McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas.
TUESDAY, FEB. 5, 1929
Field Sec., Harold Lovitt and Gardner Winn are Main Speakers
Five-thirty Luncheon Was Held in
Basement of Church
Having as its theme "The Quest of the Crusader." the Christian En-deavor Institute of McPherson County convened Saturday afternoon
and evening in the basement of the college Church. The main speakers of the meeting were Harold Lovitt of Topeka, who is the field secretary of the Christian Endeavor, and Gard-ener Winn of Emporia, who is the Central Distruct president of the or-
Owing to inclement weather and bad roads only 11 out-of-town En-deavors were present, representing
Hoffaungsan, Bethel, Mennonite and Centennial Societies. There were seventy-five registrants in all includ-ing delegates from the Presbyterian, Christian and Brethren churches of the city and those from the out-of-town organizations.
After registration, which began at three o'clock, was completed a num-ber of songs were snug by the group after which Rev. H. F. Richards of the college church led in the devotions.
Miss Jessie Churchill, county pres-isdent, then gave a brief address of welcome to which John Schmidt of the Hoffnungaun society gave the re-
The history of Christian Endeavor from its organization by Dr. Francis E. Clark in 1881 to its present exist-ence in every country of the globe was then recounted by Miss Verna Mac McCoy of the Christian church of the city and after this introductory back ground the delegates ad-journed to various rooms to discuss Christian Endeavor problems.
The leaders of these conferences were: Harold Lovitt, whose group dicussed the problems and duties of officers. Miss Ruth Anderson, of the Presbyterian society who led a dis-cussion group on Prayer Meeting: Miss Dorothy Swain, county secre-tary, whose group was interested to the social aspects of a C. E. organi-zation and Miss Mildred Swenson, county treasurer, whose group dis-cusses problems of finance and money-raising methods.
Aliev a number played by a string trio, Miss Velma Wine, president of the college society, talked on "How
to Organize a C. E. society."
Following this Harold Lovitt talked on "Tools of the Crusader." giv-ing the abstract necessities and also presenting a number of books, pam-phlets and magazines helpful to the active Endeavorer. This was follow-ed by a brief intermission during which the delegates went privileged to examine the books he displayed and to make inquiries, concerning
At five thirty o'clock a luncheon was served to those present. Every place was filled at the tables which
individuals. The tables and the room were decorated in red and white the Christian Endeavor colors, and a fire blazed in the fire place leading a cozy atmosphere to the room. A number of girls of the college society served the luncheon which consisted of creamed chicken on toast, mash-ed potatoes, buttered peas, hot battered rolls, pear salad, ice cream, cake and coffee. Rousing pep songs were sung between courses and at the close of the meal the group ad-journed to the meeting room again The evening's program opened with a devotional period under the leadership of Rev. G. H. Catton of
Coninued on Page Two
The McPherson College Male Quartet appeared in Anthony, Kan-sas for a series of programs on Jan-uary 28. Their first appearance was before the Anthony Lions Club at a noon luncheon, in the afternoon they sang at the Anthony High School and in the evening they presented their special program at the First Congregational church.
The personnel of the group was: Lloyd Diggs, first tenor; Walter Fillmore, second tenor; Fred Ellis, baritone: Ross Curtis, bass; Lloyd Johnson, pianist and Anna C. Tate, soprano and director.
Swing Along - Cook. Quartet.
On the Road to Mandalay—O. Speaks, Fred Ellis,
Lullaby and Good Night—Brahms and De Sandman—Protheroe, Quar-
Watchman What of the Night — Sargeant, Duet. Lloyd Diggs and Fred Ellis.
Sylvia— O. Speaks and Mother Mavoureen— R. Barnes, Quartet.
Polish Dance— Scharwenka, Lloyd Johnson, Piano.
Prayer Perfect—Stinson Softly and Tenderly — Thompson, Quar-
Awake Beloved—Clara Edwards and False Prophet— Scott, Anna C. Tale, Soprano
Carry Me Back to Old Virginia— Bland and O Sacred Truth, Quartet and Soprano.
The sophomore class convened Fri-day morning to nominate their class "Queen" for the Quadrangle. During the sale of "Quads" the class that held the most was entitled to elect a class "Queen" whose picture would
(Continued on Page Three)
The column this week is to be de-voted in giving advice to the folks in love with their various and many troubles so Miss Claribel has con-sented to answer the letters with her sage and wise counsel.
