McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Tuesday, may 19, 1931
1931 McPherson college quadrangle
Representative Section is Outstanding Difference From Books Of Other Years—Section Includes Eight Pages—Out Next Monday
Will Contain 128 Pages—To Enter American Critical Contest—
G. N. Boone, Advisor
anderson-lehman win
Editor Harry Zinn has promised that the 1931 Quadrangle will be ready for distribution following the chapel period Monday, May 25. The yearbooks are now in the bandit of the binders
The dedication of the book, not yet disclosed, will be announced during the chapel period next Monday.
"Work'' is the theme followed throughout the book. The staff have emphasized the necessity and importance of physical labor, especially that which is required in the process of getting a college education. An unusual cover design has been selected in keeping with this theme. A three-color scheme is followed, and the building section, representative section, and snapshot section are all printed in purple Ink.
The outstanding difference between this book and those of years past will be the representative division, which replaces the usual beauty section. Thiss department, in-cluding eight pages. Is intended to base recognition on merit rather than on mere personal appearance, the editor stated. It will contain, besides pictures of the two representatives chosen by each class last, fall, picture of ten additional students and faculty members whose achievements have been unusual during the past year.
The yearbook will be the usual size, containing 128 pages.
Members of the Quadrangle staff who have done a great deal of work to make the book possible are: Harry Zinn, editor; Eber Tice, business manager; Vernon Flaming, Carroll Walker, Lloyd Larson, Posey Jamison, Dabe Schakelford, Ethel Sherfy, Christine Mohler, Alberta Yoder, and Prof. F. N, Boone advisor.
It is the intention to enter the 1931 Quadrangle in the All-American Yearbook Critical Service, sponsored by the National Scholastic Press association. The 1930 yearbook won a first class honor rating it its division, scoring 900 points out of a possible 1000.
Finals With Flaming And Gottmann
Tonight—Hershey will give lecture on Radium.
Thurs., May 21—World Service Group meets at 6: 30 for last meet-ing of the year.
Tues., May 26---Opera, "The Lucky Jade, " given by the College Mixed Chorus, Community Build-ing.
Wed., May 27-- -Una Morine and Ruth Turner give recital.
Is The Outstanding Musical Event Of The Year—Under Direction Of Mrs. Anna C. Tate
Thurs.. May 14 —Anderson and Lehman won over Flaming and Gott-mann in the final matches of the doubles in the inter-mural tennis tournament sponsored by the College. The winning team took their three straight matches easily, winning 6-l, 6-3. 6-1- Medals were given to the winning pair.
To Sing At National Conference Of Church of Brethren
May Secure Tickets From Members of The Mixed Chorus
Miss Della Lehman Is Playing One Of The Leading Parts
Under Personal Direction of Mrs. Lawrence Gates —An Out-standing Cast
Alberta And Wilbur Yoder, Brother And Sister, To Be Associate Editors
The greater part of The Spectator staff for 1931-32 has been announced by Vernon Rhoades, editor-elect Several more are to be added to the staff later
Those who have been selected are: Alberta Yoder, associate editor: Wilbur Yoder, associate editor: Ward Williams, sports editor: Mattie Shay, Una Ring, Esther Brown, Everette Fasnacht, reporters.
The business staff will be composed of Lloyd Larsen, business manager; Paul Sherfy, David Bowers, assistant business manager; Frank Hutchin-son, circulation manager
Prof. Maurice A. Hess is faculty advisor for The Spectator.
All Material Must Be In Before Examinations
"All library material is due before examinations, " stated Miss Margaret Heckethorn, librarian. This means that all books, pamphlets, magazines and all other material is to be due at her desk by Friday, May 23.
The formal closing of the library for this school year will be at 5: 30 O'clock on the evening of May 27. The library will be closed tomorrow all day because of the May Day festivities down town.
Thurs, May 14. —The Home Economics department of the College sponsored a tea from three until five this afternoon in connection with the the annual exhibit of the department.
The exhibit included garments for children, appropriate dress for street evening, etc,, suitable colors for com-plexions, also charts on child training, play and toys, charts on neck-lines, appropriate dress and also on foods and costume resign, house planning, and adequate menus. A large number of student, faculty, and outside friends of the College were present, for the exhibit which will continue until Friday, May 22.
The Mixed quartet of the Church of the Brethren has been asked to sing on the conference pro-gram of the Church at Colorado Springs, This national conference is in session from June 10-17 and attracts large crowds annually. Those in the quartet are Mrs. V. F. Schwalm, Mrs. Wyman Freeby, Paul Sargent, and Harold Beam.
