NO, 30
Will Deliver Address Here On The Morning Of May 25 At 10:00 A. M.
For commencement speaker this year the senior class of McPherson College has secured the Rev. Andreas Bard D. D. pastor of the Saint Mark's Lutheran Church, Kansas City, Mo. Dr. Bard is a nationally known lecturer and is considered Kansas City's foremost minister. The church of which he is now pastor has a membership of over a thous-and.
Dr. Bard has spoken from the most prominent pulpits and platforms of the world, notably of St. Michael's Church, Hamburg, Ger-many: Trinity Episcopal Church. Church, known as Bishop Brook Church, Boston, Mass, and the Sunday Evening Club, Chicago, Ill. Besides these outstanding places he has delivered numerous addresses from prominent platforms through-out the United States.
Among the many places he has delivered Baccalaureate and Com-mencement addresses are the uni-versities of Nebraska and South Da-kota, also Gettysburg College, Get-tysburg. Penn.
Dr. Bard is also a prolific author of outstanding merit. He published a volume of love lyrics reviewed in the Kansas City Star, August 22, 1920, which says. “The thrills of Goeth's lyrics vibrate through many of Bard's lines. He reveals the skill as well as the ecstasy of the poet". Recently Dr. Bard published a his-torical drama from the times of Ha-roun al Raschid of which The drama is unfolded with much poetic feeling
and is as atmospheric as "A Thous-and and One Nights."
He published several volumes of Sermons which are widely read and circulated. The most notable of these is "Ships That Pass In the Night”, and “Other Sermons.” Dr. Henry Van Dyke, writes in regard to this volume or sermons; "'I feel in them the breath of the larger air and the tide of the deeper Sea."
After lecturing in New York City the New York Evening Post writes in Dr. Bard's regard, “He is known for his eloquence as an inspirational speaker, profoundly acquainted with the philosophy of history and stim-ulating to men's search after religious truth. A sky pilot with feet on the ground, he has been rightly called.”
The subject of Dr. Bard's address on commencement day will be "’Things Worth While," It is assured that an inspirational message is in store.
Over Two Thousand Dollars Are Pledged By Student Body Yesterday
Seniors Lead In Average With $17.00 Per Student—Sopho-mores Second
Plans are now nearing completion for the enlargement of the college chapel, the architects have drawn up the plans and the blue prints have been approved and accepted by the management.
The plan is to completely remodel the chapel end of Sharp Hall and also to enlarge the room by emending the building to the east and south. A spacious stage is to be erected and large dressing rooms will be built beneath. The seating capacity is to be increased in about five hundred, including the stage
The three sources from which the management expects to raise the necessary funds are the family, the student body, and the alumni. In addition to this, friends of the college have contributed a large sum to the fund.
Yesterday morning during the chapel hour a drive was launched to raise money among the students. The directors of the campaign set the goal at fifteen hundred.
After Dr. Schwalm, Prof. Blair, representing the faculty, and Law-rence Barnhart, Miss Floy Bown. Miss Bernice McClellen, and Ralph Frantz, representing each of the four classes, and given reasons why McPherson College should have a new chapel. Prof. Hess successfully engineered the campaign through to reach a total of 2,037.50 from the student body. The amount given by each class was: -Senior, $540, or an average of $17.00 per Senior: Junior $322. a $9.40 average: Soph-mores $844. Bverugo of $4 each: and Freshmen a total of 325 or an $8.55 average.
Previous to this drive the faculty had raised between $23 and $24.00. The alumni have set their part of the fund at $6,000 and the officials of its association have assumed the responsibility of raising the amount. About 1200 letters were sent to the alumni and former students and some personal solicitation is being made.
Work will begin on the remodel-ing as soon as this term of school is
closed. The building Is expected to be finished in time for the opening of college. September 10,
This week's worst hard luck came to the fellow who was hit by a car while picking up a horseshoe.
Nationally Famed Pastor Will Speak On “Things Worth While" To Seniors Of 1928
A large crowd enjoyed the pro gram presented Tuesday at the Joint meeting of the Y. M. C. A, and Y. W. C. A. The meeting was led by Mildred Swenson, who also led devotions. A vocal duet was then sung by Mildred Wine and Walter Fillmore, accompanied by Mary Prather.
