Win Decision At Both Ends—To Meet Wichita University For State Title—Is Seventh Time McPherson Has Won Northern Division In Last Twelve Years
Three Judges To Be Used—McPher-son Has A Slight Advantage Over Wichita Debaters—Southwest-ern Winners Last Year
Fri., March 20—Tonight Coach Maurice A. Hess’ debaters won their seventh championship in the Northern Division, defeating Bethany college in the final debate in the Division. McPherson will now debate Witchita university, winners in the Southern Division, for the championship of the state,
With Prof. A. E. Leach, debate coach at Baker university, acting as critic judge here, Ward Williams and John Lehmen, affirmative, won a three point margin decision from Stenncass and Lundquist, negative, of Bethany.
At the other end of the debate the McPherson negative team, Walter Wollman and Keith Hayes, won the decision from Peterson and Olson by a margin of one-fourth of one point, the score being 92 for Bethany and 92 1/2 for McPherson, Prof. T. B Ross of Emporia Teachers' college was critic judge.
The state championship debate had been scheduled for Friday night at 9:00 o'clock, April 3, in the College chapel, with the debaters from Wichita university.
Three judges will be used at both ends of the debate. The affirmative in each case will travel. So far this year Wichita has won five out of six decisions and McPherson has won six out of six decisions.
Since the State Debate League was formed twelve years ago, Wichita has won the state championship once and McPherson has won it once. From this one realizes the equality and ability of these two teams. Furthermore during these twelve years Wichita has won the Southern Division four out of 12 times. McPherson has won the Northern Division seven out of 12 times: Southwestern having won the state last year.
To Be Presented By Students Of Fine Arts Department
A student recital will be given tomorrow night at 8:00 o'clock in the College chapel auditorium by members of the Fine Arts department of the College. Those taking part in the recital are Gulah Hoover, Ruth Turner, Pauline Dell, Ronald Vetter, Orville Voran, Kenneth Regier, Ada Brunk, Ellen Steinberg, Mattie Shay. Opal Bowers, and Myreta Hemmann.
Wed., March 25—Last lyceum number of the season
Thurs., March 26—Fine arts student recital.
Thurs., March 26—World Serv-ice Group.
Fri., March 27-—Boosters' Banquet.
Sat.. March 28—W a. A, Banquet.
Sale Of Banquet Tickets Looks Like A Big Success—More Than 400 Assured To Be Present—Many Prominent Speakers To Be Present
Installation Services To Be Held Next Sunday Night
Officials Think That Total Sale May Reach Near $3, 000 By Friday Night
Three Are Up For President Of The Student Council
Former Student Of McPherson Chemist Writing Life History
The national recognition of Dr. J Willard Hershey continues to gain
strength and significance as his
achievements in the field of chemical science spread throughout the continent. A former student of Dr. Hershey's is now writing a biography of the McPherson professor.
Miss Jessie Winder, who a number of years ago was in a chemistry class of Dr. Hershey’s, and who is now attending the University of Chicago, is now writing the life history of the maker of the world's largest syn-thetic diamond. The biography will deal with the early life and later accomplishments of the professor.
Inaccurate Financial Returns Is Given As The Reason
Hayes, Keedy, And Wollman Up For President Of Council—Trostle Has No Opposition
Sun., March 22—Lilburn Gottman, sophomore, was elected president of the College Christian Endeavor at a meeting of the organization tonight. Velma Keller was elected vice-presi-dent. Louise Ikenberry, secretary, and Jay Hertzler, treasurer.
Installation services will be held March 29 for the newly elected officers.
Tomorrow morning in the College chapel the campaign and nomination speeches will be given by campaign managers and immediately following the speeches the election polls will open and the primary will get underway.
Many interesting and close can-tests are in the making for the primary. Probably the closest race will be in the Student Council. Three candidates are now up: Kermit Hayes, Junior: Ralph
Keedy, sophomore, and Walter Wollman, junior. For treasurer of the Council only two nominations have been made. Vernon Flaming, junior, and Charles Austin, sophomore. Vernon Rhoades is up for editor of The Spectator for next year, with no opposition running against, him. For business manager of The Spectator a dual race will be run by Kenneth Bitikofer, junior, and Lloyd Larson, sophomore.
No election will be required for editor and business manager of The Quadrangle, College yearbook. Don Trostle, Junior, is running for editor, and Verle Ohmart, Junior, is up for business manager.
