkeeping under Miss Kuhn; Kenneth Bitikofer, Commercial Law, and Joan Lytle, constitution under Miss Lennen; Vera Flora, music under Miss Rhodes; Lawrence Lehman, English under Miss Smalley.

All of the practice teaching is under the supervision of Prof. J. A. Blair, professor of education. According to the law made two years ago in regard to certification of teachers, practice teaching is required before the granting of any kind of teaching certificate.

The courses are open only to sophomores and seniors. Those desiring the elementary certificate take the course in Supervised Observation and Teaching in the Elementary School, while seniors fulfilling the requirement for the high school certificate like Supervised Observation and Teaching in the Secondary School.

Saturday evening, April 30, the day following the W. A. A. Play Day, has been selected as the date for the annual McPherson college "M" Club banquet. Committees are now working out plans for an interesting program, including several talks by outstanding speakers. All members have received an invitation to attend the annual event.

Today—Campus Improvement Day. Student recital, 8:00 p. m.

Thurs., April 14—Track meet with Kansas Wesleyan, 3:00 p. m.

W. S. G. meeting in Y. W. C. A. room, 6:30 p. m.

Science Meeting: Illustrated lecture in chapel. 8:15 p. m.

Fri., April 15—Science Meeting: Banquet in College Church parlors, 5: 45 S. A. Barrett lecture in Community Building, 8: 15 p. m.

Sat., April 16—Concluding sessions of Science Meeting.

Hershey Estimates Attendance to Be Largest in History of Kansas Academy if Weather Is Good—125 Will Read Papers During Meeting





A very notable improvement was made on the drives of the campus last Friday, when they were thor-

chine used on the county highways, and then regraded. Before the grading the drives had reached such a

on them at any considerable rate without a great deal of discomfort.

Barret Lecture Friday Night the Program

Says “Demagogy" Is Illustra-tion of Need for Enlightened Education of Youth

Holds Margin of 24 Votes Over Vernon Rhoades in Student  Election Friday




Pres. V. F. Schwalm addressed the

day. His subject was “Interesting Faces in Europe.”



Students, Coached by Miss Lehman, Give Production

Mon., April 11—Senator W. J. Krehbiel, speaking in chapel this morning, said, “One of the principal things in town building is building the morale of the town, and one of the biggest assets in building a morale is the intelligence and ideals which a college contributes to the community.”

The speaker chose "Taxes” as his general subject, saying there is no more vital question; taxes affect every person, including the schools and the students in the schools. Senator Krehbiel said that at present we are having hard times, but that compared with times which he has known during his life time we are living in excessive luxury. "This country is vastly improved over what it was forty years ago, and it is going to continue to improve,’’ he said. Defining the student’s objective as the desire to complete self, control self, and spend self with those who live around him, he said that students will have management of the affairs of the United States, and therefore of the affairs of the world, within a short


Senator Krehbiel expressed the desire that a unit of the recent state organization for the intensive study of the taxation question can be placed in McPherson college. In addition to several others to he formed soon in McPherson county.

He said that one of the greatest evils affecting our government is the plague of demagogy, which is evidenced by the many wild legislative proposals which come up in Congress and the state legislature when politicians are after votes. He said that there are bound to be many such wild proposals during the coming political campaign, and that his chief hope was to see enough "sane” men elected to "hold the demagogues down”.

The speaker mentioned the recent Kansas Tax Limitation Bill, proposing to reduce the taxes in cities to a large extent, and said that there is not a school in the state which could get along and do its work well if the bill goes into effect. In conclu-sion he used legislative measures such as this to show the necessity of sound education, a "stiff backbone," and high ideals.

Close Races and Vigorous Campaign Bring Out Record Vote for Candidates

Many Projects To Be Curried Out This Afternoon—Classes To Be Dismissed

Officers Elected for 1932-1933

Pres. Student Council-


Treas. Student Council-


Editor of Quadrangle


Bus. Mgr. of Quadrangle-


Editor of Spectator


Bus. Mgr. of Spectator


Women's Cheer Leader-


MEn's Cheer Leader-


Fri., April 8—After a campaign which brought out a record vote from the student body in today's school election, Milo Stucky, Junior, was elected to head the Student Council as president for 1932-33. His margin over Vernon Rhoades, the remaining candidate, was 24 votes. Una Ring, sophomore, defeated Everett Fasnacht by 35 votes for the position of Editor of the Spectator, in the second closest race of the election. Etta Nickel, freshman, held a majority of 40 votes over Othetta Clark, winning the position as woman's cheerleader for next year. Tommy Taylor, a freshman, held the largest majority polled for any office, defeating Hobart Hughey by 62 votes for men's cheer leader.

Exceptionally large complimentary votes were given also to the three candidates running for offices without opposition. Wilbur Yoder receiving the largest vote of 169 for business manager of the 1933 Quadrangle. Large votes were also polled by Delbert Kelly, editor of the 1933 Quadrangle, and T. Williams, newly elected business manager of The Spectator.

Milo Stucky was elected on a platform pledging the following four points in relation to next year's Student Council if elected: 1. Thorough

Every McPherson college student is expected to show a loyal Bulldog

in the concerted effort at campus beautification which has been designated as McPherson College Im-provement Day. Under the leadership of the Student Council plans have been made whereby the appearance of the grounds and buildings can be considerably improved within a short time if all cooperate. Classes for the afternoon are to be dismissed.

