McPherson college, McPherson. Kansas,
The Final Score Was 65 5/6 For K, W. U. And 65 1/6 For McPherson
Hochstrasser. McPherson, Was High Point Man Of The Meet
The McPherson College Bulldog track and field team lost to the Kansas Wesleyan team at Salina last Tuesday afternoon in what was re-ported to have been one of the closest contest seen on that field. The vic-tory came to the Coyotes when they won the mile relay at the end of the meet. The final score was 65 5/6 for Wesleyan and 65 1/6 for McPherson
Hochstrasser of McPherson closed a forty yard gap In the last lap of the mile relay and came within less than an inch of giving the race to the Bulldogs against Wesleyan's best man.
Hochstrasser was high point man in the meet with a first place in the 440 yard dash and two seconds in 100
and yard dashes. Pucket. Jilka.
Hays and Reinhardt each captured two first places.
100-yard Pucket. McPher-
first. Hochstrasser. McPherson, second Nonken. McPherson. third. Time.
220-yard dash —Pucket McPher-
son first; Hochstrasser, McPherson. second; Hoisington, K. W. U third Time. 24.2".
120-yard High Hurdles— Jilka. K W, U find: Sargent, McPherson. second Burnison, McPherson. third Time. 16.6".
Mile Run—Hays, K. W. U„ first; Hoisington, K. W. U„ second; D. Bowers McPherson, third, Time, 4'
Shot Put—Reinhardt, K, W. U„ Rock McPherson, second: Non-ken, McPherson, third, Distance, 43
feet, 2 inches.
440-Yard Dash —Hochstrasser, Mc-Pherson Powell. K. W. U., sec-ond R. Bowers, McPherson, third. Time. 53 *.
230-Yard Low Hurdles—Jilka, K. W U , first; Sargent, McPherson, second; Perkins K, W, U„ third Time, 27.
Two Mile Run—Hays K. W. U. first Crist. McPherson, second; El der. K. W. U., third. Time. 10'59.2'", Half Mile Run — Hoisington. K W U., first D. Bowers McPherson. sec-ond; Ohmart. McPherson, third, Time 2' 10"
Pole Vault Barngrover McPher-
son first; Williams. K, W. U Miller.
(Continued on Page Four)
All plans have carefully been made for the annual May Fete of McPher-son College. The main committees
are busy carrying out their plans. The decoration committee is under the direction of Jessie Churchill Alberta Hovis has charge of the pro-gram for the day, Lois Dell will have charge of the direction of the queen's procession.
Preparation has been going on In the physical education classes for the dances. There will be a solo dance and clever court gestures.
The girls. who will represent each class as the queen's attendants, have
been chosen by the queen.
'The Significance Of The Common Man Was Topic of Discussion
The significance of the common man was given attention in Y M meeting last Tuesday by professor J. A. Blair.
The popular conception is that col-lege trains for leadership and that the common man is a brake on the chariot of progress The crowd often acts unwisely when ruled by mob spirit.
But despite the fallings of some and the superiority of others, there is a one for the common man. Civili-zation depends upon him. Genius most wait us the common man even as a producer falls without a con-sumer. Edison or Henry Ford are great producers but they depend upon the common man. Reforms or success of inventions depend upon the common man.
Demand creates the supply This is as true in the mural world as in the commercial High thoughts and Ideals will persist If the common man demands them. One's demands should call forth the best In associates even it did Christ's.
The producer of many movies, newspaper stories, magazines, filthy books, and low drama deserve much blame but they only supply the de-mand made by common man. Every time one of these is bought or at-tended. there Is a vote cast In favor it its continuation,
A practical religion is the coveting earnestly of the best things an ef-fort to be a good influence
A new form of sport is adding more enthusiasm to the students on the campus. Thus mew sport sug-gests another sign of spring Students are now playing horse-shoe.
So much interest Is bring shown that a horse-show tournament is in progress. About forty or fifty have entered the contest.
the rotten dorm food, and of the abominable why the grades were cut down this mid-semester,
The only amusement the stranded dorm students have on blue Saturday afternoon is to put on their gaily colored stickers and those tell-tale galoshes and go walking to town through all the pud-muddles. Then When town Is reached the only thing left to dn Is to buy a "coke." and "slosh” back to the college. Such a life!
