McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Wednesday, may 6, 1931
Seniors Continue To Do Exceptional—Cooperate With Juniors To Prevent Sophomores And Freshmen From Picnicking
Thurs., May 7—World Service Group, 6:30.
Fri. May 8—Chemistry class goes to Hutchinson.
Mon.. May 11—Myreta Ham-mann to give recital.
Tues., May 12— Y.M. and Y W. meet 10:00.
Annual Banquet Takes Place On Roof Garden Of Hotel Hawley —Spacious Hall Decorated In Red, Green and Yellow
Student Body Misses August Students-—Classes Rearranged
Goodbye, students and faculty, we, the seniors are gone for the day to enjoy ourselves with the splendors of nature and to live our lives over a-gain as freshmen—that is, act as freshmen.
Early this morning the seniors left the campus under cover of darkness to parts unknown to others. No clew was left that might have given one an idea of where they might have hidden—some have even suggested that they might have motored to Wichita and taken air transports for a days enjoyment at Colorado Springs. Others have reverse ideas of remote parts of Kansas that they might have ventured to explore. Others are still wondering if the seniors are really gone at all.
Last night as the seniors were making final preparations for an early morning get-away numerous members of the class were busily engaged in the art of saying good night and good bye to their tender sweethearts of other classes who would be compelled to remain at home. It was pitiful. Secrets were kept and this august group of students adjourned from the campus without anyone, student or faculty member, even knowing that they had any intentions of leaving—even if there were more women in the class than men. Here’s to the women.
Class activities were dropped, plays were postponed, and the faculty rearranged their schedules to fit the universally felt "adios" of the seniors. So long, students and faculty, we'll be seein' you tonight—maybe.
More Than 30 Central Kansas Stars To Enter Tennis Contest
Track Meet Here Friday Afternoon With Ancient Rivals
Toasts Stress Theme of Modernism —Eighty Guests Present— Four Course Dinner Served
The high school tennis tournament that was to have been held April 25, but due to the inclement weather was postponed, is to be held Saturday, May 9, on the McPherson college courts. More than 30 tennis artists from central Kansas have made re-servations in the tourney and it gives promise of being the most interesting one in this part of the state. Play is to start at 10:00 o'clock Saturday morning.
Brilliant Masquerade Ball To Include Entire Cast Of Characters
Mon . May 4 Rehearsals for the modern opera. "The Lucky Jade," to be given in Convention Hall, Tuesday night, May 26, are progressing very nicely, according to Mrs. Anna C. Tate, who is directing the production. The chorus and cast are now holding three rehearsals weekly, and are getting the music, dialogue, and actions well memorized-
In addition to unusual scenery and lighting effects the opera will feature some elaborate costuming. The en-tire second act consists of a brilliant masquerade ball in which the entire chorus will take part. A summary of the story together with the cast of characters will appear in The Spectator for May 13.
Yoder And Bitikofer To Represent Seniors In Student Council
Tues., May 5—Gilbert Myers, junior, was elected president of the sen-tor class of 1932 at a Junior class meeting today noon, Mr. Myers is a graduate of the Windom high school, but is now living with his parents in McPherson. He will not take over the reins of his new office until next fall.
For vice-president the class elected Mildred Doyle, Topeka, Kan.. and John Kindy, California student, was voted in as secretary, Ada Stutzman, Thomas, Okla., will be the treasurer of the class. For Student Council representatives Alberta Yoder, Waterloo, low and Kenneth Bitikofer,
Hesston, Kan., were elected.
The many-times-postponed track and field meet with McPherson's ac-cient rivals, the Bethany "Swedes," is finally to bo held. A dual meet with the Lindsborg crew has been scheduled by Coach Melvin Binford for Friday afternoon on the McPherson field and track. Both teams are fairly evenly matched, however, the Bulldogs hold a slight edge over their opponents. This meet should prove one of the most interesting track events of the season.
Special Price Of $1 Now Being Offered For Next Year’s Paper
No.2 why come here?
By the Editor
Twenty-three Women And 17 Men To Get Their Sheep Skins
Forty seniors are candidates for Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts degrees at McPherson this spring. Twenty-three of the candidates are women and 17 are men.
For Bachelor of Science degrees.
Ruth Trostle, Nickerson, Kan.; Edna Hoover, Overbrook, Kan.; Eugenia Dawson, Darlow, Kan.; Nina Stull, Arlington. Kan,; Elfie Abeldt, Hope, Kan.; Christine Mohler, War-rensburg. Mo.; Pearl Holderread, Cushing, Okla.; Ruth Barnard, Mc-Pherson, Kan.: Gladys Christiansen, Durham, Kan ; Marguerite Hub-bard, Hugoton, Kan.; Ida Lengel, Burlington, Colo.; Blanche Pyle, Hampton, Iowa; Ernest Betts, Nampa, Idaho: W. H. Bigham, Topeka, Kan.; Earnest Campbell, Conway, Kan.; Cletus Carney, Novelty, Mo.; Vernon Gustafson, McPherson. Kan.; Marvin Hill, Galva, Kan. ; Leland Lindell, Windom, Kan.; W. Wendell Hubbard. Hugoton. Kan.; Wilbur Mc-Elroy, Quinter, Kan.: Irvin Rump, Inman, Kan.; J. S. Rice. McPherson. Kan.
