The Parade Was Formerly To Be Staged Oct. 12, But

Postponed 'Til Last Friday


A Great Deal of 'Pep' And ‘Spirit

Are Shown By All.

For sometime it has been custom-ary for the students of McPherson College to form a snake parade 0n

the evening before the first home game and create pep and enthusiasm for the coming game by making themselves seen and heard on the

main street of McPherson.

Because of Prof. H. H. Nininger's picture on the evening of Oct. 12 it was impossible to have the parade before the first home game so the

event was planned for last Friday preceding the game with St.. Bene-


Dormitory students and those liv-

ing on the hills met in front of the administration building at 7:30 P. M and moved in a body down Euc-lid avenue. At the filling station one block east of Main street some town students joined the crowd. A single line was formed and went down Main running, cheering and singing. It is reported that never before has the line been so long and

never before has there been so much pep and enthusiasm shown.

The long, swerving line went through the Smoke House and out, winding itself into a solid group at he intersection of Main street and Kansas avenue. There a demonstration of pep was given and again the solid mass of students became a long line which circled through the Puritan Cafe and Hultquist's Book Store and stopped for another pep meeting at the intersection. Next the line was taken through Hub-bell's Drug Store and , down to Walker's Studio where pictures were taken to be used in this year's Quad-

During the course of the evening group in front of Duckwall’s store was displaying its pep and the man-ager of the store presented each of the paraders with an all-day suckcr. The proprietor of the Tour-ney Theater admitted them to the nine o’clock show. According to those who paraded, if the pep shown

dex to the spirit of the Bulldogs.

then a successful season is assured.



Floy Brown, president of McPher-son College W. A. A.f and Alberta Hovis have been chosen as official delegates to the state conference of W. A. A. which is to be held at Kan-sas University, October 25-27.

Only the general plans for the pro-gram have been received. Thursday is the opening day and there will be registration and a mixer in the evening.

The delegates are to be guests of

the university W.A.A. at the Iowa

State vs. K.U. football game on Sat-

urday afternoon,

The main trouble with colleges to-day is that professors don't recog-nize ability, and the students don't

possess it.

McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Tuesday, oct, 23,1928

NO. 6.


TO BE GIVEN $50,000

Did you know that 5,576 hours of work are given free by the Quadrangle staff In producing a year book? This figure may appear ab-surd to the casual observer, but it seems entirely too low from the standpoint of those who contribute the work. In the ordinary wage scale this is a gift of $2,838 to the

student body or about $7 per book

The merchants advertising in the Quadrangle pay $2 toward every book published. This brings the

free contributions to $9 per annual.

The sale price of per book only partially defrays the cost of publication. When a student signs up for a Quadrangle, he already has two-thirds of the cost paid for him. A book with a cash value of $13 If the Quadrangle was published by a commercial concern where a profit was expected the cost could be no

less than $25 or $30.

their old school annual. Offer a former student $100 for his college annual and see how quickly you will be turned down. College annuals, like works of art, double in

value every year they have aged.



Coronado Heights was the plan chosen by the junior class for their picnic next Saturday.

Another item of business attended to by the juniors at their meeting last Thursday was the appointment of a committee in select the class

rings and pins. The members of the

committee are Floyd Baregrover,

Ruth Anderson, Alberta Hovis, Paul Bowers, and Harold Crist.

The Library needs "The Forum"

for June, July, and September 1928, to complete the files. We hope some of our friends will be glad to place their old files where they will be of use. Any back members of

magazines which are indexed in the

Reader's Guide are acceptable gifts to the library and are always ap-preciated.

Drake University at Des Moines In . has put lights on the football field so games may be played at night.


To the strangers within the cam-

pus gates M.C. seems to be a bed-

lam of music of a sort. Staches of

"Melody Just Out of the Sky" "Linger On" the ear.

The inmates of Fahnestock Hall

all seem to be infected with the de-

sire to make music or try to. There

are only forty or more portables

Rhythym" is well named.

The beads    of the music depart-

ment should be glad there are so many recruits to the goddess of music- but why seek to murder and

anihilate the famous compositions

of masters by means of the chapel piano and other instruments of tor-

The "Moonlight Sonata" strives in vain competition against the vigor-ous rendition of "That's my Weak

open dorm windows.

can play in harmony. From

comes the sweet strains.