Some of the letters and the replies are as follows.
Dear Miss Claribel: —i am a young some college boy and I have troubles a lot. I am twenty-two, an ardent follower of jazz. I have black hair and eyes and people tell me I am good looking— but I don't seem to be popular with the girls. Could you tell me how to become popular?
Reply:— Well, young man I think you have a self conscious complex and you should stop thinking about yourself so much. When you are with a girl be interested in what she is and don't talk about yourself but talk about what she likes to talk about. Every girl likes a good danc-er so you should bring this gift out, especially tell her that she is a good dancer. Popularity comes higher than the cost of a pair of patent leather pumps. Good luck young
Dear Miss Claribel: — I am a girl of seventeen, I started going with a boy at sixteen. We are now engaged. We are both going to college and have for the last three years. We both love each other but since all the new freshmen have come in
me. He likes a little blond with a wind blown bob. What shall I do to win him back?
Reply:—My dear little girl, if we love these men we must suffer. Don't you think you have taken him too much for granted? You see men are just like children, they must be petted and flattered but we must not let them know it. Now the blond
probably has the "clinging vine" line. That appeals to almost all men, I might suggest that you come in-terested in a little freshman boy. Then become cool to your boy friend. He will up and take notice and when he comes around never reprove him for straying but welcome him back and don't forget to flatter him. Men, eat it up.
Dear Miss Claribel—I am a young girl going to college. I am a soph-omore and am considered good look-ing. My trouble is that my boy friend plays basket ball all the time and hardly has time for me. I may as
well be a basket ball widow. How
can I make him notice me more than the old basket ball?
Reply: —Your problem is the old one of trying to use force on a man My dear, men cannot be driven or forced. They must be coaxed but never let them know it. In your case you should be glad your rival is a basket ball instead of another girl.
The thing to do is to become inter-ested in basketball. Make it your hobby. When on a date talk about basket ball to the exclusion of every thing else. Soon your young man will tire of the subject and will try to interest you to something else. Let
him lead you to other subjects.
Dear Miss Claribel:— I think my problem is hopeless but I do hope you can help me. I go to college but I am what they call a bookworm, a wet blanket. I wear glasses, but my complexion is good, and I have good clothes but cannot seem to be-come popular. There is a boy I am in lovr with but he does not even know I am on earth. If you could
only tell me what to do. I am miser-able.
Reply: — Poor little girl— so young and yet so sad and over a man as
Wednesday, Feb. 6— Game at
Friday. Feb. 8— Game with Baker Tuesday, Feb. 12— Anti-Tobacco
Sunday Morning Dr. Eddy Spoke on “What is Christianity?"
Monday Morning He Spoke In the Chapel to Students and Out of Town Visitors
The students of McPherson Col-lege after several years of wait-ing, enjoyed the prescence of Dr. Sherwood Eddy and Mrs. Eddy in their midst. Dr. Eddy spoke in the people and students of McPherson on Sun-day and Monday of this week.
At the Sunday eleven o'clock ser-vice, Dr. Eddy spoke on "What Is Christianity”. Illustrating the dif-ferent phases of it he discovered in his own life of service and growth, it has broadened from the simple personal gospel, into one that is missionary, soul-satisfying and clear-ly social. His experience of the transforming powers of Christianity over the world makers his message very real.
On Sunday afternoon his message was on the present world situation, in its economic, political and social aspects. The position of the United States on peace, political problems, and social problems was critically in-spected comparing somewhat un-favorably with many of the other countries. Students of other coun-tries are intensely interested in
Continued on Page Two
The chapel was filled almost to capacity on Friday night when the dramatic art class of the college pre-sented three one-act plays under the direction of Miss Della Lehman. The plays were well received and the class showed their appreciation of Miss Lehman's work by presenting her with a bouquet of rosebuds.
The following plays were given: Finders-Keepers, By George Kelly. Scene— Living room of the Aldrid home. Time—Five o'clock P. M. Cast—Eugene Aldrid— Charlie Collins, Mrs. Aldrid— Jeanette Hoover, Mrs. Hampton, a neighbor Mlildred Swenson.
