McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Tuesday, sept. 9, 1930
Enrolment May Be Larger Than Last Year— No Definite Fig-ures Were Available Early This Morning—Others Expected To Come In Within Next Few Weeks
Dr. J. Daniel Bright To Be Dean Of
Men And Head Of The History Department
Officials of the College are in a very optimistic frame of mind in regards to the enrolment for the ensuing year. Despite the fact that fall-ing crops throughout the middle west is threatening the enrolment of new students those In charge of the tabulation of the incoming students state that the prospects are looking fair. However, no complete return has been completed and no figures were available this morning,
A number of new Instructors have been added to the faculty that will enhance the teaching facilities of the College. Miss Alice Bartlett. A. B. will be the new instructor In the French language. Miss Mary Fee. A. B., University of Kansas and graduate work In the same university, will be in charge of all the practice teaching courses that are now being required by the state for teaching certificates Miss Fee was at the head of the summer school practice teaching classes and comes to the College with very high recommenda-tions.
Dr. J. Daniel Bright. Ph. D., who was granted a leave of absence two years ago to complete bis work for his doctor's degree at the University of Wisconsin, has returned as head of the history department. Doctor Bright will also have the position as dean of men.
Mrs. Earl R. Bohling, wife of Professor Bohling, who is head of1 the commerce department, will be the now Instructor In shorthand and type writing. She Is a graduate of Kansas Wesleyan University at Sa-lina and has taken graduate work front the University of Kansas.
The annual Y. W. C. A. Pink Tea will be given this afternoon from 3: 00 until 5: 00 o’clock In the Y. W.
A. room. This is a good place to get acquainted with the "new girls" on the campus. Big Sisters, be sure to find your Little Sister by then and bring her with you.
Interesting Programs For The Year Are Now Being Planned—To Promote Social Affairs
The Y. W. C. A. of McPherson college has for Its purpose the promotion of the religious life of the girls of the campus. Interesting pro-grams concern his campus problems are being arranged. The Y. W. C. A. promotes several parties and social functions during the year. The president for this year is Eugenia Dawson, the faculty advisors are Mrs, V. F. Schwalm. Miss Grace Brubaker and Miss Mildred Thurow. The members of the cabinet are working to make the Y. W. organization a vital factor on the campus.
Unable To Handle Office He Had Last Year Because Of His Work
Orville "Casey" Voran, reelected cheerleader last spring by the student body, has presented his resignation to the Student Council because of the nature of his school work for the ensuing year. It is not known yet Just what action the Council will take to fill this vacancy.
Tue. Sept. 9—Student Council campus party tonight.
Tues,, Sept. 9-- Pink Tea, Y.
W. C. A. Room, 3: 00 to 5: 00. Wed. Sept 10—For boys only.
Freshmen hike to Sand Pit.
Wed. Sept. 10 — President Schwalm gives opening address at 10: 00.
Fri., Sept. 12 — Watermelon Feed, 7: 00.
Are now Being Installed At The McPherson Athletic Park—-Will Be Ready For The First Game With Kearney September 26—To Be The Best In State
Prof. Roy B. Petry. who taught history here last year and In summer school, is teaching this year in the history department of Manchester college, a sister college to McPher-son college. The following year
Professor Petry intends to resume work on his Ph. D. In Religious History at the University of Chicago.
Dr. V. F. Schwalm, president of McPherson college, is starting his fourth year. in the president's chair. Tomorrow morning he will deliver the opening address of the ensuing year at 1O: 00 o'clock in the Chapel
Miss Lora Trostle, Matron For Last 13 Years— Idaho Lady Takes Her Place
Miss Lora Trostle, for the last 15 years matron of Arnold hall, was forced to resign during the summer upon the advise of her physician. Miss Trostle In the last two years has been experiencing a good deal of ill health and her doctor deemed It necessary to have her give up her work at the College.
To take Miss Trostle's place the management has secured Mrs. Della Holsinger of Nampa, Idaho. Mrs. Holsinger comes to the College very highly recommended by her friends and will be matron in the girls dormitory.
