McPherson college, McPherson. Kansas.
TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1929
Banquet Was Held In The Basement Of The Brethren Church
Tables Radiated From The Garden In The Center Of The Room
The basement auditorium of the Brethren Church was transformed Into a beautiful garden In which the tables for the Junior-Senior banquet were set Friday evening at seven o'clock. The entire room was enclosed in lattice work which was spaced with small trees and In which green vines were interwoven. In the center of the room was a garden set off from the tables by a white picket fence. A cobble stone walk ted from a gate In the fence around a tulip-bordered pool containing gold fish and into which water from a rock fountain was continually running-Lights were so arranged around the edge of the pool that they were re-flected in the water. thus making the pool the center of attraction. Ferns were placed at various points around the edge of the garden. The most unique and beautiful features of the garden were the enormous boquets of Madonna lillies which some mem-bers of the Junior class received from their homes in Louisiana. A large basket of lillies was placed at each end of the garden and other boquets were arranged along the side fences. The tables, which radiat-ed from the central garden were decorated with baskets of roses, sweet peas, and rose candles In silver colored holders. Small bou-
quets of rose sweet peas tied with silver paperware placed at each table as favors.
The guests assembled In an up-stairs room of the church and at a little after seven were escorted down to the bouquet room by Mr. Keith Mayes. Junior class president, and Miss Della Lehman, class sponsor. During the time that the guests were finding their places Miss Helen Eber-ly played softly on the piano which was almost hidden behind the lattice work.
The serving was done by fourteen waitresses and waiters picked from the Freshman and Sophomore classes The seven girls wore simple organdy dressed In pastel colors and their partners were dressed in white trousers and black Jackets.
Keith Hayes, as toast master cleverly Introduced each person on the program. Velma Wine, vice-president. extended the welcome to the Seniors and Elmar McGonigle. class president, responded. The program consisted of readings by the Misses Della Lehman and Mildred Swenson. a flute solo by Lawrence Turner, and two numbers by the college male quartette Toasts were given by Bernice McClellan. Harold Melchert and Doris Ballard. The garden theme was carried out In the entire program.
The dinner arms prepared under the direction of the social committor of the college Y. W. C. A. Following Is the menu which they served:
Coupe de Fruit. Canncion Ham. Pommes de Terre du Gus. Cauliflower Beurre. Radish Hors d. Oeuv-re. Bow-knot Rolls. Cherry Sherbet. Salad Ambrosia. Saltines. Ur Cream a la Tarte, Cafe Noir. Bon Bons.
Officers for the coming year were elected by the Women's Athletic Association at their meeting last night. Doris Ballard was elected president; Edna Hoover. vice-president; Nellie Collins. secretary. and Velma Wine, treasurer.
Other business included plans for a delegation to the College Play Day which is to be held at Kansas Wesleyan University at Salina on Fri-day. May 10. According to plans ad opted at the state W. A. A. conven-tion last fall the colleges of the state have been divided Into four divisions.
each division sponsoring a play day. the purpose of which is to create In terest in play and women's sports and to afford an opportunity for the exchange of Ideas. Sterling, Hays, McPherson and Kansas Wesleyan are In this division. Tenuis, volley ball, base ball, and swimming will be the sports stressed at the meet In Salina The local organization expects to have the allotted number of represen-tatives twelve.
Deputation Team Gives Program At Meeting
The Forensic Club met on Thurs-day evening. The program was given by the deputation quartette. Helen Eberly. Velma Elridge, Leta Wine. and Ethel Sherfy. The program con slated of a musical reading, “Chums," by Miss Eldridge. two quartette numbers. "Carry Me Back to Old Virgiany." and "Last Sight." and a trio. ‘ Dear Cupid. What Troubles the men?" The program seemed to be appreciated by all.
Election of officers for next year followed THe election resulted In Otho Whiteneck bring made president, Guy Hayes vice-president, and Bernadean Van Blaricum secretary-treasurer.
The World Service Group bold a meeting on Thursda yevening. This was the first meeting since the flection of officers for the following year. Since vice-president was elected before. Ethel Sherfy was elected to this position. Ways and means of giving publicity to the Group and accomplishing its purpose as an organization were discussed.
Wednesday. May 8. 8:00—Chem-istry Lecture on Radium.
Thursday. May 9—Graduation Re-vital.
