McPherson college, mcpherson, Kansas. Tuesday, april 9, 1929


A series of articles on "The Youth of Today” Is to appear in the Chris-tian Science Monitor during the month of April. These are written by Reverend Waller Van Kirk, a noted worker among young people. The librarian Invites attention to these articles

Picnics are queer things. They always turn out differently than is expected. They are places where people forget In be what other peo-pe think they are and their true nature comes out into the open. more Is the pity—sometimes.

There are picnics and picnics. The best kind of a picnic is where there are boats, a lake, a swing and a water fountain. When one gets in a best with a good looking man at the oars. a pile of cushions In the stern-a romantic tendency, a moon and a pretty girl then Indeed it is a combination hard In equal. Berlin should compose a song named "A Rowboat A Uke, and You." and unleash all his romantic phraseology. It would sell like hot cakes on a college cam-pus in spring when the young leaves are budding same as young love.

The usual picnic Is composed of trucks. pickles. boys, and ice cream. Incidentally girls trail along In picturesque garb such as boots, overalls, bow ties and lip sticks. Some-times there is included a chaperone.

An Ideal picnic chaperone is one who sees nothing, hears nothing, and does nothing)

The best part of a picnic is the lunch which is extended through out the day. It Is usually appetiz-ingly spread either upon the ground or under a tree. People eat things at a picnic which they would be. horrified at eating at home. Such interruptions as grasshoppers in the coffee or bugs In the potato chips is a minor consideration when a rw-bias appetite gets started.

The activities of a picnic are many tad varied. Baseball seems to he the favorite sport but really it in not


just ethical to make fun of the novice who carries a bat with him when he makes a home run the first time. Then people take walks meet her who are never seen to-gether any other time. Really It is quite amusing if it was not so sad in some cases. Hiking is a popular sport hut It’s lots more fun If you have someone to help you over rough places and laugh at you when you make a mistake and step into the from porch of a bumble bee who forgets his manners and bites you in places not listed in geographics When people are on panics they art quite as they would like to when normal, The thin quiet girl loses her dignity with her skirts when she puts on knickers and blossoms out into an athletic person with a ravine appetite for base ball, boating and other disorders The unpopular girl obtains some sort of charm and lose her self consciousness with her don-ning of boots, and she finds she can "hand out a line" which is like a country telephone line In that she attracts so many parties. Too bad that self conscious girl cannot live In the picnic spirit but picnics are like trolley cars. there Is always another one coming and they are usually the Tonnerville type.    

College picnic are the last word In style They start early In the morning before either the birds or faculty are about and last until after doors are locked. They consist of boys. girls, ice-cream. bran, row boats. quarrels, telephone. trucks baseball, accident. and various other spasms. They are dirty but amus-ing. The Coffee tastes fine on a camp fire but the same coffee serv-


Margaret Devilbiss Has Drew Chosen May Queen

At a brief business meeting of the Women's Athletic Association last Monday evening chief consideration was given arrangements for the high school senior festival an dthe May fete. The organization also voted to adopt a standard W, A. A. pin,

Because of the responsibility in-volved In the supervising of events on high school senior festival day, a committee was elected to be in charge of the girls' track activities on that day, Those chosen to serve

on that committee are: Misses Rena Loshbaugh, Velma Wine, and Hazel Falls

A commitee for the purpose of supervising the lunch sale on the evening of the May fete was appointed by Miss Brown, president of the association: Misses Lillian Horning. Ruth Anderson, and Ruth Hoffman Those who will supervise the W A A. lunch sale no high school fes-tival day are: Misses Regina Klie-wer Lois Dell, and Iva Crumpacker.

After some discussion as to the merits of having a standard W. A. A. in which is the highest award given by the association, a decision was unanimously made to adopt as standard a pin of the same design as was awarded last year.

The announcement that Miss Margaret Devilbiss has been chosen May queen was received with much applause after which the meeting was adjourned.

ed In the dorm would bring a mutiny. It's all III Ills mind anyhow. The queer part about it is that examin-ations do not retard themselves nor

classes break up, or professors miss students on such picnics.

It's a great life If you don't weaken but you have a good time if you do. So on a picnic let yourself go and be natural until it is painful. Cultivate a capacity for eats and then when someone asks you what state you are in you won't have to say, "Misery" Tell jokes until your entire stack is gone; when you finish

with the Scotchman you can fall back on Pat and Mike

The fatigue element in picnics it quite noticeable. Such unaccustom-ed muscles are discovered that you think, "No wonder I made a C In physiology". Really you become sore In so many places that you feel like saying words that your mother used to wash your mouth out with soap for saying But what does It matter, picnics come but once a year and a Junior sneak comes but once In a


Faculty members become ap-proachable when 0n picnics and really are more Interesting than when In classes. They are good sports however In all cases and not a bit critical. It’s always a good thing In have a faculty person for a chaperone because they are reason able.

