Basketball Edition
McPherson college, McPherson. Kansas,
The Bulldogs have experienced a wonderful year of Basketball, an dto them, our Bulldog Cagers, we heartily express our appreciation. To them we dedicate this issue.
The Bulldogs Were One of the Prime Favorites at the K.. C. Tourney
The 1929 Bulldog basketball team retained the Kansas Conference •championship which was brought to McPherson by the team in 1928. Of their ten conference games the Bull-dogs lost but two, and out of thirteen non-conference starts they won nine, a record which is good in considera-tion of difficulty caused by the loss of Leo Duke In the early part of the season which necessitated the complete reorganization of their system of play on short notice. Due to the fact that they were champions last year the Bulldog crew was looked to us dangerous one by all conference opponents who made a special effort to prevent this performance being repealed. Of the characteristics of the team. their determination to win-the-game was outstanding. Co-operation teamwork coupled with headwork, constant training and the services of an unusually efficient system of coaching played no mean part in the success of this season. The endur-ance of the team when put under the acid test proved to be respon-sible for many of the victories. The Bulldogs developed a habit that fin
Av, |
Pts. per | |||
Player |
fg. |
ft. |
p. |
game |
Miller c. |
46 |
15 |
1 4 |
11 8-9 |
Crumpacker f, |
25 |
4 |
5.4 | |
Nonken f. |
16 |
19 |
13 |
5.1 |
Rump f. |
.20 |
9 |
16 |
4.9 |
Holloway f, |
k |
4 |
it |
2 2-9 |
Duke c. |
6 |
a |
1 |
15 |
Blickenstaff g |
. 3 |
2 |
16 |
,8 |
Windmill g. |
1 |
0 |
0 |
,25 |
Total |
( 25) |
55 |
68 |
30.5 |
2. Kansas Selections 1929 |
Conference |
All-Star |
crowd Just knows that the game is going to be full of dirty plays which of course the referee will let slide;.
The two teams come together on the court then the crowd goes fun-atic. They forget such a thing as civilization and go back in the Stone Age where men are cannibias and women are profiteers in lions teeth, Every trace of refinement and cul-ture leave the surface and only stark human nature panting for blood is left. When a man falls and hurts his esophogus then a composite howl of delight rises from the throats of the mass. You talk about real clean sportsmanship in intercollegiate bas-ketball. that's all just talk. Of course the crowd is back of the home team but the visiting team is viewed as defeated before they enter the court which If analysed is not supposed
The most interesting thing about ii basketball game is that the audi-ence plays the game instead of the team or In addition to the team. The referee is hauled over the coals and reviled with the most unseemly lan-guage. He Is accused of partisan-ship and black vlilany because he doesn't have four eyes and cannot accomplish the impossible of being all over the court at once. The ref-eree would have to be a wonderful contortionist to be all over the floor and see every move nude because of the lightning swiftness of the than derbelt Bulldogs. They are not like lightning which strikes but once in the same place but they gently place the ball in the basket with madden ing regularity of clockwork.
Oh yes—sideline basketball breaks the record. The crowd makes a bas
kef every minute and second. Direc -tions for playing come trickling from the ozone with remarkable clarity and unreasonableness. If the team played the way the crowd directed they would be world cham-pions instead of national champtions Rats!
When the game starts and the op-posing team comes tripping lightly out on the rectangle they are criti-cized from the eyebrows to the mud guards which they wear as pro-tection against the mud slinging of the irate spectator. If one of the team has his sox on backward then the game is considered won before It start. The rival coach is accused of getting his methods of playing the came from correspondence course of How to Play Basketball in Ten Les-sons. If the opponents haves their
sweat jackets a trifle dirty, then the
Coach George Gardner represents the clean, systemmatic variety of sporting play, and when his teams go Into the contest they have the fall benefits of a master In the coach-ing line, lie is a remarkable athlete and a man whose personality and clean sportsmanship make their In-fluent, felt In directing the men's athletic activities of the college. He has had a wide range of experience as an athlete. His ability as a bas-ketball coach In manifest by the fact that for the last two consecutive years he has turned out a champion. ship team.
