McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas.


TUESDAY, FEB. 19. 1929


Trustees of the College Held

Annual Meeting February 4


Prof. J. D. Bright Granted Leave of Absence for One Additional Year

The Trustees of McPherson College had their annual meeting on Febru-ary 1. Most of the new faculty were em-ployed for the new year. Dr. J. J.

Yoder resigned as business manager of the college after about eighteen years of excellent service in that capacity. He has rendered the col-

lege great service in establishing

and maintaining its credit. Prof.J. H. Fires was elected as business manager of the college and Dr. Yoder will become treaurer of the Board of Trustees and will be in charge of all capital funds of the constitution. Dr. Yoder will continue his teaching and administer the college farms and look after endow-ment investments.

The trustees were well pleased

with the work of the college. The trustees definitely approved the policy of continuing to build for quality in McPherson College. They are of the opinion that the greatest good can be done by striving for a

superior quality in all of the various phones of its work. To this end they

are planning to reduce the number of faculty members to the lowest minimum consistent with efficiency work, hoping to encourage the

younger members of the faculty as rapidlv as possible. Prof. J. D. Bright was voted as an extension of his leave of absence for one additional year. Others of the faculty will be

in universities during the coming


The college is seriously consider-ing the advisability of limiting its student body and setting an entrance requirement and in this way make the slogan "The School of Quality" have definitive and positive meaning.

The trustee left with a decided feeling of encouragement and opti-mism regarding the present situation

and further prospects of the college.



On February 7 and 8 the Kansas State Music Teachers Association met in Topeka. Music Teachers from all parts of Kansas attended this con-veniton. Professor G. L. Doll and Misses Jessie Brown and Fern Ling-enfelter represented the McPherson College music department.

The McPherson representatives re- port a most delightful and inspira-tional convention. A number of art-ist recitals were given for the enjoy-ment of this large group of music teachers. Outstanding music leaders attending the convention from all over the country. The greater part pf the time was spent discussing the problems of the music teacher. A number of inspiring lectures were heard on the value and the apprecia-tion of good music. The McPherson representatives were highly gratified

to see the splended piece of work the

association is doing in the interest of music in this state.

Plans are being considered for the merger of the University of Minne-sota hospital and the city hospital of Minneapolis. The outline provides that the city pay the maintenance cost and the university the educa-tional expense.

Delaware, Ohio—Only two co-eds at Ohio Wesleyan University listed marriage as their intended life car-eer when answering questions on

their enrollment questionnaires.



President E. F. Franklin, the new president of Southwestern College, and Mr. Dadisman, the field secre-tary, visited McPherson College on Monday, February 11. Mr. Frank-lin was highly pleased with the

surprise at the excellence of the building and equipment. He also vis-ited the Industrial Arts Department and was very appreciative of the un-usually fine work done In that department.

President Franklin is a forceful personality and promises to be an effective adminstrator of the col-lege at Southwestern. PEP DISPLAYED AT SALINA

That McPherson has more "'pep," and more loyalty in supporting its representatives in all lines of activity than any other college in existence, was plainly shown by the group of rooters that did its bit at the side-

line during the game in Memorial Hall last Thursday evening when our Bulldogs walloped the Coyotes.

Something like seventy-five col-lege students and other supporters of the Bulldog cagers gathered to-gether into a small group under the able leadership of “Berries" Crist sent forth notes of music and vol-umes of noise that filled the im-mense building, make it impossible for our boys to lose the game.

The colorful Bulldog pepsters ac-tually attracted more attention than did the Wesleyan group several times their number. Even the members of the Coyote team as well as the spec-tators were seen giving their atten-tion to the M. C. group in spite of the feeble efforts of their own sup-


Misses Helen Hudson and Lois Dell were dinner guests at the Dr. Gregory home Wednesday evening.

Goloshes are to the girls what the

whoopee hats are to the boys. They have that sophisticated devilish

air which contributes greatly to that woman-of-the-world air so desired by our palpitating co-eds.

