McPherson college, McPherson. Kansas, Tuesday, may 21, 1929



President's Reception Will Be First Event Of Commencement Week


Dr. Charles A. Ellwood Will Give The Commencement Address

Commencement week will be one the most eventful weeks on the

school calendar this year. An out-standing program will be given each day In commencement week which according to the calendar of events issued by the administration office recently, Will be the week. May 24-31. In addition. Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday are being given over to the second semester final examina-


The President's Reception to the College Seniors will be held In the Scwalm home at 321 Olivette street Saturday evening may twenty-fifth at eight o'clock.

Sunday. May twenty-sixth has been designated as the annual homecom--ing Sunday. Dr. Frank H. Crumpacker of China will preach the Home-coming sermon at eleven In the morning Sunday evening at eight. Dr. Vernon F. Schwalm. McPherson College President, will preach the Baccalaureate Sermon In the College Church.

The Seniors will present their class play. Sutton Vane's "Outward Bound in the Community auditor-ium at night o'clock on Tuesday eve-ning. This offering of the Class of 1929 is reported to be the most com-plete and stupendous effort that any class has ever done In the Middle West.

"'The final Chapel service will be held at ten o'clock on Wednesday morning. and from all indications it promises to be one of the richest and best of such experiences of the year. A portion of the period will be given over to the presentation of awards In recognition of excellence in the vari-ous lines of student activity. Some time will be devoted to the singing of hymns and college songs. and a large share of the time will he devoted to speaking and informal talks. by family members and some of the stu-dents. It is probable that this year’s service will be quite similar to that our last year.

Thursday has been designated as Class Day. in the morning at ten the Annual Class Day program will be given by the Class of ‘29 In the Col-

lege Chapel At six-thirty in the eve-ning the Annual Alumni banquet for the graduating class will be held in the College Church basement.

The Forty-first Annual Commence ment will be held In the College Church Auditorium at ten o'clock on Friday morning. May thirty-first Dr. Charles A. Ellwood. head of the Sociology Department of the University of Missouri and a speaker of national recognition, will deliver the com-mencement address. The title of the address has been announced as "Europe and the American Ideal". Plans are also being made to have Dr. Ellwood give his address "Chris-

tianizing Our Civilization on Friday evening at one of the downtown churches.


Mr. Robert Puckett and Mr. Mar-vin Steffen announce that the 1929 Quadrangle will be ready for distri-bution the last week of school, probably on Monday. May 27. Members of the staff under the direction of Mr. Burkett, editor, and Mr. Steffen, business manager, have done every-thing In their power to make this year's book representatives as well as-unique. Students are anticipating the

day of distribution.



Prof. R. E. Mohler has been busy most of the past week giving com-mencement addresses. The cities In which he spoke wore, Waldo, Zook, and Alexander. This week he will speak at Ness City. Bazine. Windom.

and Yesper.

Tomorrow evening from 10 to 11 o'clock the McPherson College Male Quartette will broadcast a varied program from radio station KFH, Wich-ita. From left to right, Lloyd Diggs, first tenor, Walter Fillmore , second tenor. Fred Ellis baritone., (Oliver Ikenberry is now filling Mr. Ellis' place) and Ross Curtis, bass. The quartet will be assisted by Mrs. Anna Tate. director and soprano, and Loyd Johnson. pianist



An examination of the W. A A constitution was given Monday morn-ing and the applicants were initiated at the meeting last night The new members are Velma Elridge, Lola Mae Hanson, Fern Heckman. and Doris Battey.



Wednesday May 22 - Graduation Recital.

Friday. May — McPherson H. S. Alumna Banquet

Monday. May 27 Wednesday.

May 29 Art Exhibit Tueaday. May 28 Senior Play. Outward Bound.


President V F Schwalm has been delivering a number of commence-ment addresses to various high

schools. Besides two engagements in Louisiana he spoke at the following

Kansas high schools Galva. Sylvia. Chase. Buhler. and    Portis    This

week's engagement include Canton. Assaria, Monument Winona, and Castleton.

A Varied And Interesting Program Was Enjoyed By Both Cabinets

Concluding its social functions for the year, the Y W. C. A. cabinet members entertained In honor of their advisors and the members of the Y M C A cabinet and their advisors last Friday evening at an eight o'clock dinner in the Y. W-room A red and white color scheme was used in the table decorations and In the menu, Toasts, musical numbers. and a reading constituted the program following the meal at which Miss Ruth Blickenstaff pre-sided as toast master.

