McPherson college, McPherson. Kansas. Tuesday. April 30. 1929
Over A Hundred Medals
And Ribbons Awarded
The eighth annual interscholastic meet held on the McPherson College athletic field last Saturday as a great success In every detail. The day was filled with activity In such a way that there were no dull periods. The preliminary events were started at ten o'clock In the forenoon and were finished by twelve thirty. Ap-proximately four hundred athletes computed In the final events that were started at one forty-five o'clock In the afternoon. Five new meet records were made : Dumm of Hols-ington set a new record when he rat the 120 yard high hurdles In 16.3": Does of Lorraine who held the former record In the shot put set a new record at 54' 3.5”: Gray of Newton. holder of the former pole vault record set the new record at 12’ 1/4": Cipra of Ellsworth set the new record In Javelin at 166' 10" Hess of Hal-stead established the new 440 yard dash record at 53.1' Schmidt or Halstead set a new mark for the mile run when he lowered the time to 4’ 46.5”. The new broad Jump mark was set at 21' 8 1/2 by Kennedy of -Chase. The El Dorado mile relay team cut the time on the mile relay from 3’ 56.6” to 3' 36.7" and the half mile relay team from Pratt cut the time on their race from 1’ 41.2” to 1' 36.4”. The former record for the medley relay was 3' 59.2", but the Hutchinson team lowered that to 3'
The sweepstakes trophy In Class A was awarded to the team from El Dorado. this team having made 24 points In the meet. The second places was held by the Pratt team, with 21 3/4 points. and Hutchinson took third with 19 3/4 points. Halstead run away with the honors In the Class B group, and won the sweepstakes
(Continued on Page Four)
Twelve Are Classified first As High Ranking Students
The honor roll for the first nine weeks tends to be a somewhat ex-clusive list. Those students who made forty nr more honor points were:
Noami Witmore - . ..... 51
Bernice McClellan ___48
Norma Miller ______ 46
Evalyn Fields_______ 44
Dorothy Swain ____ 47
Margaret Devilbiss ___ 42
Fred Perry _ ______ _ ..........45
Ollier high ranking students were Ruth Blickenstaff, Lois Beam Kathryn Evan, Helen Flory. Sylvia Flory, E. F. Geeslin. Daniel John-son Irene Steinberg. Ethel Sherfy, Fern Shoemaker. Ingeburg Swanson. and Ruth Hoffman.
Mrs, Sallie Shirky Miles. A 1899, is register of deeds, Lane County, Kansas.
Elmer M. Hersch. A. B. 1916, is field assistant of the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States. Mr. Hersch lives at Champaign. Illinois.
Heary W. Lohrenz. A. B,, 1908. Is president of Tabor College, Hillsboro
H- J. Pankratz. Com. 1898, has been In the same bank in Hillsboro ty-two year. . its
"The Personnel Of The Teacher" Was Topic Of Address
On Wednesday Superintendent W, 8 Heusner of the Salina schools defined a very instructive lecture in the McPherson College chapel. His address dealt with "The Personnel of the Teacher”. Teaching is rapidly becoming a profession The great responsibility of moulding a young life during the formative period of each succeeding generation In en-trusted to the school teacher. Out of a large number of teacher that he has had, he stated that he remember-ed only a very few an having made a contribution specifically to his life. This contribution that a teacher makes is the personal type. The per-sonal of character, and integrity of soul.
Important, as scholarship Is to a teacher, teaching takes something vastly larger than scholarship. There are three essentials for a teachers. A teacher mast have health which means abounding health and vigor. The second essential is open-mind-edness to truth and progress, With progress the horizon of human activ-ity Is broadening. The third essen-tial In character coupled with personality. Every teacher must he morally strong. If a teacher is going to make a personal contribution to youth, that teacher must possess these qualities of a teacher. Teaching is the giving of one's vitality to that profession which it represents
Superintendent Heusner has been the superintendent of the Salina schools for sixteen years. In this
school system there are one hundred-
fifty teachers and forty-three hun-dred pupils.
The members of the Male Quar-tette, and their acommpanist, Lloyd Johnson sand three numbers for a ladies club at the Fred Church home down town Wednesday afternoon. Miss Ruth Blickenstaff gave two con-tume readings.
