McPherson college. McPherson. Kansas
NO. 29
About the time old Sol was call-ing on New York City to come from the darkness, thirty loyal Juniors were summoned from their beds of feathery dreams to a greater privilege of SNEAK DAY! While a hundred other Dormitory "snoozers” passed unknown air castles of the dreamlands, the Juniors crept stealthily from the halls of the cam-pus through the narrow shadows of a beautiful Kansas dawn to freedom. And long before anyone else
would have suspected that Wednes-
day was sneak day. the Juniors were happily piling into the hand-cuffed, three-ton truck waiting at the home of Bob Puckett.
As thee faithful pilot headed the prow toward Salina-town, the real-ized that such a glorious day could only have been chosen by the wisdom of Juniors and that only the cunn-ing and scheming mind of a Junior could so quietly and successfully lend them from the snare of school
Breakfast was a welcome visitor to the score and a half appetites which had been stimulated by the 35 mile jingle. But soon after Ralph Landes had devoured his eight egg sandwiches, a baseball game was the feature, and it could have been a good game, had not "Push" slept too much of the time.
During the day, boat rides, quiet walks among the cozy places, and serious considerations of the topics of the day, took most of the time. (Continued on Page Three)
What is the spring fever? This is a question which is hard to ans-wer correctly and directly. Is it an ailment, an instinct, a passion, or a state of mind? None of these ex-press it wholly yet each do in part Every person is affected different-ly yet they all seem to follow a well beaten path. It is not an ailment only in the sense that in manifesting itself it may cause illness. This illness may be love sickness or a real bacterio-logical affection. Love sickness makes itself known when the sub-ject of either gender refused to eat, sleep, study or work. At this stage the only real work is to sit and build air castles. The air castle or dreams take the form of two in a
shack, a garden of roses with a seat for two, a moonlit night on the lake with a canoe and everything or a sunset view of a little cottage set
against the hill with the rest of the family sitting and playing on the porch. Bacteriological ailments take the form of coughs, colds, flu, and pneumonia. These are caused by ex-posure and swimming before season, both of which In turn are caused by
the craving to get back to nature.
Young musical aspirants of the Buhler Grade School gave a wonderful demonstration of what a small school can do in a music way under proper influences when they were heard in the College Chapel, Saturday evening, March 31. They were competing for the privilege of representing their school in the Piano, Violin and Voice depart-ments of a contest to be held this spring. Miss Brown, Miss Bachelor and Professor DolI were the judges.
Five O'Clock Finds Upper Classmen Beds Vacated— Choose Good Day
Biography Of V.F.Schwalm
Most Of "Tradition Day" Is Given To Games, Boating, Eating And Scouting City
Ruth Heibert, Arlene Saylor, Clar-ence Hawkins, and John Whiteneck will broadcast a one hour program from radio station KFH, Hotel Les-Wichita, next Saturday evening from 7:30 to 8:30.
The entertainers have a full and varied program, vocal solos, duets, quartets, instrumental music, read-ings and pianologs are some of the numbers on their program-
They will undoubtedly be the in-terest of the hour next Saturday evening.
Banquet Proper Starts At 6:30 A. M.—In Brethren Church Basement
Delightful Program Is Offered To
Some Seventy Persons At Breakfast Banquet
The Y. W. C. A of the College en-tertained the G. R. of the high school at an Easter Breakfast in the Breathern Church, Sunday morn-Iing at 6 :30 o'clock.
The tables were decorated with yellow candles and jonquils, and the lighted fireplace added a touch of loveliness to the setting. Between the first and second courses Miss Lois Dell, Y. W. president gave a talk of welcome to which Miss No-rine Howard, G. R president, re-sponded.
From the table the girls went up stairs quietly while the organ played and there the program was present-ed. Miss Sylvia Edgecomb and Miss Evelyn Kimmel sang a duet; Miss Eunice AImen, G. R. sponser read an Easter story. A vocal solo was sung by Miss Mildred Wine, Miss Della Lehman, Y. W. sponsor, gave a reading, Miss Selim Eugstrom sang "Christ is Risen'' and Mrs. J. D. Bright, also a Y. W. sponsor talked on the significance of Easter. Miss V. F. Schwalm closed the service, which was carried out with a note of reverence, with the benediction
Many comments of appreciation were given by the G. R. Girls for the hospitality of the Colleges Y- W. C. /
I think one debate team is an ex-cellent example of what hard work will accomplish. Keeping everlast-ingly on the job beats carrying a rabbit's foot for luck.