The cheerleaders are always interesting when a general student elec-(Continued on Page Three)
Miss Della Lehman Outlines Plays She Saw In London
Thurs., March 19—At a Drama tea thi afternoon in the Y. W. room Miss Della Lehman addressed four liter-ature and drama classes, telling of a few of her experiences in London during the last winter in the field of drama. Miss Lehman gave a brief outline of a few of the most outstanding plays she was privileged to see.
About thirty students with Miss Edith McPherson and Miss Lehman were served tea this afternoon. This unique method of advanced class work was sponsored by the modern drama class who was host to the Greek literature, short story, and advanced expression classes. Miss McGaffey introduced the speaker.
Ethel Jamison To Be Madam Toastmaster At Gay Affair
Timid co-eds are asking timid questions and by Saturday night all the timid questions should be asked —and answered—for then the
members of the W. A. A, are going to entertain their gentleman friends at a banquet.
The affair gives promise of being a gay occaision. Ethel Jamison, pres-ident of the association, is to act as madam toastmaster. The banquet will be served in the parlors of the Church of the Brethren.
Cedar Rapids, Ia., March 21—According to an Associated Press dispatch sent from here today, South-western college of Winfield, Kan., has been dropped from the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools for inaccurate financial returns. Pres. Harry M. Gage of Coe college, chairman of the committee on higher education, announced today.
Gage said the association, meeting at Chicago this week, ratified the committee's report that the school's business affairs were not satisfactory, and that outside sources were interfering with the administration
Southwestern may petition next fall for another inspection of the school's records with a view toward bringing about reinstatement. Gage added.
Many Guest Artists To Appear During The Week
$1000 Loss—Covered By Insurance—Cause Unexplained
Next Sunday the nationally famous Oratorio society of Bethany college, Lindsborg, will give the 50th annual Messiah festival, lasting throughout the week until April 5.
Handel's "Messiah" will be sung by a chorus of 500 voices, accompanied by an orchestra of 65 pieces. The "Messiah" will be presented in the new Presser hall or the Bethany campus.
A group of nationally known guest singers are to be featured in the Messiah festival. Such artists ar Mary McCoy, soprano; Hughetts Owen, contralto; Clifford Bloom, tenor; Ernest Davis, tenor, and Carl G. Molander, basse, will be presented. Hagbard Brase is director of the chorus.
Sun., March 22—A fire in the chemistry laboratory in the Science Hall tonight caused damage estimat-ed at about $1, 000. The cause of the fire is unexplained but it is thought by some that the flame was caused by some chemicals or some electrical apparatus that was assembled on top of the desk.
The fire was discovered by Leslie Myers who reported it to the men's dormitory. Two students who rush ed to the scene with chemical extin-guishers had the fire under control before the city fire department ar-rived.
Nearly half of a laboratory table was completely destroyed. Chemis-try apparatus in four desks were ruined and the ceiling immediately above the table was blackened with smoke and cracked considerably. New plastering will be required. Two windows were broken in applying the chemicals to the blaze.
The loss is covered by insurance
According to reports from the Administration the ticket sale for the Boosters' Banquet has gone over in a big way and yesterday noon it was announced that at that time more than $2, 000 had been turned in for sale of tickets. Officials are of the opinion that it will pass the $2,500 mark by Friday night, and that there is a good possibility that it may reach as high as $3,000,
In a letter to Pres. V. F. Schwalm yesterday Gov. Harry H. Woodring, who is to be the feature speaker at the banquet, stated that he will arrive in McPherson Friday afternoon by motorcar from Larned where he is to give an agricultural address at 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon.
A long and interesting program has been mapped out with many prominent speakers throughout the state represented. Senator W. J. krehbiel is to act as toastmaster and following the invocation the banquet proper will be served. Immediately following the dinner college songs will be sung under the leadership of Paul Sargent. The Men's Glee club of the College is to sing a number after which Mayor D. R. Malthy will give the address of welcome.
Following the mayor's welcome Dr. George Gemmel of the Kansas State Agricultural college, will give a toast. The Ladies quartet of the College will sing and Miss Louie Lesslie, secretary of the state board of education will address the group. Dean Paul Lawson, a popular speaker of the University of Kansas has also been secured as one of the speakers, Supt. R. W. Potwin of the city schools of McPherson will give a toast.