Plans are being presented in cha-pel this morning for the work of the afternoon, and it is planned to have a specific job for every man enrolled, also for a targe part of the college co-eds. Some of the projects to be completed, with the person in charge are as follows; repair work on chairs and other furniture of Sharp Hall and Harnly Hall, Harold Binford: cultivation of the iris beds east of Harnly Hall, Esther Brown: tree  trimming, Dean Mohler: raking the campus lawns, Milo Stucky; mowing lawns, Ward Williams; spading around shrubs. Kermit Hayes; clean-ing up in the vicinity of Fahnestock Hall, Charles Austin: filling in the drive back of Fahnestock Hall, Tommy Taylor; repairing the clothes lines used by industrious co-eds, west of the gymnasium, George Lerew. Many other minor things will be done by students this afternoon to make a marked improvement on the M. C. campus.

The committee originally appointed by the Student Council, consisting of Frank Hutchison, Esther Brown, and George Lerew, has been augmented by representatives of the classes and the faculty in making arrangements for the day.

From 200 to 250 visiting scien-tists from outside of McPherson are expected to be here for the Sixty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Kansas Academy of Science, which opens tomorrow evening and continues until Saturday evening, according to an estimate by Dr. J. Willard Hershey, chairman of the local commit-tee. Approximately 125 of the scientists will present papers, and in addition to these communications indicate that many more will be here to make this one of the largest meetings in the history of the Academy. This is the third time that McPherson has been host to the meeting.

The first feature of the program will take place tomorrow evening at

8:15 o'clock, when L. E. Melchers, head of the botany department at Kansas State college, presents his illustrated lecture on "Egyptian Oas-

es of the Libyan Desert." Colored slides will accompany the lecture, it is to be given in the college chapel, and the public is cordially invited to this as well as to all of the remaining  sessions of the convention program.

Most of Friday morning will be given over to general papers, in the

in the afternoon, at 1:00 o'clock,

scene of exhibits and demonstrations. more papers will be read in the four sectional programs namely Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology, and the Junior Academy of Science. All but the Psychology section, which meets in room 9 of Sharp Hall, will take place in the various rooms of Harnly Hall.

Arrangements have been made whereby college students and other visitors may come in at the close of the banquet, which begins at 5:45 (Continued on Page Four)





Miss Della Lehman and Miss Edith McGaffey, members of the McPher-son college faculty, are leaving today for Tulsa, Oklahoma, where they will attend a meeting of the American Association of University Women. It is to be a sectional meeting, includ-ing several states of the Southwest. Both of the McPherson representa-tives will return to the city next

Tuesday, April 12—"The Florist Shop," a play by Winfred Hawkridge  produced under the auspices of the McPherson Crossroad playmakers, was presented this evening before

coached the production. The girls of McPherson college were guests of the women of the club at the meeting, held in the chapel.

Roles in the play were taken by college students. "Marge," the florist's bookeeper, was played by Mat-tie Shay. Herbert Eby carried the part of Henry, the office boy. Slov-aky, the Jewish proprietor, was played by George Peters. Miss Wells, a talkative spinster, was played by Maxine Ring.    Frantz Crumpacker

took the part of Mr. Jackson a pompous bachelor.



Powerful Mystery Drama To Be Given Commencement Week

"The Fourth Wall" is the title of the play recently, selected by the sen-ior class, to be given this spring during the first part of Commencement Week. It is a mystery drama of unusual power, and with an able cast should be up to the high standard set by McPherson college senior plays in the past. Last year the production was omitted, for the first time in a number of years.

A student recital will be given tonight in the college chapel, by students of the fine arts department, at 8:00 o'clock.

Group Hears Hymns And Short Sketch of Each Composer

Tues., April 11—Alma Louise Atchison opened the program in Y. W. C. A. this morning with a prelude. Merle Fisher read the Hundredth Psalm, following which Leeta Oaks led in prayer.

The program, which consisted of hymns accompanied by a short sketch of each composer, was led by Merle Fisher. Vera flora sang "Lead Kindly Light," with a violin obligato by Pauline Dell. The sophomore girls' quartet, composed of Mildred Dahlinger, Gulah Hoover, Velma Amos, and Lois Edwards, sang "Rock

Viola DeVilbiss played as a violin solo a morning hymn of devotion. She was accompanied by Gulah Hoo-ver. The program was concluded with "Abide With Me," sung by Mrs. Anna C. Tate.

Wed., April 12- "Cooperation"

cantata "Ruth were presented be-fore the student body in the chapel program this morning. The numbers presented were as follows; A vocal solo by Arlene Anderson; solos and duet by Helen Holloway, Lois Ed-wards, and Mildred Dahlingerl a solo by Harvey Shank; and a quar-tette number by Harvey Shank, Hel-en Holloway, Lois Edwards, and Charles Austin.



Says McPherson Association Has Been a Decided Success



Many Already Signed Up For Conference Next June

Mon., April 11- A number of stu-dents are planning to attend the sum-mer conference at Estes Park, Colo-rado, to take place June 7 to 17 under the auspices of the student Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. of the Rocky Mountain Region. The follow-ing students either have decided to go or are contemplating attending the Estes Park conference: Esther Brown, Grace Heckman, Lola Haw-kins, Dorothy Dresher, Marlene Dap-pen, Faithe Ketterman, Bernice Fow-ler, Rosalind Almen, Miss Margaret Heckethorn, Lilburn Gottmann, Ward Williams, and Kermit Hayes.

Tues., April 12 "Cooperation" was the subject of this morning's Y. M. C. A. program, and therefore the program committee chose Manager Tunnel] of the McPherson Farmer's Cooperative organization to be the speaker.

