McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas. Tuesday, april 16. 1929




Four deputation teams went out from the college this week-end. Two left for extended tours the other two for week-end trips One team was sent out last Week-end. These teams are endeavoring to acquire the col-lege constituency with the school and draw the two close together

One team is composed..... of the

Misses Mildred Wine Sylvia Flory. Sylvia Edgecomb Prudence Ihrig, and Attillia Anderson. and Harold Crist. They visited the churches at Wichita and Newton this week-end Harold Fasnacht, Ralph    Landes

Lloyd Diggs. Oliver Ikenberry. and Carroll Walker gave programs at Sa-betha and Morrill and other nearby places

Prof. Roy B Teach started Saturday morning with a team which is to visit practically all the Brethren churches in western Missouri and a few on in northeast Kansas. Lawerence Turner, Willard Peck and the Misses Hazel Falls Margaret Devilbiss and Naomi Witmore are the members of this team.

The other team taking an extended trip is made up of the Misses     Helen

Eberly. Leta Wine Velma Eldridge. and Ethel Shorty, and Harold Met-chert Professor Fries is accompany-ing the group. They will visit many of the churches In Nebraska and north central Kansas. This    team.

with Bernadean Van Blarienna and Harold Crist. gave programs at Cas-tleton and Barlow on April 6 and 7


This afternoons—Track meet at Kansas Wesleyan Tomorrow All School Picnic. Saturday. April    Sophomore


Saturday. April 20 K. U Relays.

To remind President Schwalm that

he was another year older the senior class surprised him at his home on College Hill last Tuesday evening The group gathered at seven fifteen o'clock. Games and contests filled the evening with entertainment-Then Elmer McGonigle class presi-dent. presented Dr. Schwalm with a Schaeffer's desk set as a gift from the class of 1929. Refreshments of fresh strawberry ice cream sundaes and cake were served just before the guests departed at nine o'clock.

The Opera “Pinafore.’* by W. S. Gilbert and Sir Arthur Sullivan will

be given by the college chorus of

fifty voices and eight soloist at the City Auditorium Wednesday night. April 24th. The Optra 'Pinafore' never falls is please all audience be-cause of its tuneful melodies, dainty music and the sparkling wit of Its dialogue. Elaborate costumes and scenery will be used. The McPherson Salon Orchestra will accompany the opera.

The following is the cast who ably handle their parts:

Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph Peter K. C. B. Baritone- Oliver Ikenberry.

Capt. Carroran Commanding "H M S. Pinafore    Baritone: — Fred


Ralph Rackstraw able seaman. Tenor Lloyd Diggs

Dick Deadeye able seaman, Bass

Orville Voran.

Bill Bobstay, Boatswain's Mate. Bass    Lawrence Turner.

Josephine. the Captain's daughter, Soprano Prudence Ihrig.

Here, Sir Joseph's first cousin. Mezzo Soprano —Arlene Saylor.

Little Buttercup. Contralto—Helena Eberly.

The chorus is made up of First Lord's Sisters. his cousins and aunts, Sailors and Marines The scene is laid on the quarterdeck of H. M S. Pinefore. Time, the present.

Admission will be thirty-five and fifty cents, thirty-five cents for stu-dents. Secure your tickets from any member of the cast or chorus and reserve then at Ruby's and Lind-say's on Monday, April 22.


Track And Field Meet Sponsor-rd By McPherson College


A Senior Banquet For All High

School Seniors    Being Arranged

For Evening

The Eight Annual Interscholastic

Meet for high schools will be held on

the McPherson College athletic field Saturday. April 27. A lull program has been arranged for the day and in every way the affair promises to be a event This year the program is under the supervision of Dean R E

Mohler, who with groups of students has gone to the various high schools in this section to put on prpgram. In interest of the annual affair with ap-parent success judging from the amount of inquiries coming to the office daily concerning the meet

Each week Information is being sent out from the college concerning the meet and tp arouse further interest on the part of the high schools. Last Saturday a set of papers was sent out telling of the rules concerning the meet together with a list of the meet records and the order of events at the meet this year The entry blanks will be sent out this week Replies from the high school on every side point

in a record attendance this year According to state rules the con-testants who enter the sectional meet must qualify at some state authoriz-ed meet. The McPherson meet is an authorized meet and the winners of both first and second places are eli-gible to enter the sectional meet the following week. All the contestants, must be regularly enrolled high school students and eligible to enter and compete in regular high school meets and the rules governing K S

H    S. A. A. and their method of counting points will be used. All

schools with an enrollment larger than 150 will be entered as Class A while all with smaller enrollment will be entered as Class B unless they choose to be is Class A.