Back of his coaching career Gard-ner has a brilliant college athletic career of his own. For four years in succession for was chosen All Kan-sas conference forward In basketball and won a like position on the All Time Southwestern team, In 1923 he was picked an All American forward at the National A. A, U. basketball tournament.
This la Gardner's fourth year here as a coach and the difference be-tween him and the other coaches of the conference is a winning team. It has been a mystery to the basketball fans and followers of the Bulldog
George Gardner, coach; Ray Non-ken. captain; Melvin Miller. Elmer Crumpacker. Irvin Rump. Archie Blickenstaff, Rush Hollaway, Loren Rock, and Emery Windmill 1. Individual Scoring Record of The Bulldogs. (Conference Games)
First Team
Forwards—Flunk Kepner. Otta-wa. Captain. Melvin Miller. Mc-Pherson.
Center—Clifford lit ail... Ottawa.
Guards—Buck Vanck, Bethany Ray Nonken. McPHERSON.
Second Team
Forwards —Herman Stade-. Kansas Wesleyan Captain. Paul Cooney St. Mary's.
Center—Carl Larson. Bethany
Guards — John McMindez. St Mary's Kermit Lange. Baker.
Captain Ray Nonken. by his out-standing has well earned his as guard on the All Star Kan-san conference first team. He has attracted a great deal of of attention the past season as well as in the season a year age and this season's coaches have rated him as one of the greatest guards the con-ference has ever produced. Nonken a whirlwind in his mad dashes. made in dribbling through an enemy defense and he has yet to see the de-fense at can put a stop to his drib-bling. His accurate passing while travailing at full speed. his four-wheel-brake type stops unit his flashy pivoting and changing of speed all taken together make him an offe-sive player that can be depended upon to place the ball in scoring posi-tion. His offensive attacks always make the interesting and thrill-ing. His great specialty is to dribble
through the opposing defense for a
set-up As a defensive player. Non-
(Continued on Page Four)
ally developed In a dazzling come-back that never failed to bewilder the opposing team after it bad appar ently won the game. Over half of the conference games this season were won in this striking manner and several apparent defeats were turned Into victory in the last few moments of play. The Bulldogs always played at their maximum rate of speed from the time the referee started the game until the final gun closed It and at critical periods In the game they would seemingly hecome "unconscious" to draw on their "reserve" and by near miraculous playing went able to overcome the opponent lead and emerge victorious.
Coach Gardner started the season off by taking his charges into Okla-homa In the middle of December for a couple of games to try out different combinations to order that be might fill the two vacancies left in last year's line up as well as to experi-ence the men and get them used to playing together Both games reunited In Bulldog victories, the team at Ada failing 46-39 and the nan at Phillips University 20-23 During the Christian recess Gardner took part of the team late the Heart of Missouri for some more practice games against strong college aggregations and was defeated in both games played.
On the 12th of January the Bulldogs won their first conference tilt from St Mary's with ease and show-ed great coart possibilities. The store was 43-25. Then crippled and bewildered by the loss of the services of their beloved teammate Leo Duke the night before the game, the Hull-dogs played Ottawa January 15 on a foreign court. At the half the visitors were trailing seven points, but when the game ended the score was 33-up. In the extra period Nonken and Rump scored twice as many points as the Baptists did and the score was changed to 41-37 for Mc-Pherson. The next night the broken Bulldog team, tired from the Ottawa game, tackled the Baker Wildcats. The game was close the first half with Baker lending most of the time and once in the last half the Bull-dogs managed to tie the score, but were unable to hold down their op-ponents lead which finally won 19.