The wise people will reinforce themselves with something entertain-ing to read or to play. Now the maga-zines for a rainy weekend are "Murder Mysteries" “Ghost Stories." "Wierd Tales," ”Black Mask.** "Amazing Stories or some other cheerful and elevating literature. You might even add "Cupid's Diary" or "Love Romances "True Story" Is a guaranteed dispeller of the blues with all the sob stories and other il luminating features. The appropriate music would be ’Shall We Gather at the River ’ and ’'When the Bell Is Called Up Yonder",
Dreary weekends are wonderful or-iginators of that violent plague of the college student known a home-sickness. You want to we your mama and papa and your favorite kind of
Thus afternoon—4:30 Y. W. tea
Wednesday., April 24—Opera Pin-afore.
Saturday. April 27 — High School Senior Festival
Monday. April 29—Student Re-cital.
Tuesday, April 30-Private Pact's Lecture Lyceum
The college girls unanimously declared that they had a most enjoy-able evening at the Mothers' and Daughters’ banquet given Friday evening In the Brethren church. The
banquet was given by the Women's
Missionary Society and each member had as her guests two college girls, Many of the girls are away from home while In school and they deep-ly appreciated the interest taken in them by the mothers of the college community,
A little before 6:30 o'clock the
girls and their mothers found each other in the church auditorium and from there they went in the dining ball which was decorated with spring flowers and lighted by floor lamps and red candies and filled with long tables. When all bad found places at the tables Mrs. Anna Crumpacker returned thanks for the occasion and the comradship which it brought about.
The dinner, served by the hus-bands of some of the mothers with the assistance of a number of college boys. consisted of Fruit Cocktail. Pressed Chicken, Mashed Potatoes. Peas in Timbals, Batters Rolls, Radished. Beets. Beauty Salad, Strawberry Shortcake and Coffee.
During the course of the meal Mrs. V. K. Schwalm as toastmistress very cleverly Introduce the following en-tertaining members;:
Piano Duet Mrs. P. E. Sargent and Mrs. H. A. Yoder,
Welcome—Mrs. H. J. Harnly. ’ Reponse Miss Lois Dell.
Vocal Solo Mrs.. J. H. Fries,
Talk Mrs. G. D. Gardner,
Original Story-Mrs. W C. Heas-. ton.
Vocal Solo - Mrs. A. C. Tate.
In spite of the unpleasantness of the weather, every one responded pleasantly in Mrs. Schwalm's hearty good-night and the ladies and their guests parted but with a sense of having had a most delightful evening which would make the tie between the college girls and the mothers of the community more strong and binding. The college girls sincerely ap-preciated this effort to help them and to provide something as a substitute in the absence Of their own mothers.
Rural S. Is
the title of the manual arts at that Prof. George Boone has recently had copyrighted. It was prepared to meet a need for a course of study for manual arts In the rural high schools. with the particular needs of such communities In mind. It has been In preparation for several years and meets a need for which there has been little done previously. The book came off the press last January. The publishers. Manual Arts Press of Peoria Illinois, are the leading pub-lishers of manual arts texts In the United States. Prof. Hopne's book will to advertised and sold all over the United States and the author will to renumerated on the publish-er's royalty basis.
This afternoon the Young Women's Christian Association is hostess to a shower given for Mis Kitchen-ette In the Y W. room in Sharp Hall All the college girls and the Cosmos club are to be guests. It has been rumored that Miss Kitchenette will be well ready to begin culinary duties after this afternoon.
The manual arts departments is re pairing furniture this week. This is an annual occasion, last year there were over two hundred places of furniture repaired. Furniture is the College buildings and furniture be-to the college faculty has frnarallr comprised most of the work
Program Was Greatly Appreciated By High School
The McPherson College Male Quar-tet represented in personnel by Lloyd Diggs. first tenor: Walter Fillmore. second tenor; Oliver Ikenberry, bari-tone; and Ross Curtis, bass with Lloyd Johnson at the piano appeared at the McPherson Junior High School Tuesday morning, April 16. The quartet received a hearty welcome at the Junior High School. asking for more encores than the quartet, had to offer
The program presented was as follows:
-Swing Along" ... Cook
"Ole Uncle Moon”________„ Scott
■ Give a Man Horse He Can Ride,
..... O'Haru
Oliver Ikenberry
''Lassie O' Mine”__________ Walt
' Sleepy Hollow' Tune”___Kountz
"Kentucky Babe” _ Geibel
'Nola" ---- ---Arndt
“Jack" Wins First Honors And Sixty Dollar Prize
John "Jack" Lehman student of McPherson College, competing against a field what was consider-ed the best available college talent In Kansas. April 18, at Sterling, took high honors in the state oratorical contest of the Kansas intercollegiate Peace Association. bringing first place honors to the college for the third time in six years. In the other three wears, second, third and fourth places have been secured.