Melancholy Baby" while across the hall comes the time-appropiate "Under the Har-

,tn« gymnastically from some unrelated portable.

"Hard Hearted Hannah" I Can’t


Wednesday evening, Oct. 24,

First number of Lyceum Friday, Oct. 26, game at Sterling Saturday, Oct. 27... Junior Picnic Tuesday, Oct, 30... Y. W. C. A. Tuesday, Oct. 30.... Y W. C. A.


The members of the Student Coun-cil met last Thursday evening to decide upon various matters requir-

ing their immediate attention.

Among these items claiming their interest was the matter of the An-nual All-School Halloween party. The council voted that a party be given and a commitee of three from each class was chosen to make

Robert Puckett, editor of this year's Quadrangle, spoke on plans for the year book and asked for the cooperation of the Student Council in a campaign to sell Quadrangles to every student in McPherson College Wednesday. The book, he stated, will contain 114 pages, twenty more

will be added which will make for a better book-- one which every stu-


"Echoes from the Estes Park Con-ference of 1928" won in the Young Men's Christian Association meet-ing last Tuesday morning. The echoes were given by Marvin Stef-fin and Francis Berkebile. Devo-tions were led by Oliver Ikenberry.

Marvin Steffin told of the loca-tion of Estes Park in the midst of a number of snow-capped peaks. The camp is made up of young people from Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Utah. Steffin urged every young man to go to Estes Park if he were ever given the opportu-

his notes Berkebile gave the outline

of one the speeches given by

Sherwood Eddy on the "Outlawry of

The attendance at the Y. M Each. week several new men are

seen who have not been seen before.

Be Without You," breaks in upon a

sophy and even though he is a skep-

not study because his thoughts jump around in tune to the brilliant mel-ody of “That's My Baby."

That some students are strong

rendition of "On the Sidewalks of New York."

The saxophone's tortuous wail splits the air with the sound of soul in mortal pain- woe be unto the boy

To the poor fellow in love "Lone-some In the Moonlight on the li-brary steps the sentimental "Dream-house" brings thoughts of the "Girl

Can't Give You Anything But Love." because I have just "Five Pennies." If he has had a quarrel with his girl he thinks "Heartbroken and Lonely" is more appropriate than "Flower of Love” but the portable is heartless, so "What'll You Do” chimes out thrillingly

The violin is a delicate and sweet toned instrument-- in the right hands, but this violin has never found the right hands. It wails; it screeches; it squeaks; it screams; it ruins steady nerves and causes one to fold his books and creep silently


Saturday evening forty members of the sophomore class ventured in-to the forbidden territory of the "Terrible Swedes" to picnic. The picnic was not only a success but the "Swedes" failed to jar them loose from their picnic grounds.

Alter enjoying weiners, cider doughnuts, buns, pickles and marsh-mallows a series of games were played and later while sitting around a large fire each one did his

best to out do the other in telling stories. Arriving home at the late hour of 10:30 all reported a good time.


A Y.W.C.A. program varying

slightly from the usual program was presented last Tuesday morning in the Y. W. room. An original fi-nance playlist was given by a cast

As the girls assembled in the new room. Miss Arlene Saylor played on the organ after which the group

Miss Margaret Devilbliss announce-

ed and gave the setting of a play the purpose of which was to give the members of the Y. W. C. A. an idea of what the expenses of that or

Miss Helen Eberly, then, as Miss College Girl entered and after a soliloquy dozed off and had a dream. The dream was presented in tablean form back of a net screen. Ten girls representing the various experts Items of the Y. W. appeared to her, each giving her reason for the neces-ary of Miss College Girl pledging a liberal sum to the Y. W. C. A.

At the close of the playlet every member present was given the op-portunity to sign pledge cards and the majority of the group responded well. The money thus obtained will go to help meet the expense for the coming year.

Thu benediction was then given and the group dispersed.

The new $150,000 Science Hall at Hays Teachers College will be com-pleted by December 1, according to the business office of that school. In addition to rooms for chemistry, physics, biology, and agriculture, an astronimical laboratory will be provided.

into his pillow muttering sounds,

and contemplate the most painful

gathers the familiar tune of "Hu moresque'", but the composer would never recognized it.

thod of transmitting sounds, but why

ing humanity be more afflicted? At midnight a sweet tenor voice touch-ingly serenades with "Four Ducks on a Pond" while a would be sopra-no wails in answer "On a Dew Dew Dewey Day."

