McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Wednesday, april 1, 1931



Boosters’ Banquet Big Success



Nearly 600 People Attend The Banquet—“Special” Train Used To Bring Governor To McPherson Because Of Snow Storm



Tells Of Agricultural Situation Of Kansas—-Urges New Form Of Taxation


Fri., March 27—-After McPherson college had chartered a “special" train to bring Governor Harry H. Woodring to McPherson from Larned where he had delivered an address this afternoon, the first Boosters' Banquet, at which the Governor was the honor speaker, proved to be a big success both financially and in the spirit manifested.

Practically 600 people were served tonight in Convention Hall in a room beaming with the spirit, and atmosphere of the College. Hundreds of red and white balloons formed a ceiling for the banquet hall and decorations on the tables in the form of miniature Administration buildings with the minor details in red and white, the College colors.

The ladies of the Church of the Brethren served the dinner, one that was greatly appreciated and enjoyed, and the service, made possible by young men and women of the College, was adequate to the demands and showed clearly that every detail had been carefully planned.

(Continued on Page Three)

Two Going To Quinter And Two Are Signed Up At Windom

Fri., April 3- Debate with Wichita University for Kansas State Debate Conference title.

Tues., April 7--Y. W. and Y. M. meet at 10:00.

Sat . April ll—' M" Club banquet-

Keedy Polls 33 Vote Margin Over Hayes—To Give Complimen-tary Vole For Four Offices—Rhoades To Edit Spectator Next Year



Seven seniors already have signed contracts for high school teaching positions for next year. These include Blanch Pyle, Quinter, Kan,; Beth Hendrickson, Quinter, Kan.; Ida Lengel, Alden, Kan.; Nina Stull. Windom, Kan.; Gladys Christenson. Canton, Kan,: Marvin Hill, Windom. Kan.; Fred Andrews, Gaylord, Kan.


To Meet Wichita University Friday Here And At Wichita



Debate To Begin Here At 8:00 o'clock—-Hayes And Wollman To Debate At Home

To Be Given By Expression Classes In Y. W. Room At 3:30 P. M.


“Choosing A Life Partner” Was Professor’s Subject

Tues., March 31 Prof. J. Hugh Heckman spoke before a large group of young men in the Y. M. C. A meeting today, on "Choosing a Life Partner. "Prof. Heckman stated that, before the young man chooses a mate, he should ask himself two questions: “What have I to offer that will be beneficial to a mate?'' and “What do I desire that a com-panionship can give?'"

Helen Eberly sang a solo after Prof. Heckman's talk, Kenneth Bit-ikofer led devotions.

A Marionette Tea will be given tomorrow afternoon in 3:30 o'clock in the Y. W. room in the Administration building for the purpose of be-coming acquainted with marionettes that are to appear in this city next week. The tea is being given by the advanced expression and principals of interpretation classes.

It is the present plan to give the tea for the English department of the College, but all other students and faculty members are invited. Short talks will be given by members of the advanced expression class as to the nature of the marionettes, their history, what they are, and about the company that if to appear in McPherson next week.


Dan West, Camp Director, To Be Here April 21

Do you want McPherson Bulldogs to win the state championship in debate? If so, let Keith Hayes and Walter Wollman know you want such a team by your presence in the College chapel Friday night at 8:00 o'clock,

Friday night the McPherson negative will debate Wichita university, the winners in the Southern Division, here for the state honors. McPher-son has won the state championship four years and Wichita only once. Prof. Maurice A. Hess is of the opinion that this debate will be a hard battle.

The judges here will be W. A. Sterba of Newton; Supt. F. L. Irwin of Stafford: and V. A. Davis of Emporia Teachers’ college.

According to C. C. Habison, professor of public speaking at Wichita university, the team that will make the trip to McPherson will be composed of Rom Croft and Clayton Walton. The other team, George Squibb and Adolph Ohrvall will debate at Wichita. The McPherson team debating at Wichita will be John Lehman and Ward Williams.

Co-eds Tell How Others See Them — Men Are Interviewed

General Election To Be Tomorrow Morning At 10:00 In The College Chapel—Polls Open until 12: 30

Tue., March 31—Seeing ourselves as others see us was the topic in the weekly meeting of the Y. W. C. A this morning. Naomi Witmore found that the faculty had several conven-tions which they thought the stu-dents broke, Esther Brown inter-views a few men on the campus as to their opinion of girls, Ruth Trostle presented the co-eds' opinion on conventions among girls.

