McPherson college,

McPherson, Kansas

vol. XI


NO. 8.

Halloween Carnival - Party Draws Large Crowd

Amid groans at ghosts and through scary devices, McPherson College students scrambled from the inky darkness of the collect gym basement up to the main floor where the Hallowe'en festivities, under Student Council auspices were held Monday evening.

showers of colored confetti thrown through the air and the din of the horns lent a bright carefree, carnival spirit to the crowd. Other booths contained a gypsy fortune teller,

The affair was conducted on the carnival plan. Booth were curtained off on the sides of the gym where at some, novelties, such as confetti, horns, and paper caps were sold. The bathing beauties, and a beauty shop, where small fees were charged for admittance. Refreshments were sold at a counter throughout the evening.

Caste was forgotten. Aristocrats and tramps, gypsies and pirates mingled together. Wilbur Bowman, garbed as a pirate, won the prize, a miniature piano, for the best costume.

At one end of the gym were boxing matches. Those participating in the first were Clark Showalter and Ross Curtis; in the second, Ralph Front and Joe Yoder; In the third, James Ford and William Graham.

The evenings program was con-eluded with a reading by Miss Chester Carter.



Three bays, students at Oklahoma A. and M. college will debate Cambridge university (England) at Stillwater, the night of November 9, taking the negative side of the question: "Resolved That the Power of the Press Should be Curtailed".

The boys are Horace Ballaine, Cleveland, Okla.; Wayne Miller, Aline, Okla.; Quentin Williams, Mul-ball, Okla. The English system of debating will be followed, the audi-ence rendering the decision.

Quentin Williams is a brother of Prof. C. B. Williams, English instructor in McPherson College.


Whereas death has removed from our midst. In the person of Mrs. Sadie Brown, mother of Miss Jessie Brown, dean of music, one who has been a member of the College community for many years, and

Whereas in the passing of Mrs. Brown her daughter is deprived of the comradeship and blessing of a devoted mother.

Be it resolved that we extend to the deceased family and friends, and particularly to Miss Jessie Brown, our sincerest sympathy, and that we commend them to the Father of Love who gives the rich consolation of His grace, and who preserves and strengthens in the hour of sorrow, and

Be It further resolved, that coples of this resolution be presented to

the family of the deceased and to the College and local papers. Signed:

H. J. Harnly Fern Lingenfelter.

Edith McGaffey


I wish to thank the faculty and students of McPherson College and

the people of College Hill for the

groat kindness and consideration shown me during the illness and death of my mother and for the beau-tiful flowers.


Prof. R. E. Mohler, dean of Mc-Pherson College, dedicated the new athletic field at Marquette, Friday, Oct. 21.

Saturday, October 12. Prof. R. E. Mohler made a trip to Dickinson county, in the interest of the Mc-Pherson college farm, to buy cattle.



The Spectator staff is going to have a banquet and a real one too. The time hasn't been announced but It won't be long now. TIme is be-ing given the staff members to save up enough nickels and dimes to make at least the first payment on their tickets.

The Union Hotel dining room will be the scene of this most stupend-

ous social event. More than a dozen milk fed chickens will be sacrificed to the furthering of better journalism. Since red and white"Mums" are the most expensive flowers that the decoration committee knows of they will be used profusely.

The whole staff will be invited including the Columnist and the printer's devil.


The Forensic Club gave their regular biweekly program last Wednesday evening in the college chapel.

Miss Mildred Swenson gave a reading entitled "Ol' Swimming Hole."

"Danny Boy" was sung by Miss Anna May Strickler,

Miss Helen Hudson gave a reading after which Lloyd Diggs and Henry Hall sung a duet "One Fleet-ing Hour", by Lee.

A piano solo was played by Miss


Mr. Applegobble, a negro, otherwise known at McPherson College as Lloyd Diggs, gave a talk on apples, which, judging from the applause and laughter, indicated Diggs a suc-cess as a negro impersonator.

An unusually largo number of students were present which goes to prove that those programs are worth hearing. The next meeting will be two weeks from last Thursday.



An anient legend first shown to me by a friend of mine, believe it or not, revealed the fact that the art of chewing gum dates far back in the early days of the present generation, that is, chewing gum as we knew it. This manuscript went on to say that in the good old days be-yond the period of the never failing wicked younger generation, there was a beautiful daughter of a cave man who had red bobbed hair, that is, the daughter. She was the most attractive young girl of Mosto-donville. She used berry juice to to aid her presentation of her already beautiful charms.

