An Extensive Social Program Is Not Sufficient Purpose To Justify Existence of the Student.
Comments Upon Campus Indicate
That Message Was a Timely One
"The task of the college is to train the student in body, mind, and spirit to become efficient leaders." President V. F. Schwalm's chapel talk Monday was an invitation to the students to cooperate with the insti-tution in performing this task for them. The institution cannot edu-cate students. The very best it can do is to offer them the opportunity to get an education for themselves. College is a place for the student to learn and grow.
Charles W. Elliott was quouted “the greatest motivation for college work in the vocational drive." Dr. Schwalm therefore urged the students to have a purpose and to work for its ac-complishment. Lack of purpose is a light to the life of a college student. The president advised that an ex-tensive social program was not a suf-ficient purpose to justify the exis-tence of the student.
gram. In the first place, society plays about half of every college stu-dent's expenses when it provides the institution and equipment. Unless he makes the best use of his time.
In the second place, an extensive social program requires an expendi-ture of money. In most cases the hard-working parents supply it. They have a right to demand that their money be well spent.
Again, physical deterioration often accompanies such a program. Late hours are a detriment to health, es-pecially if kept night after night. The last evil mentioned is that it takes the students too far from the
(Continued on Page Three)
Program Given In Honor of Franz
A memorial program in honor of Franz Schubert was given in the col-lege chapel last Tuesday evening un
der the suspices of the Cecilian Mu-sic club. The club sponsored this program in keeping with national observance of the centennial of Schubert's death
The main feature of this program was an illustrated lecture. "Pictorial Biography of Schubert". by Orion High.
Miss Dorothy Linholm played a piano solo, "Hark, Hark, the Lark", by Schubert. A quartette, the Miss-es Thelma Budge and Dorothy Swain and Herbert Eby and Orion High played Schubert's "Serenade".
The attendance numbered forty-
The Plays Were Under the Di-rection of Miss Della Leh-man, Director of Dr. Art.
Proceeds To Help Purchase Scenery
For the New Stage In the Chapel.
The usual quality of drama pro-duction by the Thespian club was witnessed last Monday night. Novem-ber 19, in the college chapel when the members of the Thespian club and the advanced expression class presented “The Teeth of the Gift Horse. ” by Margaret Cameron and "Thursday Evening by Christopher Morley, both comedies and "The Conflict" by Clarice Valetta McCauley, a dramatic presentation, all one act plays Miss Della Lehman, instructor in dramatics directed the productions.
"The Teeth of the Gift Horse showed a humorous situation of the arrival of Aunt Marietta, played by Ruth Helbert, at the home of her favorite nephew and his wife. Dick and Florence characterized by John Lehman and Miss Dorothy Swain. Just after her wedding gift to the couple had been sent to the rummage sale. The Irish maid, in the person of Miss Chester Carter, and two friends, Evelyn Blake and Ann Wil-liams played by Misses Mary Lou Williams and Lois Dell make the situation more tense but eventually smooth things over and at last aid in locating and returning the gift.
Mother-in-law situations as usual-ly portrayed were reversed in “Thursday Evening," when the
mother-in-law, played by Misses Mer-
The dope bucket sits well for a big spill.
Once again we approach the tur-key season, and also the great and famous turkey game with our flax-en-haired neighbors toward the polar star. As every astronomer knows the polar star is unmovable and fixed in its position. The Swedes are not so invulnerable as they are capable of being moved forcibly from their orbit by the special type of gravity known as the Bulldogs.
For eleven months of the year we are friendly with members of Beth-any, but for one month, during the turkey season, we become rather hostile and so do they—-but with every good reason to do so. In fact there are eleven such reasons, known collectively as the Bulldogs. In the face of all this it becomes necessary to coin a slogan which shows our willingness to “beat them at their own game”—so now "Beat the Swedes" is on the tongues of everyone. In going up steps "Beat the Swedes" hits one between the eyes in glaring red and white letters. Arnold Hall has a sign on its front which would do credit to the
Men's Debate Tryout
Thursday, Nov. 29
Game at Lindsborg Each Tuesday— 10:00 A. M.
