McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Wednesday, oct. 8. 1930
Glen Harris, Editor, and Wray Whiteneck, Business Manager Produce Honor Rating Annual—Earn 900 of a Possible -1000 Points In The Judging—Make Perfect Scores In Three Divisions
S -
Walker, Photographer, And The Re-publican Printers, Aid In Building The Yearbook
The 1930 Quadrangle has received a first class honor rating among books of its class In the National Scholastic Press Association Critical services. Glen Harris, '30, was editor of the yearbook and Wray Whiteneck, '30, was buisness man-ager.
Out of a possible score of l, 000 the 1930 book received a score of 900. Id the plan of book and the in a the book received 190 out of a possible 200: administration and faculty,
60 out of 60; album and classes, 45 out of 46; organizations. 20 out of 25; activities, 95 out of 125: chanical considerations, 235 out of 245; and financial status, 50 out of
There art five honor considera-tions In the national critical service. First is the All-American honor rating, equal to a superior book The first class honor rating is classified as excellent. The second class rat-ing, good, third class rating, fair and fourth class, below average, no honors.
All the photography for the year book was done by Leonard Walker of the Walker Studio and the en-graving was handled by the Mid-Con-tinent Engraving company, Wichita, Kansas., The priating was done by the Republican, McPherson, Kan-sas. Approximately 350 books were published last year.
Besides the editor and business manager Mr. Harris had an his staff of helpers Miss Chester Carter, Posey Jamison, Hurry Zion, Charles Mattox Guy Hayes, and J. Emery Metzger.
To Serve As Special Endowment Agent For The College—Here From Chicago
Frank Sargent, for many years connected with the Bethany Bible school In Chicago, has been appointed special agent to the College and will work In the interests of endowment. Mr. Sargent Is a specialist In endowments and has nearly all his life worked In this field. Mr. Sar gent comes to McPherson very high-ly recommended. His appointment has no definite time length and it La not known just how long he will be with the College.
Fri., Oct. 10—Game with Phillips at Enid, Okla.
Fri., Oct. 10—Senior-Freshman Kid Party.
Mon., Oct. 13—First lyceum number.
Tues., Oct. 11— Y. W. and Y.
Will Throw Support On The Republican Rank, In The Fall Election-—To Study Political Situation Of State—In Conjunction With The County Organization
Wed., Oct. 1—The annual Y. W, C. A. candle lighting service was held In the Church of the Brethren tonight at 7: 30 o'clock. The service in symbolic of the Y. W. organiza-tion as the Light and each girl receiving her light from the same source.
The group met In the church par-lors and as Helen Eberly played the processional the Big Sisters marched with their Little Sisters to the candle-lighted auditorium. Mrs. J. Daniel Bright talked on " Beacon Lights". As a special number Ruth Turner! sang "O Heart of Mine".
Bow Ties, Hair Ribbons And Knee Pants Will Usher In The Evenings Entertainment
There is a time for work—and there is a time for play. The seniors, in allowing their instinct for play, are going to the extreme and will be host to the freshmens class Friday night In the gymnasium for the traditional Senior-Freshmen Kid party.
Freshmen are required to be dressed In their pre-college day clothes and the seniors are to divert back to number of years and appear In similar appearances. Bow ties, half ribbons, knee pants and long braided Hair, (if the girls can secure bat they lost 10 years ago) will usher In an evening of entertainment and get-acquainted among the lowly and the highly.
The party Is scheduled for 7: 30 o'clock. It is rumored that refresh-ments similar to those nerved at a regular kid party, animal crackers and lolly-pops, will be used.
Series Of Four Meetings By World Service Group On Mission Study Is Underway
Wed., Oct. 1—"The challenge of
Missionary From Africa Makes Suggestion For Student Youth—Is Not Easy To Follow
People Of Africa Bow Down To Idols In Hunger For God—Hays Albert B. Helser
Fri,. Oct. 3—“Don't be luke warm; either work hard for Jenna Christ or for the Devil. " was the suggestion made by Albert D. Helser of Nigeria, Africa, in chapel this morning.
not an easy task to follow c to Jesus, but strength and power have been promised to as
Jesus does not force his way Into our hearts, but He stands at the door and knocks, The young people of to-day are going to be active In the church or kick It overboard.