McPherson graduate


Walter Thompson, '12, To Study in North Europe— May Enter Russia

Walter Thompson, A. B. '12, pro-fessor of political science at Leland Stanford university, with Mrs. Thompson, sailed for New York, March 21, by way of the Panama Canal, to spend a year in northern Europe studying.

Professor Thompson will spend the spring and summer in Stockholm. Sweden, studying the Swedish control of liquor distribution. He will go to Carnegie in the autumn and early winter, visiting American pro-fessors at Upsala university and at Kongelige Frederiks university (University of Norway at Oslo). This is made possible by the Carnegie foun-dation.

The Thompson's plan to get into Finland and Russia, returning by way of Berlin, Geneva and Paris to visit friends,

Thurs.. March 26—In the primary election this morning Ralph Keedy and Kermit Hayes won over Walter Wellman for president of the student Council and Max O'Brien and Archie Thompson carried the field over Roy Peebler for cheerleader. These two were the only offices that required a primary.

Keedy led Hayes by a margin of 33 votes, receiving a total of 102 while Hayes polled 69. Wollman was within five votes of Hayes, receiving 64. O'Brien secured a margin of 41 votes over Thompson, polling 119 to Thompson's 78. Peebler received 30 votes.

One week from today the general election for student offices will be held. Fifteen candidates are now In the running. From all present

indications the closest race will be in the Student Council between Keedy and Hayes and it is a question Whether Hayes will poll the majority of Wollman's votes, which is thought to be of down town students, or whether Keedy will be able to secure these votes.

Polls for the general election will be opened Thursday morning at 10:00 o'clock in the College chapel. Voting will continue until 12:30 o'clock at which time the counting will get underway.

(Continued on Page Three)         




Second Lecture On Etiquette For Men Tomorrow Afternoon



Fri., March 27—-This morning in chapel Dr. A. C. Wieand of Bethany Bible School in Chicago led the de-votionals and spoke to the student body.

Dr. Wieand emphasized the fact that God is always dependable and if one fails after praying for help and guidance; it is because one individually has failed. His message was found in Hebrew 13: 20-21.

The remainder of the period was spent in preparing songs for the Boosters' banquet.

The Y. M. C. A. program schedule indicates that the meetings in the near future will all be of vital interest to every student. Kermit Hayes, program chairman, has worked out several programs that none of the boys should miss.

The Y. M. programs for April include the following;

April 7—Devotional service and Easter program.

April 14—A professor will speak on “The college man and the Money Problem."

April 21—Dan West, young people's camp director of the Church of the Brethren, will speak.

April 28—Beginning a series of discussion talks on habits, conven-tions, and problems of McPherson College students.

To Read Paper At Meeting Of American Chemical Society

Lucille Crabb And Nina Stull Win Debate Decision Here



Betty Coed of 1931 is a better girl physically than the Betty Coed of fifty years ago. This fact has been revealed recently by Dr. Edwin E. Jacobs, president of Ashland college, who during the last fifteen years has studied the physical measurements taken of 6, 000 girl freshmen in five institutions of higher learning during the last half century.

In his analysis Dr. Jacobs used index figures, indicating for comparison the averages of the measures. The figures;


Yrs. Ago





Height —

. 159.5__


Lung capacity


... 165.6

Chest girth

... 78.1


He said the causes for increased vigor perhaps are:

1. College girls now may be com-

ing from a different stratum of society than formerly

2. Previous improved high school training in physical education may have its effect.

3. General health conditions of all homes are better than formerly,

4. It may also be that the general physical vigor of this part of the population is improving.

5. It may be that more vigorous and robust girls are setting out for college rather than the weaker ones, for ther can be no doubt but that modern college life appeals more and more to the vigorous girl.

It appears from hsi study, Dr. Jacobs said, “that, at least as far as college girls are concerned, we need have no fear as to their decline in physical vigor.

Sun., March 29— Dr. J. Willard Hershey, head of the chemistry department of the College, will read a scientific paper on synthetic at-mospheres before a meeting of the American Chemical society of India-napolis, Ind., next week. Dr. Hershey left for Indianapolis on the mid-night train last night

Dr. Hershey's treatise on synthetic atmospheres and their relation to animal life has gained wide recog-nition. and he has been presented to various other scientific groups throughout the country. The Ameri-can Chemical society, a national organization of which Dr. Hershey is a member, will meet for a week beginning March 30.

Last year the McPherson chemist startled the world with the announcement at the national convention of the society that he had made the largest synthetic diamond in the world.

