McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Tuesday, oct. 30, 1928


This Game Was Undoubtedly the Most Spectacular of the Season So Far


Nonken and Wells Were The Out Standing Players For The Bulldogs

When the Bulldogs hit they hit

hard! This fact was almost con-

clusively proven at the Bulldog Sterling game played at Sterling last Friday. Even though Sterling carried off the larger number of the 13 to 14 score, the Bulldog fighting prestige was not injured in the least. Friday's game was undoubt-

edly the most spectacular of the season so far. It is safe to say that the Bulldog's defeat was responsible only to a couple of disputed points in the game.

The game was started with the

Bulldogs at the receiving end. Bull-dog "pep" and fighting spirit was at its height. Wells caught the kick-off and carried the pig-skin back to McPherson's 40-yard line. In a couple of downs the ball was soon on Sterling's 30 yard line. Here, Non-ken caught a fumble and carried the ball to the one yard line. Sterling's efforts could not stop the Bulldog determination and Wells carried the hall over the line for a touchdown on the third down. McPherson failed to kick goal.

The game proceeded with McPher-son kicking off and Sterling on the receiving end. By the advancement of 30 yards made In receiving the kick, and by gaining their ten yards for three times in succession, Sterl-ing carried the ball within seven

yards of their goal. In two more downs the ball was over the line and Sterling made her place kick plac-ing the score at 7-6 in favor of Sterling.

This time Sterling kicked off. The Bulldogs were unable to make their yardage and Nonken kicked the ball to the center of the field. Sterling failed to make the 10 yards and thus

the hall was forfeited to the Bull-dogs at their own 40 yard line. Here another of the spectacular points of the game was reached. Nonken made

a 60 yard run, fighting his way through stiff opposition for another Bulldog touchdown. McPherson al-so made the goal kick placing the score at 13-7 in her favor. Just as McPherson kicked off again, the

During the early part of the sec-ond quarter, Nonken again starred by intercepting a Sterling pass and making a 39 yard run. Most of the quarter was spent in an ex-

change of kicks and trials for field ward the last of the quarter Sterling gains with no definite results. To-again came to the front and through a series of steady line advances made her second touchdown and also her goal kick. This put the score at 13-14 In Sterling's favor. Just after Sterling kicked off and Wells carried the ball back to the McPher-son 18 yard line, the half was ended.

Both teams came back after the half with a bang. Sterling kicked off The Bulldogs renewed their spirit of the first few minutes of the game. McPherson made a ser-ies of line plunges and end runs with the result that the ball was soon within five yards of the Bull-dog goal.

Both teams came back after the half with a bang. Sterling kicked off. The Bulldogs renewed their spirit of the first few minutes of the game. McPherson made a series

of line plunges and end runs with the result that the ball was soon

within five yards of the Bulldog (Continued on Page Four)


The main feature of the pep pro-gram conducted last Thursday morn-ing at the regular pep chapel period

was the Reverand Mr. Domehead (otherwise known about the campus as "Berries"). who lead the "devo tions" by reading the Psalm of the

eleven and commenting upon it briefly. The remainder of the pro-gram consisted of yells, songs, and music by the pep orchestra.

The enthusiasm and pep which

characterized the mass meeting of week before last were lacking in last Thursday's pep rouser. The main reason for this perhaps was a lack of cooperation and spirit on the

part of the student body-- perhaps they were overcome by a desire for that form of repose called sleep

which they lose the preceding night by having to pore over unprepared lessons which had been left until after their return from the lyceum entertainment. But be that as it may, efforts on the part of the cheer leaders and the orchestra were of little avail.

Rumors are afloat that this week's mass meeting is going to bare some pep and a certain authority on the subject advises that everyone turn out and contribute his share to the cause.


The college male quartette which was chosen some weeks ago has been making definite plans for their work for the coming season. At a recent meeting of the quartette Fred "Bus"

Plans are being made to give sev-aral lyceum programs at various places during the winter the spring. The first program scheduled will be presented at Anthony. Kansas early in December.

The quartette is made up of three juniors and one freshman:    Lloyd

Diggs, first tenor, who has been a member of the quartette for the past two years; Walter Fillmore, second tenor; Fred Ellis, baritone; and Ross Curtis, bass. Mrs. Anna Tate, head of the voice department, is the director of the group.


