mcpherson college, McPHERSON, Kansas, Wednesday, mar. 16, 1932
Editor-in-Chief |
Vernon C. Rhoades |
Associate Editor |
Wilbur C. Yoder |
Associate Editor |
Alberta Yoder |
Circulation Manager |
Business Manager |
Lloyd A. Larsen |
Ass't Business Manager |
J. T. Williams |
Ass't Business Manager |
Jesse Dunning |
Frank Hutchinson |
Agnes Bean |
Una Ring |
Mattie Shay |
Dorothy Dresher |
Adelyn Taylor |
Everett Fasnacht |
Mildred Doyle |
Dennis Andes |
Viola De Vilbiss |
Faculty Adviser |
Prof. Maurice A. Hess |
The other day a college student, tabilating a list of the greatest living men, included Dwight Morrow. On being informed of his error, he exclaimed: "When did he die? I didn't even know he intended to!" To remind the average college student that the walk surrounding the campus does not mark the edge of the world, but that he is living in a world within a world, is a problem.
In the first place, he has a negative interest in world affairs. The col-lege world is a removed area which requires all contentration and effor. The foortball score is much more immediate concern than Japan and China om Mancuria, and the student council president outshines Gandhi. A presidential election is not to be compared with the class president election.
There are some students who have the mental faculty for being inter-ested and even concerned, but constant association with persons whose sphere of information and interest is narrow has caused their own to shrink. Such persons are truly ‘‘victims of their environments". This narrow environment might be broadened by information on current events given in the classroom. It seems that occasionally in any course a remark linking a currant event with a textual fact could be appropriate. But very many college courses consist of a packet of notes (they should be tied with a faded blue ribbon) read year after year. The many college courses lack "timeliness" and
However, taking for granted that a student has interest, at least a dormant interest, in world affairs, that interest is often deprived of development because of the old hue and cry of "There isn't time". Over-activity has made the college student's life one of straining tension which a little extra reading would break. When the required outside reading is done, there is no time left for newspapers or periodicals, unless it should be a glimpse at the banner bead. If war had not brought us banner bands, the demands of the college student might have. With no time, no apparent vital concern, little contact with world-minded persons, and no link instruc-lion, the problem of keeping informed while attending college is a vital
The wisest men that e'ef you ken
Have never deemed it treason
To rest a bit- and jest a bit.
And balance up their reason;
To laugh a bit—and chaff a bit,
And joke's bit in season.
If you stan up to receive bouquets don't all down if someone throws a brick.
Science never destroys wonder, but only shifts it higher and deeper.— Thompson.
Deeds are usually more effective than words. You can't talk a north wind into changing its direction, but you can put on an overcoat!
The man who is scared into relig-ion usually backslides as soon an he recovers his nerve.
This only music some people enjoy is the toothing of their own horns.
There is not meter on kindness.
extra issues out of the box in Sharp Hall; the papers pieced therein are included only for students outside of the dormitories, and only enough are provided there for this class of students.
by Student Council
eight, was played by Velma Amos. Eleanor Prudence Van Hayden, her daughter, was played by Una Ring; Prudence Van Hayden, her great great aunt, by Myreta Hammann, Richard Townsend, Eleanor's lover, by Lloyd Shoemaker; Robert Trowbridge, the great, great aunt's lover, by Donald Trostle; Nora, a modern servant, by Vivien Steeves; Lucy, a colonial servant, by Velma Keller; and Milord Devereanx, the colonial villain, by Blanch Harris.
Burr Miller |
Mar. 21 |
Pearl Walker |
Mar. 22 |
But it is not hopeless. There are college students who keep "up”, and an analysis and combination of their methods may help to solve the matter for individuals. If the interest is there, somewhere in the daily routine should be fixed a definite reading schedule. To rely upon spare moments is inadequate; a portion of time systematically is much more successful. With limited time, however, the choice should be a good metropolitan paper in addition or in preference to the best state or local. If time is very limited, various digests and condensations may be employed as supplements.
Alertness will find ways and means of keeping information. Com-panionsip with and a cultivation of people with similar interests will open conversation as a means. Room should be made in the curriculum for one subject which the student knows makes use of contemporary his-tory—whether that subject be in the field of history, economics, journal-ism, art, sociology or science. And just as there are courses liked with present-day conditions, so there are clubs and organizations which have contemporary bases- perhaps in drama, in art, or in literature.
