Vol. XIV

McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Wednesday, may 13, 1931




To Take Effect With The Opening Of Fall Term This Year— Fred A. Replogle, Chicago, To Take Over Duties Of The Two Offices


Replogle Specially Trained In Ad-ministration Work—Coming To College Highly



Special Price Of $1 Now Being Offered

By Dr. V. F. Schwalm

Beginning with the next school year there will be some changes In

the organization of the work at Mc-Pherson college. Dean R. E. Mohler becomes Dean of Men and professor of biology. He wants to devote some time to work for the Board of Religious Education of the Church of the Brethren at Elgin, Ill. During the summer he will devote full time to the work of that board and during next winter he will devote weekends to it. Prof. J. A. Blair will become Director of Practice Teaching and professor of education. He will devote his full time to teaching and the direction of the work of practice teaching.

Dean Mohler and Professor Blair have both been with the College for many years. They have rendered the institution efficient service in their respective fields. Both are useful men whose influence extends throughout the state and beyond to (Continued on Page Three)

"There is still time to buy Spectators for next year, " says Lloyd Larsen, business manager of The Spectator for 1931-32. Seniors and others who plan to teach next year are answering the urge to make arrangements for their paper for next year. The special price of $1 is still good, and all students that do not plan to be here next year should get in touch with Larsen as soon as possible.


Fri., May 15—Dr. J. W. Hershey will entertain Chemistry assit-ants.

Mon.. May 15—Graduation recital.

Tues., May 19—Dr. J. W. Hershey will give Radium lecture,

Tues., May 19— Regular Y. W. and Y. M. meetings.




Go To Oak Dale Park—Popular Rendezvous For McPherson College Picnickers—Enjoy Day Boating On Smoky Hill River


Sixteen Advanced Students Entered In Chem. Spelling Bee

Sponsor Goes With Class— Leave Campus At 5: 00 AM.


Play Baseball, Pitch Horse Shoes, And Go Boating—Return Late That Night


Many Widely Known Speakers To Be Present June 8 To 18


Attend Picture Show in Evening Be-fore Returning To McPherson— Sponsor Accompanies Class



Schwalm Says It Is Not Measured By Time Or Success

Wed.. May 6—"Life is not to be measured by time or by success, ' said Dr. V. F. Schwalm in giving a brief review of it book by Rabbi Silver in

his chapel talk this morning. "The

growth of the mind and soul is the way to measure life. "

Proceeding Dr. Schwalm's talk a vocal solo was given by Lavern Traver of Central college who recently won first place in a contest spon-sored by Bethany college at Linds-borg.

Tues.. May 12—-Wendell Groth, state Student Y. M. C. A. secretary, spoke in Y. M. this morning on the Estes Park Conference.

Mr. Groth said that the Estes conference could be summed up in the four words: Inspiration, recreation, fellowship and beauty. Mr. Groth also spoke of the leaders for this year conference.

Among the widely-known conference leaders, are the following: George Collins, Powers Hapgood, Wilfred Jackson, Dr. Mendenhall, Marion Cathburt and Frances Miller, This summer's conference meets June 8 to 18.


Take Both The Singles And The Doubles—Given Medals

Thurs., May 7—Late last night the seniors with their sponsor, Prof. Maurice A. Hess, returned from Hal-stead where they spent the day play-ing games, boating and eating after sneaking away from the rest of the student body early yesterday morning.

The class left the campus about five o'clock yesterday morning in two trucks and two cars. A heavy menu of bacon and eggs, coffee, breakfast food, milk, and bananas made up the breakfast. The morning was enjoyed playing baseball, pitching horse-shoe, and boating. In the evening before sundown the class and their sponsor again climbed into their trucks and cars and motored to Hutchinson where they remained for the picture show, "Skippy, ” after which they continued home.

- (Editor's Note)-—The after effects can be imagined. When the class

arrived at the dormitory they discov-ered their rooms stacked to the Nth degree. Many students slept in the hallway, being unable to gain entrance into their rooms.

Thurs., May 7 —Fern Heckman.

junior, won first place and $2. 50 in cash as a prize in the advanced chemistry spelling match this after-noon in the lecture room of the de-partment. Irene Stover received $1 as a reward for second place.

This is the second spelling match of this nature to be held so far this year by the chemistry department. Sixteen contestants were entered in the contest this afternoon.



Don't “String A Line" The Speaker Asserts

Tues., May 12-- Miss Della Lehman told the art of conversation in the weekly meeting of the Y. W. C. A this morning in the Y. W. room. Some things to do in being a good conver-sationalist are to discover interest-ing things, the speaker stated, and to think about them, and then share them wiht others. Some things not to do are to talk about ones self continually and involve personal-ities of other people, was an asser-tion of Miss Lehman. "Two ex-tremes to avoid are stringing a line' and being very learned. "

A vocal solo "One Fleeting Hour" was sung by Opal Bowers.