"Sunup", play in three acts, by Lula Valmer, will be presented as the All School Day's play tomorrow at 8 o'clock in Convention Hall down town.
Miss Della Lehman, head of the expression department of the College, is playing the leading part, that of widow Cagle. The production is under the personal director of Mrs. Lawrence Gates of this city. Last year Mrs. Cutes was connected with the College as head of the expression department.
Mrs. Cagle, a widow in the mountains of North Carolina, has a son who derides to enter the war. She is violently opposed, believing that he could do better bootlegging, and also that he should be hunting the revenue officer who has killed his father. He is killed in battle. The widow protects a stranger who she learns is the son of her mortal en-emy, deserted from the army.
She plans his punishment, but fin-ally realized that the basis of want is unreasoning hate, and she would only be carrying the principle further in killing an innocent man, so she gives him her protection instead.
The cast of characters are as follows:
Yoder Re-elected President, Williams, Vice President
Fri., May 15--- Wilbur Yoder, Waterloo, Iowa, was re-elected pre-ident of his class for the coming year in a freshman class meeting in the chapel this morning.
J. T Williams, Hardin. Mo., was elected vice-president of the class. Mattie Shay of McPherson was elected class secretary, and Esther Non-ken of Burns, Kan., was elected treasurer. The Student Council representative from the “Class of '34" are to be Neoma Nordling and Kenneth Swanson, both of McPherson. A small representation of the class membership was present for the election.
Pap Todd John Kindy |
Emmy Todd Evelyn Saylor |
Widow Cagle Miss Della Lehman |
Rufe Cagle Ward Williams |
Bud Todd Mose Stucky |
Jim Weeks Charles White |
Preacher F. E. Gates |
Stranger Orion High |
Bob Verle Ohmart |
Others Are Expected To Go
For Conference June 8-18
Six McPherson college students have decided definitely to go to Estes Park, Colo., where they will attend the Y. W. and Y. M, conference from
June 8 to 18.
The McPherson representatives are:
Alberta Yoder, Ada Brunk, Evelyn Fields, Esther Brown, Hazel Zimmer-mamn, and Eldon Fields. Others are anticipating attending the confer-
Junior-Senior S. S. Classes Go To Brubaker’s Pasture
Nearly Filled Chapel Sees One-Egg Comedy By Ad. Expression
Thurs.. May 14—To a nearly filled chapel auditorium the advanced expression class, under the direction of Miss Della Lehman, this morning presented the one-act comedy. "One-Egg" The cast of characters included Lillian Horning playing the part of The Girl, Lloyd Miller the Man, and Leland Lindell the Waiter.
Sun., May 17—-"God as our Fath-er. " was the theme of the College C. K. tonight. Two short talks were given by Mary Weddle and Elfie Abeldt. Hope Nickel gave a reading, ‘"Pontius Pilate's Wife" and devo-tionals were lead by Margaret Moulton.
Members of Advanced Expression Class Included In The Cast Of “Letters"
Fri.. May 15 As it so happened the girls of the Junior-Senior Sunday school class of the Church of the Brethren were the entertainers at a breakfast in Brubaker's Pasture at 6: 00 o'clock this morning, given to the class of Junior-Senior boys. This breakfast was the result of an atten-dance contest and as the girls were the loosers they furnished the breakfast.
It was a real breakfast, the boys declare, including bran and bananas, doughnuts, coffee and cream, scramb-led eggs with bacon, and buns. After breakfast the group played baseball, then retired to the College campus in time for classes. Dr. and Mrs, J. D. Bright, teachers of the respective classes, sponsored the group.
Go To Anderson's Grove For Early
Morning Services
Sun. May 17 A sunrise prayer meeting and picnic breakfast were enjoyed this morning by the members of the World Service group who motored to Anderson's Grove north of the Campus. The group was led in a devotion and meditation service
by Ethel Sherfy as they watched the sunrise.
The responsibility of the Group for making Christ known to the world through their lives was especially emphasized. Afterwards the picnickers enjoyed themselves in exploring the grove and anticipating the delicious breakfast which was being prepared,
A chorus of 50 voices, a ten piece orchestra, and a cast of 15 leading characters, will cooperate in putting on "The Lucky Jade, " a modern light opera to he given May 26, in Convention Hall.
The following are the leading roles in the cast:
Mary Ann Courtney, a daughter of the Sunny South Nada Mae Ritz
John Endicott, a bashful aviator —Charles Austin,
Mr. Courtney, a sheltered husband —Clarence Brown.