Red geraniums and while spireo made up the center piece. and white candles in candle-sticks tied with red tulle cast a soft glow over the table The color scheme was further carried out In the red mint cups filled with white mints and in the white triangular program placecards printed in red.

After the twenty-five guests had seated themselves a three course din-

ner consisting of grapefruit cocktail With candied cherry centers. veal cutlets. scalloped potatoes. aspara-gus on toast red apple rings, tomato salad. Parker house rolls, strawberry parfait. wafers. and coffee was serv-ed by the Missed Lillian Horning, Ruth Trostle, and Ada Stutzman.

Following the first course Miss Naomi Witmore as vice-president of the Young Women's organization welcomed the guests in a brief talk on •The Red Triangle" to which Emery Metzger. president of the Y. M C. A . responded by speaking on ’The Blue Triangle".

At the conclusion of the meal

Lawrence Turner sang "The Big Blues

Viol" and "That Dear Little Girl," John Lehman spoke on "Parallelo

grams" pointing out the fact that two

triangles when placed side by side make a parallelogram and showing the similarity between the two "Y" organizations on the campus. Miss

Bernice McClellan read 'Oh, no," and a trio composed of Misses Eugen-ia Dawson and Hazel Falls and Wal-ter Fillmore concluded the program by singing "Comrades of the Road".

After expressing their appreciation for an enjoyable evening the guests departed.

The guests present were. Prof and Mrs. Hugh Heckman, Mrs. V. F. Schwalm. Misses Della Lehman and Mildred Lamb. Emery Metzger. John

Lehman. Paul Bowers . Clarence Zink, Milton Early Lawrence Turner, Fred Andrews Glenn Harris, and Walter Fillmore Regrets were re-ceived from Dr, V F Schwalm and

Harold Crist The hostesses were the

Misses Ruth Blickenstaff. Naomi Witmore. Hazel Falls, Eugenia Daw-

Lila Eberly. Beth Hess, Irene Gibson Helen Flory. Nina Hammann, Bernice McClellan. and Mildred Swenson


Miss Sue Ganson junior. placed fourth In the Jayhawk informal es-

say contest on come Kansas subject.

which closed last month Miss Gan-son's essay was entitled "Selling Books" She was awarded ten dollars in cash.


Plans for the coming year were discussed by the executive board of the Women's Athletic Association in their meeting last Thursday evening Among other things, the group con-sidered the possibility of making a sports schedule for all girls' sports. a change In the awards for health rules, and nominations for candidates for student council representative and stunt committee chairman.

Lawrence Barnhart. A. B.. '28. Who has been teaching in the Elk Cty, Okla schools. Is now visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. Roy Teach.


A recent issue of the La Verne ‘Campus Times" contains an article concerning the annoucement of the engagement of Miss Mary Blicken-staff, La Verne alumna. to David Brunaker, graduate of McPherson Miss Brubaker is now teaching in the La Verne elementary schools and Mr. Brubaker has a position in one of the California high schools.

The end is In sight and even the best of sweethearts must part Instead it is sad but the sweethearts back home are eagerly waiting for their loved ones to come home to do some loving, "Oh yes, we have been faith-ful and I have never dated another girl all year ' —What a lie. what a lie!

Only one more Sunday to bill and coo and to walk down to the entrance with locked hands and sweetly In-terchanged glances—what a life, only to end after nine months of work and play—mostly play.

The ad building will be inhabited over time after Monday the 27-28 The 10:30 whistle will have no answering echo of surging feet up the steps of Arnold Hall and parking space will be at a premium.

Missouri and Louisiana will have to compromise by promising to send daily newspapers thither and thence The daily will refuse to be syndicated however and the "Personals" will make up most of the space.

Louisiana and Kansas will part sadly and the little fairy will weep tears and sobs as she is torn from the' "bowers" of lillies.

Idaho and Kansas (Abilene) are a vast distance apart but it is won-derful what electricians and tele-grams will do. Mail will not even be


considered Nothing but His Mas-ster's Voice Will Be -

Hope and Newton are not far and the bus lines and train connect each

nicely which is well for there will be increased transportation on some this summer. Someone could make a fortunate of commission could be col-


Price and Minneola are not well connected by rail so it is feared that Uncle Sam will be bowed down with his load or air mail which will circu-late much and many times.

