McPherson college . McPherson, Kansas
NO. 31
the mile run and turned back Hardesty of Salina in the final sprint to
take the run In 4:53.8. Haresty annexed second place for the coyotes and Frantz Crumpacker brought the remaining point for the Canines.
Herman, husky Cofall lad, heaved the shot 40.5 ft to take first ahead at his teammate. Rheinhardt, by a scant four inches, while Martin Isaacson look third place away from Leo Crumpacker by a scant half inch.
Billings, Wesleyan, cleared the bar at eleven feet to take the pole vault from Miller, McPherson, and Barngrover won third place for the Canines.
Sargent. McPherson, led the field in the high hurdles to set the time at 18.1 and Parks, Wesleyan, passed up Miller, McPherson, for second honors.
Making twenty-one feet on his second jump. Isaacson made no more attempts and his teammates. Billings and Parks, gathered the other points. In for Kansas Wesleyan in the broad jump.
The quarter mile event with time of 52.2 minutes went to Hoch-atrasser. McPherson, Hoisington placed Wesleyan second place and R. Bowers. McPherson, crossed the line third-
Isaacson's weak arm from baseball didn't seem to bother him any in the javelin throw as he took first again for the Methodists by a heave of 152.8 ft. The diminutive Canine. Barngrover, took second place and Lessig Salina, third.
Jilka. Wesleyan, and his mates took the lead in the low hurdles for most of the distance but the elongated Miller, tripped through in a dashing finish to cop second place and Bucklin fell back to third. The time was 28.9.
After Vogt. McPherson, had set the pace for most of the distance in the half mile grind, Hoisington. Wesleyan, stepped into the lead and won by n comfortable margin and Campbell. McPherson, crept past Vogt for second place. Hoisington's time was 2.08.
“Beak" Miller cabbaged the high jump for the Canines at 5 feet six.
A male quartet composed of N. S. Rhodes, Harold Beam, D. D. Harncr and B. O. Miller sang two numbers.
"What the class means to the college men" was discussed by Earl Kinzie. He told what the class meant to the fellows in the college and that they were well satisfied with the work the class was undertaking to do.
Lloyd Hawley spoke on the subject "What the Men's Bible Class means to the business men." Hawley opened his speech by saying, "It means getting up at eight o'clock instead of noon." He said the Men’s Bible Class was just the place for the business man on Sunday morning. To attend a class of the calibre represented was an opportunity for every ambitious man.
“The Men's Bible Class as it is seen from the pastor's point of view" was the subject assigned Rev. H. F Richards. He spoke of the class as one of the most active organisations in the church. "It is a source of inspiration.'' Richards stated.'' To have the support of such a large number of faithful laymen, to carry forward the program of thu church."
The evening was climaxed d by F. A. Vaniman, president or the class in his speech, “The future of the Men's Bible Class''. He reviewed the past few months in the history or the class and then showed how the class had grown by leaps and bounds in attendance Vaniman presented some of the future goals he wants the class to attain. '"There are 200 men in this town that ought to be is Sunday-school and the way to get them is to talk the men's Bible Class every opportunity you have," Vaniman stated.
Because of the wet condition of the track and field at McPherson college the track and field meet scheduled for yesterday afternoon between the teams of Bethany and McPherson was postponed until this afternoon. The tennis matches will start at 1 o'clock and the track and field events at 3 o'clock.
Contest Took Place At Bethel College, Newton, Last Friday Evening
Hall Gets Majority Of Judges Votes Over Eight Other "Peace" Contestants
judge was required to cast his vote for some other than his own entry thus making seven judges for each contestant.
Prizes of $60 and $40 were award-ed first and second place respective-
Prof. Bright spoke Tuesday morn-ing in Y M C A. on Loyalty. Previous to the talk. Ross Curtis led devotions and Kinzie, Fillmore, Diggs, and Curtis favored the group with a quartet number. A good crowd was present, but there should be more. Men, you are WANTED at Y. M.
Robert B. Wilson,, the traveling secretary of the College Y. M. C. A.'s of Kansas as on the campus Saturday evening and Sunday, April
14 and 15. A Y. M. retreat had been planned for that time away from the campus, but as the weather was unfavorable and many of the V, M. cabinet men were not able to be present, a quiet meeting to discuss objectives met Saturday evening, and Sunday morning the group met and discussed the question. "What kind of men are required to make the Y. M. effective, and how do we get that way." The sessions were challenging and helpful. Mr. Wit-son came from a like retreat at Ster-ling College, and went directly from here to one at Bethel.
