NO. 27
is McPherson going, to have as much "pep" to put behind debate, track, tennis, and baseball as they did in basketball? If you had been at the mass meeting Thursday morning at 10:00 you would know.
The cheerleaders bad charge and. with Portia Vaughn at the piano, started things going with “Come on and Fight". After a yell was given Prof Bright was called on to speak.
Me told of the exciting condition of the campus during the week the bas -ketball team was playing in the National Tournament at Kansas City.
He gave some examples of the ad normal conditions as they existed. In the
Home Economies department they were working out an ideal diet for a winning team. In Mathmatics class the time was spent in maping out plays that the team could use in the tourney. Prof. Bright's history class was becoming disinterested and in order to stimulate interests he had to make reference as Jackson resembled somewhat our enlongated Center.
Melvin Miller. Prof Bright stated the fact that the faculty were on the point of going enmasse to Kansas
City but the student body objections were against it.
Dean Mohler was next called upon to speak. He started out in a very poetic way somewhat like this:
Every Rose has its thorns.
There is fuzz on all the peaches.
And there never was a pep-meeting Without some long dry speeches After promising to make just a
short talk he went on to tell about. -----j
CALENDAR Tuesday--Girls debate with Salina Wesleyan
Tues —Thespian initiation
Thurs. 8:00—Chemistry lec-ture movie film.
Fri —Men's State debate with Bethel.
their prey once and so full of poison that nothing but death can follow. Among the lizzards there are pretty ones and ugly ones, big ones and little ones and the very common lounge lizzard.
The bird cage is the next place of interest. In the cage there is nearly every kind of fowl. The more common ones are the canary, parrot, and love bird. The canary is vain, the parrot talks nonsense, and the love birds are the first to find a corner. The secretary birds are ready with pens for real labor on books. The eagle rules the roost. The owl maintains his intelegence in silence. A poor fish is always welcomed by the osprey or fish hawk. The mocking bird sings the songs of other birds.
The real show starts now as the world packs the bleachers to wit-ness the feats of the great. First is the ring master who keeps every thing going smoothly. The actions of the rings are directed by the skilled trainers who make the animals preform their acts in life correctly—Oh! there is a rush. The elephants are mad and have broken loose.
Six Letter Men Reported For Practice Thursday—New Material Looks Good
Season Schedule Of Games Now Be-
ing Arrainged--Ten Games Assured At Present Time
Negotiations coming in from other schools for games for the baseball season has opened up the problem or turning out a squad for the base-ball schedule.
As a sport, baseball has been treated as a dying activity for the college and the controversy over the granting of las year's letters had very nearly succeeded in abolishing the game here. However, the possibility of a large number of games has caused the Athletic Board to take action on the matter and the possi-bility of a turnout for the diamond is assuming the form of a certainty.
At a meeting last Thursday the baseball men discussed the matter and from the enthusiastic spirit shown it was decided to offer some competition for a number of the col-leges now asking for games.
Hawkins, veteran shortstop, was lowers and from the reports in lin-elected captain of the horsehide fol-ing up material he says that a splen-did turnout is expected for the first practice Monday. "Zeke" Saylor, a letterman two years ago may turn out and is a good man at the keystone. Nonken, first bagger did some fine work last year and he will again appear on the diamond. Curtis and Spohn, lettermen in the outfield and Mann, catcher last year will probably turn out for their former positions. Yoder, letterman at third base can be relied on.
Former letterman who are not in school now are Barre, Kolzow, King, Beckwith and Holloway. The entire pitching staff of the last season. Hol-loway, Barre and Kolzow will not be in uniform so the pitching problem is the biggest part of the difficulty in lining up a formidable nine. Miller is a candidate for the pitching burden and has a splendid form and if another curve artist can be developed the situation will be well in hand.
Thirty-three men have signed the eligibility list and from all intentions mean to make a big fight for a regular berth and will no doubt make the letter men perilous of losing their positions.
Kansas Wesleyan of Salina has opened negotiations for a four game schedule with McPherson and Bethany wants two games with the Bull-dogs. Baker, St. Mary's, St. John's Southwestern. have wanted games and according to the Athletic Board of the college letters will be granted in case the team plays six games.
In some cases, candidates for the; squad will divide their time on the track and diamond in order to compete in both activities.
As the baseball is not to be supported financially by the Board, most of the games will have to be sched-uled away from home in order to meet expenses however, games with Bethany and Kansas Wesleyan will be played here and probably some other games with nearby teams from, the towns about.
A Senior class meeting was held Friday morning at eight o'clock with a good representation of the class present.
An important matter of business to receive attention was the appointment of committee for the Senior play Chairmen were appointed for the lighting, costume, decoration, scenery, properties, and advertising committees.
Standing on the campus Balanced on the brim—
On the right the library.
On the left the gym.
Physical or mental, Better brain or limb? Perspiration? Concentration?
Library or gym.
Well, I'll have to choose one—
Grant me, choir, a hymn.
Don't be silly, library,
I'm going to the gym.
