McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Wednesday, nov. 18, 1931



Game Played on a Muddy Field—Bulldogs Score in Third and Fourth Periods After Early Ottawa. Counter

Sat., Nov. 14—A Leadership Train ing School is scheduled to begin at the Church of the Brethren. McPherson, beginning on Thursday evening. November 19, and continuing for six successive Thursday evenings.

The following courses will be offered: Course I—"A Study of the Pupil", a course intended to lead to a clearer understanding of the pro cess by which growth in Christian personality takes place; Course 31 —"A Study of Middle Childhood".

a specialized course in Primary work; Course 61—"A Study of Middle Adolescence ", a course the characteristics of the adolescent period and the factors involved in the growth of Christian character during this period; Course 81—“A Study of Adult Life", a course dealing with adult life with its character-istic attitudes, experience, needs, and problems.

The faculty for the training school is as follows: Course 1, Prof. J A. Blair; Course 31. Mrs. F. A. Rep-logle; Course 61, Dean F. A. Rep-logle; and Course 81, Prof. K. E. Mohler.

The expenses for the school will be small, consisting only of the cost of a test for the particular course in which the student is enrolled, ranging from sixty cents to $1. 25 and a small enrollment fee of twenty-five cents to cover other incidental expenses.

The Leadership Training School is intended for all teachers or prospective teachers in church schools, and also for all others who are interested in knowing something more about some period of human life.

Today—McPherson-Bethel football game at McPherson Athletic Park, 2: 30 P. M.

Thurs., Nov. 19—World Service Group meets in Y. W. C. A. room at 6: 30 P. M.

Nov. 21—C. E. Party in College Church parlors.

Tues., Nov. 21 Regular Y. M. C. W. meetings at 10 A. M.


Theme of Meetings is "Christ's Call to Youth"

Sun., Nov. 15- The last meeting of the Central District Christian En-deavor Convention was held this eve ning in the Presbyterian Church of McPherson. The convention began Friday evening and extended over Saturday and Sunday. The theme of the conference was "Christ's Call to Youth. "    

Rev. H. F. Richards of the College Church was convention chairman.

The out of town speakers who ap-

peared on the program were Francis Mason, Inez Greer, Leona Lewis, Allan Winn, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Duke.

College students who participated in the convention were Mary Swain, Evelyn Fields, Ethel Sherfy, Mildred Dahlinger, Pauline Dell, Grace Heckman, Mildred Ronk, Milton Goering, Archie Lindholm, Paul Sherfy, Wallace McGill, Lilburn Gottmann, and members of the college ladies and men's quartets. Dr. V. F Schwalm gave one of the addresses of the program.

A banquet was given to the con-ference delegates in the parlors of the Church of the Brethren Saturday evening. The program consisted of pep songs, reports of delegates who had attended the international C. E. Convention in San Francisco last summer, and the radio broadcast of the Liberal Arts College program.

The Covenant Hour at the close of each evening's meeting was very inspirational. Colored lights were fo-cused upon a cross and appropriate songs were sung in a worshipful


Most of the meetings were held in the Presbyterian and Christian Churches of McPherson. Owing to the bad weather the attendance was cut down considerable from what had been expected.

The next Central District C. E. Convention will be held at Emporia next November.     


Wed., Nov 11- Considerable en-thusiasm on the part of the students because of the victory of the Bull-dugs over the Ottawa Braves was revealed this evening after the result of the game was announced.

About 8: 30 a rousing pep parade was held on Main Street, students the well known "snake dance" and yells by the group at all of the main intersections. Following this all were treated to a free moving picture through the courtesy of the manage-ment of the Tourney Theater.

Ruth Hobart and Millicent Nyquist Are Alternates—Voting Was Very Close in Several Instances



Explains the Necessity for a Gold or Silver Standard

Mon,. Nov. 16-" Money" was the subject of an interesting chapel speeks this morning by Prof. E. H. Bohling. In showing the importance of money. Prof. Bohling stated that most good things submit to the mon-ey appraisal, and that the standard by which nearly all things are judged is money.

