McPherson college, McPHERson, Kansas, Wednesday, mas. 30, 1932






Directs Milwaukee Public Museum Since 1920—Has Conducted Several African Expeditions—Authority-on Animal Life


Prof L. E. Melcher to Give Lecture in Chapel April 14, With Colored Slides


The academy of Science which is to be held on the McPherson College Campus April 14, 15, and 16 has as its main speaker, Dr. S. A. Bar-rell, director of the Milwaukee Puh-lid Museum and leader of the Cud-ahy-Massee-Milwaukee Museum African Expedition and of various other expeditions for Scientific research, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

evening address before the Kansas Academy of Science at McPherson, Kansas, on April 15 was born at Little Rock, Arkansas, according to "Who's Who". He received his bach-elor's, master's and doctor’s degrees at the University of California. He studied a year also at Colombia Uni-veralty. He was awarded a Doctor of Science degree by Lawrence Uni-versity, Appleton, Wisonsin.

Dr. Barrett was ethnologist on an expedition to South America, where he studied, in particular, the Cayapa Indians or Ecuador. He has made a special study of the Pomo and Miwok Indians of California and of the Winnebago Indians of Wisconsin. He has published extensively on these and other tribes.

Next Saturday evening, April 2, the men of Fahnestock Hall will hold open house during the hours from 7:30 to 10:30 o'clock. At this time they will welcome visitors from the other dormitories on the campus, members of the faculty and their families, and any others of the community who wish to come. As the Open House Party is usually held but once a year it is expected that many visitors will avail themselves of the opportunity to visit the men in their college homes.


Conducts 5 Meetings Besides Many Personal Interviews and Class Lectures

Today—Thespian Club initiation, luncheon at 6:3O p. m.

Thurs., Mar. 31—Nominating convention in chapel, 10:00 a. m. Primary election, 10:30—12:30.

Friday, Apr. 1—BOOSTER BANQUET, Community Hall 7:00 p. m. Sat., Apr. 2—Open House, Fahnestock Hall, 7:30—10:30 p. m.

Sun., Apr. 3— Installation of officers, College C. E. meeting, 6:30 p. m.



McPherson Citizens, Churches of college District, Alumni, and Students all Cooperate to Make Big Event An Unusual Success



Doctor Barrett was made Curator of Anthropology of the Public Mu-seum of Milwaukee in 1909, and Director of the Museum on the resigna-tion of Mr. H. Ward in 19320. In 1928 he went to Africa as head of the Cudahy-Massee Milwaukee Mu-seum African Expedition. While on this trip, many reels of motion pic-tures were made. A large number of skins of animals were brought back. This material was of such value and importance that a cold storage plant was built in the basement of the Museum and these skins were stored at low temperatures. The films are also being stored at low temperatures to preserve them.

Doctor Barret does not consider Africa a dark continent, but a bright place teeming with wild life. He chooses for his subject, "Tamest Africa". His pictures deal with, inti-mate views of wild life and of the people he met on this expedition. The expedition made the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Johnson their headquarters while preparing the animal skins for shipment back home.

Doctor Barrett la a very scholarly man of impressive appearance. He is quite at home on the lecture platform and he knows what folks like to hear. He is a very popular lecture and in much demand.

Dr. Reger C. Smith, who is Presi-

(Continued on Page Three)

Tues., Mar 29—Conducting five public meetings besides a number of classroom lectures and personal interviews. Dr. James S. Chubb of Southwestern university has spent two days here of considerable profit to McPherson college students. Dr. Chubb was brought to the McPherson campus by the local Y. M. C. A. He is head of the department of religion and philosophy at South western, and is well known as a psychol-ogist and personnel worker, having a good reputation for being an in- spirarional leader of young people.

One of his mosr interesting talks was given in the Monday morning chapel service, when he spoke of how students could develop the modern Christian attitude toward life situations. He compared the insignificant, "fool-proof” world of Columbus with the modern world of interdependent people and nations. I11 the world of Columbus men could be divided into groups and nations, but now that is impossible. Some significant state-ments made by Dr. Chubb were the following: "There is no doubt that the world we have today has more possibilities than the world of Chris-

Excitement on the campus is running high as the 1932 McPherson college political campaign draws to a climax. Campaign posters may be seen everywhere advertising the virtues of this or that candidate for office, and most students are displaying a great deal of interest in the qualifications of the various applicants for the positions sought.

Tomorrow morning at 10:00 o'clock the annual political rally and nominating convention will take place in the chapel, under the leadership of Ralph Keedy, president of the Student Council. At this time either the campaign manager of someone chosen by him will deliver a nominating speech for each candidate, divulging his platform, his past history, his special qualifications, and the outlook for the future of the office in question if filled by him. One and one half minutes (no more and no less, says President Keedy) will be allowed for each speech.

Immediately following the nominating speeches the primary election will take place, from 10: 30 to 12:30 o'clock, Students will run their votes for the offices of president of the Student Council and men's cheer leader, the only offices for which there are more than two candidates.