G N Boone
Novel Entertainment It Given By Quadrangle Photo-graphers Friday
Games And l.uncheon Makes Up Evening Devoted Annually To Makers Of Year Book
Friday evening at six o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Walker entertain-ed the Quadrangle Staff and their friends to a dinner parly.
The reception and dining rooms were decorated to the college colors with red and white roses. The five quartet tables were decorated with crystal candle-holders and red can-dles; but cups in a tulip design of red and white; the place cards were also in the college colors and in-stead of the conventional way of designating places by name they con-tained the portrait of the individual. The three course dinner consisted of a fruit sherbert cocktail for the first course: casserol chicken, mash-ed potatoes, peas on rosettes, mac-aroni and cheese, buttered clover-leaf rolls and white marshmallow salad, for the second cours; pine-apple bavarian cream, angelfood cake, red and white mints, and coffee the last course,
After dinner the host announced that reserved seats were waiting at the theatre, so everyone went to the movies. On returning from the theatre everything was in readiness for progressive Rook, Lavelle Saylor won high honors from the gentle-men and Miss Arlene Church won from the ladies. A double leather photo holder as presented to La-velle Saylor and a Classmate Album to Miss Arlene Church. Miss Della Lehman won a bunch of roses an the consolation prize.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Walker, the Misses Della Lehman, Ruth Bish, Bernice McClellan, Doro-thy Swain, AIberta Hovis, Marzella Okerlind, Doira Ballard, Arlene
Church, Portia Vaughn, Irene
Thacker and John Wall, Raymond Trostle, Alvin Voran, Herman Bo-wen, Lawrence Mann, Warren Sis-ler, Lavelle Saylor, Lloyd Jamison, and Marvin Steffen
Miss June Ellis sent her regrets and was not able to be present be-cause of illness.
McPherson College second debate team showed its ability to follow percedent when it defeated the Bresee College of Hutchinson last Wednesday night.
Henry Hall and Lloyd Diggs up-held the affirmative of the question. "Resolved that the United States should cease to protect capital in-vested in foreign lands by armed force, except after formal declara-tion of war." The negative was pre-nented by Miss Bring and Mr. Smith of Bresee College.
Montgomery of McPherson high schooI, acted as critic judge. When giving his decision Montgomery stated that the affirmative were superior in rebutal and also very clear in outline. The negative, al-though clear in outline, failed to meet the affirmative's arguments in rebuttal
Prof. B. O. Miller acted as chairman of the debate.
Marlin Hoover and Lawrence Leh-man won from the Bresee affirma-tive at Hutchinson.
Only one-tenth of the college un-
dergraduates today can be said to be
religiously minded, is the opinion of President Wilkins, of Oberlin College. One-tenth of the student body, he says, feels itself definitely opposed to religion, 8 per cent care little one way or the other, and 10 per cent are "religiously minded."
Forty one years ago on an In-•diana farm true to tradition sur rounding great men, a young son made his appearance at the H. M. Schwalm home. As this was the fifth such occurance in the German home, dreams of the future states man, scientists on other such person-age of renoun were not dreamed of at this particular occasion. The in-dividual was Christened Vernon Franklin Schwalm and his existence in this world was considered duly started.
The first few years of the farmer lad's life were spent as farmer lad's lives go. He sat on the carved school bench in winter when it is intimated that he once drew a picture on his state during study hours. During the summer, he followed the Indiana corn rows with a
After completing eight grades in the rural school the mature possessor of a PH. D started on the road of its attainment and spent one year in the rural high school near Wa-karisa, Indiana. The first practical pedagagical experience the young man secured was in the nearby coun-try schools.
The next few years were filled with study and teaching, including two years at Manchester College. North Manchester, Indiana.
The year 1908 Marks an import-ant milestone in the life of the pres-ident of McPherson College. Not merely the fact that he at that time again took up his work at Manches-ter makes the year outstanding.
(Continued on Page Two)
Going swimming too soon is a kids trick and is not practiced except what a bunch of students (not always small boys) sneak away from school.
