McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Tuesday, Sept, 25, 1928.

no. 1


Annual Northeast Kansas Dis-trict Conference To Be Held At Navarre


Pres. Schwalm, Dr. Yoder. Dean

Mohler, Prof. Heckman. Miss

McGaffey, Miss Lehman to Speak.

A number who are in various ways connected with McPherson

College will appear on the program at the annual district conference of the Northeast Kansas district at Navarre on October 5-9.

During the series of meetings President Schwalm will make three addresses, "Woman As s Spiritual Force, " “Citizenship", and "Needed, An Equivalent of the Missionary

Challenge. "

Dr. J. J. Yoder will speak twice one address. "Our Great Responsi-bility, " will be given on Sunday morning, Oct. 1, and “Most Vital Need of McPherson College" will be the subject of Dr. Yoder's talks on Monday, Oct. 8.

Dean R. E. Mohler appears on

the ministerial program. His subject is "What Can We Do to Make the Ministry More Attractive to Young Men As Churches? "

Prof. J. Hugh Heckman's subject for the same program la "Pulpit Emphasis, " "Church College and Leadership" is his subject for the Christian College program on Mon day. Oct. 8Miss Edith McGaffey will speak on "A Review of 1927-28 McPher-son College" at the same program. Trustee L. J. Smith of Morrill, Kan. will preside at that particular meet-ing.

Miss Della Lehman will address the young people in "Crusading for the Lives of Youth” at their meet-ing till Saturday. Oct. 6 the theme of which is to be "Crusade With Christ. ”

Karl C. Kinzie. '28. will be in charge of the young people's meeting. Viola Bower, '28, and John Lehman, will both appear on that program.

Rev. Roy B. Teach will speak Sat., Oct. 6 on "How Conserve Our High School and College Young People for the Church. ” James Elrod will

be in charge of the Father's and Son's conference to be held the same day.

A number of students attending McPherson College come from the

northeast Kansas district in all

probabilities the college will be well



While Berries was shocking wheat and the natives at Spohn's acres, some students were otherwise

occupied. Lola Dell says she spent

the first part of the summer get-ting Ruth Anderson ready to attend Eates Park Confernce in Colorado. They hiked hikes, mounted mountains, noted notes, and Incidentally absorbed some ideas.

Charles Collins, Keith Hayes and Ralph Landes successfully accumu-lated commissions by confidentially contributing useful kitchen utensils of WEAR-EVER aluminum to reluctant housewives, both present and future. Each one is planning to publish a volume of memoirs this year entitled "Confessions of an Ex-Aluminum Sales Agent. "

Leland Lindell left Windom and ventured into New Mexico to enjoy the jungles of the Injuns, and to

unscrew the inscrutable inscrip-tions of their institutions

Max Connor, with splendid honor, heaved harmony and sang. "Oll's



Rev. J. W. Lear will give the principal address on the program at the dedication of the new chapel in the administration building that is to be held on Oct. 12. Rev. Lear is the pastor of the church that is in connection with the Bethany Bible school in Chicago. In the past he has been secretary of the National Board of Promotions of the Church of the Brethren.

At present the program is not complete. The dedication will take place in the forenoon. The afternoon of Oct. 12 is the date for the first home football game. It is likely that a special program will be arranged for the evening. Announcements will appear later.


Results of the music tryouts held

during the last few days will likely be known tomorrow according to Mrs. Anna Tate, voice instructor. Personnel of the boys' and girls' glee clubs will appear In the next issue of the Spectator.


What is more embarassing than coming late to any social function— especially to dinner at the home of your favorite? An attempt is being made to help students avoid such a situation.

In the future when students are

invited to Professor Bowman's home they should go to 1614 E. Gordon, across the street from the library. This will enable them to get there on time. Should they first go to 1314 E. Euclid and there learn he

had moved, they might be late.

Debaters and others will find Pro-fessor Hess the head of a whole household (? ) instead of three upper rooms. As the girls hurry through the draw on their way home, the sight of Professor Hess's home assured them they are back in civilization.

Miss Marietta Byerly has moved to 123 N. Charles.

Professor Lewis Doll is living in Kline Hall. He has sold his former home at 807 E. Euclid.

