McPherson college, McPherson. Kansas. Wednesday, apr. 6,1932




McPherson students and teachers to read


Over 550 Guests Crowd into Community Building for Big Event Friday Night—Unusually Large Addition Made to M. C. Loyalty Fund


Size of Crowd and Cash Receipts Ex-ceed Expectations of Officials


Thurs., Apr. 7-E. F. Nickoley lecture, College Church, 8:00 p. m.

Fri., Apr. 8—Nickoley lecture in chapel, 9:45 a. m. Student election, 10:30-12:30, Sacred cantata "Ruth"

in chapel at 8:00 p. m.

Tues., Apr. 12- Regular Y. M. -Y

W. meetings

Largest Number of Papers on Record to Be Presented at Meeting—McPherson Third in Number Among Schools Represented on Program



SNearly 550 guests, in addition to over fifty cooks, table attendants, and musicians, were served Friday evening at the second annual McPher-non College Booster Banquet held in Community Hall. The splendid response to the need of the college as evidenced by the attendance exceeded the expectations of many prior to time for the banquet. The total addition to the M C. Royalty Fund as a result of the Rooster Banquet ticket sale was in excess of $2000, which is considered by the college administration  as a very good record considering  the present "hard times."

The banquet program went off even hotter than the 1931 event. If that were possible. Thirty college students served the delicious and sub-stantial three-course dinner, the guests meanwhile enjoying music from a college orchestra directed by Miss Margaret Shelley.

President Stoll of Central college led the invocation, and the remaining fratures of the program were introduced by Superintendent R. W. Pot-win of the McPherson schools, who acted as toastmaster for the occa-sion.

mixed quartet composed of Mrs. Anna C. Tate, Mrs. V. F. Schwalm, Harold Beam, and Paul Sargent sang two selections which were very well received, and their numbers were followed by the first toast, given by Dean Paul E. Lawson of Kansas University. "It would be a sad day for Kansas if the church schools should disappear." said Dean Lawson. He stated that he wanted them to grow and succeed, first because they had a special place to the educational sys-tem, and second because the state can not afford to pay the tax for all higher education.

Mrs. Anna C. Tate of the college music faculty sang a soprano solo; "A Spring Fantasy." Her song was followed by the second toast, given by George A. Allen, Jr., State Superintendent of Public Instruction. He brought the congratulations of the state department of education for the work being done in McPherson college, and after a brief analysis of the state of higher,education in Kansas, proposed the following toast: "To all the colleges of Kansas, with McPherson high in the list—may their resources ever increase and their influence ever be prominent in the educa-

Thirteen Candidates Up For 8 Offices—Primary Drops Harris and Kraus

Balloting Will Take Place From 10:30 to 12:30 A. M.


Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bright last Wednesday announced the birth of a son, whom they have named Merritt Wendell. Dr. Bright reports that mother and child are both getting along very nicely. They were brought to the Bright residence on College

Chamber of Commerce, School Board, Central College, and Others Help





Beat Swedes, 4 Judges to 1, in Championship Debate Tuesday Night



Monitor Pastor Delivers Wednesday Chapel Address

Wed., March 30—Rev. Ora Garber, pastor of the Monitor Brethren Church near Conway, Kansas, led the devotions in chapel this morning and presented an address.

Rev. Garber started his talk by referring to advertisements of the modern magazines. Many of these advertisements try to make the reading public believe that hard work or labor is not necessary in many lines of work; they suggest how people may in an exceedingly short time prepare themselves to do something that will make their millions, and are labor-saving devices. Rev. Mr. Garver suggested that they are some-what misleading and misrepresented

and that there are some accomplish-ments which cannot be hurried.

He stated that the fundamental matters of life are, not subject to “abort cuts’* or labor saving devices, but that they are subject to hard work. He listed the following fun-damentals as requiring much work, patience, and time in their accom-lishment: (1) the developing of

character, (2) the knowledge of God; and (3) the understanding of

method of thinking," was the repeated statement made by Dr. Burris Jenkins in his Booster Banquet address Friday night. Speaking on the subject, "Education for Modern America," Dr. Jenkins made some introductory remarks about the status of the small church college, then proceeded to show how youth of today is responsible for civilization tomorrow by several concrete examples.

The speaker said that the small church college has a definite place in the educational system, and mentioned that large universities are tending to split up into smaller collages for better work. In his opinion one of the best features of the small college is its “esprit du corps." "The American college is the hope of the future for America," stated Dr. Jenkins.

"There is no depression in Mc-Pherson," said the speaker, and he mentioned the many new cars lining the streets of the city, and the lack of empty shops. He believes that the United States is responsible for the present world depression, and must find a way out. The outcome is up to the young people, for after thirty-five men learn with difficulty. America must reverse her way of thinking and "think in world terms” Dr. Jenkins said that the true patriot cannot say, "My country, right or wrong," but must think in world

Taking up several controversial political questions, the speaker first spoke of the allied war debts. He said that the only way debtors to the United States can pay their debts is in goods, for we are already em-

For President of the Student Council:

Dr. Burris Jenkins of Kansas City, noted minister and lecturer, who presented the main address last Friday nigh at the McPherson College Booster Banquet.