*‘Jack" secured find place with his oration "The Power of Propaganda”. Second place honors went to Price Crenshaw of Ottawa university and John Porter of Southwestern was third, Pearlanna Beloof of Friends University look fourth place, Carl Segerhammer of Bethany was fifth. Faye Molson of Bethel was sixth, Leah Coyne of Sterling was seventh and A. R. Sandow of Tabor was eighth.
in addition to carrying a sixty dollar award, securing first place in this contest gives Lehman the right to send his oration into the national
(Continued on Page Three)
There are blues blues and more blues. There are the “St. Louis Blues," "Wabash Blues" and "My Pickaninny Blues," but the blues we have on a rainy week end are the blues that break the camel's back. The jazz blues put you in a good humor so that you will tend your best dress to a girl you hate or else make you study when you know it isn't necessary.
The "Rainy Weekend Blues' are the curse of the collegiate's career. They are the causes that wreck happy lives and romances. A blue Sunday ends In heart break and sorrow and that boy's girl dates some other boy who Isn't as good looking or has less money than the other or this girl's boy friend dates another girl and leaves his old girl to weep out her heart and to play ' My Sweetie Went Away" an her portable for consola-tion.
_ Blue weekends make you want to be in. other locations than a dormitory in a college town. Too want to be where there are crowds and fan and laughter and movies instead of the everlasting drip, drip of the rain of the eaves which is maddening and irritating. Someone comes in to see you and your conversation consists of wishing you were elsewhere, and of
The Program Was led by Bernice McClellan
The first at the series of programs for the Young Women’s Christian Association on the subject of the "Life Beautiful" was led by Miss Bernice McClellan, the topic being Hobbies Miss Lila Eberly discus-
sed hobbies In general and told a number of interesting hobbies that some girls have followed. She said one's hobby should be the thing that one loves to do; It should round out life and develop a more completely satisfying life.
Miss Lela Huliquist told "Why I Consider History an Interesting Hobby", The reasons were that It broadens one's viewpoint, and because it is real it is more Interest-ing than a novel.
Miss Thelma Budge sang a vocal solo.
•’Current History Hobby and What' It Can Do for Me as a Broadening Influence" was discussed by Miss Lila Fields She said that reading curie events helped one to keep abreast of the times which is neces-sary to become an intelligent citizen.
Program Consisted Of Demonstration Of Explosions And Chemical Tricks
Last Thursday afternoon the program of the Chemistry Society con-sisted of demonstrations of explosives and chemical tricks.
Vernon Gustafson demonstrated the chemical trick of pouring dif-ferent colored liquids from the same pitcher. Ross Curtis and Philip Spohn showed the explosiveness of a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen by producing soap bubbles with the gas and igniting them. The freak chemical reaction known as "Chemical Gardens.” was shown by Daniel Johnson.
Philip Spohn explained the process of making gun powder. He demon-strated a home-made fire-cracker, Gun-cotton, burning picture wire in oxygen, and freezing strawberries with carbon dioxide were demonstrated.
cake. You crave petting and loving— from your mother. You think about the good tine you could to having at home lining around the fire and the more you think the worse you feel. Soon the tears begin to fall and there Is it wet season Inside as well as outside, You don't care if you do spot your best dress. Then you begin to cry until soon you're just plainly bellowing into your clean pillow and enjoying your misery, Home-sickness Is the worst feeling in the world, You Would rather be really sick than to have your heart feeling like a heavy stone to your chest,
There are no cures for the blues. They are like the measles or mumps. They break out any and every place.
You can have them in train in the
desert in a submarine or an air-
plane, but the worst location possible is a college dormitory In a college especially on a rainy day when the roads are too muddy to get to civili-zation.
It's a blue day, in a blue town, with a blue location so how can the result-a blue Inspiration, a blue temper, and to anything but blue?
Collage Isn't always blue but it is the worst place in the world to cutli-vate the blues and even the strong-minded people are subject to them.
Banquet Was Given By The Women's Missionary Society
Was Given Banquet In The Basement Of The Brethren Church
The Student Newspaper of McPherson College, purposing to recount accurately past activity—to stimulate continually further achievement-— and to live and cherish our one code—"The School at Quality".