Quinter and Rich Hill. Missouri are distant and for and it is possible that only dim strains of music and dreams of rich dark curly hair will bridge the gap between these centers of industry.

Glasco and Western Kansas will unite in a meeting in which long dis-tance telephone have so part. May the wheat harvest be big and the reaping Joyful.

This is the question-- will over-brook be "(Rushed)--ed" this summer? Red hair is a powerful incentive and Rush suggested that the title of this feature be "June Brides" so it is plain to be seen how some people's minds do "Rush" to conclusions.

Morrill and Nickerson will be united in one state - the state of matri-mony in June. Some people have all


At a mam meeting held In the chapel Thursday morning the pro-posal of a permanent campus im-provement fund, In the form of a trust, was presented to the student body. The meeting was in charge of Keith Hayes

Dr. J. J. Yoder briefly discussed what $500 spent annually could do for the campus. He expressed the desire that he would like to see the campus as beautiful as any city park Dr. Yoder brought out the fact that our campus needs a greater variety of

trees, more shubbery. and more

flower beds. He also stated that $500 annually could take care of the up-keep of the campus.

Mr. F. A. Vaniman, president of the Peoples State Bank of this city, spoke of the principle of thrift Mr. Vaniman brought out that thrift was the principle of saving.

Keith Hayes read the proposal stating that it was not a plea of our particular class. but a cooperation of all classes. The proposal was unani-mously adopted by the classes in

their various class meetings Friday morning It reads as follows:

We, the members of the classes of

1930, 1931. and l932, wishing in establish a permanent Campus im-provement Fund for McPherson Col lege, do hereby bind ourselves to es-tablish such a fund according to the provisions hereafter set forth:

Section I. We agree to add to the gift of the Class Of 1926, donated for the purpose of campus improve-ment, the cash balances (1) in the treasury of each of the above named classes upon graduation. These bal-ances shall consist of the funds cus-tomarily used an a gift to the college

(Continued on Page Three).


On Sunday. May 19, Mis Elma Oakes and Albert Philippi were married at the Rev. George Merkey home In Abbyville. Reverent Merkey performed the ceremony. The bride and groom were attended by Miss Jessie Yiengst and Walter Fillmore of McPherson College. The bride and groom are both former students of McPherson College, the groom be-ing a member of the class of '28 Mr. Philippi plans to return to Pievna for the coming school term. The couple will spend the summer in Kansas, Nebraska and Wisconsin.

the luck. May they live scrappily


Rocky Ford has become “Roxy" so there is another combination which it is doubtful if the legislatures of Kansas and Colorado will agree to the consolidation thereof.

Windom and Hutchinson may be reached in two hours by either boat or auto. The state will charge the father of "Windom" more taxes for overtime use if the macadam no doubt.

Idaho is the orginator of "strong silent men" who entice young dam sels with long brown tresses to an swer the call of "Go West Young Girl, Go West" to see the Great

Wide Open..... Spaces" Zane Grey knew

his stuff, it works

Larned seems to approve of min isters. especially "Early" ones from Missouri it is only a matter of time now.

It has been a wonderful year with

several new "developments" and "re-concentration" of old ones and one can well appreciate the (Earnest Effort G). of each and everyone.

May the vacation of everyone seek to cement and consolidate more firmly the “developments" of

'May there be no moaning of the bar where I put out to".—C. C.


Banquet Is Held Friday Evening In The Y. W. Room


The Junior class met Friday morn-ing and elected officers, for the ing school term. Those elected were as follows: president, Rush Hollo-way; vice-president, Velma Wine; secretary. Marlin Hoover treasurer, Clarence Zink student council rep-presentative, Irene Gibson and Har-old Melchert.

REPORTERS Alberta Yoder Marlin Hoover Gilbert Myers


The Student Newspaper of McPherson College. purposing to recount accurately past activity to stimulate continually further achievement— and to live and cherish our one code—"The School of Quality"

Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917. at the post-office at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.

