Prizes To Be Given In The Form Of Music Tuitions Valued At $25 For First Place—Ten Per Cent Reduction To Those Who Enter Contest Who Enter Music Department
Miss Jessie Brown To Be In Full Charge Of The Music Contest —Music Faculty To Judge
Fri., March 20—McPherson debates Bethany
Sat., March 21— State Anti-to-bacco contest here.
Mon., March 23 -Students of the fine arts department give recital.
Primary To Be Held Thursday Morning, March 26—Candidates Required To Secure 50 Signers On Petition For Nomination — Petitions May Be Started Today
McPherson college will sponsor a music contest on Saturday, April 25, in piano, voice and violin. The first prize in each event will be $25 music
tuition scholarship for first and $12.50 music tuition scholarship for second prize.
There will also be a juvenile contest in piano and voice with prizes as follows: $18 music scholarship for first and $9 music tuition sholar-ship for second prize. There will be a ten per cent reduction in music tuition given to each person entering this contest who enrolls in McPer-son college music department during the year following this contest and who does not win a scholarship.
The rules of the contest include that no student enrolled in the music
department of the College at the present time is eligible to enter. The composition used is optional with the contestant but shall not exceed eight minutes in length. Students under thirteen years of age shall enter the juvenile contest. Students between the ages of thirteen and twenty shall enter the adult contest. The judges shall consist of the music fac-ulty of the College. The contest shall he held April 25 in the College chapel.
The hours for the contest are: Juvenile piano, 10:00 a.m.: Juvenile violin, 10:00 a. m. ; Adult violin, 10:00 a. m.: Adult piano, 2:00 p m. Adult voice, 2:00 p. m. Miss Jessie Brown, Dean of Music, is in charge of the contest.
To Be Presented During Com-mencement Week—May 26
Mon., Mar. 16—Mrs. Anna C. Tate, director of the opera “The Lucky Jade," has announced that the chorus will present the opera on Tuesday night of commencement week. May 26, instead of on April 15 as it has been announced in The Spectator.
This date will result in better at-tendance for the production, it is believed. "The Lucky Jade" will take the place of the senior play this sprint, which is usually presented during commencement week.
“Silhouette” Theme For Social Affair March 28
National Head Of Organization To Be Present
Crabb And Heckman To Be Local Representatives In Contest
Football Practice To Get Underway First Of Next Month
Eight Student Offices To Be Filled At General Election April 2
Mon., Mar. 16 Coach Melvin J. Binford this morning announced that the College would sponsor spring football practice. The Coach stated that no scrimmage would be attempted but merely the fundamentals of the came would be studied and put to practice.
The spring work is not to be started until some time during the first of April, at which time the track and field activities will be well under way. It is the plan of Coach
Binford to schedule the football activities in such a manner that they will not interfere with track.
Suits will be issued to those who will be candidates for the team next fall. Such fundamentals as forma-tion plays and technique, clipping and tackling will be put into practice.
On Saturday, March 21, the state convention and oratorical contest of the Intercolliegiate Anti-Tobasso as-sociation will take place in the McPherson college chapel auditorium.
The afternoon program beginning at 2:00 o'clock will including a short business session, musical numbers by students of the College, an interest-ing and instructive half-hour enter-tainment by the team of Lough and Huddleston, nationally known temperance workers, and an address by Charles M. Fillmore, educational director of the No-Tobacco League of America.
Four colleges, including Sterling, Bethel, Central, and McPherson have entered orators for the oratorical contest which begins at 7:30 P. M. A preliminary contest will include those winning second place in their respective local contests. Local par-ticipants in the contest will be Lu-cile Crabb and Grace Heckman.
Judges will consist of the coaches from schools taking part. Students and patrons are cordially invited to these two sessions of the convention
‘'Silhouette" is the theme of the W. a. A. banquet to be held in the parlours of the Church of the Brethren on March 28. Striking table decorations are to be used. Florence Weaver is at the head of the banquet committee and announces that plans are being developed rapidly Mildred Doyle is arranging the program and is carrying the idea of "silhouette" thru it. It has been requested that all tickets be in hands of the presi-dent by Monday, March 23
Ladies' Team Wins Over Salt City Junior College
Annual Demonstration Of Explosives By The Society
McPherson And Bethany Are Tied In The Division
Wed. March 11 —McPherson College debaters won and lost in two debates with Hutchinson Junior College at Hutchinson, this afternoon, Kenneth Edwards and Eldon Fields, upholding the affirmative for the McPherson second debate team, lost by a close margin to Mr. Coffin and Mr. Irwin of the Hutchinson Junior College negative team, in a non-conference debate before the Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce. The members of the Chamber of Commerce voted a decision in favor of the Hutchinson team.
The McPherson ladies' negative team, composed of Mildred Doyle and Lillian Carlson, won a decision over the Hutchinson ladies' affirmative team in a debate at 3:30.