The Y. M. program last Tuesday was In chance of the college quartet composed of Lloyd Diggs. Walter Fillmore. Oliver Ikenberry, and Ross Curtis.
They gave several members rang-ing from the sacred to the humor ous. The audience seemed to appre-ciate the program very much.
The most tasty sorts or dressings are mayonaise and cream but the most interesting dressing is known as date dressing. First of all it is neces-sary to have a date and once that is satisfactory arranged with one or more parties, usually one of which is masculine then commences the prep-aration for the fray. The girl has to land her man some way and the only way she known is the means provided by Parisian dressmakers. perfume factories. and the cosmetic forces known as eyebrow pencil, lip stick, rough. powder and other fly traps.
Of course different girls have dif-ferent ways of dressing for their rea. pective and dubious dates. If a girl is anxious to make a good impression she spends two or three' days befor*' hand preparing for her date. Then again is she knows that she is so pop-ular that it is not Imperative that she look her best for this one date of she doesn't take as much pains as the girl who does not date much.
The quiet girl who never says
Miss Margaret Devilbiss has been chosen May Queen by the members, of the "M" Club for the Fete tomorrow,
Tonight— Last. Number of Ly-ceum, Private Peat
Wednesday. May 1 — May Fete, 6:30 on campus.
Thursday, May 2 Patangular Track Meet at Kansas Wesley-an.
Friday May 3 -Junior-senior Banquet.
Saturday, May 4—Sophomore Pic-nic.
Increased Enrollment Over Last Similiter Is Expected
• Summner school prospects are very bright according to Professor Blair.
He has secured highly competent teachers. An increase in enrollment over last year is expected.
The summer session gives oppor-tunity for students to complete work. to take special work, or to reduce the time required for graduation. It gives many opportunities for lovers of music through the courses which are offered.
It is especially advantageous to teachers who wish to continue a col-lege course or who desire better methods of teaching. As an old In getting or renewing certification the summer session is valuable.
With a competent faculty and good equipment, In a beautiful and healthful location where standard word is done; McPherson College Summer Session should be a success.
A Large Number of Useful
Were Given
The shower which the Y. W.C. A. gave for "Miss Kitchenette” last Tuesday afternoon in the Y. W. room was a success If number, beauty and utility of gifts received are accurate indications of success. The ladies of the Common club were guests of the Y W and brought as their gift a set of silver matching that already In
the kichenette equipment.
The room was so full by 4:30. the hour net for the shower, That It was necessary to carry in chairs from ad-Joining rooms. By way of entertain-ment Ruth Hiebert gave two costume readings: "The Horrors of Youth,” and "The Bow-legged Boy.” and Mrs. Anna Tate sang "Little Woman o’ mine,” and responded to applause with an encore number. "Her Gown”
Ruth Blickenstaff took her place behind the gift-laden table and un-wrapped the gifts. Amour them were, an arm, a net of dishes, two sets of tumblers, one net of sherbet glasses. a dishpan. soap, a pyrex baking dish and a tea set of six cups
and saucers which contained no card. Besides these there were inumber-able small articles which are Indis-peasable in the modern kitchen.
When all the gifts had been un wrapped a line was formed pasing by "Miss Kitchenette's" door where Miss Beth Hess served, the guests with punch and wafers.
All present gave their best retards to “Miss Kitchenette” and ex-pressed the desire that she may have a long useful life on the McPherson College Campus.
Professor J A Blair will be a busy man when the high school commence-ments begin. He will deliver the com-mencement addresses in at least seven high schools beginning May 15, Healy, Latham, Kingsdown, Glen Elder, Ulysses Lorriane. and John-son High School have scored the services of the McPherson orator.
Annual Meeting of The State Acad-emy Of Science-
The annual meeting of the Kansan State Academy of Science. held at Manhattan April 25, 26, and 27. was attended by Dr. J. Willard Hershey, Prof. H H. Nininger. Dr. H. J. Harnly. Prof. J, H. Bowman. and Mr. W. Knaus The following students attended. Marie Rimer, Vera Cade. Raymond Peterson, Allen Moriat and George Swank,
Dr. Hershey read a paper on "Ar-tificial Diamonds”. Prof. Nininger presented the motion picture of the "Armadillo”. Dr, Harnly read a paper on "The Horner Twins”.
Next year the annual meeting will be held at Hays.