Nominating Speeches For Candidates To Be Given in Chapel at 10 A. M.

Only Two Offices Have More Than Twu Candidates- Some Have No Opposition

Kansas City Speaker to Be Flown by Dr. Brock, Famous Aviator of Kansas City Airport

Pres. V. F. Schwalm, who spent two weeks in doing field work among the churches of Idaho, returned to the campus last Wednesday morning.

Tues., Mar 29- After a checkup this evening of all results turned in by McPherson college faculty members in the big Booster Banquet ticket selling campaign, it was revealed that an unusually large number of tickets had been sold, the amount of cash already turned in amounting to approximately fourteen hundred dollars. President V. F Schwalm expressed satisfaction at the splendid spirit of cooperation and friendship toward the college displayed by the citizens of McPherson and surrounding towns in making the second annual Booster Banquet a success. Nearly all of the merchants along Main Street have already purchased, and other business and professional men of McPherson are showing a decided interest in the Banquet.


Student Council Initiates Project—Committee Is Working Out Arrangements

Under the leadership of the Student Council an all-school Campus improvement Day has been tentatively planned, and at present a com-mittee appointed by that body is considering arrangements by which the plans can be realized. Frank Hutch-ison is chairman, and is assisted by George Lerew and Esther Brown.

This committee has been making a survey of the various things needed

fulness of the campus, and also of the time and expense involved in making the improvements. Working in conjunction with the faculty and the administration they will appoint sub-committees to have charge of different phases of the work planned for the Campus Improvement Day. If


Formal Initiation Ceremonies Completed at Luncheon Tonight

The new members of the Thespian Club are receiving their just dues in an all day Initiation on the campus today. The initiates will be seen in various and sundry paraphernalia which will prove interesting and at-tractive to the remaining students of the campus. Not only will the new members be affected by these assignments but their closest friends will not be permitted to hold conference with them during the day.

At the close of the day, the members will be rewarded for their faithful services with a light luncheon which will be held in the Y. W. room. The luncheon might well be termed a banquet for the guests will be entertained with toasts and after dinner speeches carefully prepared by the new members.

New members being initiated by the Thespian club Genevieve Crist, Velma Amos, John Kindy, John Austin, Ralph Keedy, Hobart Hugh-ey, and Blanch Harris.

topher Columbus, provided that we have the judgment to use the ma-chinery"; "There are entirely too many people with the Columbus type of mind in our present timeless, spaceless world.”

Dr. Chubb stated that the student of the present age can display the truly modern Christian spirit by de-ciding any questions which arise on the basis of justince, honor, and in-(Continued on Page Four)



Fri., March 25- Several musical numbers were given in chapel this morning.

First was a vocal duet. "My Savior Liveth," by Gulah Hoover and Lois Edwards. They were accompanied by Pauline Dell at the piano while Miss Margaret Shelley played a violin obligato. Then President V. F. Schwalm read a scripture and gave a short talk on examining our lives taking the Easter season seriously.

This was followed by a piano solo played by Julia Mingenback and a violin solo by Mr. Lloyd Spear, "Fan-tasy," from "Fanst". Miss Mingen-back, a pupil of Miss Fern Lingen-felter, is from the city junior high school, and Mr. Speal, a pupil of Miss Margaret Shelley, is from the Windom high school.


Give Luncheon in Y. W. C. A. Room Wednesday Evening

The members of the Y. W. C. A. cabinet of 1931-32 entertained the newly elected cabinet members of the local organization with a delightfully planned luncheon at 5:30 o'clock on Wednesday evening, March 23, in the Y. W. C. A. room of the college

Following the serving of the delicious two-course luncheon the group played games under the direction of Helen Holloway and Ethel Sherry. A violin solo was played by Mattie Shay, after which Alberta Yoder, retiring from the presidency or the Y. W. C. A., conducted an Easter worship service. This service was followed by the impressive presentation of each cabinet member's position to her successor.

Those present were Alberta Yoder, Helen Holloway, Ethel Sherfy, Evelyn Saylor, Constance Rankin, Grace Heckman, Mary Waddle, Elizabeth Richards, Ada Brunk, Esther Brown, Mattie Shay, Una Ring, Cor-rine Bowers, Gulah Hoover, Dorothy Dresher, Bernice Fowler, Genevieve Crist, Louise Ikenberry, and Miss Della Lehman.

made for the project, classes are to be dismissed for a half day, or perhaps a day. and all students will cooperate in cleaning up and eliminating undesirable things about the campus, at the same time doing what can be done to beautify and other-wise improve the grounds and buildings. It has been suggested that some kind of picnic be held in the evening following, so that students may combine pleasure with work in their efforts toward the success of the event.

Full cooperation of the college faculty and administration is assured, and the only thing now remaining is to complete plans for the


Thurs., Mar. 24- The Chemistry Club program for today consisted of the annual chemistry spelling match for the beginning chemistry students, when the budding chemists are asked to "spell down" in a con-test using terms frequently encountered in chemistry.

Leland Enberg won a price in the contest, and was awarded a set of five books for planing first. John Austin was awarded a prize of one dollar for winning second place.