B. H. Merrill, debate coach of Hutchinson High School, was the critic-judge of this debate.
Thurs., Mar. 12 -Campus wanderers this afternoon might have thought they were experiencing a touch of Chicago life or a trip through some gangland in it large city if all the noises and explosions were taken to heart, but in reality it was nothing more than the annual demonstration of explosives and unique chemi-cat; reactions of the Chemisty so-ciety.
With Vernon Gustafson in charge of the program the art of making home-made firecrackers and minea-ture TNT explosions was given as first hand information. A large number of students, many of them being members of the freshman chemistry class, were on hand for the various demonstrations.
Juhnke And Gottman Given Decision By Vote Of Audience
Last Friday afternoon the second debate teams motored to Holland. Kansas, where they debated before the Holland Literary Society Friday night Willard Johnke and Lilburn Gottman of the negative team won a decision over Kenneth Edwards and Eldon Fields of the affirmative team, according to the vote of the audience. John Lehman, whose home is at Holland, accompanied the teams on the trip.
Crist And Gottmann Are Slated For Office Of President
Rural Schools Now Reach 6,000 Children In The South
Fri, Mar. 13—Clement Richardson, C. W. E., Institute speaker, spoke in chapel this morning on the general topic of "Negro Education.” Preceding Mr. Richardson's talk. Charles Smith played a saxaphone solo.
"After the Civil war the negro population." stated Mr. Richardson, "to be educated numbered four million people. For a quarter of a century, the negro was taught by missionaries in private schools. After the Land-Grant law was passed by congress. 17 agricultural and mechanical colleges have been founded in the United States, an example being the K.S.A.C. at Manhattan. Besides the public schools, rural schools, numbering 5, 075 schools, have reacti-ed more than 6, 000 negro children."
The annual election of officers for the College Christian Endeavor of the Church of the Brethren will take place next Sunday night. March 22, during the regular C. E. meeting. On the following Sunday night installation services will be conducted for the new officer's.
The election slate prepared by the executive committee is as follows: President, Genevieve Crist and Lil-burn Gottman; Vice-President, Velma Keller and Essie Kimball: Secretary, Louise Ikenberry and Veda Thompson; Treasurer, Margaret Moulton and Jay Hertzler,
Friday night, March 20, at 8: 00 P. ., in the College chapel very student, professor, merchant or busi-ness man will have a chance to prove whether or not he is a true Bulldog. At this time the Bulldogs will de-bate the "Swedes" for the champion-ship of the Northern Division.
The McPherson affirmative team, composed of Ward Williams and John Lehman will debate Stenncass and Lundquist of Lindsborg at Mc-Pherson, while the Bulldog negative team, consisting of Walter Wollman and Keith Hayes, will debate at Lindsborg at the same time.
None of the four teams have lost a decision in the division this year, so one can realize the ability of each debater. Ths winner of the debate Friday night will determine which school will debate the winners in the Southern Division.
The critic judge at McPherson will be A. E Leach, debate coach at Baker university; while T, B Ross, Emporia Teachers' college, will act critic judge at Lindsborg. In case each college should win a decision, the college winning by the greater percentage or greater number of points will be determined the winner of the Northern Division.
Average Is Lower Now Than During First Of This School Year
Another sign of spring is making its appearance-- spring elections are drawing near. The campaign will soon be passing out the polit-ical cigars and taking the "stump" in support of their party. Stickers and hand bills will be deco-rating every nook and corner to in-fluence the voters for the big general election.
The president of the Student Council has announced that the primary election for eight student positions on the campus for next year will be held on the last Thursday in this month. March 26. The general elec-tion will be held the first Thursday in April.
Eight student officers are to be filled. A president and treasurer of the Student Council is to be elected. Other offices include editor and busi-ness manager of The Spectator, Editor and business manager of The Quadrangle, and two cheerleaders, one man and one woman.
To place a candidate in nomination the friends of the candidates need to secure 50 names to a peti-tion that is to be in the hands of the president of the Student Council not later than 24 hours before the said primary election March 26.
The Student Council, authorized by the constitution of the Council, is allowing $1 to each candidate for the purpose of advertising and the distribution of hand bills for his office. Candidates will have their own campaign manager; who will have charge of all campaign expenses and distribution of posters and hand bills. The manager will secure the campaign speakers who will take the "stump” for their candidate.
Thursday morning, March 26, the campaign speeches will be given to the chapel auditorium.
An average of 155 books and mag-azines have been checked out from the library each day during the first six weeks of the second semester. It is interesting to note that this average number is lower than the daily average for the first six weeks of the first semester. The librarian's ac-counts show that a daily average of 191 books and magazines were checked from the library during the first six weeks of this school year.
Other Classes are Being Invited To Special Affair
Tennis Courts Are Being Worked Into Good Condition
To be happy one must stop wanting what he can’t get, and start wanting what he already has.
SEND STUDENTS TICKETS A Ladies Aid society in a Kansas city recently sent $11 to cover the price of two tickets to the "Boosters Banquet" for two students who are from their city attending McPherson college this year. A like organiza-tion in another city also sent money to pay for two student tickets, to be presented to students unable to pur-chase their own tickets to the banquet.
