“Beat The Swedes”
McPherson college, McPherson. Kansas, Tuesday, nov. 20,1928
NO. 10
Reverend Richards Reviewed Man's Pugnacious Instincts.
"The Church's Stand for Peace Is of
Little Value Unless It Does
"Peace" was the theme for a full
hour on Monday.
By way of introduction Reverend Richards reviewed man's pugnacious instincts. Basing his judgement upon the movements of the day, he ex-pressed the belief that war may one day be abolished.
Professor Jamison read and dis-cussed the Briand-Kellog treat. It has three main faults: Defensive war was not outlawed and each nation may
decide for itself whether a war is
defensive or not; signatories may go to war for a third nation: and there
is no machinery to compel obser-vance of the treaty. Despite its weaknesses there is some value in it. It was done in the open and not secretly as was done before the War. It expresses a will to peace. And it will have a good moral effect.
Dr. Schwalm, in a few closing remarks, paid a tribute to the men of foresight who conscientiously re-fused to fight in the last war. The leading thinkers are coming to real-ize the true heroism of these men. War has been defined as a means of settling disputes. But it this it has been unsatisfactory and there-fore it should be discarded.
“The church's stand for peace is of little value unless it does something. ” was a significant statement made by Profossor Jamison.
McPherson County is the only county in the world which has all of its various types of welfare work organized under a single head.
Miss Katherin Godfredson, the head of this work, told some of her experiences Wednesday. She pre-sented the fluid of social service and welfare work as a possible vocation for those who are interested in such work. Attention and comment initiate that the students were well pleased by her address.
Beat the Swedes!
Announcements have been re-ceived of the marriage of Isaac T. Dirks, '33, to Miss Florence Fast of Halstead. Mr. Dirks is remem-
ered as a very enthusiastic debat-er while is college. Since gradua-tion, he has been superintendent of schools at Moundridge.
At last the soccer tournament wherein were involved so many ties ended and team 1 emerged vic-torious. The last game was played last Tuesday. It was a scoreless battle until the last five minutes when Elaine Gustafson kicked a goal for her team. The members for the winning team who have won an extra fifteen points for the Women's Athletic Association awards are: Iva Crumpacker, Genevieve
Crist, Florence Peck, Lila Eberly, Clara Burgin, Blanche Pyle, Doris Ballard, Elaine Gustafson, Hazel Ratliff, and Rena Loshbaugh. The varsity team is composed of Prudence Weaver, Hazel Falls, Sylvia Flory, Iva Crumpacker, Leta Wine, Doris Ballard, Ruth Blicken-staff, Clara Burgin, Rena Losh-baugh, Genevieve Crist, Attilia Anderson, and Elisabeth Hess.
"Beat the Swedes" was the slogan adopted by the student body at the pep meeting Thursday morning. After a few yells had been given. Ray Nonken, captain of the football team asked for the wholehearted sup-port of the students during the next two weeks and through the Swede game on Thanksgiving day. Prof. Maurice A. Hess was introduced as the peppiest member of the faculty and spoke briefly on the subject "What 'Beat the Swedes' Means to Me." Prof. Hess advocates beating the dope, thereby the Swedes, and proving to everyone that McPherson College is a real school. Arrangement is being made for a
big pep meeting and bonfire the night before the game. Between now and then the slogan is "Beat the Swedes."
Beat the Swedes!
President V. F. Schwalm drove to Beloit last Wednesday, where he ad-dressed the county Sunday School Convention. In the address Dr. Schwalm made a report on the World Sunday School Convention held in Los Angeles last summer. He made an educational address in the
Friday evening the president went to Plevna where he spoke at a Fathers' and Sons' banquet.
Beat the Swedes!
Prof and Mrs. H. H. Nininger entertained at a dinner last Friday ev-ening. The guests were all mem-bers of the McPherson College Natural History trek of last year. Aft-er dinner Prof. Nininger entertained the guests by showing a number of the motion pictures of their adventures in reverse order, in which was witnessed huge rocks coming up to meet the explorers' hands and one individual rolled uphill.
Those present were James Elrod and wife, Miss Louise Muck, John
Lehman, Kenneth Rock, George
Swank, and John Harnly.
