McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Tuesday, October 9, 1928
No. 4
Money For Student Council Se-cured From $2.50 Taken From Student’s Incidental
Reuben Bowman. M Club Represen. tative On The Athletic Board.
The student council expense budget for this semester was ap-
proved at the student council meeting last Wednesday evening. Harold Fasnacht, treasurer, had prepared the budget according to the previous role of the council. The money is secured from $2.50 from each stu-dent's incidental fee. There was al-so a surplus on hand at the bank from last -year’s account. Money on hand amounts to $900.
Other business was transacted. Reuben Bowman, M club representative, was elected by the council to represent the council on the athletic board.
It was voted that Harold Fasnacht
be responsible for the care of the tennis courts.
A committee was appointed to meet with the faculty committee to discuss the changing of closing hours
at the dormitory.
The deficit incurred by the Spectator on its first issue before a busi-ness manager had been chosen was assumed by the council.
The budget is as follows;
Athletics 50% 450
Debate and Oratory 4% 36
Tennis 3% 27
100% $900
At the meeting of the debate coaches of Kansas and Missouri Sept.. 28 and 29 two questions were suggested as possible debate ques-tions for the coming campaign: (1) Resolved; that the direct primary should be abolished; (2) Resolved: that the jury system should be abolished
The Bulldogs have three debates scheduled so far;
Bethany, Feb. 15.
Kansas Wesleyan. Mar. 1.
Sterling. March 15.
To date the women have only two
debates scheduled. The first is April 5 with Kansas Wesleyan. The date of the second with Bethany has not been set.
Coach George Gardner spoke on the subject. "The Value of Athletics in College and Their Influence After College”, to the members of the
Y. M C A. last Tuesday morning on the fourth floor of Harnly Hall. De-votions were led by Glen Harris. Orion High played a violin solo.
Coach Gardner, took the game of football and told some of the bene-fits a man could derive from the
game. Football teaches men les-sons which they can not learn any other place. The lessons it teaches are fundamental in after life and absolutely necessary If one is to make a success.
Some of the lessons to be learned from the game are:
1. It teaches men to be courageous. A man must be brave if he is to stand the storm and temptation of modern life.
2. It teaches men to cooperate and work together. It is a funda-mental of success to cooperate.
3. Football teaches men to be loyal to their school, coach, and fellow players.
4. Play fair and square and obey the rules of the game. The same is true in the game of life.
5. Football develops strong physical bodies.
Prof. J. A, Blair attended the an-nual meeting of the Association of Kansas Teachers of Education at Topeka last Saturday. Sept. 30.
At the request of the state superintendent the meeting was held in that office. The association considered mainly the codifying of all present school laws to present to the neat state legislature. The purpose of such an action is to eliminate inconsistencies and to make the present laws mors easily understood.
Prof. Blair was re-elected secretary of the association, an office be has held the past two years.
Dr. O. L. Croxel of Wichita university is chairman.
The Y. W. C. A. cabinet met at six thirty o’clock last Wednesday evening. Plans were discussed for the Spanish festival to be held on the campus next Tuesday evening.
"Culture," its meaning, significance and the place it occupies on the campus was taken up with the idea in mind of sponsoring a "Culture" movement on the M. C. campus.
Plans were outlined for refurnishing the Y. W. room and for the dedication of the room next Tuesday morning.
You may be the lucky one! Read how to win an autographed copy of. the 1929 Quadrangle, and absolutely free!
To the student presenting the best snap shot of college life the publication staff will award free a 1929 Quadrangle. The pictures may be of any subject depicting college life: humorous. sad, or just beautiful. If you already hare a 'hot" picture submit it. or if you haven't, get one within the next four weeks. Who knows but that you may be the lucky one?
Pictures may be submitted to Francis Berkeblle or placed in the little box by the bulletin board in the "Ad" building. Write your name on the back of your pictures. Submit all the snap shots you can get. The prize picture will be selected by the Annual staff. Go after the snaps, and let your conscience be your guide as the Judges are all liberal minded. The contest is now open and shall close Nov. 6. at midnight.
