TUESDAY, JAN. 29, 1929
given by dramatic class
Students will be admitted Free
of Charge
An evening of one-act plays will be given in the chapel on Friday eve-ning, February 1, a eight o'clock. As the program is under the auspices of
the student council, students will be
admitted free. Admission for others will be twenty-five cent for children and thirty-five cents for adults.
The Patchwork Quill is a touching play, centering around an old wo-man's love for her patchwork quilt, every colored square of which holds for her a memory. By means of these squares the audience is given a glimpse into the past and her youth-
ful courtship and marriage.
Those in the real play are:
Mrs. Willis—Lillian Horning Anne (her daughter)--Floy Brown
Joe (her son-in-law)—John Leh-
Betty (her granddaughter) —Ruth
Those in the dream play are:
Molly—Ruth Anderson.
William -Oliver Ikenberry Emily — Margaret Davis
Touching a phase of human nature often manifested consciously of un-consciously the play Finders-Keep-ers by George Kelly, reveals two at-titudes toward the social problem about where it centers.
Jeanette Hoover as Mrs. Aldrid, Charles Collins as Mr. Aldrid, and Mildred Swenson as Mrs. Hampton compose the cast of characters.
The Brink of Silence is a realistic play by Esther Galbrath based on the "Enoch Arden" theme. The sut-ting of the play is a cabin in the An-
The cast of characters is as fol-
Cole — Ernest Toland
MacReady—Franz Crumpacker Darton —Leland Lindell Johnson—Murlin Hoover.
The Flower of Yeddo, a Japanese comedy in one act, by Victor Mapes, will be presented by members of the dramatic art class for the Cosmos at the Mohler home, the evening of Jan-
uary 25, and for the McPherson Ro-
tary club at their annual reception to the Rotary Auns, January 29. The characters and members of the
cast are:
Kami (a Japanese poet)—Sylvia Edgecomb.
Musme (a kindhearted mischief-maker)—Ruth Trostle
Talphoon (a sheep in wolf's cloth-ing)—Helen Hudson.
Salnara (whom Kami loves)— Dorothy Liholm.
The program in Y. M. C. A. Tues-
day was led by Wray Whiteneck,
who read devotions. The topic of the
program was "How Should the Prin-
ciples of Christ Affect our Lives". The first speaker, Harold Fasnacht, showed just how Christ's principles can apply in our lives in the Dormi-tory,and that in the Dormitory is a test of our training and ability to produce the best in us. "Man is like a Labrador Spar and reflects his life at certain angles" said Fasnacht.
"and what other men see in us is the result of our experiences".
The second speaker, Walter Fill-more, talking about Christ's influence in the classroom, said we should use Him as a guiding light in being kind,
considerate and virtuous toward others and the instructors in the
classroom. “We cannot become true
examples until we get the spirit of
the good Samaritan on the campus".
(Continued on Page Three) "GOODIE SHOPPE" TO BE
Sponsored by the Y. W. C. A. of the
At their last meeting the members
of the Y. W. C. A. Cabinet decided
next Monday evening, February 4.
"The Goodie Shoppe” is one of the outstanding functions sponsored by this organization's social committee and in past years has been considered
Plans as to the menu and theme of the project have not yet been made known, bt more definite announce-ments in regard to it will be made
The social committee under the leadership of Miss Arlene Saylor is working on the project.
May Fete Commiittee Make a Brief
One of the matters of greatest im-portance considered at the meeting of the Women's Athletic Association Monday evening of last week was that of the initiation of new mem-
After much discussion pro and con, a motion to the effect that part of the initiation program be conduct-ed Tueday forenoon (today) and that the remainder of the ordeal take place in the evening concluding with a luncheon was passed.
Misses Edna Hoover, Ada Stutz-man, and Clara Burgin were elected as a committee to take charge of the intiation and the accompanying en-tertainment.
