mcpherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Wednesday, jan. 28. 1931
Director Of City Affair. Of New York Says Three-Fourths Of This Is Profit—Gives Three Lecture. On Campus.
On Economic Conditions
Wed.. Jan. 28—-Y. M. Movie. Thur., Jan. 29—state Glee Club contest.
Mon.. Feb. 2—Regional Conference opens.
Mon., Feb. 2—Trustees Banquet. 6:00 o'clock
Newcomb, Missouri University, And Diecks of Kearney, Nebr., Teachers To Be Here To Judge—Third Member To Be Selected Yet
Tues. Jan 27-—Owing to the fact that a number of members were absent during the last week end. the College Freshman-Sophomore Sunday school class party has been post-poned front January 24 to Saturday night, January 31. at 7:30 o'clock. The party well be hold in the parlors of the Church of the Brethre.
The party will be sponsored by Mrs V F Schwalm and Dean R E Mahler, teachers respectively of the men's class and women's classe.
Nineteen Trustees To Be Here For Annual Meeting Feb 2
Monday. Feb. 2. the trustees of McPherson college will meet here for their annual business session. Many Important and outstanding matters Will be taken Up and discussed. That night at 6 o'clock a dinner will be served in the trustees and the faculty In the parlor of the Church of the Brethren
The trustees of the college, including 19 members will Include Paul K Brandt. Holmesville. Nehr ; Roy A. Crist. Quinter. Kan . E. B. Eby. St. Joseph. Mo.; E A. Frants. Fort Worth. Texas: Ira Frantz. Fruita, Colo.. H J Harnly. McPherson. Kan Orin Harvey. Joplin, Mo.; W A. Kinzie, Navarre, Kan : Emry Martin. Bloom. Kan ; B S. Miller. Alta-mont. Kan ; Stephen Miller, Carelton, Nehr James Mohler. Leeton Mo :
J H Oxley, Amen, Okla.; H. G Shank. Fruitland, Idaho; I C Snave-ly. Haxtus. Colo. Ray Strohm., McPherson. Kan ; F A Vaniman, McPherson. Kan Ernest Wall. McPherson. Kan . J J. Voder. McPher son. Kan , and V. F Schwalm Ex offico. McPherson. Kan.
Fourth Number Of Lyceum Of High Class Light Opera Music
Fri . Jan. 23 -The fourth number of the McPherson Community lyceum course was presented tonight in the Congregational church with the Margot Hayes Symphony ensemble entertaining with a high class light opera and concert music to a fairly large audience
The management secured this group as the most expensive program on the seasons course. Margot Hayes has a national reputation as an operatic and concert soloist Special scenery and light effects together with the use of fitting costumes added a great deal to interest to the evening's program
Dominating Idea That He Is Found Thru The Art Of Love
Sun . Jan 25 Tonight the Collage Christian Endeavor program followed the theme of "Finding God in our Daily Life." As a part of the devotional period Ruth Turner sang a solo and Ethel Sherfy led the group in group singing.
The four phases of the theme taken up In the discussion were "Finding God In Nature” by Esther Nonken: "Finding God In Our Homes” by Louisa Ikenberry; "Finding God In our Friends” by Jay Hertzler. and "Finding God In our own Hearts" by Alberta Yoder. The dominating idea that prevailed in the talks was that the way to find God In our daily lives was thru the art of love.
racketeers in finance
Only One Racketeer Convicted Of
Murder In Chicago Records Show
Fri. Jan- 23—Paul Blanshard. director of City Affairs committee of New York City, spoke to the student body In chapel this afternoon from 2:30 until 3:30 o'clock on the general topic of "Racketeering High and Low, A Social Interpretation, The talk was not only of gangsters but
the racketeers of high finance, advertising, land gambling, and poli-tics, concluding with a discussion of racketeering and the decadence of the American spirit.
In telling of the vast extent of the gangster racketeering the speaker stated that in Chicago, the capital of the racketeers, the gross Intake per week is $5,575,000. and that three-fourths of this amount Is profit. The profit on beer alone Is 600 per cent while on whiskey It Is 300 per cent. Speakeasys make a profit on an average of 25 per cent, the speaker asserted.
"The reform school is not n reform school for gangsters," stated Mr. Blanshard. "There has been only one man In Chicago ever convicted of murder as a result of gang-load activities. The records show that gangland men do not live to a ripe old age."
Gangland is not the only place where we have racketeering, the speaker remarked. Politics is full of this form of racketeering and we cannot go long with such a doublemoral service. Eighty or 90 per cent of all transactions on the New York stock exchange arc purely gambling,
Mr. Blanshard gave two distinct causes for the existing conditions of racketeering. The first of these, the speaker stated, In the fact that the economic system of the United States has grown beyond comprehension and beyond control. His second cause was the fact that standards of work have been undermined.