With the exception of the college students, who have been somewhat tardy in buying their tickets, the sale thus far has been very successful considering the strenuous financial conditions. It is expected that many people who have not yet definitely arranged to be on hand will obtain tickets within the next two days, as they did last year in the days immediately preceding the banquet.

Dr. Burris Jenkins, the leading

speaker for the banquet Friday night, plans to arrive by airplane, coming

to Hutchinson because of lack of a suitable airport at McPherson. The pilot who will fly his plane, Dr. John D. Brock. is a widely known and spectacular aviator. He holds a record for having made at least one flight a day for over two years, a par-lod of 900 days. He recently completed a tour including the capitals of all the 48 states.

Dr. Jenkins, a noted author, world traveler, and radio speaker, will have as his subject for the Booster Ban-quet "Education for Modern Amer-ica". Other speakers who will give brief toasts are Dean Paul Lawson of Kansas university. State Superin-tendent George Allen of Topeka, and Superintendent Huesner of the Salina public schools.

Mush for the Banquet program will be furnished by Mrs. Anna C. Tate, who will sing a soprano solo, and the combined college glee clubs, singing the final chorus from the cantata "Ruth, the Mosbitess," to be given next week. An orchestral ensemble directed by Miss Margaret Shelley will also play.

It is urged that students buy their tickets today if possible, so that the


Topic Will Be "Canadian System of Liquor Control"

Ben Spence, noted canadian Jour-nalist, is scheduled to speak next Monday morning, April 4, in the college chapel, beginning at 9:45. His subject will be "The Canadian System of Liquor Control." The extra fifteen minutes added to the regular chapel period is to allow time for both a talk by Mr. Spence and a forum afterward, in which the students and faculty will have an op-portunity to ask him questions concerning his subject and to present their own views.

Having been a Washington repre-sentative of one of the leading Cana-dian newspapers, a member of the Press Club and the Senate Press Gal-lery, the speaker has had an excep-tional opportunity to observe Ameri-can and Canadian affairs with the view of comparison, and will be prepared to present facts and figures interpreted by his experience and observation. As a speaker he is said to be keen, witty, and resourceful.


WEDNESDAY, MAR. 30, 1932



quet Saturday night.




Vernon C. Rhoades

Business Manager

Lloyd A. Larsen

Associate Editor

Wilbur C. Yoder

Ass't Business Manager

J. T. Williams

Associate Editor

Alberta Yoder

Ass't Business Manager

Jessee Dunning

Circulation Manager

Frank Hutchinson


Agnes Bean

Una Ring

Mattie Shay

Dorothy Dresher

Adelyn Taylor

Everett Fasnacht

Mildred Doyle

Dennis Andes

Viola De Vilbiss

Faculty Adviser


Prof. Maurice A. Hess

The student Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. conference will be held at Estes Park, Colorado, June 7 to 17. The conference is being planned to help each students in those areas of life in which he has problems in connection with his own thinking and conduct. Estes does not offer a pan-aces nor a final solution to the student's personal and social problems, but it does offer ten days of honest thinking, of sharing of experiences, of relaxation and recreation of deep fellowship with students and leaders

It is ten days in earnest quest of life's meaning and in the achievement of now levels of thinking.

The program of the conference has been worked out so that it will develop in a constantly enlarging circle beginning with the self that is with the individual—this problems, frustrations, successes and possibilities.

The circle nearest him is his campus relationships, then his family— the home of his parents and his own future home, and next his relation to society in genera— to the state and the world, and to some of those acute issues with which every person and notion is today faced.

The place of religion, philosophy, psychology, economics to these individual and social questions will be discussed. The process will develop gradually, no that as the Conference progresses from day to day each new step will come naturally.

The meaning of Jesus for us today is a question which will run near the center of the Conference. Are we really Christian as a nation, groups, and as individuals? An hour each day will be given to objective studies of His teachings.

One of the real opportunities at Estes is to come to know great per-sonalities. There will be leaders from many professions, and occupations. Estes is composed of students and leaders from many campuses and from many lands. What a rare opportunity to expand one's horizons, to form new friendships, to come to know some of the outstanding representa-tatives of other nations who are guest students in our country. Estes is a campus of cooperation, of democracy, of friendliness.

Estes Park, itself, is located in the Colorado Rockies. From the Conference grounds can be seen the snow-capped mountain peaks with Long's Peak in the distance. The Conference provides rare opportunity for recre-

ation in the mountains including mountain hikes, picnics, horseback trips,

and motor trips to the scenic points.

As a student or faculty member plan now how to spend 10 days in June, attending the Estes Conference and be a part of the McPherson delegation. Adopt the slogan "On to Estes."—A. Y.

A bluff and a bluster may deceive

a few but ultimately the shriveled heart, the decayed core is disclosed, and the society ramshackle falls.—


Life may be a fleeting show,

Of wormwood and of gail,

But there are a lot of folks you know,

Who get no show at all.

You are much more apt to skin yourself sliding down than climbing up.