The alert student will be able to gain much information of value through speeches or lectures. Often such lectures are compulsory anyhow, and the well-informed student is the one who listens. To help week well-informed requires not only effort but the development of a receptive and alert attitude. The adage "Keep your eyes and ears opem" is not for amiss.—O. D.—Coe Coamos.
Helen Myers, a student here last year, visited her sister Contance in Arnold Hall Sunday. Miss Myers is now teaching near Marquette.
Vernon Rhoades, accompanied by Florence Weaver, Leeta Oaks, Louise Ikenberry, and Grace Heckmanm mo-tored to Topeka Friday afternoon. Miss Oaks and Miss Heckman pro-seeded onward to Miss Oak's home at Ozawkie, where they spent the weekend. The party returned to the campus Sunday night.
Loren Bock and Walter Weddle accompanied Lola Hawkins and Grace Lerew to Miss Hawkins' home near Tampa, Saturday. Rock and Weddle then went to Rock's home at Enterprise, where they visited during the week-end.
Mrs. Walter Steinberg of Lorraine called at Arnold Hall for her daughter Ellen Friday afternoon. They motored to Gypsum Friday evening where they witnessed a high school operetta directed by Irene Steinberg. Mrs. Steinberg and Ellen returned to the campus saturday morning. They then motored to the Stelaborg home at Lorraine, accompanied by Pauline Miller.
Fri., Mar. 11- Three one-act plays were given in the college chapel this evening by students in the Principles of Interpretation class. They were enjoyed by a large group of students and others of the comm unity. The Student Council sponsored the pro-
Miss Della Lehman, the instructor of the class, coached the plays, which were entitled to "Columbine", by C. C. Clements, "Where But in America", by Oscar M. Wolff, and "Jazz and Minuet", by Ruth Giorloff.
In "Columbine”, the title role was played by Rosalind Almen, as Nancy, a sweet little girl who has kept all her illusions. Genevieve played the part Of her hard-boiled flapper friend, Matte. These two completed the cast.
George Peters took the part of Bob Espenhayne in :Where But in America" while Marjorie Brown played the part of his wife, Mollie Espen-hayne. Mattie Shay played the Swe-dish servant girl, Hilda.
It was necessary to go outside the interpretations class to find men for characters in "Jazz and Minuet". A part of this play was shown as a dream which took place in the colonial period of 1775. Mrs. Van Hay-don, a handsome woman of thirty-
Miss Delta Lehman and Miss Margaret Shelley have recently introduced a new and interesting project into their French and German class-es. The students are corresponding with college students in France and Germany. The students in the Ger-man classes are writing in English and will receive letters written in German. The French students, how-ever, are writing in French and will receive letters written in English.
Arrengements for the correspon-dence between nations were made through the International Corres-pondence Bureau, Penbody School for Teachers, Nashville, Tennessee.
We college students glibly utter the word "personality" but how many of us really know what we are talking about? When we say an individual is possessed of " personality"? Of all the words used on the campus
"personality" is the most nuzzling of all.
Funk and Wagnalls describes perfonality as referring to the "prom-inent traits or attributes of some particular person" wether good or bad. All well and good, but whenever we wish to praise and individual we stumble around for some expression of our appreciation, we gasp, we stutter, and finally end our canting about by saying he has "personality" and pat our selves on the back for thinking of such an appropriate word, when in real-ity the word has been used and abused until it is threadbare.
If is a great religipus leader and attracts enthusiasts he has “personality"; if a fellow is upilar with the "gang" he has "personality"; If a girl is a natural leader she possesses "personality"; if a teacher is liked it is because "personality" and so on ad infinitum.
Were this all-descriptive term qualified by some adjective it would not be quite so objectionable, although to us it still carries with it an ill aroma. We advocate the use of thought, discretion and adjectives in the employment of the term "personality" in characterizing a fellow being.
Faithe Ketterman, Cicason Min-ter, and Lloyd Larsen spent the week-end in their respective homes in Abilene.
Dean F. A. Replogle last Saturday evening for Chicago to attend a meeting of the North Central Association of Colleges and Universities.
Bernice Dresher was able to re-sume her school work Monday, after two weeks illness with influenza.
Mattie Shay and Una Ring were dormitory guests of Velma Keller, Pearl Walker, Nellie Collins, and Al-berta Yoder. Friday night Waffles were served for breakfast Saturday morning.
Ruth Turner and Paul Bowers called on the campus for a short time Saturday afternoon.