She was also a diligent reader of Physical Culuture and rolled a dozen large stones up a hill every day to lose the three pounds the scales registered above the minimum of life. She was just a little girl about five feet eleven, and seventy-five hundredths inches tall but she could dance very gracefully as well as swing her swagger club (for slicks were unknown in her days) very effectively.

She also read the Love and Romance magazine in which were beautiful love scenes, where after a long struggle the romantic lover with

curly whiskers at last succeeded in knocking his loved one out, threw her upon his shoulders, and rejoicing, gracefully carried her to his beautiful love nest in the cliff.

The name of this beautiful girl was Maxine Holderclub. She at the age of seventeen had been successful in beating off all her suitors. One day while she was wandering in her jungle garden she leaned up against a tree which was not an unusual occurence in her day for they had no light posts then. To her great sorrow upon leaving it


The mass meeting held in the McPherson College auditorium last Thursday morning at 10:00 o'clock indicated that Bulldog pep is rejuvenating.

Facial expressions of the Bulldog gridiron squad let to predictions that the team would enter the Shockers game at Wichita Friday with a more aggressive offense then has been previously shown.

Miss Portia Vaughn played M. C. pep songs on the piano as the students gathered. Their approval of Miss Vaughn as a pep pianists was indicated by loud applause and the comments of many. John White-neck read from chapter 222 of the Bulldog Book or Revelations, which brought many exclamations of as-sent from his audience.

Miss June Ellis and Harold "Ber-ries" Crist then led a number of

rousing cheers, after which Alvin "Cheesy" Voran directed the sing-

ing of several pep songs concluding

with the College song.

Voran commended the Bulldogs’ response to his coaxing for better singing. A number were heard to remark that the pep and enthusiasm displayed were better at Thursday morning's assembly than they have been for some time, and that such a spirit will help to lift the Bulldog eleven out of the cellar.


Mrs. Sarah Brown, mother of Miss Jessie Brown, Dean of Music of McPherson College, died Tuesday morn-ing at her suite of rooms in Kline Hall. Preliminary funeral services were held at the First Church of the Brethren on College Hill at 9:00 o'clock Wednesday morning. A sec-ond funeral service was held in the Methodist Church at Buffalo, Kan-sas, on Thursday afternoon.

Mrs. Brown was 76 years old. She was born in Wapcanatu, Ohio, Dec. 27, 1850, coming to Kansas when a young woman. With the excep-tion of a few years, during which she lived in Arizona, Mrs. Brown spent the rest of her life in this

Dissertation On Chewing Gum

(the tree) she noticed that some of the gum of the tree had stuck to her new bear skin dress and this depreseed her so much as this was her sixth new dress for the season besides being made up in one of the latest fall styles. Her father was very strict with her financially, even though he was the head of the big-gest transfer company of the time. He had told her that she could not have but three new dresses the rest of the season as they cost twenty elks teeth a piece (an elks tooth was worth approximately ninety eight cents our money today.)

Maxine was at a loss as to what to do but after she had thought and wandered about a while she stumbled upon a brilliant almost glaring idea. She would simply pull the gum from her dress with her fingers. But the gum stuck to her fingers and in a frenzy she tore the gum from her fingers with her teeth.

She was so enchanted by the flavor of the gum that she went back to the jungle and got several lumps of the gum. The name of this tree is not known, but that makes no difference as it is not extinct. She chewed this gum while she was mending her father's sox which were made of the softest pig hide. This art is often erroneously accredited to the girls today but this is impossible


the bulldogs are going to play football



She was married to Henry Brown.

a wealthy ranchman of Buffalo, Kar-sas, Feb. 14, 1884. Her husband died in 1890, and Mrs. Brown was left to manage the business connected with a large ranch.

One daughter. Miss Jessie Brown of McPherson, was born to the union. The mother planned that her child should become an accomplished mus-ician and let no obstacle interfere with that purpose. "In 1913 Mrs. Brown and her daughter went to Europe in order that Miss Brown might study music at the Royal Conservatory of Leipzig, Germany.

Mrs. Brown has made her home in Kline Hall since 1916, when her daughter came to McPherson College as head of the piano department. She desired to live where she could be among young people, with whom she formed many friendships. She united with the Methodist church in 1915. A brother of Mrs. Brown, James Ashburn, lives in Tucson.