By the end of the Intervening twelve days Gardner had reorganized his team so that It was a new system he had to present to the Wesleyan Coyotes when they entered the Kennel on Jannary 28 A hard battle ensued and for a long time It appeared to be anybodys game until the last two minutes when the Ball-dogs bit their stride and outclassed the Coyotes 25-34., Three days later the Canines met the Ottawans on the home court Miller went on one of his famous scoring sprees. The whole team went In flue shape and Ottawa fell 42-27
• Continued on Page Four
Continued as Page Three
Conference Games
McPherson |
A 3 |
St. Mary's |
25 |
McPherson |
41 |
Ottawa |
37 |
McPherson |
19 |
Baker |
29 |
McPherson |
34 |
Kansas Wesleyan 26 | |
McPherson |
42 |
Ottawa --- |
37 |
McPherson |
31 |
Bethany |
38 |
McPherson |
29 |
Baker |
33 |
McPherson |
24 |
st. mary's |
22 |
McPherson |
19 |
Kansas Wesleyan |
16 |
McPherson |
26 |
Bethany |
29 |
.Non-Conference Games | |||
McPherson |
IK |
Southwestern |
31 |
McPherson |
33 |
Henry's Clothiers 32 | |
McPherson |
34 |
Bethel |
17 |
McPherson |
45 |
Miami AC. |
39 |
McPherson |
East. Cent. Col. |
39 | |
McPherson |
23 |
Phillips Uni. |
20 |
McPherson |
ns |
Henry's Clothiers |
29 |
National Tournament Games | |||
McPherson |
34 |
Alva Teachers |
It |
McPherson |
32 |
St. Benedicts |
20 |
McPherson |
23 |
Los Angeles A.C. |
18 |
McPherson |
25 |
Henry's Clothier 34 | |
Note— M |
cPherson played and |
lost |
two pre-season games during the Christ mas holidays In Missouri to strong teams.
Continued on Page Four
The Student Newspaper of McPherson College. purposing to recount accurately past activity—to stimulate continually further achievement -and to life and cherish our one code—"The School of Quality".
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917. at the post-office at McPherson, Kansan, under the act of March 3, l897.
Subscription Rates
$1.50 per year
Address all correspondence to
McPherson, Kansas
of the Kansas-Western Missouri Student Volunteer Union which she
attended at Emporia on March 1 to
3, The theme of the conference was vision and service, Some of the speakers were William Allen White Of Emporia; Rev M. D, Ross, an India missionary and Dean Conrad-Vandervelde, College of Emporia.
At this meeting the following officers were elected: Lawrence Turn-er. president. Milton Early. secre-tary and treasury; and there was n tie for vice-president between Ethel Sherfy and Glen Harris. The tie In this office will be voted on at the next meeting.
* Girl's basket ball season closed last
week with the selection of a vanity team The winning team had the
following members:
Nellie Collins, captain; Hazel Falls Floy Brown; Rena Losk-baugh; Mildred Doyle; Louise Allen; Ruth Anderson and Regina Kliewer.
The varsity squad is: Nellie Collins Hazel Falls. Beth Hess, Florence Weaver Lola Mae Hanson, Regina Kliewer, Iva Crumpacker. Floy Brown, Doris Ballard and Sylvia Flory.
Nellie Collins was high, point forward.
der of her cabinet. They are, Miss Beth Hess: social service. Irene Gibson; program, Miss Miss,1 Swanson; conference, Miss , McClellan; World fellowship Lila Eberly; and publicity. M, Hammann.
Installation for the new has not been definitely decide-
Editor-in-chief Associate Editor
Doris Ballard Leland Lindell
Business Manager -------
Ass't Business Manager Ass't Business Manager
Circulation Manager —_
Ralph Bowers Ernest Watkins Glenn Harris Lloyd Johnson
Harriet Hopkins Oliver Ikenberry Warren Sisler
REPORTERS Ruth Anderson Marlin Hoover Charles Collins
Mildred Swenson Bernice McClellan Emery Metzger
Faculty Adviser
Maruice A. Hess
Miss Floy Brown delightfully entertained a group of friends at a six o'clock dinner last Wednesday evening In the Y. W. C. A. room in honor of the birthday of Mr. Leland Lindell.
A large table was arranged for the guests and dainty appointments In a color scheme of green and white were need. A beautiful white lily formed the centerpiece of the table During the delirious three course dinner served by the Misses Graebner and Ihde, phonograph music was en-joyed.
Tuesday, March 19—Student dial.
Thursday. March 21— ltfr— bate, 2nd team.
Friday. March 22 — Thee Party
Saturday. March 23-— I,.*,, Party.
Tuesday, March 26—Old 1.. Oratorical Contest and
poraneous Speaking contest.
Now that the National A. A. U. Tournament Is over at Kansas City are would like to raise the question whether or not it is right to send to college team to a tourney of this sort. Is It fair to pit the strenght of a college team against a professional team?