From the minutes of the faculty meeting held December 4, 1931:
"For events which require students to be abent from class work, faculty approval shall be secured at least two weeks prior to the absence."
Secretary of the Faculty." Students and others affected are asked to take note of the above regulation.
On the whole, the most religious exercise for the aged is probably to recall their own experience; so many friends dead, so many hopes disap-pointed, so many slips and stumbles, and withal so many bright days and
"Each of us has some special train of though on which we dwell in
solitude; it is these thoughts that mould our character."
All students are urgently request-ed to take only one spectator from the box each week. This year, per-haps to a greater extent than ever before, the business staff of the Spectator is having a hard time to keep finances above board so that the paper can survive. Needless waste of Spectator copies results in added expense for printing, which in turn comes back upon the students themselves through the Student Council.
ITS THAT LITTLE THING CALLED LOVE " In the spring a young man's fancy- or is it a young woman's- lightly turns to thoughts of love." Since the cold weather has abated and we’re beginning to experience balmy breezes again. "It looks as though there’ll be a fresh supply of "cases" and romances. Just what there is about spring that causes all this sudden tenderness is difficult to explain until you make a few comparisons. Imagine (Just try and do it) getting sentimental about the girl who goes ice-skating with you and who borrows your handkerchief, falls down every minute or two, gets cold and bleary-eyed and begs to go home just when you’re in the midst of an exciting game of ice hockey. Contrast her with the little number with irreproachably make-up, a new finger wave, and a fluttery organdy dress, who strolls dows Euclid with you after the evening repast. Add to the latter picture a few rays of sunshine, warm spring breezes, and a thrilling cardinal and you’re in what the doctors call a receptive condition for that ancient disease called "love sickness." QUINTER LADIES AID GIVES BENEFIT BANQUET All Proceeds Go to McPherson College Loyalty Fund Prospects, are good for a substantial addition to the McPherson Col-ege Loyalty Fund tonight, when the Ladies’ Aid Society of the Quinter Church of the Brethren, two hundred miles northwest of McPherson, spon-sors a McPherson college benefit banquet. All supplies are being donated, and the entire proceeds from the admission price of thirty-five cents per plate will go to the college.
But we're beginning early this year in our fight against the incidi-ous germ and we've secured some in-noculation in form of these bits of advice from Helen Rowland. We admit that our medicine is only of a preventive type and will not cure these bad cases that have already been contracted. We're afraid that the only cure for some of them is Mendelsshon's wedding march. However for those who are still unattached we offer these remarks. You can take ’em or leave ’em, which means don't take 'em all seriously or leave ’em all cynically. An optimist is a modern girl who puts enough pretty things in her hope chest to last until her silver those who have been inspired by a wise woman's love, but those who have perspired in order to satisfy a capricious woman’s vanity. wrecked that keeps a bachelor from embarking on the sea of matrimony; it is the awful horror of being becalmed. What a man calls his "conscience'’ in a love-affair is merely a pain in his vanity, the moral ache that accompanies a headache or the hangover that follows an emotional re- Mother was too busy mending Dad's socks and making his favorite kind of pies to have any theories on the matrimonial problem. A bachelor's life is one long solo— usually a hymn of thanksgiving. Love-making is one of the finest arts—but the modern lover should remember that the distinguishing mark of an artist is his "restraint." In these days, a girl's favorite way of committing suicide for love, is to marry a man—and work herself to death for him. Somehow, a girl's telephone call, on the morning-after-the-evening-be-fore, always affects a man like the offer of a second helping of spinach. Love-Making seems to have be-come an acrobatic feat. In which a man grasps a girl with one arm and clings frantically to his freedom with just by the way she wiggles her fingers, whether she is going to turn right, turn left or pull up the car. Rut the Lord didn’t give a man any intuition! Petting is the blinding gas which keeps two silly people so dazzled that they can't see how bored they are with each other. No woman really understands a digestion affects his heart and that his love is not necessarily dead every time his emotions go into a state of An old-fashioned girl is one who still thinks it’s swank to take too many cocktails, pass her kisses around like sandwiches, and pretend to be a little rowdy. She has not discovered, yet, that women have gone feminine! Your love can be no deeper than your capacity for friendship, to higher than your ideals, and no broader than the scope of your vision. A man is seldom as nervous and excitable as a woman—chiefly, because he is not married to anything as uncertain and nerve-wearing as a Don't lose heart, when a man tells you that he is not thinking of marry-ing. Just remember that no man ever gets into the marrying mood until he has gotten 'way past thinking" (Continued from Page One) one dollar per plate. Many at the school organizations, including the various classes, are aidin in advertisement, ticket sale, and other preparations for the Banquet. Students have been requested individually to communicate with friends in their home localities and urge them to be on hand. |