Prof. V. F Schwalm of the College will give a short address on the Col-lege outlook after which Mrs. Anna C. Tale wil sing a vocal solo. The College Male quartet will also sing.
The feature address of the evening will be given by Governor Woodring. The evening entertainment will close with the singing of the College song, Governor Woodring may remain in McPherson for the night, returning to Topeka Saturday morning by motor
Pi Kappa Delta Meet To Be Held At Pittsburg, Kansas
Perryton, Texas, March 24—In America there are classes—middle class, rich class, poor class, and salesman. They are in a class by themselves and have distinguishing ear marks just as any other type or species of bugs (biological or commercial). The supply never runs out and are constantly replenished by the incubators of capitalists of in-dustry. The best known hatcheries are designated by the two-fold name of Chain Stores. The class or breed is always kept pure by means of extermination by discharging; only those being retained who are the more prolific in bringing in orders.
Distinguishing characteristics of these men called salesmen are numerous and invariably the same. First
the inevitable black leather bag_
and their slogan is "Be nonchalant" and it is carried out in dress, posture, and carriage. The suit is always well tailored rather foppishly inclined.
Spats are as prevalent as grasshop-pers in Kansas. The Hail-Fellow-My -Comrad is the keynote of the man-ner. He is determined to sell the customer his idea against his better self. Many men thus become more open to his pecking by their wives because of first having their resistance weakened by salesmen.
Psychology plays a great share in the life of the salesmen. By employing the rituals and text of the Great Order of Psychology many a business man has had his mental citadel stormed and the result is always the same—his name on the dotted line.
In defense of salesmen let it be articulated that not all the stories are told by them all the time. Sometimes the store owners indulge.
Is it sacreligious to say that on the Eighth Day the Great Spirit created salesmen?
(Mrs W. R. Grabeel).
Floyd Barngrover, ’30, Takes State In Class B Basketball Tourney
Hays, Kan., March 21—Buhler high school cagers, coached by Floyd Barngrover, graduate of McPherson college, won the basketball championship of the state in Class B schools here tonight by defeating Menlo 27 to 19. Sports officials commenting upon the champion team stated that the team played college basketball and showed evidence of using college tactics as a result of their good coaching. Coach Barngrover was graduated from McPherson last year and is coaching his first year at Buh-ler.
Miss Mildred Thurow To Give Series Lectures On Etiquette
The first lecture of a general course on etiquette for men will be given by Miss Mildred Thurow, head of the Home Economics department, tomorrow afternoon, March 28, at 3:30 o'clock. This course is non-credit but is open to all men and is being given by Miss Thurow upon the request of the college men.
April 9, 10, and 11, the State Debate tournament, sponsored by the national Pi Kappa Delta, will be hold at Pittsburg, Kan., on the campus of the Pittsburg State Teachers' college.
From present indications McPher-son college will be represented by the men's varsity teams and the la-dies varsity teams. All members of the teams will debate, while some of the men and women will enter the oratorical contest. Those men not giving orations will enter the extem-poraneous contest on prohibition; while the women not giving orations will enter the extemporaneos con-test on "women in politics."
Y's Hold A Joint Meeting—Second Visit Of Japanese Musician
Mon., March 23—Dr. J. D. Bright led the devotionals is chapel this morning after which Paul "Si" Sargent led the student body in college and pep songs, in preparation for the Boosters' Banquet.
Tues,. March 24-—Mr. Mitani and his niece, of Kansas-Wesleyan, gave a musical program before a joint meeting of the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. in the chapel this morning, This is the second visit of the Jap-anese musicians to McPherson, they having been here several weeks ago for a program before the Y. W. group.
The wise husband is very dumb when his wife is talking.
to notice, and that is a correspondence course in “How to get to Heav-en in Ten easy Lessons."
(Poor Advice This Week)
Up! Up! My friend, and quit your books.
Or surely you'll grow double!
Up! Up! My friend, and clear your
Why all this toil and trouble?
Editor-in-chief |
Leland E. Lindell |
Associate Editor |
Donald L. Trostle |
Associated Editor |
Alberta Yoder |
Circulation Manager |
business STAFF
Ernest L Betts | |
Ass't Business Manager |
--Paul Sherfy |
Ass't. Business Manager |
David Bowers |
___Carroll D. Walker |
The other night, one lone wild gander flew low over the boys' dorm calling plaintively. We "Spec" he got lost and was looking for some of his brothers.