Mr. Tunnell first read a paper giv-ing a brief history of the cooperative movement following the World War, saying that the majority of those surviving the past 10 year period were remarkably successful. The chief distinguishing feature of the successful cooperative, he said, was the payment, of dividends on the business furnished the association by each member, rather than according to the capital invested by each. He gave a sketch of the organization and history of the McPherson association, which began in 1925 and after the first six months has shown a continu-ous and considerable profit to mem-bers. Almost $50000 a year has been paid since 1925 in dividends, in addi-tion to an accumulated surplus of $12,0000. Mr. Tunnell heartily en-dorsed the cooperative idea, saying, "If it isn't a success them I'm not standing here."









Vernon C. Rhoades

Business Manager

Lloyd A. Larsen

Associate Editor

Wilbur C. Yoder

Ass't Business Mgr.

J. T. Williams

Associate Editor

Alberta Yoder

Ass't Business Mgr.

Jesse Dunning

Circulation Manager

Frank Hutchinson


Agnes Bean

Una Ring

Mattie Shay

Dorothy Dresher

Adelyn Taylor

Everett Fasnacht

Mildred Doyle

Dennis Andes

Viola De Vilbiss

Faculty Advisor

Prof. Maurice A. Hess


McPherson has won again, and again it was in debate. The M. C. debaters, and above all their coach, Professor Maurice A. Hess, are to be congratulated for the great showing they have made this year. In truth, as Professor Hess said in chapel at the beginning of the season, stidents were saying, or perhaps thinking, "The King is dead!"—at least as far as debate prospects were concerned. And now they are saying as he hinted they might, "Long Live the King!"

But we cannot take the attitude that winning in debate and oratory is a habit which, office formed, keeps going on as if by magic without much effort. It has been a stiff pull for McPherson every year in debate, and this year was certainly no exception. Most students little realize the hours of grinding toll which the debaters go through before they get to the debate platform, in order to be [re[ared for the battle of wits with an opposing team. Here, as in most other things in life, there is no substitute, no "easy method." to take the place of hard work. Again we congratulate you. Mr. Gottmann, Mr. Lehman, Mr. Williams, Mr. Wollman, and Professor Hess. Yes, and we aren't forgetting the support given the varsity squad by the second team and the comen's team, who went through a season of non-decision contests in order to contribute a little more to the success of the varsity squad.

Incidentally there is another debate season coming next year, and two of the varsity squad are leaving at Commencement. Shall the Kind die without an heir?

Only live fish swim up stream; dead ones float with the current.

A life of leisure and a life of lazi-ness are two things.—Poor Richard.

Half the sting of poverty is gone when one keeps house for the com-fort of one's family and not for the comment or one's neighbors.

Burning the midnight oil does not help much—IF it is gasoline.

If men grew as tall as their ideals the gutter curbstone.

The fellow who waits for some-thing to turn up will not be disap-pointed if he keeps his eyes on his

lems in Retail Distribution," by Mal-colm McNair and Chass. Gragg; and "Readings in the Economic and So-cial History of the United States," by Felix Flugel and H. A. Faulkner. These three books were purchased through the library fund.

"General Biology," by S. J. Holmes, is a gift of Prof. R. E. Moh-ler. Two bulletins came to the library recently, as gifts of the Bereau of American Entomology. One in the forty-first Annual Report of the Bureau; and the other is "Source Material for the Social and Ceremon-ial life of the Choctaw Indians," by John R. Swanson.


one dollar—impossible? Not at all, when the McPherson college Home Ec. department gets into action. This afternoon the members of the Foods I class had some practical experience in overcoming the needs of depre-ssion economy by preparing meals for just that price. And the three-course bill of rate wasn't half bad, either. Four tables, with four guests at each table, were served, beginning at 3:30 o'clock. Several college girls from outside of the class were invited to the dinner to fill the extra places. The menus were planned and all work in connection with the affair was done fey members of the Foods

Dean Replogle Accompanies Group and Participates in Program


at senior festival


Bernice Fowler

April 13

Clara Nickel

April 15

Leeta Oaks

April 16

Kathryn Wilber

April 16



In less than two months a group of students of McPherson College will be a part of an impressive procession leading across the campus to the college church. As a member of the senior class I hope to be Part of that group who will try to look solemn and dignified. At the conclusion of the commencement service my class will receive from the bands of the President neatly roiled certificates which will designate us as graduates of McPherson College.

After all what has four years of college meant to me? How has it changed me? What new vistas of thought and experience has it opened up to me? Has college given me the things I though it would give me

when I came here as a freshman four years ago?

Awaking from the reverie I remember that "Commencement" means beginning. Ah! yea, but the idea does not seem trite for I awaken to the fact that I am again at the beginning mark with new frontiers to blaze and traverse. As I am soon to accept my defree i am conscious that there are certain other degrees which I desire to continue obtaining during my life. Perhaps I want other academic degrees, too.

But also I want with others a degree of appreciation. I want to appreciate and to understand other people. Not only do I want to appreciate my friends and people of my own race but also I want a degree of human understanding in the appreciation of people of other races than my own and people of different background than mine. Then, too, I want to appreciate great pictures, and the masterpieces of literature, and music. I want to appreciate silence and to obtain an appreciation of what the great saints mean when they talk about the "inspiration of silence". I want to appreciate nature and the ordered universe, and to marvel at the glories of the sunset and the dawn. I want to color my life as harmoniously with fine experience as nature blends her colors in the fall of the year.

