.McPherson college, Mcpherson, Kansas. Tuesday, march 12, 1929
More Than Thirty Men Are Now In Training For Inter-Class Meet
Hochstrasser Will Pilot The Canine
Tracksters This Season
Coach Gardner has a great array of truth and field material from which to select his representatives of these spring events this year More than thirty men are in constant learning now and others will soon, begin to train for what should be a great your for Bulldog trackdom. The inter-Class meet has been scheduled for March 22nd and 25th and indi-cations are that them will be plenty of keen competition displayed there with over forty constestants striving for a position on the college varsity team.
A survey of this year's material was made at a meeting of the track and field men last Thursday morn-ing Herbert Hochstrasser, the man who was undefeated In the 440 yard dash last year will pilot the Canine tracksters this seasons. He has been a constant point getter for the Bull-dogs and will be a strong entry in the 100, 220. 440, and 880 races
again this year. "Bob" Pucket, "the fastest man in the state," who took first place in the 220 yard dash at the Kansas-Missouri meet last spring
come onto the McPherson track his fourth season with an enviable record in the dashes. Harold Crist, a two-letter man with a worthy record will again cuter the 880 and two-mile races, Ralph Bowers, a three letter man who has been a valuable aid in the relay race the past is back In training and in able to show
his opponents a haul race.
Rock, who won second place withe the Javelin at the state meet last year is back on the field this year Barn-grover and Melvin Miller are good point getters at the high jump and pole vaulting. Other letter men are Fasnacht, high jump and relay man: Nonken, dashes and relays, distance man: Mowbray, 440. 880. and relay man: Sargent. hurdles. and Ernest Campbell, distances
New material that has been show-ing up well in training is made up of: Voran, broad jump: Duke. Wine. Zink. and Windmill, weights. Burn-ison, hurdles, Ohmart, dashes; Swain: Early; Lindell Andrews; Bowers; Buskirk; Campbell; and Eby.
’’ "The Power of the Press" Was She subject of the winning oration in the local peace oratorical content held, at the church Sunday evening it was presented by Mr. John Lehman who will represent McPherson College In the state contest on Thursday. April 18 at Sterling College.
Mr. Lehman showed the influence of newspapers in creating war spirit and sentiment by printing false propaganda.
Miss Floy Brown was awarded second prize on her oration "The Outlawry of War"
Miss Irene Gibson's oration “The Coat of War" was awarded third prize.
"War Destroys Personality" was the topic discussed by Miss Lillian Horning.
"The Last Weapon," love, was the theme of Mr. Ralph Landes' oration.
The winners of first, second, and third plates were awarded prizes of $7.50, $5. and $2.50, respectively
The University of Oregon has started a drive to raise $25,000 which will be used to start work immediately on a new fine arts build-ing.
McPherson College Is making a record. She is winning recognition in various lines On Tuesday. March 26 the opportunity will be given all orators In participate in the making of this record, On that date will be held a local oratorical contest for the Old Line State contest The winners will represent McPherson College in the Pi Kappa Delta contest at Wich-ita on April 11 and 12,
to the local contest there will be two winners chosen: a mini and a woman Orations are limited to 1500 words and may be written on any subject.
■Foxier W. Cline, ‘06. has just completed a four year term as district attorney of Denver,
Hervin Ellenburger. A. B. 1918. is practicing law at West Point. Nebraska.
C F. Gustafson. B. 1899 is teaching chemistry at the Kansas City Junior Collego.
R K Gernert, N, 1897 is presi-dent of the Washita, County, Oklahoma, Pure Seed Association.
p. C. Hiebert. A. B.. 1906. now of Tabor College, has a book soon to come from the press reporting im-portant relief work in Russia.
.M H Schlicting. A B. 1916 is teaching in the Crane Junior Callege. Chicago, Illinois.
What ho! Petunia. studying again? I ought to tell you since I'm your big sister, I suppose, and I should be unselfish—but I wouldn't only your grades for this semester are already in. and the chances are you’ll have forgotten by next fall. But you see. Petunia. with Professors trying to get only a small percent of A s sent in. it's best not to have too much competition you understand, don’t you, honey?