Wed., March 25......Lucile Crabb and

Nina Stull of the McPherson affirma-tive debate team won from the Beth-any team with a margin of one point tonight. The negative team of the College lost in the Bethany team by the afternoon.

The debate today closed the de-bating season for the women. Prof. Edward Yoder of Hesston College was the critic judge here, while Prof. Walter Adams of Kansas Wesleyan gave the criticisms at Linds-borg.

The ladies' teams are now busy preparing speeches for both sides of the question in order that they may enter the Pi Kappa Delta tourna-ment which is to be held at pitts-burg April 9 to 11.

Thurs., March 26- The young ladies of the college were probably sur-prised tonight at the dinner table when the young gentleman most gracefully placed their chairs for them and displayed manner never before dreamed possible for them. The reason is explained in the fact that this afternoon Miss Mildred Thurow, head of the Home Econom-ics department, gave the first of a series of lectures on ''etiquette."

Miss Thurow's lecture this afternoon dealt primarily with the etiquette demanded while eating at the dinner table. The different phases of such manners were discussed by both the speakers and the men who were present. About forty men of the college were present for the lecture.

The second lecture by Miss Thu-row will be given one week from today in room 202 in Harnly Hall.



Students And Faculty In Bethany College Chorus

McPherson college students and members of the faculty play and sing in the festivities of the Linds-borg "Messiah.'" Miss Margaret Shelley and John Wagoner play in the orchestra. Miss Clara Colline. Miss Helen Meyer, Norris Nelson, Charles Austin, and Harvey Shank, sing in the chorus of 500 voices.

A friend is one who sees your point of view and laughs at your jokes.


Pittsburg Forensic Meet To Be Held Next Week

McPherson college will be well represented at the state debate tour-nament at Pittsburg, Kan., next week, which is being sponsored by the Pi Kappa Delta.

Both the Men’s varsity and Woman's varsity team will enter the tourney in debate, each team of two debating both sides of the question, Mildred Doyle and Lillian Carlson will enter the "extemporaneous" for woman on the question of "women in politics.” Lucile Crabb and Nina Stull will each give orations on "peace" in the oratorical contest.

John Lehman is entering the contest with an oration on "peace,'' Keith Hayes and Mr. Lehman will also enter the "extemporaneous" con-test on the question of prohibition.

To Order New Laboratory Desk To Replace One Destroyed

Workmen have been repairing the damage done by fire in the advanced chemistry laboratory in Harnly Hall, The ceiling has been replastered and the charred desk removed. A few window glasses have been replaced. A new laboratory desk is being ordered to replace the one destroyed by the fire that resulted in damage amounting to around $1,000.


Mon., March 30-—August San Romani with his high school orchestra, entertained the student body of the College in chapel this morning. His orchestra played several numbers, including one of their contest selections. This is an annual event to which the College students look forward with, as much delight as do the members of the high school orchestra.





.......... Leland E. Lindell

Associate Editor .

...... Donald L. Trostle

Associated Editor

....... . Alberta Yoder

Circulation Manager


Business Manager._______________

. .Ernest L. Betts

Ass't Business Manager......

...........Paul Sherfy

Ass't. Business Manager.....

_____David Bowers

Carrol D. Walker

Vernon Rhoades

Dave Shackelford


Christine Mohler

Everette Fasnacht

Ruth Trostle

Ethel Sherfy

Vernon Flaming

Edna Hoover

Edna Nyquist

Ester Brown

Nina Stull

Mrs. W. G. Grabeel, Correspondent.. ... _. ___

..........................................Rose Hill, Va.

_____________ Prof. Maurice A. Hess


Inclement weather did not keep the loyal believers in McPherson college from venturing out last Friday night in support of the College and in the faith of Pres. V. F. Schwalm. This is another big project that President Schwalm has inaugurated that has met with a decided success and now each year the citizens of the city and surrounding community will be given the opportunity to contribute to the well being of the College, in return for the service the College gives to the community.

The Boosters Banquet also proved that this talk about "hard times" is not altogether as true as it seems to appear for citizens of the community that will give $2,500 to venture out in a night like last Friday night would not come just to hear the governor of the state of Kansas speak. They had another common purpose, and that was their faith in the small church college, and in particular McPherson college. It also proved that the city is back of the College in its every move, for they realize that it is an asset to the city in many respects.

