McPherson COLLEGE, McPherson. KANSAS,


Report on Entire Class—Engaged In Many Lines Of Work—Some In Foreign Countries

By Leland Lindell McPherson, Kan., May 30, 1971-- Last night eleven members of the graduating class of 1931 of McPher- son college met in the tea room on the fifth floor of the Administration building for their last reunion. It was just 40 years ago last night that this class of 40 seniors were given their diplomas.    

Wilbur McElroy presided over the group as toastmaster, seated at the end of the long narrow table, his distinctive and characteristic laugh still beaming through the halls “Mack" kept the old-timers of his class laughing from start to finish. Next to "Mack" as his classmates termed him, sat the modest little Beth Hendrickson, who is still able to captivate her audience on the stage with charming wit and clever acting. “Mack" told a good one on her though, he said he was sitting through a talkie back in Pennsyl-vania two or three weeks a go and during the picture Beth joked out into the audience and he vowed up and down that she recognized him. At the opposite end of the long table the elongated Kansan, "Jack" Lehman, who has returned from the East where he has just finished in the widely known law suit of Betts vs. Johnson. It seems as tho, according to Attorney Lehman, that Johnson was attempting to bring slander charges against Betts on the grounds of intimatency with his wife, and that, he, Attorney Lehman, proved to the satisfaction of the Jury that Betts did not say or do any slanderous things to his wife. He even convinced the jury that Johnson did not even have a wife, Mr. Lehman was called upon by the toastmaster McElroy to make a few remarks and as he rose the group applauded. He stated that he regretted very much that Mrs. Lehman could not be present but that she was in England at this time being presented to the Queen. "Jack" said that he won his wife this honor by being able to convince the British Parlia-ment that he was an American and not an Englishman.

To the right of Mr. Lehman was the gray haired Keith Hayes, former roommate of Mr. Lehman while in school at McPherson. It is very hard for Mr. Hayes to speak and the toastmaster explained that three years prior he was addressing a meeting of 1000 women on the ques-tion of "Why I Am In Favor Of Large Families," when to his dismay

the women did not agree with his arguments and their heckling kept his voice in constant use for a number of hours until he finally had to be carried from the platform. However, it might be added, that Mr. Hayes did win his cause.

On the opposite side of the table, ever beaming with a smile of con-tentment, sat the former Ruth Turner, who has come all the way up from Louisiana for the last reunion of her class. Paul couldn't come because his rice fields were demand-ing his constant attention. Ruth said, when interviewed this morning, that she thought that at least one in their family should be present for the graduation of Paul Jr.

Coming many miles to attend the reunion the former Nina Stull, the exact name of her husband is quite indefinite due to the fact that he is a descendant of a former Russian family and a Count to boot, she says she is enjoying the lights of the big city where she has been living for a number of years.

"And who would have thunk it?" as many of their friends have stated many times during these last 40 years. There sat Harry Zinn and Mrs. Zinn, the former Ruth Trostle. Both of them used to vow up-and-down



Mr. Lehman has for the last two years held the responsible position as president of the Student Council He is also well known in debate and oratory


Throughout the entire school year Miss Pyle has kept track of the ac-counts and money of the Student Council of the College in a very efficient manner.


A Few Are Uncertain What They Are Going To Do


Three Will Continue Schooling In Post-Graduate Universities


By Ruth Turner and Eugenla Dawson

Our college days are ending.

True friends will say farewell— For very soon we all shall part.

We've learned and lived together This life so full and free

And love will linger in our hearts.

Here's to the school of quality Success be thine.

May the good, the true, the beautiful Guide those we leave behind.

When we are on life’s highway Fond memory's will return When e’er a classmate we may see;

We'll laugh and jest together And as the moments pass

Live again our days of dear M. C.

Should old acquaintance be forgot And never brought to mind—

We'll laugh and jest together And as the moments pass Live again our days of dear M. C.

One often wonders what the seniors are going to do the first summer they are out of school and the first winter after their graduation. The other night, the seniors made self-confessions as to their whereabouts during the coming year. Here they are:

Marvin Hill: "I will make hay this summer and during the winter teach and coach at Windom high school .” Cletus Carney: I will work in Mc-Pherson this summer and continue my schooling at the College next winter."

Mm. Marguerite Hubbard: "I will attend the summer session at the

College and then next winter I am to

teach school at Hazatan, Kansas. '

Edna Nyquist. Three months ago I thought there were two being who  knew what I was going to do, Myself and God-- now only God knows."

Avie Wattenbaccer: "My address will be Shamrod, Texas,, but this summer I will go to business college at Wichita Falls, Texas, and then in the winter I will be in a business of-fice in Dallas

Harry Zinn: I will work at the building trade this summer at my

home at New Castle, Ohio. This

winter I am teaching at Valley Cen-ter, Kansas."

Ruth Turner: "This summer I will be matron of Arnold Hall and will also take a few hours work. This winter I am teaching music at Chase, Kansas."

Ida Lengel: "My home address this

summer will be Burlington Colo. but I intend to spend most of my time in the mountains. I will teach at Alden, Kansas next winter”

Helen Hudson, Christine Mohler, Ernest Betts, and Carroll D. Walker (in unison)

"We are without pilot or chart,

To guide us on our way.