Repainting And Repair Work In Progress Most of The Summer |
Many Improvements and repairs | have been made upon the campus during the summer The Insides of all three dormitories have been thoroughly cleaned and the walls in the hallways and all the woodwork In the obys dormitory has been repainted. New doors and other repairs have added to the general condition of Fahnestock hall.
The woodwork in the business office has been refinishud and the class rooms In the Administration building repainted and redecorated. The Science hall bas also received a thorough cleaning.
New tubes for the boilers In the heating plant have been Installed and It is thought that this will Increase the amount of heat going to each of the buildings. New step approaches have been built on the west and north side of the boys dormitory.
Woe be it unto the motorist that attempts to pass King Carroll when he is on his way home. Woe be it unto Carroll If be attempts to ask us far a ride. But Carroll was brave, his heart was young and full of vim, and his stomach was leading him home to fulfillment.
Carroll was a Walker and had dreamed of an overland trek Into the north. Once upon a time, long, long ago, in fact it was last month and to be still more definite the first of August, Carroll was awakened in the early hours of the morning and that sudden desire to go home was upon him. So to free his burden, he arose, and made final preparations to take off for home. His path was the highway, the way that led to home. The highway was to be his happy-way—that is of course you understand. If he caught a ride—but the day before the mercury had reached 116 in the shade and there was no shade.
Carroll, later to be crowned King, wished to bid his faithful friends farewell so stopped at his Mauds’ place of business on Main street and In fuet nearly forgot he was going home until he realized that Father Time pointed to 9 o’clock and the sun was getting batter and hotter. So Carroll takes his first fling and down on his bended knees be said to the first passing motorist: "Motorist, be merciful to me—a hitch-hiker". And he was merciful for ha hauled the prone body of our dear Carroll for one solid mile and then opened the gate to the wide-open-spaces again.
Once more on bended knee Carroll falls—and surely it must have been Barney Oldfield himself and a merciful Barney at that—for he lifted our Carroll from the dust laden road and placed him in the seat beside him and away they went for 320 miles to our dear Carroll’s home where his mother - met him with opened arms. He simply flew, not literally of coarse, and at 12: 25 he crossed the state line and at 6: 00 o'clock that very same evening the some car drew up In from of his home and stopped and deposited its cargo.
And now Carroll Is crowned the "King of the Hitch-hikers" with all the pomp and fitting ceremonies that go to such a hero. When a Walker's a hiker and a hitch to-boot, then let the wayfaring public be careful.
Three Graduates Of M. C. In The
Party—Visit Eight Nations— Gone Most Of Summer
Miss Della Lehman, Instructor In the English department and who Is now on leave of absence studying in London, lead a party of eight girls on a tour of Europe during the summer. The party Included three graduates of McPherson college, Floy Brown, ‘29; Eunice Longsdorff, ’29, and Myrtle Myer, ’28, and the re-maining four girls were from North Manchester and points in the east.
Eight countries were visited during the summer months, including France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Austria, Belgium, England, and Switzerland. While in Oberammer-gau the group was privileged to witness the famous Passion Play. Many days were spent In the principle cit-ies of Europe. From the gaiety of Paris to the sternness of Rome the girls saw the people of the Old
The party left Montreal Juno 13 and landed in London June 23. A number of days were spent in and near this old city and then they went to Amsterdam unit from there on to Brussels, Cologne, Wiesbaden. Munich, Oberammergau, Innesruck. Luc erne, Interlaken. Montreux, Stresu, Venice, Florence, Rome, Genoa, Nice, Avigron, and Paris were the principal stops, arriving in New York August 9.
Miss Lehman will remain in London and study but will be back the first part of the year.
To Have 38 Issues This Year—-One More Than Lwt—Fourteenth Year For The Paper
With this issue of The Spectator, the first of the 1930-31 series, the staff will endeavor to Issue 38 issues during the school year. Last year we Issued 87, which was the number previously published, and by being able to get one out the first week of school we will furnish you with this added Issue.
This year is the fourteenth year for The Spectator, the first volume being published In 1916, in a good deal smaller size than the preesnt paper. The staff will have The Spectator on the campus Tuesday noon of each week.