If a man will work hard at tennis or basket-ball he should work Just as hard for Jesus Christ To follow Christ we must pat down race prejudice; wo arc one blond; all races are one In Christ Jesus. There are both blank and white keys on the piano. To produce a beautiful melody both the black and white keys are used. If we played both black and white keys around the world it would make a most beautiful melody. Being willing to do a thing doesn't get it dune, We must put forth some effort In accomplish any thing worthwhile. We have knowledge but we should pray for the will to use this knowledge wisely, Gandhi wants his students to take the Bible first and to follow it.
The people of Africa bow down to Idols In hunger far God and nut In blindness. We are a more enlight-ened people hut often wo turn our backs upon light. Men will give their lives for money, hut they hesi-tate to give their lives for Christ. It is not necessary to go to same dis-tant and to give our lives In service; wo can serve where ever we are.
The plea which Mr. Helser made was that wo give ourselves Whole-heartedly and unreservedly to the will of the Master.
Sun., Oct. 5—This afternoon 28 college students were entertained by the Hammon sisters, Nina and My-reta, at their home In McPherson. The afternoon was spent in making candy, popping corn, eating apples and singing.
Mon. Oct. 6—Eugenia Dawson and Gulah Hoover presented a short program at Nina Hammon's school north of McPherson this evening. Miss Dawson sang a solo and IMss Hoover played a piano solo.
The poor absent-minded collage professor of McPherson how he will weep. He does not realize that ho has no chance to survive as a result of statistics, compiled over a period dren from parents of 15 years. He is dying, a gloomy future is before him, he may become extinct, a sorta lost tribe If figures don't He. His path lies toward extermination and his footfall is heavy.
This is the situation:
Statistics covering the last 13 years show that the number of children per family averaged. VC with a total number of 96 Instructors and a total of 72 children. has reason to weep
Following the law of averages as to the present age of teachers and the possibilities for additional chil
ence tells us that not
more than 10 additional children.
Counting only the married instruc-tors the statistics show a total of 43 with a total number of 72 children, giving no average of 1. 68 to the ramily. Students of Eugenics say that it requires a total of three children per family in order to perpetuate a race, in this rate the poor professor
Helser Relates Experiences In Starting Settlement In Dark Continent Of Africa
Fri., Oct. 3—Rev. A. D. Helser. missionary to Africa now on fur-lough, addressed the World Service Group and other Interested students at 3: 30 o'clock this afternoon.
Reverend Helser emphasized the need or students taking Christ seri-ously, of living his principles unceas-ingly, of laying hold on God through prayer and the importance of marrying properly If Christian service is to he effective. Then, in his witty. interesting and dramatic manner, Reverend Helser told of his experi-
Man was made first—but has had to content himself with playtag second fiddle ever since.
Official Publication of McPherson College, Published by Student Council. McPherson, Kansas.
Leland E. Lindell Business Manager Ernest
L. Trostle Ass't Frank
Alberta Yoder Ass't Business Manager Manager Carroll D. Walker
Christine Mohler Herbert Eby Ruth Trostle
Misses Esther Brown and Nina Stull spent the week end In Hutchinson at the Brown home.
Faculty Adviser
FOOTBALL, WOCKY Twas killing and the dusty boys Did jab and Jibber on the grid All gory were the football men
And that fullback, the Kid.
He toot the football In his hand
Long time another's life he sought. And then he toppled, couldn't stand Till water Jug was brought, "Hooroo, Hooroo" the whistle blew The rooters still kept up their clack.
And when at last the game was through
■ They found their voices back.
. —Adapted with no reflections.
Miss Myrtle Ainsworth and her brother Clarence took dinner at the dining hall Sunday.
‘ Summer is swooning, and fall Is resuming its old trick of painting the dying face of a living world with hues of God's own tint. The clinging Ivy with, crimson leaves is struggling with a last long supremacy of campus walls. The evergreens are delighting in their everlasting freshness and life is settling down for the winter.