Take pity, oh you kind heart, And give us help, we pray." Edna Hoover: "I am not certain

what I will do this summer. Next winter I will teach at Roxbury, Kan-sas."

Pearl Holderread: "I will be at home at Cushing, Okla., this summer, and next winter I may teach at San-tee, Nebr."

Irvin Rump: "I will be in McPher-son this summer and next winter I will teach and coach at Arlington, Kansas.”

Alma Morrison: "My address this summer will be Independence, Kan-(Continued on Page Two)


By Christine Mohler

Midst the deep inspiration of ivy-clad buildings.

And leaders of thought whom the yearn have made dear To the heart of each searcher for truth and for knowledge, Have come rays of light that shall shine everlastingly Into the lives of the Seniors now leaving

The sheltering walls of M. C. Alma Mater

For which one of us would trade wealth for the years We have spent in the halls of the

school where each student is challenged to live as he knows is the highest

And truest way man had found joy in living? -

Years that have made him increas-

ingly conscious

Of life as it should be and life as we find it.

These are the things we prize Great thoughts, great truths, great lives.

And after learning, true wisdom.

The class of this spring would not care to leave with you The mistaken impression its time has been given

To only great matters of serious im-


Neglecting the joys and the plea-sures forthecoming

From friendships and fellowships

gained by the dozen.

And interests which grew in ever-widening circles,

As we press to the future, our thoughts will return To the frolics and good times we have had in old M. C .

The lessons, the trials, the teachers,

the schoolmates.

And all that goes into the making of school days

The best and most sacred to hearts which will never

Be loyal and strong in their faith

in dear M C.

These are the things we prize Old friends, old books, old days And after college, memories.

The end of this school year means much to the seniors.

It brings to a close four brief years of instruction.

And leaves in our hands the great task of decision.

It sobers our thoughts of the future now op'ning Before us with vast oppprtunities. great possibilities.

Ever beyond us, if only we search for them.

With the future before us and college days gone from us.

The seniors are ready to give to the world

(Continued on Page Two)



Wilbur McElroy Acts As Toastmater-—Forty Years Ago Class Was Given Diplomas—Many Changes Take Place In College And Class

that it would never come to this, but Mrs. Zinn says that she is the happiest woman in the world and that she still wants to be called an "M.C. Co-ed."

In her toast Miss Avie Watten-burger of Detroit gave a few of her personal opinions about the changes in McPherson college. “In view of the fact that I have been the private secretary of Edsal Ford," Miss Wattenbarger stated, "I feel that I am justified in saying that the changes on the campus have greatly added to the facilities in making Mc-Pherson College a "School of Quality" in more ways than one."

The former Miss Naomi Witmore from the "Show Me" state has been “Shown" at last and she is now hap-pily married to an Eastern man who is president of the Association for the Prevention of Rainfall in Mis-souri. (Editor's Note:    I always

thought Missouri would get out of the mud sometime )

The other members who were unable to be present, because of various reasons were reported upon by the eleven who were in attendance at the banquet tonight. Three members of the class of 1931, it was learned, have died.

Red-Path-Horner Institute was dissolved recently and it is now called the Red-Path-Hudson for Miss Helen Louise Hudson has been taken in as one of the partners. When Ethel Barrymore died a number of years ago Miss Hudson has taken her place as the foremost actress upon the American stage today.

The year Miss Ethel Jamison was a senior in McPherson college she was granted the K. U. Fellowship, and the following year she went to K . U. She was so well liked and her scho-lastic record was so high that they have retained her as one of their in-structors. It is rumored that Miss Jamison is to be married soon.

After graduation Alma Morrison taught in the high school at Roxbury and a love affair sprung up between she and a man of Roxbury. The following summer they were married. Edith Murrey, the history shark while in College, soon forgot her history and became a beauty parlor operator where she has to use all the mathematics she ever knew in refashioning figures.

Then there was one member of the class of 1931 that accomplished something great in the field of journalism. She is Edna Nyquist. Edna received an appointment as society editor of the Chicago Tribune. This newspaper was recently awarded the prize of being the most beneficial paper in the United States by the Churches of the country. It is understood that Miss Nyquist is to become editor very soon.

Herbert Ruthrauff with Mrs. Ruthrauff are still at Fort Scott. where Mr. Ruthrauff is pastor of the local church. They tell us that he (Continued on Page Two)


Speaks On "Voices Of Author-


Sun., May 24—Prof. J Hugh Heckman, head of the Bible and Philosophy department of the College, preached the baccalaureate ser-mon tonight to the Class of 1931, in the Church of the Brethren. His subject was “Voices of Authority."

