McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Tuesday, January 8, 1929



An All-School Leap Year Parly Sponsored by the Student Council


The 'Fairer Sex' were Escorts

for the Suspicious Men


The Bulldog masters of logic are progressing as a result of much effort, toward an infallible argument to be used during the coming sca-

The schedule:

Bethany ............Monday. Feb. 18

Wesleyan...........Friday. Mar. 1

Sterling ....... Friday, Mar. 15.

The Pups are just getting their wisdom teeth and a real scrao is pre-dicted when they meet Hutchinson Junior College on Friday. Mar. 22 and again on Friday. April 5, when they tangle with Tabor College.

The women's team is getting ready for a successful season. Their sched-tile will be announced as soon as one remaining date is definitely fixed.

With the approach of the close of the last leap year to be witnessed by this school generation, the student

council saw fit to add to the social

events of the year an all-school leap year party, taking place this evening before school was dismissed for

Christmas vacation, in the basement of the Brethren church.

Somewhat taken aback at this pro-clamation many members of the fair-sex immediately set out with ardent hopes to capture some unsuspecting

male whose willing (or unwilling) escort she might be. Seven forty-five o'clock, December 18, found the reception room of Fahnestock Hall thronged with wom-en- all more or less aggressive and all more or less hopeful—or hope-

less. After assisting their charges

through doors and propelling them down the street in true masculine fashion, they arrived, with no report-ed casualties, at the basement of the college church where the event was scheduled to take place.

Approximately two hundred stu-dents and faculty members were present. A section of the room was reserved for the "unclaimed bless-ings"-—consisting of about thirty men whose coy glances had appar-ently failed to rouse the interest of any "fair young thing".

A series of stunts, contests, and games started the evenings fun. Miss Helen Kline won the first con-test, the purpose of which was for each couple to get people whose in-itials coincided with the letters in "Merry Christmas" to sign their res-pective names to these letters.

Following this, Miss Lehman call-ed on her spelling class to display their orthographical powers, and the audience learned how to spell such words as Dr. Schwalm, M-A-N-C-H-E-S-T-E-R: character, H-A-S-H: and Flow Brown, W-I-N-D-O-M.

A number of girls were chosen from each class as contestants in selling a given article to as many men as possible in a given length of time. In this Miss Mildred Libby was declared champion saleswoman.

A literature contest in which tele-grams containing words whose initial letters were the letters of the words “Last Chance” was the next feature of entertainment. The women par-ticipants of the contest wrote pro-posals and acceptance or rejections were penned by the men contestants. In this contest Miss Heckethorn and Murlin Hoover were the winners.

A brief program was the next at-traction. The college male quartet sang a group of numbers with Mrs. Anna Tate as their accopanist. A reading, "The Leap Year Leap.” was then given by Miss Lois Brahm. Miss Helen Eberly and Lawrence Turner played a piano duet after which Dr. V. F. Schwalm made a few remarks.

After partaking of refreshments consisting of punch and wafers, the members of the group dispersed—

some townward to satisfy hungry appetites and others conscientiously sending their respective ways home-ward. Although many students were not present at the party, those who were there declared that they had spent a most enjoyable time.



Two Hundred Large Reproductions of Masterpieces of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture

JAN. 30 AND 31, FEB. 1

Pictures for Classrooms

School spirit may be shown any time. It is not restricted to athletic contests.


Thursday, Jan. 10 -Chemistry Program in chapel—7:30

Saturday, Jan. 12-- St. Mary's game here.

Y. M. and Y. W. meet as usual.


Dr. E. B. Hoff, Late Vice-Presi-dent Of Bethany Bible School Dead.


Dr. Hoff Is Known As A Teacher And Writer

January 30 and 31, and February 1 have been set aside as dates for an art exhibit at McPherson College. At that time the Elson Art Company will place on exhibit two hundred large reproductions of masterpieces of painting, sculpture and architect-ure, including works of world known landscape, figure and animal paint-

The pictures will be exhibited on the fourth floor of Harnly Hall. Each evening a program will be provided to assist students and friends to understand and appreciate the artistic merits of the pictures.