The May Fete committee made a brief report, but as yet few plans have been made in regard to that
Report On a college campus are more typi-
cal types or otherwise than ever typed a typewriter in Wall Street. Honest, it's a truth. There are more different people gathered together than one ever meets anywhere else—
so come to college for the contacts, socially speaking, and have studies
There is the bold person who tries
and generally fails to make himself the center of attraction in a group
usually composed together in the parlor after the effort of obtaining nourishment. He usually yells about what he did, or grades he made, or how popular he is. Well—his ego-
tism and the laws of the country are the only things which prevent his quick departure from the world of trials and tribulations by lynching. Now the Shiek is a welcome change as long as he changes his
iocation long and enough. To
any real dyed-in-the-wool college
student that patent leather effect
on the head casts the reflection of doom on. the person in question. Other car marks are trousers creased
to a powerful point, nails manufactured
to a pink 20th degree, face shaved so close that he might as well be an Indian and pull them out and save
75 cents weekly. In a nut shell he
gives us a pain intellectually, physi-cally, morally, and every other loca-
Pardon—the wise-cracking Indi-dividual is found on every campus, in
fact they are as prevalent as fleas on a dog and much more irritating— to us— not the dog. College Humor and other like literature in their ment. Witness some genius of wis-dom as these come gushing from their epiglottis, a conversational Nia-
gara, if you please. She's only the
Wed.—Fri., Jan. 19, 21. and Feb. 1—Art exhibit
Thursday, Jan 31—Game with Ottawa here.
Friday, Feb. 1—Dramatic art class plays.
Saturday, Feb. 2—County C.E. institute.
Sherwood Eddy to be here Sunday, Feb. 3- Regional Confer-ence begins (lasts until Feb.
Monday. Feb. 4 Trustees meet.
Dr. Eddy is a Native Kansan, Born
at Leavenworth in 1871
On next Sunday and Monday, Feb-ruary 3 and 4, one of the foremost (Continued on Page Three)
taxidermists daughter, but she knows
her stuff". "She's only the coaches
daughter but she could upset the
dope." "She's only a fisherman's
daughter but she could really throw
a line". "She's only a zoo keeper's
daughter but she could a
monkey out of me". "What you
don't know won't hurt you but
Cripes! how it slows up your pro-
Oh yes—"Coeds is college girls
what tell a guy they enjoyed being out with him and then rush up stairs to tell the girls what an awfully ripe egg he was." (All aboe with apolo-gies to the the Sour Owl).
Even so the book worm appears on the scene. How woefully intelli-
gent. If a girl hair sticked back
shiny nose, sloppy dress, the inevit-
able notebook, horn rimmed spectac-
les, and arm load of books. These
people hardly realize that many a
good brain may hide under a plucked
perk up a bit. The world may be
going to the bow wows, but why
hasten the untimely end—Book
worms need reviving, many a beauty
may be under a shiny nose and only
needs a powder puff to discover it. In the case of the dumbell "beauty is their only excuse for being"— sometimes.
Every dormitory has the so-called "nervy" type who consistently help themsevles to various and sun-dry articles such as records, maga-zines, candy without a by-your-leave. If said articles are misplaced
broken or consumed. "Oh I'm so
sorry but I didn't think you'd care". Well, records don't grow on bushes and if they are broken while in tran-sit from place to place without the owner's comment or blessing, it's just
Dinner Party Given Last Wednesday
The home of Dr. and Mrs. V. F. Schwalm was the scene of a smal dinner party given last Wednesday evening to the ladies of the college family. The dining and living rooms wore made cheerful by the use of roses and carnations.
Those present at the dinner were the Misses Dell Lehman, Mildred Lamb, Marietta Byerly, Jessie Brown, Edith McGaffey, Fern Lingenfelter and Mrs. Anna Tate.
According to one who was there everyone had a pleasant evening and appreciated the hospitality of the Schwalm's.
There are two hundred voices in
the Chorus
Arrangements have been complet-ed for the Tabor College Oratorio Society to appear at the McPherson Community Building on March 11. There are two hundred voices in the chorus that will sing one of the most popular of the modern oratorios. "The Holy City," by Gaul.
The Tabor College Oratorio Society will be accompanied by the McPher-son Salon Orchestra. Mrs. Anna Tale, Voice Instructor of McPherson College will sing the soprano solos. This program is being sponsored by the Cecelian Music Club and the McPherson College Student Council.
college graduates are earning more
in their chosen professions than the professors who taught them the pro-fessions. What better way for the students to get even for all the flunks? —Washburn Review.
your hard luck, incidentally you
have to replace your own record.