Now Petunia, the first thing to remember is to always get the atmos-phere of the class The first day. always sit on the back row and study. Books? Heavens no! The teacher, Remember, baby, it’s the teacher and not the textbook who gives the grades.—As I said, sit on the back ■row and study Keep us much an possible out of the teacher's sight riel behind a tall person if possible Then the next day; if you are fully prepared. move up to the middle of the front row and do your stuff It's first Impressions that count with teachers us well as new men Well wait, Petunia. I'll come to that as soon as I can.
Of course, being new at this. It may lake you several days to determine your method of attack in a particular class. But the fundamental principle Is this, men teachers have to have their vanity flattered, and you have to flatter the vanity of women teachers. The problem Is: upon what does their vanity rest? ( Are you taking notes, Petunia? This is probably the most important thins you will learn in college)
Always notice anything new about them. They always think of that themselves. being members of homo sapiens also. For instance, when the Prof, comes in with his bi-weekly hair cut. observe in a stage whisper to whoever is resting beside you. "Don't you think Prof, looks! perfectly adorable with his hair cut that way?" Then start to writing hec-tically in your note book and blush if possible. The chances are you will blush the first time you say it.
Never be too blase In front of a professor until after the first six weeks when the semester's grades are seat in. And remember, Petunia,
Friday. March 15—Sterling Debate.
Monday. March 18—Women's Debate with Bethany.
McPherson Orator Wins First Place In Anti-Tobbaco Oratorical Contest
Harold Crist Was Elected Vice-President of State Or-ganization
Lloyd Diggs. McPherson College orator, won first place in the state anti-tobacco league oratorical con-test conducted at Breese College, Hutchinson. March 8th. Mr. Diggs' oration was entitled “Thu Wise Choice",
(Continued on Page 3)
what I said about getting the atmosphere of the class Why, baby, I've spent simply years putting on and taking off earrings and rough. between classes! But I think it has paid
If you get a young man teacher It's awfully simple. Once one gave me a flunk All I had to do was to talk to him of course I had to cry’ a little louious or sticking your finger in your eye help ) but I only had to stay five minutes to raise it to a B. After that I Just had In look at him vacantly and let my eyes shine I made an A in the course I think Be sure to pick out a dark cloudy day. though, Petunia. because your ryes get awfully red when you
I had one class where the prof. was a problem dreadfully hardboiled and seemed to really like the men best. Imagine it! That was the class where I bought the textbook. I drew pencil lines on a couple of pages and always kept those pages open. (The book was practically as good as new and I sold it for a pretty good price, so I guess it wasn't much loss though
I did have to break down one of my principles The only other book I bought was a notebook for almos phere and it was valuable in filing letters) Then one day I asked the prof. what the author (always talk about author, it helps ) what the author mean when he said "The quality of merry Is not strained". Realty, the class had a continuous discussion for three days. then the prof looked at me and asked if I understood. All I had to say was, "Yes sir. thank you so very much." Remember that If you start a discu-sion you get credit for everything anyone else says.
Oh. yes. infant, find out which profs are writing books. and before each quiz stop class and ask him how
it is getting along. He may even walk down the hall with you and if the boy friend is waiting simply ignore him till you get the prof Inside his office door There are lots more boy friends than profs anyway.
I think that the worst possible kind of teachers are women teachers. They really ought to be barred. But I suppose we really appreciate the
There are times when we must face squarely the severity of God, as was pointed out by Dr. V, F. Schwalm last Tuesday at Y, M. Bat God is also Good and his severity does not lessen his goodness.
There is a severe penalty for the breaking the least of God’s laws. This penalty Is sure and relentless. The wages of sin are death, Christ emphasized severity many times in the case of hypocrites or those who caused others to stumble.
But at other times He spoke of the goodness of God. A sinner truly repentant must be assured of the goodness and forgiveness of God. The Goodness of God was emphasized In the story of the Prodigal Son.
Emporia. Kans,, March 12—Plans for a two Weeks coaching School from May 27 to June 8 have been completed by F. G. Welch, director of athletics at Emporia Teachers College.
The coaching sellout will enable high school coaches of Kansas and neighboring states to study the finer points of the three major sports and to put a few new tactics In their bags of tricks.
