Alumni edition


McPherson COLLEGE, McPherson, KANSAS, TUESDAY, OCT. 16, 1928

NO, 5


A Review of the History of the Chapel Since 1888 was Given by Dr. H. J. Harnly

Dr. bowers gives address

Miss Doris Ballard Discussed The

New Chapel From The Student's Point Of View

Pres. L. B. Bowers of Kansas Wesleyan University delivered the

address at the McPherson College chapel dedication program Friday. Oct. 12, at 2: 30

The Salon Orchestra, led by Prof. Lewis Doll, played a musical pre-lude including "Hungarian Dance 6 and 7" by Brahms, Selections from Verdis "Il Trovatore" and "Girl of my Dreams. " Following the inva-tation of Rev. G. H. Cotton of the McPherson Prebyterian Church, Miss Ruth Harms played a cornet solo Nevin's "Rosary”.


Dr. H. J. Harnly reviewed the his-tory of the chapel since 1888 when the foundation of the present room was laid. At this time the entire school was housed in Fahnestock hall, chapel being held in the south-west room on the first floor. In 1839 the present chapel was temporarily enclosed and heated by two large stoves and in 1892 side doors opening into the rooms north and south of the chapel were con-structed.

Decreased enrollment and finan-

cial difficulties caused by the fi-

nancial panic of 1895 necessitated

the closing of the chapel. Two years

later, however, the second floor of Sharp's Hall was completed and a permanent roof put on the chapel: the entire building was completed in

1901. After the war, 1917 the enrollment again overflowed into the side rooms. In 1928 the new President gave the inspiration for a new chapel. Students, friends, and fac-ulty all contributed funds which re-sulted in the present improvements which include enlargement, refinish-ing and refurnishing.


STUDENT'S POINT OF VIEW (From the Student's Point of View) Miss Doris Ballard, editor of the Spectator, believes that the new chapel will help the students in their serious moments, in developing a reverence for God; that it will furnish an impetus to forensics and fine arts. She says that the new room is a challenge to students to live worthy of the college, to lay a

tradition of MrPherson College as

the "school of quality. "

A mixed quartette, the Misses Sylvia Edgecomb and Mildred Wine. Waller Fillmore and Ross Curtis. sang "The Earth Is the Lord's. "


RELIGION IN EDUCATION In speaking of the relation of re-ligion to education, Pres. Bowers said that education is three-fold

knowing, interpreting, and master-ing our environment.

In "knowing” our environment we must teach the facts of religion: however, the intangible or spiritual realities are more important than those which can be discerned by the senses. In the ’"interpretive” pro-cess we must know God’s plan for the universe, or we cannot interpret any fact of it. Dr. Bowers says that In the mastery of, or adjustment to our environment, we must have an emotional determination which depends on a dynamic famished only by God.

In summing up he said, “Until

(Continued on Page Three)


The strength, the stability and

ican college depends In no small part on the interest, the success and the loyalty of its alumni. The college itself is more than build-ings and campus, of faculty and resident students. It has become an Alma Mater to many hundreds. It is a composite of his-tory, and traditions and ideals. There clusters around the college memories that people the place with the personalities of myriads who have trod its halls and left a spirit there.

The success of the college

vital to every alumnus. If the college does not keep its present standards high the commercial


Large Increase Over Last Year's En-rollment Hast Taken Place

The outlook of the music depart-ments for the coming year is very promising according to the heads of those departments. Increased en-rollment and warm enthusiasm are encouraged by the active Interest taken by outsiders.

A large increase over last year's enrollment has taken place, and the number of students in the music de-partments is much larger than usual. Miss Jessie Brown reports about seventy in the plane department. Professor Lewis G. Doll has approxi-mately fifty students, the voice de-partment with Mrs. Anna Tate at its head includes at least thirty-five students, and the public school mu-sic division under the direction of Miss Fern Lingenfelter has increased perceptibly.

"More than the usual amount of talent is shown in the students of the music department this year, "

Miss Brown said.

Student recitals are being planned for presentation in the near future Glee Clubs and a chorus have been organized and are making plans for a big year.

The students of the public school music department show a great deal of enthusiasm and interest in their work according to Miss Lingenfelter. Observation work in the public schools in the city will soon be be-


The chapel orchestra has Increased In size somewhat and now includes twenty-five pieces.

The work of the Salon orchestra is outstanding. The first of a full schedule of concert programs was given at Ramona last Friday even-ing. Plans are being made for the Salon orchestra to give concerts in correlation with the chorus and later perhaps with the community singles organization. It is interesting to note that wherever this orches-tra gave concerts last year it has been Invited to appear again this year. It has been invited to many other places also.

The Salon orchestra is unique In that it is the first senior orchestra in Kansas to federate with the Kan-sas Federation of Music Clubs.

It was invited to Las Vegas, New Mexico last year, but as It was impossible to make arrangements at the time it has accepted a month's

engagement to play there during August next summer at the Great Southern Musical Festival. It will play the accompaniment to an op-eretta-cantata composed by Cadmon and under his direction.

Does your wife pick your clothes?

Only my pockets.

value of its present and all past degrees depreciates. If the college fails, the alumnus is without an Alma Mater, an orphan In the educational world. If the college grows and raises its standing in the educational world every alumnus shares in the rise of the value of the degree. The success and permanence of the college is of moment to every alumnus.

The success of every alumnus

is of significance to the college.

A college becomes known by the character and efficiency of its alumni. The college is vitally interested that those who go out carrying its seal shall be success-ful and that they possess character. Every college needs a


A Long-Cherished Vision Of Y. W. C. A. Has Become A Realization.


Dedicated To Worshipful Services and a Place for Social Recre

A long-cherished vision of Young People's Christian Association has at last been realized in the building of the new Y. W. C. A room under the new chapel.

After its completion the cabinet decided that nothing could be more fitting than to have Mrs. V. F.

Schwalm dedicate the room. Thus, Tuesday morning at this hour of the regular meeting the girls gathered in the room while a musical prelude was played. Something of

the sacredness or the purpose for its

being must have touched the girls

for an attitude of reverence prevad-

Miss Lois Dell, president, introduced Mrs. Schwalm who dedicated the place to worshipful services and to a place where social recreation

and wholesome good times may be

enjoyed. After the dedicatory address a

vote was taken for chorister. Those

were Miss Clara Davis and Miss Eugenia Dawson. The election resulted in a tie. The Y. W. bene-diction was reported and the services were closed.