Plans are being made in regard to continuing the practice of last year of the English department of the College in sponsoring a reading contest among college students. Prizes will be given to the first, second, and third places if the present plans materialize. The contest will be divided into two divisions, first. the humorous reading contest, and second, the dramatic content. All students who might be interested in such a contest are being urged to get in tooth with Miss Della Lehman at their most convenient date.
The old wire netting backstops
around the two north tennis courts have been replaced by new netting by the Student Council during the past week. The old backstops, last-ing through many student genera-tions, had reached the state where it was no longer efficient in stopping balls players were unable to return.
The four tennis courts are being gradually worked into excellent condition to be in readiness when the spring tournament plays begins. Many students of both sex are daily using the courts and are making good use of the spring weather that has been prevailing thruout the winter.
Tomorrow afternoon a Drama Tea will be given in the Y. W. room by the Modern Drama class with a number of other classes of the College being invited. Miss Della Lehman will be the feature speaker of the afternoon tea which is to start at 3:30 o'clock. Miss Lehman will tell of some of her experiences in the field of drama while in London the past winter and fall.
The other classes that are being invited in the tea include the Ad-vanced Expression class, Short Story class, and the Greek Literature class. Miss Edith McGaffey is instructor of the Drama class.
Given At The Home Of Edna Nyquist On South Main
STUDENT TEACHER SUBSTITUTES Harry Zinn, '31, last week taught in the Industrial arts department of the Moundridge high school for four days, substituting for Tom Scott, who was playing with the Wichita Henrys in the National Tournament at Kansas City.
Life is made shorter by waste of time.
Sat., Mar. 14- The first social event of the senior class took place tonight at the home of Mr and Mrs. Gus Nyquist, 719 S. Main, where the class and their sponsor, Prof. Maurice A. Hess, were entertained to a rook party.
The fore part of the evening was spent in playing a bean bag game and later the rooms being filled with tables where progressive rook was played. Naomi Witmore carried off the high point honors and a book of poems as a prize.
At the close of the evening a light lunch of ice cream, sandwiches, coffee, and olives was served. Twenty-three members of the class and their sponsor were present.
WEDNESDAY, MAR. 18, 1931
Editor-in-chief |
_ Leland E. Lindell |
Associate Editor |
Donald L. Trostle |
Associated Editor |
— Alberta Yoder |
Circulation Manager |
Business Manager _____ |
—Ernest L. Betts |
Ass't Business Manager . |
______Paul Sherfy |
Ass't Business Manager |
David Bowers |
_ Carrol D. Walker |
If there come a little thaw.
Still the air is chill and raw. Here and there a patch of snow.
Dirtier than the ground below. Dribbles down a mushy flood;
Ankle deep you stick in mud in the meadows while you sing, “This is Spring.” . —Selected.
Vernon Rhoades |
Dave Shackelford |
Christine Mohler |
Everette Fasnacht |
Ruth Trostle |
Ethel Sherfy |
Vernon Flaming |
Edna Hoover |
Edna Nyquist |
Esther Brown |
Nina Stull |
Mrs. W. G. Grabeel, Correspondent |
Rose Hill, Va. |
Faculty Advisor _________________________________ |
-----------------------__Prof. Maurice A. Hess |
A noted actor, writing in the Atlantic Monthly magazine, gives his personal views upon the use of bad speech. A few extracts are here given:
"I have noticed amongst the youth of today that there is frequently a decided objection to speaking well, a feeling that there is something unhealthy in good articulation. I know nice parents-—well spoken parents with children who speak vilely. Frequently when a boy speaks very badly the mother looks at him with pride and says: 'Isn't he a little man!" I can see no good in this. There is nothing clever in speaking badly—-anybody could do it with a little practice, one can speak well and still be a little man—or a big man.
"I say nothing against slang, I rather admire it; it enriches the language. But I can see no excuse for a lazy and careless delivery of words. Laziness in diction leads to laziness in phraseology—to the perpetual use of words 'fine' and 'grand' and 'sure'—monosyllables which can hardly be said to be a healthy stimulus to conversation.
"If we are going to have better spoken English we have to work from the bottom. Schools and colleges and parents have to take a hand. When bad diction is a matter of ignorance it is excusable, but in the case of persons who have all the advantages of education and decent environment it is little more than culpable negligence and laziness."
In the Spring a young man's fancy turns to Arnold Hall. 'Tis old, but true.
