McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Wednesday, april 29,1931






Nearly 60 Contestants Were Entered—Scholarships In College Music Department Given As Prizes


Wed.. April 29—Student recital. Fri.. May 1—Junior-Senior Banquet.

Tues.. May 5—Y. M. and Y. W. meet at 10:00.


Becomes A Member Of The National Fraternal Organization For Futherance Of Forensics—Others Here To Become Members Soon

Fifteen High Schools Were Entered —Contest Held In College Auditorium


Sat., April 26—Fifty-seven contestants were entered in the second annual McPherson collebe music contest held in the College chapel this afternoon. Due to the weather conditions a few of the entrants were unable to appear but the contest proved superior over last year's contest with more than twice as many contestants entered

First place in the juvenile competition was awarded an $18 scholarship in the College music department while second place was presented a $9 scholarship. In the adult competition first place received a $25 scholarship while second places were given a $15 scholarship award.

Following is the result of the contest in tbe juvenile division:

Violin; Leo Reynolds, Lyons, first. and Bobby Jones. McPherson, second. Piano: Hildegard Wagner. Marion, first; and Mary Fanning, Partridge, second.

In the adult division the following results were recorded: Violin; Junior Nelson, Gypsum, first. No second place was given. Piano: Helen Karber, Gypsum, first; and Geraldine Fisbers Marion, second. Voice: Maurine Peterson, Windom, first; and Clarence Bartley, McPherson, second.

Judges for the contest represented the music faculty of the College, however. Miss Jessie Brown, head of the music department did not act as one of the judges. The judges included Miss Margaret Shelley, Miss Fern Lingenfelter, and Mrs. Anna C. Tate.

The total registration included 15 high schools from this part of Kansas. A few of the high school entered were Canton, McPherson, Gypsum, Marion, Windom, Little River, Lyons, Chase, Inman, and Ramona. The contest was held in the College auditorium

Bring Total Up To 16—Nearly Half Of Class To Teach

Sixteen seniors have now signed on "‘the dotted line" and are resting their minds again after hunting for many weeks for their high school teaching positions. Four more now new ones have been added the last week to bring the total up to 16. These Include Naomi Witmore at Zook, Kan.. Edna Hoover and Alma Morrison both at Roxbury, Kan, Grace Early is to teach at Hardin, Mo. There are only about six more seniors who are still hunting for teaching positions.





Central Kansas Seniors Banquet In Church Parlors

Bad Weather Keeps Some Away— 16 High Schools Represented


Co-eds Entertain The Men—-Faculty Are Also Guests

Fri,. April 24—Tonight the co-eds of Arnold hall returned the honor done them some weeks ago by the men of Fahnestock hall by throwing their doors open to visitors.

Open house prevailed from 8:00 until 10:30 o'clock tonight and not only did the men of Fahnestock hall visit the dormitory but also many members of the faculty and their families.

The evening was spent by visiting the respective rooms of the fair co-

eds in which the guests were entertained by their hostesses.

Sat., April 25—Practically 200 seniors from high schools throughout Central Kansas were guests of McPherson college tonight at a banquet held in the parlors of the Church of the Brethren.

Despite the fact that weather conditions were decidedly unfavorable for a large attendance over 200 of the 350 high school seniors registered from 16 high schools were present for the banquet.

Prof. J. Hugh Heckman served as toastmaster, introducing the speakers, Dr. J. D. Bright, Prof. R. E, Mohler, and John Lehman, president of the Student Council. Music was furnished by a small orchestra that played throughout the dinner. Both the men's and ladies quartets sang and Mrs. Anna C. Tate was the soloist on the program. Miss Beth Hendrickson, senior read.


Explains His Theory Of Relativity—Returning To U. S. Next Year

No. 1


By The Editor

Y. W. Rocky Mountain Regional Secretary Talks On True Living

Tues., April 28— Miss Maude Gwinn, the national Y. W. C. A. secretary of the Rocky Mountain Region, gave a few factors contributing to true living this morning in the Y. W. meeting. A consuming devotion to a work, no fear and a great in-tegrity of spirit were some forces presented by Miss Gwinn. Simplicity in living, and qualitative and not quantitative living are shown in truly great lives as Jesus, Ghandi and many others.


To Make Efforts To Raise Funds For Reconstruction Soon

Membership In General Chapter— Entitles Him To Diamond Tarquoise Set Key


Reproduction To Appear In The 1931 Yearbook—Return From Tour

Sat., April 25—The Male, Quartet of the College, which has been on a nine day tour into Oklahoma, returned this afternoon, after appearing before numerous churches and high schools.

The largest audience before which the Quartet gave a program was at Thomas, Okla. In the afternoons programs were presented at three different high schools.

