At the vocal contest at Lindsborg last Saturday Fred Ellis placed first in Class A for baritone solo. He sang "Homing" by Del Regio and Kip-ling's “On the Road to Mandalay" music by Oley Speaks. There were eight contestant in Class A. Towns
of more than four thousands inhabi-
tants competed In Class A and towns of less than four thousands inhabi-tants in Class B.
Two other McPherson people. Lil-lian Gadzert and Nada Mae Ritz suc-ceeded in reaching the final contest Saturday night, having placed in the preliminary meet of the afternoon.
Last week we wrote home to our mammas and told them that we were awf'ly afraid that something was wrong with our nerves on account of not being able to go to sleep right away on these moonlight nights, and finding it awf'ly hard to concentrate on our psychology, and didn’t she think it was best for us to have a change so our grades would be better. and would she please tell pop-pa due to our bank account was low, and we thought It would be a good idea to visit his Aunt Susie in the city.
Do mam-ma sent us the money pop pa gave her, and we cut all our classes Friday In pack our hatbox, be-cause we thought that it would be a big change if we would stay up all night and ride on the train instead of
having to go to bed
Well on the train. the girl friend and f tried to act real sophisticated so the good-looking salesmen wouldn't thing we were ignorant college girls, but filially we saw we didn't need to because the only people on the train were old ladies with their shoes off and squalling babies.
The girl friend said we ought to be thankful, but we were awf'ly disa-ppointed because we weren't getting the change our health needed. But we kept on hoping
When me got to the city, a bunch boys with red caps tried to grab our hatboxes but we hung on tight
Wednesday, April 10. is to be an outstanding date in the calendar of the school year, for it is on that day that the whole student body, and all members of the faculty will go to Horse Thief canyon for is all day picnic There will be plenty of ways to go. plenty to eat. and plenty of en-tertainment provided by a general committee of which Prof. H. H. Nin-inger is chairman.
A list of those students who are driving cars Is posted on the bulletin board and those desiring transporta-tion are in make arrangements with one of the drivers. Dormitory sta-dents may receive a ticket for the dinner, without charge. upon appli-cation at the business office. Other students and faculty members may receive their ticket by paying twenty-five cents.
The exact time of departure has not been determined but will be an-nounced later. It Is hoped that all students will Join In this holiday and make it so successful that it will become an event of following school years, as well as of this year.
Miss Laura McGaffey. A. B-. '25. has recently been appointed to an assistantship in the department of history in the University of Wiscon-sin for the next year. Miss McGaffey expects la finish the work far her doctors degree there: she was awarded the fellowship in Kansas University upon her graduation from McPherson College.
Dean Mohler, with one of the dep-utation teams, motored to Hope. Lost Springs. Ramona. and Lincoln-
ville on Friday and visited the high schools. The purpose of the tour was to advertise the college. particularly the coming Senior Festival. The team included Misses Hazel Falls. Sylvia
Flory. and Margaret Devilbiss and Lawrence Turner and Willard Peck. The programs given at each school were greatly appreciate. The num-bers given were:
Bells of St. Mary's—Quartette Flute solo, Hum—Lawrence Turner.
Vocal solo, Little Coon's Prayer— Margaret Devilbiss,
Reading, The Usual Way—Hazel Falls.
Vocal solo. Three for Jack; The Little Irish Girl Lawrence Turner, Piano Duet Stars and Stripes For
ever - Sylvia Flory and Lawrence Turner.
Come Where the Lillies Bloom — Quartette.
College Song -Quartette,
The last local forensic contest this year will occur on Friday. April 5. at 3 P. M , when the second team affirmative meets the Tabor College negative.
The Pups have been developing rapidly and expect to close the season victoriously.
Dr. J. W. Hershey entertained the senior chemistry majors and the as-sistants at a dinner last Friday night
at 6:30 o'clock. After the dinner Informal games were played such as bean bag and others. The guests were the Misses Norma Miller, Floy Brown and Daisy Miller, Mr, and Mrs. R. E. Puckett, Philip Spohn, Fred perry, Daniel Johnson, Ross-CiirilN, Dwight Stutzman, Marvin Steffen, Allen Marina, Joe Voder, Huise Baber, and Ernest Gray.