Vernon Rhoades |
Dave Shackelford |
Christine Mohler |
Everette Fasnacht |
Ruth Trostle |
Ethel Sherfy |
Vernon Flaming |
Edna Hoover |
Edna Nyquist |
Esther Brown |
Nina Stull |
Mrs. W. G. Grabeel, Correspondent |
.............. ..............Rose Hill Va. |
Faculty Adviser .. ___—------ |
...........Prof. Maurice A. Hess |
Championship teams are never a "happen so.” They are the result of painstaking, unstinted effort, of work that knows no limitations. A championship debate team is no exception unless it is that it takes even greater amounts of the above named qualities.
Prof. Maurice A. Hess never knows the phrase "too much" when he begins work on a debate team. His debaters soon imbibe his spirit and days and nights of work. No source at information is left unread; no type of argument is left unconsidered; no sentence of a speech is left unpolished. The result, is a team that can with ease and poise present arguments forcefully and answer objections conclusively; that can find weaknesses in their opponent's arguments and point them out fatally. Professor Hess deserves praise in strongest terms for his Bulldog spirit and omniscient foresight which gives him the edge on all matters of diplomatic dealing in intercollegiate contests. Nor is he alone praiseworthy. A long line of excellent materiel has come into his hands, not the least of which is the present team.
We feel sorry for the "Swedes" and warn Wichita university.
—Enthusiastic Scribe.
Dear Dad;
There's going to be a Boosters' Banquet here this Friday night. The Governor is going to be here and everything! That's all right, but I need a little cash. Of course, I've got to take Betty and that means two dollars anyhow. That may sound like a lot to you, but, believe me, I'm getting off lucky at that, because some guys are going to have to pay eleven dollars for two tickets and we’ll be eating the same kind of meal. I guess we are getting off lucky at two dollars. Well, please rush the money, and I mean right away.
We "Spec" even a plagiarist can raise a laugh when he uses someone's verse of thanks.
Eleven of the eighteen colleges and universities in Kansas are govern-ed by denominational interests. Next year there will be only ten such institutions of high learning for the announcement has been made public that St. Mary's college, Catholic, is to be discontinued as a college because of its financial condition. What is the future of the denominational colleges in Kansas?
The greatest problem of church schools in Kansas is finance. Churches with large and widespread membership have as much difficulties securing money as does the church with a small membership. Last Sunday it was learned that Southwestern college, Methodist, has been dropped from the North Central Association of Colleges because of "inaccurate financial returns" and in today's Spectator it says that Sterling college will drop all intercollegiate athletics next year because of financial straits.
The only means church schools have in acquiring finance for main-tenance is through contributions by members of their church, friends of their institution, and the pledges of the alumni whom they graduate. The last two or three years college expenses have risen to new heights. To meet this rise colleges are required to secure more money from their con-stituency. Student tuitions do not begin to pay the running expenses of a college. In the last three years things have been “slim picking" for field workers. But we are not going to continue in the rut of depression that we now find ourselves and things are going to become easier for the field men. McPherson college, however, is one of the schools in Kansas to be in the best financial condition at the present time.
For two years, 1925 and 1926, the college and university enrolment reached its highest level. Since these two "fat" years a number of "lean" years have followed. Church colleges have declined in student population since 1926. A number of reasons may be given for this decline. The church schools are not the only institutions to decline in this manner for teachers' colleges of the state have lost students and state colleges and universities have also declined, however, at a smaller percentage. Two reasons may be given for this decline in enrolment. First, municipal uni-versities have been on the upgrade since 1926 in enrolment, and second, the junior colleges of the state have been making a decided increase in students in the last five years. Junior colleges have also increased in number.
There is a future for church colleges, providing of course, that they do not make themselves unattractive and unpopular by their strict regulations of social associations upon their campuses. Students are not going to attend the school that they know governs their students by the "iron-clad" rates. This, however, is but a minor point but should not lack con-sideration. The increase in enrolments in junior colleges should open a new field for church schools. The upper classes should continue to grow in-membership and it will be the purpose of the colleges to establish their curriculum in such a manner that it will follow the curriculum of the junior colleges. Attraction will continue to become a medium for drawing students.
Church colleges have a future if they can continue to keep the faith
of their students. The nation needs the small college as a stepping stone to institutions of high learning.
Shakespeare's the fellow who wrote "Tell me where's fancy bread?"
Average means something that hens lay eggs on.