The Heckman family has moved lo McPherson and is living at 1301 E. Euclid.

Professor B. F. Jamison and family live at 316 N. Carrie street.

Utrechta have full possession of the house at 135 Carrie, where they have previously occupied only a part of the house.

Dean R. E. Mohler has sold his former home and bought the house in which he lives. His new home was formerly known as the Cullen home at 11023 E. Euclid,

P. S. Professor Roy Teach still entertains at 314 Olivette.

Lena: All men are alike. Bill: Then why do you girls want three or four?

Sept. 19—Vacation reigns su

preme under Venerable Sharps in room 11 today in the wake, as it were, of a good angel. Cramped brows release themselves into crows feet and dimples and the rhetoric book is solemnly closed as the last whirr of Father Stork's

wings dies away.

Early today the faithful gathered

themselves together before the har-bor of learning, that they might be found watching when the professor came. Their diligence was soon to be awarded. He was coming!

The messenger appeared in great ecstasy, wreathed in smiles, saying: “Behold, I bring you good tidings

of great Joy in the home of Mr. and



Enforcement Of Freshmen Gap Rue Discussed


Ernest Toland Vice-President, Ralph

Bowers Business Manager Of


The first student council meeting for the year was held last Monday evening at 6: 30. The president, Phillip Spohn, stated the purpose of the organization which was followed by election of officers. Ernest Tol-land was chosen vice-president and Iva Crumpacker secretary. Ralph Bowers was elected business man-ager of the Spectator in place of Charles Bish who was elected last year. The treasurer, Harold Fas-nacht made a report of the financial standing of the student council. At the beginning of last year the coun-cil was in debt, but this year there

are over $100 to begin the various\ school activities which are spon-sored by the student council.

Enforcement of the freshman cap rule was discussed. A motion was

carried to have the freshman stu-dent council representative and one other council members meet with the faculty commiitee to make definite arrangements for the enforcement of this rule.



Now that the es are losing the keen edge of their enthusiasm and the hand-shaking committee have

passed into history, students are

turning their thoughts to curricular and extra curricular activities are sponsored by McPherson College

which invite the participation of every loyal son and daughter of

M. C. One of these organizations

which furnishes opportunity for students self-expression is the foren-club whose purpose is to further interest in, and actively engage in forensic activities through debates,

speeches and readings.

This year a live-wire organiza-tion is being planned which will not only afford entertainment but have a genuinely educational value Local color questions such as "Can an M. C. student get through school on $400 a year? " will be debated. Meetings will be held every two weeks on Wednesday evening at

six thirty.

Students, don't hang back and stay on the “fringe" of things. Get in the swim and come out to Foren-sic program with the enthusiasm and pep of a true Bulldog.

Bert H: I wish God had made me

a man

Imo L.: He has dearies, one just



Mrs. B.F. Jamison, for unto them is born this day At ten o'clock A. M. in the city of McPherson, Kansas, a daughter, whose name shall be Dolo-res, and you shall find the babe and her mother at the cottage two door-north of the Church of the Breth-ren," and the messenger vanished through the open door, down the

stairs, and away Into the open sun-shine.

The babe shall be unto them a great blessing. She shall bring a light unto the house, which the traveler shall behold at midnight; and she shall her voice upon the startled air and make known her wants and woes unto the moth-



A letler received from C. B. Wil-liams, a former instructor at Mc-

Pherson College, asking that his name be placed upon the Spectator's

subscription list.

Williams now has a position at the Oklahoma A. and M. college at

Stillwater, Okla. Last semester and during the past summer he did graduate work at Chicago Univer-sity. It is thought that he intends

to do more work In language, pre-paratory in obtaining a doctor's de-gree in that field.


The senior class held its election of officers Monday, immediately after chapel. The president of last year, Eunice Longadorff presided. and the class's choices were selected by ballot.

To captain the class in their final flight Elmer McGonigle was chosen. Ralph Bowers will assist him as vice-president. To safe-keep the funds and records of the class, Roy Frantz has been trusted, Ernest Toland and Ida Kingsley are the representatives to the student coun-cil.