Miss Fern Lingenfelter played the processional and the College Glee club sang "How Lovely are the Mes-sengers." The College Ladies’ quartet sang “O Lord, Remember Me,” after which Professor Heckman de-livered the sermon. Pres. V. F. Schwalm gave the benediction after which Miss Lingenfelter played the recessional

THURSDAY, MAY 28. 1931


Both Material Things And Goodwill And Fellowship Are Willed To The Underclassmen.—Athletic Abilities Willed To Those Who Might Need Help


Devilment And Boyish Tricks Hand-ed Down To Those In Search Of Mirth On The Campus


Inasmuch as the Class of 1931 Is a class possessing distinctive and

peculiar qualities and inasmuch as

the members of the class feel obli-gated to leave a liberal inheritance to the blossoming urchins who will some day grow to the maturity of seniors it is incumbent upon the class of '30 to reward those struggling masses in McPherson college with the aforesaid distinctive and peculiar qualities as a final and heartfelt legacy which we hope will furnish undying glory to the suceeding classes of sturdy men and women in our Alma Mater

Because of the aforestated rea-sons, we, the members of the class of ’30 of McPherson college, "School of Quality." do hereby bequeath the following enumerated properties: Carrol Walker. believeing that the members of the human race to be monogamous (one man for one wo-man) does bequeath to Mildred Doyle the same, faithfulness to one man of her choice which Carroll Walker has by example shown in the past to one woman. Nellie, last name of said woman is subject to change. This bequest is valid if Miss Doyle con-tinues to show that undivided at-tention to a tall man, dark haired, and silent.

Mr, Frederick Andrews (known as Freddie since marriage overtook him)

bequeaths his maturity, kindness, consideration, and dignity to Wheeler Kurtz in full confidence that one can teach a gay young horse new tricks.

Elfie Abeldt bequeaths her quality of domestice silence to chattering    

Fern Heckman.

Miss Ruth Barnard who is quite capable in the field of mathematics bequeaths that ability to none other than the young, struggling, mathe-matician, Lloyd Miller.

Ernest Betts as a fitting symbol

of school martyrdom, renounces his

unique ability of being accused of bad boy tricks, painting Ad. building stops, and other barbarous customs  to that famous rice grower from Louisiana. Mr. Edgar Hoke, believing that there will be many happy returns

to the green carpet.

Wiliam H. Bigham wills his highly concentrated football biff to Clar-ence Brown, hoping that if Clarence cannot crash the gate into big time football he will still be able to peck through the knothole.

Ernest Campbell who has played a high game for several years be-queaths his love making and track ability to girl shy Herbert Mowbray.

the new "M" club president.

Cletus Carney will gladly relin-quish his claims to Missouri tooth-pick. Missouri cider, and Missouri mules to Mr. Harvey Shank who has a continued affinity for such Mis-souri stimulant.

Gladys Christianson wills her per-fect manners, her credible calmness, and her masterial self control to the abbreviated, jumping jack Roy Peeb-


Eugenia Dawson wills the Y.W.C. A room in all serious and aspiring lovers of the institution. Just as rock crushers enable the building of big-ger and better higways so will these youthful neck-crushers enhance the purpose of our Alma Mater. Choking holds invalidates this bequest. Strict enforcement of this rule will be super-vised by Margaret Heckethorn and Dr. Schwalm.

Vernon Gustafson wills the stench of the chemisty laboratory and also a pair of three stilts to Shorty Thomp-son so

that Shorty will be able to buy candy bars at the Bookstore counter like other normal human beings.

(Continued on Page Three)


THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1931




Associate Editor....

Associate Editor

Leland E. Lindell

Donald L. Trostle

Alberta Yoder

Circulation Manager

Business Manager

Ass't Business Manager

Ass't Business Manager

Carroll D. Walker

... Ernest L. Betts

... Paul Sherfy

David Bowers

Vernon Rhoades

Dave Shackelford

Christine Mohler

Everette Fasnacht

Ruth Trostle

Ethel Sherfy

Vernon Flaming

Edna Hoover

Edna Nyquist

Esther Brown

Nina Stull

Mrs. W. G. Grabeel. Correspondent

Faculty Advisor ........

Rose Hill, VA

Prof. Maurice A. Hess


The last four years have passed in such quick succession that I am unable to realize just where I am as I am about to recieve my diploma. I believe other seniors are feeling the same way. While here we have friendships that are to go with us forever, lasting friendships, that are to go with us as we launch ourselves out into the world of activity that we might prove ourselves of worth to humanity.

The senior class owes much to McPherson college, for the College hass meant much to it. It has attempted to give it, the senior class, an understanding of life, a broader view for future returns, and a desire for the better things in life. In this period of “hard times" the seniors are feeling a world that is rough but well meaning. The senior that can survive and forge ahead in periods of such conditions not only indicates the strength of his own ability and leadership but also reflects upon his Alma Mater as being one of high repute.

Four chapters are to be completed tomorrow—four years. After that we will be freshmen again in the world of activity. We turn our pages with the sincere hope that we might fill them with knowledge as we have in the last four years. Yes, and we will let other read our last four chapters that they might profit from our opportunities.

We are about to “pull anchor" and sail out for ourselves on the great sea of adventure, that of life, We are about to test the ruggedness of our own ship of state. We are about to reach out in our own way in search of that which we are unable now to see. We are leaving — but not without the memories of dear old McPherson college going with us. The College will ever stand in our estimations of high ideals and high standards of Christian living. We will live that others might realize the opportunities that have been ours.

Four years ago Dr. Schwalm was appointed president of the College. During the intervening years he has shared the trials and accomplishments along with the class that came when he did. He has proved himself well worthy of being president of McPherson college. He has gained the respect and admiration of both his faculty and the student body. He is sincere in every move he undertakes. In him we place the future hope and growth of the College.

Personally, I want to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to my Spectator staff that has labored with me that the paper might make its appearance each week. Some of you have been on my staff for the last two years, Vernon Rhoades is to become editor next year, and probably no better McPherson student could handle the work more effi-ciently than Mr. Rhoades. He has now had two years experience, I ask the cooperation of every student and faculty member in helping Mr. Rhoades next year, for without it it is impossible to completely cover all the news on any campus, no matter where it might be.