The topic for discussion was the value and need of our Y. M. C A. and Y. W. C. A. In three short talks the problem was well presented by Mary Prather, Marlin Hoover, and Warren Sisler. They gave a few
criticisms of the present programs of the organizations as well as a few
suggestive helps Those present felt that something worth while had been gained as well as bearing an entertaining program
One of the new spring fads is the ankle corsage. We almost had for-gotten where the ankle was.
Henry Hall will represent Mc-Pherson College in the State Ora-torical Contest of the Kansas Inter-collegeiate Peace Association to be held at Bethel College, Newton. Kansas on Friday, April 20. There will be first and second prizes of $60.00 and $40.00, respectively
Hall was prominent in oratory during his high school career. Since he has been in college he has made an enviable record for his school. He won first honors at the State Anti-Tobacco Oratorical Contest held at Hillsboro. Hall is expected to carry this winning habit through the State Peace Contest.
There are eight schools represented in this contest. Bethel College. Sterling College. Tabor College. Ottawa University. Friends University. Kansas Wesleyan University. McPherson and Southwestern Col-
'Happy Birthday To You" Awakens Dr. Schwalm From Slumbers Crowd Gathers At Sand Pits For Early Morning Feed—“Doe" Runs Gauntlet
Last Tuesday morning, at 5:30 the senior class surprised Dr. Schwalm and awakened him from his slumbers by singing "Happy birthday to you." The event being his forty first birthday.
After arousing him and finally getting him to understand what it was all about the party hiked to the sandpits east of town. There a pic-breakfast was awaiting them. But before eating, the party formed into two very ominous looking parallel lines. The President was then informed that he was expected to climb the hill, going up between these lines. Everyone gladly helped him up the hill by giving him an enthusiastic boost from behind as he raced by.
The breakfast consisted of scram-bled bacon and egg, fried ham, and egg sandwiches, pickles, bananas, oranges and coffee.
Following breakfast the class presented to Dr. Schwalm a white and green gold knife and chain. After expressing his appreciation and thanks to the seniors everyone started for the campus and eight o'clock classes.
1828-- It won’t be long to Easter and then on go my new Spring
1928 It won't be long to Easter and on goes my Summer suit.(Or is it Fall by now).
Dr. H. J, Harnly. Dr, J. Willard Hershey, and Prof. J. L. Bowman attended the meeting of the Kansas Academy of Science which was held April 13 and 14 at the University of Wichita. Accompanying McPherson College's representatives was Dr. Warren Knaus, nationally known authority upon entomology, from this city. Hershey read a paper on Chemistry and Knaus read one on entomology.
McPherson College has always been well represented at the acad-emy of Science meetings. Dr. Harn-ly is a member of the executive council. For the past five years Dr. Hershey has given reports upon his experiments upon animal life and its relation to the oxygen of the air.
Bulldogs Arguers Choose Sand Pit For Get-To- Gather Social
Evening Featured With Base Ball Game Between Affirmative And Negative Teams.
Wednesday evening while the sun sank slowly on a peaceful horizon, eight debaters started out to devour the bacon which they had suc-cessfully brought home during the preceeding exciting weeks. The men's varsity team, Philip Spohn, Ira Idhe, Keith Hayes and Ralph Frantz with the girls team, Floy Brown, Nina Stull, Fern Galle and Ruth Anderson were the happy hikers, chaperoned by Prof. and Mrs. Hess.
The winning eight carried the bacon to the sand pits, only a little distance from the campus, where a delightful time of fun and frolic was enjoyed by all the crowd. The evening was spent in playing Base Ball and other sports. In an exciting game, the Affirmatives won a decis-ive victory from the negatives, with Coach Hess officiating as umpire with as much care as he should criticize a state-championship de-bate.
The height of interest was in the devouring of the bacon and eggs. Other refreshments of pickles and coffee, fruit-salad, cream puffs and toasted marshmallows made the debators think that their season had been worth while. Renewing their more youthful days, they played whipcrack on the way home, re-turning to the dormitories about eight o'clock. All of the picnickers were sure that the time had been worth while, and that although they can be serious in time of battle, there is a time for fun afterwards
Party In Honor Of School Leaders Attract Over One Hundred Sixty
Awards Given To Basket Ball Men ......