A picnic is a great occasion but sad to relate it puts one In bed for days so perhaps they should only come once a year or there should be a hospital for the lame halt, and un-educated instead of a college.


Hoover And Hayes    Will Cheer The

Bulldogs To Victory, 1929-30


Paul Bowers Will Act As Treasurer of Council

Student officers for 1929-30 were elected last Thursday morning at the student elections held from 10:20 till 12:30. John Lehman and Paul Bowers were elected to head the student council Lehman will be a junior next year and his work in the college this far makes him a promising president. Paul Bowers has had experience and training that qualifies him for the position as sta-dent council treasurer.

The future for the student pubil-cations looks promising also. For editor of the "Quadrangle" the stu-dents elected Glenn Harris, staff member of the 1929 book. Wray Whiteneck, who     has this year been

assistant business manager of the annual was elected business manager. Lindell and Watkins will run the Spectator for the coming year Lindell has been associate editor of this year's paper and has demonstrat-ed bis ability in journalism. Watkins has been assistant business manager of the "Spectator” this year.

To cheer the Bulldogs to victory Is 1929-30 Miss Jeanette Hoover and Guy Hayes were elected, High school experience and asssistant work in college cheerleading make these peo-ple qualified

Preceeding the elections campaign speakers made eloquent oratorical at tempts to explain why their particu-lar candidates were especially fitted for the position Roy Franz presided over the meeting.


Students And Faculty Going To Horse Thief Canyon

Tomorrow, April 10. will be a great day on the calendar of Mc-Pherson College students and faculty members. This first all school picnic will be held about forty miles from here at Horse Thief Canyon    Ar-

rangements have been made for the transportation of all those who desire to go The group plans to leave McPherson College at 8 o'clock. it is hoped that every student will abandon his studies for one day and will go on the picnic

Dinner will be served at the can-yon around a camp fire. The com-mittee has carefully planned entertainment for the day. The games will be in charge of Miss Alberta Hovis and Coach George Gardner Miss Lehman will also be in charge of part of the day's program

Undoubtedly the day will offer us expected adventure and many thrills for the students and faculty . The Birds class expects to secure Infor mation and the Botany claim plan to seek a new variety of plants. This trip will furnish an opportunity for many to travel over rocks and can-yons that they did not know existed in Kansas.    

Those who are in charge of mak-ing this picnic possible are very anxious that the entire student body Join In this holiday. If the holiday proves popular to the students it will become a custom of the school to have an annual school picnic In the spring Instead at spring vacation.

Cornell university would he a min lion dollars wealthier should it place the co-eds In an other college and abolish the fraternity system The endowment was promised by Hayward Kendall, graduate of ’95. now a Cleveland coal dealer. who described the co-eds as "a mass of unwelcome misplaced women".


Both Debate And Oratorical Entrants

McPherson College will enter thee forensic tournament at Wichita University next Thursday and Friday that Is sponsored by Pi Kappa Delta fraternity.

The negative and affirmative of both the men's and women's debate team will enter. On Thursday there will be two rounds of debates for each team and three 0n Friday. The debaters must debate both sides of the questions, twice for one side and three times for the opposite side. The debaters going to Wichita are Ralph Frantz, John Harnly, Philip Spohn, Keith Hayes, and the Misses Floy Brown, Mildred Libby. Ruth Ander-son, and Fern Galle

Three McPherson students are entering the contest in oratory. Miss Floy Brown will give her oration. "The Outlawry of War". Miss Re-gina Kliewer will give "The Flaming Youth" and Leland Lindell "The Fate of the Navajo*”.

Miss Ruth Anderson. Keith Hayes and Ralph Frantz represent McPherson College in the extemporaneous speaking contest.' The contestants will draw for subjects and will be allowed one hour in which to prepare their speeches. There will be one round nf oratory and extemporaneous speaking each day. No awards will be made until Friday evening. On Thursday evening there will be a banquet for the contestants. Prof. M. A. Hess debate coach, will attend the contest with the McPherson stu-dents.

Miss Ruth Hoover, '28 who teaches at Dwight, spent the Week on on the campus.


Wednesday. April 19,. All-School Picnic

Friday. April 12, Chemistry trip to Hutchinson.