The Brink of Silence, By Esther E. Gilbreath. Scene— Interior of a log hut in the Antarctic. Cast— Cole Ernest Toland. Macready— Franz Crumpacker. Darton—Leland Lin-
dell, Johnson—Murlin Hoover.
The Patchwork Quilt, By Rachel Lyman Field. Scene- Mrs. Willis living room. Cast— Old Mrs. Willis —Lillian Horning, Anne Wendall, her daughter— Floy Brown, Jo Wendall, Anne's husband— John Leh-man Betty, their daughter—Ruth
in the Fantasy, Molly— Ruth An-derson, William—Oliver Ikenberry. Emily— Margaret Davis.
The chemistry department is con-sidering purchasing a large oil painting of Ira Remsen. The portrait will be placed in the halls of the chem-istry department, Ira Hensen, twelve years president of Johns Hopkins, is one of America's early pioneer chem-ists. The painting will help show the interest and advancement of this department.
always. Sometimes I think men are not worth the heart aches they cause, yet they are nice creatures to have about. First I think you have a self-complex. Don't draw un-to yourself so much. You are intel-ligent. When you are in a conversa-tion contribute something even if you must force yourself to do so. The reason you do not register is be-cause you have let your personality remain hidden. You must make an effort to brink yourself to the front bar do not adopt a supercilious at titude. Now about the boy. Never, never, let him suspect that you care contact with him net sensible for no matter much men seem to prefer blondes and the clinging vines, they marry the sensible, intelligent wo-men. So take heart and do not be afraid to show your intelligence.
Dear Miss Claribel: i am a boy eighteen and a freshman in college. Now I am seemingly intelligent and the fellows all like me but my trouble is I am too small. The girls all treat me like a baby and some of the big fellows call me half-pint and say I couldn't lick my weight in postage stamps. What shall I do to prove that I am as husky as anyone?
Reply: Well! Well! Here is a
diffent problem from what I us-ually get. Since you are so young I don't believe you are through grow-ing. Now the food you get in a col-lege dormitory will help you grow and expand. Take lots of every morning before an open win-dow in tune to music on your port-able and go out for all sports. Before long will notice a difference and you will wake up some morning to find you are a man. Then the girls will look adoringly up to you and say safely, "My Hero".
The Game War the "Bulldogs” Throughout the Whole Conflict
Outstanding Feature Was the De-
fensive play of Nonken and
The Ottawa basketball team was completely wrecked last Thursday
evening by the mighty onslaught of the fast Bulldog crew. From the very beginning there was little ques-tion as to whom the victory be-longed. Nonken, Blickenstaff, Miller, Crumpacker and Rump were playing true to form byt there was no time during the game that they had to call for the best that was in them to decide the victory.
The Canines started the game off in a hurry. Rump connected with the goal twice and Miller once before the Baptists found themselves. At one time during the first period of play the Bulldogs led 5-19 and that half ended with the Baptists trailing 13-24, quite different from the score at Ottawa two weeks ago. The visit-ers made only one decent set-up dur-ing the entire first period due in a large measure to the smooth work of the McPherson defense.
In the second half Ottawa came back much stronger and much more determined than they were before
amd scored four points before home team settled down again, but soon the Bulldog scoring machine was started which made things look for awhile as though the score was going to be one-sided until Coach Gardner run out his second string men which gave the Baptists an op-portunity to improve the looks of their end of the score. The game end-ed with the Bulldogs in the lead as they had been, the score 42-27 being final.
An outstanding feature of the game was the strong Nonken-Blick-enstaff defensive play. "Blicky" played a "dandy" game, breaking up shots and plays under the basket that otherwise would have counted for the opponents. Captain Nonken was seen time and again to return the ball from the enemies end of the court, in his usual flashy manner that after fails to bring the spectat-ors to their feet. Melvin Miller, the lanky Bulldog center, was seen to do the impossible scoring act several times. He played all but about half of the game and came out with twenty-three points lo his credit, most of which were made at long range. Rump and Crumpacker play-ed a new game at battling-in on the follow-ups. Holloway and Windmill did a good piece of work after being substituted for Miller and Blicken-staff.
Alexander led the scoring for the Baptists with eight points to his credit. Throughout the game Ottawa seemed to lack the strength they had been showing against other con-ference rivals this season.