The room was transformed into a

a cozy, restful settling by rugs, cushions, bouquets of flowers, cur-tains and matching candlesticks in addiiton to the old Y. W. furniture It is hoped by the cabinet that the meetings in the new room will be

meetings of true inspirational value where some, perhaps can take away a light, a gleam, a vision.


Saturday, Oct. 20-- Game with St.


Tuesday, Oct. 23-- Y. W. and Y

M. (here)

Friday, Oct. 26- Game with Sterling at Sterling,

Saturday, Nov. 3—Game with Bethel at Newton.

Friday, Nov. 9—Game with Kan-

sas Wesleyan (here)

Friday evening, Nov, 9 -"M" club pie social.

Thursday, Nov. 29—Game with Bethany at Lindsborg.

Miss Nellie Collins and Charles Collins, Emory Windmill, Harvey King. Carence and Clifford Negley spent Sunday at their respective homes near Larned.

great Alumni Association back of it, if it is to survive in the 20th


In view of our mutual Interest there should be some agency In cultivate and promote our acquaintance and keep each informed of the others' activities. I know of no better way to do this than through the college paper which tells its weekly tale of college events and alumni news.

We solicit your Interest and your loyalty in support of the college we all have learned to love.

Faithfully yours,



New Y. W. Room Has Been Fur-

nished by The Organization.

The Young Women's Christian Association of McPherson College has proved to the school that It Is no passive, "slow" organization by the number of activities it has thus far sponsored.

The "Big Sister" movement at the beginning of the year helped the new girls to feel at home.

Among the first social events was

the Y. W. ten held in the dormitory

parlors. Here the girls all Itad an opportunity to get acquainted.

The annual watermelon feed given on the campus was made possible by both the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. and a wholesome evening of games.

were provided.

The latest activity of the Y. W. was the Spanish Festival on the campus which transformed the campus into a Spanish court where a riot of gay colors mingled with confetti, noise and holiday spirits. This was voted a decided success by the Y. W. and plans are underway already for other affairs of this kind, one of which will be the Halloween party at the end of this month.

The new society room for the Y. W. has been furnished by the social service committee.

Every week a constructive pro-

gram has been sponsored by the or-ganization for all college women.

The Y. W C. A. has adopted for

Young People's Christian Associa-tion of McPherson College, unite in the desire to realize a full creative life through a growing knowledge of God. "


The best lyceum course ever obtained in McPherson. In the opinion of many, is scheduled for the com-ing year.

The course consists of five num-bers all highly recommended. These are: the Imperial Quartet of Chi-

cago, the Scottish Musical Comedy

company in "The Cotter's Saturday Night, " a lecture by Professor B. R. Baumgardt, a lecture by “Private

Peter, " and an orchestra number.

The Imperial quartet was sched-

but, owing to the illness of one of the quarter's members, this number has been postponed. The dates of the appearance of the other numbers have not yet been announced.

All of lhe Lyceum course numbers will be presented in the auditorium of the community building down

Harvey Lehman, '27, is teaching English and coaching debate in the Garden City high school.


Lecture On The Natural His-tory Trek He Sponsored Last Year.


Yellowstone Natl. Park. Great Salt

Lake Region, Grand Canyon wad Other Places Visited.

The new chapel was filled al-most to capacity by members of the student body, the faculty, and friends of the college on Friday ev-ening when Prof. H. H. Nininger gave an illustrated lecture on the

natural history trek which he super-vised last year.

Thirteen students, besides Prof. Nininger and his family, met at Palmer Lake, Colorado and on Aug-ust 22 they set out on a tour that was to take them into thirty-five states, twenty-nine colleges and uni-versities, and about thirty-four mu-


The first locality in which they spent any lengths of time was Yel-lowstone National Park. Prof. Nin-inger showed a great many slides and moving pictures of the ani-mals, the boiling mud geysers, hot springs, water falls, and landscapes which one sees in this park. The Great Salt Lake region of Utah was another place which afforded plenty of interesting and instructive work for the members of the school on wheels.

In central Arizona several days were spent in cutting out, footprints of some extinct lion-like animal which were found clearly in layers of solid limestone. Prof Nininger gave a vivid description of the won-

ders and beauties of the desert's sunset. He says that the desert has a marvelous beauty to those who love it for nowhere else is the sky so blue or do the stars glitter so


Some time was spent in Southern California among the big trees and the Petrified Forests. The group happened to be near the place where

scenes for the photo-play "Ramona" were being filmed and Miss Del Rio and Mr. Baxter wore with the company warmed themselves at the campfire of the McPherson group.

In Georgia considerable time was spent in studying and exploring the

swamps. According to Prof, Ninin-ger this was one of the most differ-enl and dangerous tasks which the

group undertook. Because of rains they were forced to leave the swamp before they had accomplished all that had been planned.

The trek visited Washington, D. C. and spent some time in visiting the educational buildings and mu-suems of the city. No pictures were

shown by Prof. Nininger of this sec-

tion of the journey but he assured

the audience that three, had he had time to show them, would have been as interesting as the ones which he did show.


Thursday at ten o'clock the "M"

club not to transact a few items of


It was decided that an outstand-ing Bulldog Bulletin should be pub-lished for the later games with Ross Curtis as editor and Harold Fas-nacht as business manager.

The club was also In favor of having a pie supper in the near fu-


The sentiment of the members was decidedly against men on outside

the club wearing the official "M"

of the club.

"Son gone back to college? "

"Yes, thank goodness. The way he's walked off with my things all summer you would think he was my

room mate.

The Spectator

The Student Newspaper of Mc-

Pherson College, purposing to re-

count accurately past activity—and to stimulate continually future achievement.

Entered as second class matter

November 20, 1917. at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act

of March 3, 1897.

Hutchinson visiting an aunt.

Miss Olga Edwards of Santon was a week-end guest of her sister, Mer-

cedes, at Arnold Hall.

Miss Arlene Saylor the weekend at her home at Morill.

Among the alumni and ex-stu dents who spent all or part of the weekend In the city are: Misses Autumn Lindbloom, Nellie McGaf-fey, Hazel Scott, Roberta Brown, Anna Mae Strickler, Anna Lengel, Hazel Vogt, Addie Heims, Mamie King, Nina Stall, and Adeline Tay

ler, and Moffat Eakes. Clarence

Hawkins, Emmert Stover, and Ralph Helms.

the game with St. Marys which is on the Bulldogs home gridiron on Saturday, October I2.

It was announced that no fresh-man boy or girl would be admitted to the game without him or her freshman cap. The band is to be at

the game and help in the cheering.


Subscription Rate -- $1.60 per year

Address all correspondence to

THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas

Miss Ruth Peterson of Windom called on dormitory friends Saturday.