Friday, May 10— Party, School Administration Class
Saturday. May 11—State Track Meet at Ottawa.
Monday: May 13—Graduation Recital.
Besides the invited guests present at the dinner In the home economics department given by the foods class last Tuesday afternoon at five o'clock, curiosity lurked about throughout the whole affair. A pro-gram somewhat suggestive of secrets was given after the three course dinner Miss Lila Fields acted as toastmistress and Introduced the following numbers;
"Two Halves in Every Nut"—John Lehman.
"Nutty News’*—Harold Crist.
"Courtship Advice"—Ruth Blick-enstaff.
" Twas Here That I Dreamed Dear of You"—Arlene Saylor and Euegnia Dawson.
"The Last Chance —Warren Sis-lar.
Then the nutshells tied with ribbon. which had caused much conjee-turing on the part of the guests, were opened and found to contain a slip of paper which read. "Announcing— It's time to Adjourn". The announce-ment was fulfilled after the exchange of various speculations which had grown out of the nature of the pro-gram.
A color scheme of orchid and yellow were delightfully carried out In the table decorations and menu. The menu Included: golden apple cocktail, breaded veal cutlets, baked potatoes In half shell, wax beans. cheese In lemon rings, grape ho, grape fruit salad, bow knot rolls, lemon pudding, cake, coffee and bon bons. Those present were the Misses Marietta Byerty. Melda Mohler, Irene Gibson. Eugenia Dawson. Arlene Saylor. Lois Dell. Lila Fields. Lila Eberly. Jessie Churchill. Ruth Blick-enstaff and Doris Ballard and Lloyd Johnson. Wray Whiteneck. John Lehman. Keith Hayes. Warren Sisler. and Harold Crist
For the eighth time McPherson College will conduct a school for study in the midst of recreational op-portunities during the coming sum mer months Plans have already been made for the Rocky Mountain Sum-mer School at Palmer Lake. Colorado.
Last year there were eighty in at-tendance the first term and sixty-eight the last. The present outlook indicates a larger attendance this year than usual.
The second building on the cam-pus. known as Pioneer Hall, has been remodelled and made available for school work. There are now four classrooms and an auditorium. Ip addition. the public school building Is available.
The new department of music is to be added this year Professor and Mrs. G. Lewis Doll will supervise this department.
Other departments in which work is offered include education. nature Study and biological science. history. English and expression. and mathe-
Kansas Wesleyan, Second With Forty-Five Points
Pocket and Hochstrasser Are High Point Men Of The Meet,
Each 13 Points
Peat Is A Canadian World War Veteran
Lloyd Johnson and Dwight Stutz-man. and Melda Mohler and Ruth Hofman motored Wichita Sunday afternoon.
That the hope for future peace lies in the education of the youth of to-day concerning the reasons for hal red of war was vividly brought before the public mind last Tuesday night when Private Peat lectured on
What Price Glory" at the city auditorium. This lecturer, a participant In the World War In a Canadian regiment and now a resident of Florida, graphically Illustrated the honors experienced In the world combat which Involved the wholesale slaugther of men, women and child ren.
Private Peat stated that economic situations were the basic causes of the recent war and pointed out its inevitableness. His reasons for ad-vocating future peace included not only the physical conditions which must necessarily be endured by Its participants, but also Its lasting ef-rects upon the civilizations of the earth and Its utter unreasonableness. He further state that if another World War could be presented in the coming twenty-five years, there
(Continued on Page Four)
Mrs. John Luke Hoff was hostess at a tea Sunday afternoon from four till five thirty in honor of the second birthday of her daughter. Miss Mary Jo. The guests were the senior girls of the college. By way of entertain-ment Miss Mercie Shatto gave a reading and Miss Rath Hiebert read two pianologues.
Rev. Kinzie of Navarre and Rev. Nickodemus of Ohio were McPherson visitors last Thursday.
Banquets are great affairs In that they influence gossip in numerous quantities pro and con. Everyone wants to know If everyone else has a date and If so who It is "Sure you felt me who yours is and I'll tell you who mine is. Now be sure not to tell because net everyone needs to know our business".
The dresses are sure to be the main topic of conversation weeks before of speculation and days after of thoughtful (?) criticism. “Huh! I didn't think she had such a hot dress It certainly looked cheap to me. I’ll bet she got It In Sears and Roebuck It probably didn't cost half she said it did. Bat didn't so-and-so have the sweetest dress? It just looked dar-ling on her!” Such are hypocrite of the first water.