Miss Jessie Churchill was a guest at the Rump home south of town Sunday.
McPherson campus
Visitors Speak Before Students In Chapel Wednesday Morning
They Assured Our Continued Accred-iation With The Institutions They Represented
Wednesday morning March 20.
the State Board of Inspectators visited the campus and spoke in chapel,
Miss Louie Lesslie. Secretary of the State Department of Education brought greetings from State Super-intendent Allen.
Dr. J. E. Ackert, from Manhattan. who is a member of the Kansas Academy of Science, in his talk stressed the fact that students should
keep in mind the possibility of their taking graduate work when arrang-ing their course.
Dr. E. B. Stouffer. Dean of the Graduate School from Kansas uni-versity, spoke very interestingly about education In the University of Cologue in the Middle Ages contrast-ing them with our own.
The Board is transferring Its em-phasis from the matter of the col-lege endowment to the Inspection of libraries, laboratories, and training of the family. They are also investi-gating the arrangement and organi-zation of the curriculum and the distribution of the course. After carefully inspecting buildings and equipment and investigating the fac-ulty training. they commended the school nil its general spirit and prog-gress commenting especially on the ex-cellence of our laboratories. They as-accreditation with the instutions they represent.
A decided improvement in the ap-pearance of the campus has been made recently. Evergreen are be-ing placed In from of each of the buildings. Many of these are replace-ing large shrubs which have been transplanted to other bare spots on the campus. A large clump of shrubs has been set out in the northwest corner of the campus. Additional work is being done In the northeast corner. Much leveling and seeding has been done and is yet to be done A chain on steel posts is to replace the cable south of Sharp Hall and at other places to prevent driving over the grounds. Probably several old trees will be taken out. Many other improvements are being considered but are not definitely decided upon.
At least one thousand dollars is to be spent for this purpose. Approxi-mately two hundred dollars of It will be spent for evergreens. About one hundred dollars was spent recently on the northeast corner alone. The senior class is financing all work done on the north side of the library.
A committee on campus beautifi-cation has been appointed by Presi-dent Schwalm. It is composed of town people and faculty members and In helping to plan the improvements. The original plan was drawn by Paul Baker of the Prairie Gardens Company. Recently an extensive
questionaire was handed to members of the faculty and student body for recommendations. Thorough consid-eration is being given to the problem
We are glad to note these Improve-ments and appreciate the interest shown In the project. It has been suggested that students can do much in co-operate by following sugges-tions made for parking cars and using driveways.
At Southwestern College at Win-field, minors are abolished in all de partments and majors to from 24 to 20 semester hours without prere-quisities in the department. A point system of grading is used.
McPherson College has been Invited to participate In the Regional Pi Kappa Delta Forensic tournament at Wichita University April 11 and 12. The contest Includes several schools in Kansas which are not members and a few schools of Nebraska and Missouri in addition to member schools of Pi Kappa Delta to Kansas and Oklahoma.
Leland Lindell is McPherson Col-lege's representatives if the men's oratorical contest. Floy Brown and Regina Kliewer will enter the
women's contest.
Keith Hayes and Ralph Frantz will enter the men's extemporaneous speaking contest. Ruth Anderson will enter a similar contest for women.
McPherson will also be represented by night debators-— the two varsity teams and the two women's teams. Each teams will debate five rounds whether they win or lose. They debate on alternate sides of the question.
The Bulldogs got away to a poor start but have improved. much dur-ing the season. Their growl is very likely to be heard at Wichita where they should help to make it interest- ing.
Women who are planning a career, women who are planning a home, and members of the weaker sex should all be interested in the drama “He and She" presented at the com-munity building Friday. April 5, by the Thespian Club,
“He add She" by Rachael Crothers is a modern drama presenting the problem of the proper work for mar-ried women.
Anne Hereford. the sculptor’s wife, works with her husband. They each enter a contest and she wins. Victory, however, exacts a price.
Dr. Remington, her father. is a plain spoken man with decided opinions.
Under the able direction of Miss Della Lehman, an outstanding cast is working on an outstanding play. See “He and She"
Price of admission 75 and 50 cents.
Miss Mildred Doyle spent the week end with home folks In Topeka, and kept the dignity we had aquired walking out of chapel In front of the freshmen, and went to clean up We felt real funny because nobody In the dressing room scorned to care that we were college girls and kinda wished that we had work our sweat-ers but every one seemed to be Inter-ested in pushing us around without looking at us.