He discussed the development of the use of money, telling how barter was the first form of trade before a standardized form of money came

into use. Some of the things used for money more or less commonly were animal skins, slaves, oxen, orna-


Prof. Bohling explained the neces-sity for having gold and silver as a monestry standard. He said that some of the things needed for such a standard are desirability, portabillity, uniformity, divisability, lack of

oversupply or scarcity, and stability. Gold most nearly meets these re-quirements, and therefore is perhaps the most desirable of money standards.

Kermit Hayes played the proces-sional and recessional for the chapel


McPherson 14. Ottawa 6

Wiggins and Carpenter Make Touch-down for McPherson

Ottawa, Nov. 11—The McPherson college Bulldogs won their first conference football game of the season here this afternoon from the Ottawa Braves by a score of 14 to 6. The Bulldogs after getting a slow start, showed a complete reversal of form and shoved across two touchdowns in the last periods after Ottawa had scored in the first quarter.

The game was played on

a field covered with water and mud. Bin-ford or McPherson suffered a broken nose on the second play of the game, but played a good game in spite of this handicap. Ottawa scored in the first quarter after two long passes had put the ball in scoring position. Smith went over for the counter, but Elder missed the try for point.

Ottawa's heavy team could not gain consistently against the Bulldog forward wall, and resorted to many passes. Knapper threw some excellent passes, but many of them were grounded and a few were intercepted,

In the third quarter McPherson got the ball on the dry side of the field and worked down on that side, keeping the ball in the dry as much as possible. With E. Anderson going through the center of the line and Carpenter going off tackle the ball was soon placed on the nine yard line with firm and goal to go. On the next play McPherson drew a five

yard penalty. A few stabs at the

line gained a little, then on the fourth down a pass from Carpenter to Wiggins was good for a touchdown. Wiggins’s kick was good, placing the Bulldogs in the lead.

In the fourth quarter McPherson recovered an Ottawa fumble which put the Bulldogs into scoring position. On the first play Carpenter carried the ball off tackle for the

(Continued on Page Four)


Courses Offered Are Primarily for Church School Teachers


Thurs., Nov. 12—About seventy persons were present today at the chemistry club program which consisted of four reels of educational films published by the General Electric Company.

"Liquid Air”, "The Mazda Lamp”, "The Life of Edison", and “A Pillar of Salt", were the pictures shown. The next meeting of the club will be the annual chemistry social which will not be held until after the Thanksgiving vacation.


Tbit Edition Dedicated to the Liberal Arts College

The November edition of the McPherson college Bulletin was issued last week. This number of the bulletin has been designated as a special Liberal Arts College number. Following the plan of the National Liberal Arts College Broadcast' which took place on Saturday, November 14. The bulletin contains articles Intended to set forth the aims, ideals, and present status of the American Liberal Arts College, and of our own in particular. The spirit and atmosphere of the college. Its contribution to society and to the community, and the efficiency of its faculty and curriculum are stressed in these articles.

One article of special interest was written by Prof. R. E. Mohler. It is entitled "The Spirit and Atmosphere of McPherson College in 1913    In

it he points out the fact that life was much simpler in 1913 than it is today, as there were fewer things outside of school to occupy our time In 1913 only one member of the college family owned a car, but at present all of the faculty and more than half of the students have access to a car. Few extra-curricular activi-ties could be found, there being no football or intercollegiate debate. Our present strong departments of athletics, music, forensics, and dramatics show what an improvement has been made along this line

One of the most noticeable factors in the growth of the college since 1913 ban been the raising of the academic standard. In 1913 the atmosphere was strongly high school, although the students were considerably older than the average high school student of today. Three fourths of all students were enrolled in the Academy, and the entire college, enrollment was forty-seven.

Professor Mohler says that religion and the abiding realities of life have always round a large place in McPherson college. It was true in 1913 and it is true today.

A comparative financial statement of McPherson college for the fiscal year ending June 15, 1931, was issued as a supplement, to the Bulletin.