"The man who sticks has the sense to see he can make of himself what he wants to be, if he’ll off with his coat and pitch right in,—why the man who sticks can't help but win.

Oil and water are no harder to mix than good luck and bad habits.

'Tis hard for an empty bag to stand upright/—Poor Richard.


Walter Weddle motored to his home near Bloom Thursday evening, where he spent the remainder of the week. he returned to the campus Sunday evening.

Ethel Sherfy and Kermit Hayes spent Friday and Saturday in making personal calls at a number of high schools in central Kansas, in their attempt to secure teaching positions.

for next year.

Archie Van Nortwick and Elmer Keck visited in their respective homes at Summerfield, during the


Myreia Hammann and Lloyd Show-maker motored to Lawrence Wednesday morning to bring back several K. U. students who were excused for the Easter vacation. On the return trip Thursday. Miss Hammann made several personal applications for teaching positions.

Ralph Keedy and Kenneth Biti-kofer, both seniors, made an early morning visit to Arnold Hall Easter Sunday morning.



A party of five boys from Fahnestock Hall left the campus Friday afternoon for Colorado and points west. Those in the party include Wilbur Whiteneck, Gordon Kraus, Tommy Taylor, Wheeler Kurts, and Harry Frantz. They planned to visit in the Frantz home at Rocky Ford, Colorado. They returned to the campus Tuesday afternoon.

John Cottingham, class of '30, was a caller on the campus during the week-end.

Floy Brown, class of ’28, has been having a great deal of success with her Ellinwood high school debate teams this spring. After winning first place in a district tournament held during February in Hutchinson, the teams coached by Miss Brown entered the Tenth District Tourna-ment held at Sterling. They won first place and the right to represent the district in the state tournament at Lawcptice, held two weeks ago, on March 18 and 19.

The Ellinwood debaters took second place in the state tournament, in the division for Class B. schools.


Fern Handke

Mar. 30

Donald Baker

Apr. 1

Elizabeth Richards

Apr. 5


Prof. J. A. Blair spent Saturday at Kingman, Kansas. He attended a meeting of the Kingman school boars and took part in the sessions of a teachers' institute.

Dean F. A. Replogle continues to

take an active part in various school progrms in cities surrounding Mc-Pherson. Last week he was present at the Windom Parent-Teachers meeting on Tuesday night, and took part in a similar meeting at the Champion school Friday night. On Saturday, March 19, he was on the program of the Harper County Teachers Meeting held at Anthony.

George Gardner, former Bulldog coach, was in McPherson for a short time Saturday. He was on his way to Buhler, where he spoke at a ban-

Bruce Rolf, a farmer McPherson student, was in McPherson during the week-end. Mr Rolf is now at-tending Kansas State College, Man-hattan.

Velma butterbaugh, and Marjorie Bunce, students here last year, were visitors in Arnold Hall Saturday and Sunday.

Ruth Miller, a former McPherson student, and her mother, of Carlton, Nebraska, visited their sister and daughter, Pauline, in Arnold Hall during the week-end.


Statesmen and educators have said recently that humanity has made as much or more progress since 1860, as in all the period before that. It is a natural question, to ask "What, in this latter period, has made possible such rapid progress?'"The writer recognizes a multiplicity of political, economic, social, and religious factors which have had a part in this rapidity of progress, but there is one underlying principly which is more or less fundamental to the success of the other factors. This underlying principle is that men have learned to profit by the mistakes of others.

The teaching once followed, was "To err once is experience; to repeat it is tragedy." For thousands of years each generation had to re-learn practically the whole existing knowledge, by the trial-and-error method. If the civilization was to equal that of the preceding generation. But now each generation advances from a position held by the preceding generation, faking the existing knowledge as a foundation on which to work. Advanced educational methods and modern means of communication have been in no small was responsible for this ability to advance civiliza-tion more rapidly. Improved transportation systems have made learning by travel safe, interesting, and practical. The radio has made it possible for the person of limited finances to learn Books have facilitated the progress of each succeeding generation, more and more. Thomas Carlyle said "Literature is the thought of thinking souls." Each generation is en-dowed with the accumulated experiences of the past, because these experiences live again in books.

When we have opportunity to read and become informed, we should not pass up the opportunity, but read widely and thoroughly. By reading we can get in several years, what it took our ancestors centuries to find out by experimentation. After reading, it is then our task to use our knowledge for service to man kind- to make our civilization better for our having been a part of it. -E. F.

Harnold Christ '30 of Hutchinson, was a weak-end-guest of the campus.

Eber Tice visited friends on the college campus from Thursday until Monday. He was taking advantage of  the Easter Vacation at Kansas uni-versity, Lawrence, where he is completing his college work.

Prof. S. M. Dell and his family spend Sunday at the home of Prof. M. B. Myers, principal of the Marion high school.

Lloyd Larsen left Friday morning for Hampton, Iowa, to spend several days at the home of Paul Sherfy, who left McPherson at the end of the first semester. Larsen returned to McPherson Monday.

Loren Rock motored to his home at Enterprise for the weekend.