Mrs. Courtney, a careful wife— Ellen Steinberg
Horace Ferguson, “He never misses"— Vernon Rhoades
Colonnel Waverly, uncle and guard-ian of John Lawrence Lehman,
Downs, pensioner on the estate— Orville Voran,
Liza, Mary Ann's colored maid—■ Eugenia Dawson.
Fanchon, her French maid—Ruth Turner.
Sheriff, a man of authority— Everett Fasnacht
Nancy and Jeanne, friends of Mary Ann—Helen Eberly and Opal Bowers.
Herbert, Bill, and Ted. Just home from college Harvey Shank. Norris Nelson. Roy Digs
Mr Courtney and his daughter, returning from New York, bring along a guest, Horace Ferguson. He comes ostensibly to do some hunting, having a reputation as a great marksman, but really to acquire the valuable jade ear of a voo-doo idol which is in the possession of Liza, Mary Ann's colored maid. During a party given in Mary Ann's honor the jade ear disappears, and not resting easily in strange hands it brings a number of misfortunes upon the house.
John, the boyhood sweetheart of Mary Ann, believing Horace guilty of the theft challenges him to a dual, but the Sheriff appears in time to prevent it. The difficulties are then resolved in such a way that John wins Mary Ann and also comes in for a bit of additional good fortune.
This opera is becoming well known throughout the United States. Last Sunday night it was broadcasted from radio station WGN, Chicago, with well-known artists carrying the leads.
Tickets for the opera may be obtained from members of the mixed chorus. A general admission price of thirty-five cents will be charged, while the center section of the auditorium will be reserved at fifty cents a seat. These tickets may be reserved at the Bixby and Lindsay drug store on Monday and Tuesday, May 25 and 26.
Was Graduated From M. C. Ten Years Ago —Taught Eight Years.
Mon,. May 18 -Tonight on the Roof Garden of the Hotel Hawley, Leland Lindell, senior at McPherson college presided as toast master at a banquet of the Windom High School Alumni association. Gilbert Myers, Junior. president of the Association, was on the program.
Wed,. May 13—"Letters, " a one-act comedy, was presented by three members of the advanced expression class, under the direction of Miss Della Lehman, in chapel this morning. Those playing parts were Ada Brunk, Hope Nickel, and Mildred Doyle.
Miss Margaret Shelley, head of the violin department of the College, gave a violin solo.
Mandy—What's the matter, Sam? Don't yo‘ love me no mo?
Sam—Sho as does, honey: ah's just restin’.
■—College Times,
To Give Awards In Athletics— Recognition Given In Other Fields
The last chapel for this school year will be a fitting climax for the year's activities before the commence-ment exercises. At the last chapel on Wednesday morning, May 27, ath-letic awards will be given the ath-letes in football, basketball, track, tennis, and golf. Music awards will be given to those who have achieved in musical events, There will also
be recognition given to those who have achieved in other activities of the year.
One day last week the Geology class under the direction of Dr. J. H. Harnly motored to Lyons. Kan., where they made studies of the dif-ferent salt formations in the salt mine at Lyons, which is on of the largest in the world. The mine at Lyons is 1065 feet deep and the layer of salt is 250 feel in thickness.
The average pedestrian street-crosser will have no difficulty in believing that automobiles eventually will reach a speed of 1, 000 miles per hour.
Mon., May 18—Prof G. N Boone, head of the Industrial Arts depart-ment of the College, gave his last chapel speech this morning, before going to California to complete his work for a doctor's degree.
Ten years ago, Professor Boone was graduated from the College. He has taught here for the last eight years. If his present plans work out he will attend Leland Standford next winter, if not he will got to the Uni-versity of Southern California where he has previously taken work.
He said that it is hard to go and that he and Mrs. Boone called it a great, "adventure. " The thought he
would leave to the students of the College is this: "Don't worry and fret about the future. Do now what you know is right. Start the work in this life you wish to carry on in eternity. When considering a certain line of action, think of the result if every one did the same thing. "
Making a mistake is not as bad as failing to correct it.
Henry Clay was elected speaker of the federal house of representatives the first day he was a member.
Editor-in-chief Leland E. Lindell |
Associate Editor Donald L. Trostle |
Associate Editor Alberta Yoder |
Circulation Manager |
Business Manager------Ernest L Betts |
Ass't Manager--------Paul Sherfy |
Ass't. Business Manager... David Bowers |
Carroll D. Walker |
A good wife is the rudder of the house-—Menander.
Poor soil makes brave men—Menander
He is well cleansed that has conscious clean—Menander.