Mis Laura Hamman, '26. who is teaching at Minneapolis visited Mc-Pherson friends last week end.
things we Work for hardest, and I'm certainly proud of the grades I made under them. One of them I studied and studied why I actually by
awake hours, and almost decided to buy a textbook but I was willing to take a lot of bother since It was a five-hour course. I invited Her and a young man to dinner. She wasn't at all old, and they got engaged a little bit later. Of course that wax a Jot of trouble and after the final. I had to break up the engagement because he was one of my boy friends and l needed his car, It was really too bad. because I had to get a permit to avoid another class under her, and of course that would never Have done. I shall be more careful about that in the future.
One teacher always told a joke at the beginning of class. I and the other A student were the only ones who laughed. And she never called on us again during class. It was as though wo bad already recited, you see. Notice those little tilings. Petunia If you want to be on the honor roil and have your name in the home-town paper.
Once in awhile, you get a negative-teacher— I mean, one of the sore who
works up from down. If she gets mad at you you get a flunk. If not you act an A. They aren't really Hard to manage Whenever one gets peeved and you see her star: to look the other way. Never let the prof, notice you when she is mad—You have studied psychology, remember about association?
Of course, if you like, you can find out which teachers give the most A's and that simplifies things a little, but learn to be self-reliant, baby, It saves practically all your time outside of class and lots of money for books, and you can get lots of nice recommendations when you are looking for a Job", But as I said Petunia, your grades for this semester are all In. and you may forget before next fall. I am awfully unselfish but it never pays to have too many taking the same train to the City.
Well, toodle-oo. I’m off for the show. Don't strain your eyes under that yellow light, baby.
Mr. and Mo. Walker Enter-tain the Staff In Studio Saturday Evening
Guests Were Taken To The Tourney And Afterwards Played Pro-gressive Rook
Mr Leonard M. Walker, photo-grapher for the Quadrangle. and Mrs. Walker entertained the staff of the Quadrangle Saturday evening in the Walker studio.
At six o'clock a three course ban-quet was served. A color scheme of red and white was carried out very cleverly. The guests were seated at quartette tables.
Promptly at seven-thirty the guests were taken to the Tourney theatre At nine they returned to the Walker studio and found the tables arranged for progressive rook. Robert Puckett received the prize for the highest honors and Miss Ada Stutzsman was granted the conso-lution prize.
The following guests were present: the Misses Alberta Hovis, Ruth Hel-bert Clara Davis, Ethel Sherfy, Eunice Longsdorf. Ada Stutzman, Irene Thacker. Harriet Hopkins. Irene Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Puckett, Prof. and Mrs. D, F. Jami-son. Ralph Bowers, Glenn Harris. Francis Berkebile. Lawrence Sun-quist, Leland Lindell. Reuben Bow-man. John Lehman, Marvin Steffen, Allen Morine and Wray Whiteneck.
A splendid time was reported by all those present.
In appreciation of the work done by the Y. W. C. A, cabinet this year, the advisory board entertained the cabinet at a waffle supper, Six o'clock, Wednesday evening at the home of their adviser, Mrs. V. F. Schwalm.
The table was prettily appointed with flowers and candles and cards which were blue triangle book-lets. in them! booklets different duties each member was to perform at certain times worn written. This furnished much amusement. These tasks ranged from Miss Alberts Hovis turning a somersault to Miss Lehman imitating her favorite ani-mal. the donkey. The tasks includ-ed a vivid description of Miss Lamb's 'To-be"
A two course supper was served by Mrs. Schwalm, assisted by Misses Lola Wine and Mary Lou Williams, consisting of waffles, creamed chicken. olives. celery, strawberry Ice, fruit Salad, wafers and coffee.
After the meal the cabinet conducted its usual Wednesday night meeting.
