NO. 3



McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Tuesday, oct. 2, 1928



Seniors Lost All Their Dignity And Freshmen Act Natural


After Refreshments Were Served All Went To Walker's And Pictures

Were Taken

Friday evening, September    28,

at 8:00 o'clock on the McPherson College campus a wonderfully strange thing ocurred. A great majority of our honored seniors lost all dignity. and exactly at the eighth stroke of the clock became children again. There was also another change though slightly as conspicu-ous as the other. Practically the whole freshman class, all dropping many or few, mostly few, years from their ages, became youngsters


They met in the gym, transformed into the well known Shoe of Mother Goose rhymes, and all together, forgetful of the past, re-veled in the wonder and glory of carefree childhood.

They were well overseen and taken care of by "The Old Woman Who Lived In the Shoe"—played by Ruth Hiebert.

At the very first a spectator might have been dubious about the outcome of the great alteration. The youngsters hardly knew how to be-have themselves. But they spent only a short time fighting over lolly-pops, dolls, horns. etc., and then quieted a trifle and played games. The games were carried out in an extremely childish fashion the outstanding one being: three deep, drop the handkerchief, London Bridge, Simon says Thumbs Up, and New Orleans.

The crowd was entertained at Intervals by Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn excellently portrayed by Ted Crist and Guy Hays Special mention could be made of one little boy. It was thought he came even without invitation because he was an awfully naughty, and unmanageable. He was about three years old it seemed by dress and actions

His name he said was Ralph Bow-


Half sox and hair ribbons were predominant among girls and knee pants and dirty faces among the


The Old Lady of the Shoe managed to keep order well by giving animal crackers and peppermints around to the best children.

Just as the crowd began to become tired and fussy they were told to gather around and be quiet and the dear old mistress of the Shoe

very quieting effect, indeed some of them actually became drowsy, and even little Ralph quieted down, She told them about the “Pot that Talked.” and everyone enjoyed the story very much.

Next she had some of her special children show off for the rest. First there was a piano duet beautifully ruined by Arlan Brigham and Dorothy Swain. The duet closed with much excitement and Dorothy was declared winner—she beat Arlan through by four notes.

Second was a 3-act play. The Important ones concerned shall be mentioned here.

Curtain manager    Bob     Puckett

Prelude given by    Bob    Puckett


First character--Bob    Puckett



First character     Robert     Puckett

Second character    Mr. R.     Puckett



First character-----Mr. Puckett


With the beginning of soccer practice another round of sports sponsored by the Womens' Athletic Association has started. Other activities are to follow including volley ball, basket ball, base ball, tennis and hiking. No girl can afford to miss participation in these sports. At least some of them should receive your attention. They provide healthy exercise, a wholesome extra-curricular interest, and a means of becoming better acquainted and develop-ing a sportsmanship that a school of

quality must have.

Soccer is comparatively a new sport here, having been introduced only last year. These who played can assure those not acquainted with the game that It affords a plenty of exercise and lots of fun.

The freshman girls and all others who are interested are urged to participate in the W A. A. activities. At present, soccer Is the particular sport that is bring stressed by that organization. Do not pass by this opportunity of becoming a 'part of the student life about you.



Enrollment of the various colleges of the Church of the Brethren to date, as reported at the Elgin meeting, is as follows:

Bethany Bible School, Chicago 97. Blue Ridge, New Windsor, Mr., 35 college. 100 high school.

Bridgwater. Bridgwater, Va., 205 college.

_ Oa.te.tDI" Academy. Lt-

Elizabethtown, Elizabethtown, Pa.


Juanita, Huntington. Pa., 486.

La Verne. La Verne, Cal., 199. Manchester. North Manchester. Ind., 650.

McPherson, McPherson, Kans.,


Mount Morris. Mount Morris, Ill., 140 college. 55 special.


The editorial staff of the Spectator has been a very impressive cast this year. Each and every member of said staff seems to take his duties seriously although causing well-meant interference in various affairs of Others about the campus. Bear with them, though sometimes they know not what they do.

Since Doris Ballard has been Editor -in-Chief it has been extremely difficult to keep her exact geographical location constantly in mind as she makes voyages to various parts of the campus in search of "scoops.” It seems that she has achieved the impossible of being in two places at once—namely the Spec office and at the printer's. She serenely in-terviews the faculty advisor, at the same time holding long distance conversation with another staff member across the campus. She has degenerated into a chaser of reporters pro and con. and in other respects gives an excellent imitation of a disappearing act at any time.