A Throne Has Been Constructed In
Southwest Corner Of Campus
In observance of May Day the an-nual college May fete will be spon-sored by the Women's Athletic Asso. ciation tomorrow evening at six thirty o'clock. Miss Margaret Devil-biss who has been chosen queen of May will be crowned and aside from this event it program of seasonal ex-ercises and drills will be given by the girl's physical training depart-ment.
A throne has been built In the southwest corner of the campus. Lat-tice interwoven with flowers and vines Will form the background and In this place the fete will be celebrat-ed.
Miss Alberta Hovis as maid of honor, amiinpaiifeMl hr Reuben Bowman, will crown the queen. Other attend-ants representing each class are: Misses Floy Brown, Jessie Churchill. Lois Dell, Velma Wine. Ada Stutz-man, and Nellie Collins, and Leland Lindell, Irvin Rump, Marvin Stef-fen, Fred Andrews, Keith Hayes and Donald Trostle. The queen and her attendants will be apparalled in Formal dress.
The flower children are: Marilyn Doll. Jean Boone. Richard Mohler. George Boone. and Ardis Hershey.
After the procession and the crowning of the queen a program consisting of the winding of the May pole and other drills by the physical training classes will be given
The May fete is one of the out-standing events sponsored by the W. A. A. during the year and Miss Devilbiss is to be congratulated upon being chosen May queen which is no small honor.
much always blushes when asked for
a date, consequently blushes two or three times a year. Now she gets all excited about her date and rushes right upstairs after supper to begin her preparation. She, trembles and shrinks and has cold chills. She washer her face until it stings then of course it stays red. Puts puts on a little power a little rough and is ready by six thirty so when her date comes at seven thirty she is all ner-
leaving her with a shiny nose and a seared expression which would scare away the poor boy even If he did hap-pen to want a date which he usually does not because there are so many girls.
The popular girl who dates all the time and different ones constantly. has a different make up for each type For the shiek she puts on a lip-stick cupidbow. a flaming rouge and slinky eyebrows, She combs her hair straight back and brilliantines It so that she looks like a De Maupassout heroine, She touches perfume to her
eye lashes the lobes of her ears, and the corners of her mouth. The quiet type of date has a charming makeup prepared for him The hair in curled in ■ delicious halo around her face. Only a dusting of powder is permitted on the nose and no lipstick at all. Her dress Is sure to be of some fluffy, filmy stuff that looks like moonshine-and also goes to the head much like the "happy stuff" by the same name This girl knows her makeup and has them pigeon-holed.
The girl who dates steadily has a sure and tried method of makeup. After she has landed the man. much, to his surprise, she finds out his taste In lipstick (usually prefers Kiss-proof) and rouge. Then she knows, exactly what to do and thereby saves time when having a date. She can wait until fifteen minutes before the appointed hour and then be as spic and span as if she had spent two hours In preparation.
(A hint to the wise—the only kinds of perfumes to be used when preparing for a date are Three Flowers and Ben Hur).
The Director And Cast Deserve Much Praise
Thu performance of H. M S. Pina-fore, or The Lass That Loved a Sailor, Comic Opera in two acts text by W. S. Gilbert and music by Sir Arthur Sullivan, given last Wednesday evening at the City Auditorium by the McPherson College Chorus under the direction of Mrs. Anna C. Tate, was a creditable one Some un-suspected operatic talent was reveal-ed This production is the first dramatic effort by the music department for some time and should be a fore-runner of yet more serious works. The director and these participating deserve much praise to their un-tiring efforts to present a worthwhile
The McPherson Salon Orchestra, Prof G Lewis Doll, director, furnish-ed a very satisfactory accompaniment in addition to special numbers before and between acts. Miss Thelma Budge was pianist.
Pinafore is a Light Opera, full of wit. clever dramatic situations and tuneful music and is one of the most popular of the, Gilbert Sullivant op-era. It had its first performance in London, 1878.
The Chorus and Orchestra repeat-ed its performance at the Sterling College Auditorium the following evening before an appreciative audience. The courtesy and hospitality shown was much appreciated
Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph Porter. K C B Baritone Oliver Ikenberry.
Captain Corcoran. Commanding H. M. 3 Pinafore. Baritone Fred Ellis.
