McPherson college, McPherson, kansas, Tuesday, sept, 18, 1928



McPherson College, The Quality School, Is The Main Topic.


Outside Activities The Side Shows Of College Life, Declared Dr. Schwalm.

The first meeting of the entire student body for this year took place Wednesday morning when the faculty members and students assembled for chapel services in the church. A large number of visitors, among them several alumni, were nine present.

Miss Brown. head of the piano department, played a march as the group gathered. Miss Tate, new voice Instructor, led the body in singing an appropriate hymn, and Dr. Harnly led devotionals, reading a familiar passage from Proverbs. Miss Tate then sang two solos: "Yesterday and Today" and "Trees",

after which Dr. Schwalm gave the opening address of the school year. In his address Dr. Schwalm declared that the task of a college is to grow personalities large in life. In order to do this it must first be

a school of quality. McPherson college, he stated is equipped to do this. It has a resourceful faculty whose members are interested in youth; its tools of learning are ef-

ficient---- It has a practical, working

library, and well equipped laborator-ies. It is clearly the duty of the students to contribute clear think-ing, hard study, and discrimination

in choosing activities.

Dr. Schwalm refined outside ac-

tivties as the side shows of college life and he urged the students to be careful not to make study a side show instead of a main performance. He declared, "There is growth in doing any worthwhile task. Know-why you are here and do not waste time, money, or character, Devote to a high ideal. "

The first chapel service was

closed with another hymn sang by the entire group and the body dis-persed to attend classes which began immediately after chapel.



The enrollment of McPherson College for the 1928-'29 school

shows and increase of 30% over last year's record. The office records show a total of over 400 students. with others still to enter.

The classification of the enrolled is as follows: Seniors, 51; Juniors. 45; sophomores 75, and freshmen 115. Those not included in the above are enrolled as special stu-dents. The freshmen class shows a decided increase over that of last year. It is also the largest class for several years.

The music department of the college has the largest enrollment in the history of the institution. The violin theory division of the de-partment under the direction of Prof. G. Lewis Doll has a total of  enrollments. The piano division led by Dean Jessie Brown and Miss Fern Lingenfelter has 76 en-rollments. In the voice division directed by Mrs. Tate there are 32 rollments.



Ralph Bowers was unanimously chosen business manager for the Spectator to fill the vacancy left by Charles Blah at the student council meeting last night. According to the constitution the staff is allowed to fill any vacancy. Bowers was recommended as the best possible candidate.


Friday night was the scene of the annual watermelon feed sponsored by the Young Men and Women's

Christian Association. The evening started off with few singing of college and old time songs. When ev-eryone fell in the mood, games and a regular “get-acquainted” party was started by Coach Gardner. Aft-er the group had become acquainted the coach divided the group into four small circles for their games.

At just the proper time came the call "Line up for the watermelon. ” The four play circles quickly swung into orderly line formation to at-tack the goal of the evening—watermelon. Piece after piece of the red-meated fruit perished between gnashing teeth until slowly the attack subsided with still a few of the melons left. Even the freshmen seemed to have had enough to eat.



New Instructors For Commerce, History, English, Voice And Art Departments.


A Great Help In Making This A ‘'Quality School. "

The new teachers who are helping to make McPherson College a “quality" school include Miss Mildred Lamb, Mr. B. F. Jamison, Mrs. Amos C. Tate, and Miss Clara Col-line.

Miss Lamb, the commerce teacher comes from Lawrence, Kansas where

sistant in the county treasurer's office. Miss Lamb is a graduate the ElDorado high school and rereived her A. B. from Kansas University . Her graduate work was done at Leland Stanford University where where she had some experience as as assistant teacher, and from which school she received her Masters degree.

Mr. Jamison is a graduate of La Verne college. He has had one semester and one summer of graduate work at Pamona college and holds A. M. from the University of Southern California, Mr. Jamison in filling a position in the history and English department made vacant by the resignation of Professor Williams and the abscence of Professor Bright. He had had teaching exper ience in the public schools of western Kansas and in the high schools of California.

