McPherson college, mcpherson, Kansas, Wednesday, oct. 1, 1930 |
McPherson bulldogs bow to kearney teachers
Instructors Display Brilliant Aerial Attack And Have The Weight Advantage—Play Before Large Crowd Estimated At 2, 500—Bulldogs Show '
Fight In Last Quarter Of Game
Kearney Was Penalized 90 Yards—
Copland, Wichita Deacon, Umpire —Kahler, Southwestern, Referee
Fri., Sept. - 26—On an Illuminateo field that produced a thrilling spectacle for an estimated crowd of over 2, 500 people, the Bulldogs gave way to a splendid aerial attack and a more weighty line of the Kearney Teachers, Nebraska, 33-0, Although the Bulldogs showed considerable speed at times. they were unable to check the tricky passed and line plunges of the Teachers. At times the Mack men showed good defense but then again they would weaken and the Teachers would break through for substantial gains. McPherson could not get their scoring machine to function properly and made several fumbles that were costly.
McPherson was the first to receive the ball and Miller carried It. B. Miller made a beautiful punt and Kearney punted and McPherson lost several by scrimmage and Miller again punted. Again the Instructors came hack with a nice pass and a long end run for a big gain. Kearney was penalized and again punted out of the danger zone. McPherson was working hard to get through the lino but their efforts seemed futile against the heavy Nebraska line. After a few plunges
Is Probably Fastest Married Man In State To Don Football Togs
Thurs., Sept. 26. —Herbert Hock-strasser, McPherson college spring star, was today elected to captain the Bulldogs through the football season by the lettermen. Hock-stasser. playing end position. is looked to as being one of the strong hopes of the College this season on the gridiron. During the summer he was married and he Is probably the fastest married man in the static to don foolball togs. _______
“Night Shirt" Frolic Is A Colorful Affair—Parade Thru Main Street
Wed., Oct, 1- Y. W. Candle Lighting service In church at 7: 30.
Thurs.. Oct. 2—Pep rally in Gym.
Fri., Oct. 3—K-Wesleyan-Bulldog game.
del., Oct. 4—Junior picnic,
150 In English Tests Given To Freshmen
Eight Of Eleven Scoring 113 Or Above From McPherson High School
To Pick The Male Quartet From An Octette She Has Selected —Me, Have Two Male Quartets Working At Some Time—Varsity To Be Named Later
The “Farthest-North Collegian" Of Alaska Is Coming To The Library
Male Quartet To Go On Road During Spring And Winter
There seems to be plenty of vocal talent at McPherson College this year and Mrs, Anna C. Tate, voice In-McPherson college has the unique structor, has chosen eight male voices for a double quartet. and four for the ladies quartet. I
The men composing the octette are Charles Austin, Max O'Brien, Everett Fasnacht, Lawrence Lehman, Blaine Miller, Harvey Shank, Casey Voran and Harry Zian. This group will
sing together for a time and later a
(Continued on Page Four)
Vacancies Are Filled—Saylor Secretary And Flaming Is
Treasurer-—Dues Five Dollars
Fri., Sept, 26—Dr. J, Daniel Bright, head of the history department. was elected sponsor of the junior class this morning at a meet-ing railed by Kermit Hayes, pre-sident.
New officers were elected to fill the vacancies of secretary and treasurer. who failed to return this fall. Evelyn Saylor was elected secretary and Vernon Flaming, treasurer.
The class voted that their assessment for the first semester should be five dollars and that the budget for the second semester would be designated later in the school year.
Thurs., Sept. 26—Not mindful of the dual and I her strong, cold north wind, students, donned in their night apparel and knickers, trousers, and anything else suggestive of something different, this evening paraded Main Street. The parade in an annual affair and always takes place on the eve of the first home football game.
At 7: 30 o'clock the student gang left the campus, going down Euclid to the railroad tracks where they assembled Into one long-line extruding for more than a block. The colorful line wound its way through the streets, recreation parlors, cafes, and drug stores and at each Intersection assembled fur a big pow-wow. A* a closing event of the evening the Empire theater was raided and the stu-dents enjoyed a good northern plc-
Thurs.. Sept. 25 week of school the English depart-ment gave English tests to nearly 85 freshmen and Miss Edith McGaffey. head of the department. announced the results. Una Ring scored the highest number of points with 141 to her credit out of a possible 150. The test was the Barrett-Ryan system given each year by the Kansas State Teachers college of Emporia in the freshmen throughout the state.