President V F. Schwalm left last Friday morning to attend the annual meeting of the General Edu-cation Board of the Church of the Brethren at Elgin, Illinois. He is expected to return tomorrow even-


The president visited with his mother at Wakaruta, over the week-



Among the first programs to be

held in the now chapel will be an illustrated lecture given by Prof. H. H. Nininger. The slides will show some of the various experiences of the natural history trek which Nininger directed last winter.

Those in the group report an en-joyable and profitable trip, which would indicate that the lecture will prove Interesting and instructive.

The program is under the auspices of the student council of McPher-son College and no admission will be charged.


The first program of the Forensic club will be held Wednesday even-ing at six-thirty, in the Y.M.C.A. room on the fourth floor of Harnly Hall.

The program will consist of read-ings, musical numbers and talks, and everyone is Invited to be pres-

ent. er and father. The father hence-forth shall study his Rhetoric and History and a course in "Bringing Up Daughter". In the rocking chair. And he shall walk the floor In deep


Oh lift up your heads, oh ye stu-dents, and observe what is declared unto you. Seek the blessing of matrimony and follow after it until you win, and It shall bring a light to your dresser and a burden to your arm, end you shall know the pleasure of being called "mamma" or "papa. " So lift up your heads, oh ye students, and be not sad, for your professor will soon be his old self and his daughter will be in the cradle playing with her feet.

annual McPherson COUNTY C. E. RALLY

Program Consisted Of Group

Discussions, Music And

"Pep" Songs.


Harold Lovitt, Christian Endeavor

Field Secretary, Present.

The annual McPherson County Christian Endeavor Rally was con-ducted last Thursday evening in the basement of the college church.

Registration hour began at five thirty o'clock and continued until luncheon was served an hour later.

A program of talks, music, and dis-cussions concluded the evening's en-tertainment.

A number of members of the C. E. organizations in town were present at the rally At six thirty o'clock a luncheon consisting of mashed potatoes, cream gravy, chicken pie, tomato salad, ice cream cake, and coffee was served by Mrs.

V. F. Schwalm's circle or the Ladies Aid. A red and white color scheme was carried out in the decorations and in the menu.

Miss Margaret Devilbliss led the group in the singing of pep songs

between courses. "Formality was

soon apparently forgotten and everyone seemed to enjoy the occa-


At seven thirty o'clock the party adjourned to the C.E. room where

the program was prseneted. Clara Burgin led the devotions and Rev.

L. S. Ashley of the Christian church gave a brief talk on "Chrisitan En-deavor Principles," stressing in par-ticular the pledge. This was fol-lowed by Our report of the ? tion committee and the election of officers, Mr. Floyd Barngrover was elected to fill the position of vice president of the county organization. Miss Dorothy Swain was elected its

secretary, and Miss Mildred Swenson was elected treasurer of the organi-zation. Miss Jessie Churchill is the


Discussion groups were then con-ducted, Harold Lovitt of Topeka, Christian Endeavor field secretary, acting as general overseer. Miss Lila Fields, Miss Irene Gibson and D. L. Miller led the prayer meet-ing, social, and finance discussios respectively.

Miss Della Lehman read a series of short poems. Lawrence Turner played a flute solo, and Mr Lovitt gave the closing address. The group then sang "Now the Day Is Over" and the meeting was concluded by

the benediction.

The interest and enthusiasm shown by the young people present indicates that the organization is a live-wire in the county.


Last year's seniors are scattered

almost all over the United States and are found in many varied situ-ations. Upon investigation it is found that nineteen have located in

teaching positions. Among them are:

Lawrence Barnhart, Elk City, Okla.

Mabel Beyer, Monument, Kans.

Kathryn Burgin, Nickerson Kans.

Ruth Hoover, Dwight, Kans.

Lloyd Jamison, Gold, Kans.

Ernest Kaufman, Belmont, Kans.

Karl Kinzle, Enterprise, Kans.

Jewell Newton, Salida, Colo.

Clarence Hawkins, Nickerson Kans.

Albert Phillippi, Plevna, Kans.

Evelyn Richards, Centerview, Kans.

Myrtle Sangton, Galva, Kans.

