The Spectator


TUESDAY. MAY 15, 1928

NO. 33


May 13

Prohibition Or-




. May

15 7:30 Opera





16—All Schools’



May 18





18. 8:00 Lyceum





May 20



. May 2

1 Music Gradua-

tion Re



. May 2

2 Senior Play.


■ May

23 High School




* . May

24 — Senior Class



• . May

24—Alumni Ban-


May 25


Officers for the coming year were elected at the meeting of the Wo-men's Athletic Association last Thursday morning. Those chosen were Floy Brown, president, Velma Wine, vice president, Arian Brig-ham, business manager; an Ruth Bish, secretary.

Among other business matters transacted the association voted to buy the highest award, the pin in the girl's favorite sport. Instead of allowing the individual to purchase it, as has been previously done.


Several Of This Year's Teachers Will Not Return To Teach Next Year


Miss Mildred Lamb Will Take The Place Of Prof. B. O. Miller. Plans Not All Made

On next September 12, when the whistle summons the old and new students to the new McPherson Col-lege chapel at ten o'clock A. M. most of the familiar group they now face will be there Schwalm, Harnly, Yod-er, Blair, Mohler, Fries, Hershey, Mc-Gaffey, Hess, Boone, Heckethorn, Roff, Gardner, Bowman, Utretcht, Byorly, Teach, Lehman, Heckman Bowen, Doll, and Lingenfelter will continue with McPherson College.

Professor B. O. Miller will teach in the Virginia Polytechnic Institute at Blackburg, Virginia. Miss Mildred Lamb, holding her A. B. degree from K. U and her A M. from Leland Stanfor University, will take his palce, Professor bright has been granted leave of absence. Plans have not been fully settled upon for fill-ing the vacancy he leaves. Dr. Schwalm will probably assume the greater part of that work. If Profes-sor Williams returns, he will resume his English work and possibly take a little of the History. If he remains in the University someone will be secured to teach some English and some History.

Reverand Richards will not be on the faculty next year, though he will continue as pastor of the College Church. Neither Mrs. Utrech nor Miss Hovis will teach. Plans are to secure a lady who will handle both women's athletics and the commercial work of Miss Hovis.

Miss Batchelor and Mrs. Gilson will not return.    Efforts have been

made to secure Professor Forrest W. Gaw, several years ago the voice in-structor in this college, but the mat-ter has not as yet been setled.


Members Of Class Of '28 Spend Evening In Pleasant Time Last Thursday


Various Games, Speeches And Pro-

gram Makes May 10 Stand Out As Memory In Senior History

Dr. and Mrs. Schwalm gave the seniors a reception in their home, Saturday evening, May 12. It has become a conventional customer for the president to give a reception to the graduating class each year.

The entertainment for the evening

was under the supervision of Miss Della Lehman. The fun was started when old proverbs were given to groups to be acted out. The group giving the best interpretation at their proverb received a prize. The proverb "Don't count you chickens before they are hatched" won the prize. The crowing of Nininger was the winning card in the interpretation of the proverb.

The next contest was the finding of the names of presidents from groups of jumbled letters. Prof. Bright was expected by everyone to win but all were disappointed.

Lavelle Saylor, president of the class, was called home during the early part of the evening. Thus a change of program for the evening was necessary. Instead of going on with the contests and other sorts of amusement, Dr. Schwalm called the group together and informed them of the change of plans for the evening. He gave a talk of welcome add in-spiration to the seniors. Lavelle Saylor talked in response and apprecia-tion. Saylor emphasized the fact that the class of 1928 would be the first class to graduate under the new pres-ident and assured the president that the seniors would serve to make Mc-Pherson a "quality" school.

Silhouette pictures of the faculty members were placed about the rooms and everyone tried to name them. The couple to name them first and correctly received a prize.

A luncheon of red and white brick ice cream and wafers was served.

The rest of the evening's program was then given. It consisted of a reading by Mrs. J. D. Bright, a viol-in solo by Miss Autumn Lindbloom, and the singing of All Hail to Thee Our College Fair and the College Song by the group.    



Thursday afternoon the Friends tennis team invaded the home courts and returned home with a majority

of the matches.

