McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas,
TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1929
"Outward Bound" Is An Out-standing Production Of The Year
Miss Ingeborg Swanson entertain-ed a group of friends at dinner last Thursday evening. Those present were the Misses Helen Strohm. Eth-elyn Rostine, Verna Mae McCoy, Nina Hammann. Mildred Wine. Until Trostle and Avie Wattenbarger.
Tomorrow—All School's Day Play.
"Daddy Longlegs" 8:00 P M-Friday. May 17—Y. M, and Y. W. dinner.
Saturday, May 18 — Interstate Truck Meet at Pittsburg. Monday, May 20—Graduating Recital.
C. E. Oclrich Is In Charge Of The Seniors Dramatic Production
It Is not generally known among the students of McPherson college, bat It Is never-the-less true, that the school has gained more than a statewide reputation became of the calibre of its Senior class plays each spring during commencement week. Heads of the Expression and Dramatic departments of not a few of the colleges and universities In Kansas have in recent years witnessed the annual Senior offering and have praised It as the most complete and stupendous efforts of Its kind they hare ever seen done in the dramatic line by a group of students. This year, there is reason to believe there will be several such department heads In attendance when the Seniors offer. what It is believed will prove the greatest effort the class has ever made. Sutton Vane's great drama, "Outward Bound." at the City Auditorium. Tuesday evening. May 28.
•‘Outward Bound” was first presented in London In Sepetember. 1926. Charles Harris, one of Amer-ica's greatest producers, and a man recognized an an exponent of the best the Theatre has to offer. attracted In England by the advance information he had received on the play, witnessed the premier and Immediately se-cured the American acting rights from Mr. Vane, and December of the
Mrs. J. L. Hoff entertained twelve ladies of the faculty and hill at her home Friday evening at seven o'clock. The dinner was nerved from Chinese dishes and consisted mainly of Chin-ese foods. After the dinner places were drawn and progressive rook provided interesting entertainment fur the remainder of the evening-
Robert Puckett. Bulldog dash man. has consistently won the dashes for McPherson College during his four years here. During his four years he has a record of losing but two raced In the 100 and 220 yard dashes In the Kansas conference. Whenever the Bulldog track team enters a meet It has the assurance of "Bob's” ten points. Last year Puckett was captain of the Bulldog squad and Prof. Hess termed him the "fastest man In the state." This year he has en-tered the broad Jump event in several meets and has taken a couple firsts and with a little specializing would be an artist in that line, Last Saturday ‘'Bob" who Coach Gard-ner put It "In the fastest married man In the state” won first honors In the 100 and 220 yard flashes at the state meet held at Ottawa. He has held a stats title In truck every year he has been In college. "Bob" is graduating this spring and will have a place In the track learn that will be bard to fill.
Old time songs were the chief Interest at Y. M. last Tuesday, Some of the men who attend regularly think there should be more active Interest taken and a larger attendance. They feel that those who are absent are missing something they will have cause to regret later on.
Let's and the year right by attending Y. M the remaining Tues-days in the chapel.
Miss Adeline Taylor was a dormitory guest last night and this morning.
Students are looking forward to seing John Lehman play the part of Daddy Long-Legs and Ruth Anderson as a girl from an orphan asylum in the play "Daddy Long-Legs.*’ by Jean Webster, in Convention Hall Wednesday evening.
The play ranges from colorful humor to deep sadness, sorrow and pity, There is a thread of romance running throughout the play that holds one’s Interest till the end. It is the story of a girl who has lived in a grimy orphanage all her life Opportunity finally knocks and she is went to college by an unknown man to her who who calls Daddy Long-Legs. Judy’s greatest aim In life Is not fame but happiness and happi-ness and fame both come to her In the and.
The complete cast is as follows;
Judy (Berusha Abbot) an orphan
— Ruth Anderson.
Jervis Pendleton (Daddy Long-
Legs)—John Lehman.
Miss Pritchard (Judy's friend) -Dorothy Linholm.
Julia Pendleton (a college girl)-— Ruth Trostle.
Mm. Pendleton (her mother)—-Floy Brown.
Seville McBride (a college girl)— Jeanette Hoover.
Jimmie McBride (her brother) — Leland Lindell.
Mrs. Lippett (orphanage matron) —Helen Hudson.
Mrs. Semple (Jervis' old nurse) — Iva Crumpacker.
Cyrus Wykoff (orpanage trustee) —Glen Harris.
Abner Parson (orphanage trustee)
— Charles Collins.
Griggs • Jervis' secretary I—‘Ralph Landes.
Walters (Jervis Butler) —Warren' Sisler.
Carrie (maid ) —Chester Carter.
Orphans—Sadie Kate, Giadiola. Loretta. Mamie Fanny. Freddie Perkins, and Sammie—Avie Watten-burger, Lillian Horning. Lois Teach. Faye Teach. Betty Schwalm, Marlin Hoover, and Delbert Kelley.