One type of a college campus is the person who goes into sport. All the dear little freshmen look up to this person. His style is neckties,
sox, and other adornments is copied with avidety. He does not have to make grades, they are given to him, consequently the only educated part about him is his toe— if he plays football. He has the privilege of being rough and tough and makes us like it. Sure— He's the Athletic! ! Now if this fortunate person is a girl— then she goes in for sport
clothes mostly broques and sweaters, and she is usually out of place in an elaborate dinner frock, but she is right there when it comes to polite table conversation about, basketball,
soccer, volley bayy, and other effi-minute sports.
The butterfly individual is to be discovered on every campus, includ-ing ours. She wears abbreviated skirts, lots of make-up artificially (?) applied (Oh yes— she has a taste for painting, you can see it in her face). She has lots of dates but they all get painter's colle— we wonder why? She has that come-hither look which wrecks many a masculine
heart until he forgets quiet little Mary at home who worships her big collegiate sweet heart. Flapper never studies, she vamps the profes-sors by working those big blue eyes
Oh well, what's the difference. It takes all types to be a college. The above mentioned are isolated cases (they really should be quarantined). To be in college one must be broad-
thing that comes along—or it might take you.
Program will be Given Each Evening
Large Picture of Lincoln Given to Class Selling Most Season Tickets
Tomorrow begins the art exhibit for McPherson College. A program has been arranged for each evening. A large attendance is expected. Tickers are now on sale. A large picture of Abraham Lincoln is being offered for the class selling the most tickets.
The following program has been arranged:
Art Programs
Wednesday, January 30 Chapel hour Talk, "The Appreciation of Pic-tures"— Miss Colline.
Presentation of great pictures. Wednesday, January 30
7:00 to 8:00 P. M. (Fourth Floor, Science Hall)
Picture Study—The Song of the Lark
Tableau— The Song of the Lark Picture Study— Whistler's Mother
Tableau—Whistler's Mother
Lecture— The World's Master-pieces of Art.
Thursday, January 31 7:00 to 8:00 P. M. (Fourth Floor, Science Hall) Special Music Reading
Picture Study—The Angelos Tableau— The Angelos
Picture Study Alice Freeman Palmer Memorial
Tableau -Alice Freeman Palmer Memorial
Lecture— The Evolution of the
Each afternoon of the 29th, 30th, and 31st, Miss Colline, or her art students, will be present at the ex-hibit to explain pictures to visitors.
"Going Forward” were the theme of the program in the meeting of the Young Women's Christian Associa-tion last Tuesday morning, which was under the supervision of Miss Evelyn Fields.
A vocal duel was sung by Misses Margaret Devilbliss and Hazel Falls,
entitled “Lullaby Moon".
The subject "Aims" was discussed
by Miss Esther Rice. She stressed the fact that one never rises above one's aims or ideals; therefore that ideal or aim must be high.
"Serving Others" and the part it plays in going forward told by Miss Mildred Mitchell.
Miss Lela Wine in her subject "Faith" defined as the advancing force that draws us to attempt and to
The Y. W. benediction closed the
To Be a Real Sportsman Adopt the
Following Code
The students of the University of Illinois have recently originated and conducted a campaign for better sportsmanship. They adopted the following code:
A true Illini sportsman:
Will consider all athletic oppon-ents as guests and treat them with all the courtesy due friends and guests.
Will accept all decisions of the officials without question.
Will never hiss or boo a player
(Continued on Page Three)
The Student Newspaper of Mc-Pherson College, purposing to re-count accurately past activity—and to stimulate continually future
Entered as a second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.
Subscription Rate — $1.50 per year
Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Editorial Staff
Editor-in-chief Doris Ballard
Associate Editor Leland Lindell
Business Mgr. Ralph Bowers
Ass't Business Mgr Ernest Watkins Ass't Business Mgr. Glenn Harris Circulation Mgr. Lloyd Johnson
Harriet Hopkins Ruth Anderson Chester Carter Charles Collins Oliver Ikenberry Mildred Swenson Warren Sisler Bernice McClellan Murlin Hoover Emery Metzger
Faculty Adviser Maurice A. Hess
Some saw that opportunities knock only once. That scarcely fits into our philosophy, but there is an opportunity coming this week that at least does not knock every day of the year. The large art exhibit of over two hundred pieces in present-ing an opportunity before students to enable them to become acquainted with the great masterpieces of the world. A familiarity with such is
certainly a part of a complete and finished education. Aside from simply being posted on such matters there is a value in knowing about them from the standpoint of person-al enjoyment and the cultivation of one's sense of aesthetic beauty. The price of admission is within the reach of any student, and the programs promise to be off much interest. The proposition is well worth considering.