Y. W. C. A. Meeting
Y.M. C. A. Meeting
Resolved, That Hazing of the Fresh-
men Is Desirable.
Some new and interesting infor-mation was gained by those who listened to the debate which was a
part of the Morensic club program
given last Wednesday evening in the college chapel. The subject of the debate was, "Resolved, That Hazing of the Freshmen Is Desir-able." The affirmative was upheld by Marlin Hoover and Mildred Doyle and the negative proposition was presented by Ralph Rudy and Mil-dred Libby. Ralph Frantz acted as critic judge and made his decisions in favor of the affirmative.
Before the debate Lloyd Diggs sang "Bon Jour La Bella" and Law-
rence Turner played a flute solo "The
Rosary.'' The next forensic program will be given in four weeks, the in-tervening meetings are to be taken
up by debate try outs.
The Forensic club has recently
been reorganized and the new offi-
cers promise some interesting pro-grams for this season.
Perhaps we have the wrong con-ception of pep, but we always thought it was that spontaneous en-thusiasm which naturally effervesces and puts things across, rather than a diplay of wild cannibalistic in-stincts that antagonistic and disor-
ganize. famous electric theatre sign on Broadway. Indeed this mammoth sign does herald a feature play.
"Swedes vs. Bulldogs" in which the Bulldogs are the heroes, Miss Mc-Pherson is the lady fair, and the Swedes are the villains, which in the end will slink off the field whipped so badly that it will take all the rest of the school year to re-
In the past it has seemed to be a custom for either M. C. or Beth-any to make secret trips in the dead of night to have, sort of an impromp-tu class in art. The materials used are paints and brushes. The class specializes in various lettering and designs which are very artistic to the public eye-- that is if it does not get srubed away before the public eye sees it. It is the hope that this year-ly pilgrimage will be forgotten. As yet there have been no evidences of
Pep is more intensified than ever this year. Girls, go to sleep, mutter-ing sweetly, "Beat the Swedes." Students in classes answer, “Beat the
Speaker From India and the Philippine Islands Address Convention.
souri and Kansas Constitute
Delegates of the Student Volunteer groups of southwestern Missouri and Kansas met in a convention on the McPherson college campus Sat-urday and Sunday. November 24 and 25. Students from Parks col-lege, Parksville, Missouri; Bethel college, Newton, Kansas. Tabor col-lege, Hillsboro, Kansas; Bethany college, Lindsborg, Kansas; and
Central college, McPherson, Kansas; besides a number from McPherson college attended the conference. Speakers from India and the Philip-pine Islands besides those from Kan-sas and the neighboring states con-tributed many thoughts for the de-liberation and action of the group.
A series of meetings began with a morning watch worship at nine o'clock Saturday morning under the leadership of Miss Dorothy Vesper of Bethel college. The main point of the discussion was "Would We Follow Jesus?” Miss Vesper con-trasted the richness of the life of St. Paul who struggled and died for others with the meagreness of the life of Methusalah who chose the way of least resistance. She remembered further that heathen are saying "We want your christ, but not your Christianity" a statement which challenges Christian young people to better service.
The strain of uselessness is the greatest strain any organisation can stand; whereas, knowledge of use-
Swedes" instead of saying "pres
"Beat the Swedes" instead of eating, ent." One morning everyone yelled and when pep makes everyone forget to eat then it is rather strong. We even had Kellogg's "Pep" for breakfast-- so we have pep inside and out. We have "Beat the Swedes" for three meals a day, but for once it does not get stale. If the times could be counted which "Beat the Swedes'' has been uttered in the last two weeks, it would make a string which would reach around the world sixteen times.
Seriously, however, we think M. C. is showing good sportsmanship and that the Swedes are doing like-wise. In the crucial struggle on Thanksgiving Day we hope this sportsmanship will again make its appearance and may the best man win. That "best man" is going to be the Bulldogs and they are going to completely annihilate the Swedes so badly that they will not be able to drink coffee for the rest of thee school year.
So Be it-- Swat the Swedes!
Seniors Start The Game With Only Ten Men.
men In Chapel Friday.