Debators, And Student Of-ficers After Program
The basement of the the Brethren church was the scene of an all-scbool social Friday evening when one hundred and sixty students and faculty members gathered there for a few hours of recreation
With the approach of spring, the thought of lawn parties, picnics, and the like comes to the minds of social-loving students With this in mind the student council decided that it would be altogether fitting and proper that an all-school social be given in honor of the college's many heroes.
It was decreed that a lawn party take place Friday evening and plans Were made for the same.
However, there is one thing that must be taken into consideration and which however cannot be depended upon in Kansas--the weather man.
Friday the thirteenth dawned and throughout the forenoon the sun played hide-and-seek behind the cloud and intermittant showers kept everyone guessing as to what the up-shot of the lawn party would be.
The suspense was soon broken, for with the coming of the after-noon the wind rose and a typical Kansas dust storm followed
There was but one affirmative re-garding the party--that it be removed to the basement of the Brethren church.
By eight o'clock one hundred and sixty faculty members and students had gathered there.
Formality was forgotten early in the evening and under the supervision of the social committee, the crowd was divided into four groups represting basket ball, oratory, debate and music, respectively. These groups then participated in several contests, the debate group winning the highest number of points.
Everyone then was instructed to find seats and a program consisting of Instrumental and vocal numbers, readings and speeches was given. Miss Batchellor and Alvin Voran sang a duet: Clarence Hawkins played a marimbaphone solo. Miss Della Lehman gave two readings, and Portia Vaughn read a pianologue.
Leo Crumpacker then told the points which contribute to a winn-ing basketball team as seen from the standpoint of a player. How it feels to play in a national basket ball tournament was related by Mel-win Miller. Dr. Schwalm gave a talk recommending that McPherson Col-lege should have as her motto hence-forth: "'McPherson College, the
school of quality.'"
The student activity awards were then presented to the various individuals having earned them through-out the year.
Prof. Hess gave the awards to the school officials of '27 and '28 and also to the man's varsity debate team Ira Ihde, Philip Spohn, Keith Hayes, and Ralph Frantz received bronze “M " medals as tokens of one year of faithful service on the var-sity debate team LaVerne Martin, Alvin Voran, Lloyd Jamison received gold ' M" pins as awards for their work during the past year in the position of president of student
of student council, editor of the
Quadrangle, and editor of the Spec-tator, respectively. Silver, "M" plus were given to John Wall, Howard Keim and Elmer McGonigle for ex-ecuting successfully the offices of
(Continued on Page Three)
M. A. Hess
The University of West Virginia, has been expelled from membership
in the North Central Association of Colleges for paying athletes and failing to audit the athletic funds.
A training table for debaters has been established at Harvard College. It is thought that discussion at dinner will give the-debaters a greater opportunity to become thoroughly acquainted with the debate topics.
Washburn is to have a new $185,-000 athletic building for next year. The building will be constructed so that it may be used for concepts and stage performances. Other features of the building will be a swimming pool, student community room, and a trophy room.
The students at the University of Louisiana have voted their honor sys-tem a failure by a vote of 482 to 36. It has been indicated that faculty suspicion was partly responsible for the collapse of the honor system.
The University of Wisconsin extension division represents 434 different trades and professions outside the regular class rooms on the campus, according to a recent survey. About nine thousand persons, most of whom are of the working classes, are taking advantage of these courses offered by mail.
Grinnell won five out of six tennis matches from Oklahoma Aggies last week, losing but one single match. Coggeshall, Missouri Valley tennis champion last season, won easily from Gabbard, Aggie opponent, 6-1, 6-1.
The golf and tennis trip ended dis-asterously from the Hays team at the College of Emporia, Henning and Bolling of Hays lost, to Newsom and Cartwright, but Bollinger won the singles from Newman.
At Washburn Fisher defeated Bollinger by a score of 6-3 and 6-0, Garlinghouse defeated Henning, 6-2, 1-6, and 6-1. In the doubles Henning and Bollinger won from Wash-burn 3-6, 9-7, and 6-3.
One to the weather, both tennis matches had to be played in the gymnasium.