Jenkins Appeals for Debt Cancellation, U. S. Entrance into League of Nations

Milo Stucky

Vernon Rhoades

For treasurer of Student Council:

Corrine Bowers

Frank Hutchison

For editor of Quadrangle:

Delbert Kelly

For business manager of Quad-

Wilbur Yoder

For editor of The Spectator

Una Ring

Everett Fasnacht

For business manager of The


- 3. T. Williams

For women's cheer leader:

Othetta Clark

Etta Nickel

For men's cheer leader:

Hobart Hughey

Tommy Taylor

tion which takes place next Friday morning, April 8, from 10:30 to 12:30 o'clock.

Last Thursday morning, after the annual ballyhoo session in the chapel when campaign managers lauded the virtues or their respective candidates in short nomination speeches, the primary election took place for the offices of president of the Student Council and men's cheer leader, the only offices for which there were more than two candidates. Blanch Harris was eliminated from the running for the former office, while Gordon Kraus lost out in the primary for cheer leader.

- It is expected that votes for several of the important offices will be close, and all students are urged to vote. The officers of the Student Council will have charge of the election.

Tues., April 6- Defeating the Bethany college Swedes tonight in a decisive victory of four judges to one, the McPherson college debaters coached by Prof. Maurice A. Hess broke the tie for the state title and won their sixth state championship in the thirteen yours since Coach Hess came to M. C. This is the second consecutive state title for the Bulldog debaters, as they won last year over Wichita university in the final contest. In the last thirteen years teams coached by Professor Hess have taken part in eight state championship debates, thereby taking two second place ratings in addi-tion to the sixth first place decisions.

It will be at least four years before any college debate team in Kansas can equal the record of victories claimed by McPherson.

Owing to the failure of one of the judges to appear at McPherson, it was decided between Coach Hess and

the championship on the decisions of the five judges who were on hand, two here and three at Bethany.

The McPherson affirmative team, composed of Lilburn Gottmann and Ward Williams, met Loren Sibley and Oral Olson, Bethany negative team, on the Lindsborg platform and came home with a two to one decision. Judges wore LeRoy Lewis, Wichita university coach; H. B. Summers of Kansas State college, and K. D. Hamer, principal of the Ells-worth high school. Prof. J. H. Fries

to Lindsborg.

The Sixty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Kansas Academy of Science,

arrangements indicate. A larger

have been places on the program to be given during the meeting. This will he the third meeting of the Aca-de,y to be held in McPherson.

Of all the colleges represented in the meeting next week, McPherson will be represented with the third largest number of papers on scie-ntific papers, being preceded only by Kansas State college and Kansas uni-versity. Of the eight papers contrib-uted from the local school, Dr. H. J. Harnly will give the first, and inci-dentally the first on the Academy of

His paper is entitled "Vertebrate Fossils from McPherson Equus Beds." Donald Trostle, a senior student  will read a paper entitled "A study or Families of Graduates of McPherson College and their Friends." The 1931 Flora of Mc-Pherson County” is the subject of Arnold Voth, a student here last year. Dr. J. Willard Hershey will read two papers. "Synthetic Atmos-phere Mixtures of Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen in Relation to Animal Life," and "The Effect of Pure Oxygen and Also a Mixture of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide upon Water Ani-mals." Prof. J. L. Bowman will read a paper on the subject, "An Elec-tronic Relay for Operating an inter-val Timer,” to the division for papers on Physics on Friday afternoon. Dean F. A. Replogle is scheduled to give a 15-minute paper on "Case Study Problems Faced by Senior High School Students in Selection of a Vocation, " In the psychology Sec- tion held at the same time. Leland Lindell, '31, will read a paper on "A Summary and Brief Geological Survey of McPherson County Oil Fields."



Speaker Tells Qualities Denoting Presence of Love



Sat., Apr. 2—The men of Fahne-stock Hall held their annual Open House party tonight, between the hours of 7:30 and 10:30 o'clock. After several hours of labor in cleaning up and decoration, it is rumored, on the part of the dormitory men, the building presented an unusually attractive appearance to the visitors in addition to most of the students and faculty members who live both on and off the campus, numerous other people of the community were numbered among the guests for the


Tues., Apr. 6—Prof. J. Hugh Heck-man addressed the Y. M. C. A. group this morning on the subject, "The Greatest Thing in the World." Love, said Prof. Heckman, is not easy to define. It is easier to talk about its qualities and the characteristics that denote it. Taking as his text the thirteenth chapter of First Corinthians, he said the chapter could be divided into three divisions; they are, first the necessity for love, second the qualities of love, and third the permanence of love.