The pains that girls take with their appearance is quite pathetic at times because lots of beauty parlors can only work with material at hand and even they cannot make something out of nothing. You can get flattery from them bet It costs you. It is necessary to admit that facials, massages shampoos. manicures. and finger waves all help but you can't fool Nature so why try But It Is gratifying to know that you did your best to look pretty and If roar make-up runs. slips and slides It is only be-
cause you are excited. It Is easy to get excited over banquets. they come so seldom.
Really you must not get scared at the sliver ware because the only damage it can do is to tarnish your fingers most likely. A half hour ses-sion with Emily Post should remove
all trials and tribulations. She explicitly outlines in detail the proper im-plements to use in the manipulation of the food. However eating should not be such a serious offense so why don such a meloncholy expression when ready to excavate the cocktail It Is such an Innocent little cocktail and means no harm. It is better to don a bathing suit If you have to dive after the cherry at the bottom of the glass. Be sure to use the spoon gently as It was not meant for a shovel.
Then again why sit so tensely erect and talk so stiltedly to your partner: He won't bite anything ex-cept the pressed chicken and prob ably is as scared as you so put him at his ease and be will bless you and your postenty forever. Amen' The popular person at a banquet Is one who can forget himself and his date and who can be funny and entertain-ment.
Banquets are really trials at times especially when a meal is served that is difficult to cut gracefully. You
have In handle your knife so that it will not squirt gravy in your neighbor's eye Such meat is like the pro-verbial grapefruit. it has ambitions to be in the public eye. Of course if soup Is served you always have the person who parities his soup — probably mistaking it for Listerine-is true index his character. he is the one out of every five. Olives, too should be treated with courtesy never stick the seeds down your neighbor's coat collar. Coffee should not be. served with a spoon because is such a temptation to leave It within the cup, Mints are meant to be eaten. not to be looked at.
Banquets are not half bad if a little horse sense Is used. You should only be natural If the crowd can stand your being natural without throwing you out, Use your lead for something else than to hang bril-liants, on and you will be a social suc-cess. Above all things do not use an oyster fork to consume your cocktail with and let the dinner follow Its courses as there are usually five or six of them. Remember Emily Post Is always at your service—a new edition every year guaranteed not to have a typographical error of having the salad fork to eat fish with and she is to be trusted Fear not boys and girls, fear not.
McPherson'a fleet-footed Bulldogs scored In everyone of the 15 events on the program at the Pentangular truck and field meet hold In Salina last Thursday, and won the meet with a total of 60 1/2 points. The other teams ranked: Kansas Wesleyan,
second with 45 points Sterling, third with 22 points, Bethany fourth with 17 points, and Bethel, fifth with 14 1/2 points. "Bob" Packet and Herbert Hochstrasser Canine dash men. each scored 13 points to tie for high honors.
Mile Run--Hoisington, Wesleyan, first; Bourgain. Sterling. second Crowley, Sterling. third; Crist, Mc-
Pherson, fourth. Time, 4' 47.3".
440 yard dash— Hochstrasser. Mc-Pherson. first; Powell. Wesleyan, second, Ohmart. McPherson, third; McIntyre, Wesleyan, fourth. Time. 52.3',
100 yard dash Pucket McPher]son. first, Mallar, Wesleyan, second; Penner. Bethe, third; Carlson, Beth-any, fourth. Time. 10.4".
Shot Put -Reinhardt —Wesleyan. first; Rock, McPherson, second; Long. Bethan. third. Cunningham, Wesleyan. fourth. Distance. 41’ 4 1/2" 120 yard high hurdles—Sargent. McPherson. first. Schmidt. Bethel. second. Parks, Wesleyan, third; Burnison. McPherson, fourth. Time. 16.6”.
Half-Mile Run Hoisington. Wes-
leyan, first Barton. Sterling. second; Nenfeldt, Bethel, third; Vogt Mc-Pherson, fourth. Time, 1' 58.9”.
220 yard dash Pucket. McPher-son, first; Hochstrasser, McPherson, second Powell, Wesleyan. third: Malir. Wesleyan, fourth. Time, 23.56".