Manchester First With 600 And McPherson Is Third With 310
With eight colleges and one seminary the Church of the Brethren has a total student population this year of 2340 men and women McPherson college ranks third with a total enrolment of 310 students with North Manchester first with 600 students. The list of Brethren colleges and their enrolments is here given;
Manchester |
600 |
Juniata |
488 |
McPherson |
310 |
Laverne |
227 |
Bridgewater |
217 |
Elizabethtown |
189 |
Mount Morris - |
172 |
Blue Ridge |
65 |
Bethany Bible School |
72 |
Says That Wilson Is Honored Very Much In Europe
Tues. Jan. 27—"Czechoslovakia, with her new Independence is just like a child with a new toy. President Woodrow Wilson is honored everywhere and memorials are erected In his memory. In Austria the gov -ernment care for the pour In a more systematic manner than In many countries." These are some of the thoughts Mrs. V. F. Schwalm gave to the women in Y. W. C. A. this morning.
Bonnie Mae Bowers played and sang several songs. Miss Della Lab-man. who has been studying In Bag-land the past semester, was intro-duced to the freshman girls.
To Be Off Press By Feb. 10 With 16 Pages.
Tues.. Jan. 27—It has been announced that the next edition of the Alumni Magazine will come of the press by February 10. The Maga-zine will contain 16 pages.
Credit for the Magazine will be due mostly to Dean R. E. Mohler: Orville Pote. Halstead. Kan: Dale Strickler, McPherson, business manager: and a number of other countri-buting editors.
Three Added To Last Semester's List Of Senior Students
Tues . Jan. 27 — The senior enrolment today Indicated that there will be 40 students in the graduating class In the spring Four new students have been added to the list to swell it to this number. These four include Fred Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. Wendall Hubbard, and Edna Nyquist The list of senior as issued from the registrar's office includes Effie Abeldt, Fred Andrews. Ruth Barnard. Ernest Belts. William Bigham. Ernest, Campbell. Cletus Carney, Gladys Christiansen. Eugenia Dawson, Vernon Gustafson. Keith Hayes. Both Hendrickson, Marvin Hill, Pearl Holderread. Edna Hoover. Helen Hudson, Marguerite Hubbard. Wen-dall Hubbard Ethel Jamison. John Lehman. Ida Lengel. Leland Lindell, Christine Mohler. Alma Morrison. Edith Murray. Wilbur McElroy. Blanche Pyle. Irvin Rump. John S. Rice. Herbert Ruthrauff, Nina Stull. Mrs Minnie Teeter. Ruth Trostle Ruth Turner. Naomi Witmore. Avie Wattenbarger. Carroll Walker, and Harry iZnn Edna Nyuist.
Coach Says To Check Up On Your
Health First
Wed.. Jan. 21—"Good health is the greatest asset that an Individual may possess," stated Couch Melvin J. Binford in giving his first chapel talk The world has lost many thru diseases; Keats died at the age of 21. Some have discovered too late that fame and fortune will not bring with it good health. Health in freedom from disease and more than that, it is the quality of life that readers the individual free to serve most and live best. Most anyone that wants good health bad enough can have it.
“The first thing to do." said the Coach, "is to check up on our health. This should be done by a good phys-ician. then the following things should be observed: 1. Careful se-
lection of diet. 2. Get plenty of fresh air, out of doors. 3. Sunshine is a good medicine. One cannot get too much if taken moderatively. 4. Dring plenty of pure water, at least 6 glasses daily. 5. Rest at least one-third of every 24 hours. 6. Physical exercise should be a part of our daily life. 7. Daily work is Important. 8. Clothing should be regulated by weather. Never sacrifice health for fashion."
The health idea as given by Coach Binford is thus:
1. To be able to carry out with zest the day's work. 2. To be able to eat 3 meals a day. 3. To be able to enjoy 8 bourn of sleep. 4. To be able to take some strenuous physical exercise each day. 5. To be able to enjoy the society of other people. 6. To be able to carry out some hard task each day. 7. To be able to live, talk, and sell health. 8. To be able to serve well.
Was Re-elected Vice-Chairman Of Educational Board Of Church
Chicago Branch To Meet Sometime In February In Chicago
Mon . Jan.26—Dr V F Schwalm returned to McPherson last Satur-day front unending two educational meetings in the east A meeting of the Association of American colleges at Indianapolis and also a meeting of the General Educational board of the Church of the Brethren was at-tended by the McPherson college president.
At the meeting of the general edu-cational board of the Church all the presidents of the respective colleges were present. Dr. C E. Ellis, presi-dent of Juniata college, was elected chairman of the board. Dr. Schwalm was re-elected vice president.
