First Game Of Season Played In Sea Of Mud—Rained Throughout Game
Crumpacker Falls On Ball Behind
Bulldog Goal After Punt
Is Blocked
In a sea of miry sticky Oklahoma clay, the Gardner Bulldogs lost their first encounter of the season, 2-0, to the Northwestern State Teachers College of Alva.
The mud was more than the Kan-sas Bulldogs had seen since the flood and to advance the ball against the Alva aggregation, that easily out-weighed the canine crew, was the im-possible. But the dogs did fight it up, they deserve more credit than the short end of a two to-nothing score.
The game was featured by every-thing that is included in a mud battle, blocked punts, small gains, and numerous fumbles. Neither team scored in the first quarter. In the second quarter a Bulldog fumble allowed the Teachers to have posses-sion of the pigskin on the Bulldog twelve yard line, first down and ten to go. The Bulldog line was im-pregnable and the Rangers were halted. This a necessitated McPher. son punt. The signals were called, the ball snapped, and the line, which had held before, weakened; a Ranger broke through blocked the punt and tackled Captain Crumpacker, who had recovered the hall behind the Bulldog goal line. This safety gave Alva the necessary two points to win the game.
The second half was played in even more mud and water, consequently neither team could exhibit their best. The playing of Crumpacker, Miller, Rump, Whiteneck, and Hanna being outstanding. After a week of prac-tice and recuperation the Gardner-ites will be ready for the Mound builders here, October 7.
McPherson College freshmen were tested for their knowledge in Eng-lish and literature last week-
For four years English and literature tests have been given all college freshmen in the state. They are prepared by Prof E. R. Barrett of Em-poria State Teachers' College. He was assisted this year by Miss Teresa M. Ryan.
A record of the student's rating in the tests is sent to the high school from which he was graduated.
The ten highest grades in the English test gives McPherson freshmen were received by Mildred Wine. Muriel Miller, Leta Wine, Mildred Oatlind, Frieda Goring, Ruth Kreh-biel, Edith Murray, Florence Dreaher. Ruth Blickenstaff and Helen Mc-Gill. All of these students are women but of these making high grades in literature, half were men. The names of three students appear in both lists.
Those ranking high In literature are: Ruth Krehbiel, Roy Vogt. Ernest Watkins, Elizabeth Richards, Muriel Miller, Florence Dresher, Esther Kelm, Edwin Johnson, Ralph Frantz and Charles Collins.
The Seniors held their regular meeting at 8:00 o'clock, Friday morning. The members were informed that they must get their orders in for rings or pins this week, if they want to get them this semes-ter. The matter of invitation was also discussed.
The play committee announced that a number of plays have been ordered and will be placed in the library for examination by the sen-iors. An attempt was made to set a date tor a senior-freshmen party, but it was decided to leave this to the social committee to be reported at the next meeting.
"The difference between a large university and a small college is that in a large university the students goes through more college, but in the small college, more college goes through the student."—Peters.
Lack Of Organization In Pup Team But Display Fight In The Last Half
Coaches, Joe "Doc" Heaston and Cyrus "Si" Sargent unsuccessfully endeavored to inspire the youthful Bulldogs on to victory in their in itial game of the season against Mc-Pherson High School, Thursday afternoon.
At times the Pups produced evidences of the traditional Bulldog fight, but they failed to make the best of their chances to score end weakened under the constant grueling of the High School eleven.
After the first few minutes of play the Pups threatened to score but the fates of football changed the position and the possession of the ball. After battling in the center of the field for the most of the first quarter, the Pups fumbled the ball and the high school recovered which placed them in college territory. The battle was now begun and the high school rallied and on straight football advanced the pigskin to the college goal line. Haws, for the high school, bucked the line on the suc-cessful play that won the high school the only count of the game.
The second half can be related In a slightly different manner. The Pups seemd to have been inspired, Bigham returned the kick off for twenty five yards. They followed with a first down and it seemed that they bad started a march to the line, but the advance was halted. The high school eleven were still battling like mad and the result was that a punting duel fol-lowed. However, no harm was done and the final whistle found the high school in possession of the ball in the middle of the field.