Now, immediately following the first annual Booster's Banquet, is the ideal time to make bigger plans for a bigger banquet next year. New features might wish to be added, now is the time to enhance such plans. The present, is the time to let the rest of the world know about MchPerson college—and now is the time to send out the invitations for next year's bigger banquet.


The night was wild; the way was dark.

The man was tired: the girl was cross.

They both were lost; and both were sore. .

In the path ahead a light streak showed

That some kind soul had taken thought

To place a sign so all might know

Just where in Kingdom Come they were.

The man had hope; the girl took heart.

The sign was high above the way.

That mattered not to this brave man—r-

He climbed the pole and lit a match.

And peering close, half-fainting read —"APRIL FOOL!"

now being worked out, the members having memorized most of the music and dialogue. Mrs. Anna C. Tate, director, is holding one rehearsal each week, with extra periods for members of the cast,

Monday night, March 30, Miss Della Lehman was present to coach the actors on the stage presentation of their roles.    

A number of excellent theatrical effects will be used in the opera, including unusual costumes and special lighting.

An orchestra under the direction of Miss Margaret Shelley will furnish the accompaniment for the musical numbers.

program. Margaret Moulton; chorister. Harvey Shank; pianist, Gulah Hoover; publicity, Everett Fasnacht; missionary chairman, Essie Kimball; sunshine committee, Charles Austin; and social. Lola Edwards, Dr. J. D. Bright is sponsor of the organization.

Just because a fellow drives a big car isn't a sign he has paid for it.


We "Spec" that if April Fool's Day came oftener, the faculty would have a good idea of how they appear to the student body.

“Now seriously, Professor, do flowers of any kind grow so fast that you can hear them doing It?"

"Now where did you get the idea that some do?"

"From a song."

Professor very much puzzled— "Which one is that?"

"Well, you know that one in which they sing time and again, ‘Hear beau-tiful lilies grow,’ "


from the Days' Weekly



Again race hatred has claimed the life of a Negro, this time in Miss-issippi. A mob has committed another breach in the laws of the nation, further impending progress. Every time a group of white citizens who are supposed to be civilized, revert to the days of the savage and break the laws which they have made and commit murder by lynching a black man, the break between the Negro and the white man is widened.

Only in a nation where there is little culture, little tradition, and little respect for the rights of others do things like lynching occur. People in foreign countries know of the America which is called the land of the free and the home of the brave as a cowardly nation where the government permits the people to perpetrate mass injustice.

Lynchings are worse than ordinary crimes, because the single crime is the outbreak of one or a few anti-social individuals, while the lynching is the crime of a community which is looked upon by the whole nation as permissible. The United States cannot afford to advertise herself to

foreigners as a nation where the people regard mass crime favorably._

Daily Kansan

“Say, old scout, did you get to shake the 'gubernatorial' hand?"

"Sure, twice,"

"Do you mean to say that you went through that line twice to shake his hand? Well, how come you're so interested?"

"I was curious to know if he would remember me, so I shook hands with him among the very first and he assured me how glad he was to meet me. The second time I went around I wrung his hand. He winced and said, "How many of you shake hands like that in your family?"

■—"Nineteen Hundred,"


The howling of the wind during the blizzard the other night was the "swan song" of the fruit growers. . . We see that Illinois repealed its prohibition enforcement law. . . It was a surprise to us. . . .We didn't know that Illinois had a prohibition law or any other laws as far as that goes. . . We know of a fellow that got hurt by going through a green light. . . . It happened to be the tail light of a parked sedan. . . .I'm in the secret service now. ... I am a bootlegger . . .Ever since January first we have  been wondering if Russia has made any revolutions for the new year. . . .  Then of course you have met the young co-ed that was so dumb she thought noodle soup was a kind of shampoo. . . No man should drive a car while intoxicated. . . . It's hard enough to get the pedestrian you're after even when you're sober. . . . School is nearly out and the seniors  will be hunting for a job soon. . . . Our idea of the world's softest job is being a shoemaker for the endurance flyers . . . The women have about quit buying their hair cut and the barber shops are in an awful depression. . . . Congress should act when it convenes next December. . . You say Bill fell through the ice and drowned?. . . . "'No, he fell down and spring came before he could get up" . . . There are some Scotchmen who have the first dollar they ever earned and some others who have only eighty or ninety cents of it left. . . . Every man has his wife but only the ice man has his pick. . . .

Miss Floy Brown attended the W.

A. A. banquet Saturday night and visited with friends on the campus last week end.

Miss Bernice McClellan, who is teaching at Simpson this year, call-ed on friends in McPherson Sunday morning.