Two former students of Dr. V. F. Schwalm, Eldon R Burke, M. D. and Andrew W. Cordier, Ph.D . have had published a "Study Manual for the Renaissance."
Fall is coming to early In McPherson College. Ad Vance Snows and the fever of the coming Presidential elections tell us that we must soon bury Murlin Hoover in the Meyer with our Vogt The King still approves of the divine rights of Reverend Richards, so a Foote elevated him to a High Windmill. Lloyd Diggs around the Pyle for
Kink to put in his Mohlers. The Strycher demands an Elrod. "De-fense," she says, Miss Esau went bunting and found a Peck of Saure Ikenberries. She also saw a Brown Beaver, and hit with her Archie Blickenstaff. Stutzman likes to be around Herbert Hoffman. He says it keeps his favorite painter constantly in mind. Hoffman says the Big ham is Nonken of his. Marvin Steffen’s hair is quite light now. He says his Berkle bile and his memor-ies of Irene are playing tricks on him. Collins Gadds around over at the College farm. His diet of Fill
Seventeen Cars Required To Transport Faculty and Families To Picnic Grounds.
Steak, Weiners, Buns, Pickles, Sal-ads, and Watermelons Were De-voured By Hungry Instructors
The size of the faculty of Mc-Pherson College evidently increased with the student enrollment for sev-
enteen cars were necessary to trans-port the members of that august body, together with their families, from the college campus where they must maintain their dignity to the picnic ground at Twin Elms where they might cast off their mantles of exemplary behavior and enjoy themselves in a game of baseball. They participated also in another all-American sport, namely, that one which centered around the rustic tables and benches.
A few members of the family were so engrossed in their duties that they could not be lured away by the truant ones at 3:30 but joined the crowd in time to partake of the steak and weiners which were, roasted over the bonfires under the expert direction of a member of the faculty who, during the past year, has had a great deal of experience in that method of cooking. Besides the meat, which was said to be delicious, there were buns, brown bread, pickles, salads and watermelons to help the tired professors forget their worries as well as any stiff, muscles or injured ankles which might have resulted from a too active interest in the ball game.
Just before leaving their bonfires the group formed a closed circle and sang "O Sacred Truth." Various members of the faculty reported that their was a "good'' picnic.
McPherson salon
The McPherson Salon Orchestra opens its concert season with a concert at Ramona High School where Miss Jessie Daron is music super-visor.
The orchestra has many engage-ments for the year.
Wednesday, October 10, Lyceum Course Number
Friday, October 12, Dedication of the Chapel
Saturday. October 13, Game with St Marys
more Millers remind him of his wings that won't grow. Tim Saylor and Swain are for light Wines. They say you should Let-a Wine ad-minister to your appetite. The baby Walker tipped over and the Asp bit Miss Gibson’s Whiteneck. However. the Wray of Whitenecks from A lean Oklahoma still shines as bright-ly as ever. Irvin Rump was bur-led beneath the Churchill last week. We know, because his trousers need pressing. At th foot of an Ellwood, beside a little Dell, sits a Weaver, wondering if Lin dell is a brother of Lois. The Crumpacker plays now with the spider Miller without danger of being bitten, since the Spirder started to chewing Jeanette, Hoover. Inez Hobbisiefkou to still in search of a new name. Mabel Lee Early thinks that Harold Crist is the "Berries”.
A Rocky Ford instead of a Rocky cradle is where Ralph Frantz got his “Baby.” Ralph Landes has a Steady baker, an Edge comb, and a
First Discussion Meeting Will Be Oct. 18. Chemistry Lecture Room.
The chemistry club made its de-but into school activities last Thursday afternoon when officers were elected for the year.
Dr. J. Willard Hershey became president of the club by unanimous vote. Leland Lindell was elected secretary. Three members were chosen for the committee on programs: Robert Puckett, Norms Miller, and Vernon Gustafson. Puckett was also appointed publicity agent.
One week from this coming Thursday afternoon at 4:30 p. m. in the science lecture room the first open meeting will be held.
Last Friday’s Friends-McPherson football game was covered by Leon-ard Walker, the Quadrangle photo grapher. It is the aim of the 1929 year book to have pictures of all athletic constest both at home and away.