The game was fast and exciting, marked by clean sportsmanship on
the part of each team.
The following is the summary of the game that ruined the prospects been picked as this year's conference
McPherson(42) |
fg |
ft |
P |
Crumpacker, f |
3 |
0 |
0 |
Rump, f |
1 |
2 |
1 |
Miller, c |
11 |
1 |
1 |
Nonken, g |
1 |
2 |
2 |
Holloway, f |
1 |
1 |
0 |
Blickenstaff, g |
0 |
0 |
4 |
Windmill, g |
1 |
0 |
0 |
Rock, g |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Brangrover, g |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Johnston, f |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Totals |
18 |
6 |
8 |
The Student Newspaper of McPherson College, purposing to recount arruraiely past activity—to stimulate continually further achievement and to live and cherish our one code— '"The School of Quality".
Entered as a second class matter November 20, 1917 at the post-
office at McPherson., Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.
Subscription Rates $1.50 per year
The Spectator
McPherson, Kansas
Editor-in-chief Doris Ballard
Associate Editor Leland Lindell
Business Manager Ralph Bowers
Ass't Business Manager Ernest Watkins
Ass't Business Manager Glenn Harris
Circulation Manager Lloyd Johnson
Harriet Hopkins Ruth Anderson Mildred Swenson
Oliver Ikenberry Murlin Hoover Bernice McClellan
Warren Sisler Charles Collins Emery Metzger
Faculty Adviser Maurice A. Hess
How many of you realized that January 29 was an important day for the people of Kansas? How many of us observed or commemorated its significance to us? You observe your own birthday. Kansas has had a birthday, her sixty-eighth.
On January 29, 1861, Kansas was brought into the Union as a Free State. But hack of this lues a period of unrest, "Bloody Kansas" as it is called. It was a fight between the slave holders of the south and the free settlers of the north as to whether Kansas should be Slave or Free. Border warfare followed and in the adventurous gearts of the Kan-eat pioneers a determination to free itself from the bonds of slavery resulted in our being brought into the Union as a Free State.
After sixty-eight years we point with pride to our advancements, to our accomplishments. March 4th one of our native sons of Kansas will have risen to the second highest position in our great nation. He is no other than our own Charles Curtis, vice-president-elect of the United States.
Kansans have been pioneers in moral advancement, being one of the first to establish a bone-dry law. Opportunities of every sort are lying in wait for the progressive leader. Was not our State among the first in the agitation for woman's suffrage. The ''spirit of our Kansas people" should cause us to point with pride to our prosperity.
Let us remember Kansas Day.
Once more we are going to battle our friendly enemies of the north. But this time the "flaxen-haired" as Prof. Hess terms them are descending into our camp. Are we going to let them come without a reception of thunderous nouse and cheer. Not for their benefit, but to enspire and encourage our mighty BULLDOGS and urge them on to victory.
Let us take this matter into our own hands and create an enthusi-asm and "spirit" of "pep" that has never before been seen or heard upon our campus. Let us not only create this spirit of sportsmanship entangle-ment in the true sense of "pep", but show a courtesy and friendliness to our enemies. In our "rooting" on the side-lines be a true M. C. sportsman. Do not "boot" and "jeer" the referee, if you do, you lose the respect of the multitude of sport fans.
Instead of "slandering" and "sighing" at a bad play or skill of our opponents why not "cheer" or "applaud" their skill. What then, when our own mighty BULLDOGS show their skill? Merely "cheer" all the louder.
The “Swede" game is approaching. Spirit on our campus should gain momentum us talk it up. But let us prove that to be a real BULLDOG we must have that true Christian sportsmanship. It is the "spirit" that wins. It is our sportsmanship that shall not be criticized.
Last Wednesday afternoon while the Spectator staff was holding its weekly conference in the "Spec" room the following notice appeared on the blackboard.
"Will the 'Spectator' please publish instructions as to the methods of making a date? This will greatly please bashful, timid boys".