First, wear a certain vague and shadowy pink dress to aid the stam-mering, speed the ring, and start the little dressmaker off on the trous-sean, for an old saying says that every man has proposed to a little girl in pink. So when you see the signs, look pretty, sweet and wideeyed in a long, trailing evening gown of pink chiffon if your big seems in to be an interior. Be sure your waistline is high. Wear a sparkling necklace that suggests "A river of light” rather than ready money. Pray over your opera slippers for they must look small. Just for fun, keep the young man waiting while you look at yourself. Then trip down the stairs to him and be as devastating as you can.
know what good does an economist do? ... He can tell you what to do with your money after you've done something else with it. . . . One of them gol-darn theorists has attacked me. . . . He asks: "What is your idea of Heaven?" . . . Methuselah's age and Solomon's wives, my boy. . . . And at last a student inquires how he can stretch a dollar a wee bit farther in these hard times . . . (probably a Scotchman) . .. Well, brother, I suggest, that the Treasury Dept. substitute elastic threads in place of the silk ones in all new bills. . , . A friend of mine who is coming to visit me, writes: “Is the dormitory cook a good cook? . . . Oh, boy! Drop in sometime when she is roasting the janitor! . . . In the dining hall the other noon a girl stated that her opinion is that “clothes do not make the man." . . . Maybe not, sister, but I wouldn't want to run aronnd without ’em. .. Pen's dry and so am I.
, . . So long until next week.
Planted Near Tree-May Prove Interesting Ten Years From Now
The planting of the tree last Wednesday was a grave ceremony. We "Spec" Jack knew it was muddy when he offered to support the tree while the other boys shoveled in the dirt.
Only by stretching the imagination can one probably think who will unearth the small jar which was planted by the side of the memorial tree planted by the seniors. This jar contains the history of the class that placed the tree on the campus. Possibly at some future year at a class reunion the jar may be found and it may reveal some incidents then forgotten.
Miss Doris Ballard of Alta Vista, Kan., called at the dormitory Sunday.
Miss Esther Brown visited her sis-ter Floy at Ellinwood from Friday until Sunday.
Mr. Vernon Flaming visited friends and relatives at Hillsboro over the week end.
Mr. Guy Hayes visited friends on the campus Sunday.
Miss Alma Rodabaugh spent the week end with Miss Thelma Seltz, a former student, at Larned.
Miss Florence Lehman, '30, Covert, Kan., called at the dormitory Sunday night.
Mr. Kenneth Bitikofer was the guest of his parents at Hesston.
Miss Marjorie Bunce spent the week end at her home near Bushton.
Mr. Harold Crist, Miss Verna Beaver, and Mr. Lloyd Seltz called at the dormitory Sunday evening.
Miss Florence Stucky went to her home near Castleton this week end.
Miss Irene Steinberg of Gypsum visited friends at the dormitory Saturday and Sunday.
Mill Lydia Hertzler visited as the C. M. Christensen home at Centen-nial this week end.
Miss Fern Shoemaker visited friends in McPherson Sunday.
Miss Pauline Dell went to her home at Beatrice, Nebr., this week end.
None are so blind as those who can't see the other fellow's duty
Figures are usually authentic, and figures can very easily tell of the rise and fall on the economic barometer. A depression cannot hang on forever without there being some decided upgrade in the trend of the nation's business. There are now indications that, we are climbing out from under the burden that has been on our shoulders for more than a year. The depression of l930 and 1931 will be one that will be long remembered as bringing a great deal of hardships and suffering among the laboring class that have been living surrounded with plenty but unable to reach for it.
One can hardly realize just how severe conditions have been during the last year unless they have lived in the larger cities of the nation. A good deal of the trouble has been centered around agriculture and especially the marketing of wheat. During January of this year the value of farm products declined 2.2 per cent. Cotton has increased only slightly with the present stock that will be carried over in this country amounting to 11,700,000 bales, the amount that next year's crop will produce.
The Grain Stabilization corporation has announced that it has or will sell 35, 000, 000 bushels of high grade wheat in Europe to clean our ports for the next crop. The total value of exports declined $ 1, 400, 000, 000 from 1929 to 1930.
According to a pamphlet issued each month by the National City Bank of New York they quote figures indicating that the net profits for 1930 in the industrial world in the United States was 40 per cent below 1929, and 38 per cent below 1928. Profits in the iron and steel industry have declined from $369, 000, 000 to $ 179, 000, 000 or by almost 52 per cent during the same period. Capital and surplus at the beginning of last year dropped from 11.3 per pent to 4.8 per cent.
The increase in the production of automobiles usually shows a degree of prosperity. In this industry the net profit of 19 manufacturers declined from $348, 000, 000 to $170, 000, 000 or 51 per cent in 1930. In the petrol-eum industry 41 companies declined in earnings from $628,000,000 to $343,000,000 or by 45 per cent last year. Operating revenues of all Class l railroads last year amounted to $5, 343, 000,000 as compared with $6, 360,-000,000 in 1929 a decrease of 16 per cent.
But there is another side of the picture. Last year November was the worst business month of the year and since then business has been gradually attempting to regain its former status. In November last year the automobile industry produced 135, 752 units while in January of this year it had increased to 171,903 units. Steel mills were operating in December of last year 24 per cent of their capacity while in January they had jumped to 62 per cent capacity. During January sales of cotton textiles were 18 per cent in excess of production and shipments 4 per cent in excess of production.
Recovery is bound to come slowly, but by doing so it is going to place business on a firmer basis. It may be two years until business has fully regained its high level of 1929, but prosperity if not far ahead and there is sure to be a turn in the road before many months.