Dr. Schwalm was also on a com-mission of church colleges to study the objective or the Brethren church colleges in general and to recommend adjustments and improvements in the educational program. From all in dications this commission will be working for at least two years.
While attending the meetings in Indianapolis Dr. Schwalm states that a great deal of Interest In being manifested In regard to the movement started last year by Albert N. Ward. Maryland, tu helping and financing small Liberal Arts col logon of the country.
It was also learned by the President that McPherson college alumni In Chicago are planning a reunion dinner to be given about Feb. 10.
Alvan Voran. '29. is taking an active part In the activities of the College alumni in Chicago It is hoped by the Chicago alumni that President Schwalm might be able to attend the reunion while on his way to North Manchester where he is to deliver a series of lectures Feb. 11. 12. and 13.
Tues. Jan 27—Officials in the business office this morning stated that to date six now students have enrolled In the College, however, they were of the opinion that there may be a few more that will enroll.
The six new students that have enrolled are Charles Smith sophomore. of this city who has been attending the Kansas State Agrictu-lural college at Manhattan the first semester; Lela Myers, McPherson, sophomore. Lester Pote. Cushing. Okla., sophomore; Cllel Vogel. McPherson. freshman; Paul Sherfy. Hampton, Iowa sophomore, and H.
A. Nickel, Inman. special.
No definite figures were available as to the entire enrolment.
Mabel Beyer At The Monument. Kan.
High School
Miss Mabel Beyer. A. B. ’28. who Is teaching in the English department at Monument. Kan., is sponsor of the Monument Mirror. the high school paper This is in connection with the English IV class Sports news, and news of the high school along with the grade school news are included in the publication. The superintendent at Monument will also be remembered by former McPherson students. L. Avery Fleming. A
B. '27.
To Be Given Saturday Night, January 31
Judges And Instructors To Dine In Hotel McCourt Before Contest
Tues. Jan 27 The fifth annual contest of the Kansas Intercollegiate
I clue association will be held in the City auditorium of McPherson Thursday night. Jan. 29. at 8 o'clock.
Two of the judges will be Prof. Claude Newcomb. University or Miss-ouri, and Professor Dlecks, of Kear-ney Teacher's college. Kearney. Nebr. The third Judge has not yet been announced by those In charge of the contest Officers or the Association are Prof Hobart S. Davis. K S T C. of Hays. president: Prof. W H Hobman. Bethel college, vice president. Prof. D. A. Hirschler, College of Emporia. secretary-tres-surer. Prof Frank A Beach. K. S. T C of Emporia. representative to Missouri Valley
In addition to the prize song.
-Feasting I Watch" by Elgar, and the respective college songs of schools represented. the program will include the following choice songs by the glee clubs
"Steal Away" (Negro Spiritual). by K S T C of Hays.
"Deep River". by Bethel college. "Steal Away '. ( Negro Spiritual). by Sterling College
Pilgrims Chorus from Tam-hauser Wagner. by McPherson College.
The combined glee clubs will sing two Numbers. We meet Again To-night Boys and "Prayer of Thanksgiving"
Contest Judges and instructors will
meet at the Hotel McCourt at five o'clock Thursday evening for Dinner and a business meeting At that time the instructors will draw for the order of appearance on the pro-gram.
In order to accomodate out of town visitors, no seats will be reserved General admission of fifty cents, and twenty-five cents for high school students, will be charged
To Be Given In Chapel Tonight At 7:30
This evening at 7:30 o'clock a 5-find million picture, "The Passing of the Third Floor Back,' will be shown In the College chapel auditorium thru the efforts of the local Y M. C. A. and Y W C
The film is based on Jerome K. Jerome's famous play by the same name While the story is largely symbolical, aside from its spiritual message. it has many humorous and dramatic qualities. The leading role is taken by Sir J. Forbes-Robert-son, the actor who for eight succes-sive seasons played the part on the stage
All students and faculty members are invited to be present, No ad-mission will be charged.
Ralph Keedy In Charge Of Social
Problems Discussion
Thors Jan 22 -Ralph Keedy led the World Service Group this evening in a discussion of campus problems. Social problems relating to the failure of some students to become socially adjusted and means of making a richer social life possible for all students as well as greater culture In general conduct were discussed most The problem of prevalent student Indifference also received some emphasis Recognition was given to the fact that much has been done to relieve undesirable situations, however, there Is much ye to be done, The Group plans to continue a study of campus problems.