Polo Vault Barngrover, McPherson. first; Kliewer. Bethe and Bradley. McPherson and Hardy of Ster-ling tied for second Height. 11‘ 3".
Discus Reinhardt. Wesleyan. first; Perkins, Wesleyan. second: Rocks. McPherson. third; Vanek. Bethany. fourth Distance, 134' 8".
Two Mile Run McCreight. Ster-ling. first Regier. Bethel. second: Bourgain. Sterling. third, Crist, Mc-Pherson. fourth. Time. 10' 26”,
High Jump — Larson, Bethany, first; Schmidt. Bethel and Miller. McPherson, tied for second with Parks and Popper of Wesleyan. Height, 5' 10 1/2
200 yard low hurdles—Hochstras-ser. McPherson. first, Carlson. Bethany. second: Sargent. McPherson.
third, Jilka. Wesleyan, fourth Time,
Broad Jump Balir. Wesleyan.
first Pucket. McPherson. second: Carlson, Behtany. third; Ewert,
Bethel. fourth Distance. 21'.
Javelin Clay. Sterling. first: Vanek, Bethany, second; Rock. McPherson. third, Barngrover, McPher-son. fourth. Distance. 185' 4".
Mile Relay. McPherson. first; Pucket, Ohmart Sargent, Hoch-strasser: Sterling. second; Wesley-an. third Time, 3’ 24".
Philip Spohn received $2.50 for
first place and Fred Perry received
$1.00 for second place in the advanc-ed chemistry students spelling match held last Thursday afternoons. At a similar contest two years ago. Mr. Spohn also won first place.
Clyde Sheaks. Herbert Michael. and Virgil Weaver of Garden City visited the Misses Orpha and Flor-ence Weaver at Arnold Hall Sunday and Monday.
Help! Help! Help!
A Hutchinson firm sent Miss Heckethorn a letter asking It her husband could use some shirts next summer. Oh! The beans are spilled but who‘s the lucky man? Maybe be needs some socks. Eh? Miss Hecke-thorn.
A man is judged by the company he keeps, and a girl is judged by how long she keeps them.
"Is Windy a loud dresser?"
Miller' “Is he? You should hear him hunting for his collar button'
It is better to be broke than, never to have loved at all.
Spring is Here
Tra-la, tra-la and say you fisher-men when you go fishin' eat bran In the dining hall and save wear and tear on the spade.
A Time Saver
I suggest that chapel speakers be handed a card on which is printed the following:
Dear Speaker We are aware:
1. That it thrills you when you look Into our eager faces.
2. That our student body is the best looking In the U. S. a. and western civilized Europe,
3. That we want a short speech so that we may rush to after-chapel classes
4. That we are the leaders or the
next generation
5. That a future president is among us.
6. That there were once two Irishmen—Pat and Mike.
The Student Newspaper of McPherson College, purposing to recount accurately past activity - to stimulate continually further achievement— and to live and cherish our one code—'-The School of Quality”.
.. *’ clasS matter November 20, 1917. at the post-
office at McPherson, Kansas, under the art of March 3, 1897.
$1.50 per year
Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR
McPherson, Kansas
- Doris Ballard . Leland Lindell
— Ralph Bowers
Ernest Watkins Glenn Harris —Lloyd Johnson
REPORTERS Alberta Yoder Marlin Hoover Gilbert Myers
_ Maurice A. Hess
When old magazines are discarded little thought is given the fact that they may be of some use. The library appreciates the gift of magazines for Its file. Including any worthwhile reading material either on the library subscription list or not. Extra files are convenient for users of a library and often the library files of any magazine become Incomplete for various reasons. Little trouble it is to turn in the librarian any old maga-zines which are no longer of use to the owner In comparison to the worth which such material may be, Incidentally, careful and discreet use of library magazines and their prompt return make for complete files and useful and dependable source of material.
To attempt to say anything Here that is new concerning Mother's Day would be futile, however a reminder In students that Mother's Day comes again next Sunday might not be so futile. Some little remembrance that lets Mother know that you remember her especially on the day set aside fro her honor will brink immeasurable joy to her heart. Although the debts we feel we owe our Mothers can never be paid, by constant at-tention and observance of such days for Mother we may tell her of our desire to repay that debt and express our gratitude for her sacrifices that have become our blessings. The means need to let Mother know she is in our thoughts may vary from a sincere letter of appreciation to an expensive bouquet of rare flowers, but whatever the means let there be an expressions of gratitude and appreciation.