There is a growing reluctance to espouse the cause of physical labor, and a mounting determination on the part of young men to live the life of the lily of the field as far as physical labor for daily bread is concerned, In some lights this may bo accepted as a healthy sign of Increased intellectuality, the ascendency of mind over muscle; In other respects this betokens a strong disinclination to learn the fundamentals—to begin at the bottom of the ladder and become acquainted with the physical elements on which most Industry is founded.
The construction superintendent of a big dam In California, advertising for help, found 300 potential time-keepers on band the next morning, but not a soul who showed any friendly spirit toward the pick and shovel. But It was pick-and-shovel men who would build the dam; the timekeepers would be only Incidentals to the main task of getting the earth In shape to receive the dam.
It would be overly pessimistic to say that the world is rilling up with timekeepers and sloughing off the pick-and-shovel boys. That is not true, for there la more work being done today than ever before. But the timekeeper's frame of mind is more prevalent than ever. The colleges are turn-
Prof, Blair—What do we mean by phenomena, Miss Collins?
I can't give the definition, but If you see a cow or hear a bird sing, those aren't phenomena, but If you see a cow sitting on a thistle singing like a bird, that's a phenomenon.
Yeh, the student life is strenuous, but I was talking with a lady the other day who said her husband had been away from home seven nights running. What do you think of that for exercise?
Jim and Polly were studying In the library when someone approached to see If they were using the desired book.
“Jim, do you have Romeo and Juliette? " she asked. “Well, I have Juliette, but I don’t
Marvin Hill spent the end of the week at his home northeast of Galva. |
In branding the summer and fall depression as one brought about by conditions of overproduction and unemployment would be limiting one's viewpoint to a small scope with limited boundaries. Many conditions and situations prevailed during the last year to beckon hard times and encourage panic.
The cause of many depressions in largely duo to Inclement economic conditions plus the psychological effect it has upon the people. People begin to think hard times then practice the same, They refuse to buy the commodities necessary for comfortable maintenance and as a result there la unemployment. Production over-shadows the demand, prices are lowered. and the buying power of the public becomes greater.
The stock market crashes on Wall Street seem to be due to an attempt to keep prices high and to divert a general failure of financial Institutions.
In the last three years the gold reserve of the United States has been lowered and a large percentage of this decrease in our treasury has gone into the coffers of France. France at the present time is experiencing in economic brightness unexcelled since before the war In 1914. Its gold reserve is larger than It has ever been and is the largest in Europe.
Conditions are now changing, the depression has ran Its course, the crisis has passed and the mid-winter holds better promise than the past summer and fall. ' The summer drought played a greater part la lowering the wheat surplus than did the farm hoard and with price* lowered and production gaining a stable condition future crashes on Wall Street. will become fewer and the nation will regain the lost confidence In Itself It lost last summer.
Questionaire For Young Men N. B. Please answer sensibly and thoughtfully.
1. Where were you horn?
2. If so, why?
3. Do yon work for your living?
4. If not, who does?
5. Are you married, single or
6. Was It an accident?
7, Are you happy this way?
8. How many full brothers have you had?
9. Were you In any way responsible for their condition?
10. How many volunteer sisters have you had?
11. How many did you accept?
12, Are you enjoying good health? 13. If not, what do you enjoy?
Many a man has married an angel and later bitterly complained about her harping. I’d tell you some more, but you’d Just laugh, so Watt Z.
"Nineteen Hundred"
To Glen Harris and Wray Whiteneck of the 1930 Quadrangle start belong the “first class honor" congratulations for their splendid work in producing an annual of such quality as they did last year.
Their book Implied all the modern ideas In yearbook construction and accurately represented the student body of the College. The 1930 Quadrangle will stand as a memory of the school year of 1929-30 and to the editor goes the credit of such an accomplishment.
To produce a yearbook not only does credit to the editor and his stall but also to the College. An annual Is one of the most important mediums of advertising lo an Institution for It may be found is the homes of all the graduates and the old grads delight In looking through them and telling of their good old days, 1 * 3 4
Wipe your silver on the table cloth before using; the table cloth,
used a weak Is certainly cleaner than the kitchen dish towels washed, dally.