Editor-in-chief |
Associate Editor |
Associated Editor |
Leland E. Lindell |
Donald L. Trostle |
Alberta Yoder |
Circulation Manager |
Business Manager |
Ass't Business Manager |
Ass't Business Manager |
Carroll D. Walker |
Ernest L. Betts |
Max Weiz |
David Bowers |
Vernon Rhoades |
Dave Shackelford |
Ethel Sherfy |
Vernon Flaming |
Edna Hoover |
Rose Hill. Va. |
Prof. Maurice A. Hess |
Mrs. W. G. Grabeel, Correspondent |
Faculty Advisor |
The second semester is well underway and again we grapple with the tasks that are our. How do you tackle your work each day? Are you seared of a do you take it with an easy mind, or fearfully pause to view it, or do you dread the very thought of toll?
Self confidence is one of the dominating feature of work, you can do as much as you think you can but you'll never accomplish more If you are afraid of yourself There in little In store for you If you are afraid of your task. Failure comes from the inside first and it is there If you only knew it. One can win success, the you are facing the worst, if you feel that you're going In do it.
Success! It's round in the until of everyone. and not In the realm of luck It is the world that furnishes the work for one to do and It Is up to the individual to furnish the pluck. One can do whatever he thinks he can for it is all in the way you view it.
Don't be afraid to tackle your task each day. do you meet it with confidence clear or dread? What do you have in your mind each day as you go to work, in it fear? The next one von tackle, think that you are going to do It
YES. In the ideal society we will have community kitchens.
BUT. what will sign reading. "Home Made Pastry." "Mother's Cook-ies," "Country Fried Sausage and "Home Cooking" mean?
AND how Will women perpetuate the race since the way to a man's heart is thru his stomach? By her skill In selecting good community kitchens?
YES. In the Ideal society we will have state distribution of groceries. securing efficient delivery boys by using the Civil Service bureau.
BUT. to whom will they deliver except the community kitchens, which buy In huge quantities will undoubtedly go direct to the producer and cut nut the dasturdly middleman— the state.
AND what will 90 per cent of the lawyers and 100 per cent of the divorce court judges do when the grocery boys and ice men cease having the opportunity to provide ground for divorce? More technological un-employment!
YES. In the ideal society we’ll have community laundry's and darning machines.
BUT, who wants to be the community washerwoman, and how will the gossiping societies continue if they are deprived of the neighbor's. washing line as a subject of conversation?
AND, who is a man to "rake over the coals" when his collar Is starched poorly? Passing the Buck" In an evil already.
YES. In the Ideal society every woman will have a career.
BUT, what woman will want one if every other woman has one?
AND where will we get enough poodle dogs if every woman has a career?
YES. In the Ideal society every man will work for the good of all. each having for consumption his proportionate share of the total produced which means that all college students will get the same grades. The Bell shaped
curve will be useless.
BUT, who wants to make grades while someone else "necks” or plays bridge?
AND. who wants to plow corn while the other fellow drinks or wins the gulf tournament?
YES. In the Ideal society every person will be a college student from a “School of Quality" like McPherson, each showing Interest In the words of a great leader like Mr. Blanchard.
BUT. as at McPherson, half of them while lending an ear will be chewing gum and whispering like "talkies." permitting vital truths concerning vital questions to fall from their minds like water rolls from a duck's bock.
AND. so In the ideal society as every other one. fools will he fools, workers workers, schemers schemers, and Individual's trails and charac-teristics will path men shea din the system regardless of the system.
YES, I'm slightly pessimistic.
BUT, I don't play bridge nor neck—a lot.
AND, WELL! You writs one.— (Submitted)-
Paul Blanshard is indeed, as be himself stated. an Idealist and a dreamer. Solutions to the economic problems that he predicted are far ahead of the present trend of thought, but It is quite evident that before a number of years are past that a few of the decided changes that he bas suggested will be forced to come for the good of the laborer.
Mr. Blanshard's suggestion as the pushing up of the Inheritance and Income tax for a better distribution of the wealth of the nation seems to be a vague but accreditable solution, it was evident during the election last fall In Kansas, when the attempt was made to paw the graduated Income tax amendment, that It Is going to be a very difficult task to make the change from the old form of taxation. The proposed amendment was to place the greatest tax burden upon the shoulders of those who were most able to pay and to free the farmer from his heavy burden of taxation. It was the farmers of the state and the "Dr” Brinkley gang that defeated this measure, Brinkley wee against It because It was he that It would most severely effect. The farmers were against It because It was some-thing new end they did not quite understand It. A few states are enjoying this fairer tax are free from the heavy property tax to a great extent and the person she Is most able to pay is now paying the greatest burden of taxes.
So Rudy has insured his life for one-half million- We wonder how he manages to get along with himself.
The earmarks of genius often need washing.