College Music And Dramatic Departments Offer Varied Program Monday
Program Consisted Of Several Vocal And Piano Numbers Followed By Playlet
Playlet: Brain Waves (in which you hear thoughts).
Auntie. Jennie Yiengst; She, Es-ther Keim; He, Clarence Hawkins.
Favorable reports coming in to Dean Mohler in answer to Invitations to the annual High School festival to be held here Saturday show promise of an event of outstanding proportions. One hundred and forty-two schools have been informed of the invitational meet and the accept-ances coming in daily mark an unus-school track and field men for Sat-urday's big program
The meet is open to both Classes. A. and B. schools, and is to be in the form of an elimination meet entitling the winners to participate in the state meet.
In the behalf of Dean R. E. Mohler. In charge of the arragements for the College, over half of the schools invited will send represen-tations according to the way results are coming in to the invitations.
Thu high school seniors attending the festival are to be the special guests of the college at a banquet in the dining room of the Brethren Church Saturday evening.
A new event to he added this year is that of girls athletics. Track and field events for the young ladies are to be a part of the competition
A lot of politicians don’t like to discuss oil these days,—It's not refined.
Relates Visit To Various Places On Trip Over United States
After Discussion Came A Series Of
Lantern Slides Showing Views Of Scenic Spots
Isaacson, Coyole All - Around Athlete Takes Four First Place Honors
Meet Nets Bulldogs Fifty Points While Opponents Carry Away Seventy-Six Points
When Martin Isaacson, Wesleyan's All-around athlete, chalked up, on the records of Tuesday's dual meet with McPherson, four first. honors, one second and one third, the Coyote invaders carried away the spoils by a 76 to 50 margin.
Robert Puckett, dash expert and captain of the canines, was decidedly off form from illness, and even chough he gave a mighty good try for the tape, the Methodist speed was able to draw in the dash events, which pre-game forecast had conceded to Puckett.
In the fourteen events, Salina took ten firsts, seven seconds, and five thirds to easily lead the field. Isaacson led the men with individual honors totaling twenty-four points and Milter, McPherson was second high man with twelve points. Four men, Crist, McPherson, Rheinhardt, Billings and Hoisington, Wesleyan, garnered eight points each,
"Ike" led the century over Puckett and Hochstrasser for a time of 10:2 although the time was announced at 10.5 but the distance was five yards long. Isaacson took the lend in the early stretch and held the lead In spite of Puckett's rallying finish.
"Berries" Crist took the load in
(Continued on Page Three).
Prof. J. L. Bowman, professor or the mathematics and physics department of the college presented a stereotypical lecture on the mechanism and operation of electric motors and generators. The lecture was given in the physics room last Tuesday evening.
Vivid and clear explanation regarding the various lines of practical electricity was obtained.
The lecture was made possible through the courtesy of the General Electric Co. The pictures showed the manufacture and the assembly of electric motors. Motors and genera-tors of all sizes and description were shown. The many parts of the elec-tric motor were illustrated and de-scribed in detail.
Three Course Dinner Is Served To Sixty Eight Men Thursday
Various Speeches By Several Mem-bers or Class Predict, Rapidly Growing Enthusiasm
Last Thursday evening 68 members of the Men's Bible Class assemb-led in the basement of the Brethren Church for a three course banquet. Prof. J. H. Fries was toastmaster of the occasion.
Following the dinner Harold Beam, the class chorister led the men in a series of familiar song.
McPherson College again came to the front via the forensic route, when Henry Hall won first place in the State Oratorical Contest of the Kansas intercollegiate Peace Association held at Bethel College. Friday, April 20. Hall's oration "To-
morrow’s Hope’ received a good ma-jority of the seven Judge’s votes.
This is the second state championship for Hall this year, having previously won first in the State Anti-tobacco Context held at Tabor Col lege, March 9. Under the able guid ance of Coach Hess, Hall has attained these honors by persistency and hard work.
Paul Owen of Ottawa University won second place with "America's Responsibility toward World Peace" and Miss Louise Fulton of Friends University third with "The New Frontier."
The folowing colleges and uni-versities were represented:
Moral Disarmament, Ferdinand J. Wiens, Bethel College.