We went uptown and Window shopped because that was all we
could do, and pur feet got tired, so I remembered Aunt Susie and we went there to rest up.
We saw our favorite heart-wringer was playing at one of the shows on we went, and tried but to stare at the cute ushers. All the hero did was make love to some other woman, so we decided to cut his acquaintance and the girl friend was beginning to worry about a long theme, and my corns started to hurt. Then the
vaudeville started and we wondered whether to leave and keep our minds pure. or to stay and develop charac-ter by withstanding Its suggestions so we stayed. and saw a woman sing from a cage, and sing the same songs only worse. that we had on our portable at the dorm.
Out on the street. every body push ed us like they do In the halls In Ad. but the only man who noticed us was a policeman who walked across the street with us when everyone else hung back. He tried to pull a
new line and tell us to watch tbe lights, but we laughed and laughed because we couldn't see any stars. and we told him so and the crowd sure laughed We set our cleverness from our great aunt Agatha
We were both limping and the girt friend suddenly thought of her boy friend at our beloved institution and wondered If he still kept her picture under his pillow when his roommate wasn't around, so we decided to go home and see.
We practiced looking hardboiled and what we should say when some villain should accost us on our way to the station, and finally a car did
come up and stop, and the driver yelled, "Taxi!" so we kept on going, and limping.
We actually slept on the train home, and were awf'ly miserable and were so tired we had to cut classes Monday to rest up.
Everyone seemed curious to find out what we had done In the city and we tried to act knowing, but ready, we were real glad to find out that someone was interested In our being alive. And anyway, it was a lot of work to make up all those classes we'd cut
Well, we did get a change! We went from here to there and back again.
And as for weak ends we had two. both feet. and the girl friend even claims we had three.
He Is Coming Under The Aus-pices Of The Student Council And Cecilian Music Club
At The Present Mr. Licurance Is A Member Of The Music Faculty
At Wichita U.
Students and citizens of McPher-son are looking with anticipation to-ward the program to be given by Thurlow Lieurance, Monday evening, April 8, at the Community Building. Mr. Lieurance comes to McPherson under the auspices of the Student Council and the Cecilian Music Club if the college. Probably no compos-er of Indian music Is un widely known as Mr. Lieurance who has spent twenty years among the American Indians, recording their songs and studying their habits of life. Among the numerous collections of songs which he has published are "Forgotten Trails" and "Songs of the North American Indian", He also the composer of a musical drama railed "Drama of the Yellowstone". The song "By the Waters of Minne-tonka" is probably the best known of the Lieurance compositions.
Mr. Lieurance is a talented pianist as well as composer and he will be assisted in his recital by Edna Wool-ley. soprano. Al the present time Mr. Lieurance is a member of the music faculty at Wichita University.
Continuing the tradition 'tabilish-ed' last year the Y. W, C A. of the
college invited the members of the
high school Girl Reserve organiza-tion to an Easter breakfast. In spite of the inclement weather night-one girls of the two organizations met In the college church basement at six thirty o'clock Sunday morning and spent a social and devotional hour to-gether.
Although the hour was early and the sky was overcast with clouds a number of the girls arose at five o'clock and went Easter carrolling from place to place on the "hill". At six thirty o’clock the group met in the church parlor and together descended the stairs to the room in which a number of tables were placed In one large rectangle.
After a toast of welcome by Miss Ruth Blickenstaff, president of the Y. W. C. A . and a response by Miss Una Morine, G. R. president. the
breakfast, consisting of grape fruit.
creamed beef toast, butter rolls, and coffee, was served by eight of the college girls The Easter theme was carried out in the table decorations nests of Easter eggs and bunnies forming the center pieces, and strips of purple crepe paper running the length of the table
At the conclusion of the meal. Miss Mary Swain of the high school or-ganization played a piano prelude as
the girls ascended the stairs to the main auditorium where a brief pro-gram was presented. The biblical ac-count of the resurrection was read by Miss Mildred Lamb who led the group in prayer. Mrs. V. F. Schwalm then sang “Trusting" after which Miss Ruth Lennen, one of the G. R. advisors, spoke briefly on the signifi-
cance and beauty of Easter. This was followed by a vocal duet “Our Yes-terdays" by the Misses Una Morine
and----— - — After a
closing prayer. Miss Harriet Hop-kins played a recessional as the group dispersed
The high school girls expressed their appreciation for thus being en-tertained by the Y. W C. A.
