McPherson college, McPHERSON, Kansas, Wednesday, dec. 2. 1931
Game is Played on Pasture West of Town—Snow and Cold Make playing Difficult—Passes Usually Stopped
Carpenter and Pedigo do Outstanding Work in Backfield
Thurs., Dec. 3—Regular meeting of the World Service Group, Y. W. C. A. room, 6: 30 P. M.
Tues., Dec. 7 —Y. M. -Y. W. meetings at 10 A. M
Varied Program Is Given by Both Students and Faculty Members—Football Game Is Feature
Thurs., Nov. 26—The McPherson
College Bulldogs fought their ancient rivals, the Bethany Swedes, to a scoreless tie here this afternoon in the eleventh annual Thanksgiving classic between the two schools. The game was played on a field west of town formerly used as an airport, because of the poor condition of the Athletic Park gridiron. A crowd estimated at nearly one thousand spectators witnessed the game in spite of the chilly weather and the snow which fell during the entire game.
Neither team was able to gain consistently against the other. Passing and running was unsafe because of the poor footing underneath. The strong line of the Bulldogs held the Swedes in their only scoring threat after they had blocked a McPherson punt in scoring territory and advanced to the one yard line.
Carpenter, flashy Bulldog halt-back, broke loose on a long end run in the third quarter, but was brought down before he could cross the goal line. McPherson held an advantage in first downs, punts, and yards gained from passes, but the Swedes held a slight advantage of sit yards in the yardage gained from scrim-
The following is the summary of the game play by play.
First Quarter
Bethany made a short kick of about 10 yards and Keck fell on the ball. A long pass from Wiggins to Binford was incomplete. Bethany
drew a five penalty, but on the
next play Carpenter was thrown for
a two yard loss. Wiggins punted 40 yards, and Bethany in turn booted a 24-yard punt on the first play.
which Carpenter returned three yards. Carpenter made two yards and B. Anderson added three more
through the line. A pass from Wig-gins to Binford was good for 12 yards and a first and ten. Carpenter made four yards on an off-tackle play, and Anderson was thrown for a loss of one yard. An attempted pass was intercepted by Bethany and re-
Bethany made six yards in two plays then Pedigo punted 24 yards, Wiggins was stopped for no gain. He then punted 35 yards and the Swedes re-turned it six yards. Pedigo punted 20 yards, and Wiggins promptly sent the ball back 51 yards and over the goal line. With the ball in Bethany’s possession on the twenty yard line, Pedigo hit the line for one yard: McPherson was penalized, five yards for being off aide. Anderson added a yard for the Swedes. Pedigo punt-ed 43 yards and Carpenter returned it five. Binford hit the line for four yards, and Carpenter added Tour more yards. Wiggins punted 47 yards and over the goal line, the Swedes taking the ball on. their own 20-yard line. Anderson made two yards. Rex Anderson went into the McPher-son lineup for Hochstrasser. McPherson was penalized five yards. Pedigo punted 32 yards. Carpenter was thrown for a one yard loss. Wiggins punted, but it was blocked and the ball went out of bounds. Bethany took the ball on McPhersons 19-yard-line. Pedigo made three yards as the quarter ended.
Second Quarter
Pedigo made 10 yards and a first and ten, putting the ball on the six yard line. He was thrown for a yard loss, then bit the line for two yards. Again Pedigo hit the line for three yards. Anderson threw himself at the stubborn Bulldog line and made a scant yard. The Bulldogs took the ball on their own yard line, and after a five yard penalty on Bethany Wiggins punted out 47 yards. A. Ander-son gained two yards, then added five more. Pedigo was stopped for no gain. He then punted 21 yards. Carpenter was downed for a one yard loss. Reigel went in for Carmichael
Whoopee! —no school today!! Such was the sentiment of McPherson college students Monday morning, because of the fact that no classes awaited them. A holiday was declared by the faculty, largely as a recognition of the excellent work done by the football team this year, and especially their commendable work and good sportsmanship in playing the Bethany Swedes to a tie in the chill and mud of Thanksgiving afternoon.
The extra day of Thanksgiving vacation gave many students an opportunity to remain at their home longer before returning to school routine.
Coach Hess Issues Call for Registration of Applicants Before Dec. 15
Kansas intercollegiate Contest In Manhattan About March 15
Games, Contests and Short Programs Provide Enjoyable Evening
A party sponsored by the V. W. C. A. and Y. M, C, A. was held on Fri-day evening after Thanksgiving, in the Y. W. C. A. room, for students who did not spend their Thanksgiv-ing vacation at some distant place. A delightful evening was spent in contests, games, and jokes with about seventy-five being present.