Anna Mae Strickler, Roxbury, Kans.

Gertrude Swander, Hillsboro,


Portia Vaughn, Salina, Kaba. (Continued on Page Two)


The Student Newspaper of Mc-Pherson College, purposing to recount accurately past activity—and to stimulate continually future, achievement

Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas under the act of March 3. 1897.

Subscription Rate — *1. 50 per year.

Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas

to see the enormous eel. It mea sured seven hundred and fifty'nine feet from nose to tall and was over ten feet In diameter.

We hitched all the teams and tractors to the eel and tried to drag ft ashore. The eel lunged and flopped and finally succeeded in killing two teams of horses and Wrecking one of the tractors. This discouraged all the people and they would not help me, so I left It there in the dry river bottom to die.

. The following year I went back

to the same place to try my luck again, and behold, who do you suppose I found? When the eel had died, railroad engineers had put the eel upon tall pillars accross the river and on top lay a railroad track. Heavy train service had been carried on for several months and It was proving very satisfactory, and as far as I know It is still in use today.

Now this story is supposed to be true, like all fish stories, but you do not have to believe It if you do not want to.

dormitory Sunday.

Miss Mildred Libby spent the weekend with friends in Marquette.

Miss Jessie Churchill attended the Christian Endeavor Conference of the Northeast District of Kansas, at Concordia Friday and Saturday.

To be be a good sport, you have to feel your best and it can't be done without a good hair cut.. Sids Clean Towel Shop, next to Convention Hall

Misses Hazel Vogt ‘24 and Anna Lengel '27 both of whom teach at Chase, called on McPherson friends Saturday and Sunday,

Miss Prudence Strickler spent the week-end at her home at Ramona.

Miss Bertha Johnson entertained week-end guests from Whichita and



(Continued) from Page One)


(Continued from Page One)

Editorial STAFF

Editorr-ln-chief    Doris    Ballard

Associate Editor —Loland Lindell]


Business Mgr    Ralph    Bowen

Ass't Business Mgr, Ernest Watkins Ass't Business Mgr, Emery Metzger Circulation Mgr. ________Lloyd Johnson

By The Way

Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hayes of Tes-cotte spent Sunday on the campus.

Harriet Hopkins Ruth Anderson • Harold fasnacht Charles Collins Oliver Ikonberry Mildred Hwanson Warren Sisler    Bernice McClellan

Murlin Hoover    Rath Bilckeuntaff

Faculty Advisor _ Maurice A. Hess


Due to discussion concerning the enforcement of fresh cap rule a committee investigated the decision that was reached two years ago. The following article appeared la the Spectator for March 29. 1927.

The following rules, which were drawn up by a committee of two faculty members. two representatives of the Student Council and . two members    the “M" Club, were

passed by the members or the Student Council and will govern the re* tations between Freshmen and up-per-classmen.

3. The wearing of "Frosh“ caps shall be traditional and without compulsion.

2.    The Freshman girls shall wear

a badge indicative of their college classification.     *

(The members of the W. A. A. shall determine the form of the en-signia. )

3.    There shall be a class contest between freshmen and sophomore classes during Thanksgiving week and the losing class shall entertain the winners by means of a hike, picnic, or social of some similar nature,

(The Coach of athletics shall decide the kind of contest )


Years ago I had the good fortune of taking a fishing trip down mi the Mississippi, For some time I had heard tales of enormous fish and eel being caught with the hook and line in this large river. I supplied my self with a good line and pole and a few angle worms went to try my luck.

I cast my line way out into the, -middle Of the river and sat down and patiently waited. I had net long to wait, far suddenly I felt the line give a jerk. In return I gave a hard pull, and it was like trying to pull the top of a mountain off. This hard pull I gave the line seemed to enrage the fish, which, of course, I thought it to be, and a big wave came in to the abore like a tidal wave Then I saw I had not hooked a fish, but a good sized eel

I wrapped the line around a tree and he almost uprooted the tree. He lunged and pulled, but could not free himself. Finally in his fury he drank all the water in the river and then he lay stretched out on the dry river bottom.