The purpose of the exhibit is to raise funds for the purchase of pictures to decorate the halls and classrooms of the college. Admission will be by season tickets at 25c or single admission at 15c. Students and

friends are urged to attend, and by their interest and prescence make pos-sible the procuring of a goodly number of artistic pictures for the decoration of the walls of the college.

A prize picture will be given to be class selling the most tickets to the exhibit.    It is customary for groups

and classes to purchase appropriate pictures for their particular class-rooms.

Details as to programs will be an-nounced later. It is urgent that every student reserve these dates and work for the success of this desirable movement to beautify the buildings of the college.

Friends and relatives of E. B.

Huff were shocked to receive the

news of his death at his home in Chicago last Dec. 28. His life ended as he had lived,quietly and peaceful-ly. The large number that attended his funeral in indicative of the many friends of Mr. Hoff. Those who met him as a teacher and as a neighbor learned to love him.

E. B. Hoff was one of the foremost.

time of his death he was teaching Bible in the Bethany Bible School of Chicago, of which he was Vice-Presi-dent. Dr. Hoff was one of the founders of the Bible school in 1905. He

had attended Mount Morris College and Chicago University after finish-ing Mount Morris. He lived in Mc-Pherson for a time.

Dr. Hoff had travelled abroad twice, once spending a year in Pales-tine, becoming acquainted first hand with the life there and in Egypt, and again two years ago when he and his family spent a summer in south-

The late Vice-President of Bethany is also known as a writer. He wrote "The' Message of Revelation,” the part of the "Teacher Training Series of the General Sunday School Board of the Church of the Brethren,” on the Bible, and his most notable work is the responsive readings in the Brethren Hymnal. "The Character of Christ" was the title of the book which Dr. Hoff had practically completed before his death.

Mrs. Hoff will keep the home in Chicago. Besides Prof. J. L. Hoff of McPherson College, there are two other sons who mourn their father's death. A. H. Hoff, who is attending Northwestern University, and Dr. E. G, Hoff, editor of the Brethren Sunday School literature at Elgin, Ill.

Funeral services were held from the home and from Bethany chapel Dr. Edward Frantz, third president of McPherson College, and Dr. J. W. Lear and Dr. W. Slabaugh, both instructors at Bethany were in charge

of the services.


We as a student body should resolve to carry out the following reso-lutions. We resolve--

To be polite ti the faculty since politeness is compulsory in class To never tell lies about how late we were out-- this applies to girls.

To study at least forty minutes on every lesson portables cannot be played till after study hours.

To be quiet in the library other people might like to study occasion-ally.

To date steady - it's safe since Christmas is over.

To be polite at the table-- a changeis good for everyone

Not to fuss about the food in 1929 syrup. "Aley" and potatoes are perpetual anyhow.

Not to spend as much money—

Dad is broke after paying for all our

To write home oftener might as well use that Christmas stationery.

Not to use any slang— make Eug-lish teachers earn their salaries.

To make at least a B in every sub-ject- even professors enjoy sur-

To go to church and Sunday School-- on spring mornings sleep is

not so necessary.

To pay all outstanding bills--

might be piled high by June.

To have lots of pep—is needed with basketball season coming on. Not to act so dumb—this applies to Freshmen.

To always be a hundred percent-Notice juniors.

To always be dignified-- Nuff


The department of fine arts gave a student recital in the college chapel on Monday night, December 17 with the following program:

Sonata E Minor, Arleg, Allegro Moderato—Miss Una Morine. "Fallen Leaf”, Logan—Miss Margretta Okerlind. The Broken Melody, Blene Herbert Eby. "Eye Hath Not Seen" from The Holy City, Gual- -Misss Irene Steinberg. David’s Star of Bethlehem—Miss Ruth Blicken-staff, Arlequlene, Chaminade—-Miss Martha Krehbiel. The Angel and the Shepherds- Miss Ruth Heibert. Two Grenadiers, Sehuman—Oliver Iken-berry, Air de Mazurka, Bohm-- Miss Mattie Shay. "On the Road to Man-dalay", Oley Speaks-- Fred Ellis, Nocturne F. flat Major. Chopin Hungarian Rhapsody No. 11. Liszt Miss Clara Davis.