Remember the Game Friday.
Tito Schipa, the world's greatest tenor singer, sang for the Forensic Club last Wednesday. This wonderful treat was made possible by the combined efforts and finances of Francis Berkebile and "Berries" Crist. They have been corresponding with him for some time, which does away with the theory that the many fancy letters they have been receiving were from the little girl back home to whom they had sworn the oath of perpetual bachelorhood which they have kept so faithfully.
After much corresponding, they at last agreed to pay Tito Schipa his expenses and $1,821,473.66, if he would make a western tour and sing for the Forensic Club. Francis figured that his father would not notice this little expense as two (he and Schipa) could live as cheaply as one.
He forgot that the modern version is "two men can live as cheaply as one woman" and not "two men can live as cheaply as one man." At least this la not possible unless you compare a University student who is a member of a Frat with two stu-dents from our school who board and room at the dorm and are so devoted to their studies (not the psycho-logy of woman) that they never go up town, so have to give their allowance to their room-mate to spend, that is if he is bigger.
Tito Schipa came in on the four-fifty Santa Fe. At least it is sup-posed to come in some time in the afternoon unless it rains, snows, the wind blows, or is cloudy, for these conditions depress the fireman, who is a devoted star gazer.
Solos and duets — Was Greatly Enjoyed
The Christian Endeavor society of the Brethern church sponsored a pie social, held in society hall of Harn ly Hall last Friday evening. Sam Kurtz, '25, was the auctioneer Twenty-six pies were sold the pro-ceeds of which netted $41.50.
Before the pies were sold a varied program was given. It consisted of a piano solo by Miss Thelma Budge, a reading by Miss Goldia Goodman, a vocal duet by the Misses Evelyn Kimmel and Arlene Saylor, a read-lag by Miss Mercie Shalto, a vocal solo by Lloyd Diggs, a reading by Miss Chester Carter, a vocal solo by Alvin Voran, a reading by Miss Ruth Blickenstaff, and a number by the male quartette.
Sam Kurtz, former M. C. student, was the feature of the evening. He constantly mixed his wit and humor with the auctioneering of the pies, some time to be calling the audience down, sometimes to be pleading and sometimes to be in deep sorrow for those who were reluctant about buy-ing—but, Sammy sold the pies and everyone went home with a smile.
A large number of student assembled in front of the Administration, building at 9:00 o'clock Friday morning to see the Bulldogs off for
Alva, Oklahoma, where they were to play the nest day.
The cheers and songs were somewhat unorganized, because the cheer leaders were not on hand. The students, however, showed by their en-thusiasm that they were behind the team and were hoping for a victory.
"Exclude religion from education and you have no foundation upon which to build moral character.”— Elliot.
"Berries” borrowed enough money from Ralph Landes to rent Clark Brumbaugh's faithful old Chevrolet coupe, which, with the addition of a new spark plug would run as good as any 1917 Ford in the county. In this high class car with a big sign on the front saying: "Rolls-Royce for Tito Schipa." As you all know, Berries believes seeing is believing, but he is just about converted to the touch system now -he started
down to the station. On the way down he met Philippi, who having received light or brightness with the subject and having the old or really ancient school spirit, donated a dol ler to the fund so Berries could show Schipa about the city.
Francis had planned to have the band at the station to meet Schipa, but the head piccolo player had a cold, so they could not play. To evade this great misfortune he asked Clark Brumbaugh to play his Saxophone, bul also added that he wanted him to stop when the study hour came. Clark modestly commented, but said he could not play as hot jazz as he could during August, but would do his best. That is at playing jazz and not hot music.
Francis had also arranged to have the boys' quartette sing at the depot, for Diggs insisted upon having Schipa hear his voice and pronounce him a find—just like the shepherd said to the lost sheep.
As Schipa stepped from the train, Francis and Berries grabbed his valet -and pushed him aside to get to Schipa. They took Schipa to the
"Rolling Roycle" and started out to show him the city. Having stu-
"It is the small college that democratizes the higher education. Here the student finds that intimate as-socation with his instructors which is impossible in the large uni-versity."-Warren G. Harding.