Mon., May 11— Following the adventure of the seniors of last week the juniors this morning slipped off the campus in trucks and cars and kept the traditional fires ablaze by executing their annual sneak.

The juniors with their sponsor, Dr. J. D. Bright and Mrs. Bright, left early this morning and motored to Salina. The day was spent in play-ing base ball and boating on the Smoky Hill river. The Oak Dale park in Salina has become a popular rendezvous for picnickers from the College due to the fact that motor

boating is the outstanding sport.

After enjoying three picnic meals during the day, the class repacked their modern means of transporta-tion and journeyed to the city where they remained for the evening to enjoy the comforts of resting tired mus-cles at a theatre. A few students, anxious to return did not go to the show because of urgent matters call-ing them to McPherson.


Go Down In Salt Mine—Visit Industrial Center



To Head The Junior Class Next Year

Tues., May 12—Charles Austin will head the junior class of next year as a result of an election in the sophomore class today noon. Several close races developed in the election and a second vote was necessary for every office.

Other officiers elected were Pearl Walker, vice-president; Margaret Moulton, secretary; Jay Hertzler, treasurer; Lilburn Gottmann and Esther Brown, student council re-presentatives.

Sun., May 10—Castleton high school carried off the honors in the high school tennis tournament held here yesterday and completed today at Moundridge.

Yesterday Rogers of Castleton met Clark of Roxbury in the final match in the singles and defeated him 6-4, 6-2 to win the medal given by the College.

The final match in the doubles was not completed last night because of darkness overtaking the players and today at Moundridge the Castleton doubles team, Smyth and Gibbs, defeated the Moundridge team for first place. The scores for the three sets were 6-4. 8-6, 6-4.

Starting This Week On High School Commencement Addresses



To Compose Peace Team For Lectures This Summer

Fri., May 8—Dr. J. Willard Her-

shey and his Freshman Chemistry class of more than 60 students journeyed to Hutchinson early this morning for an all-day visit of Hutchinson and its industries.

The group visited the Carey Salt mine and plant, tge Atlas Straw-board factory. Morton's Salt plant, Holsum Bakery, and the State Reform School. Most of the students returned to the campus about 6 p. m.


Brown And Lingenfelter Appear In Recital At Baptist Church

Dual Meet With Friends Held Here Last Week

Thurs., May 7—McPherson golfers divided honors with the team from Friends university here this afternoon with McPherson winning one single and Friends winning the doubles. Morris, McPherson, won his single match with Whitelaw, Friends, and Morris and Lytle, McPherson, lost to Whitelaw and Hestead, Friends, in the doubles.


Wed,. May 6—"Letters" a one-act comedy, was presented before the Priscillia Art club this afternoon at the home of Mrs. Glenn Zimmerman The cast consisted of three members of the advanced expression clan, including Hope Nickel, Ada Brunk, and Mildred Doyle.

Sun., May 10—-In observance if National Music Week a two-piano recital was given this afternoon by Miss Fern Lingenfelter and Miss Jessie Brown, assisted by Miss Margaret Shelley, violinist. and Mrs. Anna C. Tate, soprano, in the Baptist church. This program which included the members of the College music department, also commemorated Mother's Day. The recital consisted of the following:

Rondo for two Pianos -Chopin Miss Lingenfelter and Miss Brown

Hills —. ———. —. —La Forge

To the Sun_----------- Curran

Mrs. Tate

Gavotte - Intermezzo___________ -Saar

Minuette a I'Antico- _. Suboeck Miss Lingenfelter and Miss Brown

Concerto_________ _ Wieniawski

Miss Shelley

Lo Hear the Gentle Lark-----Bishop

My Mother-------------- Maraden

Mrs. Tate

Waltz from Anita_. Arensky

Prelude in G minor__Rachmaninoff

Miss Lingenfelter and Miss Brown

A few members of the College faculty are again much in demand for high school commencement ad-dresses this spring. Prof. G. NBoone, in his first year at this kind of work, has an address at the Win-dom high school on May 15, and also several others are under consideration

The speaking schedule for Dr. V. F. Schwalm is as follows:

Plattsburg, Mo., May 13; Quinter, Kan., May 14: Geneseo, May 15;

Spivey, May 16: Randolph, May 18: Marquette, May 19; Ellsworth, May 20; Nickerson, May 21; Summer-field, May 22: Bethel college, June 5.

The schedule of Dean R. E. Mohler: Brownell, May 11; Sedgewick, May 12; Nashville, May 13; Durham, May 14; Cuba, May 15; Lost Springs, May 20; Gypsum, May 21; Partrid-ge, May 22: McPherson (baccalu-reate address) May 24; and Smolan, May 29.