A blizzard is the inside of a fowl
Socrates died from an overdose of wedlock.
Matrimony is a place where souls suffer for a time for their sins.
The greatest miracle in the Bible is when Jousa told his son to stand still and he obeyed him.
The tower of Babel was the place where Solomon kept his wives
—From "Boners," "Nineteen Hundred,"
This week as I refuel my trusty old pen and again make a sorry attempt to continue this episode of be what it may I am reminded of what I overheard a doctor tell one of his patients the other day. . . . "The secret of good health is eating onions." ... I would like to know the secret for keeping others from knowing you have eaten onions. . . . It's all right for students to sleep like logs. , . . But when they are sawing them I object. , . . Two freshman were arguing the other day as to whom the person was that makes money by letting things slide. , . . I saw another come to their rescue when he said, "A trombone player.” ... I was reading the newspapers last week. . - - Telephone operators throughout the U. S. report that they have the least business while "Amos 'n' Andy" are on the air. . . . Who said anything about race prejudice?
. . . Then there was that freshman that thought Sorosis was a disease of the liver. . . . One faculty wife to a friend: "I must hurry home and put on my kitchen dress. The neighbors are going to give a surprise party on us this evening," . . . They tax marriages, why not divorces? . . . One of my most enthusiastic admirers was encouraging me the other day, "Why,” he exclaimed, "your stuff is no worse than I read in the papers every day." . . .
Mr. and Mrs. L. J Smith of Morrill, Kan., spent Thursday and Friday
in McPherson,
Mr. Vernon Flaming spent the week end at his home in Hillsboro visitng his parents and friends.
Mr. Harold Crist, Zook, called on friends in the dormitory Sunday.
Miss Helen Steinberg visited her parents at Lorraine this week end.
Kenneth Edwards was the guest of his parents at Burns, Kan., over Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Grace Early and Mr. Lawrence Lehman visited friends and relatives in Oklahoma this week end.
Miss Velma Keller went to her home at Minneola, aKa., this week end.
Miss Ruth Trostle was at her home near Nickerson from Wednesday night until Sunday night.
Mr. Marvin Hill. Mis Elma Hoff-man, Mr. Posey Jamison, and Mr. Wilbur McElroy attended the state high school basketball tournament at Topeka this week end.
Margaret Moulton |
______Mar. 30 |
Kermit Hayes |
.. ...Mar. 28 |
Vernon Flaming |
Mar. 29 |
Edith Murray |
Mar. 30 |
Edgar Hoke ...— |
Mar. 31 |
There is one thing we have failed
Mon., Mar. 23—Verle Ohmart, chairman of the program committee for the "M" Club banquet has announced that the varsity male quartet of 1928-29, consisting of Lloyd Diggs, Walter Fillmore, Fred Ellis, and Ross Curtis, will furnish part of the entertainment for this year's banquet. A small orchestra, being organized by Charles Smith, will also furnish music.
When he tells you a lie, you know it's a lie, and still believe him. Ladies, that's true love.
Are you a good shopper? Yeah, a dress costs $9.98, a frock $49.5f0. and a gown $200.
In the movies, a woman likes the heartbreakers, while the men naturally lean toward the furniture breakers.
April Fool’s Day! And may even the faculty be fooled. Anyway they will be back on the platform, even if in hardly the usual recognizable manner. The seniors will assume the dignity of their professors and present an unusual chapel program. It will be April Fool's Day and the only one's that will be fooled may be the faculty.
The library staff started a campaign in January 1930 to secure new books and since that time practically 1,500 have been added.
Fri., Mar. 20—Five hundred books, twenty-one phamplets and thirteen bound volumes of the National Geo-graphic came to the library today as a personal gift from Rev. E. H. Eby of St. Joseph, Mo.
The library now has more than 11,00 volumes in its stacks while the records show an increase of more
than 1,000 book since June 1, 1930.
Last Friday night after McPher-son debaters had won the champion-ship of the Northern Division, Coach Maurice A. Hess and Ward Williams, overanxious to learn the results in the Southern Division, made a mid-night trip to Wichita where arrangements were made for the champion-ship debate for state honors. The two returned Saturday noon.
Again McPherson will debate the Bethany “Swedes," but this time the ladies will try their hand.