The regular Y.W. cabinet meeting was held 6:30 Wednesday evening.

The results of the Spanish Festi-val were discussed and plans for the coming membership drive ar-


Miss Mildred Lamb was chosed as

a new adviser

The financial standng of the or-ganization was also discussed.

Editorial Staff

Editor-in-chief    Doris Ballard

Associate Editor    Leland Lindell

Business Staff

Last Thursday a number of students from Colorado motored home. Those in the party were: Miss Helen Hudson of Wiley, and Miss Hazel Katliff, Oliver Ikenberry, and Roy and Ralph Frantz of Rocky Ford, They returned Sunday night.


The Speaker, an 8 volume set of books containing readings, plays, poems, and orations, is a recent ad-dition to the library.

This set was recommended by Miss Lehman as being of much value to expression students and as a general reference work. The set is a reprint of the magazine, the “Speaker", which is no longer published.

Several books on top-making and elementary wood working have been

received the past week.

tator staff In sending this special is sue of the college paper to you. We trust that it will mean much more to you than a letter would. If it brings you enough of the campus en-thusiasm so that you will want to keep in touch weekly. It will have

accomplished its purpose.

The Association extends wishes to you for a prosperous year.

Very truly yours.

EDITH McGaffey, Secretary


(Continued from Page One)

Business Mgr.    Ralph Bowers

Ass't Business Mgr. Ernest Watkins Ass't Business Mgr. Emery Met

Circulation Mgr. Lloyd Johnson


Harriet Hopkins Ruth Anderson Cheater Carter Charles Collins Oliver Ikenberry Mildred Swenson Warren Sisler Bernice McClellan Murlin Hoover Byron Sjoberg

Faculty Adviser Maurice A. Hess

Those of the M. students who attended the Rally meeting at Cen-tennial church were Misses Margaret Devilbiss, Lillian Horning. Hazel Falls, Mabel Lee Early, and Jessie Churchill and Harold Crist, Milton Early, Lawrence Turner, Willard Peck, Darrel Dutton, and Earnest Watkins.


New instructors who are helping in McPherson College this year are Miss Mildred Lamb, Mr. B. F. Jami-

son, Anna Tate and Miss Clara Colline.

Miss Lamb in the Commerce de-partment is from Lawrence, where she has assisted in the county treas-urer's office. She is a graduate of Kansas University, having done graduate work at Leland Stanford,

where she did some assistant teach-ing and received her Master's de-gree.

Recent Zoology books are: Cob-lentz, "The Decline of Man"; Holmes, "Study in Animal Behavior"; Beebe. "Edge of the Jungle"; Bensley. "Practical Anatomy of the


Of interest to history students: Seebohm. "Oxford Reformers" and "Era of the Protestant Revolution": Cambridge Modern History. Vol. I and II: Schevill, “Political History of Modern Europe"; Adams. "Growth of French Nation”.

Miss Ruth Blickenstaff has been appointed as library assistant. Additional help is necessary because of increased use of the library.


True it is, that as far as personal acquaintance is concerned, the alum-ni of McPherson College and the pres-ent student generation are total strangers. Even among the many

classes of alumni there are innumer-able individuals who do not even know one another's name.

We could not expect such a situation, yet, are we all total strangers? There is a common bond among the alumni and students of McPherson College that might be developed In to a fruitful friendship were there

a common contact among the var-ious groups. We have all met the Same ideals and like experiences at

McPherson College. We are all in-debted to the same alma mater for a foundation for a life of happiness.

To boost a college, loyal alumni the studets must continually work for the same ends. Loyalty for an alma mater is maintained by acquaintance and sympathy with Its activites and purposes. The most immediate agency to keep alive that interest is the college paper which records weekly the activities and program of McPherson College. By keeping in touch with the college through the annals of this publica-

tion the bond among alumni and between alumni and students will be drawn closer. As a result there will grow a loyalty for old M. C. that will make people sit up and take no-tice. McPherson College will grow big.

Now that school is several weeks gone we know definitely just how

The senior list shows an enrollment of 57 with Elmer McGonigle as president. The junior class head-ed by Keith Hayes claims 64 mem-bers. The sophomores’ ranks include 63 students with Charles Colllis as their chief, and largest of all are the freshmen, claiming 123 with Ted Crist, president.    Besides

this 2 students are enrolled as spec-ial students.

The records allow 299 students have paid the incidental fee and be-sides this 37 are in the special col-lege who have not paid this fee. In the voice department are 34 stu-dents. Prof. G. Lewis Dill is in-structing 50 students. In the de-partments headed by Misses Lingen-felter and Brown there are nearly 80 enrollments.


At their first meeting Thursday evening, the Thespians made plans for a party In the near future.

They plan to give an evening's entertainment very soon in the new chapel, consisting of short plays. Miss Ruth Blickenstaff is chairman of a committee to select the plays. Miss Bernice McClellan is chairman of a similar committee to submit plays from which the annual The-spian play will be chosen.

The Thespian club plans to fur-nish numbers for the lyceum course of smaller surrounding towns.


Mr and Mrs. L. J. Smith of Morrill visited their niece. Elisabeth Hess, at the dormitory Tuesday and Wednesday.

Miss Viola Bowser, '28, visited on

the campus from Sunday evening to


Miss Chester Carter visited with home folks at Perryton, Texas, from Wednesday to Sunday.

Cecil Davisson who attended school here last year and who plans to return the second semester, visit-ed with friends on the campus Thursday and Friday. He has been working In Texas during the past


The Cecilian Music club held the

second meeting and program Thurs-

day evening October 11 in the chapel.

Each of the old members ans-wered the roll call by current event Several new members were there. The following program was given:

Cornet Solo_________ Delbert Kelly

Talk—Art Songs Bernice McClellan Victrola Music—Hark, Hark the Lark.

Talk—Art Song Composers

--------Lloyd Johnson

Victrola Music—The Earl King.

Miss Margaret Devilbiss charge of the program. Miss Arlene Saylor took charge after the program and Prof. Lewis Doll offered

some suggestions for future work for the club.

Miss Florence Weaver of Garden City went home Thursday returning Monday morning.

John Whiteneck, '28, was a dormi-tory caller Friday.

Miss Ida Kingsley spent Sunday in

Mass Meeting

The band assisted Alberta Horis and Ralph Frants, cheerleaders, to create pep among the students. played at the meeting in the chapel Thursday morning. Some new yells were tried out and will be used at

Mr. Jamison, from LaVerne College, has done one summer of graduate work at Pomona College

and received his A. M from the University of Souther California. He has filled positions in high school teaching, and is now filling the place left by the absence of Profes-sors Uright and Williams.