The reporter was informed that during one high school program an artist sat in the audience and she made use of one of the unique scenes on the stage. With nimble fingers the artist drew a pencil sketch of one member of the Quartet and the Quadrangle editor, being in the party, has secured the permission of the artist to reproduce the picture in this year's yearbook.

Mon.. April 27—Dr. J. W. Hershey told of the life and interesting events of Prof. Albert Einstein, German scientist, in chapel convocation this morning.

“Professor Einstein does not care for publicity." slated Dr. Hershey. "He enjoys teaching children. He says. "If children do not understand they will ask questions. If adults do not understand they will pretend to understand."

“His chief avocation is playing the violin or the piano. His definition of relativity sounded something like this. 'If a pretty girl sits on your lap for one hour it seems like one minute, If you sit on a hot stove for one minute it seems like one hour.’

Dr. Hershey concluded by saying that "He is considered one of the 'greatest thinkers of all times. He visited America in 1921 and again this past winter. He says be is coming back next year.”


Y. M. Speaker Tells Of Modern Trends Of Religion


To Be Issued First Of Last Week Of School

The Quadrangle, yearbook of the College, is now on the Republican press in the process of printing. Editor Harry Zinn stated yesterday evening that the printing would be completed by May 16, at which time they would be shipped to the binders. The binding will be finished and the annuals back in McPherson by May 22. The books will be distributed to the students Monday, May 25.

Tues., April 28—"The present generation is attempting a heroic thing in trying to make religion a seven-day religion, and one that will permeate all of life, but it can't be done without the aid of Christ," said Arthur Rugh, member National staff Y. M. C. A., In the chapel this morning

Mr. Rugh spoke on modern trends of religious life and religious attitudes. He also said that our religion is social, and it lacks some vital elements, among them, personal relationship with God and Christ, prayer, and observance of the Sabbath.

High school seniors are now won-ering if they are going to continue their schooling after they have received their diplomas. They are also debating this question of where they should go, which college or university they should attend. Ques-tions are arising in their minds as to what constitutes a good educa-tional institution, Such questions as these they have to answer themselves and selection is purely a matter of choice,

Large universities have their advantages—and their disadvantages. A small college has its advantages —-and disadvantages. Under church  leadership the small college attempts to give the best, to be sincere in its service to the young people of the nation. Church colleges have the advantage in they do not only stress merely trade and vocational training, purely as a matter of course, but also the educating of men and women, true men and women.

The larger institutions of learning are engineered on a mechanical basis. Their teaching is of a robot, everything is mechanical. Mechanical it should be but not to the extent where the individual is forgotten and neglected. At this point the small church college plays its part to the extent that it is encouraging self-development along trends in leadership and character.

The small college offers greater opportunities to the mass of students in leadership than the larger schools. More the freshman has the opportunity of securing positions of leadership in school activities that be otherwise would not secure by going to a state school of large proportion.

The small school is as a gigantic family, living together on the campus, thinking and doing as they are justified. Leadership amounts to nothing if one is unable to use it, and use it he can in the small college. Character comes with leader-ship and to develop leadership one must use his ingenuity in self-expression.

Mon., April 27—Dr. V. F. Schwalm returned to McPherson yesterday after attending a meeting of the gen-eral educational board of the Church of the Brethren at Mount Morris college in Mount Morris, Ill., last Friday. At a meeting of the board of trustees of the college it was decided that efforts shall be made to continue the college as an educational institution of the Brethren church. Efforts to raise the money necessary for the purpose of reconstruction are now underway.

John Lehman, senior, recently received a key of the Pi Kappa Delta, a national fraternal organization for the furtherance of forensics, and a membership for merit of his ability in oratory and debate.

Mr. Lehman placed first in the Pi Kappa Delta forensic tournament at Pittbsurg in extemporaneous speak ing and due to this accomplishment he was presented the key. There are four degrees of merit and a member is judged according to his achievements in debate and oratory, Mr. Lehman has received the highest de-gree both in debate and oratory, an honor that few if any in state schools of Kansas have received.

McPherson college not having a local chapter of the Pi Kappa Delta. Mr. Lehman was given membership in the general chapter which entitled him to another regular Pi Kappa Delta key, set with a small diamond and turquoise which designates the highest rank in the organization.

Other McPherson students excelling in forensics, are contemplating joining this organization. Those who will join the organization in the near future are Nina Stull, Lucile Crabb, Keith Hayes, and Walter Wollman.




Will Be Second Time Sessions Have Been Held Here

To Teach In Kansas And Nebraska Grade


Tues., April 28—Seventeen underclassmen of the College will be teach -ing in grade schools next year. Some have city schools but most of them are in rural districts. Their schools are located in Kansas and Nebraska.