Leland Lendlll seriously rounders taking up a career of a mathematician. and he is now serving his apprenticeship as make-up editor. He figures fractions of ems and ens to a hair's breadth, and he clings to his yardstick as a drowning man to

a straw. His forehead is constantly corrugated in worried lines as he strides distractedly about the cam-pus. He may be heard muttering "inches”, 'lines', "space*' as he goes about his duties with a Spec is one hand and a protractor in the


Ralph Bowers as Business Manager has numerous matters to over-


Prof. Doll, Adviser And Sponsor Of The Club, Outlined The Activities For The Year


A Campaigh For New Members Will Be Started In The Near Future

The Cecilian Music Club met for the first meeting of the school year last Thursday evening in Harnly Hail. The club gave a musical pro-gram and in addition bad a short business meeting. Prof. G. Lewis Doll, advisor and sponsor of the club outlined some of the activties that the music club would undertake during the year.

The following is the proram of the first meeting:

Plano Solo ____ Miss Thelma Budge History of the Club

Dream”    Lawrence Turner

Miss Irene Steinberg Flute Solo, "The Herd Girls"

Vocal Solo, "In An Old Fashioned Town”    Lloyd Diggs

Violin Solo ...... Orion High

After the program Miss Arelene Saylor, president of the club took charge. The club voted to stage a campaign for new    members. It

was decided to have a contest dividing the organisation into two equal groups with Miss Thelma Budge and Lloyd Diggs as captains of the groups. It was also decided

club on Wednesday evening at 7:30 twice each month.


Miss Esther Ketm. of Nampa. Idaho, who was a member of last year's freshman class, is now attending school at Manchester Col-lege at North Manchester, Ind. Miss Keim recently sent her subscription for the Spectator. madly hither, thither, and yon at

smokes from his tri-daily sprints to the heart of the city.

Emery Metzger as private secre-tary to the Business Manager has been compelled to accelerate his

tion, at top speed as he bounds gracefully down the ad building steps in the wake of his sleeping em-ployer who broadcasts directions over his left shoulder.

Ernest Watkins goes in and out

of stores down town wistfully and soulfully asking for ads. Anything is appreciated.

Loyd Johnson circulates about the campus and has perpetual mo-

tion patented. If he sticks to ev-

erything he undertakes, it is only because he has glue left on him from wrapping Specs to send out.

There are a number of cub

"pencil-pushers" which wander

about appropriating news for the

Spec columns.

Harriet Hopkins shows her true nature by assidiously collecting


Harold Fasnacht reports at inter-vals in the time he can spare from the manipulation of the Student Council Budget.

It is difficult to say anything definite about Oliver Ikenberry. He speaks for himself.

Warren Sisler is to be avoided for he writes features stories, and woe be unto him who pats an unique idea into Warren's head for his satire is wonderful to behold, though



Lawrence Mann, who attended

McPherson College the past two years and showed his ability as a sports writer on both the Spectator and Quadrangle staffs, sent his sub-scription for the Spectator from Lawrence where he is attending

Kansas University.

Mann wrote:

“Here's to the "Quality School"

a correspondent in Lawrence, write and let me know and I'll try to furnish some copy, I'm just getting lined up in a journalism course.

McPherson meets on the campus now and then Kauffman, Ihdo, Lela Rhodes, Autum Lindbloom, and Ralf Martin have crossed my vision so far.

"Dorothy Mann is sharing this subscription with me

"Beat the Swedes!




On Monday of last week Dr. V F. Schwalm attended the annual meet-

ing of the General Education Board

of the Church of the Brethren held at Elgin, Ill.

At that meeting he was appointed to two commissions to study educational problems. Dr. D. W. Kurtz was re-elected chairman of the Gen-eral Education Board.

On Tuesday and Wednesday of last week President Schwalm and Dr. J. J. Yoder attended the meet-ing of the council of boards of the Church of the Brethren, also at El-gin. Dr. Yoder was elected chair -man of the board.

Action was taken for more affec

tive administration of the affairs

of the church.

"And why is he so snobbish?”

"Why he was the first man in

town to be run over by one the


Murlin Hoover as exchange ed-

itor is getting training now to be a

great success in the Farmers Ex-


Ruth Anderson is always on the market for lips that will make a

news story. She is a blonde who

Charles Collins does an excellent grasshopper as he flits here an

aloft a note book to record therein the quips which constantly fall from the lips of the verdant students --freshmen and otherwise. He holds frequent consultation with the book known a* "Sparks of Laughter."