The Spectator aims to please so we have, after years of experience and study before hand, compiled a body of rules that is sure to bring the desired results. If the troubled students who are trying or have not yet tried to get a date will follow strictly the code of rules we will lay down, the sweet words of, "I will be glad to go to the show with you," will
1. Have confidence in yourself.
2. Pick out the fair co-ed that you desire to date.
3. When you see her go to the library or 'ad' building rush out and hide behind a bush or tree and wait for her return.
4. Be sure no one else is watching you.
5. When she reappears step out in front of her and stop her.
6. Do not apologize.
7. Ask her very politely if she would like to go to the show this evening.
8. Do not wait for her answer. Tell her to be ready by seven.
9. Turn immediately and rush to your room and tell your room-
"Petty" stealing is taking place in the boys dormitory again this year. Last year it was relatively stopped— after a fashion. This year we are not going to contend with these "white-livered" thiefs, for is that not what they are. The first evidence we have will be referred to head-quarters—police headquarters. No one may expect any mercy or sympathy from those he steals from in the dorm. The things taken so far this year have been things of little value. Little value or great value it is a crime. Robbery is a crime. A crime that is punishable either by time or im-prisonment, or by both. If they be either dorm, men or someone outside the dorm., and when they are caught, shall expert no mercy from us. Let them get their mercy from the judge.
We need a bell system in the boy's dormitory! This could be installed at a very little expense for a certain percent of the apparatus and fixtures
have already been secured.
Is it fair to the Elords? The phone rings many times a day and numerous are the occasions Mrs. Elrod has to climb those flights of a stairs
to call a student to the phone. Even at night one of the two may be heard
calling some student on second or third. After a day of weariness and
back-aching climbs to third can one expect a restful night?
What would the results be, if the bell system was installed? It
would result in a more quiet dormitory. It would save time and labor on the part of the Elrods. It will have solved one our problems.
This week the Trustees of the college and out-of-town ministers
and friends of the college are here. They are our guests; let us treat
them as such. A large number of them are strangers and are not familiar
with our campus. Let us take it upon ourselves to show them about. If
they are interested they will want to be shown.
Men , invite them to your room. Some of them are old students
of M.C. Show them about and get acquainted with them.
TUESDAY, FEB. 5, 1929
(Continued from Page One)
these things, and Dr. Eddy deeply challenges the students of America
The message for Sunday evening was "Dare we be Christian?" To many this was the greatest of challenges. Men do not have to know what electricity is in order to make it drive machinery, make light, and many other things. Religion is yet virtually untried. War has failed extreme waste and luxury by the few
the scale in inefficiency and starvation. The negro is still lynched occasionally and oftener kicked out, and people with darker skins are held at a distance. Real Christianity means a personal, vital relationship to God, within, and a practical, social relationship to men without
The messages on Monday were limited to students and out of town visitors, and were held in the college
A report was made by Mildred Swenson, chairman of the banquet
committee upon what is being done
toward preparations for the Junior-Senior banquet. Paul Bowers, class
dition of the class finances.
The Y. M. program last Tuesday was a surprise. The college male quartet sang fjve numbers before they were allowed to stop. These varied from hymns "Softly and
"Mother Mouvoreen" and "Lassie O' Mine" were the others.
Dismissal was next in order.
A few young men who were not there would certainly have appreciat-ed this program. Become a regular attemdant for a good program is given often without warning. And
you get out as much as you put in
at any of them.
The remainder of the intiative was held on the fourth floor of Harn-
|y Hall from five to seven thirty in the evening. For this period the in-itiation committee. Edna Hoover
Ada Stutzman, Clara Borgin and Arian Brigham had planned a very enjoyable program. At six o'clock a two course lunch of sandwiches cocoa, ice cream and cake was serv-ed to all. This was followed by an extemporaneous number from each new member.
At the close of the evening Floy Brown, president of the organiza-tion gave a short talk on the purpose of W A. A. after which she required the candidates for membership to take the pledge of the association. The girls who were initiated were Louise Allen, Ruth Anderson, Atill-ia Anderson, Odessa Crist, Genevieve Crist, Nellie Collins, Mildred Doyle, Mable Lee Early, Sylvia Edgecomb, Verna Falgren, Sylvia Flory, Hazel Falls, Beth Hess, Edna Hoover, Regina Kliever, Helen Kline, Florence Peck, Blance Pyle, Ethel Sherfy, Ruth Trostle, Mildred Wine, Florence Weaver and Naomi Wit-
(Continued from Page One)
the Presbyterian church.