Miss Louise Ikenberry, Miss Florence Weaver, and Mr. Vernon Rhoades, and Mr. Eber Tice attended the ‘‘Messiah" at Lindsborg Sunday afternoon.

Miss Lola Dell spent the week end at the dormitory, Miss Dell teaches in the high school at Windom.

Mr. Harold Crist came in from Larned last Sunday evening and did not return until sometime yesterday. Mr. Crist's school at Zook is closed for a few days because of the heavy drifts of snow that kept students from reaching the school. Mr. Crist was seven hours in coming from Larned.

Mr. Vernon Flaming visited with his parents and friends in Hillsboro over the week end,

Miss Dorothy Gregory, '29. attend- ing the W. A. A. banquet Saturday night.

Miss Jessie Brown, Miss Mary Fee, Miss Lora Trostle, and Miss Opal Bowers attended the Lindsborg “Messiah" last Sunday.

Miss Grace Early and Mr. Roy Mason visited at the homes of their parents in Missouri last week end.


Recent college student generations have been inconocinstically colle-giate. We have declared the individual supreme and overthrown every convention to express this supremacy. At present a tendency is noticed, at least locally, to revive some conventions, to break away from our noisy demonstrations of freedom, and to seek for the evidences of culture which we so sadly lack. This tendency is evidenced not only in theory and discussion but also in actual practice and expression.

Although culture is a state of mind rather than knowledge of set rules, the fact that students are making real effort to learn and use some of the rules which society has established for the best interests of all is evidence that the spirit of culture underlies the crude exterior and may be polished until truly gracious social individuals will be the result.

Originally, colleges were expected to be centers of refinement and culture as well as philosophy and intelligence. A college student had advantages of social contact which were denied the uneducated and his conduct was expected to bear the marks of his contacts and knowledge to a very marked degree. The recent lapse in culture has come from a combination of causes which is not necessary to name. The effect of this lapse has been to make college graduates deficient as social leaders in the communities in which they live. Boisterous unconventional conduct of college graduates makes it difficult for the world to see any advantage socially in college education.

A swing of the pendulum to the opposite direction has begun and is welcomed. Why can we not place a premium upon social graces, encourage cultured conduct, and develop refined attitudes which win distinguish

students of McPherson college as they take their place in the world?__

Enthusiastic Scribe.


Sat., March 28—Tonight at 5:30 o'clock a very delightful banquet was served in the parlors of the Church of the Brethren, to the members of the Women’s Athletic Association and gentlemen friends. There were sixty-six people present. On account of the severe snow storm only a very few of the alumni members were able to be present.

Ethel Jamison presided very ably as madam toastmaster. Toasts were given by Eber Tice, Floy Brown and Nellie Collins. Viola DeVilbis played a violin solo and Mildred Doyle gave a musical reading.

The general theme was "silhout-tes." The color scheme was black and white and red and green. The tables were lighted with candles.



Bethany college at Lindsborg has its 'Messiah," which has gained national recognition in the world of music. It is a monument to Linds-borg and to the Lutheran college. This group of 500 singers compose a chorus that cannot be excelled anywhere in the United States, and as far as that, in the world. Under able leadership this chorus attracts great crowds each Easter and many visitors from outside tbe state trek to this inland city. Bethany can be proud of its "Messiah."

World Famous Puppets To Be In Convention Hall April 8

When a bride serves a cake "like mother used to bake." it is very probable that mother did make it—while the bride was playing bridge.

There's one thing you can say for Chicago gangsters; they're all straight shooters.

If your wife uses your razer to cut oil cloth; her powder puff is swell for shining shoes.


Sixty-Six Were Present—Given In Parlors Of The Brethren Church

Theatrical Effects Are Being Worked Out—To Have Special Costumes

The dramatic feature at the opera, "The Lucky Jade,” to be given May  26 by the College mixed chorus, is

Elizabeth Richards------Apr. 5

Sun., March 28 — Tonight the Christian Endeavor organization held installation services for the new cabinet members. The charge was presented by Rev. H. F. Richards after which the candle lighting service was carried out by Grace Heckman, the retiring president.

The new officer's are president, Lilburn Gottmann; vice-president, Velma Keller; secretary, Louise Ik-enberry; treasurer, Jay Hertzler;

Gros and his company are bringing to McPherson April 8 the world’s largest collection of Marionettes, through the efforts of the A. A. U. W. of this city. Mr. Gros will present his French Marionettes in "The Orange Knight of Oz," and "Huck-elberry Finn," sixty puppets appear in the afternoon performance of the famous Wizard of Oz story.