Here in the reason for the Bull-


"By the way” Mildred Swenson has gained the reputation of being

of everyone —but Judge her not se-verely she Is only gathering personals

Bernice McClellan has been observed attention In chapel, but the reason is plain -she is only trying to catch each and every echo.

Ruth Blickenstaff

sight of her roommate one hour out

gives publicity to the library and interviews various students on the

subject "Quiet.”

Professor Hess aa faculty adviser urges all members to "Be on time” at staff meetings.

Chester Carter accidents hits

on a brilliant Idea, holds a session with Webster, and produces stuff like this.



Prof. Hess Explained the Part M. C. Plays In Forensic Activities


A Debate Will Be the Main Feature Of the Next Meeting.

The forensic club held the first meeting of the year Wednesday ev-ening on the fourth floor of Science Hall.

Harold "Berries” Crist, former

Harold Fasnacht, this year's execu-tive head, who had charge of the

Miss Norine Howard, a freshman, gave a musical reading. She was accompanies by Miss Mildred Mitch-ell, also a freshman.

Prof. Maurice Hess spoke to the group, explaining the part McPher-son College plays in forensic activities and urging that a large number of students engage in this particular extra-curricular activity.

A reading was given by Miss Ruth Hiebert after which Oliver Iken-berry sang "Asleep In the Deep,” accompanied by Miss Harriet Hopkins.

"Black and White Speckled Pig-Hog," a composition by "Berrien" Crist was read by the author which was the concluding number.

Announcement was made that a

debate would be the main feature of

the next meeting, the questions to

be announced later.


Last Tuesday morning James "Dad" Elrod spoke on the subject "What is worth going out for in college?" Every boy attending the Young Mon's Christian Association assembly heard a vital message of truth concerning college life.

"Dad” Elrod explained that life is just what the individual makes it and that he reaps just what he sows. Every one must be careful in the building of a life for character is moulded most of all during the college years.

"Dad” gave ten suggestions for

college men:

1. Be teachable, you don't know it all.

2. Be interested in your school activities.

3. Be considerate of others.

4. Play the game fair, in every detail be square.

5. Be sympathetic and kind

6.Be inwardly pure down in the

secret parts of your life

7. Be friendly to all.

8. Be courageous, never afraid to stand alone.

9. Be genuine, don’t be a sham.

10. Be a lover of truth.

In conclusion Elrod said. "Prepare your life for usefulness for we will be needed to help remedy the ills in this world of ours.


The first cabinet meeting of the year, led by Warren Sisler president, was held Monday evening. Complete plans were discussed for the coming year and a few definite goals set. The immediate need of

ship, and is now working hard at that matter. The cabinet plans to have a bigger and better Young Men's Christian Association, to help all they can in serving the men's needs on our campus. Plans left uncompleted Monday night wars again taken up Tuesday evening when the cabinet again convened for a short time.

When Cupid hits the mark he usually Mrs. It.

The Spectator

The Student Newspaper of McPherson College, purposing to recount accurately past activity and to stimulate continually future achievement.

Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917. at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, l897.

Subscription Rate — $1.50 per year.

Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas

Editorial Staff

Editor-in-chief    Doris Ballard

Associate Editor Leland Lindell

Business Staff

Business Mgr.    Ralph Bowers

Ass't Business Mgr. Ernest Watkins Ass't Business Mgr. Emery Metzger Circulation Mgr, Lloyd Johnson

Harriet Hopkins Ruth Anderson Harold Fasnacht Charles Collins Oliver Ikenberry Mildred Swenson Warren Sisler Bernice McClellan Murlin Hoover Ruth Blickenstaff

Faculty Advisor . Maurice A. Hess rule, he indicates respect for the traditions of McPherson College, h respect that is the foundation of a loyalty that binds us together in a spirit that puts M. C. In the quality list.

Are Caps Keepsakes?

One would at times wonder if the freshmen have already pasted their caps in their memory books. That fear loses ground when a bit of red shines from some hip pocket, or some member of the new class strolls by with his property located,

Just why the freshmen seem ad-verse to wearing the caps might be psychologically explained, but op-

posing arguments outweigh the solution, True, the results of careful application of hair oil does not appear to such good advantage when covered by this special means of identification, but the freshman probably did not stop to think that by having that cap to tip to "her" he has one more means of demons-tration of his admiration.