The underclassmen having schools are: Letha Allen, Hattie Rishel, Esther McWilliams. Margaret Stegeman. Lilian Horning, Viola Rothrock, Velma Butterbaugh, Una Morine, Til-lie Herdebrecht, Luclle Crabb, Helen Meyer, Hazel Zimmerman, Ella Weddle. Mildred Ostlind, Lenora Ostlind. Mildred Ballard, and Wallace Mc-Daneld.


To Be Held In The Chapel ToNight At 8:30 O’clock

We wouldn't call it love when the man that has been married for 30 years spends all his evenings at home. We'd call it paralysis.

Six contestants will enter the College reading contest, sponsored by the expression department, that will be held tonight in the chapel auditorium at 8:30 o’clock.

The contest is divided into two groups, one for dramatic readings and the other for humorous readings. The dramatic readings that will be given are: "The Music Master" by Hope Nickel: "The Fate of Christ," Edith Richards; and "The Soul of

the Violin" by Alphy Holloway. The humorous contest will include: "Helen's Babies" by Lillian Horning: ."Nora and the Twins" by Myreta Hammann; and "Freshman Party " by Ada Brunk.

The judges for the contest will be Miss Mildred Thurow. Mrs. Paul Swensen. and Mrs. Hendrickson of Central College. No prizes are being given.

Character is doing the right thing under difficulties.

The weight of blood circulating in the average human body is 29

The sixty-third annual meeting of the Kansas Academy of Science will be held on the McPherson college campus next April, as was decided at the sessions of the organization held at Lawrence last week end. Dr. J. Willard Hershey, McPherson, was elected treasurer of the State organization for next year.

McPherson is fortunate in securing . this convention for next year for they have had it only once before, seven years ago. Wichita university made a strong bid for it but they were given little support.

Three hundred scientists through-out the state attended the Lawrence meeting last Friday and Saturday, "But we cannot expect that many next year," stated Dr. J. W. Hershey, "because many of these were from the University."

Professors from McPherson college have been very influential in this organization of scientists. Dr. H. J. Harnly was president three years ago and Prof. H. H. Nininger was president six years ago. Dr. Roger Smith of Kansas State Agri-cultural college leads the organization at the present time.


More Than 40 Tennis Players Entered in High School Meet

Sat., April 25— The high school tennis matches that were to have been held today were postponed two weeks because of the bad weather conditions existing at the time the tournament was to start. The matches are to be hold Saturday, May 9, on the four College courts that are now in excellent condition. More than 30 tennis artists are entered in the sing-les with 14 schools entered in the doubles.

Worry is when you keep thinking what you will do tomorrow.

Opportunity knocks once, and knocks you down the next time.

Wise men learn more from fools than fools from the wise.




A certain girl was found dancing up and down while brandishing a toothbrush in her hand.

"Why all the Highland Fling?"

"Ouch! I got some toothpaste in my eye."'

"Well, I guess that will teach you to let your eye teeth alone."

The class of 1921 is making preparations for a reunion to be held sometime during the last week of school this spring. No definite date or plans have as yet been passed upon. It has been suggested that the reunion be held about the time of the Alumni Association annual




Associate Editor

Associate Editor

Leland E. Lindell

Donald L. Trostle

Alberta Yoder

Circulation Manager

Business Manager

Ass't Business Manager.

Ass't Business Manager

..... Carroll D. Walker


Ernest L. Betts

Paul Sherfy

David Bowers

We "Spec” music directors should allow an extra amount in their budget for wear and tear on clothes.


from the Days' Weekly


Vernon Rhoades

Dave Shackelford


Christine Mohler

Everette Fasnacht

Ruth Trostle

Ethel Sherfy

Vernon Flaming

Edna Hoover

Edna Nyquist

Esther Brown

Nina Stull

Mrs. W. G. Grabeel, Correspondent

Faculty Advisor . .....

__________Rose Hill, Va.

Prof. Maurice A. Hess

the world wants to hear the worst

When earthquakes play havoc with a small Central American country killing off hundreds of people; when depression and economic conditions causes hundreds to starve; when life and death hinge upon statements; when dignity and reputation are at stake; and when a crisis comes into our lives, the world wants to hear the worst.

it must be human nature within an individual to desire the sensational and the secrets of some shady occurance. Newspaper editors of the big daily editions say that their public demands that they print the startling cir-cumstances of a murder, of a scandal, or a war. To the public the worst is the best and the best is sacrificed that the demands of the masses might be satisfied.

When it's sneak time in the College

They'll be running away from you under-classmen, don't you worry.

They'll come back when they get through.

Once again we want to warn you;

There are rumors in the air,

But if such things really happen.

Pray tell me, why should you


Since statistics show that men bluff more than women, we "Spec" it is no wonder why so many women who dress like a million dollars end their career by leading something to the altar that looks like thirty cents.