I fastened my line securely to g large tree and want for help. At a nearby village I got seven teams of horses and mules and three tractors. The news spread and soon a few thousand people had gathered

Miss Morcie Mae Shatto was a Sunday dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sands. Incidentally we learned that Miss Shatto devoured nine pieces of chicken during the course of the day.

Those students who were present at the Harvest Day program at Monitor Sunday were the Misses Irene Mason. Jeanette Hoover, Irene Gib-son, Eunice Longsdorf, Aberta Yod-er, Mildred Wine, Helen EWrly, Imo Larson, Ada Stutzman, Eva Crum--packer and Sylvia Edgecomb, and the Messrs. Francis Berkebile, Ross Curtis, Walter Fillmore, Joe Yoder, Wray Whiteneck, Ernest Toland, and Ralph Landes.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kurtz were dinner guests at the dormitory Sunday. Mr. Kurtz is teaching In New-ton High school this year.

Misses Ethel Mae Metsker and Katherine Swope both of the class of '27 were campus visitors this week-end.

Dr Van Biaricum of Minneola visited in the city Sunday,

Harry Ross of St. John called on Miss Lydia Crissman Sunday.

Mias Irene Steinberg accompanied her parents of Lorraine to Emporia Sunday where they Visited her sister, Bernice, who Is attending school at K. S. T. C.

Miss Mildred Swenson spent the week-end at her home near Win-dom.

Prof. and Mrs. Maurice A. Hess entertained the Misses Esther Sher-fy, Blanche Pyle and Mildred Doyle, and the Messrs. Delbert Kelly, Ralph Keedy, and Lawrence Turner a’ dinner Sunday.     

Miss Ross Moyers went to her home In Ames, Oklahoma Thursday for a visit.

Earl Kinzie, '28, who Is teaching at Enterprise, was a campus visitor Sunday    

Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Hoerner entertained the following people at dinner Saturday evening: Prof, and Mrs. L A. Utrecht, Coach and Mrs. George Gardner. Prof. and Mrs. J. L. Hoff. Mrs. Mary Beahm, and Misses Delia Lehman and Lois Beahm. Misses Ruth Trostle, Delia Hoerner aad Irene Gibson served the guests.

Gerald Eddy who is teaching near Navarre was s campus visitor during the week-end.

Miss Evelyn Saylor spent the week-end at her home in Marion.

Miss Eugenia Dawson who has been working at Hutchinson during the past week returned to the dormitory Sunday.

Miss Vera Davidson who is teaching at Teacotte. Kansas, called on her sisters and other friends at the


Ruth Bish and Floy Brown asked: that their names appear In the paper. We aim to please,

Helen H. My father weighed only four pounds at his birth.

Chester C.: Good gracious, did he live?

Matron (entering parlor): Are you young folks enjoying your lives?

(Absolute silence, ) Matron ( leaving parlor ): That's fine.

Prof. Blair: You are late again. Don't you know what time we start class?

Fresh: No sir, the class is always started when I get here,

Miller (to druggist): This vanishing cream is a fake.

Druggist: Why?

Miller: I used it on my feet for two weeks and they are as big as


Ralph F.: You had just ought to see the altar in out church.

Hazel Ratliff: Lead me to it.

Teacher: A fool can ask more questions than a wise man can answer.

Student: Yes, I failed In my last test.

Berky: Come on let's go to the library.

Eunice: Can't, I've got to study.

Oliver I: I work with my head, Emery M.: That's nothing, so does a woodpecker.

Digs: Have you forgotten that five dollars you owe me?

Berries: Not yet, give me time.

Irene S.: Don't hold my hand that


Phillip S.: How do you want me to hold It?

Ruth T.: Can I be society editor? Dorris B.: I would rather have some on who is In touch with society.

Mr. Edgecomb: I won't have that fellow kissing you like that.

Sylvia; But, Dad, give him a chance. He's only a freshman.

In trying to locate a fellow biology student In the library one day last week. Otho 'VVhiteneek went about the tables tapping each Indi-vidual on the shoulder and in-quiring:

"Do you take biology? "

At the last reptition of the question Prof. Nininger looked up and replied:

"No, but perhaps I can help you. "

Lost we forget! A moralist is a person who Is always digging up things to get shocked about.