$1.50 per year

Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR

McPherson, Kansas


_ Doris Ballard _ Leland Lindell


_ Ralph Bowers Ernest Watkins Glenn Harris _ Lloyd Johnson

Maurice A. Hess


With this. the last issue of the "Spectator," the necessity of our contributions to these columns ceases. We beg no apology for them. the readers have already been kind; and any way why apologize for that which we have attempted to give our best. We use this means of thanking a loyal and able staff The interest In the task at hand, the cooperation. and the faithfulness to duty of each staff member have made this paper possible.

qualifications are sincerely appreciated by the editor. The efficiency of the business staff has been Invaluable. The support they secured from the advertisers of the City has been indespensible The work of the associ-ate editor has been outstanding and his qualifications as editor of the 1929-30 “Spectator" have been thoroughly proved. Again to these people we sat, "Thank you".


As the commencement season approaches we begin to realize that the seniors have coma to a place In life, the attainment of which mertis recog-nition. Then we begin to talk about milestones and the like. Milestones seem somewhat prosaic to connect with a time so full of aspiration and hope as commencement. They seem to    a bit of finality, and commence-

ment is not a final thing, It la a beginning. Someone wonders why we do not call it a stepping stone. That does put in a little more nearly out Inter-pretation of the Idea, but something with more significance is needed.

We like to think of the commencement season as a springboard. How strange, and really not beautiful at all! Perhaps, but there is a resemblance. Our graduates stand on the brink of the sea of life, ready, anxious to venture forth. The swim may depend on the way In which the swimmer leaves the spring board. A lot depends on the springboard too. whether or not It lis new and strong and fitted for its work. The springboard from which our seniors start on their swim of life is Just as strong aa the efforts put forth In college have made It. its spring is determined by the quality of prepar-ation that has been made In the years preceeding its use. It is our wish us our graduates leave this springboard that It be a springboard of success and that their course on the sea of life may be fruitful and happy.

Miss Thresa Malone of Abilene spent the latter pant of last week with campus friends.

Dickie Dunn of Hutchinson visited his cousin. Miss Thelma Budge from Friday to Sunday.

Subscription Rates

Editor-in-chief ._ Associate Editor

Business Manager —-----_

Ass't Business Manager Ass't Business Manager Circulation Manager

Harriet Hopkins Oliver Ikenberry Ethel Sherfy

Faculty Adviser .


The guy that whites Bulldogmas ed so there won't be any In this

He was home from college on his mid-year vacation. and his mother was unpacking his clothes and hanging than In the closet.

She found a pawn ticket hanging from one of the buttons of his coat "Clarence. what is this tag on your coat?*' she asked.

"Oh. that's a check, mother: I was at a dance and checked my coat’.

Presently mother hauled out a pair of trousers and these. too, bore a tag.

"Clarence' said she. "just what kind of dance was that?*’

The girl that is usually dug up for the last minute date should have re-mained buried.

Fike: "Where's the funny paper?’*

Crist: "Funny paper! Today ain't Sunday. I told you not to take that bath last night".

"Darling." he cried In tender tones. "I never loved but thee!"

"Then we must part." the maid said. “No amateurs for me".

Most girls don't know the difference between attention and Intention.

A famous Irish lover once remark ad, “It's a great comfort to be alone, especially when yer sweetheart is wid ye"

Hot dogs! Little Carps! Whoopee! and other vile words, only two more weeks.


To whom all this may concern:

Mildred Swenson Bernice McClellan Emery Metzger

These are not signed by HORACE KOLLER. He's dead.

—Gilbert Myers.

By The Way

Misses Lois Dell and Floy Brown were week end guests at the C. E. Lindell home in Windom.

Miss Helen Hudson visited Mrs Hugh Bowman of Glen Elder last week end.

Misses Constance Rankin and Mildred Swenson spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of the latter near wisdom.

Miss Evalyn Richards. '28. who has been teaching at Centerville is home now for the summer.

Miss Helena Conner of Wichita visited Miss Blenda Asp from Monday to Wednesday of last week.

Ray Nonken and Charles Collins spent the week end at the Nonken home near Peabody.

Raymond Buskirk visited at El Dorado last week end.

Herbert Lindell of Window is a guest of his brother Lenad at Fahn-•stock Hall.

Two deputation teams were out giving programs Sunday. The Misses Ruth Ellenberger. Ruth Blickenstaff. Helen Eberly. and Leta Wine and Ralph Landes and Harold Fasnacht were at Lamed The misses Arlene Saylor, Hazel Falls, and Margaret Devilbiss, and Willard Peck and Lawrence Turner gave programs at Navarre and Holland.