Ihde Speaks On "Modesty" Which Arouses Pep—Crumpacker Gives Talk
A short but peppy mass meeting was held in the chapel at 10:00 o'clock Thursday morning.
The students gathered to the strains of jazz music furnished by Lloyd Johnson. The pep leaders. Miss June Ellis and Clarence Haw-kins, took charge. After yelling 'Fight, Bulldogs, Fight,' the football team was called to the platform Many cheers followed them as they took their places.
Ira Ihde gave a talk called ‘'Modesty." He explained that by modesty he meant going straight. He likened the student body and the team to one long chain. If there is one weak link in either the student body or the team, the chain will break and defeat will be the result. Ihde urged the student body and the team to cooperate in mak-ing a strong chain.
Capt. Leo Crumpacker was called on for a speech. He said that although the football squad this year is smaller than others since he has been in college, the spirit is better, He expressed confidence in a good football season this year.
A short time was given to yells and songs, closing with the college song. Announcement was made of the departure of the team for Alva. Okla., at 9:00 o'clock Friday morning. All students were urged to be in front of the Administration building to speed them to victory over Alva's Rangers.
showed that they were whole heartedly behind the team and would do
all they could to make the season a
winning one.
Remember the Game Friday
The response of the student body dents' tastes, they started by showing him the three places for students' amusement: the theater, the picture show, and the movies. Then they showed him the Concrete Stove and Silo Co., Huhbell's Drug Store, The Wheatstone Factory, the Puritan, the Palace of Sweets, and the Echo They then took him to 'Our Dear Institution of Learning" via Marcel Avenue, otherwise known as Euclid St. This was done so that if he ever returns he will know what it was like before being re-surfaced. At the college, he was shown over the campus and served one of the usual very tasty meals at the dorm. He was then entertained until the
meeting by a group of students who sang folk songs in the parlor, the outstanding voice of which belonged to Albert Phillipi.
At the meeting he sang "Ama-pola," which means "Poppy” in col-legiate slang. The number was greatly appreciated by the Spanish stu-dents, as it was sung in that language. After the meeting he was heard to remark that that girl , (pointing to our Chester Carter) had great appreciation for good music and would appeal to him very much if she was only a brunette. At this time Francis took him to the office and paid him his meager salary which Schipa deposited in a dime bank. He was taken hurridedly to the station in order to catch a special train which was waiting for him.
Francis and "Berries" rejoiced over the success of their scheme and are now busy planning bigger things for the Forensic Club.
Found In The Mountains Of Utah By Nininger And Party
Crystal Supposed To Be Several Thousand Years Old—Is Quite Valuable
A giant crystal of the monoclinic form, measuring fourty one inches by twelve by four inches, taken from the mountain regions of southwest Utah, was added to the McPherson College Museum. This crystal was collected by the Nininger party, which is touring the Western United States.
This unusually rare specimen is hundreds of times larger than the average gypsum crystal. A chem-ical reaction covering thousands of years was neccessary in the formation of this massive crystal.
At the time Menelaus and Odyes-sus were fighting for the capture of Helen of Troy, this crystal was large enough to be used as a building rock. When Cleopatra was a school girl it had reached almost its present size.
The exact age of a crystal, according to Dr. H. J. Harnly is difficult to calculate, but it is certain that thousands of years were required to permit the growth of this huge speci-
Prof. M. A. Hess, chapel speaker Friday morning, used as his text, Matt. 25, from which he explained that men and women of five talents ara difficult to find; men and woman of two talents are less difficult to find and that most men and women are one talented. But that does not mean, it was stated, that those with one talent shall be cast out, unless this talent is not used. He stressed the fact that everyone has the op-portunity to employ his one talent in Forensic for the benefit of him-self and his school.
The contests in which M. C. will participate were explained as well as the four places on the Varsity team to be filled. Prof. Hess said that six years ago the McPherson College de-bate team won from Fairmount for the championship; two years ago from Bethel, and last year won the State Championship again. It was urged that M. C. make this a habit as her Forensic reputation is at stake, "Leave the weeping and wailing to our fair-haired friends to the north," said Prof. Hess in closing.