Bigger reasons are there for obeying cap rule than the above. Every one admits the the presence of caps puts more pep and spirit into the atmosphere. A dash of color here and there alone adds something.

When accompanied by the fact that the brilliancy is the special property of the class whose Identity is already often quite apparent, the appearance becomes only more effective.

It is surely the desire of the freshmen to make his college environment a live one. Then why should they fall in this their first great opportunity to do so?

Freshman days in college come only once to the average individual.

Never again will the privilege of wearing a cap all of his own, one so strikingly different from the masses, be his. Upper classmen who were forced to wear frosh caps declare that there actually was a ‘'kick" in the wearing. Do the freshmen of 1928-29 propose to reach senior heights and look back on a college life that is minus freshman cap days?

Why be ashamed or afraid to wear the cap? You have reasons to

be proud that you are a freshman.    Leaders

You have a bigger heritage of college ideals and traditions and a better school due to growth and advancement than any class that has ever entered. As the latest class to enter you have more years before you here than any other; then make it a place that has life and interest.

Do not cultivate any spirit, of indifference by leaving off your cap. It might grow and mean the death of the spirit that makes this a good place to be.

Real life here only comes when a student is true Bulldog. Among the qualities true Bulldogs manifest,

is loyalty. When a freshman properly displays his cap according to

It is not bunk when others tell you that it is a privilege to wear your cap. It is your opportunity to tell the world that you are a real sport, a loyal booster, and the kind of a Bulldog that is forever In the ring to make M. C. just what, she ought to be.


The attendance at the soccer meeting last Thursday afternoon indicated a live Interest. Alberta Hovis, soccer manager of the Wo-man's Athletic Association, explained the rules of the game.

Captains were elected and teams chosen. The teams are as follows: Ruth Blickenstaff captain Jennie Ylengst Mildred Mitchell Doris Ballard Myreta Hammann Odessa Crist Lila Eberly

Prudence Strickler Clara Burgin Ida Lengel    Louise Allen

Elsie Muse    Mildred Swenson

Hazel Falls    Rexie Kliewer

Helen Eberly Beth Hess Rena Loshbaugh Iva Crumpacker

captain    Harriet Hopkins

Velma Eldridge Ruth Trostle Verna Falgren Jeanette Hoover Attilla Anderson Leta Wine Florence Weaver Florence Lehman Ada Stutzman Velma Wine Mildred Doyle Evelyn Saylor Nellie Collins Sylvia Flory Genevieve Crist Avie Wattenbar-


Y. W. C. A.

As a variation from the usual Y. W. C, A. meeting place the program was presented Tuesday morning on the campus around a bonfire. (?) The Y. W. cabinet assisted by three Freshman girls, Misses Mildred Doyle, Velma Eldridge and Lila Fields gave a playlet for the purpose of getting new members and committees signed.

The setting was supposed to have been a group of girls nti a picnic about a week before school started. Thw three freshman girls were questioning the older girls about different phases of college life and in this way the Y, W. as an important activity was advertised.

Heads of the various committees urged that every one sign for some part of Y. W. work.

Pledge cards were signed at the close of the meeting.



President of Y. M. C. A.

President of Y. W. C. A.

Warren Sisler

Lois Dell

President of

Student Council     Philip Spohn

Editor of Spectator ....Doris Ballard Editor of Gradrangle. Robert Puckett President of Senior Class ________________ .. Elmer McGonigle President of Junior Class

....------------------ Keith Hayes

President of Sophomore Class ....

_____Charles Collins

President of Freshman Class—.

-----;_________Ted Crist

President of "M" Club........-___

___________Ruth Holloway

President of Thespian Club__

............................Marvin Steffen

President of Forensic Club............

---- Harold Fasnacht

President of W. A. A..._Floy Brown Leader of College Band

-— --------Max Conner

Director of College Orchestra______

Prof Doll

Cheer Leaders

Ralph Frantz and Alberta Hoirs

Death In Accident.

Word has been received here of the death of C. L. Muck caused by an auto accident. The deceased is the father of Miss Louise Muck of Glen Elder who was a former stu-dent of McPherson College and a member of the McPherson College natural history trek in 1928. The accident occurred as Mr. Muck was

returning from Texas where he had taken his daughter to enter the state university. Miss Muck is now planning to enroll at McPherson



Jessie C.: Aren’t you worrying about that ten dollars you owe me?