Friday morning in chapel the president of the senior clsss accepted the football challenge made by the freshmen class, and as the result the dignified seniors are in possession of a 19 to 9 defeat.
The game was formerly to be played between the freshmen and sophomores, but due to insufficient reasons the sophomores were unable to play The juniors were then challenged, but could not muster the courage and said yes.
Friday afternoon both teams con-vened on the fair around field. When the Seniors had taken talley of their men they could only find ten. The Freshmen were wild and ready to go, so the seniors started the game with ten men.
Johnathon kicked off for the fresh-ies. Due to a little interference on the part of the seniors, no scores were made in the first quarter. The second period had been in progress but a minute or so when the seniors' ten men were strengthened by an eleventh. It was probable a good thing that he arrived as soon as he did, for the seniors were growing
Probably the most exciting period of the game was beginning of the second half. Robert E. Pocket made
his first tackle. Joseph Yoder tried to pulvarizze an unwary freshman, and many other starring feats top numerous to mention.
The line up is as follows.
Goering |
L. F. |
Stutzman |
Harris |
L. G. |
Negley |
Carney |
L. T. |
Miller |
K. Hayes |
Fasnacht | |
Gadd |
R. G. |
Landes |
Johnston |
H. T |
Bishop |
Elkins |
R. E. |
Frantz |
G. Hayes |
Yoder | |
Voran |
L. H. |
Toland |
Goering |
R. H. |
Bowman |
Baffle |
Pucket | |
SUMMARY: Yards from scrim-mage: Freshmen 115; Seniors
(Continued on Page 3)
Breakfast To Be Served To the Pub-lic Speaking Class.
The first Wednesday morning following Thanksgiving, the public speaking class will be served breakfast. The breakfast will be served in the foods department in Harnly
After the meal is served each member of the class will give a short talk about some part of the world that is of interest. Each member has the privilege of inviting a friend. The breakfast will be served at seven o'clock.
The Student Newspaper of Mc-Pherson College, purposing to re-count accurately past activity—and to stimulate continually future achievement.
November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.
Subscription Rate
$1.50 per year
Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Editorial Staff
Editor In-Chief Doris Ballard
Associate Editor Leland Lindell
Business Staff
Business Mgr. Ralph Bowers
Ass't Business Mgr. Ernest Watkins Ass't Business Mgr. Emery Metzger Circulations Mgr. Lloyd Johnson
Harriet Hopkins Ruth Anderson Chester Carter Charles Collins Oliver Ikenberry Mildred Swenson Warren Sisler Bernice McClellan Murlin Hoover Byron Sjoberg
Faculty Adviser Maurice A. Hess
Promiscuously decorating the lat-est Swede speciman of journalistic effort wer elines of "Beat Ye Mc-Pherson Hound Dog!" Of course one can not expect too much discern-ment from the Scandinavians on canine matters, but for defiant, staunch, tenacious, and sturdy Bulldogs to be called hound dogs which connotes stinking cowardice suggests impertinence to say the least!
Come on Bulldogs, show the northern neighbors what real hon-est to goodness Bulldogs can do on the field and on the sidelines.
The dope article in this week's "Bethany Messenger" credits the Bulldog eleven with no seniors and but two juniors. Evidently at least two of our first string must have faded into nothingness or else some one was disillusioned.
Since the pep revival of last Tuesday night, there has been no lack of it about. In fact, it seems to be flowing bountifully. Signs, posters,
and effigies of various sort constantly remind us of a momentous battle day after tomorrow.
Every loyal Bulldog realizes his responsibility to keep up the old fight, his duty to attend the Swede game, and his privilege to back the Bulldog eleven.
With the knowledge that the stu-dents are counting on them, it seems more worthwhile for the team to fight with every ounce of energy next Thursday.
Let them know every day you want a victory next Thursday.
With the choice of a standard col-lege pin and ring, another tradition is established at McPherson College. Upon reflection, practically every one
would grant that this step is a de-sirable one. The universities and many denominational collegee sim-ilar to this have already taken such a step.