D. L. Miller, of the college society then led a contest in which the fl-
was conducted mock base-ball style and in this way more than thirty dollars was pledged by those present. This sum will go to make up the
goal set by the state for McPherson County
"The Quest of the Crusader" was dicussed by Gardner Winn, who brought out the importance of the crusade with Christ and the duties of
A brief closing address was then given by Harold Lovitt.
Under the leadership of Leland Lindell, college society, a Fellowship hour furnished social enjoyment for all present. A number of stunts and contests roused the enthusiasm and relaxed tired minds.
The Crusader's Hour under the di-rection of Gardner Winn fittingly concluded the convention with some weighty remarks, silent meditation, and prayer.
At about nine thirty o'clock the meeting was adjourned.
A great deal of interest is being shown the Peace and Old Line or-atorical contests to be held March 10th and 12th.
The Peace oratorical contest will be held in the Brethren church Sun-day evening. March 10. Local prices of $7.50, $5.00 and $2.50 are offered. in the State contest two prizes of $60.00 and $40.00 are offered. All entrants are asked to submit their names to Prof. Hess immediately.
The probable entrants are as fol-lows: Floy Brown, Ralph Landes, John Lehman, Lloyd Diggs, Harold Crist, Lillian Horning and Helen Hudson.
The Old Line oratorical contest will be held in the chapel Tuesday, March 12th. Topics for speeches may be on any subject. The State contest will be held April 11th and 12th. At least three must try out for the local contest before we are allowed to send an entrant to the State contest. The probable entrants are as follows Clara Burgin, Lloyd Johnson, Eugina Cliver awd Leland Lindell.
Candidates for Class "Queen" are
As a result of the interest stimu-lated in art by the recent exhibit, the junior class voted, at their meeting
Friday morning, to buy one to be
given to the school A committee chosen by the treasurer and Miss
Della Lehman, sponsor, will decide upon the picture to be ought.
Other unusual business to be trans-acted was the nomination of three candidates, from whom the class "Queen" will be chosen. The juniors, having done their part in the sale of Quadrangles are entitled to have a fall page picture or their class "Queen" in this year's Quadrangle. The candidates are Alberta Hovis, Naomi Witmore, and Bernice Mc-
Twenty-two girls were initiated into the Women's Athletic Association last Tuesday, January 29. The initi-ation started when the whistle blew for eight o'clock classes. Each new girl went in her morning classes
the old W. A. A. members. Some of the girls looked quite dignified in their long full skirts while others (Mildred Wine) looked quite child like in her baby hood and white outfit.
morning's program, at least Interesting to the old members, was their treat of salted peanuts and candy. Each candidate for membership carried a supply of salted peanuts and candy and treated every old member that she happened to meet. A few other rules that the girls observed in common were wearing cotton hose, using no powder or rouge, and wearing their hair combed back from around their faces and foreheads.
Customer: I'd like to look at
some living room furniture.
Clerk: Yes madam, modernistic
or comfortable.
"Make it short and snappy," cried the city editor. "Roll it down" and when they handed the new man the ten commandments
him out he wrote. “Don't."
Mose: Dey is one precha in the town dat is powerful mad at me to-night.
How come?
Mose: I done hired him to
and ah didn't show up.
New name for chumney roaster.
At the beach the first tan days are the hardest.
Appear in the Quad, on a special
The sophomore sold the great percentage but two other classes
three nominated from the
8:00 A.M. Bible study—J. Hugh
12:00 to 12:15 P.M. Closing for
9:00 A. M. Problems of Leader-
7:15 P. M. Opening Devotions.
7:50 P. M. Address—J. A. Robin-
Wednesday 8:00 A. M. Bible Study—J. Hugh
9:00 A. M. The problem of Dis-tribution and Supervision—J. A.
10:45 A. M. Outlining or Build-ing the Sermon—J. W. Lear. Discus-
"The mercury went up to 91 at noon.” said the fat fellow fanning Marthian Marthian, what crimes are committed in thy name.
Miss Doris Ballard has been visit-ing at her home near Lovewell the past week because of the illness of
"How,” asked the Inveterate market player. "Did it close".
a hundred percent, in accord-ance to the number in their class. The Juniors and Seniors have nom-inated candidates for the same fea-ture which will be voted upon next sophomore class are: Misses Eugenia
Swanson, Dorothy Linholm. and
Jeanette Hoover.