The workman is still greater than his work—Menander
The boy who won't do anything that's hard is the man who finds It hard to do anything.
If you want to escape criticism just do nothing say nothing, and be
Soon comes the nemesis of college students—grades. Like the measles, everybody had to have them, but no two people have them alike.
For some they mean little—lucky ones! — but to others they mean everything, graduation, a job, approval of the folks at home, and all the rest of it. And for those of us who depend on grades, there is the ever present grading system that is imperfect in conception and even more Im-perfect in execution.
The idea of the system—it is really flattery to call it that—is to have the students as a whole graded and put into convenient pigeon holes depending on the merits of their work. The chief difficulty of the entire system is that no two of the students who belong in each.
One instructor says that a means perfect work, that no human being can be perfect, and it logically follows that there are no A's. Under such an instructor, some of the B's are really A's according to the standards of others. Some teachers are liberal in their estimates of students abilities, and feel justified in giving many high grades and few low ones. Such a professor is popular with the average student: he has his classes filled.
There is a range of variables in between, and the unlucky students suffers under the stricter ones, and loafs under the lenient ones. As it is,
a grade doesn't mean much until it is accompanied by the name of the instructor who gave it, so that it may be translated into terms of evaluation. It would, be blessed relief to have the family get together and arrange a definite grading scale with some definite value. Then, perhaps, it would not be so common for a student, who consistently and conscienciously does
work in two courses to get an A in one and a D in the other. —Clipped
Each year as graduation time approaches, the feeling becomes current —What will we do next year without the seniors? This year there is as much Justification as ever for the feeling. The class has made a large contribution in the campus organizations, in scholastic and athletic achievements, and in influencing campus conduct and attitude. Although, small, the class is remarkably versatile, capable, and admirable in the quality of character exhibited. Music, art, writing, public speaking, business admin-istration, professions, and home-making are a few of the fields anticipated. At this class takes its place in the sea of life, we will watch each member eagerly to see the new wave he will set circling in the already troubled current. Some few may pour oil on the waters, We hope none will sink nor merely drift with the tide, We are at once happy and sorry to see you go. We hope soon to join you. We will be disappointed if you have failed to live up to the promise of usefulness you have made. Remember M. C. the "School of Quality"—and go away from here still green enough to grow. —Enthusiastic Scribe, (A Junior).
The class day program of the senior class of 1931 will take place in the College chapel at 10: 00 o’clock Thursday morning, May 23.
If you are interested in the past and, future of the seniors, come to this program, the sponsors are urging, because it will all be revealed at this time. The class of ‘31 has the reputation of being different and this program may not disappoint any student or faculty member, Following is the program:
Christine Mohler Everette Fasnacht Ruth Trostle
Ethel Sherfy Vernon Flaming Edna Hoover
Edna Nyquist Esther Brown
Nina Stull
Mrs. W. G. Grabeel Correspondent.. _. ............. Rose Hill, Va. |
Faculty Advisor. ............. _______... _______Prof. Maurice A. Hess |
TUESDAY, MAY 19, 1931
The professor was attempting to make himself heard above the roar of the lawn mower, but soon decided to try something else.
"I hardly want to run competition with that thing all hour. Let's see. "Jack, " will you see what you can do about it? We’ll see how good a debater you are. "
"Jack" left the room but the noise kept on and the voices continued until the negative lost to the affirmative. "Jack" returned a hero and Forney moved on to other fields to conquer.
How's this for stirring up things on the Western Front? It was after the battle and the identification officer was attempting to get the number of a soldier who lay gasping, apparently dying, but by some chance he had lost his identification card, "Quick, " cried the officer snatch-Ing his pad and pencil, “give us your name so we can tell your mother. "
The unknown soldier responded
with a half-hearted effort. "My mother knows my name, " and passed on.
cradle roll
Velma Bean....................May 22 |
Marjorie Bunce ----------May 26 |
a love affair at Washburn went on the rocks recently the young lady is
HOW TIME FLIES And just twenty years ago the big news was a long distance conversa-tion between New York and Denver in which "the voices could be distinctly heard. "----Louiseville Courier Journal
Fri. May 15—Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Hershey entertained the senior chem-istry majors and his laboratory assis-tants with a dinner and party tonight in the Y, W. C. A. room.
Dinner was served at 6: 30 o'clock after which thee evening was spent in playing "bean bag" and Rook. Those who were entertained were Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Carney, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rump, Fern Heckman, Mildred Toyle, Attillia Anderson, William Big-ham, Vernon Gustafson, Lenland Lin-dell, Ralph Keedy, and Dr. and Mrs. Hershey and son Ardys.