Those enjoying the hospitality of Mrs. Schwalm were Misses Lois Dell, Dorothy Swain. Irene Gibson, Ruth Blickenstaff. Ruth Anderson. Al-berta Hovis, Eugenia Dawson, Arietta Saylor, Margaret Devilbiss. Mildred Swenson. Harriet Hopkins, and the advisory board. Misses Mildred Lamb, Della Lehman and Mrs. Schwalm,
The Bulletin is sponsoring a leadership contest to determine by popular ballot the twenty campus leader, ten faculty members and ten students on the Emporia Teachers College campus,
The choice of the students should be based on the number and kind of activities in which the student leader participates, his popularity, his ability, his altitude toward his school work, and his probability of success.—Emporia Bulletin.
Charlie Collins; What kind of a car have you?
Prof. Doll: A Pontiac the last time I looked.
The Student Newspaper of McPherson College, purposing to recount accurately past activity to stimulate continually further achievement — and to live and cherish nor one code—"The School of Quality".
Entered as second class matter November in. 1917. at the post-office at McPherson, Kansas, tinder the act of March 3, 1897.
Associate Editor
Address all correspondence to
McPherson. Kansas
Doris Ballard
Leland Lindell
Business STAFF
Ralph Bowers Ernest Watkins, Glen Harris Lloyd Johnson
Harriet Hopkins Oliver Ikenberry Warren Sisler
REPORTERS Ruth Anderson Marlin Hoover Charles Collins
Mildred Swenson Bernice McClellan Emery Metzger
faculty Adviser.
Maurice A, Hess
Certain developments of the past week have not been suggestive of the best spirit of sportsmanship among participants In Intramural athletics, This education has unfortunately arisen in both men's and women's basketball. It is a pity that a group that continually harp on "Bulldog spirit ’ to our representatives who meet publicly contestant in various events would seemingly forget it when their opportunity to make application of the same presents itself Self control and unselfishness if the main purpose of these activities Is not to be defeated. is the big end of a score really worth a lot of petty squabbling and not quite fair means? Really, after all, what more In there than the satisfaction of having played one’s best and having given the utmost in an enjoyable and sportsmanlike con-test?
OTHER contests
The last issues of the current number of the Spectator have each announced an essay contest, one open In any college student, and the other restricted to seniors. This is one possibility for development that has not been realized In McPherson College The college has representatives in practically all other activities and there is not any insurmountable reason that she should not participate in these events. Little need be said why students should enter these journalistic contests. The name reason exists there as for athletics. forensics or music; returns are measured by the expenditure of effort.
Directly causing the lack of Interest in such matters in a general lack of Interest In Journalism as a whole In the college. However, should there be some one who cared tp venture an attempt there are instructors here who would willingly offer their help. Let us see McPherson represent-ed In another activity, and In one that offers possibilities for much publicity. This is a field that is Indeed In need of development In our college.
An opportunity to show the "Generous Spirit" presented itself to the student body last Friday morning in chapel when a program for the purpose of raising money for the student Missionary project abroad was given. Of the $600 goal set for McPherson college to give toward the Brethren mission to China, an proximately $211 in pledges and cash were received
The project was sponsored by the World Service Group the Y. M. C A and thee Y. W. C. A. Miss Mary Lou Williams, president of the World Service Group acted as leader during the program. After a number of special music by a mixed Miss Williams briefly reviewed the mission work In the foreign field and introduced the facts of the linn (ion.
■ Prof Hugh Heckman then spoke on "the Generous Spirit using his next 'God loves a man who is glad to give", He presented the condit-tions in China and Dr F H Crum-packer's work there as a mission-ary. After portraying the medical. educational. industrial. and evan-gelistic needs there be gave the challenge - what Is to be done about it" Continuing. Prof. Heckman said '"Money Is the acid test of character.
how you get It. what you think of it and shut you do with It
Following his talk which be con-cinded by saying that we keep them only that which give away the students were given an opportunity to sign pledges to the cause. A free will offering was also taken. The total proceeds thus obtained amount-ed to $211.
composition. Following this Miss
Una Morine played as a piano solo
the First Movement of C Minor by
Whether the society should have the picture of its members in the
Quadrangle was voted upon; the matter received almost unani-
mous affirmative decision.
By The Way
Miss Ruth Hoffman spent the Week end at her home near Hope.