The following members of the animal husbandry class, with their in-structor, Prof. Milton S Bell, made the trip to Wichita Thursday to attend the Kansas National Livestock

Exposition, which was in progress November 9 to 12: Art Ediger, Ben Kim, Chester Siemens, Harlow Nach-tigal, J. T. Williams, Lester Pote, Donald Dresher, Glenn Hammann, Royal Yoder, Frank Hutchison, and Herbert Hochstrasser.

The man who goes through life hunting for a soft thing can usually find it right under his hat.

To be seventy years young is far more cheerful and hopeful than to be forty years old. —O. W. Holmes,



Rev. H. F. Richards of College Church is Chairman


Sun., Nov. 15- It has been an-nounced that the members of the Junior-Senior Men's and Women's Sunday School classes of the Church of the Brethren will not have their party this week. The affair had been planned for Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Y. A Vaniman. It has been postponed indefinitely, and fur-ther plans for the date of this party will be announced later.

Afterward are Treated to a Moving Picture


Wed,. Nov. 18- The annual Quad-rangle sale was scheduled to take place this morning during the chapel period. The event is always one of interest to the students, and compe-tition is keen between classes in the race to see who can first go over one hundred percent in orders for the yearbook.

Results of the sale and the class which won out in the competition will be announced in next week's Spectator.


Rev. Oliver H. Austin Speaks on "Character Building"

Fri., Nov. 13- In chapel this morning President Schwalm intro-duced Mr. and Mrs Oliver H. Austin, both alumni of McPherson college, who are family representatives working out in the field as evange-lists. Rev. Mr. Austin talked to the  students on "Character Building".

He said that character building is the most important building industry in the world. Then he listed four ways in which a person can more effectively build character.

First, life is a builder and to build a life a friend is necessary. One should build upon friendship and not on money, and Jesus Christ is the best friend to choose.

Second, we need a cause. To be successful one must work for some goal, as all great people have done. One should choose the Kingdom of God as his cause.

Third, a book should be chosen, and the Bible is the book to select. And last, a brotherhood of people with like spirit and aspirations should be chosen. This need is best filled by the Church.

In conclusion the speaker said that it doesn't matter how long you live, but how well you live. Jesus Christ was given as an example of what can be accomplished in a short life. Mrs. Austin also was introduced and gave a few words of greeting to the students.

Following those talks the college women's quartet, composed of Helen Holloway, Vera Flora, Ethel Sherfy, and Lois Edwards sang "Rose of

My Heart" and "Rock of Ages".



Six Teams Will Enter Southwestern Pre-Season Tournament

Fri., Nov, 13 -Lillian Carlson, Mildred Doyle, Hope Nickel, and, Alice Ruchlen were selected to form the women's debate team as a result of th tryouts held this afternoon to the college chapel. Alternates for the team are Ruth Hobart and Milli-cent Nyquist.

Only six women entered the try- outs, several having dropped out of the competition before this after-noon.

Coach Maurice A. Hess stated that the voting was very close, in several cases varying, but one point between  the different candidates. Judges were Miss Delia Lehman, Mrs. J. D. Bright, Prof. J. H. Fries, Prof. E. R.,

Bohling, and Prof. Maurice A. Hess

Of the four debaters making the first team, Miss Doyle and Miss Carl-son have had one year each of exper-ience during their succesful season last year, and both Miss Nickel and Miss Raehlen have had considerable experience debating in high school.

Professor Hess plans to take six teams to the annual pre-season de-bate tournament to be held at South-western college on December 4 and 5. The men's second team will enter the junior college division of the tournament, while the varsity men's and women's teams will enter events respectively for men's and women's teams from four year colleges. Con-testants will be paired, and each team thus formed will be required to debate both sides of the question in the course of the tournament.

The Southwestern tournament this

year promises to be one of the largest in years, although last year 132 teams from forty-four colleges of five different states took part.