Vernon Rhoades Dave Sheckelford
TO BE HELD MAY 2S Interesting Program Has Been Map-
ped Out By Those In Charge
—To Be Unique
Class History..... Ruth Trostle |
Readings--------------- Beth Hendickson |
Class Will. ......... John. Lehman |
Class Poem -. Christina Mohler |
Vocal Solo-------------- Ruth Turner |
Class Prophecy----------Leland Lindell |
Class Song ................ Senior Group |
Class Oration...... .........Grace Early |
Passing Down of Candle Keith Hayes |
Response-------— Gilbert Myers |
The singles in the W. A. A. horse-shoe tournament has been completed with Ethel Jamison, president of the organization, taking first place. The doubles are now being played but the finals have not as yet been reached.
ANNOUNCES engagement
Mon.. May 18—The engagement of Miss Alma Rodabaugh to Mr. Harold Crist, '30, was announced at a luncheon given tonight in the Coffee Shop of the Hotel Hawley, The guests were seated at one long table decorated with flowers. A two course luncheon was served.
The guests were the Misses Alma Rodabaugh, Lois Erwards, Sibyl Curtis, Naomi Witmore, Alberta Yo-der, Mattie Shay, and Helen Eberly; and the Messrs. Harold Crist, Rosa Curtis. Lloyd Diggs. Marvin Hill, Paul Sherfy, Ted Dell, Dave Shackelford, and Rush Holloway.
Thurs., May 14—Misses Corlene and Opal Bowers, freshmen, entertained fourteen of their College friends at an informal party of the Bower's home tonight, at 7: 30 o'clock. The evening was spent with clever games and contests.
The guests were: Esther Nonken, Viola Rothrock, Velma Keller, Lola Edwards, Louise Ikenberry, Hope Nickel. Maudie Thompson, Lydia Hertzler, Helen De Armond, Gulah Hoover, Essie Kimball, Ruth Fire-stone, Florence Stucky, and Velma
This Reminds Us of a Feed The window has four little panes, But 0one have I.
The window panes are in its sash,
I wonder why.
As they sat alone in the twilight She said as she soother his grow— I know my life's been fast, dear,
But I'm on my last lap now. "
—“Nineteen Hundred. "
Witmore Recieves Diploma And Dell
Teacher's Certificate
Mon.. May 18—A graduation recital of the Fine Arts department of the College was given tonight in the chapel auditorium, terminating the work of two piano students. Naomi Witmore, senior, Rich Hill, Mo., will recieve her diploma in piano and Pauline Dell, sophomore, Beatrice, Nebr., is to receive her teacher's certificate.
The two graduates were assisted by Margaret Shelley, violinist and Fern Lingenfelter, accompanist. The recital was as follows:
Sonata Op. 27. No. 1 .......Beethoven
Allegro molto e vivace Miss Witmore
Rondo Capriccioso-------Mendelssohn
Concolation Op. 30. No.. 3 Scherzo Op. 16, No, 2 Miss Dell
Waltz C Sharp Minor - Chopin Nocturne F Sharp Major Polonaise C Sharp Minor Miss Witmore
Sonata e minor — — Grieg
Allegro moderato—
Miss Dell
Concerto in D minor.....Wienlawski
Allegro, moderato Romance
Miss Shelley
Clair de lune ...................De bussy
Arabesque No. 3
Miss Witmore
Concert Etude ------MacDowell
Miss Dell
from the Days' Weekly
A girl who likes to be seen in something different from other girls should try cotton stockings,... Just when people were learning to keep, their fingers out of other people's business. along came the dial telephone.... Men gossip the same as women, but they call it business.... A small helping is enough when you're getting a place of mind..., Driving with one hand is dangerous—it has plunged more than one man into matrimony.... A woman's idea of a good conversa-tionalist is a man who can think of something to say when she pauses for a second to regain her breath.... This college must be haunted for they are always talking about the school spirit.... There are two times when leaves begin to turn—once in the fall and again the night before exams... There seems to be a lot of bitter argument going on among
the heavyweight contenders as to who should have the heavyweight championship... First thing you know, the boys will start fighting for it.,,,
I don't know whether a reporter is the backbone of a newspaper or the
legs.... The papers say that Secretary Lyman Wilbur has signed a dam contract. We have known a number of men who signed such contracts and it always caused them a good deal of trouble.... Down in a certain Oklahoma college a freshman referred to the baccalaureate address as a bacteria sermon.... The dumbest dame I have met for a good long time now was the other day. She thought golf greens were something to eat,... a couple of weeks ago I heard a man call his wife Amazon, and the only reason I can figure out is the fact that Amazon river has the largest mouth.... These beauty parlor dames should sponsor a “cleanup" week;, it might help their busi-ness.. I see that seamon are now using an electric harpoon in the Arttic.,.. it must be quite a shock to the whales... The seven tons