The coming few days seem rich in-deed with promises of various kinds. The art exhibit marks three red better days. Two more appear short-ly following. Next Sunday and Mon-day Sherwood Eddy comes to our campus. The dynamic of his person-ality and the influence of his effer-vescent spirit are ours for the hav-ing. He will deliver a number of ad-dresses while he is here, and that is another opportunity that knocks rarely indeed. Let us consider it so and act likewise.
Hell week is over.
Diggs: I believe the school is
Ikenberry: How's that?
Diggs: There always talking
about the school spirit.
K. Hays: Gee this seems like Friday.
G. Hays: This is Friday.
K. Hays: I guess that's what makes it seem like it.
Harris: Were any great men born
in your town?
Negley: Naw, nothin' but babies.
Prof. Heckman: How did the is-raelites treat Saul the day he was made king?
Margaret A.: I don't know. I was sick that day.
Prof.: Leave my class room.
Student: Alright, I don't need it.
To keep chaps off the lips, eat
Mother: Did you wash the fish?
Daughter: What's the use? They-
've lived in water all their life.
Leland Lindell requests that I ad-mit that I took the above out of the
Windom Booster.
Keith H: What kind of books have you been reading.
Patient coming to: What happen-
Doe: We removed your tonsils,
Patient: Good night, and I only came for a prescription for cough
thinks a microbe is an Irish nightie.
By The Way
Miss Olga Edwards who is a stu-dent at Bethany College visited her sister Mercedes at the dormitory
Monday night of last week.
of Larned Saturday and returned
Misses Lois and Floy Brown spent the week end at the Brown
home near Lorraine Wednesday and
Cecil Davisson who was a student here last year returned Sunday and has enrolled for the second semester.
Miss Doris Ballard spent the week end with home folks at Lovewell.
Miss Margaret Devilbiss spent the latter part of last week at her home at Ottawa.
mitory friends here Sunday and Mon-
Miss Beth Hess spent the week end
at her home at Morrill.
Miss Arlene Saylor spent the week end at her home near Ottawa.
Kermit Hayes and Don and Clinton motored to Nickerson and Hutchin-son Saturday.
Miss Thelma Budge spent Sunday and Monday at her home near St. John.
Miss Ruth Peterson of Windom
called on friends at the dormitory
This is the Third of a Series of Letter Received from Our Field Secretary
Last week I said I was going out to see Franklin Evans. Well, we were glad to see each other. He was gath-ering corn. He was deeply interest-ed in the affairs of the school and I told him if he would subscribe for the Spectator he could keep up with the activities of old Mac. I think you can expect his subscription.
I am finding out this state of Ne-braska is a kingdom of its own. I spent a part of Sunday in the north central part of the state at Arcadia and I felt I was nearly out of reach. Wondering if you might be going to send out a searching party for me.
I am finding several young folks who are interested in McPherson College. These churces are asking if we are going to send them a deputation team this year. They are hoping they can have a good team. I found the work of the team did as much good advertising for the school as any other means that have been used. How is the weather at McPher-
son? It is ten degrees below zero here this morning. I drive awhile and then stop and warm a while and then go again. I drove over a hundred miles yesterday. I passed thru
Clay Center. Ate dinner and went up in the Radio Station of K. M. M. J. As soon as I registered on the visitors roll, they announced in the air that I was with them visiting the station. Did you hear my name called? First time the world over knew there was such a fellow as the field secretary of McPherson College.
Say, are the Bulldogs winning the games 100%? Nebraska papers do not publish the sport news from Kan-
So much for this time and I hope
week's Spectator appears.
Roy H. Teach.
Two weeks ago at a mass meeting: of the college men called by Dean Mohler it was decided that a basket-ball tournament should be held for the benefit of the fellows who could not play on the varsity squad. Plans were made whereby each man was in draw for his place on a team so as to have equally divided teams, the num-ber of players on each team being limited to six. The following com-mittees were elected: Officials com-
mittee, Paul Bowers, Schedule com-mittee, Wray Whiteneck, and Cham-pionship committee, Murlin Hoover. The me decided that the tourna-
ment should start as soon as possible and last until about the first of March. Each team will have an op-portunity to play every other team and at the end of the tourney an All Tournament team will be selected and a record of the ten high scorers will be made.