J. J. Yoder, Chairman
9:00 A. M. The Problem of Pas-
toral Care— J. A. Robinson, Mr.
Robinson comes from Pleasant Hill. and is General Secretary of the Ministerial Board.
10:00 A. M Joint Y. W. C. A and Y. M. C. A.
10:15 A. M. Selecting Sermon Subjects and Gathering Material for sermons. J. W. Lear. Mr Lear is an instructor in the Bethany Bible
school of Chicago. Discussion.
Church of the Brethren—H. R Hos-tetler. Mr. Hostetler is from Elgin, and is Secretary Home Missions Georege Burgin, M. R. Zigler.
3:00 P.M. Working our Church organizations—J. W. Lear.
5:15 P. M. Opening Devotions.
7:30 P. M. Content of the Pas-tor's Message—H. F, Richards. 5:00 P. M Evening Address— J.
10:00 A. M. College Chapel— M.
12:00 to 12:15 P. M. Closing for Hour
2:00 P. M. My Hope for the Church of the Brethren—H. G.
3:00 P. M. The Pastor’s Program
J. W. Lear.
7:15 P. M. Opening Devotions
7:30 P. M. Sacrificial Ministry —
D. G. Wine.
8:00 P. M. Evening Address— M. R. Zigler.
8:00 A. M. Bible Study—J. Hugh
Heckman ship—J. A. Robinson
10:00 A. M College Chapel — Paul Brandt, Alumni Trustee.
10:45 A. M. Sermon Delivery— J. W. Lear. Discussion
Noon Hour
2:00 P. M. The Business End of the Church Program -W. H. Yoder. Galen Lehman.
8:00 P. M. Lecture on Trip to
Palestine— D. A. Crist
8:00 A. M. Bible Study—J. Hugh
Beckman 9:00 A. M. Ministerial Problems — J. A. Robinson (Round table).
10:00 A. M. College Chapel—J. W. Lear.
10:45 A M. Legitimate Motives for Christian Living- J. W Lear. Discussion.
12:00 to 12:15 P. M Closing for Noon Hour.
2:00 P. M. How to Fit a Young Peoples' Program In the General Church Program- M. R. Zigler.
3:00 P. M. General and Business Session. Gains in Our Districts. Sum-mary of Conference. Hopes for the Future
6:45 to 8:30 P. M. Dinner— Min-inisters and Guests Invited J. J.
Yoder, Toastmaster, V. F. Schwalm,
M. R. Zigler, and others speak.
Last Sunday the college was host to a number of students from out-side colleges. They came here to hear Dr. Sherwood Eddy and repre-sent their respective Y. W. C. A's and Y .M C. A's.
Thirty students from Kansas Wes-leyan came down from Salina. Smal-er numbers came from Bethany and Bethel.
her mother. She is expected to return at the close of this week.
Miss Thelma Budge spent Sunday
TUESDAY, FEB. 5, 1929
tend the game at Lindsborg tomor-row evening with a strong determin-ation to win both on the part of the players and on the part of the stu-dents back of them.
Ottawa (27) |
fg |
ft |
P | |
Alexander, f |
4 |
0 |
2 | |
Kepner, f |
2 |
3 |
0 | |
Binns, c |
1 |
2 |
3 | |
Still, g |
2 |
0 |
2 | |
Wray, g |
0 |
0 |
0 | |
Hulburt, g |
0 |
0 |
0 | |
Forney, g |
l |
0 |
0 | |
Sisk, c |
0 |
2 |
1 | |
Totals |
10 |
7 |
8 |
The Bulldogs are at the top of the Kansas Conference this week as a result of victories over Kansas Wesleyan and Ottawa last week, and have a mighty nice opportunity to hold their position the rest of the season, but according to Coach Gard-
ner the Canines do not have another game but what they could easily
drop to the other fellow.