Am excellent line of trophies and medals has been secured for the meet this year. Gold. silver. and bronze medals will be given to the winners of the Individual events and gold and silver medals have been provided for the winners and runner-up in tennis. A silver loving cup will be given to the school winning each relay The high point man In Class A and the high point man in Class B will each he given a loving cup. A beautiful trophy will be awarded to the school winning Class A and to the school winning Class B.

The Women's Athletic Association of McPherson College has made defi-nite arrangements for a meet for the girls from high schools. They Have listed the following events in which the girls may contest 100 yard dash.

yard dash. Half-Mile Walk thinning High Jump. Running Broad Jump, and the Baseball Throw. Rib-bons will be awarded the winner of first, second and third places In all events for the girls.

A Senior Banquet is being arrang-ed for 6:30 that evening and all high school seniors and the sponsors have been invited to attend.

Entertainment will be provided for the high school students all day long on the college campus, Including a tour through the buildings and pro-grams by different college groups.


Although the school picnic. did not materialize, the cooks and dining-hall and kitchen help treated them moves to a picnic supper on last Wednesday evening. About five-thirty the girls gathered In the



Monday April 8, Dr.H J. Harnly took the members of his geology class on a half day field trip The places visited were Battle Hills. north of Canton. Twin Mounds. and the cave-in cast of Lindsborg which is a development of the last year. The class is planning other trips our of them will be into Gove county where investigations will be made of some unusual fossils    which Prof H

H Nininger has found there A trip will also be made to the salt mine at Lynns.

Miss Chester Carter accompanied her grandmother. Mrs. Slump of Perryton. Texas Wichita Friday where they spent the week end.

Misses Ruth Lerew. Viola and Mina Switzer. and Minnie Richert of Lovewell visited campus friends-over the week end.

Miss Beth Bish visited Miss Evelyn Kimmel at Morrill last week end.

-On a Dew-Dew-Dewy Day'* in April a great calamity fell on the college life of a certain campus. A blight lightened upon the hopeful ex-pectations of hundreds of co-eds and other creatures lurking in Sean-dinavians. Their hopes were dashed to the ground and they went and In otherwise shed copious amounts of lacarymore moisture known as tears.

A-ha! The plot thickens and boils over. The dastardly villian enters and the mystery is solved. The all-school picnic. Was and has been prevented. Such is life. The cold cruel world wrecks Its vengance upon any and sundry members of society regardless of bow intelligent of im-becile they may be Why must the innocent suffer? Be good little girl be good and great was the reward — pickles. rather discouraged baked beans which had never seen Boston, and Hot Cross Buns but they didn't cost a cent. It took sense to eat them though.

Chapel upon occasion. rare .however. can be rather entertaining It can also be depressing. Picture the


Mildred Swenson and Donald Trostle,

Associate Editors

Leland Lindell. editor of the Spec-tator for next year has announced the names of these who will serve on

his staff for the school year of 1929-

30. His staff will be composed chief-

ly of students who are now writing

for the Spectator.

Lindell will have two associate editor First, Mildred Swenson, who for two years. has served on the Spectator staff    Second.    Donald

Trostle, who will have charge of the make-up work and head lines. He has had some experience in a print


Those of the staff she have served previously and will again next year are Gilbert Myers Ethel Sherfy. Martin Hoover.    Chester    Carter.

Emery Metzger. and Bernice McClel-lan. Only two new members have

been chosen Donald Trostle and

Beth Hess.

In the near future the new staff will send a questionaire to every stu-dent and each member of the faculty The questionnaire is being sent to find out what the students and fac-ulty really want and how they want it.

McPherson college


Thirteen of this year's application for schools have already received position. Two seniors, Fern Shoe-maker and Archie Blickenstaff have places in the high school at Little River and Clara Davis is to teach music and expression in the same system. Iva Crumpacker Lois Dell

and D L Miller have position at Windom Floy Brown will teach at Ellinwood Vera at Abbyville Ruth Hoffman is the junior high school at Mcpherson Marvin Stef-fen at Ottis Ernest Toland at Durham and Francis Berkebile at Marion Lloyd Johnson had accepted a position with the United Telephone Company at Abilene.