Eleven students secured a score: 115 or above and Including Miss Ring with the highest the following arc Pauline Decker 130. Eva Goering 129. Hope Nickel 123. Clara Nickel I SI. Mary Swain 120, Rosalind Al-men 118, Vivian Steeves 117. Neo-ma Nordling 116, Alma Atchinson 115, and Florence Stucky 116 It is Interesting to note that night of the eleven students are graduates of the McPherson high school whirl) speaks wall for the school.
Coach Binford Introduces Each Player On Team—-Co-eds Give A Stunt
Thurs.. Sept. 25- The first real 'pep" rally of the student body was
"church Missions" To Be Discussed For Four Weeks
own church? " All students interested In missions will want to be present for this opportunity.
Home Missionary of Brethren Church Addresses Students In
Wed., Sept. 24. —“It takes cour-age for a man to say, I'm glad I'm alive and have a chance to live, ' slated M. R. Zigler, Home Mission Secretary or the Church of the Breth-ren, Elgin, Illinois, in his chapel; addresses this morning. '‘Keep your eye on the end of life and start now' to make the world Christian",
Mr. Zigler spoke of peace. In fulfillment of a promise made to four men of Yale, who had courage to die, because It seemed to be the will of the universe. It is only when we loose courage that we wish for death.
We gain more from our mothers because they pay a bigger price Real courage Is shown today by the man who don nut smoke, or who does not wear when among men who do swear. The student who prepares for examinations by diligent daily work is also demonstrating Courage.
Over half the people In America belong to no church. America is in like balance between paganism and Christianity. Do we have the cour-age Lo try lo make the world christ-tan? The minister needs support the same as an atheltic: team.
The challenge Mr. Zigler gave was lo. "Start now to prepare for a life of service and win the world for Christ. ”
A stunt by co-eds of the College Showed the "fight” or the Bulldogs even though they are relatively small. The three cheer leaders led
in college songs and snappy yells.
Coach Melvin J, Milford was called on to present the foot ball squad, telling the position of each man. He also gave the students (pointer on ...
the Use or pep" Chemistry Society Has No As-
John Lehman, president of the Stu- sessments—Only Club That
dent Council, announced that as the Hat This Distinction
result of the vote yesterday morning ----
students would ho asked to pay 50c Thur., Sept. 25- -The one society on for the first, and extra, game Friday the campus does not require any night with Kearney, or assessments for the year
and which theoretically should be the largest but which Isn’t met this after and elected officers fur the ensuing year—thu chemistry society., Dr, J. Willard Hershey is recognized as the permanent president of the group that holds meetings every two weeks
Class Votes First Semester Dues Of One Dollar
Fri. Sept. 26—Plans for a class
for the purpose of studying practical chemistry. Ralph Keedy, chemistry assistant, was elected vice-president and Fern Heckman was elected
appointed a committee, consisting of secretary. ™T Arnold Voth, Lloyd and Ada no office of tresurer was
ments. elected to be chairman of the pro-
The class voted dues committee tt
for the semester. to help him. Irwin
____ Rump was elected chairman of the
social committee that will have
Whereas there have recently been sundry discussions among our worthy freshmen gentlemen In regard to the length of service which is expected of their neat little caps, a final authority on such vital matters, the "M” Club, has been duly consulted, and the decrees of that august assemblage are set forth herewith.