The American Mercury offers two. prizes each of $600, for articles by
college graduates of this year, dis* cussing their experiences In college. one will go to the best article re-ceived from a male student, and the other to the best from a woman stu-
Mrs. Roy Loekard of Elmo visited Miss Dorothy Myers Tuesday of last week.
Miss Inez Hobbisiefken spent Sat-urday and Sunday at the Bert Kaufman home near Elyria.
The following were dinner guests at the Prof. Hugh Heckman home last Tuesday evening; Mrs. Harry Lehman. Misses Haven Hutchinson, Florence Lehman. Ida Lengel, and Myrtle Ainsworth.
Mrs Harold Shoff of Elkhart, formerly Miss Ethel McRevey. a former student, called on dormitory friends Thursday.
Mrs, George Budge of St. John spent the week end with her daughter Thelma at the dormitory.
Our Motto: Latest News First
John Whiteneck and Miss Arlene Saylor spent the week end at Kansas City.
Miss Bernice Steinberg who is a student at K. S. T. C, at Emporia, spent Friday with her sister Irene here after which they both went to their home near Lorraine for Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. Calvin Coolidge wan agreeably surprised at 12:10 central standard time, March 4, 1929, when Mr. Herbert Hoover and associates gave him a surprise party. Mr. Coolidge in turn surprised .Mr. Hoover by letting him be President of the United States ( Western Hemisphere) for the. next four years.
Kenner rebuttals and preparation enabled the Bulldog affirmative team to win the argument at Kansas Wesleyan on Monday, March 4.
Smith and Stuart represented Wes leyan very ably but Franz. and Harnly of McPherson College showed greater familiarity with the subject throughout and with strong rebuttals won the decision of the judge. Pro fessor F. H. Ross of Emporia Teach-ers College.
The last series of the league de-bates will occur on Friday the tr.u. when McPherson meets. Sterling.
2nd Team Debate
A debate has been scheduled for the second team with the second team of Kansas Wesleyan. Accord ingly the young Coyotes will meet the Pups on Monday. April 1. is keeping with the day. the coyotes may be expected to try some tricks but the pups are quite playful them selves. The debate at McPherson will be hold at three o'clock. Girls Debate"
On Monday. March 18 the women debaters meet the women from Beth-any. Miss Libby and Miss Galie meet the Bethany affirmative team here
Miss Brown and Miss Anderson meet the Bethany affirmative at Carlton, Kansas the following Wednesday.
Misses Bernice McClellan and Arlan Brigham spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of the latter In Marion.
We will wager Three pins that the
............ SWEDES believe in Santa
Claus now.
Ralph Himes. '25 was a campus caller Saturday afternoon,
Mr, Jamison: Most writers have a pen names— George Elliot for in-Htiiuw.
Hammann: What's HIS real
Miss Marie Brubaker, a former student who Is now teaching at Conway Springs was a dormitory visitor Saturday.
When a man biles a dog that's booze,
Martin Long a student at Beth-any, spent Tuesday with his cousin. Charles Collins here.
Miss Chester Carter spent Saturday and Sunday at Kansas City,
Misses Velma Elridge and Mildred Doyle spent last week end at the Utter's home In Topeka,
Warren Sisler on a date.
Dorm, girls beginning to wear fur coats.
Eight tables Instead of six at breakfast.
Too many "cuts" in classes.
Permits doubled In number.
Ungodly quizzes,
Buskirk in his FORD.
Track men limbering up the old frame.
—-Horace Koller
The theme around" which the Ce celian Music Society program was built last Thursday evening was the "Sonata" Great sonata writers and outstanding sonatas were discussed and a number or instrumental son-ata solos were played. Very little business was brought before the meeting. Miss Myreta Hammann acted as leader.
Miss Dorothy Linholm played Beethoven's sonata "Pathetique" on the piano after which Lawrence-Turner talked on "The Sonata ' Its significance In the musical world in particular. The first movement of Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata was than played on the victrola.
One of the greatest of sonata composers in music history, Beeth-oven. was discussed by Miss Irene Steinberg Who related the outstanding events of that great musician's life and also told of a number of his
of the day are the track meet In the afternoon and the banquet for the high school seniors at the Brethren. Church in the evening, The and field meet this year will be preliminary to the state meet and
any athlete desiring t0 enter state meet must first qualify in a prelim-inary. Dean R. E. Mohler of the committee in charge of the festival day is planning quite an extensive advertising campaign to terest In the event.