Much more meaning lies back of a ring or pin than every class for years has worn than one different from any other graduating clans. The fact that all graduates of Mc-Pherson College all over the country will be wearing emblems alike served as an element to bind them together. Each alumni then wears a piece of jewelry with the same sig-
nificance attached and it becomes one of the college traditions which serve to give it a richer heritage and more distinctive features.
cle Shatto and Ruth Anderson, of Gordan and Laura Johns in the per-sons of Marvin Steffin and Miss Clara Davis saved the day in the domestic affairs of the Johns' household.
In "The Conflict" the tragedy of the failure of understanding between
trayed. Miss Ruth Blickenstaff played the part of the daughter who tried to explain but who was driven to despair in the face of her mother's well meaning but unwarranted accu-sations. The mother's part, which
Clellan, showed the mother who de-sires to do the best by her children.
of understanding fails. The little sister, Bess, and little brother, Bobs, were played by Miss Mildred Swen-son and Murlin Hoover.
The proceeds netted approximately twenty dollars. They will be used
by the Thespian club as a neucleus
chapel. The attendance compared favorably with other programs of this nature. The plays evidenced much work and natural ability on the part of the casts and the coach.
fulness is the greatest urge to vibrant being. William Griffin, who led the discussion group which followed morning watch stressed the bigness of the field of service and the necessity for more student volunteers.
Bill Parkinson, Student Volunteer field secretary, declared in a brief review of the status of modern religion that Christianity is on a trial. It is the duty of the Christian student to substantiate the claims of America to her fame as a Christian nation. Mr. Parkinson pointed out the fact that the colleges need individuals with a positive, creative faith: students who are willing to pray incessantly.
Using as his text, 1 Corinthians 13, Rev. Peterson of the Philippine Is-lands led the afternoon session in a discussion of "A Most Excellent Way" bringing out the necessity, the characteristics, the permanence, and the supremacy of the way of Christ.
The evening session was conducted by Dr. Ross of India. His theme was the cal of Jesus and he challenged the delegates with the question "Is there something deeper than conviction? He declared that instead of a philosophy about Jesus in one’s mind he must have the experience of Jesus in his life. The obstacles in the path of life may be used as stepping stones instead of hindrances. They offer opportunities for one to show his strength of character.
Sunday morning, at seven thirty o'clock, the delegates were entertained at a three-course breakfast by the McPherson group. The breakfast was served in the dining room of the Home Economic department and consisted of grape fruit, cereal, muffins and butter, scrambled eggs, toast, and coffee. A great deal of spirit was shown during the meal and peppy songs were sung between
Following breakfast the group met in the Y. W C. A. room for morning watch led by Rev. Peterson. Memories, he said, constitute a large percent of thinking. In connection with this thought he brought out the fact that the work of missionaries is to teach the heathen that there is a new way—to build up new memories.
A number of the delegates at the conference were born in foreign countries, their parents being mis-sionaries, and they plan to return to these countries as missionaries as soon as their educations are sufficiently complete.
The delegates declared the meetings to have been inspirational and expressed their appreciation for the hospitality shown them by their hosts and hostesses.
By The Way
Miss Chester Carter of Perryton, Texas, went home Friday to spend Thanksgiving vacation.
Mrs. John Berkebile of St. John and Mrs Esther Westling of Con-way called on Francis Berkebile
Thursday evening.
Miss Thelma Budge spent Satur-
day and Sunday with relatives in
Ross Curtis and Leland Lindell spent the week-end at the Lindell home in Windom.
Miss Mildred Libby went to Mar-quette Friday where she spent the week end with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Swenson of Windom called on their daughter, Mildred, at the dormitory Saturday.
Miss Dorothy Turner of Hope
spent the week end at her home.
Lavelle "Zeke" Saylor, '28, who is teaching at Marion called on cam-pus friends Sunday.
Miss Hortense Larson of Linds-bnrg was a guest at the Edwin Anderson home during the student volunteer conference here last week
An absent minded professor was walking along the street one day when he met his son.
"Hello, George," he said, "How is your father?"
Judge (to Rastus who is half tight)—-Rastus you were brought here for intoxication.
Rastis- You don’t shay! Gib me either gin or rye.