Charles Smith, who had the misfortune to severely cut two fingers on his right hand several days ago while working with the circle saw in the woodwork shop, reports that the wounds are beginning to heal. He is not yet certain whether or not he will have a stiff finger joint as a result of the accident.


Christ died nineteen hundred years ago, and at this Easter season we celebrate his Resurrection. But isn't it a tragedy that the true Easter spirit does not live throughout the year? Our religion is based on Christ's

life, death, and resurrection. We should not allow the easter spirit to ebb after the chronological celebration of the Resurrection; the fact that Jesus arose is just as vitally important to our religion in one season as another.—E. F.


Snow flurries, blizzards, sunshine, wind, rain, clouds are all found in the course of the month of March as winter tries to leave its marks and spring comes bouncing around the corner. Again the "windy" month is about gone and students don their bright Easter costumes in gay style; old Fords are cranked up for a little spin; picnics are planned for; deferred  walks are enjoyed; and a general good feeling covers the campus. But let's not forget that life resembles this third month of the year, and even though the "blues" get you down, better times are coming. When problems, studies, disappointments stand in the way be as optimistic, a true Christian student and find a way out. Make your mind and attitudes of the twentieth century educations. Dig up the gray matter, cultivate it, and evolve some new views on life.—D. A.

I have never been hurt by something I did not say.

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Spohn, now living at Two Buttes, Colorado, announce the birth of a daughter weighing eleven pounds. Better known at McPherson as "Phis", Philip Spohn received his A. B. here in 1929, he was president of the Student Council during his senior year.

Arnold Voth, a former student, spent several days last week visiting friends at McPherson.

Vernon Flaming called on friends at the dormitory for a few minutes Friday afternoon. He is attending E. U. this year.

"Memories of '23", the annual

publication carrying news of the al-umni of that year has been sent to the Spectator. It is a four-page paper packed with interesting notes about the graduates of '23. Orville Pote of

WEDNESDAY, MAR. 30, 1932


Morrill church is contributing the price of a ticket for their “native son" at McPherson, Melvin Landes, and the Summerfield church is likewise paying for tickets of students from Summerfield.

With such a spirit of cooperation among all concerned, the Booster Banquet Friday night can hardly fail to be a success.



Gee, but it gives a fellow a frand and glorious feeling to come home once again—If you don't believe it and don't want to take my word for it, just try going off to some foreign land even though it its just fourteen and a half miles away, and then come back to the familiar scenes every once in a while (on one of those frequent and enjoyable vacations that all good Swedes have buanded out to them) and you'll find yourself quite the center of attraction. Kids you hardly knew before hail you right and left and honestly seem to appreciate you It seems rather nice and comfortable too, to just loaf around amid the scenes f your recent tolls and tribula-tions and watch your poor unfortunate former classmates turn green with envy and purple with longing for just one small vacation. By the way, I've been informed that you are going to have an all school picnic here at Mac, according to the vote of the democratic students, and someone also remarked that the said picnic was going to take place on some Saturday. We hope that they are wrong.



And speaking of vacations, on the occasion of one of these frequent hap-penings when my pocketbook was positively void of the filthy lucre,

whelming desire to visit once again the scenes of my happy college ex-periences that I even contemplated hitch hiking home, but my grandmother,who is a rather puritanical person with very definite ideas as to what constitutes proper conduct for a lady, put her foot down and as a result she financed my journey home. How's that for an example of good business?

Friday morning, there will be a

general program which will be held

in the chemistry Lecture room. In the afternoon, sectional meetings will be held as follows; Two sections in Biology, one motion in Physics, one section in Psychology, one section in Chemistry, and one section in Junior academy.

Chapels are about the same in

Sweden-only they last just half as long—save when one poor benighted

willing shoulders to initiate us into the mysteries of the human body and the rise of the medical profession to its present lofty heights (in spite of Dr. Bright's beliefs and experiences to the contrary). But lest you should think that we are protected by some suspicious omen, please let me that we meet every day of the week and that the chapel ball is either in a highly over-heated condition—its temperature is closely approaching that of an electric oven—or else it is as cool and airy as a barn when the strong north wind starts howling around the corner.

And speaking of cold north winds, that reminds me of the long icy walks I have to endure every morning of mu hapless existence and the people there in Lindsborg aren’t so thought-ful and kind-hearted when it comes to picking a fellow up and giving him a ride to school. I suppose they are only more cautious and careful of their lives and property; after having been accused of looking like anything from a half-wit to a Russian Red, I really don’t find it possible to blame them.