An orchestra number, "In Qion-stin," by D. Savino concluded chapel
The freshmen met for their sec-ond class meeting of the year last Tuesday afternoon. During this time it was decided that they would have another class social. The social is to take the form of a hike and picnic. The time has been set to be immediately after the football game Friday with Southwestern. At this time the class will consider the matter of permanent organization for the year. The freshmen dues are to the fifty cents for the first semester. Also committees were appoint ed by the president to take charge of decorating the goal posts and of distributing hand bills for the different school activities of the year. Sargent was elected cheer leader for the class and Miss Goldia Goodman will assist.
"Scholarship has usually been more fruitful when associated with religion, and scholarship has never, so far as I can recall, been assoc-iated with any religion except the religion of Jesus Christ"—Wilson.
"The safety of our nation depends on Christian education."—Babeon
"To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate menace to society."---Roosevelt
The Student Newspaper of Mc-Pherson College, purposing to re-count accurately past activity—and to stimulate continually future
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.
Subscription Rate - $1.50 per year.
Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Editor-in-chief , ...., Lloyd Jamison Assitant Editor...........LaVerne Martin Sports Editor Lavelle Saylor
Business Mgr....... Howard Kelm Jr. Asst. Business Mgr.....Charles Bish Circulation Mgr .....Oliver Ikenberry
This column is provided for the expression of opinion by any student or faculty mem-ber of McPherson College-All articles published must be signed by the writer. "The Firing Line" has no connection with the editorial column.
If the surface of the livable earth were perfectly flat, there would be little scenery. No matter where one might chance to be situated, his viewpoint would be very much the same as that of anyone else. There would not be the restricted outlook of the valley, or the clearer view from the mountain top. Perhaps there would be much less confusion than prevails under actual condition. Certainly, however, there would be much less of variety, much mure of monotony, than now exhists in the world as it is. But the world does not wish to be flat. It will always prefer beauty to uniformity.
As long as there are mountains and valleys, there will be differences in viewpoint. And it is not always that the man of the mountain top disagrees with the man of the val-ley. It may be simply that the one has not had his attention drawn to the phenomena which seems all important to the other.
A college consists primarily of men and women, either faculty or student. Each person looks out upon the world from a viewpoint at least a little different from that of any other. From his own particular vantage point; any one individual may discover something of general interest, or he may see from a clearer- viewpoint something already known.
In a college every person present is both a learner and teacher. For purposes of efficiency some are designated as instructors and some as students. All work toward a common end, that a human betterment through learning. That not all should see alike will be evident when it is remembered that no two see from the same viewpoint, that no two have the same background of experience and information with which to associate given conditions or things.
It may be that a member of Mc-Pherson College sees that something is not as from his particular viewpoint. It seems that it should be Perhaps there is something wrong with the curriculum. Possibly something about living conditions makes comfort and happiness impossible. It may be that there is a needless violation of the laws of beauty and symmetry. Perchance there is an obstacle in the way of progress that should be removed.
Life is a "firing line''. On this firing line, all men perish in the end, but before the end there is time to fight well in the many conflicts great or small which comprise the greater part of life. The management of "The Spectator” desires that the way be clear for the casting of the projectile that may start in motion forces that will build.
This column, which in future is to be known as "The Firing Line,” is for those persons who can see from their particular vantage points that some things as they are, are not the same at things as they should be. — C. B. WILLIAMS.
One-ninth of the college year is over and the Bulldog sleeps. With only an occasional whimper to indicate that the old Bulldog Spirit is alive. It seems doubtful that it will ever revive. That spirit of fight, enthusiasm, and gushing vitality, which warranted McPherson College to be named the Bulldogs seems to belong to the past. Will we have to change our name to ''Lambs?” They enjoy peace, tranquillity, and an uneventful existence.
An athlete, during the time the Bulldogs growled with rigor (back in 1924 when we won the state foot-ball championship) was admired for his ability and for the fact he fought to make the College, known as a hard fighting, clean thinking group of students. Today, the athlete is the sucker; the dumb fool that amuses us by bumping his head on an opponent's shoulder pad.