We believe in McPherson college and have hope for its success. We leave as our parting urge to "Sail on, Sail on, and on. "---L. E. L


Left to right — Keith Hayes, president; Ethel Jamison, vice-president; Christine Mohler, secretary; and Vernon Gustafson, treasurer. This is the second term of office for both Miss Mohler and Mr. Gustafson. Mr. Hayes was elected to his position last year while he was teaching school at Burrton, Kansas.

Problems of the senior class are many and these officials have met them with much success. The financing of the year's activities is a gigantic task in itself and requires accurate and careful handling of class funds.

Ida Lengel, Edna Hoover, and Gladys Christiansen, have surprised us. They have established a cabaret in the downtown section of New York, that is what the New York Times reports. It is said that, newspaper story of course, their cabaret has been raided only once, and that was the time a man attempted to make a speech on reviving of pro-


Cletus Carney is still in Missouri living in the Ozarks. His greatest diversity comes in watching the air-planes fly over head. He is still mourning the fact that Henry Ford finally made a one-cylinder tractor that put the Missouri mule out of


Then there is the great singer from the class of 1931 who has made good on the stage in Chicago, and that is Eugenia Dawson, Like some superhuman power she is still more than capable of captivating her public with her appealing voice. It was thought that she might be able to be here at the banquet tonight but could not because of a previous en-gagement.

Pearle Holderread and J. S. Rice are still in Africa in the mission field doing mission work. Just re-cently a picture of Mr. Rice appeared in the New York Times and the caption stated that he is the oldest living missionary in the field today.

On May 19, 1931, there appeared in this paper: a linoleum-cut by Miss Christine Mohler. As a result of this she has become world wide known and recognized today as the foremost artist of this kind in the world. A good deal of her publicity is due to Miss Blanche Pyle. who has been with Miss Mohler for the last ten years as her manager.

Irvin Rump is now at Notre Dame, as you have no douby read. He has taken the place of Jess Harper, who back in 1931 took the place of the late Knute Rockne.

The other three memebers of the class of 1931 have died in the last forty years. They are William H. Bigham, Marvin Hill, and Leland Lindell, it seems as the Mr. Bigham had invented a balloon contraption for the use of pedestrians In crossing busy streets. Well, one day he was

giving his invention a trial on a very busy street in Chicago. He bounded into the air from the sidewalk on one side of the street but when he was just above the traffic a little Austin, with balloon tires, hit him.

Mr. Hill, while day-dreaming one day on the west coast, (we imagine he was thinking of Kansas), was struck by a greased bolt of lightning and just naturally annihilated. Scientists say that if he had not been so close to the ocean that It would have never happened, and that if he had had oil on his hair that morning that he might have escaped.

Leliind Lindell, who has been employed by an eastern newspaper to write headlines, was killed about a year ago. It happened that the managing editor of the newspaper on which he was working was a woman and that one day she gave him a story about a woman that had killed her husband, and asked him to write a head for it. Within a few minutes Mr. Lindell returned with the following headline: “JUST LIKE A WOMAN.” It happened that the newspaper office was on the 53rd, floor of the building.

Kansas. "

Elfie Abeldt: "At home this sum-mer at Hope, Kansas, and next winter I will be teaching, ”

Ethel Jamison: “I will work at home this summer near Quinter. Kansas, and next winter I will take postgraduate work at the University of Kansas. My address will be 1134 Mississippi St., Lawrence, Kansas" Eugenia Dawson: ‘I will be at home this summer at Darlow, Kansas. I will teach at Anthony, Kansas next winter, ”

Edith Murrey: “My ambitions for the summer is a big vacation in California. Next winter I am teaching at Canton, Kansas. "

Wilbur McElroy: "This summer I am going to work in Pennsylvania. Next winter I am going to get married and live off my wife's salary. ” W. Wendell Hubbard: “This sum-mer I will be in school here. Next fall I will go to work for my Father in his newspaper office at Hugoton. Kansas. ”

Naomi Witmore: “At home this summer at Rich Hill, Mo. Will teach at Zook, near Larned, next winter, " Nina Stull: ‘‘I will be at home this summer. Next fall I will begin teaching in the high school at Windom. Kansas. "

Blanche Pyle: "Will attend summer school here this summer and next winter I will teach at Quinter, Kansas. "

Fred Andrews: "I will be at Mc-Pherson during summer school and than for two weeks I will be in the Rocky Mountains. I will teach next winter at Gaylord, Kansas, ”

Gladys Christiansen: "This summer I will be at home at Durham, Kansas, and next fall I will teach at Canton, Kansas. "

William H. Bigham: “I am not cer-tain yet what I am going to do either this summer or winter; ”

Herbert Ruthrauff: “I will continue in pastoral work in Wichita both summer and winter. "

J. S. Rice: “This summer I will attend a conference in Illinois and then will return to McPherson in the fall.

I am going back to the mission field in Africa in February, 1932"

Ernest Campbell: "I will work on the farm this summer and I hope to teach next winter. ”

Mrs. Minnie Teeter: “I will be in summer school here this summer and will teach in the McPherson city schools next winter. "

Ruth Barnard: I will be at home at Lyons, Kansas, both summer and winter. "

Leland F. Lindell Two years editor of The Spectator and one year associate editor. He will continue in newspaper work as a member or The Daily Republican staff.