Last year Invitations were one hundred-sixteen high schools Four hundred high school were entered In the track and event and about four hundred high school seniors attended the quel at the -church.
The aim of the competition is not
to bring forth treaties on the higher
education, but to obtain records of personal experiences. How do the four years in college strike All intel-
lliegent young man or woman and gals the highly intelligent will be able to formulate significant ver-dicts immediately after they are Does the time seem well spent? How much was learned? What was quilted In other directions?" How may of the instructors en-
encountered seemed to have anything vital to impart? Does college arouse a desire for further learning or not?
"The contestants will be expected to name their college and to give
names of teachers they may dicuss. i- ).«• tally these they have found . ..n.|~ i. ul The MSS. submitted will be judged by their honesty, their in-telligence their freshness of view-
, and their interest as human .|.,riliiums. The competition Is open ... graduates of all American col-lege of good repute”.
The above in from the American
Mercury. Further information can be secured from the bulletin board In the library.
The members of the Thespian are planning their initiation monies which will he held March Eight now members will be taken . to the club. in addition to At Swenson, Ruth Anderson.
. Lindell and John Lehman who c.,, the play cast Chester Carter. I.ni,n Horning, Beth Hess and l Crumpacker have been elected vote of the club.
It is the intention of the club is conduct a try out for club members ship early In the full next year and to enlarge the club to the desired and then select the cast of any which the club might present within the membership. It is be / . that such a plan will keep the mem-bership more constant and win able the club to become more t-fn.i ive.
Plans are being made for the High School Senior Festival which has be-come an annual event here, to be held on April 27. The main feature
Agriculture college. at Manhattan being sought in a bill before legislature here.
By a recent decision of the v
University Council of the University......
of Minnesota. all class officers the main campus with the exception of that of the president have been chestra gave a program in chapel abolished.
Diggs Captures STATE
(Continued from Page One)
This is the fourth time in the last five years that McPherson College. has received first place in this con-test. The other year they received second. Henry Hall won first place last year.
Another McPherson orator, Miss. beth Deardorff, representing Central college, won second place. Her. ora-tion was entitled ‘'The Fight For Noble Womanhood". Howard Rob-erts of Friends University, Wichita, won third place with the oration "Tobacco Avertising”. Paul Cobb represented Breese College in the contest.
A prize of $35 was presented the first place winner; $23 to the second place entrant and $15 for third.
The oration contest concluded the convention of the Anti-Tobacco league, in session all day at the college building. At the business ses-sion. Harold Crist, McPherson Col-lege. was elected vice-president, of the State organization.
Speakers of national reputation spoke at the convention's sessions. Dr. F. M. Gregg, president of the No-Tobacco League of America, was the principal, speaker of the after-noon meeting. Dr. Charles M, Fillmore, secretary of the league, also spoke.
Buckham — Personality and Psychol-
L. H. Eakes". A..M, 1926 for a a number of years minister in the Presbyterian Church of McPherson.
IF I Were a Boy
McPherson high school
The McPherson High; School Or-chestra under the direction of August San Romani played at the college chape on Friday morning. March 1 On the following Tuesday afternoon Prof. Doll took his Chapel Orchestra to the Senior High School for an exchange program.
The High School Orchestra played a number or ensembles, also, they featured two horn solos, Pascal Davis played a cornet solo and Rex Conner was heard from the sonsa-phone.
The High School Band will appear tor a chapel program some time in April. Arrangements have been made for the Chapel Orchestra to appear at the Junior High School on March
Mr. San Romani is to he highly complimented on the splendid piece of work he is accomplishing for the High School music organizations.
Kinberg-von Sneidern-Sex hygiene.
Smith—Exposition Bible, Twelve
Nearing, Scott & Freeman—Dollar Diplomacy.
Stimson -American policy In Nicaragua.
Gillin—Poverty and Dependancy.
Fisher—America's Interest In World Peace,
Sandwo-—Self-defense for the Individual.
Rich- Study of the types of liter-ature.