I want a degree of freedom that is freedom from intolerance, prejudice, narrowness, provincialism, and petty worries.

I want a degree of sincerity. I want to be natural and in being myself I want to have faith, not only in myself but also in my fellowmen.

I want a degree of reverence. I do want a deep reverence for God and also a reverence for parents, friends, and for institutions which justify their existence. I hope I will always have reverence for McPherson College.

This spring when we as the graduating class of 1932 of McPherson College along with other seniors of America and throughout the world receive our academic degrees which are symbolic of having completed certain prescribed courses may we as those degrees are conferred upon us firmly inculcate in our minds the desire to think the thoughts and do the deeds that throughout life we may be attaining a degree of appreciation, a degree of sincerity, a degree of freedom, and a degree of reverence. May college have helped us in our search for knowledge but may it have also aided us in our search for these degrees of wisdom.—A. Y.


Lola Hawkins spent the week-end in her home at Tampa.

Grace and George Lerew went to their home near Portis for a short visit Tuesday of last week.

Lloyd Larsen and Royal Yoder spent the week-end in the Conway community. Larsen visited in the Home of his cousin, Clyde Cline, and Yoder was at the home of his parents.

Several former McPherson students visited on the campus during the week-end. Among them were: Hele Myer, of Marquette; Archie Blickenstaff, of Little River; Harvey King, of Larned; and Alex Richards, of Waldo.

Wilbur Yoder, Delbert Kelley, and Kermit Hayes were all guests of Mr. C. J. Medlin, traveling salesman of Burguer-Baird Engraving Company, in Kansas City, Saturday and Sunday. The boys were very richly entertained. They went through and inspected the Burger-Balrd engraving plant in Kansas City.

Lucille Ketterman and Kenneth Cavendar, both of Abilene, visited friends and relatives on the campus, Saturday and Sunday.

Kenneth Bitikofer left Thursday bight for Lawrence, where he visited Vernon Flaming. Friday. Saturday, Flaming and Bitikofer went to Kan-sas City, Bitikofer returned to the campus early Monday morning.

Posey Jamison left the campus Thursday noon and spent the remainder of Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, in applying for school teaching positions. After having vis-ited a number of schools, he went to the home near Quinter, Saturday evening. He returned to the campus Sunday, and motored to Moundridge to apply for a position there, Monday afternoon.

Dean F. A. Replogle accompanied a McPherson college deputation team, composed of Gulah Hoover, Lois Edwards, Mildred Ronk, Harvey Shahk, and Delvis Bradshaw, to Belleville last Saturday, where they presented several musical numbers at a meeting of the Church of the Brethren young people for the North-west Kansan district. Dean Replogle also gave an address during the convention.

On Sunday night the M. C. group gave a program at the Lovewell church, twenty-five miles north of Belleville. They returned to McPherson early Monday morning. The trip was sponsored b the World Service Group.

Vera Flora, a senior, and Lloyd Diggs of the class of ’30 also took part in the Belleville meeting. They sung a duet during the session Saturday afternoon, and Mr. Diggs led the group singing for the entire convention.

Seventy-five different schools have been invited by Dean R. E. Mohler, chairman of the Senior Fes-tival committee, to take part in the annual Senior High School Festival, to be held here on Saturday, April 23.



Tues. April 12—A three-course luncheon, serving four people, for

Oh James S. Chubb, while speaking to the Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A in the subject, "building a Christian Character" said that it is neces-sary to be cosmopolitan in order to be a Christian. Jesus loved all people —those of high or low birth—sinners and saints.

Jesus was a mental genius. He understood people. He was keen judge of men and had keen insight into human nature. He knew Hebrew history. His mind worked rapidly. Many times he was called upon to make decisions which would have decided his physical fate one way or an-other. Brains and spirituality go hand in hand, and insight and informa-tion are necessary in building Christian character.

Prayer life is essential to development. A wealth of power comes from listening to God. If one spends all his time in telling God his troub-les, there is no time for God to speak to him. Jesus spent much time in prayer.

The main avenues in developing Christian personality are prayer, read-ing, and meditation. One never gets outside of himself if he does not read. Ideals and good taste form another avenue in building personality. Make me most of your resources. Instead of chatting and giggling about non-essential things, discuss things of importance. When one could chat and doesn't, or tells the truth when he might have gotten by without doing so, he is walking on the Christian highway.

Christ has challenged the greatest thinkers of the ages. In all ways, one can find the most happiness if he practices the Christian way of living. —M. S.

Unless the job means more than the pay, it will never pay more.

-H. Bertram Lewis.

Mr. Samuel Minter of Abilene, paid a brief visit to his son Cleason in Fahnestock Hall, Monday evening.

Margaret Heckethorn, college librarian, was in Newton Saturday attending a committee meeting of several college librarians Who are plan-ning it round table discussion of col-lege library problems for the Kansas State Teachers Association meeting to be in Hutchinson next fall.

Velma Amos was the guest of Florence Stucky, a former McPher-son student, in the latter's home near Hutchinson, during the week-end.

Most important of the recent ar-rivals in the college library, is a group of books for supplementary reading in Commerce courses. The three books in the group are: "Prin-ciples of Public Utilities,” by Eliot Jones and Truman Bigham; "Prohib-

WEDNESDAY, APR. 13, 1932





Mrs. J. E. Wagoner, who has but recently returned from a mission post near Bulsar, India, last week finished a series of discussions in the Mission Study Groups held weekly through the auspices of the World Service Group. She discussed con-ditions in the locality from which she came, the character of the girls' school in which she taught and mis-sionary life in India.