Woodard, Ford, Gass and Long composed the Friends team. Crum-packer, Jamison, Martin, and Spilman made up the McPherson team. In the double matches Martin and Spil-man won from Gass and Long, 11-9. 6-2. Crumpacker and Jamison lost to Woodard and Ford 6-3, 6-4

Friends took three of the four single matches. Spilman won from Gass 6-1, 6-0, martin lost to Long 1-6, 6-3. Jamison lost to Ford 1-6. 8-6, 7-5. Crumpacker lost to Woodard 0-6, 6-1, 5-7.


The Quadrangle staff reports that the annual is well under way to com-pletion. It is expected off the press some time in the near future. It will likely be ready for distribution the early part of the last week of school.


The new number of the McPherson College catalogue has recently been published. The cover is a light tan with black lettering, displaying the college seal on the front. The con-tent of the catalogue has been left nearly the same excepting a few minor changes in the courses, and a little in the faculty. The General Information division of the catalog has been made more complete, giv. ing more information about the col-lege, with also a few changes in the requirements of courses. Every department of instruction is well represented in courses.


Four Errors Lose Well Pitched Game For Bulldog Batsmen


Men Lose Games Away From Home To St. Mary's, St. Benedict's

And Salina

Miller and Bolcourt pitched a brill-iant dual yesterday at Salina, but the Canines fell down at the bat and six hits by the Coyotes coupled with four Bulldog errors robbed Miller of his support and the game went to the Methodists by a 3-0 margin.

Two lone hits were polled by the Canines off Bolcourt while Miller was touched for thrice that many times. Miller struck out eleven batsmen while his opponent eliminated eight. Both men hurled the entire game in splendid form.

The play by play report of the

game follows:

First Inning

Yoder went to first on a pass from hit ball. Rock struck out. Saylor whiffed at the third strike. Yoder was thrown out stealing second.

Muck filed out to Barngrover. Jung walked. Sargent hit through Yoder, advancing Jung to second. Parman grounded to Hawkins who crossed to Yoder getting Sargent at second. Jung stole home. Taylor hit a hard drive over left field, but was caught at the plate stretching the hit. Though scoring Parman ahead of him.

Second Inning

Hawkins walked. Hawkins was forced out at second on Barngrover's grounder to Bolcourt. Bowers struck out. Graham lined to Sargent.

Jilka hits safely over short, steals second and goes to third on Yoder's error. Sprinkle and Knight strike out. Bolcourt lifted a single over third to score Jilka. Muck bunted safely ad-vancing Bolcourt to second. Jung flied out to Bowers.

Third Inning

Miller grounded out—Bolcourt to Sargent. Sargent hit a slow roller to short and beal the throw to the bag for a safety. Parman muffed Yoder's drive, Sargent advancing to second. Rock struck out. Bolcourt threw wild to get Sargent at second and the run-ners advanced a base. Sprinkle threw Savior out at first.

Sargent rolled out to Saylor. Saylor snuffed Parmans hot drive Taylor struck out. Bowers gloomed Jilka's


Fourth Inning

Hawkins grounded out--.Muck to sargent, Barngrover same—Jung to Sargent. Bowers also to Sargent.

Fifth Inning

Graham flied high to Kirges who replace Knight in right field. Miller rolled out to Bolcourt again, who passed him out at first. Sargent fun-ned.

Isaacson replacing Muck at second struck out. Jung popper out to Haw-kins. Sargent did the same.

Yoder walked. Curtis replacing Rock, flied out to Jilka. Saylor hit into double a double play. Isaacson to __(Continued on Page 2)_


Excellent Superintendency Of Dean Makes Day Very Successful One


Much Time Spent In Visiting Schools' Corresponding and Planning for Event.

The success of the Senior Day Fes-tival which was held here last Sat-urday was due largely to the efforts of Dean R. E. Mohler.    By his

thorough interest in the affair and through his quiet presistancy in carrying out the plans which were made, he aroused the enthusiasm of others and successfully superintend-ed the event.

During the past few years, Mr. Ray Wagoner, ex-field man for the

colleges has been overseer of the high school festival day, but Dean Mohler kindly consented to take over the work this year because of

Mr. Wagoner's absence and he is to be congratulated upon the success with which this festival was carried

For some time Dean Mohler has been working on plans for the event He has spent much of his time dur-ing file past semester visiting high schools, carrying on a large corres-pondence and in general, preparing for the holiday up which the high school seniors are the guests of the college.