While In Wichita, Walker, accom-
panied by Robt. Puckett and Marvin Steffen visited the Mid Continent Engraving plant which is one of the most modern In the United States. The Mid Continent Company is doing the art and engraving work for the 1939 Quadrangle.
Y. W. C. A.
The girls gathered in the Arnold Hull parlors last Tuesday morning for the weekly Y W. C. A. meeting as the new Y. W. room was not as
yet completed.
The theme of the program was "Friendship" and Miss Ruth Blick-enstaff acted as leader. Miss Clara
Davis gave a musical reading en-
titled "Chums."
Miss Mildred Lamb, new Instruc-tor in the Commerce department talked on the subject, "Friends,” enumerating the different types of
friendships which one makes and those which one cherishes as having lasting worth. At the conclusion of Miss Lamb's talk. Miss Prudence Ihrig sang “I Ought to Be Happy.” after which the meeting was adjourned.
Dedication of the new McPherson College chapel will take place Friday. Oct. 12 at 2:30 P. M.
A program has been arranged which includes, in addition to the dedicatory address, some special music and short talks.
President L. B. Bowers of Kansas Wesleyan University, Salina, will be the main speaker.
cleaning business. Small wonder be in so well-fed and well-groomed. Bill
Bigham thinks there is none like Beaver skin. Lei bengle was in-tended for the ministry, but can't endure chicken, so Is obliged to fore-go his calling. Our Manual Arts professor and his wife have been Boone companions for many years. Unusual! Without question, bits of Plane thinking and scientific knowledge of where to put the paint, and the foresight with which he foresaw his opportunity are responsible for this Boone companionship. Roy B. Teach saw the heart in Miss Barnhart, so now she teaches Teaches
too. We are tempted to think that
Mrs. Hershey saw something in the doctor besides sweet chocolate. Our Gardner had an aye for beauty when he chose his flower, and Mrs. Fries must have seen a warm Interior beneath a cold name. Our Bright ness has departed 'ere now, so we must bid fair Wells and consign this tragedy to the "Onlooker."
Faculty Adviser For The Annual This Year
The Mid Continent Engravlng Company Of Wichita Was Given The Engraving Contract.
The Quadrangle staff was announced last Monday by Robert Puckett, editor and Marvin Steffen, business manager.
Professor Jamison will be faculty adviser for the nineteen hundred twenty nine staff. He has had experience In the publication of annuals at La Verna college.
The personnel of the staff is as
follows: Harriet Hopkins. Keith
Hayes, Alberta Hovis, Byron Bjo-brry, Ruth Heibert. Allen Morine, Ralph Bowers. Archie Blickenstaff, Francis Berkleblle.
The book will be planned In the
new Quadrangle office on the fourth floor of Science Hall.
Mr. Leonard Walker will make the photographs to be used in this year's book. The McPherson Re-publican will publish this edition. Both Mr. Walker and the publishers
have had much expereince in producing college annuals.
The Mid Continent Engraving Company of Wichita, Kansas was given the contract to produce all electro-plates and engravings. This firm is one of the foremost annual and commercial engravers is this part of the country. Mr. Fred Dem-min of this organization will person-ally direct the technique in planning
the book.
Prof. G. N. Boone, instructor of the manual art department of the college entertained at dinner his as-sistants, Ralph Bowers, Paul Bowers, Chester Bishop and Harold Crist. The dinner was followed by recreation and entertainment.
Prof. Boone showed the assistants the work shop in the basement of his home, demonstrating a number of the things he makes in his email work shop.
The men entertained reported a delightful time including a delicious fried chicken dinner, for which Mrs.
Boone is responsible.
“Fight. Bulldogs, fight! That's it! Yes. more than three hundred filled the gymnasium Iast Thursday morning for the initial pep meeting of the year. The new cheer leaders show ability and the band gives a big impetus to the pep. Coach George Gardner and Melvin Miller were the orators of the occasion.
The new cheer leaders. Alberta Hovis and Ralph Frants show the needed ability for creating pep for our smashing football line.