This afternoon at 4:30 o'clock soccer teams two and three will play off the tie which resulted in last Thursday's game. Each team succeeded then in making touch-

four touchdowns and their oppon-ents failed to kick the ball across

play team one for championship honors.


hand while with the other a slip of paper is waved bewilderingly

a haze of fright one sees printed on the slip "Quandrangle Cash $4.00

son is commanded is a menacing growl to "Sign up or be mutilated by the Consequences." Obviously the creature deserves action and he usually gets it and then he waddles off into the waste ran muttering grunts to himself, "One more for the juniors."

Other dangers lurk about which usually only infect oil fields and are known as deadly hi-jackers. They

as ambushing people and confiscat-ing all their visible means of sup-ror disappears with the royal regime one-- then shovel    dirt in his face.

Ugh! Nasty hi-jackers.

Around this campus there is an

neither in eight o'clock classes or when participating in a private con-

room. Anywhere, anytime, a bold had hi-jacker comes stealthily out of the shadows, "pulls" a gun, pokes it physiologically into the ribs of some shaking soph or senior and demands in a sepulchral tone "Four dollars cash before Nov. 1. Make your class a hundred percent or die a bloody death with a bullet in your epiglottis!" Both senior and soph hand over the money and the des-perate desperado with a gloating look on his countenance creeps away with a grusome chuckle broadcasting this salcious soliloquy, "Me for the Campus Queen."

It is hoped that the Reign of Ter-or of the queens and after Nov. 1 the port. They may cheerfully murder

campus will be safe for Democracy.

—Smith, Hoover, or neutral.

The greatest subject for congest-ed digestion about the campus con-cerns brown bears and hi-jackers.

Brown bears usually inhabit zoos or hibernate in Yellowstone Park They are not supposed to be wander ing about a college campus; but rec--ently they seem to have left their customary habitat. They may be seen lumbering in stately dignity across desks, bulletin boards, library steps, halls, and various other con-spicuous places not generally adorned with bears.

The custodians of the campus

predations of the friendly omnivo-rous animals. The bears in Yellow-

stone Park by holding up people search them for food. The actions of the bears are duplicated here by the zoological specimens creeping out upon students as they saunter slowly across the campus green and shake


Tonight, 8:15

Second number of Lyceum Friday, Nov. 2 Thespian party Saturday. Nov. 3

Game with Bethel at Newton

Y.M.C.A. meets at 10 A.M. Tuesday, Nov. 6

Y.W.C.A. meets at 10 A.M.


About three o'clock Saturday aft-

ernoon thirty noisy Juniors climbed

Mounds for a picnic.

tion about an hour later many ears were red and burning as a result of a game of "Truth." Lloyd Johnson

group. Next on the program was a

which was livened up by Berries

strong arm work with Ruth Ander-

Home run by Velma Wine and "Sunshine" were features of a badly contested baseball game resulting

for their unfailing ability to miss the ball

Ruth Hoffman and Dwight Stutz-

weiners, buns, pickles, potato salad,

and chocolate cake with thick icing .

The rest of the evening was

spent in telling jokes (especially on Scotchmen) while seated around a camp-fire. Miss Lehman told of a proposal from a man who now re-sides In the insame asylum. Murlin

pearly gates. Turner outdid himself

funny stories so thick and fast that even the most brilliant Juniors got

fitted the dawning "point."

After singing Turner's complete repertoire ranging from "Old Black

vehicle of travel and proceeded

eryone suffered from the lack


Alumni who have recently added their names to the Spectator sub-scription list are: Miss Myrtle Moy-

eye, Cecil Hornbaker, Albert Phil-

ippi, Galen Jones, J.G. Brubaker,

Charles S. Morris, and Miss Rhea

NO. 7.


The Cecilian Music Club met last Thursday evening in the college chapel. The program was given by the Junior Cecilian Music Club, under the supervision of Miss Fern Lingenfelter. This meeting also marked the close of the membership drive a large number of new members were added.

The Junior Cecelian Music Club gave a varied musical program. composed of vocal and instrumental solos, duets, and group music. This club is composed of the young mu-sicians under the college age. The Junior Club was organized last year by Miss Lingenfelter and is said to be making splenddi progress in the musical field.