Prof. Hackman enumerated five qualities which denote love, as follows: 1. attraction : "love pulls folks together; 2. Appreciation; real love is not blind, but knowing and intelli-gent. 3. Confidence: "it is better to have confided 100 times and be be-

fided at all." 4. Cooperation; people are drawn together so that they can help each other. 5. Sacrifice; wherein love shows its crowning glory.

The speaker said that the same principles of love may be applied to both individuals and groups, or nations in their relations.

Meanwhile Lawrence Lehman and Walter Wollman of the McPherson negative squad were having a tough battle in the local college chapel with the Bethany affirmative team, com-posed of Roswell Peterson and Carl Lundquist but won the decisions of both judges here. They were Sam-uel Johnson and W. D. Boss, both of the history department of K. S. T. C. at Emporia, Miss Edith McGaffey was chairman of the debate.

Although they were technically tied with the Bethany Swedes before tonight's contest, the Bulldogs have a record of three victories over the Bethany teams this season and no defeats at their hands; five judges against one have decided in favor of McPherson teams in the season's tilts with the Swedes. Earlier in the season  the local affirmative team defeated the Bethany negative team. The only McPherson defeat was at the hands of Wichita university, whose team in a close debate won the judge's decision over the M. C. negative squad.

On Saturday morning Dr. J. Wil-lard Hershey will give his 12-minute motion picture film on "The Com-ponents of the Atmosphere in Rela-tion to Animal Life." The film was taken last fall in the McPherson col-lege chemistry laboratories and was shown by Dr. Hershey this winter at the meeting of the american Asso-ciation for the Advancement of Sci-ence, held at New Orleans.

ning with a lecture by L. E. Mel-horn, head of the botany department at Kansas State College, on "Egyp-



Mildred Ronk Main Speaker at Tuesday Meeting


Plans for a McPherson College Improvement dat soon were for-warded last week by the placing of a box in Sharp Hall in which students  were asked to drop their sug-gestions as to things which might be done on such day. The results will be used by the Student Council committee in charge of the project, consisting of Frank Hutchinson, Es-ther Brown, and George Lerew.

Tues., Apr. 5- Pauline Dell opened the Y. W. C. A. program this morning with the playing of a prelude. Bernice Fowler, the new program chairman, read the devotions and led in prayer. Lois Edwards drew a chalk picture while Ruth Ihde read a poem on "Peace." Afterward Gulah Hoover and Ethel Sherfy sang a duet, "Sweet Peace."

Mildred Ronk read several poems, among which was "The New Hero," written by Rufus James. The great-est heroes are not found on the battle field, but rather in the quiet walks of life, said Miss Ronk, as for instance the colored elevator man who ran his car up and down to rescue the people in a burning build-ing. Most people have their own pri-vate battles and are really unherald-ed heroes. The most loved heroes are heroes of peace. Ghandi is an example of this type; he is a hero of love and kindness.



Ignorance which thinks itself, en-lightened is unusually dangerous.

Want of care does us more damage than want of knowledge. -Poor Richard.


ate study at Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio.

Gulah Hoover spent the week-end in the Goover home at Quinter. Her mother and brother motored to the campus Friday for her, and they re-turned to Quinter together Saturday.



Vernon C. Rhoades

Business Manager

Lloyd A. Larsen

Associate editor

Wilbur Yoder

Ass't Business Manager

J. T. Williams

Associate Editor

Alberta Yoder

Ass't Business Manager

Jesse Dunning

Circulation Manager

Frank Hutchinson

No man undertakes a trade he has not learned, even the meanes; yet every one thinks himself sufficiently qualified for the hardest of all trades that of government.—Socrates.

Viola Bowser, A. B. '28 was a Mc-Pherson visitor during the week-end. Miss Bowser teaches at Bushton.


Agnes Bean

Una Ring

Mattie Shay

Dorothy Dresher

Adelyn Taylor

Everett Fasnacht

Mildred Doyle

Dennis Andes

Viola De Vilbiss

Faculty Adviser

Prof. Maurice A. Hess

Don't part with your illusions-when they are gone you may still exist but you have ceased to live.

Philip Lauver, a student here during the last two and one-half years visited on the campus from Tuesday until Friday. Lauver is now pastor of a Church of the brethren near Rich Hill, Missouri.

ine in Bethlehem; the second is a pastoral scene in Moab; the third is in Bethlehem in time of plenty; the fourth and fifth are in the time of the barley harvest, and the sixth takes place in the house of Boaz.

The cast consists of Ruth, played by Lois Edwards;Boaz, by Charles Austin; Naomi, by Helen Holloway; Jewish maiden, by Arlene Anderson; Orpah, by Mildred Dahlinger; Israel-itish woman, by Ellen Steinberg; reaper, by Harvey Shank; assistant reaper, by Blanch Harris; messenger also by Blanch Harris; and choruses of reapers, binders, gleaners, and Israelites.


Once every year. In the spring, elections are held on the campus when students elected by fellow students to positions of honor, responsibility, and trust. As stident voters we vest power in confidence in them not only to carry on their respective offices in school organizations but also to direct that organization which they represent in their respective offices to new and higher levels of attainment and leadership.