The question for debate this year is a discussion of capitalism, the statement being "Resolved: that Congress shall chart legislation providing for the centralized control of industry. ”


Play "Cootie” and Listen to a Short Program

Fri., Nov. 13 Forty members of the senior class were present at a party given this even in the Y. W. C. A. room.

The center of entertainment for the evening was the playing of “Cootie" at quartet tables. A great deal of interest was shown in the game. Florence Weaver and Lealle Myers received the high scores.

A short program was given, in-cluding a clog dance by Vivian Steeves and Ella Nickel of the first year physical training class. Six senior girls gave a "Romeo and Juliet" playlet. Those participating in this stunt were Mildred Doyle, Nellie Collins, Elsie Muse, Ciara Fern

Mast, Alberta Yoder, and Helen Holloway.

The guests were served a two course luncheon at the quartet tables.


Mon., Nov. 16 -This evening at the regular meeting of the Women's Athletic Association it was decided to send one delegate to the state W. A. A. convention which is to take place at Winfield the latter part of this week, on November 19, 20, and 21.

At the meeting it was not defin-itely decided as to who should be the representative of the local organ-ization.

Patronize Spectator advertisers.

They are M. C. boosters.

WEDNESDAY, NOV. 18, 1931

Speaking of unemployment, the average man has 12, 000, 000, 000 brain cells.

Too many folks do unto others as they imagine the others would do unto them. If they got a chance.

Editor-in-chief Associate Editor

Vernon C. Rhoades

Wilbur Yoder

Alberta Yoder

Circulation Manager


Business Manager—

Asst Business Manager Ass't Business Manager Frank Hutchinson

Lloyd A. Larsen

Paul Sherfy

J. T. Williams


small daughter, Ann, of Hanover-too. Ohio, will spend a part of the Thanksgiving vacation here, according to present plans. Mrs. Carpenter was formerly Ada Kurtz, and was graduated in the class of '23.

and if war is declared each citizen should absolutely refuse to go to war.

Russell Carpenter attended the Kansas-Nebraska football game at Manhattan Saturday.


Real friends are like lighthouses,

inconspicuous when not, needed, but ready to send out cheer when shadows fail.


Agnes Bean

Dorothy Dresher Mildred Doyle Faculty Adviser

REPORTERS Una Ring Lillian Carlson Dennis Andes

Mattie Shay Everette Fashnacht Viola De Vilbiss

Prof. Maurice A. Hess

There are times when it is much better to ask questions than to pretend that you know all about it.

Mildred Doyle & Lillian Carlson Give Peace Addresses


Success consists in finding the shortest line between two points— where you are and where you want to be.

The following article was laid on the editor's desk by an unknown party, designating himself as "a student interested in Student Government";

"Of what use is our Student Council? The classes and organizations elect representatives to this governing body to represent the students. So far so good. The Student Council may vote unanimously on what the students want, but it is not passed unless the faculty passes on the Student Council's decision. So consequently we are not being governed by the Student Council, but by what the faculty thinks is right or wrong. Why have a Student Council? They are not doing us any good. We might as well disband them, and let them spend that time at something more worth while. We are being governed by the faculty and not by the Student Council, as we are made to believe. If the Student Council is not going to govern the student body, why have them?

Why not change some constitutions so the students can have a voice in the government? Eh, what! "

While it is agreed that part of the above may be just criticism, the writer should reconsider certain of his statements. The Student Council is doing us some good. This organization actually has almost complete control over most of the student activities. It takes responsibility for financing and publishing the two student publications, the Spectator and the Quadrangle; It sponsors the majority of the social events on the campus, including several all-school picnics and parties during the year; it brings to students a number of good programs of entertainment through the yenr, either at a nominal cost to the student or at free admission, through the students' incidental fees, thus having control over the administration of a considerable part of the money paid in by each student; it sponsors plays and musical programs put on by the various dramatic and musical organizations; it sponsors and finances the forensic activities of the year, including the state debate tournament; it provides and keeps in repair the tennis courts for the use of students; and it gives recognition to students who have rendered service to the school, in the form of medals and trophies. All of these are things for the benefit of students which could not well be done by any other organization on the campus. It would be well to consider these things before suggesting that the Student Council be disbanded.