Conner—Black Rock
Carmen)—-Echoes from Vagabondia. Morley Modern Essays.
Husband—America at Work, Newcomer & Andrews ... Twelve centuries of English poetry Ibsen- Plays.
•- Outlook for. the Philip-■ pines.
If I were a boy I would not wear one of these funny little hats which are so popular on the campus.
A recitation now and then.
Won't hurt the best of men.
I would have enough strength of character to refuse to wear the Christmas neckties.
I would at least try to make my excuses sound like the truth.
I would not get excited If my girl sent me home before 10 maybe she; is really going to study.
If I were a boy I would make it a point to be late on some occasions in order that the girl would appreciate my being on time other times I wouldn't excuse my financial em-barrassment by saying, ‘I'm Scotch.
i wouldn't try to date two girls of the same sorority. on the sames night. It just isn’t done.
I'd talk about something else be sides myself, A variety of conversa-tion Is always appreciated,
I wouldn't broadcast the world's speed record that I had recently broke and end up by saying that I could have gone faster if I had "Wanted to”,
I would wear a hat In cold weather I wouldn't tell every girl that I met how I put the goods ever my last girl.
I would start the new semester right by reciting in class for a change.
Tell my new girl how I quit all my bad habits just for her.
If I were, a boy I would not take up every fashion that appeared on
the campus, especially the fashion of wearing hats that are at least three
sizes too small.
I'd discard my egatism—think howI'd rate In a university.
The polite fellow probably does not. realize that he is a subject of admir-ation In every sorority house.
If I were a boy I would not go to library ten minutes before it closes to see If I could find some girl that I could take home. I would at least go an hour before closing time, whether I had to study or not, so that others would not know why I had come.
I'd try to be congenial and fit in all social groups, I’d always be on time and full or pep. I’d be—but what's the use: I'm only a girl and this advice is like crying In the wild-
and more recently located at La
Junta, Colorado, has had to resign his pastorate because of throat diffi-culties. He is now working with the Railway Savings and Loan Associa-
tion of Denver.
Alvin C. Ashby, M, Accts,, 1910 in president of the Ashby Investment Company of Oklahoma City.
The report of the World Sunday School Convention held in last sum-mer was received In the library las week.
The Bulldogs won their first game in the National A. A. U. Basketball tournament at Kansas City yester-day afternoon by defeating the Alva (Okla) Teachers five 37-34. The first half was a hard grind for both teams and proved to be an unevent-ful fight ending with the Teachers in the lead 13-15.
The Bulldogs came back in the second period with their usual deter-mination to win and characteristic ally uncorked a style of basketball that had not yet been seen in the tournament and scored seventeen points before their bewildered oppon-ents could again hit the ring. With the score 15-30 In their favor Coach Gardner put In a string of substit-tutes which gave the Rangers their only opportunity to score their dozen points in the last half.
This is the way the Bulldogs scor-ed: Crumpacker 4-9-1 Rump 2-1-1; Miller Blickenstaff 0-1-1; and
Nonken 3-0-2
At 2 o'clock today the Bulldogs will meet the St. Benedicts College quintet in the tournament. The Cath-olics did not play yesterday and are doped In be a strong entry. The Canines have been in Kansas City since Saturday evening. They played the St. Ignatius team of San cisco In a warm-up game before the tournament play began.
Kansas occupies the whole of North America except that used by Canada, Mexico and some other states It derices Its name from the Kansas river which is the dustiest stream an earth and the only one navigable for pedestrians
Kansas is a large body of land entirely surrounded by the United States. It was the first state to maintain a bone-dry law and If It were freed from its entanglements with other states it would float on the vast sea of fresh water which underlies It.
The state is no long that out in Sherman county they consider Dick-inson county as a part of the effete cast and dub its Inhabitants Yankees. The chief pursuit of the people of Kansas is the making of crop records and their chief occupation is to keep from making all the money in the world.
If Kansas were removed from its place the United Suites would look like a peanut with the kernel gone.
With more acres under cultivation than any other land except. Texas. which has not yet been divided into states. with more wheat than any other political unit in the world. Kansas had to expand sidewise and is now bounded by the great lakes of oil on the under side and the Milky Way on top.