St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland, but St. Volstead still enables one to see a few in this country.

What this country needs is more wild life in the open spaces and less in the cities.—The Haymaker.

We read somewhere that a pedestrian is a man who failed to keep up the payments on his car.






An Interview With The Governor Brings Out Many Interesting Facts Concerning Church Colleges In Kansas—Woodring Says A College Education Is Invaluable To Every Young American

By Leland Lindell

Traveling in state in the caboose of a freight train and sleeping on an improvised “bunk,” more often used as a lounge for defiant brakemen, the governor of Kansas came to McPherson last Friday night in a humor-ous mood to speak at a banquet when the powers of mother nature had impeded his progress by motor car from a western city.

In a rather short but interesting interview with Governor Harry H. Woodring after the banquet Friday night, the writer was told that riding "in the caboose of a freight train through a blizzard is no pleasing experience when you try to catch a little sleep with an overcoat pulled up around your neck to keep the fine snow that came sifting through a creaking window from going down your neck. "Can you imagine," the Governor said with a slight smile coming on his face. "what my dreams might have been? I felt that by keeping my engagement with McPherson college I was doing them a service that I could not otherwise do by thinking it impossible to reach their city.”    _



Students of the Fine Arts Department gave a recital in the chapel last Thursday at 8:00 p. m. The audience was comparatively small. Those taking part from the piano department, were Gullah Hoover, Una Morine, Myreta Hammann, and Ronald Vetter. Those from the violin department were Panline Dell. Mattie Shay, and Kenneth Regier. The students from the voice department were Ruth Turner, Opal Bowers, Ada Brunk and Ellen Steinberg.

progress has been made since the College was established. It has grown up with the disappearing of the buffalo and Indian and it was founded at the time the steel rails reached the western edge of Kansas. It was founded on the crusading spirit. Do-ing honor to the pioneers is doing honor to the McPherson college. In one of the most progressive and far thinking states in the Union.

Governor Woodring brought the ’‘greetings” of the state of Kansas to the College and to Dr. Schwalm. In speaking of the financing of church colleges the speaker said that money given for education is the most generously given. “It is our human urge to give and to go on. We are always developing and we are always unfinished. We are educated that we may become better citizens. As the result of an education one should give personal service to the commun-


Reads Paper On Rubber Industry In Chemistry Meeting




interviewing the governor of the state in a telephone booth where you "rub elbows” with him when you ask him questions is more unique in nature and humorous in circumstances than if you were interviewing him in the spacious hails of the state capi-tal at Topeka.

In a more serious manner the writer felt out the Governor as to a few of his personal views pertaining to the educational institutions of the state. When approached as to the value and future of the church colleges in Kansas he was of the opinion that in the next few years they are going to have a hard struggle to exist, despite the fact that financial resources of such institutions may or may not, become flexible with the change and advance in the present economic conditions in which Kansas now finds itself.

“Church colleges," the Governor added, "can and do play a great part in setting the higher educational standards of a state. They should not be administered on the basis of competition with the state colleges and universities, but they must work hand in hand in developing what is great in the educational ideals of the highest standards of education.”

“A college and university education is invaluable to every young American,” Governor Wadring stated. The Democrat leader voiced his approval of the manner in which the present educational department of the state is being administered and he has hopes that it may develop in the future as it has in the past, in such a way as to place Kansas at the head of education in America.

In closing the interview Governor Woodring said: "There is nothing that the state legislature can do for the church colleges of Kansas, but the state can and will continue to raise the educational standards, thereby giving the young people of our state a still greater opportunity to secure a higher education."

"I have just received word,” said one of the Governor’s attendants, “that your train will not leave until one o'clock, instead of at twelve."

Turning to the writer the Governor said: “I don't care how late it is, but I do hope that I do not have to sleep in the caboose ”

(Continued from Page One)

For four offices no election will be required, but their names will appear on the ballot for a complimentary vote. These are Vernon Rhoades, editor The Spectator, Don Trostle, editor The Quadrangle, Vernon Flaming, treasurer Student Council, and Verle Omhart, business manager of The Quadrangle.

For business manager of The Spectator Kenneth Bitikofer and Lloyd Larsen are candidates. In the Cheerleader race Mildred Doyle and Florence Weaver have the field by themselves.