Mien Mildred Libby spent last week end with home folks near Little Riv-
Features are the most difficult things in the world to write They must be entertaining yet sensible. They must please the sense of humor of everyone— and there are so many types and forms of humor They must have a point that is self evident to everyone yet will be subtle enough to please the most discriminating. It is impossible to please everyone and even when we do our best there are people who say after reading the feature. "Well If that Isn't the dumbest thing I ever read. It sounds Just like child’s play". People cannot seem to realize that inspirations do not grow on lilac bushes and It is well nigh Impossible to grind out stuff worth reading all the time If ever. Even Shakespeare had his "off” hour.
The Ideal feature according to re-rent Information should be short, not over four hundred words. They should be personal and direct and above all be humorous. This is a vary
At a meeting of the Sophomore class Mat 2nd, Eugenia Dawson was elected president of the Junior class for next year. Ruth Trostle, vice-president: Vernon Gustafson, treasurer. Leland Lindell. secretary; and Mildred Wine and Carrol Walker, student council representatives.
The Engagement Announce-ment of Devilbiss And Kinzie Was A Novel Surprise
At a business meeting Thursday morning the members of the Thes-pian Club voted to assess them-
selves In order to straighten up some-bills which have been standing for some time and to pay for the page which the club has In this year's Quadrangle. At a previous meeting Charles Collins was elected president for next year. Since that time he has signed a contract for a school so It was necessary to choose another pres-ident. Bernice McClellan who had been vice-president chosen presi-dent and Leland Lindell was elected to take her place The standard Thespian pin which was adopted last year will be ordered immediately for those of the new members who desire them.
For the past two years? Miss Della Lehman, head of the dramatic art department of the college has been sponsor of the Thespian Club. Next year she is to be on the faculty as a member of the English department and so will not be official sponsor of the club but members are glad to say that Miss Lehman will continue to be a member of the club. Miss Lehman has taken as active Interest in the organization and its members wish to take this opportunity of thanking her and expressing their appreciation of bur efforts.
Immediately after the May Fete Tuesday evening. Miss Arlene Saylor and Miss Lois Dell delightfully entertained the May Queen. Miss Margaret Devilbiss, Mr. Earl Kinzie, and a group of friends at a reception in Junior of the Queen and Mr. Kinzie. The reception was given in the Y. W. room.
The guests were assembled before the Queen and Mr. Kinzie appeared. All those present were seated in a circle around the room. As the honored guests arrived all the friends rose and remained standing till the Queen was seated.
Mrs. V. F. Schwalm sang a vocal solo, Miss Della Lehman read "Their First Quarrel." after which a dainty plate of strawberry sundae and cake were served to the guests.
A committee of students is work-ing on the details of a plan whereby the next four classes will combine the funds which they would ordinarily spend on a memorial into an endowment fund, the income from which would be used for campus im-provement. The members of the class of 1926 originated the plan and officers of the class have signified their willingness that the present college classes add to the fund which they started. The fund now contains some-thing over two thousand dollars in paid-up pledge:
Two meetings have been called by Seniors who are Interested in this project and now a committee of one representative from each class is working on the details which will then be presented to the classes for their rejection or approval. The enlarging of this fund is. according to students, an enterprise which is well worth while, one which would grow and be a permanent memorial. Speci-fications can be made as to the special purpose of the fund, the interest. front which each your would be as much as the average class spends on a memorial, Every effort is being made to stimulate public opinion In favor of this project.
May Fete Held In Gymnasium On Ac-count Of Weather Conditions
Because of the cool atmosphere the twice postponed May Fete was held in the gymnasium at seven thirty o'clock last Tuesday evening instead of out-of-doors as previously planned More than four hundred spec-tators wore present at the program centering about the coronation of the May Queen. Miss Margaret Devilbiss. and concluding as a surprise to th audience with the annoucement of the engagement of Miss Devilbiss to Mr. Earl Kinzie
At seven thirty o’clock as Miss Myreta Hammann. pianist, and Orion High, violinist, played the procession-al, Miss Devilbiss accompanied by her court attendants entered the south door of the gymnasium and ap-proached and ascended the throne erected at the north end of the room.
Miss Alberta Hovis, maid of honor,
then crowned the queen elect after which twelve of the girls of the physical education department, six of whom were disguised as young men and six arrayed in evening gowns, performed the Virginia reel.
Following this, Miss Hazel Falls sand two solos: "The Japanese Love Song" and Pale Moon." and Miss Madalyn Gray executed a waits in costume. A number of girls of the physical training department then appeared in pastel colored costumes
Continued on Page Three.
Miss Lena Beaver spent the latter pan of last week at her home near St. John.
The foods class entertained a group of friends at five o'clock Tuesday evening at a formal dinner In the home economics department. A color scheme of gold and green was carried out in the menu and table de-corations. The decorations emphasiz-ed the idea of a boating party.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. James Elrod, the Misses Marietta By-ery. Elsie Crissman, Ruth Bish. Thelma Budge. Haxen Hutchinson Lena Beaver, Clara Graebner, Goldia Ebbert, Mildred Ihde, Ida Lengel, Floy Brown and the Messes, Ernest Gesslin, Ralph Johnston, and Ernest Toland.