The senior Cecelian Music Club closed the contest for new members

that has been in progress for three weeks. The contest has resulted not only in the addition of a number of new members, but a musical spirit has been manifested throughout col-lege. This organization has as its purpose the promotion of better mu-

Music Club brings in outside talent.


Last Saturday afternoon the fresh-man class journeyed to Twin Elms for a picnic.Warren Sisler's truck was used as means of transporta-

After an hour of games, the group ate their supper around a bonfire. The menu consisted of weiners, buns, pickles, doughnuts, apples, and

A program was given by various

Maurice Hess and George Boone who chaperoned the picnicers, each gave a short talk. A girls' quartet

sang "Moonlight and Roses". Miss

After the program ghost stories were in order.

Lindsborg, reaching the campus at


The Christian Endeavorers of the Central District of Kansas will hold their conference at Abilene on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Novem-ber 2-3-4. It is hoped that a large crowd may enjoy the splendid program planned. Earl Duke, the state president, and Harold Lovitt, the

bers of the local College Endeavor are planning to attend this confer-ence. There will also be representa-

(Continued on Page Two)

Mr. Hoover is a regional Y. M. C. A. Secretary of the Rocky Mountain District.


Mr. Hoover Gave A Chapel Talk regional Y.M.C.A. secretary of the Rocky Mountain district, visited McPherson College last Monday and Tuesday. He is a man of attractive personality and is an excellent

day concerning Christ's statement.

that ye might have it more abund-antly." Mr Hoover thought the

would be very much interested though a bit skeptical, should a

man appear and make them such a promise. Christ gave his life that this promise should be fulfilled, and believing that the world would back His teaching. And today the world does accept the teaching of

Christ has actually brought a more abundant life for Christians have a wider vision, greater strength, and richer fellowship than is possible without a regard for Christ's teaching.

cussion in the ethics class on the

subject of "adults versus youth" in the matter of making decisions. There are some questions which each should decided independently, but there more which demand joint action of both. Youth has a desire that the adult should see things from his point of view. But he can hardly expect such an attitude on

himself willing to see the adult's

ssult the adult and estimate fairly

Christ, who can understand any point of view, should be consulted

a satisfying life and therefore is a perfect pattern for man to follow.

"The Purpose of the Y's" was the subject of Mr. Hoover's talk at joint Y. M. and Y. W. Tuesday morning.

First the fellowship with Christ Members of these groups are trying to take Jesus seriously. If they are to succeed they must study the les-sons he gave. The Y. M. C. A. and

Second: The fellowship among Christian individuals. Christian fel-lowship and friendship are the

Third: The fellowship among

learn to know and appreciate

Fourth: World fellowship. Stu-


dents from forty-five countries are member of the World Student Christian Federation. This organi-zation acquaints students with world problems and is a great peace fac-

In short the Christian organiza-tions on the campus furnish the students the way to take hold of

Much of the enthusiasm has been

shown in the tennis tournament that has been in progress the last week. Those reaching the semi-finals were top bracket. Delbert Kelly and John Harnly; lower bracket, Ross Curtis and Vernon Spilman. The finals have not as yet been played. Harnly and Spilman

reaches the finals.

The Student Newspaper of Mc-Pherson College, purposing to recount accurately past activity—and to stimulate continually future achievement.

Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3,l897.

Subscription Rate — $1.50 per year

Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas

Editorial Staff

Editor-in-chief    Doris Ballard

Associate Editor    Leland Lindell

Business Mgr.    Ralph Bowers

Ass't Business Mgr. Ernest Watkins Ass't Business Mgr. Ernery Metzger Circulation Mgr. Lloyd Johnson


Harriet Hopkins Ruth Anderson Chester Carter Charles Collins Oliver Ikenberry Mildred Swenson Warren Sisler Bernice McClellan Murlin Hoover Byron Sjoberg

Faculty Adviser Maurice A. Hess


Are we barbaric? One would na-turally answer in the negative when he stops to consider that college is the place where barbaric tendencies are supposed to be transformed into or exchanged for marks of civiliza-tion. A few tests might in some mesaure determine whether or not the aim has been realized.