Ralph Rackstraw, Able Seaman. Tenor— Lloyd Diggs
(Continued on Page Two)
REPORTERS Alberta Yoder Marlin Hoover Gilbert. Myers
The Three C's
The Student Newspaper of McPherson College, purposing to recount accurately past activity -to stimulate continually further achievement— and to live and cherish our one code —"The School of Quality".
Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR
McPherson, Kansan
Entered as second class matter November 20. 1917, at the goal office at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.
Subscription Rates--------------$1.50 per
_ Doris Ballard Leland Lindell
Business STAFF
_Ralph Bowers
- Ernest Watkins . - Glenn Harris . Lloyd Johnson
The days of the three R's in education are past. The three R's remain yet, although we sometimes wonder If they are not slighted a little In the educational whirl. If this change In the educational system, the In-novation of a widely varied curriculum, has made things sort of "muddled" at times and left as to wonder in what direction we are going. there have also been highly desirable additions made by the same change. Through the years between days of 'readin' 'ritin'. and 'rithmetic and the present there have come new duties In the teacher. Nor only the ability to Impart something of the three R's measures a teacher’s success today, but the ability to Impart something of the three C's, character, culture and citizen-ship, also enters Into the measurement at the teacher's attainments.
The opportunity to teach these three C'a does not present itself In a recitation on the subjects, but It is ever present, in the schoolroom and out. Any curricular subject presents opportunity to teach honesty, care-fulness, and sincere effort and to make convictions and decisions. The Ideals of culture, respect and regard for other personalities. desire for the general welfare, and an appreciation of the best In life, all based upon an inner desire for their attainment, may be taught by example better than any other method. By example and by practice is citizenship taught The citizenship of tomorrow depends upon the citizenship of the students of today who will enter upon that tomorrow as leaders Along with the three R's the successful school includes the three C's.
"Boose and the world boosts with you;
Knock and you're on the shelf.
For the world gets sick of the fellow who kicks
And wishes he’d kick himself".
So one writer has put it. and how fittingly it may be applied to college students. College students may he classed under the two hands’ the booster and the knocker. But that would not Include all of the students. There is a class which might he called the "Indifferent" group, behaving' almost as badly as the knockers
Why is it, that no matter what the Issue may be, whatever may he before the students body, there are always a group of boosters, of course, but on the other hand, there are always a group of knockers? Of course it is a person's right In oppose an Issue which he really Is not In favor with, and one may be congratulated upon doing so for It shows initiative and in-dependant thinking A person at this type cannot be called a knocker. But the person Is mind, the real knocker, the kicker, who opposes every issue at stake for the sheer Joy of being on the opposite side, who argues against a thing for argument's sake who is in the habit of opposing everything which comes along Just because be has a "gripe" on and can best got his soul satisfaction through bring on the opposite side, la the one to be condemned.
Do we have a group of knockers and kickers here on our campus? People do not like to be called by such names, but what else fits them when they fight everything which comes ap?
It is only through boosting that we can keep up our school spirit, It is only through boosting that we can get any place in this world. We can't set down and wall for someone to come along and give us the push to goad us on. Neither can we get to the top by knocking and kicking. It is the booster whom we need. We need one who will get behind things and pat them across. We need people to back up the good thing*. We need people to back up the school. It is the booster who will do this.
Which class do you belong to? Are you a booster? Or are you one of the knockers? Knockers don't get anywhere but on the "Shelf". Boosters go on and on. Be a booster.—K. S T, C. Bulletin,
Two names have recently been added to the children's list of the class of 1922 Sonya Rose Wine, daughter
Harry Crumpacker, A. B., 1908, is In his seventh year as superintendent
of the city school. Hoquism, Wash-. ington
Miss Lois Myers, ’27 who In teach-ing at Alta Vista was a campus visit-or Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Dell and small daughters of Marion visited Miss Lois Dell at the dormitory Sunday.
Miss Inez Hobbisiefken spent the week end at her home at Caldwell
Dwight Stuntzman went to Newton where he has accepted a position an a chemist In one of the firms there.
Miss Clara Graeboer spent the latter part of last week at her home at Macksville. returning Thursday.
Miss Lousie Allen was called to her home at Ottawa last Thursday be cause of the serious Illness of her
father. She returned Sunday evening
Albert J. Philippi '28 who is teach-ing at Plains was on the campus Saturday.