For Bachelor of Arts degrees.
Ethel Jamison, Quinter, Kan .: Avie Wattenbarger, Shamrock, Texas; Grace Early, Hardin. Mo.; Alma Morrison, Independence. Kan,: Naomi
Witmore, Rich Hill. Mo.; Ruth Turner, McCammon. Idaho; Beth Hen-drickson. McPherson, Kan.; Mrs. Minnie Teeter, McPherson. Kan.; Edna Nyquist, McPherson, Kan.; Fred Andrews, Rocky Ford, Colo. ; Keith Hayes. Geneseo. Kan.; John Lehman. Abiline. Kan.; Herbert Ruthrauff, Chicago. Ill.; Carroll D. Walker, Omaha. Nebr.; Harry Zion, New Carlisle, Ohio.
Contest Sponsored By The Expression Department
Wed., April 29—Hope Nickel and Lillian Horning were adjudged first place in the reading contest which was hed this evening in the college chapel. The contest was sponsored by the expression department. Miss Horning's reading was an original cutting from “Helen's Babies," and Miss Nickel read a cutting from "The Music Master." Others who took part in the contest were Myreta Ham-mann, Ada Brunk, Edith Richards, and Alphy Holloway.
Judges were Miss Mildred Thurow, Mrs. Lawrence Gates, and Mrs. Hendrickson of Central College. No prizes were given.
The contest was judged primarily on interpretation.
Y. W. Program Devoted To Correct Dress For The Co-eds
"M” Club To Back Campaign For New Students
Thurs., April 30—Dr. V. F. Schwalm was chairman of a meeting of the "M" Club members today at which time plans for bringing in new athletes next year were discussed. Numerous suggested were made by the members and Dean R. E. Moh-ler, who was also present.
Tues., May 5—-Correct and Improper costumes for various occasions were shown in the style show in Y. W. C. A. this morning as a part of the regular weekly meetings. The correct dresses for general school wear, for tennis, hiking, street, church, evening, afternoon, and om the house ware shown by various groups of girls. Also the incorrect dresses were shown, to give the contrast. Gladys Christiansen pointed out the contrasts, told why one was worn and why the other was inappropriate.
Liza: "Do you all know what love is?'
Rastus; "Ah sho' do. Love is a abscess whut forms on yo' brain an hurts yo' pocketbook."
Buildings and a large number of students do not make an educational institution one of highest merit and distinction among the scholastic
of education. Nor does the ar-dent support of the college constituency have so great a part in build-tng a college into the top-most ranks of education. The one and only manner in which a college may recieve great recognition in scholastic circles is to have an outstanding college fac-ulty
McPherson college has on an average of one faculty member to every 10 or 12 students, which is indeed a small percentage. Such a small per cent to the instructor permits and encourages a high degree of instruc-tor that cannot be surpassed by the college that has on the average of one faculty member to every 20 or 24 students. The low percentage gives the student greater opportunities for individual help from the instructors.
Eight members of the McPherson faculty have received either their A. B. or B. S. degrees from McPherson. They have gone on to higher institu-tions for their master's and doctor's degrees and then returned to their alma mater—the "School of Qual-
Next year six members of the Col-lege faculty will have their doctor's degree, and will be qualified to head their respective departments for which they have trained. This past year there has been only five men on the faculty with their Ph. D. degrees which goes to show that the admin-istration is making all efforts in its power to enchance the quality of the faculty.
The McPherson facility is out-standing in many ways, and merits
the approval and appreciation from the student body as a whole. The faculty is in itself a drawing card to the college, and students that are in search of a college in which to re-cieve their training cannot let the opportunity falter of giving McPher-son due consideration. Here is a group of Christian instructors that have not only the institution at heart but also every student that is en-deavoring to build for himself a char-acter of true worth to the world. Here is a faculty that is ever willing to make sacrifices that the students might receive opportunities that they otherwise would not recieve if they had not benefited from the acts of others.
McPherson's faculty is truly one of "quality". It is playing its mighty part in building a "Greater McPherson College,” for the benefit of every student in the constituency. It is doing its part in making McPherson college a "School of Quality.''
All seniors are being strongly urged by the business manager of The Spectator for 1931-32, Lloyd Larsen, to secure their subscriptions for the paper as soon as possible. Sophomores who might teach should make arrangements now that they might not miss an issue of the paper. A special price of $1 is now being made for the year's subscription, which may either be paid for now or a pledge signed, secured from the now busi-ness manager, to be paid the first of September.