"He and She" Three Act Drama by Rachel Crothers

An outstanding piece of work from the dramatics department of Mc-Pherson College was witnessed    last

Friday night at the Community Hall in the presentation by the Thespian Club of "He and She" by Rachel Crothers The work of the cast show-ed natural ability and much training under the able direction of Miss Della Lehman, of the dramatics department of the college

The three act drama by Mrs. Crothers presented the question that is arising in modern society as to

the woman's place, whether it is in

business or In the home. The results of woman's sacrificing her home and family for her work were vividly II lustrated by the situation In “He-and She". Anne Herford awoke fin-ally to realize that she had stunned her husband and his ambition when she won a commission for a frieze ever her husband's drawing In the meantime. throughout all her devo-tion to her work, she had neglected her young daughter. Millicent. who had planned an elopement.

Miss Ruth Hiebert played the part of Anne Hereford and Charles Collins of Tom Hereford. Daisy Herford. the businesslike sister of Tom. was played by Miss Sylvia Edgecomb Leland Lindell took the role of Keith McKinzie Hereford’s assistant be was surprised to find that Daisy agreed with him. concerning woman's place in the world. Millicent, the daughter. was played by Miss Mildred Swenson. Dr. Remington, Anne's father, who seldom hesitated to ex-press his so-called mid-Victorian

(Continued on Page Three).

A machine for testing sound has been invented by three senior electri-cal engineering students at the Uni-versity of South Dakota. The ma-chine is many times more sensative than the human ear, and will record sounds varying from one vibration per second to above 30,000 wibrations per second.

Miss Mildred Swenson spent the week end at her home near Windom.


Second Team Debaters Show Excellent Team Work


All Members Of Team Are Freshmen Who Have Had Experience

An undefeated season for the sec-ond debate team was realized last Friday when both the affirmative and the negative succeeded In win-ning the Judge's decisions in the debates with Tabor College.

McPherson College affirmative, Guy Hayes and Otha Whiteneck met the Tabor College negative, Ernest Stiltings and Arthur Locwen, here In the chapel at three o'clock Friday afternoon. The victory for McPher-son was won by a comfortable mar-gin. The constructive arguments of the affirmative were especially clear, and the rebuttal of Whiteneck was outstanding. The Judge was C. D. De-moray, debate coach of Sterling College. who gave a very constructive criticism.

Ralph Peterson and Ralph Turner.

negative speakers for McPherson

went to Hillsboro Friday evening where they met the affirmative team from Tabor at eight o'clock. Miss Regier and Mr. Epp were the Tabor respective. Miss Regier was the strongest of the two. being especially good in rebuttal. The McPherson team well deserved the decision and displayed excellent team work.

This closes the season for the sec-ond team. Their undefeated record equals that of the second team of three years ago. Several varsity de-baters will be lost by graduation this year and this strong second team makes the debate prospects for Mc-Pherson Colelge look promising. All these men arc freshmen and have all had high school debating experi-dice.

MANNERS AND MORALS Clothes Should Be Planned To Pre-

serve One's Own Individuality

The topic for the meeting of the Young Women's Christian Associa-tion last Tuesday morning was "Dress. Manners and Morals”, Miss Dorothy Swain was the leader.

Miss Bernadean Van Blarieum played a violin solo. '"Blues Danube Waltz" accompanied by Miss Ruth Hoffman.

"Clothes should be planned to preserve one's own individually. The key note of the well dressed girl is simplicity." said Miss Melda Mohler as she discussed the topic of dress She explained that dress reveals personality. Miss Mohler classed her discussion with the question “Do your clothes Inspire moral thoughts or vulgar thoughts?”

Miss Dorothy Gregory talked on the subject ‘'Manners and Morals" "The conventions and courtesies of life make the wheels run more smoothly.” said Miss Gregory Man-ners she defined as one's outward manifestations of one's attitude on life. She also pointed out the fact that though the customs of ettiquette change the principles of thoughtful ness and kindness for others remain-the same.


W. E. Ray. an alumnus of Mc-Pherson College, who Is now In Houston. Texas. has increased the amount of money he gives every year for awards to McPherson College orators from ten to fifteen dollars. For a number of years. Mr Ray has given this sam. which has been applied to the awards to those who compete to the peace oratorical contest each year.



The student Newspaper of McPherson College. purposing to recant accurately past activity—to stimulate continually further archiement— and to live and cherish our on cod#—"The School of Quality".

Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917. at the post-office at McPherson. Kansas, under the act of March 3. 1897

Subscription Rates

$1.50 per year

-Editor-in-chief Associate Editor _

Address all correspondence to


McPherson. Kansas


- Doris Ballard Leland Lindell

Business Manager...

Ass’t. Business Manager Ass’t. Business Manager ...

Circulation Manager


- Ralph

Ernest Watkins Glenn Harris Lloyd Johnson



Under The Direction Of Mrs. Tate, Voice Instructor

The comic opera “Pinafore" by Gilbert and Sullivan will be given by the college chorus of fifty voices and eight soloist at the city auditorium, Wednesday evening. April 24th under the direction of Mrs. Anna Tate, voice Instructor

Elaborate costumed and scenery will be used.

Prof, Lewis Doll is preparing the orchestra to accompany the opera. This will be a grout treat for the music lovers of the community. The opera "Pinafore" has long been a popular and tuneful opera much enjoyed by the public Keep the date In mind!

Harriet Hopkins Oliver Ikenberry

Ethel Sherfy

Faculty Adviser__

REPORTERS Alberta Yoder Marlin Hoover Gilbert Myers

Mildred Swenson Bernice McCellan , Emery Metzger

..Maurice A. Hess


That times do change is illustrated by an old college catalog of 1904-05, There might not have been any M Club or any track teams. but according to a picture included in the catalog of twenty-five years ago the young men of McPherson College got their excercise bicycling. The picture shows about thirty members and their wheels. There is one fair co-ed in the picture too that made us wonder If she were an active or honorary member. Women were perhaps beginning to come Into their own even then.

The list of expenses is interesting particularly in the way of contrast. Tuition amount to forty dollars for one entire year. There was among other fees, a twenty-five cent library fee: we wondered If the students used to be so prompt at returning books that such a foe was more remunerative than assessments on overdue books.

Hoard at less than week rates was fifteen rents per meal; the menu was not specified. Other interesting, Items were Ink. per term ten cents and fuel per year in advance, ten dollars.

Only two names appeared In that catalog among the lint of admin-istrators that are yet listed with that group today. Dr H. J. Harnly was professor of biology and philosophy and J. J. Yoder's name appeared on the board of directors. Although there are outstanding differences noted in contrasting the two books, there is also an outstanding similarity. The catalog for 1929-3- states, as did the one for 1904-05 that the aim and purpose of McPherson College Is to promote a thorough Christian education.


The Forensic club met last Wednesday evening at 6:30 in the chapel. Some business concerning dues for the Quadrangle pictures were trans-acted and an Interesting program

was presented. The numbers on the program Included; reading. "The Cheerful Laundress," by Helen Hudson; vocal solo, ‘‘Give a Man a Horse He can Ride," by Oliver Ikenberry:    oration. "THe Flaming

Youth." by Regina Kliewer: reading, a cutting from Tarkington's “Fen-rod." by Mercie Shatto,

expressed the appreciation for the winning basket ball team, the spec-tators, the city and the coahc, Coach Gardner related interesting incidents from trips to other cities for athletic contests.

The toastmaster then called upon President V. F. Schwalm. Rush Hol-loway, president of the "M" club, and Ira Brammel. a former letter man, for extemporaneous speeches.

A six piece orchestra supplied music during the first part of the evening before the beginning Of the formal program .

Other guests from the city besides the present “M“ club membership and their guests were Dr. and Mrs. Quantius. Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Harnly, and Prof. and Mrs. J. H. Fries, Other alumni members present were Leo Crumpacker of McPherson. Lloyd Saylor of Salina. Moffat Eakes of Ellsworth. Lavelle Saylor of Motion, and Clarence Hawkins and John Whiteneck both of Nickerson.

The three course dinner Included fruit cocktail; creamed chicken in timbales, mashed potatoes, buttered wax beans, hot buttered rolls, radishes, strawberry Ice, perfection salad. Ice cream, cake, coffee and opera sticks The waitresses were the Misses Ruth Bish, Ada Stutzman. Mildred Ihde, Attillia Anderson, Sylvia Edgecomb, Velma Wine, Sylvia Flory and Mabel Lee Early.

Incidents of their lives and the ways In which they composed the Orator-


Dean R, E. Mohler spoke to the.. students Wednesday in chapel Among the facts he emphasized that In order for a student to do effective work in college he must be present In the class room when it is possible.

On Friday Dr. Hershey gave a very interesting account of the life of Professor Robert Milleon, one of the greatest physicists In the world. His chief Interest was to develop the elements. His life has been a life of climbing to great renown. He is the author of twelve books. As a teacher many have found him inspiring. pa-tient, and kind. He is a member of the national academy of Science. Many honorary degrees have been conferred upon him both In this country and In England and he has been the recipient of many prizes

The Misses Olive and Orpha Weaver and Violet Brink were shop-pers In Hutchinson last Saturday.