Prof. J. A. Blair: Plainsville, May 20; Codell, May 14; Shallow Water, May 21: Vesper, May 22; Bloom, date not yet decided.

This summer McPherson college will have a definite part in promoting peace education. Mildred Doyle, junior, and Lillian Carlson, junior, will be the student representatives from the College. These two stu-dents will go to Haverford college, Pennsylvania, for two weeks study of international relations and peace problems. This study will be carried on with efficient national and inter-national leaders and representatives for various colleges.

The McPherson representatives will then work for ten weeks in Kansas and Nebraska giving peace programs stimulating thought and action for peace in the communities visited.


One-Act Comedy To Be Given Free For Everbody



Horse Shoe Doubles Tourney Attracting Many Men

Medals will be given the winners

in a doubles horse shoe tournament to be stayed this week on the campus, according to an announcement made

by Coach Melvin J. Binford. Every

male student in the college is urged to enter the contest. Competition is to be keen and it is thought that by offering prizes more students will be given an incentive to enter.

Books Of Interest To Short Story Class Are Added-- Other Courses Benefited Seven new books have been put on file in the library during the past week. Two of the new books will be of especial interest to the Short story class. These books are E. V. Knickerbocker's "Notable Short Stories of Today, " and Leonard Brown's "Modern American and British Short Stories". Shapley's "Flights from Chaos", is an astron-omy reference book. Mawson's "Ro-get Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms, " is a copy of the latest revision of Roget's "Thesaurus, " which is familiar to Rhetoric stu-dents.

Economic students will be interested in Hamlin's book "The Menace of Over-Production. " The other new books are the "New International Yearbook, " for 1931, and the "American School and University, " publi-cation.

The Jack of all trades is the dollar.    .

Tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock in the College chapel the advanced expression class will present a one act comedy. "One Egg. " Students and faculty are urged to see the play. No admission will be charged.

The cast includes Lillian Horning. playing the part of a young girl in the comedy and Lloyd Miller, a young playwright. who is hunting for a plot for a one-act vaudeville skit. Leland Lindell, the third character, plays the part of a waiter in the restaurant scene. The cast is guaranteeing a laugh from everybody.


Will Be Sent To The Binders Early Next Week

Saturday the 1931 Quadrangles will have reached the second stage of their completion. The printing is to be completed by this date at which time they are to be sent to the binders at Wichita. They will be bound by May 22 and will be issued to the student body Monday morning, May 25. An outstanding book is being assured.

An incubator chick never "sasses" its mother.


Mon., May 10—Miss Della Leh-man, head of the expression depart-ment of the College, had charge of the chapel period this morning. She presented a group of Irish readings and poems and an explanation of each.



Wanted: A junior wishes the definition of "cooperate" as used by Seniors in last week’s Spectator.




Editor-in-chief .......

Associate Editor-...

Associate Editor..-

... Leland E. Lindell

. Donald L. Trostle

Alberta Yoder

Business Manager , . .

Ass't. Business Manager

Ass't Business Manager

Ernest L. Betts

______Paul Sherfy

David Bowers

Circulation Manager ....Carroll D. Walker


Vernon Rhoades

Dave Shackelford

Christine Mohler

Everette Fasnacht

Ruth Trostle

Ethel Sherfy

Vernon Flaming

Edna Hoover

Edna Nyquist

Esther Brown

Nina Stull

Mrs. W. G. Grabeel. Correspondent........-............. ............. ............................ Rose Hill, Va,

Faculty Adviser_________________________________________________________________Prof. Maurice A. Hess


There are certain traditional views of newspapers that have come down from past generations. .One of them is that the newspaper reporter is a happy-go-lucky individual, with no particular training, who takes his work in a desultory way and travels from city to city with no other purpose than to see the world and enjoy life.

However, true this conception may have been fifty years ago, it is fantastic: when applied to the reporter of today. The interview in The Star a few days ago with Mr. A. B. MacDonald, recipient of the Pulitzer prize, by the Star’s Roving Correspondent, illustrates the background and ideas of the modern efficient reporter. It reveals two men with a wide acquaintance with literature and life, who take their work as seriously as any professional man.

In fact, the modern reporter is a professional man. He works hard to acquire the necessary training and to develop himself in a broad way. He seeks not merely to report surface events, but to give an understanding interpretation of them. He recognizes his responsibility to his readers and to the great public service institution with which he is identified. It is the rarest thing in the world for a reporter to betray his trust.

No profession is more exacting in its demands than that of reporting. The reportorial work of a newspaper is an essential factor in modern life in keeping the public informed and reporters as a class measure up to their high opportunity.—Kansas City Star.

Thursday's Health Review

Mr. Blowem has caught hay fever from inhaling the various powders strewn over his clothes and other properties. Seniors extend sympathy to him and hope that affective research will clear up his trouble.