Is To Spend Two Days With Students Of The College


Sherwood Eddy, Author, Speaker and National Secretary of Y. M. C. A. To Be Here Under Auspices of Y. M. C. A.

Sherwood Eddy, renounced inter-national figure in Young Mens Chris-tian Association work as well as author of a number if challenging books, will be on the McPherson Col-lege campus Feb. 3-4. Eddy is com-ing under the auspieces of the local organization. He will lecture on in-ternational and social problems as he sees them, first presenting the cause, next the results and then possible solutions for the problems.

Eddy is a native Kansan, living in Leavenworth during his boyhood days. He was educated at Yale and later took graduate work in England, receiving the degrees of Ph. D. and L.L. D. In 1896 he accepted the po-sition as National Secretary for the Y. M. C. A. in India. He did a con-structive work in organizing and sta-bilizing the Y. M. C. A. work in this backward land. Since 1911 he has been in charge of the foreign Depart ment of the Young Men's Christian Organization. He has spent consider-able time in China, Korea, Japan, and, in fact, all Asia. He assisted in the Near East to help alleviate crisis after the war. All of this work was without salary, for he wouldn't ac-cept any type of renumeration.  Sherwood Eddy is the author of a number of challenging books on so-rial, economic and International problems. His ‘‘Facing the Crisis," "Russia, A Warning and Challenge.” and "New Challenges to Faith” may be found in the college library.


To always be a minor quantity sophomores.

To have a bigger and better school - leave it to the Bulldog spirit.

Not to cut classes-- Knowledge is

To be thorough in a lesson- for a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. thing.

To uphold the Spec-- the editorial staff is not totally sufficient to the day thereof.

To make the 1929 Quad the best In M. C. history Walker and Puckett did their last with the material at hand.

To always stand behind our Alma Mater- so say we all.



Many Interesting Speakers Will Be On The Campus


Addresses In College Church Each

Evening At Eight O-clock

The week of Feb 2-8 promises to be one full of activity and inspiration for McPherson College. Following the meetings and lectures by Sher-wood Eddy is the Ministerial Region-al Conference for the Church of the Brethren, Feb. 5-8.

Dr. J. J. Yoder is to be chairman of the conference. The speakers in-clude J. Hugh Heckman, J. W. Lear, J. A. Robinson. H. R. Hosteller, George Burgin, M. R. Zigler, H. F. Richards, H. G. Shank, D. G. Wlue, Paul Brandt, and Galen Lehman.

Each evening at eight o'clock there will be an address in the college church of general interest. J. W. Lear speaks the first evening, Tuesday, Feb. 5. Lear is the pastor of the church in connection with Bethany Bible School of Chicago. M. R. Zig-ler will speak on Wednesday evening "Trip to Palestine" is the subject of the lecture by D. A. Crist of Quinter on Thursday evening.

The college chapel hour on Wednesday will be given over to M. R. Zigler. On Thursday at the same hour Paul Brandt, alumni trustee will speak from the chapel platform. Friday's chapel will be con-ducted by J. W. Lear.


Hess's argumentative Bulldogs are getting lined up for the plat-form clashes with other conference members in 1929. What it is all about is well explained in the following clipping from the Southwest-ern student newspaper.

"That a substitute should be adopted for the trial by Jury is the proposition for intercollegiate debate this season. The fundamental issue

age jury is composed of competent men who are free from prejudice and able to decide a case on the merits of law and reason.