(Continued from Page One]

A new inspiration to lives now so dreary,

An emancipation to souls bound in smallness.

Forgetting in nothing the ideals and endeavors.

Of McPherson College, the School of our Love.

These are the things we prize—

High hopes, ideals, lights that lead truly.

And after vision, fulfillment.

Miss Ruth Turner’s mother came Saturday from McCammon, Idaho

Miss Irene Mason or Norborne, Mo. is visiting here this week.

Miss Essie Kimball spent the week end at her home near Nickerson.

Miss Alma Morrison’s mother of Independence, Kans., came Sunday morning.

Guy Hayes visited in McPherson Sunday.

Miss Jeanette Hoover spent aStur-day night at the dormitory.



(Continued from Page One) was offered the pastorage of the "Little Church Around The Corner" in New York City but refused it because he loved Kansas.

Mrs. Minnie Teeter is now superintendent of schools of McPherson. She is the first woman to ever hold such a responsible position in this city.

Carroll D. Walker, the “king of the hitch-hikers, ” has hitched-hiked his wat to fame with a little Walker on each knee. Carroll says that mar-ried life is like a door—just one slam after another. Blessings be on thee my little man.

Ellie Abeldt, Ruth Barnard; and Vernon Gustafson have formed a com-pany for the concrete purpose of

reviving the long lost art of “Yo Yo'ing, " They report that their business is progressing along a very definite road to success. Elfie does the instructing in the use of the Yo Yo, Ruth figures out artistic dimensions, and Vernon, who we thought would be a chemist, is setting this revival of the fittest.

Ernest Campbell was called to Idaho, it is understood that he is dwelling in the “HIGH" mountains, up where it is always sunshine and no rain. He says his cloud has a silver lining.

Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Hubbard have acquired a large publishing firm at Reno, Nevada. Wendell says that they are still Reno-vating the New York debutants. He added that his greatest income comes from advertising the divorcees wants, and not their needs.



(Continued from Page One)

sas, and next winter it will be Rox-bury, Kansas, where I will be teach-ing. "

Beth Hendrickson: “For this sum-mer I have high hopes of seeing California. Next winter I will teach English at Quinter, Kansas. ”

Grace M. Early: "I will be at home this summer at Hardin, Mo., and next fall I will begin teaching ithe Central high school at Hardin. "

Vernon M. Gustafson: "This summer I will work in a drug store here in McPherson and in the winter I will probably take post-graduate work at McPherson college. "

Leland Lindell: “This summer I will be a member of The Daily Republican staff of McPherson, and next winter I will continue with the same newspaper. "

Ruth Trostle: "I will be at home near Nickerson this summer. Next winter I am going to take post-graduate work at Manhattan, Kansas. ’' Keith Hayes; "This summer I will be farming at Geneseo, Kansas, and next winter teaching at Hoisington.

How Time Flies

And just twenty years ago the big news was a long distance conversa-tion between New York and Denver in which "the voices could be distinctly heard. ''-—Louiseville Courier-Journal.     



Youth Does Not Always See At Which Age Is Aiming—It Is The Spirit Of Youth And The Spirit Of Age Minded Together Which Makes Life Interesting     And Worthwhile

By Grace Early

Life Is like a day. There is morning, noon, and evening. There is youth, maturity, and old age. Youth is a time of adventure and preparation. At maturity one looks back upon youth and looks forward to old age. Age is a time for reflection and the completion of the wheel of life.

Let us look at the youth of today. There is a rich experience for the observing person in sensing the problems and seeing the joys of youth, that group whom Walt Whitman would call the "resistless, restless race. " Youth is full of the spirit of inquiry. It has an appetite for adventure. It is yearning for expression and action. Youth knows no defeat.

Keith Hayes wills his public speak-ing ability and droll humor to the succeeding senior president. He wills a double portion of sympathy to his successor because such sympathy is needed to enterain bashful girls on senior picnics

Beth Hendrickson bequeaths her reading ability, winning personality, winsomeness, and dainty stage ap-pearence to Mr. George Zinn as a token of her esteem and confidence in "Big" George.

Marvin Hill wills a slightly used Chevrolet automobile to Mr. David Bowers believing that if little David meets a feminine Goliath he will need the Chevrolet to run away from her

Wilbur McElroy, ( Commonly known as Mac), has been informed that a snore is an unfavorable report from headquarters. He therefore be-queaths his snoring ability to the College to be used as a warning a-gainst Halowe'en prowlers, book- agents, and intruding dogs,

Leland Lindell bequeaths his ris-ing inflection, the Spectator job, and one stacked room to Mr. Vernon "Dusty" Rhoatles with the prayer. "So help you God."

Pearle Holderread bequeaths a half finished manuscript on, "The Beauty of Dormitory Life. " and a

complete manuscript on "Love as Observed in the Parlor, ” to Charles Austin for inspiration and instruc-tion.

Edna Hoover wills her w. a. a points to Lawrence Lehman, since the better-half will not be here to take long walks next year, nevertheless it is hoped that this gift will help Lawrence to be "saved by Grace."