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the post office at McPherson, Kansas under the act of March 3, 1897,
Subscription Rates._
$1.50 per year
Address all correspondence to
McPherson, Kansas
Editor-in-chief Associate Editor ..
Doris Balland Leland Lindell
Business Manager.........
Ass't- Business Manager Ass't. Busniess Manager Circulation Manager
Ralph Bowers Ernest Watkins Glenn Harris Lloyd Johnson
Harriet Hopkins
Oliver Ikenberry Ethel Sherfy
REPORTERS Alberta Yoder Marlin Hoover Gilbert Myers
Mildred Swenson Bernice McClellan Emery Metzger
Family Adviser
Maurice A. Hess
. 4,-
The spirit of fellowship manifest at the Mother and Dau ghter banquet last Friday evening seemed so wholesomely genuine and entirely devoid of artificial sentimentally. Everyone apparently enjoyed herself and entered Into the spirit of the affair with an abandon. It seems to us that the mother-daughter problems, like lots of others. might meet halt their solutions In just such an attitude. If the friction and difficulties were not emphasized and more whole hearted friendliness evidenced on both sides, the greater part of the so called problems would vanish. Occa-sions like this one are undoubtedly instrumental In creating that atmosphere.
ther do the traits and instincts of human life change during the mom entary period of college life. Women still hold the championship for tour-distance unadulterated gossip, and let us state right here, ladies, that, even though we are capable, the de-sire to take It from you would remain farthest from our thought.- Any college woman can tell you the actions past prevent and future of any other person on the campus whether male or female, black or white, popu-lar or unpopular. We boys of Fahnestock Hall obtain most of our Information from the girls. If you would stop the river, Would It not be wise to go to its course?
Do not pat yourselves on the back; too soon girls, as to your ability to put more of your number on the honor roll than there are boys. We have a sneaking feeling that the number of girls on the honor roll will decrease this semester. The time is here when you can no longer smile at a professor and get an A. You will have to Work to place on the honor roll this time.
As for transforming yourselves In to Icebergs, girls, we advice you not to do It. You might get cold, If you think you can get along without us. why go ahead and try It. Such a thing has been tried before. If all of you would turn chilly, such a procedure might have some effect, but you do
not see college boys purchasing coon skin coats in anticipation or the cold spell do you. Don't get impatient. flappers, if you are good little girls and treat the boys nice, maybe one of them will date you come day.
that the McPherson College Alumni to Californio be more than a social organization, that they attempt to work out some constructive program for furthering the interests of their Alma Mater. Dr. J. Z. Gilbert sug gested that they also lead their sup-port to the sister Institution, La Verne College, four members of whose faculty are McPherson College Graduates.
By The Way
One can easily realize the appro-priatness of Horse Thief Canyon for the business its name denotes. How-ever, not much definite Information an be secured concerned the history of the place except the common rum-or that the place was once a refuge for horse thieves.
The geological history is interest-ing. Several leaf fossils were found there which belong to the cretac eaons period. This was In the age of reptiles before any mammals were on
the earth. These fossils are millions of millions years old, Dr. Harnly found a natural charcoal formation which originated In the carbonifer-ous are many million years before the leaf fossils were formed. Ac-cordingly mine of us can correctly may we have been at a new place,
Miss Floy Brown spent Saturday
at her home near Hutchinson,
Mrs. Will Flory and daughters, Maurine and Elizabeth. and small granddaughter, Donna, all of Carle-ton. Nebraska, are visiting Miss Sylvia Flory here since last Friday.
Keith Hayes visited Miss Viola Bowasr at Manhattan Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Hazel Ratliffe of Rocky Ford, Colorado in visiting campus friends here this week.
Misses Helen Hudson and Orpha and Olive Weaver were dinner guests at the A. Curtis home Sunday.
Glen Bowman of Carleton. Nebras-ka visited his brother Lester here last week end.
Prof. G. Lewis Doll judged the Reno County Music Contest held at Sylvia last Friday. The entries in-eluded violin, orchestra, chorus. quartette and solo numbers.
men—and BANQUETS
Who said that the men were not capable of successfully attempting culinary arts? The efficiency displayed at the Mother and Daughter banquet last Friday evening by the waiters and cooks, all of the stronger sex, proves that they can. No one can dispute the fact that the piece of work done by the boys would vie with any attempted by girls for bring well done. Some details were interesting however. The seriousness with which some of the waiters meet their tasks seemed a little In contrast to the atti-tude generally maintained by certain Individuals. But then ploughing
through a foot ball line could not be expected to be on difficult as serving a three course dinner to over two hundred women. Although the room was not particularly warm the head waiter found it necessary to frequently wipe perspiration from his brow, Responsibility always does rest heavily
upon him any way.