Tonight in the college chapel an illustrated lecture of forty slides will be the main feature of the public program presented by the Cecil-ian Music club. It is a pictorial biography of Schubert. Composi-tions of that composer will also be
(Continued on Page Two)
Why do the former students of M. C. like to come back to their old Alma Mater? The answer is—-they like to be recognized and exclaimed over. The underclassmen always look with open-mouthed wonder at the cultured, sophisticated, mahog-any finish which these alumni seem to have. The present juniors and seniors that are familiar with these people know that the so-called poise of the world is just a cover for the real eagerness of these grown-up boys and girls to be back on this old college campus, where in other years they were feted, praised, and looked up to by freshies who, even as these do not know any better.
At the foot ball game, there were to be found the old football stars. They were not up in the grandstand sitting primly with hands in pockets, and a hared expression on their faces - no -that was left to the present crop of young hopefuls. They were down on the sidelines and
- Chemistry Club Social
Saturday, Nov. 24
Student Volunteer Retreat Monday. Nov. 26
Student Recital Each Tuesday at 10:00
Y. M. C. A. meeting Y. W. C. A. meeting
Beat the Swedes!
To Speak At the Dedication of the
First Church of the Brethren in Hutchinson.
President V. F. Schwalm and Dr. J. J. Yoder are to give the main ad-dresses at the all day services next Sunday, November 25 at the dedica-tion of the First Church of the Brethren In Hutchinson.
Dr. Schwalm speaks both morn-ing and evening. Dr, Yoder is to give an address at the afternoon meeting. He is also chairman of the dedication services in the morn-
Beat the Swedes!
The second team of McPherson College showed some pretty good football with Haws calling signals. The Minneapolis team was a selec-tion of stars from Minneapolis, Solo-
mon, Delpho, and the surrounding
A pass from Haws to Burnison scored a touchdown in the first quarter. Minneapolis scored twice in the second quarter. Once as the result of some hard line plays and a second the result of a recovery of a McPherson fumble. The third quar-ter a pass from Haws to M. Miller tied the score 12 to 12. Neither team was able to put the pigskin over the cross-bar for the addition-
al points.
McPherson's lineup at the start was Miller, center; Zink and King, guards Fritz and Mowbray, tack-les; Sargemt and Burnison at end. M. Miller, Haws, Barngrover and Camel, backfield positins. White-neck, Omart, Ikenberry, Andrews and Rheulen subsituted. Ray Non-ken of the first team accompanied the boys on the trip.
Miss Vera Cade visited home folks at Abbyville over the week
the bench and were vociferously directing the team how to play. Snorts of disgust and unpolite expletives
hearty comments as those floated about. "Huh! that was a bum play
--why, I did better than that on my team back in '25": “Yeah these fresh young puppies don't know their stuff like we used to back in '26. Gosh! I’d like to be out on that field again."
We wonder why old graduated like to gather in the dear old M. C. dining room-- now we know. They miss their good, nourishing "spuds" and gravt. Once more they lose the "school-teacher" calm dignity and actually are heard to make grama-tical mistakes such as "Hand me that bread you poor flab, and be snappy about it," or “Shoot that syrup across." They like to forget they are civilized and just be college kids.
Last Friday night when several
Wednesday, the Animal Husbandry class directed by Prof. R. E. Mohler journeyed to Wichita to attend the Kansas National Livestock show. Three cars carrying fifteen fellows left the college soon after breakfast Wednesday morning and returned in the evening.
While in Wichita the class studied the various exhibits at the show. They saw some of the best exhibits of beef cattle ever shown. The entries in all beef cattle and In light horses were the largest seen for some time. During the afternoon sales were held in the large arena of the Forum, at which perhaps two thousand or more people were present. Animals from stockmen of all parts of the United States changed
The experiences of the day were educational as well as interesting to those who made the trip.
Beat the Swedes!
A series of revival meetings will be held at the Church of the Breth-ren beginning December 2.
Rev. W T. Luckett of Hutchin-son will be the evangelist. Luckett is now pastor of the First Church of the Brethren of Hutchinson. He was graduated from McPherson College with the class of
A few minutes each day last week were set aside in observance of prayer week. Each evening at 6:15
about fifty students met for prayer
in the Y. W. C. A. room. The "Lord's Prayer" was studied by phrases. Prayer was directed along the lines of peace, race problems, and other world problems.