The spring fever la an instinct only in the sense that we do not know where it comes from and seems to be born into people (students especially) It comes every spring and goes before final exams arrive. Youth is its ideal victim for youth has most of it. It creates two oppo-site desires at the same time one is wanderlust and the desire or explor-ation and the other contentment and idleness. It makes time indepen-debt of life. The kids just want to live today, tomorrow, and forever without a care or a worry as long as the sun shines, the sky is blue, and the grass green and soft.
The passion for companionship is also felt but sparing produces a state satisfaction in oneself which makes the caress of the trees and the touch of the grass a friendly feeling. The trees, the steams, and the fields welcome, one to wander by day or night and dream alone Yet the passion for companionship is strong enough bring two wand-
• ering dreamers together under a tree at the foot of the hill.
A lot of spring fever is a state of mind but it can not be only that for it is reality in itself. It is real. it is a part of a person, one can feel it, see it, hear it, and almost taste it. A person can feel it tingling in his blood, it creates the desire to throw down tradition and customs and wonder, just wander. Where to and when no one knows. You can see it in the eyes of a boy sitting under a tree watching the birds and big flurry clouds. You can hear it in
the merry laughter of the boys and girls as they skip along the dusty road in the twilight. You can al-most taste the desire to explore in the crisp morning air.
The fairy castles in the clouds and the dreams of success are all
•states of mind and very esential part of spring fever for they pro-duce the mental state of self satisfaction which make the wheels of time run loose.
Spring fever is that thing which creates a love of nature and fellow-men and contentment for oneself.
Peppy Candidate Speeches And Numerous Hand Bills Create Enthusiasm
Eight Officers Are Chosen From Fourteen Candidates By Vote Of Student Body
An annual event of outstanding importance to the student life of McPherson College came last week when the Student Connell conduct-ed the annual student election. In the wake of the swarm of petition bearers, campaign speakers, and myriads of handbills, the students of McPherson las Friday deemed themselves sufficiently intelligent to place responsibilities of office upon the shoulders of the most capable of their number.
Thursday morning at ten o'clock, a half hour was given over to cam-paign speeches. Fourteen wild-eyed elocutionists packed fourteen speeches into a brief thirty min-utes. Solemn humor and dreadful earnestness found their way in to the gice of the audience.
The following men and women were deemed most capable for their positions: Philip Spohn, president of the Student Council; Harold Fasnacht, treasurer of the Student Council; Doris Ballard, editor of the Spectator; Charles Bish busi-ness manager of the Spectator; Robert Puckett. Quadrangle editor: Marvin Steffin, Quadrangle business manager; Alberta Hovis and Ralph Frantz, cheer leaders.
Friday afternoon and evening a
county C. E. Institute was held at the Beathern church. The purpose of the meeting was to conduct dis-cussions on various subjects relative to C. E. work and to elect a county president Miss Jessie Churchill was elected president
The program for the afternoon and evening was as follows:
4:30. Registration 4:45 Opening Service 4:55, Welcome Address Rev. H. F. Richards, McPherson.
5:00. Conference periods Officers. Mr. Breg. Topeka Missionary, Ruth Bowen, McPher-
Social, Floy Brown, McPherson Jr. and Inter, Rev. L. H. Ashley, McPherson
Finances. D. L. Miller, McPher-
5:30. Special Music a 5:45 Around the Literature Ta-ble, Mr. Breg.
6:15. Luncheon
7:00 Praise Service. Rev. G. H. Cotton, McPherson
7:20 Report of nomination com-mittees and election of County president.
7 30. Open Forum. Mr. Breg Discussion of plans for Easter Sunday Prayer Meetings
7:50. How to Organize a Christian Endeavor Society. Lila Fields.
8:00 Collection and Announce-
8:10 Special Music
8:30 Closing Address, Mr. Breg
Emporia Teachers College has been admitted to membership in the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools on the same basis that liberal arts colleges are admitted according to a statement issued re-cently by President Thomas W. Butcher.
Four hundred and twelve schools representing 15 states will take part in the "Every Pupil Scholarship Con-test" to be held at the Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia. on April 11.
The Student Newspaper of Mc-Pherson College, purposing to recount accurately past activity and to stimulate continually future achievement.
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917 at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.