Oh boy, what a hand! More than fifteen instruments to urge the Bull-dogs on end to give all they have in fight to the opposing team. This is
the first baud M. C. has had for three years. The band is playing all of the college and pep songs.
Coach Gardner said he wouldn't dare to make any predictions as to
how the Quaker games would come
out but he would say that Friends are going to fight to defend their home goal.
Melvin Miller. introduced as the second Bryan, spoke in behalf of the team. Miller said. "You all want to be at Wichita to see us knock the quacks out of them Quakers.
Who said that the Freshmen couldn't yell? Under the leaderahlp of Guy Hayes they came down with one voice on all of the yells and songs. They are fast transforming themselves Into fighting Bulldogs ever ready to uphold old M. C.
The Student Newspaper of Mc-
Pherson College, purposing to re-
count accurately past activity—and to stimulate continually future achievement.
Entered as second class matter November 29, 1917 at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas under the act
of March 3, 1897.
Subscription Rate -- $1.50 per year
Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Doris Ballard
Leland Lindell
Business Staff
BusinessMgr. Ralph Bowers
Ass't Business Mgr. Ernest Watkins Ass't Business Mgr. Emery Metzger Circulation Mgr. Lloyd Johnson
Harriet Hopkins Ruth Anderson Chester Carter Charles Collins Oliver Ikenberry Mildred Swenson Warren Sisler Bernice McClellan Murlin Hoover Byron Sjoberg
Faculty Adviser Misfire A. Hess K. W. U. ALSO ENTERS
McPherson College and Kansas Weslayan University are realizing like experiences this fall when both enter a new chapel for the first time.
The fellowship article appeared in the editorial column of the Wesleyan
Advance and also interest M.
C. students:
At last the students of Wesleyan
are privileged to go to chapel in the new Sams Memorial chapel. Yes it Is a privilege, but along with the privilege comes the question, "for what is the new chapel to be used?" Are we going to use it for all sorts of activities, band practices as an-nounced the other day. meetings of groups of all kinds, pep meetings and rallies and other things of this nature which destroys its sacredness and deeper meaning for us? or are we going to use the chapel some-what as we would a church,—a place to go each day far a little medita-tion, that our thoughts may be led into the deeper and more vital channels of life, a place to build the "Wesleyan Spirit" into the spirit of Christ?
It is an obvious fact that, after the cheer leader has worked the student body up into a high spirit of hatred for the opposing team, the speaker cannot easily gain the internet of the audience and lead their inter-ests to things in keeping with the atmosphere which the chapel decoration presents. Su rely it would be
a great pity to use the Sams Memor-ial Chapel merely as a convenient meeting place and pep hall whan it has been founded and decorated for the purpose of bringing a more re-ligious influence onto the campus.
In the next few months the stu-dent body at Wesleyan will choose what the chapel will mean to its members. Let us weigh carefully the values of each use before choos-ing the one or the other.
The McPherson College year book for nineteen hundred twenty nine will undoubtedly be the most unusual annual ever published by the student Council. The book has many features which are years in advance of the conventional college memory book. According to Robert Puckett, editor of this year's Quad-rangle, everything is entirely differ-ent but the same.
Originality marks every depart-ment of the book. Even the faculty pictures will not appear in their us-
ual places. Convention seems to
have been put aside in the planning of this unique annual.
The art work is of the modern type and is the product of the brush of Glen Golton, a leading fig-ure in art circles of this country.
Mr. Colton is located in Wichita, Kansas with the Mid Continent Art and Engraving Company. Many of his products have been featured on the covers of national magazines. The unique art work in the nineteen twenty-nine Quadrangle is fresh and vivid, with the new thought of today. In fact, the theme of the
book is briefly, "Today."
The Quadrangle was planned during the past summer vacation. It marks the advent of a new type of memory book. The year book staff which was announced last Monday to enthusiastic over the plans as sketched during the first meeting.
I an not losing faith in human na-ture, but after closely observing the
sign board for the last three weeks. I notice that there are a lot more articles advertised "lost" than there are "found. "
Let the man who does not wish to
be idle fall in love.