The piano in the parlor resounds

nightly to "Whoop ‘er Up" or the famous “Minuet", but to the main-itiated the sounds are undistinguish-able.

To one who is subject to attacks of depression we suggest a soujorn on the campus where there is an infallible cure for the "blues"... "St.

At 11:00 P.M. all the so-called music makes one "So Tired"-- he closes his books in despair and re-solves to study "Tomorrow." He falls asleep to the syncopating re-frane of "Sleepy Time Gal", and at last the trusty portable from Ar-nold grinds out "At Peace With the World" simultaneously a cornet achingly toots "The End of a Perfect Day."



Tryouts to Select the Varsity and Second Teams Will Be Held November 27.


Coach Hess Calls for Candi-


The debate question which will be

used during the approaching foren-six season is "Resolved, that a sub-stitute for tired by jury should be adopted." Material on this question is being collected in the Debate

Tryouts to select the Varsity and Second items will be help Tuesday.

November 27 Tryouts for the

December: All candidates should

read widely on both sides of the

outs, sides will be determined by

speaker will prepare for a main speech of five minutes and rebuttal of two minutes. Teams will be chos-en by five faculty judges.

tle Red Book" at once. Consider it your personal duty to uphold the

past forensic reputation of the Bull-abundance of good material in school for the development of another winning team if each student with

there information, call at Room D during conference hours.

MAURICE A HESS, Debate Coach.



“The Quadrangle for 1929 will have the largest athletic section that has ever been used in a Mc-Pherson College year book," said Robert Puckett, editor of the annual, in the student council meeting last


individual persons and substitute large action pictures of each player-

In securing the action photographs,

manded. Leonard Walker, Quad-rangle photographer is using a large press complex camera to register the speed portraits.

"Pictures of every athletic contest

will appear in the 1929 Quadrangle. Every touchdown made by the Bull-

will appear in picture.

The scores made in the Wichita and

Saturday have already been record-


Puckett continued with this state-

ment, "The pictures of the players

country. I have booked through

pictures, which will compared with


The Y.W.C.A. cabinet met at

six thirty o'clock Wednesday even-

Plans for taking up some special

project at endless meeting were    dis-

cussed and a committee consisting

of Miss Dorothy Swain and Miss Ir-

ene Gibson were appointed to inves-

tigate and report room for their

Arrangements were also made for

Mrs G.S. Overton's coming to the

After the limited number of Quadrangles are sold, they can not be bought for $1,000,000 as there


The Student Newspaper of Mc-Pherson College purposing to re-count accurately past activity- and to stimulate continually future achievement.

Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.

Subscription Rate — $1.50 per year

Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas

Editorial Staff

Editor-in-chief    Doris Ballard

Associate Editor Leland Lindell

Business Mgr.    Ralph Bowers

Ass't Business Mgr. Ernest Watkins Ass't Business Mgr. Emery Metzger Circulation Mgr. Lloyd Johnson


Harriet Hopkins Ruth Anderson Chester Carter Charles Collins Oliver Ikenberry Mildred Swenson Warren Sisler Bernice McClellan Murlin Hoover Byron Sjoberg

Faculty Adviser

Maurice A. Hess

Just a little more push behind the the pigskin and the Bulldogs would have had the St. Mary's game. Not that our elevent did not do their utmost, but if that utmost had been just a a

little bit more- well it does not pay to carry predictions too far.    And,

we can not win crowns of laurel on ifs: it takes the real stuff.

The intervening few inches be-

tween the ball and the St. Mary's goal line might have been a wide

lotted time was concerned. The

time nor tide waits for no man was amply illustrated by the fact that the gun sounded a half a minute too soon for a Bulldog touchdown The thing for the McPherson elev-en and the McPherson student body to do is to push a whole lot harder and push all the time. It takes the push of perseverance and determina-tion to win anything. This is true in no less measure in football

More is necessary than eleven men pushing that ball down the gridiron Behind a team there must be a stu-dent body that is one hundred per cent pushing for the team.