"The trial by jury was established in England in the twelfth century and it is guaranteed in Americans by the Constitutions of the United States. The only effective substitute yet known is to let the judge decide both fact and sentence; under the Jury system the judge decides only the sentence and the jury decides

The trial by judge has been used in Maryland since 1893 and in Con-

necticut since l921, four other states are now adopting this system. In every place where statistics have been kept on the efficiency of the

jury as compared with the trial by judge there has been considerably greater percent of convletions of people tried for felonies with the trial by judge than with the trial by jury. An outstanding example is in Connecticut where the percentage has changed under the trial by judge from 59 percent to 71 percent.

"Our country is not suffering from an over-conviction of the innocent; rather we are bleeding from the laxity of law enforcement. Since, from what we have discovered, it appears that there is something wrong with the trial by jury, which form of trial have always considered an "inalienable right.” we ought to be vitally interested in the discussion of this question".

Found !! An optomistic senior who thinks he once saw the faculty in a cheerful mood. He thinks it was last Wednesday.

The Spectator

The Student Newspaper of Mc-

Pherson College, purposing to re-

count accurately past activity—and

to stimulate continually future


Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917 at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act

of March 3, 1897.

Address all correspondence to

THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas

Editor-in-chief    Doris Ballard

Associate Editor    Leland Lindell

Editorial Staff Business Staff

Business Mgr.    Ralph Bowers

Ass't Business Mgr. Ernest Watkins Ass't Business Mgr. Glenn Harris Circulation Mgr. Lloyd Johnson

Harriet Hopkins Ruth Anderson Chester Carter Charles Collins Oliver Ikenberry Mildred Swenson Warren Sisler Bernice McClellan Murlin Hoover Byron Sjoberg

Family Adviser

Maurice A. Hess


The New Year came in watched

and unwatched. It is probable that the usual number of resolutions were made. We hope the usual num-ber have not been already forgotten. The Spectator did not make any There are too many who see it every week for it to comfortably forget one or two occasionally.

However, it did take an invoice of the news possibilities for the first five months of 1929. They indicate that McPherson College is going to be doing something. It would seem that every student might have some-thing to do.

There are, staring us in the face, those fateful finals. That is not the most pleasant item with which to be-gin an invoice, but once the bad taste is gone, other items appear more cheerful.

Gardner's cagers are expected to do wonders, beginning January 12, which means that all loyal Bulldogs will be at Convention Hall in red and white with an abundance of pep for

The debaters are starting in on another season of rag-chewing. Let's boost them for another state victory.

The Salon Orchestra and the col-lege musical groups are going to pre-sent some worthwhile programs.

Oratorical activities will soon begin in earnest.

The regional ministerial confer-ence will be held in the college

Sherwood Eddy is coming to the campus under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association.

There will be numerous social functions, both traditional and experimental.

The McPherson track and base-bal teams will show their stuff in April and May.

The Thespians will present "He and She" soon.

Then comes the last week when that dignified portion of our membership holds full away.

That week too will end the awful suspense and place the quadrangle in our hands, to actually have and to hold.

Incidentally the Spectator will chronicle these events "weakly” and the hopes of the staff are that all of these and others will come to pass and swell the news supply.


"Peace on earth good will toward men," was the message that the world tuned in on that first Christ-

mas eve, and so today yet, in order

to reveal our good-will to our fellow

has been around around left his regards, and most hospitable enough to let Jesus Christ in for a while, too!

And now what? Will we go back to a grinding, self-centered humdrum existence and forget "what manner of men we were? Christmas, with the assurance it gave its that love, friendliness and good-will still live, has slipped unobtrusively away and

Light brings growth, cleanliness and health. Wouldn't it be a good plan to clean up the old smoke-

blackened glove, or put in a new

buln, and let our lights shine during

three-hundred sixty five days of 1929? Isn't it a good time to begin

we are game? Maybe we could get of kindness we have been intending

be needful of a friend, and would

know "life more abundantly" if we

Today is a good time to quit con-demning, and start understanding. Have you an enemy? Do him a kind-ness today and you will love him to-

live? Maybe you have not lived so others could be glad you are! Do you like work? Duty well-done has its rewards. Are you hopeful? Come! Try a little faith in God, in your

Let us take time to be, to add

beauty in all we touch, and fellow our highest dreams! And we might

"I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do, or any kindness that

I can show to any fellow-being, let

me not defer nor neglect, for I shall

— W. S.