Observance of prayer week was one of the many efforts of the Young Men’s and Women’s Christian Associations to enrich the lives of the students on the campus. The attendance and seeming interest of the students were very gratifying to those in charge.
World Service Group has decided that the Kansas-Southwestern Missouri Student Volunteer Reyreat he held on the McPherson College campus. This retreat will continue from November 22-28.
A special business meeting was
(Continued on Page Three)
of these veterans were called upon
to speak a pleased flush lighted up their faces, and they struggled vainly to get that celery out of their throats so they could tearfully express their sentiments. One dear old graduate chokingly remarked that he was glad to get back to a "square meal." As to that we think his emotions must have overwhelmed him.
One popular graduate was heard to remark to his beautiful blond wife also an M. C. graduate, "Well dear, nothing has changed -people take walks after supper, explore the ag building and come in late, just like we used to." She answered, "Yes. And aren't these new freshmen just too sweet in their budding love af-
Once again we remark that it is a queer alumnus who never turns back to his Alma Mater—either to show how well the world is treating him or to see if the old school is being run properly by his successors.
Play Followed Very Closely the Plan of Robert Burns' Poem.
Many Say This Number Is the Best
That Has Been Presented This
The stage at the Community Building was transformed into a typical Scottish home in the low lands in the latter part of the eigh-teenth century for the presenatation of the musical play. "The Cotter's Saturday Night." The play came to McPherson Monday, November 12, as a number on the lyceum course.
It is notable that the play followed very closely the plan of the poem "The Cotter's Saturday Night" written by Robert Burns. Some other poems written by Burns and the greater part of the comedy were put in the play which are not to be found in the original poem.
The setting of the stage was very simple and in keeping with the at-mosphere of the poem. The characters spoke in the dialect peculiar to the Lowlands of Scotland and their costumes were characteristic of that country. The comedy was clean and wholesome and, if applause is a true indication, was greatly appreciated by the audience. The music which was given in the play was well received and fitted into the atmosphere of the whole play.
The stage setting, the characters, the music, the comedy, and the coin worship seems it combined to make a picture of simple home life. Many who attended the perform-ance have stated that "The Cotter's Saturday Night" is best of the lyce-um numbers which have bitrerto been presented.
All candidates for the varisty de-bate team will meet in Room D at 1:10 P. M. Tuesday. Nov. 20, to draw for sides The tryout will be held in the Chapel at 6:30 P. M., Tuesday. Nov. 27.
Candidates for the women's teams will draw for sides in Room D at 1:10 P. M. Tuesday, Nov. 27 and their tryout will be held Tuesday, Dec. 4, at 3:30 P. M. Details con-cerning the tryouts will be given when sides are drawn.
Y. W.
Miss Norine Howard had charge of the Y. W. meeting Tuesday morn-ing which had for its theme,
Miss Helen Hudson paid a tribute to those who had lost their lives in service as well as those who had returned disabled and sick,
"The Blessedness of Peace" was discussed by Miss Lila Fields. Miss Howard then told of the share college girls could have in
promoting world peace.
The Y. W. benediction closed the service.
The Macoed club met immediately after breakfast Thursday morn-ing to dismiss certain problems re-lating to the creation of pep and en-thusiasm among students for the approaching Swede game. They de-cided to sit in a group at the regu-lar pep meetings and give whole-hearted enthusiasm to the yelling. Miss Elizabeth Hess was made chair-
(Continued on Page Two)
The Spectator
The Student Newspaper of Mc-Pherson College, purposing to re-count accurately past activity—and to stimulate continually future achievement.
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917. at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.
Subscription Rate — $1.50 per year.
Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Editorial Staff
Editor-in-chief Doris Ballard
Associate Editor Leland Lindell
Business Staff
Business Mgr. Ralph Bowers
Ass't Business Mgr. Ernest Watkins Ass't Business Mgr. Emery Metzger Circulation Mgr. Lloyd Johnson
Harriet Hopkins Ruth Anderson Chester Carter Charles Collins Oliver Ikenberry Mildred Swenson Warren Sisler Bernice McClellan Murlin Hoover Byron Sjoberg
Faculty Adviser Maurice A. Hess
"McPherson College has one of the most colorful and best organized rooting sections in the Conference. All wore red and white pep sweaters, came early and stayed to sing their Alma Mater song until all had left. And what's more they yelled." --Bethany Messenger.