Misses Bernice McClellan and Arlan Brigham were supper guests at the Wyman Freeby home Friday night.
The engagement of Miss Ruth King, a former McPherson College student to C. L. Ruthrauff, “25, has recently been announced. They are now both members of the Windom rural high school faculty. Mr. Ruth-rauff prinicipal and Miss King Is home economics Instructor.
nice Ideal If possible in carry out fully. The short part is not hard to attain but it is doubtful if the personal part would be acceptable to all concerned. For instance if you were to mention someone who had been in an embarrasing situation in a rather ridiculous fashion then you would incur tbe enmity of this per-son. Oh. yes. it would be humorous alright to everyone else but the per-son concerned. No one likes to be laughed at. it is much nicer to laugh with a person no matter if you do want to laugh at him.
Then again, do humourous occur-ences happen on the campus con-slantly? They do not! Only about three really humourous things have happened this year that would do for publications so of course the poor feature writer has to wrack her brains In vain for something to write about that will tickle the weary tickle-boxes of the sophistocated and blase student body. One cannot ap-peal to the risque element for that
would not be conductive to the nature of the school
Yet again - If everything entered-ing about everyone were known It might make quite intersting read-ins but this is Supposed to be a feature space not a scandal sheet. It in a good thing gor everyone concerned that lots of things were kept dark We don’t want to demoralize the in-stitution If such a thing were able.
The job of being feature editor of a college paper is something like be-ing Poet Laureate of England. You can keep your Job If you write any-thing anywhere near decently but you have to write to please the people not to please yourself. So if anyone has any suggestions to offer It will be appreciated It may be the best to personal after all but even theb you could not mention everyone and some one might be slighted if not mentioned, so- that's that.
Yours truly,
Chester Carter.
Herbert Hochstrasser, this year’s Bulldog track captain and the only man to have was the Leslie Edmonds cup. for the winner or the 440 yard dash in the state meet, two years In succession. "Herb" has not been beaten in his race. the 440 yard dash, while in college. He is a super run-ner with a world of speed and several worlds of endurance. He has developed a habit of running just fast enough to keep ahead of his nearest competitor enough that he might turn his head and laugh In the face of the aspiring winner. Hochstras-ser is not limited to the 440 but has
consistently brought in second hon-ors in the 100 and 220 yards dashes. He has proved a worthy terminate for the flying: "Bob" Puckett. Hoch-strasser has entered the 220 yard low hurdles this spring and has brought in several firm honors for the team "Herb" has two more years here in school and athletic fans who are following the Bulldog teams are watching him develop. He should be a mighty entry next spring.
Campus comment at the Univer-sity of Wisconsin on the recent re-peated dating of a white girl and a negro man, both students prompted the deans to call the two to their of-fices and counsel them against con-tinuances of the relationship.
Over 3000 people received a thrill In the farewell concert of Madame Ernestine Schumann-Helak who sang as the last number of the Southwest-ern Artist Course Friday night.
Miss Lela Rhodes ‘28 who is a stu-dent at Kansas University spent the week end at her home in McPherson.
rived here Wednesday and are visiting Miss Mercie Shatto. She accom-panied them to Wichita Friday where they spent the week end.
"Bandit Not From Kansas," reads a headline. Neither are cyclones any-' more.
The Student Newspaper of McPherson College, purposing to recount accurately past activity to stimulate continuity further achievement—
and to live and cherish our one code—"The School of Quality*’.
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the post-office at McPherson. Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Johnson and email daughter of Plattsburg. Miss-ouri were McPherson visitors last week.
Subscription Rates..
-$1.50 per year
Little Miss Laura Jane Rochards was a dormitory guest Thursday Herbert Lindell of Windom spent Sunday at the dormitory with his brother Leland.
Editor-in-chief .
Associate Editor
_.Doris Ballard Leland Lindell
Business Manager_
Ass’t. Business Manager Ass't. Business Manager
Circulation Manager___
France will pay if Germany does. Try saying to your banker that you will pay your note when the fellow who owes you pays his.
and Indoor baseball. The final event of the day was swimming. The Salina organization was hostess at a picnic lunch at noon and at a dinner in the evening at Kebal Dining Hall.
Miss Clara Nesmith of Kansas Wes-leyan was selected as the most out-standing all round athlete of the day by the sponsors from the colleges
Those who attended the meet from McPherson word the Misses Albert
Hovis. Norma Miller, Iva Crumpacker, Edna Hoover, Doris Ballard.
Hazel Falls, Helen Kline. Clara Bur-gin, Mildred Wine. Mildred Doyle. Florence Weaver, and Verna Fahl-gren.
training should he combined with the technical training. An open op-portunity for a girl Is sectretarial positions. A secretary must possess tact and a winning personality.
Wednesday ,Professor Fries reminded the students or the value of common sense Common sense represents the practical side of life. It is the true prospective of human ac-tivity.