From Other Schools
(Continued from Page One)
The board, of regents of the University of Wichita has voted to estab-
lish a department of aeronautics in
the school. Wichita is nationally known as an airport and industrial center of aviation and the new development is in line with other advancements in aviation in Wichita and other Kansas cities since flying has become of commercial value.
That personality is worth more to a student than grades was the belief, expressed by Dr. Edward R. Weidlein, of the Mellon-Institute of Pittsburgh, in speaking before a campus group at the Ohio State University.
The Indiana Daily Student, searching among the university archives; has discovered that in '99 there was a rule at the University of Indiana saying that “No co-ed shall ride by means of horse and buggy beyond the city limits."
Baldwin, March 21- - A new stad-ium to be dedicated to the Baker University men who served in the army during the world war, will be erected on the campus, under plans now under consideration by the board of trustees.
The building will occupy the pre-sent site of Cavaness athletic field and will be put up at an approximate cost of $750,000 it is planned.
Subscription Rate - $1.50 per year.
Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Editor-in-chief Lloyd Jamison
Assistant Editor LaVerne Martin
Campus Editor Doris Ballard
Exchange Editor Harriet Hopkins
Sport Editor Lawrence Mann
Feature Editor . Robert E. Puckett. Copy Editors Ruth Anderson
Ruth Anderson, Warren Sisler, Harold Fasnacht, Oliver Ikenberry, Allen Morine, Lloyd Diggs.
Business Mgr. Howard-Keim Jr.
Asst. Bus. Mg. Charles Bish
Circulation Mgr. Oliver Ikenberry
Faculty Advisor M. A. Hess
This subject was called to my intention by reading a sermon found in a book by Davis, "Principles of Preaching." Not that I want to the readers here but that you may profit by knowing the meaning of a message such as is given in a book of that kind.
This title is used in the book as this subject of a sermon, therefore, it has a text. The text is found in John 20:8 and reads; “Then entered in the other deciple also."
Yes John outran Peter to the tomb of Jesus, he was younger but he did not enter. Peter, that Impulsive fellow came up and walked in, John followed., but why? Was he asked to come in by his friend? I think not. He did not realize that his friend was having an influence on his life, neither did his friend realize that he was influencing him. "Unconscious Influences."
Could it be that we as students are wielding an unconscious influ-ence here on the campus, or even more far reaching, than that? If so what kind of an influence is it and how is it wielded? You never know the kind for it is wielded without you ever being conscious of it. It is wielded by every expression of the face, eye, movement of the head or body, every word spoken and even our attitudes allow it to creep out. "Unconscious Influences,” will it be Christlike or not? It all de-pends on how seriously you take Christ. Many times this Christ in-fluence creeps info the life of another through a friend just as the sun creeps into the dark recesses of the corner.
Under the editorship of Paul L. Dick the publication “The Ladder” published by the class of '27 has been completed and may be found in the college Library.
“The Ladder" has within the first few pages, editorials, letters from, the Drs. Schwalm and Kurtz, a history of the class of '27, and the class will. Following this section are letters from most of the mem-bers of the class telling where they are located, what they are doing, and what they expect to do in the future. Kenneth Rock, now on the Nininger trek, gives an account of the trip throughout the U. S. and Mexico.
Newsy jots and brief notes of interst here and there, add spice to the bulletin.
Said the Governor of Kansas to the Governor of Texas, “How do you get that way?"
Said the Governor of Texas to the Governor of Kansas, "T'was only a joke, I'm sorry."
And thus, little children, serious difficulties were averted. The sov-ereign state of Texas insulted the dignity of the glorious state of Kan-sas and the old Sunflower state rared right up and spoke out loud. A call for federal aid was sent out by Kan-
An array of dry statistics were gathered from the department of agri-culture and buried enmasse at the stronghold of the enemy. But the Irish humor of the Texas governor came to the rescue, and he said it was only a dirty Irish joke—and a possible war was averted.
Yes, the Lone Star governor just laughed and laughed, because he knew all the time that it wasn't a Kansas cyclone.
There, children, is a lesson in po-litical science. See you the worries of state. Think thrice before run-ning for governor. How would you have settled such a weighty and im-portant problem of state.
We submit two solutions to our own problem. We would have taken a picture of some of the deserted sand hills in western Kansas and labled them as being blown up from Texas, or would have turned the matter over to the secretary of the Cham-ber of Commerce of Podunk. He is paid for such foolishness.--Daily Kansan.