Dark night—Banana peel—fat man—Virginia reel-
Max Weir |
Esther Brown |
Nina Stull |
Christine Mohler |
Herbert Eby |
Ruth Trostle |
Last week, I thought Spring was here, but it must have been some other year It reminds me of the Scotchman who got so warm he nearly spent a dime for an ice cream soda, but being of a practical nature, he drew a book from his pocket and began to read furiously It was a collection of ghost stories that made his blood run cold
They tell us that an empty stomach In the best breakfast nook there is.
We "Spec" that we cannot always believe even immigration reports.
Read this and weep with the ex-aminer: "Next."
"Who. Me?"
‘Yes, sir.”
•What part"
‘All of me."
•'Why did you leave Russia?"
"I could not bring it with me." "Where were your forefathers born?”
"I only got one father."
"Your business?"
"Where it Washington?"
"He's dead.” I mean the capital of the United States?”
“They loaned It all In Europe “Now do you promise to support the Constitution?
"Me? How can I? I've got a wife and six children support.”
We "Spec” that a group of four hikers In overalls and knickers. who were stretched out resting in front of the mausoleum and discuss-ing their preferences as to future homes. felt just a little to creepy when they sat up and noticed a funeral procession headed their way and al most upon them! But we also"Spec” that there was some of the best sprinting done. In the opposite di rection. that has been seen in many a day.
Say, are you going in take The Family?"
‘‘No.” answers Ethel. “I am going by myself."
If I was as bad as they say I am And you were good as you look, I wonder which one would feel the worse
If each for the other was took.
Here's Wishing you seniors a fine home run. the Juniors a successful sixth round, the sophomores an encouraging fourth Inning, and the
freshmen a cheerful second mile.
"Nineteen Hundred"
from the Days' Weekly
All we see now is sign such as "If you have Anything to buy, buy it now"—"Eat another slice of bread each weak to cut down the wheat surplus”-—and many others. We have yet to see that sign for depres-
sure cure of any of the good medicine men "Have that appendix removed now,”
We heard a good one the other day. A man was talking to a friend of his who has just returned from the south and the man asked his friend what he saw down In the south:
"I saw 75 dead rabbits In one field." remarked his friend.
"Why. what killed them." the ev-er curious man asked.
"The boll-wevil run them to death trying to pick the cotton out of their tails.'
And a peaking about southern stories. another man returned from that sunny country and a friend of his asked him if he happened to see any, sharks while be was gone.
"Yes, I played cards with two of them."
Mildred Ballard visited her sister Doris at Alta Vista this week end.
Atillia Anderson. Viola DeVilbis. Marlin Cox and Bruce Rolf visited at the DeVilbis home in Ottawa between semesters.
Ruth Trostle and Essie Kimball spent the week end at their respective homes near Nickerson.
Fern Heckman visited her sister Mrs. Alfred Colberg at Lyons this week end.
Imo Larsen, who Is attending Wichita university. spend a few days with friends on the campus between semesters.
Margaret Moulion went home with Salome Hiebert over Sunday.
Esther Brown spent the week-end at her home near Hutchinson.
Eugenia Dawson was at her home Sunday near Darlow.
Helen Hudson and Lillian Horning were the guests of Hope Nickel in Wichita this week end.
Sybil Curtis visited licr brother Ross at Waldo this week end,
Lloyd Larsen spent the week end at his home in Abilene.
Edna Chester of Medford. Okla., visited friends in and near Mc-Pherson Saturday and Sunday.
Margaret Stegeman was at her
home near Hope this week end.
Esther McWilliam's grandmother. Mrs. Halferty of Kansas City, spent from Monday until Wednesday at the
Florence Stucky went to her home this week end at Castleton.
Lloyd Diggs visited friends on the campus Saturday and Sunday.
Ninn Stull spent Saturday and Sunday at her home near Arlington.
Marjorie Bunce spent the week end at her home near Bushton.
Dare Shackelford visited with his parents near Arlington Saturday and Sunday. Dave has Just recently moved into the 'boys' dormitory.
Velma Amos visited her sister Mrs. Ranenstein at Basil, Kan.
Ellen Steinberg visited her parents at Lorraine this week end.
Alma Morrison spent Sunday and Monday at Durham with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Toland
Once a week it makes Its appearance you read It: you laugh over Its humor or crab its policies—what is It ? The Spectator How much do you know about it, of what It means to a few students who publish it each week, finals or no finals, parties or no parties, tired or not tired? The Spectator must come out each week on Wednesdays.
McPherson college papers have been preserved. and they will be pre-served in the future. Last year the stuff of the paper presented a bound copy of all the last years' papers so that they might be kept as a permanent record of school activities, in the librarian, The first issue ever published as well us nearly every Other issue. Is on file in the library. It will be of interest to become acquainted with the history of journalism in the College.