A number of downtown college girls and Girl Reserve spent the night in the dormitory.
By The Way
The Student Newspaper of McPherson College, purposing to recount accurately past activity to stimulate continually further achievement— and to live and cherish our one code—-“The School of Quality".
Entered as second class matter November in, 1917. at the post-office at McPherson. Kansas. under the act of March 2, 1897.
Subscription Rates
$1.50 per year
Address all correspondence to
McPherson, Kansas
Hash is the only connecting link between the animal kingdom and the vegetable kingdom
Indignant Parent (6 A. M.) —
Young man, what do you mean by bringing my daughter In at this hour?
Flaming Youth- Well. I gotta be at work by 7.
Pop: And now that you are through college, you should marry some nice girl.
Grad: Aw, all any experience is wasted.
Editor-in-chief Associate Editor
Business Manager Ass't Business Manager Ass't. Business Manager
Circulation Manager
Doris Ballard Leland Lindell
Ralph Bowers Ernest Watkins Glenn Harris Lloyd Johnson
A powdered nose is no sign of a clean neck,
Misses Thelma Budge and Mildred Wine spend last week end at the Under home at St. John.
Misses Lillian Horning and Nellie Collins and Clarence Negley spent Saturday and Sunday at their res-pective homes at Larned.
Everett Brubaker. an alumnus of McPherson college, was a campus visitor Sunday.
Miss Floy Grown spent the week end at her home near Hutchinson.
Ray Nonken and Emery Windmill spent the week end at the home of the latter at Larned.
Harriet Hopkins
Oliver Ikenberry
Ethel Sherfy
REPORTERS Alberta Yoder Marlin Hoover Gilbert Myers
Mildred Swenson Bernice McClellan Emery Metzger
Faculty Adviser
Maurice A. Hess
Value received for money expended has surely been realized this year by McPherson College students on their Incidental fee, Besides the intercollegiate athletic contests. the weekly copy of the Spectator, and the lectures and dramatic and musical productions In the chapel. more liberal concessions are being made tp students to the Thespian play and to the programs sponsored by the Cecilian Music Club than have ever been made to performances of equal quality before. Some previous undertakings by the Cecillian Music Club have not received the student support they merit and student should make good their opportunities on the coming program sponsored and presented by the fine arts department.
The first issue of the "Purple and Gold.” publication of the class of '28, In now in the library.
Copyrighted and patented (pend-ing) campaign motion for SALE or TRADE—See BUSINESS OFFICE
1. Cherin' for Charlie 10c
2. Pullin' for Paul 65c
3/ Winnin' for Windom Take one «. A walkaway for A Walker 3/4c ft. Blasterin' for Berries 2 Berries* 6. Hayes Hage 'urn 2 bits
7. Lay'un for Lehman Help yourself 8. What Gun but Watkins Free HORACE KOLLER, p. s. Vote April 24, 1929.
H. K.
Last week an article found Its way to the editor from sources utterly unknown it did not make its way to these column principally for that reason. Several times have articles been turned In that have no signature and therefore were not eligible for printing. In a few cases unsigned articles have been printed, but the staff mark prefers that the sources of the material that is printed be known. This does not mean 'that them names will be printed under the article. but If the writer In known, any possible changes or conferences concerning the material submitted that may be deemed desirable by the editor are thus much easier made. Except for open letters. the authors of articles appearing in the Spectator are not revealed, and because the staff is responsible for what appears in each Issue it feels that It must know the sources of that material.
This column is generally reserved for opinions of the editorial staff, such as they may be, unless otherwise stated and articles of an educational nature expressing student opinion should appear signed. This should not discourage the expression of opinions, because of what value are convictions which we are afraid to openly uphold? With this exception writer's names are not revealed and we beg your co-operation In the matter.
D. A. Crist of Quinter. Kansas spoke to the students Monday. He suggested that most of the people talk too much, and advised that we should learn to control and bridle the longue, He stated that one of the most desirable virtues was to act and live the truth.