Subscription Rates.
Editor-in-chief . . Associate Editor
Business Manager__
Ass’t, Business Manager Ass't Business Manager Circulation Manager...
Harriet Hopkins Oliver Ikenberry Ethel Sherfy
Faculty Adviser
Misses Jessie Churchill and Lila Mae Eberly were week end guests at the home of the latter at Octavis. Nebraska
Miss Roberta rows. '28, of Hutch-inson was a dormitory visitor last
Mildred Swenson Bernice McClellan Emery Metzger
The ten days spent In the confer-ence at Estes would be a milestone In Any student's life. There students can live In a spirit of good-fellowship among magnificent scenery and be brought face to face with vital problems. The object of the conference is to lead students Into a fuller life and Is help them settle questions which they meet in their search for life. such as the following: What are the criteria of a successful life on the campus?" “How can I find poise and power for my life?" “What place has Jesus In a twentieth century stu-dent's life?" “Does it make any difference whether I believe in and find God real?"
These and many similar questions will be discussed by students front all nations is an atmosphere or informality and freedom. There are pleasant entertainments In the main building. horseback riding, tennis. hiking, volley-ball and other recreation all carried on In the grandeur of the mountains and making for the finest kind of comradeship which is far removed from the superficial of many college relationships. Probably the most dynamic force of the con-ference comes from the great leaders who are present and who might with the students.
One of the most outstanding persons who Is to be at Estes is Powers Hapsgood. to whom Sherwood Eddy often referred In his recent visit to our campus. This young man. a Har-vard graduate. has gives up wealth. social position, had economic secur -ity in order to identify himself With mine workers Dr. Mendenhall, with whom we an acquainted through our association with the Friends'
the Spectator
College at Wichita, Is to be the lead-. er of the morning worship hour at Estes. Any one who has met him can vouch for the strength of hus spirit-ual Influence. Other persons who will be at the conference are T. Z. Koo, leader of the Chinese Student Move ment and as authority on interna-tional questions: A. Bruce Curry, who is widely known for his under standing of students and his ability to make Jesus real in life today; and Winnifred Wygal. who has just re-turned from a year's study of life In Oriental and European countries.
Each day you live
Means one day more of life in her
Each thought you give Means more than honors can confer,
Each letter sent Brings her a Joy that floods her heart
With sweet content.
And makes her proud to do her part;
But oh! the skies
Are black If death should claim you, son
For mother dies
Ten thousand deaths when you die one.—Perry Waxman,
The 1929 Estes Park Conference opens Friday evening, June 7th and closes after breakfast June 17th. The program fees are due to be sent to the conference registrar by May 10th. this Friday. The Estes conference be-longs to the students of the Rocky Mountain Region and the needs, em-phasis, program and leader are termined by Student opinion throughout the area. Certain valuable means or getting at new ideas such as the following will be included in the program: addresses by nationally and In-ternationally known men and women, early morning worship, student quest groups under expert leadership. In-formia hours during which time the speakers are questioned regarding their points of view as expressed from the platform, association hours where students exchange ideas as to ways and means of making their Associations more effective, and delegation meetings in which a local group comes to know more Intimately the leaders of the conference and to think of the conference experience In terms of its own campus situa-tion.
The leadership this summer will be outstanding. Among the leaders there will be; T. Z. Koo of China, a leader of the Chinese Student Movement And authority on international ques-tions; Bruce Curry, a Professor in the Union Theological Seminary at New York City: Miss Winnifred Wygal also of New York City, who has recently returned from a year's study of life in European and Orient-al countries: W. O. Mendenhall, president and J. H. Langewalter of Friends University at Wichita. Kansas; Powers Hapgood of Lafayette, Colorado; David R. Porter. New York City and Executive Secretary of the Student Y. M C. A.; Ben Cher-rington. of Denver University Social Sciences department; Col. O. M Dickerson, of Colorado State Teach-er's College history department at Greely, Colo ; Paul C Johnston. Westminister Presbyterian Church at Lincoln. Nebraska, and R. G. Gustaf-son, of Denver and Dr. J. R. Earp of Bonider, Colorado.