Friday Prof. G. N. Boone and a mixed quartette and their accompanist drove to Buhler and Inman where they presented programs to the high schools. The group included Harold Fasnacht and Oliver Ikenberry, and the Misses Helen Eberly, Prudence Ihrig. and Naomi Witmore The program consisted of quartette num-bers, vocal and piano solos, readings, and pianologues.



"Gee this seems like Tuesday”.

”Sap, it is Tuesday",

“I know it, that's What makes It seem like it".

P-A-P-A—-The "Kin" we love to touch.

Diggs: Come on. let's go to the library.

Andrews: Can't I gotta study.

The girls of today bare forsaken the three R's (readin', ritin'. and 'rithmatic) for the three M's (men motors and moonlight)

Miss Lehman (play practice): Mr. Collins your mouth is open.

Charlie: I know it I opened It.

He who nose nose he now nothing

Mr. Ohmart (to business man):    I

would like to get a job for my son

Business Man: What position?

Mr. Ohmart: As nearly horizon-tal as possible



Class Motors To Halstead At Early Hour of

The members of the junior class Look leave of their duties early last Wednesday morning and two truck loads of them went to Riverside Park at Halstead for an all day pic-nic. Mr. and Mrs. James Elrod drove their car down and the back seat was well fitted with food and cooking utensils. Eating, playing ball and rowing were the main occupations of the day and in the evening the trucks with their passengers, went to Hutchinson where the weary Jun-iors rested for a while in the wel-upholstered chairs of the theatres of the town.

Immediately upon their arrival at Halstead the cooks, under the direc-

tion of Ruth Blickenstaff began pre, parations for breakfast. The amounts of oranges, bacon, eggs. buns, catsup, olives, coffee, ice cream and bran that was consumed by those fifty some Juniors whose appetites had bees whetted by early rising and a long ride might be alarming. Irene Steinberg and Jennie Yiengst tied in the race to determine which could eat the most ice cream. Emery Metz-ger and Glen Harris proved efficient in manipulation obstinate gasoline stoves.

After breakfast attention centered is a baseball game in which Joe Hart displayed his abilities as catcher, pitcher, hatter, and general all-around man. Enough rowing was done before dinner to wear several blisters on hands that were not used

such strenuous work.

The cafeteria dinner, nerved at one o'clock, came too soon after break fast for some but anyway, no ham, beans, potatoes, gravy, shrimp salad. buns, butter pickles, cookies or bananas were wasted. Another base ball game is which the girls, with the assistance of “Little Mary" Crumpacker, • Miss Barngrover and "Sister" Chris, succeeded In beating the boys. Some few, however, preferred making themselves known in the town, or along the bank of the river, or on the smooth water, or showering the first baseman of the boys team with cold water, to active participation In the ball game. It did not matter about the first baseman though became his name was "Sunshine" and he soon dried off.

After supper. consisting of five gallons each of chocolate and strawberry Ice cream and three delicious White cakes with carmel Icing the group decided to go to Hutchinson for a show The trucks arrived on the campus late at night with two loads of sleepy, dirty, tired Juniors, all of whom vowed they wouldn't have missed It for anything. Some of than even wished that the sneak was just beginning instead of ending.

All Members Art A Fool On April First

Six medals of gold, silver, and bronze are offered each year at the University of Oklahoma to the best

all-around students.


The theme of the Cecilian Music Society program last Thursday evening was the "Oratorio". Miss Gwen Galle acted as the leader of the meeting. Thu members present answered the roll call by naming some great Oratorio and outstanding Oratorio composers and their works were discussed.

Miss Margaret Devilbiss talked on the “Oratorio." giving the history and mentioning some of the best writers, after this two selections were played on the victoria; the first won a portion of “Elijah" and the second, “On the Waters of the Minnetonka" by Thurlow Lieurance.

Two of the greatest Oratorio composers in the history of music. Han-del. the writer of the “Messiah'' and Bach wore discussed by Herbert Eby, Te told some of the most interesting

In keeping with the spirit of the day on April 1 the senior class bios nomad out en masse dressed as "kids" During the chapel period they enter-tained the audience by a varied program. Francis Berkebile was master of ceremonies and did well for his nge. The numbers included a song by the group led by Margaret Devilbiss, a solo by Arlene Saylor, a reading by Ruth Hiebert. and a piano solo by Robert Puckett. Each number was duly encored.