Rev. Crist is pastor of the largest congregation of the Church of the Brethren at Quinter. He has spent a year in Palestine. and has been able to present what he learned then very graphically,
President V. P. Schwalm spoke on the higher life and its effectiveness last Wednesday, He urged the stu-dents to strive for that higher life. He said that to develop a larger per-sonality one must lose his life and find it: or to find a cause in which one can lose his life, then find It.
Misses Naomi Witmore and Alberta Hovis and Archie Blickenstaff
and Reuben Bowman motored to Quinter Friday and returned Sunday afternoon.
Rev, and Mrs, D. A. Crist of
Quinter have been visiting campus friends and relatives the past week.
Webb Bowman of Quinter called
on college friends Sunday evening.
Miss Cheater Carter who hes been spending the past week with home folks at Perryton. Texas, returned to the dormitory Sunday.
There are miming books, a s „r, Are they In your room? We pray Look for them from top to floor
Have you left them In the hallway .
Or shoved back upon a shelf?
Do not blame the other fellow Till you've carefully looked your •elf.
Have you semt them to your nei Then forgotten where they Or when going to your labor Have you left then In a car?
To keep a book is much more handy If you have It for yourself. But what if the other person Has the book upon his shelf?
Turn the tables, now, we pray And obey the Golden Rule
Help to make McPherson College
Every whit a Quality School
S. M, Heckethorn, Librarian.,,.
Six per cent or 98 of the 1,376 men students enrolled in the Univer-sity of Indiana, this semester i,,, probation for faculty scholarship Statistics show that the largest |„, cent of these live In sorority houses ........
A department of acronautrics in the College of Engineering with one pro-
fessor drawing $5000 a year us m
cluded in the budget requested at the University of Wisconsin.
The landscaping now in progress on the campus is indeed a desirable project. The new shrubbery the fills. the additional space needed to grass will make for a much better appearance. McPherson College can well feel proud of her campus and the efforts that are constantly being exerted for its Improvement. To keep its condition at the best required reoperation on the part of every one. The paths cut across many grass plots detract greatly from the beauty. These paths save many steps no doubt. but how much better the whole general appearance would be were they not there, and the extra effort required to walk around by the walk is not so great after all when one considers what It is worth.
Among the first seniors to secure
positions for the next school year are Miss Fern Shoemaker who is to teach home economics at Little River, Miss Clara Davis who teaches music at the same place. Miss Vera Cade at Abbyville and Miss Ruth Hoffman woh is to be Latin and his-tory instructor In the Assaria high school
Perhaps one feature of the chapel exercises that has not been duly recognized this year is the work of the music department. The chapel orchestra under the direction of Professor Doll has presented a program almost every Friday, which the student body has appreciated. judging from the applauses. Various special numbers of outstanding quality have also been on the chapel programs that added a variety and were enjoyed
The features that dp not receive their due recognition are the processional and postlude that are played every day we have chapel. It would not seem incouraging for a music student to give of his best while students sit about and chatter to one another apparently walling until the music ceases to become quiet. This is thought lessness and were there no music at this time It would Indeed be missed. A more appreciative attitude on the part of the students or more evidences of the appreciation that already exists would no doubt be encouraging to the students and faculty of the music department. We take their work as a matter of course and fall In realize that It all means tome and effort spent for others.
Beauty was the theme of the program at the meeting of the Young Women's Christian Association last Tuesday morning. Miss Ruth Ander-son was leader. Miss Alberta Yoder spoke on beauty in life about us. Special music numbers were a solo by Miss Mildred Wine and a trio number by the Misses Arlene Saylor. Eugenia Bawson and Mildred Wine.
Westward Ho! across the plain, Hot sun and monotony.
Then In the horizon's blue, in the distance. 'gainst the sky.
An outline is seen, pale blue.
Scarce discernible tp sight ''Mountains!'* someone cries. Tis so! * Mountains' ’ all proclaim with might.
Larger and clearer they grow
As we. slowly nearing, now Watch. with awesome wonderment, The ever deepening bine.
Dark, dull green the wooded slope Assumes; between, lying meek. Are purple vales, and above— Snow-capped speck of highest
Inspiring Rocky Mountains.