That his abilities are varied and that his successes in whatever he un-dertakes is not due to luck, but to the persistant work and a pleasing personality is shown in his work as dean of the college in his class room and in all that be determines

A man with a good intention is of-ten like an alarm clock that doesn't




Monday evening at 8:00 Miss Jes-sie Daron gave a graduation recital. Miss Daron graduates from the Fine Arts Department, Teachers Certifi-cate Course. She was assisted in re-citals by Edwin Johnson, violinist The program was as follows: Sonata Op. 13. Bethoven, Grave, Allegro di motto e con brio,

Tu Spring, Greig Orientale, Cul.

The Deserted Cabin, Dett.

Danse Negro Op 58 No. 5. Scott Sonate No. 111 Greig, First move-ment.

Liebestruam A Flat Major, Liszt.

Cows have such a serious look. They must be thinking. But I don't know—

I've seen The same look On men "THE ENEMY" Plan to see it.


"The Enemy"—'Plan To See It Great Dramatic Appeal Is Exceptional Play


Duplicate Of Original Scenery, Gen-

uine Costumes And Select Cast Will Leave Lasting Impression

Coached By Jack Oelrich

Who is "The Enemy"? They are all asking about it. The cast has been at hard work for several weeks under the able direction of Jack Oelrich, who for twenty years was a profes-sional player and play producer. They have been talking it, thinking it, and even dreaming it, lately. In order to

get in the required numbers of re-

hersals last week the cast met at the new city auditorium at 3:30 Friday morning and put in several hours of hard practice. Those who were off stage might be seen sleeping on top of the piano. In some corner or var-ious other places.

With an experienced cast, and a play of international fame, the Senior play production gives promise of beeing a great treat to the lovers of  high class drama

The artists have nearly completed the special act of scenery which will be used, and it is really a work of art, being an exact reproduction of the set used in the original New York performance.

Evans, advertising manager, has flung his propaganda far and wide and ran justly be proud of the event he is broadcasting, for "The Enemy" is a production with an appeal to both old and young. It has all the glamor of romance, the pathos of dissapointment, and the glory of tri-umphant success.

Although during the play, tears are sure to come to your eyes they will be intermittently succeeded by a jolly laugh. Not only can you find out what the "Enemy" is but you can see the effects of it through a story that you will never forget Tuesday, May 22



The Y W C, A activities during the High School Festival were a def-inite financial success, the total amount cleared being approximately sixty-eight dollars.

The cafeteria, sponsored by Lola Dell, Arlene Saylor and Jesse Churc-hill, was the most important enter-prise. Hot sandwich, vegetables,

salads, cakes, pies, and ice cream were the chief articles served be-sides the toast and eggs served to the athletics. Thirty dollars were the set receipt.

The pillow booth, under the di-rection of Alberta Hovis and Eliza-beth Hess, profiled to the extent of twenty-right dollars. Pillows of various shapes made from black hand-painted pebble cloth or of red and white painted bulldogs, different sizes of pennants, and telephone book covers were sold at this booth Prof. Teach also conducted an in-formation bureau there, distributing McPherson College catalougues and summer school information.

The hamburger stand under the direction of Margaret Devilbliss and Floy Brown, and Evelyn Kimimel and Ruth Bish champion sellers, made approximately ten dollars. As the booth was situated near the track field there was much demand for the articles of refreshment while includ-ed lemonade, gum, candy, peanuts, pop, eskimo pies, hamburgers, hot dogs, and pie ala mode.

The entire undetaking was a success, made possible only by the fine cooperation and the hard work of the Y. W. C. A. girls.

See“The Enemy"May 22

In order to make room for books the stacks to the library have been rearranged. A number of old mag-azines and pamphlets have been moved to the basement to make room for the new books that have been received by the library.

Miss Thelma Martin of Larned who visited Miss Thelma Seitz at Arnold Hall several days last, week left for

her home last Wednesday

Misses Eunice Longsdorff and Irene Thacker were shopping in Sa-

lina Saturday. They visited friends there until Sunday.

Keith Hayes spent the week end at his home near Little River.

Prof. G. N. Boone and family are

now living at his father's place while Mr. and Mrs. Boone attend the an nual conference at La Verne Cali-fornia.

Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Weigl and family of Wichita were guests of Miss Chester Carter at Arnold Hall Sun-


Claude Lowe '23, and Paul Blick-enstaff ’27. who are teaching at Bur den were in McPherson Saturday and  Sunday.