Friday the chapel orchestra, under the direction Prof. G. Lewis Doll, gave their last chapel program of the year. The program was dedi-cated to '‘Mothers" Miss Ruth Harms, played a cornet solo "That Wonderful Mother of Mine" and Miss Arlene Saylor sang ‘'Mother My Dear."
-Ralph Bowers Ernest Watkins — Glenn Harris Lloyd Johnson
Harriet Hopkins Oliver Ikenberry Ethel Sherfy
Alberta Yoder Marlin Hoover Gilbert Myers
Mildred Swenson Bernice McClellan Emery Metzger
Faculty Adviser
Maurice A. Hess
Numerous spring showers and occasional deluge bring forth frowns among those whose plans they alter. That is not any thing unusual, but we happened to think in connection that life itself is not all sunshine and that, even though things appear dark at the time, some rain and clouds are necessary If there is to be growth. How much more beautiful does the sunshine seem after the clouds have obscured It from our view for a time. It takes some obstacles to be met and resisted in develop a healthy. happy char-acter. Circumstances may seem unusually adverse and trying, but If they are Interpreted as a test for real endurance rather than something over which to falter, they may turn out to be blessings In disguise. The effects of the clouds Is life depend upon the attitudes of those whom they overshadow.
Did you ever stop to think how muabthiroiis the calendar year might be-come were It not for the "days"? Of course each day observed for any particular reason has Its special significance, but collectively they mean a wider Interest for us, they add a variety nnd stimulate thoughts and emotions that other wise might not be directed along those various directions. Perhaps the school children are the most responsive to the days marked on the calendar, for they eagerly look forward to those special obervance, Any day from Thanksgiving to Valentine never falls to bring a response from them.
Beauty and enjoyment are added to our life because It has become a cus-tom to observe May Day with a program such as was sponsored here last week. Everyone Agrees that it is fitting to set aside a day on which to honor mother. Other days, including St. Patricks, St. Valentine's.. In dependence, birthdays of our national heroes, to say nothing of the tremendous meaning of Christmas. New Year's Day, and Thanksgiving, have their contributing Interest and influence. Even though the somewhat staid and passive may deem it sentimental foolishness, the majority of us enjoy participating in the observance of the various "days," the observance varying as the meaning attached to them.
Keith: Say, Phiz, why Is it that Baltas has all the negroes and Linds-borg has all the swedes?
Phiz: I don't know.
Keith: Salina has first choice.
show which way you are going.
Culture—is what makes you over took the worms In the bran.
Parasite—In an insurance agent.
Newspaper accounts say that there are fewer mules in Missouri than last year. They'll start coming back after May 31.
Miss Heckethorn attended a librarian's convention at Pratt. Kansan. from Thursday until Saturday of that week.
Davisson: Wait a minute and I’ll
go with ya.
Collins: Say. I'm particular who
I'm seen with in public.
Davlaaoa: I'm not.
About the only way some fellows can get a date is to sprinkle a little gasoline on their hankerchief.
Miss Esther Freeburg entertained at a party last Saturday night, The guests present were; Evaleigh
Kenney. Ruth Bish. Thelma Budge. Elsie Crissman, Frances Hanson. Ar-' vette Anderson. Modena Kenney, Marzella Okerlind Clara Graebner. Arlan Brigham, and Margretta Ok-erlind.
Miller: Nonk. do you know why
Danes grow bigger than white folks? Nonken: Nope
Miller: They stay green longer.
Miss Floy Brown spent last Friday at Ellinwood.
A young president of a student Y. M, C. A. in Kansas has recently writ-ten a circular with some of these Statements in It: “If I might take but one trip In my life It Would be to Estes. Some one has gone so far as to say that If they had to choose be- tween a college education and an Estes conference, they would take
the Estes conference.
"There are several reasons why this statement was made. Supposing we make the acquirement of facts the end of education. Estes through the lectures of speakers of national and International standing. will furnish enough facts concerning the world political conditions, the Industrial situation with general con-sideration of economic principles, the social standards, the philosophical and psychological background of religion, to cause a conscientious note keeper to get writer's cramps from taking notes and to get stooped front carrying the notes around. If the development of initiative through independent study and thought is a factor in education. Estes is the haven of educators. Here you find an atmos-phere quite unlike that In most colleges. Knowledge Is sought for not to please some Professor, not to fill the requirements of some examina-tion. but for sheer desire to know the conditions, to feel the personal con-nection that pure knowledge must give—even though the conditions learned of are of most shameful and undesirable.
"To one of a lighter nature, the real appeal of Estes Is the Irresistible appeal of the natural surrounding. Who can view the snow capped peaks; see occasional snow clouds sweep with somber majesty over a mountain slope: hear the roar of Thunder Creek as the water rushes on Its way down the ravine (typical of all Estes Conferences, ever mov-ing. ever advancing-—dynamic): who can experience ten days of this and not be enraptured with the joy of living?
"Why go to Estes? Ten days of speeches by men like T. Z. Koo, Bruce Curry and others: ten days of open discussions on any political.' social, economic, religious problems imaginable: ten days filled with
meeting old friends, forming new, friendships with the best men and women of the schools of the region and with ambitious Intellectual for-eign students: ten days of outdoors-hiking—Teddy’s Teeth. Fint Top, Lake Odessa, and oLng's Peak Ten days of LIFE!"