"College is an Intellectual cafeteria, help yourself. ”    -

Mabelle Roskam, Lyons. Kans,

Myrtle Moyers, Ames, Okla.

Loo Crumpacker. McPherson Kans.

Lavelle Saylor, Marlon, Kans. Kenneth Rock, 27. McPherson,


Those in school are:

Ira Ihde, Kansas University,

Alvin Voran. Chicago;

Autumn Lindbloom. Kansas Uni-


Howard Kelm. Bethany Bible

School, Chicago;

Clark Brumbaugh, California: LaVerne Martin, Chicago Univer-sity:

Ronald Warren, assistant in Oklahoma A. & M. College;

Lela Rhodes, Kansas University,

Lawrence, Kansas;

R. W. Nininger, Kansas Univer


Juno Kills. Nurnes Training in

Kansas City;

Ray Trostle Is with the General Electric in New York;

John Whiteneck is farming and selling aluminum on the side,

Franklin Evans In farming In Nebraska;

Those in various other activities are:

Viola Bowser, Abilene, Kans: Roberta Brown, Hutchinson. Kans.;

Mariah Burgin Risley, Nickerson,


Jesse Carney, McPherson, Kans.; Melvina Graham, Chicago;.

Ruth Holderread. Cushing. Okla.. porter Ihrig, McPherson;

Ruth Pentecost, Loeton. Mo.; Mable Sangren, Galva, Kans.:

Irene Thacker. Pratt. Kans.; John Wall, McPherson;

Arlene Church, Omaha. Nebr.: Margaret Hughes. McPherson,


The first meeting of the Young Women's Christian Association was held in the dormitory parlors Tuesday morning, "Welcome to Fresh-les" was the theme of the meeting under the leadership of Miss Ruth Anderson.

Lois Dell, president, gave a talk,

welcoming the freshmen to join and

become a part of the Y. W. C. A. Mrs. Della Lehman read "Commencement, ” after which Mildred Wine led the girls in a few songs.

SENIORS ENTERTAIN FROSH. The near future holds a kid party in store for the freshmen and sen-

iors. At the senior class meeting held last Wednesday committees were appointed to make arrange-ments for the social event.


Word was received of the death of Mrs. Sarah Mohler, mother of Dean R. E. Mohler which occured last Monday night. She lived at Ludington. Mich. Dean Mohler left here Sunday for Ludington but did not arrive -there before his mother died. Mrs. Mohler was 69 years of age. Interment was at Red Cloud, Nebr., her old home,

Students of McPherson College extend their sympathy to Dean Moh-lor and family In their hour of sor-row.

well In old M. C. ”

Ida Kingsley raised chickens order to furnish a graphic and realistic setting for Professor. Nin-inger's first chapel talk.

Clara Davis dreamed of flowers and bowers In far-away Louisiana

Walter Fillmore spent the summer on his caterpillar in the sunny fields of Oklahoma, not In an amuse -ment park.

Bernice McClellan served sodas and rang the cash register.

Elaine Gustafson and Helen Klin-whiled away the hours enlisting; army sargeants and buying grahm crackers.

Ethelyn Rostine worked In Pen-ney's handling nickles and dimes.

Arian Brigham tactifully treated the telephone patron's patience,

Ada Stutzman was uiiuMunUy in-dustrious in her father's store work-ing from eight till six every day j Bill Graham hoed onions, bett-ing that men need an antedote for their heavy meat diet, but then be feared that this may have been car-ried too far; so he Joined the army, personally feeling the need of a meat diet.

Palmer Lake was not a fake, many McPherson students found While there Chester Carter bought a pair of boots, fell off a mountain. and found an Agate ring.

Iva Crumpacker climed to capa-city la Colorado's crannied clif; and canyons.

Eunice Longsdorff languished for long letters from one of the saints we think Saint John.

Ernest Toland told tales up moon-lit mountain trails.

Helen Hudson seriously sun-burned her shoulders while at the seashore.

Mary Lou Williams woefully wrecked a Chevrolet coupe.

While Mildred Swenson substi-tuted as cook In the Swenson household she served sliced tomatoes and cold tea.