Not until noon did the dignified group of the student body grow up and put away childish things, mama dolls, teddy bears and lolly-pops reigned supreme.


Prof. J. A. Blair Acts As Toastmaster

In the festively decorated room of the Brethren Church basement the members of the "M" Club entertain-ed their lady friends and other Invited guests at a banquet last Saturday night at seven-thirty o’clock. Red and white bulldogs, and conspicuous *'M’s" made the room a place for a gala occasion.

Prof. J. A. Blair as toastmaster was In charge of the program and used his well stocked vocabulary to introduce each number. Ross Curtis sand two solos. “Mighty Like a Rose" and “Dana" He was accompanied by Miss Arlene Saylor. Paul Sargent, former McPherson athlete and “M" club members, in his speech explained how college athletes should build for strong moral life in after college days. Dr. W. C. Heaston spoke on the attitude of spectators toward athletics. Miss Naomi Wit more gave a musical reading entitled "Soap". Miss Thelma Budge accom-panied at the piano. Dale Strickler. an alumnus who has been an outstanding M. P. athlete, spoke concerning the alumni and athletics In the alma mater. Dean R. E. Mohler


from the issue or "Memories '23," We have taken these poems . C. R. Brammel. Mr. Brammel's poetry has received some recogni-tion, he having been Admitted to the Kansas Author's Club At present he doing graduate work at the Uni-versity of Washington at Seattle.

r gold, one silver were the batteriny wings

At he could not climb to the sky.

"Miss" said he “my soul longs for the blue.

•t my wings will not let me fly".

,j hours we have plunged through the dark.

we have left states behind.

Now into the big sheds we come— I'rirM I of rods Wearied you Of milk, so this is Chicago!

walk boldly past your great drivers.

through your appending steam,

with the rest of the respectable folk, Thanks, big boy. for the lift; shall enjoy Chicago.

call you God. I thank you for

that star

that shines so bright beside the chimney

if that house across the street,

Thanks for eyes to see beyond the


and a soul to see beyond the stars think there are a million chimneys thereabouts, it.I I am lost. except for that bright Mar that teases even this sick soul to hope there is place afar there some days have less smoke, there trains and trucks are times quited.

and clothes washed clean can dry while in the sun. don't need gold, you God.

need fresh air and a little rest, and if my soul sees right beyond that


won't mind much to leave Chicago and the kids.

For a bit of Joy there'll be, and fewer chimneys.

My last trip—

I want it to be From the breast of the sea Through the paths of the fish To a rock underneath.

I want the waves

To be my last drink While I willingly sink Out of sight of the skies

And the foam In my

Let it burn!

Let it fill up my ears.

Let me lie through the years.

As I'm long to be.

Salted away in the

•The last call—

At its note I will rise

Back up to the skies.

Amt I'll come for my pay _ In a boat from the sea.

then a new lark has broken his dark house    

as combs his bill against a feath-ered breast.

ed when the wings which warmed his birth spread out bring him first food, and there

at rest

Among his fellow on the summer


What wonder is it that he trains his wings.

To pull him high up o'er the dark, gone.

To greet the friends who bathed first. and sings

Where are the men with wing trained strong to fly

Bark to the giver of their smiles?

Where are the men with souls then climb the sky.

To see the great new day beyond the skies

Man is forgetful not to train wings

A lark lives happy in the sings.

Men, like trees.

Grow year by year in sturdiness,

And rise, unnoticed And self-taught,

To fill vacant places within The wide reaches of The forest,

The strong winds come and the

k*'^i f.*ot

The bolt from heaven,

And the flood.

And read them and read the they strive,

Always back to the sky

That tore them.

For rain and sun to make rr -Then another blast And a sear!

And thus the tree self makes strenght.

And man his own crown.


hundred of their melodies for pos-'min this close conduct he tas i i '* 11* understand the Indian I. H,»'' and how to give the

H'lluur melody a modern set

Three compositions are master-pieces and when given such charm I colorful interpretations as we

heard last evening give is a real

Most . ; the    consisted of

I Lilian    .in i«i Mrs. Lieurance in

•    1W. Him Mr. Lieurance at the

^    • "r Tark furnishing flute.

■ *’•    "ti* Lieurance has a most

i -sympothetic voice of rich --.irm .(ti i. . and of remarkable

..... Il*"i interpretations were

loir-.    The fine piano

** * IM . r mil stories Of the songs ** V t wiuilt.', and the beautiful. till uijf' ...... ..i.i.iacai' gave color-

" i * 1 tu lor lovely voice and

tunnmii. |..'i -nimlity,

' r i Hi. program was devoted

....... * 11* *n "< Indian flutes.