First, let us lake up the situation prevailing at the Kansas City tonrney. Forty-six teams were entered. Seventeen of these were college and university teams. Four of the college teams got as far as the quarter-finals. There all four of them were eliminated.
A college or university team Is limited to Its respective institution. No outside players are allowed to be drafted in for tournament use. The professional teams (deemed Independent) were free to pick the cream of college and university teams to play With them in the national tournament This given them substitutes an capable as their first string players. which can be run In and the team loans none of its former efficiency.
With a college team this cannot be done. Their reserves are not always as skilled as the first string and when they are put in the opponents have the advantage over them.
la a Kansas city paper the sport editor stated that he did not believe there ware any five men who could defeat the five McPherson "Bulldog" cagers In the national tournament. He also stated that the. "Bulldogs" lacked reserves whose skill was not as marked as those of the Independent teams. But In this respect, a college team has the advantage over the other team In only one way; they have more endurance. A professional team does not have that continuous driving power. They have "start" reserves to fall back upon.
We now have the facts. What can be done, or we should any, what could be done? A good attempt at a solution was shown at the Winfield tournament. This tournament was held for college and university teams alone, Although no great Interest was shown its popularity will probably become greater.
But this does not solve the situation completely. We are at the point where the professional teams have been eliminated. But university teams are still in. Why couldn't a national tournament for colleges alone be conducted in a central location. In this manner strong college teams from all over the United States could be invited. In this way all the pro-fessional and university teams would be left out and a greater level of ad vantage would be assured in a truly college tournament.
Prof. Doll judged a violin contest at the high school in Newton last Friday. The contest was to choose a representative of Newton High School to send to the Arkansas-Val-ley contest. Prof. Doll also criticized the high school orchestra.
Dean and Mrs. R. E. Mohler entertained Miss Fern Shoemaker and Mr. D. L. Miller on Wednesday evening. At all o'clock a birthday dinner wan served consisting of chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, candied sweet potatoes, creamed asparagrus, hot rolls. head lettuce salad, and pineapple sherbet and rake. The dinner was in honor of Dean Mohler's and Miss Shoemaker's birthdays.
Tuesday at 1:30 the boys in the industrial education, conducted by Prof. G. N Boone. made a trip to the Maltby Furniture Stars In this city. The men were permitted to see numerous specimens of various kinds and styles of woodwork The visit to the store serves as a guide to the making or new objects in the shop.
On the first floor of the store were the more commonly used and higher class furniture while on the second floor are the various other objects such as chests, suites and the more ordinary types of furniture.
Florence W.: What is your worst ■In?
Mildred D: My vanity. I spend hours before the mirror admiring my
Florence W.: That Isn't vanity dear that's imagination
Believe It Or Not A faculty member visited in the dorm last week.
Lloyd Diggs: They say that people with opposite characteristics make the happiest marriages.
Ross Curtis: Yea, that's why I'm looking for a girl with money.
Freshman Definitions
Mud with the juice squeez-
ed out.
Fan—A thing to brush warm off
Snoring- Letting off sleep. Bacteria-Back door to a cafeter-ia.
Dr. Hershey: Have any of your Child hopes been realized?
Prof, Blair: Just about, when my mother used to comb my hair I wish ed that I didn't have any.
The library has recently received as a gift fro mthe author a copy "Musings of a Wondered" by oJhn Lake Hoff, a professor in our own college. The book contains a collee-tion of poems of which President V. F. Schwalm said. These 'Musings of a Wanderer' reveal two pronounced passions: a passionate love of nature in all its aspects and a social passion against all forms of appression and ancient evils that cramp and hinder the development of personality. The writer of these few words makes no claim as a literary critic, but It seems to him that these lines reveal flashes of poetic Insight that are quite rare, a mastery of words that is unusual. and an ardent passion for social righteousness that is commendable". Dr. D. W. Kurtz. former president of McPherson College says, In part, *'To rend the ‘Musing*' Is to sweep one's soul with the winds of heaven, to be refreshed in spirit, and enriched in life".
Other books which hare been ad-ded to the library are:
American Criticism, by Foerster, Description of industry, by Adapts. Salat Ignatius Loyola, by Francis Thompson.