The voice department is headed

by Mrs. Tate. She holds a life cer-tificate from the State of Kansas being a graduate from the College of Emporia. She has studied In the Dunbar American School of Opera in Chicago. During the last summer she studied voice under Madame Schurmann-Heink. and holds a certificate of that instruction.

The new art teacher, Miss Col-llins has studied art at the Art Gal-lery in Chicago and has done gradu-ate work under Sanden at Bethany.

She has done several years work as teacher in Central College at Mc-Pherson and at Phillipa College at Enid, Okla. She has produced sev-eral art specimen. She lives in McPherson and is doing part time work in both colleges.


The Ladies' Reading Club was entertained at a tea last Tuesday afternoon at two thirty o'clock at the home of Mrs. V. F. Schwalm

Three members of the club presented the one-act play, "Where But In America" and Miss Thelma Budge played several piano solos.

Following the program a dainty luncheon was served.

your emotional idealization has been

surcharged with the dynamic sur-charge of God, you will not amount

to as much as you would otherwise and you will probably not accom-plish anything worth while for civil-ization. Know what God would have

you do and do it with all your might."


Dr. V. F. Schwalm, who presided over the program, said that al-though the improvements on the chapel, including dressing-rooms and Y. W, room amount to $11,000 only $9,500 has been pledged. $7, 700 of which has been paid to date He then gave new students and friends of the college an opportu-nity to make pledges.

Dr. J. J. Yoder offered the dedi-catory prayer which was followed by the group singing the college song -"O Sacred Truth.” The audience was dismissed by Rev. H. F. Richards.


Y. M. C. A.

The theme of the Young Men's Christian Association program last Tuesday was: "Ideal Social Relation-ship.” Marlin Hoover had charge of the program, Lawrence Turner discusses "What Has the Lady a Right to Expect of Man", "What Has the Man a Right to Expect of the Lady" was discussed by Harold Crist, and "What Has Society a Right to Expect of Us" by Glenn Harris.

Graduation and various activities have depleted the ranks of the McPherson orators, so it is necessary to develop new ones. There seems to be considerable ability in the first year class. Due to remoteness of the active season, it is uncertain how many will enter this activity. William McDonald of Waldo and Raymond Peterson of Portis will probably be strong contenders for honors.

Experienced orators back this year include Lloyd Diggs, Lawrence Leh-man, Ralph Frantz, Oliver Ikenber-ry and Ralph Landes.

On the whole. Bulldog forensic

prospects are distinctly bright.


When Dr. J. Harnly came to McPherson College In 1888 he came out from town in a street car drawn by one horse. The entire college, including class rooms, dormitories, chapel, commercial hall, dining room and kitchen, was housed in the large building now known as Fahnestock Hall which is used as a men's dormi-

By 1890 a temporary roof had been placed over the first story of the administration building. Including the chapel and two large stoves were used in heating the room for steam heat had been installed only in Fahnestock Hall. In 1892 the openings were made between the chapel and the two side rooms in order that a larger number of people might lie accomodated. The roof of the chapel was reconstructed and shingled in 1899 and four years later the second story was put on the hall and the building completed. The stoves were replaced by steam


The yearn from 1894 to 1896 were

critical years in the growth of Mc-Pherson College, for during those years the enrollment of the college became so small that the chapel was abandoned and chapel services were held in the room on the south.

In 1915 the college became so large that it was necessary to re-verse the ends of the chapel so that the side rooms could be used to ac-commodate the students. The move-ment for reconstructing and en-larhing the chapel was begun in 1928 and the new room is the re-sult of tireless effort and generous material contributions

ments were in the Y.W.C.A. room and dressing rooms were out -fitted in the basement.


One of the courses in college that seems to have a great demand is the industrial arts department. The classes are always full in woodwork, turning and drawing. Every year the department is made better by adding to it In some way. During vacation two pew machines were furnished. A new hand saw and a new joiner have been installed in place of the two old machines.

The beginning classes started out on the preliminary steps of woodwork; the advanced classes are making the small radio ship.



To the Alumni of McPherson College:

Instead of writing you a letter the Alumni Association joins the Spec-

Active interest has been manifest-ed in the Women's Athletic Association this fall.

Soccer is the sport is now in sea son. There are over forty girls out and the tournament will soon take place.

The annual state W. A. A. convention is to be held at Kansas Uni-versity, Lawrence this month. The local organization will send two dele gates.

The Macoeds, an organisation that purposes to create and maintain pep at all college athletic and forensic activities, has recently elected offic-ers for the year. Definite plans are under way for unique stands to be given between halves of the coming

football games.

To be a good sport, you have to feel your best and it can't be done without a good hair cut. -Sids Clean Towel Shop, next to Convention Hall —adv.


McPherson College Quadrangle nineteen hundred twenty nine is beyond the stages of being a mere idea. The year book is planned from cover to cover, and much of the ma-terial is already completed. Editor Ebert Pucket and Marvin Steffen, business manager, have the staff chosen and work well underway. Those assisting in publishing this year's edition are Alberta Hovis, Seth Hiebert, Harriet Hopkins, Ralph, Bowers, Allen Morine, Kieth Hayes, Byron Sjoberg, Archie Blick-enstaff, and Francis Berkebile. Originality marks every feature in the book. The conventional ideas which have been carried through many memory books have been dis-carded. A view of the plans for the college annual will verify the statement of the editor that only the same Quadrangle has been retained,

The 1929 memory book in a new idea in its field, presenting its ma-terial by the media of refreshing

The book will be edited from the students' point of view, the pur-pose being to picture a cross-section of student life as it is being lived. The Annual is dedicated to the stu-dents of today.

In keeping with the modernistic theme the art work will be done in fresg pastel shades. Glen Golton an artist of recognised merit and Hershel Logan. Internationally fa-mous as a wood cut artist, are work-ing on the final drawings at the present time. Those who have viewed the sketches "have been pleased with their unique original".

A few of the features found in the Quad are color are work, du-tone campus views which give the effect of color, action athletic pictures class portraits of uniform size and background, snap shot diary of the school year, a who's who section, departmental pictures. $300 in wood cuts made especially for the Quad-rangle, and a humor section of un-usual character.

The 1923 Quad will be entered in the National Interscholastic Year

Book contest.


The first meeting in the new chap-

was conducted by Dr. J. W. Her-shey and he spoke on the subject of "Our Heritage.”