Through the Spectator is the excellent and the only way that one might keep in constant touch with his alma mater. News of athletics, students, alumni, and faculty are always up to
Tells Of Child Drawing Picture Of God
Fri.. May 1 Modernism, stressed in both toasts and decorations, fea-tured the annual Junior and Senior banquet held tonight on the Roof Garden of the Hotel Hawley. The members of the two upper classes, the deans, and the sponsors of the two clauses, and the president of the College, made up an attendance of eighty guests.
With the spacious hall of the roof garden as a setting the tables were arranged in a large U, decorated in three colors, red, green, and yellow, and with the modernistic theme carried out throughout the decorations. As favors paper dolls adorned the tables, with the place cards being in the hands of the dolls. Clusters of flowers and floral decorations.
added to the beauty of the tables.
A four course dinner was served by twelve members of the sophomore class. During the service an orchestra, consisting of Una King, Margaret Shelley, Pauline Dell, Mattie Shay, and Charles Smith, played popular music. The first course consisted of grape fruit punch. The dinner course followed with fried chicken, new potatoes, asparagus, ripe olives, rolls, and lemon ice. The third course was molded vegetable salad and Saratoga flakes. The last course consisted of brick ice cream in colored angles of red, yellow, and green, and cake
and coffee.
Dr. J. D. Bright, sponsor of the (Continued on Page Three)
Speaker Asserts Religion Is A Vital Thing For A True Life
Mon., May 4-- Prof. J. A. Blair told of the small boy who asked his mother what God looked like, in chapel this morning. His mother told him not to think about it, because no one knew what God looked like. But the child drew a picture of God.
Front this incident Professor Blair mentioned three tendencies of human beings. 1. The tendency of children
to ask questions. 2. Tendency of par-ents to discourage the questioning of children, 3. The tendency of people to endeavor to answer their own ques-
Wed.. April 29-- Dr. Arthur Rugh, traveling Y. M. C. A. secretary, spoke in chapel this morning on “challeng-ing religious beliefs." This was the last of his series of messages given on Monday, Tuesday and today.
Dr. Rugh stated that the present generation has not accepted many of
the literal interpretations of the Bible, God, and Jesus, prayer, heaven and hell. In rejecting the older literal beliefs, however, they have failed to develop a new challenging belief. These he proceeded to offer the stu-dents in a clear-cut and forceful manner. That religion is a big and vital thing which permeates the whole of life was the crux of his entire speech.
Dr. Bassett, Baptist Church Talks On Religion In Chapel
Fifth Year Department Has Sponsored Repair Week
Fri., May 1 —Dr. Basset, evange-list and cartoonist appearing at the Baptist church this week, gave an illustrated lecture in chapel this morning. The evangelist emphasi-zed the fact that a successful life is fourfold; in that he must have backbone, a strong body, use his brain and take Jesus Christ into his heart and life. The lecture was brought to a climax by a chalk talk illustrating "Let the Lower Lights Be Burning."
Preceding Dr. Bassett's lecture
Mrs. Anna. C. Tate sang the favorite song. "I Love Life "
Prof. G. N. Booine and the mem-bers of the woodworking classes re-paired more than 100 pieces of furniture during the furniture repair week. Pieces of furniture belonging to this college, students, and faculty members, were mended. The furniture repairing serves a dual purpose in affording oppurtunity to the stu-dents in repair work, and in extend-ing the life of useful furniture. This is the fifth annual furniture repair
"This is a pretty snappy suit," re-marked the baby, as he was put into his rubber pants. —Campus Times.
In this country gangsters get away with murder every day, but they get into trouble when they forget to pay their income tax. We are patient people but by the heck, there are some things we won't stand for.
An open mind is rare to get far-ther than an open mouth.
The height of irony is to give father a billfold for Christmas.
But there are only 11 more days left this school year on which clas-ses will meet for recitation.
Editor-in-chief. . .. |
Associate Editor |
Associate Editor |
..........Leland E. Lindell |
_____ Donald L. Trostle |
..............Alberta Yoder |
Circulation Manager... |
of a Speculator
Vernon Rhoades |
Dave Shackelford |
Christine Mohler |
Everette Fasnacht. |
Ruth Trostle |
Business Manager.. |
Ass't Business Manager |
Business Manager |
.......Carroll D. Walker |
..-Ernest L. Betts |
.......-Paul Sherfy |
......David Bowers |
Were you ever embarrassed by half a chicken? If not, we “Spec" you can't appreciate the following remark made at the Junior-Senior banquet— "Say, if you see a stray chicken running around by your plate and you hear me calling 'Chicky, Chicky' you will know that it was just too much for me to handle and it got away from me.” Like some other things, it was good when you once got into it.
Reno Country Forensic Contest De-cided By McPherson Debate Coach
April 30—Last Thursday night Prof. Maurice A. Hess acted as critic judge at the Reno County Forensic contest held at Pretty Prairie, Kans. There were eight entries in declama-tion; while Reed Voran, Pretty Elliot, representing the Arlington high school, won first in declama-tion; while Reed VoVran, Pretty Prairie, won first in oratory.
disarm? Why of course, we abolished hatpins. . School will soon be out and all the students will be going home—even the trees are leaving— you can see their trunks. . . ,
Ethel Sherfy |
Vernon Flaming |
Edna Hoover |
Edna Nyquist |
Esther Brown |
Nina Stull |
Mrs. W. G. Graheel, Correspondent............. ........ .....................Rose Hill, Va |
Faculty Advisor __________________________________Prof. Maurice A Hess |
We have had an unusually strong array of talented speakers brought to the campus of late to stimulate our thinking. They are gone. What are we going to do with their challenges?