As concrete evidence of the spirit of cooperation which the city of Mc-Pherson is manifesting toward the Booster Banquet, letters similar to the following have been addressed to Dean R. E. Mohler, chairman of the publicity committee. pointed chairman of the Booster Ban-quet of your good college. As president of the Rotary Club I am authorised to endorse this banquet and if there is anything that our organization can do you will please let us know. We feel that our town should in every possible way get behind this banquet." “We the Federation of Women's Clubs of McPherson, wish to express an appreciation of McPherson college, and lend our approval and support to the Booster Banquet." ‘‘The Ministerial Alliance of Mc-Pherson is glad to know of com- McPherson college, which event, we understand, is for the purpose of pre- ent and future plans and purposes of McPherson college in the field of higher Christian education and to secure, if possible, a larger and more liberal support in students and in moral and financial support in regard to the same. "As a body of Christian ministers, we have the utmost confidence in McPherson college, its leaders, teachers, and in its purposes and are anxious that the constituents of the college and our community generally extend it very encouragement and support. We wish you the finest success in the special effort to which you are inviting some of the noted authorities and leaders in the field of higher education." THE TIME—April 1. THIS PLACE—McPherson Community Building, THE OCCASION—1932 McPherson College Booster Banquet. |
The program for the evening will follow out, a theme in accord with Saint Patrick's Day. It is to include numerous talks and entertaining musical numbers. MILWAUKEE SCIENTIST HERE APRIL 15 AND 16Dr. S. A. Barrett to Be Main Speaker at Meeting of Kansas Academy of Science Dr. S. A. Barrett, internationally famous scientist, is to be the main speaker at the annual meeting of the Kansas Academy of Science, which will be held in McPherson on Friday and Saturday, April 15 and 16. Dr. Barrett is director of the Milwaukee Public Museum at present. He has been the leader of the Cudahy—Massee-Milwaulkee Museum African Expedition and many other similar expeditions of scientific re- His subject for the McPherson meeting is to be "Tamest Africa”, a talk relating chiefly to the animal life of the Dark Continent. Most of the facta given will be taken from Dr. Barretts’ actual experiences in Africa. The speech will be accompanied by motion pictures and lantern slides. It is to be given on Friday evening, April 16. One of the other principal speakers will be Prof. L. E. Merlcher of Kansas State College, Manhattan, who will speak on Thursday night, April 14 in the college chapel on the subject "Oases of the Libyan Desert.” This talk will be illustrated by colored lantern slides. Happiness is a perfume you can not pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself. A thing is worth what it can do for you, not whet you choose to pay for it.—Buskin. |
RED CROSS WORKERS DESCRIBE ACTIVITIESLocal Executive Secretary and Co-Worker Speak in Chapel Mon., Mar. 14—Miss Marie Young- Red Cross chapter and her co-worker, Miss Ethel Peterson, came to the McPherson collage chapel service this morning with messages concerning the work which the Red Cross is doing in administering relief to the needy and the unemployed. Miss Younberg spoke first, telling of the increased demands which have been made of the Rod Cross in rea part of the national relief program which now holds the attention of social workers, in giving her picture of the depression as derived from the McPherson community, Miss Youngberg gave the following figures; In 1930 there was an increase of 17% over 1929 in the number of cases handled by the local chapter in 1931 there was an increase of 306 % over the 1930 total. Relief funds and expenditures naturally hare not kept, up with this phenomenal increase in demands for aid. |
The speaker said that the general public is usually in sympathy with relief work, but several reactions are met. Some hold the old fash-ioned view that those who want to can work and earn a living: some give gladly, but wastefully and care-lessly; others believe in carefully supervised contributions to social work by study of individual cases to be the most effective. Miss Peterson, who is especially active in actual case work for the local Red Cross, gave a picture of the typical family with which she has to deal—that in which the head of the family is unemployed. Among the many services rendered by the social worker in such cases are financial relief and attention to food, clothing, health, education, and employment. The Red Cross is able to are willing to cooperate and make the best of what relief they receive. BOOST THE BOOSTER BANQUET! |