After a "getting acquainted" game the Quests were divided into four groups. The games following we're contests between these groups and the group capturing the most point; received a prize.
After the games a short play was presented by Charles Austin, Grace Lerew, Edith Bechtelherlmer, and Everett Fasnacht. A violin and saxophone duet was played by Pauline Dull and Charley, Smith. A piano duet was played by Lois Edwards and Pauline Dell.
After a delicious lunch of popcorn balls and apples served by Alberta Yoder, Pearl Walker, Martha Andes, and Constance Rankin, Miss Della Lehman gave it reading. Harold Crist, who spent Thanksgiving on the campus, also gave a reading. As a last feature of the evening the group joined in on some group singing led by Harvey Shank, Paul Sherfy, in charge of the games.
Contains Interesting Facts Concerning Class of '35
Mon., Nov. 30—An interesting and attractive souvenir booklet has been prepared by members of the fresh-man class to be distributed among its members.
The booklet contains a short state-ment of welcome and advice from Dean F. A. Replogle and an excellent code of personal and group ethics embodying the aims and ideals of the class. Two ages are devoted to the class roll, including the number of freshmen coming from each. The last section gives the motto, class flower, colors, and officers of the Class of 1935.
Voluntary contributions from members of the class have made the book possible. Officers who are largely responsible for its preparation are Harry Frant, president, Elsie Lind holm, vice-president, Lola Lackey, secretary, and Walton Smith, treasurer.
Tues., Dec. I—The regular meet-ing of the Y. M. C. A. was omitted this morning. Dean R. E. Mohler will be the speaker at the meeting next Tuesday, his subject being "Per-sonality Complexes. "
You are broadminded if yon can sec from the other fellow’s point of
Candidates for the local tryouts in the various oratorical associations are urged to enter their names with the coach as promptly possible. Subjects should be chosen and outlines prepared preferably before December 15, in order to develop the orations during the Christmas holi-
The Kansas Intercollegiate Oratorical Association will meet at Manhattan, probably about March 15. The local tryout will be held noon after February 1, in this contest McPherson is permitted to enter two men and two women in oratory and two men and two women in extemporan-eous, Orations may be on any subject, 1500 words in length. The general subject for extempo will be announced about January 1. All orators and speakers will be entered in two preliminary rounds with the best six competing in the finals, silver loving cups going to the schools win-ning first or second in each of the
four events. The tournament will oc-cupy two days.
The local Anti Tobacco Oratorical Contest will, be held before the middle of February, with the State Con-test on March 11. State prizes are, $35. 00, $25. 00, and $15. 00. Ora-tions are of 1800 words, and are open to men or women.
The local Practice Oratorical Contest will be held early in March with the State Contest on April 22. There must be at least three local contes-tants in order to qualify for the state contest. State prizes are $60. 00 and $40. 00. Length of orations 15 min-
utes, open to men or women.
If you do not need the cash prizes, let someone else take them. If you do not need the training, let some-one else get it. If you think Mc-Pherson should not win, let some other school do it.
The next numbers on the McPher-son Community Lyceum course is scheduled for Monday night. Decem-ber it will take place in the Congregational Church of McPher-son. Ray Chiles of the University if Kansas give his " Liquid Air Demonstration" a program which will have scientific value as well as being exceedingly interesting to young and old alike,
Judge Bright Calls It a Tie Between Yale and Dartmouth
Tues., Dec. l—Luis Lackey was leader of the Y. W. C. A. meeting this morning, of which the subject was ”Miss Feminine Charm's
Friends. "
Louise Ikenberry discussed the types of friends, saying that all kinds
those made in college are of special
Lois Edwards and Gulah Hoover sang a duet, after which Una Ring spoke of the qualities of friends. She said that everyone should have at least one intimate friend, who should listen sympathetically and give advice honestly, and who above all should not be jealous.
Faithe Ketterman discussed the value of Miss Feminine Charm's friends. She closed her talk by saying that the only reward of virtue is virtue and the only way to have a
Broadcast from kfbi
One Hour Has Been Granted on Sunday, January 17
Wed., Nov. 20- President V. F. Schwalm has received word that, McPherson college has been granted an hour during which to broadcast a McPherson college program from radio station K F B I Milford, Kansas, on Sunday, January 11. The hour designated was from three to four o’clock in the afternoon.