Ariz. and a step daughter, Mrs, Mary Thomas, lives at Buffalo, Kan-sas.

Dr. J. J. Yoder of McPherson College assisted by Rev. F. H. Richards, pastor of the Brethren Church, con-dueled the funeral services here. Music was provided by Miss Lingenfelter, instructor of piano and public school music. Miss Wilma Batch-elor, voice instructor, and the student male quartette, all of McPherson College.

The funeral group, accompanied by Dean R. E. Mohler and Field sec-retary Roy B. Teach, left immediately for Buffalo.

The sympathies intended and the high regard held for Miss Brown by the students and faculty members of the college were indicated by the larger number of them that attended the funeral services of her mother and by the many floral offerings.

Nine o’clock classes were dismiss-ed Wednesday morning to facilitate the students attending the services.


How difficult it is to escape the pit-falls of sin when even the music has traps. as all these girls were married long ago.

This fad of chewing gum, not mending soxs, spread through out all the girls of fair Mastodonville. This gum was soon collected and put on a commercial basis. A hunk as big as the Chieftain's fist selling for one oyster shell.

The chemists and psychologists of the day soon got together with the producers and explained methods of mixing different kinds of tree gum to produce different flavors which would appeal to all emotions and temperaments, This causes an increase in the demand but "peach blossom" gum was the universal favorite of the fairer sex. The girls were heard often to say "This is not a toothache it is Climax" meaning that it was the climax of economy.

This luxury spread throughout all the clans and tribes and came down through history until twelve o'clock, March 7, 1843 when a genius dis-covered that a substitute for tree

gum could be found in coal tar and paraffin which bad been sweetened with sugar and flavored with flavoring. This created a new interest in the art of chewing gum for it had lowered the price from one and thirty-three hundredths cents a stick to three and a half sticks for a penny.

Shockers Take 13-7 Score From Bulldogs

McPherson Within One Yard Of Wichita Goal Line Three Times

Bulldog Aerial Attack Outstanding

The Bulldogs took the count of 13 to 7 before the fast Wichita Uni versity eleven Friday afternoon on the Wichita field. Fighting what appeared a losing battle the McPherson Bulldogs revived in the second quarter and gained at will against a much surprised eleven. Hawkins injury immediately after the first half left the Bulldog team stunned and it was not until the last period that they awakened,

First Quarter

McPherson kicked off to the Wichita 10 yard line. The Shockers immediately punted and successfully held the Bulldogs to no gains. Wichita U. began an offensive battle of line plunges and end runs which was not stopped. Still carried the ball over the McPherson goal and Bausch successfully kicked goal.

Hanna's kick-off placed the ball on the fifteen yard line. Wichita punted on the first play. The Bull-dogs opened up an attack which completely surprised the Shocker team. The quarter ended with the ball in McPherson’s possession on the forty yard line.

Second Quarter

The McPherson crew lifted anchor and sailed to the Wichita ten yard line on straight foot ball. With ten yards to the goal and no downs a score seemed inevitable. Nonkin made three yards; the second play netted no gain; the Bulldogs were thrown for a five yard loss; Crumpacker had, a perfect position for a

Tar gum became very popular with theatrical people later on because after all the flavor was gone they could put it in an ivory inlaid snuff box or on the bed post and use it to cover their teeth thereby producing the illusion that the teeth were miss-ing.

This secret soon leaked out and amateur performers in grade schools began to use it an the professionals discarded it for the imitation gold tips which could be put on over the teeth which the past generation made a fad and a profit out of.

After the discovery of oil or petroleum in Pennsylvania and other outlaying states gasoline was sup-plied for gas motors and a brilliant chemist found that one of the by products could be used to make a very high grade of chewing gum. This caused the creation of chewing gum magnates and millionaires. This type of chewing gum has become very popular with the young ladies of today especially those pro-fessing to be stenogaphers. This gum has been put to numerous uses besides being chewed for the flavor. It is used as a means of entertain -ment by seeing who can stretch it the farthest, who can cause the loud-est pop by producing a vacuum in their heads (the mouth) and thereby breaking a thin filament of gum which has been put over the main entrance of the ailmentary canal; and, who can make the most noise while chewing it very energetically. It has also assumed the position of universial mendit as well as being the best means of producing a rough finish on the under side of chairs, tables and so forth. These scenes of the rivalry and uses ran be seen daily upon our dear campus.