Mrs. Tate, the voice Instructor, is

a graduate of the College of Emporia. She holds a life certificate from the State of Kansas. She has stud ied in the Dunbar American School of Opera in Chicago. During the past summer Mrs. Tate was enrolled

It’s a marvel where they all come

from, but it seems clear that Moth-er's apron strings have passed to other hands, for her youngsters have gleefully presented themselves at McPherson College via the Gallopin' Goose, the Santa Fe, the Misery Pacific, and R. I.

My grandpa used often to say “They ain't what they us'ter be! " but I suspect that were he here now. his verdict would be. ‘‘Wal! wal! A chip off the old block. They look a bit young, but they'll soon grow up! No crime to be green as long as ye grow! ”

The upper classmen generously share with them the rich heritage of ideals and chewing gum evident under the parking facilities; also, the exclusive right to wear the little red thinking cap. (We warn the

freshman ladies to carefully avoid the college farm.

They will throughly enjoy Miss McGaffey's classes in Rhetoric and Composition, we feel sure, as these will be their very own.

Wo feel that it is only fair to Introduce them to the hidden wonders of the Graveyard drive and the rail-road track, and of the three local parks. We trust that they will soon stumble onto the charms of the Euclid trampway, with its ups and downs. We warn the freshman gen-tlemen, however, to be wary of swiping the upperclassman's girl, for it might result in suffering and tribu-lation.

As to the obscure corners of Arnold Hall parlors, there is some

question. To avoid conflicts and un-

forseen surprises, they should ar-range with Matron Trostle for spec-ial hours. Bigham, Berkebile, Rump and company have special conces-sions. Trespassers will be persecuted and run out speedily. Seats on the porch railing and the steps are not reserved!

We heartily extend to the class of '32 the honor of being the first new class in the new chapel, and chal-lenge them lo be the best class in the history of the McPherson College.

Finally, we dedicate to them the services of the faculty, who will begin remodeling at once. Perhaps a new coat of paint and a few slats will do wonders. Bricks are in order. Present all bills and loose change to J. J. Yoder.



Many Spend Summer Teaching And Traveling.


Dr. Schwalm Attends World's Sunday School Convention In Los Angeles, Calif.

Many of the professors exper-ienced rather varied summers, al-though not all of them did have the good fortune to do the exciting things Prof. M. A, Hess and Miss Margaret Heakethorne did.

Professors Hershey, Bright Boone, Brown, Lingenfelter and Doll taught In the McPherson College summer school after which Profes-sor Hershey and family motored to Virginia.

Prof. Hess spent the summer travelling in the east and while on the way his killing instinct rose upper-most and resulted in the death of a Missouri cow.

Professors Hoff, Bowman, and Heckman vacationed in various lo-calities.

President Schwalm, Dr. Yoder and Rev. Richard attended the World’s Sunday School convention in Los Angeles, California.

Prof. Jamison finished his work for his masters degree in the University  of Southern California.

Dean Mohler and Rev. Teach ean-vassed for students during the summer.

Professors Nininger and Blair and Miss Lehman taught in the Rocky Mountain summer school at Palmer, Lake, Colo.

of being chosen in Schuman-Heink's

Master class, studying under Madam schumann-Hein herself.

Dr. Harnly took a trip lo Texas look after interests there.

Miss Byerly, home economics teacher, studied at Oklahoma A. & M.

Miss Heakethorne, besides working at the library, proved herself quite efficient in driving her new Ford—incidentally smashing a few lamp posts for amusement.

Coach Gardner attended a coach-ing school In Superior, Wisconsin.

Prof. Fries, after the close of summer school made a trip Pennsylvania.

Most of the faculty are back, believing themselves better equipped for their tasks, and envincing a great deal of enthusiasm for the coming school year.