"Plowshares or Pruning Hooks," Margaret Pollock. Sterling College "The Fallacy of Armed Conflict" Herman H. Hiebert, Tabor College.
"America's Responsibility toward World Peace" Paul Owen. Ottawa University.
"The New Frontier" Louise Fulton—3, Friends University.
"The Twentieth Century Pio-neers,” Malcolm Stuart, Kansas Wes-leyan University.
Tomorrow’s Hope," Henry Hall —1. McPherson College.
"The Principal of Life”. Dibert Yeagley. Southwestern College.
The coaches of the contestants were the judges of the contest. Each
Tuesday.—Junior-Senior Banquet.
Thursday.—Baseball game with Kansas Wesleyan.
Fri.—Debuts Feed.
Sat.—Senior High School Festival.
Mon. -Student. Recital.
Fine Arts students from the music and dramatic departments presented varied recital program Monday evening in the college chapel.
Students of Professor Lehman, Brown and Doll appeared in the program. A number of students and friends were present.
The program was as follows: Sonata Op. 13, Beethoven Grave. Allegro di molto e con brio, Liebes-traum A Flat Major. Liszt Miss Jesse Daron.
The Reprobate. Miss Arlene Church.
Au Matin, Godard. Miss Fern Galle.
Fabllau. Lack-Rebfeld, Miss Helen Kline.
Tango in D, Albeneg, Cradle Song. Brahus Grainger. Miss Thelma Budge. The Perfect Tribute. Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews, Miss Jeanette Hoover.
Prelude C Sharp Minor, Chopin. Etude E. Mapor, Chopin, Fruhlings-nacht, Schumann Liszt, Miss Vivian
The McPherson College Natural History Trek is now in the eastern part of the United States. The fol-lowing was copied from "The Jun-atian' and relates the visit of Prof. H. H. Nininger, and his party in Huntington, Pa.
H. H. Nininger. traveling pro-fessor from McPherson College, Kansas. presented an interesting lecture on natural history to an ap-preciative audience in the College "Chapel Saturday evening. He showed some specimens of meteor-ites collected in the states of the Southwest and gave an interesting discussion of meteors and meteor-ites. After this discussion came a series of lantern slides on Carlsbad Cavern, claimed to be the most in-teresting and unusual of its kind in the world. The pictures were scenes taken along scenery so wild and of such grand extent as to awe the beholder with the conception of nature's work. The whole lecture was characterized by a simple, ac-curate and vivid style of address for which Professor Nininger is famous.
The lecturer is a Kansas man, a graduate of McPherson College. Kansas, and Pomona College. California, a former student of Dr. Craik's and is now head of the department of Biology in McPherson College, to which he has brought national re-cognition through the quality of his work. In addition to his work in McPherson College. Professor Nin-inger has taught in LaVerne College, California, the Booking Agricultural School of South Dakota, and in Southwestern University. He was in 1924 President of the Kansas Academy of Science and is now official representative of the National Association of Abdobon Society of New York City and Vice-President of the Kansas Audubon Society. His specialty lies in the fields of ornithology and the study of meteors. He has placed fossils, meteors and geological specimens in various museums throughout the country. The greatest recent contribution has been a collection of fossil trucks from Texas, Arizona and New Mexico, some of them giving entirely new data on the geological history of North America. At present he is touring by automobile in company with his wife and twelve upperclass-men and graduates of McPherson College. Part of the material collect-ed is being used by Professor Nin-inger for his now partly completed report on "The Birds of North America."
During the present trip Professor Nininger spent two weeks working in the Smithsonian Institute and National Museum at Washington, at which he formerly held the position of Economic Entomologist. They came here by way of Gettysburg, arriving at their camp site near the Music building on Friday evening. On leaving here they will join three members of the party now visiting in the East, at Philadelphia, and after some time there the party will proceed to New York City for some work in the American Museum of Natural History. Afterward they intend taking a trip through the New England States for their historical interest before they continue on their way back overland to Kansas. They will have covered thirty-five states in this "Natural History Trek." Always busily engaged in the task of collecting materials and tabulating data on birds, plants, meteorites and various other elements of natural history."
Student Newspaper of Mc-Pherson College purposing to re-count, accurately past activity— and to stimulate continually future achievement.
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.
Rate — $1.50 per year.