A club has been organized at Michigan by those undergraduates who have a distinct leaning toward the fair sex. The members have pledged themselves to have 150 dates a year with different girls at the end of this time the members must divulge to each, other the names and address-es of the girls with whom they have had dates.
By The Way
Miss Mildred Swenson was a guest of honor at a birthday picnic on the campus last Monday evening. The guests were the Misses Lillian Horning, Irene Baker, Elma Oaks, Jennie Yiengst, Helen Hudson, and Sara Moyer.
Miss Elma Hoffman, a former student was a guest at Arnold Hall last Tuesday. Miss Hoffman now attends Bethany College at Lindsborg.
Dr. D. W. Kurtz left Tuesday for his home at Long Beach. Calif. He stopped in McPherson on his way home from Illinois; where he delivered two addresses.
Misses Arlene Saylor and Eliza-beth Hess left last Thursday for their homes in Morrill. They re-turned Sunday afternoon.
Miss Hazel Ratliff of Rocky Ford, Colo., was the week end guest
of Ralph Frantz.
Miss Thelma Budge spent the week end at her home near St. Johns.
Miss Grace Brubaker, an alumnus of McPherson College who is now doing Y. W. C. A. work in Great Bend, Indiana, arrived in McPherson last Monday to spend her vacation with relatives.
Miss Edna Padgett of Florence was a guest of Miss Ethel Meyer at Arnold Hall last Monday and Tues-day.
Melda Mohler and Lloyd Johnson were week end guests at the C. L. Doty home in Hutchinson.
Prof J. A. Blair was in Kingsley last Friday.
Miss Anna Lengel, '27 was a campus visitor Saturday.
Clarence Hawkins and John and Wray Whiteneck drove to their homes near Alina, Oklahoma last Thursday. They returned Sunday.
President Schwalm made a busi-ness trip to Eureka Saturday.
Miss Adeline Taylor visited at her home in Arlington last week end.
Howard Keim visited friends, at Greensburg Saturday and Sunday.
The Misses Irene Thacker, Ruth Bish, and Melvina Graham were shopping in Salina Saturday.
If you like circuses, Halloween, 4th of July, and Christmas, you will thoroughly enjoy next Thursday Chemistry Club meeting. A little bit of each of your favorite holiday will all be mixed into one in this big fun program. Through the chemistry club every one is invite to this spectacular affair.
Ross Curtis, Raymond Trostle and Philip Spohn will demonstrate what three ham chemists can do when the are left alone. Here is an abbrevia tion of what will be done. Egg will be cooked as hard as stone at a temperature of 100 degrees be low zero frozen cranberries Hu bounce like golf balls will be given tit:e. The mystries of secret hand writing, and converting water into wine will be revealed. Explosives that will go off at the stir of a fly eye brow will he demonstrated to the probable satisfaction of the audience. Home made torpedoes, sky rockets, colored lights, and roman candles are only a few of the tor-tures.
You are invited to the big blow out next Thursday at 4:30 in the Chemistry lecture room. Come early as the house was full last year. By the way, have you ever seen a gar den grow in five minutes?
Only a week ago I stood at the foot of a scene of well-know his-toric grandeur within the walls of the great Rockies. At either side towered an immense steep of snow-covered, mountain side. Against the west side of the ravine, the sun cast warm rays, leaving only shadows and dark crevices on the opposite side. The center of attraction was the falling stream of water, which cast itself restlessly over seven falls from a plane of three hundred feet above. Here and there the waters poured itself over the age-worn rock against the frozen ice, then flowed quietly until again it roared beneath the ice over a second fall. At. various places beautiful sprays were sent several feet into the air, through which the warm mountain sun sent rainbow-like streams of light, that played on the snow below.
From the top of this scene the view below also displayed great unity in the handiwork of nature. The valley which opened out wound peacefully away between the snow-clad and piney peaks. Above was the sky-blue dome with it few clouds watching cheerfully over the whole scene. Immediately below, are the several hundred winding stairs reaching from top to bottom along the water falls. At the foot is the home of the caretaker around which is not the blue-grass lawn of a city home but the crude, yet infinetly artistic granduer of similar beauties of the Majestic Rockies. This is the scene at Seven Falls, near Colorado Springs, Colorado.