Dr. Hershey referred to the heritage which has been left by the work of such people as Thomas Edison. Madame Curie, Dr. Elliot of Harvard, Horace Mann, and Dr. Arnold.

During the summer Dr. Hershey

visited at the tombs of Abraham Lincoln and Gen. Robert E. Lee, and he said that crowds of people were standing quietly by with uncovered holds in tribute to these men.

•What is a man that thou art mindful of him?” was the question around which Dean R. E. Mohler centered his chapel talk on Wednesday.

The chemical value of a man is about ninety-eight cents. The whole difference between that value and his value to the world is in the top two inches of his body. The whole difference between man and other- animals is that he is a reasoning animal.

"Learning maketh a man fit com-pany for himself" is a motto to which Dean Mohler refered the students.

Francis Berkebelle sang two songs, "Gene" and "Four Ducks on a Pond."

Prof. J. G. Hoff consented at a late hour to lead chapel when it was learned the minister from town who had been engaged was unable to fulfill the appointment.

Prof. Hoff made some interesting comparisons; One hundred years

ago the average individual had seventy-two wants, sixteen of which were necessities; now the average person now has four-hundred-elghty-four wants of which ninety-four are necessities. One hundred years ago salesmen presented about two hundred articles bnt that number has grown to thirty-two thousand. The average home contains one hundred separate mechanisms.

"We are in danger of becoming last among the machinery of life," said Prof. Hoff. He also stated, “We worship Size, Bigness and Numbers in such a skyscraper sort of life."

Prof Hoff read two of his own poems In concluding his talk.

Dr. Schwalm gave a copy of Schevill’s "Political History of Modern Europe" and Dr, Kurts gave the October 1926, April 1926 and January 1927 copies of the magazine "Foreign Affairs" to the library. The library Is also receiving the New York Times.

For the school year 1925-1926 the number of books loaned wore 178 the first week and 192 the second week. For 1926-1927 the number of books loaned the first week, 91; the second week, 171. In 1927-1928 the first week 134; second week 219, and in 1928-1929, 120 and 262 respectively were loaned.



The university man, acknowledged oracle In the world of men's wear, has returned to sanity in dress, according to surveys of three widely separated educational Institutions.

In the north, Yale University was selected as typical university In a university town," In the South. Vanderbilt was chosen, for the same reason. And for a middle ground, Princeton was selected.

In all of these, observers found that almost unanimously, the students had reverted from the "slouchy" college tendency of recent years, to a tidiness and care in dress that was surprising.

In all the colleges, the starched collar was found to be so nearly uni-versal that it appears to constitute almost a uniform. The comfortable low, pliant starched varieties were most in demand In both North and South.

Extreme outs of trousers, absurd shirt, collar an tie combinations and

other freakish effects have disappeared.

The college man, according to one student, realizes that he is a potential wage earner, and that he is Judged by his habits in clothes as well as In his other practices. He la not attractive to his colleagues, to the co-eds or to his future employer in silly-looking clothes.

That is why he has decided to wear reasonable clothes.


The hardest work that you can do is worrying about it.

Time goes mighty slow when you Are worrying about it.

You've thought of hard work piled ahead.

When to yourself you should have said,

"Quit worrying about it."

A task is often not so hard,

As in your thoughts you make it, Don’t be content to let it pass If you yourself can take it,

So enter in with all your might. And even though you lose the fight— Quite worrying about It.    —Ex


It is far too early yet to predict a state championship for the Bulldogs. They have forgotten past achievements and are eagerly whetting Ihefr appetites for fresh victories. Coach Hess, with customary foresight, has been busy in the library gathering material on possible questions. He says that forensic pros-pects are better than at any time in the past eight years.

Of last year's varsity team, three are back this year: Keith Hayes, Philip Spohn, and Ralph Frantz. Of

three: Lloyd Diggs. Lawrence Lehman and Murlin Hoover. John Lehman, a former varsity man, has returned to fight for a place. John Harnly of the undefeated second team of 1925-16 is also a strong candidate.

Then, there is a wealth of new material. From Little River, thw home of debaters, come the Hayes brothers, Kermit and Guy. Other new men having experience include Lawrence Turner of Idaho, Ralph Turner of Hope, Milton Goering of McPherson, and Ralph Keedy of Fruita, Colorado, There are several others who will help to make a close contest at the tryout. Coach Hess says with sincerity that no old debater Is certain of his place on a team this year. Any student Is eli-gible for the varsity team.

The second team, which is open to all freshmen and sophomores, offers valuable training and experience for a varsity position later. It has scheduled a debate with Tabor College and will probably have several

Prospects for a winning girls' team are fully as bright. Three of last year's team are back. Ruth Anderson, Fern Galle, and Floy Brown, Mildred Libby of the 1926-'27 team is also back. Some promising freshman debaters are: Dorothy Turner of Hope, Hazel Ratliff of Rocky Ford. Colorado, Ethel Sherfy and Alberta Yoder of Morrill.


Those who have been in touch

with affairs on the McPherson Col-lege campus for the past year have watched the progress that has been

made in campus beautification,

The work gained headway a year ago with the generous gift of an alumnus, Mr. Deitrick, to be matched equally by the College. The services

of the Prairie Gardens Company of the city were secured in making

out plans, and the work proceeded.

The tennis courts west of the gymnasium were removed to a va-cant lot just off the campus and the ground was prepared for easy mowing and seeding. Considerable grading has been done on the cam-pus between Harnly Hall and the Alumni Gymnasium, and north of Sharp Hall, Drainage, and general appearance have been greatly im-proved. Cars are excluded from this area. Much work has been done

over the campus in general to facilitate the use of the power lawn

mower. number already this fall. A number of books have been contributed

About fifty dollars worth of ever-greens and perhaps two hundred shrubs were added to the campus decorations last spring. Another interesting feature is the Iris bed, which is eventually to contain all varieties of Iris which will grow in this action. About 250 varities are already planted, and about one hundred more are known in be available.

The beautification work is in the hands of a committee appointed by

the management. This committee will meet soon with the manage-

ment to make further successions.

Some of the former McPherson college students who majored in chemistry in the last eight years; Milo Stutzman. ‘20, received his PhD. from Ames, Iowa in 1927. At present he is an industrial chemist.

Roy Wampler, '20, is teaching chemistry at Manhattan, He has most of his work completed for his PhD), in the University of Chicago.

Leslie Blackman, '22 is professor of chemistry in the Northern University of Iowa. He received his M. A. from Manhattan in 1923.

DeWitt Sagar, '22, received his M A. in chemistry from Michigan State College, and is now teaching.

Milo Nice, '23, is an industrial chemist at Kenvil, N. J.