That college professors' minds do not always remain on books and their contents was suggested by the sight of one enveloped In an Apron was one woman In the kitchen. Any way the whole affair was an example another af the absent minded group commonly worked with fossils and the like, he was not at all behind the times in the direction of a ten towel over the china ware.
We would not detract any credit due the men by telling that there was one woman In the kitchen Any way the whole afair was an example of willingness and cooperation, and there is no doubt In our minds of the degree of efficiency which might be reached were there a Mother and Daughter banquet every week.
Saturday McPherson College Is hosts. Her guests will be high school students from all over central Kansas who have come to enjoy themselves At the High School Festival. It should be uppermost In the minds of all of us that we are responsible for some signs of hospitality. Let us not forget to make these people feel quite at home and see that they get to see the college and find their way about the campus.
Several people asked far something thar tasted like a university joke— here's one:
Country Frosh: What makes
cream cost more than milk?
City Frosh; That's easy, it's harder for cows to sit on small bottles.
For Home Ec, students ONLY As ye sew, so shall ye rip.
Prof. Jamison: Have you done
your outside work for rhetoric?
Windmill: No. It's raining.
Instructor: What's a cynic.
Nellie: That's what wo wash the
dishes in.
••tjfqvtu* mom j.iinoop
mi nnitti jodaii .Mti ujnt jt»ip>a
When a student fails to pass any thing. It is a sign of poor table man-mers.
Fahnestock Hall bulletin: Occu-
pants of room 5 are unanimously on-
"Who on earth is making that gurgling noise?"
"I am Prof. I am trying to swallow
the line you are throwing".
News of the week: Chester Carter were a size 38-30 overalls to school picnic.
This Is An Answer To Last Weeks Candid Article In Spectator
Yes, we read the candid article In the Spectator last week to the effect that the boys In Fahnestock Halt were gossipers. Be it known that we would feel as though we were trait-ors to our sex If we did not take it upon ourselves to answer and repu diate the burden of evil words tossed none too gently upon our heads
Students of McPherson College, es-pecially those of the be-whiskered sex, do not take the article which appeared In last week’s Spectator too seriously. Common horse sense will tell you that it is the futile raging of some outraged flappers who are sore on the opposite sex because members of said sex will not data them (the flappers) and so the flappers look to writing that scathing articles as a means or venting their exasperation, as they plainly stated at its beginning.
Rome was not built in a day, nei
McPherson college grad. UATES MEET IN REUNION
On Saturday evening. April 13th about Sixty-five McPherson College graduates, now residents of Southern California, met In a reunion at the Lincoln School of La Verne. A supper was served In the school cafeteria. Prof. Ray R. Cullen acting as toast-master.
Roll call by classes revealed the fact that several students were present from very early years, Mr. J. L. Miller who graduated from the Commercial Deportment in 1892 spoke of the days when the college classes were still housed under a single story of Sharp Hall. Dr, S. J. Miller reminiscenced delightfully of early disciplinary methods and of the clever pranks played by the students of his generation. Dr, J. Z, Gilbert spoke In more serious vein of the far reach-ing Christian Influence of the insti-tution.
Misses Marie and Nelle Cullen then entertained the group with several duets and Mrs. Henry Gilbert read "Danny".
The principal speakers of the eve ning. Dr. E. M. studebaker and Dr D. W. Kurtz were then introduced. Dr. Studebaker paid a special tribut-to the members of the McPherson College Faculty who steered the col-lege safely through her most perilous years. The also spoke with gratitude of the great inspiration and help he had received from Dr. D. W, Kurtz,; both as a student in his classes and a member of his family.
Before Dr. Kurtz's address the whole group of alumni stood to express their love and appreciation for Dr. Kurtz and his inestimable service to McPherson College. Dr. Kurtz responded very graciously, and said that whenever he thought of McPherson College, he thought not of buildings and equipment, but of folks. He expressed his faith and confidence In the contribution which the small Christian College could make and paid his tribute to the happy Influence of his own Alma Mater.