Many times have we been asked about the school that we attended in India. It is situated at Landour, Mussorie, in the Himalayan Moun-tains. This is approximately one thousand miles from Bulsar, our mission's main station.

As a rule, school begins the Monday after the middle of March. It continues all during the summer, the idea being to have the children away from the plains during April, May, and June, the hottest months. School closes sometime the first week of De-cember, and the children go home for their winter vacation.

Six or seven missions have gone together to make Woodstock a school for missionary, children. Each supplies at least one teacher, the number being based upon the number of children from that mission that attend school. Our mission has just one, Miss Busan L. Stoner. These teachers are counted as missionaries, but they are especially trained for teaching. There are about thirty on the entire staff.

The school enrollment last year was three hundred and twenty. Most of the number are missionary chil-dren—some English, but more American. A few English soldiers' children attend also. Well-to-do Anglo-Indian (English-Indian blood) children are there in quite a good monor-ity. Then, a very few Indian, Mohammedan, Hindu, and Parsee children make up the total.

Under the same management as, but separate from the school and high school, is the teachers' training school. It is very small, and is pa-tronized almost entirely by Anglo-Indian girls. These girls and the rest of the school children have very little in common.

Usually on the Thursday before the opening of school, we start our trip. Because it is a large party, we are allowed "concessions" (half fare for caretaker and students) and, if it is large enough to fill a whole coach, we sometimes hire a "through

Our parents take us and our bag-gage to the station and put us all on the train when it arrives. At Bulsar the train stops for ten or fifteen minutes, so there is always plenty of time. Finally, the whistle shrieks, and away we go leaving our parents behind us. The next few minutes are usually spent, especially by the little youngsters, in crying. Even the little soon learn to try to keep back the tears until the train is actually moving. Or course, as it is nine-thirty or ten p. m. the first thing we do is to untie our bedding-rolls and make our beds for the night. (Pull-mans are unheard of things in ln-dia.)

Until the next evening, when we reach Delhi, we are on the same train. Then, if we have not secured the "through coach", we pile out on the platform with all our "bags and baggage", the older ones trying to look after their own things and the children, the caretaker seeing to the little children’s luggage. There are always plenty of coolies on the sta-tion platform, so we have no diffi-culty in obtaining help.

Finally, the caretaker goes through each compartment to see that every-thing is out, takes a satchel and a child's hand in each of her hands, and, amid the customary noises and followed by the rest of us and many felling coolies, leads the way over railroad bridges, until she finds the rain we are leaving on. There is one through coach regularly from Delhi to Debra Dun, so if we are lucky enough to reach it before mother school party does, we get a good night's sleep. If not, we must change twice more during the night.

We reach Dehra Dun, the end of he railroad line, sometime between six and eleven Saturday morning. We are never sure on which of the three available trains we will arrive. But, whichever it is, it us almost al-

We greet school-mates on the plat-form and in the waiting rooms as if they were long lost friends. It usual-y takes more than an hour to get a bus and stow our baggage on top and us inside, even though the care-taker has written ahead and made arrangements with one of the agen-cies: these agencies are very busy, for all of the seven Massoorie schools open at practically the same time.

We get in our busses, usually two or three are required for our party, and start the last lap of the journey.  First we must go the seven miles to the foot of the Himalayas; then we

start up. The twenty-one remaining miles are just one Iong series of hair-pin curves as we twist up the mountain side. Of necessity, the busses go slowly, in second gear a good deal of the time. If anyone has a "weak stomach", the journey up the hill is a fine time to display it, and usually at leas one "someone" does!

In time we arrive at the end of the motor road, a place called Sunny View. there is nothing there but a telephone booth, except, of course,

the inevitable and highly valuable

coolies. Finally, after much more talking and dickering, wo see our trunks, bedding-rolls and other pos-sessions loaded on the backs of cool-ies and started on their way to the '‘company e-school" as they call Woodstock.

We too, start on our way. Usually we walk; those who are unable to walk, take "dandies". A dandy is a well-supported chair, the framework of which closes in a point in front of the feet and about two or three feet behind the head. A stout, three-foot, wooden bar is tied to each point. Four coolies by this device pick up the dandy and, each placing an end of the bar on his shoulder, carry the dandy and its occupant. The occupant is, of course, tilted back; when, added to the natural tipping, he is being taken up a steep path, his foot are frequently higher than his head. Besides this, he is always being jostled, for the coolies rarely keep step, and when they do, the result is merely a more decided bounce than before.

Woodstock is about three miles farther up the mountain road than Sunnyview. After about an hour of walking and climbing, we reach the school and are meeting more friends.

The school tract covers one hundred fifty acres, on which there are five buildings. A sixth, for the principal and his family, is in the process of being built now.

The school building is situated about half-way between the top and bottom of Landour hill. All of the grades from the fourth (or third standard, as it is called there) through high school are taught in this building. The library and the science departments are there also. Adjoining this is the new auditorium, a building that was not quite com-pleted when we left las December.