First Started In 1896 As "Student And Teacher”—Became “The Spectator” In 1918--Has Experienced A Gradual Evolution—Has Been Edited By Both Students And Faculty Members
Of Absence
Miss Della Lehman, who returned to the United Status Jan. 6. after a leave of absence granted by the College to study in England the first semester is now on the campus and will teach In the English and ex-pression departments. Miss Lehman, while in England, was located in London.
During the summer Miss Lehman conducted a tour of a group of young women, sponsored by the Stu-dent Travel club, of eight European countries. Among the group going with Miss Lehman three graduates of McPherson college were included These were Miss Floy Brown '29. Miss Myrte Moyer, '28. and Miss Eunice Longsdorf. '29.
Miss Lehman had her A B from Manchester college; i graduate student from the University of Chi-rago received her A. M from the
Lloyd Jamison. Doris Bailard. and Leland E. Lindell who is serving his second year as editor.
Several McPherson college journalists have risen to prominence in
We know your needs at The Haw-lev Barber and Beauty Shop. Ask our Bulldog Friends Permanents $5.oo and $10.00 Phone 499—adv.
Has Been In Europe Since Last
June—Was Granted Leave
Paul Blanshard. New York, Talks On Economic Situation
The Spectator did not spring up full grown In a day. it is the product of years of development, just as it has had a past, it will have a future Ups and downs, but mostly ups. have characterized the evolution of the College paper thru thirty-five years of continuous growth. starting with the unpretentious little teacher and Student in 1896 changing later to
the larger Rays of Light In 1900. to the McColpa in monthly publications, evolving Into the weekly Spectator In 1918. which has since experienced growth.
The first Teacher and Student, a at sixteen-page pamphlet, several of them advertising, published by the faculty. appeared July 15. 1896 Members of the faculty conducted the deportments; editorial. Bible, sci-ence. English. pedagogy, commercial, and musical, Most of the copy was editorial, being homilies directed to the plastic students. and no headlines were used Such general subjects an Mormonism. lynching, national debts, arbitration, and free silver were discussed. and It may be Infer-red that the students were not allowed to become narrow in their In terests. Thus few attempts were made to make the Teacher and Stu-dent a means of dispersing news Every issue of the Teacher and Student was edited by Pres. C. E Arnold.
Rays of Light succeeded the Teach-er and Student In December. 1899. and it was published by the students for the first time, but under faculty supervision It contained sixteen pages, slightly larger than the previous publication, with a heavy cover After several changes in form and number of pages it became a thirty-six page publication. Editors of Rays of Light Included C F. Gustafson. B B. Baker. F. G. Kaufman. Cline Brothers. C. H Slifer. H B. Hoffman. Crave Vaniman. D C. Steele. and George Wynn
In 1915 it seemed as the the student body seemed to have been suf-ficiently Inculcated with the Meals of the institution they were suffered to publish the McColpa without strict faculty censorship. For two years the McColpa, taking Its name from the first letters of the words. "McPherson College Paper." was printed every month, a thirty-six page paper, larger than Rays of Light and it was stilled by Lester F. Kimmel and Estel Jones.
Nineteen hundred seventeen saw a decided change In The Spectator and the transition from magazine to newspaper took place and a four-page weekly, half as large as the present Spectator emerged for the approval of both students and facul-ty. Simple headlines began to be used and news was the Important commodity of the paper The next year a six-page Spectator was issu-ed every two weeks, and In 1919 It hounded to an eight-page weekly of the same size In 1921. under the leadership of Orville Pole, now In the Halstead high school, it became the size that it is today. In the last fourteen years The Spectator has been edited by Lester F. Kimmel. Raul D. Hoffman. Gladys Heaston, Paul C. Warren. Jay W. Tracy, Orville D. Pote. Dale Strickler. Laura McGaffey. Paul Lentz. Kenneth Rock.
the profession among them are Ed-ward Frantz, once associate editor of Rays of Light, who is now editor of the Gospel Messenger and Lester F. Kimmel. now editorial writer on the Wichita Eagle staff
So the process has been one of gradual development in size, style, and make-up. The staffs, working against great odds —many members being without newspaper training have by hard work admirably over-come their difficulties.
University of Southern California, and has been studying modern literature In London during the last se-mester.
Courses in short story. principles of interpretation. rhetoric, advanced expression. and advanced literature will be taught by Miss Lehman during the second semester.
| Fri , Jan. 23 W r •, her..I old you feed him -t Paul lll.m -liard director rm committee of New York City in - 1 this morn-ing But when : ..lu.n r ,* old
you fire him ' Mr Blausbard was
brought to the McPherson campus
tion and is being • ' mi* 1 through
the century by the. I • .icm of 1 itil»i-
trial Democracy as their lecturer on economic conditions.