Business Mgr. .— Howard Keim Jr Asst. Bus. Mgr. Charles Bish
Circulation Mgr. ..Oliver Ikenberry
Faculty Adviser ... M. A. Hess
Boxing and wrestling, two minor sports at Saracuse University, have been re-established. When the athletic board of the University abolished eight minor sports the affair gained national note and caused ser-ious objection on the local campus.
Another gift that was appreciated was a number of popular pamphlets and bulletins and several of the "Little Blue Books," including works by Tolstoy, Poe, Kipling, and Tho-reau, presented by Hulse Barber.
Church—The track boys run each afternoon from 4:30 until 6:00 o'clock in their scanty running suits (B. V. D.'s so to speak of) warming up. Now couldn’t they do is much quicker if they wore more clothes?
Rhode---They are not warming
up they're working out.
Church Now that you mention
it I believe your right. But say if they work out much more they'll be out etc, etc, etc-
And so far into the afternoo. morning, or evening as the case may he.
The Junior Senior Banquet will be run off this evening. We just ask you this. If you want to see some good looking gentlemen watch the select 13 wear their (rented of course) Tuxedos. These fashion plates wil make their appearance
shortly before seven o'clock. The Quadrangle photographer will be present and immortalize these individuals as they emerge from the elite Hall of Fahnestock. Be careful boys and don’t step through the porch floor.
The Spectator
Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Editor-in-chief Lloyd Jamison
Assistant Editor LaVerne Martin
Campus Editor .. Doris Ballard
Exchange Editor Harriet Hopkins
Sport Editor . Lawrence Mann
Feature Editor . Robert. E. Puckett Copy Editors . . Ruth Anderson Mabel Beyer
Ruth Anderson, Warren Sisler Harold Fasnacht, Oliver Ikenberry Allen Morine, Lloyd Diggs.
The all school's party two weeks ago was a concrete example of the good will that has been in evidence in our school spirit throughout the year. The school as a whole has become more closely united in its purpose and ideals. Support for the various teams and activities that genial and pleasant. It is with such have been victorious has developed a loyalty that makes the atmosphere a spirit that the best things are accomplished in the best way.
With the same loyalty the spring athletics should be boosted. The tennis and track teams need to be brought out of the slump and attach more victories to their present list. The athletes, to train rigidly, must possess the loyalty that is increasingly developing among us. Their loyalty is manifested by their sacrifice of immediate pleasures for. future attainment.
Such is not only the athlete. Every student, to exhibit a true loyalty, sacrifices in some measure to attain his fullest development, and thus make his contribution to the quality school.
The chapel fund campaign exhibited another expression of loyalty. The response of the student body indicated an appreciation for the Alma Mater and a desire for her advance-ment. With this spirit here the thing before us is to retain it and see that it grows. It points toward progress and a quality school.
The Deputation Teams which have been making trips to the various churches in the district gave a short program Wednesday evening at 7:30, in the College Chapel. The program consisted of the following numbers taken from the programs of four teams:
Quartet: "Fling Wide the Gates." Iva Crumpacker. Olive Weaver, Ralph Landes and Harold Fasnacht, accompanied by Harriet Hopkins.
Reading; "Unawares." Iva Crum-
Pianologue. "Serving the Lord In your own weak Way," Portia Vaughn
Crayon Illustration, "Day is Dying
in the West." Herman Bowen,
Play, “The Alabaster Box,"' acted by Jennie Yiengst. Mercie Shatto. Merlin Hoover. Howard Keim, and Lowell Frantz,
From Other Schools
Students Read Chinese
Reading Chinese Characters is the latest puzzle devised by the Stanford University psychology department to determine whether students are quick. alert and observing. The chart consists of rows of the characters placed upright, upside down, and at various angles. The student is asked to indicate under each one what he thinks is the position, and what was his method of deciding.
New Gym at William Jewell
The contract for the new gymnasium at William Jewel college was let Tuesday to the G. T. Construction Co., Exmira, Iowa. The bid was $130,000. The new building is to replace Brown gymnasium which burned two months ago. It is to be a three story building with a seating capacity for 2200 people for basket-ball games.
Women at the university of Min-nesota recently organized the co-eds' political party which will back a woman presidential candidate at the student convention May 10. The group will soon choose the "favorite daughter" of the nation who will carry the colors of the Gopher fem inine party.
Offer " Floating University" Fund
A fund of $6,000 has been offered
by John W. Campbell of New York, to be divided among three students, either men or women, of the "Float-Jug University” who accomplish the greatest service in furthering inter-national friendship on the trip. "Three thousand will be given to the
most outstanding student, $2,000 to the second and $1,000 to the third. The selection will be made by a committee of three consisting of the president of the faculty, the director of education, and the head of the staff of journalism.