A suitable program is to be worked but later for presentation on this broadcast.
LINDSBORG ARTIST SPEAKS Birger Sandzen, well known Linds-borg artist spoke Art yesterday evening at eight o’clock, in the Mc-Pherson high school auditorium. Mr. Sandzen pointed a large number of the pictures with which the walls of the McPherson college buildings are decorated.
Come to Visit and See the Bulldog-Swede Game
Thanksgiving brought an unusually large number, of visitors to the Mc-Pherson college campus, the majority of them coming, to see the annual football battle between the Bulldogs and the Bethany college Swedes. The
list of visitors includes the following graduates of former years: Vera Davison, Ruth Blickenstaff, Marvin Hill, Carroll Walker, Ethel Jamison, Blanch Pyle, Harry Zinn, Ruth Trostle, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Trostle, Harold Crist, Naomi Whiner, Joe Yoder, W. H. Yoder, Keith Hayes, Crave Early Alma Morrison, Miles Blickenstaff, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fillmore, Daniel Johnson, Clarence Zink, Eugenis Dawson, Ruth Anderson, Ray Non-ken, Ralph Himes, and Lloyd Diggs.
Some of the other former students who visited here were Eber Tice, Vernon Flaming, Ted Crist, Ernest Rogalksy, Guy Hayes, Opal Bowers, Raymond Buskirk, Clarence Brown, Salome Hiebert, Eldon Fields, Philip Felton, Leta Early, and Dorothy Lin-
Mon., Nov. 30 -Saxophones, snow-white stallions, football, and debate, seasoned by a few speeches, was the bill of rare at the All-school Party held this evening in the parlors of the College Church. Few students and faculty members missed the social.
A saxophone trio, conposed of Burr Miller, Charles Smith, and John Austin, furnished much of the music for the evening, and was near-ly exhausted before the affair ended.
The Thespians gave a vivid and entertaining dramatization of "Cin-derella" which was enjoyed by all. Everett Fasnacht and Hobart Huey debated the question, "Resolved: that girls should not date boys who wear corduroy pants. " Prof. J. D. Bright, the judge, played safe by calling it a tie with a score of 33 points each for Yale and Dartmouth
A football game between Swedes and Bulldogs resulted in an overwhelming victory for the Bulldogs. The program was completed with a duet by Merle Fisher and Evelyn Heiney, a baritone horn solo by Posey jaminson, and a pionalog given by Mildred Doyle,
Last but not least, was the pumpkin pie served to the guests.
Tues., Dec. 1—ckekka Nelson, soph-omore, was the only student who earned more than 40n honor points to make the mid-semester honor roll. Miss Nelson's honor points totaled 18 according to figures from the dean's office.
Honorable mention is accorded to the following students who made 35 or more honor points: Gretta Wilms Griffis 39; Milton Goerling 39; Earle Brumbaugh, 38; Wallace Mc-Gill, 38; Merle Fisher, 36; Lola Hawkins, 36; Grace Heckman, 36; Ethel Sherfy, 36; Philip Lauver, 36; Elmer Staats, 36; Florence Dresher, 35; and Gladys Riddel, 35.
Crumpacker and Schultis of Local High School Attend
Presidents of Two Colleges Are Exchanging Chapel Talks
Tues., Nov 24— Leonard Crump-packer and William Schultis, instruc-tors in industrial arts at McPherson high school, were present and took part in the regular monthly meeting of the industrial arts majors, which took place this evening in Prof. Mil-ton Dell's class room.
The group discussed a number of the problems facing the industrial arts teacher, and took a true-false test relating mostly to problems of classroom methods, and objectives in teaching this subject.
Dr. V. F. Schwalm is scheduled to speak before the assembly of Bethany college, Lindsborg, tomorrow morning. Through an exchange of speakers the presidents of McPherson and Bethany colleges are each speaking at the other school for chapel services this fall.
Pres. E. F. Pihiblad of Bethany spoke in our own assembly two
Sun., Nov. 29—The evening program at the Church of the Brethren was made up entirely of musical numbers by the mixed quartet of the church. Members of the quartet were Mrs. Anna C. Tate, soprano; Mrs. V. Y. Schwalm, alto; Mr. Harold Beam, tenor; and Mr. Paul Sargent, bass. They were accompanied by Bernice Dresher. Besides a number of quartet numbers they presented several duets and solo selections.
Miss Margaret Shelley, accompanied by Pauline Dell, played a violin
One of the greatest troubles is that most people try to live up to their dispositions.