Just because McPherson football was in the slump last year and be-cause her victories have not out-weighed her losses this season is no

sign that things have to remain so. It is evident that the might and brawn are on the field; it is up to the student body to put confidence, pep, and determination into the at-mosphere and bring things to the top and keep pushing them over. First, make yourself believe that Bulldog Victories are possible and then convince every one else. When that is accomplished, they will be-come realities.

Now comes to story of the absent minded professor who rolled under the bed and waited for his collar button to find him.

Parents can still kiss their chil-dren good night if they want to stay up until four o'clock- in the morning.

Any considerate motorist will give a co-ed half of the road, if he knows which half she wants.

By The Way

Mr. and Mrs. Weaver of Garden City visited their daughter. Flor-ence at the dormitory Tuesday and Wednesday of last week.

Miss Chester Carter spent Wed-nesday night with Attillia Anderson.

Miss Melda Mohler went to Wichita Friday to spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. L Doty. She re-turned to the dormitory Sunday.

Clinton and Donald Trostle spent Saturday and Sunday at their home near Nickerson.

Leland Lindell spent the week-end

at his home in Windom.

It is a sad state of affairs when a

college student doesn't make the team, and has to return home with nothing to show for his money but an education.

The Bear Story At Its Very Best

Kansas should be supremely overconfident,

Kansas Aggies should be supremely over-confldent.

Kansas has a long list of stars injured.

Kansas Aggies have a long list of stars injured.

The newshounds from the two in-stitutions have filled the papers with "bear stories” all week long. On paper neither team can hope to win, what with all the injuries.

Mr. and Mrs. Rock of Enterprise

visited their son, Loren, at the dormitory Saturday and Sunday

If we got the drift Kansas will star the following lineup:

Left end-The bald headed boy who sells tickets at the west gate.

Left tackle-- The absent-minded second assistant chemistry profes-

Miss Doris Ballard spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks at


Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lehman '27

of Garden City visited friends on the campus Saturday.

Emmert Stover '27 and Clarence Hawkins '28 who are instructors to Nickerson high school were campus visitors during the week-end

Miss Bertha Weaver of Garden City visited her sister, Florence, Sat-.

urday and Sunday.

Mrs. Walter Libby and Jean Vir-ginia and Robert of near Little River called on Miss Mildred Libby

Ted Dell, a former student who is employed by the Salt City business college in Hutchinson, visited friends here Saturday.

Miss Evelyn Saylor of Marion

spent the week-end at home.

left guard. One of Bill Har-giss' relatives from Crawford coun-

Center-- "Chalkie" himself the

second mascot

Right guard-- The custodian of the tennis courts.

Right tackle-- The huskiest horn

Right end-- Most anyone Quarter back Any pledge of dear old Ohe Mic Ohe Mic

Left half back-- The lounger who tossed that rock through the brok-

the new basketball creation.

prove his coonskin coat is paid for Fullback-- The red-headed usher

finding that your seats are really on the other side of the stadium.

The Aggie lineup will be slightly more improvised than this.


spent the week-end with home folks.

Miss Leola Ellwood of near Win-dom called on Miss Mildred Libby


Miss Jessie who is music

instructor in the Ramona schools spent the week-end at her home in


Anxious mother: And is my boy really trying?

Teacher: Very.    r

The Tragedy of Man.

When he is born his mother gets attention

When he is married, his wife gets


After his death his widow gets at-


C. Negley: (Stuck on Main street in Windom) I thought that you told me there was a good road here. Leland L: (Native of the city)

There is, but you aren't down deep

enough yet.

Byron S.: How are you getting Francis B.: Well, I've learned

to add up all the naughts, but the figures still bother me.

Only eight percent of the people think and they usually disagree.

Miss Irene Thacker '28 visited Mc-Pherson friends last week.

You may talk about the wheat fields of the Southwest. You may

west! But do you ever talk of the sand dunes of Kansas? No!

There's a town in the great Amer-

railroad, paved streets, electric lights, water works, parks, theaters,

officials, schools, churches, and min-

In this town there is one store (that) never has any trade) five houses (only three are inhabited), one garage combined with the store), one hardware store (like-

a post office (also combined with

The town's prosperity depends upon the occasional tourist that hap-pens to take a short cut to Oklaho-ma or Texas. “Old Frank,'' the pro-

post office, says he likes the country because you can see so far that have time to get five gallons of gas

ready to pour into its gas tanks and

ter for his boiling radiator before the car comes to a steaming stop in front of his humble establishment. One day "Old Frank" was taking a little nap in front of his store when all of a sudden a large car drove up and the owner gave a loud blast with his horn. "Old Frank” gave a jump that immediately placed him beside the car.