That this bit of literature came from the pen of some fair-haired journalist to the north should be of more than passing interest to Mc-Pherson Bulldogs. If the red and white impressed our Saxon friends, what must it mean to the Bulldogs on the field? The brilliant array undoubtedly has its stimulating ef-
colors and thus announce that you are back of the team.
Of course we came early and we stayed to sing "All Hail to Thee." It was the manifestation of the true Bulldog spirit that brought the rooters there full of enthusiasm that did not wan even in the face of ‘defeat. That same spirit prompted us when we "yelled."
We can consider this excerp from the Bethany editorial column a com-pliment perhaps, but it indeed was not unwarranted. Let us make it a challenge to keep up the old fight. If the same animated spirit that was observed at the Bulldog-Coyote con-flict is kept continually in the air until Thanksgiving, the effects can-not be tangibly measured.
To know that a loyal student body is backing the team, one hundred per cent is an incentive fur any gridster, The source of victory lies for a great part in will power and in the conviction that it is possible.
The thing that confronts every real Bulldog in the coming two weeks is to make the idea of beating the Swedes such a part of him that the Gardner eleven becomes saturated with it and it is a reality. The Bulldogs will hit the Bethany line with a force directly proportional to the rigor with which we hit the line here every day until McPherson College temporarily migrates to Sweden to witness the annual Turkey Day battle. Go to it!
King: You have been a great fool You may choose the manner of your death.
Court Jester: I choose to die of
Royal Yoder: How's that? Whiteneck: You look at it and wonder what time it is.
Sargent—You promised me a job. Boss—Well, I told my secretary to give you one.
Sarg-- But he wanted to put me
to work.
Berky: Where did you get these
Negley: Pucket give 'em to me, Berky: Well he certainly knows the ropes, doesn't he?
What do you think of the new
federal officers?
Half of them are capable of nothing, while the rest are capable of
First movie star: What a lovely
fur coat you have; your husband must have a better part in this film. Second movie star: No, I have a better husband now.
Young wife: Boo, Hon, I'm going
home to mother.
Husband: You can't, my dear. She day.
Prospective mother-in-law: If you
marry my daughter, it will kill me.
Suitor: (Anxiously) Can I count on that?
Red K: Can’t sing eh. Well let me tell you. I have a better ear for music than you have.
E. Windmill: Well sing with your ear then. What comes out of your mouth is terrible.
Byron S: I’ve just killed five flies --two males and three females. Rock: How can you tell?
Byron S.: I caught two on the card table and three on the mirrow.
By The Way
Miss Jeanette Hoover and Francis Berkibile spent the week end in St.
Miss Adeline Taylor who is teaching in Windom called on dormitory friends Sunday afternoon.
The Misses Blenda Asp and Mercedes Edwards spent the week end at their homes at Canton.
Miss Louise Muck of Glen Elder
spent the week end at home.
Emporia—The resignation of Dr. Frederick W. Lewis as dean of re-ligion at the College of Emporia, was announced last Friday. Dr. Lewis, who was president of the college ten years, resigned this position last fall to become dean of religion at the same institution. His resignation from that office comes to enable him to become associate executive to the president of the Biblical semin-ary in New York City. His resigna-tion will be effective November 15.
Presidents of sororities at the University of Arizona have given permission to the girls of the Uni-versity to smoke, and to allow girl’s halls and houses to establish smok-
"Babe" Ruth and "Lou" Gehrig, when interviewed by a student reporter at Ohio State, said that their advice to college students was for them to hit the ball every minute, and not wait until they had finished school.
One out of every three men in Yale University earns his own way, according to figures gathered there in the past few weeks. a total of $594,l87.28 was earned last year by Yale students, the figures indicate. The University extended financial aid by means of scholarships, longterm tuition loans, and emergency short-term loans.
Students of the Illinois Agriculture College consumed ten bushels of peanuts, four kegs of cider, and five bushels of apples at their annual peanut banquet.
The University of Illinois makes it possible for juniors and seniors with a three point average, the highest obtainable.
to take unlimited cuts in the class-es without going on probation, by the sponsoring of a new rule.