Miss Heap sustained facial injuries in the form of twelve freckles on her nose which may disappear with proper treatment.

voer dose of sunshine while rowing over dose of sunnshine while rowing and playing baseball. He’ll be well by Sunday.

Miss Tardy is under the weather just now with a bad cold received from too much cold air while riding in the truck. We recommend Miss Dell’s ointment known as ‘‘Everything" as the best remedy.

Sat.. May 9—The A. A. U. W. chapter of McPherson entertained at the Hotel Hawley as their guests the seniors of the local high school, Central college, and McPherson college. Dr. Margaret Justin, dean of home economics at Manhattan, spoke on "Women and the changing order," Several musical selections were were given by McPherson college students, including a vocal solo by Ruth Turner and numbers by the Ladies’ quartet. Tea was served at four o’clock.

now sits behind us at the talkies and helps the hero sing the theme song. . . . Love is the greatest edu-cator-—and marriage is a post graduate course, and divorce is getting expelled from college—.

An ounce of straight goods beats a pound of hot air.


from the Days' Weekly


Mr. Wagers is in bed with picnic dyspepsia, a serious kind of chronic illness. We believe a complete rest an hot milk and toast will effect a cure.

Miss Jamipop, the feminine athlete, got hit on the forehead by a straying horseshoe but was not seriously hurt.    -

Professor Hess was more dignified than ever in class today, due to strenuous participation in the base-ball game Wednesday.



They have labored against imposing odds that their offices might function properly. They have become experts in their fields. They have gained the respect of the student body and their confidence has never faltered in the eyes of these they assist. No greater tribute could be accorded them than to mention the fact that, they have fulfilled their duties and purposes to the utmost of their ideals and abilities that what they have done in the past might not be forgotten in the future. They have never hesitated in answering a request from any student, nor have students hesi-tated in approaching them with their problems.

Ever smiling and seemingly always to be happy in their work, Dean R. B. Mohler and Prof, J. A. Blair, have and always will be held as inspirations for higher accomplishments, for more worthy thinking, for straight forward endeavors, and for the greatest standard of life—that of true Christian men.

Tuesday's Casualities Mr. Tinykofer, Miss Columns, Miss Lands, Mr. Burning, and Miss Pork-mann, are not able to attend class today because of the long exposure in the night air Monday morning.

Mr. Straws, Miss Goshman, Miss Lowdebrecht, Mr. Bugle, Miss Tar, and Mr. Yours capsized on the Smoky River while in the motor boat manned by Dr. Brilliant, but were rescued immediately.

"Nineteen Hundred"


Chaperons should be old, feeble and nearsighted or young, active and broadminded.

Alphy Holloway...,, ..........May 13

Wilbur McElroy.---------------.May 13

Bruce Flora --------------May 15

Hattie Rishel_„______________May 16

Dorothy Marchand —..._____May 17

Kenneth Swanson------—..May 18


It is not always the engine that makes the most noise that does the most work.    

The three things most difficult are—to keep a secret, to forget an injury, and to make good use of leisure.


War, the universal tide of human slaughter, has a premature appeal to a young generation that will have to be abolished before an attempt can be made for permanent peace. This generation is fascinated with the adventurous and thrilling experiences it pictures and the hero worship it manifests.    

We are a nation of misbelievers and misrepresentation of our own personal beliefs. In times of war we are for war and not for peace. In times of peace we are for peace and hate even the thought of a next war. We preach against war and attempt to place a vision of the horrors of human conflicts before a public that is ever ready to listen—but seldom to set. The ire of discontent of present feeling has its appeal for further though. We are a nation of "freedom of speech,' of "equal rights,’’ and of "freedom of religion." We sing the "peace on earth, good will toward men." Yet we go to war.

War breaks out—-a ’’just’’ cause is manifested—in self-defense they cry—a war to end war is their appeal—a call for volunteers is answered— a brass band marches through the streets playing a military and patriotic march—we listen—we see others join in the trek—we forget mother, father, and sweetheart—we desert our own feelings toward war— the band plays on—the music is as a dose of liquor we don’t care—we "rally round the flag"—the flag—we find ourselves with the others—in the street— marching with them and singing their songs of victory—on we go to war—to fight—to kill—to be killed—war—war

Yet God said, "peace on earth, good will toward men."

Sat., May 9—The engagement of Miss Ruth Turner, ’31, to Mr. Paul Bowers. '30, was announced tonight during a party given by Miss Helen Eberly at the home of Dr. V. F. Schwalm.

The evening was spent very pleasantly in playing games. A part of the entertainment consisted of a reading, “Their First Quarrel,” by Miss Della Lehman, and a solo, 'Mother Machree.” by Miss Turner At certain times during the evening the guests were required to carry out various stunts, the last one being a "treasure hunt." Later the treasure turned out to be an engagement ring which Mr. Bowers placed on the engagement finger of the left hand of his fiance. The announcement came as a surprise to many of the guests.