Lavelle "Zeke” Saylor '28 of Marion was a campus visitor Saturday
Roscos C. Ingalls. A. B. 1909. Is principal of the Garfield High School. Los Angeles California.
S. C. Miller. A. B.. 1904 to head of
Miss Irene Steinberg spent Satur-day night and Sunday with Miss Edith Myers at the latter's home near Windom.
Misses Helen Buskirk and Ann-wilda Hovis of El Dorado spent the latter part of last week visiting campus friends here.
Miss Elizabeth Bowman of Quinter us visiting her brother Reuben here, since Sunday.
Cecil R. Williams. formerly an in-structor here, and at present at Stillwater. Oklahoma, was a campus visitor last work end.
Rolland Warren, '28 visited college friends Saturday and Sunday.
Joy A. Eller, a. B.. 1925, finds a busy life In addition to his high sellout teaching at Wenaiche, Wash-ington. He is president of the local until of W. E. A., chairman of the religious works committee of the community, active In the Y. M. C. A., an ordained elder in the Church at the Brethren, and father of a son nearly two years old.
Editor-in-chief Associate Editor
Business Manager Ass't Business Manager Ass't. Business Manager . Circulation Manager .
Harriet Hopkins Oliver Ikenberry Ethel Sherfy
Faculty Adviser —
"Got a sweetheart"
‘‘Yes. and he's a regular gentle-man'*.
"You don't say so?"
“Yea. be took me to a restaurant last night and poured his tea into a saucer to cool it; but he didn't blow It like common people do—he fanned it with his bat -and may. I wish you'd see how he cleans up the gravy with a piece of bread It's the prettiest thing in the world.
There are two sides to a question —your side and the Wrong side.
A middle-aged man is one who has quit growing on either end but con-tinue to grow is the middle; *t some college profs.
Mildred Swenson Bernice McClellan Emery Metzger
_______.Maurice A. Hess
And there was the SCOTCHMAN who won so close be got slapped.
The Bore—-I passed by your place yesterday".
The Bored—"Thanka, awfully".
Some of them restaurant men who Advertise home cooking must have had terrible bringing up.
Don't kick a man when he is down —be may get up.
"Does your son keep a diary walls
at college. Mrs. Jones?"
"Yes, He saves all of his check stubs".
The girl of today isn't as bad as she is painted
The earliest known celebration of May day are to be found among the records and traditions of Roman holi-days and festivals when those pleas-ure loving people gave vent to their feeling or gladness at the coming of spring in the Floral games which began on April 24 and lasted for a few days. Our own Mad-day festival is more closely connected with those of England fur whose origin we must go back farther than the sixteenth century. Al that time If was the custom for the midde and humble classes to go out early to the morn-ing to gather flowers and foliage with which they would decorate the door of every home in the village. They came to call the hawthorne bloom as the May and spoke of the ceremony as "the bringing home the May", The fairest girl In Ihe village was crowned as the "Queen of the May", Often times ladies and gentlemen Joined In the festivities and there In evidence that once Henry VIII and his Queen Catherine of Aragon Joined with the heads of the corporation of London in the celebra-tion of May day.
The people were not content with crowning a queen of May and decorating the doors of the village so they set up a Maypole as high as the mast of a vessel at one hundred tons from whose top they suspended wreaths of flowers and round which they danced nearly the whole day long. During the Puritan era the Maypoles were uprooted and an and put to all the jollities but after the Restoration they were reerected and all the festivities were carried out.
It is from these customs that we have derived our May fete, with many changes and modifications It is true. Such a festival is a form of nature warship which gives the human heart a way In which to ex-press its gladness al the coming of spring with its new life, hope and vitality.
the Social Science Department Of Elgin. Illinois. High School.
The current issue of the Vocational Guidance Magazine contains an article, "Another Basis for Vocational Guidance." by J. F. Batherst. Re-seach Associate of the Bureau of Public Personnel Administration, Washington, D. C. Mr, Bathurst has his degree from McPherson With the class of 1922.
Ralph Hoover. A. B., 1927. expects in complete the work for a degree. Bachelor of Divinity, from Bethany Bible School Seminary, May, 1929. Mr. Hoover will probably do evangelistic work next year. In addition to his study, be to now preaching at tbe Hastings Street Mission In Chicago.