I made one dreadful violation of proper Swede etiquette since 1 have been around there this last semester. It happened when the bulldogs trav-eled to Bethany to display their Bas-ketball skill and to endeavor to roll in enough baskets to knowck the Swedes off their pedestal and go home with a victory to their credit. That was the nearest I ever came to falling from grace—even my own cousin would hardly claim me as any relation and after my grandmother heard about it she about decided to lock me out in the cold street and force me to make a public apology before I could reenter her home. But somehow I pulled through it all right and this is the crime that I committed. Instead of going over with the rest of the patriotic and good looking members of my nationality and lending my lusty voice to swell the cheers intending to urge the members of their Basketball delegation on to a thrilling and easy victory. I very emphatically deposited myself with the small group of the McPherson children on the other side of the gym in full view of the Swedes and put all the strength of my virile young body into supporting the hard fighting Bulldogs. Every time the Swedes started to yell and drown out the feeble chears of Mac. I quietly swore at them at the same time diligently praying that Pauls would get hot, and Start pouring in baskets in or-der to do the impossible and throttle the Swedes and their Basketball.

Bethany, as you've probably been told, is a regular man paradise-for all the gorgeous looking femmes just going to waste is enough to make your heart, bleed. But as one young Romeo was heard to remark you soon get used to seeing so many beauties around and there is no room for excitement. Fancy some of Mac's Bean Brummels ever reaching such a lifeless and disinterested stage. To consider the men them-selves, that is the ones in the art department, the others are good looking enough - but those art students

are the silliest, sissiest, muttiest looking specimens I have ever had the misfortune to see. And the way they talk, they took so enraptured than that it almost makes me sick. They think that they have lived dissipat-ed, worldly, and creative lives, the poor men, they don't know what life

I still sincerely appreciate Prof. Hess, Dr. Bright, Miss Lehman, Dr. Hershey, and some of the others. But most of all I believe I appreciate Miss Heckethorn. Some librarians can never understand what you want and then after they do, they won’t let you get outside of the library with any material. I’ve been thinking about the way in which Miss Hecke-thorne has traveled all over the library finding stuff for me and then

loaded with magazines and use them to my heart’s content. Somehow or other she always seemed able to find me what I wanted.

One thing that exists at Lindsborg that is here at Mac too is the feeling that all Seniors have in common. All the Swedes are worrying over wheth-er they are going to have schools to teach in next winter and just how long it will be before they get jobs.

I think that I’ve lauded McPherson just about enough so I'll add only one more word. When the McPherson debaters meet the Swedes in the final debates, I hope McPherson pours it on ’em.



committee in charge of the banquet

to prepare for. Although several men outside the college have paid more than fifty for their banquet tickets, students will be admitted for the relatively small price of one dollar  per plate. Several others have paid as high as twenty-five dollars

for their tickets, among them some alumni of the college.

Many of the churches in the Mc-Pherson college district have shown a splendid loyalty to the college during the Banquet campaign. Two weeks ago the Quinter church sent in $82.00 as a result of a McPherson college Booster Banquet held in Quinter. A part or this amount will be used lo pay for the tickets of Quinter students enrolled in college. A sizeable contribution was received from the Navarre Ladies Aid So-ciety, and the monitor church if giv-ing part of the supplies needed. The

dent of the Kansas Academy of

Science this year, was on the Milwau-kee Public Museum staff with Doctor Barrett in 1917 and 1918. Doctor Smith was Associate Lecturer on Nat-ural History at that time and he gave a series of public lectures on birds, insects, etc. Doctor Barret gave a series on Wisconsin Indians. In the fall of 1930, Doctor Smith lectured on Haiti at tje Public Museum, which favor Doctor Barrett is returning by coming to McPherson.

The Public Auditorium should be crowded to hear Doctor Barrett. The audience will see pictures as good or better than those of Martin Johnson, and will hear a most delightful speaker discuss them in an authori-

On Thursday evening. Professor L. E. Melcher Of Kansas State Agricultural Cottage will give an illustrated lecture with painted slides on "The Oases of the Lybian Desert". This lecture will be at 8 o'clock in the college chapel. Many of the Scientists are expected to arrive Thursday evening.

Friday evening at 5:45, a banquet will be held in the Church basement. Dr. Schwalm will give the address of welcome. Dr. Knaus will act as toastmaster—with our or five accompanying toasts. The Presiden-er C. Smith of K. S. A. C. at 8:15, Dr. Barrett will present moving pic-tures on "Tamest Africa." These will be given in the community building.

Saturday morning, the program will be general, and of a business nature. In the afternoon, the pro-gram will be in charge of the Ento-mologists.

These programs throughout the convention should prove interesting

ested in the field of Science.


N. S. P. A. (A list of similar coments on the news of the day is to be supplied regularly from now on by the Na-tional Scholastic Press Association of which the Spectator is a member.)

President Paul von Hindenburg Germany undoubtedly will be made president for another 7 year term. In the recent election he failed by only a few thousand of getting a majority of all the votes cast. Lacking a majority, he must wun again. In the next election, in April, the one re-ceiving the most votes will win. Hindenburg, chief of staff of the German armies during the World War is 85 years old. he was des-tined to be a soldier from the day of his birth. His father was a Prus-sian soldier. His father's father had been a soldier. his nurse had been a canteen woman in the Napoleonic wars and when Paul cried, she would should :Silence in the Ranks!" At 11, Paul went to military school, at 13 he saw his first election. He was pres-ent in Hall of Mirrors when Wilhelm I was proclaimed Emporer of Ger-many. He retired from the army in

war would never come again in his life time. The World War broke, Hindenburg emerged as Germany's national hero especially since he refused to flee the country after Germany's defeat as did the Kaiser and Ludendorff.