Miss Ruth Trostle spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks at



drab scene    cold grey must outside

long faces quivering lips red noses. and a piano pounding out a funeral derge inside    A heavy pull of melon-

choly and frustrated hopes settled Upon the once height young faces and the brains of the institution rested upon the platform were seen to exchange glances frought with sorrow. It was a grim occasion and as the portenteous announcement of. "No picnic today" uttered in *tli#*i -inn. tones reached the tensly strain-Ing ears and smote upon them a death knell. So to speak chapel was anything but inspiring.

The weather man is a-tickle jade He is "a rag, a bone, and a hunk of hair. and as untrustworthy as a co-ed who dates more than twice a week. He has grudges against people who wish to go on picnics. He should be suppressed and censored.

But saddest of all were the people who had prepared for the picnic with new overalls and knickers, Overalls like bronco horses must be broken In and no one had even a decent chance to do so. How can one really





Elmer McGonigle motored to Wichita on business Tuesday of last


Miss Adeline Taylor who is teach-ing to Windom spent last Tuesday night with dormitory friends.

short anything in an impromptu

class when attired in latest style Smith Brothers. Blue Denim It just

isn't being done this season. Slightly embarrassing to have your opinion solicited about and evolu-tion of magic when dressed as a Kansas farm land. The mental pro-cesses just don't function coordinate-ly as it were.

One is reminded of the ancient "con" game of the pea and the wal-nut shell.    Guess which day the sun

will shine and then be fooled. In Kansas the weather is as uncertain

as the market or a young man's fancy. The market takes a falling motion and so does the weather. Stung again!

But always look on the bright side and If you can't find one use your imagination. “Better days are com-ing" and so are picnics. Perhaps the next picnic will be better for having waited, as anticipation adds greatly to the value of a thing. You know overalls are the people they grow on you so little girl don't cry— you'll get to wear your overalls bye and bye"    .


Tourney Held At Wichita April 11th And 15th


Hold In Connection With The Pi Kappa Delta Convention

McPherson College's forensic rep-resentatives to the Pi Kappa Delta convention, National forensic fra-ternity. at the University of Wichita April 11 and 12th. failed to return with any trophies. However, the ex-perience and ranking they received should not be undervalued for they met the best competition In college forensic activities.

The following colleges and univer-sities participated: College of Em-poria, Washburn College, Friends University Kansas State Teacher's College of Emporia. Kansas State Teacher's College of Pittsburg. Bethany College, Northwestern Teachers' College of Alva. Oklahoma, Bethel College. Kansas State Teach-ers' College of Hays. Oklahoma City University, Southwestern College. Kansas State Agricultural College. Baker University. Sterling College, McPherson College. Kansas Wesley-an University. and University of Wichita. A total of 155 contestants participated.

M Johannedes Pittsburg Teach-ers' College. won the trophy for first place In men's oratory Johannedes' oration was    concerned with immigra-

tion, and is himself as immigrant from Arabia. The women's oratory trophy was won by Miss Gertrude Hocner, Southwestern College. Miss Hocner is a former student of Mc-Pherson College. The men's extem-poraneous speaking honors were won by John Young. Empora Teacher's College. The women's extemporan-eous speaking trophy was won by Miss Gertrude Gwinner of Washburn College.

Five women's debate teams tied for first place Each team winnning four debates out of the five. The teams that were tied were Bethany College. Kansas State Agricultural College. Southwestern College, Wash-burn College and Pittsburg Teach-ers' College Washburn received the trophy by the lucky flip of a coin.

Baker University. Washburn Col-lege, and Oklahoma City University men's debate teams tied for first place. They did not decide who would receive the trophy by the flip of a coin but decided In fight or talk It out between them.

Those from McPherson College who participated were men's debate. Philip Spohn. Keith Hayes. Ralph Frantz, and John Harnly; women's debate. Mildred Libby. Fern Gaile Floy Brown and Ruth Anderson;

extemporaneous speaking. Keith Hayes. and Ralph Frantz, women's oratory. Floy Brown and Regina Kliewer:    men's oratory.

Leland Lindell


Prof, G N Boone. head of the industrial arts department. made an address before the Arkansas Valley Manual Arts Club on April 6 at El Dorado Prof Boone spoke on the subject “Present Day Trends in Manual Arts and Vocational Educa-tion. He showed the need for vocational and industrial education in' the present school system and the present trend of such training. He spoke also of future emphasis to be placed on vocational training, ex-plaining the five aspects of vocation-al guidance.