About one hundred yards from these two buildings is the small girls' hostel. it is what was originally the school, so although only kindergarten  and the first two standards

( three grades) are taught here. It still goes by that name. Here the girls from the tiniest lots up to the bigger girls of the seventh standard live. They live in huge rooms with beds down each side and bureaus down the middle. They have no privacy, but they do have a great deal

Down the hill from the School is the Boys' Hostel. There all the boys, large and small, and the men teachers  live. The principal and his family have lived there and will continue to do so until their new home is fin-

Over from the Hostel, on a little knoll by itself, is the so-called Col-lege. There the eight, ninth, and tenth standards live. There, also do the girls who are taking teacher's training live and study. We of the eight, ninth, and tenth standards, or "Cambridge", as we are called, climb to the School each day.

The rooms of the lady teachers are at both the School and College, most of them at the former.

All of the dormitories have play-grounds adjoining them, the Hostel also containing the swimming pool. The girls use the pool three or four times a week.

The girls at the College have little individual, partitioned cubicles in which to live. In this respect, we are better off than either the boys or the younger girls.

Each morning the boys and the "Cambridge" girls climb from their dormitories to the School. The walk is about half a mile long, and is quite steep climbing. However, we made it in about then minutes regu-larly.

Our lunch is brought up to the School for us so that we need not climb the hill more than once a day.

On Sundays we climb to the top of

the hill to church. It is a thousand feet higher than the College and Hostel, so we had quite a walk. We learn to do that in about half an

When our parents come up for their vacations, we leave the boardings and become day-scholars for as long as possible. When they return to their work on the plains, we go back into boarding, to remain there until school closes.

The curriculum is both English and American. The student may take whatever he wishes. He can take a full high school course and graduate as he would here, or he can take

bridge examination at the end or it. In either case, he is ready to go on to higher education in whichever country his home is.

Thus is Woodstock the school for missionary children in the Himalayan Mountains which we attended.

Elizabeth and Jo Wagoner


Gives Two Speeches Under Auspices of International Relations Club

Fri., Apr. 8- Dr. Edward F. Nick-oley, Dean of the American Univer-sity at Beirut, who has spent thirty-two years in the Near East gave the Students a new slant on "Disarma-ment" in chapel this morning. He was introduced by Herbert Eby president of the International Relations Club, under whose auspices the speaker was obtained.

Dr. Nickoley did not speak on the horrors, costliness, futility, or inan-ity of war, but in terms of human progress. He said that progression has been divided into four periods. The greatest came when a man decided he could get along better united into families and clans than alone. Then came the suggestion of enlarging groups into tribes to attain some-thing higher. Next was the forma-tion of national states. Each transi-tion came about by a great struggle and the enlarged groups were always hostile to each other. The fourth step has not yet been taken, but Dr. Nick-oley said that now we must form larger cooperative units to further our economic life.

"We can not think in national units as long as we have not international-ism," said the speaker in conclusion with an indorsement of the League of Nations and the World Court as attempts at solution of the problems facing civilization.

Dr. Nickoley spoke Thursday eve-ning at 8:00 o'clock in the College Church, giving an interesting and instructive talk on "The Near East." He was the guest of Dr. J. D. Bright and members of the International Relations Club at dinner Thursday evening preceding the talk at the church. All expenses of his tour are being defrayed by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, under whose auspices the tour is being conducted.

acquaintance of students with the nature and function of the Student Council. 2. Full publicity for all ac-tivities of the Student Council. 3. Annual publication of the financial transactions of the Council. 4. A vigorous attitude by the Council on all student problems.

Complete results of the balloting were as follows :

For President of Student Council: Milo Stucky, 101: Vernon Rhoades,


For treasures of Student Council: Corrine Bowers 68; Frank Hutchi-

For Editor of Quadrangle Delbert Kelly, 168.

For Business Manager of Quadrangle: Wilbur Yoder, 169.

For Editor of the Spectator: Una Ring, 107; Everett Fasnacht, 72.

For Business Manager of the Spec-tator: J. T. Williams, 163.

For women's cheer leader; Othetta Clark, 67; Etta Nickel, 107.

For men's cheer leader: Hobart Hughey, 58; Tommy Taylor, 120.



N. S. P. A.

The democratic party's march up the presidential hill of 1932 was thrown into temporary confusion when the house revolted against party leaders and voted down the sales tax, the most important part of the proposed revenue bill.

Parti lines were broken, the leaders lost control in the house, when a vote was taken on the billion dollar

revenue bill as it was first drafted. But a reunited House of Representa-tives is well on the way toward bal-ancing the budget.

One casuality in the revolt against the sales tax in the house is Speaker John N. Garner, whose presidential boom was bounding along on his rep-utation as the perfect driver of an

unwieldy home.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, Governor of New York, is the leading Demo-cratic candidate for the nomination at present, but his selection as the Democratic standard bearer is far

India has never before occupied such an important place in world af-fairs. It is a country as large as Europe without Russia, and contains one-fifth of the human rare.

Filipino leaders continue to demand immediate and unqualified independence, but do they mean what they say? With Uncle Sam in the Philippines, Japan will continue its conquests to Manchuria.

Eamon de Valera, new irish Free State president, was born in New York.

Don Alfonso XIII, outcast King of Spain, returned to France after a tour of the Holy Land without passport or papers of identity. He was not halted until he came to Germany. He crushed the inspector by saying "Look here, my man. I am admir-al in your navy, a general in your cavalry, a colonel in the Uhlans, and I demand your salute." The inspector

Spain will celebrate its first birthday as a republic on April 24. The

Spanish people probably haven't any more actual freedom now than they had two years ago, but a democracy givers their politicians more to do.