Goloshes are as distinctive a part

rain coat or umbrella. They are dis-tinctive pointers to the character of the wearer., and there are just so many types of galoshes as girls. So beware of the kind of goloshes you buy girls, for boys judge you by them. The most-popular girls wear the most up-to-date goloshes im-aginable meant for looks, not for service. They originated in the South Sea Islands which is the gar-den of Eden for Honeymooners— Flop! Flop!

Now the flapper disdains conserv-ative clothes of any kind so natur-ally her goloshes will be a barom-eter to her tastes. These girls select cunning little booties which have a spike heel and a tiny bit of leather to cover the fascinating (?) ankles of the wearer. They come in black or navy blue patent leather with a red or blue top, but may be variable according to the costume. Some-times flappers wear the buckled kind which flop in every direction. If they have four buckles she will be a "keen" date. If three buckles, a "nice" date. If only two then she is a “washout". By their buckles ye shall know them "Who's that coming down the street, great big buckles, little feet". So girls count    

your buckles one by one if you want to have a good time.

Old maid girls invariably wear tan rubber goloshes with checkered top. The top does not indicate a checker-

CALENDAR Friday, February 22, Nininger's

Monday, February 22. Student



Lloyd Diggs will Represent M. C. in the State Contest to be Held in Hutchinson March 8


Six Contestants Were Entered in the

Contest Lloyd Diggs is the man of the hour. It was thus decided last Tues-day evening when he was awarded first place in the local anti-tobacco oratorical contest. By virtue of this

tive of McPherson College at the state contest at Hutchinson on March 5 when he will present his

oration, "The Wise Choice".

Mr . Diggs began with a vivid pic-

sons gave great promise of becoming great men The one became a suc-

cessful business man, while the other began using tobacco and became a

physical, mental, and moral wreck. These three evils in general are near-

ic loss because of its cost, fires it

To remedy the evil, the people

the effects of the use of tobacco. Legislation i ni‘i«’'*i*< .» • i Uiv.l The Kansas Ant-Cigarette law was re-pealed on the grounds that it could not be enforced but if the people

know the effects of the use ciga-(Continued on Page Three)


of irresponsibility which it might

show. Sometimes they wear those

tailored goloshes which are so

as much like one as possible. They

keep their goloshes clean and spot-

less. In fact they have that

girl complexion. Yes old maid


Ah! Zippers! The vanguard of

Zippers first broke the bounds of conservative and subdued clothing

ic college girls have indulged in zip-pers. They conserve time and ener-gy. When struggling to reach an

eight o'clock class and you are rush-

ed for time you have only to

one zip and you are ready. If your date rushes you you have only to say, "I'll be down in two zips"— one for each foot you know.

Now just a few style hints for goloshes. The well dresses girl will wear a smashing raincoat of promis-cuous cerise, a hat of green-pink and goloshes of bouncing blue with

effervescent border of billions yellow

on the days in which the sun doth not shine. Combinations of the above goloshes and the color spasm will so paralyze the professor, that if you are in dancger of flunking he will be too overcome to go on and flunk you. But on the strength of the onion which you carry with you, concealed in your goloshes, then you may pre-

Y. M. C. A.

As the Y. M. Speaker, Roy Teach observed the day by pointing out some of the great qualities of Lin-coln's character.

Among other things Lincoln was extremely human, he was kind, and he was sincere. His greatness was not due to his wealth, but to his achievement.

It is possible for anyone to become great through achievement for each day is the modern time with its modern problems and opportunities.

side of the road may look smoother but in reality, it is probably not any

have a trail to follow, but the chief

finding a smoother path.


The mysteries of "Heart-Sister" week were solved Thursday after

noon at a party in the Y. W. room.

Each girl was asked to wear the

name of her little sister pinned on

the girls to discover who had been

doing little friendly acts toward them throughout the week. Flory were in charge of the enter-tainment and sponsored several "peppy" games. The outstanding feature of the entertainment was a  debate. "Resolved that men prefer short skirts". The affirmative was upheld by Misses Mildred Lamb and Ethel Sherfy. Misses Harriet Hop-kins and Midlred Doyle spoke on the neative. The judges decision re-suled in two to one for the affirma-

wafers were served at five-thirty.