Final arrangements to bring Robert Zuppke, nationally famous football coach, to instruct a summer ball coach, to instruct a summer school course in football coaching at Oklahoma A and M. college, were announced Tuesday from the office of the president. The Illinois University coach, will begin his two-weeks course in the gymnasium May 28 and will instruct till June 9.
Aviation will form the motif for this years Cadet Ball at the University of Washington, which will be held on May 11.
Only 24 students of the University’ of Oregon were declared ineligible to return to school at the beginning of the spring semester because of low scholarship.
Leaders are leaders because they do things better than the average person does them and because they do more, considerable more than is required of them.
Carl Smalley, of Smalley's Art Shop gave his copy of the "Publisher's Trade List Annual” for 1926 to the College library. It is a bound
volume of publishers' catalogues for
the United States. The librarian expressed a hearty appreciation for the book as it is the most authentic list of books printed.
Crummie—Come on let’s go to the
Izzie—Can’t, I've got to study.
It is hard for some professors to understand why the star varsity runners are nearly always slow in getting to class.
The Junior-Senior Banquet has always rated as the year's most gor-geous affair. The Juniors will appreciate the adjective gorg-us a little more after they see the Seniors eat. Remember it cost them last year!
Adeline—(angerly) I wish God had made me a mam!
Ray -Honey! He has.
Miss Chester Carter returned from
her home in Perryton, Texas, where she has been visiting the past week.
Miss Ruth Hoffman was the guest of Miss Esther Dalinger last Saturday night.
Miss Margaret Devilbliss and Earl
Kinzie were Salina visitors Saturday.
Members of the deputation team that went to Portis Saturday were the Misses Mary Prather and Mildred Wine and Herman Bowen and Lawrence Barnhart
Miss Winifred O'Conner and Howard Keim spent the week end at Newton visiting Hazel Scott.
Mrs. Lindell of Windom was on the campus for a few days visiting her son Leland who is ill in Farne-stock Hall.
Keith Hayes is also on the sick list at Fahnestock Hall.
Miss Ethel Mae Metsker spent the week end with Miss Ruth Hoover at Arnold Hull.
Miss Irene Gibson was a guest at
Arnold Hall Sunday
Misses Dorothy and Helen Lelehly and mother visited friends on College Hill Sunday.
Miss Sara Moyer and Helen Hudson went to Hutchinson Saturday to visit friends.
Miss Salome Mohler was an Arnold Hall visitor Sunday.
George Lerew went to his home in Portis last week because of illness.
The University of Washington varsity glee club recently made a tour of Alaska.
An American yesterday succeeded in breaking the world's speed record held by an Englishman and he came just a little closer to breaking his neck in doing it.
A Kansas man has penned up a load to see how long it can go without food and drink. It looks as if that Texan toad should be ostracized
HOW TO WEAR A TUX (Paid Adv.) .
We solicit your patronage to our fitting department. If your Tux doesn't fit we'll make it. (What chance have you) We straighten bow-legs, pad you up or lace in the bulges. Let us make a gentleman out of you.
Write 7734 North Brimstone for our free book "How to wear a Tux and Not Be Self Conscious.” (In-clude 50c for wrapping)
—Abe Goldbug Tailor Second hand Clothing- Loans—Realstate Pawners.
Dr. J. J. Yoder has been criticised for his extravagance in a financial way. The most convincing evidence presented so far is his neglect in the dandelion situation. Our campus has a sufficient stand of dandelions to furnish greens three times a day in the dining room for the next 25 years yet he grossly lets them go to waste. Whet can we do?
The Most Unpopular Roy In School say—"Onions account for my forceful speaking.’’
Well here’s hope'n
Beat the Swedes. <---
No bone heads at the Banquet.
—Bobbie Earl.
By The Way
Those who attended the Young Peoples Conference at Nickerson last week end were the Misses Velma Wine, Jessie Churchill, Ruth Tros-tle, and Bernice McClellan and Ray Trostle,
Irvin Rump visited at his home near Inman Saturday and Sunday.
Dr. V. F. Schwalm. Dean R. E. Mohler, and Miss Della Lehman are McPherson faculty members who were scheduled for addresses at the Nickerson Young Peoples Confer-ence.