Stop! Look! Listen!

goal kick but his kick was blocked by a Wichita man.

Bulldogs Threaten Again

After three unsuccessful attempts to advance the ball, Bausch, Wichita fullback kicked in mid field. Crumpacker passed thirty yards to Nonkin placing the ball only twenty-three yards from the goal. After a series of line plunges and a six yard pass the Bulldogs were within six yards of the goal and only two downs. The third attempt to shove the pig-skin across left it on the five yard line. The Shockers dug their cleats into the sod for a deter-mined stand, and did manage to knock down a pass just before it reached the hands of a Bulldog who was across the goal line.

Fumble Costs Score

Wichita made a twenty-three yard gain and falling to make further gains, punted twenty-two yards. The Bulldogs returned the ball ten yards and passed for nineteen yards. Nonkin advanced the ball two yards around right end and a pass of eight yards placed the ball on Wichita's one yard line. Hanna made a plunge through center, and as he crossed the line the ball was seen to bound into the air. When this twisted mass of humanity was unraveled the ball was in the hands of a Wichita player.

Wichita punted for sixteen yards. Barngrover tried for a long pass but Bausch of Wichita intercepted. The half closed with the score 7 to

0 in favor of Wichita.

Last Half

Hanna kicked off and the ball was dead on the Wichita twenty yard line. McPherson seemed to be playing like mad and the Shockers tried in vain to advance the ball. Hawkins received an injury and the Bulldog fighting spirit seemed to give away. Wichita tore loose with a variety of plays which netted them an eighty yard march to a touch-down. Bausch failed on the place kick.

During the third quarter Wichita gained over one hundred yards in scrimmage while McPherson made but nine. The Bulldog team seemed unable to stand up under the flashy

Shocker offense. The quarter ended with the ball in Wichita’s hands on the forty-five yard line.

Last Quarter

Wichita, dizzy with their success, failed to gain against the crippled Bulldogs, who seemed unable to advance the ball. Crumpacker punted for thirty yards. Miller intercepted a Wichita pass and the Bulldogs made a feeble attempt to gain. Crum-packer punted twenty-three yards.

Bulldogs Score

Miller tipped a Wichita pass to McGonigle. The Bulldogs made a first and ten but could advance no further despite a desperate aerial at-tack. Crumpacker kicked to the Wichita nineteen yard line and the Bulldogs recovered the fumbled ball Graham advance the ball four yards. Nonkin made a short pass to Crumpacker who ran through a

Bulldogs made the addition point by a place kick.

Hanna kicked off to the Wichita twenty-five yard line. The Shockers carried the ball to the Bulldog thirty yard line and there lost the ball on down., Opening up a final aerial attack the Bulldogs failed to gain and the ball was in Wichita's hands at the final whistle.

broken field for touch-down. The




The Spectator

The Student Newspaper of Mc-Pherson College purposing to re-

count accurately past activity to stimulate continually future achievement.

Entered as second class matter

November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas under the act of March 3, 1897.

Subscription Rate--

$1.50 per year.

Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas


Lloyd Jamison

LaVerne Martin

Editor-in-chief Assistant Editor Campus Editor Exchange Editor Sport Editor Feature Editor

Doris Ballard Harriet Hopkins Lavelle Saylor

Robert E. Puckett



The columnist has spent seven

fruitless days collecting wit, wise-cracks, and untruths. Nothing fun-ney has happened this week except —

Prof. Williams had another birth-

day. Dr. Schwalm was the victim of the somewhat time worn prank of throwing water from the third floor window of the Boys Dormitory.

We took a visitor to the library the other day and he asked who had charge of the reception parlor. His only criticism was that it seemed littered with books.

She-- "I'm sorry to disappoint you but I became engaged to Harold last night"

He-- "Then how about next week?"

Bright-- "Did the Barbarians des-troy Roman art?”

Elmer McGonigle-- "Yes."

Bright-- 'Make your answer more complete."

McGonigle-- "Yes sir."

The world's most pitiful case is the college student who lost his appetite while working for his board.


Firing Line

column is provided for

the expression of opinion by any student or faculty member of McPherson College. All articles published must be signed by the writer. “The Firing Line" has no connection with the editorial column.    

The Lamentation Of

College Freshmen


Lawrence Mann, Oliver Iken-berry, Allen Morine, Ralph Frantz, Mabel Beyer, PROOF READERS Ruth Anderson, Kenneth Eisen-


Business Mgr. Howard Kelm Jr.