Houston, Tex., Nov, 19 -(UP) — Hazing of freshman students at Rice Institute by upper classmen, said to have taken the form, for the most part this year, of paddlings with brooms, has brought suspension, dis-missal and probation to three students.
Columbia University has altered its curriculum so that the students are divided into classes according to the quality of their work.
Alexander Kaminsky, the late Czar's last court violinist, and concert master of the Imperial Grand Opera Orchestra, thrilled his bearers in chapel last Friday in a number of selections. Kaminsky, a converted Jew, has deserted the concert stage to give his undivided attention to the church. His playing is not a mere exhibition of technique, but unlike many artists, he plays from his heart and soul. He is a very interesting and lovable personality. He was well received by the student body.
Kaminsky is in the city giving musical selections for the various meetings of the National Convention of the Defenders.
Entrance requirements for fresh-man woman at Northwestern University were made unusually strict this year. Only those from the upper quarter of their high school classes were eligible. This was done to equalize the number of men and women in the school.
Freshmen at Ohio State will be required to wear freshman cups all year. Instead of the former custom of abandoning them at Thanksgiv-ing.
(By New Student Service)
It is very probable that the grade school teacher's load will soon be lightened by the use of films In teaching. The Eastman Kodak Company, acting with the National Educational Association, has just completed an experiment that seems in demonstrate conclusively the superiority of the new method over the old. In geography a thirty-five per cent gain was registered by the pupils taught by means of films, and a fifteen per cent gain in general, science. Approximately 5500 children were taught with films and 5500 more were taught the same material without the aid of motion pictures. In public schools, scattered over twelve cities.
A 500 word report has just been completed by Dr. Ben D. Wood of Columbia and Dr. Frank Freeman of the University of Chicago, di-rector of the experiment.
"In this experiment," the report said, "we have studied the films not as a panacea to be substituted for present instrumentalities of the schools, nor as a means to revolu-tionize the aims of education, but as an addition to the present pedagogical devices of the schools which may help in the attainment of currently accepted goals." As one might expect, a majority of the teachers and school officials report -ed that the use of classroom films had been "more effective in arousing and sustaining the children's interest. In improving the quantity and quality of their reading, and in aiding them to correlate features of the lessons with personal experiences and community conditions."
The J. L. Hoff home was the scene of much merriment last Saturday evening when thirty-six of the members of the college Freshman-Sophomore women's class gath-ered there for a social time.
The guests arrived at seven thirty o’clock and did not lack entertainment the rest of the evening. A variated program consisting of toasts, readings, and solos was given by members of the class.
Miss Mildred Lamb, the class teacher, gave an informal talk to the girls. In response. Miss Leta Wine gave a brief talk on the pur-pose of a Sunday school class. This was followed by a vocal solo "Pale Moon" sung by Miss Hazel Falls. The
reading "Talk About the Weather” was given by Miss Helen Louise Hudson and Miss Lola Beahm read "I
Ain't Gonna Cry No More,”
Four young ladies next displayed their forensic ability by extemporaneous debating on the subject Resolved—that a lip stick is more useful to womankind than a broom stick." The Misses Sylvia Flory and Evelyn Saylor upheld the affirmative and the proponents of the broomstick theory were the Misses Mildred Wine and Mildred Doyle. The judges gave their decisions to the negative contestants.
"Cootie", a new and enticing game, was the center of a great deal of interest for some time. Miss Lil-lian Horning won the first prize, a pair of china salt and pepper shakers, and the consolation prize of a handkerchief was awarded to Miss
The guests were then instructed to find their places at quartet tables which were daintily appointed. Bouquets of pink and white chrysanthemums made this center piece for each table.
The Misses Helen Kline, Ruth Trostle, Helen Louise Hudson, and Lois Beahm served a two course luncheon consisting of potato salad, cheese and meat sandwiches, tea, pink and white brick ice cream and white cake with pink icing.
A number of toasts on the general theme of “the College Girl” were given between courses and follow-
Dawson acted as toast mistress and the toasts which were given were: "The College Girl" by Miss Clara Burgin, "Religion by Miss Ethel Shery, "Work" by Miss Alberta Yoder, "Play" by Miss Edna Hoover, "Eating" by Miss Beth Hess.