2. Break Into lino ahead of your turn when leaving chapel; your business is much more important than that of faculty or upper classmen,
3. Assist the girl beside you to pull her chair ant hat don’t push it In an the may weigh more than you and you would thereby endanger your health,
Ener the library with a ringing laugh or call to a friend across the campus; It assures the students that yon are a Jolly, good sport.
3. Whenever a small child comes on the campus, rass and tease him; you enjoyed it whan you were smaller and more innocent and tenderhearted, Besides all children need an Inferiority complex end puguacious
6. If there A something on the table you do not like, grumble loud and long. for surely no one else could be expected to like It either. Also, the complaining whets others' appetites.
7. If your class is assigned a number of library references, be sure to check them all out the period before class meets; the rest of the class
Pauline Dell
Christine Mohler Frank Hutchinson Walter Wollmann Alma Atchison
Lawrence Lehman and Philip Lauver attended the district meeting at Overbrook. Kansas this week end.
Misses Helen Eberly and Edan Hoover visited In their respective homes at Overbrook. Kansas Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Esther Nonken was the guest of her parents last Sunday at Burns.
Vernon Planting and Kenneth Biti-kofer spent the week end at the Flaming home in Hillsboro.
Misses Ruth Blickenstaff and Doris Ballard visited friends on the campus last Saturday and Sunday.
SEEN ON THE CAMPUS HEARD IN THE DORM. Miss Letha Allen spent the week end at her home In Ottawa, Kansas, |
paGE thREE
May Have Work Done At Either Walker's Or Ost-lund’s This Year Is Recent Arrangement
Shackelford Editor—-An-
nual Sale In Five Weeks—No Faculty Adviser Yet
Mildred Thurow Principal Speaker— Dedicate New Piano— Budget Is Presented
Tues., Oct. 7—Announcement was made this morning of arrangements for taking the photographs for the 1931 Quadrangle. Beginning with the freshmen on Wednesday. Oct. 8. each class successively will have a week In which to have pictures taken. By a new arrangement this fall students will have a choice of Ost-lund's studio and Walker's studio, Carroll Walker will have charge of the photography for this year's an-nual.
Harry Zinn, editor, stated today that work on the book was progress-ing very satisfactorily. The annual Quadrangle sale will be held soon probably in about five weeks.
The present members of Mr. Zinn's staff are: Dave Shakelford, assistant editor; Eber Tice, business man-ager; Vernon Fleming. assistant bus-iness manager: Christine Mohler, art editor; Carroll Walker, photography editor; Ethel Sherfy and Christine Mohler. humor section editors; and Lloyd Larsen, typist. A faculty advisor is yet to be appointed.
Tues., Oct. 7—A campaign to secure funds for the year's budget was launched in Y. W. C. A. this morning.
Mildred Thurow explained the work of the national organization of
the Y. W. and explained that It keeps the local organization In touch with other campus and city organi-zations. helps to bring speakers to McPherson and sponsors conventions and camps. Miss Thurow urged the girls to support the Y. W. in order that it might keep up its work.
Ethel Sherfy presented the budget and explained the various divisions. Helen Eberly Introduced the new addition to the Y. W. room and to the organization, a piano which was recently purchased. Miss Eberly plans to have more music on the weekly programs in the future. As a closing number Opal Bowers sang a solo.
Mon.. Oct. 6 At the Women's Federation of Clubs luncheon this afternoon the Ladies quarter of the College sang two numbers. "Sweet and Low", and. "Mundy Lou". The Quartet Is composed of Eugenis Dawson, Verna Beaver, Ruth Turner, nod Nada Mae Ritz.
Musical Tea By Mothers' and Daugh-ters' Association Held In Church Parlors
Thurs., Oct. 2—McPherson college women were delightfully entertained to a musical tea Riven by the Mothers' and Daughters' association of the Church of the Brethren this afternoon.
A musical program was presented by the mothers and daughters. Mrs J. H. Fries sang a song of her own composition. Mrs. V. f. Schwalm sang “Bairnies Cuddle Doon". Miss Elizabeth Mohler and Miss Jean Bowers, two of the younger members of the association, played piano solos. Miss Grace Brubaker read se-lections of autumn poems, a few of which were "October Bright Blue Weather", "Autumn" and part of "Each In His Own Tongue”.