Oliver I.: Of course not, what is

the use of both of us worrying

about it?

Berkie (At table):    Hey. Gene,

didja get this water out of the hot

water faucet?

Gene: Why yes, it’s the only kind we're allowed to give babies.

Chester:    Canary diamonds are

about the most expensive diamonds

there is

J. Hoover: Oh, 1 think I will start raising canaries.

Roommate No. 1: Why haven't you

you shaved this morning?”

Roommate No. 2: "Why, ain't I shaved?’'

Roommate No. 1: "No you ain't, and I want to know the reason why.”

Roommate No 2: "Well, it must have been like this: there was a dozen of us using the same bit of

looking glass and I swan I must

have shaved somebody else.

Highbrow Musician: “Of course

there's a place for jazz.

Jazz Enthusiast: "So delighted to hear you say so, professor!"

H.M.: But I refrain from nam-

ing it in your presence, madam,"

Mr. Newlywed:    "Good gracious,

dear, what a long pie! It is surely

Mrs. Newlywed: "I'm sorry. Cecil, but I couldn’t get any shorter rhubarb, anywhere.”

Jeanette H. “I wish I could stay something funny so I could get my name in the paper.''

By request of Leland L. this is to be credited to the Windom Booster:

Small Child: "Say what's our new teacher’s first name?”

Other Small Child: "Who, Miss Taylor? Why I found it in a book she had—It's Desk Copy. Desk Copy Taylor."

By The Way

Misses Inez Hobbeselfken and Thelma Budge spent the week-end at the Budge home at St. John

Mrs. Emil Asp called on her daughter, Blenda, at the dormitory Wednesday.

Leland Lindell, Ross Curtis and Phillip Spohn went on a fishing trip to near Dunlap, Kansas Friday, returning Sunday.

Miss Dorothy Turner spent the week-end at her home at Hope. Kan-


Lavelle Saylor and John White-neck both of the class of ‘28 were

campus callers Sunday.

Miss Ruth Peterson of Windom called on friends at the dormitory Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sager and small son were dinner guests at the dormitory Sunday.

Leslie and Gilbert Myers of Win-dom went home over the week-end.

Misses Arlene Saylor and Ruth Trostle spent the week-end at the Trostle home near Nickerson.

Miss Mildred Libby of Little River spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks.

Miss Floy Brown spent the weekend at her home near Hutchinson.

Keith, Kermit. and Guy Hayes spent Saturday and Sunday with homefolks near Little River.

Clinton and Donald Trostle went home Friday returning Sunday.

Miss Evelyn Saylor of Morion spent the week-end at home.

Miss Isabel Eskeldson called on

college friends in the city Saturday.

Dean R. E. Mohler addressed the Ottawa County Teachers Association at Minneapolis last Saturday.


Finance and frolic were the main subjects for discussion and delibera-tion at the Junior class meeting last

Friday morning.

After some consideration of the matter it was decided by an almost unanimous vote that the juniors will have a hike and weinie roast some evening this week, possibly Thursday. Following this decision a more serious matter—that of finance, was brought up before the


Miss Mildred Swenson read the report of the budget committee stating the estimates placed on each item of expense anticipated by the class as a whole for the coming year. The matter of dues was then brought, before the class and a motion was made and carried by a vote that each member pay five dollars


Dr. D. W, Kurtz, ex-president of McPherson College stopped in McPherson last Wednesday and Thursday on his way to his home In Long Beach, Calif. He had been to Elgin, Ill. to attend the annual meeting of the General Education Board of the Church of the Brethren.

While here Kurtz was a guest of Dean and Mrs. R. E. Mohler.



Friends of Miss Autumn Lind-

The football game with St. Mary's that was to have been played Oct. 12 has been changed to Saturday, Oct. 13. The dedication date remains Oct. 12.

bloom, '28, will be interested to know that she has made a place as first violinist in the Symphony orchestra at Kansas University where she is attending school this year. This is a distinction of which anyone might be proud.


An Analysis of the Present System

Reinhold Neibuhr, one of the outstanding speakers at the Estes Conference, June 6-16, believes that the greed of the individual is at the root of our present industrial diffi-culties.

Niebuhr points out the fact that we Americans have spent our energy in the application of science to industry while the Orientals, not less intelligent, devoted themselves to inner values. ‘‘Now we are teaching the Orient industrialism but we are not learning their arts but are enslaved to the machine and to its too numerous products. Their surplus is stimulated by hope of gain and profit.