Young Hoverford
Speeches Honoring College Ac-tivities Given By Bright, Mohler and Dr. Heaston
Two Hundred Students Join In Yells And Songs At Conclusion Of Each Speaker (Continued on Page Four)
Early in the morning when the sun is coming up did it ever dawn upon you that a college campus com-posed of managerie in itself? Every person on the campus can be char-caterized as some animal in a four ring circus. The show is managed by capitalists who will take a chance on anything even the modern youth.
The side shows are numerous. They present many dazzling ways of entertainment and chance. For further information ask any student the number of ways he can spend his liberal allowance of fifteen cents a week. At the main show the reaping of the sheckles and presentation of paid admission tickets is bandied by the ticket or business office.
When once on the inside of the big tent one may find any kind of an animal represented. There are the elephants, both tall and short. Then comes the lanky camels with droop-ing bumps who are always looking for just a little swig. The next animal is always present and is the one of the first to attract attention. Three are the slender slick giraffe and boy they are sure proud of their necking
Cast Of Thirteen Will Be Coached By Miss Della Lehman
Last week the cast for the Thespian play. "The Goose Hangs High" was chosen by Jack Oelrich, senior play coach, and Miss Della Lehman, english department, and Raymond Trostle, president of the Thespian Club.
The probable date for presenta-tions will be April 8. This play is in be given under the auspices of the Student Council.
Cast: Bernard. M Steffen: Eu-nice. R. Hiebert : Noel. H. Fasnacht; Day. L. Barnhart: Rhoda. M. Shatto; Julia, B. Blickenstaff; Granny, D. Swain, Hugh, F. Berkebile, Ronald. H. Bowen: Lois S. Edgecomb: Bradley, C. Collins; Dagmar, B. Mc-Clellan; Kimberly, L. Ihde.
The first practice was given Monday evening.
This play is one of the most suc-cessful plays of comedy portraying with great good humor and truth and efforts of a modern fam-ily to adjust themselves to difficult circumstances. The Thespian club has spent considerable time in reading and discussing various plays before selecting a suitable comedy
Nominations are being circulated about the campus. Get your candidate started early. All nominations must be in the hands of the nominating committee by 6:30 p. m Wednesday, April 4. All nomina-tions must contain fifty signers.
On the following day, Thursday, at ten o'clock the candidate speech-es will be given. Each speaker will be given two minutes in which to land his aspirant. Immediately fol-lowing the candidate's speeches the
primary voting will begin and the polls will be open until 12:30, The final election will be held the fol-lowing day, Friday, April 6, from 8:00 until 12:30.
ability (just naturally runs in the family). The week eyed hippo is next in line, it is his habit to rush into anything, body and soul, without even looking. Every circus is not complete without a rhinoceros for they are so big and tough. The little and timid zebra is also in line.
Among the caged animals we have the lion who roars as he passes back and forth. Next comes the tiger, cousin to the lion. On his high pedestal all he lacks is the lion's roar. In the same family we have the mountain lion or a puma who follows ones footsteps so close that when he cries cold shivers run up one's spinal cord The monkeys are next with their numerous tricks or monkeyshines which is all they know and are always supposed to be funny. In the cage following there is the laughing hyena who is always laughing or giggling.
The reptile division is well filled with snakes and lizzards. There are the big snakes and the little snakes. Some of these snakes will crush their prey, others gradually choke their prey to death, while others just bite
How did you like chapel Friday? If you liked it express your senti-ment and thus help in having more of the same kind. There is now an effort being made to have the orchestra play every other week and the singing of old familiar songs
as often as permission can be obtained from the chapel committee. In the future the words to some of these old songs will be passed out as the words to some of them are almost forgotten.
Thir Production Is One Of The Strongest Of All Anti-War Plays
Experienced Cast Assures Audience
Of Delightful As Well As Educa-tional Entertainment
May 23rd has bee set as the date of production for the senior class play. It is to be produced in the new convention hall by an exper-ienced cast. "The Enemy" by Chan-ning Pollock, a drama in four acts is one of the strongest of all antiwar plays, the characters are clear-cut, the plot is strongly woven, and the climaxes are tense and dramatic.
The them of the play is war, its absurdities and its tragedies. Carl Bebrend, a young German author, has written a play against war, arguing that all people are alike, and therefor ‘The enemy'' is not a foreign nation or race, but hate of introclearnace. But just as the play is being accepted for produc-tion, the World War of 1914 breaks out, making the sentiments of the play reasonable. Carl, much against his will, is drafted into the German army. As the fervor of war sweeps over him, he belles the sentiments of this play, and rushes into the struggle filled with national and racial hatreds. He leaves behind a young wife, who afterwards gives birth to a son—a future soldier of hate. The wife in the meantime lives with her father, a college professor, who, because of his anti-war sent-ments, is dismissed from the university and reduced to abject pov-erty. The little son dies of starvation, just as the trumphet marshals into line the new recruits. The cries out “Not my baby! He won't mother, answering the trumpbet. safe! My baby is dead! Thank God!