After Christmas-- what?


Christmas is over -as are our good times. Once more we struggle reluctantly to work “when ironbars do not a prison make" but after the freedom of vacation, the college walls do a prison make. We go to classes, sit listlessly, the prof asks question. "Uh hu, Sir, what did you say? No I don't know. I didn't

What do profs continue to assign lessons before vacation in the fond hopes that each group or students will be different from the last in that they will return with something accomplished during vacation. They are doomed to disappointment for all students are alike in that they all

leave the important things to the last to prepare. Perhaps sometimes in the future this will come to pass but the present prospects are doubt-


After the Christmas spirit has suffered a let-down it is hoped that at least a spark of intelligence is left with which to resume the pur-suing of knowledge. The Profs require some consideration because they hate just as badly to come back to work as we do. In class it is as hard to squeeze out information from us students as milk from a co-conut. Help the profs even if it does go hard with you.

It is rather nice to be back with all the new clothes to be exclaimed over all the presents to he compar-ed and estimated, and all the thrill-ing experiences to be rehashed. In fact it is rather exhilerating to be grunted as if your friends were glad to see you even if we do know that it is just all on the surface-- unusually After all an education is the im-portant idea so really one should not allow the intrinsic pleasures of the Christmas spirit determine form the fulfillment of the Dream of his future.

So enjoy Christmas as one of the pleasures one has along in life but after it is over we should be ready to settle down and work again.



President of Brown University Asks What a Boy of 18 Knows of Latent Capacities

"If I were entering college today.

I certainly would not attempt to choose a life career before entrance, says Dr. William H. P. Faunce in an article like Kansas City Star. Dr. Faunce is president of Brown univer-

"What does a boy of 17 or 18 know aboutt his own latent capacities or the changing spheres of private op-portunity and public service? The "limitation" of objectives" is a com-

mon error. Between 18 and 22 a young man is discovering himself and acquiring wholly new horizons.

through strange seas of thought. Before the voyage begins no sailor can select the single island on which to make his future home.

men in New York business offices, trained in a “business college," deep-

look. Competent in bookkeeping and banking methods, they are yet un-able to talk with men who know his-tory and politics and modern science. Trained to run in one grove, they

art, and are strangers in large sec-tions of American life. A liberal education should liberate a man from spending his life in a groove.

“If I were entering college I would try not to join everything in sight. Many college organizations seem brilliant only to outsiders. They offer the student a pin, a foolish ritual his picture in the college an-nual-- and a change to fritter away

his evenings.

Outdoor Sport Helpful

"As a freshman I would go in heartily for some form of outdoor sport--not only for physical development, but for release of the play instinct, for resting tired nerves, for learning to make quick decisions, judge distance and time and chance, to face opponents, unterrified,. and be a gentleman and a good sport. But

species of war, it ceases to be play and becomes a useless grind.

"The process of selecting students for the freshman class is now one of the most difficult and delicate be-fore our crowded colleges. No longer can we rely on a mere number of “points" as certifying that a man is fit to profit by a college course. He

may present points without number, but if he is lazy or vicious, if he is a loud-mouthed nouveau riche, if he is destitute of the instincts of a gentleman or loyalty to truth and honor, we do not want him.

"Three years ago we introduced a psychological test for every intend-ing freshman, and the results are extremely helpful. We also ask con-mittees of alumni to all the large centers of population to meet the ap-plicant and "size him up." As soon as a student enters he meets our student counselor, is assigned to fac-ulty advisors, is invited to meet some representative alumnus in Provi-dence and in cases of any ''complex" is sent to the psychologist who is one of our medical staff. We do not mean that any student shall be lost in the

Need of Psychology

"In our morbid, hurried, modern life the need of psychology and psy-chiatry is vastly greater than twen-ty-five years ago. Matters of temperament, maladjustment, discontent at home sense of inferiority in col-lege changing moral standards in society. and religious difficulties--all these things are more urgent than ever before, and the specialist who fills the professor's chair may not un-derstand how to meet them If psy-chology has any message for the modern world, it is vitally needed in the freshman year.