The speaker was waxing eloquent, and after his peroation on women’s rights he said: "When they take our girls, as they threaten, away from, the coeducational colleges, what will follow? What will follow I re-
A loud masculine voice in the aud-ience: "I will. "
You can never tell how a boy is going to turn out, or when a girl is going to turn in.
Judge: So you broke into the store Just to get a ten cent cigar. Than what were you doing at the safe?
Prisoner: Your honor, I was putting in the dime.
Perhaps this should be placed just above the editorial staff: "Blessed are the low in mind for they shall edit the paper.”
Ruth T-: Paul Bowers grabbed me last night and told me that he was going to kiss me."
Beth H.: I'll bet you were scared Ruth T.: I was—I thought for a minute that he was going to back out. •
Ruth B.: Did you have a good time last night?
Floy B.: Naw! I got too much will power.
“Are you a one-armed driver?" "Naw. I take a taxi and use both."
If ignorance is bliss why aren't
more people happy?
Melda H.: I would like to see you kiss me again!
Lloyd J.: All right, keep your
eyes open this time.
Ernest W : I just thought of a
new joke.
Royal Y : Oh, get your mind off
Prof. Jamison (In a revolving door): ‘By jove! I have forgotten whether I was going in or out.”
Windom: How comes that your letter from your girl consists of nothing but blank paper?
Phillip 8.: We're not on speaking terms at present.
A minute of keeping your mouth shut is worth an hour of explana-
Maybe I had better stop here.
Oliver Ikenberry saying, “in love at first sight there is more joy in anticipation than in realization."
Beth Hess without a date Jeanette Hoover without her ear rings.
Tad Carist without his drawl.
Ralph Frantz being an expert with a saxophone.
Melda Mohler without her curls and Lloyd.
Berky without his vociferous voice.
Paul Bowers without his sport
Thelma Budge without her giggle. Ines Hobbysiefkin saying "There's nothing in a name."
Keith Hayes without an argu-
Prudence Strickler remaining in
dorm over a weekend
"Bert" Hovis without her cos-tume jewelry.
Beth Heaston playing classical music.
Gay Hayes with a serious thought
Darell Dutton studying.
Bernice McClellan not making the honor roll.
Ruth Trostle without her baby face.
Kenneth Elsenbise without his
The dining hall without syrup and potatoes.
Delbert Kelley being six feel tall.
Irene Steinberg being slim.
Thad Fretz without a dozen feminine correspondents.
There is nothing more to say— can you feature that?
Definition of a college professor A man who is paid to study sleep-ing condition among students.
—Ottawa Campus
Here are a few "DONT'S": Don't throw paper in the waste baskets. Park it on the floor in the halls or book store or better still hide it behind the radiators.
Don't study in the library. That is the place for joking and flirting Don't worry about sleep or study. You have plenty of time for those in Chapel.
Don't use recreation hall. Loaf In front hall. The stair railing is a comfortable seat
Don't worry about grades The teachers here are so easy to slide by that whan Jack Copeland went to Shakespeare class Miss Kendall had to gently remind him that he had taken that course last year.
—University Life
The school year in England is di-vided into three twelve-week terms, a month's vacation coming between each term, according lo Miss Flor-ence Kirby, professor of piano at K. S. T C., Pittsburg, who has just returned from a year abroad.
The great question of evolution is going to be settled pretty soon. At'-kansas is going to have a referendum on it.— Kansas City Star.
Cigarettes are beneficial to the athlete after all. The South Dakota School of Mines at Rapid City to op-ening a large gymnasium this fall built from funds secured through the cigarette tax in that state.
—Park Stylus
Men in the dormitory at the Okla-homa Baptist University at Shawnee will spend three evenings a week in their rooms after the clock has struck seven.
Montreal, Sept. 26—(IP)—The
use of hip flasks by Canadian co-eds was deplored as one of the social plagues of Canadian life by a gath-ering of French speaking surgeons at their annual convention at Que-
bec. eral failure.