“Now, " said the college man to his dad at a football game, “you'll see more excitement for two dollars than you ever saw before. "

"I don’t know, " replied the old gent. "That's what my marriage license cost me! "




The first Sunday evening at McPherson the students attended a Vesper Service on the College Campus. The service was led by Professor Hoff. Miss Delta Lehman read several poems, suitable for the occasion, Miss Lois Dell, President of the Young Women's Christian As-sociation, then presented a few ideals of college campus life and of the Christian Association on the campus. Warren Slater, president of the Y, M. C. A., in a few words showed how students cannot afford to let the Christian ideals of the

campus slip by. He told how Christian organizations serve the purpose of the student. Professor Heckman gave the closing talk of the service, telling how we should try to learn to live the well-propor-

tioned life, and how without the higher things of life, one does not really live. A large number were present at the service.



Students Appear In Beat Regalia To Greet Faculty, Old Friends and New Students.


"Giving" Line Serves Refresh-


The climax of the get-acquainted socials of this year came when the faculty, acting as host, entertained the students at a reception Monday evening in the basement of the

Bretheren Church.

At eight o'clock the members of the faculty formed a receiving line and welcomed the sutdent guests as they arrived—all resplendent in their best attire. When each arrival had exchanged greetings with those In the time he took his place at the end of the line and greeted the later arrivals.

When the last guest had come and the line was complete everyone requested to be seated and a gram wsa presented.

Prof. Hess made a few characteris-tically pithy remarks on the general theme of the necessity of discrim-ination and thought of that which one learns. He emphasised the fact

that anything worthy of retention in the mind of a student should bear the ear-marks of value. His manner of illustrating his point brought much laughter.

Prof. Hess brief speech was followed by several numbers played

by the college orchestra under the di-rection of Prof. Doll. Mrs. Tate then sang “Lovely As the Wind"

"The False Prophet. " “The Lift of a Laugh. ” and another short musical reading were given by Mrs. J. L.

(Continued on Page Three. )


First Game With East Central

State Normal, Ada, Oklahoma.


This Year's Team Will Be Heavier And Faster Than Last.

A very promising condition exists in the Bulldogs football camp preceding the first game of the season. As a foundation. Coach Gardner has seven letter men of last year around which to build his team.

Forty five men reported for prac-tice at the early workouts. Of last year's letter men, Whiteneck, Non-ken, Graham, Miller. Bigham, Bow-ers, and Rump are back again for this year.

For new material Coach Gardner

has a large variety. Last year's team lacked weight. This year's

team will neither lack weight nor speed. With Nonken, Wells, Hoch-strasser, Miller, Graham, Bigham. and Swain trying out for the back field speed in their positions will

not be lacking.

"The prospects for this year are

better than they have ever been, " stated Coach Gardner. “So let us

as a student body stand behind the team and give our support. "

The Bulldogs first battle will be against the East Central State Nor-mal team of Ada, Oklahoma, Septem-ber 28th. The first conference game will be with Friends, of Wichita. October 5, at Wichita. The first home game will be with St. Benedict.

Eight games are scheduled for this

The new material coming in are

as follows:

Lengle, Burlington, Colo., l90 lbs. tackle; Snow, Joplin. Mo., 170 lbs. guard; Wells, Joplin, Mo., 165 quar-ter; Wine, Waumeta. Nehr., 175

tackle; Toothbaker, Huxie, Kan., end; Fretz, Canton, Kansas, 190; Grant, Galva, Kan., 190. guard; Blicken-staff, Quinter, Kan., I75, end: Bow-

man. Quinter. Kan., 160, tackle; Hochstrasser, Conway, Kan.,     155,

full back; Peck, Fall City, Nehr,. 150, half; Sauer, Fall City, Nehr, 170; Sisler, Emmett, Idaho, 195,

guard: Zink. Windom, Kan., 250, guard: Ellwood, Windom, Kan., 170; guard: Elkins, Aline. Olka., 154; end; Whiteneck, Aline, Kola., 165. end: Ralph Miller, Crowley, Colo., 175, tackle.