"I am old-fashioned enough to be thoroughly opposed to co-education, except as a makeshift until the col-lege can afford something better. Thee are distractions enough with-out that. To treat men and women in exactly the same way, academic-ally and socially, is to damage both.

"But I would go farther and de-cline to treat the budding "genius" in just the same way as the commonplace mind. Through small classes, through individual instruction, a tu-torial system and through "honors courses" I would give the exceptional mind a chance of exceptional achieve-ment. Let some students study eleven months in the year. If they will, be relieved of marks and grades and attendance, and graduate in two

or three years if they can.

"Real democracy means no tread-mill, but a change for unusual minds to reach swift an dshining attain-

ment:.—The Collegio.


“who compose a Vigilance community are organizing to accomplish bigger

and better things in the way of tion enforcement. They plan is not

that freshmen wear their frock

and all that sort of thing. - California Daily Times

The following is a pastor's descrip-

gregations: "Brethren, unless you repeat, in a measure, and be convert-ed, as it were, you will, I fear, be dammed to some extent."

Bethany Messenger

at the Emporia Teachers College. They

have houses, four of which are frat-

ernities and five sororities.


A speech clinic was recently con-ducted by the public speaking depart-ment of the University of Oregon.

G. E Watkins, A. B. '18 now superintendent of schools at Garnes, Kansas visited at the Joke home on Euclid during Christmas vacation.

The first forty year reunion to be held by alumni of Emporia Teachers

of 1880 which is scheduled for May

members of the class planned the

they planned for their commencement.

Alvin Voran and Howard Kern both of the class, '28, were vaca-

tion guests at the Voran home in McPherson. They are attending

school in Chicago.

"My dear, I'm simply working my-self down to a nub for the Charity Association. Just this morning I sent twelve bottles of my Christmas bath salts to the starving Armeni-

ans." --Texas Ranger

Miss Grace Crumpacker, A. B.'29 who is now high school librarian in

her mother, Mrs. Rebecca Crumpack-


Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wampler of the class of '20 were in McPherson, on the vacation. Wampler is now a

professor of chemistry at Manhattan.

giate basketball tournament to be

held on the Southwestern College court next March have been annouc-ed by Coach Monypeny of Southwest-


LaVerne Martin, B.S., '28, who is now studying in the University of

Chicago spent his vacation with his

parents in Pocatello, Ida.

For the first time, in the history of Wichita University, the freshmen are producing an all-class publica-

tion, The Green Gazette.

Every state in the Union except

tries, was represented by students at Boston university last year.

Women in Willamette university,

Miss Grace Brubaker, '22 of South Bend spent the vacation at home folks in McPherson. Miss Brubaker is holding a position

secretary of the Young Women's

Christian Association.

Mrs. J. Clyde FOrney, A. B. was a holiday guest at the Brulois home.

The entrance salary in the District of Columbia is $2, 000 a year. After

the probational period required by the civil service act and rules, ad-vancement in pay depends upon in-dividual efficiency, increased use-fulness and the concurrence of vacan-tions in higher positions. For appoint-

ment outside of Washington D. C.,

the salary will be approximately the




Dr. Hershey:    How can you make


Still brighter: The floor of youth

and the dough of old age.

A sophisticated man is one who

"No. “

"Just once. "

"Please. "


"Oh Jack why don't you shave? "

Competency will be rated on gen-

Commission Washington D. C. or

States Civil Service Board of Examin-



Miss Lois Beahm was a guest of Miss Viola Bowser at Abilene during the holidays.