In consideration of the excellent cooperative spirit which our new students have shown up lo this date. It is deemed no more than fair that they be allowed to wear their caps for a few weeks longer, and all upperclassmen are hereby urged to see that this privilege Is in no way Interfered with. We want our freshmen to feel that they have our most sincere respect and admiration. but were It not for this distinguishing feature the consideration which Is owed (hem might be given by mistake to some undeserving sophomore or Junior,
Therefore our young friends should not neglect this opportunity, which will be in force until Thanksgiving Day, On (be morning of that day, coach, has announced that McPherson, according to time honored custom, the sophomores will engage the fresh- College has accepted the Invitation men in a bloody struggle on the football field. If the latter win this en- of Southwestern college to partici-counter their their victory will carry its own reward—but what If they should pate In the inter-state pre-season lose? In that event we will stretch our sympathies to the extent of allow- intercollegiate debate tournament ing them to duet off the cobwebs and again don their colorful headgear on that day of all days when a freshman should make whoopee—April 1.
After commencement is over and the last belt replaced In the loops in serve Its original pupose, the freshman must remove his cap. heave a fearful sigh, and take a last long look at the only tangible souvenir of his first nine months at McPherson— the Home of the Bulldogs.
Debate Team To Go To Southwestern Tourney First Of December
Prof, Maurice A. Hess, debate
which will be held at the College Friday and Saturday, December 6 and 6. It has not been learned yet Just when the debate tryouts will be held or Just what the question la going to be this year.
Official publication of McPhersn College, Published by Student-Council, McPherson, Kan*
Subscription Rates For “ Our School Year
McPherson, Kansas
Editor-in-chief Leland E. Lindell| Business Manager Ernest L.
Associate Editor Donald L. Trostle Ass't Business Manager Franklin Praibe
Assoicated Editor Alberta Yoder| Ass't Business Max Weir
Circulation Manager Carroll D. Walker
Vernon Rhoaden Christine Mohler Ethel Sherfy
Dave Shackelford Herbert Eby Vernon Flaming
Ruth Trostle Edna Hoover
the high cost of Education
That It costs money to go to school for four years every McPherson student and every other student in the country will vouch that It Is true. Most anything one attempts to do he has to "pay for It", The conflict usually does not come from the fact that we are to pay for It as It does from the fact that are we able to pay for It. Education is not the cheapest thing ana ran purchase In dollars and cents alone.
In a student survey conducted by The Spectator during the school year of 1929-30 to determine Just how much a student at McPherson spends during one year, among both the men and women, It was found that for the women the average for one year was $546. 71 and for the men it was $623. 70. However, this is merely the average, for In the survey some paid larger amounts while others less. At this rate It would cost a woman on the average, around $2, 186. 84 to go through McPherson college in four years and the men would require $2, 494. 80.
During the college year of 1927-28. a half billion dollars flowed into the tills of colleges and universities in the United States according to the reports of 1, 071 Institutions reporting to the United States office of Education,
One fourth of this amount oust from the tuition and fees of undergraduate and graduate students; 23 per cent was appropriated by state and city governments; 13 per cent was given through private benefactions; 12 per cent was income from endowments; 10 per cent was obtained from other sources. Three and four tenths per cent was contributed by the United States government.
The American hoy normally proceeds by stages which are adapted to the capacities of the mediocre, and In very few schools can his own efforts do much to accelerate his progress. No automatic Incentive is applied to the able boy to stretch himself; as he con do his work in half the time that Is alloted to It, and human nature being what It Is, he floes very easily what is necessary and his brain gets flabby for lack of exercise.
Much the same is true of many of the universities and colleges. The curriculum Is adapted to the capacities of the average. Again and again It has been heard from undergraduates themselves some such comment as. "Of course, I can get by. bitting on two cylinders instead of six. " And one undergraduate of a famous eastern university put much of the matter la a nutshell when he said;
"We think we have democracy in education; we feel vaguely that to separate Ih* able from the mediocre is In some undefined way undemocratic. We say we aim to equality of opportunity, and what we secure is equality Of achievement. "
If that is true—-and we believe it is far too true—It Implies a stagger-ing wastage of brain power which even an great a country cannot permanently afford.
One of the greatest questions concerning students today Is why so many of them fall to make good. Repeatedly one reads where some school or university has sent home, yes, even hundreds of them who have failed to make a passing grade at the end of the first semester. Yet these young men and women were graduates of high schools, and only six short months previously, they had received their diplomas before applauding parents and friends.