The first social function sponsored by the Voting Women's Christian As-sociation this year was carried out with apparent success last Tuesday afternoon when the members of

that organization acted as hostesses to the freshman girls and the fem-inine members of the faculty at a pink tea served In the parlors of Arnold Hall.

The guests began to assemble at

three o'clock, “Big Sisters" made

their “Little Sisters" feel at ease and some lime was spent In conver-sation and getting acquainted.

A brief program composed of readings and musical numbers was given. Bernice McClellan read "Confidence"; two vocal sols, “Thy Beaming Eyes" and “Grandma" were sung by Mrs. Tate, the new voice instructor; and Mildred Swen-son gave the reading, “The Swimmin' Hole in the Church. "

Refreshments consisting of punch and wafers were then served and everyone departed expressing herself as having enjoyed a pleasant and ln-teresting afternoon.

We are sorry we can't print some of our best jokes, but they are running about the halls.

worthwhile use of the building and other college property as well time and energy there is possible.

The Student Newspaper of Mc-Pherson College, purposing to re-count accurately past activity --and to stimulate continually future


Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.

Subscription Rate-- 1.50 per year.

Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas


These things which are invaluable

these things that are not measured

is doing those things which are

not spoken in terms of credit hours are the things that give color in life. Just such experiences are

against one at the Estes Park


Estes Park Conference is a place

where people who think differently learn to think together, and where

people who think as the crowd does, learn to think differently. Both cases are very healthful for the


After a student has spent a year or two in college, he finds that his

mind has become clogged and mud-dled with things that have been


in its store house, and have not been arranged in order. One becomes dis-satisfied, has an uncomfortable feel-ing and does not know what causes the unrest. Often this unrest causes him to lose interest or discontinue

for a time. He has a feeling that it may be necessary to think sometime but does not know just when and how to start.

If you you should find yourself in a

similar condition plan to spend two

weeks at Estes Park next spring. it

is one place where this transition can

unconspicously and with-out pain. It is your conference,

why not enjoy it?


Activity indicates life and life suggests growth. The commotion on the campus at the cast end of the administration building is a con-

inutation of the activity that has

been in progress throughout the

summer months. It is hoped that a little over a week will see the completion of the remodeling of the college chapel. Those who have previously been a part of McPherson College realize the need of this im-provement and can sincerely appreci-ate it. It will no longer be a thing

of the future but a reality.

The side walls that were formerly open have been closed the interior redecorated, and other improvements in appearance made. The new stage will provide a suitable place for programs and entertainment, a thing that was needed on the campus. The members of the class of 1928 have left as a memorial in their alma mater funds to purchase a velour stage curtain. New seats will replace the old chairs features will make the chapel a place where students will better ea-joy attending chapel and in which they will be proud to present fine

programs and most visiting col-leges in forensic activities.

Dressing rooms have been built

in the basement. The room used by the Young Women's Christian Asso-ciation has been enlarged. An at-tractive feature is a kitchenette in connection with the larger room.

This step towards progress did not just happen. It is the result of an earnest campaign of faculty members, students, alumnae, business men, and other friends of the college, that was in general responded

to generous]y and kindly. Many re-sponses meant sacrifice.

Probably the best means of ex-pression of appreciation among the student body is to make the most

By The Way

Miss Margaret Anderson of Hutch-inson spent the week and at home.

Among the alumni who spent all

or part of the week-end on the cam-pus are: Nellie McGaffey '27. Mary Harnly '27. Ethel Mae Metaker '27 Mildred Fike '27, Anna Mae Edge

comb '26. Emmert Stover '27, Ira Ihde '28. Clarence Hawkins '28. and John Whiteneck ‘28.

Miss Mercedes Chapman, former-

ly head of the dramatic department was a campus visitor last week

Autumn Lindblom, Lela Rhodes,

and Ira Ihde all of the class of '28 have departed for K. U. where they will take post graduate work.