Why doesn't the U. S. annex Ireland and raise our own policemen?
The high cost of living isn't near as high as the cost of loving. Ask the young man. who Is paying It.
"Officer, officer, I just ran over a Swede and killed him'*.
"What ja botherin’ me for? Col-lect your bounty at the County Treasurer's office".
Abe Martin says flattery won't hurt you unless you swallow It. It's the name with the advice given the farmer by the vity man.
Mrs. J. L. Smith spent several days last week with her niece Miss Both Hess at the dormitory.
Epidermia—is what keeps your
infinity — is a flourless room without walls or ceiling.
Torrid core—is caused by the fris-tice of the equator which runs around the earth to the middle
Gravity— is a law passed after an apple hit Newton on the head
Longitude and latitude--are im-aginary fines on the earth which
Misses Arlan Brigham and Ruth Hoffman motored to Sylvan Grove Tuesday
The following people were Sunday dinner guests at the dormitoryf Mrs. Holloway and Rush, Prof, and Mrs, O. Lewis Doll and Marilyn. Miss Grace Heckman, and E_ E. Geeslia.
Mrs. Ella Shatto . and daughter Lora of Like Placid, Florida or-
Representatives to three and their sponsors from the Womens Athletic Associations front Hays Teachers College. Starting College. McPherson College and Kansas Wesleyan university met last Friday at the King Gymnasium at Kansas Wesleyan University in Salina for a play day. as had been planned at the state W A. A. convention last October. The purpose of the event was to stress the value of play and sports for women, to stress, the value or true sportsmanship. and. to provide a means for the exchange of ideas concerning sports included in the sports curricula In the various Women's Athletic Associations.
After attending chapel in the new administration building at K W. U, the events of the day began with tennis. After the tennis finals In the afternoon, the girls played volley ball
Misses Ada Stutsman and Inco Larson spent Thursday night at the home of the latter in Galva.
Monday Miss Lamb discussed ’“The, Opportunities outside of Teaching for a Girl." Sometimes women as-
some that there is sex prejudice
against their desired profession. But if a woman is seeking a business career she most have a professional
education. Business demands some specialization but it should not be begun to soon. A liberal education should first be sought. Cultural
A lecture on radium was given Wednesday evening. May 8 at 8 o’clock by Dr. Hershey to the Chem-istry students and others interested Radium is a radio-active substance And is found only In uranium ores and in exceedingly small quantities In them. There is no more than six ounces of radium In the combined world. Only one gram of radium is present is 3.88 tons of purest pitch-blende. The value of uranium runs into many million dollars.
Radium was discovered by Madame Curie in December, 1898. See suc-ceeded In isolating pure radium, studying Its properties and determin-ing its atomic weight. It is estimated, that ft cost Madame Curie $100,000 to work out 1 gram of radium. Today it is valued at $70,000 a gram and is seventy-five times as valuable as gold.
Radium Is the most poisonous el-ement yet it is the most useful. Lead,. Is the only element which radium does not penetrate. During the dis-integreation Of radium a great deal of energy is given off.
The two main uses of radium are for watches and clocks and medical purposes- During the war more people were cured by means of radium than all other medicines. The largest use of radium is in the treatment at disease, notably canver. All the large cities have some radium in their hospitals.
Madame Curie was born un War-saw, Poland in 1867 She was born of educated parents and was the young-est of five children. At 15 she grad-uated from a course similar to the High School course. She continued her scientific study and investigation which led to her remarkable dis-covery. She has been the recipient of
many prizes and in 1909 was elected honorary member of the American
Chemical Society.
Dr. Hershey has had the privilege of hearing Madame Curie lecture while she visited in America.
Speed maniacs will be interested in learning that tornadoes travel at the rate of 500 miles an hour, and just see what happens.
(Continued from Page Two)
Montreal announces that it will entertain 59 convention during 1929 with or without a headache, just as the delegates desire.
Professional baseball is a sort of
and wound the May pole.
After several stunts by the court Jesters, Joe Hart and Cecil Davisson, who had performed between the other numbers also, Miss Gray again appeared In a waltz
The events immediately following came as a surprise to the entire audience. As Miss Arlene Baylor sang "I Love You Truly,” Mr. Earl Kinzie approached and ascended the throne and slipped a white gold diamond ring on the third finger of the queen's left hand. Then as Miss Hammann and Mr. High played the recessional. Miss Devilbiss and Mr, Kinzie, followed by the attendants, marched out through the south en-trance.
The queen wore a white silk crepe gown trimmed In rhine stones and
ment on a subject that to all of it is a vital one— Just what Is Heaven, and just what Is Hell?"'.
(Continued from Page One)
same year, gave the New York theatregoers their first opportunity to voice, their verdict on his Judgment.