A passive verb is when the subject

is the sufferer, as "I am loved".

vail upon him to raise your grade.

must wear that heartbreaking coat of kitty fur with the squirrel cage

collar, hat of feeling, present tense

skin and the ever present goloshes,

which must be the epitome of her

costume. They should be fur lined

to match the coat and of a deep with tops of crocodile stomach and buttons of zips of antique mahogany. This effect is hotsy-totsy.

Natually girls go out in the eve-ning—if they are lucky enough to

get dates and then she wants to look consideration but those galoshes must be the climax. With an eve-ning dress of gold tissue is to be worn the golosh of moonlight mauve. If an ordinary dress of transparent

velvet is worn then the golosh must be of turbulent turquoise blue to properly summarize the ensemble. There are many combinations of color and material to be worked out

then lay to a stock of goloshes. Parents obey your college children and supply them with goloshes, if

girls leave home".

"Why girls walk home"— they want to see what effect their new goloshes have on that necessary but bothersome creature— a man.

Here's to goloshes— long may they flop.

No I don't have delirious trem-

ors either.


Bulldogs Were Not in the Lead Till Last Two Minutes


Rump Led the Bulldogs In Scores

With Nine Points

The McPherson College Bulldogs edged out with the long end of a

22-21 score in their game with the

St- Mary's Knights in the final mom-ents of play last Wednesday, evening to retain their lead in the Kansas Conference.

The Bulldogs played a stake game from the start. They were not them-selves and seemed to be unable to get to hitting in the form thy have shown against strong opponents this season. The Knights outplayed them

at the half and were never behind until the very end of the game.

WHen all but two minutes of the game had been played, with the Catholics leading 20-22, Coach Gard-ner subsituted Holloway for Miller

ful Knight fouled Holloway, who made good his first free toss. The second one was short and the ball rebounded to the man who threw it, being passed quickly to Rump

who sank a deep into the ring for two more points giving the Bulldogs their first lead of the game thus far 23-22. In the next play St. Mary's got the ball in their possession and made several desperate but vain at-tempts to score before it was re-covered by the more capable Canines. Rump was fouled and made another

point giving the McPherson squad the 24-22 lead that was standing when the gun was fired to end the

Rump led the Bulldogs in socres made with nine points, while Mc-Mindes led the Knights with seven.

The line-ups:

McPherson (24)




Crumpacker, f




Rump, f




Miller, c




Nonken, g




Blickenstaff, g












St. Mary' (22)




Conney, f




Colona, f




Ryan, c




Grandone, g




Elenck, g




McMindes, g








Referee, E. C. Quigley, St. Mary's

Election of Queens

One of the outstanding events of every school year is the selection of an all school queen. Every girl thrills at the thought of being a queen at least of some one's heart, and to be a queen of a whole school of hearts is, indeed, no small hon-or. TO this position Miss Alberta Hovis, junior,. was elected to fill. Other girls who has been nominat-ed were Misses Floy Brown, Lois Dell, Dorothy Swain, and Ruth Hie-bert.

Besides the election of the all

who will be given a picture in the college annual, as will Miss Hovis likewise be given. THe Seniors chose Miss Melda Mohler: Junior Miss Naomi Witmore and the Sophomores Miss Dorothy Linholm.

The election of class queens was day to the quadrangle sale which gave each class. who purchased 100% of annuals the privilege of elect-ing a girl as queen.

The Spectator

The Student Newspaper of McPherson College, purposing to recount accurately past activity—to stimulate continually further achievement and to live and cherish our one code— "The School of Quality".

Entered as second class matter November 20, 19I7, at the post-office at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.