Mr Blanshard predicted that we will have times when we will not have conditions as we are experienc-ing Just at this time He also pre-dicted that we may have within a few years the four hour working day at a high wage
There are 511 people in the United States who have a yearly income of more than $l,000,000," stated Mr. Blanshard. "The aver-age wage for the workers is $23 a week. The farmer get an average of $10 a week. There is only one solution to such existing conditions as we now find, and that is to push up the inheritance and income tax and place It upon the people who are most able to pay,"
To Speak On “Success Of Marriage"
Here Feb. 18
Wed. Jan. 21 The first of the series of lectures based on hygiene a subject on which he is a recognized authority. to be offered to McPherson, Dr. Leonard Harrington of Kansas City. attracted close two hundred people to the Meth-odist church tonight.
to his talks on The Problems of
Modern Youth," a discourse on adol-
escence. Dr Harrington brought that the importance of securing the child's interest in something serious de-tinance interest as a stress or tension toward a goal. which will make the
child wrok to reach that objective, He quoted Dr Book of Indiana Uni-versity as emphasizing three things
to produce interest
1. To discover something in which the child's individual aptitudes or tendencies would make him imterest-■•d
To bring increased informa-
tion about this matter to the child.
2. To let the child succeed in rela-tion to the subject which be Is carrying on.
The subject or the next lecture to
be given on Feb. 18 is "Making a Success of Marriage" On March 18
the subject will be "Child Problems.”
' Ah want you to come and eat chicken still me tomorrow."
Oh. I don't like them there air-plane fouls
"'What do you mean, airplane fouls?"
All wings and machinery and no
She So you wear spats. He Naw that's just my long un-
— Mountaineer.
playing at forwards, Binford playing center. and with Jamison and probably McElroy at guards.
— drippings —
With 30 Second. To Play Bull-dogs Are Two Points Ahead
By Vernon Rhoades
Ottawa, Kan. Jan. 23—The Mc-Pherson college Bulldogs were defeated by the Ottawa Braves here to-night. 27 to 31, In a Kansas conference game which started out rather slowly but ended In an extra period thriller.
The first three-fourths of the game, the hard fought, was ragged, features by wild passing and non-scoring set-ups, with Ottawa generally keeping n few points in the lead. The score at the end of the first half was 12 to 6 for Ottawa In the last half the Bulldogs round the basket and a scoring duel developed between Hill of McPherson and Binns and Kepner of Ottawa, leaving the Bull-dogs with a two-point margin until the final thirty seconds, when Kep-ner looped one to tie the score at 23 to 23
In the five in minute play-off Ottawa held the advantage. scoring eight points to three for McPherson.
Hill of McPherson was high point man. scoring 13 counters. while Binns, lengthy Ottawa center, chalk ed up a total of 10 points. Three Ottawa players were hampered some-what by recent smallpox vaccinations
The Summary: Ottawa |
Fg |
Ft |
F |
Kepner |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Binns |
3 |
4 |
3 |
Benter |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Crilly |
2 |
0 |
0 |
McPherson |
2 |
It |
0 |
Hetzel |
1 |
0 |
U |
12 |
7 |
C | |
McPherson: |
Fg |
Ft |
P |
Jamison |
1 |
1 |
2 |
Anderson |
0 |
0 |
1 |
Hill |
6 |
0 |
2 |
Binford |
2 |
1 |
2 |
Rump |
2 |
2 |
0 |
Flaming |
0 |
0 |
0 |
McElroy |
0 |
1 |
0 |
11 |
G |
7 |
Referee. Parke Carrol, Kansan
Salina Team Able To Hit The Basket Consistently
Friday night the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes will come out of the north with a very determined manner in an attempt to defeat the McPherson college Bulldogs after their stinging defeat at the hands of St. Mary's who McPherson defeated early in the season.
All five of the first string men of the Coyotes are able to hit the baskets Suran. playing forward. Is probably their leading scorer, and with Dyck. Mortimer. Williams, and Kinnamon, make a team that will be difficult to defeat
Even basket ball men tip good looking waiters on basket ball trips.
Then the men are telling one on a Bulldog player who was talking to a man a Ottawa before the game last Friday night. There were to be two games in that city that one night and the man did not know which one to see. The McPherson player, a substitute. suggested that he go to the other game and then come to the Ottawa game for the last few min utes because that would be the time he would be playing. . .. L L.
Among Conference Schools
Jan. 28—Bethany at K-Wesleyan, on. 30—K-Wesleyan at Mc-
Jan. 30—Ottawa at Baker Jan. 30—Bethany vs. Phillips All-Stars at Lindsborg Jan. 31—K-Wesleyan at Bethel. Feb. 2— St. Mary’s at Ottawa.