When the some of battle had cleared away Friday evening, it was discovered that the Bulldog argu-mentative staff bad won two more victories over Sterling.
The debate at Sterling look place Thursday evening when the negative team. Hayes and Spohn, Invaded en-emy territory. They encountered strong opposition with a clash of argument throughout the debate. The negative seemed to have the better organization and their rebuttals were superior. Mr. Hayes' rebuttal was outstanding The team reports an audience which gave courteous attention which was appreciated.
On Friday evening the Sterling negative met Harnly and Frantz at McPherson. The Judge, Prof. Heffel-finger of Newton gave a criticism Which the debaters appreciated. In which he told specifically the basis of his judgment. The negative had a slight advantage In organization, but the affirmative presented better argument and reasoning. They also allowed greater strength In rebuttal. Frants especially gave a strong rebuttal.
The Bulldogs have won four decisions and lost two thus far.
Y. M. C. A.
After riding In a new Ford, we don’t know whether "Henry made a lady Out of Lizzie" or just a fast
Amuch appreciated gift was a number of Harpers and American Review magazines recently given by Dr. J, J. Yoder.
Hoarce Keller.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Dell and two small daughters of Marion called on Miss Lois Dell have Sunday
The World Service Group met Friday evening, March 8, at 6:30 Mary Lou Williams gave an Instruct-ive report of the Spring Conference
Officer for the new year were elected at Y. M. last Tuesday. Mr, Emory Metzger is to be the president of the organization. Mr. Walter Fill more, vice-president: Mr. Milton Early. secretary: and Mr. Fred Andrews, treasurer are the other of. ficers.
These men with their helpers will be the leaders of the organization that should have first place In the lives of all the college men next year. The Y. M. C. A. is looking forward and depending upon these men to make tbs organization a vital part of campus life,
The guests Were the Misses Mild red Swenson and Lena Beaver and Ross Curtis. Bill Bigham and the honor guest.
Miss Eugenia Dawson spent dun-day at her home at Darlow.
The new officers for the Y W. C.
A. were chosen Tuesday morning and
the following girls were elected: Miss Ruth Blickenstaff, president; Vice-president. Miss Naomi Witmore, secretary. Miss Hazel Flory: treasurer, Miss Eugenia Dawson and chorister. Miss Hazel Falls.
Miss Blickenstaff with the assistance of the advisers and senior girls of the old cabinet chose the remain-
RUNNERS — RUNNERS Why throw away peer silk hose on account of runner when I can re-' pair them good as new.
Will call for and deliver. Mrs. Clifton Ferguson. 809 S. Main Phone 542W.—adv.
(Continued from Page One)
to be the attitude
Right In the hottest part of the game whets the fate of the team is hanging In the balance the crowd forgets itself and directions of all kinds come rolicking forth. Trip that man. Didn't that fool referee see that foul? He always sees two of
our fouls tp one of the others. Give the ax? Give them Aw come on gang! Eat 'em up! Aw! What'd you do that for? Come on! Come on! Bulldogs! Rah! Rah! Oh-h-h! E-ee-ew! Come on gang! it's going
in! No! Yes! It did go in! Aw! Gee! Another foul! Watch your step' big boy! Take your time! You can't put it in the basket! O-oo-oli! Oh! Boy! It went in! Hot Dog!! What a team! What a play! Did you ever see such been basket ball?'
Then the opposing team gets its inning (this is supposed to be bas-ketball not baseball) and a chorus of cat calls and yells split the air laden with estatic essence of old Gold and Unfortunate Strokes.
Time out—
Basket ball a In telephone is the latest out and indeed it is O-U-T to the tune of 34-25 favor of—well you hate to mention it. The whole gang cluttered up the store all quarrels forgotten In a common cause, the cause which decided If the Rock Island was to be flooded with immi-grants headed for the big and wicked city, their goal to be convention Hal. Alas! The railroad company missed a good change and so did the Bulldogs but they are still cham-pions and always will be.
If all the teams entered In the national affair had been playing un-der uniform conditions the Bulldogs would have concerned with the title.