Subscription Rates    $1.50 per year

Editor-In-Chief Associate Editor


McPherson, Kansas

Editorial Staff


Business Manager    Ralph Bowers

Ass't Business Manager    Ernest Watkins

Ass't Business Manager Glenn Harris

Circulation Manager Lloyd Johnson


Harriet Hopkins    Ruth Anderson    Mildred Swenson

Oliver Ikenberry    Murlin Hoover    Bernice McClellan

Warren Sisler    Charles Collins    Emery Metzger

Family Advisor

Maurice A. Hess

Dr. Sherwood Eddy

He is a man above creeds, above churches, and above prejudice or dogmatism. He finds the facts and faces the facts, and then does what few have been able to do, applies the highest law we know. Love, to the situations confronting him.

Eddy has made me believe that there is a spiritual side to live, and knowing this we would be foolish if we did not face the facts and develop this side as well as others. Rightly used our spiritual power may be the most important force in life, the progress of civilization, depends upon this for in government, church, or even personal actions, the spirit not the form counts.

Following the constitution I would not force any man to adopt my creed, but I would challenge him to adopt some guiding theme that will envirgorate and empower his life at the critical time of making decisions.

Eddy in his four gospels I believe has challenged a man to say,“I am not a man unless: 1. I have lived straight, clean and just today within myself. 2. I have shared my opportunities, convictions, and love with others. 3. I have used the maximum effort in constructive thinking on world problems, and minimum in pessimistic condemnation, 4. I have applied in an unprejudiced, intelligent way Christ's principles in dealing with and evaluating my fellowmen.

The record of so-called religion as a whole is so far from being what it could or should be, that unless churches soon reform by rights they should die, thay deserve to die, and must die in order for a better world to come. They have sanctioned everything from slavery to the brutality of both sides in the world war. They have men and educational facilities in the future that have no allies.

Knowing the above I believe we should be as cautious about expect-ing a thing that is old as anything that is new.

I doubt the intellectual capacity of one who has not had a season

Eddy stressed the giving of those who had a great deal to give.

We must cover his deficiency at this point by remembering that we can give on the same basis and in the same spirit as those he mentioned. And we must remember that our responsibility for giving is as great, for we owe our all to the contribution civilization has made to us. Lives have been jeopardised and fortunes spent for its, our debt is large.

I believe wealth is a narcotic.

I am almost ashamed to be an American, or a so-called Christian.

I have concluded that a man who is not socially just is more of a detriment to society than a man who is mentally unbalanced.


In the aftermath of Dr. Eddy's visit, as our "mountain peak" re-cedes, we wonder, “How now?" Those of us who have been on the heights before are learning to look long and far away, to fix our landmarks for the days to come—'er darkness come. It is time to ask for what price we are willing to sell ourselves, and what we are wiling to pay society for this chance to live.

Men who count have lost themselves in service, and while their companions slept, they were tollling upwards in the night. They live to give. Dr. Eddy leabes us with a fresher outlook and a renewed determination to know and to grow. Dare even two or three fake Jesus Christ in earnest? We will "drink from the fountain or spiritual life.” and keep drinking. We will live to give. We will be true to ourselves—with His help!

IDEAS WERE NOT NEW Dr. Eddy is gone from our campus, but his influence is still in the hearts and ideals of the students. His personality is so pleasing and force-ful that everyone is compelled to admire him and listen to his message.

Some of his ideas were not so new to us as others, but he presented

them in such an outstanding way that he made us realise their importance our lives. It is hard to express our appreciation of the value of Dr. Eddy's visit, but we all feel it.

HEART SISTERS Much mystery and wonder surrounded the activities of the heart sister movement last week sponsored by the Young Women's Christian Asoociation. It was the hidden identitiy at the doer of all the kinds deeds that made them so intensely interesting of course. Not only was the in-terest keen for those who remind the tokens of thoughtful kindness but those who bestowed found great joy too. That brings to mind Portia's "It blesses him that gives and him that takes". Why not continue the

plan throughout the year? No definite person need be designated but let deeds of kindness find their way about the campus promiscously. It is not necessary to bestow some product from the florist's or something from the grocer's every day, but a kind word, a thoughtful act, a smile of encouragement may be the cause of incalculable results. Why not make every week "heart week"?