Misses Nina Stull and Adeline Tay-lor spent the week end at Arlington

Miss Jessie Churchill visited friends in Stafford last week end.

Mrs. E M McClelland of Glasco who visited her daughter Bernice the first of last week returned to her home Wednesday.

Miss Audrey Supernaw and R. A Wrath of Larned visited friends on College Hill last week end


The folowing alphabet was found in the "Independent Student. "The that column is for your first name and the second column for your second name. Find your description. For instances, Albert Philipi is Ab-sent-minded Parrot.

A— Absent-minded    A—Arab

B-- Bewitched    B Bedbug

C—Clumsy    C—Crapshooter

D-- Deceitful    D—Duce

E— Empty-headed E— Elephant F—Ferocious    F—Fool

G—Grouchy    G—Goop

H Huge    H—Hindu

I—Ignorant    I—Idiot

J—Jolly    J Jack Rabbit




L. Lovable



M Merry



N Notorious



O obstinate



P Pie-faced



Q Queer



R Ruthless



S Simple.



T Toothless



U Useless



V Vulgar






X Xyloid



Y Yapping



Z—Zealous Z


Mr. Miller: Where was the Declar-ation of Independence signed?

Lewis: At the bottom of the page.

We wish to thank the four faculty members who turned out to hear the Bethel College Men's Chorus Wed-

nesday evening.

Lehman— "Edith I want to see you make an A in your rhetoric ex-amination."

Murrey “I do to. What do you

The Student Newspaper of Mc-Pherson College purposing to re-count accurately past activity and to stimulate continually future achievement.

Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansan, under the act of March 3, 1897. Subscription Rate - $1.50 per year

Address all correspondence to

THE SPECTATOR McPherson Kansas


Editor-in-chief    Lloyd     Jamison

Assistant Editor    LaVerne Martin

Campus Editor    Doris Ballard

Exchange Editor    Harriet Hopkins

Sport Editor    Lawrence     Mann

Feature Editor    Robert E. Puckett

Copy Editors    Ruth Anderson

*    * Mabel Beyer


Ruth Anderson, Warren Sisler. Harold Fasnacht, Oliver Ikenberry. Allen Morine. Lloyd Diggs.


Business Mgr.    Howard Keim Jr

Asst. Bus Mg.    Charles Bish

Circulation Mgr Oliver Ikenberry

Faculty Adviser    M A Hess

TUESDAY. MAY 15, 1928


The McPherson College Student Council has taken a commendable step in sponsoring a program of a neighboring College. Not only is music that is far superior to the average lyceum thus secured, hut a more friendly feeling between stu-dent bodies is developed as well. Such contact is stimulating and unifying. The experience, too, that is gained by the musician participat-ing is real, practical education.

May exchange of college talent continue

G. Lewis Doll

Why Student Governments

After all it is difficult to see why universities should continue the force of governing themselves. It is unlikely that faculties will ever take the necessary steps to abolish the in-stitution since it does not, as a usual thing interfere with the conduct of the administration. There seems to be no reason why men and women who are supposedly concerned with getting an education should concern themselves with the continually res-urrected problems whlrh must be solved if student government is to progress." The student senate at Wisconsin has already taken steps to realize the student body of this honored and revered dummy.

It would, perhaps, be valuable and inst to know what presidents of universities say of student gov-ernments when they foregather at the annual meeting of the American Association of College Presidents Probably they say norhting, but it is more than likely that the majority of them would agree with a university professor who said recently: "Yes, I believe in student government. It doesn't mean anything, but they -think it does. Whenever anything of consequences comes up it just naturally cease to function. It keeps a few of the more officious harm-less occupied and gives them a feel-ing of self-importance" But some-times, the officious as at Washing-ton, becomes more serious—Daily Texan


By The Way


Lad. I'm sure you love your mother With the wholeness of you heart, And that never another can Enter in and play her part But I wonder if you've told her Just how much she means to you.

Does she think your heart is colder? Love her? Then tell her that you do. As her evening days are nearing And perhaps her eyes are dim.

She recalls those days endearing With sweet pleasure now denied her. As she lives in memory's haze Those were days that sacrificed her. They were own boyhood days.

Would you make her life be brighter Make her heart smile again? You will do it if you write her That you love her now, us then There is nothing you can send her To enrich her passing days.