Mr. and Mrs. Marathon High of

Columbus, Ohio were week-end campus guests. Mr. High is work-ing on his master's degree at Colum-bus University.

Misses Fern Shoemaker and Eu-

genia Dawson went to Hutchinson Friday where Miss Dawson will work during the state fair.

Miss Louise Muck who is en route

to Austin where she plans to attend Texas University visited friends on the campus Saturday.

Misses Mercedes Edwards, Blenda Asp. Norma Miller, and Margaret Kelly spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks at Canton Leland Lindell, Gilbert Myers and

Leslie Myers of Windon spent the week-end at home.

Mr. and Mrs. Milton Dell and little daughter of Marion called on Miss

Lois Dell Sunday.


Several hundred students repre-senting over 40 colleges of the Rocky

Mountain region gathered at Estes for the Young Men & Women's Christian Association conference June 6-16. Lois Dell, Ruth Ander-

son, Eunice Longsdorff, Irene Thack-er, Marrvin Steffen, Francis Berke-bile and Miss Lehman represented

McPherson College.

An interesting but varied program of addresses by nationally recognized authorities such as

buhr Eddy, Corbett, Earp, discus-sion groups, forums, or quest groups and association hours was offered.

Recreation, planned to suit all tastes, teas, tennis, hikes, basket-ball, baseball, fishing and horse-back riding, and other sports has their share of attention.

Beside the privilege of making personal acquaintace with college

students from other campuses and of other races, the conference offered workable ideas as to how to

find a way out on perplexing ques-tions about personal relationships what to do with your life and how

to take hold of the things to be righted on your campus and in the world.

The most detailed study of the many questions facing the Christ-tian youth of today was done in Quest Groups which met for one hour each morning. One group studied the race problem under the leadership of Miss Dorothy Givin, a colored young people's worker of Denver; another group supervised by John Ise, professor of economies at Kansas University, endeavored to solve the question or creative living on the American farm.

F. C. Stephenson helped the For-eign Polley group to learn both sides of the question of our altitude toward China, Nicaragua and the other countries of the world. Another group studied the possibilities of eliminating war.

This ten day's vacation in the Rockies, according to the delegates, proved of personal value as well as

enabled them to secure new ideas for strengthening the local Y.W. & Y.M. organizations.



Eighty-six freshmen attended the faculty-freshman luncheon in the College Church basement Friday evening. Sept. 7 which was the opening event of the Freshman Week program.

The five days' program, Sept. 7-11 acquainted these new students with McPherson College, its traditions, buildings, and faculty, and enabled them to be carefully matriculated In the college.

Following is the outline of the program as carried out under the

supervision of Prof. Boone, fresh-man adviser:

Freshman Week Program

Friday, Sept 7:

7: 00 P. M. —College church Base ment, Faculty-Freshman Luncheon Social. Program: Music, provided by Miss Brown: Address of Wel

come. Dean R. E. Mohler: Introduc-tion of Faculty; Aims and Purposes of College Course, Prof. J. A. Blair; Reading, Ruth Hiebert.

Saturday, Sept. 8:

9:00 A. M. —Filling out Data Cards.

9:30-- Writing Standardized


10:00-11:00-- Recreation

11:00-12:00 —McPherson College, Its Aims, Ideals, Activities— Dr. J J. Yoder.

2:00 P. M. —In charge of English Department —Miss McGaffey.

3:00—Rotation Groups

Tour of Campus. Library Instruc-tion—In charge of Freshman Com-mittee. Boone, Hess, McGaffey, Williams, Utrecht.

5:30 Class Hike and Temporary Organization. Ted Crist of Garden City was elected president, and Wil-lard Peck of Fall City, Nehr., secre tary-treasurer.

Sunday. Sept, 9:

Freshmen are at liberty to attend morning services at the College Church or at any church of their choice in the city.

2:30 —Automobile tour of the city.

6:30—Vesper service in charge of John Lake Hoff.