Lehman will represent college in contest

Lawrence Leman, senior, will represent McPherson college on Fri-day night of this week in the State Peace Oratorical Contest, to be held at Friends University in Wichita. He won the local contest, in competition with six others, on March 13, with his oration on "Contrasts," which he will deliver at the state meet. Leh-man, with his previous experience in oratoryy, debate, and preching, will doubtless make a good showing for McPherson at the contest, and stands a good chance at winning the first price of $60 cash. During the last four years McPherson has won the state contest three times and taken second once. Last year Keith Hayes, class of '31, was the winner.

The world likes a good loser, es-pecially when they're in the game.


Hutchinson Net Men Split with Locals—M. C. Wins Doublet  And Singles Match


Fri., April 8- McPherson college tennis players tied their first meet of the season here this afternoon, 2 to 2, with a squad from Hutchinson Junior college. In a tourney held in connection with the McPherson-Hutchinson track meet. Abe Wein-lood and Leon Kaplan, Hutchinson singles players, defeated Lilburn Gottmann and Harold Binford in individual matches, but the latter team won easily in the doubles. Delbert Kelly won two shut-out sets from Taylor of Hutchinson in another singles match.

The scores of the single matches were as follows:

Kelly, McPherson, defeated Taylor, Hutchinson, 6-0, 6-0.

Weintood, Hutchinson, defeated Gottmann, McPherson. 3-6, 6-3, 8-6.

Kaplan, Hutchinson, defeated Binford, McPherson, 8-6, 6-1.

Binford and Gottmann defeated Kaplan and Weinlood in double play without trouble, 6-0, 6-1.

The visitors from Hutchinson won over the M. C. not men in two exhibition games.

Results of exhibition games:

Janders, Hutchinson, defeated Jenkins, McPherson, 6-3, 6-2.

Janders and Taylor defeated Austin and Kindy of McPherson, 6-3, 6-3.

Locals Excel in Field and in Distance Runs, But Drop Behind in Total Points

Rock and McGill of McPherson Each Take Two Firsts In Opening Meet

Re-grading and Addition of New Sand Will Improve Grounds for Playing

SCORE 771/2 to 44 1/2

Fri., April- Hutchinson Junior college defeated the McPherson Bulldogs here this afternoon in a dual track meet which was the first of the season for both schools. McPherson excelled in the field events, especially the weight events, and also in the distance runs, but the Junior college won the short dashes and the hurdles

Neal and Shannon, both of Hutchin-inson, were high point men of the meet, each making 18 points. Rock of McPherson scored 13 points, taking first in the Javelin and discus and second in the shot put. He was therefore high point man for the Bulldogs. McGill came next with 10 points, taking first in the mile and half mile runs.


100 yard dash—Won by Shannon, Hutchinson: Lindholm. McPherson, second; Kautzer, Hutchinson, third. Time 10.6.

220 yard dash—Won by Shannon, Hutchinson; Stark, Hutchinson, second; Kautzer, Hutchinson, third. Time 23.2.

440 yard dash—Won by Martiney, Hutchinson; Williams, McPherson, second; Stark, Hutchinson, third. Tima 55.7.

Half mile—Won by McGill, McPherson: Van Nortwick, McPherson second; Mangue and Davis, Hutchinson, tied for third. Time 2.14.

son:    Barnes, Hutchinson, second;

Peterson, Hutchinson, third.

High hurdles—Won by Neal, Hutchinson; Ellis, Hutchinson, second; Himes, McPherson third. Time 16.4.

Shot put—Won by Zinn, McPherson: Rock, McPherson, second; Ellis, Hutchinson, third. Distance 39 feet, 11.5 inches.

Discus—Won by Rock, McPherson; Zinn, McPherson, second; Ellis, Hutchinson, third. Distance 120 feet, 7 inches.

Javelin—Won by Rock, McPherson; Kirkpatrick, Hutchinson, second : Kitch, Hutchinson, third. Dis-tance 156 feet, 3.5 inches.

Broad Jump—Won by Neal, Hut-chinson; Shannon, Hutchinson, second; Case, Hutchinson, third. Distance. 21 feel. 9 1/2 inches.

High jump—Won by Shannon, Hutchinson: Neal, Hutchinson, and Himes, McPherson, tied for second. Height 5 feet, 8 inches.

Pole vault—Brooks and Howard, Hutchinson, tied for first and sec-ond; Wiggins, McPherson and And-erson, Hutchinson, tied tor third. Height 10 feet, 6 inches.

Low hurdles—Won by Neal, Hut-chinson; King, Hutchinson, second; Bloom, McPherson, third, Time .27,

Mile relay—Won by Hutchinson (Neal, Stevenson, Ellis and Marten-ey). Time 3:46


The meet with Hutchinson junior

but in looking over the marks and time made in each event it looks as though it was a pretty fast meet for early season competition. The Junior college excelled on the track, but the Bulldogs were masters of the field events, and also of the distance runs.

McGill, sophomore, who was the find of the season last year for Mc-Pherson, looked good in his two runs Friday and turned in very good early season time. He won both events with ease and came in with an easy finish in both runs.

Loren Rock looked good in the Weight events, and was high point town for McPherson with thirteen points. He won the discus, and jave-lin events and took second to Zinn in the shot put. His throw of 120 feet, 7 inches, in the discus was considered outstanding.

Ward Williams ran a nice quarter mile for the Bulldogs and was only beaten to the tape by Inches. Ward has a nice stride and trains hard for track; it is bound to give him results. He is a two-letter man and he is expected to do much this year. He also runs the longer distance

The Kansas Relays held annually at Lawrence are to be held on April 23 this year. These are considered as the outstanding relays of the Mid-dle West, and some Olympic stars will be on hand at this year's relays to compete. Some fast records have been made at Lawrence, but as usual

to be broken this year.