This afternoon at 2:30 o'clock the McPherson Ladies' negative team, Mildred Doyle and Lillian Carlson, will travel to Lindsbord to debate the Lindsborg Ladies' team. Tonight at 6:30 o'clock in the College chapel here, the Bulldog affirmative team, Nina Stull, and Lucille Crabb, will debate the Lindsborg negative.
With Easter not far off the weaker sex will soon begin to don their straw hats and furs. What a break they get—the men have to wait until June 1 for their straw hats.
We see by the papers that another woman has shot and killed her hus-band. This must be an open season on husbands.
Ladies in Dual Debate With Bethany This Afternoon
You have a perfect right to poor opinion, but you also have a right
to keep it to yourself.
President Herbert Hoover gave 10 per cent or $7,500 of his salary to the Red Cross for drought sufferers.
A student was plodding across the campus the other day and nearly coughing his head off for some reason or other. A friend met him and inquired of his trouble, "I'm on the second car load." he replied.
Yet Men Are Interested In "Etiquette”-—-Miss Mildred Thurow Asked To Give Series Of Talks On Etiquette To Men— Men May Be Worried About Their Futures
"Do you solemnly swear to cook for your wife and maintain a clean and orderly home for her while she is out earning your livelihood?" Will that be a question in future wedding ceremonies?
Certainly there is now a modern trend in home economics for men. In a home economic convention which Miss Mildred Thurow, instructor in domestic science at McPherson, attended, two prominent Kansas men said they believed such a course should be required of high school boys, thereby enhancing their secondary education. And really why not, one might ask? Eighty per cent of the nation’s incomes are spent by women who know nothing about financial economics, dealt out to them by men who know nothing about problems of home economics. The ideal seems to be to spread knowledge to both men and women.
It is true that men are beginning to realize they have a social responsibility in the home as well as women. One doesn’t know whether it was this realization or just a desire for polish that caused a group of college men to seek out Miss Thurow to request her to give a series of lectures exclusively for them.
Tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o’clock Miss Thurow will begin a series of lectures on "etiquette for men." She will talk on table etiquette, bring in such things as "which fork would you use if you
had half-a-dozen on the left side of your plate" and "how to use dormitory syrup most gracefully to help the peas stay on your knife,” She also plans to speak on social etiquette, correcting such things as a man "sandwiched between two girls.” Another lecture will deal with men's clothing. Color combinations, as relative to the complexion, and the correct design combinations will be discussed. Can one imagine "men,” (the good, the true, and the beautiful) wanting to know "more” about such things as "etiquette-?” Men
are funny beings.
At a later period Miss Thurow will speak of the balance of meals and the choice of foods. Interior decoration from a man's standpoint will be given an airing. Letter writing may be discussed and a number of other helpful things that the members of the '‘stronger" sex might wish to understand.
State Convention Of The Anti-Tobac-co Association In Session Here Last Saturday
Sat., March 21—Lucile Crabb won first in the State Intercollegiate AntiTobacco Oratorical Contest in the chapel here, receiving a prize of $35. Tom Hutcheson of Sterling college won the second prize of $25, and Verlin Easterling of Central college won the third prize of $15. The fourth orator was John Schmidt of Bethel.
Lyle Martin of Central College won the $5 gold piece offered to the winner in the preliminary division of the contest. The other orator of the preliminary contest was Grace Heckman of McPherson.
The program started with two solos by Mrs. Anna C. Tate, accompanied by Fern Lingenfeller. Following the orations, while the Judges, were determining the winners, a string quartet played several numbers. The string quartet consisted of Pauline Dell, Rosalind Almes, Viola DeVilbiss, and Herbert Eby, with Mary Swain accompanying them on the piano.
The state Inter-collegiate AntiTobacco Association held its business meeting in the chapel at 2:00 this afternoon, with Pres. C. P. Klassen of Tabor College presiding. Officers for the coming year were elected as follows: President, David Wedel of Bethel; vice-president, Gordon Pick-ering of Central College; Secretary-treasurer, Orville Kuhn of Sterling
Following the business meeting a mixed quartet consisting of Lois Edwards, Ruth Turner, Harvey Shank, and Delvis Bradshaw, sang two numbers. F. W. Lough and J. W. Huddleston, field workers of the No-Tobacco League of America, gave a short music program, following
Which Charles M. Fillmore, Educa-tional Director of the No-Tobacco League, addressed the association.