A distribution box will be placed In the hallway of the Administration building and each regularly enrolled Student is entitled to one Spectator a week.
Speakers Of National Recognition Will Be Brought To The Campus
Meetings Will Be Held Once Every Two Weeks If Arrangements Are Made
The Thespians are making plans to have regular meetings during the year, once every two weeks. A definite form of programs will be followed and these will be instructive in all ways possible. The purpose of the organization is to study play wrights, drama, actors and actresses, and in present short and full even ing productions.
Officers of the organization are attempting to make arrangements
According to Clinton Trostle, president, the Y. M. C. A. of McPherson college is planning a year of activities which is of Interest to every man on the campus The regular meetings will be held each Tuesday morning at the chapel hour with both students and outside speakers appearing on the programs. A number of festive occasions have been planned.
During the year speakers of national recognition will be brought campus. During the past few years this has been one of the most worthwhile privileges that the students have had and this year every effort will be made to continue bring-ing men of like caliber to the campus.
Binford Says It Is A Big Thing For
The City And The College Costing $2,700.
McPherson College will have night football this fall.
The latter part of August the board of trustees of the College met and upon the recommendations of an investigating committee decided to purchase the necessary flood lights to light the field and In cooperation with the city are furnishing lights for night football.
Coach Melvin J. Binford, who has been working for the flood- lights nearly all summer. Has chocked up the matter with the McPherson Athletic Park officials and they have leaned the grounds to the College with the understanding that the lights will be the property of the College.
The equipment has been purchased from the Giant Manufacturing company, a concern that specializes In this type of lights. The McPher-son system will be one of the best in Kansas and will include a total of 32 flood light projectors that will light the field like day with a total of 38,000 watts. Four poles will be erected on each side of the field and each pole will hold double units with two lights to each unit, making a total of four projectors to each pole. No lights will be placed at the ends of the field.
The lights will be installed and ready for use for the first scheduled game, which will be with the Kearney Teachers of Kearney, Nebraska, September 28. With the Installing of the lights a few changes in the schedule will be required.
The arrangements between the College and the city are of an advantage to the community, the city, and the College. The College has leased, the grounds and will have complete control over the lights. The College has purchased the necessary equipment and the city will install the tights at cost. The equipment and the installation is costing $2,700. The city Water and Electric department will buy the installation and the College will be given three years In which to pay for it, or It may pay for It sooner If It desires. The city depart ment will receive 6 per cent upon their investment, The College Is at an advantage because they will receive their equipment at cost and also will lie given three years In which to pay the cost of Installing-
Coach Binford has stated: "I believe that the Installing of the flood lights will be a big thing for both the city and the College". The night games will allow people of the business districts to attend the contests which otherwise they would be un-able to attend because of their businesses It is thought that the novelty of the night games will attract not only the home people but also people from points In this part of the state.
The entire equipment was to have arrived September 10 and a week will be required to install It. and It Will be completed by September 20.
(Continued of Page Four)
Otha Whiteneck, sophomore and a member of the men's varsity de-bate team last year, left for St. Louis last Saturday night where he will enter a dental school.
Dr. Daniel W. Kurtz and Mrs. Kurtz, of Long Beach, Calif., accompanied their son Wheeler to McPherson.
Eleven Go From Here—Five States Are Represented—Three Go From Bethel
Eleven students from the College attended the Y. M. and Y. W. conference held at Estes Park, Colorado, from June 4 until June 19. The conference Included the Rocky Mountain Region of five states--Kansas. Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming, and Utah. Leaders of national reputation spoke and took part In the conference, Among those most well
(Continued on Page Four)
Official Publication at McPherson College. Published by Student Council, McPherson, Kansas. | ||
Entered as second class matter 29, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, |
Kansas, under the set of March 3, 1897.
Subscription Rates For One School Year
$1. 50
Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas.