*ii ............... has a large

I In flute is found among I I    The . I it M*1 of the Indian

.......... l il and beautiful and

' .i 1 * i'' 'i lii iltii’t with a modern "I ii'l* 'I very pretty. lloiltloH a

■ ...... Omaha flute. Mr,

! '■'i.i"    played a 'duplicate* of an

"I ' 1.....rib r of the sixteenth

The program was as follows: Legend and Song. "By Weeping Waters" (Chippera)

by Singing Water",

Legends and Song, I Sink In My Heart at the Weaving (Navajo).

-The owl hoot on a Teepee Pole" (Ojibuay)

Midnight Lagoon”—Flute solo. She Stands There Smiling".

Demonstration at Indian Flutes

The Owls Beat Cry"' (Chey-enne),

Legend and Song ’'Wiam'’ (Pu-


Legend and Song. “By The Waters Of Minnetonka" (Sioux).

Ideas, was played by John {pbnrj-i Miss Clara Davis took the part

Ruth Crecie, who gave up Keith to, her work a a magazine editor. Miss Elizabeth Hess    the. J-

maid's part.

The presentation was under the auspice of the student council.

THE most interesting and delight ful concert that we have been privi-leged to attend in McPherson for a long, long while was given in the City Auditorium last evening This was the concert by Thurlow Lieur-

ance, pianist-composer-lecture. Edna

Wooley-Lieurance Soprano, and George B. Tack. flutist

The program consisted .    •.

compositions by Lieurance. Atin * t., great composer of Indian music is has spent many years among thy American Indians, learning the legends their music and recording




'' .i a date solo which

■ it ■ " '•‘'■ti His technique,

> » ■    in* tin tuiIon were marvel-

. tii •••nilrlt nml (V-llimi '•    * ' Hi il.*wrv>* n> ni'li praise for

*i"i >    .unselfish effort.



Thespians' Offering Is ArtistIc Success

(Continued from Page One)



Our Business is to improve your appearance and we enjoy it. Prompt service and sanitary methods. Sid's Clean Towel Shop


In. In each there is a stone that will crowd out most of the garden. or the individual will hew out an abiding place for his savior.

The resurrection give a hope be-yond the grave.



Hoisington won the first annual Pi Kappa Delta Invitation high school debate tournament held at Hays Fri-day and Saturday. Oberlin. defeated 4 to 1 in the finals. placed second.

Nine teams participated in the event. They were Atwood, Oberlin, Great Bend, Hays, Hoisington, Man-hattan. Minneapolis, Plainville. and Woodston.

Hermann Bowen, former student and art instructor at McPherson College, who Is now at the College of Emporia, visited in the city Sunday and Monday.

Broadcasting equipment of Purdue University was recently destroyed by fire. The damage to the broadcast-ing station and electrical equipment in the building was estimated to be about $10,000.

Smoking by women in the annex of one of the dorm is said In be the cause of a $50,000    fire at the Univer

sity of Minnesota which destroyed the building.

L. J. Ryan. a senior at the University of Toronto and the editor of the campus paper was dismissed on re-

commendation of the student council for writing too frank editorials, which were termed "extremely ubiquitous" by the council spokes-nuitL.

Miss, Laura Bammann. '26, who is teaching at Minneapolis spend Sunday at her home In McPherson. She was accompanied by two other teach-ers of Minneapolis and a number of her students.

The question of abolition of hell week Will be tried before a lawyer as judge and it Jury of citizens of Lawrence Feb. 25 The prosecution and defense will each have two stu-dent representatives acting as attorneys.

The debate coach at Marquette University. Milwaukee. Wis. has placed his debaters in a class of cal-isthenics to help his men build up lung power.

President R. W. Schlosser of Eliza-bethtown college, a sister school of McPherson College. has resigned tem-porarily In complete the require-ments for his dot tor's degree. Vice President H H. Nye to be the new president.

Plans for organizing a third college students' glider club in the Unit-ed States are being made at Still-water. Gliding is recognized as a prerequisite to a pilot's license on European air lines.

The Tabor College Oratorio Is the largest musical organization to pre-sent a program in McPherson. The audience were highly pleased with the presentation and many spoke of the rendation as almost equal to the "Messiah".

During freshman week at the Uni-versity of Ohio upperclassmen were asked to act as leaders In explaining the activities of the university. They gave advice to the freshman and outlined the policies of the school.