Certain groups in Germany fell the best way to restore the monarchy was to elect Hindenburg president. They did so. They forgot his sense of duty, however. When he took oath to defend the constitution he meant it, and he has kept his word. It is fortunate for Germany, and for the world, that Germany has Hin-denburg. Germans mistrust most of their politicians, but they trust him. This faith in a man has helped Ger-many weather the most trying time in her national existence. But Hin-denburg is old.


Schwalm Emphasized Importance of Personality Traits

Wed. March 22—For devotions in this morning chapel program Dr. V. F. Schwalm read the latter part of the Sermon on the Mount.

Following the devotions he gave a short address on the qualities which a teacher should possess when enter-ing the teacher field. He listed the following traits as being in the con-stituency of a good teacher according to his own and other people's opini-ons: Interest in students, know-ledge, personality and character, sincerity, thoroughness, ability to stim-ulate thought, patience, fairness, ability to discipline, temperance, so- ciability, good humor, enthusiasm, culture and refinement.

he listed the following as being poor qualities of teachers: careless-ness, impatience, stubborness, su-periority complex, insincerity, poor discipline, partiality, unattractive personality, lack of scholarship, and laziness.


Much progress is being made on the cantata "Ruth" which is to be given Friday, April 8, in the college chapel. Special emphasis has been put on the practice of the final cho-us which is to be sung at the Booster Banquet this week. The posters, ad-vertising the cantata, are out and the ticket sale has begun



fought between Corrine Bowers and Frank Hutchinson, both sophomores.

The Women's Athletic Association election slate for next year is to be made up at the meeting on Monday evening, April 19. The annual election will be held on May 2.

At present plans are being made for the annual W. A. A. Play Day April 29, when the local association will be host to other members of the W. A. A. from Hays State College, Sterling college, Hutchinson Junior college, and Kansas Wesleyan university at Salina. Velma Bean is head of the committee in charge of arrangements for the Play Day.


New Faculty Team Adda to Interest—Others Same As Basketball Aggregations


I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies, for the hardest victory is the victory over self.—Aristotle



at this time. This will narrow the race down to two for each position. The final election will take place following the chapel period on Friday of next week, April 8.

Milo Stucky and Vernon Rhoades, both juniors, will fight it out with Blanch Harris, sophomore, for nomination for president of the Student Council in the primary tomorrow. The two surviving will be placed on the final ballot next week.

Three freshmen, Gordon Kraus, Hobart Hughey, and Tommy Taylor, are now in the running for the office of men's cheer leader. One of these will be eliminated by the primary tomorrow, while the remaining two go into the home stretch for election.

The important position an editor of the Spectator has developed into a dust race between Una Ring, sophomore, and Everett Fasnacht, also a sophomore. Both are among the outstanding members on the present staff of the paper. Delbert Kelly, Junior, stands unopposed for editor of the 1933 Quadrangle. Kelly is a member of the 1932 Quadrangle staff, having the position of snapshot editor. Wilbur Yoder, sophomore, and J. T. Williams, sophomore, each will receive complimentary votes for the positions of business managers respectively of the Quadrangle and the Spectator.

Othetta Clark and Etta Nickel, both freshmen, are the candidates for women’s cheer leader. The remaining contest, that for treasurer of the Student Council, will be

Many Candidates Come out for Track Practices—Grounds Put in Condition

The first real spring days are here and as a result the track men have been making good use of their time. Coach Binford has spent some time this week in getting the track into condition and prospects look good for a winning track team. Lettermen who have reported for practice are Ohmart, Rock, Mowbray, Bradley, Zinn, McGil, Kindy, and W. Wil-liams. Of the freshmen the following  are out for practice: Lindholm, Himes, Moore, Kraus, Suttle, Taylor, Wiggins, Hiebert, Van Norteick, Blume, and Tice. the first meet is scheduled with the Hutchinson Junior College furnishing the opposition here on Friday, April 8.


Coach Binford has been placing much emphasis on Intra-mural ath-letics and gym classes and has been getting good results. Last year one of the best track men that the Bull-dogs had was found in gym class. This man was McGill, a sophomore

now, and this year he looking even better than last year.

Loren Rock, a two year letterman in track is back in a suit again this year and it is expected that he will make many points for McPherson this year. He is recognized as one of the best Javelin throwers in the Conference. He also enters in other field events.

Spring sports are taking possession of the Campus during the last few days. Nearly every man in school will be participating in some sport soon,. the college is going to become a College in which Athletics for all will be the thing instead of just for the few.



Binford and Gottmann Are Returning Lettermen For Sport

The first tennis match for the Bulldogs has been scheduled with the Hutchinson Junior College play-ing here on April 8. The match will be played in connection with the track meet here with the Junior College on the same day.