It is a and story. Out of every five men who matriculated in a certain engineering school, at least four. In all probability, turned out to he relative failures. Of every three men who enter college and with high hopes start to prepare themselves for this career, two never finish. In exact terms, only 37 1/2 per cent ever leave with a diploma.
The Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education, aided by a grant of funds from the Carnegie corporation, started some years ago to gather the materials for an exhaustive Inqniry Into the conditions In that field, Professor H. P. Hammond, who served a* assistant director of the investigation, reported ns follows:
‘Of ouch 100 entering students, but sixt-two successfully complete the first two years. The others drop out of college for one reason or another; the predominant reason being scholastic failure".
Professor Hammond held that engineering education was costing the people of this country In the neighborhood of $30, 000, 000 a year, and over and above this ft was costing the efforts of a great body or conscientious teachers and college authorities. Even more Important was the fact that It was costing a fraction of the lives of some 55, 000 or 60, 00O young men a year, and it would seem, he bold, "that we should make every effort to have our work done for those who are to profit by It In reasonable measure. To me it seems high time that we give much more attention to the important question of the rational selection of student per-sonnel. ”
What is true in engineering education is also true of the much wider scope of college education taken as ft whole, The money and lives wasted runs up into staggering figures.
No matter what effective steps have been taken In public or private institutions to right this wrong, all have met with determined opposition from an advene public opinion. Many have been able to make no head-way whatever against the active hospitality of their constituents. Whereas, as in the United States, higher education is a part of the social system efforts can do little with so general a condition. The size of our distressing army of failures Is, however, sufficient testimony that something here is fundamentally wrong and that we are confronted with a social problem which not the college alone but only a more enlightened public opinion can solve.
Many a wife has helped her husband to the top of the ladder. And. then left him there while she decided to have that picture somewhere else.
One of the prettiest sights imaginable would be that of a mother playing toy golf while her daughter is washing the dishes.
We ‘Spec’ there Is on or off the campus a heretofore unknown typewriter. driven by the power of one skilled typist and dictated by a master mind, which some day will reveal the Identity of two such people who with wondrous running and modesty submitted the following numbers by slipping them under the “Spectator” room door;
Sophisticisms The Staff
Martin. '28, of Nampa, Idaho, were
The happy couple met on the McPherson campus. Mrs. Keim has been teaching in Salina and Mr, Keim attended a theological school in Chicago since their graduation. After ft short wedding trip to the Ozarks they will spend the winter In Chicago
Sittin' Bull Upin Atom Fillup Space A. Bloodvessel Iva Date I. Thinkum
______... _____. U. Writum
Wee Readum Music Editor Tootsy Whistle
Athletic Editor Nut~Rockme
Snapshot Editors
_. - The "Who Tookit" Twins
Art Editors Youra Curve
.............. Ima Nangle
Photography Editor I De Clair
Joke Editors Lottie Laughs
Willie Snicker
Hubbard Spectator 9 29 30 Galley 4 "The human brain Is a wonderful organ", says Hotshot. "It starts working the moment we get up In (he morning and doesn't stop until we get to school.
Little Harvey Shank was heard saying his prayer In this fashion: “Father. I thank thee for my toys and for all the things that move; yen, and for the the things that don't move which I have to push. ”
The Chemist's My analyze over the ocean.
My analyze over the sea.
My analyze over the ovean.
Oh. bring back my anatomy.
Signed sophettes
Our editor sleuth disguised him-sellf with a business-like look and
Rev. W. H. Yoder made a surprise
visit to the campus a week ago Tuesday afternoon. He is the father of Alberta and Wilbur Yoder.
Miss Marjorie Bunce and Miss Margaret Stegman visited this week end at the Bunce home near Bush-ton, Kansas.
Miss Winifred O'Connor called at the dormitory last Wednesday evening.
Miss Edna Kaufman spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks near Moundridge, Kansas.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Krutz were Sunday dinner guests at the dining hall.
Another week end visitor at home was Miss Gulah Hoover, Her par-ents Dr. and Mrs. C. O. Hoover live at Quinter, Kansas.