Helen Hudson wills her dramatic ability to her Star Automobile, famil-iarly called "The Green Comet," to Philip Lauver as a souvenir of his preparation to be a professional chauffeur and man of model manners,

Mr. Wendell Hubbard, a married man, wills the family rolling pin to the dormitory cooks since he has a scientific and practical belief that biscuits of dough are more valuable

to students than domestic bumps on the bend.

Mrs. Marguerite Hubbard, the wife, wills her musical ability to Posey Jamison with full knowledge that music hath charms and will prove a successful decoy for Posey in catching " a game little bird."

Miss Ethel Jamison bequeaths her scholastic achievements to Walter Wollman but retains from him her powress at pitching horseshoes since weapons are dangerous in the hands of playful little boys.

Ida Lengel bequeaths all sincerity of heart her friendship with Mary Wedel to Mr. Herbert Eby in the hope that mutual intellectual interests will ripen into a colorful romance.

Chirstine Mohler wills the care of Dr. Schwalm to some other steno-grapher who will promise neither to tell his secrets nor alienate his affection.

Alma Morrison wills to Ethel Sherfy three reams of writing paper to be specifically used in private coreespondence of a heartfelt nature as a supplementary course to litera-ture most of which is English. All letters must be closed with such phrases as will create electrical trans-scriptions of the heart.

Edith Murrey wills a well furnished parlor including a radio and overstuffed chairs to Donald Trostle and Esther Nonken for dates after ten o'clock at, night.

was made;

Our times are in his hand Who saith, "A whole I planned, Youth shows but half: trust: see all, nor be afraid, "



(Contintued from Page One)

THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1931

The full significance of these characteristics of youth is not sensed by the more conservative representatives of maturity and old age. This leads to a lack of appreciation of maturity on the part of youth. Both of these groups have the same desire to make the world better, but there is misunderstanding in the method of approach and the fulfillment of that desire. Some vital facts in the experience of each are often unknown; thus causing misunder-standing. Youth does not always see what age is aiming at. It is slow to learn from the experience of ago. On the other hand age cannot become reconciled to the adventurous spirit of youth.

We must have both the adventur-

ous spirit of youth and the problems of the world. It is the spirit of youth and the spirit of age minded together in happy comradeship, Which makes the whole of life in-teresting and worthwhile.

There should be and there can be harmony between youth and age, A reciprocal happiness will be found when people in the evening of life appreciate the youth of the dawn and youth respect the experience of age. It is possible and very desirable that youth and age find true friendships among those of the other group. This does not mean that an old man must pretend to be young or try to keep pace with youth. There is a state of mind. Francis Bacon said, "Any man who stops learning is old whether that happens at twenty or eighty."

Youth is a preparation for the life that is yet to be. As youth is lived so will the years of age be. Life is like a day. If in the morning of life the fair sun casts its rays on healthy, robust youth of sterling character, the noontide will be even more bril-liant with achievemnt. The fair sun of the morning and the brilliance of the noontide are followed by a sunset of rosy hue in the evening of life. After the golden sunset, comes the afterglow, a brightness, a happi-ness, a sense of satisfaction that life has been lived in a worthy manner,

Life in like a day. If the morning of life is overshadowed by clouds of darkness and doubt, at noontide the storm will be raging, and there will be no joy in looking forward to the close of day. The dusk comes earlier and there is no afterglow, no bright-ness, no memory of a worthwhile life, but rather, a memory or disap-

pointments. The sunset of life depends largely upon the morning. The youth of today is what the age of today leads it to be. The age of tomorrow in molded by the youth of today

We of the class of 1931 are leaving the halls of McPherson college. The morning of life is slipping from us. The sun has been shining. Will the noontide be more brilliant? Will the sunset shine with the radiant memory or a worth-while life? Then and only then will there be a glorious afterglow for us. The yearn of our morning lived in McPherson college have brought us into contact with those living the brilliance of the noontide and those who live in the glory of the evening, A comradeship has been manifested. As they have kept the spirit of youth, may we face our day with the same spirit.

Life is like a day. The radiant sun of the morning brings a brilliant noontide and a golden sunset follow-ed by a glorious afterglow. May our endeavor be to make the whole of life beautiful and harmonious. Youth is a time of adventure and interest, maturity a time of accomplishment, old age a time of reflection and coun-sel. Then may we say with Browning:

"Grow old along with me

The best is yet to be    

The last of life, for which the first

Blanche Pyle wills the job as treasurer of the Student Council to Vernon Flaming, the pride of Hills-boro, as the first step in the long list of achievements necessary for his climb to the Hillsboro Hall of Fame.

Irvin Rump otherwise known as ’Rosie” solemnly bequeaths his bois-terous laugh to Ralph Keedy as a necessity in meeting the increasing demands of the numerous social act-vities in which Ralph will be involved during the coming year.

Rev. John S. Rice wills hiss mission-ary experience, maturity, and wisdom to the striving young preacher, Ward Williams.

Herbert Ruthrauff bequeaths his biblical knowledge to our basketball guard Cecil Anderson who has shown already a prolific capacity for bibli-cal terms,

Nina Stull bequeaths her school-teaching experience to the young pioneer Hattie Rischel

Ruth Trostle gladly wills her pretty face and girlish pep to Mr. Delvis Bradshaw

Ruth Turner who has successfully exchanged her personal rights in Idaho for property rights in Louis-iana wills her keen bargaining power to Viola Devilbis in the hope that "Vi" may

exchange property for California promises.