More than 10, 000 Protestant Christian clergymen in the United States have recently stated that they are personally prepared to state that it is their present purpose not to sanction any further war or to participate as an armed combatant. The number, totaling 10, 427, represents 54 per cent of 19,372 ministers who replied to a questionaire sent out by 10 New York clergymen under the auspices of "The World Tomorrow," edited by Kirby


Sixty-two per cent believed the policy of armed intervention in other nations for the protection of American citizens and properly should be abandoned, and a like number believed churches now should go on record as refusing to sanction any further war.

Thirty-four per cent said they could not conscientiously serve as an official army chaplain on active duty in war time, and 37 percent did not regard the distinction between "defensive" and "aggresive" was as sufficiently valid to justify participation in a war of "defense."

“Are you going to have open house this afternoon," asked a boy on Sat-urday morning.

“We might,” she responded cordially

"If you do, please don't have pea-nuts.''

The girl was concerned. "Don't you like peanuts."    

The boy groaned, "Do I? I almost had to sit up with my stomach last night because I don't like them any more."


Mahatma Ghandi, whose lean shanks have disconcerted more Americans cinema crowds than the bullets of "Little Caesar," or the liberated emotions of Ruth-Chatterton, has decided to embellish his appearance with a pair of European trousers when he appears in London soon. But, connoisseurs of fashion should not regard his accession to conventionalities as vanity; Gandhi has no intention of clothing himself in white starched shirts or silk knee breeches. "I am ugly enough," he says, "without additional froppery. I was never made to ornamental."

Gandhi's wisdom has the quality of Solomon's. Not all great men realize that their sartorial smartness has nothing to do with their innate genius. Gandhi will not tog out his body in European clothing, nor his mind with egotistic ideals concerning his physical beauty. He is one of those men whose common sense and good eye sight have shown him, on those rare times when he has consulted mirrors, that he can make no liaisons with either Appollo or Aphrodite, and he is stubborn enough, even in the face of the greatest adulation any living being perhaps has over known, to clings to his simplicity of dress and his content of soul.—Daily Kansan.

We "Spec" there are certain feminine properties now residing on exhibition in Fahnestock Hall that were not there before Friday evening of last week. And somehow, the hospitality shown by the fair sex was so entrancing that some guests had to be searched and taken out by their ears, and that must have been embarrassing.

Ninteen Hundred"


Essie Kimball--------------- May 3

Ruth Deatrick........... May 3



As commencement nears, probably an increased number of the ranks of the seniors who should be graduated are reflected on the four years which they have spent in making themselves eligible to a degree.

The thoughts which seniors think would more than fill a library. Some of them are certain that college is a place to have a whale of a good time. Some no doubt regard it as a place where they have spent four years imbibing ideas with which they can disconcert, or even shock, their parents. The more pessimistic, who are always with us, look forward to the time when they will be free to learn and think once more. Possibly a number also believe that they have increased their store of knowledge, if not in books, in something else.

At any rate, their college life, whatever it may have been, or whatever it is to them, is dying last. Some will carry it with them as a memory, some will bury it among the mothballs in the bottom of an already old trunk where in later years either their children or their grandchildren will uncover it in the dust of the attic. It will be mused over seriously but withal in a humorous frame of mind. The college of that future date will be different. At least it is hoped that it will be. the education of 1931 will be out of style.

A College education to many of us is probably like a beautiful dress or a fine suit of clothes—to be worn and then discarded or neglected because of a low obvious and glaring strains upon it.

A number of college and university student newspapers have recently reprinted the editorial on “Church Colleges in Kansas," appearing in The Spectator, March 25. Throughout the school year college papers have reproduced editorials from the Spectator.

To Ex-King Alphonso Now King, beg pardon, Ex-King, now that you have kicked out of that little Spanish town of Madrid and have rushed off to the Parley- vouz village of Paris we are going to give you a little collegiate advice. . . , We don't know much about Paris, Al, but have read a little about it in College Humor, and say what a wow those mad-O-zelles must be, ... Now that, you can't use your power in Spain any more why not try to do what we call in America "rushing the Bear.". . . . This is speculating,

. . , One of those nasty little newspapers told us that you had slipped away with about 15 million in gold . ... Oh man, but you must love yourself. ... Is the Mrs. very strict about you stayin' in of night?. . . . Think of some way to "ditch" her for an evening and go out and enjoy yourself for once. . , . Now that you don't have any more Spanish cabinet meetings to use as excuses I don't know what excuses you can give. . . , You might tell her that you and a few of those that skipped when you did were planning a "tet-ter-tet” hack into Spain again when the spring  rains let up. . , , Tell her you forgot your flannels and should go back after them so that the moths wouldn't eat them during the summer. . . , Then go out and have a good time . , . . Now Al. you can't enjoy yourself thoroughly if you are continuously thinking what the Mrs. might be thinking just at the time you should be enjoying yourself. , . . So take a good big sip of champaigne .... Or something just as strong . , . , And then that will help you forget everything. . . . You'll forget that you ever sat on a throne. . . , . Those little black haired dames will make you forget about Spain. , . . And Al, if you hear a ringing of bells the chances are nine to one that they don't come from the Notre Dame Cathedral but its probably one of those belle's of St. Mary's that's clinking her glass up against yours

. , . . Enjoy yourself, King, for they may want you back in Spain before winter sets in again. . , . Then you'll have to stay in of nights. . . .    