Certainly a closer cooperation is needed between Student Council and faculty, and perhaps some method can be devised whereby the students can have a stronger voice in matters which concern students primarily. Meanwhile let us not talk of disbanding the Student Council, an action which would defeat its own end in that after that step students would be entirely without means of having any voice in the control of school activities.

Nothing recedes like success.— Walter Winchell.

Even if you have a good excuse for giving up, remember that all the rewards go to those who stick till they get what they are after.


Elsie Muse

Othetta Clark Carrol Whitcher


Nov. 18 Nov. 22 Nov. 24


Faithe Ketterman and Ellen Steinberg spent the week-end at Lorraine, in the home of Miss Steinberg.

Archie Blickenstaff, ’29, and Ray Nonken, '30, visited on the campus Saturday. They were on the way to the Kansas State Nebraska U. game at Manhattan.

Wed., Nov. 11—An Armistice Chapel Service, starting at 10: 45 o'clock this morning, was held in the college chapel. After the song of ‘‘America'' a prayer was given in unison; Dr. J. D. Bright acted as leader of the morning program. The McPherson college peace Caravanners, Miss Lillian Carlson and Miss Mildred Doyle, also gave talks.

After the reading of the high points of the Peace Pact Paris and Preamble of the Treaty, a two-min-ute period of silence was observed with bowed heads. Miss Mattie Shay then played a violin solo, “The Old Refrain” by Fritz Kriesler.

The "peace” talks were given by Lillian Carlson and Mildred Doyle, who have been acting as representatives from McPherson College this past, summer in peace caravan work. They presented their viewpoints on War and Peace, with Miss Carlson speaking first. She pointed out that there are two modern ways of settling disputes: first, through the

League of Nations; and second, through the World Court. She also stated that there are several things the United States can do to help promote the Peace issue. From among many things, she should especially put on a program of education against war, consider other nations as all belonging to a human family.

Miss Doyle, in her talk on Disarmament, said that the Gutted States has power to be a great influence in forwarding peace and she can do it in one way especially by carrying out the Kellog Peace Pact, Miss Doyle also remarked that modern armaments no longer insure security. A disarmament conference is to be held in the near future at Geneva, Switzerland, and the citizens of the United States have the privilege and duty of revealing their desires for peace by writing to President Hoover and signing Peace petitions which will be sent to the United States Peace representatives.

Miss Carlson and Miss Doyle challenged the college people and citizens of the United States to take advantage of their opportunity at once before it becomes too late.

Swedes, we're getting ready.

You will feel better and look better after visiting the Hawley Barber and Beauty Shop. Ask about our permanent waves. Try one of our Woodbury Facials. Phone 499 — adv.


The attention of the nation is being called to the annual Roll Call of the American Red Cross, which was launched this year on Armistice Day and is to continue until Thanksgiving. The membership drive this year signalizes the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of that organization, and a special effort. Is being put forth to gain additional members for the coming year.

The Red Cross has done a stupendous amount of work for the welfare of mankind since its beginning fifty years ago, with the first society of fifty members formed under the leadership of Clara Barton. The organization has grown until it was able to feed, clothe, and give relief to more than 2, 750, 000 people last year in the drouthstricken areas of the Northwest. Today the Junior Red Cross organization, including members of the lower school ages, alone comprises more than 7, 000, 000 members. The drouth relief project undertaken by the Red Cross last year ranks as a major effort of its career. Drouth relief was given to people scattered through twenty-three states. However; this was not tho only work, for the organization also gave aid in the cases of other disasters in thirty-eight states, involving fifty-two separate calamities. The great service rendered by the Red Cross in alleviating pain and poverty during the World War is another of its monumental accomplishments,

There is also the international side of the Red Cross movement, which began its development at the close of the World War with the creation of the League or Red Cross Societies, formed under American leadership. Through this League there has developed a growing international relationship in the Red Cross field.