"Machines are fast becoming a curse because they produce too much stuff. At the present there are four and five million unemployed; when other countries become industrialized we will have more. These unemployed bid for jobs which lowers the standard of living."

Neibuhr says that we buy our benefits of industry by dehumanizing the machine and taking from the

lower classes at their expense.

Ho believes that a combination of religious imagination and a fresh

conscience (of the country) will

make for a new system.



(Continued from Page One)


Stage manager - - - Bob Puckett

Costume designer    Bob Puckett

-Mr. Puckett

Third on the program was a pan-in which were in of the children's story book

by Manager Peanuts Morine the

Jack and Jill-- Clara Graebner.

Lois Dell.

Sailor Boy- Max Conner

Little Boy Blue-- Ralph Landes

Little Jack Horner-- Harold Fas-

nacht. Little Bo Peep—Arlan Brigham Talking Doll-- Fern Shoemaker Walking Doll—Mercie Shatoe

Bride and Groom-- Lela Holquist

Dorothy Swain and her mother Beaver, were customers, had

the dolls shown off to them, decided

upon, Talking Doll, and withdrew, At midnight tiny fairy Clara

Davis entered, the dolls came to

life and all performed very well, but

loudly for Manager Morine

awakened, entered, and the dolls again became lifeless, inanimate ob-

Refreshments of ice cream lolly pops and cup cakes were served to the hungry and clamoring children. The party was ended at the Old Shoe rather reluctantly. Everyone then went to "Walkers" and pictures were taken of the gleeful group.

At a very late hour for such a juvenile company they returned to their respective places of abode and the last light flickered and went out and the little surrounding world

became dark the last little imp of

kiddishness flitted out the windows thru the night air and again were

they grown up.

Prof. Hess Attends Coaches'

Meeting in Kansas City

Prof. Maurice A. Hess went to

Kansas City last Thursday where he attended a joint meeting of the debate coaches of Kansas and Missouri. Meetings were held Friday and Sat-urday for the purpose of discussing problems on questions for debate and the scheduling of the debates

of the ensuing season.


The first student organization to make their presence known this fall were the Young Men's and Women's

Christian Association. They were

welcoming students to McPher-son College and endeavoring to fos-

ter a spirit of goodwill and fellow-


The first all school social function

is watermelon feed, was entirely in

charge of the organizations.

Activities of these two groups

continue throughout the year. Their endeavor to promote the living of a more fall and creative life is con-stant. Meetings each Tuesday af-ford an opportunity for students to worship together and to think with

one another about the problem that

confront them every day.

It is the privilege of every stu-dent in benefit by the meetings.

The more interest manifested by the individual by his regular attendance and willingness to discharge his

duties in connection with the or-ganizations result in directly pro-portional personal benefit.

library notes

Seventy-nine more books were loaned at the library Tuesday than were loaned the corresponding day

last year and two hundred nine more than two years ago. On Tues-day and Wednesday evenings all the chairs in the reading room were oc-cupied, and some students were forced to study in the basement. The librarian reported they were very quiet and every one seemed to

be at work.

The management purchased a new L.C. Smith typewriter for which the librarian was very grateful.

Miss Vera Cade presented the

library "A Brief History of Educa-tion" by Ellwood P. Cubberley and

"School Efficiency" by Henry Ren-


nett. A copy of the new physiology text, "Anatomy and Physiology", by Josie F. Williams was given by Dr. H. J. Harnly.

A number of new books for the manual arts and physics depart, ments have been received.

Then too, you Freshmen do not

seem to be chewing your share of

gum. Do not think for a minute that

because that habit was allowed in

in high school that it is here. We will

probably have a maximum in the Spring and think what an advantage

the upper classmen will have when three or four year's practice. You must start training immediately.

-University Life






Bulldogs Profited By Experiences of First Game.

McPherson college lost the first game of the season to the fast team of East Central State Normal of Ada, Oklahoma by a score of 13 to 0.

The loss of the game will have no effect on the conference standing but has thrown some light on the general weaknesses of the team and on individuals of the team. It is believed that a number of the faults will be ironed out In the next few days practice.

The game was featured by a spectacular play by Larue and Kuhn of East Central when Kuhn took Larue's fifteen yard pass and carried It fifty-five yards for a touchdown early In the second quarter. The rest of the game consisted of smash-es and punts from the danger lines of both teams.