Charles Longel, ’27' has bean a campus visitor the first part of, the week Mr. Lengel will be principal of the Jamestown high school next year.

Miss Anna Lengel. '27, who is employed In the Chase schools, visited her sister, Ida. at Kline Hall this week.

The college male quartette sang at the commencement program at Canton last night They accompanied Dr. V. F. Schwalm there, He gave the address of the evening.


Back of the beating hammer

By which the steel is wrought. nark or the workshop's clamor

The seeker may find the thought, The thought that is ever master Of the Iron and steam and steel. That raises above disaster And tramples it under heel!

The drudge may fret and tinker Or labor with dusty blows, But back of him stands the Thinker, The clear-eyed man who knows; For Into each plough of saber.

Each piece and part wand whole. Must go the Brains of Labor

Which gives the work of a soul?

Back of the motor's humming.

Back or the belts that sing.

Hack of the hammer's drumming.

Back of the cranes that swing. There is the eye that scans them. Watching through stress and strain.

There Is the Mind which plans them. Back of the brawn the Brain!

Might of the roaring boiler.

Force of the engine's thrust. Strength of the sweating boiler Greatly In these we trust.

But back of them stands the Sehem er,

The Thinker who drives things through,

Back of the Job—the Dreamer

Who's making the Dream come true!


The evening of May 15. All Schools Day, the city auditorium was filled to witness the production of Jean Webster's four set comedy, Daddy Long-Legs.” by the members of the college dramatic art class under the direction of Miss Della Lehman.

The play centers around Judy Ab-bott, Ruth Anderson, a brilliant or-phan girl and her "Daddy Long' Legs." John Lehman, who, without revealing his Identity to her took ter from the John Grier home and sent her to college. Judy grow into a beautiful young woman and became a writer of some note. "Daddy Long-Legs was really Jervis Pendleton, a member of a very old. very artistic family and when Jervis proposed marriage to Judy she sent him away became she feared to reveal the facts of her unfortunate childhood to him , She wan very unhappy and finally wrote to "Daddy Long-Legs" asking for permission to come and talk to him about her troubles. Her happi-ness was complete when she learned that Jervis Pendleton and "Daddy, Long-Legs" were one and the same person.

Music was furnished between the acts by the McPherson Salon Orches-Ira under the direction of Prof. Lewis Doll. The members of the county graduating class were guests    at the

play which was sponsored by the committee directing the entertain-ment for the annual "All Schools Day”.


The World Service Group met for Its last meeting this year on Thursday evening. Professor Heckman addressed the Group on the subject of What the World Service Group Can Mean to McPherson College Campus. The address was very practical, yet Inspirational. He emphasized the idea of having A group feeling. The Group should be a spiritual leavening for the student body, filling a place that other more general organizations cannot reach. A number of very practical suggestions were made: closer co-operation between the Group and the family Religious Life Committee, more Bible study, more devotional element and common Interest In meetings, and whole-hearted co-operation In the church program. Last it was urged that both as Individuals

and an an organization we should be "ready to go" next fall. The question of possible projects and fields of service for next year was discussed

by the members. At the close of the meeting. Margaret Devilbiss sang

"My Task".


Mom of the student officers for have been elected and are Included In the following directory.

President student council—John Lehman.

Treasurer student council—Paul


President Y. M. C. A.—Emery Metz-ger.

President Y. W. C. A-—Rath Blickenstaff.

President Junior class— Eugenia


President Senior class—Rush Hol


President Thespian club—Bernice McClellan.

President W. A. A.— Doris Ballard, president World Service Group— Lawrence Turner.

Editor Spectator— Leland Lindell. Business Manager Spectator —

Ernest Watkins.

Editor Quadrangle—Glenn Harris. Business Manager Quadrangle - -Wray Whiteneck.


The flouthwesi Kansas District of the State Librarian's Association met In Pratt on Thursday and Friday. May 9 and 10. About thirty-five librarians wars present, most of these public librarians. Mrs Pine of Emporia was chairman Miss Heckethorn reports a splendid meeting and good time.

Of the list of ten outstanding man arine articles for May. eight may be found in our library.

by graduating classes and it shall be deemed a moral obligation on the part of such classes to use the funds In this manner.

Section 3 In addition to the cash balance held In the treasury of each graduating class as hereinbefore des-ignated It shall be the duty Of such class to conduct a campaign for ad-ditonal pledges and cash contribu-tions from numbers of said class.