Asst. Bus.. Mgr.    Charles Bish

Circulation Mgr.

Faculty Advisor

Oliver Ikenberry

C. B. Williams

Tuesday, November 1, 1927


We, the Bulldogs are in the cel-lar with Bethel and it is up to us to come out Friday. At the game in Wichita last Friday the Bulldogs came very near upsetting dope. They lost to the Shockers by a bad fumble. They have proven that they can play football. Our team is a new team and all it needs is experience and they have been getting that and are now showing a better brand of foot-ball. Come out and support the team, they are out to win Friday

One down and ten to go, said the football fan as he pumped up his tire on the way to the game.

Alberta Hovis-- "Ralph do they grow pineapples out in Colorado?” Ralph Frantz—"I should say


Alberta—"But I thought there were lots of pine trees in the moun-tains."

Wray Whiteneck—"I heard you got arrested for speeding."

Trostle "I did; I was going 65 miles an hour."

Whiteneck-- "What did the Judge


Trostle-- "Fine."

A thing of beauty may annoy for-


Our purpose is the life abundant.

It is also the one supreme end of our Alma Mater.

Did it ever appear to you that our faculty is slightly inconsistent with this idea? How? Simply this,

we are taught that scientific meth-

ods are correct and yet at the same time in the dining hall all "Scientific Feeding" is thrown to the winds. When a person preaches one thing and practices another we call it hypocrisy however in this case we choose to call it inconsistency as we feel that the faculty is unaware of the existing facts.

How can we have life abundant on boiled potato pulp? Our systems crave certain elements and so we keep on stuffing down more boiled pota-to pulp trying to satisfy that hunger.

Now constructively, wouldn't it be possible to practice what we learn in domestic science class, or even in the Feeds and Feeding (of farm animals) classes. The cost would practically be no more. It would not mean a whole reorganization of things at all, simply the hovering

Now it came to pass when Dr. Schwalm was ruler throughout Mc-Pherson College in the land of Kan-sas that a Freshman sojourning there in the place called Dorm lifted up his voice and sang rejoicing. Now it has happened that there also dwell there many upper classmen and when they heard the Freshmen singing they rose up and drew night to thy room of the Freshman and knocked loudly on the door thereof and a great fear came over the Freshmen for they remembered that it was past time for silence to rule thruout the Dorm and so great was his fear that he rose not up to open the door and his knees smote one upon the other. Now when the upper classmen saw that he opened not the door they

waxed wrath and crashing the door they entered and seizing him they chastised him most severely and it came to pass that when they went their way that he was possessed with no desire to sit.

On the morrow it was rumored at the dinner table that a certain Fresh-man had been chastized and a great murmuring went thru the students and they questioned one another say-ing, "What hath he done to be chas-tized?"

Now when the rumor came to the ears of Dr. Schwalm he called unto him Mr. Yoder, son og Mr. and Mrs. Yoder, also Prof. Mohler who was the brother of his brother and likewise Prof. who was of the tribe of Bright, and he spake unto them saying "Word has come to me that a certain Freshman has been chastised" Whereupon they put their heads one against the other and after several hours had passed Prof. Yoder awoke and said, "Lo I have dreamed a dream

the division of the Kansas State Teachers' Association meeting in Sa-lina, November 3, 4, and 5.




Speaking of a movement which has recently found favor with young people in some parts of the country the Times-Picayune of New Orleans quotes a Tulane man as follows:

"Twenty-five per cent of the Am-erican girls are working girls, the others are working men. Nearly all girls have become vegetarians now-adays. It is lettuce eat, lettuce go to a picture show, lettuce go home in a taxi.”

As a result of this condition, the Louisiana paper adds that fifty-fifty clubs are springing up all over the country with the idea of a share-alike basis for dates. In a query conducted among young people in

New Orleans, the girls were found to be against the movement, and many of the boys for it.

The feminine attitude is quite typi-cal of the folkways of the sex. "Let us vote," they say, but they don't want to do the really dirty work. "Let us smoke and drink," say the flappers, but they have no desire to be classed as drunks. "Let us be masculine, and take the man's place in money-making, but remember the chivalry that is due us as members of the gentler sex.