Ellis Watkin, '23, received his M. k. in chemistry from Manhattan In 1924. At present he is professor of

New Mexico.

John Harnly, '24, has an excellent position as an industrial chemist in Waukegan, Ill.

Harold Strickler, '25, continued his graduate work as a student as-

sistant in Michigan State College, re-ceiving his M. A. in 1927.

Paul Lentz, '26, is employed as an industrial chemist In ElDorado.

Horner Eby, '27, has an indus trial position with the Argo Starch Co., Chicago.

Curtis Bowman, '20, and Ralph

Strohm, '22. completed their work for their M.D's at Northwestern


Of the class of 1928: Ronald War-ren has a fellowship in the chemistry department of A. and M. Col-lege, Okla.

Clark Brumbaugh has entered Leland Stanford University to continue his graduate work.

Raymond Trostle has an industrial

position with the General Electric

Co. In Schenectady, N. Y.

Martin Wise is an industrial chemist for the Kansas State and Grain Inspection Co. in Hutchinson.

Students preparing for their medical degrees are: Homer Furetz '22, Galen Tice, '22, Marlin Carlson, ’27,

The outlook for the McPherson College Young Men's Christian As sociation perhaps the brightest that it has been for some years. The presence of "Dad" Elliot on the campus last spring gave a new impotus to the campus life, and strengthened

the position of the Association very considerably. The particularly fine support given by the cabinet men, and their spontaneous interest in the Ideals and objectives of the As-sociation give promise of an un-

usually fruitful year.

The Y. M. C. A only excuse for being is "the fuller life" for every college man. It counts worthy of

support anything whic will aid any man to express his finer qualities, and at the same time prepare him for a life of great usefulness after the days at M. C. are past. To this end it sponsors activities in the re-ligious, mental, and physical fields. In the physical and mental, this support is somewhat indirect, and comes in the Ideals of study and the school spirit which the faculty endeavor to hold forth, and which the students warmly second.

Somewhat definite plans are on

foot to provide more opportunities for social life in which the entire student body may participate. These seem to bring finer fellowing and cooperation and the breaking down of factions.

Even more vital in its influence on life as a whole is religion. This side perhaps the most misunderstood and neglected will receive the spec-ial attention of the Association Ef-forts are being made to arouse in-terest in true religion as Christ lived it In genuineness and simpli-city. not a form, but just the most supremely rich and satisfactory way of doing everyday tasks, that could be found. Outstanding national men on these student problems are brought to the campus each year, and within student life there are always results.

and Ray Clark.


Lula (Ullom) Coffman, A. B. ‘17. died August 30 as result of a sur gical operation. During her college career at M. C. she was president of the Y. W. C. A. for several years. She was also head librarian for a time and leader of the Volunteer Group. At the time of her death she was serving as a missionary China with her husband, Dr. Carl


On four nights a week, studying room in the library in at a premium On Friday nights there is a very good crowd. Almost two hundred new books have been added to the

in the past year. Of those, Dr. D. W. Kurtz contributed nearly one thousand. Among other contributors are Orville Pote and Miss Portia Vaughn, alumni of the institution.

New shelf space has been provid-ed in the basement, and Miss Hecke thorn and her assistants during the summer arranged and listed the old magazines and books and properly shelved them. During this work, they had the good fortune to find a 1776 Saner bible and an early at-las of McPherson County, published

in 1884. Another treasure pos-session received in the last year is

the copy of the 1712 Spectator by




Prof. G. N. Boone took his classes in woodwork and turning to the Quiring furniture store Tuesday afternoon. Boone takes his classes to the furniture stores several times

each year when they study the different period styles of furniture and the latest pieces out. This trip acquaints the students with some

projects that otherwise would be unknown!



Walter Thompson who received,

his A.B. from McPherson In '12 and who has been teaching in Oklahoma University, has recently accepted a position as instructor in the department of political science In Leland Stanford University in California.

Wedding bells have been ringing for several alumni of M. C. this past

summer. Earl Reed '27 and Alberta Vaniman ’25 were married June 6: Sam Kurtz '27 and Orla McAvoy

'25 were married June 10; Paul

Lentz '26 and Sylvia Duncan were married June 15; and Harvey Leh-man and Ruth Kurtz were married June 2.

Raymond Trostle B. S. '28 has a chemists position with the Gen-eral Electric Company in New York.

A number of M. C. alumni are missionaries. Among those of the Brethren Church are: Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Eby; Miss Myrtle Pollock '17: Emma Horning '08: Mr. and Mrs.

F. H. Crumpacker '08; Dr. and Mrs.

“In what way?"

E. L. Ikenberry ’22. and Ella Ebbert


Rev. W. T. Luckett, '26, will con-

duct a series of meetings in the Mc-Pherson Brethren church in Novem-



I saw a good professional football game yesterday.

Was any one hurt?

I said professional.

Once upon a time when a fellow went out with a girl and didn't come home that night it was a scandal. Now it is a transatlantic flight.

E. Toland: Did you sweep under

the bed?

Kenneth E: Yes, all that would

go under.

"I married my wife because she was different front any other woman I had met."

“She was the only one that would

say yes."

"It is not what a man says that

"You're right, It is his wife's re-ply."

One thing freshmen learn to their

disappointment—college professors are not absent-minded.

TUESDAY, OCT. 16, 1928


President Butcher of the Emporia Teachers College has made requests

for a new library building along with several other items for the improve-ment of the school. The matter has been put before the Board of Re-gents of the Emporia Teachers Col-


Dr. J. B. Emmert; head of the Department of Bible in LaVerne College, who is travelling on leave in behalf of the General Mission Board,

of which he is a member, was heard from in Antwerp, Belgium. He was about to board a steamer on route to Africa.

The Hastings College of Hastings, Nebr., has recently received a gift of $50, 000 to be used for the support of a chair in the new department of Religious education. The gift comes from Mr. Thomas W. Synott, secretary of the Presbyterian Board of Education. It was his wish that part of his wealth be used in a permanent upbuilding of Christianity.

Students may not have victrolas in their rooms at Southwestern College, Memphis, Tenn. Also no musical instrument of any kind may be played before 1p. m. and after 7: 30

p. m.

The Y. M. budget for this college year was presented to our men last Friday morning, and in spite of the fact that our number is slightly decreased, the two hundred twenty-five dollars was raised in a short time. The men are to be complimented upon their hearty support of this work, and the committee wishes to express their thanks for the manifested cooperation.

Mt. Morris College Paper.