tising class, under the direction of Prof. Earl Bohling, went to Wichita where they visited the Beacon newspaper plant. While in Wichita the class also visited the type foundry works and the Mid-Continent Engraving company. It is at this company that The Quadrangle has its engraving done. These visits proved very educational and proved very in-teresting to the class and the in-formation received had a direct bear- ing on advertising.
the year 1929-30 was $131, 741.70, The average annual budget for the past five years has been about $134,-000. This money is mostly paid out in salaries to faculty members and other employes, and for supplies for the dining hall, dormitories, laboratories, etc. Most of the money expended is brought to the College by students from outside the city, and is expended here without sending away any material commodity in re-turn. Besides this annual budget of the college, according to a study made by The Spectator staff last year each student expends for clothing, entertainment, etc., on an average of about $150 each per year. This amount for the year will approximate something like $25,000 additional that is expended in McPherson due to the existence of the College. Atmost every line of business profits by this trade—cleaners, clothiers, dry goods stores, drug stores, barber shops, beauty parlors, telephone company, doctors, dentists, movie houses, etc. It is because of this fact that the College has the courage to come to the city to ask them to buy a ticket to a $10 banquet, the proceeds of which will go to the current finances of the College.
Besides this business side of the proposition, there is a cultural and educational value that comes to the city thru the presence of faculty people and students in the town.
The city has perhaps no greater advertising agency than the College. Here come hundreds of students each year and carry the story of McPherson to the four quarters of the earth. Thousands of young people have been here as students. Soon at least 2000 will have been graduated from the College. These have carried the story of the College around the world.
Miss Joyce Vetter, Moundridge, 14 years old and a pupil of Miss Jessie Brown of the College, won first place in piano in the McPherson county grade school music contest held at Moundridge last week.
Bohling Takes Advertising Class Through Beacon Plant
Fri., Mar, 20—Today the adver
Injured About Face And Hands By Gas Explosion
Students Leave On An Average Of $150 In McPherson In One School Year
$156,000 SPENT A YEAR
Total Assets Of College Placed At $927,163.54
Students Enter Bethany “Mes-iah” Music Contest
Hutcheson, Sterling, Second, And Easterling, Central,
Is Third
The Music department of the College will be represented at the Bethany Music contest at Lindsborg to be held next week in connection with the "Messiah” festival. Mattie Shay is entering in violin, Opal Bowers in voice and Gullah Hoover in piano, Ronald Yetter of Moundridge is also entering, as he is a pupil of Miss Jessie Brown.
(Continued from Page One) tion comes around. Last year for the ladies’ the election resulted in a tie vote, thereby the Student Council declared both candidates as being elected. Only two ladies are now up, and those for reelection, Mildred Doyle and Florence Weaver. A dualrace is in progress for the men's position on the cheering squad. Max O'Brien, freshman, and Roy Feebler, junior, are the two candidates.
The general student election will be held Thursday morning at 10:00 o'clock, April 2, in the College chapel. The polls will remain open until 12:30 o’clock Thursday. Counting of ballots will start at 12:00.
The value of McPherson college to McPherson in round figures is worth approximately $156,000 to the city in a year. This fact was recently brought to light in a story printed by the McPherson Daily Republican which is here given in part:
McPherson college is an asset to the city of McPherson and its community. Last year Crane, Bowman and Spurrier, accountants from Wichita, audited the books of the College and according to their reports the buildings, grounds and equipment of the College were evaluated at $463,740.08. Besides this the College has assets in cash endowment, annuities, and pledges amounting to $435,343.43. The total assets of the College are $937.193.54.
The total budget of business for
Miss Lora Trostle, formerly matron of Arnold hall, was burned painfully by a gas explosion tonight. The pilot light in the furnace in her
home had gone out and enough gas
had escaped that an explosion occur-ed whan a match was lighted. Miss Trostle's face and hands were burned badly but a quick recovery is assured.
Financial Reasons Are Given By Pres. R. T. Campbell
Only one letter man is back this year for the varsity tennis squad that is soon to be picked for the meets
A tennis tournament is to be staged soon amoung the students of the
Intra-Mural Activities And Physical Education Are To Be Stressed By The College
A new Kansas conference would probably include Kansas Wesleyan, Bethany, McPherson, Bethel, Friends and Southwestern. These are six schools that are within a limit of 100 miles from each other and this fact alone would mean a great saving in money alone in regard to traveling expenses. These schools, being cen-trally located in the state, would make the ideal conference and all of them have practically the same enrolment. All of them are church schools.