PRES. SCHWALM LEADS MISSION STUDY GROUP ATTENTION SHIFTS TO TRACK AND TENNIS Has Been in Progress Most of Winter — League Sponsored and Supervised by Binford Array of Lettermen Is Promising—Freshman Prospects Also Look Bright for '32 VANIMANS ENTERTAIN SOPHOMORES AT PARTY TWO TENNIS VETERANS BACK Loren Koch and Delbert Kelly Have Had Year's Absence From Track Competition All League Teams First Team Mon., Mar. 14—Ten athletes, although feeling somewhat the worse after the ordeal, were happy in the knowledge that they were at last full-fledged members of the "M" Club after this evening's initiation. The initiation ceremonies were duly administered by all old members of the club who were present in the gymnasium at 6:30 p. m. New members initiated were: Eugene Anderson, Wallace McGill, Cloo Minear, Harold Reinecker, Samuel Burner, Leonard Wiggins, Walter Pauls, Russell Carpenter, John Kin-dy,and Lilburn Gottmann. The spring sports, namely tennis and track, are now starting in full swing since the close of the baskot-ball season. Fur track Coach Melvin Binford has several lettermen and some freshmen with good high school rec-ords behind them. Verle Ohmart is a senior and a quarter-miter who will probably be better than ever this year. He is also a sprinter of considerable ability. Edward Bradley is a pole vaulter, and also high jumps, broad jumps, and throws the javelin. Herbert Mowbray is a quarter-miller and also a relay man. John Kindy won his latter in the high hurdles last year. Loren Rock, a junior, has been out of school for two years, but he will be remembered as a star Javelin thrower. When he was enrolled in McPherson before he was rated as one of the best in the Kansas Conference. He also puts the shot and throws the discus. George Zinn is the star weight man of the Bulldogs. He is specially good with the shot put and discus, and he also throws the Javelin. Ward Williams is the only letter man in the distance runs, and has shown up well in the high jump. Wallace McGill is a quarter-miler and a good relay man. In addition he runs the half mile. In tennis there are two letter men back for the 1931 season. Harold Binford and Lilburn Gotmann played good tennis last year, and ought to show even better after another year's experience. Delbert Kelly, who was out of school last year and was kept out of conference play two years ago because of an injury, is now back and seems to have a good chance for a position on the varsity squad. Charles Austin is another who must be dealt with in determining positions on the tennis team. Besides these men Coach Binford will have numerous new men from the freshman class who will soon be showing their ability on the track and field. Many have made good records in high school competition. Track practice is now beginning in earnest, although some of the men have been taking their workouts independently for several weeks. With the advent of better weather the tennis courts can soon he put in shape for play after a rest of several TEN ARE INITIATED AS “M” CLUB MEMBERS W. A. A. VARSITY TEAM IS SELECTED Members of the girls varsity bas-ketball team, chosen last week after the close of the W. A. A. tournament, are as follows: forwards—Nellie Collins, Lola Hawkins, Velma Bean, and Elizabeth Richards; guards — Mildred Stutzman, Florence Weaver, Esther Pote, and Alice Christiansen The varsity team was chosen by the captains of the various teams and Elsie Rump, W. A. A. basketball attention of the W. A. A. members will now turn to playground baseball, which will begin as soon |
INTRA-MURAL B. B. IS CONCLUDED THIS WEEKBASEBALL NEXT IN LINE Intra-mural Play Gives Chance for More General Exercise-Aids Track Men intra-mural basketball has been in progress during most of the winter. It will now be dropped and some sim-liar teams will be organized in base-bull. Approximately sixty men participated in the Intra-mural basketball league. These men nominated captains in a general meeting held last fall, and the captains nominated chose their teams. Coach Melvin Binford was in general supervision of the league and members of the varsity basketball squad did most of the officiating. The league was a decided success and Coach Binford was largely responsible for the interest and enthusiasm that was displayed by the men in the league. Soon after the tournament was started it was very evident that com-petition was going to be keen and as a result close games were many. At the start of the season a few games resulted in upsets, but us the teams progressed nothing, or perhaps everything, could have been termed as upsets because of the equality of the teams competing. One of the main objects of the Intra-mural basketball league was to give exercise to the college men and condition those who will participate in track and football. Coach Bin-ford has as his aim making athletic competition available for all men in McPherson college. The intra-mural interesting a large percentage of the An important feature of