Misses Nellie Collins. Lila Mae Eberly. Clara Burgin. Jessie Church-ill, and Florence Lehman were the week end guest, of Miss Myrtle Aniz-worth at her home at Abilene.



The Student Newspaper of McPherson College purposing to recount accurately past activity to stimulate continually further achievement and to live and cherish our one code—“The School of Quality'’.

Entered as second class matter November 20. 1917. at the post-office McPherson. Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.

Subscription Rates

$1.50 per year


Address all correspondence to


McPherson, Kansas

Editor-in-chief _ Associate Editor


..Doris Ballard Leland Lindell

Business Manager Ass't. Business Manager Business Manager.

Circulation Manager

Ralph Bowers Ernest Watkins Glenn Harris

Lloyd Johnson

He—-Could I have just one little.


She—I don't cater to the retail trade.

A porch light may to very dim. yet hare an enormous scandal power Wait?

More Truth Than Poultry!

“It's a great life if you don't weaken but you have a good time If you do"—SPECTATOR (April 9).

Royal Yoder—Is my face dirty, or is it just my imagination?

Keith Hayes—I don't know about your imagination but your face to clean.

"What a marvelous strain that in!" said the musical genius.

“Yes." said the unappreciative “I too feel It.

Harriet Hopkins Oliver Ikeberry Ethel Sherfy

Faculty Adviser—


Alberta Yoder Marlin Hoover Gilbert Myers

Mildred Swanson

Bernini McClellan Emery Metzger

.Maurice A. Hess


It is becoming apparent that in the near future college and uni-versity forensic activities will be under the direct control of the National Honorary Forensic Fraternity of Pi Kappa Delta. To be eligible to this fraternity, a student must have won honors in oratory and debate.

At the recent regional conventions of the Pi Kappa Delta told In Wichita a vote carried that only Kansas college and universities would to Invited to participate In their invitation contests. This seems justly conceivable that before long only member schools will to Invited.

It is interesting in note that In the last convention only charter members received first. second or third In all of the contest. A non-member school is at a great disadvantage whan competing with member organization.

We have become "set" in our "misled" thoughts of such honorary societies as the Pi Kappa Delta. We have failed to investigate the present renditions and situation of schools with such organizations. If the present and future forensic activities of McPherson College are to live and grow We should investigate such an advantage a national honorary society offers.

Next year the National Honorary Forensic Fraternity of the Pi Kappa Delta convention and forsake contest will be held In Wichita at the University of Wichita. Non-member schools will to prohibited froth entering any contestants. Not until the following year. 1931 will we to invited again.

At the present we have but three National organization upon our campus, tje Y. W, C. A., Y. M. C. A, and the W. A. A, We have national organization for our women athletics. and our religious groups. but none for our forensics. Enthusiasm is dying down because of a lack of an or-ganization.

If all forensics were organized under one definite organization, local, state, or national, there would be a great Incentive and a bigger and great goal to reach. More interest would be acquired and more well being would be received. We would to on a par with other colleges and universities. our forensic standard would to enhanced.

“By our voice we shall be known

And by our organizations we shall to represented.


That the American college youth is not the "collegiate" with his Idiosyncrasies as portrayed today on the stage and to the comic papers is the conclusion drawn from a wide survey made by a certain college dean. According to officials of three hundred leading colleges of the United States the present day collegian is serious minded. careful about his ap-pearance, and is not the type characterized by tumble-down socks. flashy flivvers, hard drinking and bod manners

the same survey indicated that college deans and presidents are of the opinion that the presant day college student possesses higher ideals and does a higher class of scholastics work than any previous generation.

Another fact revealed by the survey was that the presence of women students on the campus was desirable and had a marked effect upon the habits at dress and the morals of the men students.

It was found that only a frivolous minority engaged in drinking, petting. and dishonesty and neglected class work. And that class rarely excels in class work or in sports.

These facts in contrast to the criticisms sometimes heard concern-ing college students are encouraging. The possible achievements of youth are greatly insured when there is a confidence and faith placed in them by the preceeding generation.    