Misses Nina Stull and Adeline Taylor spent the week end at their homes in Arlington.
Wilma—Raymond you'd better use both hands.
Raymond—I can’t. I’ve got to drive with one.
Nick—How many are there in your family?
Nark—There were five—two are living and three married.
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Crumpacker entertained the members of the var-
sity basketball squad at a dinner party at their home last Wednesday evening. Rook was the chief mode of entertainment and in the final addition of scores. Ada Stutzman was presented with a box of choco-lates for the highest score among the girls and Irvin Rump was pre-sented with a neck-tie for the high-est score among the boys.
Early in the evening the group was served with creamed chicken, coffee, and cherry pie garnished with whipped cream.
Those present were Coach Gard-ner, Mrs. Gardner, Misses June Ellis Ruth Hiebert, Jeanette Hoover,
Jessie Churchill, Velma Wine, Ade-line Taylor, Lillie Jones, Ada Stutz-man, Alberta Hovis, Margaret Devil-bliss, Isabel Eskeldson, and Lovelle Saylor, Clarence Hawkins, Melvin Miller, Irvin Rump, Loren Rock, Ray Nonken, Joe Yoder, Floyd Barn-grover, Kenneth Eisenbise, Earl Kinzie and Leo Crumpacker.
A Japanese student recently turn-ed in the following composition on “The Horse:"
"The horse is a very nice noble quadruped but when he is angry he will not do so. He is ridden on the
spinal cord by the bridle, and sadly the driver places its foots on the stirrup and divides his limbs across the saddle. He has a long mouth, and his head is attached to the protuder-ence called the neck. He has four legs. Two are in front and two arc afterwards. These are the weapons
on which he runs and also defends himself by extending those in the rear in a parallel direction toward the foe. But this does only when in a vexatious mood. His fooding is grasses and grains. He is also useful to take on the back a man, or a woman or other cargo. He has pow-er to run as fast as he could. He has got no sleep at daytime, but always standing awaken. Also there are
horse of short sizes. They do the same thing as the others are generally doing. No sooner they see the guardian or master they always cry for fooding. But it is always in the morning time. They have got tall, But not so long as the cow'—EX
Early last Friday morning sixty five freshman chemistry students. accompanied by Dr. I. Willard Her-shey, motored on their annual in-dustrial tour. For a number of years Dr. Hershey has taken his freshman chemistry classes to Hutchinson to visit industries where chemistry plays a part. Experienced men conducted the sight seers through the visited plants and explained in every detail. Many points which class room work
could not cover were emphasized in
this view of applied chemistry.
The tour required the entire day. The paper mills, Kelly Flour Mills, Carey Salt Mines and plant, Smith Bakery, and Candy factory were vis-ited. The State Industrial Reforma-tory was also on the list.
Dr. Hershey has always stressed the practical side of chemistry in his lectures. The class room has not always afforded him the best op-portunity to do this. Dr. Hershey's experience of visiting industries where chemistry is used has proven so successful that it has become an annual event. In visiting these plants and their laboratories, the young chemist forms a more con-crete idea of what his year of theo-retical study has taught.
Lantern slide lecture on music in Modern Life will be one feature of the Cecilian Music Society pro-gram Wednesday evening at 7:30 Records of selection from the Min-neapolis Orchestra Concert will be played. This program is open to everyone but a nominal admission of ten cents will be charged. Don't miss this rare opportunity.
A crew of McPherson college seniors have been busy all of this week building the frames for the scenery to be used in the presentation of Channing Polock's famous play , “The Enemy", the evening of May 22. as their annual class offering.
The frames, which were made from the plans used in the original New York production were completed to-day and next week they will be cov-ered with cloth and gotten ready for the scenic artist who will work from a set of photographs of the orig-inal scenery. Some idea of the amount of work and expense in con-nection with the effort to give this play the proper staging when pro-duced at the new auditorium can be gained when it is known that ap-proximately 1,700 linear feet of lumber and 225 yards of cloth are being used. This means there will be 2,225 square feet of cloth to be painted.
While this is being done other groups are working on electrical and mechanical effects, doing research work in connection with costumes and in arranging for the scoring of the proper properties.
On the fourth floor of the science building was a scene of merriment Saturday evening when members of the Chemistry club assembled there as Dr. Hershey's guests.
The room was cleverly decorated in red and white.