the league won the rapid progress made by individuals. Some fellows played who had had little or no previous basketball experience and at the close of the season were playing good basket-ball. The captains of the various teams were J. T. Williams, Cleo Minear, Wilbur Whiteneck, Wilbur Yoder, Wallace McGill, Gordon Kraus, and Russell Carpenter. HIMES IS CAPTAIN OF ALL-LEAGUE SELECTIONIntra-Mural All-Stars Chosen by Captains and Members of Vanity Basketball Team Forwards—Wilbur Yoder and Charles Austin. Center- George Himes (captain). Guards—Cleo Minear and Wallace McGill. Second Team Forwards—William Juhnke and Rey Bartes (captain). Center— Lilburn Gottmann. Guards—Wilbur Whiteneck and J. T. Williams. Above are the first and second intra-mural basketball league teams as picked by the voting of the members of the varsity basketball squad and the seven captains of the intramural teams. Like most all-confer-ence teams this team could probably stand some changes and would not suit every individual, but it is the result of the voting and will be con-sidered official. George Himes was placed at the center position by every voter and as a result he has been given the cap- |
taincy of the first team. he has height and makes an excellent pivot man. He is especially valuable as a tip-in man and is a hard fighter. He was probably the best player in the league and always worked for the interest of his team. At the forward position are Wilbur Yoder had Charles Austin. Yoder has a good eye for the basket and is a good scorer. He is continually rustling the ball and is a good floor man. Austin at the other forward post is a good scorer and a tip-in artist. He is a good sport and ranges the floor well. The guard positions are taken by Cleo Minear and Wallace McGill. Minear is a good offensive guard and also covers his man well on defense. He has an accurate shot and is a good team player. McGill is a great defensive man. He is our favorite for breaking up shots under the basket and intercepting passes. The second team has good players on is also, and in a few cases the voting was close between first and Roy Bartles is given the captaincy of the second team and he well deserves; he is a smooth player having a fast dribble and a good shot. Juhnke at the other forward position is a good scorer and a fine sport. He Gottmann is placed at the center position. He uses his height under the basket to good advantage and is a good man to put the ball into scoring position. Wilbur Whiteneck at guard posi-tion is a tall man and his size is a great asset to him at the defensive position. He has lots of fight and directs it well for the interests of his team. At the other guard posi-tion is J. T. Williams, although not so tall he is good at getting rebounds and is a clever passer and a good team player. Besides these men the following were given honorable mention: John Kindy, Waller Weddle, Gordon Kraus, Elmer Keck, Frank Hutchinson, Lloyd Larsen, Wayne Johnson, George Zinn, B. F. Pankratz, and George Lerew. INTRA-MURAL FINAL STANDINGS
Carpenter _____________________1. The intra-mural basketball league ended in a four-way tie as a result of Minear losing to Yoder by a score of 23 to 17 in yesterday's final game. In the other game on yesterday's schedule Whiteneck won easily from Carpenter and thus created the tie between Minear Williams, Yoder, and Whiteneck. By the results of the final league standings it is clearly evident as to the evenness of the At the gracious invitation of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Vaniman the sophomores enjoyed a party in their home on College Hill last Saturday night, with Elsie Rump acting as hostess. The motif of St. Patrick's Day was used throughout the evening. The groups enjoyed playing Patrick, and later the guests were favored with a reading by Una Ring and two vocal selections by Blanc Harris. Near the dose of the evening the guests passed to the charmingly ap-pointed dining room. There dainty green and white refreshments were served from a long table set with a Swiss embroidered cloth, centered with a bowl of green and white, carnations and lighted green tapers. Other entertainment during the evening consisted of music from the |
electric Baldwin piano. Mrs. V. F. Schwalm was a special guest, while regrets ware received from Miss Delta Lehman and Mr. Perry Rohrer. Tues., Mar, 8—With our religion goes our institutions and our civilization, the things which natives often do not want, according to statements made by Pres. V. F. Schwalm at the Mission Study Group meeting held this afternoon. It was the first of a series sponsored by the local World Service Group. Part of Dr. Schwalm's message is contained in the following, which he quoted to the group: "The missionary has a hard Job; he teaches the heathen about Jesus, then they learn about our customs." C. E. PROGRAM DEVOTEDTO STUDY OF MISSIONSSun., March 13—Elizabeth Richards led the Christian Endeavor discussion tonight in a discussion of "Opportunities for Investment.” The entire program was devoted to a study of missionary programs and work. The first number of the program was a violin solo by Herbert Eby, who was accompanied by Merle Fisher. |