Of Cups Won At Salina Meet
Parts of two chapel services last week were given over to the service In recognition of the achievements of the Bulldogs athletic teams. Mon-dat Dr. J. J. Yoder, representing the Board of Trustees of McPherson Col-lege, after railing each of the Basket-ball men to the chapel platform, ex-pressed the appreciation of the Board he represented for the splendid work these boys had done on their advertising the school during the past season. The Bulldogs have done a thing which has put the name of McPherson College in the big Dailys all over the country as well as on the air and in the hearts and minds of youthful athletes throughout this section. After a short talk Dr. Yoder presented the boys with a small token Of appreciation Archie Blickenstaff. Rush Holloway. Loren Rock. Emery Windmill, received miniature gold basketballs while Ray Nonken. Irvin
Rump. Elmer Crumpacker and Mel-vin Miller, who received the basket-balls Mat year. were given gold bas-ketball rings instead. After the boys had retired from the stage Dr. Yoder, after a few remarks, presented Coach Gardner with a gold ring of the same kind in appreciation of the work he has done in polishing the team and keeping It in shape for the many things it has accomplished.
Friday morning fourteen or the track and field men who made the trip to Salina the day before were called to the platform by the coach to be Introduced Individually to the school and mention was made of the fact that these fellows had won the meet in competition with the other four schools. The large silver loving cup awarded to the winners of the Pentangular meet and the smaller cup for the winners of the relay, both of which the Bulldogs brought to Mc-Pherson, were displayed. It was men-tioned that this was a bunch of hard fighting men and that they were going to enter the State Meet at Ottawa Saturday with a determina-tion to add further laurels.
TUESDAY, MAY 7. 1920
The Y. W. program last Tuesday was presented by one of the deputa-tion teams. Naomi Witmore, Marga-ret Devilbiss. Hazel Falls. Willard Peck and Lawrence Turner are mem-bers of the team. Their varied pro-gram seemed to be much appreciated.
On Wednesday the Men's Glee Club sang the Hunting Chorus from the opens Robin Hood. Mrs. Anna Tate is director of the Glee Club which is doing splendid work.
Definite evidence of corruption In student voting at the University of Wisconsin has been uncovered by a law firm which is probing the vote at the request of a defeated candidate.
A cruise to the Orient Is being sponsored by the University or Washington for freshman at the univer-ally.
Delta Gamma sorority at the Uni-versity of Oregon raised and denated $1000 to the university for a new fine arts building which is under construction there.
A new $2,225,000 Y. M. C. A. building is to be built soon at North*-western university.
Y. W. C. A.
A new $250,600 pharmacy and bac-teriology building is to be erected at Ohio State University this summer.
Miss Nina Stull of Arlington was a week end guest at the dormitory.
Freshman caps at Purdue univer-ity have been abolished for the year as the annual meeting of the freshman was held and the caps were burned. The sophomore class organized to delay the event but they worn ton Into an the caps had been destroyed.
Students are using horses and bug-gies regularly of the University or Indiana. Women students are for-bidden to ride In automobile at night unless their parents are with them or they are granted special permission by the dean of women. Carriages, surreys and buggies are now being used each evening.
The University of Washington has the country's two tallest athletes, Paul Jensen 5 feet, 7 1/2 inches. who Is captain of the football team, and Harold McClary. 6 feet 6 1/2 inches. center on the basketball team.
Mr. and Mrs, Chester Murray were dinner guests at the dormitory Sat-urday.
Students at Northwestern have. been dealt with severity by the student council on case or cribbing. Students found guilty have been suspended from the course and there-by receiving an "F" In the course.
The chemistry department has purchased an automatic hydrogen
sulphide generator and installed it in the stock roof of the department. The gas Is piped to the hoods In the find year laboratory.
This furnishes the hydrogen sulphide gas for the students from a central generator making It much more convenient than the Kipp generators which were formerly used The automatic generator in much more satisfactory and will accommodate a larger number of students.
Mr. Dwight Stutzman senior and chemistry major, accepted a position with one of the flour mills in Newton. Kansas. Mr. Stutzman left school last week but made arrange-ments to complete his school work by correspondence and will be graduated this spring with the class of '29.