"Let us decide what we are to do for the evening, and let us share the money you make, even though we may be making quite as much, if not more, than yon are, but don't dare think that we will share the expense. It is quite enough for us to lend our beautiful and gracious person to the occasion."    

Instalment paying makes the mon-

ths shorter and the years longer.

When a husband and wife think alike it is the wife who thinks first.

Many a man's reputation depends upon what is not found out about him.

The only thing that doesn't be-

come smaller when contracted is a debt.

If seeing is believing, men should have implicit faith in women these days.

Some girls smile because they have a sense of humor; others be-cause they have dimples.

Of those who never hurry or worry, some are born so; others have obtained policial jobs.

under the light of truth.

We students believe that management has not seriously considered this slight inconsistency as we. The dorm students kindly ask however that it be adjusted as soon as pos-sible, which in all probability wouldn't take long. We firmly believe and insist that a scientific diet is essential to that abounding life.

Earl C. Kinzie

It may be all right for a woman to marry in haste and repeat at leisure; but a married man has no leisure.

Lots of people mean what they say when they state they have noth-ing but sympathy for the deserving poor.

Prof —"What is a polygon?" Bobbie Earl—"A polygon is a dead parrot."

The mournful fact is that the men have always taken it in as near a sit-ting posture as their Health Class role permitted. Now it seems that a Moses has come out of the wilder-ness. It is to be hoped that the men will have enough nerve to follow. This writer--who is a man--hasn't.

-- Dally Kastan

By The Way

Ted Kalzow, '27, stopped on Col lege Hill Friday on his return to Lost Springs from Windom, when the Lost Springs high school football team, coached by Kalzow, defeated the Windom high school team 12 to

Charles Bish was a week end guest of Francis Berkebile at St.


Miss Esther Brown of Hutchin-son visited her sister at Arnold Hall Sunday. Miss Brown had been at-tending the Girls Reserve conference in Salina and stopped here as she returned home.

Irwin Albright left Friday to spend the week end at his home at Pretty Prairie.

Earl Reed was a campus visitor Sunday.

Miss Sadie Glocklick and Miss Winifred O'Conner called at Arnold Hall Sunday evening.

Misses Rosa and Myrtle Moyers were Sunday guests at the Wyman Freeby home.

Miss Ruth Hoffman spent the week

Dentist-- "Wkai kind of filling do

you want in this tooth Miss Carl-



Blair—"That paper is good enough to be copywrited. "

Rump-- "It has been three times."

A few of the seniors still remem-ber the time we sang the college song in chapel.

When the Columnist got up this morning and ran over to school to his eight o'clock class the only thing he saw which as in its proper place was the side walk. Halloween only comes once a year and what's the use of enemys if you don't keep them angry.

That's all.

--Bobbie Earl



and in this dream I saw an ideal college and in this college the upper classmen chastised not the Freshmen and as I watched I heard the voice of Prof. Mohler saying. "Where-fore cannot we have such a school and when he had spoken I braid many voices agreeing with him." Whereupon Prof. Bright laughed loud and long and said. "Yea we have long since decided this whilst

thou sleepest" and the meeting was then adjourned.

Now on the morrow the Fresh-man was told that his presence was requested in office of Dr. Schwalm where was the Green Carpet and again there was a great fear came over the Freshman and he lifted up his voice saying, "Wherefore am I so out of luck?"

When he had come into the pre-sence of Dr. Schwalm his mouth became exceedingly dry and his tongue clove to the roof thereof, And Dr. Schwalm spoke unto him saying "Wherefore wert thou chas-, tised?" And the Freshman answer-ed him saying "My heart was light and I did sing and I knew not that it was past time for silence and now I have no desire to sit."

Whereupon Dr. Schwalm said unto him, "Go thy way in peace for a law has been passed thruout the school that there shall be no mere chastising of Freshmen."

And the Freshman went his way but thereafter he sang no songs of joy after time for silence.

Nine delegates represented Mc-Pherson at the fourth annual con-ference of the Kansas State Womens

Athletic Association, held at Friends University at Wichita, October 27, 28 and 29.

On Tuesday evening a get acquainted mixer was conducted at

the Friends W. A. A. at Recreation Hall.

Dr. Shultz, a lady recognized by Wichita doctors as a physician and a writer, gave an address Friday morning on "How Is Your Health?"

Strong Hinman, head of physical education in the Wichita public schools, spoke on "Sports fot Sports Sake". He said that sportsmanship consisted of manliness and courtesy. To possess these he thought it necessary that a girl should play a game courageously, play as hard when being defeated as when winning, and play to win honorably.