At a late hour the guests departed each expressing her enjoyment of a lovely evening.
Beat the Swedes!
One hundred years ago Nov. 19 Franc Schubert died in Vienna at the age of thirty-one years. All the world has been observing the death of the composer of "Ave Maria," “Hark, Hark the Lark," "The Ex-King”, "Serenade", “The Unifinished Symphony", and many other vocal and instrumental compositions.
The culmination of this great cele-bration for America is being ob-served the week of November 13. Churches, colleges, public schools, civic organizations and theaters are all honoring the memory of the "People's Composer”, Schubert, who has been ranked with Beethoven and Bach. "Back to Melody" is the slogan adopted by the National Schubert Centennial, a great organi-zation of educators sponsored by the Columbia Phonograph Co., Inc.
McPherson College is observing the week with Schubert music in the chapel periods under the direction of the Cecilian Music Club. The Friday chapel will be devoted entirely to Schubert.
The college and community are
urged to attend the special obser-
ance this evening.
serving of lunches to our own and visiting teams after basket ball games when that season opens. Members of the club also discussed the feasibility of adopting an in
library notes
(Continued from Page One)
It has recently been disclosed by
A wedding of interest to McPher-son college students was the mar-riage of Miss Pearl Crumpacker to Chester Murrey, both former Mc-Pherson college students, which took place at eight o'clock Saturday even-
ing, November 10 at the Monitor church in the presence of one hun-dred friends and relatives.
Preceding the ceremony Mrs. Anna Tate, voice instructor at McPherson College, sang "Oh Promise Me" and "At Dawning ” James Reed. and Dennis Andes, both of Monitor, play-ed "Louvenir" by Drdla.
As the groom and his best man, Leo Crumpacker, brother of the
bride, entered by a door near the
altar, Miss Crumpacker entered from the rear of the church on the arm of her father, E. L. Crumpacker. She was preceded by the ushers, Wray Whiteneck and Royal Yoder; little flower girls, Phyllis Misher and Kathleen Lehman; her bridesmaids, Mrs. Garret Stagelman of Grenola, and Miss Edith Murrey, sister of the groom; and her maid of honor, Miss Iva Crumpacker, Miss Olive Weaver of Garden City played Mendelssohn's "Wedding March".
Rev. William Yoder of Morrill, uncle of the groom, officiated at the ceremony, which was performed before an altar decorated with ever-green and autumn flowers; large baskets of chrysanthemums tied with yellow tulle bows stood on either side of the lattice arch under which the couple stood.
The bride was charmingly and simply dressed in white satin back crepe, with white hose and white satin slippers. She wore a tulle veil, and her only ornament was a string of pearls. She carried a bou-quet of bride's roses and lillies of the valley.
The maid of honor wove rose taffeta and carried pink roses.
Mrs. Stagelman wore green geor-rette and Miss Murrey lavender georgette. The little flower girls wore frocks of blue and yellow.
Following the ceremony a recep-tion was held to the basement of the church where a pink and white course was served by the bride's Sunday School class.
Mr. and Mrs. Murrey left for a wedding trip to California, They will be at home May first near Con-way.
Robert Puckett, originator of "Bull-dogmas" has characteristically sur-prised the student body by doing something different than any of them have done recently.
Mrs. Carrie Zeigler announces the marriage of her daughter Stella to Robert Puckett at Kansas City on Oct. 27. They are now at home at 415 West Twelfth street in Hutch-inson.
Mrs. Puckett has been employed as stenographer by the Hutchinson
Motor Co.
Puckett, a member of the class of ’29, is editing the ‘29 yearbook, as-siting in the chesmitry department, and has been a member of the Mc-Pherson track team the past three
Readings In English Social History
This book, by R. R. Morgan. contains extracts from contemporary writers, which depict life in England from Pre-Roman days down to 1837: the food and clothing; the games; feastings and burials; the methods of fighting on land and sea; the laws and customs; the education
and trade; the joys and sorrows, in fact, all that goes to make what is callled “life."