About fifteen Wesleyan girls spent all day Saturday with Miss Frances Perry, Regional Secretary of the Y. W. C. A., at the school house east of Salina where they talked of cam-pus problems. In the morning they discussed the attitudes and situa-tions they would like to see changed as cheating, attitude toward freshmen and how the bashful, timid person could be brought out. In the afternoon they talked of “why I am not the person I can become." This is greatly due to public opinion, fear and that inferiority complex which makes us think of ourselves too much. In the evening each of the girls openly admitted what she was going to do to become the person she could become. All the day was not spent in discussion how-ever for the girls played ball, and returned somewhat to their childhood days on the slippery-slide, giant stride and merry-go-round.
If I were twenty-one I would choose some trade or profession in which my imagination would have freedmon of action, and learn to like work for its own sake.
If I were twenty-one I would underwrite good healthy by a balanced diet, obeying the eighteenth amendment, and taking five miles of oxygen each day on the hoof.
It I were twenty-one I would preserve the health of my mind by feeding it less newspaper and more history, biology, and Bible.
If I were twenty-one I would strive each day to do something my-self for some less fortunate individual, rather than pay some one else to do it.
If I were twenty-one I would be more interested in being a friend than in having friends, and would take time to keep the fences of friendship in repair.
If I were twenty-one I would practice the virtue of patriotism in times of peace as well as in days of
Second Nut Student—
By The Way
Misses Esther Keim and Goldia Goodman were guests of Miss Sylvia Edgecomb Sunday.
Phil Spohn and the :Misses Floy Brown and Nina Stull visited friends at Southwestern College in Winfield last week end.
A deputation team composed of of the Misses Jennie Yiengst and Mercie Shatto and Howard Keim and Lowell Frantz gave several programs in the eastern part of the state last Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Ruth Hoffman spent the week end at her home near Hope.
Those present this week end at their homes near Larned were, the Misses Thelma Seitz and Lillian Horning and Clifford Negley and Glen Seitz.
Bob Wilson, state Y. M. C. A. sec-retary, was on the campus last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wine and family and Fred Andrews of Rocky Ford, Colo., visited Mildred and Velma Wine at Arnold Hall last Friday and Saturday.
The Misses Ruth Hiebert and Arlene Saylor and Clarence Hawkins and John Whiteneck went to Wichita last Saturday where they broadcasted a program from radio station KFH.
Miss Dorothy Swain, assisted by Miss Lela Hultquist entertained guests at a Miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Pearl Howard, a former McPherson College instructor and student, Saturday, April 7. Those
With the Senior and Junior sneak days over everyone is impatiently waiting to see if the Sophomores will follow suit.
Do you suppose with a lady as editor of next year*s Spectator the columist will ever get anything published? Do you think ao?
The Student Newspaper of Mc-Pherson College purposing to re-count accurately past activity—and to stimulate continually future achievement.
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice of McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.
Subscription Rate - — $1.50 per year.
Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson. Kansas
Editor-in-chief .. Lloyd Jamison Assistant Editor La Verne Martin Campus Editor Doris Ballard
Exchange Editor .. Harriet Hopkins Sport Editor ... Lawrence Mann Feature Editor Robert E. Puckett
Copy Editors , Ruth Anderson Mabel Beyer REPORTERS
Ruth Anderson, Warren Sisler. Harold Fasnacht, Oliver Ikenberry, Allen Morine, Lloyd Diggs.
Business Mgr. Howard Keim Jr. Asst. Bus. .„ Charles Bish
Circulation Mgr— Oliver Ikenberry Faculty Adviser
In order that the student body may know more fully the work which our Deputation Teams are do-ing and may have an opportunity to help financially in the program the Teams are putting on, the Teams will present a program in the College Chapel Wednesday evening. The program will include a short THE ALABASTER BOX and several musical numbers.
The Teams have been giving pro-grams in many of the closer church-es in the McPherson College District, thus gaining valuable experi-ience and at the same time bringing Church and School into closer relationship.
The expenses of the Teams are met by free-will offerings taken in the churches. Any surplus at the end of the year will he sent to the General Mission Board to be used in supporting summer-pastors in weak churches. The Teams have been sacrificing time and effort to render this service to the Church and School. Will you give Wednesday evening to the support of these people and the work they are doing by attendance at the program and by offering a visible token of your appreciation as you leave the chapel?
Miss Portia Vaughn and Kenneth Eisenise have received expert typ writer awards from the Underwood Typewriter Company. The bronze Medal Awards are given to those writing between 40-50 words a minute for fifteen consecutive minutes.