As a result, eight enthusiastic teams were organized, the line-ups of which follow:
Hot-Shots—G. Lerew, captain, J. Harnly, C. Collins, R. Yoder, W. Whiteneck and R. Burnison.
Pla-Mors—F. Andrews, captain, O. Whiteneck, Roy Frantz, Raymond Peterson, H. Crist, and W. Bigham Question-marks-R. Buskirk, E.
Keck, J. Yoder, M. Hoover, H Eby, and R. Turner.
Sharpshooters —N. Wine, captain, R. Landes, J. Hart, V. Spilman, R. Swain, D. Kelly
Clowns—L. Diggs, captain, R. Bowers, V. Ohmart, C. Walker, T. Crist, and A. Harris.
Blue Streaks—P. Bowers, captain.
G. Harris, C. Bishop, B. Sjoberg, C. Trostle, D. Kerlin, J. Fifer.
Fighting Cocks— E. Kaufman, cap-tain, E. Metzger,. G. Hayes, M. Early, H. Hoffman, and H. Fasnacht.
Comets—D. Dutton, captain, "D. Trostle, Raymond Landes, D. Stutz-man, L. Myers, K. Hayes, and O. High.
The captains of the teams together with Dean Mohler compose the exe-cutive committee of the tournament.
Campus frivolity is the typical college attitude conveyed by the public press. It is the best understand side of college youth by the communities from which students come. Occasion-ally, the general public hears of in-tellectual work of university stu-dents. Rarely does any mention of the religious side of students' life come to the attention of others.
Those unacquainted with student life and the psychology of youth are likely to perform college students irreligious. Any such sweeping judg-
ment is as erroneous as any judg-ment made of a group represented by thousands of students with hundreds of interests, coming from a myriad of homes.
College students are likely to be critical of religion. They have not abandoned the idealism of youth. They am seeking the highest. They are not satisfied with sophistry, nor mouthings of insincerity. When in-terest of the college students turns to religion. It turns to a religion of re-ality, not a religion of superficially. His fundmental belief may be the same as hundred of thousands of his elders. He sees religious belief far abroad of religious expression. Practical, earnest, sincere, he is like-ly to hesitate to voice religious beliefs. He is likely to prefer to try to realize them first.
Of such sincerity is the so-called
irreligiousness of college students
— The Daily Nebraskan.
from other hills
Radcliffe college recently received $20,000 by the will of Alice Longfel-low, one of the founders of the col-lege and daughter of Henry Wads-worth Longfellow.
Beginning in October, Sunday dates at the University of Idaho ended at 7p.m., as prescribed by the dean of women. In the spring, the limit will be changed to 9 o'clock.
Dr. H. R. MacGregor, of the K. S.
T. C. department has con-sented to act as editor of an issue of the Troubadour, a national poetry magazine. This issue which will come out Feb. 12 will be especially devot-
ed to Kansas poets. About 40 or 50
replies have been received in answer to Mr. MacGregor's call for contribu-
Through a gift of $80,000 from P. S. DuPont of Wilmington, Del., a six story dormitory will be constructed in Paris where students from American universities who are studying abroad
may make their residence.
An $850,000 addition to the uni-
versity hospital is under construction at the University of Minnesota.
The University of Nebraska is to
Students at Friends may major in music and yet recieve an A. B. de-gree, according to a new course out-lined by the college administration.
receive an estate valued at between
$175,000 and $200,000 in addition to one of the finest art collections in Lincoln, through the death of Mrs. Annie Hall, widow of Frank Hall, formerly a lord attorney.
More than seventy colleges and universities in the in the United States are now offering courses in applied aero-nautics and other subjects connected with aviation. Students at Harvard and Yale have organized flying clubs to promote interest.
For the first time in the history of
athletics at South Dakota State Col-lege, there will be a regular varsity hockey team at the institution this
A Washington scientist spent five years determining the weight of the earth. Sounds like another of three freak election bets.
University Daily Kansan
Women students in universities and colleges of Australia have to social standing. In the classes the front of the room is separated from the year by a rail, and the women
in the front leaving the back for the men. The women have no part in the social activities.
average graduate of that school is by the school of business at the Uni-versity of Oklahoma show that the average graduate of that school is
now earning $3,600 a year.
Here's consolation for those that
flunked—just remember that after zero is nothing.