Life holds many disappointment. but it is wise that such is the case in view of the fact that the inhabit-ants of this earth are so constituted that the decisions which they make and aspirations that they have at one time, frequently are absurd and fool-ish when considered from a more-

mature standpoint-

For the purpose of testing our re-ready acquired skill at accumulat-ing data and compiling statistics and also to satisfy mild curiosity as to in what degree an individual attains that thing which he aspires as a child to to or do when grown, we hit upon the perfectly splendid Idea of securing such data from the vari-ous members of our respected fac-ulty as representative America citi-zens.

At least we thought our Idea a splendid one until we began to carry our plan into effect. Because of their elusiveness and our timidity we fail-ed to learn the childhood ambitions of a number of our overlords. but the information which we received from those we did interview is in-teresting to any the least, and being unselfish In nature we will withhold none of our newly acquired knowl-edge on the subject.

Besides being enlightening, the Information is also consoling in that the reader who at one time aspired to be the president of the United States and is Worried because at pres-ent he seems to show no indications of attaining that office will realize that he was not abnormal in his desire nor In his unsuccessful at-tempt to reach that goal.

Of those individuals Interviewed, only twenty-five percent have suc-ceeded In realizing; the dream of their early youth. Thus we conclude that the old pagan Idea that what an adult will be to determined by that which attracts him as a child is false. We allude to the old Chinese custom of placing before the Infant certain implements and considering the one to which he is attracted as symbolic of his life work (e. g. a hammer in-dicates an Innate tendency toward bring a carpenter). We might sug-gest that the twenty-five percent mentioned above consisted of women, a fact Which seems to indicate that the feminine mind to more determin-ed in attaining that for which It seeks,

Jamison shows no Indication of being the proprietor of such an establish-ed

No ambition in particular worried little Jessie Brown Her greates de-sire was to so fishing and hunt rab-bits.

Amateur school mistresses were Margaret Heckethorn and Marietta Byerly as children and the youthful

ambition to teach school has been realized by these ladies However, as a girl Lena Trostle also aspired to teach. but never entered the voca-


That the theories of sublimation and transfer of training are true to some extent is shown by the correlation between Johnny Blair's dream of his future and what to is at present. To be a railroad engineer was a desire secondly In his mind to that of losing a trapeze performer in a circus. This latter anticipation him been realized to a certain degree inasmuch as the desire for physical agility has been transferred to agil-ity of speech the easy use of a good vocabularly. The engineering ten-

dency shows itself In Prof. Blair’s

classroom management.

Circus life held a glamor for little Clara Colline also. Her highest am-bition as a child was to to a member of the Ringling Brothers' circus. and her Idea of bliss was the realization of the wish to ride an elephant In a parade.

To be a doctor absorbed the thoughts of young Howard Fries whose business ability has won for him the office of business manager of our alma mater.

With feminine tenacity. Mildred Lamb has not yet relenquished the childhood dream of being a lawyer

and going into the foreign consular service which she hopes some day will be fulfilled. We are want to hope she shan't to disappointed, but prone to believe other dreams she entertains will be fulfilled sooner.

As a ten year old miss. Della Lehman did not confide in any one her ambitions to be a school teacher and a reader some day. Such an exalted position seemed unattainable to her fancy, but with womanly determin-ation both of these desires have been fulfilled.

Thoughts of what she would to or

do were of little consequence to little Edith McGaffey. but she longed to have black hair and blue eyes. She has however, we believe, overcome. her disappointment In not realzin-this dream and is happy in spite of it.

And so we see that although lif, seems hard and unjust at times, it

Is best that some of the fondest hopes of mankind are never fulfilled. Had

the seventy-five percent of those per-

sons with whom we conferred to ob-tain information on this subject who failed to pursue the Inclination of their early youth followed said in-clination we would be minus some perfectly good instructors.


The magazine “ Radio Design which is a handbook of construction for student has come to the library recently. This magazine Will prove very Interesting and instructive students who are studying about the radio and Its development.


It ta starting that so many college students are not familiar with world and national conditions as they exist today. The situation is not so strange, at least it can to explained. The average student is so absorbed in performing the day a schedule and the things that possible extra curr-icular activities may add to his routine that he almost forgets any other place exists other than his own campus. The little information that he is able to gather from snatches at newspaper is about the limit of his knowledge of the world about him.

This does not discredit reading newspapers nor following one's daily schedule. But it is known that an understanding of, the why and wherefore of events nod movements in current history is necessary to make any effective contribution to the direction of their cources. To posses an intelligent understanding of such things it is necessary to read and study literature on economic. political and sociological subjects.