“Is Conscience a Crime" is the title of a book by Norman Thomas which deals with the question that faced those people at the opening, of the
World's War whose religious beliefs or moral principals did not allow them to enter the war. It has been presented to the college library by the American Civil Liberties Union
Love at first sight is possible but it is well to wipe off your spectacles and take a second look.
You might call this a joint protest. Those clubs in the east which have banded together in a campaign against exposed knees.
Just by way of information—Chicago was called the Windy City long before Big Bill Thompson was even heard of.
From Other Schools
If I were twenty-one I would plan to get married, hope for a family, and deliberately plan to make home life sweeter, happier, and more contented than it has been in other generation.
If I were twenty-one I would be-
gin each day by thinking of something beautiful, remembering that in life as in a mirror you never get more out than you put in.
If I were twenty-one I would live the golden rule, and stick to it in spite of all adverse experiences.
. If I were twenty-one I would build my life on the conviction that I am not a mortal body which has a spirit, but an Immortal spirit which has a body, and I would take time each day to commune with God.
—Samuel Macauley Lindsay.
Where is the Lone Coo Coo? Has the world renounced Good Will aviator been the victim of treachery? We have not heard from him for two weeks. The Spectator staff is worried.
Mary had a little calf.
You've seen it oft before.
And then she lengthened out her skirts—
Those salves were seen no more.
Portia (as frank an usual)-“Where did you get that horrible necktie."
Boy Friend—“That's the one you gave me last Christmas.''
The columnist copied ten jokes from the K. U. Sour Owl for the exchange fill-ins. After the sex parts had been removed he had only the punctuation left. Here is one of them.
First Hopeless Case— ......
We are glad to see that our professors are interested enough in their work not to ask the students for a Spring Vacation. This is another point which makes McPherson College outstanding.
The most appreciated apology we know of is the one wherein a pro-fessor feels he should explain to the class that he had intended to announce a quizz at the last session but forgot to. Now get out pencil and paper.
Arlene Church fell in the river at Halstead and with this remark. "•—
—7*:-the water’s cold.”
• Any popular expression may be substituted. We are merely outlining the correct form.
Leap year was a poor time for the college to award gold basket balls to our championship team. The chances are nine to one that they can't keep them a week, (figure that out for yourself.)
The student election proves one thing if nothing else—the school certainly has a sense of humor.
John Cottingham came within three votes of being cheer leader. He can credit his failure to the time keepers as they cut Miss Vaughn’s electioneering time 3-10 of one second which would have been just long enough for her to have finished her speech.
If John had drawn all of Dorothy. Gregory's votes he would have won by a ten point margin.
The columnist ran far Quad Edi- tor on the platform. “The Vulgar-ist's Interpretation of the Years Worst Events,'' and won it. Just what the student body expects is more than he can figure out.
Phil Spohn will make a very good president of the Student Council. H he can just leave women alone and they leave him alone. Phil is very impressionistic.
present were the Misses Ruth and Lucille Anderson, Autumn Lindbloom, Clara Davis, Mabel Beyer, Jessie Daron. The Misses Nellie and Nettie Darrah sent their regrets.
Former students and alumni
who visited friends at Arnold Hall during the week end included the Misses Katherine Swope, Salome Mohler, and Mildred Libby.
Prof, and Mrs. George Boone and Dean and Mrs. R. E. Mohler drove to Texas last Friday on business.
Miss Ruth Blickenstaff, went to Burden last Friday to see her broth-er Paul, ’27, who is teaching there.
Albert Philippi returned last Wednesday from a short visit at his home near Formosa.
Glade Fisher, '25, who now teaches at Sharon Sprints was a guest of Ross Curtis Saturday.
Keith Hayes spent the week end at his home near Little River.
Paul Sargent left today for a two weeks visit with relatives in Fruit-land, Idaho.
Marvin Stef fen drove to his honor at Ellinwood, Saturday.
Howard Sager, '27, was a campus visitor Saturday.
Dr. Schwalm delivered three lee-tares at the Brethren church at Holland Sunday. He was accom-panied by a male quartet consisting of Earl Kinzie, Ross Curtis, Walter Fillmore, and Lloyd Diggs.
Miss Viola Bowsen visited at her home in Abilene over the week end.