Peer of all mountains art thou: Grand Mass enobling, towering "I" word heaven's celestial brow.
—A, Sell
NINIGER in y. m. c. a.
Professor H. H. Nininger spoke at Y. M. last Tuesday on "Things That Endure",
He emphasized the fact that college men will realize forty years from now that there is a difference In things and there may be regrets. Life as lived today presents many problems among which It is difficult to distinguish enduring values.
Time spent with real friends is not wanted. Other enduring values are: fellowship and service. home building, good-will work. search for truth and information, enrichment of the Spiritual Life.
Professor Nininger then stack a Pin into the complacency of the Y, M. by saying that he fears the Y. M. has not been stressing those things which endure. He believed In the Y M. but he has almost lost his faith because it has failed to have a vital goal.
Miss Mildred Swenson spent Friday night with Miss Ruth Hiebert.
We have taken inventory:
Miss Clara Grabber spent Saturday and Sunday at her home at Max-ville.
To serve each person efficiently,
The goal of a library in a Quality School.
Call never be done effectively
Unless all practice the Golden-
Would you like the book you call for?
Do you wish the service prompt? Then please give cooperation For without it we are swamped.
Puritan Cafe ... , ........ Gordon's Fashion Shop--- Sunflower Barger Shop Norlin’s Cafe _______________ B. K. Store F Entriken ______ __ McPherson Meat Market W E Gregory . ' ___ E. L. Wolf---.... . V _ Pete's Barber Shop _ . A Supporter -'w'LsL.. Town Tavern — ................ J H.. Ostlund ,—...... Safeway________ Walker Studio_______________ Dr. Robb_____________________ |
$10.00 $5.00 $1.00 $10.00 $10.00 $5.00 $2.50 $1.00 $5.00 $1.00 $0.50 $2.00 $1.00 $ 4.00 $l.00 $1.00 |
Quiring and Quiring |
$5.00 |
Lake Superior Lumber Co. _ |
$5.00 |
peoples State Bank ______ |
$10.00 |
Carson and Smith ........... | |
Ik, C Walston —, ....... |
$1.00 |
A M. Switser |
$1.00 |
Okerlind and Aspergren |
$1.00 |
G. A. Huitquist |
$3.00 |
M. Haw. Jr. |
$3.00 |
2.00 | |
Hollywood Studio . . ______ |
$ 1.00 |
Johnson and Swanson------ |
$ 1.00 |
Hawley Hardware Co, ^----- |
$1.00 |
Almen and Lovett — |
$1.00 |
$5.00 | |
Chas. E. White_____ |
$1.00 |
$2.00 |
An Opportunity Lies At Our Door
The following list of business men of McPherson were Instrumental in sending the Bulldog basketball squad in the Kansas City tournament;
Union Barber Shop R. R. Austin |
------ $2.00 |
Lawson Sweeney | |
John Wall | |
O. L. Freudlun | |
J. F. Esau |
$0.50 |
F. W. Hill |
$0.50 |
Frank Beam | |
J. It. Rothrock | |
Mrs L. A. Weeke |
$0.50 |
K. R. Barngrover |
$0.50 |
L. C. Duckwall |
$2.00 |
McPherson College girls did the soliciting under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce The girls were Eunice Longsdorff. Beth Hess, Mildred Ihde, Avie Wattenbarger. Louise Allen. Regina Kliewer. Flor-ence Peck. Doris Battey, Bernadean Van Blarieum, Mable Lee Early. Nellie Collins, Florence Lehman Clara Burgin Myrtle Ainsworth. Duo Larson. Mildred Libby .
A freshman does not necessarily need to exist on the campus and ab-sorb what is about him. Here is the result of one who exercised his own ingenuity for a campus Improvement.
"One Friday evening during the winter just departed it snowed
Later on In the night the wind rose and howled dismally across these broad Kansan plains The next day we the inhabitants of Kansas beheld a new world. The snow was every, where piled in great heaps. constant, ly changing position at the beck and of their master the wind. It was a cold day, nor did the wind cease until along in the afternoon.