The University of California is the largest University in the United States in point of enrollment with 17,311 studetns in attendance this year.
A rule recently enacted at the University of Nebraska states that any student whose grades are not satisfactory is debarred from acting as departmental assistant or representing the University that semester on any athletic or debate team or board, on a glee, mandolin, or dramatic club, on the stuff of any college pub-lication or in any other university organization.
Orville D. Pote, '23, has recently compiled a book entitled "Bio-graphies of Early Printers and Short History of Printing,” This publication is the first material to be placed in the library on the subject of printing.
It was during the opening, days of the school year that the young man was endeavoring to be hospit-able to new students. At the evening meal in the dining hall he told stories to the young ladies, hoping to drive away any possible home-sickness. Among the lucid narra-tions was one outstanding on the subject of thunder. Later, one of the young ladies with pretty dark hair and eyes as well as an attractive personality, when referring to the entertaining conversationist fail-
ed to recall his name so designated him as Mr. Thunder, little realizing that she would later be Mrs. Thunder.
In this year, too, our—yes, hero became acquainted with the man now known as Rev. R. H. Miller, but whom President holds in his inner circle of friends as ‘'Bob," In 1913 the “Aurora,'' annual publication of Manchester College, printed the following by the picture of V. F. Schwalm, A B
The honored editor-in-chief and dependable member of the Debating Team.
Is experienced in many lines of teaching.
At M. C. his hobby is the Majesties Society, but elsewhere it varies,
He is jolly, good-natured and sen-sible.
A preacher of no mean ability vying with the more experienced. Surely the college will miss this staunch and loyal support of several years of usefullness."
His graduation marked the end of an active student life in Man-chester College during which he had been a member of the debating team, when elected in the ministry, served us president of the library society, edited the school annual, and par-ticipated in various other activities besides teaching in the academy. After graduation the Manchester Alumnus returned to his Alma Mater as history professor.
One of the most human of the events in the course of this man's life occurred in 1914 when he ventur-ed into matrimony and established a home in North Manchester. This gave the students an opportunity to bestow upon the bride and groom, a ride in a two-wheeled cart through the streets of the city.
The disappearance of Prof. Schwalm's stiff “cady” from a hock in a certain hall of Manchester Col-lege brought forth an announcement expressing the desire of its re-return. To the surprise of those con-among ihofrmr e xz ET ET
cerned the article came to light among the carefully wrapped wedding gifts.
This industrious and pleasing personality wielded its influence among Manchester students until 1927. The results of such influence can be judged by some college hill citizens, including Miss Della Lehman, Prof, and Mrs. J. L. Hoff. Prof. and Mrs.
J. D. Bright. During these years, both the degrees of Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy in the field of history were conferred upon the president of McPherson College, by the Chicago University. He served ten years an the first dean of Manchester College.
One year ago to-day Dr. H. J. Harnly expressed the wishes of Mc-Pherson College and her friends when he invited Dr. Schwalm to be-come president of our institution, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation or President Kurtz. The students were privileged to express their affirmative of the invitation on April l9, last spring when Dr. Schwalm visited our chapel and ad-dressed the student body.
In August of 1927 Dr. Schwalm and his family moved to McPherson where he immediately began his work as president of McPherson College. This work has been, unceasing but increasingly successful. The hope and light for the future that is continually being installed in the hearts of McPherson College stu-dents is largely due to the inspiration of the man who celebrates his birthday today.
but when it is known that certain other people became acquainted with Manchester College and the subject of this story things sound interesting.
The McPherson Salon Orchestra, under Prof. G. Lewis Doll, had one of its biggest successes of the year in its concert at the Buhler Rural High School Friday evening, March 30. The audience was very appreci-ative and liberal with its applause.
Mr. Edwin Johnson played the first movement of Mendelsohn's Concerto for the Violin with fine finish and brilliancy, Miss Jessie Daron at the piano. Meditation from Thais, by Massenent with or-chestral accompaniment was his encore. Miss Ruth Heibert delight-ed with two humorous pianologs. Mr. Howard Snyder made a tremen-dous hit with his wonderful bird and other imitations. The Orchestra assisted him with Birds and the Brook, by Stultz.