"Thank you" is still not ignored
Unusual Plan to be Outlined at Meeting Next Tuesday
it is announced that the Y. W. C. a. programs until Christmas are to have "Friendship" as their theme.
The program next Tuesday morning will be the second of the “Friendship" series of programs. It will deal with the cultivation, maintenance, and appreciation of friendship. Dur-ing the two days following Tuesday the Y. W. C. A. girls will write notes to their friends telling them of their appreciation for them. It is the aim of this plan that every girl should participate and let her friends know that she appreciates them. Every girl is especially urged to be present at the meeting Tuesday morning to hear of the plan.
If a girl's character is judged by her clothes, some of them need more
EDITORIAL STAFF BUSINESS STAFF | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lillian Carlson | ||||
Prof. A. Hess |
This was the first time for many years that, there have not been at-tempts or alleged attempts on the part of McPherson or Bethany college students to point up and otherwise mar the campus of the other school pre-ceding the Bulldog-Swede football game. Let us be thankful that no such things happened this year to Impair the fine and sportsmanlike spirit of rivalry between the two colleges, and that the agreement made several years ago between them can be maintained
Before, during, and after the game both players and spectators on both sides displayed good sportsmanship. Quite naturally each was very anxious to win, but the scoreless tie at least prevented disappointment for one team and its followers. An examination of the summary shows that the game was fought on very nearly even terms, so that neither team can claim a moral victory or a superior playing power.
Bethany, we are sorry we didn't beat you, but we are glad it was a clean and well fought game. "When that is true, both teams win.
Without trial you cannot guess at your own strength. Men do not learn to swim on a table. They must go into deep water and buffet the
is no sign that it can not be done.
office—the difficulty lies in getting him to stay good after he is elected.
When yon borrow trouble the only collateral required is your peace of mind.
Some girls blush naturally—others put it on.
Be what your REAL friends think you are; avoid what your enemies say you are; go right ahead and be
by Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick, and Miss Vivian Steeves read the poem "We Thank Thee. " In a few moments of quiet and thank fulness, several students offered prayers of thanks and the entire school family repeated, the Lord’s Prayer.
The men’s glee club, directed by Mrs. Anna C. Tate, sand four numbers: "Prayer of Thanksgiving", "Massa Dear", "Vive L' Amour", and a levee song emitted “I've Been Working on the Railroad”.
Dr. J. D. Bright brought before the group a resolution favoring Jane Adams as a delegate from the United States to the disarmament conference. The resolution was passed and is to be signed as a petition by the students and faculty.
The remaining left minutes of the program was taken in charge by the cheer leaders, who led the groupi in a number of yells and stirring up a real school spirit in help beat the Swedes on Thanksgiving Day.
Ben Kim |
Doc. 3 | |
Cordon Kraus |
Dec 4 | |
Esther Eidse |
Dec. 6 |
Dr. John Nevin Sayre, editor of The World Tomorrow, who spoke at the city-wide mass peace meeting held recently in McPherson, is a careful student of international relations and a man who has learned the real situations in foreign countries by visiting them and studying their problems at first hand.
He advocated the following points as indispensable factors toward insuring international peace in the future:
1. Cancel foreign war debts.
2. Disclaim sole German War guilt.
3. Recognize Russia.
I. Strengthen our diplomatic peace machinery.
5. Effect actual and substantial disarmament.
6. The people refuse to fight or pay the bills for war.
Dr. Sayre quoted President Hoover's statement that the United States is spending seventy per cent, more for arms now than she did before the War, and more than any other nation.
Most of these joints meet violent apposition, but the roots of this opposition can in every case be traced to conflict with vested financial interests, prejudice due to ignorance or distorted propaganda, or kindred reasons.
It all boils down to this: if peace is to be a reality and the Cohfer-ence at Geneva next February is to accomplish its purpose, some one is going to have to make sacrifices, in some cases losses of money and posi-tion, but in the majority of instances people will merely have to give up some of their prejudices and face actual facts. They will have to recognize the fact that hatred, distrust, selfishness, and greed are not sources of peace and good will between individuals, and likewise not between nations. They are not in the same category with World Peace.