The lack of art indicates barbarism according to one authority. Judging from the production of art, the greater number of us are barbarians. However, all men were not born to create art. If the average

lift the bane of barbarianism from off his shoulders? The art that is demanded of him is the appreciation of the great heritage of art that is

Some individual might ask why It is necessary for him to cultivate an appreciation for classical music, good pictures, or beautiful statuary when a record of jazz music on the portable or a brilliantly colored magazine cover hold just as much enjoyment. The reason lies in the fact that art is the expression of the highest impulses and emotions of man. Art is beauty, and he who has produced it has laid hold on immortality. If this is art, what more could we ask for an influence for good and for an inspiration?

In art is found the history of the real man through the ages. It proves standards and directs choices: it is the touchstone of life. This is all character-building, which Is really the purpose of a college after all By a study of the beauty and philo-sophy of art new standards are obtained, and hence, an advance in civilization is made.

No other place offers the opportunity for cultivation of the appreciation of art that is found in a college of liberal arts. The world expects the graduates of such an institution to be examples of people who have an appreciation for the noblest and the best. It behooves the student of to-day to add that part in their general culture which will lead them upward, and which will become a part of the well-rounded personalities that are so necessary, if their influence is to felt in the life of today.


At the last meeting of the World Service Group the question of where

and when to hold its regular ses-sions was the main issue. The group decided to meet in the Y. W. C. A. room every other Thursday evening at 6:30 alternating with the Cecel-ian Music Society which holds its meetings at the same time on the other Thursday evenings.

Miss Jennie Yiengst was elected secretary and Miss Mary Lon Wil-liams was appointed to investi-gate materials for study in the reg-

ular meetings.

Since this meeting, Lawrence Lehman, who was elected president of the "organization last spring, has resigned and the executive board have chosen Miss Mary Lou Williams and James Elrod as candidates for the position. The elevation of

this officer will take place at the next session of the group which will be next Thursday evening.


The Chemistry Society met Oct. 18 in the chemistry lecture room for its second meeting. The program consisted of talks on scientific de-velopment taking place during the summer months. The program was

“Watching the Death Whisper Kill"    Fred Perry

"May Check Monoxide Poisoning"

Philip Spohn

"Alcohol and Bituneous Stands For Power"    Marvin Stefen

Cathode Rays    Daniel Johnson

Chemistry Promises a Real Farm Relief"    Darrel Dutton

"Cancer Control"    Allen Morine

"Artificial Diamonds''

Vernon Gustafson

artificial diamond, that wax made in McPherson College laboratory


Wednesday morning at the chapel

hour the Quadrangle sale was put

on under the direction of Robert Puckett, editor.

In "Bob's" characteristically snappy fashion the sale sped along to a sucessful close.

The college orchestra opened the hour with two selections after which "Bob" addressed a textless speece to the audience, enumerating some

Mr. R. Demon of the Wichita Engraving company, then spoke briefly concerning the annual, the printing of which is in their hands.

President V. F. Schwalm also told his viewpoint of the Quad this year and stressed the value of an annual in future years.

Prof. M. A. Hess, with his famous “going-going-gone" proved to be a priceless factor in making the sale

An incentive was given to the classes by the promise of a candy price to the class wiling the highest percent, and also the choice of electing the campus queen. Subscriptions were called out from the floor thus creating a spirit of rivalry among classes. Three classes, seniors, junior, and sophomores, each went 100 percent in buying annuals.

After the sale the freshmen, and faculty were kindly asked to leave the chapel while the candy bars were distributed to the classes who had reached the hundred percent

This sale is considered by the staff the most successful ever held and much credit is due the editor, and business manager, Marvin Stef-


Receives Recognition From Carne-gie Institute

Accomplishments of the McPher-son College Natural History Trek are still before the public eye. In the "School and Society" for Oct. 20 an article by Prof. H. H. Nininger appeared entitled "An Experiment In Intinerant Education."

A general account of the trip is given and also the instructor’s reaction on the experiment which was found to be so successful by the McPherson College students last winter.

President J. C. Muriam of the Carnegie Institution of Washington at Washington, D. C. in a letter to Prof. Nininger wrote:

"My Dear Professor Nininger:

"I have read with interest in the October 20 number of "School and

ment In Itinerant Education." "You have made an extremely in-teresting statement of this case. I have watched your experiment with much interest and shall be glad to keep in touch with you as to what seems to be the results of the program as carried out last year."