Refreshments were served, consisting of cake and ice cream molded into the shape of hearts.

AS strange as it may seem many a woman has won in the matrimonial handicap—by a neck. . . . Yeah! And a lot of them have gone to Nevada to be Reno-vated. . . . You can even get married on time now, but you will have to go to Germany to do it——but where are we going

to get money to get to Germany? , . - - Of course you have heard of the woman that wanted to join a bridge club but didn’t have time to go to a hospital for an operation so she could have some subject for conversation. . . . We have a suit for every day of the week — this is it . . . . “Silence is the secret of success.—No wonder so many men get married. ; . .

With all these junior and senior sneaks one cannot help but wonder if it doesn't have some effect upon the intelligence of the two lower classmen. . . . And talking about sneaks— even a tombstone would say something about a man when he is down. . . . We imagine that, some of the underclass "boys” are as dumb as the individual that thought the Canadian border paid rent, . . . The trouble with common sense is that it isn’t common, . . . Therefore horse sense is a result of stable thinking. . . . My favorite interest in life is the kind that brings my money in. . . , I am not so certain that the evil part of it, but money must be at the root of something—the way I have to dig for it. ... An antique dealer was trying to tell me the other day that a certain vase he had for sale was over 2,000 years old. He couldn’t fool us, tho, for it’s only 1930 now. . . . The fellow who used to read the film substitutes out loud

Miss Bula Blickenstaff of Norton, a former student, is visiting friends on the campus this week.

Misses Helen DeArmand, Opal Bowers and Florence Stucky visited at Hope Nickel’s home in Wichita last week end.

Mr. Lloyd Larsen was the guest of his parents at his home in Abilene, Kan., last Saturday and Sunday.

Miss Gulah Hoover spent the week end at her home in Quinter, Kan.

Miss Florence Lehman, ’30, of Covert, Kans., visited at the dormitory last Saturday.

Mr. Leslie Myers spent the week end with his parents near Windom, Kan.

Miss Essie Kimball spent the week end at her home near Nickerson, Kan.

The following people visited Sunday at the home of Miss Eugenia Dawson near Darlow, Kan.; Miss Lois Dell, Miss Pauline Dell, Miss Naomi Witmore, Mr. Kermit Hayes, and Mr. Ted Dell.

Miss Vela Thompson’s mother and sister of Waldo, Kan., visited with her daughter last week end.

Mr, Kenneth Bitikofer was the guest of his roommate, Mr. Vernon Flaming, at the Flaming home in Hillsboro, Kan., last week end.

Miss Nina Stull visited with her parents near Arlington, Kan., over the week end.

Mr. Paul Bowers, ’39, Covert. Kan., visited friends on the campus last Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lehman took Sunday dinner at the dining hall.

Miss Esther Brown spent the week end at her home near Hutchinson.

Home economics to



Pascal Davis Plays Cornet Solo— —Wins First In The State


to Banquet tonight

Fri., May 8—Miss Margaret Hecke-thorn, librarian, led devotionals in chapel this morning after which Pascal Davis, high school student down town, played a cornet solo. Mr. Davis recently won first place in the state contest in cornet solos Dr. Bright made an appeal to the student body and faculty for funds for the purpose of financing a peace caravan that will be in the field giving peace programs all summer.

Eleven College Students Included In This National Group

If you don't get the best of your bad habits, they’ll get the best of you.

A banquet will be held tonight at the city high school for the members of the McPherson high school chapter of the national honor society. Those who are members of the society and who are students in Mc-Pherson college are Clara Nickel, Mildred Ostlind, Edith Murray, Lenora Ostlind, Irene Stover, Una Ring, Naomi Nordling, Una Morine, Lucile Crabb, Evelyn Fields, and Eldon Fields. Officers for the past year were Eldon Fields, president, Una Ring, and Naomi Nordling.

Invitations have been sent by the Home Economics department to the College to various individuals interested in the work of this department to attend a tea tomorrow afternoon. Projects have been worked out by each member of the classes and will be on display at the time of the tea. The rooms will be open all day, and anyone wishing to see the exhibit is welcome and urged to come. Students of the department will be pres-ent to show the guests the various groups of projects.

The reason a woman doesn’t enjoy her vacation is that she’s afraid she left the gas burning under the hot-water tank.

Ten To Be Given Tomorrow Afternoon By The Class

Too much make-up leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

Doctor: Are you taking the medicine regularly ?

Patient: I tasted it and deemed that I’d rather have the cough.





"I Have Been Pulling For This Change For Last Three Years” Says Mohler—"The Present Change Most Constructive Thing Done Since I Have Been Here”—Blair

That the new changes that are to be brought about in the merging of the Dean's and Registrar's offices into one is gaining favor is evidenced in the fact that the two men who now hold these two positions are heartily in favor of the new change, in an interview with Dean R. E. Mohler and Prof. J. A. Blair yesterday many interesting facts were brought to light as to what advantages the new change would be. ........