"Outward Bound,” Created a fur-ore, and the great American critics. agreeing with their British brethren, declared that Mr. Vane had created the most remarkable„ play of the present decade. and had brought to the Theatre something entirely dif-ferent—a play with a purpose and an argument that appealed to think-ers, it was predicted that "Outward Bound" would prove to be a sensa-tion. and that this forecast was a cor-rect one is perhaps best proven by the fact that the play ran for over a thousand consecutive performances In the Metropolis before It was ever taken on the road. More than two and a half years, after its New York premier, Chicago saw it for the first time, and here Its initial success was duplicated. and far. more than six months theatre-goers bought tickets for weeks in advance in order to see it.
Until early this spring, Mr. Harris. a controlling the American rights, refusal to allow the presentation of line a play by amateur groups. The Class of 1928, tried to, secure ‘‘Outward Bound," but was unable to. In be-ing able to produce this unique dramatic offering, the Seniors of 1929 gala the distinction of being the firm amateur organization to present this play which Is without questions a master-piece of stage-craft, and one of the finest pieces of dramatic writing ever given on an English speaking stage.
C. E. Oelrich, who for several years has been In charge of the Senior class plays, stated when interviewed recently. that in his opinion "Outward Bound.” will prove the outstanding effort as yet made by the upper-classmen on the eve of their graduation.
"We are In love with the play," Mr. Oelrich said, "Every member of the cast has been giving faithfully of his time for nine weeks now, and we could give the performance right now. and do a fine job of it. The unusual theme that Sutton Vane has woven Into his plot, has gripped each and every one of us, and I am finding these young actors getting into the atmosphere of the play and the char-
acters In a manner which can mean but one thing—-the living of the roles they are interpreting.
"I appreciate the remarkable work done by Seniors of previous years, and I look with real pride to the knowledge that I had something to do With their offerings, and I realize that In stating this year's cast will excel any group I have as yet directed. I am making a broad statement,
and one that will be questioned. However, I believe that all those who see the performance will agree with this statement, and will also share In my opinion, that “Outward Bound, as a play, is the most remarkable darmatic effort In the history of the school, and one that brings new hu-rtli to its Seniors, I am standing pat in my prediction that “Outward Bound" will prove a success that will surmount anything over done by a college in the Middle West."
As Is the custom of the Seniors, every detail of staging is being given careful and faithful attention. Twice as much time and money in building scenery and effects, mechanical and electrical, as has ever before been expended by a senior class. Is required In the preparation being made for the current offering. A stage setting In exact duplicate to that used, in the original New York presentation, is almost completed, after weeks of work, which is as added argument to the promise of a real success.
To reeval the unusual plot, would be unfair to those who expact to wit-eras the performance, but the assur-ance is given that It is one that will bring food for thought and for arch-
Spanish lace. She carried a homidez of deep red roses tied with white
tulle. Her attendants--wore formal dress.
The white throne stood before a background of flower-twined lattice on a carpet, of grass Vari-colored lights played upon this setting throughout the program and an am-ber spot light was directed on the performers enhancing the beauty of
the scene.
Those attending the queen were Misses Alberta Hovis, Floy Brown, Jessie Churchill Lois Dell, Velma Wine. Ada Stutzman, and Nellie Collin's, and Reuben Bowman. Leland Lindell. Irvin Rump Marvin Steffen, Fred Andrews, Keith Hayes and Donald Troslte. The Rub Misses Gene Boone and Mildred Fries and George Boone Jr., and Ardis Hershey acted as flower girls and boys little Miss Marilyn Doll was the crown bearer, and little Miss Marjory Gard-ner, and Richard Mohler were the queen's train bearers “ After the program a recreation in honor of Miss Devilbiss was given by a number of her friends In the Y. W-C a. room.
Members of the Women's Athletic Asociation, under whose auspices the May fete was given, served a lunch after the program.
Miss Una Morine, a student of Miss Jessie Brown. piano instructor of McPherson College, gave her gradu-ation recital for the teachers' certifi-cate course last night, at 8 o'clock' In the college chapel. Miss Morine, a McPherson high school student. has been recognized for her musical Ability, having placed to the prelim-Inary contest at Lindsborg during the week of pro-Easter program- (here
Miss Arelen Saylor soprano, and Bernice McClellan.. reader both of McPherson College. assisted Miss Morine
The stage was tastefully decorated with flowers and plants, Miss Mor-
ine wore a corsage of roses.
The program was as follows: Sonata e Minor .Grieg , Allegro Moderato
Miss Morine
My Mother Bids Me Bind My Hair...
Pirate Dreams , .................. Huester
Sunbeams .............-............... Ronald
Miss Saylor
Ballade de Minor .............. Brahms
Hungarian Dame No. 7 .. Brahms
, Miss Morine
The Man of Sorrows from the Crists
_____ ______________^..........Churchill
Miss McClellan Impromptu op. 142 No. 2 .... Schubert Wedding Day at Troldbaugen .. Grieg Miss Morine
hit-and-miss way of making a living now Isn't it?
Automobiles deprive many a for
ily at other luxuries—and more n quently of necessities.