By The Way

Misses Irene Steinberg and Ches-

poria where they visited Miss Stein-berg's sister, Bernice, who is a stu-dent at K. S. T. C. They also at-tended a recital given by Miss Wil-ma Betchelor, who was an instruc-tor in the voice department here last


Mrs. Hubert Blair of Mound Ridge called on Miss Mildred Swenson Tuesday evening of last week.

Prof. and Mrs. B. F. Jamison and

sa and Genevieve Crist spent the week-end with friends and relatives at Quinter.

Miss Winnie O'Conner, ’27, who is teaching in Salina called on dormitory friends Thursday evening.

Miss Hazel Vogt who is teaching ing in Chase called on her brother Roy on the campus Sunday.

Dorothy and Ralph Turner and Wayne and Herbert Hoffman all of Hope spent the week-end at their

Miss Mary Lou Williams, who suf-fered from a severe attack of ap-pendicitis last week, is again able to be about.

Miss Clara Burgin entertained the Misses Nellie Collins, Rena Losh-baugh and Myrtle Ainsworth at her home at Nickerson over the week

Misses Floy Brown and Alberta Hovis, who acted as delegates to the

Friday and Saturday, returned in the dormitory Sunday afternoon.

Ray Nonkin spent the week end at his home at Burns.

Misses Helen Hudson and Mildred Swenson visited over the week end at the Swenson home near Windom.

Miss Thelma Budge spent Satur-day and Sunday in Hutchinson.

Misses Beth Hess, Ruth Blicken-staff, Naomi Whitmore, and Ruth Trostle visited at the Trostle home near Nickerson last week end.

Miss Lillian Horning was the week end guest of Miss Mildred Libby at the Libby home near Little River.

Miss Inez Hobbiesiken spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs Bert Kaufman of Elyria.

Miss Ida Kingsley spent the week end with friends and relatives in and near Windom.

Glenford Elwood and Earl Laffer-ty were at their homes near Win-dom last week end.

Miss Prudence Strickler visited home folks at Ramona Saturday and Sunday.

Miss Eunice Longsdorff went to Salina Thursday evening to visit friends. She returned to the dormitory Sunday.

Harold Fasnacht was the week end guest of Ralph Landes at Morrill. Others who went to Morrill last Thursday were the Misses Alberta Yoder and Jeanette Hoover, and Ernest Sauer, Willard Peck Raymond Landes.

President V. F. Schwalm spoke at Nickerson Sunday at the Harvest metting held there. Donald and Clinton Trostle accompanied him to Nickerson.

Dean R. E. Mohler lectured at the Logan county teachers meeting at Oakley last Saturday on "What



tives from the high school society and other societies in the city churches.    Great inspiration and

ference and it is hoped that Chris-

fited by some of its members at-

tending this conference.


Abscence makes the marks grow

He: Certainly not.

She: Well, come back again.

Prof. (Addressing physics class)

I will use my hat to represent the planet Mars. Is there any ques-

Frosh: Is Mars inhabited?

Motorist: I killed your cat, shall

I replace the animal?

Old Maid: Oh, this is so sudden. but I'm afraid you can't catch


Ruth B.: What looks like rain? Floy B.: Water.

Murlin H. (At the Puritan): Is this a first class restaurant?

Prop.: Yes, sir. But we don't mind serving you.

B. Heaston: Do you like conceit-ed men best or the other kind?"

Ruth T.: What other kind?

Hey, Mister, call your dog off.

Nothing doing, I've called him Towser ever since he was a pup.

Miss McGaffey: I take great pleasure in giving you 90 in your English exam.

Ernest Wine: Make it 100 and really enjoy yourself.

K. Hayes: Who's there?

Burglar: Lie still. I'm looking for money.

Hayes: Wait and I'll get up and help you find it.

Some times all a fellow gets out

of college is himself.

Fern Shoemaker: (After making

day ) My day only has twenty-three hours and sixty minutes, and it is supposed to have twenty-four hours.


Among the letters that have come

to the Spectator the past week was the following:

'‘Jefferson Barracks, Nev.

“The Spectator,

"McPherson. Kans.

"Enclosed please find check to

cover one year's subscription to your paper. Dr. Broadbury is very busy as a chief surgeron at the Veteran's Hospital. Has six operations today, and that is the usual number every other day. We often speak of our days at McPherson College when Dr. Clement was the President. Dr. Rodbury was of the class of 1915.