To return to the telephone which the operator did quite frequently, He clapped the earphones on and be-gan calling out returns which had various reactions on the crowd. In an instant all lips turned up and the bunch buzzed with suppressed desires, then a silence fell frought with suspense or heavy excitement. At the half everyone started to yell. At the third quarter they did yell. At the last quarter they didn't yell, at the end they groaned and gnashed their teeth In utter despair,
Some excited young damsels Jump-ed around and rather hastily retreat-ed when they found themselves em-bracing some other girl's sweetie.. One can make mistakes sometimes All boys with whoopee hats of dash-ing and dilitary hues make brilliant riots of color, no strong that fre-quently they spoke out loud. It's wonderful what basketball can do. When they passed the hat around men nonchalantly threw In dollar bills which would have had to be murdered in do so in church.
The line buzzed the crowd buzzed. everybody buzzed, In fact the fire department wanted to time everyone. A sale should have been put on and bets be put up on the outcome of the game, so much ao many pairs of shoes.
This was a wonderful occasion. Dates had another place to go. another night to be out this week. Old maids got thrills form the audience which was mostly of the stronger sex. All eating places made money from the hungry mob. All In all It was a great night for bets, basket-ball. and—balogny! Who said there was a Santa Claus?
Bus Ellis handed us a line this time that everyone believed.
Prof. R. E, Mohler's class In co-operative marketing shows some signs of progress, for by the co-op-eration of its members the Dean was given a birthday surprise party dur-ing part of the class period at 3:30 Wednesday. Ice cream and cakes were nerved and the last fifteen minutes of the class hour were spent In eating and general fan making. The
lack of the usual birthday decorations and formality did not detract from the spirit of the occasion.
Those present were Dean Mohler, Wray Whiteneck. D.L. Miller. Lloyd Diggs, Elmer McGonigle. Roy Frantz. Raymond Landes, Emery Metzger. Harold, Fasnacht. Cecil Davisson. Walter Filmore, Homer Brunk, Kermit Hayes George Lerew and Glenn Harris.
First Team
Forwards, Harrigan, Cooks; Peter-son, Cooks. Center. Holt. Cooks Guards, Burke, Cooks Dunham. Henry's Clothiers.
Forwards, Hewitt. Cooks: Riche-son. Booth Side Turners Center, McBurney, Henry's Clothiers. Guards, Gordon. Cooks; Hoerger, Ke-Nash-A.
Third Team
Forwards, Fisher, Ke-Nash-A; Spohn. Henry's Clothiers, Center, Larson, Bethany. Guards. Nonken, McPHERSON; Robert. South Side Turners. BULLDOGS IN THE:
The Bulldog cagers did a splendid piece of work in the National A. A, U Tournament last week and showed the nation that McPherson College has a team that ranks with the best In the country. By going to the quarter-finals the Bulldogs went as as they did last year and their defeat was not as derisive as that of last year. The Canines were defeated In the quarter finals Thursday night by a team they had humbled twice a short time previous to the monument.
In the first round of the tourna-ment the Bulldogs surprised: the Alva Rangers with a tremendous come-back staged in the last half that defeated the teachers with case 27-34. The second day found the strong
quintet from St. Benedicts furnish ing the opposition for the Bulldogs This team was easily beaten by a 20-32 wore and all the McPherson re-serves went into the game early. In their third game the Bulldogs met the determined Los Angeles Athletic Club from St. Louis which was turn- ed away In defeat 23-18 in spite of the Canines' lack of enthusiasm.
When the Bulldogs entered the quarter Goals against the Henry's Clothiers at Wichita they were going Into a battle as a crippled team. with two of the stars suffering from fin-against a team which had been forc-ed In how twice the Gardner crew, but had since been greatly strength-ened by the addition of three of the best college basketeers In Kansas as well as the services of the famous-Northwestern Basketball coach "Dutch" Lonberg, Although the Bulldogs were greatly weakened and playing against a strong nine man combination they held their oppon-ents for a close game. In the first quarter each team scored three points. The half ended with the score fourteen all. At the end of the third quarter the Bulldogs were leading 18-19 and two minutes after the final period started Rump was taken front the game on account of illness and his opponent who pre-
viously had been unable to score got enough baskets to spell defeat for
the Canines. The final score was 34-
Our Business Is to Improve your appearance and we enjoy It. Prompt service and sanitary methods. Sid's Clean Towel Shop.
reason the team slumped or if the game lagged Nonken played all the harder and used his influence In polling the team together again to stage those characteristic comebacks for which several Bulldog victories were responsible,
Nonken Is a friend to every student. and by his honest efforts, ability, consistancy, and sense of sportsmanship has won honor and the respect of all who know him. He has one more year to play for McPherson. It should be a great year for the school.