"Incidentally the blowing snow nearly filled the entrance to the din-ing room under the porch of Arnold Hall. My task Saturday afternoon was to carry It out In baskets As I carried out basket after basket and emptied It, my hands growing colder
And colder. and Idea struck me. Why not inclose this space so that In winter the snow would not blow in and consequently have to be carried out. The more I thought about it, the better I liked the plan, and I even presumed to work out a few details
‘‘This troublesome space, thought
I. might be enclosed with French windows and made into a parlor. Newspapers, magazines and books could he placed within, thus making it a good place for the hungry boys to while away their time until supper was served. The French Idea could also he carried out in the Interior decorations. Is the parlor could be placed a grand piano (I am not sure whether this type of piano is used in France or not. but I am willing to risk it), a portrait of Louis XIV. several landscapes from Corot or Milet or both, a French hunting horn. a fireplace. French marquisette curtains. a Wilton carpet, and a French doll on the piano. To make the atmosphere still more Frenchy, there might even he a French maid to take wraps nnd announce meals. For furniture a Lloyd set with a rich Cafe-au-Lait enamel finish, and In addition. two extra chairs and an extra davenport, could be procured: for music an eight-tube Crosley and a new Victor Orthophobic. electric in type, would do very nicely.
"An extra parlor such as this would do no end of good especially since It has the reading room And waiting room features. Such a room would do much to attract the aristo-cratic classes to this college, thereby giving the whole school a more aris-tocratic atmosphere. Such a room would go far toward solving the problem of keeping college students from running around so much at night. It stands to resson that the matron can not he two places at once. She would seldom get down to visit this parlor, so consequently it would prove very attractive to college couples. Of course, the management might see It fit to Install an elevator for her convenience. but it is hardly probably.
After devotionals conducted by Dc-H. J. Harnly last Friday the music department was In drama of the chapel prgoram. Miss Prudence Ihrig and Fred Ellis sang the vocal selec-tion which they entered In the contest at Lindsborg last Saturday. The chapel orchestra played "How the Ravens Tell the Story".
Our Business Is to improve your appearance and we enjoy it. Prompt service and sanitary methods Sid's
Clean Towel Shop.
Elmer Brunk, a former McPherson College student, who is now teaching In Hawaii, writes a description of an active volcano then In the letter recently received by his mother he said concerning the volcano, "We just walk up to the edge of the pit which is twelve hundred feet deep, three' thousand feet long and two thousand feet wide. All the activity is in the bottom of the pit. so you see that were a long way above
the red hot lava The lava poured into the pit from a crack In the bottom and boiled up about fifty feel high for about eight hundred feet along that crack. A lava fountain at the edge shot up lava hundred feet high Of course this was at the bottom of the pit The heat could be felt. but there was not much smoke. We watched it for about five hours; it was beautiful
"It is not active now and may not be for some time. The volcano quit so quickly that not many people saw
It who do not live here on this is-land. A tourist party of about two hundred people that came the day before were staying at the volcano house nearby. Some of them were afraid to go near, but It is not so with the people who live here. There has only been one person killed by the volcano and that was his own fault for he was where he had been asked not to go.
McPherson Track Schedule.
The Bulldog tracksters are facing a heavy schedule this spring with their season opening Friday. The In-ter-class affair last week indicated that McPherson will have a strong group of canines for all of the con-tests. The freshman class has some strong material that has already show up well and will likely show some real fight before the season is over.
The following schedule has been made out for McPherson this spring: April 5, Sterling ( Dual Meet) 'hero.
April 13, Hastings Nebraska Re-
April 16. Kansas Wesleyan (Dual Meet) there.
April Kansas Relays at Law-rence,
April 26, Bethany Swedes (Dual Meet) there.
May 3, Hexangular Meet at Wich-
May 11. State; Meet at Ottawa.
May 18, Kansas-Missouri Meet at Pittsburg
The Tabor College oratorio Society of Hillsboro, Kansas, composed of 250 Voices prompted "The Holy City" by Gaul In the McPherson City Auditorium on Monday, March 11. at eight o'clock P. M. The oratorio was under the direction of Professor H. W, Berg of Hillsboro and the ac-comaniment was furnished in a combination of the McPherson Salon and The Tabor College Orchestras. The program was sponsored by the McPherson College Student Council
The soloist were Mrs. Anna Tale, soprano of McPherson ; Mrs. W. It. Frazier, contralto also of McPherson. Otto Richert. tenor of Hutchinson and B. W. Regier, baritone of Pitts-burg, Kansas.