Why so downcast? The corners of the mouth seem to point to the drooping shoulders that must be heavy, judging from the shuffling foot-steps. Is it really so bad? And if it is, does such an appearance relieve the situation? Does a knock remove the obstacle? The usual reasult of a mood charaterized by such a countenance is a disagreeable headache, chronic blues, and a grouch at the world. Those things are reflected by the mirror-like world, and the reflection is not pleasing.

Acquisition of an alert posture, a deep breath of fresh air, and the application of a little psychology, whereby the grudges are at least shoved for the back if they are not forgotten, were prescribed long ago as a remedy for this terrible state, and they are the first steps toward acquiring the houyast happiness which marks the attractive personality.

OUR Y. W, C. A.

Among the influences at McPherson College that have this year registered a positive influence is the Young Women's Christian Associa-tion. The weekly programs have beeb stimulative of creative thought. The organization has been instrumtenal in bringing speakers of power and influence to the campus. The cabinet has been lively wide-awake body with a consecrated purpose and each committee has accomplished some-thing definite. The ideals of Christ have beeen held out by the organization as examples for College girls. The work of the association has not been mere formal actions but an actual counting influence that has been felt. The work of the Y. W. C. A. of 1928-1929 will be a challenge to succeeding Y. W. C. A. workers in McPherson College to go on and do more and even better things.


Doris Ballard

Leland Lindell

Any Bulldog will vote safe the statement that Prof Hess is the

Yes it was Professor M. A. Hess that coached four debate teams to State Championship and three to capture the "lion's share" of the

It was eight years ago that this man received a place on the McPher-son faculty. His first forensic adven-tures were among the students of the academy. He proved his ability as a debate coach when he gave the academy three championships in his four years of coaching. A man of this caliber was destined to rise to a higher position and in 1921 he was offered the position to coach the col-lege debate and oratory. The first

year McPherson tied the division, the neat year the debaters won the state, again in 1926 and for the two years following McPherson debaters have captured the state title. Hess coached teams have won forty-two out of a total of fifty-eight debates. The record in oratory is just as enviable. Last year the McPherson or-ator was awarded first in both the Anti-Tobacco and Peace Oratory con-tests. In the years previous to 1928, our orators have three first prizes, four second prizes and one third and

one fourth prize.

Now one of the most interesting things about our forensic coach is

field to a two weeks course to elo-cution and a persistent desire to win

to win precedence over the elocu-

so dominant in the man that he sacrifices his own time and pleasure in order that he may develop his de-baters and orators into winners.


Floy Brown:    "Well. I don’t care,

I always am in good company."

"Windom". "Thanks, Floy".

When you’re down in the month think of the Prophet Jonah. He came out all right.

Nowadays, just as soon as you find a way to make- ends meet, somebody comes along and moves the


Ray Nonken; "Velma, I've been trying to think of a word for about

Velma Eldridge:"What about


Wanted: A big or little sister— Guy Hayes.

Floy B.—"Oh Leland! I know the kind of bridge we'll play— honeymoon bridge!”

Roy Frantz says the purpose of J. J. Yoder's chapel talk to to drum up some business for Kline Hall.

Gender shows whether a man is masculine, feminine, or neuter.

About two weeks ago the Rocky Ford students had a special table in the dining hall. In the course of the conversation. Roy Franz said to Fred Andrews, "If Rosy Rump is going to belong to this bunch, he ought to be initiated".

To this Rev. Hostetler replied," I 'spect I'll get to do that".

Ambiguity means telling the truth when you don't want to.

By The Way

Miss Mildred Libby spent Satur-day and Sunday at her home near Little River.

C. L. Doty. '25 of Wichita was a campus visitor Friday.

Miss Bernadine Van Blarleum spent the week end at Kansas City.

Clarence Hawkins, '28, who is teaching at Nickerson spent Satur-day with friends in McPherson.

Miss Alberta Hovis and Reuben

Bowman spent Saturday and Sun-day with friends in Hutchinson.

Ray Trostle, '28, who has been

working for the General Electric Company in Scheneetady New York arrived in McPherson via auto Friday night. and is visiting friends here.