Collegiate son: "Father, can you give me a position in your business?"
Father: "Yes, if you will start at the bottom and wake up."
There Once Was a Girl Who Said "I shall never marry a man who smokes tobacco in any form." Her
husband is wedded to a pipe.
"All I care about is inteleet." She married a prize fighter.
"Give me a successful business man." She married a poet.
"If a man is just and honest that's all I want." She married a swindl-
er. "After all, money isn't the only thing." She married a millionaire.
"These bookish men are such awful bores." She married a popular novelist.
"I don’t believe in divorce," She married a movie star.
"I can't stand these big brainey men who know everything." There's my chance.
Have you heard about the Scotch-man who upon hearing that laughter created appetite whipped his children before each meal.
The absent minded professor who laid his cigar on the bed and jumped
The rooster they called Robinson becauae he crewso.
Eloquence indicative of unusual reasoning and surpassing any that has recently been heard on the cam-pus will be unloosed tonight in the chapel at 6:30 when the Bulldog de-bate teams will be chosen.
From the fifteen men who are in the race will be chosen the Bulldog team and alternates regardless of classification. Then the Pup team, for the purpose of training In the ways of Bulldogs, will be selected from freshmen and sophomores who do not have a first team berth thrust upon them.
Professor Hess emphasizes the fact that past achievements will be forgotten and the teams chosen on the basis of ability as shown in the tryout. He thinks this fact should make an interesting series of debates to which he invites all students or others who are interested.
Those who are trying for the chance to give the Swedes some competition to debate are: Ralph Turner, L. Diggs, Lawrence Turner, P. Spohn, G. Myers, C. Zink, R. Frantz. G. Hayes, J. Harnly, O. Whiteneck, Kermit Hayes, Ralph Peterson, Raymond Peterson, Keith Hayes, R. Sjoberg.
HELD IN FEBRUARY Following the trustees' meeting
here at the college on February 4. 1929, the Regional conference for ministers and Christian Workers will be held Febr. 5-8 at the First Church of the Brethren.
Among the speakers will be prof. C. D. Bonsac. who is returning from a trip to Africa: M. R. Zigler, Home Mission secretary, Church of the Brethren; and J. M. Robinson of Ohio, secretary of General Ministerial Board.
The chemistry club was enter-tained last Friday evening at seven thirty o'clock in the Young Women's Christian Association room by Dr. and Mrs. J. Willard Hershey.
The entertainment of the evening was progressive rook. There were sixteen tables. Roy Saffle was suc-cessful in winning the high award. The prize was a book dealing with chemistry. Daniel Johnson was awarded the consolation prize of a
The way in which partners were chosen was unique. The ladies were given slips of paper bearing formulas of which they were to find the molecular weight. Each result cor-responded to a number on one of the papers distributed among the men,
sisting of pumpkin pie with whipped cream and coffee were served.
Robert Puckett, Ross Curtis, Allen Morine, Miss Norma Miller and Miss Floy Brown, members of the chemistry club Dr. Hershey, head of the chemistry department and president of the organization, assisted during
the evening.
When you of the Bulldog gridiron squad pledged yourselves to fight on next Turkey Day as you have never fought before and to make sacrifices for our college in the way of train-
Go see the Bulldogs play.
ing rules between now and then, the faith of those who inhabit the side-lines became just that much stronger and their pride swelled just that much more.
We are racking our ingenuity for
clever pep creators, yelling our voice boxes hoarse, and seriously, piling
to that game Thunder fighting is never before and slicking there hard nt it until the last second. We are expecting you to play that game in such a way that when we sing "M. C.'s Eleven." the line "And we're proud of you" will come from the bottom of every heart.
Dr. J. Willard Hershey, dear of the chemistry department, received
international science magazine, con-taining his article, "Oxygen And Its Reaction To Terrestial And Marine Life." Publication of this paper is of unusual interst as it was request-ed by the editor of "Nature." The Nature magazine in published in London, England and is recognizing as the leading international scien-tific magazine. Dr. Hershey's arti-cle was one of two written in the United States.