The outstanding men of the McPherson team were Wells and Miller. The Injury of Nonken In the first quarter and Wells in the third quarter was keenly felt by the Bulldog aggregate as it weakened the backfield to a degree.

The lineup far the game was; McPherson    East Central

Wells ..._ Q.B. __ Brians

Nonken---- L.H. Larue

Swain    R.    H----Norman

Miller _ F.    H.     White

Blickenstaff ...    L.    E. _ Patton

Fretz ........... L.    T.     Roberts

Zink__ L.G.     Land

Ellis - — Center___Saynor

Snow ________ R. G.     Ashley

Wine---- R.T.____Chowins

Burnison    ------     R.    E. _Broadbent



The following girls were chosen by Mrs. Anna C. Tate, voice Instructor, to become members of this year's girls' glee club: Helen McGill, Margaret Devilbliss, Sylvia Edgecomb, Iva Crumpacker, Attilla Anderson, Prudence Ihrig, Josephine Glasco, Bernice Finkle, Arlene Saylor, Margretta Okerlind, Helen Eb-erly, Mildred Mitchell, Florence

Dresher, Lila Fields, Hazel Fall, Velma Eldridge, Ethel Sherfey, Ber-nadean Van Blaricum, Evelyn Saylor, Leta Wine and Mildred Wine. The first rehearsal will be Tuesday, October 3 at 3:30 o'clock In the Y. M. C. A, room on the fourth floor of Harnly Hall.

The first rehearsal of the boys' glee club will be in the Y. M. C. A room Thursday, October 4, at 6:30. The following have been chosen as members: Ernest Toland, Lloyd Diggs, Willard Peck, Walter Fill-more, Herbert Eby, Guy Hayes, Chester Bishop, Fred Andrews, Raymond Peterson, Oliver Ikenberry, Kieth Hayes, Ralph Landes, Harold Fasnacht, Clarence Zink, Francis Berkebile, Orval Voran, Ross Curtis, Earnet Sauer, Lawrence Turner.


The community chorus which was organized last year met Wednesday evening to discuss plans for the year. The chorus will be directed by Prof. Lewis Doll. During the year the chorus will study secular and sacred music, with the plans that the Salon Orchestra will accompany the chorus. Later in the year it la the expectation to produce the Opera, Faust, with the Chicago Civic Opera Company.

The members show great Interest and enthusiasm in their plans, and wish to solicit the help of more of the college students. The chorus will meet next Tuesday evening, likely at the junior high school building. It is open to anyone who desires to enter.

A large number of music lovers were present at the Cecilian Music Society which met for the first time this year last Thursday evening in amusement hall on the fourth floor of the science building. A number of musical numbers and a short business meeting constituted the evening's program.

A piano solo by Miss Thelma Budge, a violin solo by Orion High, a vocal solo by Lloyd Diggs, and a flute solo by Lawrence Turner preceded the business part of the meeting. Sides were then chosen

CECILIAN MUSIC SOCIETY MEETSfor the membership drive contest, with Miss Budge and Mr. Diggs as captains of the two competing


More than 75 members have join-ed at the time of this writing (Fri day) and the outlook for the coming year is said to be very promising. The organization plans to invite outside talent from other schools and cities to the campus during the


The officers for the ensuing year are: Miss Arlene Saylor, president; Francis Berkeblle. vice-president Miss Mildred Wine, secretary. and Ralph Landes, treasurer.

Coach Hess Gen. Sec. of Kan. I. D. L.

It is a matter of Interest to know that "Coach" M. A. Hess is General Secretary of the Kansas Intercolle-giate Debating League.

This office is comparable to that of president and the organization Includes: Kansas Wesleyan University, Bethany College, McPherson College, Bethel College. Sterling College, Southwestern University, Friends University, and Wichita University.

The league was organized ten years ago and Prof. Hess is the only

coach in the district who has coached continuously during that


Miss Florence Teager, who was formerly of the McPherson College English department, now has a po sition In that department at Chicago University.

Princeton, N. J., Sept. 20—Princeton will use eight football coaches this season instead of ten used last year. The varsity coaching staff includes Bill Roper, head coach; Al Wittmer, line coach; Stan Keck, tackle coach; Shad Davis, end couch; Nat Poe, coach of reserves, and Keene Fitzpatrick, trainer. Brad Dingmor and Pudge Neldlinger will coach the freshman team.—Daily Kansan.