W |
L |
Pct. |
Pts. | |
1 |
0 |
1.000 |
20 | |
Hot Shots |
1 |
0 |
1.000 |
19 |
Comets |
1 |
0 |
1.000 |
20 |
Clowns |
1 |
0 |
1.000 |
20 |
Fighting Cocks |
0 |
1 |
.000 |
28 |
Blue Streaks |
0 |
1 |
.000 |
14 |
Question Marks |
0 |
1 |
.000 |
12 |
Pla-Mors |
0 |
1 |
.000 |
22 |
journalists has been formed al Whl. ite University to promote interest in journalism from a professional viewpoint.
Y. W. C. A. TUESDAY (Continued from Page One)
We should be open minded, frank and
ready tp receive new truths and be willing to help those around us who are in need of help.
Will seek to win by fair and lawful means, according to the rules of
Will love the game for its own sake and not for what winning may
Will "do unto others as he would have them do unto him".
Will "win without boasting and
The Athletic Journal.
without salary in Christian service, besides, supporting a number of other
By a vote of 1,109 out of 1,494 cast, the students of the University of Texas have voted for the retention of the Honor System, with the ex-clusion of the "reporting" clause.
Much Interest and Enthusiasm Is shown
While a college man is getting a liberal education, his father is getting an education in liberality.
A recent survey shows that 48% of the women graduates of the University of Wisconsin in the past 20 years have remained 'old maids'.
SHERWOOD EDDY (Continued from Page One)
(Continued from Page One)
A ruling at Baylor university. new-ly made requires that students make a grade of 70, or C, at midterm to pass work.
or official.
Will never utter abusive or irri-ratating remarks from the side-line.
Will applaud opponents who
make good plays or show good
Will never attempt to rattle an opposing player, such as the pitcher on a baseball game or a player at-tempting to make a free throw in a basketball game.
The men's intramural basketball tournament started off last Tuesday afternoon when the Fighting Cocks tangled with the Comets in a hard fought fast game. Although they were outplayed throughout the game the Comets emerged in the last min-utes of play with a 26-24 victory. Ray Landes, star forward for the Comets threw eight field goals and was high point man in the game. The same night the red and yellow Clowns completely smothered the Pla=Mors in a fast and rough game with a 39-23 score. Ohmart and Myers led for the Clowns in the scor-ing column with six baskets each. Thursday afternoon the Hot-Shots outplayed the Questionmarks in a 19-12 game and that night after leading by a large margin in the early part of the game the Bluestreaks were de-feated by the Sharpshooters 20-19. The game ended with the score standing 17-all. At the end of the first extra period it stood 19-all. In the second extra period Ralph Landes was awarded a free throw which he made good a few seconds before the final whistle blew, Kerlin, playing his usual individual game, led the scoring for the Blue Streaks with eleven points and Joe Hart led the Sharp Shooters with nine points.
Christian leaders will be on the Mc-Pherson College campus. To the stu-dent, meeting him is a red-letter day, not soon forgotten. Behind the Sherwood Eddy known to the student world today is a life lived to the ful. A recent quotation says: "life is lighter— He is a tremendous work-er. He seems to be in touch with reality—He is neither genius nor giant, but it appears almost obvious
that he had been caught by a power and a way of life neither too lofty nor too intricate for even the aver-age fellow. That power is Christ, and the way of life is Christian, lived without equivocation or excuses, "daily renewed, daily expanded". The Gospel was first a personal one and later a broad social Gospel, with a
wider and deeper meaning. It was a missionary gospel —glad tidings for the whole world.
Dr. Eddy is a native Kansan, born at Leavenworth in l871. Upon the wealthy mill owner, be end a brother inherited a considerable estate. He retained a part of his share, and lives
He graduated from Yale in 1891. From 1896 to 1911, he did mission work in India as a national secretary for the Y. M. C. A. Much of his time up until the was was spent in the Orient, and he worked much among the students of Europe and America. Great religious interest was aroused. During the war, he was Secretary for the welfare work of the
worked as a great advocate of peace and social justice, becoming thor-oughly awaked to the futility and uselessness o fit during the world's struggle.
He is the author of a number of books, written during his years on the field, and since, on religion, peace, and social problems.
Each summer he heads a research party to Europe. This parly is made up of professional people. It is generally believed that his name will go down in history along with these of Dr. John R. Mott and one or two others as the outstanding religious leaders of the century.