Flowers For Every Garden The amateur who has no interest in technical garden literature will find in this book by Louise Bush-Brown an invaluable stack of prac-tical advice and information, point-ed, arranged, and expressed. The author, backed by wide experience
and unquestioned authority has ap-proached the amateur's problems di-rectly, succinctly, and helpfully. The first three sections-- Bulbs, Annuals, and Perennials-- present a group of favorite flowers which are all within the abilities of the average gardener. Other sections are devot-ed to "Roses", "The Garden Medi-cine Shelf", "The Garden Calendar," and others.
Modern English In The Making.
McKnight of Ohio State University wrote this rich history of the de-velopment of the language from Chaucer to the present, which is told with grace and charm and sustained
No one can claim to know the English language who does not know its history. In the vocabulary and structure of the language is reflect-ed the whole history of the English race. And the history of this lan-guage is as interesting as that of the literature to which it has given
The material of the book is fas-cinating. It abounds in quaint forms of speece. Interesting survivals, startling derivations. It is packed full of human interest and reflects the influence of dominant personal-ities of each stage of the story.
Europe: A History of Ten Years
In his recent book Mr. Buell gives
a clear and consise analysis of the situation in Europe today, the causes of the present condition, and lines
along which the countries of Europe will probably tend to develop. In his first chapter he gives a picture of Europe as it prior to 1914, racially, politically and social-ly, and summarizes the causes of the War. In two other chapter he further fills in the background by a
brief study of the War and of the Peace Conference. As the result of the Wars, writes Mr. Buell, certain states such as France and England set about repairing the damage without making any profound changes in their social or political structure; while other states, such as Germany, Italy, Russia, and the new states of Europe, made sweeping changes.
Mr Ruell calls attention to cer-tain factors which affect the peace of Europe in the future economic barriers and minorities, reputations, and debts, armaments, and new con-cilation treaties, and the work of the League of Nations and the World Court.
Other New Books.
"The American Yearbook," a rec-ord of events and progress for the year 1927 has just been received, also the "Statesman's Yearbook" The following biographies of the
Twelve English Statesmen series have been procured recently: Peel, Chatham, William the Conqueror, Queen Elizabeth, Walpole, and Pitt. Walker's "Calvin" is especially val-uable since it is out of print.
Several of the books that were missing from the library last week have been returned but Cabot's "What Men Live By", Manly's
"re-Shakespearean Drama" and
Smith's "Twelve Prophets" have not
The eighth week of school just fell short of holding the record for the number of books checked out. In the second week of school there were an average of 262 books a day while 240 per day was average for the eighth week.
sailed last Monday evening after a letter asking that the retreat be held on the M. C. campus had been received. The members of the group enthusiastically responded in favor of the request and granted it.
Students from over the state and some from Missouri will be delegates here. The program will include a
It will be a privilege to hear.
Every M. C. student is urged to plan to spend the week of Novem-
Page Four
Increasing interest in women's athletics is indicated by the number of girls who are participating in volley ball. The captains have been alerted and the teams chosen. Prac-tice will be in the gymnasium each Monday and Thursday evening. The teams are as follows:
Ruth Blickenstaff Iva Crumpacker Margaret Devilbliss Mable Lee Early Verna Falgren Madalyn Gray Helen Kline Evelyn Saylor Mildred Swenson Ruth Trostle Sylvia Flory, captain.
Attillia Anderson Myrtle Ainsworth Josephine Glasco Blanche Pyle Edna Hoover Ruth Bish
Odessa Crist Regina Kliewer Mildred Doyle Sylvia Edgecomb Jessie Churchill Arlan Brigham, captain.
Florence Weaver Doris Battey Leta Wine Myreta Hammann Clara Grabner Florence Lehman Genevieve Crist Prudence Strickler Loulee Allen Florence Peck Mildred Wine Velma Wine, captain.
Doris Ballard Lena Beaver Floy Brown Nellie Collins Hazel Falls Elaine Gustafson Fern Heckman Rena Loshbaugh Elsie Muse Hazel Ratliff Avie Wattenbarger Naomi Witmore, captain,
The modern forms of bathing as they now exist did not originate as quickly as most of us might be prone to think. As a matter of fact, the evolution of the bath dates back to old Roman Empire, under Augustus Caesar. His watchword was clean-liness and throughout the whole of the Roman Empire there was a campaign of cleanliness.