There are no political parties on the campus, however each voter has the opportunity to vote for the best qualified candidate. It is the duty and privilege of each regularly enrolled student in McPherson college to vote at the annual election which will be held on Friday, April 8, in the Admin-istration building from 10:30 to 12:30. As each student voter goes to the polls to vote let him consider carefully the merits and demerits of each prospective office holder,. Will he or she add dignity to the qualifications of the office? Is this candidate representative of the student body of the college? Will this candidate maintain the ideals of McPherson Col-lege, "the School of Quality"? The level of leadership which each organiza-tion shall approach can and will be no higher than the level of leadership exhibited in those whom we as students elect to those positions of responsibility.

An each student votes let him consider the candidate's qualifications for the particular office. -A. Y.

It's all right to look up and admire the stars, but never forget that the perfume of the earth comes from the flowers.

A little laughter takes the kinks out of the chain of life. Even the rusts of life are scoured off by mirth. Without laughter in your heart, you go over the rough roads like a wagon without springs.


Petie Unruh

April 6

Ralph Keedy

April 11


Vera and LaVere Flora and Lloyd Diggs, class of '30, motored to the Flora home at Quinter Saturday morning. Vera and LaVere returned to the campus Sunday night.

Some folks are so smart they keep out of trouble, and their smartness gets others into it.



Fifty Students to Have part in

Sacred Cantata


In no department of the college is cooperation more necessary than in the college library. In no department is it more deeplu appreciated, or the lack of it more injurious to the good of the whole.

Whatever efficiency of service the librarian and her staff have been able to give has been vary largely due to the loyal cooperation of the student  body and faculty. If we have been able to find material it has been because the last user of that material was careful to return it to its proper place. The person who on finding misplaced material is careful to either return that material or report its location, the one who while working in the stacks is careful not to misplace either books or magazines, renders

the library service just as truly as the librarian who goes back to those same stacks and finds that material where it has been carefully left. Therefore we as members of the library staff wish to pass on any words of appreciation which may come to us to those loyal users of the library who make effleient service possible. -Margaret Heckethord, Velma M. Kel-ler, Ada Brunk, Dorothy Dresher.

Lawrence Lehman, Roy Mason, Philip Lauver, and J. T. Williams de-parted Friday night for Missouri. Lauver went to Rich Hill, where he has a pastorate, and the other three motored to Norborne, where they visited during the week-end.

The sacred cantata, :Ruth the Moabitess," by J. Astor Broad, on which the college glee clubs have been participating under the direction of Mrs. Anna C. Tate, is to be given this Friday night. April 8, at 8:00 p. m. in the college chapel.

Altogether there are about fifty students in the production, which consists of four scenes. The first scene takes place in the time of family

Keith, Guy, and Kermit Hayes mo-tored to Wichita together Saturday. On their return, Keith and Guy visited on the campus for a short time.

Rev. H. F. Richards, pastor of the college church, departed last week for Wiley, Colorado, where he is con-ducting a series of revival meetings consists of six scenes. the first of next weel. Dean F. A. Replogle preached in the college church Sun-day morning; Rev. Evans of the Congregational church, Sunday


Following the lead of several other college papers of Kansas, we print, with our heartly endorsement, the following from the K. S. T. C. Bulletin, Emporia:

"Students in all colleges are prone to criticize the publications of their schools because they are not fill of important, timely news. A great majoriy of the criticism is unjust. The college newspaper cannot be judged on the same standards with a commercial daily.

"In the first place, if the college newspaper is to deal exclusively with college news, it is immediately confronted with the obvious fact that there is not enough real news on the campus to fill its four pages. The important events are common knowledge among the members of the comparatively small group that inhabits the campus, long before the paper goes to press. If the paper attempts to handle news of statewide or national importance it is open to the accusation of attempting to over-step itrs rightful limits. Furthermore, students read the daily papers and are probably acquainted with most of the important news before the college paper can present it to them.

“This is the difficult situation which confronts the editor of every co-lege paper. The college is a small community, isolated from others of its typ. Inter-campus communications are difficult to maintain and frequently fail to tield news that is of interest to readers. the smallness of the community renders intra-campus communication rapid and thorough; consequently the paper brings little actual ‘news' to the readers.

"Another obstacle in the path of the college newspaper is the excellence of the standards which it is required to maintain. The type of jour-nalism that attracts the most readers is the lurid, sensational presentation of material of questionable vaue. Naturally the college paper is forbidden to use many such devices in an effort to emulate the successful commercial papers. While a city daily may concentrate upon means of increasing its circulation and pleasing its readers, the college paper must adhere with ut-most rigidity to the rules of superior journalism. Every headline must have a verb, every front page must present an attractively balanced appearance. Each department must be accorded its just amount of publicity and news •pace.