The orchestra gave Haydn's Sec-ond Symphony, Liebestfreud, by Kreisler, Iris by Reynard. Nevin's Mighty Lak A Rose and The Mill in the Forest very effective inter-pretations. The Salon Orchestra is fast establishing an enviable reputation.
Professional Directory
The only difference between this day and your grandmother's day is this. In the old day, they spoiled. It "spoon" and today it is called “pet." We think that sums up the whole
situation very adequately.
For Life Insurance Consultation Call Paul E. "Si" Sargent or Dale "Duke" Strickler representing The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company, Fort Wayne, Indiana.
M. C. Is Represented At Annual Con-ference Of Kansas.
Student Y. M. C. A.
Harold Fasnacht, Glen Harris, D. L. Miller, Harold Crist, Ralph Lan-
dis and Warren Sisler attended the annual Officers Conference of the Kansas Student Y. M. C. A. in To-peka March 30 to April. This con-ference takes in all the College Y. M. C. A . of Kansas and is for the purpose of helping Cabinet men to
better their responsibilities and to acquaint them with the larger Y. M. C. A. units of which they are a part.
Thu meeting was opened Friday evening at the Topeka Y. M. C. A. with an acquaintance melee and a worship period led by Ted Schultz. Student Secretary at K. U. after which Harry Bone, a noted Bible Study leader led the discussion on "What is worth going out for, and what forces or factors are there that help or hinder in the attainment of these ends," Saturday morning the program continued with worship and resumed the discussion of Friday evening. At noon the meeting adjourned to the grounds of the Kan-sas Vocational School, where lunch-eon was served and in the afternoon and evening sessions were held. K V. S. is a school for colored people about thee miles cast of Topeka.
Luncheon was served in the K. V S. Dining hall, and after a splendid address or welcome by President Richardson of the school and re-sponse by Philip Isauk, a Russian Student from Manhattan, the busi-ness of the afternoon proceeded. Re-ports were heard from the Com-mittees on the Intercollegian, the
National Y. M. C. A. publication and from the Committees on Student Industrial Investigation Later the students divided into three groups, according to schools and discussed the question "How can the Y. M. C. A. make campus forces creative?" At the same time the faculty mem-bers present, together with a stu-dent from each of the three groups met with the question "How can the faculty man contribute to the at-tainment of the Y. M. C. A.'s ob-jective?"
After the barbecue at six o'clock, the group spent an hour around a campfire, with Estes Park talks made by fellows who had been there. Estes was held up as an As sociation necessity almost to the point of requirement for the man who was to head his organization.
Alter the session the group convened inside for a few minutes to
hear and act on reports from the various committees of the meeting.
Sunday morning the final, session of the conference met at the To-Vekn “Y". Alter Ted Schultz led in a period of worship, Bruce Tall-man, State Hi-Y secretary spoke on "Linking up the College Y and the Hi-Y." and J. S. Chubb from South-western gave a very direct and forceful message on the task radi antly and being everlastingly on the job, and requiring years of time.
In the various speeches, some of the following stood out: Build up true grain and fibre instead of pol-ishing what you already have. Go out for things that arouse personal-lly, and then place them in regard to their relative importance. Jesus went about seeking truth, living it as he found it. and facing and solv-ing his problems as he came to
them. Personality is habit. It takes driving emotion to make ideas live in our everyday lives. The faculty needs the Y. M. because it needs more contacts in order to help the students. The Y. M. needs the faculty because the student body is shifting and the Y. M. C. A. is a continuing organization. The Y. M. C. A. should use well the college paper and the bulletin hoard in put-ting across its program. Live radi antly and face life honestly, and know where you want to go!
Warren C. Sisler
(Continued from Page One) The thrills of the day were Joe Yod-er's trying to upset the boat. Fas-nacht's so nearly failing out that he could taste water and Jessie Church-
ill's chasing around the park. Then as the flickering twilight softly gathered the thirty Juniors began to stroll peacefully toward the truck realizing that the day had been a
victory, that the cares of a College life time had been rocked into a bliss of happiness and the joys crooned into the pacific crisis of Junior Sneak Day.
The old gentleman firmly estab-lished himself upon his idea of an idea location and began to drill. His driller’s log is as follows:
1. Loose, powdery sand. Easy
2. Thick layer of peculiar red iron oxide formation. Hard on drill. Slow progress.
3. Several layers of strange, sticky creamy and gummy muds and clays.
4 . Have gone as deep as drill is capable of going.