The medical men declared that if the new fashion is to prevail the dignity, virtue, and mental stale of Canadian young girls is in real peril. The surgeons passed resolutions which asked the government to prohibit the sale of hip flasks as it al-ready does the sale of dangerous firearms, and that liquor advertise-ments be suppressed.
HONOR SYSTEM A few years ago a number of col-leges in this country adopted the "honor system" which required stu-dents taking examinations to certify thal so aid had been received. In addition the "honor system" rested upon the expectation that a student, observing another in the act of "cribbing'’ would report the guilty
Most students objected to the ne-cessity of reporting others and this part of the system has been a gen-
Therefore, the so-called "honor system" has afforded easy pickings to those students who were willing to cheat their way through.
It is interesting to observe that Yale University, following the request of the undergraduates will re-turn this fall to the system of scholarship examinations supervised by the faculty. -Deleware Ledger
Ichabod bowl, the new stadium at Washburn which will have a seating capacity of 15,000 is being erected at a cost of $40,000.
One of the rules of Southwestern at Memphis, Tenn. is that all students must select a church and attend that church every Sunday morning. A check is made every six weeks to see that the role is being
instruction in pipe organ is being offered this year for the first time at Emporia Teachers' College.
Bryn Mawr, Pa., Oct. 2—U.P)
With doctors giving him a less than
a 100 to 1 chance to recover from a broken neck received In football scrimmage, Leo Goodreau, 19. Vil-lanova football star, still was alive today after being injured four days ago.
1. Thou shall have no other God before me. Thou shall not In a far country forget the God of thy fathers. He is on the campus as He Is at home.
2. Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image. Neither anything else shall thou worship—whether a social organisation, athletic interests, or any outside activity.
3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, no, not
even in minced oaths.
4. Remember the Sabbath day keep It holy. Six days shall the labor and do all thy work, all thy
studies; fill the seventh with those
things acceptable to God.
5. Honor thy fahter and thy mother, by holding fast to the that they have taught thee.
6. Thou shalt not kill hopes or ideals, no, nor the reputation of girl or boy across the hall.
7. Thou shalt not commit adul-tery. Respect the sacredness of love: regard it never lightly
8. Thou shalt not steal either thy roommate's or thy neighbor's time ideals, work or friends.
9. Thou shalt not bear false whit-ness against they neighbor neither is thy room nor thy society hall anywhere else among thy friends.
10. Thou shalt not covet thy friends' clothes, grades, social po-sition, nor anything else that those hast not learned.
By a Simpson College
(Iowa) student
A meeting of the Senior class was
called for Friday morning. October
I5th at eight o'clock by Elmer Mc-Gonigle, the class president. Sev-eral items of business were present-
ed, which it was felt should have the
early attention of the class.
Ruth Hiebert. Lois Dell and Mar-via Steffen were elected as a com-mittee to select a play to be pre-sented in the spring. Committees were also elected to secure class jewelry for those who. for various
reasons, have not yet obtained theirs, and to secure caps and gowns. Roy Frantz, class treasurer, in a few words reported on the financial condition of the class, and upon the progress of the recent campaign to class dues.
The Women's Athletic Association held a meeting for all girls last Thursday morning at ten o'clock. The purpose of the meeting was to inform the new lady students of ts purpose and activities.
Miss Doris Ballard spoke on the purpose of the W. A. A. She stated that the organization proposes to promote interest in gymnastic and athletic activities as a means of promoting physical efficiency,
scholarship and good fellowship among its members.
The point system was then ex-plained by Miss Velma Wine. She told how one may become a member of the organisation, the significance of the point system, and the number of points obtained for each activity. Soccer season is now open to the girls, and Miss Iva Crumpacker spoke briefly on the subject of soc-cer, its place in the athletics spon-
sored by the W. A. A., and its sim-larity to football.
The organization's president, Miss Floy Brown, then Introduced the of-ficers: Mis Velma Wine, vice-presi-dent; Miss Ruth Rish secretary, and Miss Arlan Brigham, treasurer. The lenders of the various sports are: Miss Ruth Hoffman, tennis; Miss Doris Ballard, baseball; Miss Clara Burgin, volley ball; Miss Edna Hoover, basketball; Miss Alberta Hovis, soccer; Miss Margaret Devil-bliss, hiking, and Miss Lillian Horn-ing, health rules. Miss Iva Crum-packer Is the student council mem-ber for the association,
"That man or woman who goes through life to his final resting place without giving something of his beauty and strength to the world about has lived In vain." said Rev. Frazier of the Congregational church in his speech Monday.