On Friday afternoon the meetings were held at Wichita University. Miss Margaret Wilkie, dean of women at that university discussed "Athletics and Social Life”. She said that athletic were of social value in that they help to develop friendly relationships, cheerful dispositions, and better physical health, which are all a part of a pleasing personality. Her definition of a sport was "One who meets life's inevitable exper-iences with poise and dignity and a sustaining philosophy of life."

Other topics discussed by the var-ious represented associations were “Our G. A. A.", "Efficiency Meet".

"W. A. A. Meetings." "Sportsman-

ship in Highest Awards". "What

From Other Schools

end at her home at Dillon.

Milton Dell and family of Marion visited Miss Lois Dell at Arnold Hall Saturday and Sunday

Lavelle Saylor visited his parents in Marion Sunday.

Alberta Hovis left Friday for Hutchinson to visit her sister. She returned Sunday evening.

Ernest Betts, a former student, visited friends on College Hill Sun-day. He is enroute to Wichita where he expects to work this


Misses Ima Larsen and Mercie Shalto visited friends in Wichita Sunday.

Miss Isabelle Eskeldson was a guest of Miss Anna Maye Strickler Sunday.

The compulsory chapel rule of the University of Chicago has been abol-

A baseball, used in the 1927 world series and autographed by Dan Johnson and the "Big Four" of the series, was presented to the Uni-versity of Kansas Sigma Chi chap-ter recently by E. C. Quigley, head umpire in the recent baseball series. The ball is autographed by Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Paul Waner, and Lloyd Waner. Quigley is a former student of the university and an alumnus of the local chapter of Sigma Chi fraternity.

The University of Oklahoma is to have a new library which will acco-modate one thousand students at a time, with place for 500,000 books.

Galli-Curei world-famous soprano will dedicate musically the new auditorium now being completed at the University of Kansas. Her concert comes November 16.

Freshmen of the University Cincinnati were put through a "shoe rush" by the sophomores. All the men were required to throw their shoes into a pile and than attempt to retrieve their property.

Sophie Bralau, world famous contralto is to be at Salina in concert on November 2 at Memorial Hall under the auspices of Kansas Wesleyan University. The concert is brought to Salina in compliment to

WAA, Does for a Girl", and New Sports”.

A banquet was held In Recreation hall at Friends University Friday evening. The program consisted of music provided by the Friends W. A. A . and informational talks on basketball, hockey, hiking, swimming, archery, baseball, and tennis. Miss Floy Brown, representing Mc-Pherson, discussed baseball.

On Saturday Dr. Michener, a Wich-ita physician, talked on "The Ideal Sportswoman". Following Dr. Mich-ener's lecture a closing business ses-sion was held.

The delegates spoke appreciatively, of Wichita's hospitality. Lodging and breakfast were given visiting W. A. A. members. Friends University was hostess at a luncheon for the delegates on Friday. Wichita Univer-sity entertained all delegates at the Bulldog-Shocker game on Friday afternoon.

Ninety delegates, including both students and instructors, represented all the Women's Athletic Associations of the state. McPherson had the largest representation. The local re-presentatives were the Misses Viola Bowers, Floy Brown, Irene Thacker, Velma Wine, Ruth Hoover, Anne Maye Strickler, Nina Stull, Iva Crum-packer and Marguerite Wagoner.


Among the new books named by the librarian are some that caused one student to remark. "I wish I didn't have anything to do, then I would read some of these books."

A large volume containing 2,172 pages of printed matter, many il-lustration, portraits, and maps, which is entitled, "‘Lincoln Library of Essential Information," has just been received. It is an encyclopedia handbook with material grouped in twelve classed, the classes being linked by a general dictionary.

Marse Henry, an Autobiography," of Henry Watterson and the "Edi-totials of Henry Watterson" by Arthur Krock give much information concerning history contemporary to Watterson's life, the limiting dates of which are 1840-1921.

Watterson was actively engaged in newspaper work from 1858 until his death. He was a member of the forty-fourth Congress, and held minor appointed government posi-tions.

A small book, "Some Contempo r-ary Americans," by Boynton, devotes several pages, and in most instances an entire chapter, to such literary people as Edwin Arlington Robinson, Robert Frost, Edgar Lee Masters, Amy Lowell, Willa Cather, Carl Sandburg, Booth Tarkington, Theo dore Dreiser and Edith Wharton.