"On top of all this, the staff of the paper is a conflomeration of beginners/ From the editor to the cub reporter, every member of the staff is performing a task that is relatively new to him. His newspaper experience is all, and his work consequently, far from polished. The membership of the staff is constantly changed and for this reason there is rarely an experienced individual included in the group.

These facts may help to explain to students who regard the college paper as the misused plaything of journalism classes, that although the staff members may be trying their level beat to publish a paper of which the school will be proud, and which they as students would enjoy reading the difficulties which confront the staff make this an extremely difficult  task." -From the Bulletin, KAnsas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas.

Marjorie Bunce, a student here last year, visited on the campus during the week-end. Miss Bunce home is at Bushton, Kansas.

Velma Keller and Mary and Walter Weddle motored to their respective homes near Bloom, Kansas, Saturday. They stopped at several schools where Miss Weddle and Miss Keller made personal applications for teaching positions. The Weddles re-turned to the campus Sunday night, while Miss Keller did not return until late Monday night.

"The human mind is an intricate structure. It requires praise, and when this is carefully thought oit and propertly distributed it brightens the human sense. It also requires criticism, but the very finest and constructive.

"‘Ability to successfully deal with this human mind is a fine art yet a difficult one to master, because with praise if it is overdone or underdone it loses all the good effect, and the same is true with discipline or criticism; if there is either too

too much or not enough, it is, by the name taken, most harmful." - Exchange

Ethe; Jamison of Quinter has re-cently been pledged by Pi Lambda Theta, honorary fraternity wom-an in education, at the University of

Richard Mohler, non of Prof. and Mrs R. E. Mohler, is confined to his home with an attack of measles.

Oneita Boyer visited in Arnold Hall Saturday and Sunday. Miss Boyer was a student here the first semester of this year, and is now en-rolled in Hutchinson Junior College.

Dr. and Mrs. J. Willard Hershey and son Artis, Mrs. V. F. Schwalm and Velma Amos, were in Hutchin-son Saturday on a business and pleasure trip.

Fern Showmaker, A. B. ’29, who is now teaching in the Gypsum High School, visited friends and relatives in McPherson Saturday and Sunday.

Kenneth Rock; A. B. ’27, was in McPherson Friday night for the Booster Banquet. He is a teacher at Abilene. He returned to his home. Sunday.

Floy Brown. A. B. '29. and Eloise Van Natta of Hutchinson were guests of Esther Brown in Arnold Hall. Saturday and Sunday. Miss Brown is a teacher at Ellinwood.

Winston Cassier, A. B. '27, called on McPherson friends last week. Mr. Cassier recently completed his gradu-

Les us remember that as much as has been given us, much will be expected from us; and that true homage comes from the heart as well as from the lips and shown itself

in deeds. -Exchange.



for aching wrists and tired foot was the fact that they got to see who all were present.

Of course the big thing on every-body's tongue this week is the elec-tion. and of course there's alot of politics buzzing in the air. Dont believe all you hear. Dear Public, and don't vote for a candidate just be-cause he's a good guy or because you feel sorry for him. Vote for ability and qualifications and let your con-science be your guide.

Were the girls disappointed when they finally got to glimpse the mys-terious interior of Fahnestock Hall? At least they were polite enough to hide their disillusionment if they were were. If they had only known how long Whiteneck worked on his room to bring it to a presentable state they might have been more impressed. That lad even waxed his floor with hardboiled eggs.


There were rumors that the girls of Arnold Hall plotted revenge on the villains that gave them the goat. Someone actually accused them of trying to return the compliment late Sunday night. Now you know that ladies of an Institution like this wouldn't do anything of the kind. The fellows were just having night-mares due to their troublesome conscience.

Aside from pouring coffee in a water glass and kicking a skin or two against the chairs of the singing banqueteers, the waiters and waitresses for along pretty well at the


We notice that several candidates have invested in new sweaters with becoming shirt and ties to match. That ought to get the feminine vote.

It was rumored that J. T. Williams has been sitting at a different table every meal in order to attract votes. The boy has no competition so the rumor is probably an invention of a secret enemy of his. that's too bad, but the great must expect to be maligned, J. T.

For real campaigning Roy Peebler is the champion. He really has origi-nality and pop. His campaign has been progressing without an obstacle for he even has the assistance of the elements. One day Peeb dropped his handbills and the wind helped him distribute them over the campus.

There were some persuasive speeches at the political meeting last Thursday. Juhnke interpreted his flow of oratory with corresponding facial expressions that left the audience weak enough to be persuaded

And for force and enthusiasm. Royal Frantz was one of the best. That boy is an expert in several lines. As a linotypist he's right there.