The trouble with business is that it has too many prophets and not enough profits.


Male Quartet And Mrs. Tate To Colorado Springs



Visit Points Of Interest Northeast Of McPherson--Study Ferns


"The new change will result in the most economical type of administration.'' Professor Blair remarked. "The present system has proved Itself very uneconomical and the new plan will result in better effeciency,"

Professor Blair became Registrar of the College in 1922. Before he took over his new duties no complete records of students grades and cre-dits had ever been kept. He instituted a system that soon found favor not only among the faculty but also among the students and him proved to be efficient, accurate and complete.

Before the last, decade the College was unable to issue a complete transcript of grades for any student. A great deal of trouble was experienced by alumni members who returned for their grades and credits.

Dean Mohler, like the present re-gristrar, was of the opinion that the new plan will result in a more efficient office. "I have been pulling for this change for the last three years," Dean Mohler stated. When approached as to its benefits he stated that it will be a great economy of time and labor, Dean Mohler became Dean of the College in 1925 and he

had held this position faithfully and

executed his duties to the height of efficiency.

As a result of the merging of these two offices the educational depart-ment will probably be divided into two divisions. It is the present plan to separate it into (1) psychology division, and (2) administrative division, Professor Blair intends to remain in full charge of the psychology division, in which division he says he has received the most training and which is of more inter-est to him. The second division, that of administrative, will be taken care of by Mr. Replogle, who has received especial training in this field of education.

Because of the heavy duties of Mr. Replogle he will probably not teach more than six hours of work during his first year at McPherson. The two courses that will include the six hours will probably be principals of education and high school administration.

"The present change is the most constructive thing that has been done,” Professor Blair stated, "since I have been connected with McPherson college.” Both Dean Mohler and Professor Blair are lending all of their support to the new plan and feel certain that it is going to prove a wonderful success.



(Continued from Page One)

the outlying reaches of the McPherson college area. Both have volunteered to change their program to provide for the re-organization which will bring to the campus one especially trained for educational administration. This was initiated more than a year ago when Dean Mahler asked to be relieved of the Deanship as soon as convenient. Both have expressed their desire to continue their work in the College with the same enthusiasm and devotion which has always characterized them. For this splendid spirit and for thier untiring efforts in behalf of the College, they have added to the debt of gratitude all the friends of McPherson college owe them.

There will be added to the faculty Fred a. Replogle, now of Chicago, who will assume some of the administrative duties now cared for by Professors Mohler and Blair and will also be professor in the field of education and religious education. He will become Dean and Registrar of the College.

Mr. Replogle is a man of pleasing personality, of excellent training, of varied experience and sterling character. He has his Master's degree from the Northwestern university and will soon receive his Ph. D. from the University of Chicago. He has had experience as a teacher, principal, superintendent of schools, the director of young people's work, and for the past two years, he has served with the Methodist Educational Board in Chicago as research direc-


His special training is in educational, administrative, and person-nel work, though he is also well trained in religious education. He has taken courses amounting to about a year's work above the re-quired number for his Doctorate at the University of Chicago.

He is 32 years old, married and has one son. He will come to McPherson about August 1st and will begin his work with the opening of the next school year.

One person in writing of Mr. Rep-logle said, "Replogle is a high grade man, possessing excellent ability, great industry, and a fine personality. He is the sort of man who would awaken the respect and admiration of college students.”

The man with whom he has been at work on the Methodist Board of Education says of Mr. Replogle: "He has an inquiring mind and a concise method which has fitted him admirably for our work in research. A sound knowledge, comparatively quiet and modest manner, and his ability to put his finger on the important matters, usually inspires confidence.

“Mr. Replogle is basically religi-ous and in our many conferences he has maintained a thoroughly analytical interest but one directed at the constructive solution of the real problems related to guiding folk into meaningful and inspiring relation-ship with God."

One who has worked with him a great deal says, "He is a splendid individual, with whom cooperation is easy. He is open minded and able to take suggestions. Yet he will be found very capable of originality and individual initiative. As a personnel worker he would lead the student body to come for advice and direction, I have seen this happen nor-mally and naturally many times. He has a forceful power of language and a splendid ability to grasp situ-

ations and prevent the heart of a subject. It will be your good for-tune if you can land him. I wish he were coming to our campus."


To Make Reservations With Roy O. Frantz At Rocky Ford, Colo,

The College is making arrange-ments to have a camp ground head-quarters for McPherson college friends at the Colorado Springs annual conference of the Church of the Brethren from June 10 to 16.