It will improve upon our campus

So try it every day.



Prof. Blair attend district meeting a Prof. J. A. Blair, registrar of Mc-Pherson College, gave the educational address at the District Con-ference of the Church of the Breth -ren of Northwest Kansas which opened Oct. 21 at Covert, Kansas. Rev. Roy Teach preached there Sunday morning.

Monday, Prof. Blair visited the high schools of Covert and Paradise, giving a talk at each place.



Dr. Schwalm spoke at the opening meeting of the Eighth District conference of the Federation of Women's Clubs which was held at McPherson, Oct. 25. He talked on "The Move ment for the Outlawry of War". The Daily Republican said of this address, "The address was a powerful appeal for world peace—one that found a ready response in the applause that greeted his remarks.

Miss Wilma Batchelor, instructor in voice, Prof. G. Lewis Doll, instructor in violin, and Miss Fern Lingenfelter, instructor in piano, also took part in this program.



When you stroll about the campus Dropping here and there Little scraps of paper.

Apple core, or pear.    

Wouldn’t it be easier To eat your pears inside And make room in your pockets Where paper scraps might ride?

Until you teach thee waste can And deposit it away.



Probablv no one knows, but here is one opinion. The Bulldog team played great football when every-thing was going their way but when a touchdown was in sight they blew up. When a certain player was taken from the field because of in-juries the team wilted. We lost be-cause we were not stotic enough to play a cool headed game.

Although the Shockers gained nearly one hundred yards more in scrimmage than the red and white the game would have gone to the Bulldogs if several breaks had not occurred.

The Gardner gridsters showed they had the ability to play a game that would be dangerous to any Kan-sas conference eleven.

Someone suggested that a little training on the part of the football players might make quite a differ-ence. At any rate the experiment would be interesting. Track men train to be in the pink of condition physically and get results. Why not taboo late hours, candy, and bet-tween meal lunches-

There is no denying the fact that Wichita University outplayed the Bulldogs in last Friday's game on the Shocker's field. McPherson's red and white warriors were outplayed in every department of the game ex-cepting the passing game. Out of seventeen attempts the Bulldogs completed eight passes for one hundred and seven yards in comparison to Wichita's seven attempts and three completed for twenty-one yards. The Wichita newapapers credit McPher-son with the most flashy aerial attack witnessed this year.


Holding by side in possession of ball 25 yards.

Holding by defensive side 5 yards.

Crawling 5 yards.

Illegal return to game, half dis-distance to goal and disqualification.

Coaching from side lines 15 yards.

Delaying game 5 yards.

Illegal tackling 5 yards.

Offside 5 yards.

Intentional grounding of forward pass 15 yards.

Foul within one-yard line, half distance to goal line.

Interference with forward pass by defense, loss of ball.

Interference with fair catch 15 yards.    

Slugging, half distance to goal and disqualification.

Substitute communicating before first play 15 yards.

Substitute failing to report 5 yards.

Taking time out more than four minutes daring one half & yards.

Piling up 15 yards.

Kicking loose ball, loss of ball.

Man going on field without permission, 15 yards.

Shifting player illegally in mo-tion, 15 yards.



1. Thou shall not quit.

3. Thou shalt not alibi.

3. Thou shalt not gloat over winning.

4. Thou shall not take unfair ad-vantage.

5. Thou shall not ask odds thou are unwilling to give.

6.    Thou shall always be generous with thine opponents.

7.    Thou shalt not underestimate thine opponents nor overestimate  thyself.

8. Remember that the game is the thing and that he who thinketh otherwise is a mucker and no true sportsman.

9. Honor the game thou playest, for he who playeth the game straight and hard wins even when he loses.

10. Abide by the decisions of the officials without finding fault.-—Ne-gaunee High School.



The election for Bulldog cheerleader resulted in a tie. 81-81. "Cheesy” Voran and "Berries” Crist each polled the same number of votes and as far as the election is concerned, nothing has been settled.

Discussion among the students has practically settled the question so that both men can be used to advantage. "Berries" is to lead the yells, while "Cheesy" will direct the songs.

The election was necessary to find a successor for Orion High, elected last spring, who failed to return this term.



Romeo below window with saxophone)—."Hist, Jule, open the window or I'll play this darned thing.     —Princeton Tiger