Our Business In to Improve you appearance and we enjoy It. Prom service and sanitary methods. Sid Clean Towel Shop.
Misses Mildred Evelyn Beard and Dorothy Lindholm appeared in their graduation recital for teacher's certificates In the piano department of; the School of Fine Arts on Thursday; evening. They were assited by Miss Prudence Ihrigh, soprano. The program was as follows:
Sonato op. 31 No. 3 ... Beethoven Allegro
Miss Beard
Moment Musical No. 3 Schubert
Impromptu op. 90 No. 2 Schubert
Miss Linholm Bird with a Broken Wing Colson
Love Has Wings ........ Rogers
Wake Up! .... Philips
Mine Ihrig
Hopak ...... Moussorgsky
Traumerei ..._ ......._...... Strauss
Brook Nymphs .. ..... Preyer
Miss Beard
Sonata op. 13.... .....Beethoven
Allegro di motto e con brio Miss Linholm
April Rain-.. .. ...... -. 0. Speaks
Can’t Remember ................Goatley
Thank God for a Garden . -Del Riego Miss Ihrig
Liebestraum A Flat Major.......— Liszt
Miss Beard Hark! Hark! The Lark
. ..... Schubert-Liszt Miss Linholm
You made the pathway for us And smoothed it for our feet.
Now you must make your new ones. For new dangers you may meet,
The Seniors, and here the Sophomores
And though the breech is wide.
For the honors of our college fair We are fighting by your side.
Through the months we’ll climb the ladder
With honor points for each round And the voices of you Seniors
Will come to us in distant sounds.
To the example you have set for us We’ll try always to be true No word can express our gratefulness So we just say, "Thanks to you”, —A Sophomore.
The McPherson College track and field team placed second In the state meet held at Ottawa last Saturday making a total of 49 1/2 points as against the 59 1/2 of Baker University. Rain fell nearly all Afternoon and all the dashes and hurdles were run on a track covered with water. The Bulldogs made a fine showing and could have hoped to do better only had the weather been better. The tennis matches were postponed on account of the weather. Preliminaries will be held today at Bald-win and Lindsborg with the finals at Ottawa Saturday.
The summaries of the meet:—
Mile run—Hoisington K. W. U. first; Hull, Baker, second; C. Miller, Baker, third: Crist. McPherson,
fourth. Time, 4’ 38.3".
440 yard dash—Hochstrasser, McPherson, first; Powell, K, W. U., second; Davis Baker, third; Ohmart, McPherson, fourth. Time 53.9".
100 yard dash—Puckett. McPher-son, first; Nonken, McPherson, sec-ond; Malir, K. W, U., third; Beckwith. Baker, fourth. Time 10.2",
120 yard high hurdles—Walker. Baker. first; Diehl, Baker, second; Sargent. McPherson, third; Burnison. McPherson, fourth- Time, 16.2",
880 yard run—Hosington, K. W, U. first; C. Miller. Baker, second:
F, Miller. Baker, third; Hull. Baker, fourth. Time. 2' 6.9".
220 yard daub—Puckett. McPherson, first: Hochstrasser, McPherson, second; Nonken, McPherson, third: Henshaw, Ottawa, fourth. Time. 23.7'.
Two mile run—Jennings. Ottawa, first: Crist, McPherson, second: A. Miller, Baker, third; Davenport, Ottawa, fourth. Time, 10‘ 54.7”.
• 220 yard low hurdles—Diehl, Bak
er, first; Carlson, Bethany, second; Walker, Baker and Hochstrasser. McPherson tied for third and fourth. Time. 27.5"
Mile relay—McPherson (Puckett, Ohmart Sargent, Hochstrasser, first; K. W. U..second: Baker, third; Ottawa, fourth. Time, 3’ 38.2".
Pole vault—Hyland, St. Mary's, first: Sheldon, Ottawa, Barngrover and Miller, McPherson, tied for sec-; ond. Height, 10'7".
High Jump — Larson, Bethany first; Miller, McPherson. second Vanek. Bethany. Parks and Poppet,
K. W. U. tied for third and fourth. Height, 5' 7 1/2“.
Shot put—Lange, Baker, find Reinhardt, K, W, U ,, second; Diehl, Baker.-third; Hyland. St. Mary's, fourth. Distance, 44" 6 1/2"
Discs—Lange. Baker, first; Rein-hardt. K, W. U„ second: Metz Baker. third; Perkins, K. W. U., fourth Distance. 127 2 1/2”.
Broad Jump—Walker, Baker, first: Drove, St. Mary's, second; Voran McPherson, third; Young, Baker, fourth. Distance 20' 10 1/4"..
Javelin—Young, Baker, first; Rock .McPherson, second: Briggs. Baker, third; Vanek, Bethany, fourth. DU-lance, 164' 6”.
Kansas Wesleyan finished with 25 points, Bethany 11. Ottawa 10, and St. Mary's 9. Only one near record was made in the meet and that by Lange of Baker when he heaved the shot 44 feet 6 1/2 inches.