It is thought that every one's vacation ended with the desire to drop In at M. C. for the winter, so they all came In September so they could

become acclimated.


The now purpose which reads, "We, the members of the Young Women’s Christian Association of McPherson College unite In the desire to realize full and creative life through a growing knowledge of God. We determine to have a part In the making of this life possible for all people. In this I ask we seek to understand Jesus and follow Him" was adopted at the Young Women's Christian Association cabinet meeting Wednesday evening.

An announcement of Miss Della Lehman's acceptance of adviser was made.

Plans for furnishing and redecorating the Y. W. room were dis-cussed.

A football fan is a person who never played football but knows more about the game than the quar-terback.     


The University of Michigan is try ing a new plan by it students enter upon a two year preparatory course before entrance to the col lege of literature, science and art. This plan will eliminate the inca-pable and indifferent student and aid the capable and interested in discovering his special field of in-terest.—The new Student.


According to current events,what

the Democratic party needs is more Democrats- Park Stylus.

Reading Chinese characters is the intext puzzle devised by the Stanford University psychology de-partment to determine whether students are quick, alert and ob-serving. The chart consists of rows of the characters placed upright, upside down and at various angles. The students is naked to indicate under each one what he thinks is the position and what was his meth-od of deciding.

Seven Ages of Women

The Infant The little girl The miss The young woman The young woman The young woman The young woman    

—The Flat Hat

Removal of the ban on Saturday night dances at fraternity houses after home Football games been announced by the inter-fraternity council at Michigan University.

DO YOU KNOW HIM? Weknowaguy Whoneverstudies

Whonevercheats Whonevercopies

Whonevergetslowgrades Andgoestoclassesregularly Whoneverborrowsyourbooks

Oryourpaper Oryourproblems Orapencil Orapen Oraneraser













He'sajanitor-- Ottawa Record

partment here is now at work in

the Northwestern University settlement in Chicago.

The settlement is composed largely of Polish people, and Miss Chapman's efforts will be directed chiefly in dramatic work, in that particular section there Is a little theater with seating capacity of ninety or one hundred peo-ple. The work which Miss Chapman is doing is sponsored by a club Last year she worked at the Neigh-borhood Playhouse in St. Paul.

Miss Chapman spent a few days last week in McPherson and Wichita visiting friends and relatives before going on to Chicago. She de-clared that she enjoys her work very much.


UNIVERISITY of Washington Daily )

Grades are a worry in the average college student, not because they denote academic achievement, but be-cause they are required, within gen erous limits, or the student will leave school at the suggesstion of the registrar.

Grades merely for the sake of grade mean little. The abjective,

I theoretically knowledge, has been changed to A‘s and B's. In the process at collecting A's, the student must absorb some knowledge, but the goal and object has been low-ered. The real student merely seeks the knowledge and the A’s follow naturally.

But taking the college student at large many seek neither the A's nor the knowledge. They lower their sights to a C plus and ham-mer away. With good fortune they make their C plus. And with them the belief is current that the grades don't count as an index of ability or possible chances of success in later life. The generality has often been carried to the extreme belief

that the good students will be less

likely to succeed than the average type.

This is a comforting thought, but unfortunately a fallacy.

Those who get the best grades, as a whole, are the most intelligent.

Further, they take their work more

Seriously and mean business while their less academically prosperous

SYNOPSIS OF A LOVE AFFAIR Act |—He pressed his suit.

Act II—He pressed his suit. Like this


Miss Mercedes Chapman, a gradu-

ate of McPherson College and formerly head of the dramatic art de-

contempraries look upon study as something to be avoided If possible and taken only when absolutely necessary. The chances are fair that this attitude will reach beyond the confines of an educational insti-tution and manifest itself in the later life and activity at the student.

Walter S. Gifford. president of the American Telephone and Tele-graph company, throws some inter-esting light on the subject of correlation between college grades and success in business in an article in May's Harper's. It is based on a survey of the progress of almost four thousand university students in the employ of the company.

The Investigation showed that

there is a very definite difference between the college grades and the future success. In general the Bell company found that the employees

who were In the first ten percent in scholastic standing would be those who advanced furthest with the company. Those in the upper third scholatically stayed in the up-

per third.