of food to be stowed aboard the Nautilus is typical of the times and also strictly American.... It will be in a can..., Frank Hawks, American aviator, beat a telegram to Berlin from Paris the other day.., Add now the airplance to those swiftest means of communication — telegram, telephone, and tellwoman.... "I am sure I have no organic trouble, " said a dub to his physician, "because I never could carry a tune”... „ This also goes to prove that the trouble with a lot of men is the fact that they are only the sap of their family tree. -.. "Next week, " remarked a Wash-hrn senior, "is the week that a fool can ask more questions than a wise man can answer. "... The following quotation is taken from the society page of a Kansas paper: "Mrs. Leonidas W. VanQuentin, who took up horse back riding last Tuesday, was able to take a short motor car ride Sunday afternoon. "... An Emporia college youth was dissatisfied with the boarding house coffee so sent a sample of it to a chemist for analysis, A few days later the youth received the following letter: "Dear Sir: Referring to sample submitted for analysis, would advise that you change the water in your gold fish bowl a little oftener. ",.. And speaking of aviators, don't think they're angels just because they have wings.... "And, going for a ride with an aviator isn't all it's cracked up to be. "
., "You either fall for 'em or else— well, you fall with 'em. " .. When
said to have returned her boy friend's ring in a box stamped, "Glass, Handle With Care. ",..
Misses Mildred Thurow, Ruth Turner, and Opal Rowers spent Saturday and Sunday at Manhattan.
Miss Salome Heibert, took lunch at the dining hall Sunday evening.
Miss Alberta Hovies and Mr. Rueben Bowman were in McPherson Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Florence Stucky spent Sunday at her home near Castleton, returning to the campus Sunday night.
Miss Juanita Christenson of Cen-tennial spent the week end with Miss Lydia Hertzler, freshman.
Miss Alberta and Wilbur Yoder spent last Sunday at V. S. Mishler's at Monitor.
Miss Margaret Stegeman and Miss Marjorie Bunce spent Sunday at the Stegeman home near Hope.
Mr Lloyd Diggs, Gaylord, Kan,. is visiting friends and relatives on the campus this week.
Miss Eugenia Dawson and Mr. Walter McGaffey went Sunday with Dale Strickler to Ramona to visit Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Strickler.
Mrs. Della Hoisinger, L. D., and Miss Duth Blickenstaff. took Sunday dinner at Mrs. Mary Stutzman's.
Tuesday, MAY 19, 1931
Virginia C. Gildersleeve, dean of Barnard college, and one of the foremost women educators in the country, says that girls graduating from college in this year of depression should not seek jobs unless they are forced to earn their living.
Eastern Dean Warns Wealthy Girls Graduating From College —Barnard College Dean Raps “Silly” Rich Who Become Stenographers—-Meiklejohn Councels Men—Warn About Coming Out “Intellectually Lifeless”
New Books In Library
An open mind is sure to get you, farther than an open motuth..
“The School of Quality”
A linoleum-cut by Miss Christine Mohler, McPherson college senior.
"If the girl graduating this June has a family that can possibly support her for a while longer, or a kind aunt to help her, or a little money in the bank, then she should not try to get a position in times like these," Dean Gildersleeve declares.
Instead of attempting to compete for jobs that are none too numerous, the graduate should get technical or professional training that will enable her in the long run to do high grade work, the dean says. She is especially opposed to the entrance of wealthy college graduates into such activities as ordinary office work.
"A few years ago,” she says, "a silly custom grew up among girls of the rich set, of studying stenography and taking posts as clerks in offices, even though they had no special taste for the jobs. At the present moment this would be even more foolish for such affluent workers."
A college girl in dire straits, she declares, should take up an honest work if she can "in order to keep off the breadline.” "No kind of honest work, well done, will ever disgrace anyone.” she avers, "even though it be dish washing and the girl's ambi-" tion is to sing in grand opera.”
Dr. Alexander Meikeljolin, chairman of the Experimental college of the University of Wisconsin and former president of Amherst, declares that if the young men who are graduated this June emerge "intel-lectually lifeless" they might have "spent the years in digging ditches than in going to college." Saye he to the college graduate:
"What have you been doing with your mind? Is that mind an eager, living, venturing energy going forth on its own initiative? Or have you come to deal with your mind as a sort of bucket to be filled by the inert results of other m thinking?"