Professor R. F. Jamison reminded the Students in chapel Monday of the value of thoughts. "As a man think-eth In his heart, so Is he". He said that a man becomes like the thoughts he ponders In his heart. Men are good In certain lines because they think such lines. A man's attitudes and thoughts determine what he is. If we desire beautiful lives we must think the beautiful,
The last meeting of the Chemistry
Society. Thursday. May 2. closed the series of meetings for the school year. In looking back over the activi-ties of the society a very marked ad-vance is realized. The following sta-tistics prove very interesting,
During the school year thirteen meetings have been held with an average attendance of 65.6. in 1926 the average attendance was 18 1/11, In 1927 it was 48 5/9. and in 1928, 35.7. The above shows a decided In-crease in attendance over former years.
During the school year twenty-nine talks were given on different phases of chemistry. Six demonstrations of a Varied nature were presented. One of the most interesting feature was te seven motion picture reels. referring directly to chemistry, that were shown.
The achievements of the society this year have been increased over former years. More Interest and en-thusiasm has been apparent and the steady advance in future years seems assured.
A special service for the student body was held at the church on Sun-day night, Students' Night has been observed In preceding years near the close of the term. Inspiration was received from special numbers given by the students body and from the address given by Rev. Richards, especially for the student body, An un-usually large number of students was present.
The special numbers given were; readings, Comfort and The White Rose by Miss Ruth Blickenstaff; piano duet, Overture Kazampa. by Miss Naomi Witmore and Mr. Liv-rence Turner; song, An Evening Prayer, by Misses Helen Eberly. Vet ma Eldridge, Leta Wine, and Ehtel Sherfy. Miss Hazel Falls led the opening hymns. Mr. Glenn Harris conducted the devotionals.
The theme of the address was "The Fulfillment of Life". "The theme.' said Rev. Richards. "Is a pleasant one to discuss because of Its positive, constructive aspect, its universal appeal and application, and because It Is not ’musty' with ’musts' and must nots,’ nor "shallow* with "shalls" and "shall nots" The criteria for the complete, lasting, amd satis-fying fulfillment Of life, he pointed out. are as follows; We must know ourselves; we must develop helpful relationships with our fellow men
we must learn to draw upon the resources of the soul. He admits that we find ourselves by the "trial and error" method, but Insight that It should not be erroneous too long.
“Art" and its contribution to the
life beautiful was the topic for dis-cussion in Y. W.. Tuesday, under the leadership of Miss Ruth Hiebert.
Miss Hiebert read the first chapter of Genesis. which showed how beautifully God created the world and those things within it.
The topic "Art in Everyday Life” was discussed by Miss Mildred Ihde, The decoration of one's home as a means of expressing one's individual-it yand it's artistic possibilities were pointed out.
Miss Haven Hutchinson gave a chalk talk; "Crossing the Bar." ac-companied at the organ by Miss Arlene Saylor.
(Continued from Page One)
Practically Seventy Five Dollars Are:
Cleared On Cafeteria And Booth
A Warmer Feeling Of Fellowship Is Being Established
By The Way
Miss Arian Brigham spent the week end at her home In Marion.
Kermit and Guy Hayes spent Sat-urday and Sunday at their home near
Miss Doris Ballard spent Friday night with Miss Norma Miller.
E. E. Geesling Ross Curtis, Philip Spohn, and Rush Holloway went on a fishing trip to Dunlap Friday night returning Sunday.
Miss Nellie Collins spent the week and with home folks at Larned.
Our Business is to improve your appearance and we enjoy it. Prompt service and sanitary methods. Sid's Clean Towel Shop.
Little River.
Thu Y W. C. A. girls made their work bring in material returns at the Senior Festival. The net proceeds from both the cafeteria and the booth were approximately seventy-five dollars. This sum will greatly aid the organizations, and speaks eloquently of the culinary skill and business ability of the girls on the campus.
Four hundred people were served at the cafeteria during, the noon hour. The corridors of science hall were literally Jammed. The meals were served In thy foods laboratory. The customers ate In near-by recita-tion rooms, The menu was: roast pork, potatoes and gravy, creamed peas, baked beans. vegetable salad, banana salad, cake, pie, coffee. rolls, and Ice cream. For track men a spe-cial menu of eggs, toast, milk, and tea was served. Misses Beth Hess. Lila Eberly. and Ruth Blickenstaff were In charge of the cafeteria with many of the other girls assisting.