The evening was so thoroughly enjoyed that it was decided to effect a permanent organization of the group, to be known as the McPherson College Alumni of Southern California, Ray R. Cullen was made president of the new organization, Mrs. Harry Gilbert was chosen secretary and David Brubaker treasurer. Each per-son present registered his name and address. Regrets were read from several students who could not be present. An effort was also made to learn the whereabouts of other Mc-Pherson Alumni who are rumored In be in Southern California.
Pres. Studebaker recommended
The students enjoyed hearing Mrs. Tate sing in chapel Friday.
Miss Edith McGaffey spoke In chapel Monday. She impressed upon the students value of seeking the truth in all its aspects. Life is a challenge m find the truth an it re-lates itself to our lives. Everyone should take charge of his own life,
Friday morning Rev. Worden of the Christian Church addressed the students. Among the things he stated that In pursuing an education the acquiring of facts is not merely enough but the ability to use these fuels is essential. As we climb the hillside of learning our vision be-comes larger and we realize the small part we play In life’s scheme as an individual. Our education must be spiritualized and not all materialized We can accomplished nothing if love-does not rule our lives.
Misses Jessie Churchill and Ethel
Mae Metsker and Irvin Rump and Roy Franz were Sunday dinner guests at the R. E. Mohler home.
Miss Mildred Swenson spent Satur-
day night and Sunday with Miss Constance Rankin at her home.
peace association contest, where-judgging Is made on composition only, and the privilege of participate ing in the peacce oratorical contest at the conference of the Church of the Brethren to be held at North Manchester, Ind.. June 15.
The established of a student
bookstore, operated and managed by Students, is bring considered at the University of Minnesota, It is ex-pected that there will be much oppo-sition to such a plan by the proprietors of the University bookstores.
On the evening of the County All-Schools day. May 15, the dramatic art class of McPherson College will present the play "Daddy Long-Legs"
by Jean Webster, The play Is given under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce of the city.
Miss Della Lehman, who will direct the play, has made the following selections for the cast: Jervis (Daddy Long-Legs) John Lehman: Jimmie McPride — Leland Lindell; Wykoff— Franz. Crumpacker; Griggs—Ralph Landas: Miss Pritchhard—Dorothy
Linholm: Judy— Ruth Anderson:
Mrs. Pendleton—Floy Brown: Julia Pendleton—Ruth Trostle; Sallie McBride—Jeanette Hoover; Mrs. Sem-ple— Iva Crumpacker; Mrs. Lippett —Helen Hudson: Sadie Kate—Avie Wattenburger: orphan children at the John Drier Home: Freddie Perk-Ins—Murlin Hoover; Galdiola—Lillian Horning; Sammie — Delbert
Kelley: Loretta—Lois Teach and
Mammie-—Faye Teach,
(Continued from Page One)
Daddy Long-Legs To Be Presented Country All-Schools Day
.Misses Audra Supernaw, Ruth
Picnic Will Probably Be An Annual Affair From Now On
Classroom cares and curricular worries were forgotten by faculty members and students alike when a holiday was declared lam Wednesday and the campus population transfer-red Itself for a day of fun and frolic to the picturesque locality known as Horse Thief Canyon some forty miles northwest of McPherson.
At eight o’clock students and fac-ulty members met In front of the Ad ministration building and elicit found his place in one of the automobiles and truck provided for the occasion.
In spite of the fact that a number lost their Way and arrived late every one was in high spirits which were
not dampened by the light shower In the morning threatening for a short time to spoil the day's fun.
Upon arriving at their desination the members of the group divided themselves into a number of parties each composed of from two to twen-ty individuals and dispersing in every direction set about exploring the region, Caves, hills, canyons, and rocks were discovered and explored Agriculture and biology students were especially interested In the soil formation, rock, birds. Flowers, and snakes. After the wanderlust had been somewhat appeased and the sun neared its zenith the parties Instinct ively gathered at the place in the shade of the rocks and trees which
had been designated an the general headquarters.
Signs of the noon day meal made hungry appetites keener, but as din-ner was not yet fully prepared, the restless crowd was admonished to be patient. In order that time might pass more quickly, Mrs. Anna Tate led the group In singing several peppy songs after which Miss Mildred Swenson gave the reading "Jane" by Booth Tarkington.
The announcement of dinner was greeted with alacrity and soon everyone was busily devouring buns, weinies, pickles, fruit salad, baked beans, and coffee. Ice cream and cookies followed. A bystander might have been moved to remark that col-lege peoples must Indeed have unlimited capacities.