"Say, how far is it to Hendricks?“ said the dust-covered tourist.

"Old Frank" rubbed his drowsy

“Too bad Shakespeare wasn't born in London."


"I said he was in that exam."

"Well, let's see. Now if there was a railroad It would be about twenty-three miles. But you see there ain't. By de road it's thirty one miles. But that southwest wind we had yesterday blew the road full er sand and it hasn't blowed it off

twenty miles. And say, if one did fly he'd have to take some grub and

"Death Valley" is in August."

The man drove on.


An old college friend of mine

freshman stopped me on the street the other day and asked

"Bob, you're editor of the Quad rangle this year aren't you?

"Sure." I replied. “Well—do you still have some of the copies of the nineteen twenty seven Quadrangle I'd sure like to get a hold of one.”

There was nothing to say but the truth. Only 500 copies had been printed and they were all sold years ago In view of the fact that the 1929 Quad will go on sale within the nest few weks the following opinions of former college students have been given In order that the doubtful student may consider the more care-fully before he or she refuses to purchase an Annual.

"You tell him Irene," said Coach George Gardner (Irene being Mrs. Gardner) when asked to give his ap-preciation of the school annual.

"George and I get our Annuals out a good many times and re-live our college days." answered Mrs. Gardner. A person things they won't forget but every time we look through ours we recall things we had forgotten.

"I never would have found who

that girl was we met up town." in-

terupted Coach, “if I hadn't found

Miss Della Lehman and the writer nual is a mark of intelligence. She

Ask the advice of your

friend if you do not know who to buy a 1929 Quadrangle.




Mrs. C A. Hiebert entertains a four-course birthday surprise

at their home on last Saturday,

A color scheme of apple green gold was cleverly and beaut-carried out in the table decoration

and in the menu which consists orange-grape cocktail, candle, a

creamed chicken, mashed potatoes, glared sweet potatoes, creamed car-rots and pears, noodles, celery

angel food cake, ice cream sticks, and coffee.

entertained by a mock wed vegetable and fruit

awarded to the winners.

Miss Hiebert received many beau-tiful gifts.

one feel young again to laugh at the old fun. You seem to get a new ap-ciation of your college days." "An annual brings up things which you are not conscious of having forgotten." said Dr. Schwalm. It refreshes one's memor-ies and calls back mutual friendships. There is nothing I enjoy better than to sit down with a friend and re-live college days as we turn through the Annuals. We have them from nineteen ten until twenty eight." preciation I have for the Annuals I bought while at Southwestern", replied Leo Duke, McPherson's new basket ball prospect. “I intend to

The Quadrangle is the students' memory book and he does himself an injustice as well as his classmates if he does not buy one. They would

be cheap at $100 a copy" said a member of the Quad staff.

The guests were: the Misses Heibert, Arlene Saylor, E. Longsdorff, Irene Thacker, J. Daron, Clara Davis, Lois Dell, Katherine Swope, and the U-Clarence Hawkins, John Whiter Francis Berkebile, Marvin Ste Edwin Johnson, Ralph Boy, Keith Hayes, and Ted Hiebert.

Northwestern University is to print a German magazine. The mag-azine is to be printed in the Te-tongue by the University German De-partment. It will contain every

Germany and Americans of Ger-man descent.



St. Benedict Plays Some Aerial

Football—Scores Touchdown.

St. Benedict kicked off to Mc-Pherson College, a superior skirm-age team, but scored a touchdown on the Bulldogs through a couple of

brought the 6 point lead. The Bene-dictines seemed to have no luck through the line as they carried the ball for a loss time after time. McPherson Plays Best in Second McPherson held the lead to a

brilliant showing in the second quarter when they carried the pig skin for three first downs, and a skir-

first down, a gain of 33 yards and a

loss of 8 yards by St. Benedicts. Thirs Quarter Sluggish Though the entire game was sluggish the third seemed to be the slowest of the entire game. The Catholics were especially sluggish in carrying the ball through the line. They were taken time and again for a loss, when Bulldogs went through the line.

Catholics Score Again.