Editor-in-chief........ Leland E. Lindell Manager Ernest La Betta
Associate Editor _____ Donald L. Trostle Ass't Business Manager----- Fred Andrews
Associate editor Alberta Yoder Ass't Business Manager Paul Sherfy
Circulation _ _ Carroll D. Walker
Vernon Rhoades Christine Mohler Ethel Sherfy Gilbert Myers
Herbert Eby Eunice Almen
Faculty Adviser________________________________________Prof. Maurice A,
For 15 years Miss Lora Trostle was railed mother by the girls of Arnold Hall. For 15 years she has tolled and labored among her girls, as she would call them. She has been nurse and doctor and many have been the nights she has been called to the room of some sick girl.
Miss Trostle has witnessed all the sorrows and joys of dormitory life. Death and sickness have both been met with courage and sympathy. She has known secrets dear to some, of m- arriages and engagements. She has not only been a mother to the girls but also to the boys who have come to her to do their tidy mending of torn trousers, they have come with their sorrows and their joys. She has even helped In tolerant love affairs.
Students will miss Miss Trostle and her pleasing manners. They will miss their pleasant office conversations with her. Her personality will live forever among the minds of the students.
Fifteen years ago there were about 260, 000 young persons enrolled In the higher educational Institutions of this country, with about 80, 000 in the graduating classes. There are now about one million college students, and In a decade more there may be In the colleges and universities or the United States as many young persons as there are young persons of college age In the United States.
What was once regarded as the good fortune of the youth who was priveleged In property* or who was exceptionally aggressive or ambitious may soon be the reasonable prospect of almost any or all of them. We are rapidly becoming a nation of college men and woman.
Student mortality is high. But we are not becoming a nation of college graduates. We enter college in large and are graduated to much smaller numbers; a condition out of which comes one of the most per-plexing problems in American education.
The period that has witnessed the remarkable increase In the number of college students has seen increased and increasing dissatisfaction with what the colleges are doing and the manner by which It is done. Alarm and resentment spread because of college student mortality which may be said to have reached the proportions of an acute problem.
The figures themselves tell the mournful story. The academic careers of one-fifth of the 300,000 young men and women who entered the col-leges and universities of this country in the fall of 1929 ended their college career last spring, and their alma mater knows them no more.
When graduation day arrives for the class of 1933 only half of its original members will receive diplomas and the blessings of the president. The other half will be as a tale that Is right badly told. Notwithstanding the knelling and the dirging and the increasing post mortems by college presidents and deans and their personal clinics, the academic death rate remains frightfully high.
These educational specialists do not agree upon any one cause or set of causes of the trouble, but point to many. In their opinion the typical American college student may fall to stagger through on account of any one or numerous Ills that range all the way from adcnolds and asthma to alcohol, athletics, Bacchanalia, bigotry, brains (lack of), bronchitis, care-lessness, cash (too much or not enough), degneracy, despondency, extravagance, family, females, jazz, malaria, motor cars, obesity, osculation, sex appeal, tobacco, vanity, verbosity, week-ends, yodeling and zeros.
It is extraordinary that college students survive when faced with such infirmities as these. These tribulations may or may not explain most of the failures of college students, but many careful observers seem to see the problem closely connected with a wholly different one; an adequate supply of properly prepared and skillful teachers in the college.
These Institutions are filled because democracy has stepped out In another direction, and through public and private effort education has been extended to areas that were once not common. The colleges and universities have urged undaunted youth to enter their gates, but often have failed, or seem to have failed, to make proper provision for the young men and women after they enter.
Fairly adequate material provision has been generally made, perhaps; there are more dormitory, laboratory, library and classroom facilities. And there are more teachers. But better teachers have not always been provided for this flood of students.
Some observers appear to believe that the higher educational institutions are Indifferent, If not openly hostile, to the ideas or suggestion that college teachers should be trained to teach.
We have come to the time of the year when the youth of America is returning to school. The vocation season is ended, schools and colleges are reopening their doors, the youth is returning to pursue his search for troth. More young people are entering our colleges and universities for the first time as Freshmen than ever before in the history of out educational system.
The student body of McPherson college extends a most friendly wel come and sincerest greetings to those who have come to our institution for the first time. It is our hope that this year may be a most profitable year tor you and that you may in some degree achieve the goal for which you have set out to seek.
Again we say greetings lo our school family, McPherson college.