Sterling, Kan.. March 23—Sterling college, which for years has had football and basketball teams to be
feared, will discontinue intercollegi-ate athletics. The new proposal is to become effective with the close of school this spring, an announcement by R. T. Campbell, president of the College, reveals.
The action was taken at a recent, meeting of the executive committee and the athletic board of the school the action being effective for one year at least.
"The intercollegiate athletic policy will be discontinued until athletics can be placed on a more economic basis." the statement from the presi-dent declares. "Instead of intercol-legiate athletics physical education and intramural sports will be featured, a full-time director of physical
education being employed.
"The new play will enable every boy and girl to participate in some form of athletics and give them the opportunity of earning a letter, or sweater or medal.’’
The announcement to the students was accepted with applause.
Tues., Mar. 24--The Juniors are leading in the interclass track and field meet this afternoon with half the meet now run off, the remainder to be run tomorrow.
The Juniors have 20 points and the sophomore are second with 16 1/2 points. Freshman are third with 9 1/2 points, and the Seniors are trailing last with 8 points.
The Juniors won 3 firsts, 1 second, and 2 thirds, while the sophomores carried off 2 firsts, and tied for one third, the Seniors won first and second in the mile run. Ohmart, Junior, is high point man with 10 points to his credit.
High hurdle: first, Kindy, Junior; second, Mowbray, junior; third, Binford, freshman.
70 yards, time 10.4 seconds.
Pole vault: first, Bradley, sopho-
more; second, Bowers, Freshman:
Anderson and Binford tied for third
Hight 10 ft.
100 yard dash: first, Ohmart, Ju-nior; second. Anderson, sophomore: third, Obrien, freshman.
Time, 10.6 seconds.
Shot Put: first, Zinn, sophomore; second, Anderson, sophomore; third, Jamison, Junior.
Distance. 44 ft. 4 inches
Mile Run: first, Campbell, senior; and Betts senior tied; third, Kindy, Junior.
Time 5 min, 26 seconds
440 yard dash; first, Ohmart, junior; second, Obrien, freshman; third Vogel, freshman.
John Lance, head basketball coach
at the Pittsburg State Teachers' college, will be the feature speaker at the "M" Club banquet Saturday night, April 11, in the parlors of the Church of the Brethren.
Coach Lance is a graduate from the college in which he is now coaching basketball, receiving his B. S. degree in 1918. While attending school he was a prominent athlete in football, basketball, and track. From 1918 until 1922 he was director of physical education and athletics at Southwestern State Teachers' college, Weatherford, Okla.
In 1922 Coach Lance went to Pitts-' burg to become head basketball coach. In the last seven years his cage team has won six basketball titles and in the last two years 41 consecutive games have been played without a defeat.
In everyday life Coach Lance lives what he teaches to his athletes and he is admired by everyone who has been privileged to know him. The "M“ Club feels fortunate in securing him as their banquet speaker.
With it announced that Sterling college is to discontinue intercolle-giate sports comes the opportunity to watch a school that has abandoned sports and to see if they profit by it or lose in the long run. The ques
tion has heen discussed by many prominent sports officials and college administrations and no decision has ever been reached. It will be interesting to note if the enrolment at Sterling falls off, gains, or loses as a result of their recent move. It will prove the theory that many students go to college just for the athletics
With St. Mary's dropping out next year as a Kansas college the forming of a new Kansas Athletic conference is certain to gain greater headway. St. Mary's has been sort of a “sore spot" among the schools in the Conference this year because of a few of their sportsmanship policies and it is thought that now is the ideal time to form the new conference.
College and medals are to be award-ed to winners in the singles and
An entrance fee of ten cents is being assessed for the singles and fifteen cents for the doubles and the money wil be used in purchasing the
awards for the first two or three places in each event.
Every man in college is being urged by Coach Melvin Binford to enter the tournament and in such a man-ner give it greater significance. The varsity squad will not be picked altogether from the winners in both events, for initial good player might.
be eliminated in the first round be-
cause of his drawing someone who might make a good teammate for him.
that are to be held along with the track and field meets. John "Jack” Lehman, two letter man, is the only letter man back this spring.
With a number of candidates out the outstanding are probably Harold Binford, freshman: Vernon Flaming, junior: Lilburn Gottmann, sopho-
more; Melvin Landis, sophomore: George Lerew, junior, and a number of others that may be likely candi-dates for the team.