The question has come to our mind whether it is better to madly pursue the study of the principles of science the facts of history and the works of literature to the extent that we take so time to obtain a knowledge of current events. or to take a little time out to make oneself with conditions as they are in the world today. The value of the academic studies lies in the use which is made of them is living is the present Naturally, a compromising between the extreme of the two situation to the desirable but like most Utopia rarely exists

To the parson of a scientific or psychological turn of mind, our data Will seem inadequate and unscien-tifically stated, but with faith in the law of averages and in human toler-ance we hereby submit It to be taken for what It is worth.

Little George Boone dreamed of being a preacher or a doctor when a lad of tea years or thereabouts. Even until after his entrance In college he entertained the hope or entering the medical profession but at present he is professor of industrial education In our beloved Institution—an com-petion quite dissimilar to that of his boyhood fancy.

inspired by an Insatiable appetite for sweets, in his early youth Benny Jamison determined to be a candy merchant thus to fulfill his supreme desire to be surrounded by the tempt-ing sweetness which to might par-take at any time without fear of parental remonstrance. As yet Prof.

The librarian states that there has been a decided decrease to library attendance recently.


kitchen and assisted in loading a waiting car with several mysterious-looking boxes, buckets, cans, and sacks, then started for the sand-pit. After reaching the pit, pictures were taken, fires built, and weiner-sticks secured, During these events Homer Brunk proved to he the most popular man in the crowd. The supper of weinnies buns, pickles, apples, ice cream, cookies and coffee was liter-ally devoured. Various members of the group entertained with songs and readings which were evidently much appreciated. As night came on, the crowd returned to the campuse, declaring it a delightful evening after a disappointing day.



The Y. M. program last Tuesday was presented by the deputation team composed of the Misses Leta Wine. Ethel Sherry, Velma Eldridge. Helen Eberly. and Bernadine Van-Blaricum.

It was a musical program of quar-tets. a piano duet by Miss Eberly and Miss Wine, and a piano sold by Miss Eldridge. Miss Sherfy read a group

comments he avoided?’ That is just what we are trying in figure out. To assume a modest, shrinking violet pose has its possibilities, but that becomes terribly prosaic. To disrobed mankind and pursue studying with renewed vigor arouses the idea that you are a book-worm and thoroughly uninteresting.

"Oh. well, let your conscience be your guide. That’s what we’ve done until we can scarcely notice that we have one. We've tried all of the above mentioned tactics and speak from a knowledge of the truth and an understanding of human nature us it exists in man, We had just about derided to be a little less frigid when someone said they had Heard we would gamble for anything wearing trousers. so we have now determined to maintain our iceberg characteristics.

' Now that's off our mind and we feel better!”

of three poems also.

This should be a successful team If attention shown at Y. M. is any Indication.

The engagement of Miss Ethel Mae Metsker to Mr. Roy Franz of Rocky Ford. Colorado, has recently been announced.

Miss Metsker was graduated with the class of of McPherson College. and is now teaching In the Little. River high school, Mr. Frantz is graduating this year with the class of ’29,

(Continued from Page One)



The following was recently found th editor's mail box:

Speaking of that tribe of self-, Itsupreme animal beings of , masculine gender, we would like t give vent to our emotions. ■Tradition has it that the fairen i has assumed an exclusive right to type of conversation called nos-but the tables have turned and ib fairly shouts that this institu-,, wit hall Its connotes has been n.epolized and Is being exploited our husky male friends. If the itdettts of Fahnestock hall could win In a Gossip contest against group of Ladies Aiders in the we would feel tempted to de-... the judges Incompetent and the i«irui invalid.

That there are fewer of the male eries on the honor roll each semes-at least partially due to the hat at least fifty percent of time (this is a conservative timate is spent discussing the atti-appearance style, form, intel- ability. adaptability, taste, irteristics, responsiveness, and warmth” of every girl In Arnold nil. individually and collectively. ■.Sister sufferers, here Is a tip: if iu want a man to think anything you consider first whether he is worht the trouble and gossip which - attentions to you will create in i5 brothers. If you conclude that he , viurfy his likes and dislikes rare-

"If he seems to like girls who are demand flirt with every other man ii the campus and date whomsoever to please, but don't feel badly if you -ar from at least a dozen sources mi you are ”man mad” that Is ;-rely an indication that your ef-ins are bearing fruit. He Will tum-ii» eventually and then if you find c isn't as nice an he seemed, chuck iin, although by so doing you will stir criticisms which will undoubt-lly outweigh the favorable turn-ents Inspired by your actions.