Things that can happen when three radio stations come in on the same wave length is said to be the experience of a man who had just in-stalled a radio and had not learned all the fine points of eliminating cross current. He tuned in, getting three stations on the same wave length. One was a minister. One was telling the conditions of the roads and the third was a lecture on poultry. Here is what he heard:
The Old Testament tells us that the baby chicks should detour one mile south of Salina and listen to the words of the prophets. Be careful in the selection of your eggs and you will find hard-surfaced roads on to Garden City. We find in Genesis that the roads are muddy just west of the hen house and clean straw is essential if you would save your soul. After passing through Leavensworth, turn north to Jerico. Three wise men bought a large size incubator on account of a bad detour. The baby chicks were troubled with the pip and bond issue is talked of in the Holy City. Keep the feet clean and dry, live a life of righteousness and turn south one mile west of the school house. Much care should be used in commanding the sun to stand still as there is a bad wash-out at the bridge at Paola and the road to Salvation is under repair, making it necessary for 70 degrees in the brooder house at all times. After you leave Winfield, trains you so these things the wrath of the Lord will cause the pin feathers to fall out and detour one mile south. Many are called, but few have any luck unless the gravel road between Topeka and Lawrence is mixed with the feed. Out of 500 eggs one should get roads from Coffeyville to Tulsa, and the Lord commanded Noah to build the Ark Just one telle west of Wichita. It rained 10 days and 40 nights and caused an eight-mile detour just wet of the brooder house. Many tourists from the House of David are trying the Plymouth Rock mixed with concrete and a desire to do right. —From the "Junior Pep"
Orvis Weddle of Bloom, Kansas, spent Thanksgiving vacation visiting friends and relatives on the campus.
Ethel Jaminson, Eber Tice, and Vernon Flaming, students at Kansas University, came to McPherson for Thanksgiving.
Rev. Miles Blickenstaff, a graduate of ‘21, and his family were at the F. G. McGaffey home Thursday and Friday.
Mrs. A. L. Rhoades and Frederic Doyle of Topeka were vacation visit-ors in McPherson.
Gulah Hoover, Ethel Jaminson, Harold Reinecker, and Posey Jamison motored to their homes at Quinter, Kansas, Friday morning.
Nellie Collins, Florence Weaver, Carroll Walker, and Eber Tice left after the game Thursday to spend the week-end at the homes of Miss Collins and Miss Weaver.
Rev. Y. H. Yoder of Waterloo, Iowa, visited with Alberta and Wilbur during Thanksgiving vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Kingery daughter Mabel if Overbrook, Kan-sas, were at the home of Prof. Maurice A. Hess, Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Carpenter of Sabetha, Kansas, were Thanksgiving guests of their soft Russell.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Carpenter and their infant daughter, Ann, paid brief visits to several McPherson
ter will be remembered as Ada Kurts, professor of history in '24 and '25.
Esther, Lester, and Orville Pole journeyed to their home near Ripley, Oklahoma, Wednesday afternoon. They returned to the campus Sunday evening, Orville Pote, a graduate in the class of ‘23, is teaching in the Halstead High School.
“Attitudes Toward Christianity’' is the Subject
Sum., Nov. 29—Corrine Bowers led an interesting discussion in Christian Endeavor tonight on "Atti-tudes Toward Christianity. " The leader and several others took part in an impressive devotional period.
The first talk was “What is the World's Attitude Toward Christianity? " by Martha Andes. Miss Andes classified humanity into three groups: first, those who wished to enjoy the benefits of Christianity without making any sacrifices; sec-ond, those who are distinctly against Christian principles: and third, those who want Christianity for themselves and all others alike. Glen Austin spoke on "What is our Christian Duty? " He pointed out that, among
other things we must take Christ in earmest and overcome prejudices.
The college Christian Endeavor will not meet next Sunday night because of the communion service to be held in the church basement.
Take head of jesting; many have been ruined by it. It is hard to jest and not sometims jeer.
Contact with the best that has been thought and said in the world induces a mighty humility—Ger-ould.
“Jack, you didn't shave this eve-ning."
"No, dear. I shaved this morning, and it makes my face sore to shave twice a day. "
"Well, it makes my face sore when you shave only once. "
"True benevolence is to love all men, " said Confucius, the famous Chinese philosopher. "Recompense injury with justice and kindness with kindness."
There lies a broad middle ground between being a tightwad and a profligate chump; it is in sensible spending and consistent saving.
Congratulations, Coaches, Bulldogs for your successful football year. We are backing you always. The Hawley Barber and Beauty Shop. Now is the time to get your Perma-nent wave for vacation. Ask about them. Call 499 for appointment. —
"I will this day try to live a simple, sincere and serene life, repelling promptly every thought of discontent, anxiety, discouragement, impurity, and self-seeking; cultivating cheerfulness, magnanimity, charity, and the habit of holy all silence; exercising economy in expenditure, carefulness in conversation, diligence in appointed service, fidelity to every trust, and a childlike trust to God. "—John H. Vincent.