Tea was served at 4: 30 In the church parlors. The tea was given to form a better acquaintanceship between the college women and the ladies of the mothers and daughters' association.
OH Wells Or Electricity Uncontrolled Are Samples Of Destruction Says Miss McGaffey
Oct. 1—Self restraint was the subject which Miss Edith McGaffey dis-cussed in chapel this morning. Proper self restraint is rewarded In Joy and happiness, but lack of restraint leads in destruction. Oil wells or electricity uncontrolled are examples of destruction.
Our speech and actions may become cruel and unsocial if not restrained. We should take care and not have people say "Oh that is Just his way", Coleridge though a great poet, lacked self restraint and suffer-, ed because of It. The great apostle of old said, “I have fought a good fight. I have kept the faith, I have finished the course.
Many Students Are To Be Found On The Courts Any Time Of Day
With the four Tennis courts worked down to the point that they are now In a fair condition, students are; taking advantage of the good tennis weather or last week and most any time of the day players may be seen on them. The W. A. A. girls are using the courts quite frequently in securing their points for letters and pins. Even early risers are to be found on the courts before breakfast.
The two hundredth anniversary of the Invention of the cockoo clock Is being celebrated In Germany this year. The first one was made by Franz Anton Ketterer In Schoenwald in 1730.
The Bulldog Bullet, to have been a 12 page edition this week for the Kansas Wesleyan-Bulldog game, did not make Its appearance Friday night because of the staff being unable to secure the necessary information from Salina. It Is hoped that by the next home game the Bullet will he a reality.
The Methodist Episcopal church, South, has appropriated one million dollars each for endowments for the Theological school at Emory University and the Southern Methodist university at Dallas.
Vernon Rhoades Visited with his parents at Topeka tills week end. |
The girls of the W. A. A. are playing soccer, us anyone traveling from the Ad. building to the Science hall after dinner can readily notice, especially If be is forced to dodge a flying ball nr a caborting co-ed. Threw teams have been formed by Ethel Jamison, president of the or-ganization. and practice is carried on three times a week If weather permits. Margaret Stegeman, soccer manager, announced that tournaments between the teams will start about Oct. 20.
Chicago is the greatest railroad center In the worm and the greatest water-way center In the interior of any continent. |
K-Wesleyan With Weight Advantage Piles Up Huge Score—First Conference Tilt
McPherson 0, k-wesleyan 45
Barngrover's Defensive Playing Was
Outstanding Fur The McPHerson Bulldogs Robinson Stars For The Coyotes
Frl.. Oct. 3—The McPherson college Bulldogs received the worst de-Teat la the history of their 14 years of football from the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes tonight on the home field. 46 to 0. Tonight's same brought back the memories of the conflict with Bethany college in 1927 when the Bulldogs were defeated 3 9 to 0.
The Mack men were outweighed by nearly 16 pounds to the man and It was In the first quarter and part of the second quarter that the Bulldogs displayed their best football of the lesson but filled to make a first down. Pitted against a line that worked a Perfect machine In Its charging, the Bulldogs were battered to pieces. Four of the regulars were out of the game, although Blaine Miller, halfback, and Hochstrasser. end. did see a few minutes of action, their Injuries preventing them re maining any length of time,
. The Salina team has a new fresh-man star, who is going to give Perkins, the colored flash, a hard run for honors this season. The player. Robinson, Is an uncanny ball lugger and was In the game only five minutes, but managed to carry the pigskin across the line. Buckland, another halfback and Overholzer. fullback, shared honors with Robinson In piling up the big K-Wesleyan score. For McPherson, Barngrover's defensive playing was outstanding. Cox, although light, displayed some fast work but was unable to make substantial gains because of poor defense. Much has been expected of Williams but he went out of the game with ankle Injuries.