As far as the players go, the prospect for a winning team during the 1927 football season are the highest we have had in years. Only defeat after defeat is the best we can hope for if the student body, which comes that mythical element of Bull-dog Spirit, does not awaken. The vigor and pep of a growling, bloodthirsty Bulldog is dormant within us.
Three more days and we either win or lose. Can we build up that famous old spirit of "Fight! Bull-dogs! Fight!” within this short time? The team has trained faithfully for four weeks. The student
body has done nothing._
By The Way
Pearl Howard, who taught in the commercial department last year, was seen on our streets Saturday. She is teaching in the Inman high
Vivian Harnly and Kathryn Swope were week end guestss of Melvina Graham.
Nina Stull accompanied Ruth Hoffman to her home at Dillion Saturday morning. They returned Sunday evening.
Lois Meyers, ‘27 who is teaching at Dwight, visited friends on College Hill over the week end.
LaVerne Martin, Lloyd Johnson, Walter Fillmore, Howard Kelm, Ruth Blickenstaff, Goldia Goodman Melda Mohler and Esther Kelm were Sunday guests at the Edge-comb home.
Mattie Ring visited friends and relatives here Saturday and Sunday. She teaches in western Kansas.
Sam Kurtz came up from Newton Friday night to auction the pies at the C. E. social. He returned Sunday.
Paul Dick spent the week end at McPherson. He was accompanied by one of his students from McCracken.
Mildred Swenson was at her home near Windom from Friday night until Sunday afternoon.
Among those who spent the week end with home folks were Edna Meyers, Irene Steinberg, Florence Lehman, Myrtle Almsworth, Cora Sell, Ethel Meyers and Ima Larsen.
Wray and John Whiteneck and Clarence Hawkins went to their home near Aline, Okla., after the football game at Alva. They returned Sunday evening and reported much rain and mud.
Elton Frye and Anna Lengel were al Arnold Hall Saturday.
Listen students, get ready to buy your Quadrangles as soon as the next sales campaign starts. It will have your picture in it which will give you everlasting life—for a popular motto la. "Photographs Live Forever.”
Alumni Notes
Plans are being made for alumni reunions at the meeting of Kansas State Teachers' Association, November 3, 4 and 5.
These reunions will consist of dinners, banquets, programs, and reminiscences sponsored by the Alumni Association of McPherson College.
Ray Wagoner, A. B., '27, Colvert Rural High School, will have charge of the alumni meeting at Salina.
Orville Pole, A. B. '23. Halstead, has charge of the Wichita reunion.
H. R. Stover. A. B. ‘22, will of ficiate in Topeka.
Vivian Spilman, A. B. '26, is temporarily teaching in Roxbury High School. The position was left vacant by Miss Julia Hollem who resigned on account of ill health.
Ralph W. Strohm, A. B. '22, has completed his medical course at Northwestern university and is now practicing in Fort Scott, Kansas.
Mrs. F. F. Regier, alumnus of the music department of McPherson col lege, died recently. Mrs. Regier was a resident of this city.
Miss Bertha Ikenberry is teaching at Dagmon, Montana.
The Forensic club met Wednesday evening with Harold Crist in charge of the program.
The first number was a vocal solo by Alvin Voran, senior, “Give a Man a Horse He Can Ride," by O'Hara; Miss Roth Blickenstaff, freshman from Nampa, Idaho, read "When My Dolly Died" after which a piano duet "Souvenir," by Drdia was played by Miss Arlene Saylor and Miss Myrtle Moyers; two pianologues were given by Miss Mary Prather, "O! Mista Moon" and "Why Don't You Ask Me?" were the numbers read. The program was concluded with a vocal duet. ”I Love a Little Cottage”, by O'Hara, sung by Lloyd Diggs and Henry Hall.
The meeting was well attended and the members evidenced a great deal of interest in the club and its activities.
Follow through" was the advice
given by Prof. G. N. Boone, Wednes-day morning at chapel.