A stunt by a number of boys fol-lowed the close of the meal after which, various occupations claimed the attentions of various people. Baseball, horse shoe throwing, more exploring, chatting, and stunts were all very popular as was the pickle jar and the cookie box which had not been emptied at noon.
At about four o’clock everyone boarded his vehicle of transportation and left the place which had furnish ed such keen enjoyment far all as was evidenced by tge happy expressions on the face of each. The majority of the crowd returned to McPher-son immediately, a few drove to see the mushroom rocks near Carneiro, and a number went home via Salina.
It was a happy though weary crowd who returned to the campus Wednesday evening, hut the holiday had been a refreshing one whether an all-school is profitable will be determined by the after effects of the occasion.
Girls baseball season closed last week. The championship was won by team Ill. Rena Loshbaugh, captain. Other members of the winning team
were: Edun Hoover, Sylvia Flory, Elizabeth Hess. Dorothy Myers. Florence Lehman. Margaret Devil-biss, Verna Falgren, Regina Kliewer. and Floy Brown,
The varsity team has been chosen.
Those selected were: Dorothy Myers, Florence Weaver, Ruth Blickenstaff, Clara Bargin. Doris Ballard. Lola Mae Hanson. Rena Loshbaugh Velma Wine and Verna Falgren.
Eight soloists and a chorus of fifty Voices will appear in the Opera "Pinafore" by W. S. Gilbert and Sir Arthur Sullivan At the city auditorium tomorrow night. The Opera has been under the capable direction of Mrs. Anna Tate, voice instructor.
The opera "Pinafore" never fails to please on audience because of its tuneful melodies, dainty music, and the sparkling wit of Its dialogue. Elaborate costumes and secenery will be used. The McPherson Salon Orchestra will accompany the opera.
The following Is the cast who ably Handle their parts:
Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph Peter K. C, B,. Baritone—Oliver Ikenberry,
Capt, Corcoran. Commanding ”Il M, S. Pinafore," Baritone—Fred Ellis.
Ralph Rackstraw, able seaman. Tenor—Lloyd Diggs.
Dick Deadeye, able seaman, Bass -—Orville Varan,
Bill Bobstay, Boatswain's Mate,
Bas—Lawrence Turner.
Josephine, file Captain's daughter, Soprano—Prudence Ihrig.
Hebe, Sir Joseph’s find cousin. Mezzo-Saylor-—Arlene Saylor.
Little Buttercup, Contralto—Helen
The chorus is made up of First Lord's Sisters, his cousins and aunts. Sailors and Marines. The scene is laid on the quarterdeck of H. M S. Pinafore. Time, the present.
Admission is thirty-five cents for students and others fifty cents Tickets must be secured from cast members and reserved at Bixby and Lindsay's.
On Thursday night the Opera is In be presented at Sterling in the Sterling College Auditorium.
Misses Bernice McClellan. Ruth Trostle and Lola Dell, nnd Donald and Clinton Trostle motored to John-son Friday where they visited until Sunday. Miss Dell spent the week end with her brother, Carl Dell, an alumnus Of McPherson College, who is now teaching at Johnson. The others visited the Chas. Trostle fam-
German and Delia Collins and Glen Collins and Glen Seltz from Larned were week end guests or the campus,
Miss Daisy Miller, of Hutchinson. who attends Southwestern University at Winfield, visited friends at Mc-
Our Business is to Improve your appearance and we enjoy it. Prompt service and sanity methods. Sid's Clean Towel Shop.
and Bradley, McPherson, tied for second. Height. 10 feet 6 Inches.
Discus—Reinhardt, K. W. U., first: Perkins. K. W. U., second; Rock, McPherson, third, Distance. 126 feet 9 Inches,
High Jump—Parks, K. W. U„ first; Burnison. McPherson, second; Miller, McPherson and Poppen. K. W. U., tied for third. Height 5 feet Inches.
Broad Jump—Malir. K. W. U-, Voran. McPherson, second; Parks. K. W. U., third, Distance. 20 feet, Javelin-Rock, McPherson, first; Barngrover, McPherson, second; Perkins, K, W, U,, third. Distance, 171‘ 11 1/2
Mile Relay — Wesleyan, first. Hoisington, McIntyre. Parks, Powell) McPherson, second. ( R. Bowers, Mowbray, Sargent, Hochstrasser) Time, 3’ 37".