The Bulldogs are scheduled for another dual meet this week. Kansas Wesleyan university comes to McPherson Thursday afternoon with its usual fine array of track material. The Coyotes are usually fast on the track, and the Bulldogs, although they appeared to be lacking in the dash events last Friday, will doubtless give them some strong competition. A good meet is certain for Thursday afternoon.



Mildred Stutzman Manager— Three Teams Holding Practices

Mildred Stutzman is manager of the baseball now being played by members of the W. A. A. Practices are held at 6:30 p. m. and as in other sports the W. A. A. members must attend at least three-fourths of the practice periods in order to win hon-

The following three teams have been organized:


Louise Ikenberry, Leeta Oaks, Esther Brown, Esther Pole, Ruth Hobart, Velma Bean, Odessa Crist, Martha Hursh, Viola DeVilbiss, and Mary Weddle.


Alice Christiansen, Martha Andes, Florence Weaver, Arlene Wampler, Elizabeth Bowman, Lois Edwards, Elsie Lindholm, Pearl Walker, Elsie Rump, and Othetta Clark.


Grace Lerew, Atillia Anderson, Velma Keller, Ruth Ihde, Marlene Dappen, Lola Hawkins, Genevieve Crist, Mildred Doyle, Fern Heckman, and Helen DeArman.



Two more tennis courts are now being put into condition for playing and win soon be in condition for use by students. The two courts on the north side; which have not been used yet tills spring on account of standing water and the resulting poor playing condition, were thoroughly plowed and graded last week, so as to allow water to run off to the sides rather than to collect in the center of each court. Fresh sand was put on the courts Saturday, and they are to be rolled down with a large roller procured by Coach Binford for the purpose.

Addition of the two courts for use will relieve the crowded state of the courts on the south, which have been used heavily during the last few weeks. The tennis matches with the Hutchinson junior college last Friday were played on the south courts.


The second track meet for the season for the Bulldogs is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, when they meet the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes on the McPherson field. The action is ex-pected to begin at 3:00 o'clock. The Coyotes are usually strong, especially in the running events, and will show  the Bulldogs some hard fighting for the first place honors on track, field, and tennis courts.



Next Monday evening in the regular meeting, held at 6:45, the mem-bers of the Women's Athletic Association will elect their officers for the ensuing year.

The following election slate has been prepared:    president — Ada

Brunk, Genevieve Grist; vice-president—Pearl Walker, Velma Bean; secretary—Elizabeth Bowmen, Martha Hursh; treasurer—Elsie Rump, Mildred Stutzman.

er organizations and individuals of McPherson who have made Dr. Barrett's visit to McPherson possible. The lecture will be illustrated by motion pictures and lantern slides, and promises to be one of unusual interest. It is expected that the Community Building will be full to overflow-ing for this program.

The sessions of the meeting held Saturday will consist chiefly of papers read by scientists, and the meeting of the new Executive Council of the organization, which takes place at 12:00 o'clock. Among McPherson college professors and students who will take part in the Aca-demy of Science programs by reading papers are Dr. H. J. Harnly, Dr. J. Willard Hershey, Prof, J. L. Bow-man, Dean F. A. Replogle, Donald Trostle, Leland Lindell ('31), and Arnold Voth, a student here last year. In addition to two papers during the meeting Dr. Hershey will present his 12-minute motion picture film on "The Components of the Atmosphere in Relation to Animal Life.”

Many exhibits on subjects of scien-tific interest will be on display during the science meeting; a large part of these have already been received, and many more are expected to arrive before the sessions of the meeting  begin. Dr. J. D. Bright's lecture room, on the first floor of Harnly Hall, is to be used for these exhibits, with another room in the same building reserved to take care of the overflow.

Most of the visiting scientists are to be lodged in homes on College Hill. Those remaining will find plac-es with the aid of Dean R. E. Mohler who has charge of lodging arrange-ments.

Of course the weather will be a big factor in the attendance at the meeting, but with sunny skies Mc-

Pherson will be host to the largest Academy of Science meeting in the history of the association, according to Dr. Hershey.


The clothing II class will have a discussion and exhibit during the Thursday afternoon laboratory per-iod, showing garments which have given good and poor service. Reports will include the wearing qualities, ease of handling material in sewing, cost of upkeep and care, and the ini to aid others in judging quality of materials and the service to expect from various grades of cloth.

Several of the members of this class have recently completed and are wearing either new or remodeled fashionable wool spring suits.

Co-ed; "I wish God had made me Ed: "Don't worry. You'l find

WEDNESDAY, APR. 13, 1932




Friday evening in the parlors of the College Church, in order to hear the toasts, the address of welcome by Pres. V. F. Schwalm, and the presi-dential address given by Roger C. Smith, of Kansas State College, president of the Academy. His subject will be "Upsetting the Balance of Nature, With Special Reference to Kansas and the Great Plains Region," Dr. Warren Knaus of McPherson will act as toastmaster of the

The principal feature of the science meeting program will take place following the banquet Friday night, beginning at 8:15 in the McPherson Community Building. Dr. S. A. Barrett, director of the Milwaukee Public Museum and widely known naturalist, will give an address on "Tamest Africa," under the auspices of McPherson College, the McPherson Chamber of Commerce, the Kansas Academy of Science, and several oth-