McPherson takes the


Sterling College Defeated 86 to 45

“'The McPherson College Bulldogs outclassed the Sterling tracksters In a dual track and field meet on the local athletic field last Friday after-noon by a total count of 85 to 45, The meet was a good one in spite of the soft track and high winds that greatly handicapped the runners The Bulldog team showed great strength and good endurance as a result of their long and constant training.

“ Herbert Rochstrasser. this year's Bulldog captain. was high point man of the meet, with 16 points earned with two first and two seconds Robert Puckett was a close second with three firsts. Barton was the high man for Sterling with 11 points earned by one first and two seconds. A summary of the meet follows:

100 Yard Dash—Pucket, McPher-son, first: Hochstrasser, McPherson. Second: Nonken. McPherson. third. Time. 10".

220 Yard Dash—-Pucket. McPher-son, first; Hochstrasser. McPherson, second Nonken, McPherson, third Time, 21.9

440 Yard Dash- Hochstrasser, Mc-Pherson, first; Barton. Sterling. sec-ond Sargent. McPherson, third. Time 53.5

Mile Run — Bargain. Sterling, first D. Bowers, McPherson.' second Crist.- McPherson. third. Time 5'13. 8".

Shot Put -Rock. McPherson, first; Piper, Sterling. second; Wilson, Sterling. third, Distance, 37'11 3/4 ",

120 Yard High Hurdles—Sargent, McPherson, first: Batron. Sterling, second.; Burnison. McPherson. third, Time. 16.5"

. Pole Vault- Hardy, Sterling, first; Barngrover, McPherson. second. Mil ler. McPherson. third. Height.

Broad Jump- Packet, McPherson first Carder, Sterling, second! Barn-grover, .McPherson, third. Distance. 21

220 Yard Low Hurdles—Hoch-strasser, .McPherson. find: Sargent, McPherson, second: Burnison, McPherson, third. Time,

Discus— Rock. McPherson, first; Miller. McPherson, second: Wilson. Sterling, third. Distance. 112'7**.

Half Mile Run—Barton, Sterling, first: Vogt, .McPherson, second: D. Bowers. McPherson, third. Time. 2*17.1".

High Jump—Belt Sterling, first: Hauer. Sterling, Bradley and Barngrover. McPherson tied for second-Height. 5’8"

Javelin—Play, Sterling. first; Rock McPherson, second; Barn-grover, McPherson, third, Distance. 176'11"

Two Mile Run—Burgain. sterling, first Crist, McPherson, second: Bus-kirk. McPherson. third. Time, 11-

Half Mile Relay—McPherson (Ohmart, R. Bowers, Sargent, Hoch-strasser), Time, 1‘38,7",

Next Saturday the Bulldogs will match their strength with the strong entries at the Hastings, Nebraska Relays and a week from this after-noon they will be entered In a dual meet at Salina against the strong Kansas Wesleyan University team.

Y. M. C. A.

In keeping with the season, John Lehman spoke on the meaning of Easter at Y, M, last Tuesday.

It's the invisible meaning which gives significance to the resurrec-tion. College men should and do be-lieve in it because of Christ. It Is victory from seeming defeat.

Modern scientific Interpretation of that event cannot be used except as it takes amount of the setting and circumstances.

Each person has a garden to work

'Just So Stories” by Rodyard Kipling is a useful addition to the library for all people wishing for stories to tell in small children.

"Politics and Criminal Prosecu-tion’‘ by Raymond Moley will be found quite helpful to the debaters and those interested in related stub-Jerta.

" Administration and Supervision of the High School” by F. W John-son hill probably be found Interest ing to those contemplating that branch of teaching.

Thirty seniors in the commence school of the University of Wisconsin spent three months during the winter In actual business position, working in Chicago. Duluth and Minneapolis as a part of their regular work.

The new $60,000 Kappa Kappa Gamma house which Is being built at the University of Missouri is nearing completion.

Manchester College new song book has been completed The book will contain about ninety songs; ap-proximately twenty of this number were written by students of Mnn-chester College and have never before been published. The book will contain college songs. pep songs, class songs, and song which satisfied the Inspirations and ambitions of our illustrious writers and composers.

Madrid University has closed its doors indefinitely as the result of a student uprising against the present dictatorship. Several students were wounded.

A former University of Wisconsin professor Is now in Belgium Congo lusting the relative merits of six new drugs In combating sleeping sickness.

The dean of Wellesley College recently passed a restriction requiring all girls who go for airplane rides to take chaperones with them.