He gave up in disgust.
"Hang my liver!" said he, 'lf gals dont't quit using cosmetics, we skeet-ers are all gonna starve!"
Yesterday morning, in chapel the college presented to the basketball team a token of their appreciation
Team Will Leave on Three Day Road Trip To Play St. Benedicts And St. Marys
Word received today from Kansas Wesleyan University, informing
George Gardner that there are five baseball games already scheduled and other negotiations are expect-
A three day road trip features the
big drive of the season and practice
games are in session this week.
The first game according to ar-
rangements now will be with Kan-sas Wesleyan here at McPherson on April 26. The Coyotes found them-selves at the opening of the season with only one letter man, "Dobber" Taylor, but they have a wealth of new material and are settling into a steady workout.
On Monday, Tuesday and Wednes-day, May 9, 10 and 11 the Bulldogs
stick wielders have their three day road trip when they engage the St. Benedict's Irish at Atchinson on the 9th, and then drop back to St. Mary's to tangle with the Micks for a two game session on the 10th and 11th.
These Irish play mighty good baII. St. Mary's whipped McPherson last year in two close games 3-4 and 4-2 and at the close of the season laid claim to the conference title. Al-through the Bulldogs seem to be in need of a pitching staff for a three day trip, prospects are likely to de-velop to fill the need.
The return game for the Coyotes is set for May 17 when the Coyotes will pit their strength against the Bulldog tenacity.
Negotiations with Chilocco and St. Johns are as yet unsettles but the games will no doubt be arang-ed.
Some lively workouts have been going on the last week in spite of the early stage of practice. Some new material is looking mighty good
and the old lettermen are stepping right back in their grooves, Nonken, crack first beggar, hasn't yet turned up in uniform as he has been pretty busy making up school work lost during the past basketball season. However he promises to turn up at his old position as soon as possible. Workouts have been bringing out more than the pre-season especta-tions.
of what the team has done for the school. These tokens were in the form of small gold basketballs, en-graved with "Conference Champions of '28." Those who received the halls were: Earl Kinzie, Elmer Crum-packer, Melvin Miller Ray Nonkin, Leo Crumpacker, Lavelle Saylor. Irvin Rump and Loren Rock.
The Girls baseball teams have been organized and are now practic-ing. Baseball is sponsored by the W. A. A. and will count for W. A. A. points.
The teams are as follows:
Team I
Goldia Goodman Velma Wine Ruth Lancaster Nina Stull Thelma Budge Mercie Shatto Marguerite Wagoner Thelma Seitz
Elizabeth Richards
Edna Hoover Edith Murray Lucille Dunning Oma Holderead Irene Thacker.
Team II Dorothy Sargent Viola Bowser Iva Crumpacker Rosa Moyers Jessie Churchill Inez Hobbisiefken Janette Hoover
Esther Keim Ruth Blickenstaff Mildred Wine Ada Stutzman Nina Hammond Rena Loshbaugh Myrtle Ainsworth.
Team III Floy Brown Arian Brigham Doris Ballard Clara Burgin Ruth Bish Melvina Graham Sylvia Edgecomb Alberta Hovis Helen Kline Elma Oakes Avie Wattenburger Prudence Strickler Lena Beaver Ruth Holderread.
"Woops, my dear," or should you "Hot dawg." when you want to tell a collegiate friend that you are feel-ing a little better than par? It is realized of course that if you tried to repress you thoughts in words that are in Webster your meaning would never yet across. Dictionaries seem to be out of style as they don't contain the words used most fre-quently among collegiate. Probably a dictionary at slang will eventually supplant Webster as authority.
Now, gentle readers, you may pro-test. The statement may be made
that slang isn't used among cultured persons in good society. Yet when one observes that the professor who uses slang the most aptly ranks highest among university folk, the charge that cultured folks don't use colloquial expressions falls flat.
After all it is entirely possible that today's slang will become the accept-ed language of tomorrow.
—Oklahoma Daily
In speaking of the girl's schools and the values of them. Professor Blackmar said, "You, but do you think the girls have time to make up for all the time lost from "the happy hunting ground," after they get out?"