Letha Allen ... |
_______Mar. 24 |
Ada Walker.......... |
...........Mar, 22 |
Virgil Weaver ___ |
------Mar. 24 |
The true gentleman is the man whose conduct proceeds from goodwill and acute sense of propriety, and whose self-control is equal to all emer-gencies; who does not make the poor man conscious of his poverty, the obscure man of his obscurity, or any man of his inferiority or deformity; who is himself humbled if necessity compel him to humble another: who does not flatter wealth, cringe before power, or boast of his own possessions sympathy, and whose deeds follow his word; who thinks of the rights and feelings of others rather than of his own; who appears well in any company and who is at home when he seems to be abroad—a man with whom honor is sacred— —Forbes Magazine.
It is an old saying that you can never tell what you can do 'till you try. The more I see of life, the more I am convinced at the wisdom of this observation
Surprisingly few men are lacking in capacity, but they fail because they are lacking in application. Either they never learn how to work, or having learned they are too indolent to apply themselves with the seriousness and the attention that is a neccessary to solve important problems. Any reward that is worth having only comes to the industrious.
The success which is made in any walk of life is measured almost by the amount of hard work put into it.—Calvin Coolidge.
The man who does things has very little time for anything else.
Since the tree is a rapid grower, we “Spec” that this summer students will study in the shade of the Chinese Elm Tree.
"Nineteen Hundred.”
Beth Hendrickson Gives Reading— Three Talks Are Given On Subject
HOT SHOTS from the Days’ Weekly NEWS
Miss Beth Hess, teaching at Lang-don this year, visited friends at the dormitory Saturday.
Miss Nina Stull visited her parents at Arlington Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. Paul Bowers of Covert spent the week end with friends and relatives on the Hill.
Miss Ethel Sherfy motored to Castleton Sunday.
Miss Mary Lou Williams and Miss Grace Early took Sunday dinner at Dr. and Mrs. V. F. Schwalm’s.
Sun., Mar. 16—The theme of the College C. E. program this evening was Sunday observance. As a part of the program which was in charge of Fred Andrews, Beth Hendrickson read "Anne of Green Gables,"
Three talks were given on the gen-eral theme of why people do or do not attend church. The talks were presented by Velma Keller, Edith Richards, and Everett Fasnacht.
As I take my pen in hand and everybody becomes quiet one might think that I have a heluva bunch of good stories. . . . But I haven't. . . . Just a few unique questions I have heard the past week that I must get off my chest. . . It seems that one student thinks his doctor's charge of $3.00 for painting his throat with iodine is too high.,. . I think so too. This week end I heard a neighbor say that he had his whole kitchen painted last week for $2.50. . . . Another student wants to know what is a "matrimonial bureau."' . . . Usually it's a bureau with six drawers packed full of women’s things and one man's necktie, . . One professor was talking to another: “My wife is crying for food." . . . The other replied: "Gosh, you don't know what trouble is. My wife is howling for a diamond necklace.” ... A young would-be mathematician de-sired to know how to get the cubic contents of a barrel. . I'd say go home and ask your father, ... A radio fan on the third floor of the men's dormitory wants to know how many radio broadcasting stations there are in the U. S. . . . Well, there are about 5, 000—not counting those that lean over the back fence. . . . A bright co-ed asks: “What in the world is a 3-season bed?" . . . I can't imagine, unless it's one with no spring ... a business man wants to
WEDNESDAY, MAR. 18, 1931
The instructions from the editor were “Start with a pet saying but Keith Hayes doesn't seem to have any—so we snitched some inside "dope" about this president of the senior class from his "kid" brother, Kermit— and we can only hope we don't spill too much—.
The Hayes' home is eight miles northwest of Little River. Our honored president has been living there for about twenty-three years. He seemed to wax strong in that enviroment for when he was graduated from the eighth grade his grades were high. Then he attended Little River high school for a year, Lyons high school for a year and then his last two years at Little River again. According to ''younger" brother he made the honor roll most of the time, debated his last three years, and in his senior year was president of his class.
Then after graduation we find that he and a boy friend rigged up a car with a characteristic rattle and with the age-old call of "Westward Ho" started for Californi. The first night out they upset Elizabeth Anne and shook a few of her rattles. 'They were scared to write home and tell their folks," said Kermit. A few days later they found themselves working in a cantaloupe patch with some Mexicans and still later working in Idaho. They finally reached the land of the "lemon and the nuts," and finally home after three months of vagabonding.
He's been in college for about four years now. During that time he has been class president twice, president of the International club this year, a state championship debator one year, and is debating this year for the third time. He recently won the local peace oratorical contest and will compete for state prize. He was in the Forensic club for two years, a member of the Y.M.C.A. Cabinet one year and may become a member of Pi Kappa Delta, national fraternity.
Talking to someone’s younger brother in like eavesdropping—one finds a few things one shouldn’t know. But anyway if he has done a few naughty things in the past that only proves him to be human.
In high schol he stayed with a chum and they used to go home occassionally and bring eggs back with them.