Powers Hapgood opened our eyes to labor and world conditions of which we were entirety ignorant. He told us what we might do about it and challenged us to do it. Dan West laid before us the problem at world peace in all its aspects. He dared us to attack it in a positive active way in the crisis which the forces of peace are soon to face. He challenged us to philosophy of life which will give us poise and freedom. Arthur Rugh presented to us the beauty and sacredness of love, romance, and marriage. He stimulated us to an appreciation of purity and beauty. He offered us chal-lenging phases of Christianity and religious belief.
These men have unanimously appealed to our reason as well as to our emotion. They have caused us to think, to desire, to resolve. Shall we not? School is nearly over for this year. Little can now be done, but the summer awaits us when we shall stand as windows to the outside world in many communities. Another year of school awaits many to act on their decisions. Shall we continue in the direction towards which these world visioned men have faced us?—Enthusiastic Scribe.
To The Terrestial Globe —Written by a Miserable Wretch Roll on, thou ball, roll on!
Through pathless realms of space Roll on!
What though I’m in a sorry case? What though I cannot meet my bills? What though I suffer toothache's ill?
What though I swallow countless pills?
Never you mind! Roll on!
Roll on, thou ball, rool on! Through seas of inky air Roll on!
It's true I've got no shirts to wear; It's true my butcher’s bill is due; It's true my prospects all look blue— But don't let that unsettle you!
Never you mind! Roll on! (and it rolls on).
—Wm. Schwenck Gilbert,
from the Days' Weekly
The greatest lover a man ever had was his mother. It is she that has watched over him and guided him in his moves toward development in the early days of his life. She has encouraged him to higher aspirations and substantiated his dreams and visions that they might come true. During sickness she has nursed his body to life that, he might become what she has visioned. When he has been in difficulties she has weathered his storms along with him. A mother is a treasure a man cannot praise too highly, cannot respect too deeply, and who cannot live a true life of sincere endeavors without her love and tender care.
Dear Kindred Spirit: —
I thought I just had to write you about what I saw Friday evening, We were strolling down East Euclid when we saw a car come zipping toward us. We thought there must be something in the air so we just stared until it came right to us and then, what do you suppose we saw? You will think I’m kidding you, but in the rumble seat of that little Ford were two of our sedate faculty ladies having the time of their life until they saw us, but we hope we did not ruin their good time or good repu-tation. We like rumble seats, too.
It was stated in this column last week that school teachers, especially men, have no great future before them. What then is the college graduate to do for a livelihood? What is the matter with the current educational institutions of our country? Where is it leading us?
It is not the fault of the college senior that there is nothing else for him to do after he has been graduated than to teach. The youth of today is looking to the fact that theory and fundamental things that afford a substantial basis of education do not form the concept that it should to enable him to continue in life as he did while in school. Theory and a fundamental basis is necessary, but a more specialized training is desired with it, to make developments complete.
It is true that the youth of today is in too big a hurry. They are wanting a college education in "ten easy lessons” and ‘‘by mail,"
Mechanical instruction tends toward mechanical thinking. When one thinks as a robot his field of endeavor is limited by definite boundaries. To limit an education is to limit the worth of an individual to society as a whole. If more time and consideration was taken by students in selecting their courses, and if colleges and universities would offer to a certain degree, more specialized subjects of a vocational nature better results might be realized.
The present system is leading us to believe in a youth that is not satis-fied with the present educational system. One who is not satisfied will not strengthen the motives of self-development. It is correct when it is said that the youth today is arousing questions, bringing about disputes, and us-ing a degree of broadmindedness in settling them. The young man and woman of today is making greater efforts to secure an education that will not only form the basis of self-development but also one that will educate him for specific work. The criticisms are leading to new plans and new systems of education. High institutions of learning are changing their systems to meet the demands of those on the quest of knowledge. To certain degree the “hurry up" policy is being adopted that the brighter student might complete his work sooner than those not so easily adapted to learning and retaining what they have learned. The last ten years will see greater strides in education than we have witnessed in the last ten years.