The best way to handle a traffle top is to move your head up and down as he finishes each sentence.
We heard recently about the Scotchman in Detroit who took on his pants and threw them out of the window when he heard a boy below shout, "Free Peas. " - Selected
She: “There's a mistake of fifty cents in the butcher's bill today. "
He: “Phone him and bawl him out about it. "
She: “It is in our favor. "
He; "He Better say nothing about it. We might get some poor alert! in trouble. ''
Wed., Nov. 25—A special Thanks-giving program was given this morning in the college chapel, with the program starting fifteen minutes earlier than usual. Among the many things to be thankful for, one of the greatest was the fact that Prof. J. Hugh Heckman was present for the first time In many months, during which time he has been ill.
The program was of a varied na-ture, but it portrayed the spirit and attention of thankfulness. Miss Evelyn Saylor read President Herbert Hoover's proclamation on Thanks-giving, after which Dr. V. F.
read several scripture vers-es. Clinton Trostle presented a Thanksgiving proclamation written
Students Give Entire Program —Men’s Glee Club Sima |
It is important to know one's own mind, but most important to have a mind worth knowing. A just tax is one that soaks people who have more than you have. |
Anderson, Roy Bartles, Gordon Kraus, Samuel Stoner, Walter Weddle, Edward Bradley, Howard Williams, Elbert Himes, Walter Pauls,
Battles to a Scoreless Tie with Baker Wildcats
McPherson and Baker Tied with. 338 per cent Standings
Thurs., Nov 26— Kansas Wesley-an university retained its undefeated record for the season and undisputed lead in the Kansas Conference with its twelfth straight game without a loss today against. Baker, Coach Mackies' Coyotes battled about in mud and water and snow with the Baker Wildcats for four long quarters, but neither team was able to score, although both reached the opposite ten yard line at times. The fine punting of Robinson was a feature of the game, and it served to keep the ball in Baker's territory most of the time.
The Thanksgiving games leave Baker and McPherson tied for last place in the loop, while Ottawa and Bethany share the second rung.
Final Kansas Conference stand-
Keek Captains Second Team— Carpenter and R. Anderson Place
now look forward to next season with this fine squad of men and a few good additions. The Bulldogs ought to be well up in the running.
Speaking of punting, the strong toe of Leonard Wiggins has been one of the strong factors in the work
done this season by the Bulldogs. Game after game he has outpunted; his opponents and gained yardage thereby when the opposition in the line became too stiff. Even in the Turkey Day game, when the ball was wet and the footing poor, he made an average of over 31 yards in his punts, despite the fact that one of them was unfortunately blocked by the Swedes. Wiggins also has an accurate eye when he passes, and his ball carrying isn’t so bad either.
L |
T |
Pet. | ||||||
Wesleyan |
1.000 | |||||||
Ottawa |
2 |
2 |
0 |
.500 | ||||
Bethany |
.500 | |||||||
McPherson |
1 |
2 |
1 |
.333 | ||||
Baker |
1 |
2 |
1 |
.333 |
Plans for Barnstorming Trip Are Not Yet Definite
The Bulldog basketeers are scheduled to begin the season's basketball games with a battle against the Washburn college Ichabods, which is to take place In the Community Building on Wednesday night, December 16. The game is to be played earlier than usual in the evening because of a conflict with a play given by the McPherson a Junior high school.
Plans concerning a week's barn-storming trip just preceding Christ-mas are not yet definite, as a sufficient number of games to make the trip possible have not yet been arranged for.
The Kansas Conference schedule for the Bulldogs calls for the first game on January 15 against the Baker Wildcats. The complete conference schedule follows:
Elmer Heck, captain of the Bull
dog eleven, was chosen by Leslie Ed-monds and the various college coach-es as guard and captain on the sec-ond All Kansas Conference team this year. Carpenter, the hard driving halfback of the Bulldog team, was also given a place on the second team, as was Res Anderson, the ag-gressive end on the Bulldog line.
In addition, to these places on the
second All-conferenc team, Keck,
Carpenter R. Anderson, and Mowbray received honorable mention for the Kansas All-State team, selected from all the colleges of Kansas by Leslie Edmonds.
The Topeka Daily Capital All-con-ference selections are as follows: FIRST TEAM
Ends—Carlson, Wesleyan V. An-derson, Bethany.
Tackles—Toews, Bethany; Mize, Baker.