Twenty questions, whose answers "everyone should know," caused much mirth and when tables were arranged for "Rook'’ everyone was in the best of humor.
The evening passed quickly and at ten o'clock refreshments consisting of pineapple sherbet and white cake were served.
Such weather as we have had lately might expect to be talked about.
Many who seek the secret of death would do well to learn a little more about life.
Members of the McPherson Col-lege School Administration class ex-perienced genuine “old-time" hos-pitality last Friday evening. The occasion was a party for the class, given by Prof. and Mrs. J. A Blair and family in their home at 221 N. Maxwell Street.
Upon arrival, the guests were es-corted upstairs by the children, and there they laid aside their wraps.
The evening slipped all too quick-ly away. Not a dull moment intruded. After two hours of simple and very entertaining games, Mrs. Blair served ice-cream with wafers and candy. Before departing, all sang the college song.
The guests present were Arlene Saylor, Lena Beaver, Floy Brown, Arian Brigham, Ruth Bish, Anna Mae Strickler, Jewel Newton, Davisson, Leona Nyquist, Mrs. R. W. Nininger, and R. W. Nininger, Jesse Carney, Lawrence Burnhart.
Howard Keim, Martin Wine, Porter Ihrig, Ernest Kaufman, Lewis Miller, John Whiteneck, Ira Ihde, Earl Kinzie, Ronald Warren, Alvin Voran, D. L. Miller. Ray Trostle, and War-ren Sisler.
runner with a Bulldog head to one side. The name of the event in which the award was won is on the reverse.
Parks placed second for Salina and Fasnacht thirds for McPherson.
Isaacson, with a line of 23.2 finished at the head, in the 220 yard dash, of Puckett and Hochstrasser of McPherson.
"Berries" Crist was unable to hold the lead in the home strech of the two-mile and Hays of Wesleyan copped the event in 10:51. Hardesty, Coyote, made an unnecessary spring in his finish for third.
Rheinhardt. Wesleyan, took the last first event away from Isaacson when he carried off the discus honors. Isaacson took the second place and Rock, McPherson, third.
courage its use in certain situations.
Legislation was adopted to combat two phases of stalling but it was considered unwise to penalize or restrict “freezing of the ball" to protect a lead.
To prevent a tall player from tap-ping the ball and catching it several times in succession, thus keeping the ball out of play. It was voted that on a jump ball, the same player may not tap the ball and catch it twice in succession. The second phase of stalling covered was that involving the closely-guarded player withholding the ball from play. Such a player is to be considered AA withholding the ball as soon as the officials decide he is making no apparent effort to put the ball into play. Officials then will declare the ball held.
The rules, committee's deliberations were preceded by a meeting of the officials committee which elected Dan Daugherty of Pittsburgh and H. B. Reynolds of Chicago to represent the arbiters in the joint meeting. The rules body then elected Daughtry and Reynolds to regular membership for the ensuing year.
( By the Associated Press)
New York, April 23—Deciding that the regulations of the game needed no drastic revisions, the joint basket ball rules committee ended a 2-day session here Saturday night after adopting only a few minor changes in the code.
The changes to the code were relatively unimportant, consisting principally or alterations in the wording of a few of the rules to make them easier of interpretation.
The committee's rulings govern practically all basket ball played in this country, both amateur and professional. Its membership includes representatives of the Y. M. C. A., and the Amateur Athletic Union Association.
L. M. St. John of Ohio State, was elected chairman of the committee; Ralph Morgan, University of Pennsylvania, vice-chairman. George T. Hep-born. A. A. U., secretary; A. E.. Metz-dorf, Rochester, N. Y., treasurer and Oswald Tower, Andover, Mass., editor.
The committee rescinded its action, taken last year but never placed in effect, by which the dribble would have been restricted to one bounce. A storm of protest arose from various sections of the country after the committee had made the change at last year's meeting. Later it was decided to defer the action for one year.
Although the rate was rescinded, the committee plans to aid officials in ruling upon the dribble and to dis-
Several of the trophies, that for the sweepstakes in Class A, the cup for high point Class B school, high individual scores award, as well as the relay cups and the individual event medals, for the High School Festival to be held at McPherson college next Saturday, are on display in the south window at the Republican office. Friday while the truck and fluid stars of the county schools
were in the city this window attract-, ed a lot of attention, as the trophies are very worthwhile and some of them unusual in design. The medals, while of the same high class quality of previous meets, are somewhat different in design, the face showing a