Miss Ruth Bish spent the week end

at Windom visiting Miss Adeline


Elmer McGonigle spent the week

end at his home in Nickerson.

Keith, Kermit, and Guy Hayes spent Wednesday of last week at their home near Little River.

Miss Florence Weaver was the week end guest of Miss Margaret Kelly at the latter's home at Can-ton Misses Weaver and Kelly spent

Sunday at Wichita.

Religion should have a place in any student's mind if he never thought of religion before entering the university, he should be exposed to it enough to form an opinion be-fore graduation.

Religious Week starts many stu-dents thinking about religous ques-

—Marcia Chadwick, Editor University Daily Kansan

"Collegiate Week,” for health promotion sponsored by the Women's Athletic Association was held at the Kansas Slate Teachers College of Emporia last week.


Paul Guthrie, field secretary for the Intercollegian Prohibition Asso-ciation, will be on the campus Friday. Mr. Guthrie is a graduate of

ported for one year as assistant Y. M. C. A. secretary at the University of Tennessee. He has done graduate work at the University of Georgia and the Southern College of the Y. M. C. A. He will speak in chapel Friday on Prohibition


The life of Abraham Lincoln was reviewed by Dr. Schwalm in chapel Monday. He said that although Lincoln was an American he was honored by the common people of all lands. The greatest minds still study the life of this great man and bio-graphies of his life are constantly

Dr. Schwalm cited several striking characteristics of Lincoln. His mel-ancholy spirit followed by boisterous humor, his loving-kindness and his faith in truth and right. The writ-ings of Lincoln show poetic concep-tion and a mastery of style which he achieved by painstaking care.

The election of class queens and the school queen took place in chapel


Rev. Freeman of the Methodist

Church of the city told the students why most of us fall to be great, be-cause of indifference, indolence, and incomplete tasks. To be great. to

achieve much, we must have a world |

outlook and strive to lift the world

a little higher.

Prof. Heckman led devotionals

Friday by reading the story of thei, Good Samaritan. The Girls' Glee Club then sang “Love like the Dawn Came Stealing" by Caman and Brown's "Lullaby Moon."

In accounting for our success to

winning the St. Marys and Wesleyan

Basketball games, Coach Gardner

said that we would have dropped

them both if the boys had not had

the determination to win. He told

the student that he had just re-

ceived a nine and a half pound bas-

ket-ball buy of his own.

The orchestra played two num-bers, "The Chinese Idol” amd the "Love of Caroline". The student body was led in singing old familiar tunes by Mrs. Tate.

John Whitneck visited campus friends Sunday.

Tuesday, Feb. 19, 1929

Anti- Tobacco Oratorical


(Continued from Page One)

and cared enough, it could be

Miss Fern Galle was awarded

second place on her oration "The Evils of Tobacco". Her introduction portrayed vividly the sad experi-ences of a football team composed of men who smoked.

The evils: physical, mental, and moral degeneration, economic loss. and increase in the use of tobacco were emphasized as was true of all the orations. The Idea that there is but good purpose served by the use of tobacco was also common to each

of the poets

Miss Iva Crumpacker spoke on "The Modern Evil". Liquor was the end of yesterday; tobacco is the evil

Otha Whiteneck suggested that the war had caused a moral let-down and simultaneously the use of to-bacco had increased and become a

The Nemesis of Youth" was his subject and he showed the influence of example and of advertising which must be stopped.

Advertising of tobacco was more directly attacked by Clarence Zink when he spoke on "Billboard Assas-

At the state contest, the Bulldog representative will have a chance to defend and increase the reputa-tion of those Bulldogs for an elo-quent growl which is already widely

A copy of "The Theory of the Gene" by Prof. Thomas H. Morgan has been presented to the library by the Yale University. Press. This edi-tion has been enlarged and revised

Modern Drama

"A Study of the Modern Drama"

reference book from the study and appreciation of the best plays. Euro-pean and American of the last ball century. It is a book for everyone in-terested in the drama, containing as

er wants as well as material essen-tial for students of the subject.