The paddle wielders were not so kind to Ethel Sherfy and her cam-paign speech, but she was earnest enough to endure their whamming for s while at least. Too bad she didn't get to finish said speech for 'tis told that the rest of it was a wow. . . . You know Dusty and Yoder his right hand man, have made pilgrimages to the Republican office every Tuesday night where they work all evening on newt day's Spec. But it’s a lonely life and each of them have wished for the gracious pres-ence of some lovely lady. It depends upon the outcome of the elections whether this wish will be granted, for one of them at least. If the public is kind Wilbur can change his regular Wednesday date night to Tuesday night and combine business and pleasure. Of course there are sev-eral obstacles, one being that the linotype man will always be chaperon, but there are advantages too. Think of the money Yoder can save on mid-week shows. Isn't that a cory picture? . . . Una reading proof with a couple of smudges on her nose and Wilbur with hands like a coal miner pushing the bars of type hither and yon?

The fellows must have the idea that Arnold Hall is a menagerie. First they bring over a couple of Easter Bunnies and now this week its a goat that invades the sacred

Spring doth approach . . In fact it's already upon us. Even if you didn't see the grass, the buds, the bugs, the birds, etc., etc., you could tell that Spring had arrived by these couples promenading here and there at all hours of the day and night. When two people eat breakfast, din-' ner and supper together and go walking or talking at every other odd hour they ought to be pronounced incurable and sent to a desert isle. They really aren't an asset to society in their present state.

Another sign of Spring is the exodus of the dining ball gang down Euclid. But be careful everybody, here comes Miss Heckethorn in her Leaping Lena. You never can tell where that wagon will go.

Replogle's remark that a certain policy in the Chicago schools raised such an aroma that it had to be abandoned reminds us of those halitosis advertisements. "And he could nev-er tell her why the engagement was

The Prohibition speaker Monday morning wasn't at all bad. If one most take these reformation pills, they go down better if they're sugar-coated with a lot of humor. What we want to know is this. Did the speaker know Prof. Harnly or Rep-logle when they were young blades? His cracks certainly produced some blushes on their respective faces


TO visit McPherson

Prof. E. F. Nickoley Comes Thru International Club

Professor Edward F. Nickoley, Dean of the American University at Beirut,Syria, who is in this country as a visiting professor for the Car-negie Endowment for International Peace, will speak on Thursday evening, April 7, at 8 o'clock at the coll-lege church, on "Disarmament”, un-der the auspices of the International Relations Club of the College, and again in chapel at 9:45 a. m. lowing morning, April 8, on "The Near East."

Professor J. D. Bright is arranging the meetings at which Professor Niokeley will speak.

Through long years of residence as a member of the Faculty of the American University at Beirut, Syria. Professor Nickoley is unusually qua-lifies to interpret to Americans the conditions and problems of the Near East. He has lived for over a quarter of a century in that part of the world and has held some of the most important positions in the edu-cational field, including the Acting Presidency of the American University in Beirut of which be is now Dean. He is an authoritative and forceful speaker and has made a thorough study of political and economic conditions in the Neat East. During the present year he is lecturing on Economics and International Relations in many colleges and universities and is also serving as Professor of Economics at the University of Illinois.


A new advertiser in the Spectator this week is the McPherson Shine Shoppe, operated by Leland Heaton. Mr. Heaton moved here with his family from Dennison, Texas, and Is making his home here in McPherson He has had eight years experience in the shoe shining business and is prepared to dye or shine shoes of every description.


Characterizes State Control As A Complete Failure

“A ghastly, grim, unspeakable failure"- so the Canadian System of Liquor control was characterized last Monday by Ben Spence, noted Canadian Journalist of Toronto, Canada, who is touring the college of Kansas in the interests of the Inter-collegiate Prohibition Association.

Mr. Spence defined alcoholism as the poisoning of germ plasm, body, and society caused by narcotic beverages, and said that the amount of alcohol determines the amount of poisoning, and that the facilities for obtaining liquor determine the amount of consumption of alcohol. He said, "In so far as you want 100% prohibition you will abolish the facilities for obtaining alcohol."

Then, in a ringing indictment of his own country's system of state

sale, he refuted three of the arguments put forth by Nicholas Murray Butler in favor of the Canadian sys-

First, he said, there has not been an abolition of private traffic. Of the 5235 liquor selling places in Canada, 4596 are privately owned and oper-ated. Not a drop is sold, even in the government shops, that does not contribute to private gain.

Second, Mr. Spence said that the Canadian system was not a govern-ment control system, but a government selling system. The only time the government has control over li-iuor is the brief period when it is

way from the private brewery to the consumer. After it is sold, the time when control is most needed, the only control is that of the liquor over the fellow who drinks it.

In the third place, said the speaker, in spite of Dr. Rutler's statement to the contrary there are saloons in Canada, even though they go by the more respectable name of "beer parlors." He said that these "beer parlors" were the same disorderly, dirty places as the old saloons, and asserted that the idea that saloons did not exist in Canada is "inane silli-

He have the cost of liquor to Can-ada last year as 193 million dollars, and said that a similar system would have cost the United States two billion,  700 million dollars. In addition to  the financial cost of the liquor has been the tremendous cost in the re-sults of liquor consumption, mostly in crime and accidents, which have increased in most cases over 100% since state control was begun.