Edward P. McGill. Com.. 1890, left the school room for Canton, Kan-sas. In 1892, He is In the general merchandise business for his thirty-eighth year. Mr. McGill Is also president of the State Bank.
Musical Comedy Is Well Presented
(Continued from Page One)
Dick Deadeye. Able Seaman, Bass —Orville Voran.
Bill Bolstay. Boatswain's Mate. Bass— Lawrence Turner.
Josephine, the Captain's Daughter, Soprano—Prudence Ihrig.
Hebe. Sir Joseph's Cousin, Mezzo-Soprano— Arlene Saylor.
Little Buttercup. Contralto—Helen Eberly.
First Lords Sisters Cousins and Aunts. Sailors. Marines.
The scene is laid on the quarter deck of His Majesty's Ship Pinafore
TUESDAY. APRil 30, 1929
Luncheon Was Given In Basement of
Brethren Church
As a fitting conclusion to a festival day more than three hundred fifty
seniors of the surrounding hight schools who were the guests of Mc-Pherson college Saturday were en-tertained at a luncheon In the base-ment or the college church at six thirty o'clock Saturday evening.
While a five piece orchestra, which furnished music throughout the meal, played a march, the guests found their places around the tables, Twen-ty girls of the home economics department then served the luncheon which consisted of tomato salad on lettuce. meat and cheese sandwiches pickles. Ice cream, cake, and punch.
Miss Winder Witnessed The Proced-ure Of League Last summer
All Phases Of Books And Book Cul-ture Are Enumerated
H B Frantz. A. B. 1921 Is Field
Secretary of La Verne College.
Although the League is doing a big work, it will not solve all the world's problems. As Miss Winder sees it, in order to find the true institution of pence, we must have a big spirit of friendship. We, too, can help In the solution of permanent peace in on generation by being ambassadors of good Will.
The secretariat composed of committees and comissions, takes up such problems as the budget of the League, social relations. commerce and armaments. The security that can be found In friendship has not yet been realized by the world. Germany, forced to decrease arms
ments at the close of the World war, looks askance at other nations whose armament are steadily increasing it: spite of the fact that they also promised to decrease them.
That the United States has an enormous responsibility was also shown by the speaker. Other nations of the world cannot understand the actions of our nation which gave the world the League of nations and the World Court and stayed out of both They are watching America for a solution of such problems as peace.
prevention of disease and prohibition.
At the conclusion of the meal after a number of pep songs and yells from the representatives of the various high schools, Dr. V. F. Schwalm welcomed the seniors and the high school faculty members present.
The college male quartette then sang a group of songs after which Miss Mildred Swenson gave the read-ing "Jane'' In costume. Mrs. Anna Tate, instructor in voice sang a solo and Miss Ruth Heibert read "Horror* of Youth” also In costume.
As a representative alumnus, Sam Kurtz *26, who is an instructor In Newton high school, spoke on the things which college life offers out-side of class. Prof. M. A. Hess, Coach George Gardner, and Dean R. E. Mohler each spoke briefly on the opportunities a college given and Mc-Pherson college as the "school of quality". Dr. Schwalm then intro-duced other members of the faculty ihter which the male quartette again entertained the group with a number of songs, concluding the program.
The attentiveness and applause with which the guests received the program and the expression of appre-ciation for the luncheon indicate that the evening's entertainment had been enjoyed and it is hoped a large percent of these high school seniors Will be college freshman here next
The subject discussed at Y. W. C. A. on last Tuesday was "Books". Miss Margaret Drencher was the leader. A violin nolo, "Old Viennese Retrain" was played by Orion High as a prelude." Jessie Churchill spoke on the subject. "Books as Recreation and Inspiration”. She pointed out their constant availability and in-creasing interests as a source of In-spiration. She encouraged all to make reading good books a hobby.
"What GGood Books Can Do For
Williams. She assured the girls that
the way to stay young and maintain an interest In life to read many good books,
Doris Ballard enumerated the "Qualities of a Good Book". Fore-most among them she placed truth and beauty, "A good book." she says. "Must be true to life and artistic in presentation",
A girls quartette composed of, Prudence Ihrig. Sylvia Edgecomb,
Mildred Wine. and Sylvia Flory sang "Come Where the Lilies Bloom".