Ward Williams____________May 6 |
Hazel Engstrom - - - -......May 9 |
Leslie Myers------------------------May 10 |
Avie Wattenbarger ----------May 11 |
Believe it or not, there are poor people in the Tennessee mountains who live in such dilapidated shacks that every time it rains they have to go out and get into the sedan. . . . America is the land where we hire salesmen when we don't need them, and fire them when we do. ... I recently heard of a Scotchman who used the same pair of homing pigeons for wedding presents until they died of old age. . . . The first loose leaf system was in the Garden of Eden. , . , To Get Rid Of Ants: If they are maiden ants, arrange some widower or bachelor date for them. . . . The new hypocrisy: Persuade the other fellow to spend his money but keep your own. , , . The more we see of girls the more we believe in clothes . . . The Old Rounder complains that the only wet thing left with a kick to it is swimming. ... I was reading yesterday about how a woman was awarded damages because she bit a carpet tack enclosed in a pie, and today at dinner as I bit into a place of pie I thought I had found the carpet. . . . The use of barbed wire is suggested to guard this country against rum-runners. Than a person could just swallow some of the barbed wire and feel like he'd had a drink of rum-runner's rum. ... You have heard about the Scotch gangster who took his victim for a walk. . . Eight per cent of the Skidmore college girls profess never to have been kissed. Statistics failed to indicate whether it was a lack of opor-tunity or inclination. . . . Can we ever
Miss Virginia Richards, Waldo, Kan., visited her sisters, Edith and Elizabeth, this last week end.
Mfss Opal Bowers visited friends in Morrill, Kan., last Sunday.
Mr. Guy Hayes spent Sunday at the dormitory visiting friends and relatives.
Mr. Paul Bowers, Covert, Kan., called on friends on the campus last week end.
Mr. Lloyd Larsen spent Saturday and Sunday visiting relatives. .
Miss Marjorie Bunce spent the week end at her home near Bushton.
Mr. Lloyd Seitz, Larned, Kan., spent Sunday at the dormitory.
Miss Margaret Stegeman and Miss Ellen Steinberg spent Sunday evening at the Stegeman home near Hope, Kan.
Misses Esther Brown, Pauline Dell, Margaret Moulton, Louise Ikenber-ry, and Messers Vernon Rhoades and Charles Austin spent Sunday evening at the Brown home near Hutchinson.
Miss Phylliss Claypool, Marquette. Kan., visited friends on the campus one day last week.
Miss Ruth Lerew and sister of Portia, Kan., visited their brother George on the campus last week end.
Mr. Leslie Myers visited with his parents near Windom, Kan., over the week end.
We know your needs at The Hawley Barber and Beauty Shop. Ask our Bulldog Friends. Permanents $5.00 and $10.00 Phone 499—adv.
The two plays that were to have been given tonight in the College chapel have been postponed until a future date because of the senior class not being present. One character of one of the plays is a senior, and at present no definite date has been set as yet.
Wed., April 29—A recital was given tonight in the College chapel auditorium by the students of the fine arts department. The following students appeared In the recital: Myreta Hammann, Elizabeth Holz-emer, Lois Edwards, Naomi Wit-more, Ann Janet Allison, Charles Guggisburg, Rosalind Almen, Edna Bengston, Gulah Hoover, and Paul-ine Dell.
’Tis spring. .. the blossoms bloom, and birds sing above the paths the lovers trod. The dew drops sweeten the air with a-bowery freshness and starts twinkle in delight through scattered clusters of covered branches. Spring is here and trees speak their cheery welcome of the awakening world. The smiling moon, its shadows stretching through hill and brush to haunt the wandering souls and make light hearts flutter as the humming bird flits from flower to flower. The busy bee is searching glade and glenn for nectors sweet. The butterfly flits on wings of gold and the robins marshall forth to grasp each slinking worm that ventures forth in search of spring. Mosquitoes hum in sheer delight and draw deep frowns from those who wish to sit in spring's enjoyment. ‘Tis spring. . . fair ones, come venture forth and stroll in a wakening world's refinement.
Twin Falls, Idaho, May 1—Miss Mildred Ronk today announced her engagement to Mr. Lawrence Turner, head of the history department of the Twin Falls high school. Mr. Turner is a graduate of McPherson college, haying been graduated with the class of 1930. Mr. Turner's home is at McCammon, Idaho.
Man is a success with hens, but a failure with chickens.
Statistics show that of every 1,000 lovers more men fall in love with women's eyes than with any other feature. Hair comes next, teeth next, feet last. It s to understand why the feet were last.
It is said a single lightning flash represents enough wasted electricity to light a home 20 years or more. That's nothing, a slight shock on a spark coil puts enough pep into one to last him a lifetime.
Americans need prohibition to talk to make them happy. It takes the place of the war as a subject of conversation.
Sat., May 2—The geology class, under the direction of Dr. H. J. Harnly, composed of 15 members, went on an extensive and instructive field trip today. The class left the campus early this morning and visited the Natural Corral, and Horse-thief Canyon, West of Brookville, Kan., many leaf fossils were found in the sandstone formations. Numerous sand pits and shale beds were also visited.
Some women are working women; others are working men.
What this country needs is more wild life in the open spaces and less in the cities—The Haymaker.
Go To Natural Correl And Horsethief Canyon-—Find Many Fossils
Doctor: Are you taking the medi-cine regularly?