Guards— McIntyre, Wesleyan; Hartshorne, Bethany (captain) Center- Spear. Baker.
Backs — Robinson, Wesleyan; Knapper, Ottawa; Crookson, Baker; Buckland, Wesleyan.
Ends- spoug, Ottawa: R. Ander-son, McPherson.
Tackles—Hazel, Ottawa; Hampton, Wesleyan.
Guards—Eckert, Wesleyan; Keek, McPherson (captain).
Center—Waters, Ottawa.
Backs—Boxberger, Wesleyan: Senior, Ottawa; Carpenter, McPherson; Pike, Baker,
George Zinn and Rex Anderson were going good against, the Swedes, and Keck as usual fought like nobody's business in an effort to beat the Swedes before his career with the Bulldog gridsters was over. In fact, great credit is due to every man who went into the lineup Thursday, as well as to those who had to watch the game from the sidelines. Those latter had much to do with the success of the players who actually got into the game.
In addition to the four seniors mentioned in last week's Spectator who were to play their last game with the Bulldogs, mention should he made of Ralph Johnston and Roy Peebler, two seniors who have given of their best, to the team, even though they did not see very much actual service in varsity games.
With football now going down as history we will soon be in the midst of basketball. We have four letter-men, some other members of last year's squad, and with a right good looking bunch of freshmen we should have a good team to put on the floor this year. It is now almost certain that the Bulldog basketeers will meet the Washburn college team, coached by George Gardner, former Bulldog mentor, in an exhibition game here December 16.
penter was thrown for a loss of six yards. Carpenter gained two yards and Ikenberry went in for Minear to attempt a place kick, but a poor pass from center and a wet ball combined to delay the play too long, and he was forced to pass. The pass was incomplete and the Swedes took the ball on their own 22 yard line. A. Anderson made four yards. Pedigo took the ball for three yards and then added three more for a first and ten. A. Anderson made two yards and then eight yards for another first down. McPherson drew a five yard penalty. Anderson gained two yards. The Swedes attempted a pass, but it was incomplete. Pedigo punt-fid 27 yards and out of bounds. McPherson took the ball on her own 20 yard line. Wiggins punted 25 yards, A. Anderson gained one yard. Pedigo advanced five in two stabs at the line. Pedigo punted 24 yards and the ball went out of bounds. E. Anderson hit the Swede line for five yards. Wiggins punted 30 yards. Pedigo gained three yards and the quarter ended with the score still 0 to 0.
McPherson |
Pos. |
Bethany | ||
Hochstrasser |
LE |
— V. Anderson | ||
Minear .... |
LT |
Hoeffer | ||
LG |
Hartshorne | |||
Mowbray | ||||
Keek (Capt.) |
RG |
Youngquist | ||
Quigg |
RT | |||
Pauls |
RE |
Carmichael | ||
Binford ..... | ||||
Carpenter |
LH |
Pedigo (Capt.) | ||
Wiggins |
RH |
A. Anderson | ||
E. Anderson |
FB |
Gottfried |
Fourth Quarter
Pedigo gained two yards, then one yard in the first two plays. Pedigo punted 27 yards and the Bulldogs took the ball on the 20 yard line, Wiggins gained two yards, Wiggins punted 33 yards. A. Anderson lost one yard for Bethany. Gottfried punted 33 yards, and Wiggins booted the ball back 29 yards. Pedigo made two yards and then advanced three more. Gottfried punted 32 yards, E. Anderson hit the line for a gain of four yards. Wiggins punted 26 yards. The Swedes completed a pass for a gain of two yards. Pedigo lost three yards. Gottfried punted 30 yards. Wiggins punted back 28 yards. An attempted Swede pass was incomplete, Pedigo lost two yards. Gott-fried punted 27 yards. Binford went through the line for 10 yards and a first down. Anderson hit the line for six yards more, then Carpenter added two, Wiggins punted 22 yards, and Pedigo came back three yards. Gottfried punted 26 yards, Binford hit the line for one yard and the game ended — score McPherson 0, Bethany 0.