Though brief, Miss Winder's talk touched on the various phases of the Geneva conference and Its relation to the United States in a comprehensive manner.
Stressing the fact that youth. and especially college youth, is interna-tionally minded and vitally concerned about the future welfare of the un-tions of the world, the speaker cited the examples of two other confer-ences which she attended In England and Holland at which representatives from seventeen and thirty-one na-tions respectively met to 'discuss Chrsitianity and war.
A number of people with which Miss Winder met while in Europe have had the Impression that America Is a land of millionaires and sky-scrapers. “We need to do a better piece of advertising for our country.
Composed of a secretariat, a coun-cil. and an assembly, the League of Nations provides ample expression to the internationally minded people who meet at Genova. Italy to discuss and work out solutions For the wel-fare of every nation in the world. More than one hundred fifty men and women from fifty-three nations com-pose the assembly.
A conference of this kind, as Miss Winder pointed out. gives the people a Chance to got acquainted with great personalities and with people of other nations. And she further stated. “We
cannot get acquianted with the peo
ple of other countries until we know.
their languages".
Miss Lehman told the students in chapel Monday lots in attain cultur While our environment does not mainly determine our culture It is the source of our culture. The pro-cess of attaining culture depends upon one's self, Culture depends upon our ability to utilize the environment around us There are those stu-dents who express a desire for culture but do not make use of the offer-
ings at hand. The name environment offers ground for culture and for vulgarity, Colelge young people
should live a the good so that people about will see the good and want to live the cultured life. Culture Is a cherished desire from the Inner heart.
Our Business is to Improve your
appearance and we enjoy it. Prompt
service and sanitary methods. Sid's
Clean Towel Shop.
Chas Dean. a. B. 1921 Is
visor of Training. Montana
Normal School billings.
B. j. Friesen. a. B., 1913 has been
pastor of the Mennonite Brethren Church. Bakerfield. California, since 1913.
(Continued from Page One)
trophy. they accumulated 40 points; Chase got 25 1/3 and Buhler got 16 Harvey of Minneapolis made the most points per Individual contestant In the Class A' events with 13 points, which was all his team scored. Dumm of Hoisington was a close second with 10% points Clyde Lockert of Pratt and Kirby of Larned tied for third place with 8 points each. Murry of Halstead. Carlson of Lost Springs, and Kennedy of Chase tied for first place in Class B for individual hon-ors with 10 points apiece. Over a hundred medals. loving cups. and ribbons were awarded the winning contestants.
Alberta Williams of Windom was the one to carry off the high honors for the girls' meet. She took three firsts and made 15 of her team's 19 points. Rated according to schools Windom ranked first with 19 points.
Bushton. second with 13 and Mc-Pherson. third with 7 1/2
Class A Events
120 yard high hurdles—Dumm. Hoisington. first; Ream. El Dorado, second; Wright, learned, third. Time 16.3".
High Jump—Robinson of Great Bend. Dumm of Hoisington. Farmer of Pratt, and Johnson of Hutchinson tied for first. Height 5' 6.9”.
880 yard run—Burger, Halstead, first; Voth. Rubier. second; Mitchell, Burrton. third. Time. 2' 7.6".
Medley relay—Buhler, first; Hills-bore, second: Republic, third. Time. 3' 45.5”
220 yard dash—Faulk, Turon, first; Hess, Halstead, second; Campbell. Chase. third. Time. 33".
Shot put—Dees. Lorraine, first; Toevs Inman, second; Shelleberger, Claflin. third. Distance. 53. 3.5 ",
Mile relay—Halstead, first; Chase, second; Republic, third. Time, 3' 38.7".
Girls Events 10 Oyard dash—Willlams. Wind om. first: Orth. Bushton. second: V. Williams, Window, third. Time 13.1".
220 yard dash—Orth. Bushton first; Miller, Republic, second; Baker. St John, third. Time. 31.5".
High Jump—A. Williams. Win-dom. first; Maker. St. John, second Line, McPherson, third. Height, 4
Approximately 860 students have been enrolled In the college of engineering at the University of Oklahoma during the 1928-1929 school year.
Broad Jump—-Williams, Windom first: Peterson. Assaria. second: Kit-tel of McPherson, Miller of Republic tied for third. Distance. 16' 1/4".
Baseball throw--—-Huebner, Bush-ton, first; Miller, Republic, second Peterson. Assaria, third. Distance. 210'.