To keep physically fit, make up your mind to do so and don't change

Keep busy! Plenty to do and the ability to do it is the great psalm of

Miss Laura McGaffey, A. B., '25 who is now teaching in the Junior College at Jefferson City, Mo. spent

the holiday vacation at her home in


Miss McGaffey was editor of the "Spectator" in 1925 and she also edited the "Quadrangle" for 1927.


If you can play the same games


Earley:    Hide her woolen nightie.

She called her boy friend pilgrim because he made so much progress. The first time a Scotchman used free air at a gas station he blew on all four tires.

A little hint to those who are hunting for rules of etiquette. A little gum on the knee will hold the napkin in place.

Many a man has run into church while driving with one hand.

It's the little things in life that tell. Said the flapper as she yanked

her kid brother from under the sofa Bright boy: What does college-

bred mean?

keeps his valuable opinions in him-

self when some other man is talking about women.

Billie Wells says he just can't

ladies stand, so he has to keep his

eyes shut for three hours while com-

The word kiss is a noun, but it is usually used a conjunction. It

is never declined and is more com-mon than proper. It is never singular but is always used as plural, it agrees with two.


Shortly after vacation started seve-ral students staying in McPherson over Christimas holidays, because their homes were too far away, enjoy-ed a pleasant evening at the home of Ruth Krehbiel. The evening was spent playing cootie. Paul Bowers showed such ability at the game that he carried off high score. At eleven o'clock a lovely lunch was served, everyone enjoying it to its full extent, especially Paul. Those students who had previous engagements and found it impossible to accept the kind in-vitation missed a well-spent evening of fun.


The United States Civil Service

Commission announces the following open competitive examination: JUNIOR CHEMIST Applications for junior chemist must be on file with the Civil Service Commission at Washington, D. C. not later than February 5.

The examination is to fill vacancies in the Federal classified service throughout the United States, including the Department Service at Wash-

ington, D. C.

The optional subjects are advanced inorganic chemistry, analyrical chem-istry, organic chemistry, and physical eral chemistry and elementary phys-ics and the optional subject selected.

Fall information may be obtained from the United States Civil Service chemistry.

ers at the post office for

Professor Heckman started the new year by wishing for the faculty and student body Abounding Love or

Good Will.

Knowledge and discernment or good sense to apply the knowledge

are regulating elements of Love. Love the right things, love the right persons, love in the right way.

Discriminate between things that differ in ethical value.

Things that should be loved are: service, learning, people, life, and

good habits.

Boys who were in McPherson dur-ing Christmas vacation were Ross Curtis, Emery Metzer, Glen Harris, Paul Bowers, Ralph Bowers, Warren Sisler, Ralph Keedy and Lawrence Turner.


Arturo De Fillippi, Cincinnati

Grand Opera tenor, who appeared in

the McPherson Community Building on October 29, recently gave a con-cert for the Roxy Radio Corporation of New York City. He sang from a number of the leading opera in the concert. Dr. Filippi is preparing for a joint concert tour with Miss Ermina Ligotti, a leading opera so-


The Chemistry Department of Mc-Pherson College cordially invites the public to see "Making Marda Lamps, ” A Wooden Yarn, " "Liquid Air, " "Revelations By X-Ray, " and a film on Chrystallisation in the College Chapel, Friday evening at 7: 30.

Everyone is urged to attend as

there is no admission.

with rook cards, why not use them?

Friday Doctor Heaston gave some

suggestions on health conservation.

He says that existing knowledge if applied would lengthen the average

There is no panacen or cure-all for diseases like flu, but many dis-eases can be absolutely and entirely





This will be McPherson's first chance to see "Bo" McMillan on the

friends on the bill since last Friday.

Miss Blanche Pyle of Iowa spent the holidays at the McClellan home

Bill Bigham returned to school Sunday after spending vacation at his home in Topeka.

By The Way

Miss Marguerite Wagner, who is teaching at Monument, Kansas, visit-ed with dormitory friends from Wednesday until Friday of last week.

Gilbert Myers and Leland Lindell spent Saturday at their respective homes in Windom.