3:40 P, M- 220 yard Dash
Broad Jump A and B Javelin A and B 4:10 P. M, Mile Relay
Preliminaries Start At Ton O'clock In The Morning
the audience is expected to check those they like best.
Spilman And Holloway Win Doubles At Salina
Muss Dorothy Myers spent the week end at her home at Holland.
The schedule for the High School meet to be held here Saturday has been announced by Dean R. E Moh-ler. The preliminaries are to begin at ten o'clock In the morning and the finals are to start at 1:45 in the afternoon.
Preliminaries and Semi-finals
A- M. 120 yard High Hur-dles
10:15 A. M. 100 yard Dash 10:30 A, .M. 230 yard Low Hurdles 30:45 A. M. 220 yard Dash
10:00 A. M. Polo vault Class B High Jump Class A Discus B. Shot Put A 10:30 A. M, Discus A, Shot Put 'B Broad Jump A and B 11:00 A. M. High Jump Class B Pole Vault Class A Javelin A and B
1:45 P. M. 120 yard High Hurdles Pole Vault A, Shot Put A
Discus B
2:00 P. M, 100 yard Dash High Jump B 2:15 p. M. Mile Run 2:30 A. M. Half Mile Relay 2:40 P, M. 440 yard Dash
Discus A. Shot Put B 2:55 P. M. 220 yard Low Hurdles 2:55 P. M. High Jump A Pole Vault It 3:10 P. M. 880 yard Run 3:23 P. M. Medley Relay
records made at the McPherson college interscholastic meet
100 yard: dash, 10”—Pal-hoe, Hutchinson 1025
220 yard dash. 21,8”—Pucket, Hutchinson 1925
440 yard dash, 53.6"—Carlisle.: Hutchinson 1925
220 yard low hurdles, 26.1"—Ok-erburg. Newton 1926.
120 yard high hurdles, 16.6”'—• Steiner, Lyons 1928
880 yard run. 2'3.4"—Freest, Hutchinson 1927
Mile Run, 4'43.8" Crandall,. Tampa 1927
Discus. 121’ 5" — Biggs. Chase 1927
Javelin, 156’ 2”—Bryan. Ellsworth 1928
Broad Jump, 21' 1 7/8 Madison, Hutchinson 1927
High Jump. —Madison,
Hutchinson 1927
Pole Vault, 11" 2.9’ Gray New ton 1928
Mile Relay. 3‘ 40.1"—Halstead
The Bulldog racketeers opened their season at Salina last Thursday against the Kansas Wesleyan team. Spilman and Holloway won their doubles 6-1 and 6-1 Harnly and E. Crumpacker also played.
The schedule for the remainder of the season is
April 23............. Bethany here
April 24,........Kansas Wesleyan here
April 29--------- Bethany at Lindsborg;
April 30 Bethel at Moundridge
May 2. Pentangular at Salina
May 6 .. . Friends at Wichita May 16 .................... Friends here.
research student at Harvard claims to have proved that there art-more than 2,000 separate universes.
Those attending a play given by the dramatic club of the University of Oklahoma, will be given the opportunity of choosing next year's dramatic production. A list of plays will be attached to the program and
The freshman class of the University of Ohio will be given the opportunity to vote on the honor system which is now in effect.
A tour is being offered to students at the University of Washinton which Will cover all the principal cities of the Orient. Credit Is being given to those that take the tour as seminar credit,
Co-education Fails In China
Peking—(UP)The Chinese province of Hanan has tried out co-education and decided that It does not work. An order issued by the provin-cial commissioner requires all schools to abandon teaching girls and boys together,
The office of the dean of men at Iowa State has been removed. The duties heretofore held by the dean will be taken over by other departments. especially by the registrar's office, and the dean will assume the duties of head of the appointment department.
Washington—(UP)—-Secretary of Treasury Mellon legally holds office in spite of the fact that he was not renominated by President Hoover, the senate judiciary committee decided informally today.
Misses Lila Mae Eberly, Clara Bur-girt, and Mrytle Ainsworth spent Saturday and Sunday at the Ainsworth home at Abilene.
Miss Melda Mahler and Lloyd Johnson and Harold Crist were Hutchinson visitors Sunday.
Miss Irene Steinberg spent the week end with home folks at Lorraine.
Ralph Franz and Miss Hazel Ratliff motored to Kansas City Friday and returned Sunday evening.