Half Mile Walk—Bonham. McPherson. first; Hoffman, Windom second: Sargent, McPherson, third Time, 5' 4.5'*.
Shot Put—Lockert, Pratt, first; Dumm, Hoisington, second: Chaltz, Ellsworth. third. Distance. 45' 1" 100 yard dash—Lynch. Hoising-ton, first, Harvey. Minneapolis, sec-ond: Daniels. Sterling, third. Time.
Half Mile Relay—Pratt, first: Hutchinson, second; Eldorado, third. Time, 1' 36.4".
Mile Run—Ellison, Hutchinson. first; Nethardt, Pratt, second Pierce. El Dorado, third. Time 4'
440 yard dash Kirby, Larned. first: Condit. El Dorado. second; Colvin, Abilene, third. 53.3”.
Discus Childs. Salina, first; Lockert. Pratt, second; Gray. Newton. third. Distance. 117' 4 1/4 Broad Jump—Harvey, Minneapo-lis. first; Breen. El Dorado. second Robinson. Great Bend, third. Dis-tance, 20' 9 1/4"
220 yard low hurdles -Daniels. Sterling. first: Miller. Newton, sec-ond: Coppoe, Larned, third. Time. 26.9”,
Pole Vault—Gray, Newton, first: Silverwood Ellsworth. second; While. Ellsworth, third. Height, 12' 1/4
880 yard run—Moss El Dorado.
first; Dillon. Hutchinson. second; Bylee, Larned, third. Time. 2" 8.2"
Medley Relay— Hutchinson, first, E Dorado. second; Sterling, third. Time. 3’ 38.4".
220 yard dash—Harvey. Minneapo-lis, first; Kirby, Larned, second. Lynch. Hoisington, third. Time, 23.6" Javelin—Cipra Ellsworth, first: Hapgood. McPherson, second. Eads. Ellsworth, third. Distance, 166' 10".
Mile Relay—El Dorado, first: Pratt. second. Hutchinson, third Time. 3' 26.7“
Class B
120 yard high hurdles—Eddiger, Bubler. first; Pauls. Halstead. sec-nod; Johnson, Marquette, third. Time, 17.1".
Discus Carlson, Lost Springs, First; Socolofsky. Tampa, second; Dees, Lorraine, third, Distance. 120',
Pole Vault—Kennedy, Chase, first; Purkey, Sedgwick, second; Linke of Claflin. Johnson of Marquette. and Ediger of Buhler tied for third. Height. 10'
10V yard dash— Murry. Halstead, first; Campbell. Chase, second; Tre-go. Little River. third. Time. 10.4".
Half Mile Relay—Chase, first: Turon, second; Marquette. third Time. 1’ 37.9"
Mile Run—-Schmidt. Hillsboro, first; Ratzlaff, Halstead, second Graeber, Gypsum, third. Time, 4" 46.5
440 yard dash Hess. Halstead first: Trego. Little River, second Sconce Halstead, th. Time, 63.IH Javelin - Carlson. Lost Springs,
first; Kohrs, Hope . second Shellen-berger. Claflin, third, Distance. 159'
Broad Jump—Kennedy. Chase, first; Linke, Chase, second; Van Nartwick. third Distance, 21* 8 1.2".
220 yard low hurdles—Murry. Hal-stead. first; Dirks, Buhler, second; Sjogren, Marquette. third. Time. 27.7".
High Jump—Cheatum, of Hal stead, Socolofsky of Tampa. Johnson of Assaria andd Purky of Sedgwick tied for first. Height, 5’ 7”,
Foreign students attending Amer-ican colleges arc estimated to number about 20,000.
Scholarship awards will be given the fraternities making the highest averages during the year, at the an-
nual interfraternity banquet at the University of Nebraska.
Intramural baseball teams have been organized at the University of Oklahoma.
The last of the state laws opposing national Greek letter organizations disappeared when the governor of Ar-kansas signed a bill repealing an old act which forbade fraternities at the University of Arkansas. This was the only remaining state in the Union to have such a statute.
Friday in chapel Professor J. Hugh Heckman defined player as a dominate desire. Prayer is a propelling force back of our effort It is an In-stinctive desire of man to pray in some form. Prayer is habitual, par-sistent communion with God.