Miss Sadie Glucklick of Salina was a guest or Miss Eunice Longs-dorf Saturday and Sunday.
business manager of the Quadrangle, business manager of the Spectator, and treasurer of the student coun-cil, respectively, "Babe" Martin, than presented letters to the cheer lenders; Miss June Ellis "Cheesie" Voran and ''Berries" Crist. He also awarded Coach Gardner, Leo Crum-packer, Ray Nonkin, Earl Kinzie, Melvin Miller, Elmer Crumpacker, Lavelle Saylor, Irvin Rump, and Lo-ren Rock with sweaters for their distinguished service in the national basket ball tournament at Kansas
This concluded the program and refreshments consisting of pineapple punch and wafers was served.
■ Songs reminiscent of college days were sung and the party broke up.
That the evening had been spent enjoyably was expressed by all and the enthusiasm displayed throughout the evening was a testimony of that fact.
A meeting of a union nature will be held at the new city auditorium Sunday evening, April 25, and at this time all the churches of the city will remain dark, encouraging attendance at the union gathering. This meet ing will be in the interest of the Mc-Pherson County Council of Religious Education the organization which is the direct outgrowth of the old county Sunday School association, and is destined primarily in the interest of work among the young folks. A detailed program will be announced later.
The plan to inaugurate a Little Theatre Movement in McPherson and to perfect a permanent organization of this type at a mass meeting to be held at the settlor high school auditorium the evening of Wednesday, April 25, is finding a growing inter-est among those of the community who see in such an effort a splendid opportunity for McPherson to do really big and worthwhile, and at the same time furnish an opportunity for the securing of the best in drama for those who enjoy such study and diversion.
It should he remembered that this meeting is open to every individual of the community, regardless of other affiliations, and it should be remembered that the organization is one which opens every avenue of study of the drama and the theatre, and that its membership will be made up for the most part with others than those who actually participate In the interpretation of roles in the productions given under the auspices of the organization. It is urged that every one at all interested make it a point to keep this time open and be an hand at this meeting.
Such weather as we have had lately might expert lo be talked about.
Many who seek the secret of death would do well to learn a little more about life.
(Continued from Page One)
It was announced this morning that the referred seat sale for the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra,
which will be heard at the new city auditorium April 26 will open Fri-day morning of this week at Bixby
and Lindsay's Drug Store.
' Committees of ticket sellers will canvass the sale of tickets between now and the date of the opening of the reserved seat sale, and these tickets will be exchangable for the reserved seat tickets at the sale when it opens Friday. McPherson music lovers are advised to secure their seats as early as possible before the mail orders from the surrounding territory start coming in.
All those purchasing ticket's to morrow and Thursday will have the exclusive right to make reservations Friday after which the board will be open to the general public.
An extensive advertising campaign through the medium of posters and the newspapers has been underway for some time and is being intensified this week, the county as far west as Great Bend and as far east as Florence being covered in this campaign, and it is indicated that orders from over this territory will be heavy as already a number of inquiries have been made by mall regarding the seat sale.
Last evening at the Junior high school Auditorium the McPherson Community Chorus held its regular weekly rehearsal, working on the opera “Faust" and brushing up on The Bridal Chorus from The Rose Maid, which this group will sing at the community building opening Friday evening. One of the largest attendances ever on band for work un-der Director Henry Kittell was present, and a number of new voices were added to the organization at this time. Those who have co-operated in the work of the chorus are highly elated with the progress being made, and it is believed that the presentation of ‘Faust" on the evening of All Schools Day will be one of the finest things of its kind over done in this community.
Anchored safely between two immense mountain barriers, but stretching nearly three hundred yards long and towering 120 feet into the air is the Eagle Nest Dam in New Mexico. Above the Dam the imprisoned water is held up by the mass concrete to it depth of 90 feet and stretched lazily back through the mountain valley several miles where the stream enters the lake.
To my right was a vast beauty-laden ridge of rocks towering ser-eral hundred feet into the blue dome above. Here there was perched a lonesome scraggy pine clinging to a crevice in the rock for it's meager existence On the other side was a still higher steep. As the clear sun hid itself quietly beneath the rigged horizons it cast retreating rays against the age-worn mountain side and threw shadows down the deep valley over the hundred pro-tected campers below. High above, on the rocks, scarcely seen by naked eye was a small mass of deb-ris. It was the eagle's nest, naming the Dam, now catching only tbe last golden beams from the species dome above.