The booth near the track field was upon from nine until six. Misses Bernice McClellan. Helen Flory, and Eugenia Dawson were In charge. Something of the amount of business done may be judged by the report that nineteen cases of pop and thirty-five dozen Eskimo Pies were sold.
During the past weeks, several deputation teams have made tours of parts of the college territory, The teams report a warm welcome and splendid response in nearly every church. They feel that the college
would newer be another. To do this Private Peat urged the Importance of educating school children to know and to hate war as It actually is instead of Inspiring them to respond to Its militaristic appeal.
By his Informal delivery, his light sarcasm upon present situations, and his presentation of truths by il-lustrative examples Private Peat secured the attention and hearts response of the audience. This was the concluding number on the community lyceum course and was the only lecture number on that program.
Yesterday afternoon the Bulldogs gave the Swedes a thorough trim-ming on the local athletic field. The McPherson track and field team made 101 points out of a possible 127 in the meet. In fact the Swedes were so match at all for the strong Bull dog aggregation and it was a run away from start in finish.
Captain Hochstasser was high point man of the meet with 14 points, three seconds and one first place "Bob" Pucket was second with two firsts.
100 yard dash —Pucket, McPher-son. first: Hochstrasser. McPherson, second: Carlson. Bethany, third.
Time. 9.8'’.
Mile run—Crist and D. Bowers of McPherson tied for first. Wheeler of Bethany. second. Time, 5' 4.7".
440 yard dash Ralph Bowers. McPherson. first: Hochstrasser , Mc-Pherson, second; Carlson, Bethany. third. Time 55".
120 yard high hurdles—Sargent McPherson, first: Burnison. McPher-son. second; Ecklund, Bethany. third Time. 15.4".
220 yard dash—Pucket. McPher-son. first: Hochstrasser. McPherson, second; Foos, Bethany, third. Time 21.4".
Half mile run——Vogt. McPherson, first; D. Bowers, McPherson. second Campbell. McPherson. third. Time 2' 18.5",
220 yard low hurdles—Hochstra-ser. McPherson. first: Carlson. Beth-any, second: Sargent. McPherson
third. Time. 26".
Shot Put—Long. Bethany. first Rock. McPherson. second; Vanek Bethany, third. Distance. 36' 1",
Pole Vault—Bargrover and Brad-ley of McPherson tied for first; Mil ler of McPherson tied with Nelson and Foos of Bethany for third. Height, 10' 6".
Discus Miller, McPherson. first; Nelson, Bethany. second; Rock. Mc-Pherson, third Distance, 418’ 9", Broad jump Carlson. Bethany, first; Voran. McPherson. second; Barngrover. McPherson, third, Dis-tance, 20' 9 3/4
Two mile run—Crist, McPherson, first: Buskirk. McPherson. second; E. Carlson, Bethany, third Time, 11' 19.5".
Half mile relay — McPherson (Ralph Bowers, Nonken, Pucket, Hochstrasser). first; Bethany, sec-ond. Time, 1' 33.9".
High Jump—Miller of McPherson and Larson of Bethany tied for first; Vanek of Bethany and Bradley of McPherson tied for third. Height. 5' 8'"
Javelin- Barngrover. McPherson. first; Rock. McPherson. second, Vanek, Bethany, third. Distance, 169'
Miss Alberta Yoder and Margaret Devilbiss and Kenneth Rock motored to Navarre Saturday.
Miss Edna Nyquist spent Saturday night at the dormitory with Miss Mercie Shatto.
has been benefitted In many ways. A warmer feeling of fellowship has been established ; also many prospective students were urged to come to McPherson.
One team visited communities in northeast Kansas near Morrill and Sabetha. Fire programs were give which were well received. The team which .Visited In Missouri encountered mud. but were not seriously hindered by it. They were greatly appreciated. Fourteen church programs and seven high school programs were given. Many good reports of the work done by this team have been received. The team which went Into Nebraska was hindered considerable mud and bad weather. Seven church programs and one high school program were rendered. Since returnig, this team has taken another trip Into the churches near Overbook. Kansas, where a splendid response was met among the members. Four church programs and one high school program were given here. A second girls quartette has made week-end trips to the churches near Wichita, and also near Lawrence and Topeka. A total of seven church programs and one high school program were given. Other trips are being planned for week-ends into many of the nearer churches. These are eagerly antici-pated by the teams and by the churches expecting them.