Because of the unusually large enrollment at the University of Oklahoma, a six-day week has been es-tablished in order to eliminate the crowded conditions of the classrooms. The present enrollment is 4656, which is 224 greater than that of a year ago. School authorities expect the enrollment to go beyond 5000 next semester.
Dr. Frank R. Castleman, head of the department of physical education at Ohio State University, states that in all his 22 years as a physical edu-cater he has never seen a group of first year men as healthy as those which have entered the university this year. He attributes this to better health education in the high
McPherson 34
W |
L |
Pct. |
Pts. |
Opp. Pts. | |
Ottawa |
3 |
1 |
.780 |
139 |
107 |
McPherson |
2 |
1 |
.667 |
103 |
91 |
Baker |
1 |
1 |
.500 |
57 |
50 |
Kansas Wesleyan |
1 |
1 |
.500 |
63 |
54 |
St. Mary's |
1 |
3 |
.250 |
95 |
136 |
Bethany |
0 |
1 |
.000 |
25 |
25 |
Kansas conference game schedul
ed for this week are:
Monday—Bethany at St. Mary's;
Kansas Wesleyan at McPherson.
Wednesday—Ottawa at Bethany, Lindsborg.
Thursday- -Ottawa at McPherson.
Friday—Bethany at Kansas Wes-
leyan, Salina.
Baker is the only one of the conference teams that will not play In the conference this week.
The McPherson College Bulldogs defeated the Kansas Wesleyan Coy-otes last night by a count of 34-25 in the fastest and hardest fought court battle seen in the local Convention hall since the Bulldog-Bethel game nearly a year ago.
Although they were unable to start off true to form the Bulldogs managed to hold the lead by a narrow margin throughout the first half which ended with the score standing 12-11. Frequent tumbles, bad passes, and poor shooting were largely res-ponsible for the Bulldog's inability to gain a larger lead early in the game.
In the second half the Bulldogs began with a flash, sinking two baskets in the first few moments of play and gaining a lead which was soon overcome by the Coyotes who now began to play a style of basketball that almost swept the Bulldogs off their feet. At this point in the gam, Stab, a clever Coyote, suc-ceeded in breaking through the tight Bulldog defense and making several counters in rapid succession which finally resulted in a one-point lead for the Coyotes six and a half minutes before the end of the game. Captain Nonken called time out, after which the Bulldogs returned, their strong offense taking full pos-session of the coart, and played a kind of basketball that brought every spectator to his feet. Nonken broke through in his usual manner for a
set-up which was followed by baskets by Rump then Crumpacker in rapid succession which according to the timekeeper took place in thirty sec-onds giving the Bulldogs a lead which they continued to widen with baskets from Miller and Rump and the Bulldog defense did not allow the Coyotes to score again in spite of their threats, before the final gun cracked.
The entire game was a thriller. There was not a second of perform-ance in the whole game in which attention of every spectator was not rivited upon the action of the play-ers. At no time during the game did either team have to feel assured of victory.
Melvin Milter lead the scoring with eighteen points to his credit. Stabe, the man who was largely responsible for the 24-25 Coyote lead in the final period of play, was high point man for the Wesleyans with thirteen points. Nonken and Blickenstaff played an outstanding game on the defensive.
The box score:
fg |
ft |
P | |
Crumpacker, f. |
2 |
1 |
0 |
Rump, f. |
4 |
0 |
l |
Miller, c. |
9 |
0 |
1 |
Nonken, g. |
„1 |
1 |
1 |
Blickenstaff, g. |
0 |
0 |
2 |
Holloway, f. |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Totals |
1 |
2 |
1 |
Kansas Wesleyan 25
fg |
ft |
P | |
Hayden, f |
4 |
2 |
3 |
Jilka, f. |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Stabe. f. |
6 |
1 |
0 |
Holsington, c. |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Jung, g. |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Mulkey, g. |
0 |
1 |
0 |
Muck, g. |
0 |
1 |
0 |
Totals |
10 |
5 |
3 |
Referee—Welch, Emporia Teach-ers.
Canadian college girls use more rouge then British co-eds, according to a group of English women stu-dents who visited the University of Toronto recently. One of the visitors suggested the situation as being a result of American influence.
A lounge room is being furnished in the armory at the University of Oklahoma for military students to wait between classes. It will be stocked with magazines and news-papers.