Instead of eating the eggs they sold them to get money to spend.
Then, when he was very young he
used to get his little brothers in trouble. He would send them to the store to get candy. They would say their mother sent them and when they got the candy Keith got his share and "small brothers" were blamed.
Once four boys accompanied Mr.
President to Colorado for a week's
jaunt. Among the four was Kermit who said, “He’s a terrible driver. He stays on the road but he nearly scares you to death.”
He said something too that might account for his older brother's leadership ability. He has always been given a lot of responsibility at home and he has read a great deal, especially current events. He intends to teach and to do graduate work In some larger school In the future.
Keith Hayes Has Been Active In Many Campus Activities—His Brother Says "He's A Terrible Auto Driver"—To Teach After Receiving His Degree This Spring
Mon., Mar. 16—Nellie Collins, Junior, was elected president of the W.A.A, tonight at a meeting of the organization in the Administration budding. Esther Brown was elected vice-president. Esther Nonken treasurer, and Lois Edwards secretary.
GIVEN PROGRAM AT WINDOM Friday morning, March —Dr. V. F. Schwalm, with Mrs. Anna C. Tate, accompanied by Miss Helen Eberly at the piano, gave a short program. Dr. Schwalm addressed the high school student body on the general topic of "Vocations,'’ and Mrs, Tate sang a number of solos.
Hapgood Tells Of His Experiences While In European Coal Fields
Financial Straits Given Cause For Discontinuing School
In an average group of 100 men, one becomes rich, four well-to-do, 30 independent, and 65 are supported by relatives. So why worry — it seems they all have it pretty soft.
"Duty" is but another name for man's instinctive desire to return to humanity the blessings he has received by inheritance from preceding generations.
Survey At Emporia Places McPherson Seventh From Top
Emporia Teacher's College First With Teachers Averaging $1812-13 The First Year
School |
Salary |
Rank |
for year | ||
Emporia Teachers' |
$1812.15 |
1 |
K. S. A. C. |
1712.39 |
2\ |
Wichita U.___ |
1704.6O |
______ 3 |
Southwestern |
1685.28 |
4 |
Baker _ |
1665.45 |
____5 |
Washburn |
1665.45 |
_____ 5 |
McPherson . |
1658.21 |
6 |
Kansas university |
1646.91 |
7 |
Pittsburg Teachers’ |
1646.15 |
9 |
Bethel |
1640.23 |
10 |
Sterling |
1630. 93 |
.11 |
Hays Teachers' |
1628.46 |
12 |
Friends |
1624.72 |
13 |
Ottawa |
1593.10 |
14 |
C. of E. |
1588.23 |
__15 |
Kansas Wesleyan |
1574.G68 |
16 |
Bethany . . |
1564.51 |
17 |
To Be Called "The Cross Road Playmakers"
At a meeting of those interested in the Little Theater Movement last week a name was decided for the new community dramatic organiza-tion. The name "The Cross Road Play Makers," was voted to be the name of the organization.
A number of students have joined the organization and the group study has already started. Those mem-bers that are interested in definite lines of drama work have been as-
signed to a definite group in which
that phase of the drama is studied. It is not too late for any student who might wish to join the organization to do so because the charter is still open.
SINGS AT P. T. A. MEETING Last Thursday night Miss Ruth Turner, senior, sang a number of selections at a Parent Teachers Association meeting at the high school in Chase. Miss Turner was accompanied at the piano by Miss Helen Eber-ly. Those making the trip to Chase besides the two musicians were Pauline Dell, and Kermit Hayes. Miss Esther Brown accompanied the group to Chase where she remained during the week end with her sister
Thurs.. Mar. 12—According to the Kansas City Star today the infor-mation is given that St. Mary's college at St. Mary's, Kansas, founded 83 years ago as a Jesuit mission and school, is to cease its functions as a boys' school and, under plans developed by the authorities of the Jesuit order, will become a theologate —a place for those who are studying for the priesthood. -
The plans have been referred to high authorities in Rome, who have indicated that the matter of changing St. Mary’s to a seminary for priest training should be disposed of by the provincial in charge. Plans are for the college to become part of the theological seminary of St. Louis university, a Jesuit institution. The move is in line with present thought among the higher authorities of the Jesuit order, that the theologates should be situated in rural communities rather than in large cities.
It became known some time ago that St. Mary’s was facing problems which finally were referred to the provincial and later to higher Jesuit authorities. One problem involved proceeding with the school for boys in the fate of financial difficulties such as many other schools have encountered in these days of large centralized institutions of learning.
Esther Brown Voted To Be Vice-President OF W.A.AA.
To understand the world is better than to condemn it; to study the world is better than to abuse it; to make the world better, lovelier and happier is the noblest mark of any man or woman.
Hapgood And Richardson Hold Interest Of Studenty Body -
Fri., March 13- The Christian World Educational conference conducted by the local Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. yesterday and today brought to the McPherson campus two outstanding social workers and lecturers. Dr. Clement Richardson. president of the Kansas Vocational school at Topeka, is a well known authority on race relations between negroes and whiles, which he discussed during the institute. Powers Hapgood, the other speaker, was primarily concerned with industrial economy.