If It were fashionable for our coeds to be nice and plump it would certainly take all our wheat surplus to feed them.
After the summer vacation we are convinced of our attractive person-ability. A million chiggers can't be wrong.
After noticing a few of these collegiate motor cars around the campus we think the handiest thing to have around would be a pull with the police.
A University of Missouri girl student is required to learn how to swim before she can be graduated, to doubt so in case she goes for a canoe ride she can walk home.
of a
WELCOME TO FRESHMEN Did you kiss your ma goodbye?
Did you kind of want to cry When you thought of leaving all your Friends at home?
Did you s'pose when you came here That you'd ever need to fear That sometimes you're sure to wish you hadn't come?
Did you really calculate That you wouldn't have a date Just because you're new to college life this fall?
Did you s'pose the faculty Wouldn't have the tact to see That you're needing Just a little help --that's all?
Did you come prepared to stand All the flunks that you might land Just because some certain teacher was a man?
Then throw off hallucination And with no more hesitation Be the life of this old college. If you
When you're feeling blue and sorter like a failure, just remember there are fellows riding In a hearse who'd be plenty glad to have your chances,
Freshman to Upper-Classman: "It's funny, but this now suit of mine Is not Just what It ought to be", Upper-Classman: "What seems to be the trouble? It looks all right hanging up, but terribly bunchy on you".
Freshman: "Well, the wooden thing in the shoulders hurts my back, and that wire thing runs up and grabs me In the neck".
Doctors say that during the summer months, many people by the seashore get diary when they see people swimming before their eyes.
Someone is gonna cut His head off at the neck He’s a runnin' ragged this
Fool "Check and double check",
As is the custom of newcomers to
McPherson College, a certain French-man "walked out to the cemetery. As ha walked about, reading Inscriptions on the tombstones, ho came to one which read, "Not dead, but sleeping".
Scratching his head, the Freshman remarked, "He sure ain’t foolin’ anybody but hisself".
Next week, if I am in the write mood, I may tell you about the gar-bage collector's daughter, but she is not lo he sniffed at.
"Nineteen Hundred".
Anti-tobacco league, president, "Evelyn Fields.
World Service Group, president. Philip Lanver.
Student Council, president, John Lehman.
Cheer Leaders, Casey Voran, Mildred Doyle, Florence Weaver.
Captain basketball team. Posey Jamison.
Delbert Kelly, Sophomore lost year, underwent a minor operation during the summer and will be unable to be back In school the first semester, hut there is a possibility that he may return for the second half.
Y. W. C. A. president, Eugenia Dawson.
Y. M. C. A., president, Clinton Trostle.
“M” Club, president, Ernest Betts.
Cecilian Music Club, president. Una Morine.
Forensic Club, president, Lilburn Gottman.
Sophomore class, president, Eber Tice.
Junior class president, Kermit Hayes.
Senior class, president, Keith Hayes.
Thespians, president, Leland Lindell.
Quadrangle, editor, Harry Zinn.
Spectator, editor, Leland Lindell.
W. A. A., president, Ethel Jami-son.
From The Day’s Weekly
— NEWS —
A Lincoln. Nebraska girl sued young men who squeezed her so hard he broke three ribs. Who says those Nebraska lads pet—and bow,
A Kansas man, aged 92 says he never smoked, chewed, drank alcoholic beverages, attendad a movie or kissed a girl. Then what's the use of living ninety-two year*? -
We saw one collegiate model T Ford on the campus yesterday morning that bore this sign; "You may not believe St, but this car once belonged to a Detroit billionaide".
An Oklahoma slayer, about to be electrocuted for murdering a man, has written big view of capital punishment for an Oklahoma City newspaper. He is against that farm of punishment.
We read where a majority of the University of Kansas co-eds express a preference for "careers" over marriage, and the usual proportion of them doubtless will enter upon one by proxy.
Mr. Bert Trostle of Nickerson brought his daughter Ruth to McPherson Sunday.
Ruben Bowman, Archie Blickenstaff, and Alberta Hovis were visitors Sunday.
Elmer Crum packer, who teaches this year at Wilmore, visited with his, mother over the week end.