The Bulldog team of the past sea-son has been one of unusual strength and ability. The results of the season after all have come about because of the fine material the coach had to work with.
In Irvin Rump Coach Gardner developed one o ft he greatest ball rustlers he ever had. After the tip at center he took the center position and was Just the man to put the ball through the ring if given an open shot. As a defensive man he Is hard to beat, his size and speed enable hi to cover a great deal of
(Continued from Page One)
The next game was staged at Lindsborg February 6 and was also a sort of annual grudge affair, The Bulldogs had great difficulty in getting started on so small a court and as a result the Swedes led most of the time in what was said to have been the closest game ever played there but the Bulldogs manager to emerge with the long end of the 28-31 score. Two days, and the Baker team had come to McPherson and played the Bulldogs a dangerously close game until the middle of the second half when their endurance begane to wane and the Canines got away to a sufficient lead that the subs got to enter the game which al-lowed Baker to add four points In her score In forty seconds. The game was McPherson's though and the score was 23-29.
February 13 the Bulldogs travelled to St. Mary's where they had their closed call of the season at the hands of the Knights Who led most of the time and were leading 20-22 when there were but two more min utes of playing time. The Bulldogs readjusted themselves on the court and hit the stride that has made them famous. The Knights were defeated 22-24. The next evening found the Canines at Salina facing the Coyotes who were thinking of revenge. The Bulldogs had not over-come the slump Into which they had fallen the night before but were able to hold a reasonably safe lead until the end of the game they were ahead
of their hosts 19-16*
The next was a non-conference battle at Winfield with Southwestern In which thu builders were victorious over the tired Bulldogs 31-18 The
following week the Wichita Henry's were turned away from McPherson with a 33-32 defeat after two extra periods had to be resorted to to decide the Victory. They found out how to become champions that night Paul's Tires of Miami, Florida were the next fellows to how to the Bull-dogs and they did it 39-45.
The Bulldogs went to Newton where they swamped the Bethelites with a score 17-34 that could have been much worse. From there they went on in Wichita to meet the Henry's for the second time. By this time the Henry's had become Missouri Valley A. A, U champions but nevertheless they were so completely overcome by thu dazzeling Bulldog comeback that they were forced to again how in the Bulldogs. this time 29-36.
On March 4th our Flaxon-haired Scandinavian. friends of the north came south to fight for their place as runners-up in the Kansas confer-ence against the Bulldogs who by this time had the championship tucked away. With the Swedes playing at top form and the Bulldogs experiencing another slump an extra period had to be resorted to in order to decide the game. Miller was pulled from the game and the visitors went away victors, 26-29.
The Bulldog basketball season was finished In Kansas City. and. as last year with defeat In the quarter finals. Both years this team has been a prime favorite of both spectators and officials at the tournament and has built up a worthy reputation for the college It represents.
(Continued from Page One)
team as to just what Gardner put into his players at the hall made them able to come back in the final period to outplay and defeat the opponent.
A Gardner trained man plays for the school before self.
Great Work, Bulldogs!
Great Work Gardner!
McPherson takes pride in the wonderful showing you made again this year in the national A. A. U. tournament, and while sorry that the climb ended last night appreciates the splendid spirit, the game fighting and the wonderful playing, that carried you to such enviable heights.
There are no abilies to offer for last night's defent. You went down before a team that had the one thing you Lacked—plenty of reserve power. fresh men to throw Into the fray at the crucial mom-ent. When teammates were crumpled under the terrible grind of a tournament of this kind.
You used the men who since the beginning of the season have fought for the glory or the Red and White. Not a man on the squad but who had been there from the start. There were no extra men, hand-picked from among the outstanding stars of this section of the country, thrown into the game by George Gardner, It was an all-McPherson team, not a medley o fplayers from different teams, gotten together just for tuornament purposes, stars each in his own right, succeeding for the time bring the regular sub-stitutes, rated at the end of a hard season, unfit for the task set them.