Patient: I tested it and decided that I'd rather have the cough
Too much make-up leaves a bad
taste in the mouth.
page THREE
"Sun Never Sets On Graduates Of McPherson College"—Located In 42 States And In 5 Countries Outside The United States—Housewives Lead The Occupations
California Ranks Second In Number Of Graduates
"The sun never sets on the graduates of McPherson college." This was the statement of Prof. Roy B. Teach, field secretary of the College last year, in a chapel talk January 13, 1930. This statement is decidely true, for graduates of McPherson college are located in 42 of the 48 states of the United Slates, and in the Philippine Islands, Hawaiian Islands, Canada, China, and India.
Graduates of the College are spread out over all the world in different fields of work. They have classified into 36 distinct divisions of endeavor and each graduate has been placed in the division best suited to his activity.
That the women lead in any one specific field of work is self evident. More women are housewives than any other occupation among the graduates. Teaching comes second in the list with a decided drop in number to farming for third place, Likewise, in regard to the states represented, Kansas, as would be expected, leads any other state by a three to one margin, with California coming in second,
In all, 1,753 different degrees have been given by the College in the last 43 years of its existence. The largest number of degrees have been granted to students in A, B., a total of 645. In commerce 421 degrees have been given. Academy graduates, 259; B, S., 149; Music, 96; Stenographic, 77; Expression, 54: A. M„ 34; B. D., 10; D.D., 6: and D.SC.. 2.
The states and nations from which students have come to McPherson for their training and their rank in regard to the number of students from each state, is as follows: Kansas 764, California 158, Illinois 79, Neb-raska 68, Oklahoma 70, Colorado 60, Missouri 69, Texas 33, Idaho 28, Iowa 26 Pennsylvania 18, Ohio 17, Oregon 16, Michigan 15, Florida 14, Virginia 10, Montana 9, Washington, 8, New Mexico 8, Wisconsin 7, South Dakota 6, New York 6, Louisiana 6, Wyoming 6, Arkansas 5, Minnesota 5, Arizona 4, Connecticut 3, Georgia 2, North Dakota 2, Delaware 2, Massa-chucsetts 2, New Jersey 2, South Caroline 2, Tennessee 2, North Carolina 1, Washington, D. C. 1, Hawai-ian Islands 1, Philippine Islands 3, China 8, Canada 3, and India 2, Total, 1,460 graduates.
What the graduates of the College are now doing is summarized in the following: Housewives 447, teachers 395, farming 165, ministers 71, mis-sionaries 13, merchants 62, salesmen 55, students in graduate schools 56, physicians 28, dentists 9, bankers 20, lawyers 8, administra-, tors 16. clerks 41, nurses 19, steno-graphers 9, dietitians 4, morticians 4, mechanics 9, scientists 19, editors 3, librarians 3, lecturers and renders 1, postmasters 2, musicians 3, and unclassified 24.
Sun.. May 3—Forty-three members of the freshman and sophomore girl's and boys' Sunday school classes hiked to Anderson's Grove early this morning for a picnic and breakfast. The boys’ class won an attendance contest from the girls who gave the picnic for them.
After breakfast a short program was given, Margaret Moulton led the group in songs. Hope Nickel gave two negro readings, and Dean R. E. Mohler, teacher of the men's class, had charge of the devotionals.
Recent additions to the library in-cludes Sickman's "Morals of Tomor-row," Hawes’ "Talks on Tubercu-losis," and a copy of Stormeand's "Progressive Methods of Teaching." The last named volumes is a gift of Miss Mary Fee. A chart and a lar-ge number of pamphlets on the manu-facture and uses of soap, were sent to the library by the Colgate-Palm-olive-Peet Company,
Sun.. May 3—Prohibition was the topic discussed in the College C. E. this evening. Jay Hertzler acted as leader of the program. Alpha Holloway read "The Soul of the Violin," Interesting talks on prohibition were given by Eber Tice, Kermit Hayes, Esther McWilliams, and Edna Hoover.
Activities Start With Presi-dent's Reception To Seniors May 23
Every day during the last week of school is filled with some kind of activity that will take the time of both students and faculty. If it is not examinations to take the time of the students it is either receptions and programs of varied types.
The commencement week activities formally open Saturday night, May 23, at 8:00 o'clock, at which time Pres. V. F. Schwalm will give a reception to the College seniors. The following night. May 24, at 8:00 o'clock, President Schwalm will give the baccalaureate sermon in the Church of the Brethren.
Final examinations are scheduled for May 25, 26, and 27, but on the night of May 26, the music department of the College will present the light opera "The Lucky Jade," in Convention hall. The day following the examinations the senior class day program will be given in the chapel at 10:00 o’clock, at which time the seniors will be in charge. On the same evening at 6:30 o'clock the College Alumni association will hold its annual reunion banquet in the parlors of the Church of the Brethren.
The closing event, the forty-third annual commencement of the College, will be held in the Church of the Brethren, Friday morning, May 28, at 10:30 o'clock, with Dr. Alva W. Taylor, professor of ethics at Vander-bildt university, Nashville, Tenn., delivering the address.