To an organization which has performed such a vast amount of social service the people of America owe a debt of gratitude, and this can best be paid by supporting and actively participating in the work of the Red Cross,

Harold Crist, '30, and Marvin Hill, '31, visited here Friday and Saturday, and went to the football game at Manhattan.

Mr. and Mrs. Virgil S. Coffman of South English, Iowa, recently announced the birth of a son. Both Mr. and Mrs. Coffman were graduated in the Class of '27.

Esther Brown and Paul Sherfy accompanied Dean F. A. Replogle to Ellinwood, Friday, where the lEtter spoke In a Sunday School convention.

Dean F. A. Replogle, Mary Lou Williams, and Philip Lanver motored to Chase Sunday, where Dean Replogle spoke in the County Sunday School Convention being held there.

Ward Williams motored to Castle-ton Thursday evening where he took part in the Reno County Sunday School Convention during the weekend. He returned to the campus Monday morning.


Since we have started talking about closing hours for men, the women on the campus would like to see them punished by another restriction. We suppose you have noticed the great difference between the dress of the men and the women on the campus. Of course styles for the two seres have always been different, but there is neatness to consider.

Is it not fair for a man to run around the Hill looking like, a hitch hiker who has not been hitched for the last one hundred miles? What if the women wore dirty corduroy skirts of various hues from a smoky white to bright purple? A great protest would arise, sex appeal would go down to zero, and the men would yell quits. Of course women like to dress well, but their standard is too high for the men. How about an organization of women advocating wool hose, flatboat shoes, gingham dresses, and stocking caps with a red ribbon at the peak? Then at least the women would be on a level with the men in styles.

The cure—there is none; at least as far as the men are concerned. But the women? Don't worry, they notice neatness when they see it. Of course the women don't want the men to dress like an advertisement for a clothing company, but they do like to see corduroys go to the laundry at least once a semester. —University Daily Kansan.

Ruth Arbieter and Alice Christiansen spent the week-end in their respective homes near Durham.

Mr. and Mrs. Doty of Hutchinson visited friends in McPherson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Doty are both alumni of McPherson.

Ruth Ihde and Evelyn Heiny went to Hutchinson Saturday and returned to the campus Sunday afternoon.

Lois Lackey and Merle Fisher were in Hutchinson Saturday.

Raymond Peterson, a former student here, and a friend from Emporia, were visiting on the campus Saturday and Sunday.

Harry Frantz and Melvin Flora took Sunday dinner at the F. G. Mc-Caffey home.

Money talks, but it doesn’t hesitate long enough to say much.

Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Carpenter and

Roy Mason spent Saturday and Sunday in the home at Norbourne, Missouri.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. Clyde Forsey, South Bend, Indiana, a son, named Jay Edwin. Mr. Forney graduated in the class of '19; Mrs. Forney with the Class of '20.

All that mankind has done, thought, gained, or been; it is lying as in magic preservation in the pages of books. They are the chosen pos-session of men. —Carlyle.

WEDNESDAY, NOV. 18, 1931




Green hats, red hats, hats of blatant hue.

Green salad; red beets, golden brown stew,

Kaleidoscopic color, conginomerated hue;

Dishes clatter.

Faucets spatter,

Voices chatter;

Much ado.


There is a long time inching by Counters where the viands lie In gay mosaic to the eye— steaming hot or Icy chill That each who comes may choose at will

What tempts his taste, and eat his fill    


Thin folks, fat folks, tall folks, and


Some who eat for business, and some who eat for sport,

A blur of mouthing mariners steer-ing spoon ships into port; Mealy munching,

Crusty crunching.

People lunching Of every sort.


A banker with his frowsy wife;

A dark-skinned girl who hides a knife;

Lovers hungering for life;

Vibrations from the motley throng Crowd upon the soul so strong

One must weep or sing a song; Cafeteria!

—Doris Wilder.