(From McPherson Daily Repub-lican).
floor in a short time. He has a bulwork of strength that makes Itself felt In guarding under the basket. He Has two more years in which to play for his Alma Mater.
Melvin Miller, the lanky Bulldog who Jumps center and then taken a forward position, takes an occasional, semmingly unconscious spell and goes to running wild on a scoring spree and piles up a lead of counters before the bewildered opponents can realize what It Is all about. His spectacular and consistent playing has won for himself a place on the All-conference team this year at forward position.
Archie Blickenstaff guard and running mate for Nonken, ably filled the place left on the team by the graduation of an All-conference man
a year ago. He is our favorite for breaking up those "sure" shots of his opponents under the basket.
Blickenstaff Is a clean sport and a hard player and will he greatly miss-ed by thu squad and student body next year, he being the only man lost by graduation this year.
Ray Nonken, the greatest Bulldog flash ever to wear a red and white uniform, has been picked for a position at guard on the All-American Third Ten mat the Kansas City tournament last week and the whole school is congratulating hi mfor this achievement. Nonken was selected for a like position on the All-confer-ence team a few Weeks ago. Ray has one more year In school here.
Elmer Crumpacker i sa great Bulldog, whose left-handedness has been a great puzzle to his opponents this past season. His pluck, shooting ability and speed make him an outstanding player that causes a lot of
attention. eH is always In his place on the floor, he Is hard to guard and his specialty is those wierd left-handed shots fro mthe side of the court. Elmer has another year In which to play with the Bulldogs
Rush Holloway has proved to be a strong reserve man with steady nerve, accurate pausing and dangerous shooting. His hobby Is those Impossible shots. Rush will be back next year.
Emery Windmill has developed Into a strong guard and with his steady dribbling is an offensive player his opponents watch for he is likely to "tear-out“ for his goal and a set-up. He is a freshman this year.
Continued from Page One
ken is fast enough to stay with the best of forwards and hold him to a minimum of shots.
Much of the honor of this year's championship team goes to Captain Nonken, who with that never-give-up sense of responsibility, and true Bulldog sportsmanship. has lent his moral support which has been keenly fall by his teammates. If for any.
Bulldog Basketeers we're mighty proud of you. We're proud of your wonderful record too.
We’re proud of your many victories won,
And that you never gave up till the crack of the gun.
We're proud of your steadfast loyalty.
To the sportsmanship Ideals of dear M. C.:
We're proud of the way you played the game.
In defeat; we were proud of you Just the same.
We’d rather you'd lose and play the game fair.
Than win and not be on the square;
We’d rather you'd lose—-from dirty play free.
Than try to kill the other team or bribe the referee.
Bulldogs, we're proud of you successful season,
You gave your best and that's the reason.
You could hit and keep a winning stride That beat teams which were the nation's pride,
Nonken, you have led your team to fame.
And you yourself have played a sterling game
A hotter captain and guard cannot be found,
Great was your dribbling and your Judgment sound.
Crummie, you've played a pretty game too.
When others were guarded, yon look the ball thru; On the team you've shown your worth.
And capably filled your forward berth.
Miller, our center, deserves to be praised.
To the top of the scoring list your name you raised.
Your quirk sure shots were pretty to see
And the rest of your game was one of quality.
•‘Rosie,* we’re proud of your achievements too, You’ve been a real Bulldog tried and true;
You've played a fast, sure forward game.
And at guarding, you've also glorified your name.
“Blickie the only Senior on the crew.
We’re proud of your good playing too
Your place at guard you filled so well,
'Your praises here we're glad to tell,
George Gardner, too, we’re proud to land.
With five good men you built a winning squad.
Your own clean character stands portrayed In the way the Bulldogs fought and played,
To the substitutes too. we give our praise In practice time, our team they helped to raise. Holloway, Windmill. Barngrover, and Rock,
Voran, Johnson, and Darrah completes the flock.
Bulldogs. you've helped with your tenacity.
To make our college, a school of quality.
Long may your record live In college history;
And may your sportsmanship last an eternity.