Dr. Hershey is drawing much in-terest in scientific circles with his revolutionary discoveries in the little studied field of Oxygen Dilution and Respiration. At present he is submitting white mice to prepared atmospheres of oxygen with various nitrogen dilutions.
Beat the Swedes!
The new library of the University of Oklahoma will have a large browsing room. The room is to be made as near like a private library as possible.
Remember your friends this Christ-mas by sending personal greeting
cards. If interested see Ernest K. Watkins.
(Continued from Page One)
place in which they should naturally find their greatest interest. Fre-quent trips to neighboring towns for no apparent reason are looked
upon with suspicion.
In closing the speaker made an appeal to the students to keep pure the name of McPherson College, and
for themselves to live clean purpose-ful lives.
Comments upon the campus would indicate that Dr. Schwalm's message was a timely one which has aroused the students out of their lethargy.
The regular meeting of the Young Women's Christian Association was Tuesday morning with Miss
Mildred Lamb, commerce instructor.
She read quotations from differ-ent books on the subject, "Giving, " after which Miss Lola Dell, Y. W.
president appealed to the girls to
give generously to the Y. W. fund.
She told about the possibility of
Mrs. Grace Overton coming.
Miss Lamb then explained the Y. W. budget which was written out on the blackboard and she pointed out the deficit.
Misses Ruth Ellenbarger and Syl-via Edgecomb sang "Whispering
Hope. "
Miss Della Lehman spoke briefly abut Mrs. Overton and her person-ality as a possible factor in develop-ing the girls into more beautiful
"Does the Young Men's Christian Association On the McPherson Col-lege Campus Justify Itself" was the question under discussion at the meeting last Tuesday morning at ten o'clock in society hall of Harn-ly Hall. Roy Frantz, leader, ex-plained that to many the Y. M. C. A. was not necessary and that it did not justify its existence He reviewed the history, analyzed the present, and recommended the future of the organization.
James Elrod spoke on "Some Things Our Y. M. C. A. has accom-plished In the Past". He maintained that its existence has been justified in the development of the four-fold life of the students. The associa-tion has been responsible for bringing to the campus such speakers as Kirby Page and Dad Elliot. As a friend to every man on the campus, the Y. M is the first to welcome the new student and to help him to adjust himself to his new environment.
Answer to the question, "What Can I Do to Help My Y. M C. A. Justify Its Existence. " was made by Leland Lindell. Things he enumerated included being a member, par-ticipation in programs, service, and cooperation with fellow men.
Warren Sisler, president of the as-sociation. handled the subject. "Things I Can Do In the Future to Help My Y. M. C. A Justify Its Ex-istence. " Among those were living the life of a Christian gentleman, developing an appreciation for other people and their viewpoints, helping every man to realize his greatest possibilities, being true to one's self.
About 135 people were present to enjoy the Men's Bible Class banquet in the Brethren church basement last Thursday evening. The guiding
spirit of the evening, the theme of the occasion and of the program planned was "The Value of Fellow-
ship. ”
Dr. V. F. Schwalm toastmas-ter of the evening. While awaiting being served with supper, those pres-ent enjoyed a medley of old familiar tunes, played by Lawrence Turner, and a reading by Miss Della Lehman. After dinner, a number of speak-ers were introduced.. Paul Sargent
spoke on the value of fellowship. Miss Edith McGaffey followed with
a presentation of the thanks of the ladies, who were the guests of the men. Professor Nininger and Ray Strohm spoke on what the Men s Class means to them. Dean R. E. Mohler spoke on the opportunities afforded through the church.
Other speakers were Professor Heckman, Mr. W. R. Carlson of the local Baptist Church. Galen Lehmen of the Monitor Church, and Rev. Richards.
Not unlike the brewing of a storm was the student attitude toward the "Swede*' game. It gathered force as it went until it burst out in a riot of pep last Thursday morning in the weekly "vim rouser. " The storm is still raging] and is expected to reach its height Thursday afternoon. No-
The main feature of the program were: the upsetting of the "dope" ing, pledging allegiance to the squad on the part of the rest of the stu-dent body, promising to be true to rules on the part of the members of the squad, and a tribute to the football men.