Mr. Spence asserted that the chief gain in the United States, over and above the others accruing from pro-hibition, has been the psychological effect of the prohibition law on youth's attitude toward liquor.


N. S. P. A.

An agreement between the house and the senate conference on the proposed constitutional amendment abolishing the lame duck session of congress has been reached. Never before have any house and senate been able to agree on it. The amend-ment must me ratified by the states within seven years to become effective.

President Hoover's war against de-pression gained another objective when he signed the Glass-Steagall bill designed to aid distressed banks by liberalizing the credit facilities of the federal reserve banks. The bill means, incidentally, that the treasury can put as much as $2,500,000,000  in new money.

The big new revenue bill which is to raise more than a billion dollars a year for the federal government in addition to its present income, has been introduced into the house. The house is expected to adopt the 10,000 word bill without substantial alterations. Its fate in the senate is uncertain.

Gerhart Hauptmann, the greatest Herman dramatist since Goethe, is visiting in the United States. While he was in Cambridge, Miss., he found shelter and hospitality in Craigle House, rich in its memories of Henry

Wadsworth Longfellow.

Speaker John N. Garner put through the house a $132,500,000 highway construction bill as a part of the unemployment relief program in a single day. The measure provides for loans to states for road building. Perhaps his ability to get things done explains why Garner, scarcely known even in his own state of Texas before he recently became speaker of the house, it now looked upon as a possibility for the Demo-critic nomination for president.

John Wall and his mother return-ed to their home in McPherson recently, after an extended tour of southern and southeastern United States. During their tour, which lasted several weeks, they visited a number of relatives of the Wall fam-

ily, John Wall, who graduated with the class of '28, is the president of the McPherson College Alumni Association.

"Give a sentence with the word 'bewitches'."

“Go ahead—I'll bewitches in a minute."—Judge.

Now is the season for Parties, Ban-quets and Picnics, keep looking your best by visiting Hawley Barber and Beauty Shop regularly. We know your needs. Ask our Bulldog Friends. Hawley Barber and Beauty Shop. Phone 499.—Adv.



Hutchinson Junior College Will Furnish Opposition

The city of McPherson has shown

unusual cooperation with the local committee, consisting of Dr. J. Willard Hershey. Dr. Warren Knaus, and Dr. H. J. Harnly, in planning and financing the science meeting program. Of the $175 required for Dr. S. A. Barrett's lecture and transportation to McPherson, the McPherson Chamber of Commerce has contributed fifty dollars, the McPherson Public School Board twenty-five dol-lars, the Academy twenty-five dollars, Central college ten dollars, and other organizations of the city the remaining part.

Barn Stormers


The first track meet of the season is scheduled for next Friday, April R. with Hutchinson junior college coming here. The McPherson men have been working hard recently in preparation for this meet.

The entries for the various events wilt probably be picked from the following candidates:

100 yard dash—Mowbray, Carpenter, Lindholm, Ohmart.

220 yard dash—Mowbray, Carpenter, Lindholm, Ohmart.

440 yard dash—Ohmarl, Kraus, Moore, Williams, Blume, Carpenter, Mowbray, Van Nortwick.

High hurdles—Mowbray, Himes, Wiggins.

Low hurdles — Blume, Wiggins, Himes.

880 yard run—McGill, Van Nortwick.

Mile run—McGill, Tice, Taylor.

Shot put—Zinn, Rock, Johnson.

Discus — Zinn, Rock, Johnson, Himes.

Pole vault—Bradley, Kraus, Wig-


High jump—Himes, Helbert, Williams, Moore, Bradley, Wiggins,

Broad jump—Ohmart, Bradley.

The men who have been out for tennis are Jenkins, Kelly, Kindy, Gottmann, Stoner, Austin, and Binford. The squad for Friday's meet will probably be picked from these men. The Junior college will have their tennis teams here to compete with the Bulldogs Friday.



The Alloy Rats were winners in the basket ball tournament which ended basketball season in the girls' gym classes last week. On Monday the Alley Rats played the Barnstormers with the following results:

Alley Rats

E. Richards, f

4 pts.

A. Christiansen, f

2 pts.

M. Oliver, f

2 pts

L. Oaks, f

M. Elliot, f

D. Fearey, g

E. Pote, g

M. Brown, g

8 pts.

R. Hobart, f

2 pts.

L. Hawkins, f

3 pts.

O. Clark, f

A. Bean, f

E. Carlson, g

R. Ihde, g

M. Dappen, g

M. Ronk, g

5 pts

On Wednesday the Alloy Rats played the Cauliflowers with the following results:

Alley Rats, 12 pts.—-Scoring by E. Richards (4) L, Oaks (4), M. Oliver (2) and M. Elliott (2).

Cauliflowers, 6 pts.— All scored by Vivian Steeves.

Whatsoever a man sews that also shall be rip.


Faculty Team Takes Opener From Minear, 9 to 7

The four teams that tied for first place in the intra-mural basketball league are not faring so well in the base-ball, each having lost the first game. The faculty team which makes the eighth team in the baseball league started its intra-mural play in fine style by winning from Minear's team Monday afternoon by a score of 9 to 7.