Miss Hope Nickel spent the week end at her home in Wichita.

Mrs. C. E. Lindell of Windom visited her son Leland on the campus last Saturday.

Miss Esther Stegeman of Hope, Kan., visited her sister Margaret this last week end.

Mr. Reuben Bowman visited friends on the campus Saturday and Sunday

Miss Essie Kimball spent the week end at her home near Nickerson.

Miss Irene Steinberg came with some of her pupils from Gypsum to attend the high school senior festival. Miss Steinberg had some of her stu-dents entered in the music contest.

Mr. H. C. De Armond called at the dormitory Friday afternoon to see his daughter Helen.

Mr. Don Trestle, Mr. Vernon Rhoades and Miss Louise Ikenberry were the guests of Miss Esther Non-ken at her home near Burns, Kans., Sunday,

Mr. Dave Shackelford and Miss Nina Stull spent Sunday at their respective homes near Arlington, Kan.


The graduating class at Bethel college, Mennonite Institution at New-ton, Kan., has secured the services of Pres. V. F. Schwalm of the College for their commencement speaker. Graduation exercises will take place at 9:45 a.m. in the Newton City auditorium. Friday, June 5.


A birthday party was given yesterday afternoun by the Foods class, under Miss Mildred Thurow, in one of the home economics rooms in Harn-ly Hall in honor of the birthday of Miss Veta Thompson. The afternoon was spent in playing rook and the party was very informal.


To Be Given On Roof Garden Of Hotel Hawley

Tues., April 23—An outstanding social event of the school year will take place Friday night. May 1, on the Roof Garden of the Hotel Hawley when the junior class of the College will be host to the senior at the annual Junior-Senior banquet,

The Junior class has been busy carrying out the plans of the banquet. Evelyn Saylor is in charge of the social affair.


It is begining to look as if the teaching profession does not have much of a future to it, especially in regard to men. No great accomplishments may be made by men in the teaching field. For the woman it is different, she does not intend to teach all her life.

This year has been a hard year for students starting out to teach in high schools. It is intimated that each year for a few years is going to bring about more difficult means of securing a teaching position. If it is possible a senior going out this year should do something else. If it is feasible.

Teaching holds no great future to the man. He may teach two or three years in a small high school and become superintendent at a salary around $2000 a year and to secure a position in a large city high school more schooling will be required of him. He will be compelled to secure either his master's or doctor's degree, and then he will not be able to receive a salary of more than $3,000, at the most. Certainly a college senior has higher aspirations than to be worth but $3,000 a year?

After eating so much candy, and peanuts and such while going through the girl's dorm, the other night we felt certain that we would have to sit up the rest of the night with our stomachs—we'd hate to sit up without it.

Sat., April 25—The first announcement party of the spring was given tonight by Esther Dahlinger, announcing the approaching marriage of Bernice McClellan, ’30, to Ray Trostle, ’29, which is to take place May 27.    

Contests and games were played during the evening and dainty refreshments were served later. Those present were Doris Ballard, '30, Ruth Blickenstaff, '30, Ethel Jamison, Nina Stull, Blanche Pyle, Esther Brown, Velma Andrews, Ruth Trostle, Autumn Lindbloom, '28, May-belle Roskin, '29, Esther Dahlinger, '30, the hostess, and Miss McClellan, the honor guest.

Few men care to be as good or as bad as people think they are.

Editorial In Spectator March 25, Re-printed By Many Newspapers


Time pleasantly occupied passes quickly.





Conceit begins, expresses itself, and ends with one letter.

Spring football at the College has been on the blinks during the last week or so due to the bad weather conditions. It is understood that Coach Melvin Binford is planning to

renew the spring practices as soon as the weather permits.

Advanced Expression Class To Give Evening's Enter    tainment

Girl's Lose In Sunday School At-tendance Contest

Dr. George K. Burgess Tells Of Work Of Bureau Of Standards At Lawrence Science Meeting—Research In Steam, Gravity And Light Demanding Much Attention


Maude Gwinn, Rocky Mountain Division, On Campus Two Days

One Week Added To Correspond With One Mid-Semester Winter Term

Miss Ulala Smith of Kansas Wesleyan visited Miss Esther McWilliams, last Saturday and Sunday.