Naomi Witmore wills her piano playing ability to Elmer Keck as an evidence of senior confidence in his talent, which will unquestionably

equal that of Paderewski

Avis Wattenbarger wills her habits of rapid and lengthy conversation to such shy freshman as Roy Mason. Frank Hutchinson, and Harold Bin-ford.

Miss Grace Early wills Lawrence to the College for one year only, and furthermore, be t solemnly enacted, that the College retain full possession of Miss Early's new book, written from 9: 30 to 10: 00 each evening,

intitled "Library Love " Two vol-umes in one.

Inasmuch as Harry Zinn claims a lien (lean) on Nickey-an girls and farms he renounces all present and future claims to a room in Men’s dormitory decorated with a splendid picture collection of collegiate beau-ties which no longer interest him. These with other chattel property he wills to John Kindy.

Edna Nyquist bequeaths inummer-able poems, readings, and her first class editorial ability to Louise Iken-

berry who was unofficially elected

with "Daisy" to the Spectator job for next year.

The author of this jumble of con-glomerate matter since he possesses neither talent nor property wills his humble apology to any timid souls

who might object to the contents of this paper,

Our sponsor Professor Hess wills his ability to sing in chapel to those

unnamed singers of discent be-lieving firmly in the old agade, "In silence there is harmony. "

Part II

Collectively, the Senior Class wills its oriental tree in the European Miss Dela Lehman with the con-viction that the continent and the Orient ought to be united.

The Senior Class respectfully wills

a host of stocked rooms to Dave

Sharkelford and other brave cohorts of the college.

All biscuits, syrup, and starch pud-

ding are willed to the care and dis-. posal of the Matron.

The Senior section in the chapel is willed to the ambitious Juniors with the following reservations

Provided that said Juniors stand and sing in unison the habitual songs at the beginning of each chapel.

2. Provided that said Juniors as-sume tan air of intelligence which will no doubt be different during the out-pouring of intellectual froth from the chapel platform

3. Provided that said Juniors learn all of the verses of the College song before graduation.

The Seniors Will their place in the hearts of the faculty to the three succeeding classes

Finally, with full confidence in the good nature and mechanical genius of the Custodian of the Grounds, Mr. Frank Forney, we bequeath herein a hope that succeeding classes will be as considerate, as thoughtful, as helpful, and as kind to Mr. Forney as we have been during the past four years.

Having pledged ourselves to be the sole possessors of the above named properties and having made this legal declaration of disposal of of said properties we believe the College: may still be able to carry feebly on after the departure of the class of '31.

Class of 1931 ON SAYING GOOD-BYE

   A young slip of a girl is standing

in a railroad depot waiting her turn to use the telephone. Her college days are ended for in her little "hat-box-of-a-suitcase" is her diploma wrapped carefully and tied with a ribbon. Her train is already 15 min-utes past due and finding that she must do something to kill time she rushes to the telephone to again tell her darling roomate good-bye for the second time. She rings.

"One eight nine please, and do hurry,, hello... what... oh! I beg your pardon. _., What,... hello . oh! It's you, "Pet" ' ’ I could tell your voice above a flock of chap-el speakers,.. yes. my train is a little late and I just had to phone you again dear... you say your par-ents are there now and you are going to leave in a little bit,,, how sweet of them... dearest. I think your father is just too sweet for words.. he can always say the cutest thinks.., oh no, don't tell him I said so,,. dear you just can't realize how much I am going to miss you this summer r,, and to think we'll not be together next year... now don't cry again honey... I’m sorry I mentioned it again.., but, tell me, 'Pet ’ when are you going to leave?, Oh! how silly of me, you just told me your folks were there - yes. yes,,. yes... no dear, I’d tell him to write every day for you will be so lonesome without him ... now don’t be that way dear,,. tell me, 'Pet ’ that you will write to him every day... promise... that’s a darling little girl... I know you

would... what?.,. Am I going to write to Charles?... well I should say not.. I thought I told you he didn't mean a thing to me in my young life... no... no... I don't know when he is leaving,,, what's

that,. oh he said he was leaving in the morning but you can’t always believe him... he is so indifferent you know.,, huh... oh I like him all right... yea he is different from the rest... but you don't under-stand dear... I don't imagine I will ever see him again as long as I live


... I don't care though,.. yes.,. yes,,, yes, l remember... wasn't he the cutest thing though.,. and do you remember the time.., hello ' Pet.., hello, „. oh central.., hello... well where in the world did you go.., oh... oh _.. you just saw Charles... talking to that girl... is he still talking to her dear.., I'm sorry I treated his as I did dear... I wonder if he still loves me., he'll be so lonesome without me... yes.,. yes... yes he told me so... yes _ _. yes... call him to the phone please dear

... anything to get him away from that girl..     .     do hurry "Pet"..,

hello... hello    .     .. yes.     . r hello...

hello... hello Charles... there comes my train... hello Charles dear -. - oh you know I love you.,. I'm sorry,.. my train's here, dear ... Charles.     ..     Charles    ... Charles

... yes dear    ,     .     . I’ll be    mad if you

don't write home every day.., oh.

my train...