Startling statistics and facts were used by Rev. A. P. Jones of the Kansas - Oklahoma Anti - Cigarette League to bring to the students’ minds the dangers of the cigarette habit and its growing curse on civil-zation.
Are we living up to the best that Is in us?" was the question presented to the students by President Schwalm in chapel Friday.
Dr. J. J Yoder read various pass-ages of scripture to justify his em-phasis on the ‘‘plain common old word work, which is necessary to success In any sphere of life."
The business manager also said, "Inspiration Is largely perspiration and college life is not all a joy-ride. You may think you got by cleverly in an examination, but that is not
Dr. Yoder's advice is work, work hard and you will be happy in the reward that comes in after years
when you are out of college. _
President V. F. Sehwalm expressed his appreciation for the fine work that students are doing in the
Most people who come to college have dead lions in the form of football team positions, valedictor-ies, debating or beauty laurels, as evidence of our success, strength and prowess. These are fine things to have but the gloating over them may bring the new college student to a tragic end.
With doubt and dismay you are smitten,
You think there's no chance for you son ?
Why the best books haven’t been written,
The beat race hasn’t been run;
The best score hasn't been made yet,
The best song hasn’t been sung;
The best tune hasn't been played yet,
Cheer up for the world is young.
No chance? Why the world Is Just eager
For the things you ought to create;
Its store of true wealth Is still meager,
Its needs are Incessant and great;
It yearns for more power and beauty.
More laughter and love and
More loyalty, labor, and duty,
No chance—why there’s nothing but chance!
For the best verse hasn't been
rhymed yet.
The best house hasn’t been
The highest peak hasn't been
climbed yet,
The mightiest rivers aren't spanned.
Don't fret and worry faint hearted,
The best work hasn't been done.
Back again from a little home Across The Great Divide — 1
Whether literal mountain peaks Or a far-flung country side -Even to a nest in another land Beyond the hungry sea Back again in a clear old school Where eager hearts are free.
Back where a handshake means a lot
And smiles are free for all—
Back where you borrow fifteen
From the fellow across the hall -Where you work together with lab and book
And laugh and study and scheme And neighborly love helps build the
Of the struggling student's dream.
Hours will come when we’ll yearn for home
Across The Great Divide,
But we'll build and rejoice In moun-tains of thought
Till the stubbornest tear is dried; Treasure supreme In soul will be ours
When we enter the school of men If we give to this opportunity And are glad to be back again.
—Southwestern Collegian,
McPherson Scored First Touchdown In a Score of 12 to 7.
In a ragged game between Mc-Pherson College and Friends Univer-sity, McPherson took the short end of a score of 12 to 7
Wells again plays a brilliant game for McPherson. He easily is classed as the outstanding player on either team with McMunn of Friends com-ing next: MrCready of Friends also played a nice game for Friends. The McPherson boys all showed some good football but at times seemed to play a loos game. This was shown by several fumbles at very critical times. Friends also made several errors but not at such critical moments of the game.
The first of the game McPherson showed some splendid line gains which resulted in the Bull Dogs' touchdown. The second quarter opened with some good marching to-wards Friends' goal line but when McPherson tried to pass they seemed to have lost the Jinx as "Whitelaw of Friends grabbed one of the Bulldog passes and made a good gain and almost a touch down. Miller spoiled Whitelaw's good inten-tions by downing him on the Bull-dogs' 20 yard line. After a five
yard line gain the Quakers passed to their first touchdown.
The third quarter was a test of skirmaging strength on both teams until Salley again passed to White-law for a second touchdown on a fifteen yard run. McPherson opened the fourth quarter with some splendid passing and smashing. Nonken showed some neat work at
this period but spoiled his showing
by his tumble that resulted in a good
gain to the Quaker yardage.