The starting lineup;
K-Wesleyan McPherson
Snyder ------LE......... Ohmart
McSick ---... -LT----_ McElroy
McIntyre. LG__ Keck
Sarn, —. C--------— Sisk
Bottersan RG Countryman
Galyeardt -, RT. ___Mowbray
Baxter „_RE-----_ Williams
Baxter ------, QCox
Robinson -- LH Barngrover
Buckland__—RH _ Anderson
Overholzer, FH _ Bigham
Summary; Yards gained at scrim-magee. Wesleyan 325; McPherson 22. Yards lost at scrimmage, Wesleyan 16; McPherson 34. Earned first downs, Wesleyan 21; McPherson 1. Punts, Wesleyan 13 for 330 yards, average 25; McPherson 12 for 391. average 33, Penalties, Wesleyan 4 for 65 yards; McPherson 4 for 20 yards\ Fumbles, Wesleyan made 3, recovered '2; McPherson, made 1, recovered 2, Passes, Wesleyan, attempted 14, completed 5 for 7G yards; McPherson, attempted 6, completed 1 for 6 yards.
Officials: O'Rourke, St. Mary's, referee; Meyers, K. S. A. C. umpire, and Ahearn, K. S. A. C.. head linesman
Among Conference Schools
McPherson vs. Phillips U. at Enid. Oklahoma.
Baker U. vs, Kansas Wesleyan at Baldwin.
Ottawa vs, Friends at Ottawa. Bethany vs. St. Marys at St. Mary's
of Last Weeks Games
Bethany 0; Phillips 25 McPherson 0; K-Wesleyan 45. Baker 6; Haskell 26,
Ottawa 13. Bethel 6.
Dancing used to be an art but
now It is a game keeping from
One Of Strongest Teams In Oklahoma—Have An Exceptionally Fast Team ThU Year
Esperience In Last Two Games May Prove An Advantage To The McPhers-on Bulldogs
When the Bulldogs journey to Enid, Okla., this week end they will face a very strong football team, which has been defeating the best, Phillips U. has five lettermen back this year and these five men will con-stitute the backbone around which the Haymakers will place the respon-sibility of their play. They seem to have an exceptionally fast team this year which was made evident by the way they defeated the Swedes to the score of 25-0,
With the experience of two games as past history the Bulldogs will endeavor lo check the mighty Haymakers this coming Friday. The Binford men have been going through some strenuous practice these last few nights and should be in good shape for Hid buttle.
Phillips boasts a fast driving buck who played with the Haymakers last season and seems to be an outstanding player on their team. Although they have been doing some excellent playing there might be a different story to tell after Friday night. The game will be played under flood lights and the Bulldogs should be used to that sort of play after having played two games at night.
The probable line-up:
Wed., Oct. 1—Winning the dis-tinction of being the most valuable man on the Bulldog team In their first game of the season and the choice of any pair of shoes In a local shoe store. Boots-Bootery, Orville Countryman was given the honor. Countryman, a husky right guard, whose playing was outstanding in the Kearney game was selected by his team mates and coach as the player who displaced the greatest amount of sportsmanship. Individual playing and team work. Countryman, who has two more years of football ahead of him, made his football debut In 1927 when he played his first year on the Bulldog squad.
Announced By Holstein-Friesian As-sociation Of America
The McPHerson col lege farm, whose herd of purebred Hoistein dairy cattle is well known In McPherson, has recently chosen a trade name to identify Its herd, according to an announcement by the Hoistein-Fries-ian Association of America which registered the name for the breeder. The name chosen as a part of the ; name of each Individual animal Id the herd is "McColfa" All registered Hoisteins have a name and number, the name usually indicating the animal blood lines.
There Is one automobile In the United States for every four and half persons.
We hope that the men out of the game on account of Injuries will be back in the fray Friday night with Phillips university at Enid, Okla. Those men were missed in the Kan-sas Wesleyan game and even though they were substituted toward the end of the game, their Injuries Would not permit them to remain. |
We haven’t much dope on Phillips except that they heal Bethany 25-0 last Friday afternoon.
Win or lose, let us always back the Bulldogs to the limit.
With so many of the Bulldogs on the bench because of Injuries this disadvantage should be made up by the student body in their support at the game. The team was weakened with their absence and the students should strengthen it by exerting continuously their pep at the games A word of, encouragement when need-ed, Is worth ten rahs for a triumph.
Brazil need not brag about a train living run by alcohol at the rate of 52 miles an hour. It is no Infrequent occurrence In this country for alcohol lo be the influence behind motor car speed of 60 to 90 miles an hour.