The mixed quartet of the Church of the Brethren will be taken to the annual conference of the Church to be held from June 10 to 16 at Colorado Springs, Colo. The quartet consists of Mrs. Wyman Freeby, Mrs. V, F. Schwalm, Harold Beam, and Paul Sargent.
The salary of Jimmy Walker, mayor of New York, is $40, 000 a year.
Thurs. May 14—Six students and faculty members enjoyed a picnic lunch, and a general good time. Later in the evening the picnickers motored back to Lindsbord where they attended the picture show. Those who constituted the party were, Pauline Dell, Eugenia Dawson, Myreta Ham-mann, Margaret Shelley, Mildred Thurow, and Una Ring.
Three new volumes and several pamphlets have been added to the library recently. Two of the books are gifts of Prof R. E. Mohler. They are "Outlines of Agricultural, Eco-nomics," by Taylor, and "Principles of Soil Techonology.'” by Emerson. The other new volume is a physics reference book, "Spectra," by Johnson.
A series of four pamphlets on "Honor to George Washington.'” edited by Dr. A. B. Hart, have recently been sent to the library by the George Washing-ton Bi-centennial Commission. the
pamphlets are to further the study and understanding of this great na-tional figure who was born 200 years ago next February 22.
Students from- seven states in the Rocky Mountain area will meet at Estes Park, Colorado, for a conference on social, economic, and religious problems for 10 days, beginning June 8.
The program for this conference, which annually attracts approximately 400 students, will provide discussion on the most perplexing and interesting problems of American life, international cooperation and understanding, national political entangle-ments, prohibition, the interpretation of the world brought to us by modern physical science and psychology, and some of the aspects of our economic system will receive considerable attention. For those discussions and addresses men and women of wide experience and fame will be brought to the student conference.
In addition to the consideration of specified situations and problems of a very practical nature, it is planned to carry thru the entire conference a series of addresses dealing primarily with the meaning of religion in the world today. This will involve open discussion on the sources of religion, the significance of Jesus, the place of the organized church in modern society, and the current trends in religious thinking.
Among the leaders secured at the present time are Kirby Page, editor of the World Tomorrow; Goodwin Watson, professor of psychology at Columbia university; Margaret Quay-le, also of the department of psy-cholopy at Colombia; Marion Cuth-bert, dean of women at Talladego collego in Florida; W. O. Mendenhall, president of Friends university; and James T. Carlyon, Ilif school of Teology, Denver,
The Estes park student conference is sponsored by the student Y.W.C.A, and Y.M.C.A. organizations in this region. The conference is open to all students. Practically every association is planning to send a delegation. Information concerning future plans of the conference may be secured thru the local office.
Then, too, if you make a better offer of something for nothing, the world will make a beaten path to your door.—Akron Beacon-Journal.
To Lindsborg On Picnic
Fond Mother—Be quiet, dearie the sandman is coming.
Modern Child—Okay, mom, a dol-lar and I won't tell pop.
—College Times
Many Well Known Speakers To Be Present For Ten Day Session
TUESDAY, MAY 19, 1931
Vice President Charles Curtis is one-eighth Indian. His maternal grandmother was half French and
Six machine guns can be carried by a single-seater fighting plane re-cently tested in England. It will do 200 miles an hour.
A newspaper photograph shows a movie star starting to knit a sweater for the unemployed. But who needs a sweater in July?—K. C. Star.
Knit Wit
beginning competition will be waived for students from St. Mary’s.
Frankie Morris Takes First In Kansas Conference Meet
half Kaw Indian.
There is no appeal from time past.
Cookson, Baker, Breaks Pole Vault Record—New Mark 12 Feet,
9 Inches
Kansas Conference Title Goes To Wildcats At Salina Meet
McPherson places fourth
Salina, Kan., May I5—Baker university won the Kansas conference track and field championship for the fourth successive time here tonight in the floodlighted Kansas Wesleyan stadium.
Placing in all events except the shotput, the Baker athletes piled up 67 1/2 points, Kansas Wesleyan, winner of second place scored 44 1/2 , and Ottawa, in third place, gathered 38 1/2 points. McPherson placed fourth, St. Mary’s fifth, and Bethany sixth
Cookson of Baker set a new pole vault record by clearing the bar at 12 feet 9 Inches.