Feb 3—McPherson at Bethany
Bethany |
W L 3 0 |
Pct. 1000 |
Pt 63 |
Op 41 |
K-Wesleyan |
2 1 |
.667 |
76 |
87 |
St. Mary's |
2 1 |
86 |
70 | |
McPherson |
1 1 |
.500 |
55 |
52 |
Ottawa |
1 2 |
.333 |
81 |
ST |
Baker |
0 3 |
.000 |
64 |
88 |
Where My Caravan Has Rested.
Lobr— Miss Edna Kaufman.
If days were always perfect.
And skies were ever blue:
If friends worn always clever And every Joke were new;
If everything we wanted Had prices we'd afford.
Life might be nearly perfect— But wouldn't we be bored?
Then there was the Scotchman who moved from one home to another and went crazy trying to find out what to do with his homing
—B. R. C. Reflector-
Edna Hoover, Gulah Hoover, Mildred Doyle, Ethel Jamison, Posey Jamison, and Vernon Rhoades spent the week end at Topeka, after attending the Ottawa game Friday night.
Coach Melvin Binford and his crew of cagers will be ready for the attack of the invaders and with Ottawa's victory hanging over them they are going to put up a hard scrap. Daily practices are taking place to condition the team for the game Friday night. The same night the McPherson high school will have a league game, which will start at 7:30 with the college game scheduled at 8:45.
The probable starling line-up for the Bulldogs will find Hill and Rump
Our attention has been called to the fact that there Is a class of athletes who are not the men, students and spurt fans see on the basketball court. It Is this group of men who make the strength and acquired skill of varsity squads. They receive no recognition and do not play before the crowd In "real" games. These men must be content to watch their teammates receive the honor and glory of inter-collegiate competition they are the ones that take a good deal of punishment and then come up for more, so that their team might win for their alma mater. Some of team may be "regulars" tomorrow and some will be nothing but "subs” throughout their college experience. A good deal of a team's credit goes to the ones who are content to play before empty seats In an empty gym-
St. Mary's pulled the "wool" down over the eyes of Kansas Wesleyan last week end to give sports fans a little surprise in the form of an "up-set" This little act of St Mary's sort of busted up the Coyotes' hopes for a Conference championship this year. The gallant Knights one point more than doubled the score on the Salina team but the St. Mary’s team has been improved since their first loss to McPherson early In the sea-| son With the addition of Kienck | and the football Injuries of Colona healed, the Irish are due to give their future opponents a hard scrap.
A week ago Jamison. guard. was the high scorer of McPherson but now Hill has forged ahead with a total of 49 points and Jamison Is sec-ond with 46. Anderson and Binford are third and fourth respectively with 35 and 34 points. The margin is very Burrow and with Rump creeping up among them all the time with a total score of 23 points it is quite likely that no one man is going to be the outstanding scorer McElroy broke Into the scoring list in the Ot-tawa game
Mon . Jan 26 A Student recital, given by the Fine Arts department of the College, under the direction of Miss Jessie Brown, was given In the chapel auditorium this evening before one of the largest crowds to witness a student recital of this nature this school year. The recital wan strictly a musical recital. The program was as follows:
Good Morning Brother Sunshine, Lehman—Miss Naomi Witmore.
Second Waltz Goddard—Miss Lu-cile Crabb.
Cavatina. Raff — Miss Joan Hawk-inson.
Banjo Song. Homer: The Cuck Coo Clock—Schaefer — Miss Eliza-beth Holzemer.
Rigaudon. Greig Miss Gulah
Indian Dawn, Zamecnik, Rose in the Bud, Forster Miss Orpha Beam.
The Flower Song. Ambrose—Mr. Eugene- Crabb.
Little Bare Feet. O'Hara: Rose of the Morning. Wood Miss Bernice
Scherzino. Schumann: The Butterfly. Lavelle - Miss Evelyn Saylor.
The Old Refrain. Kreisler—Mrs. Leota McQuiston.
Sonata Op. 27 No 2 (Moonlight). Beethoven: Tango. Albenez; "Were I a Bird”. Henselt Miss Naomi Wit-mure.
May Be Shift la Line-up— To Start At 8:l5 O'clock
St Mary's 37. K-Wesleyan 18. Ottawa 31, McPherson 27.
Southwestern 28. Bethany 22.
One Of Largest Crowds Of Year Attend The Musical Treat
Of Last Week's Games
Patronize Spectator Advertisers.
OTTAWA 31. McPherson 27
Hill. McPherson. Is High Scorer With Six Baskets To Credit
Many clubs are merely mutual ad-miration societies.