Love is like the star dust,

Strewn by hand of Time— Diffusing beauty and endlessly in every land and clime.

Love is like the moonbeams That with their mystic light Adorn, with fringe of splendor.

The somber robes of night.

Love is like the fragrance Of a radiant blooming rose—

From whence it comes, or where departs,

No one ever knows.

Love is lofty as the heavens— Lowly as the sod.

Love is just the best, of life—

And all we know of God.

—Buelah M. Fisher.


The world is so full of a number of things—

Gold and depression and bootlegging rings;

Mystery, murders; embezzlements. Feuds;

Preachers in politics, patters and prudes,

Hold ups and hangovers, gin, janes, and Jazz.

Bridge experts giving each other the razz.

Gangsters and Governor Murray and


Morons who whistle and Mencken’s last sneer.

Farm boards, commissions and 30c wheat;

Bargains in food stuffs and nothing to eat.     

Shaw's trip to Russia and Eugenie hats

Golf balls, backgammon, and Gandhi and spats.

Radio crooners, and Aimee McPherson;

Tooth paste and Amos and Andy in


Gaze in amaze on a world gone


R. L. S. said, and why shouldn't I?

The world is so full of a number of things

I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings.


Greatly shining.

The autumn moon floats in the thin sky;

And the fish-ponds shake their backs and flash their dragon scales As she passes over them.

—Amy Lowell

The College Christian Endeavor Society of the Church of the Brethren, of which Lilburn Gottman is president, will sponsor a party in the parlors of the church next Saturday night, November 31.


Advocate Disarmament and

Adherence to Paris Peace Pact

Thurs,, Nov. 12—The local Y. M. C. A., with Kenneth Bitikofer as acting chairman, has been sponsor-ing movement to get signers to Peace petitions to be sent to President Hoover. So far a largo number of students and faculty members have signed, and others are being given an opportunity to do this be-fore the lists are sent in.

The statement of the petitions indorses the Pact of Paris, pledging our government and fifty-eight, others to renounce war as an instrument of International policy and seek solution of all controversies by peaceful means only. It also voices the belief that the present world economic de-pression makes an immediate cut in arms expenditures imperative to lessen the burdens of taxation and contribute to the stability of the world.

It is suggested that the United States representatives to the ap-proaching World Disarmament Conference at Geneva advocate the following points:

1.    Unceasing emphasis an the moral obligations of the Peace Pact.

2.    Actual reductions of all armaments on land, sea, and air.

3.    Drastic redactions and limitations of naval expenditures.

4.    Immediate abolition by all governments of preparations and appropriations for use of poison gas and disease germs in warfare.

6. Establishment of a Permanent Disarmament Commission to follow the execution of the disarmament agreements.

In addition the petitions advocate the adherence of the United States to the World Court before the Disarmament Conference opens as an expression of the attitude of the United States toward world cooperation.



Miss Shelley, and Mrs. Tate also Participate in Program

Sat., Nov. 14—President V. F. Schwalm, Miss Margaret Shelley, and Mrs. Anna C. Tate participated in the program given from radio station KFH at Wichita this evening, from 7: 30 to 8 o'clock. Doctor Schwalm gave a short talk concerning the Liberal Arts College, Miss Shelley and Mrs. Tate furnished musical numbers.

This program preceded the National Broadcast, during which President Hoover and a number of other nationally known educators and lecturers were heard, in short speeches on the aims, needs, and achievements of the American Liberal Aria College.

A radio was installed in the Y. W. C. A. room on the McPherson college campus, and a large group of students took advantage of this opportunity to hear the broadcast.


Recent additions to the College library comprise a list such as is given below: "American Secretaries of State and their Diplomacy" by S. F. Bemis; “Guidance of Menial Growth in Infant and Child" by Ge-sell; "Great Plains" by Webb; "His-tory of the Christian People" by Rowe; and “The Background of in-ternational Relations" by Hodges.

The first of the above is a ten volume set edited by Samuel Flagg Bemis, Professor of History at the George Washington University. Other members of the Advisory Board were Franklin Jameson, Barret Lear-nod, and James Brown Scott. The last three books in the list are 1931 books.