With Sponsors They Stay All Night
At Twin Mounds
Sun,. Sept. 28— Three cars loaded with girls, food, and bed clothes left the College yesterday afternoon for Twin Mounds for the annual Y. W. C. a. retreat The group of four-teen included the cabinet girls, Miss Grace Brubaker, Miss Mildred Thurow. Mrs. V. F. Schwalm and daughter, Betty.
The weather was perfect for the retreat and there were no mis-fortunes on the way except big, long flat, Arrived at the mounds, the the remainder of the afternoon was taken up with discussions and examination of Y. W. Newsletters and other helps six o'clock brought recess and campfire supper. Darkness found the girls gathered around the fire, each committee chairman outline her prospective, plans for the year. As informal program followed consist-ing of several poems rend by Chris-tine Mohler, amusing incidents told by Mrs. Schwalm, and well known songs led by Helen Eberly. Taps, Some slept Inside the cabin and others out on the hillside under the stars. Revielle a la alarm clock. The entire group went up the mound and there bad morning watch just as old Sol started the day red. Down in the valley again eating hot break-fast, the group thoroughly enjoyed Itself and regretted having to leave' the place so early In the morning.
Una Morine______
Lilburn Gottman Harvey "Red" King Mary Weddel Ethel Jamison___
Cold Weather Prevents Having It Out-Of-Doors So They Go To Gymnasium
Thur., Sept, 25—Casting aside thier customary dignified nature far an evening the faculty of the College enjoyed an Informal evening In the gymnasium eating watermelon and all the fixings that go with a big feed It was formerly planned to have the affair outside somewhere but due to the cold weather and the strong wind it was deemed advisable to hold It In the gymnasiam.
President Hoover's spacious mansion overlooking the Stanford University campus Is for rent.
Fri., Sept. 26—The wedding of Miss Winifred O'Connor, ‘27, Green*-burg, Kansas, to Mr, Howard Kiem. '28, Nampa, Idaho, was solemnised at the Church of the Brethren tonight at eight-thirty o'clock. Dr. V. F. Schwalm officiated. The ceremony was a very simple single ring ceremony performed before about seventy-five relatives and friends of the couple.
Mr. Alvin Voran, '28, sang. Miss Autumn Lindbloom, '28, played the violin and Mrs. Paul Sargent, '23. accompanied at the piano proceeding the ceremony and during the reception which followed In the church parlors. Miss Hurl Scott, '27, Newton, Kansas, and Mr. LaVeme
Miss Fern Heckman spent Sunday afternoon with her sister Mrs. Alfred Colberg of Lyons, Kansas.
Miss Ida Lengel visited thin week end with her sister Mrs. Frank Mills of Anden, Kansan.
Alvin Voran, better known as "Cheesy" Is visiting with his parents In this city this week. He attended the O'Connor-Keim wedding last Friday night.
La Verne Martin, Nampa, Idaho, attended the 0‘Connor-Keim. wedding Friday night.
Kearney-McPherson football game Friday night were; Ralph Bowers, Clarence Zink. Clifford Neeley. Ross Curtis. Bernice McClellan, Ruth Blickenstaff. Archie Blickenstaff. Herbert Hoffman. Wilbur Bowman. Guy Hayes, Floy Brown, Irene Steinberg. Anna Lengel Mills, Charles Lengel, Elmer Crumpacker, Harold Crist, Lloyd Diggs, Ralph Landes, John Harnly, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kinzie.
Miss Tracy Moody and Mr. John Hanson of Ellinwood called on friends on the campus Sunday.
The two subjects or Ideas stressed daring the stay at the park were giv-ing by Clinton Trostle To reach the fullest Ideals of life it Is necessary to give abundantly to the needs of modern civilisation and spend some time each day to private thought and prayer were the principles.
Hikes, teas, parties, games, etc. were Included It the program for the social side of the camp according to the report of Miss Ethel Jamison.
be of the strictest and highest nature. to be able to secure a loan from this group, are taken under consideration, and they are very careful to whom they loan. The loans draw 6per cent Interest and are generally paid off In short time periods of oho or two years. Some loans run as high as $200 to as low as $50 on short time payment installments.