Substitutions: McPherson—R. Anderson for Hochstrasser, Ikenberry for Minear, Bethany—Reigel for Carmichael, Zimmerman for Ander-
Summary: Yards gained from scrimmage (exclusive of passes): McPherson 86, Bethany 92. Yards lost from scrimmage: McPherson 20, Bethany 13. First downs: McPherson 4, Bethany 3. Penalties: McPherson 4 for 30 yards, Bethany 4 for 30 yards. Passes: McPherson attempted 4, completed 1 for 12 yards: Bethany attempted 3, completed 1 for 2 yards. Passes intercepted: McPherson none. Bethany 1 for 6 yards. Punts; McPherson 18 for 573 yards, Bethany 18 for 166 yards. Return from punts: McPherson 20 yards, Bethany 17 yards. Fumbles: McPherson 2, recovered 3; Bethany 2, recovered 1
Officials: Ben Wood, referee; Pete Heil, umpire; Myers, headlinenman.
January |
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January | ||||
January |
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t here | ||
February |
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Baker |
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February |
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February |
Bethany. |
Twenty-Four Men out to Practice Tuesday Night
Tues., Dec. 1—Twenty-four men were on hand for the second official basketball practice since the closing of the football season, held this eve-ning in the college gymnasium. Prac-tices are to be held regularly from now on, every evening at 3: 30 o'
Coach Binford now has the addition of a large number of football men to work on, and the squad will doubtless have some stiff and frequent workouts the next few days in preparation for the first game with Washburn college, which takes place on the Community Hall court on Wednesday night. December 16 The Washburn team, directed by George Gardner, former Bulldog ath-letic coach, is expected to show the Bulldogs some real competition, as Washburn teams have a habit of be-ing winners.
The list of men out for practice this evening includes the following: Posey Jaminson, Loren Rock, Ralph Johnston, John Kindy, Harold Bin-ford, Verle Ohmart, Art Ediger, Cheater Siemens, Wilbur Yoder, Rus-sell Carpenter, Leonard Wiggins, Harold Reinecker, Hobart Ikenberry, Harry Breeden, Kenneth Moore, Rex
The Swede game is over; neither team could score, and both teams
proved that they had some fine foot- ball in them. We will probably never know what the score would have been if the game would have been played on a dry field, but we feel as though it would have been some-thing different.
The Swedes had one good chance to score that was spoiled by the Bull dogs.
The Swedes blocked a Me- Pherson punt in scoring territory and the rugged line of the Bulldogs held off the repeated thrusts of the Swedes.
Carpenter made a pretty run in the third quarter, and almost got away for a touchdown. And he might have gone still farther, but spectators were out on the field a few yards and impeded his progress. The entire McPherson backfield was play-ing good ball and fumbles were few even though the ball was quite wet.
The Bulldog line was charging in fine shape and the Swedes could make but little headway through the Bulldog forward wall. Time and again one of the linemen would break through and stop the Bethany runner before he had made a gain and sometimes before he reached the
line of scrimmage.
We would like to have seen Iken-berry get a chance to place kick when he was sent into the game "Ikey" has been doing some nice kicking recently, and is credited with winning a number of high school games by his accurate place kicks, if given time he might have booted a goal for the Bulldogs and made a far different score.
Well, its to late to talk of what might have happened, but the Bull-dogs certainty played their old rivals to a standstill. The Canines made one more first down than their oppo-nents, made more yards from passes, and outpunted them, but the Swedes had a slight advantage in yards gained from the scrimmage. We must
ill the Bethany lineup. Wiggins punt-ed 36 yards. Pedigo made four yards through the line. Bethany was penalized fifteen yards. Pedigo punted 45 yards and Carpenter returned it 10 yards. Again Bethany drew a penalty of five yards. Binford made three yards, and E. Anderson got two more yards to complete the first and ten. McPherson was penalized fifteen yards. Carpenter gained three yards. Wiggins was thrown for a six yard loss on an attempted punt. On the next try he punted 40 yards, the Swedes fumbled', and McPherson recovered. Anderson hit the line for two yards. Wiggins punted 30 yards and the Swedes returned the ball four yards. Bethany's Anderson made one yard. Bethany fumbled and Keek recovered for the Bulldogs. Carpenter made two yards. An attempted pass was incomplete. Wiggins punted 20 yards and Bethany took the ball on her own 10 yard line. Everly made two yards and Anderson made three more. Zimmerman went in for Anderson of Bethany. Pedigo punted 30 yards just as the half ended.
Third Quarter
McPherson, kicked to Bethany and they returned to their own 21 yard line. A. Anderson gained three yards, then Pedigo added another yard. Pedigo punted for 28 yards. Wiggins punted 30 yards and the Swedes returned it five yards. Pedigo made three yards in two attempts, then punted eighteen yards and out of bounds. Corpenter took the ball on a wide end run and advanced 24 yards for another first and ten. Anderson gained one yard, then Car-