Other scores were:

Williams 7, Kraus 29 Whiteneck 10, Carpenter 18 McGill 26, Yoder 15 Games will be played as rapidly as possible, although provision will be made that they do not conflict with track practice periods.


McPherson’s LOYALTY

tion of Kansas."

President V. F. Schwalm, speaking on "The College Outlook," first tendered the thanks of the school for the spirit of cooperation shown by all who prepared for and attended the Booster Banquet, especially mention-

menu, publicity, and ticket sales. He stated that 61 out of every 10,000 of population in the United States are in colleges and universities, as compared with the low figures of 15 for Great Britain and 13 for France. In relation to the local college Dr. Schwalm mentioned the maintenance

made by students in forensics and music, the efficiency of the 1931-32 faculty, and the revision of the curriculum to provide better for the actual needs of the individual. "We of McPherson college fear no comparison with other Kansas colleges, ex-cepting in the matter of endowment,” said Dr. Schwalm. He expressed the hope that the endowment can be sufficiently raised to allow re-entrance of the local school into the North Central Association before another year, mentioning the fact that two neighboring colleges have this year offered to merge with M. C. on condition that the local college move to their respective towns.

The main speech of the evening was preceded by music by the McPherson college combined glee clubs.

"Education for Modern America" was the subject of the speech by Dr. Burris Jenkins, the principal speaker of the evening. For nearly an hour he held his audience in perfect attention while he reviewed the status of modern education in relation to the needs of the modern world, and the unwholesome conditions of international affairs which only youth can settle. Dr. Jenkins is pastor of the Linwood Boulevard Christian Church of Kansas City, and a popular radio speaker, author, and lecturer. He was brought hero for the banquet program by airplane, being piloted by Dr. John D. Brock, one of the most famous aviators of the country. Dr. Brock holds the record of making flights every day now for over 800 days. He was a guest at the speakers’ table during the Booster Banquet.

Don Oases of the Libyan Desert." The lecture, to be given at 8:15 p. m. in the college chapel, will be illus-trated by colored slides. On Friday evening at 5:45 p. m. a banquet for the visiting scientists will be held in the College Church, with Dr. Warren Knaus of McPherson acting as toastmaster. After a short address of welcome by Pres. V. F. Schwalm of McPherson college. Dr. Roger B. Smith of Kansas State College will deliver the presidential address, entitled "Upsetting the Balance of Nature, With Special "Reference to Kansas and the Great Plains Region."

The chief address of the science meeting will be given in Community Hall on Friday night, beginning at 8:15 o'clock, by Dr. S. A. Barrett, director of the Milwaukee Public Museum. His lecture, illustrated by colored slides, is entitled “Tamest Africa", and will concern the animal life of that continent. To Dr. Barrett's lecture, to that by Dr. Mel-chers, and to all of the sessions of the Academy the public is cordially barrassed by too much gold reserve. In fact over half that of the entire world. Therefore our high tariff walls put us ino the paradoxial position of asking for debt payments and at the same time refusing the payments when offered. Dr. Jenkins says that the debts can never be collected, and that we might as well extend the Hoover moratorium indef-initely.

The Kansas City minister said that, contrary to the popular belief, it is no longer possible to live alone as a nation and "paddle our own canoe." George Washington's famous warning against "entangling allian-ces” was made under peculiar and temporary circumstances, when mixing in foreign affairs would have meant death to the infant republic; if Washington lived now he would recognize that the United States must inevitably take a part in world relations. Politics must be disregarded, said the speaker, and both parties must either prepare for the next war, into which our country la bound to be drawn, or else prevent it before it comes over the horizon.

In conclusion Dr. Jenkins appealed to the youth as represented in his audience to work for United States entrance into the League of Nations and the World Court so that the World War shall not have been fought in vain. His confidence was expressed in his closing statement, "Youth will not fall."



Fri., Apr. 1—Prof. J. Hugh Heckman read the scripture in chapel this morning. The rest of the time was spent in singing college songs in preparation for the group singing at the Booster Banquet. The assembly was led by Blanch Harris and accompanied by a small orchestra composed of Pauline Dell, Mattie Shay, Herbert Eby, Archie Lindholm, and Delbert Kelly.



Sun., April 3—At the regular C. E. hour this evening the officers and members of the newly elected College Christian Endeavor organization were installed. Dr. J. D. Bright gave a short address and presented the charge to the cabinet group.

The newly elected officers are Everett Fasnacht, president: Glen Austin, vice-president; Faithe Ketter-man, secretary; Edith Bechtelhemer, treasurer; and the remaining cabinet members are Mildred Ronk, Josephine Wagner, Lois Edwards, Bernice Dresher, Lois Lackey, Florence Dresher and Royal Frantz.

The savage shouldn’t be savage. He doesn’t have to search through 14 pockets to find something.