Mr. Hapgood told of the success of the Columbia Conserve company, a canning factory of Indianapolis which since 1917 has successfully conduct-red an usual experiment in indus-trial democracy. The entire control of the company is vested in the workmen, who hire and live employees, make promotions, set salaries, and divert all of the company's policies.
The unusual financial success of the
project and social betterment, of the workmen have convinced Mr. Hap-good that it will work in other industrial companies as well.
He told of working conditions in other countries, including Japan, Germany, France, England and Sov-iet Russia, which he has recently visited. The friendly relations of German and French miners was pointed out and also an agreement among all unions of Central Kansas that they would strike from producing coal in the event of war. This would operate as a powerful preventive of anoth-er world conflic if carried out.
Mr. Richardson told of the cont-tributions which the negro race has made to civilization, pointing out a large number of examples from the history of the United States. He ex-plained the negro's religion, his fam-ily life, his education, and his social position as they have evolved from the beginning of slavery in America.
He stated that the negroes are the
only race of people who have been
invited here; they were sent for, while the white man was violently resisted by the leading citizens when he landed in the New World. Therefore it is largely the part of the whites to work out fair and amicable social relations with his darker-skinned brothers.
In the concluding address of the Institute Mr. Hapgood pointed out three things which we can remember in order to he "doers of the word, and not hearers only." First, one should make a personal issue of every case of race discrimination. Second, one can keep the government representatives informed of one's conviction on important issues by letters and petitions. And third, one should take care to patronize those industrial companies in which goods are produced under good working conditions.
ATTEND LINDSBORG PARTY Miss Edith Oldham and Mr. Gil-bert Myers attended a bridge party and a dance in Lindsborg last Friday night. The party was given by friends of Miss Oldham.
Emporia, Kan., March 16—The Emporia Teachers' college scores again! This time it is in the field of making money instead of athletic achievements. Students graduating from Emporia Teachers’ college with B. S. decrees are, on the average, making $100 more a year teaching than the graduates of any other college or university in Kansas,
A study of the salaries of the teachers in the Kansas high schools was made recently by Carol Ridge-way, freshman basketball coach, who is working on his thesis for his mas-ter’s degree.
Mr. Ridgeway gathered his infor-mation from the office, of the state superintendent of public instruction, at Topeka. This information is based on the beginning report of the superintendents of high schools. The college that is used as the basis for this report is the one from which the student got his B. S. degree.
Ranking next to the Emporia Teacher’s college is Kansas State Ag-ricultural college, Manhattan. One reason for its high ranking is that the special agricultural students are paid in part by the federal government. Many specialties are taught in the Emporia school, thereby com-manding a higher salary.
Wichita aniversity ranks because of a large percentage of their better students are hired into the high schools of Wichita, where the pay is higher than in the small towns. The low ranking of Kansas university is
on account of the large number of the better students that go into other professions. McPherson college ranked seventh, but in reality it is sixth, because of Baker and Washburn tying for fifth place. Pittsburg Teachers' ranked will down the list, being ninth among the seventeen col-leges.
Don't stand with your back to the sun and then grumble at the shadows.
To Be Held Next Tuesday And Wednesday Afternoons
The words we leave unsaid are often more eloquent than the words that are spoken.
All the seniors have to do now to give their Chinese elm tree great dis-tinction would be for one of them to start a tree sitting endurance con-test.
Her eyes were black as jet,
This charming girl I knew I kissed her and her husband came, Now mine are jet black, too.
There are 57 rules for success in business. The first is "Deliver the Goods." Never mind the other 56.
To Pick First Three Places—New Material Looks Promising
Again Melvin Miller, '30, has made the All-American basketball team as a result of his National A.A.U. tournament at Kansas City. This is the second consecutive year that Miller has made the first team selection. For four years "Spider" played on the Bulldogs and three years made the All-Kansas conference selection for first team. Last year Miller played with the Wichita Henry's, with whom he played this year, going to Kansas City for the tournament with one of his team mates, Ray Nonken, star McPherson guard.
The first All-American selection as presented by the coaches and officials of the national tourney included Miller, Henry’s, and Burks. K.C.A.C., forwards; Alexander, Hen ry's, center; Dunham, Henry's, and Hyatt, Los Angeles A.C. (Captain), guards.
To Serve Second Term With World Service Group
Thurs., March 12—The World Service group elected officers tonight at a meeting held in the Y W. room. Philip Lauver was reelected president. Charles Austin vicepresident. Mary Weddle treasurer, and Elizabeth Richards secretary.
Following the election of officers Powers Hapgood spoke to the Group on his experiences in foreign lands with respect to the work of missionaries. He pictured clearly the attitude or the various peoples toward the missionaries, which was generally favorable and appreciative.