“Wishing you all success in the coming year, we are.


"Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Brodbury."


The members of the Church of the Brethren met in the chapel Tues-day night. The purpose of the meet-ing was to unite both students and the faculty members of the church into a closer bond of fellowship. Be loyal to your church and support her program was the theme of the service. Impromptu speeces were made by members of the faculty and students. Dr V. F. Schwalm was

in charge of the service.

The speakers spoke of the church And the place that she filled within

dents should be grateful to the church that is making this institu-tion possible. A number of the stu-dents related experiences which they had had in the work of the church. Better attendance at church services was recommended, for it is a part of the college education.



(Looking back through the clarify-

ing lens of five-and-twenty years)

If I were going to college next year, I would aim for:

1. A letter in athletics. Because play is an essential part of life. Ath-letic contests- some of them—are play at its best for a normal, healthy man.

2. A grade average of B. Grade C or D usually means shody work and that's a bad habit A for me should require a grind and neglecting

life which I refuse. B is all that is left.

3. Time for some real friendships, both men and women. Life's chief value finally is friends. These four users must not be friendless or hur-riedly, superficially, “friendly".

4. Some real piece of service on the campus or in the community. A great growing selfish life- "There ain't no such animal."

5. To do well what I do. It's a low college nowadays that has less than one-hundred extra-curricular activities on the campus. Well.

about ninety-six or these I would

bet the other fellow run, and I would "saw wood" on the few that seemed to me the most value.

6. The discovery of scientifically valid process of growth—-physical,

mental, religious, and the begin-

ning of habits of growth in this di-rection. Life is not a store house.

It is an organism. Not what I know in Commencement day, but what habits are mine which will

drive and productively increase when I'm out in life. So I would test any college activity by habit producing value.

Would I join a fraternity if had a chance? Oh, well, maybe. I (I am a fraternity man) would tell the fellows who waxed eloquent on. "All the real fellows in college are in that his information is in-accurate, that there is no need of hurry and I may join later and I may not.

Would I date It and "say it with flowers?" Sure, but I would talk myself hoarse saying it.

Christian student and if any one got more fun out of life than I. I'd ask him how he got that way.


The members of the Thespian club and of the advanced expression

class have begun rehearsals for an

plaus which will be presented No-vember 16 in the college chapel. The plays are to be given under the di-rection of Miss Della Lehman, head

the college.

The plays which have been chosen are "The Teeth of the Gift-Horse", “The Conflict”, and “Thursday Eve-ning". The selection of plays was made with the idea of giving an interesting, well-balanced enter-tainment. The casts for the plays have been chosen carefully, and the first rehearsals have been quite promising. Besides the three plays the evening's program will include


a costume reading by Miss Clara

The Thespian club is planning an

Already various three-act plays are being considered, one of which will be chosen for the annual program of the club. The plau will be given earlier in the year that has previous-

iors who are members of the club flicting rehearsals of the two plays.


Did you ever know that your

neighbor is clever? Well he is! And

Could Madam Paris look in upon

the M. C. Eds and Co-eds tomorrow night, she would get some new ideas,


Old Alumni Gym will brighten once again with the garlands

Your opportunity Yes!


The best chance you ever had to show your originality, and help out on the fun.

You'll like it! Be a Bulldog and show your color—tomorrow night!

The student council of the Col lege of New York City contemplates

one of the school’s social activities

Classes to improve method and speed of reference reading are being

organized at Ohio University.



TO STERLING FRIDAY (Continued from Page One)_


Sterling stiffened her opposition, It was the Bulldog's fourth and last down. Nonken was called back to carry the ball. In characteristic form, Nonken ran forward with the ball and attempted to dive over the Sterling line for a touchdown. The writer's opinion is backed by that of many spectators' when he says that the ball went several inches over the line, but Sterling opposition had pushed Nonken back by the time the officials had reached the spot. The result was the giving of the ball, to Sterling scarcely three inch-

the quarter was about an equal battle and the quarter ended. 14-13. Sterling's ball, just one yard from the center of the field.