Last year a student went to college on funds secured from this organiza-tion, borrowing to the extent of $200. If this particular student had not received aid from this source he would have not been able to finish his senior year at the time he did. As a re-; sult of his summer's earning he has paid hack to the Student Loan Fund more than $100 of the principal and will have his debt erased within a month or two.
Five organizations within the city have contributed to this land far the purpose or helping students. It Is not only from these organizations that the McPherson Students’ Loan Fund received contributions, but al-i so from Individuals, If Is probably the only student fund of Its kind that is known to be organized by organizations of a city and to be called a city fund. The five groups that have contributed, some heavily and others light, are: the Women's Federation Rotary Club, Elks Club, Lyons Club, and the Business and Professional Women's Club.
The fund was established In 1927. Just recently now officers were elected consisting of George Allison, chairman of the board; Carl Grant, treasurer, and Mrs. Simon Strouse, secretary. In the three years 23 students have been helped. At the present time 19 students are receiving help from the fund, constituting a total sum of $2, 000.
of the thriving cities of Alaska, a part of his time he has spent in the employment of the United States government, traveling 18, 000 miles yearly by dog team, and visiting ev-ery city and village, During these journeys he has found 29 men froz-en along the winter trail*.
The lantern slide pictures which were shown took the spectator on a pictorial trip which Included many scenic points of Interest In Alaska,
Mr. Raine has been at McPherson twice previously, In 1921 and 1924. This year he la lecturing during the blue school months. In 46 states.
Come to the Hawley Barber and Beauty Shop. Where hospitality and good workmanship prevail.
Haircuts from now on will be 40 cents. Phone 499 for appointment at Beauty Shop. Permanent $5. 00 and up. —adv.
Makes An Appeal For Support And Interest—Hold First Open Meeting
Thurs., Sept. 25—The World Service Group met tonight at 6: 30 o'clock in their first open meeting of . the school year. A number of new students were present and splendid interest in the program outlined for the coming year exhibited. After a devotional mealing led by Naomi Witmore, each of the department 'heads outlined their plans and made an appeal for support and Interest,
The Y. W. A, will hold Its annual candle lighting service at the Church of the Brethren tonight at 7: 30 o'clock. This service is for the members of the association and It I* hoped that all members will lake part, and that "Big Sisters’’ will bring thier "Little Sisters'', The mothers of students and other women Interested are invited.
Tues., Sept. 30-—Echoes from Es-tes Park were heard In a Joint meeting of the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. this morning.
, Ruth Trostle spoke to the combined group of the leaders and interesting personalities on the campus of the Rocky Mountain camp. Especially Interesting was the character of the Negro song leader, the attitude she had toward the race prejudice
Mon., Sept. 29—"From a land of faro-banka to a land of savings banks" summarizes the evolution of Alaska In the last thirty years, as viewed by Edgar C. Raine in his Il-lustrated lecture In the College chap-el this evening. Tim lecture was sponsored by the student council.
Speaking on "Alaska, the Frontier Problem of today, and her travels. Wonderland of the World", Mr, Raine emphasized the economic worth, the Ideal climate, and the nat ural beauty of the land in which be has spent a large part of his life. He look part in the first Yukon gold rush, and helped to lay out a number
to rob the toy golf courses,
-The new "music of the sphere ■ the whacking of golf balls.
K-Wesleyan Was Conference Champs Last Year-Defeated By Okla.
Team Last Friday
Kansas Wesleyan will bring such men as Captain Clare Sargent who is playing his fourth year on the "Coyote” team and who was also an All-Conference end last season.
With approximately 14 lettermen back and about 19 on the new list should make It comparably easy for Coach Mackie to pick a good first team that should prove plenty of apportion for the Bulldogs, although a few men like Cunningham and Reinhardt, both rated an the best tackles In the state, will not appear In the lineup this year.
The "Coyotes" have been doing some early scrimmage practice this year and should be in fair condition when they meet the Bulldogs Friday night on the home field for the first conference game of the season.
With the defeat, at the hands of the "Coyotes" in mind from last year. Coach Binford's gridsters will again match their speed and attack against the more weighty "Coyotes" Friday night, Last Friday night the K-Wesleyan team was defeated by one of the heaviest teams in the United States, the Baptists, Shawnee, Oklahoma.
holes. Cox was put In and as the third quarter ended (he score stood 33-0 for Kearney.