Two camp sites are being considered, one 25 blocks north of the auditorium in the city and the other about seven miles away, in the mountains, near Manitou. Strictly modern accomodations may be had at both places and the rates are very reasonable. If sufficient number send in reservations special rates may be secured, including gas, heat, and light at a special price of $1 per day.

People interested in this camp are urged to make reservations with Roy 0. Frantz, Rocky Ford, Colo., as soon as possible. It is roughly esti-mated that there may be from 500 to 1000 in this camp. They are esti-mating that there will be 15,000 people in attendance at this annual conference.

The College is taking the Male quartet and Mrs. Anna C. Tate to Colorado Springs for the annual

conference of the Church of the Brethren to be held during the week from June 10 to 16. This talent will represent the College’s part in furnishing entertainment during the conference.

Thurs., May 7—The botany class, under the direction of Dean R. E. Mohler, reversed the type of lesson discussion today by going on an extensive field trip. This afternoon 13 students and the instructor motored to points north of Little River and Marquette. They visited Natural Correl, located west of Marquette. Many types of naturs art were observed but special emphasis was placed upon flowers and ferns. A picnic supper was enjoyed by class before they returned to the campus late this evening.



Sat., May 9—Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Yoder entertained a group of college

girls to a slumber party at their home on College Hill tonight. The evening was enjoyed playing games, making candy, and popping corn. At a late hour each girl drew a number designating the room in which she would sleep. The next morning a delicious waffle breakfast was ser-ved to the following guests: Alberta Yoder, Ada Stutzman, Nellie Collins, Velma Keller, Ruth Trostle, Lillian Horning, and Naomi Witmore.


Dean R. E. Mohler will give the commencement address at the Gyp-sum Kan., high school May 21. The Male quartet and Mrs. Anna C. Tate will accompany film and will help in giving the entire program for the graduation exercises.

The greatest optimist, we believe, is the person that writes a cross word puzzle with a fountain pen.








Ancient Rivals Take Only Five Firsts—Bulldogs Take Nine

McPherson 78, bethany 48

Fri., May 8—McPherson college this afternoon annexed a victory over the Bethany "Swedes” in a dual track and field meet here, outpoint-ing their ancient rivals 78 to 48.

Despite the fact that a strong wind was blowing from the north some fairly good times were made in the distant runs. Hochstrasser won the 100 yard dash for McPherson in 10.1 seconds. No relay was run because of Bethany not entering any.

McPherson captured nine first out of the 14 events. McPherson was weakest in the high jump and the broad jump, only earning one point in each event.

The summaries:

100 yard dash:    Won by Hoch-

strasser, McPherson:    Ohmart, Mc

Pherson, second: Carlson, Bethany, third. Time. 10.1 seconds.

220 yard dash:    Won by Hoch-

strasser, McPherson: Ohmart, Mc-Pherson, second; Allen, Bethany, third. Time, 23 seconds.

440 yard dash: Won by Ohmart McPherson; Allen, Bethany, third. Bowers. McPherson third. Time, 56.5 seconds.

880 yard dash: Won by Campbell, McPherson; McGill, McPherson, se-cond; Anderson, Bethany, third; Time, 2.15 minutes

Mile run: Won by Betts, McPherson, and McGill. McPherson, (tied); Anderson, Bethany, third. Time 5:21 minutes.

Two mile run: Won by Williams, McPherson; Campbell. McPherson, second; Rhorer, Bethany, third. Time. 11:30 minutes,

High hurdles; Won by Steele. Bethany; Kindy, McPherson, Second; Mowbray, McPherson, third, Time, 17 seconds,

Low hurdles: Won by Carlson. Bethany; Hochstrasser, McPherson second; Steele, Bethany, third. Time 26.8 seconds.

Shot put: Won by Zinn, McPherson; Toewes, Bethany, second; Jami-son, McPherson, third. Distance. 38 feet, 6 inches.

Javelin: Won by Rhorer, Bethany; Zinn, McPherson, second; Jamison McPherson, third. Distance, 142 feet, 7 1-2 inches.

Discus: Won by Zinn, McPherson; Toewes Bethany. second; Jamison, McPherson, third. Distance, 121 lost.

High Jump: Won by Carlson, Bethany, and Larson, Bethany, (tied); Williams. McPherson, and Bradley. McPherson, (tied). Height, 5 feet

4 inches.

Broad Jump: Won by Carlson,' Bethany; Soderberg, Bethany, second; Bradley, McPherson. third. Distance. 19 feet. 11 inches.

Pole vault: Won by H. Zinn. McPherson; Jornberg, Bethany, and Bradley, ,McPherson, third, (tied). Height, 10 foot, 6 Inches.

Mile relay: Not run.


We know your needs at The Hawley Barber and Beauty Shop. Ask our Bulldog Friends. Permanents $5.00 and $10.00. Phone 499—adv.