Science is ever prying into the secrets of mankind. Practically every industry in the world today uses in some form of manner a branch of science. To meet the demands in the United States a Bureau of Standards was created by the government at Washington, D. C., for the purpose of securing more accurate measurements of heat, electricity, and optics

The director of this vast bureau, Dr. George K. Burgess, spoke before the Kansas State Academy of Science in season at Lawrence last week. In his talks he outlined the different phases of the Bureau's work and the accomplishments in the past year.

Outstanding advances of the last year in the single field of aeronautics, Dr. Burgess said, are (1) development of transmitting and receiving system for the simultaneous reception of radio telephone and visual type radio beacon signals; (2) an automatic volume control for airplane receiving sets, which relieves the pilot of manipulation of radio beacon signals; and (3) a radio system permitting blind landing of aircraft.

Necessity is the mother of invention, which is the cause for the rapid development in the field of aeronautics. "The last of these is perhaps the most significant," said Dr. Burgess, "solving as it does the landing in a dense fog. Throughout the process of landing the pilot has information constantly on his position in all three dimensions."

Another project of the Bureau, mentioned as of great popular interest, is the work now being done by Dr. Heyd in determining the absolute value of gravity at Washington. This determination of the gravitational constant, or, as it is sometimes said, measuring of the weight of the earth, requires tedious and painstaking calculations.

Steam research, on an international scale, is being participated in by the Bureau through seven groups of workers in four countries. The Bureau has completed measurements of the heat content of saturated water and steam in temperature ranges from zero C. to 270 degrees C., corresponding to a pressure of 800 pounds to the square inch. The investigation is being extended to reach 2,500 pounds per square inch, or higher.

International cooperation is seeking a new standard for measurements of light, since it has been found difficult to assure the constancy of electric lamps through a new standard, suggested by the bureau a few years ago, was successfully realized the past year, and has been proposed for international adoption. This standard is based on the radiation from an enclosure maintained at the temperature of the freezing point of platinum.

The Bureau has a site of 54 acres, and 20 buildings at Washington, station for airplane engine testing at Arlington, Va., master track scale depot at Chicago; ceramics laboratory at Columbus, Ohio; cement testing equipment at Northampton, Pa., and Denver, Colo., for supplies testing at San Francisco; and for work on waste products at the universities of Iowa and Alabama.

Miss Maude Gwinn national student secretary for the Rocky Mountain division of the Young Women's Christian association was on the campus Monday and Tuesday. Besides many individual and group confer-ences she spoke at the regular meet-ting of the total organization and met with a group of students to discuss definite plans for the: Estes student conference. Last night she met with the Y.W. cabinet.



Prof. G. N. Boone recently made a gift of over 70 bound volumes and a large number of magazines in the library. Zolton's "Principles of Edu-cation" and Royer’s "Thirty three Years of Missions in the Church of the Brethren," deserve special men-tion. The magazines include issues of The Literary Digest, Saturday Even-ing Post, National Geographic, and The Christian Century.



Two one-act plays will be given one night next week by the members of the advanced expression class under the personal direction of Miss Delia Lehman. The two plays are comedy sketches, "Letters," and "One Egg." The cast of characters for "Letters" includes Hope Nickel, Ada Brunk, and Mildred Doyle. The cast for "One Egg" consists of Lillian Horning, Lloyd Miller, and Leland Lindell. The plays will be presented in the College chapel.



The freshman-sophomore girls' Sunday school class will treat the men's class to a hike and picnic Sunday morning at Anderson’s Grove north of town. The co-eds are giving the early Sunday morning picnic to the men by losing an attendance con-test between the two classes for the last few weeks. The men's class won the contest by the narrow margin of one per cent.

The picnickers are scheduled to meet in front of the Administration building at 6: 00 o'clock Sunday morning at which time they will hike to the Grove. A breakfast will be served by the girl’s after which games will be played.



Many inquiriess have been coming into the College office in regards to the McPherson College Rocky Mountain Summer School. The announcement was made last fall that the College would discontinue the summer school at Palmer Lake, Colorado. Only the sessions held here will be conducted by the College this summer.

History is but the unrolled scroll

of prophecy.

The College Summer School Bulle-tines state that the summer school session will continue for nine weeks this year instead of the eight weeks  of previous years. The board and room for the nine weeks has been lowered 50 cents a week, with $5  being the cost a week this year.

The chance from the eight to a nine week summer session was made to make it correspond easily to the winter term. Under the new arrange-ment a student may secure nine hours of credit work. The summer session will be equivilent to one mid-semester of the winter term.

Misses Bernice McClellan, Ruth Blickenstaff and Doris Ballard were in McPherson visiting friends this week end.