Kearney kicked and Cox returned to the 30 yard line. After several Incomplete passes Kearney was penalized and forced to punt out of danger. Bigham made a gain through the line. It was first and ten for the Teachers 15 yard line and Miller counted for 5 yards. It was at this period of play that some of the prettiest passes of the evening between Miller and Williams, and Miller and the diminutive Cox, and the final whistle blew the Teachers
Tomorrow morning at 10: 00 ‘o'clock In preparation for the first conference tilt of the season and the second home game; the K-Wesleyan-Bulldog game, a pep rally will be held. The rally will be held In the gymnasium. An Interesting stunt Is being planned along with the songs and yells.
Widely Known Sports Writer To Official a At K-Wesleyan Game— On Kansas City Star Staff
C. E. McBride, the well known
From The Day's Weekly
— NEWS —
Herbert Hockstrasser has been elected by his teammates to pilot them through the season of '3 0, Hockstrasser Is a fine athlete and holds the morals of an athlete to high standards He has the admiration and best wishes of his team mates and the students. Here's hoping that Hockstrasser and Ills crow find their way to the top.
Friday night, October 3. the K-Wes-leyan Coyotes will battle the Bulldogs on the local field. This is another game where the Bulldogs are going to find the bulk aad hulk against them, K-Wesleyan has 14 lettermen back. Including their sprinter Rupel Perkins, but only four of them were starting in the first
(Continued from Page One.
Kearney completed a 17 yard pass and ns the quarter ended Kearney was within two yards of the goal line.
It was the Instructor's ball at the beginning of the second quarter. McPherson kicked again but the kick went wild and Kearney went over the line for a touchdown and came back with a tricky fake pass for extra point. The score was then 7-0 for Kearney. The Teachers kicked off again end Bigham made a nice gain carrying the bull. A few more plunges and the Teachers were again in possession of the hall and made a 15 yard end run. McPherson was offsides and penalized. Time was taken lor Kearney. After resuming play again Merryman. Kearney, carried the pigskin across the line, and Tallefson added the extra point. Sisk blocked (he kickoff and it was McPherson's ball. After battling back and forth a pass was completed between Ziun and Barn grover just as the half ended. The score was still 7-0 for Kearney.
The teachers again kicked off. Miller punted but the punt was blocked on McPherson's So yard line, Again Merryman, the fleet half-back for Kearney, came back for another touchdown. As Kearney was possession of the ball. King and Hockstrasser, McPherson, were In Jured, badly crippling the Bulldog line-up. Ohmart and Williams were substituted and soon Kearney came back for another score.
Pherson made a few fumbles and the giant Tallefson carried the ball over the lino for another pointer and Williams, the freshman end, blocked the kick and spoiled the extra point For Kearney. Anderson was Injured and Binford was again forced to call on bis reserve material to fill the
Among Conference Schools
October 3, 1930.
Bethany va Phillips U. at Lindsborg.
McPherson vs Kansas Wesleyan at McPherson. Baker vs Haskell at Lawrence, Ottawa vs Bethel at Newton.
October 4, 1930.
St. Mary's —-Open.
of Last Weeks Games McPherson, 0, Kearney, 33. St- Mary's 0, Creighton U. 13, K-Wesleyan 0, Okla. Baptist
U. 16.
Baker 0, University of Okla. 30,
A bigger and better "Bulldog Bul-let" will make its appearance Friday night at the K-Wesleyan game. The Bullet Will contain 12 pages, pictures of all lettermen, a picture of this year's grid squad, and a number of (Interesting features. The editors are Irwin Hump and William H. Big-ham. The Bullet will sell for five centra to help In paying the cost of 'publishing.
In the "gay ‘90's they called It "croquet, " but It seems to us that the hazards on the average croquet grounds In the old days were Just about equal to those on the midget golf courses of today.
The gentlemen who puts on his plus fours to play miniature golf would probably rig out In lull tennis costume to play plug pong.
Talk of taking candy from a child—why bandits have started in