Several of the tennis men have been taking advantage of the nice weather and have been getting into condition for spring sport. Harold Binford and Lilburn Gottmann are the only returning lettermen, but several of the freshmen are expected to show up well in the outdoor court game this Spring. Coach Binford will soon have his varsity squad picked and then intensive training will begin.



4 Contestants Place in Events at Lindsborg, Wichita

Several pupils of the McPherson college music faculty made good rec-ords last week in music contests held at Lindsborg and Wichita. In the annual Messiah Music Festival held at Lindsborg Mildred Dahlinger, a sophomore and voice pupil of Mrs. Anna C. Tate, took second place in voice in Class A, thereby winning a fifty-dollar tuition scholarship to Bethany College. Miss Joyce Vetter of Moundridge, a pupil of Miss Jessie Brown, won third place in piano in the same contest. She was the youngest of the eleven contestants entered in this department.

In the music contest sponsored by the State Federation of women's Clubs held at Wichita last Saturday, Miss Julia Mingenback of McPherson won second place in piano. She is a pupil of Miss Fern Lingenfelter. Mr. Lloyd Spear of Windom, one of Miss Margaret Shelley violin pupils, won first place in violin in the same


Intra-mural basketball has been completed and baseball teams, have been organized with the same captains managing the teams that had charge for basketball. An addition of one team has been made which will undoubtedly add much interest to the league. This is a team representing the faculty. The schedule for this week is as follows:

Williams vs. Kraus Minear vs. Faculty Whiteneck vs. Carpenter Yoder vs. McGill Williams vs. Faculty Whiteneck vs. Kraus Yoder vs. Carpenter Minear vs. McGill Posey Jamison and Loren Rock will umpire these games.

The library has lately purchased some new books. Some useful statistical ones are “Kansas School Laws Revised" by S. E. Lee, “Kansas Educational Directory 1931-1932", "Twenty-Seventh Biennial Report of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction of Kansas", “The United States om World Affairs", an account of American foreign relations for 1931, "College and Reference Library Yearbook, No. 3”, and "Analysis of Financial Statements" by H. G. Guthmann.

Other new books are “Literature, for Oral Interpretation" by R. D. T, Hollister, "Great Poems Interpreted" and "Famous Poems Explained" by W. Barbe, "New Poems That Will Take Prizes in Contests,” by Shurter and Walking, "Jobs for Girls" by Helen Rawson Cades, a popular magazine writer, “Marcus Alonzo Hanna, His Life and Work" by H. Croly, and "The Adams Family" by J. T. Ad-


tegrity, after thoroughly digging out the facts and asking of every statement  or Idea. "Is it true?"

Monday afternoon the speaker

spoke in the Y. W. C. A. room at 4:30 o’clock, and again in the same place at 6:30 p. m. with an interesting and profitable discussion on "The Relations of Men and Women." His subject Tuesday morning at the combined meeting of the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C, A, was "Developing Christian Personality." The meeting by Dr. Chubb was an open discussion forum held in the Y. W. C. A. room Tuesday afternoon, when numerous personal and social problems suggested by students were dis-tracted.

Immediately after the last meeting Dr. Chubb departed for his home at Winfield.


Will Contain Outline of Reorganized M. C. Curriculum

The catalogue number of the McPherson College Bulletin for 1932-33, the forty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the college, will soon be back from the printer and ready for distribution. All of the copy for the book has been prepared, under the direction of Prof. F. A. Replogle, dean and registrar, and within a short time the new catalogues should he printed.

The innovation of chief interest this year in the catalogue will be a reorganized division at the curriculum worked out by the faculty committee on classification and curriculum. All subjects have been placed under three divisions, instead of the ten groups which exist at present. The departments grouped under each of these major divisions will be catalogued as a unit under each division, while at the same time departmental identity remains the name. Required courses, instead of being selected from ten narrower groups, may be selected with considerably more freedom from the three new divisions; natural sciences, social sciences, and the group designated as language, literature, and arts.

A new department offering a major next year is the department of physical education. Numerous new courses have been added to the curriculum and some old ones no longer offered will be removed from the catalogue.

One item in which the dormitory students will be interested is a reduction of ten dollars per semester in the price of room and board at the






H. H. Nininger, '14 (formerly a professor in McPherson college, is still collecting and studying meteorites. He now has the largest private collection In America. During the past year he has collected more meteorites than all other American collectors combined. But collecting and lecturing that Mr. Nininger engages in do not take all his time. He has written twelve scientific papers during the past year and a 350-page book.

The Niningers live at present in Denver where Mr. Nininger is associated with the Denver Museums. He continues his hunt for meteors with his characteristic success.


The Prairie Gardens in Nursery Company of McPherson has very graciously furnished another Chinese Elm tree to replace the one planted last spring by the class of 1931. The tree, which was located on the campus west of Harnly Hall, either because of disease or of improper care before and after planting, failed to grow and become the class memorial for which it was Intended. It will be replaced by a similar tree at the same place, and the glass bottle containing the history of the class, formerly buried at the roots of the old tree, will be reburied. The tree planting ceremony was held last spring during Commencement Week.