Hoping for a better tomorrow is no way of bettering today, but bettering today will make a better to

morrow. Students at Northwestern University have formed a "Hoover for President" club on the campus to stir voters. The club plans to spread Hoover propaganda throughout the campus by campaign “talks and political rallies. Efforts are being made to secure Senator Borah, Vice-President Dawes, Mrs. Ruth Hanna McCormack, and other speak

ers of note in the party.

Forensic activities will begin in the University with a dual debate with the University of Australia here, according to Prof. E. C. Buch-ler, debate coach. "The time is not definite, as yet, but will probably be the first or second week in November, " he said.

Daily Kansan.

Turkey has abolished its Arabic alphabet and has adopted the western A B C's which has opened a new profession for Turkish women, stenography. It has opened up a good business for typewriter manufacturers.     —Daily Kansan.

The University of South Dakota, Vermillion, S. D., has completed arrangements to bring the famous United States Nary Band of Washington, D. C., to the university, Nov.


McPherson is expected to have a bigges basket ball year than last year. There are seven of the old letter men back this year, and some new material has came in that look very promising.

The letter men that are back are Nonken, a guard of years experience, Miller who plays center and farward position, a man who made all state and third national; Rock a forward of one year’s college exper-ience; Rump, a three position man of one year's experience; Holloway

a forward of one year's experience; Crumpacker, a forward who won na-

Moustaches may be worn only by upperclassmen at Brigham Young University. Provo, Utah. tional honorable mention with two year's experience; Blickenstaff, center and forward of two years exper-ience.

Other men not having letters from McPherson college are; Duks a for-

mer Emporia Teacher's star for guard and center position; Wells, guard from Joplin high school; Snow, a team male of Wells; Windmill a four letter man from a county championship high school; Elkins a four year letter man from high school; Johnston, a man of three years experience from the local school; Wine, a four letter map from a Nebraska high school and King, a three year experienced man from high school. Then there Is some good material from the squad of last year that include Eisenbise, Barngrover and



The “new" chapel Is completed, but there will be lasting memories of all that went on within the walls (three of which still stand) of the old chapel, many and varied as the

occasions were. Perhaps the change

has not been so great but to some of us who have sort of “grown up” with the chapel there will be a feel ing of strangeness to combat the

first few times we visit the new chapel. But before long the chapels, lectures, and concerts will give the new familiarity and charm, although nothing will ever replace the addi-

tional church services, literary society programs, and faculty recep-tions of other years.

If you have grown up here, the campus has been your playground. Barefooted you have run over its green grass playing run sheep run; or you have roller skated over its

walks in groups of ten or twelve,

arms about each others' waists. Per-haps yon have crept up forbidden stairways, along the wobbling, planks of of the dark, musty garret where olo-gists had left stuffed birds and bot-

tles of preserved snakes, up the rough ladder to the cupolo, and out

through the narrow door to the rod painted roof of the "Ad" building to dance about until called down from your lofty height by parental authority. You may have attended a wedding upstairs in the long room which has since been divided into language and rhetoric rooms;. a wedding where young men received sup-per partners by guessing the owner of a fair hand waved gently through

fell asleep on your daddy's lap after filling your small stomach with ice cream and cake. You have crawled through a small hole into the dis-

carded boiler of the old furnace house and have wondered how you would get out again, or—

But the chapel. Reared in the precepts of the Church of the Brethren yon attended church and Sunday school there and each Sunday the old building took on an air of rover-

unconsciously lowered your voice. At the communion service, the "love feast. " before you joined the church you were permitted to sit by mother's side and partake of the hot beef broth and bread; the long while tallies, the hymns and solemnity gave yon a feeling of goodness, save for a little resentment at those who came to look on—you could not be sure it was not from mere curiosity. Other times there was a sadness in

the long, simple room, when you went to a funeral, especially when it was that of a young person or a member of your own family. Then there was the baptistry beneath the pulpit where you saw many received

into the church. But the building of a beautiful new church changed all this.

the screws in the chairs gradually disappeared, plucked off by bored children whose only amusement was that or imitating the speaker. The many years saw chewing gum finding a resting place upon numer-

ous seats which proved diverting to young progeny who would pick it off and rechew it trying to see how much their small mouths would hold.

You may have seen the college Emersonians, and Ciceronians, begin, grow, flourish and recently die away, and have held your sides in laughter, have wept or been thor oughly frightened by the humor of readings, the tragedy of plays, or

lighted skulls. Growing up you

played yourself on the stages, now at one and now at the other, where you never knew how butl you were suddenly there before a of faces and after ages back by mama or some kind friend who assured you that you had been magnificent.

You came to college and it was

a daily instead of weekly visit that you made to the chapel, and ad-justed your curves to those of the worn seats.. Each fall you shook

hands with the faculty and students; you heard the fine arts de

partment perform, the president

speak, and you consumed punch and wafers. You were assigned a per-manent seat for chapel and demurely took your place each time, trying not to be tempted too much by the number or cuts allowed you, and moving each year to a place more be-sought until your fourth year you sat immediately beneath the eyes of your some twelve inch raised heiters. Here, having learned the art of behaviorism, you felt comfortable as you shielded the freshmen be-hind you who needed four years to feel calm beneath such close range nine hundred seconds of intense gaze. Each chapel period you faced amusement furnished by your su-perlorn or the necessity of amus-

ing yourself. You often thought of inventing machinery whereby the fixed facial expressions of the peda-gognes seated before you triweekly, thirty six weeks of the year, could be altered -say that of the one who drolly sits on the first row idly twirling his watch chain and his tongue.

In short, you-have laughter, sighed, and wept; you have played, sung, talked and whispered; you have been inspired, been bored within those walls. In the quiet dusk of a winter evening, lying on a seat, you have heard the beyboard of a piano respond to a touch; you have be-come familiar with and loved the pictures, though few, the leaky spots, the old and new clocks, and the steadily growing shabbier chairs. In truth you have grown up along with the room, and now it is not much changed, you tell yourself. May others grow up as happily and as fully in the old-new chapel, which is not, and yet which is different.

An Alumnus.


Wells _O---Klenek

Nonken    L.     H.     McGingley

Swain .............. R.    R. .....Ryan

Graham    F    R. _Greve



Summary: Earned first downs. St. Mary's 9 McPherson 10; yards from scrimmage exclusive of forward pass-es. McPherson 141, St. Mary's 121; favored passes, McPherson attempted 9 and intercepted 1 for 85

yards; St. Mary's attempted 11, in-tercepted 1 and completed 6 for 69 yards. Fumbles, St. Mary's 7, recov-ered 5; McPherson 5, recovered Touch downs, Wells, Ryan. Punts, St. Marys 11 for 166 yards, average 42 yards; McPherson 9 for 251 yards, average 28 yards

be guests at the K. U. -Iowa U. football game.