Professor and Mrs. J. A. Blair entertained the High School Adminis-tration class In their home last Friday evening. As soon as the guests had all arrived games of bean bag. horse shoe, and congress were start ed. New artists In each field were revealed. Paul Bowers proved his ability to put more beans through a hole than 'any other person. Beth Hess gave a good demonstration of her ability at throwing "ringers,'' and Mildred Swenson showed the group how easy it was for her to
say anything a man wanted her to.
Leo Duke was partly responsible.
An interesting program was given during the evening consisting of a piano solo by Miss Harriet Hopkins; a reading by Miss Mildred Swenson; and a piauologue by Miss Naomi Wit-more Dainty refreshments were ser-ved after which the group sang a number of Plantation songs and finally the college song. The future high school principals and superin-tendents have reported having an enjoyable time that evening.
Those present were: The Misses Naomi Witmore. Elsie Crissman. Ida-Kingsley. Inez Hobblesiefkin, Chester Carter. Harriet Hopkins. Margaret Divelbiss, Elizabeth Hess. Lola Dell. Mildred Swenson, Cora Sell, Lila Fields, Marie Reimar, Eunice Longs-dorff. Ruth Anderson, Sue Ganson. Jennie Yiengs:, Rena Loshbaugh, Irene Gibson and the Messrs. Leo Duke, Joe Hart, Clarence Zink. Wray Whiteneck, Ralph Landes. George Swank. Homer Brank. Bush Holloway, John Hardly, Walter McCnffoy, Paul Bowers, and Emery Metzger.
United Press
Chicago—A union air depot, with
representation of 80 per cent of the nation's passenger carrying air lines, will be established at the Palmer house here within a short time. It was announced today. The Universal Air Lines will be the only service operating in Chicago.
A $386,000 field house and a $577,000 mechanical engineering building will soon be built at the University of Wisconsin.
Seniors of Yale voted English the most valuable subject In the curriculum and psychology the least, valuable in answer to a questionnaire.
Courses leading to the degree of Master of Science will be given for the first time at Hays this summer. Courses will he given in English, education. social science and general science.
Voting for student representatives was discontinued at the University of Utah, when it was discovered that a series of more than a hundred ballots all marked in green ink. In the name manner and with consecutive enumeration were passing under the noses of the Judges.
Misses Velma Eldridge and Helen Eberly entertained the deputation team of which they are members and their friends last Saturday evening. Those present were the Misses Leta Wine, Ethel Sherry, Ralph Peterson, Newell Wine, Rush Holloway, Glenn Harris, and Harold Melchert and Prof, and Mrs. J. If. Fries.
There are approximately one milion students enrolled in colleges and universities In the United States, which Is about 40,000 more than the combined registration in those of other parts of the world.
A challenging address on the world problems of the day whs given before the student body in the chapel by Miss Mary Ida Winder last Thursday forenoon.
Since her visit to the McPherson college campus last year When she spoke on the world's peace issue, Miss Winder has attended a number of conferences in Europe, the one of greatest interest being the League of Nations Conference at Geneva, Italy,
Friends of C, Ernest Davis. La Verne. 1923, will be delighted to learn that be has recently accepted a call to the presidency of Ml. Morris College, at Mt. Morris, Illinois.
The Y. W. program was in charge of the Costume Designing class. Miss Eugenia Dawson discussed the ap-propriateness of dress. There are costumes for different ocasions. A certain costume may be appropriate for one occasion while it may be very unappropriate on another occasion. A costume should be chosen-to bring out one's best self. As Miss Dawson discussed the costumes suitable for particular occasions girls dressed In the particular costume appeared on the stage. Girls dressed to represent the unappropriate costume also appeared.
Entertaining In honor of the approaching marriage of Miss Mildred Lamb. six of the lady faculty mem-ben; were hostesses at a seven o’clock dinner at the Town Tavern last Wednesday evening.
A color scheme of lavendar and pink was used in the table decora-tions. Little heart dolls in pink and lavendar suggestive of the occasion were given as favors.
During the last course of the three-course dinner Miss Kathleen McFall dressed in a pink and laven-dar Cupid's costume skipped Into the room throwing golden darts bear-
Ing the announcement of Miss Lamb’s approaching marriage at each member of the party.
At the close of the meal the group retired to the parlors where after having been entertained by piano solos by "Miss Cupid.” progressive games were played.
The guests present were: the Misses Mildred Lamb. Helen Buchen-nu, Ruth Lennon, Leona Marsh, Clara Bonney. Lucille Taylor, Ruth Lingenfelter, Mary Cooley, and Mrs. Alberta Reed. The Misses Edith McGaffey, Jessie Brown, Della Lehman, Clara Colline, Marietta Byerly. and Fern Lingenfelter acted as host-esses.
Our school is just a relay
And 'tis you who set the pace.
Wo follow in your footsteps
Where we strive to win the race.
You give to us the standards
Which we guard with jealous can And our school is all the better Because you've once been there.
United Press—
United Press
Washington—China's adherence in the Kellogg anti-war pact was de-
United Press—-
posited at the State department today by Minister Chimo-Wu.