Program: Short talk—Miss Dell, Pres. Y. W.; Short talk-- Mr. Sisler. Pres. Y. M.; Address—"Religious Life of College Student—Prof. J. Hugh Heckman; Music—-Arlene Saylor.

8:00 —Special Church service College Church; Freshman sermon —Rev. H. F. Richards; Music by Orchestra.

Monday, Sept. 10:

9:00 A. M.    Lecture—Curriculum

Building—Prof. V. F Schwalm:

9:30-4:00 —Registration of Fresh-men—Freshman Committee. Tuesday, Sept. 11:


Diggs—Are you the fellow that cut my hair last?

Barber—I don't think so; I have only been working here six months.

T. Crist—Every time I kiss you I become a better man.

M. Kelley—Well, you don't need to try to get in heaven in one night.

Miller—Can you give me a job? Merchant— I'm not making much money and can't afford much help. Miller—I won't be much help.

"That girl is grace personified." "What did you say her last name was?"

K. Hayes—You are the eighth wonder of the world.

V. Bowser—Don't you ever let me catch you with one of the other seven. ”

A mind is like a parachute; it will not function unless it is open.

Prof. McGaffy—Use "despair” in a sentence.

Frosh—We had a flat tire today and Pop had to use "despair. ”

Be yourself-—if other people will stand for it.

Boo—Don't you think brightens the home?

Hoo-Yes we have a light burning all night now.    —Exchange.

a baby

9:00 A. M. —Lecture— Student

Health—Dr. H. J. Harnly.

9:30-4:00—Registration — Fresh

man Committee.

Those freshmen ranking among the ten highest in the English and literature tests that were given during freshman week were as follows: English

Dorothy Turner Velma Eldridge

Evelyn Fields Genevieve Crist Ethel Sherfy Doris Battey

Ralph Keedy

Evelyn Saylor Ralph Turner Ethel Sherfy Mildred Doyle

M. Mitchell Hazel Ratliff Evelyn Saylor Sylvia Flory Literature.

Doris Battey Dorothy Turner Arnold Sell Wayne Hoffman Atillia, Anderson


"The United States' Oil Policy. " by Professor John Ise was given to the library by the Yale University

Press. This company is also forwarding the library a copy of "The Theory of Gene” by Professor Thomas H. Morgan. These books are included by the American Li brary Association in its list of the

forty Notable Books of 1926 as an-nounced in "The Book List” for February, 1928.

Other gifts were, a list of pam-

phlet files presented by Miss Imu Fulton. "Early Childhood Educa tion," by Pickett, and Boren given by Misses Elma Waltner and Bertha Kim. "Secondary Education” by

Douglass presented by Miss Jewel

Newton. Misses Portia Vaughn, Ruth Holderread, and Mr. A. J, Vor an also presented some useful books. The Jewish Tribune sent

cover for their magazine.

The tables in the reading room have had a new coat of varnish. New shelves have been built in the

basement for files of old magazines

and some of the older reference




Sunday we designated as Harvest Sunday at the College church and an all day service of thanksgiving

was held, featuring a fellowship dinner at noon and a special afternoon

service. Besides the regular Sunday School, morning and evening ser-vices, the College Christian En-deavor met for the first time this year.

The program of the afternoon meeting was as follows.

Music    College Orchestra


Led by Rev. Lehman of Monitor Address    Rev. Roy Teach

Selection    Mixed Quartette

Reading    Miss Della Lehman

Vocal Solo Mrs. Tate

Address    Rev. J. H. Heckman


Mrs. V. F. Schwalm, Harold Brahm

Benediction    Rev. Teach



Tuesday, September 18, has been

designated as the day for the Me-Pherson County Christian Endeavor Rally. It will be held at the Church of the Brethren here. The new Field Secretary, Mr. Harold Lovitt of To-peka, will be present. A splendid program has been planned, which

will be helpful to officers, leaders, and workers, as well as anyone in-

terested in Christian Endeavor work. Registration will start at 5: 30 and the program will be con-tinuous through the evening. A

luncheon will be served at 6: 15. The price of plate will be 35 cents each and

tickets will be on sale at the Col-lege Book Store.