It was also decided last evening that the regular time for the W. A. A. meetings should be at 6: 30 P. M. on the third Monday night of each monday night of each month unless special meetings are called by the


door of the college chapel and the upper class men at the south.

Miss Edith McGaffey read a number of scripture passages pertaining to light.

Miss Mildred Lamb read an essay "New Wine in Old Bottles. " She then led the girls In prayer.

Miss Della Lehman read a group of poems, Miss Mildred Wine sang a


McPherson College and St. Mary's battled to a 6 to 6 tie In the confer-ence game here last Saturday. A wet ball caused the game to be a big ragged in the first half, but both teams tightened down In the last half.

The outstanding plays on the St. Mary's team were Ryan and Grave Branen of St. Mary's did not play a spectacular game but he did some

nice offensive fork at end position.

On the McPherson team quarter-back Wells packed the ball for some nice gains. Swain played a commendable game at half by breaking some of St. Mary's aerial football. Nonken wormed his way for some nice gains by his shifty runs in a scattered field, The Bulldog line seemed to have strengthened considerable in the past week.

The first quarter started with St. Mary's 30 yard kick. St. Mary's third down resulted In a 10 yard loss when Lengel, the big Bulldog tackle fell on the ball. St. Mary's failed to make their first downs but Peck, Wells and Nonken shoved the ball to the goal line. Wells went through the the line for the last two yards for a touch down. Bowers failed to kick the goal. Hawkins received the kick off. An exchange of punts followed by which the ball was worked into McPherson terri-tory. A 13 yard loss was felt by St. Mary's in a fumble, but it was made up In a neat pass of 21 yards to Ryan of St. Marys. Later is the quarter a 5. yard pass to McGingley and an 8 yard pass to Greve added to St. Mary's gains. Swain did a neat job of recovery when St. Marys fumbled which gave the Bulldogs a chance to punt out of the

danger zone again. St. Mary's failed to hold the ball for downs, and Mc-Pherson made no large gains before the half.



According to Coach Gardner the strength of the lines and the con-sistency of the players has been greatly improved since the first game of the season.

The first game of the season with East Central State Normal was won by a score of 13 to 0 by East Central. The second game of the sea-son with Friends was a defeat for the Bulldogs of 7 to 12. The third game of the season with St. Marys was a tie 6 to 6 with McPherson showing the best field strength.

The next game will be a victory for the Bulldogs. Remember McPherson will beat St. Benedicts Octo-

ber 20.

Sacred Truth

Altho out on broad Kansas plains,

Here not In vain are we.

For we will strive with might and main.

That right and truth may be.

The student loves to dream his


Of life that's yet to be,

Of future days and years that'll


The best for old M. C.

Before the girls went to the front of the chapel to light their candles from the larger burning one, Miss

Dell, president, gave a short talk on the significance of the ceremony. After each girl had lighted her candle

from the large candle which repre-

sented the ever burning light of Christ, they formed a circle and sang "Follow the Gleam"


We'll hope for ouh M. C.

We’ll cheer for our M. C.

While winds do blow,

And sunflowers grow,

We'll long for thee M. C

True soldier once with sword of


The college pep band, two peppy cheer leaders and a student body that is backing a Hard-working team all went to make the pep meeting last Thursday morning.

The band, directed by Max Conner, played several numbers as the students gathered, before Miss Alberta Hoovis and Ralph Frantz led them in M C. yells.

Some new yells were learned In preparation for the St. Mary s game

Captain Ray Nonken introduced all the first and second string men to the students. Their reception indi-

cated a student body that is whole heartedly backing the efforts of the Bulldog team.


Worked for our freedom long.

And now to keep our pages white. Will be our purpose strong Beneath the smile of sunny days, Let truth and freedom reign.

Within our College let us praise The deed that'll leave no stain.

Wo are an unity—on the way.

Some day the world will see us larg-er grown,

And then they’ll say.

Yet ‘tis the good M. C.

Dear thtuh, without thee we must fall,

O then our pillar be,

O, truth be thou our stay for all,

And stand for our M. C.



The big sisters were hostesses in

their little sisters at the annual young Women's Christian Association candle lighting service last night.

The freshmen entered the north


Ellis kicked off at the half. St. Mary's failed to hold for downs and resorted to the punt in the fourth Nonken made a nice return running through a broken field, but the Bulldogs failed to make the suff-icient ten yards to hold the ball Rump punted, and St. Mary's was penalized fifteen yards for holding and lost possession of thu ball. After a loss of five yards the Bulldogs punted twenty seven yards. After a three yard gain and a seven and one yard loss respectively, a pass from Burns to Mowbrey gave them fifteen yards. Graham made a four yard gain for the Bulldogs but a fumble lost some of the gain

Word has been received from Charles Bish, a former M. C. student, that he is liking the university of Southern California fine and is enjoying his work. He is enrolled In a four year dental course. He miss-es M C. and is still a Bulldog In spirit backing them in every activity.

St. Mary’s opened up in the last few minutes of the third quarter. Greve after making an eight yard gain through line carried the ball one play later on an end run for fifteen yards.

Ryan and Greve in three consecu-tive first downs took the ball thirty-eight yards for a touch down at the beginning of the fourth quarter. After the touch down Ryan kicked oft and Sargent returned the ball seven yards. Wells added another sev-en yards and Graham three more yards for the first down. After a gain of six yards Greve intercepted the Bulldog’s pass. St. Mary’s was unable to gain through the line, and was forced to punt. Nonken received the punt and returned it nine yards Then by short plunges, a completed pass and a fifteen yard gain the ball was within one foot of the St. Mary's line. The pistol cracked just as the ball was to be snapped back for the fourth down and one foot to go.


At the regular meting last night Alberta Hovis and Floy Brown were elected delegates to represent the Woman's Athletic Association at the State W. A. A. conevention at Kansas University at Lawrence, October 25-28. The State Convention will start Thursday, October 25 with regis-tration and a rally In the evening. Group meetings and lectures will be constitute Friday and Saturday mornings program on Saturday afternoon the delegates of the convention will

The lineup:

McPherson    St. Marys

Blickenstaff.... L. E ~ Brenan Lengle --L. G.    Massey

Whiteneck    .... L.     G. _____George

Bowers ..... C..... Staab

Zink... R. G.... Kasanga

Wine    —- R. G.. Hawkins

Rump - R. E.     Bush