Section 3. The collection of any unpaid pledges on data of maturity shall be made by the Business Manager of McPherson College.

Section 4, This fund, to be designated as the Campus Improvement Fund of McPherson College, shall be held In trust by the Business Management of said college and shall be invested at the discretion of said business management. The income that shall accrue from such Invest-ments shall be added in the principal sum until the endowment shall be completed by the final addition as made by the class of 1932 There-after the annual Income from the fund shall be disposed of in accord with the spirit in which this endow-ment is established. upon the recon-mendation of the Campus Improvement Committee. Said committee shall be perpetuated In the usual manner for the disbursement of the income from this endowment. (2).

Section 5. This agreement shall not be construed as precluding any action on the part of subsequent classes or Individuals to add to this endowment.

Section 6. This fund. as herein established, shall be considered as a part of the General Endowment Funds of McPherson College.



(Continued from Page One)    __




The honor system is a deterrent to cheating. 1094 Students out of 1571 In the University of California claim, according to a questionnaire sent out by Phi Beta Kappa.

A graduate of Cornell University has promised to leave Cornell U. a million dollars if the women be plac-, ed In a college of their own and the Greek fraternity system abolished.

Tracing the career of 600 students

a professor of Oberlin college found that it took them an average of a

year and a half after leaving school to find their vocations.

Miss Eunice Longsdoff will teach at Ellsworth next year.

Ralph Bowers has secured a posi-tion teaching manual arts In the Philippsburg high school for next year.

Miss Edith McGaffey was in Kan-sas City last weel end. She visited a sister while there, now Isn't It?

Our Business is to Improve your appearance and we enjoy It. Prompt


Touching on the various phases of nursing, medicine, and dietetics as possible professions for the college girl, Mrs. R. H. Quantius, M. D.. spoke to a group of girls In the Y.

Enthusiastic Interest In the Senior Class play which will be staged next Tuesday evening at the city auditor-ium, is much In evidence about the campus and buildings, and according to Information from town the folks there are waiting In great anticipa-tion for the staging of the annual classic. It would seem as if a capacity home will greet the presentation of Sutton Vane's “Outward Bound." and students wishing seats are Advised to be on hand bright and early next Monday morning when reservations will be made at Bixby & Lindays.

C, E. Oelrich, directing the play and supervising the building of Its massive set of scenery and lighting effects. stated last evening that everything is In readiness. and he be-lieves there Is no question but what his prediction of the "greatest suc-cess yet." will materialize.

Tomorrow morning In chapel, a pep meeting In the Interest of the play will be staged, and the ticket sale on the Hill launched. Some very Interesting information concerning the play and the players will be forthcoming at this time.

Officers for the coming year for the M Club were elected at the meeting of the organization last night. Ray Nonken, captain of the 1928 Bulldog gridiron team and the 1929 Cage squad, was elected president. Reuben Bowman. '30, another Mc-Pherson gridster. was elected vice-president. Other officers elected were Wray Whiteneck. secretary-treasur-er. and Harold "Berries" crist. stu-dent council representative. White-neck has won three football letters, and Crist has been doing the long distance running far the Bulldogs the pan three track seasons.

W. room yesterday afternoon at four thirty o’clock. This discussion came as one of the series of vocational guidance meetings which have been held during the past week under the auspices of the Y. W. C. A.

Considering the possibilities for advancement and the educational qualifications for entrance in each, Mrs. Quantius pointed out the progress which is being made In these fields

The many phases of nursing make It a desirable and profitable occapa-tion to the girl who is physically capable and whose interests follow that channel.

The medical profession is one of broad opportunities to those who possess high intellectual and physical qualifications, but it also requires long and ardous work In preparations. Mrs. Quantious quoted statistics showing the large number of women who have entered this profession.

Dietetics is a comparatively new field which opens to the student of home economics various and attract-ive occupations.

The speaker concluded her discus-sion by saying that no girl should enter a vocation toward which she has no sympathy or liking.

By the interest shown and the many question asked It was apparent that Mrs. Quantius' discussion was much appreciated.

A tour Is being offered to students at the University of Washington which will cover all the principal cities of the orient. Seminar credit is being given to those that take the tour.

The tuition at the University of Minnesota Will probably be Increased $20 per students to make up the difference of $200,000 between the Uni-cersity’s request and the amount it received from the legislature.