To the rhythmic strains of familiar pep songs played by the pep or-chestra under the leadership of Max
Conner, the students assembled in the chapel seven days before the big "Turkey day" game for the purpose of absorbing and radiating that in-tangible "something" called pep.
Lusty yelling, hearty applause, and whole-hearted singing showed that the true Bulldog spirit was aroused in the hearts of students.
Suddenly a number of otherwise
enthusiastic M. C. enthusiasts ap-peared on the stage arrayed in blue-and gold, the venerated colors of our Viking neighbors to the north Captain Tarrant of the "Swede"
Sisler whose beplumed helmet gave him an air of dignified aloofness. Self-confidence shone in every face of the fair-headed representatives as their captain placed before them the dope jugs hearing the inscription "Swedes to Victory". However, after having given a few cheers, the jug was upset and the "Swedes” fled in terror.
The football men were then called in the stage and the Spirit of Mc-Pherson college, in the person of Roy Frantz, asked the student body to pledge loyalty to them through
thick or thin. To this there was a hearty response. The members of the squad then pledged allegiance to the rules of the game and M. C. 's standards.
Another outburst of enthusiasm swept over the crowd and found ex-pression in singing and yelling. "Jack" Lehman, notorious for his self-conscious modesty, delivered an address in honor of the football heroes. After many digressions he reached his main point "The Bull-dog Line Won't Give. "
A snappy yell concluded the pro-
orchestra played a popular selection with a lively strain. If enthusiasm is an index in victory, the Bulldogs
can't lose.
The three one-act plays that are to be presented in the chapel Thurs-day night by members of the Thes-pian club and advanced expression promise to hold the interest of the most varied audience.
Each pray presents a different type of drama ranging from light comedy to tense dramatic situations. The casts have been rehearsing
consistently the past week. Indica-tions are for a good entertainment. The admission is thirty-five and
twenty-fire rents The Thespian club, which is sponsoring the pres-entations, plan to purchase stage
scenery with the proceeds.
The plays have been under the di-rection of Miss Della Lehman, in-
structor in dramatics. Every one is urged to see "Thursday Evening, " "The Conflict, " and "The Teeth of
the G Horse. "
Professor Cecil B. Williams of the English department of Oklahoma A. & M. college will be visiting on the campus Thanksgiving vacation. Wil-liams was formerly in the McPher-son college English department. Ronald Warren, a graduate stu-
dent of Oklahoma A. & M. of Still-water will accompany Williams on his visit Warren is a McPherson graduate of the class of '28. He was assistant in the chemistry department and is now serving in the same position at A. & M.
Williams and Warren have come back to their alma mater for the ex-press purpose of seeing the Bull-dogs beat the Swedes.
The Bulldogs Are In Good Shape To Play Thanksgiving.
Yards gained from punts: Freshmen, 115; Seniors, 116. Fum-bles, Freshmen, 2; Seniors, 3. Lost in scrimmage. Freshmen 35 yards Seniors 63 yards. Penalties: Freshmen 20 yds.; Seniors 2 yds. In-completed passes, Freshmen 6; Sen-iors 60. Completed passes: Fresh-men 4; Seniors 4. Gains first-and-ten, Freshmen, 3; Seniors 2. Off sides. Freshmen 4; Seniors 2. Of-ficials: Referee, Nonken; Headlines man, Rump; Time-keeper, Snow
"For the discipline of sorrow,
For the angel of distress,
For the unseen hand that draws us into greater blessedness.
For the lips that close in silence For the strong hands-clasped in
For the strength of heart that suf-fers.
But sings not in despair;
For the penitence and patience That are meek beneath the rod. And for hope's glad resurrection.
We give Thee thanks, O God.
“For the hope that right shall tri-
For the lifting of the race.
For the victories of justice.
For a coming day of grace.
For the lessons taught by failure. Learnt in humbleness and pain, For the call to lofty duties That will come to us again.
In God
Shall not be put shame,
For the faith that lives in all the world.
O God! we praise Thy name."