There is no sense in being serious and when I say this I am in earn-est. For, if you wanna see the dubs in this world. Just notice the serious fellows. Now by this I'm not exactly referring to Calvin Coolidge or G. N. Boone but nevertheless you'll have to admit that those fellows never gain any respect for the scarcity of their smiles.
Take for instance Will Rogers or Miss Della Lehman. There's two people revered in the hearts of the whole nation and what's the reason? Just because they have as everlast -ing smile breaking through their countenances. Now they know and you know that this world of living is just one continuous joke That there is nothing in being hardboiled and downcast just because life has cracked a joke and you've refused to take it as one.
Why everything is funny if you can see the joke about it. Now most beings would consider Prof. Hess as the most serious minded person on the terra firm*. but. goodness gracious, he’s just a great big joke and if you don't accept that statement I refer you hack to last Monday's chapel campaign.
The biggest joke I've heard for some time was that Bobby Earl Puckett was beaten in the dash events at the dual meet with Salina today and, gosh! how it was funny. Why that little dapper chap was just expected to come hustling In to the tape with one of those flying rips of his—and the fates played a great big joke and sent Mr. Isaacson in ahead. Yea, but Robert realized that it was all in fun and he didn't take it too hard.
Then another big joke is the way Gardner kept thinking that we were gonna take more firsts than we did. Why, I'm sure that A. B. Mackie saw the humor in the situation. He seemed to as he was grinning most of the time.
The most laughable joke at this time is the kind of weather we are getting. Even the instructors are mumbling words in class recitations while their minds are wondering out over the green fields and the poping life of Nature-the students
meanwhile are drowsing through the clatter of unintelligible jargon dreaming of lolling about in the open with nary a care nor book.
Well, I'm gonna read this now and laugh!
What is our rhetoric assignments I don't know.
She sure assigns long lessons.
I'll say she does.
Who's that boy talking to Alberta? That's Herman.
What's be doing in here? Talking to Alberta.
Didn't he say something about the Tourney?
Do you suppose he made a date? I couldn’t say.
Isn't that rhetoric awful?
It just bores me to tears.
I'm afraid I'll flunk.
Oh, she never flunks any one. What's today's assignment?
I don't know. What is it?
Who can we ask?
Oh, I don't care.
Gee that guy is swell looking.
I know it, but he's a regular devil. Honest ?!
My roommate's cousin knows him. His eyes are sure snappy, I don’t think they're so hot. I've seen one I like better.
Oh, sure—I don't mean he's good looking at all.
Who's that by the magazine rack? She's engaged to John Do you think they will ever get married.
I hope not.
Oh. 1 don't know.
I think they'd make a fine couple. I do too.
We’d better get our rhetoric.
1 don't care whether I have my lesson or not.
1 don't either as long as she makes such unreasonable assignments.
Did you ever find out what the lesson was? No. Did you?
There goes the whistle.
I never seem to have time for anything.
Me too.
See you after class.
One of America's most famous men, attained that fame to a large extent by his gifts as an after dinner speaker. Although he had a career of great achievement in the business world, yet the after dinner speech-making probably did the most to spread his fame. Somehow those graceful and witty words of his found their way into every home.
There are multitude of after dinner speakers in this country, and many more who think they are, but really aren't. They might well take Mr. Depew as a model.
Mr. Depew made free use of humor. When you get people to laughing at the incongruities of life, you send away the glooms that inhibit their natures, and they are ready to receive information or in be moved by inspiring talk. A good after dinner speaker first amuses, then he in-forms, and then he inspires. Mr. Depew did all three things.
Skill specialists are a bunch of grafters.
Along with their tennis players today, Kansas Wesleyan University of Salina brings a fine array of track and field men for a dual meet with the Canines, Wesleyan met the Barrel makers in a dual meet last Thursday, and so today's conflict will not he the season's opener as in the case of McPherson.
The four men who made the trip to the Oklahoma relays are Gardner's four aces. Puckett, Bowers. Hockstrosser and Nonken. These men can be counted on to gather in the points while Crumpacker, Miller, Barngrover, Crist, Lindell, and Rock are going to make those Coyotes hustle if they mean to take the meet.
Salina comes with the array of men who have been hanging up some neat marks in the last few days. Isaacson dash man, is always a strong competitor, while Hoisington, Hays, Herman, Rinchard, and Williams offer keen opposition in their events.