The girl's tennis tournament, sponsored by the W. A. A. started this week with 16 entered in the singles. Most of these will be played off some-, time this week if the weather per-mits. The doubles will not get underway until next week for all of the girls have not chosen their partners yet. Competition is keen and this tournament promises to be very in-teresting.
Frank Green, Com. '93. McPherson college, of Sacramento, California, died from a severe attack of pneumonia at his home in Sacramento, Feb. 26.
A Scotchman's football yell : “Get that quarter back."
Junior class, was toastmaster and introduced the speakers. The toast of welcome was given by Kermit Hayes, president of the Junior class, and the response was given by his brother, Keith, president of the Senior class. Two musical readings were offered by Beth Hendrickson, senior, accompanied by Helen Eberly.
The respective toasts, following the general theme of modernism, were stressed in terms of future development of both the College and the two classes. Ethel Jamison, senior, spoke on "lines", and Clinton Trostle, Junior, followed with a toast on "cubes." "Circles," the subject of Leland Lindell's toast, was followed with “impressions" by Ethel Sherfy, Junior. An illustrated talk by Chris-tine Mohler, senior, accompanied by Helen Eberly, at the piano, depicted the future development of the College in the form of a chalk illustration in modernistic art. The program was closed with a saxaphone solo by Charles Smith.
Faculty members present were, Pres. and Mrs. V. F. Schwalm, Miss Edith McGaffey, Dean and Mrs. R. E Mohler, Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Bright, and Prof. Maurice A. Hess.
Mrs. F. G. Wing, a former student of McPherson, now living in Dodge City, Kansas, has been confined to
her bed due to a broken hip sustained in an accident. Her recovery is assured by the attending physicians.
The older a man gets, the younger the young people seem to be.
Then there is the Scotch motorist who waits for a hot day before he'll
buy gas because he heard that things expand with heat.
Taylor To Give Commencement Ad-dress At 10:30 O'clock Friday Morning, May 20
Alpha Halloways Gives Reading At C. E. Meeting Sunday
Charts And Pamphlets Sent To Library By Soap Company
Hike To Anderson's Grove For Early Morning Breakfast
He: “When I get a job I’ll get $150 per."
Second He: "Per what?"
He: "Per—haps."
USED BY THE JUNIORS (Continued from Page One)
Those who have been engineering the deal through the management. for the installation of the horse shoe pits for the purpose of preserving the present beauty of the College campus, have a sense or degree of broadmind-ness that warrants the support and appreciation of the entire student body. May we continue to realize that our campus is something of permanent value and everlasting beauty to the coming generation.
A marked need upon the McPher-son campus for some time has been the necessity of horse shoe pitching pits, to preserve the beauty of the campus in such a manner as to permit, this spring sport to be enjoyed to the fullest extent.
It is understood that a few stu-dents, thoughtful of the future beauty of the campus, have negotiated terms with the College management for the purchase of two by four sand retainers for the pit, and enough sand to fill each pit. The new improvements are to be installed at once if present arrangements mater-ialize.
Salina, Kan., May 2—Friends university nosed out Kansas Wesleyan by 4 1/2 points in a pentangular track meet under flood lights tonight with McPherson finishing third, Bethel, fourth, and Bethany fifth. The Quakers secured 62 points, Wesleyan 57 1/2, McPherson 15 1/2, Bethel 15, and Bethany 13, Boxberger of Wes-leyan, throw the javelin 191 feet 2 inches.
Bethany carried away the tennis honors this afternoon in both the Singles and doubles. Gottmann and Flaming, McPherson doubles team, went to the finals with Bethany, but, lost to the Swedes.
The summaries:
Mile run: Won by Hards, Wesley-an; Taylor, Friends, second; Voth Bethel, third; Perill, Wesleyan, fourth. Time, 4:52 5-10 minutes.
Pole Vault: Won by Kennison, Bethel; Milton, Wesleyan, and Bradley, McPherson, tied for second; Bre-han, Friends, and Pierce, Bethel, tied for fourth. Height, 10 feet, 6 inches.
440 yard run: Won by Ashford, Friends: McIntyre; Wesleyan, second; Hochstrasser, McPherson, third; Oh-mart, McPherson, fourth. Time 55 2-10 seconds.
100 yard dash: Won by Morton, Friends; Harvey, Wesleyan, second: Antrim, Friends, third: Robinson, Wesleyan, fourth. Time 10 3-10 seconds.
Shot Put: Won by Boxberger, Wesleyan; Zinn, McPherson, second; Casement, Friends, third; Coleman, Friends, fourth. Distance 42 feet, 9 inches.
Low hurdles: Won by Joanin, Wes-leyan; Carlson, Bethany, second; Milton, Wesleyan, third; Shogren, Bethany, fourth. Time 28 5-10 seconds.
Two mile run: Won by Roy, Wesleyan; Barbs, Friends, second; Voth, Bethel, third: Williams, McPherson, fourth. Time 10:28 2-10 minutes.