According to Coach Gardner the team is in as good form as they have been at any time this football sea-son. Though dope. if that means anything certain in the pigskin world, seems to favor the Swedes the Bulldogs have been shapening their fangs for this final scrap. There is no misapprehension on the part of the Bulldogs. They expect to go against a stiff team this Turkey day. They also expect to play a game far surperior to anything they have played this season. With the rest they have had since the last game, the perfection that has seemed to come out in the last few days of practice, the strict observance of training rules and the pep worked up by the rivalry tbe fans of McPherson and the surrounding coun-try are expecting to see a hard fought game.
Though the pep on the campus is finding its expression every day we believe there is no false psychology being talked. The boys and the student body seemed to be confident of the rally that is to come next Thursday. Those of the flaxen hair have taken the victory the last three years but this year we belters the tide to have turned. Those who will go into battle with Captain Nonken will probably be Blickenstaff and Rump at end, Lengle and Wine at tackle position, Windmill and Whiteneck at guard. Bowers at center, Wells, Nonken, Swain and Graham at backfield position.
Captains Nonken and Tarrant will lead their teams to the field for the battle at two o'clock next Thursday afternoon. Every loyal Bulldog will be expected to be at Lindsborg to help "Beat the Swedes."
The McPherson "Bankers", twice champions of the Kansas Independent league, will open the 1928 season on Thanksgiving evening against the strong Carey Salt five of Hutch-inson in a non-league game on the new McPherson city auditorium court. The "Bankers" have been working out since October 1 under the tutelage of R. R. Uhrlnub, one-time all-Missouri valley guard with Kansas university, and are expected to present a fast working combination in their opening game.
Two members of the all-conference team of last seaaon will be teammates on the Banker five this season: last year they were keen rivals. They are, Leo Crumpacker and John Butler. In the McPherson-Bethel games they lined up against each other, and it was a game of wits, speed and brawn. In the first game Buller was held down, but in the last he was the outstanding star of the memorable contest that won for the Bulldogs the Kansas Conference title.
Buller is undoubtedly one of the outstanding stars that the game has produced. He twice made the all-
conference honor team and last sea-son was chosen captain of the mythical five. In total points he was beaten only by the inimitable center on the Bulldog quintet, a race that was decided in the final game on the McPherson court. Buller also holds the state record In Kansas high school basketball, having scored in one game, a total of 65 points against Sylvia high school. He tosses thir-ty field baskets and five free throws.
The feature game on the Banker schedule this season will be played January 3 when the Cook Painter Boys, national basketball champions. make their appearance In McPher-
I don't like to yell at football games And what's the use anyway? The opponents never understood what we are saying and the team knows our sentiments already. Then half the time the teams can't tell which one we're yelling for. So again I ask What's the use.
Our cheer lender seems rather foolish in asking us to cheer when we're losing. That’s when we’re feeling bad and feel the least like yelling. If I yell, I want to yell when I feel like it and not when we are hopelessly defeated.
You can just call me an old sorehead if you want to but I've noticed
osophy. They are some schools whose students yell this way. That’s where I got my ideas.
Let's beat the Swedes! If victory is even remotely connected with a good cheering section, let's have a walkaway.
And in that song where we sing "you do your best, boys we'll do the rest.” let's not rest while we're do-ing the rust.
Lindsborg, Kan. Nov. 26—A new mode of intercollegiate warfare was inaugurated here today when two students of Bethany College visited the campus of McPherson College via airplane and scattered stickers and confetti over the town of the rival school.
The trip took only thirty-three
minutes and left the McPherson cam-pus covered with a deluge of Bethany blue and yellow. Herbert Hel-del, Council Grove. Kan., and Virgil Yowell of Bridgeport, Kan., the boys who made the trip, told their fellow students they had made a "perfect shot in the distribution of color over the McPherson campus.
McPherson students are said to have made more than one visit to the Bethany campus recently. Both colleges claim they will even the affair when their respective football teams meet at Lindsborg Thanksgiving.
The above from today's Hutchin-son Herold must have been an unsuccessful attempt at fortune tell-ing, for unless we are color blind, the only colors we see about is red and white. Evidently the wind was in the wrong direction to carry the "deluge" here from where they were dropped, a mile cast.