Miss Esther Brown was the guest of her parents last Sunday at her home near Hutchinson.



Sat., April 25—Ena Goering, fresh- man, won the first year Chemistry Class Spelling contest this morning, winning a prize of one dollar. Clara Nickel won the second prize of one dollar. The spelling contest was sponsored by the chemistry department, and words found in the chem-istry texts and used in class-room work, were used. Over fifty students took part in the contest.

Bulldogs Make All Tennis Matches But One—In The Singles

According to the 1931-32 catalogue of the College the cost of room and board in the dormitories has not been changed for the coming year. Board and room next year will be $100 a semester. Tuition is remaining the same as this year, $75 a semester.

Inquiries are beginning to come in in regard to the summer sessions of McPherson college, and it is all together possible that the school this summer may reach a higher enrolment than it did last summer, which was a record attendance. A number of reservations have already been made in the dormitories.


St. Mary's, Kan., April 28—Mc- Pherson college this afternoon car-ried off all the honors in the dual tennis matches with St. Mary’s col-lege but lost in the track and field events. McPherson won all of the singles and all of the doubles in tennis.

McPherson secured 44 points in the track meet to 87 for St. Mary’s.

Hochstrasser, McPherson, won the 440 yard dash. McGill took the half mile at 2:15:6. Zinn won the discus at 125.4 feet, and McPherson also took the mile relay.

McPherson golfers, Lytle and Morris, lost to the St. Mary’s golfers in the dual matches this afternoon.

Salina Meet Thursday To Be First Night Meet In Central Kansas



Tells Of Manner Of Dress Styles, And Color In Selecting Clothing

Thurs., April 23—Miss Mildred Thurow, head of the home economics department of the College, gave another of her lectures this afternoon in her lecture room in Harnly Hall to the men of the College on etiquette. The lecture this afternoon dealt primarily with the clothing of  men, manner of dress styles, and col-lor in selecting clothing.

Once there was a Scotch woman who was advised to get salt air for her health. One morning she woke up and found her husband fanning her with a herring.

High School Students Present Skits From Their Senior Play

There are occasions when failure is preferable to success.

Nothing worries a girl more than the discovery that a young man isn't worrying about her.—The Growl.



Progress is the activity of today and the assurance of tomorrow.

The ladder of life if full of splint-ers, but they always stick the hardest When we're sliding down.

People who live in glass houses should not throw parties.

The Bethany Messenger in com-





McPherson wins dual


McPherson 73, bethel 53

Tie For Another—Hochstrasser Wins Century At 10.2

Thurs., April 23—The McPherson tracksters this afternoon won from Bethel college in a dual track and tennis meet, receiving 73 points to 53 for their opponents. McPherson won all of the doubles in the tennis meet with Bethel winning but one singles match.

With a damp track and a light drizzle of rain falling some fast times were registered on the track, Hoch-strasser, McPherson dash man, clip-ped off the century run at 10.2 seconds.

McPherson won three of the single matches, losing one. Lehman, Gottmann, and Binford won their matches, while Anderson dropped his match to the Bethel player. Flaming and Gottmann and Lehman and Bin-ford both won their doubles matches. The Summary:

100 Yd. Dash; Hochstrasser. McPherson, first: Ohmart, McPherson, second; Ewert, Bethel, third.

220 Yd, Dash: Ohmart, McPherson, first; Hochstrasser, McPherson, second: Closson, Bethel, third. Time, 23.7 seconds.

440 Yd. Dash: Hochstrasser, Mc-Pherson, first; Ohmart, McPherson, second: Ewert, Bethel, third. Time, 55 seconds.

880 Yd. Run: Campbell, McPherson, first; McGill, McPherson, second; Schmidtz, Bethel, third. Time, 2.135 minutes.

Mile Run: Voth, Bethel, first; Betts, McPherson, second; Goering Bethel, third, Time 5. 95 minutes.

Low Hurdles: Anderson, McPherson, first: Douglas, Bethel, second: Becker, Bethel, third, Time 29 sec-onds.        

High Hurdles: Clossen, Bethel,

first: Douglas, Bethel, second; Kindy, McPherson, third. Time 17.1 seconds.

Two Mile Run: Voth, Bethel, first; Campbell, McPherson, second: Betts, McPherson, third. Time 12.22 miu-utes.

Pole Vault; Bradley. McPherson* first; Pierce, Bethel, second; Kenni-son, Bethel, third. Height 10.7 feet-High Jump: Williams, McPherson, and Kennison, Bethel, tied for first; Bradley, McPherson, third. Height 5.6 feet.

Broad Jump: Ohmart, McPherson, first: Cunningham, Bethel, second: Halle, Bethel, third. Distance 19.6 feet.