Tomorrow night the Bulldogs tangle with the Bethany Swedes at Lindsborg and everyone knows that there is no such thing as dope when a Swede-Bulldog game is scheduled and it behooves all loyal supporters of our team to follow them to Linds-borg and give them the best they have from the sideline. Wednesday evening the Swedes defeated Ottawa by two points and the very next night McPherson downed the Bap-tists with a fifteen point defeat. Monday night the Canines defeated the Coyotes in the most hotly con-tested court battle of the season by nine points and Friday night the Swedes stopped the Coyotes on their own court by a twelve point de-
Friday night the Baker Wildcats, the team that defeated the Bulldogs two weeks ago after they were crippled by the loss of Leo Duke, are coming McPherson to reassure us of their strength. Baker did not play any conference games last week and has had plenty of room for improvement since the defeat handed them by the Ottawa five the week
As has been shown in the past a large student representation at the sideline during the games is helpful to the players, and this week it is a privilege as well as a duty or each student to attend the games and support the team to the fullest. The boys are not playing for personal glory, but are playing for their Alma Mater that she might rank high to basketball circles. Every real Bull-dog will make it his business to at-
W |
L |
Pct. |
Pts. |
Opp. | |
McPherson |
4 |
1 |
.800 |
136 |
118 |
Bethany |
3 |
1 |
.750 |
128 |
97 |
Baker |
1 |
1 |
.500 |
57 |
50 |
Ottawa |
3 |
3 |
.500 |
197 |
199 |
Kan. Wesl'yn |
1 |
3 |
.250 |
113 |
125 |
St. Mary's |
1 |
4 |
.200 |
125 |
160 |
Games Scheduled for this week in
Monday—Kansas Wesleyan at St. Mary's
Tuesday—Sterling at Ottawa Wednesday--- McPherson at Beth-
Thursday—Sterling at St. Mary's. Friday — Baker at McPherson. Saturday— Baker at Bethany.
The games played last week put Bethany on the winning side and show that the Swedes will be real contenders with the McPherson Bull-dogs for the conference title this year. The crucial test will come Wednesday evening at Lindsborg when the Bulldogs meet the Swedes on their own court at Lindsborg.
This promises to be the most hard fought game of the season and should be attended by a large representation of the McPherson fans and supporters. Many who remember the result of last year’s game with the Bulldogs on that court will be on hand exporting to see the best that is in two rival teams brought out under fire M. C. students should make plans to attend this game above all others.
We usually enjoy a good joke. This week our biggest joke is an article taken from the OTTAWA CAMPUS dated January 24th. I suppose you remember that we have beaten Ottawa twice this season. This article is a sort of "aftermath" of their first defeat at the hands of the "Bulldogs". We have not read their comment on their second de-feat. We enjoyed reading this one
and thought you might like it.
"So far, so good. Three days to go by— Sunday, Monday and Tues-day evening drops around. And Mc-Pherson, that band of courtiers, who captured the title last season, drops in with us, expressly for the purpose best expressed by that Old Latin phrase that sounds like "Weenie," "Weedle" and "Wesee".
We hate to talk about that affair. Really, you know, there should be a law against such things. Well, any-how, Ottawa didn't win. Perhaps you could have gathered as much in a little while.
Kidding aside, this last demon-stration was a wonderful thing to watch, especially in the last five minutes. Only the situation eventually, went bad. to spoil our fun. The game started, chronologically speak-ing, and Ottawa, in the course of half a game, piled up a seven point lead, sufficient to win most games. Well, Mr. George Coach Gardner, head man in the McPherson show, must have done things between halves. His pupils came back in a thoroughly ugly mood, at the beginning of the second half. So ugly were they that when they did get started doing big things, or things in a big way, as you like, they wouldn't stop. Net result—the final gun, and mat-ter thoroughly sewed up at the 33-33 stage. And the play-off began. Oooh, how we had to go on. Bitter medicine, and all that rot. They simply were unbearable. They scored eight points, which wasn't nice, while
Ottawa halved the same amount Final score, 41-37. NOT for OTTAWA.
We felt much as the little boy did, who came crying to his mother. Upon asking what was the matter, he replied, "I thtarted to wide my thick horth acroth the threet, an 'e frew me and I faw down and go "Oomp!" Brethren that was us all over”. —OTTAWA CAMPUS.
A number of new and former students are enrolled in McPherson Col-lege. Golda Ebbert, an alumnus, in taking special work in the Home Economics department. Mildred Idhe is enrolled as a senior and will complete her work here this semes-ter. Irene Baker, who was compelled to quit school last year because of illness has enrolled for this semester. The freshman class has two new members. They are Donald Bowers front McLouth, Kansas, and Edward Bradley from Chase, Kansas.