Before the polls for the primary opened this morning campaign and nominations were given in the chapel by campaign managers and campaign speakers. Clinton Trostle spoke for Kermit Hayes, Ward Williams for Ralph Keedy, Archie Thompson for Walter Wollman, Leland Lindell for Vernon Rhoades, Ernest Betts for Lloyd Larsen. Keith Hayes for Don Trostle, Eber Tice for Verle Omhart, Mildred Doyle for Max O’Brien, Wilbur McElroy for Mildred Doyle, John Lehman for Archie Thompson, Keith Hayes for Florence Weaver, Walter Wollman for Vernon Flaming, and Lawrence Lehman for Kenneth Biti-kofer

Thurs., March 26—Fred Perry, ‘29. read a paper in the monthly meeting of the Chemistry society this afternoon in the chemistry lecture room on the general topic of the rubber industry. He spoke of the Gates Tire factory at Denver. It was a very interesting and descriptive paper. Dr. H. G. Rolf was scheduled to speak on the relation of chemistry to medicine, but due to a medical call he was unable to be present. (Continued from Page One)

Senator W. J. Krehbiel was toast-master of the evening. An address of welcome was given by Mayor D. R. Maltby after which Dr. George Gemmel of the Agricultural college at Manhattan brought the greeting of his college. Miss Louie Lesslie of the state board of education told of her appreciation of the local institution.

Dean Paul Lawson of Kansas university was unable to attend the banquet because of the storm, and Dr. A. C. Wieand, president of Bethany Bible school. Chicago, brought the greetings from his school. The sup-erintendent of the city schools, R. W. Potwin, expressed his appreciation of the fine co-operation he has found between the city schools and the College.

President V. F. Schwalm told of the deep gratitude felt by the College for the unstinted co-operation and loyalty on the part of the community that has made the booster event such a decided success, and then briefly reviewed plans for the future, designed to the building of a “Greater McPherson College.”

Dealing primarily in the present agricultural situation of Kansas, Governor Woodring gave the featured address of the banquet. Stating that agriculture is the fundamental basis of all Kansas Industries, the Democrat leader said that the future prosperity of the state depends upon agriculture. He is convinced that prosperity will not return until the purchasing power is put back into the hands of the farmer.

The 1931 Session was the most constructive legislature the state has seen for a long time because men as Senator Krehbiel and Senator McGill from McPherson county came to Topeka with a firm determination, the speaker asserted.

The national policy of the government since the World War offers a challenge to Kansas. He is not in favor of a government that gives privileges to the industrial east and that denies the middle west, and takes the purchasing power away from the people in the south and middle-west. In speaking of the oil problem the Governor said that the government allows outside oil to come in to this country yet Kansas has to pass a proration bill to protect its Industry.

"The United States hass one-third of the wealth of the world," the Governor said, "and it is one-sixth of the world's area,"

Intangible wealth is now replacing the tangible wealth in Kansas, the speaker stated. In 1859 real estate was the real value of the nation. Today there is $3, 750, 000, 000 of taxable property in Kansas, yet we will never have a pure taxation in Kansas until all the wealth is taxed, and we must change our present basis of taxation to do such a thing. The present legislature has reduced the appropriations of the state $1, 000,


“Today it has become cheaper,”

the speaker said, "to rent a home than to own a home. We must not  destroy the home owner through intolerable taxation.''

‘‘McPherson college has lived 42 years which is not a long time. Vast

ity. No service is greater than per-sonal citizenship.”

During the fore part of the banquet Paul Sargent led the College students in college pep songs. Music was furnished by the Male quartet-the Ladies’ quartet, the Men’s Glee club, and Mrs. Anna C. Tate. At the close of the banquet the College song was sung.







Two freshmen, Harold Binford and David Bowers, may develop into pole

It was very interesting to watch the two-mile run in which Ward


While Dr. J. Willard Hershey is in Indianapolis his class work and laboratory classes will be taken care of by two of his assistants, Vernon Gustafson and Irvin Rump.


Speaks In College Chapel On Value Of Reading The Bible Dally

The McPherson college Male quartet of 1929, under the direction of Mrs. Anna C. Tate, will return to McPherson April 11 to sing at the “M" Club banquet to be held in the parlors of the Church of the Brethren. Reading from left to right: Lloyd Diggs, first tenor: Walter Fillmore, second tenor; Fred Ellis, baritone, solo-ist; and Ross Curtis, bass.