Only 11 Of The Original 83 Starting In The Fall Of 1927 Are Now Seniors—Class Has Achieved A Great Deal During Student Generation

By Ruth Trostle

in the fall Of 1927, 83 green, sun-burned, inexperienced "kids" came to McPherson college and were known as the freshman class. One of our respected professors said not long ago that the present graduat-ing class, which contains some of these freshmen, seemed to be in the habit of breaking tradition and going against custom. The habit was started way hack in the year of early impressions, our first year in college. We were given no senior-freshmen kid party. Ever since we have had the habit of doing things differently and in our own fashion.

Usually when class histories are read, just the glories and achieve-ments of the class are given. Dr. J. D. Bright doesn't hold this view of a historian, he says a history should be a fair presentation of both sides of the question, a well rounded and unbiased treatis of the subject. I am certain that this idea has been well woven into the history of the class of 1931.

What makes the class of ‘31 what it is? Why, because it has been class of quality all along and not of quantity. A man of quality, then a boy, was elected president, Leland Lindell. You can readily see it would have to be quality because there isn't much quantity in his case. By the end of the first year, few could distinguish the freshmen students from the general group for they had became so fell acclimated. They had taken their place in sports and various school activities, includ-ing "Swede" watches and class color fights.

Some quantity was given to the class in the sophomore year when Prof. Maurice A. Hess was elected sponsor and John Lehman came into the class. The usual run of hikes, picnics, and social affairs were attended by the class. Several students made the Thespian club, John Lehman took first honors in the Na-tional Peace contest, Irvin Rump received a place on the state champion-ship basketball team and William Bigham showed his Bulldog spirit on the football team. Quality is still foremost.

More events and responsibilities were accumulated during the third chapter of the class history, the junior year. Leland Lindell look the chair as the editor of The Spectator. and John Lehman was the tail, re-moved, dignified head of the Student Council, Ruth Turner brought re-known to the class when taking first place in coice at Lindsborg. Only members could be mustered. The class sneaked in an unusual manner. going in the evening, spending the night at Twin Mounds and continu-ing on to Salina for the next day’s activities. High class dues will always be remembered with regret. The Junior-senior banquet was the first to be held on the new Hotel Hawley roof garden, A Spanish theme was carried out in both program and dec-orations. Another new idea present-ed by the class of '31.

Then the senior year, with all its dignity, cares, friendships, and stud-ies. Keith Hayes leads the class thru the year, still it is bringing in and using new ideas. An Idea not new to any senior class, however, was the one that this was to be the last year of the strenuous college life. Leland Lindell has proved his worth by retaining the editor's chair of The Spectator and John Lehman's dignity brought another year for him as pres-ident of the Student Council. Ernest Botts headed the "M” Club, Eugenia Dawson was president of the Y. W. c. A., Ethel Jamison was president of the W. A. A., and Leland Lindell was president of the Thespian club. Various other responsible positions were held by the senior class as pro-fessors’ assistants and school officers.

Instead of Ivy Day, Tree Day was observed. April Fool’s Day was celebrated by an exact representation of the faculty by the seniors. This took the place of senior "Kid" Day. Custom was again broken when it. was decided, because of the "repression," not to give any senior play.

Just eleven of the original 83 students starting in the class of 1931 have weathered the four year's of

THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1931

Thera is no appeal from time past.

EUGENIA DAWSON Miss Dawson has not only been an outstanding student in music on the

campus but also president of the Y. W. C. A. this year.

ERNEST L. BETTS This year Mr. Betts has been the efficient business manager of The



"He has edited a Quadrangle of outstanding quality merit" his critics say.

"I have just heard an awful story about Mrs. Jones. "

"I thought you had. You look so happy, ”


the class. Even though many cus-toms and traditions have heen broken, the class has been very normal in its respect for its Alma Mater and a sincere wish for its growth and ad-vancement in every way possible was urged.

The last chapter is being rapidly brought to a close. Only memories remain. The next chapter is to be written, but now it is only an intrigu-ing mystery. We, the class of 1931, go out with great anticipation to find what it holds for each of us.

Quietness reigned supreme in the room. Silent, solemn assistants stood around with long, grave faces. Silence, nothing was heard except the breathing of men,

Everything seemed ready, a groan was heard. The ghostly like assist-ants turned their heads as the patient was slowly conducted to the operating table. The stillness seem-ed unbearable, the fumes of ether filled the air. Suddenly a grinding sound broke the stillness as Dr. Kurtz sharpened his knife. A word was spoken and assistant Peebler ap-plied the ether. A groan, a cry, a struggle, and the four became still.

Cautiously the doctor applied the knife.

Dr. Brown, assisted by his pupil Wollman, slowly layed back the folds of skin, while other assistants stood around watching, as the pa-tient struggled between life and death. The vital internal organs were exposed, for the first time, and as the heart came to view the group looked on with awe and wonderment. the lips of the janitor; "Darn those he sadly turned his face. The assist-ing doctor turned white and the group trembled for the slip of the knife severed the anorta. After a slight trimble, the quivering form became still.

Silence, still, no one there but the prostrate form of the dead body. A shadow fell upon the gloom and at-mosphere became chilly and night was near when suddenly the door opened. A burst of anger came from the lips of the janitor: "Darn those kids, why can't they clean up their own mess when they kill a cat? "

—R. P.