It is hoped that a large attend-ance will be here to help put En-deavor work in McPherson County. The public is invited to the program.


Of course it is great to be here! The hub-bud and excitement of wel-come that has present on the campus all week is a good indication

that no one sent word to the engi-neer to slacken the speed of the

train enroute to M. C.

It is no wonder that old students returned with great eagerness and

the freshmen entered with enthus-iastic expectancy. After a year of outstanding achievements in 1928, there are reasons enough to be eager to begin another round of ac-tivities in the school of quality.

The renovation in general about

the campus, to say nothing of the chapel, the increase in enrollment, the big football squad, all serve as an impetus for the pep and enthus— iasm necessary to put the best foot foremost to make this year the best ever in the history of M. C. The

task is-- since the ball is started, to be kept rolling.


John P. Gavin in Children Magazine. The primary question is not, "What college" or “Where? '* or

even "How? ”—but "Whether? " Not everyone should go to col-lege. A lamentably large proportion

of those now going through the mo-tions of attending college are wast-their time, energies, and money: in many cases suffering positive

harm, being in various ways, unfitted for the life they will have to live. and at best getting show for it at last. They are wast-

ing their time, energies, and money not only of themselves but of the college, cluttering up the place and impeding the progress of those who

really belong there to say nothing of the depressing effect upon the tem-

per and optimism of good men and women who have to struggle with the problems thus created.

So, bearing in mind that “he" means the young person of either

sex in whole sole interest it is writ-ten, let us ask ourselves at the outsuch questions as these:

Vital Questions

Shall he go to college at all? Does he want to go? Why? For what purpose? Is he fit> How? Is he unfit? In what respect, what does he lack? can he and will he make it

up? What good will it do him to go

anywhere if it against his will and despite his obvious deficiencies for his relationship and opportunity?

Are you considering his interests, or your own? Are you too much in-fluenced by some loyalty to a tradi-tion or an institution? What pains are you taking to the secure the right decision? Assuming that you in-fluenced him in the choice of a col-lege, what will you think of your choice, what will be years after-ward? In all this business, only one person is entitled to consideration and that is the boy or girl entrusted to your care, guidance, and responsi-bility. You have no more right to sacrifice or subordinate that per-sonality to the traditions and sem-timents of your family, your person-

al prejudices and loyalty to any ind-

dividual, family, institution, creed

class or party than to any other form of idea or superstition. This child belongs not to you but to himself or herself, just as much as you belong to yourself.

FACULTY GIVES A RECEPTION (Continued from Page One)

Hoff. Dr Schwalm then closed the program by speaking briefly on the necessity of the manifestation

kindly spirit toward all with whom we meet.

The students showed their appre-ciation of the program by heartily applauding each number.

A "giving line, " as Prof. Nininger, chairman of the social commit-tee, termed it, was then formed and everyone was served refreshments

consisting of ice cream and chocolate


The college song was then sung after which everyone departed, sev-

eral expressing themselves as having spent a very pleasant evening. The annual faculty reception was appar-

rently a social success.


(Continued from Page One)

In the Schumann-Heink Master class, taking voice lessons from Madame Schumann-Heink. She holds a cer-tificate from that school.

Miss Colline, the new art teacher

is a resident of McPherson. She has

produced several art speciments. She

has studied art at the Art Gallery in Chicago and has done graduate work under Sandzen at Lindsborg Miss Colline is serving both colleges of the city. She teaches two days each week at Central College and

three days at McPherson College.

She has had several years of exper-ence as an art teacher both in Cen-tral College and at Phillips College at Enid, Okla.



Old M. C. is going to have a pep band to help keep up that “ole Bull-dog Spirit. " The band is to have fifteen instruments to make just the pep it will take to ''Beat the Swedes. "

The band met for the first time on the fourth floor of Harnly Hall last Thursday morning for organiza-tion. The band is to be directed by Max Couner, a student who has had a wide experience in band work. The band will start practice in the near future.