The last quarter was St. Benedicts best quarter as it showed some well organized passing. In this period McPherson ends were sucked in on end runs for good gain and a pass from McDonald to Furst resulted in the last touchdown of the game, making the score 12 to 0.

Gotschalk was the individualistic star of the game. Good work was done by McDonald and Furst of the Benedictine gridsters and Nonken on the McPherson team did some nice work.

Summary; skirmage. McPherson 158 yards gain, loss 10 yards;    St.

Benedicts. 122 yards gain, 33 yards loss; passes McPherson completed 3, attempted 8, yards gained, 28; St. Benedict's attempted 4, complel-ed 2, yards gained 43; punts, Mc-Pherson 7 for 264 yards, St. Benedicts, 312 yards.


Missouri 28. Iowa State 19 Kansas 7. Kansas Aggies 0. Nebraska 7. Syracuse 6.

Southwestern 0, Emporia Teach-ers 0.

St. Louis U. 12, Rollo Mines 7. Oklahoma 7, Creighton 0 Baker 19, Bethany 7.

St. Benedict 12, McPherson 0,

Oklahoma City U. 14, Phillips U.

Parsons Junior College 12, El Dorado Junior College 7.

Tulsa 46, Wichita 0. Rockhurst 28, Wentworth 6. College of Emporia 13, Westmins-ter 0.


Soccer tournament games start Thursday afternoon when teams one and three will play. The members of the team which wins this tourna-ment will be entitled to fifteen additional points towards the Women's Athletic Association awards.

over the outstanding players are selected by the manager and a com-mittee to make up the varsity team. Those winning a place on this team will also receive an additional fif-

At the beginning of the soccer season only two teams were organ-lied. Due to the large number who are participating In the sport, a third team has been organzied. As the


Iva Crumpacker, Capt. Madeline Ferris Genevieve Crist Florence Peck Lila Eberly Clara Burgin Bernadean Van Blaricum

Doris Ballard Elain Gustafson Hazel Ratliff Blenda Asp

Rene Lashbaugh


Ruth Blickenstaff, Capt. Helen Kline Fern Heckman Harriet Hopkins Mabel Lee Early Florence Weaver Louse Allen Prudence Strickler Sylvia Flory Ida Lengel Odessa Crist Hazel Falls Myrtle Ainsworth III.

Leta Wine. Capt.

Nellie Collins Mildred Wine Mildred Swenson Mildred Doyle Rexie Kliewer Lola Mae Hanson Avie Wattenbarger

Attilia Anderson Evelyn Saylor Verna Falgren Dorothy Turner


A mass meeting to arouse pep and enthusiasm for the game with St. Benedict's was held in the chapel Thursday morning.

The program consisted of a stunt, yells, songs and several num-bers by the college band.

The stunt opened with a group of students on the platform yelling in an indifferent, haphazard fashion.

Harold "Berries" Crist, as a doc-tor entered upon the scene and sprayed the group with his latest chemical discovery "pep." With the application of this chemical the group miraculously livened and the

After singing the college song, announcement was made of the nightshirt parade and the meeting was



As a result of a mass meeting of all men rooming In the dormitory, Friday noon, a rule was made that musical instruments may be played only In the afternoon, and not in, the morning during study hours, and after study hours in the evening. This includes portables.

If the art work in each 1929 Quad rangle were purchased individually, the cost would amount to six hundred cold hard dollars.

Student loyalty alone demands the support of the 1929 Quadrangle.


Miss Madelyn Gray entertained the Tri-Mu class of the Methodist church at a Friendship party in her home on South Main Friday evening.

The rooms were decorated sug-gestively of the season. The enter-tainment of the evening consisted of a number of games in which every

one took part. The refreshments were in keeping with Halloween and consisted of pumpkin pie with whipped cream, coffee and mints.

A number of college students were among the guests and everyone reported having spent an enjoyable


Dean and Mrs. R.E. Mohler en-tertained at a six o'clock dinner last Wednesday evening in honor of Miss Katherine Wagoner of Los Angeles, California. Miss Wagoner is an aunt of Dean Mohler.

The invited guests were Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Harnly and Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Yoder.