Miss Adeline Taylor who is teaching in Windom, spent Thursday night of last week end and also last week end with friends in the dormi-

Miss Helen Hudson who has been ill with the "flu" returned to school Sunday from her home in Wiley, Colorado.

Miss Olga Edwards, who is attend-ing school at Bethany College in Lindsborg called on her sister, Mer-cedes, Sunday evening.

Miss Elsie Forney, A. B. '24, visited at the Forney and Brubaker homes during vacation.

Mrs. B. E. Ebel of Redlands, Calif. who is the wife of Prof. Ebel who formerly taught in the college, visited at the home of Mrs. C. A.

Misses Hessie and Orpha Davisson visited their sister, Miss Vera Davis-

Miss Olive Weaver who is teaching with campus friends.

Mr. Elrod has been visiting his son, James Elrod.

Miss Irene Baker of Ozawkie is visiting with campus friends and

Miss Irene Thacker, '28, of Pratt visited friends in McPherson Satur-day.

Misses Irene Gibson, Mercie Shat-to, Fern Shoemaker, Josephine Glasco and Ruth Trout were in Mc-Pherson for all or a part of the holi-


Miss Mabel Roseum, '28, who is teaching at Lyons visited with col-

lege friends the latter part of last




Girls volley ball season closed Monday evening, December 17, with a tournament purposing to ascertain which of the three competing teams was the champion. The victorious team was the one of which Miss Naoimi Witmore was captain, winning two successive games from the other teams by a close score each time.

The first game was played by the teams led by the Misses Velma Wine and Naomi Witmore ending with the latter winning by a small margin. The winning contestants were then confronted by a group of opponents with Miss Sylvia Flory as their cap-tain. When they were defeated Miss Witmore's team wan declared cham-

Miss Clara Burgin, volley ball manager, expressed her appreciation for the sportsmanlike altitude tak-en by the girls throughout the prac-tices as well as during the tourna-ment and also for their splendid co-operation in attending practices. Thirty-five girls won W. A. A. points for participating in this sport.

Those who attained the varsity squad are: Misses Jessie Churchill, Doris Ballard, Sylvia Flory, Mildred Wine, Rena Loshbaugh, Hazel Falls, Naomi Witmore, Regina Kliewer, Arlan Brigham Ruth Trostle, Avie Wattenberger, Nellie Collins, and Velma Wine.



Next Saturday night McPherson College plays its first conference game of the season on the home

Season tickets will be obtainable from any of the freshman boys on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. These tickets are priced at three dollars and will admit one in all five of the conference games that will be played on the new auditorium court here at McPherson. These tickets will also reserve your seat for every conference game of the year. In case you are not personally solicited for a ticket, call the Athletic office amd give your order.

Every loyal Bulldog will be found on the bleachers in Convention Hall cheering his utmost for our boys throughout the Bulldog St. Mary's game. It will take every ounce of energy in both players and support-ers to turn back the determined Irish, who are doped to have the strongest and fastest basketball team in the Kansas Conference this season with all their last season men back strengthened by a good lineup of freshman material.

"Bo" McMillan, coarh at K. S. A. C. to referee the St. Mary's game here Saturday night.

A. N. McMillan, better known as "Bo" McMillan, was a member of the-Center College basketball and foot-

to Kansas from the little Tennessee college with recommendations as a coach and referee. He is one of the men trained by Pat Moran at the time the Praying Colonels beat Harvard, Yale and some of the other strong eastern teams.

Fair play is one of "Bo" McMillan's net principals as he received his training from a coach who each time before entering a game had one of the members lead team in a few seconds prayer, and for the victory of the game but that each man do his best and play the game fairly.

court as a referee.

near Glasco.

son at Tescott.

Riebert. Mrs. Ebel is an alumnus of

McPherson College.

SCHWALM AT CHATTANOGA President V. F. Schwalm left last Friday night for ten days at Chata-nonga, Tenn., to attend the meeting of the American Association of Col-leges and the National Convention of denominational colleges.