The new sand pits for the horse shoe pitching field are being installed this week. Yesterday afternoon sand was ordered to fill the sand retainers that have already been constructed. It is felt by students that this new improvement fulfills a decided need upon the campus in preserving the campus beauty.

The Kansas conference track and field state meet will be held on the track at Kansas Wesleyan, Friday afternoon and night. May 15, with six schools entered.

Competition will come from St. Marys. Ottawa, Kansas Wesleyan, Bethany, Baker, and McPherson. Preliminaries will be held during the afternoon with the finals being decided that night. The finals are to start at 7:30 o'clock under the flood lights of this Wesleyan university.



Horse Show Finals To Be Played Off Sometime This Week

Bethany Crew Takes Both Singles And Doubles

Assisted By Hendrickson, Shay, And Morine

Feature Songs, Readings, And Talks At Weekly Meeting



Binford's Crew Excels In The Dashes And Distance Runs —Ohmart Takes The Quarter

Put not your trust in money, but put your money in trust.

Truth may be stranger than fic-tion, but it will never sell for as much.

- drippings —

„ from


Talk about being interested in a track and field meet, we think that ''Cash'’ Carlson of Bethany takes the "cake.” During the dual meet here with the "Swedes” last Friday. "Cash'' sat in his car practically all afternoon and seemed to take no interest whatsoever in his team. He must have a good deal of interest or faith in his team to leave them to the mercy of their opponents without his help or suggestion.

Emery C. Wine, '22. McPherson college, who has been school super-intendent at Zenda, Kans., to recent years, has recently received an appointment as elementary school principal in Wichita.

The state meet seems to be center-ed around Kansas Wesleyan, Ottawa, and Baker, who have all three been making good times during the season. Ottawa doubled the score on St. Marys, St. Marys defeated Mc-Pherson, and Baker has held the edge on St. Marys. Competition will be keen.

Wagg, Ottawa, and Hochstrasser, McPherson, are favorites in the quarter mile run at the state meet Friday McIntyre, Wesleyan, bent out Hochstasser in the Pentangular meet, so it is a matter of endurance and speed to see who will break the tape first.

Under ideal conditions some of the track marks, and perhaps some of the field, are likely to fall this year, five new marks having been made last year. The two short dash marks, held by Puckett of McPherson, will be tested severely as will the javelin record of 170 feet seven inches held by Young of Baker.

Boxberger, Wesleyan, ranks high In the field events, and he has easily proved the best of the shot putters and Javelin throwers although he had been beaten once by both Zinn of McPherson and Toews of Bethany. —L. E, L,



Sun., May 10—In the College C.E-tonight the theme of '‘Mother’’ was carried out. After an opening song, devotions were led by Margaret Moulton. Ruth Firestone gave a reading "The Golden Key.” A review of the article, "Mother, a Co-Worked of God," by Francis Lyde, was given by Ruth Trostle, Ellen Steinberg sang “Mother 0‘Mine” after which Miss  Della Lehman read a, cutting from the book "Mother” by Kathleen Norris.

Mon., May 11—Five girls of the Home Economics department of the College visited the Junior college in Hutchinson this morning. Those who

made the trip to Hutchinson were Ruth Trostle, Edna Hoover, Pearl Holderread, Grace Early, and Ida Lengle.

Keith Hayes, president of the senior class and an outstanding de-bater and orator of the College, has signed a contract to teach history and debate in the high school system at Hoisington, Kan.


Dean R. E. Mohler motored to Brownell Monday afternoon, where he delivered the High School Commencement address Monday night, Brownell is a small town 150 miles west of McPherson.

A daughter, who has been named Marian Jewell, was born on May 5 to Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Charles of New York City. Mrs. Charles will be remembered as Miss Edna Usher of the class of 1919.

Fri,, May 8—The Bethany golfers today won over the McPherson team in both the singles and doubles. Lytle, McPherson, lost to Larson, Bethany, by a margin of one count. Morris, McPherson, was defeated by Munson of Bethany.


Mon., May 11—Miss Myreta L.

Hammann, student in the piano department of the School of Fine Arts of the College, presented a graduation recital for a piano diploma course tonight in the College chapel auditorium. Miss Hammann was

assisted by Beth Hendrickson, reader, Mattie Shay, violinist, and Una Morine, pianist. The recital was as follows:

Sonata E minor___Grieg

Andante Molto Alla Minueto Finalo Molto Allegro

Miss Hammann

Ashes of Roses Constance D'Arey Mackay

Miss Hendrickson

Reverie Op. No.    4 Richard    Strauss

Mazurka Op. 6    No.    1    Chopin

Valse A Flat Major    . Chopin

Miss Hammann

Sonata A Major.    ...    Randel

Andante Allegro

Miss Shay and Miss Morine Three Philosophies of Life

‘ _Edmund Vance Cook

Miss Hendrickson Staccato Etude    Rubenstein

Miss Hammann