"If you weary of this method same an attitude of aloofness, ruts, at least ninety-nine percent of u Fahnestock brothers will think m think you are too good and will ■obably confide in someone that vy do not agree with your opinion i think of the possible one per-i«3 In order to maintain this cool-ns, never speak to a man when «i meet him—a frigid nod is per--Jblc but no recognition is profer-h*. Avoid sitting near the men in s of your classes for fear circum-ices will require you to speak to e of them and someone might, ink you are "chasing'' him. Aids attend social functions, relig-ts gatherings, or entertainments me of in the company of one or of your own sex. Oh, yes, not.

• w of our capable male critics will ament on the fact that you are -maidish and probably never had lance for a date in your life.

•You say, ‘how can such scathing




1 The contract for the engraving work of the 1920 Quadrangle has been let us the Mid-Continent En-graving Co of Wichita, After care-ful consideration and conference with representatives of several engraving companies the 1930 staff decided in favor of the company that Is doing the engraving work for this year’s annual. Tln1929 staff is well pleased with the service rendered by the Mid-Continent Engraving Co., and highly recommended it for considera-tion to next year’s staff.

The University of Texas is in have a $450,000 gymnasium and auditorium and a new chemistry building.

Unless high school students desiring entrance into Washburn college have a C or above in their scholastic work, they will Have to enter the col lege on a conditional basis, Arthur G. Sellen. dean. has announced. Other college students entering Washburn also must have an average

of C or above.

Another requirement Is that all en-tering students must score 100 points out of a possible 220 in the Alpha intelligence test, or Its equivalent in some other standard test.

Leslie C. Daun, Professor of Zoology at Columbia., has been conduct-ing an experiment with rats for the last seven years. In applying various tests to the Medelian lavws of heredity.

French universities and military colleges have abolished all hazing In order to welcome freshmen cordially.


Last night the girls' base ball championship was decided in the; game between teams III and IV, team; III winning by a wide margin. The

An elimination tournament has been played. Team II Nellie Collins. Captain, was eliminated by team IV. Ivn Crumpacker, Captain, in the first round. Teams I and III met each other in their first game from which team III emerged victorious. The captains are Velma Wine and Rena Loshbaugh respectively. Tonight the consolation game between teams I and II will be played at 5:30

Seventy points towards W. A. A. awards is given for intra mural base ball team and fifteen points each for winning and varsity teams. The varsity team will be selected some time this Week. The members of the winning team are: Rena Loshbaugh.

Verna Falgren, Sylvia Flory. Regina Kliewer, Floy Brown. Dorothy Myers, Edna Hoover, Florence Lehman, Margaret Devilbiss, and Beth Hess,

The McPherson College chapel orchestra conducted by Prof. G. Lewis Doll gave a program at the high school Tuesday. April during the chapel hour.

Ted Crist McPherson student of last semester. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Crist and Miss Ada Crist of Friend visited Harold Crist here Sunday and Monday.

Our Business Is to Improve your appearance and we enjoy it. Prompt service and sanitary methods. Sid's Clean Towel Shop.


Class Visits Industrial Plants Of Hutchinson

By The Way

Misses Mildred Hide and Clara Grabber spent the latter part of last week at the Grabner home In Macks-ville.

Miss Della Lehman was a Wichita shopper last Tuesday.

Miss Velma Wine and Fred Andrews spent Saturday and Sunday with friends In Kansas City,

Miss Thelma Budge spent the week end with Wichita friends.

home at Morrill.

Misses Arlan Brigham and Bernice McClellan were Sunday dinner guests at thu Wyman Freely home.

John Whiteneck. '28. was a cam pus visitor Sunday.


Miss Mercedes Edwards was called to her home at Canton Thursday because of the serious illness and death of her father.

John Whiteneck was the week end guest of Miss Arlene Saylor al her

McPherson high school has earned for Itself another high honor. Its de-bate team which has been making history for the school having raptured the championship of the Kan-sas High School Debate League at the tournament staged at Lawrence Friday, April 5, bringing home the highest laurels In the Class A competition. Five schools had virtue of inter-district victories, and placed In the finals at Lawrence by these, were the opponents lined against McPherson at Lawrence.