Educational moving pictures are a part or the regular curriculum in over 200 schools In Hungary, where they form the greater part of the home work.

The Georgia School of Technology semester system In favor of the four-is considering the abolition of the quarter system, giving students the option of attending any three of the quarters.

One Stanford student in every three living on the campus has an automobile, a survey conducted by means of a questionnaire revealed. The fraternity group of men are above the average having one ear to every two men.

The Sunday edition of the Wichita Eagle pictured the 1929 graduates of

the Wichita Southwestern Osteopath-ic Hospital. among whom was Miss Verna Hammann of McPherson, a former student of McPherson Col-lege.

Dr. J. J. Yoder will speak st the Navarre Community Day program next Friday, May 24. Other numbers on the program are an entertainment by a group from Bethany College and an address by T. A. McNeal. Kansas newspaper editor.

service and sanitary methods. Sid's Clean Towel Shop.





The McPherson College Bulldogs finished a successful year in the field of athletics last Saturday at Pitts-burg when they placed In four events In the Tri-state meet held there, in competition with the best athletes in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Missouri.

The McPherson Mile Relay team placed second In the meet, the team being made up of Puckett. Ohmart, Sargent, and Hochstrasser. Pittsburg Gorillas won the relay with the time at 3 minutes, 28.9 seconds.

"Bob" Puckett placed third in the 220 yard dash, Keithley of Pittsburg winning the race and setting a new meet record at 21.8 seconds. Puckett placed fourth in the 100 yard dash. Keithley of Pittsburg also winning this race and setting a new time record at 9.8 seconds.

Floyd Barngrover tied for fourth place in the pole vault event. Barn-grover went 10 feet six inches Walker of William Jewell won this event at 11 feet 3 Inches.

Hochstrasser, Bulldog hope In the 440 yard dash failed to place in that event. Wilson of Warrensburg won this event with a break-neck spread. His time was 48.7 seconds.


The cat was let out of the bag last Friday evening when Miss Ruth Hiebert entertained at a six o'clock dinner In honor of Miss Clara Davis. During the course of the evening It was discovered that the small envelopes used as appointments contain-ed notes bearing tho following mes-sage: "Know ye all, whereas Ralph. son of Walter, of the house of Bowers, and Clara, daughter of William, of the house of Davis, having reached the years of discretion and understanding, seek admission Into the state of Engagement.

'I, Dan Cupid, Governor of said State, hereby proclaim them candi-dates for Bitch admission on or after May 18, 1929, Written under my hand and seal.

"Signed—Dan Cupid".

Those present were the Misses Arlene Saylor. Eunice Longsdorff, Lois Dell, Dorothy Swain. Lela Huitquist. Hazel Falls, Clara Davis and Ruth Hiebert and John Whiteneck. Francis Berkebile. Marvin Steffen, Franklin Hiebert, Max Conner, Paul Bowers, Ralph Bowers, and Clarence Haw-kins.

   Y. M. AND Y. W.

Mr. Harold Colvin, regional secre-tart for the Y. M. C. A., spoke to the Y. M. and Y. W. in Joint meeting last Tuesday. He advised students to make an effort to attend the Estes Conference In June.

He told a modern fable of New York City where It was advertised that Jesus of Nazareth was to preach in the city. The churches were crowded but nobody beard him. The next day several workmen and poor people reported meeting a man whom they liked very much. This man was a workingman who talked about build-ing and wanted it done well.

Among the advantage which are to be had at the conference are fel-

lowship, contact with great leaders,

and inspiration-


To Tabor College Choir, under the direction of H. W. Berg, gave a sac-red concert in the First Church of the; Brethren of McPherson Sunday evening, May 19, This choir of forty voices has given numerous programs over the states of Kansas. Oklahoma and Nebraska. The group presented their concert at Hesston yesterday afternoon. Much talent and able

training was evidenced in the concert

The program was as follows: Opening

Prayer Response by the Choir

Peace, Peace, I Leave With You—■ Burdett Choir:

Christians Awale. Salute the Hap-py Morn -Lutkin Light Celestial-~Tschaikowsky Beautiful Savior—Christiansen Violin:

Andante Pathetique—Uhe Saint d’ Amour--Elgar

Theodore Groening Men's Quartet

Remember Now Thy Creator—


The White Comrade —Nevin Dahl, Suderman, Regier, Hiebert Choir:

From Heaven Above—Christiansen He Watched Over Israel—Mendel-ssohn

Listen to the Lambs—Dell

Duet—Violin and Clarinet

Intermezzo (Cavalleria Rusticana) —Mascagni Simple Aveu—Thome Ladies' Quartet:

Crucifixus— Palestrina Rock of Ages—Robinson Goertz, Hiebert. Tachetter. Adrian Greetings from Tabor College—Prof.