Mrs. G. W. Griffis contributed a list of magazines to the library including McCalls, Delineator, Ladles’ Home Journal, Woman’s Homo Companion, and The Country Gentleman



The volleyball practices sponsored by the W. A. A. have been progressing very nicely during the past week, under the leadership of Odessa Crist. Four teams have been formed, each one being composed of about twelve

players. The practice sessions take place in evenings in the gymnasium, at 6:30. Volleyball is one of the most popular of the sports in which W. A. A. members participate.



Tells of the Essential of "The Perfect Hostess"

Tues., Nov. 17—The Y. W. C. A. meeting today was unusually well attended. Genevieve Crist was in charge of the program.

Mrs. J. D. Bright, gave a delightful and inspirational talk on “The Perfect Hostess.’ She said that in order to be a successful hostess, one should have a wide background of reading. All college courses form this background, and therefore the student should look to them with more interest.

The four essentials which Mrs. Bright gave for a charming woman are these: she must have a broad and sincere interest in people, a quick and ready discernment in her love for people, a happy Outlook on life, and she must have a large amount of self-forgetfulness.



1. "I don't agree with you at all, ” Insist upon starting: a discussion, when the other fellow was only saying something to make conversation.

2. “I don't like your friend. " Offer unsolicited critical comment about a man's friends or some member of his family. His wife or child will do.

3.    "Anybody could do that, " Minimize other pouple’s accomplish-ments, especially those they are proud of.

4. "I know better, " Offer author -itative information on every topic that comes up in a bunch of folks trying to have a good time. The nearer right you are, the surer you are to be disliked.

5. "I’ll tell you exactly where you failed. " Analyze your friends' mistakes and reverses when they are trying to forget them.

4.    "As I was saying. ” Insist on dragging in your favorite topic among people interested in something else. If you can give it on air of being a subject that the group are too stupid or too ignorant to follow, so much the better.

7. "I thought you were going to —" Remind people of promises they made impulsively, or out of good-fellowship, but which you know they cannot keep.

8.    "Let me show you how. " Insist on holding the center of the stage.

9. "I used to think so a while back. " Throw a wet blanket on other people's enthusiasms. if you con make it appear that their taste is antiquated, you will emerge superior to them, and they will love you all the more.

10. "That is nothing but prejudice, '' The surest way to succeed with this line os to pick on people's religious or patriotic sentiments. -M. E. Ravage, in The American.

She——"I consider, John, that sheep are the stupidest creatures living. "

He (absent-mindedly)—"Yes. my lamb. "

Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers. —Tennyson.



Dean Speaks at R\gular Meet-

ing of the Y. M. C. A.

Tues., Nov. 17—Dean F. A. Rep-logle spoke in Y. M. C. A. meeting this morning on the subject of "Social Ease and raise. ” He stated that one can see in young people the pictures of their early training, and that the early years of a person’s life are very important in the development of social poise. Often deficiencies in such early training must be overcome by a great deal of self-discipline later.

Dean Replogle mentioned various kinds of crises which may reveal the persons who have the true social

ease which is most desirable..

At the close of the talk a number of the men present mentioned ways in which social poise may be maintained and developed under certain circumstances.

A mixed quartet composed of Gulah Hoover, Lois Edwards, Harvey Shank, and Delvis Bradshaw sang

two selections, “O Worship the Lord, ” and "Farewell to Thee. ”

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against the Braved.

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I Curponter and Anderson wore good.    TA DCrilJ AM TUITDCnAV

for some nice gains against the! " DliUIll Ull IflUlVJl/nl

Brave*. Carpenter made the. second |    -r

Bulldog touchdown on an off-tackie Open to All Men—Registration


McPherson wins to j bulldogs play bethel

play. Zlnn was back in the game at Ottawa and played a good game. The team did some excellent blocking

Clous This Evening

Mon., Nov. 16—A men's intramur-