Broad Jump; Won by Morton, Friends; Harvey, Wesleyan, second; Everet, Bethel, third; Robinson, Wesleyan, fourth, Distance 21 feet, 7 inches.
Javelin:Won by Boxberger, Wesleyan; Whitelow, Friends, second; Dyck, Wesleyan, third; Bohrer, Beth-any, fourth, Distance 191 feet, 2 inches. -
Discus: Won by Whitelaw,
Friends; Boxberger, second; Toews, Bethany, third: Zinn, McPherson, fourth. Distance, 134 feet, 4 1/2 inches.
220 yard dash: Won by Morton, Friends: Harvey, Wesleyan, second, Robinson, Wesleyan, third: Antrim, Friends, fourth. Time, 23 2-10 se-cond.
High hurdles: Won by Whitelaw, Friends; Closson, Bethel, second; Kindy, McPherson, third. (Others disqualified), Time 16 6-10 seconds.
High Jump: Won by Whitelaw, Friends, and Carlson, Bethel, tied for first and second; Larson, Bethany, third; Williams, McPherson, and Ashford, Friends, fourth. Height, 5 feet, 8 1/4 inches.
880 yard dash: Won by Vorgelt, Friends; Hards, Wesleyan, second; McGill, McPherson, third; Davis, Friends, fourth. 2:10 3-10 minutes.
Mile relay; Won by Friends; Wes-leyan second; McPherson third.
Tues., May 6—Ward Williams led an interesting descussion in Y. M. this mroning on "What is Religion?’’ A definition of religion, and talks of men who have recently spoken on the campus, were discussed. Roy Diggs sang a solo; Kermit Hayes was chairman of the meetings; and Kenneth Bitikofer led devotions.
Friday afternoon on the home track and field the Bulldogs will meet their ancient rivals, the Bethany “Swedes”. This meet promises to be one of many thrills for the spectators and many disappointments to the McPherson opponents. Coach Melvin Binford's crew is holding a slight edge on their rivals but the meet gives promise of being the most interesting of the year.
The recent move, urged by the president of the College and the athletic board, for the purpose of securing more athletes for the coming school year, was a move that is being looked upon by students as a decided effort on the part of the College to better its athletics. Their appeal to the “M" club should be met with approval and an endeavor should be made during the spring and summer months to influence athletes to come to McPherson. Let us make Mc-Pherson not only the "School of Quality" in scholastic standards, but also the “School of Quality" in ath-letic standards.
Horseshoe Pit To Prevent Digging Up Of Lawn
The editor of the 1931 Quadrangle is now waiting. He is waiting for his year book to come off the press.
All the engraving work has been completed, and all the reading copy is now in the hands of the printer, and the printers are making rapid progress. The Republican will have the printing finished by May 16.
Lindsborg, Kan., April 30—Beth-any college this afternoon lost but one doubles tennis matches to McPherson college here, winning four singles, and won doubles.
Lehman, McPherson, was defeated by Stensass, Bethany, in tight sets of 8-3, 4-6, and 8-5. Willman, Bethany, easily won from Gottman, McPherson, in straight sets of 6-3, 6-3. Lindquist, Bethany, won from Binford, 6-2, 6-2. Anderson, McPherson, lost to Zimmerman, Bethany, Lehman and Binford, McPherson, lost doubles match to Stensass and Lindquist, Bethany. Flaming and Gottman, Mc-Pherson, was over Willman and Zimmerman, Bethany.
The Spectator staff is now making preparations for a special “Senior Souvenir Edition" to be on the campus Thursday noon, May 28. The issue is being detained one day so as to allow the staff to secure the material presented in the Class Day program on the morning of May 28. This special edition will contain all interesting facts concerning the graduating class, including the history, will, and prophecy. Pictures of the senior leaders upon the campus during the year will appear as one of the special features.
More issues of The Spectator will have been published with this special edition May 28, than during any other year of the fourteen years of the paper. Last fall was the first time The Spectator has appeared the first week of school and until last year none was issued the last week of school. There will be 36 issues this year, while last year there were 35.
Mon,. May 4—The new officers of the W. a. A. were formally installed at their regular meeting tonight. Those who took the pledge were: Nellie Collins, president; Esther Brown, vice-president; Lois Edwards, secretary, and Esther Nonken, treasurer.
Go on and make errors and fall, but get up and go on.
Sweet Young Thing: “Who was Homer?"
Another: “Homer ain't a who. It’s the what that made Babe Ruth
Gottmann—Flaming, McPherson, Win One Match In The Doubles
"Senior Souvenir" Issue To Feature Last Edition Of The Year
The real American tragedy is "A dollar down and a dollar a week."
Miss Alberta Hovis, Chase, Kan., called on friends in McPherson on this last week end.
Yearbooks To Come Off The Press May 16—Engraving Work
Uses General Topic Of “What
Is Religion?"
Women are like candy bars, you can't judge the filler by the wrapper.
Friends Nose Out Wesleyan By 4 1/2 Points At Salina
Boxberger Throws Javelin 191 Feet 2 Inches For A New Record