The championship summaries:
Broad Jump—Won by Tate, Baker; second, Harvey, Kansas Wesleyan; third, Walker, Baker: fourth, Cookson, Baker. Distance 21 foot, 6 1/2 inches
Mile relay —Won by Ottawa (Liv-ingston, Hetzel, Wagg, Henshaw); second, Baker; third. Kansas Wes-leyan, no fourth. Time 3.36.3 min
Mile run—Won by Hards, Kansas Wesleyan; second, McGill, McPher-son; third, Rodgers, Ottawa: fourth, Knight Baker. Time 4:43.7 min-utes.
440 yard dash—Won by Wagg, Ottawa: second, Greenough, Baker: third, Hochstrasser, McPherson; fourth, Ohmart, McPherson. Time 53 seconds.
100 yard dash—Won by Reichly, Baker; second, Harvey, Kansas Wesleyan; third, Henshaw, Ottawa; fourth, Klenck, St. Mary's, Time 10.3 seconds.
Shot Put—Won by Boxberger, Kansas Wesleyan; second, Hampton, Kansas Wesleyan; third, aCatillion, St. Mary's: fourth, G. Zinn, McPher-son. Distance 43 feet, 7 3/4 inches.
Two mile run—Won by Jennings Ottawa; second, Grafarth, Baker: third. Fitzpatrick, Ottawa; fourth Roy, Kansas Wesleyan. Time 10. 37.7 minutes,
220-yard low hurdles- - Won by Walker, Baker; second, Esser, St. Mary's; Milton, Kansas Wesleyan, third; fourth, Carlson, Bethany Time 26.4 seconds.
Pole vault—Won by Cookson, Baker; second, Take, Baker, and Spong. Ottawa, tied: fourth, H. Zinn and Bradley, McPherson, Milton, Kansas Wesleyan, and Jernberg, Bethany, tied. Height, 12 feet, 9 inches. (New conference record).
Javelin- Won by Boxberger, Kan-sas Wesleyan; second, Dyck, Kansas Wesleyan; third, Mize, Baker: fourth, Rohrer, Bethany. Distance 170 feet.
High Jump—Won by Cookson, Baker, and Spong, Ottawa, tied; third, Eser, St. Mary's and Carlson, Bethany, tied. Height 5 feet, 10 1/2 inches.
120-yard high hurdles Won by Walker, Baker; second, Esser, St. Mary’s: third, Livingston, Ottawa; fourth, Steele, Bethany. Time 15.4 seconds.
880-yard run — Won by Ghrist,
Baker; second, Carwell, Baker; third, Campbell, McPherson; fourth, Boxberger, Kansas Wesleyan. Time 2:04.3.
Discus—Won by Hetzel, Ottawa; second, Boxberger, Kansas Wesleyan; third, Zinn, McPherson; fourth, Wilkinson, Baker. Distance 126 feet, 10 1/2 inches.
220-yard dash—Won by Harvey, Kansas Wesleyan; second. Henshaw, Ottawa; third, Reichly, Baker; fourth. Wags. Ottawa. Time 22.8 seconds.
The Installation of the horseshoe pitching pits have been completed at the extreme southeast corner of the
campus. Wooden frames have been: sunk into the ground and then filled with sand. The installation of the pits was promoted by a few students in the dormitory
With no more intercollegiate sports left for this school year, college students are to content them-
selves with campus horseshoe and
tennis. Some may even keep the standings of the national baseball teams in mind as a diversion. For recreation some are even going to study, or complete "that theme." For mental relief some, both male and female, are thinking of home, their sweethearts, etc., etc., etc.
The sports situation in McPherson college for next year gives promise of being both interesting and unique. Coach Melvin J. Binford is endeavor-ing to develop and institute an ath-letic program that will meet the needs of every man on the campus. He is instituting the plan of having each student participating in some form of athletics, under a very syn-tematic manner. Coach Binford feels that such a system as this will be of greater benefit to the College as a whole than by centering his ef-forts upon a group of athletes in one definite sport.
Salina, Kan.. May 15—Athletes at St. Mary's college who attend other Kansas conference colleges next year will be eligible for varsity ccompeti-tion immediately under a special rul-ing the Conference adopted today.
Officials decided that, because St. Mary's ceases operations as a college in June, the one-year migratory rule by which athletes transferring to other schools must wait a year before Salina, Kan., May 15—McPherson college golfers this afternoon carried off the honors in the Kansas conference meet here, taking two cups home with them.
Frankie Morris, McPherson, won the singles, defeating Larsen, Bethan, by a wide margin. Morris and “Doc" Lytle, McPherson team, stroked themselves to another victory.