The main purpose of this band is

to assist at the Bulldog games to be held during the winter. Several concerts will be given by the band to be announced at a later date.

Chapel Echoes


When the students assembled on Friday morning for chapel, each class in its respective section of the

church, Prof. H. H. Nininger led devotions and told of the lessons which may be drawn from the story Chicken Licken. He said "Prove all things and hold fast to that

which is good. "

An invitation was extended to all

the students and faculty members to attend the watermelon social on the campus Friday evening. John Wall assured the students that they would be welcome at Sunday school and

church services at the Church of the Brethren and Rev. Richards wel-come to the all-day service. Sunday morning, according to Prof. Nininger, was the time for the members of the faculty to dress up in their Sunday best to come out to receive the students.

In the absence Dean Mohler who was called to Michigan by the illness of his mother, Dr. Harnly led chapel devotions Monday morning. As has been his custom for many years he chose the first chapter of Genesis for the lesson. Professor Lewis Doll, accompanied by Mrs.

Doll, gave a special violin number.

The seniors were given the privilege of having a class meeting after

chapel on condition that they would not ask such a favor again.

Dean Mohler's work will be cared for by Dr. Schwalm and Prof. Blair while he is at his home.

The new purpose "to live a full, creative life and to make that possible for others, was the main topic of discussion at the Young Women's Christian Association cabinet retreat at Twin Mounds Saturday. Every member on the cabinet will strive to live the purpose until next cabinet meeting at which a definite decision will be made in adopting the purpose. Possible subjects for programs and definite plans for each commit-ten were the subjects of discussion in the afternoon. The race question was brought before the girls and plans were made to investigate the Mexican problem in our own city.

Following the singing of Y. W. songs around the camp fire in the evening the cabinet discussed the prayer meeting situation.

The girls all expressed their appreciation of Miss Delia Lehman’s in-spiration and comradeship.

Arlene "Peg"' Saylor as chief cook and dish-washer convinced the cabinet that she deserves a recommen-dation to whom it may concern us to her ability at demonstrating “The New Health Methods" of cookery. Other members of the cabinet who helped prepare and devastate the supply of fried chicken, watermelon, cake and, in fact, the whole menu were, Lois Dell, Mildred Swenson. Margaret Devilbiss, Harriet Hopkins, Ruth Anderson, Dorothy Swain, Gibson, Alberta Havis and Ruth Blickenstaff.

Warren Sisler's truck carried the party to and from the camp grounds.


To the Carnegie Library we welcome you

■For much of the studying that you

will do.

For we have books on every field Which added information yield.

We have them all arranged by letter As well as by number to find them better.

And magazines arranged by data

From early numbers up to late,

We really hope you will not mix them

For then we’d surely have to fix


If you wish to know what else we do A library class is offered for you In which a survey study Is made Of branches of the library trade. Just bring your questions to the desk The library staff will do our best To help you the answer to locate, Of this or any other state If you should wish to read the news, Our newspaper room you will surely choose.

Or, if you only want to browse 'Tis better far then to carouse.

For if you are persistent readers You may some day become thee leaders.

In literature, science, or history.

Or deep mathematical mystery Now since we have shown you about We hope we’re dispelled each lingering doubt

As to the welcome which we give Since you with us have come to live.

The Librarian.

FRESHMAN BE A BULLDOG. With a two day start on the oth er students due to the inauguration of freshman week, the frosh were quite well settled and acquainted by last Monday when enrollment began. Red and green caps Identify the verdant ones. It is for the upper classmen to welcome these newcomers and make them feel that the best thing that ever happened occurred when they chose McPherson College for their alma mater.

Freshmen, wear your caps willingly—it Is your privilege only once. With the same spirit enter upon your work. Select one or two activities, according to your Inter-ests and talents, and do your best for their advancement as well as your own. Become a part of M. C. and boost; she needs you.