The oratorio was presented as follows:
Part One.-Contemplation
1. Introduction ( Orchestra)
2. Chorus
Tenor Solo „ No Shadows Yonder
3. Air (Contralto)
My Soul Is Athirst for God
4. Trio
At Eventide It Shall be Light
5. Chorus They That Sow in Tears.
6. Air (Contralto) __
Eye Hath not Seen 7 Chorus
For The. O Dear Dear Country 8 Chorus Thine is the Kingdom Part Two—Adoration 9. Intermezza (Orchestra) 10.. Air (Baritone)
A Haven and a New Earth
11. Chorus Holy. Holy, Holy
Air (Tenor)
To the Lord our God
12. Air (Contralto)
Come Ye Blessed of my Father
------ O
The Fining Pot Is for Silver
13. Air (Soprano)
These are they which Came out of Great Tribulation
14. Duel (Soprano and Contralto)
They Shall Hunger no More
15. Quartet and Chorus
. List, The Cheruble Host
Solo (Baritone)
I heard the Voice of Harpers
16. Chorus _ . Great
and Marvelous are Thy Works Quartet__Lord God
Kansas Wesleyan University has organized a Piano Symphony. The members in the advanced piano students of Carl F. Jessen. There is practically no music arrangement for such an ensemble therefore different combination of the same composi-tion are used.
Being recently advised In chapel that here was the Ideal place to choose companion but yet not bring instructed as to the method of pro-cedure we ask, "Shall we say hocus-pocus and grub?” Nay. we'll never do that, for we are very particular persons,
The Spec came to the rescue of the boys to printing "By their galoshes ye shall know them." but girls. we too must scrutinize. and de-tect and pick over until we find THE one Girl sufferers. here is the never failing secret, the test that may save untold miseries Sh—don't let the boys know that you are watching their ears, hut “by their ears ye shall know them". Oh many a dark secret that the boys would not have us know is revealed by the cars.
Different types of men are Indicated by different types of cars. If you wish an outstanding generous husband. select the large protruding type of cars; but If you choose a small eared husband, you will eat
hash and corn meat much all the
real of your life,
Girls, watch the ears If you should happen to spy I mean it the ears are not absolutely clean. make a visit to Fahnestock before taking any serious steps. "By the ears ye shall know them*'. If there is a trace of uncleanliness about the ears, then girls beware, beware, and again beware. The owner of these ears will be as careless about all else as he is about his cars
Again girls watch the ears. Did you ever see ears that gp flip-flop, flip-flop? Some boys glory in the fact that they can "wiggle" their ears. Sh—Girls that is positive proof of evolution. evolution that Is not very far advanced Nat sed.
So much far these Spearment catchers (and by the way big ones come In handy where bed posts are minus) and here's to the girl who is on the pendulous business of hus-hand hunting. To the bottom of my soles I hope this will help some poor perplexed girl to make a decision; only, fellow sufferers, remember this—
“Blessed are they that expect nothing. for they shal not be disa-pointed" Therefore don't expect any ears to bring you a perfect, has-llllllll.
Dear Editor:
Do you remember the days when we were freshmen? And *do you re-member those freshman caps? But I know you do; you couldn't forget it. Some of out classmates have even more vivid and personal recollections. We were proud to wear them. Dear Editor. I believe you are proud of the fact that you belong to the only class at M C, whose worser half were required to appear only with covered heads.
Since those well-remembered days we have grown (wiser), we have oh-served other freshmen, we have been denied the authority to pulverize unruly freshmen. Consequently we have witnessed much indifference on the part of other freshmen to that cus-tom which was started on us.
Now. ye editor, I would like to revive this custom upon our campus Will you not listen to my plan after I assure you I have no intention of opposing the Ideals for which our college stands? Instead I’m offering a constructive plan ib which the benefits of the old custom shall survive and further blessings will be added,
I suggest that red-and-white caps be provided the freshmen next fall upon their arrival, At this time instructions should be given regarding their appearance on the domes of said freshmen. Any violation of the rules would make the offender ject to a penalty of one hour's wo on the tennis courts or other wor which the treasurer of the student council may proscribe. Provided that no penalty shall be exactly until is violations have occured—freshman are subject to forgetfullness. Vista