Discuss: Zinn, McPherson, first; Unruh, Bethel, second; Closson, Bethel, third. Distance 125.1 feet Javelin: Becker. Bethel, first; Cunningham, Bethel, second; Kennison, Bethel, third. Distance 142.5 feet.

Shot Put: Unruh, Bethel, first: Zinn, McPherson, second; Halle, Bethel, third. Distance 37.11 feet. Half Mile Relay; Won by McPher-son. (Mowbray. Zinn, Anderson, Hochstrasser) Time 1:42:2 minutes.

The schools that compose the Pentangular league this year are Bethany, Kansas Wesleyan, Bethel McPherson and Friends. The Pentangular has been one of the large meets of Central Kansas being established more than a decade ago. The original members were Bethany, Bethel, Sterling, Hays, and McPher-son, Kansas Wesleyan was later taken into the group forming a Hexan-gular. Hays dropped out a few years ago and Sterling has been dropped this year, Friends university, Wichita, was accepted as a member last year and the league continues to be a Pentangular,

Both Kansas Wesleyan and Friends are being branded as the favorites in the Pentangular meet Thursday night. The other schools have thier strength scattered among the various events.

Carl L. Olson, the capable sports editor of The Bethany Messenger this year, is now a candidate for the nomination of editor of the Messen-. ger, Mr. Olson has made an excel-lent sports scribe and with this ex-perience behind him he should make a first class college editor. Here’s luck to him.

plaining about the 100 yard dash record made by Puckett of McPher-son in 1928, with a record of 10:1 seconds. The Messenger states that they have found that one of their athletes, Stanley Skillings, ran the century in 10 seconds flat in the Hex-angular meet in 1923. Now speak-ing of Puckett's record we might say that in 1929 in a dual meet with Sterling Puckett won the 100 at 10 seconds flat and in 1928 in a dual meet with K-Wesleyan he again won it in 10 seconds flat. Puckett’s real record was made in 1923, the height of his track career, when in a dual meet with Bethany he won the 100 yard dash in 9:8 seconds; Puckett, also holds the All Conference Kansas-Missouri Valley record in the 220 yard dash, made in 1928.—L. L.


Sun., April 26—The College C. E. tonight used the theme of peace in the discussion of this question. Short talks were given by Mildred Doyle, Marvin Michael, and Viola Rothrock.

As a part of the devotionals which were led by Velma Keller, Gulah Hoover and Pauline Dell played a piano duet.


The first track and field meet to be held at night under floodlights in Central Kansas will be held Thursday night, April 30, at Kansas Wesleyan, Salina. The meet is to be the an-nual Pentangular track and field meet in which five colleges and universities in this part of the state compete.

The five schools that will make up the Pentangular meet include Mc-Pherson, Kansas Wesleyan, Bethany, Bethel, and Friends. Coach Melvin Binford will take his squad to Salina late Thursday afternoon. It is not known at just what hour the meet is to start, but it is thought that it will get underway as soon as it is dark.

Last year the meet was held at Lindsborg and the high honors were carried off by Sterling college which Is not entered this year. It is un-derstood that Sterling does not have a track and field team this year.


Fri,. April 24—Prof. G. N Boone led devotionals in chapel this morn-ing, he read a selection of prose con-cerning the beginning and end of life A group of students from McPherson high school gave two short cuttings from their senior play, "All-of-a-Sudden, Peggy," which is to be given Tuesday night, April 28.

Following this Helen Eberly of the College closed the convocation with a group of two vocal solos.

Hope To Complete Tennis Tourna-ment Sometime Next Week

The two spring sports, tennis and horseshoes, have been making little progress during the last week on account of the damp weather conditions. Both tournaments are practically at the same point, they were when announced last week in The Spectator. It is hoped that the tournament will be finished by the end of next week if it is by any means possible.


The W.A.A. horseshoe tournament is now underway but progressing rather slowly on account of the rainy weather. Both singles and doubles are being played off and the first round will probably be finished by the end of the week.



Has Earned Letters In Both Football And Track

Fri., April 24—Herbert Mowbray, junior, was elected president of the "M" Club this morning at a meeting of the organization. Mowbray has earned letters in both football and track.

For vice-president Ralph Johnston was elected with Posey Jamison being voted to the position of secretary and treasurer. Elmer Keck was selected as the man to represent the organization on the Student Council


Lloyd Diggs. ’30, and his male quartet from Gaylord, Kan., will broadcast over radio station KMMJ at Clay Center, Nebr., Sunday, May 3. The hours of broadcasting will be from 8:00 until 8:30 a. m. and again from l:00 until 1:30.p. m.

We know your needs at The Hawley Barber and Beauty Shop. Ask our Bulldog Friends. Permanents $5.00 and $10.00. Phone 499—adv.