P. S, Goertz    


O Sacred Head Now Wounded— Hassler

Bless the Lord, O My Soul—Berg The Bride of the King—Christian-gen

Closing Prayer, Response by the Choir:

Father of Love and Power-Burg

Friday morning Dr. Frank Crum packer. who has been a missionary to China for twenty years, spoke in chapel. He told the qualifications of a missionary or some of the things a missionary has to do. First he must learn the language which is very complicated and difficult to learn. The preparation a missionary must make is not bound up in a text book but the preparation and work a missionary must do Is varied. He must buy land, property and build build-ings. In famine he must help distrib-

ute food. Besides preaching the gospel a missionary must preach against foot binding and marriages in youth. The life of a missionary is out: of not only preaching but is a life of real devoted service.    


For the purpose or suggesting pos-sible occupation to those girls who are undecided a to what they will do during the summer or after they have left college. the Y. W. A. is spon-soring a series of "vocational guidance" lectures and discussions. The project is under the supervision of Miss Mildred Lamb assisted by Miss Blanche Pyle.

At the first of these meetings which was held last Tuesday after-noon at four thirty o'clock in the Y. W. room, a discussion of oppor-tunities In the field of social service was led by Miss Godfredson, county welfare worker.

After discussing educational re-quirements, modern opportunities

for entrance, renumeration, the vari-ous phases. and the changes for ad-vancement In the field of social service. Miss Godfredson related a num-ber of experiences which she has had in her work showing how even the most drab situation can be made colorful. By the questions asked by the girls present it was evident that this type of work appealed strongly to her listeners.

On Thursday afternoon the same hour. Miss Mildred Lamb conducted a discussion on the college girl's opportunities in business. Educational requirements, chance for advancement, and salaries in stenographic, secretarial, and personnel work were considered.

That women are continuing to take a more active part In business Indicates that It Is no longer regarded as a field for men alone, nor is It entirely unattractive,

Until recently very few vocations have been considered open to women, but with modern progress in education and science the fairer sex has actively entered professions, occupations, and vocations formerly thought appropriate only for men.


The faculty or McPherson College recently passed the following regulations regarding admission to the College. Candidates for admission shall (1) file formal application for admission, the same to be in the hands of the Committee on Admis-sions by September 1 proceeding the opening of school: (2) present a regular transcript of credit from their high school Indicating the courses which they have completed, their grades, data of graduation, and their rank in the graduating class; (3) present a letter regarding the applicant's character, social habits, and mental ability from sonic responsible acquaintance of the applicant.

From the applications presented the Committee on Admissions will admit those who have satisfactory scholarship and character recommendations.


Superintendent R. W. Potwin of the McPherson city schools spoke to the students yesterday during the chapel hour. He discussed the personnel of the faculty. He stressed the fact that there are many applicants to the teaching profession but that there are few real teachers who are trained for the profession. He stated that a liberal arts education was not sufficient training for a teacher. He pointed out that so many are using the teaching profession as a stepping stone to some other profession and therefore often do not care to become excellently trained for the work.

The immensity of the educational system In the United States was; graphically Illustrated by the speaker when he stated that fifty two per

cent of the children in the United States have the advantages of a secondary education which is much larger per cent than in any other country, He said that the average school attendance had Increased in this country from sixty to over one thousand days per child, Supt. Potwin said the biggest social experiment attempted by the United States is its educational system.


Initiation of new members and el-ection of Blunt committed chairman and student council representative were the main Items of business at the last meeting of the year for the Women's Athletic Association which was held last night at 6:30. The Misses Velma Eldridge, Lola Mae Hanson. Fern Heckman and Doris Battey took the pledge of member-ship. Miss Ada Stutzman was elected chairman of the stunt committee, an office which has become necessary since the disbanding of the Macoeds, Miss Blanche Pyle way elected stu-dent council representative