More than sixty of the chief dra-matists from the time of Ibsen to the present day are each given a chapter

count of his achievements and a cen-eral commentary and analyzation

Men of the Greeley Colorado Teachers favor men's dormitories, according to tabulated results on a



Something of the history of to-bacco was given by Mr. Harold Crist in his oration “Savage Survivals'. He then traced its growth until it is the most widespread evil we have to combat. In addition to other evils it destroys the spiritual side of one's life.t




In true make-believe fashion the women of the faculty laid aside pro-fessional dignity and severity at a

six o'clock dinner party at the H. J.

Harnly home last Friday evening and each appeared in the character of another member of the party.

Miss Colline, of the art depart-ment was impersonated by the otherwise business-like Miss Lamb. The domesticity of Miss Byerly was shown in the actions and speech of Miss Lingenfelter who was in turn impersonated by Mrs. Tate. Coils of bronze tinted hair not unlike Miss Heckethorn's were Miss Lehman's crowning glory and Miss Heckethorn. resplendent in an evening dress and silver slippers, portrayed Miss Lamb. Careful character study was evident in Miss McGaffey's portrayal of Miss

Lehman, and Miss Brown acted and

was dressed like Miss McGaffey,

while Miss Colline same as Miss

Brown. Miss Byerly showed her

power of vocalization and conducting

as she impersonated Mrs. Tate.

A color scheme of red and white

was carried out in the menu and

decorations. A red and white valen-

tine doll made the centerpiece and

red and white sweet peas were used

in decorating the various rooms.

A three-course dinner consisting

of fruit cocktail, ham loaf, mashed

potatoes, gravy, green beans, cuddled

apples, fruit salad, ice cream, cake,

coffee, bonbons, and divinity was

served, after which each one con-

tributed to the program by giving a

stunt in character.

At the close of the evening the

group called at the home of Dr. V. F.

Schwalm and each made a request

by H. B. Clark is an indispensable

of from one to three of his character-

istic plays.

Among the many books received

at the library for use in the second

semester are the following:

Christ in the poetry pf today. a

collection of time poems with a re-

ligious tone. Giddies. Music appre-ciation in the schoolhouse: Applies

economics by Rye and Hewett and a number of books, money and

dramatic each chaptr is called dis-

The freshman quotations

Positive Outcome of Philosophy

man brain as an organ of the body with its special function, the production of thought through sense per-ceptions of the natural phenomena surrounding us. An understanding of Dietzgen's philosopher will aid the student to direct the organ of thought more consciously and effectively. The author calls the realization of this process “the understand-ing of understanding".

survey made in the college.

A style show was given recently by the department of home economics at the Kansas State Teachers College of Pittsburg. Styles from 1812 to 1924 were featured.





For the purpose of arousing inter-est in the Estes Park conference this spring and also to investigate the progress the Y. W. C. A. is making on this campus. Miss Frances

Dorothy and Ralph Turner spent the week end at their home near Hope.

Miss Thelma Budge spent the week end at her home near St. John.

The McPherson College basketeers defeated the Kansas Wesleyan cage-men 19-16 at Salina last Thursday evening in their last away-from-home conference game. The Bulldogs seemed to be still haunted by the same charm that tried to hold them down against St. Mary's the night before

stride which should have brought the man overwhelming victory in

face of the opposition the Coyotes offered. Those witnessing the game declare that our fellows were decidedly "off”.

Scoring for the Methodists was started in the first minute of play the

Jilka, followed by a point for the Bulldogs after Crumpacker had been given a free throw. Soon Miller and Nonken each added a point to the Bulldog score by charity baskets. After a number of miserably poor

ken dribbled through to his goal but was fouled while shooting. He made counters of both free throws granted him. Mulkey got a point as a result of Crumpacker's foul and Hayden got a set-up followed by a long shot from Mulkey. The score was 7-5 against us then Nonken made good another charily toss and soon the Bulldog captain dribbled through the Coyote defense that had pre-viously been pulled to pieces by the pussising Bulldog offense and got a nice set-up giving the Bulldogs an 8-7 advantage which they held until after the half period.