Paul Lentz, A. B., ‘28, sends his subscription for the Spectator Lentz, a former editor of the college paper, is now holding a chemist's position with the Skelly oil com pany at El Dorado, Mrs. Lentz better known here as Miss Sylvia Duncan, was a former McPherson College student.



Strength To He Tried Friday In Non-

Conference Game.

McPherson College football looks very promising with the develop-ment of new material and the im

C proved football played by last year's men. Basing his opinion on the skirmishes of the last few days, Coach Gardener expressed his satis-faction on the average condition of the forty-five men he now has on the grid for daily practice.

Speed and Weight in Line.

Speed seems to be one of the strong points of the Bulldogs that will se action In the 1923 season The shifty back field is expected to play some brilliant football the com-ing season. This year will find the line some heavier than last year to they can be expected to plow some holes In the opposing lines. Coach Gardener states that most of the men are showing good football tac tics, and since many of them are playing their first college football they should show an improvement throughout the season.

Individuals Are Outstanding.

Among the promising material for the oncoming season is: Nonken. one of the shifty backfield men of the state. This should be a big year for Nonk. Wells, who la trying out far Quarter back position played a brilliant game of football at tb« Joplin High School. Joplin, Mo, Being a now man he should be a surprise ih the conference, Snow a teamate High

School, has all the features of an outstanding guard: He has been do

ing some nice work In Interference

Ellin at center has a record from the local high school, He is a large man which with his head work Should fill the position efficiently

   With all the last year's men coming out of the workouts in fine

shape and with the quality of the new men space does not permit giv-ing the compliments that are due the boys.

Nothing is known of the strength of East Central State Normal, Ada. Oklahoma, when the Bulldogs go

for their first game of the season, but it is known that Oklahoma col-leges play good football. The material Coach Gardener baa to draw from for the seven conference games consists of as follows: con ters, Ellis R. Miller, P. Bowers; guards, V. Snow, I. Grant, C. Zink, G, Ellwood, R. Peterson, E. Wind mill, L Diggs R. Whiteneck, L. Rock; tackles, N. Wine. R. Bowman, L, Lengle C. Brewer, H, Mowbray, F, Fretz, O. Ikenberry; ends. R. Burninson. C. Rueblen, J. Darrah. F. Andrews. Guy G. Hayes L. Rump. L. Sargent, A, Blickenstaff. R. Lan-rls; back field. W. Bigham. B. Graham. M. Miller. R. Nonken, G. Campbell, F. Barngrover, R. Wells, E. Rochstrasser. B. Swain, V Oh-mart, D. Haws, E. Keck. ’J, Hart, W. Pock, E. Toland.



The first-year chemistry data of ninety-eight students la the second largest In the history of the department,

The natural gas now used in the laboratory is furnished by local gas fields and costs about one-fourth as much as the gasoline gas which was formerly need.

The department has spent $700 so far this year.

The following are former chemistry students who have received portions In Industrial chemistry:

Ray Trostle, of the class of '28, is employed by the General Electric Co„ New York.

Horner Eby, '27. is working for the Argo Starch Co., in Chicago.

Ray Horn, '27. is a cereal Chemist in the I. H. Mill at Kansas City This is one of the largest mills in Kansas City.

Martin Wise. *28, is employed by the Kansas City Grain Inspection department at Hutchinson.

The total enrollment In the department is 135 students.

Prof. J. W. Hershey Is assisted by

Robert Puckett. Philip Spohn, Ross Curtic, Daniel Johnson and Floy Brown.

First Junior Class Meeting.

The junior class met for the first time this year in Miss Della Leh-man's classroom at ten o'clock Thursday morning. After the tran*-action of business had been completed Miss Lehman made a short talk urging the members of the class to co-operate and avoid the forming of factions

Paul Bowers was elected to fill the office of treasurer left vacant by Charles Bish. Harriet Hopkins was

chosen secretary. Arrangement was made for the appointment of a bud-geting committee in attend to the

financial matters of the class.

You're only young once, but if you

work it right, once is enough.

A record enrollment of five thou-sand students at K. U. this fall is forecast frequently as the date to registration approaches.