In the first round McPherson and Hoisington battled In a tie, and then In a triangular debate between Paola, Coffeyville and Oberlin, the latter school won. Hoisington, Oberline and McPherson Battled In a triangular event for the decision. the McPherson debaters coming in as victors.


Saturday the Bulldog tracksters went Into the Hastings Relays against some of the best track mater-ial In the western and northern states, The half mile relay team fin-ished second. the sprint medley team finished third and "Bob" Pucket finished the 100 yard dash third.

The afternoon the track and fluid team travels to Salina where they will he pitted against the Kansas Wesleyan team. Saturday Coach Gardner will take the Half Mile Relay team composed of Hochstrasser. Bowers Nonken, and Pucket, to Lawrence where they will be entered in the Kansas Relay, a Classic which is this year attracting the best track stars In the United States and Hawaii. Several Olympic championship holders arc entered In this big meet.



Dr. J. Willard Hershey took his chemistry class to Hutchinson Friday to visit the Salt Mine and other places or Interest. The group left McPherson in cars and arrived in Hutchinson about 8 o'clock. The first place visited was the Morion Salt Plant. Here the group saw the salt from the form In which It is mined until It is prepared for the market. Each person was given a small cube of Morton salt as a souvenir of this plant. The group visited the Lars-bee Flour Mills next. The mill and also the laboratory of this company was visited. This mill has a very large daily output of flour. The visit to the Paper and flex Factory was Instructive In showing the process In which paper In made. The work is all done by machinery. One of the most interesting places visited was the Carey Rock Salt Mine. The students went down into tho mine which is hundred forty-six feet deep. A guide look them into the rooms in the mine where the salt Is mined. Electricity Is used most extensively In this mine than In any other mine In the world. This mine has been In operation since 1923. Thu rapacity of the mine is about one thousand tons daily and If required this amount could be taken out day after day for one hundred years. There are about sixty man employed in the mine proper.

The first place to be visited In the afternoon was the Kansas state Industrial Reformatory. The officials were very kind In showing the group through the buildings and about the grounds. The new Cell House, which was built last summer was visited. The Refromatory offers many ad -vantages for the boy to learn a trade while he is there and thus he makes profitable use of his time. The next place to be visited was the Donatti Candy Factory. The guide showed the process In which the candy is made until it is wrapped and packed for distribution. While at the bakery the group saw the way In which bread is baked at a bakery In the large containers In the ovens. The last place visited the iron found-ry. At the time the group arrived the workmen were moulding the Iron. This was the most Interesting time to visit this place.

Then entire group who went on the trip enjoyed the day. This was made possible through the careful arrange-ment of plans by Dr. Hershey.

McPherson high school


hour the McPherson High School music department under the direction of Miss Taylor gave a program The program consisted of glee club numbers and sextette numbers. Miss Una Morine played a piano solo. The college students are glad to have the local high school present their programs.

Orville Zink of near Windom called on his brother Clarence hero last Wednesday.

Miss Alberta Hovis left for her home at Eldorado last Thursday where she spent the week end.

Raymond Buskirk motored to his home at Latham Thursday evening and retarded Sunday.

Out of town guests at the "M" Club banquet were Clarence Hawk-ins. ’28. and John Whiteneck, '28, of, Nickerson; LaVelle Saylor. ’28. of Marion, Moffat Eakes, '27, of Ellsworth; Lloyd Saylor of Salina and Ira Brammel. '23.

Miss Nellie McGaffey, '27. who Is teaching at Ramona spent the week end at her home here in town, near k - Sta. Ni Is the time

Miss Helen Bucheneau. debate couch, deserves high praise for the record McPherson has made this sea-son. Hilden Hibson and Miss Eunice Sargent are the affirmative members of the team, while Gilbert Spencer and Eldon Fields make up the nega-tive combination.—McPherson Daily Republican,

Professor S. A. Blair spoke In chapel Wednesday saying that the temple of achievement In open to all by day and by night but no one can enter unless he is willing to pay the price and this temple is guarded by a narrow way. Students should seek the truth so that they can give it to others who have it not.

Among the things that Dr. Schwalm spoke about Wednesday in chapel were that the bitterest disap-pointments In life come an a result of the greatest expectancy. Our lives should possess a character that strives to be helpful to others.

On Friday morning at the chapel

Lowell Franz, a former student who Is now attending Nebraska University. visited McPherson friends Sunday.

Miss Eunice Longsdorff and Francis Berkebile spent Saturday abd Sunday at the Berkebile home at St. John.