At the beginning of the second period Miller got a free throw that was good for one point. Then Stade

connected with the hoop tying the score at 9. Nonken got through for another set-up of our favorite Non-kon kind and Miller found the bas-ket for the first time from a distance making the score 13-9 for us. Hay-den and Miller each got a basket and Nonken a free throw making the score 16-11 still in our favor ten minutes before the end of the strug-gle. A basket from Miller widened the Bulldog lead. A free throw by Nonken and one by Hayden and a nice long shot by Miller left the score 19-12 to our good where it remained until the last couple min-utes of play, Holloway was substitut-ed for Miller and before he got into the game well Stade sank a neat pair of field goals and started what seemed to threaten a Coyote rally a minute and a fraction before the end of the game, reducing the Bulldog lead to three points. Crumpacker and Rump look turns at charity tosses but both failed to increase the score and the final gun went off with the Canines threatening to score.

Captain Nonken of the McPherson team with ten points to his credit was high point man of the game and was by far the outstanding player of the evening. Out of seven trys Non-ken made six points from free throws, Miller, experiencing another "off-day" had but eight points to his

credit. Stade led the Wesleyans with six points.

The line-ups:





Crumpacker. f




Rump, f,




Miller, c.




Nonken, g.




Blickenstaff, g.




Holloway, c.








Kansas Wesleyan (16)




Hayden, f.




Jilka, f.




Holsington, c




Mulkey, g.




Jung, g.




Stade, f.




Williams, c.




Bolcourt, g.








Referee. E. C. Quigley, St. Mary's.











Hot Shots___










Sharp Shooters





Blue Streaks










Fighting Cocks





Question Marks

























St. Mary's




Kansas Wesleyan




The McPherson College basketball team, champions of the 1928 season has cinched the title for 1929. The title was assured the Bulldogs when Baker beat Bethany at Baldwin last Saturday night 38-21 after the Swede team had been worn greatly by the Ottawa team which they defeated by a one point margin the evening before. Bethany hits been beaten three times while M.C. has lost but one game and even if the Swedes should win the clash of March 4 the title will still belong to the Bulldogs for having won the moat games. McPherson will be one game ahead of its nearest competitor regardless of what happens the remainder of the conference



Perry, regional secretary of the Y.

W. C. A. made a brief visit to the McPherson college campus last week.

Arriving Monday noon and departing Tuesday evening. Miss Perry's stay was no less inspirational because of its brevity.

A special meeting of the Y W. cabinet girls was called Monday af-ternoon at which Miss Perry discussed the Christian World Education conference to be held at Wichita this week end. The remainder of the time she spent in asking vital questions appertaining to and discussing problems concerning the plant of a Young Women's Christian Association on a college campus.

Such questions as: What are the Christians on the campus doing? Are their lives outstanding and con-vincing enough to be attractive to those who are not Christian? Why is it hard to live a creative life? challenged the mind of the girls and caused them to do some real thinking.

Prayer life was also approached and discussed in the group: its importance, whether it is a necessity and whether is has a successful substitute.*

On Tuesday afternoon during the period at which the members of the association convene for their weekly meeting. Miss Perry gave a talk our "Industrial Relations" a vital problem with which she has come into direct contact. She related actual ex-periences and pointed out vivid details in the lives of factory girls whom she has known and who can scarcely eke out a scanty living on wages they receive for jobs which are hard to bet.

A number of girls interviewed Miss Perry after the meeting on the industrial problem and many showed a genuine interest in the work which is being done by young women of the association to help the situation.

At four-thirty o'clock she met a

group of students, both men and women, who are interested in the Estes conference. An informal discussion period followed her telling the plans of this year's conference— its speakers, theme, location, and other matters of interest. Several McPherson students are planning to attend the conference.

A luncheon consisting of hot chocolate and wafers was served to those present, and Miss Perry de-part at five-thirty o'clock to continue her visit at other colleges in

She has been the regional secre-

tary for college associations for the

past five years, before which time

she worked in Girl Reserve work.