Gardner’s men have been concen-trating on the Oklahoma trip, and may not be just trained to perfection, but the experience and ability gives both teams a very nearly even rating for todays event,
Saturday the Canines enter the state classic, the Kansas relays at Lawrence and the coach and his men feel that a successful representation is forthcoming.
.Next Saturday will probably find the Bulldog track stars competing in the Kansas Relays at Lawrence Coach Gardner has not picked his team but it will probably be chosen from the following; half mile relay, Puckett, Bowers, Hockstauser, Nonkin, and Lindell: the mile re lay, Bowers, Hochstrasser, Moubrey, Whiteneck and Nonkin.
The Bulldogs will run against the best competition in the West. With the experience of the Oklahoma Relays behind them they will no doubt make a good showing. The Oklahoma Baptists, last years winners, have already found the Gardner sprinters are strong contestants for first honors.
Coach Gardner has entered Puckett and Hochstrasser in the 100 yard special event.
McPherson College emerged third place winners in the 440 yard and 880 yard events of the Oklahoma Relays held, at Norman last Satur-day. McPherson entered a team of unknown strength and gave the best relay teams of Oklahoma, Kansas and Texas an intersting race. Cap-lain Bob Puckett of the Bulldogs won a third in the 100 yard special event losing to Hodges of Wichita Falls. Texas and Beal of the Okla-homa Baptist by a scant yard. (Time 9.9)
The McPherson athletes walked out upon the wind swept Oklahoma University cinder track to battle against heavy odds. A biting cold north wind kept the thermometer hovering around the freezing mark. The 600 contestants were grouped
here and there about bon fires. The call was given for the quarter mile relay and the unexperienced Bulldogs look their places by the side's of such well seasoned teams as Pittsburg Teachers, Oklahoma Baptists and the Central State Teachers Bower, Nonkin and Hochstrasser battled against a stiff north wind giving the baton to Puckett on the south journey who sprinted to finish an easy third. The half mile relay was ran the same. In each
event McPherson finished second in their heats giving them two thirds when the respective times were compared. The Bulldogs lost second in the quarter mile relay by 1-10 of a second.
Pittsburg won the meet by a score of 29 points. Central State Teachers of Oklahoma following second with 23 1-2 point. Wichita University and Oklahoma Baptists tied for third with 18 points each.
The Bulldog truck men passed through Oklahoma City the day C. C. Pyle's Coast to Coast runners ar-rived. Coach Gardner and his quar-tet of sprinters were at the tape when the runners finished their 50 mile jaunt.
The men were as dark and swar-thy as Indians. Some ran as though they had just finished a mile jog, but others appeared much the worse for wear. The runners wore regular running jerseys and trunks. Soft pliable shoes, similar to a farm work shoes on the feet of most of the men. Track shoes and tennis slippers would not stand up under the strain. Many of the men were limping hence the phrase Pyle’s Bunion Tour.
Many of the runners had given up this method of travel and were walking, while others walked up the hills and ran down. Very few of the runners were able to stand the constant jaring as they joged along mile after mile.
The one contestant who appeared in best condition was a walker. He strided along as fresh after his 50 mile journey as most men are after a three block walk.
As the runners checked in they were given official time slips and a free meal ticket. Training cars followed each of the runners. A portable broadcasting station lead the caravan.
Cold, disagreeable weather has prevented Missouri Valley track, baseball and tennis squads from doing much work during vacation. Kansas track men and baseball candidates, expected to put in some good work during the lay-off from studies, and stayed here while other students were allowed to go home.
An editorial in last week’s Bulle-tin by Helen Reardon on the demand for golf instruction in college gymnasium classes was the basis for the following article in the Kansas City Journal.
"Golf and bridge whist. society's most popular games, should be taught in America's normal schools, in the opinion of Emporia Teachers College students who have asked that golf be placed on the curriculum next summer and hope that the day is not far off when bridge whist also will be taught.
The agitation for a course in bridge whist comes from the men students who declare that the ignorance of the finesse, the double
and the method of scoring honors often causes embarrassment at parties.
If golf and bridge are added to the curriculum the teachers college graduate will go out into the world versed not only in pedaggogy and rhetoric, but also familiar with such intricate problems as the stymie and the informative double.”