Like a letter that is tender in the thoughts which it conveys Most her life, its joys and gladness Find their place, my lad, with you. You're the one to rout her sadness And to make her smile anew And you'll earn a richer treasure Than the memory you can claim.

If your mother knows the pleasure Of Sweet letters o'er your name



At the Mrs. J. J. Wall home on Thursday evening, May 3, Mrs. Milo Nice (nee Margaret Wall) of Kenvil, N. J. entertained at an announcement party for Miss El-berta Vaniman, who is to be one of the season's June brides. A three course dinner was served by Mrs. Wall, the color scheme of the op-pointments and favors being pink. For the last course was served angel food cake and pink ice cream in the form of tiny roll disclosing the an nouncment of the coming marriage of Miss Elberta Vaniman and Mr. Earl Reed on the date June 6. Fol-lowing the dinner the group spent the evening in music, sewing, and con-versation.

Besides the guest of honor, those present were the Misses Cecil Martin, Selma Engstrom, Eunice Almen, Ruth Greene,    Irene Hawley and Mel-

vina Graham and the Mesdames Lloyd Hawley and Marion Switzer Regrets were received from Miss Julia Jones, Miss Katherine Swope, Mrs. Paul Sargent, Mrs. Cleo Hill and Mrs. F. A. Vaniman.


Prof Hoff delivered a what-ever-

you-may-call-it in last Wednesday's chapel which we thought amusing even though it was an explosion of personal sentiment.

Collector “Sorry, Mr. Fries but I have an attachment for you car " Prof. Fries "Thanks, I'm glad

you like it “

Anita May S--"I surely feel sorry for VI she has had so many troubles this year.”

Irene T "Aren't you mistaken I don't believe she dated so often." say we pull to gether."

Many of the students have been wondering what the student council was credited for. At last we have found out and we feel it our duty to disallusion the public. They are to art as inspiration for untactful remark by columnist and other cor-ever, is to explain the wishes of the

administration. Their chief author-ity is obeying. We have a good student council (should be as good as new since we haven't used it) While we are looking forward to the coming school year why can not some thing be done to untie the string which are knotted about our student government. Of course this isn't even a suggestion or anything

Melvin G. "Have you noticed we haven't had soup for months?"

Ruth H-- "Oh, haven't you heard? They lost the bone."

Portia V "Can't you just imag-ine a College where there are no examinations? Wouldn't it be a dream!"

Cheesie V (Takes his exams serious) "Poor soul, who poisoned you?"

Bake Martin "I expect your fath-er will be pleased now that you are graduating."

Howard Keim — (Who expects to go in business with his Dad) "I don't think so —he said it would be cheaper to keep me in school."

Prof. Mohler "Are you sure this

theme is perfectly original?"

Franklin Evans "Well I'll admit you may find some of the words in the dictionary."

Stinson and Holderman remained in the air 53 hours to establish a world record while J J Yoder has been up in the air for nine months (collecting tuition) and hasn't re-ceived a line of praise.

Brof. Bowen—Can you give an ex-ample of the split atom.

Lloyd Johnson-- Certainly, haven't you seen some of the new women's two piece underwear.

We suggest to those planning a tour this summer to include Old Mexico. Indications are that ransom will be lower than usual this season.

Gad-About College will probably be

The Harry Harlow Nininger calling it enough by the time this column is off the press. We welcome

you back to God's country. By the way gang if you have trouble sleep-ing in beds we suggest you try the front lawn, only be sere and start the sprinkler just to give a auggest-tion of a peaceful rainy night

Wanted—A 2000 word    theme for

Theism. Will pay cash or trade ( Selects term paper.

- Bobbie Earl


If I had youth I'd bid the world to

try mo,

I'd answer every challenge to my will

The mountains stood in silence to defy me.

I’d try to make them subject to my skill.

I'd keep my dreams and follow where they led me.

I'd glory in the hazards which about

I'd eat the simple fare privation fed me.

And gladly make my couch upon the ground.

If I had youth. I'd ask an odds of distance.

Nor wish to tread the know and level ways.

I'd want to meet and master strong resistance.

And in a worth while struggle spend my days.

I'd seek the task which calls for full endeavor.

I’d feel the thrill of battle in my


I’d bear mv burden gallantly, and never.