In the various parts of this vast empire the Roman Emperor found different conditions of conflict to his program of cleanliness. He found that the Turkish horsemen of South-era Siberia kept their clothes without change until they fell to pieces and to them bathing was punish-ment. In central Africa he found that members of the same tribe would pick the lice off one another's scalps and then spray the head with a solution that is similar to “Fly-Tax" in its effect on these pygmies. To the north of Rome among the Teutons Caesar found that these barbarians bathe only once during the hot season and that this bath is very rigorous so that it will last until the next hot weather of the next year.
The results of this campaign were successfuk, for example, in the Sahara Desert the inhabitants of this arid country somehow managed to take their early morning bath and to repeat this operation several times daily. They also shampooed their heads, cleansed their nails, combed their hair and scoured their clothing once each week.
Let us advance a little farther up the scale of evolution. During the Middle Ages the church undertook another campaign of cleanliness. The monks were permitted to bathe at Christmas and Easter. They were allowed to wash their clothing every fortnight. The common people were less extreme and monthly baths were often heard of. It was about the fifteenth century that towels, basins, and sprinkling cans gained entrance in the countries of north Europe. In Denmark baths were considered indispensable, and it is said that one liberal Dane gave his entire fortune for the purpose of purification, the amount of which is about equal to John D. Rockefeller's gifts to educational institutions.
The American Indian bad his own unique bath. He constructed a sweat-lodge within one of the wigwams. In this sweat-lodge he placed red-hot rocks and upon these rocks he would throw hot water, the result would be that the lodge would he filled with steam and there he could bathe until the rocks cooled. When they had boiled out all of the steam they would dash outdoors to slip into the snow or the cool water of a near stream. The modern theory was applied: a hot bath with a cold shower following.
In Germany and France public baths were established which might correspond to our nowaday so-called night-clubs. It was the favorite gathering place for all of the upper society: even the royalty were seen, the most prominent of whom was Henry IV or France who seldom via-isted with hygienic motives. Marguerite of Navarre, the royal adviser in conversation with Henry IV is quoted as saying, “Behold these
beautiful hands; though I have not cleaned them for eight days they eclipse thine."
After the downfall of the insti-tution of public bath houses the Age of Filth nets in for a period of time. The ahe of invention brought the wooden bath tub, later the porcelain tub, the shower, and the swimming pool. Who will venture to predict the future?
All grades were mailed out last Saturday and Monday. The following report comes from the dean's offic. The honor roll designates those students who have made forty or more honor points.
Honor Roll.
1. Lola Beahm.
2. Arlan Brigham
3. Iva Crumpacker
4. Helen Eberly.
5. Kathryn Esau.
6. Evelyn Fields.
7. Fern Galle.
8. Keith Hayes
9. Ruth Hoffman.
10. Daniel Johnson.
11. John Lehman.
12. Bernice McClellan.
13. Helen McGill.
14. Melda Mohler.
15. Fred Perry.
16. Marla Reimer.
17. Ethel Sherfy.
18. Mildred Swenson.
19. Dwight Stutzman.
20. Leta Wine
21. Naomi Witmore.
High Ranking Students.
1. Doris Bailey.
2. Lola Beahm
3. Arlan Brigham.
4. Iva Crumpacker
5. Margaret Devilbliss
6. Mildred Doyle.
7. Helen Eberly.
8. Kathryn Esau.
9. Evelyn Fields.
10. Lila Fields.
11. Fern Galle.
12. Ernest Geeslin.
13. Irene Gibson.
14. Ruth Harms.
15. John Harnly.
16. Keith Hayes.
17. Ruth Hoffman.
18. Jeanette Hoover. 19. Helen Hudson 20. Lela Hultquist.
21. Beth Hess.
22. Ida Kingsley.
23. John Lehman.
24. Rena Loshbaugh. 25. Bernice McClellan. 26. Helen McGill.
27. Emery Metzger.
28. Melda Mohler.
29. Fred Perry.
30. Marla Reimer.
31. Ethel Sherfy.
32. Philip Spohn.
33. Irene Steinberg.
34. Dwight Stutzman.
35. Mildred Swenson.
36. Lawrence Turner.
37. Leta Wine.
38. Mildred Wine.
39. Naomi Witmore. 40. Daniel Johnson.