The lineup and summary: McPherson Position Friends
Blickenstaff L. E. ...... Whitelaw
Lengle L. T. Pennington
Snow L. G. Wilbur
Ellis C .___Vogt
Wine R. T, . Casement
Burnison __ R. E.___Blowey
Wells - Q B._______ Salley
Nonken _____L. H. McCready
Swain .. R. H. ......— McMunn
Miller F. B. Blowey
Summary: First downs: McPherson 9; Friends 12; Line gains Mc-Pherson 188; Friends 115: com-
pleted passes, McPherson 4: Friends 5: attempted passe*. McPherson 9. Friends 7.
McPherson to Play St.
Mary's Here October 13
Promise of a Good Game.
The game with St. Marys here, should be worth turning out to as McPherson has improved her strength considerable since the first game of the season and St. Marys has always been known to play good football.
Some of the boys that were Injured in the first game of the season should be back in by that time for some good hard work. Some of those injured at Ada played at Wichita but were not In their best of condition.
Since this is the first home game and the first chance for McPherson to see their team in action, a large turn out is expected to be on the sidelines next Saturday.
By The Way
Miss Irene Steinberg spent the week end at her home near Lorraine.
Ruth and Herbert Hoffman spent the week end with home folks at Dillon.
Guy and Kermit Hayes spent Saturday sled Sunday at their home near Little River.
Miss Ruth Blickenstaff and Miss Doris Ballard spent the week end at
the Ballard home near Lovewell.
Misses Margaret Devilbliss, Florence Lehman, Myrtle Ainesworth, Ethel Sherfy and Louise Allen and Ernest Watkins went to Navarre to the district meeting Sunday.
Miss Bernice McClellan went home Thursday in Glasco returning to the dormitory Sunday.
Miss Irene Thacker ‘28 spent the week end visiting friends and rela-tives in the city.
W. Forney and family attended the district meeting at Navarre last week end.
Leland Lindell spent Saturday In Windom.
The renovation of the Y. W. C. A. room is almost completed. With the cooperation of the carpenters and the social service committee of the Y. W. the room is a place of beauty and comfort.
After the carpenters had completed their share of the work In re-juvinating it, the girls on Miss Ruth Blickenstaff's committee put forth their best efforts to make lt as home-like and cheery as possible.
New curtains were made, windows were washed, pictures were hung, and the furniture was arranged. A new three piece set of furniture has been purchased for the room. Practically everything was in readiness for its occupation Tuesday morning.
The Cecilian Music Society will meet every two weeks on Thursday evenings at 6:30 P. M. instead of the time announced in the last issue of the Spectator.
The society will meet the coming Thursday evening in the chapel.
At a meeting of the Women's Athletic Association last Thursday evening, Miss Velma Wine was chosen soccer manager.
All girls wishing to earn W. A. A. point* by observing health rules, see Margaret Devilbliss.
The first number of the Lyceum Courses will be presented Oct. 10 by the Imperial Quartet of Chicago.
This is said by many to be America's greatest male quartet. Within the city of Chicago, alone, they average more than 400 engagements per year. They have returned to many places ten times and often more to give entertainments.
Other numbers to appear on the course are: The Scottish Musical Comedy Company in “The Cotter's Saturday Night," a lecture by Pro-teesor B. R. Baumgardt. a lecture by Private Pete, and an orchestra number.
Jason Noble Pierce, the Presi-dent's Washington pastor, after hearing the performance of the Im-perial Quartet wrote, "I cannot be-gin to tell you of our appreciation of "The Cotter's Saturday Night," and everyone is asking when you arc coming back."
Other numbers are reported to be very good and there is a possibility of others being obtained later.
The sale of tickets has been very encouraging. College students es-pecially have taken advantage of the opportunity of enjoying the educa-tional advantage offered by some of the best talent obtainable.
For Life Insurance Consultation Call Paul E. "SI" Sargent or Dale "Duke" Strickler representing The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company, Fort Wayne, Indiana.
To be a good sport, you have to feel your best and it can't be done without a good hair cut.—Sids Clean Towel Shop, next to Convention Hall. —adv.