The feminine members of the fac-ulty treated themselves to a six o'clock dinner at the Town Tavern last Thursday evening. Those pres-ent were Mrs. Anna Tate, Miss Jes-sie Brown, Miss Margaret Hecke-thron, Miss Mildred Lamb, Miss Marietta Byerly, and Miss Clara

Colline. All reported having a love-

ly time.

Saturday evening at seven thirty

o'clock at the E. L. Crumpacker

home southwest of McPherson, a number of guests arrived to hear the

After they had assembled,a short musical prelude was played on a

portable victrola. Games and con-tests of an appropriate nature fur-nished amusement for the evening.

At a late hour the guests were then ushered into the dining-room where one long table was set for the evening refreshments.

When everyone had been served

Miss Iva Crumpacker read a poem entitled "Cupid Swallowed ", and then passed out envelopes, the con-tnnis of which states that the favors which were orange roses, contained a secret. The secret was found to be the date of the marriage. Novem-ber 10, of Miss Pearl Crumpacker to Chester Murrey. Both of these young people are former students of McPherson College.

The group of honor displayed the contents of her hope chest to the other guests who were the Misses Irene Gibson, Mable Steiner, Olive Weaver, Violet Brunk, Velma Wine, Edith Morrey, Viola Garretts, Alber-ta Yoder, Harriet Hopkins, and Iva Crumpacker. Regrets were re-

ceived from the Misses Nina Stull, and Mary McPherson.

Friday night after the big parade Myreta Hammann escorted in a very

“roomy" Maxwell touring car ten of her friends: the Misses Elste Muse, Mildred Mitchell, Clara Fern Mam, Prudence Ihrig, Jeanette Fris-by, Hazel Ratliff. Helen Eberly Velma Eldridge, Mildred Doyle, and

Sylvia Flory.

A slumberless slumber party en-sued. It has been reported that the girls had pop corn, apples, music, pleasant dreams, a lovely breakfast, and "lots of fun.”


You pick up the daily paper, you glance through it- your eyes happen

to fall upon a joke. You read it, then you laugh. You may laugh at the humor In It. or you may laugh at the silliness or the impossibility of it. Such things really happen. It may be that some clever humorist may have thought of it or it may be

Have you stopped to think how weak-minded, or ignorant, or what

ple are? Some people do not have

the slightest idea of the geographical

state of our own nation. Some East-erners still think that buffalo and Indians run loose out here on our peaceful Kansas prairies. Those people evidently do not read. For instance:

One or two years ago an eastern tourist stopped in a small Kansas town and was asking about the roads and such, when he happened to ask what slate he was in. The native told him he was in Kansas. Oh, the tourist thought he was in Arizona. Such things really happen and this was one of them.

In the Mesa Verde National Park in southwestern Colorado a guide is keeping a book to write down all unsensible and silly questions tour-ists ask him. Now the Mesa Verde National Park is of ancient Indian ruins, in other words, “cliff dwell-ers”. The government has now re-stored the ruins to their natural state as much as possible. One day a group of tourists were waiting for others to join them when a sup-posed to be highly cultured and re-fined "eastern woman" turned to the


guide and said: "Now just what time of day do those Indians come out of their caves?"

The guide turned and said to her in a laughing way: "Madam, they came out almost four thousand years ago and haven't returned yet.”

And yet these ruins were deserted

fore Columbus first touched land on this hemisphere. Now that's just like a woman, isn't it?


If college students are to accept

the challenge to save civilization,

they must know and appreciate its

problems. Professor Hess pointed

day. Among them are: Relations with China, spread of the cigarette in China, and the attitude of our

Geographical and other conditions

bring European students into con-

tact with world problems. As a con-

sequence they are probably more in-

terested in them than American stu-

dents. Where there is no vision

the people perish.

Friday Mr. Robert D. Skelton


champion Olympic swimmer gave a few pointers in first aid. He is traveling under the auspices of the Red Cross.

Do Not:

Dive into water of unknown depth. Go into deep water without a boat

Get excited in cae of accident. Commit suicide until you know how.

Take chances on having her dis-turb the meeting.

More accidents occur in the home than in any occupation, or 28c of the total number.

"Freshman rules and sophomore traditions are giving way before an enlightened upper-class sentiment to

the effect that freshmen have a right to be treated as human be-ings," reports "The Daily Cardinal" University of Wisconsin. The fresh man and sophomore classes at the University of New Hampshire have modified the traditional freshman