Each year the Kansas hen pro duces more than half the value of the output of all the gold mines In the United States and more than three times the first cost of Alaska. without counting the Large number of her yellow-legged sons which enter the ministry.
Though In some places the hog is ranked among "the short and simple animals of the poor", the Kansas hog makes both ends meat. An a mort-gage lifter the Kansas pig is a self-starter that always works on high; With more miles of prosperity to the gallon of skim milk than any other make, while the sow In the embodi-ment at Kansan an the rind. It all Kansas hogs were combined Into one animal be could solve the great lakes to the sea program is about tw0 roots
Kansas alfalfa, all in one stack would make Pike's Peak look like a golf tee. while her “cribbed and con fined" corn crop would extend the Duck Huy.
A combination of all Kansas cattle into one animal would make a cow whose milk would replace the Great Lakes: whose body would extend from the Gulf to the Arctic and while she browsed on the greenry of the tropics her tail would brush the sparks from the Aurora Borealis
Kansas are but modest folks They admit that there are other states of minor Importance and other civilizations yet in the making. They would not claim the whole of the earth If they could because they always have the best part of it and bare little need for the rest.
"Students ideas ought to have more consideration. It's the students who make up a college; after all. they are getting the education and It should be along the lines they want, Students should have a voice in the management of the college!"
What place should student opin-ions hold? From time to time such problems that as compulsory chapel and church attendance, dormitory rules, use of cars, question of dis-cipline, place of athletics In school life. permission for dancing, or fra-ternities and sororities, Who should have the deciding vote, students or faculty?
It is the students who compose school spirit, who put life in to the institution; it is for them that the institution lives. If any decisions not affecting the honor of the school or In conflict with its Ideals la any minor questions, the students views should be, and are. taken Into consideration. Rut in matters touching the standards and principles upon which the college was founded, our op are worth—exactly nothing' We know the character of the col-lego when we enroll: we should he willing to accept its judgments without complaint.
And after all. deep as our convic-tions are at present. they may alter a trifle In the next few years. Indeed as we realize how much our Ideas have changed since high school days, this seems quite possible. And then we may be glad that We couldn't run
Sterling Stir.
Last Monday morning Charles Fill more. author of "Tell Mother I’ll Be There." spoke during the chapel hoar concerning the work of the No-Tobacco League of which be is general secretary.
He stated that Kansas was the first state to organization an oratorical association for those who are willing to lend their efforts towards elimin-ating the use of tobacco. Likewise. McPherson College is known as a pioneer In its firm stand on the tobacco question.
Mr. Fillmore explained that the method employed by the league In its war against tobacco was first the presentation of the facts by various means and then urging the applications of their evident conclusions.
The task. initiated by these pioneers. In now before the youth of the land to be further executed.
A “quality school" necessitates an efficient library. Alt efficient library depends on the cooperation of every student user of the library.
Among the books not found while taking inventory this year were the following:
Sex Hygiene Kinberg
Sexual Life Malchow
Personality and Psychology ______
Buckham Expositors Bible. Twelve Phophets
—-- - . Smith
Dollar Diplomacy
Nearing Seitt and Freeman American Polity In Nicaragua
America's Interest In World Peace
. . Fisher
Ear Training for Teacher and Pupil Alehin
Making Up Young
Black Rook Connor
Twelve Centuries of English Poetry
—- Newcomer and Andrews
Modern Essays Morley
Any clue to the whereabouts of these book a will be appreciated by the librarian-
Of the ten outstanding au«a articles for thee month the library eight.
Among the new books which the librarian considers outstanding are:
"Art for Art's Sake." by Van Dyke, and "Thanksgiving Days In Stories", New French books are also In. in-cluding "Lola" of Marie de France, "Roman de la Rose" and "Aucassin and Nicolette".
Our Business is to improve appearance and we enjoy it service and sanitary methods Clean Towel Shop.
RUNNERS — RUNNERS Why throw away your silk hose on account of runners when I can re-pair them good as new.
Will call for and deliver. Mrs. Clifton Ferguson. 809 S. Main, Phone 542W.—sdv.