WEDNESDAY, MAR. 18, 1931
Due to the unsettled weather conditions the last two weeks the class track and field meet of the College has been postponed until Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon, March 24 and 25. This move was deemed necessary to allow the candidates to better condition themselves for the first meet. The meet is being run two days so as to give all students who might wish to enter a chance to do so.
The class meet will be run as any Intercollegiate meet, picking the first three in the sprints and distance runs. It is not as yet known who is to be the field judge and official starter, but from all probability they will be selected from the students.
The purpose of the class meet is to eliminate the candidates who might wish to make the varsity team, but it does not mean that those who do not place in either first, second, or third, will not be allowed to continue their practices with the varsity team. The meet will give the coach an opportunity to see what material he has around which to build his varsity squad.
Last year the senior class carried off the high point honors, more than doubling points on the freshmen who came out second place. The sophomores were third and the juniors trailed at last place.
The material coming in this year gives promise of developing into first class track and field men. A number of freshmen have reported for practice.. Max O'Brien is out for the sprints, and freshman coming in at the beginning of the second semester, Vogel, a star high jumper on the city high school team last year, looks promising. Vogel is also a candidate for one of the distance runs.
The track is being worked down into fine shape and will be in readiness for the class meet. Sand has been placed in the field pits and measurements made for the javalin, discus, and shot put.
Blair To Be Toastmaster—-To Be Served By Y. W. Co-eds
Invitations for the "M" Club banquet are being sent out to members of the Alumni Association who are "M" Club members and who might be able to attend the social affair of the College athletes April 11.
Prof. J. A. Blair, the "silver-ton-gued" orator of the College, has been secured as toastmaker. The co-eds of the Y. W. C. A. are to prepare and serve the banquet that is to be held in the parlors of the Church of the Brethren. Charles Smith has been given the task of assembling a small orchestra to play during the time the dinner is in progress.
TAKE AEROPLANE RIDE Mon., March 10—A number of students look the opportunity afforded them today to take an aeroplane ride over the city. Those making trips in the cabin monoplane were Essie Kimball, Nellie Collins, Lloyd Larsen, Carroll Walker, Harvey Shank, Max O'Brien, Vernon GustafSOn.
Basketball Emblems To Be Granted This Spring
Seven Bulldog cagers are to receive letters this spring from the Athletic department of the College for playing the required number of games in Kansas conference competition. Those receiving letters will be Cecil Anderson. Posey Jamison. Irvin Rump, Harold Binford, Hill, Vernon Flaming, and Ralph Johnston.
Melvin Miller was up to his old stuff again during the Kansas City tournament. The Wichita Beacon calls him the "dizziest" forward in the game. The Kansas City Star says that he just couldn’t miss the basket. And everybody said that he was a wizard on the court.
Spring football will meam an added sport for the Bulldogs this spring to take the time of those who will not be out for track or tennis. By instituting this new phase of sports at this time of year will add to the quality of next fall's team. It is un-derstood that only the fundamentals of the game will be studied and put to practice.
Ottawa seems to appreciate the altitude McPherson sports fans took in regards to the unfortunate incident of Kepner on the McPherson court. Such an appreciation is looked to as a heighth of sports standards.
It was too bad that Bethany's Larson did not gain a berth on any of the three All-American selections at Kansas City last week. Last year the Kansas City Journal-Post gave him a place on the first All-American team but The Star and other leading papers and officials of the country placed Larson on the second team selection and placed Miller on the first team selection. Larson will have another chance at the crown next year and here is hoping that he makes it because there is a "baby” that can play basketball and there is no getting around It.
A number of McPherson graduates have been making good as high school coaches this year in basketball. Floyd Barngrover won the Hutchinson tournament last week with his high school team. Harold Crist with his Zook quintet carried away the high honors at the district tourney at Larned, and a number of others have been receiving a good deal of publicity as a result of their school coaching. This fact reflects back upon the coaching they received while in school at McPherson and a good deal of credit is and should he given to the coach.
School teachers that go out from the College, especially coaches, and make good in their line of work are the best means of advertisement that the College can expect. When they boost those who boost, the College it is all together proper that those who are "boosted" should boost the College.
Plays With Henry’s For Second Consecutive Year .
Wilfred Husband, McPherson, Tells Of Trip Around The World
Tues., March 10—Wilfred Hatband of McPherson, who has traveled around the world, lectured and presented five reels of motion picture films tonight in the College, chapel auditorium.
Mr. Husband gave a brief outline of the countries in which he visited and noted places that impressed him most. The speaker said that when a person took a trip like the one he took he should go alone, bare light luggage, and plenty of travelers’ checks.
"Honolulu has a perfect climate," asserted the speaker. In describing one of the first places he stopped. Traveling westward he visited Japan, China, India, Palestine, and on up into Europe.
A few of the cars on the campus
are beginning to look like real hon-est-to-goodness "collegiate flivvers." The reason, we explain, is due to the fact that the recent paths upon the campus are still being used as roads
We understand that a 900,000-Volt X-ray tube is being built for the purpose of fighting cancer. Wouldn't it be a whale of a way to get a good sun tan for this summer. But oh, just think of the sunburn.