In the early part of the fourth quarter the Bulldogs made a desperate attempt for a touchdown. Through a steady series of advances the Bulldogs carried the ball to within 18 yards of their goal and then lost it to Sterling. The re-mainder of the quarter consisted of several attempts on the part of both teams for additional scores by means of passes and end runs. The quarter resulted in no spectacular plays or outstanding gains by either side. The game ended, as did the half, with a score of 14-13 in Sterling's favor.


Statement to Coach Miller Ably

Summaries the Policies of the College.

"Upon the appointment of Prof. J. W, Miller to the position of coach and director f athletics in Bridge-water College, the president of the College, Dr. Paul H. Bowman, prepared a careful statement of the ideals and aims of the college in athletics and physical education which commends itself to thinking students and the public most highly.

"A Statement to Mr. J. W. Miller in Connection with his appointment as director of Physical education at Bridgewater College:

"You have been appointed to the position of Director of Physical Education in Bridgewater College. In this capacity you will be confronted by a great many difficult problems but an unusual opportunity. We

have been ambitious in this college to assign physical education and athletics a proper place in our col-lege life and to develop such policies as will keep them in that place. We also desire to manage our athletics in such a way as to contribute our share to the proper solution of this problem in American education. The primary purposes of this college are moral, intellectual, and cultural and our interest in athletics is quite sub servient to these aims.

"We have employed you not as a coach for a few men but as a di-rector of Physical Education for the entire student body. Your status is that of a regular professor. Your salary falls in the regular salary scale of the college and your rank will be determined mainly by your post graduate study and your years of service in this college. You are responsible, not to an exacting graduate manager, nor to the sport loving public, but to the college administration, the general faculty, and the trustees, as are other mem-bers of this faculty. No professional coaches will be employed as your as-sistants. Such assistance as is needed in your department will be supplied as is done in other depart-ments of the college. Your success among the students of the college clean and wholesome habits.

"We are strictly opposed here to the exaltation of the athlete or of granting special concessions of any kind to a student wholly on account of his athletic ability. We want athletic skill and physical fitness to have due credit and recognition, but chief honor, exaltation, and glory belongs to the man whose intellectual and spiritual accomplish-ments over-shadow his performance

"It is necessary that you understand now that no student is eligible to represent this college on an ath-letic team whose habits of life tend to impair his body or dull his mind. Students whose academic perform-ance is below standard and whose spirit of sportsmanship is unsatis-factory will be promptly withdrawn from the teams. I am happy for the assurance which you have already given of your whole-hearted endorsement of these principles.

"Finally, I do not want you to rest under the impression that you are called upon to lead a reformation in this college. This statement sets forth no new policies to be es-


tablished but rather reflects what

has been the athletic creed of this

college for nearly twenty years. We welcome you to our fellowship and pledge you our full cooperation in a task which I am certain will bring you deep personal satisfaction and an opportunity for distinguished service."


"Blessed is the man whose delight is in the law of the Lord." Pro-fessor Herkman suggested. Friday that our greatest thrill should come from doing a loving deed or giving the other fellow a square deal.

Learn to be thrilled by loving-kindness, justice, and righteouness. These things bring peace of mind.

The nearer the completion of our touch with the infinite, the greater will be our delight in those things which bring peace of mind.

At the conference on Religious Education at Conway Springs last Monday, October 15, Prof. J. A. Blair gave an address upon "Current Trends in Teaching Methods."

Dr. V. F. Schwalm was one of the

ers' Institute last Saturday. He also gave a brief address at the

teachers' luncheon.

Northwest Kansas at Lovewell last

two addresses. Saturday evening he

gave an address on education and his talk Sunday evening was of a

missionary nature.


Last Wednesday, Dr. V. F.

tural college chapel assemblage at Manhattan. His address on "the Product of the American Schools" was delivered before a body of about sixteen or eighteen hundred students and a number of faculty members.

Dr. Schwalm was entertained at

Holton of the agricultural college and he also accompanied them to an open forum political meeting.

During the day he conferred with Dean Holton on the matter of the interchange of credits and other

ports that a courteous and sympathetic attitude on the part of the dean of K. S. A. C. was shown in

regard to the working out of con-bination courses with that school. Dr. Schwalm was accompanied by

Marvin A. Steffen and during the visit on the K. S. A. C. campus they met a number of ex-students as alumni of McPherson college.