Desert the hills to walk on common plains

If I had youth, no thought of failure


Beyond tomorrow's dawn shall fright my soul:        V

Let failure strike—it still should find me working.    \

reach my goal.

reach my goal.

I'd dice with danger aye! and glory in it.

I’ll risk high stakes, the purpose of

my throw.

I'd risk for much and should I fail to win it.

I would not even whimper at the blow

If I had youth no chains of fear should bind me:

I'd brave the hights which older men must shun.

I'd leave the well-known lanes of life behind me.

And seek to do what men have never done.

Rich prizes wait for those who do

not waver:

The world needs men to battle for the truth.

it calls each hour for stronger hearts and braver.

This is the age for those who still have Youth.

Early Sunday morning a number of students wended their way to Brubaker's pasture where they par-took of breakfast. The breakfast picnic was given by the college C. E. as their last social function at the

I school year.

The day dawned bright and early and clear, and the dormitories were in a state of confusion at about five thirty o'clock as about thirty stu-dents responded to the tinkling (or clanging?) of their alarm clocks and ( yielding not to the temptation of

rething again) arose dressed, and made their way to the front of the administration building from whence they hiked to Brubaker's pasture.

Upon arriving the preparation of breakfast was begun and several games were played. Appetites thus

arouses were soon in evidence. Ba-con and egg sandwiches, pickles, oranges, and coffee disappeared at an alarming rate. Everyone ate to his capacity.

When the desire for food had been sufficientIv satisfied the group

played such games as "Three Deep" . and "Jerusalem and Jericho." until it was time to adjourn in order to have time to get ready for Sunday school.

That the morning had been a pleasant one was expressed by every, one- both verbally and otherwise.

Phizz—Nina, I’m going fishing!

next Sunday. Do you think it would be all right if I took Idhe along?

Nina (angrily) Young man, do you realize how few Sundays there are 'til schools out!

Second Game—

Third Game—

No. II ... .

_ .. 22

Fifty points were accredited each member of the three teams who at-tended practice regularly and twenty-five additional points were accredited each member of the win-

ning team. The winners were Dorothy Sargent, Viola Bowser, Iva Crumpacker, Jessie Churchill, Esther Keim. Ruth Blickenstaff,. Mildred Wine, Rena Loshbaugh, and Myrtle Ainsworth.


(Continued from Page One)


W. A. A. baseball season ended with victory for team number two. Three tournament games were play-ed with the resulting scores. First Game—

Score by innings:

Miss S.: What is passive voice? Lycurgus: A voices that hasn't ever said anything.

Sprinkle to Sargent.

Parman's struck out. Taylor lined a single over third, Sargent went on to third. Jilka stole. Sprinkle popped high to Hawkins. Kirges struck out.

Seventh Inning

Hawkins passed to first—alt by pitcher. Barngrover walked. Bowers hit Into a double play. Isaacson taking the ball, tagging out Barngrover, and then tossing Bowers out at first. Graham grounded out to Sprinkle.

Bolcourt struck out. Isaacson singled past third. Sargent caught Jung out on a foul Hawkins look Sargents fast roller to throw him out at first.

Eighth Inning

’ Miller grounded out to Bolcourt, the third successive time. Sargent struck out. Yoder fanned the breeze.

Sargent threw Parman out at first. Taylor struck out again. Jilka flied


Ninth Inning

Curtis flied out to Jilka. Saylor struck out. Barngrover popped out to Sprinkle


McPherson 0 0

0 0

0 0 0 0 0


Wesleyan 2 1

0 0

0 0 0 0 0


The line-up:

Kansas Wesleyan




Muck 2b.............


0 110


Jung 3b............




Sargent lb. _____


0 0 7 V


Parman cf..........


10 0 0


Taylor c (c).....

0 2 3 3


Sprinkle s.s.......


0 0 0 2

Knight rf...........

0 0 0 0


Bolcourt p..........


0 1 0 3


Kirges rf.........


0 0 1 0


Isaacson 2b.....


0 112


1. McPherson




Yoder 2 b. ........


0 0 1 0


Rock rf. ___—


0 0 0 0


Saylor lb------

0 0 2 0


Barngrover cf. .

0 0 2 0


Bowers lf .........


0 0 2 0


Graham 3b........

0 0 0 0


Minor p............


0 0 0 0


Surgut c________


0 111


Curtis rf. --------


00 0 0


Total ........


3 6 15 11