Win Over Seniors By Margin Of 14 1/2 Points


Ohmart Taken Four First Places— Zinn Also Takes Four Firsts

Wed., March 25—The sophomores won the interclass track and field meet this afternoon, outpointing their closest rivals, the juniors, by 14 1/2 points. The Sophomores se

cured 54 1/2 points and the Juniors 40, while the seniors came in for third place with 15 and the freshmen last with 12 1/2 points.

The first half of the meet was run off yesterday afternoon. Ohmart, junior, was high point man of the meet with a total of 34 points, taking four firsts. Zinn, sophomore, came in for second place with 20 points, all of them being for first place. Zinn put the shot 44. 4 feet, which was a greater distance than anyone put it last year in any meet in which McPherson was a member.

The summary:

High Jump: Bradley'(sophomore) and Williams (sophomore), tied for first; Kindy (Junior) third. Height 5', 4 1/2".

Broad Jump: Zinn (sophomore), first; Bradley (sophomore), second: Anderson (sophomore), third. Distance: 18', 10".

One-half Mile Run: Ohmart (jun-ior), first; Campbell (senior), sec-ond: Vogel (freshman), third. Time: 2 min., 16. 4 sec.

Two Mile Run: Williams (sophomore), first; Betts (senior) and Campbell (senior) tied tor second. Time: 12 min,, 2 sec. *

Low Hurdles: Kindy (junior), first; Ohmart (Junior), second; An-derson (sophomore), third. Time; 14. 8 sec.

220 Yard Dash: Ohmart (Junior), first; Anderson (sophomore), second; O'Brien (freshman). third. Time: 24. 2 sec.

Discus: Zinn (sophomore), first: Austin (sophomore), second; Johnson (Freshman). third Distance: 115. 7 feet.

Javelin: Zinn (sophomore), first; Bradley (sophomore), second: Oh-mart (junior), third. Distance: 143. 6 feet.



Wed., March 25—Dr. A. C. Wieand, president of Bethany Bible School in Chicago, gave concrete testi-monies from leading citizens of the United States emphasizing the value of reading the Bible daily.     

Dr. Wiend had received personal letters from the secretaries of President Herbert Hoover and ex-president Calvin Coolidge. The speaker further asserted that the greatest pleasure he has had was that of reading the Bible daily.

The Oxford, Kansas, rural high board has elected Claude Lowe of Burden. Kans., as superintendent of schools to succeed F. W. Robleson. Mr. Lowe received his A. B, from McPherson college in 1923.

Limburger Cheese, Fly Paper, And Raw Oysters Hold No Terrors For Them

Thurs., March 26—Eight trembling youth proceded to the gymnasium early this evening, and came out later somewhat, the worse for wear, but with the happy feeling that they were now full-fledged members of the “ M" Club. Those initiated were Vernon Flaming, Harold Binford, Ralph Johnston, Wilbur McElroy. Frankie Morris, William Grant, Lloyd Larsen, and George Zinn.

It is rumored that the victims were backed through a none too gentle paddle line, then subjected to the electric chair. At this stage a thorough examination to determine mental qualifications was conducted by “Jack'' Lehman. From later proceedings the “M” Club aspirants have sundry recollections of limbur-ger cheese, raw oysters, and fly paper.

Following the initiation a lunch of hamburgers, pickles, coffee, and oranges were served. About twenty-five “M” men were present.

— drippings —



George Zinn, sophomore, has the making of a good field star for Mc-Person, excelling most in the shot put. In the inter-class meet he heaved the shot for a distance of 44. 4 feet, which is practically one foot further than it was heaved any time last year to win any of the meets in which McPherson was a contestant. During the Kansas Wesleyan meet last spring the winning heave was 43. 47 feet, won by Wesleyan.

Verle Ohmart, the little black headed all-around trackster in the inter-class classic, proved himself a real point maker. Ohmart took first in the century, the 220, the 440, and the half mile. He also placed in the low hurdles, and in the javelin. He is going to be a good track man be-fore the season is well over.

Williams carried off the honors by means of his seven foot stride in which he gained a lead of half a lap on his closest competitor. Ward says that he hopes to lengthen his stride at least six inches before the season is over, and with the building up of his endurance he is going to give some of the distance runners in the Conference a good deal of competi-tion.

vaulters. Bowers goes over the bar with considerable ease and while in high school was able to clear the bar at 10 feet six inches. He should bet-ter that mark this year. Bowers is following in the footsteps of his old-er brother, Ralph, who was graduated two years ago.