In applying it to football, he said, Don't stop when you hit the line,
follow through," and in our daily "Don't go part way in any task. follow through until it is finished." The reason given for failure most students do not "follow through"; they are good starters but poor finishers.
As a help in "following through"
school Prof. Boone urged that a be kept clearly in mind; that proper interpretation of moral lues and choices be made; that, lding a strong physical body was essary, for efficiency; and to m those mental and physical hab- which will make for a better life-to aid in "following through."
Between 7:00 and 9:30 o'clock each evening are the recreation hours for a number of students. They go to the library and there carry on their frolics in what we might call rounds. The librarian is the unwilling referee. At the sound of the bell all unnecessary activities cease for a few moments, then again pandemonium reigns until the next rigorous ringing of the bell and so on throughout the evening.
It seems that this ceaseless ringing of the library bell would awaken students to the real purpose of a college library. Maybe some students do not know that we have a gymnasium for athletic stunts, a track for dashers, pep meeting for yells, and parlors that will serve very well for getting acquainted.
f you do not know all these
things, inquire and-someone will be glad to tell you the when and where of all the different activities connected with the school. Let's use the library for a place to study. It should be the most quiet place on the campus. Help make it that place, you will appreciate it when semester quizzes come.
Remember the Game Friday,
Thursday afternoon, at 3:45, two the college's blonde co-eds were heatedly arguing, Upon closer in It was learned that both dred to see the game and each daring the other to ask Prof. Williams to take them. It was evi that they neither one dared for soon started walking half-artedly to the Athletic Field, rishing the hope that some pass--by would be generous enough to them a lift as a reward for the fort put forth to get to the Ath tic field and give the Bulldog sec- their support.
The heavy Hays Teachers’ football team defeated the Kearney, Neb,. Teachers, 25 to 6. Saturday afternoon, Kearney's only score came after a pass.
Dcwald, Hays' quarter, raced eighty yards after taking the kick off for Hays’ second touchdown. Two more touchdowns were added In the final quarter, one resulting from a pass.
Southwestern college trounced Bethel college, 26 to 0, in an opening Kansas conference game Saturday. Bethel was completely outclassed. failing to make a first down in a game played in a steady downpour.
The open field running of Richardson, Southwestern quarterback, featured. He was replaced in the last half by Lander, who rap fifty yards for a touchdown in the final quarter.
Rogis college, showing much improvement in all-around play over its start a week ago, trampled Washburn college of Topeka under a 19 to 0 score Saturday.
Brilliant work of the Hanger back-field kept the Kansans guessing during the full sixty minutes of play. They had no trouble piercing the heavy Washburn line for substantial gains to score three touchdowns, which but for frequent penalties might have mounted to six. The Icha-bods, on the other hand, never advanced beyond the 30-yard marker, and never seriously threatened to puncture the stout Regis forward wall for a score.
The Emporia Teachers, 1926 Conference champions, opened the 1927 season by defeating Bethany 7 to 0. In a game which was fought mostly in Bethany's territory.
The lone touchdown came in the third period. Tarrant of Bethany intercepted a pass, carrying the ball to the 20-yard line where the Swedes were held and attempted a placement kick. The kick was blocked and M. Hainline picked up the bail and ran seventy yards for a touchdown. It was the second touchdown scored on Bethany three years.
Emporia counted fourteen first downs to three for the Swedes, but lacked the punch to score.
President V. F. Schwalm attended the meeting of the General Educational Board of the Church of the Brethren held at Elgin, Ill., on September 29. This board is composed of all the college presidents of the Church of the Brethren and three other men, Dr. D. W. Kurtz, Dr. John L. Noffsinger, and the Rev. T. E. George.
The purpose of this meeting was to discuss problems in connection with the educational work of the church.
Some of the questions discussed were the rotary loan fund, the educational program for the Annual Conference of 1928 amd educational day programs. There was a lively discussion of college problems and the aims and purposes toward which the college should strive.
According to the reports of the presidents at this meeting, Manchester College is the largest college in the Church of the Brethren, with Juniata second and McPherson third.
They never taste who always drink; They always talk who never think.