(Continued on Page Four)
Color Scheme Of Red And White is Carried Throughout Decorations
Speeches On "Track Meet" Plan Are Made By Prominent Members Of Organization
The first track meet of the season occurred Saturday night, beginning the Women's Athletic Association of at seven o'clock, when members of McPherson College gathered with their gentlemen friends for a ban-quet in the basement of the First Church of the Brethren.
Reports of the guests, particularly those masculine, proclaim the affair one of the outstanding social events of the school year. It marked the recognition of the W A. A. as a live organization striving to further its purpose “to promote physical efficiency, scholarship, and good fellow-ship by increasing the interest in gymnastic and athletic activities among college women."
The idea of a track meet was suggested throughout the evening. After the dinner Miss Adeline Taylor, toastmaster, posed as coach of a track team and introduced the participants of each event.
The "High Jump" by Miss Evelyn Kimmel was a soprano solo. "Joy to the Morning," by Harriet Ware, Miss Arlene Saylor accompanied her at the piano
Miss Velma Wine gave the "Broad Jump" In which she explained the complete organization of the W. A A,, its connections with the high school Girls' Athletic Association and with the state and national organi-zations.
The "Relay" by Miss Viola Bow-ser, president of the McPherson W. A. A., showed how the local assoc-iation had gone over four laps of the rase since its organization in 1924. In conclusion, she challenged the W. A. A. members of next year of other years to come to run a better race than has an far been run.
Camel atm and force were in evi-dence in the "Shot Put" by Miss Doris Ballard, when a volley of shots were put as various guests.
Miss Jessie Churchill reviewed the accomplishments in the sports sponsored by the W, A A. in 1927-28, in the ‘Hurdles."
"50 Yard Dash." was a pianologue entitled "In the Usual Way, read by Miss Ruth Blickenstaff, Mis Marguerite Wagoner was the pianist.
The paths of W A. A. Influence were shown by Miss Floy Brown in the "Javelin." She suggested J-ustice, A-chievement, V-irtue, E-nthusiasm, L-oyalty, I-nterest, and N-ame as the way in which the Javelin might sym-bolize the W. A. A.
The "Two Mile Run" was a piano solo “To Spring" by Grieg played by Miss Marguerite Wagoner.
"Side Lines" were managed by Miss Arlene Church through out the evening as she led the group in a number of pep songs. The program closed by everyone singing "All Hail to Thee Our College Fair" and the College song, led by Alvin Voran.
Music was provided during the dinner hour by the Misses Clara Davis, Autumn Lindbloom. Ruth Hiebert and Dorothy Swain.
Carnations, candles, nut cups, programs and place cards were used in the W. A. A. colors, red and white. The three course menu included red orange phosphate, roast pork, gravy, potatoes, buttered rolls, creamed beans, radishes, perfection salad, ice cream, cake, nuts and coffee.
His audience as in tears when President Kemal of Turkey finished his six day speech. We're heard many Americans orators who bored their bearers to tears in an hour.—Miami Student
The Student Newspaper of Mc-pherson College, purposing to re-count accurately past activity and to stimulate continually future achievement.
Entered as second class matter
November 20, 1917, at the postoffice; at McPherson. Kanas. under the act of March 3, 1897.
Editor-in-chief Lloyd Jamison
Assistant. Editor LaVerne Martin
Campus Editor Doris Ballard
Exchange Editor Harriet Hopkins
Sport Editor Lawrence Mann
Feature Editor Robert E. Puckett
Copy Editors Ruth Anderson
Ruth Anderson, Warren Sisler, Harold Fasnacht. Oliver Ikenberry, Allen Morine . Lloyd Diggs
Business Mgr. Howard Keim Jr
Asst. Bus. Mgr. ’ Charles Bish Circulation Mgr. Oliver Ikenberry
M. A. Hess
To me, the final pep pep meeting Tuesday morning is one that I shall not soon forget. It was one of those outstanding events. We were made to feel that there are great things and great people right in our midst coaches, athletes, debaters-—and that we have a great school and a great president! And facts say that it is all true! But as the last echoes of "All hail our College fair" bore our last pep meeting away into history, I was thinking of our Sen-iors and particularly of those two who went leading their last College pep meeting, and who have had so much to do with the successful cheering and contribution to the success of the boys this year. June and Cheesy, we think it only Just to express our appreciation of tin-work you have done, and to say “We’ll surely miss you when you're gone!”
—W. L. S.
Next year is going to be a bigger one! Yes, we really believe that! Our debaters and orators have been putting M. C. on the map in Kansas for the past several years, and now Gardner's squad has made the
United States sit up and take not-ice! A new spirit prevails. A new inspiration has come to make our scholarship and school life get to work, to call themselves a worthy relation. Lets get behind Dr. Schwalm and his plans for a "qual-ity" school! Let's elect officer who will create sentiment for a higher life, and then get behind them. "Dad” Elliot awakened in us a greater desire to be something worthwhile and showed us how. It involves self-mastery and obedience to the highest laws in life. The "Y" organizations want to do all in their power to help every student to attain his greatest possibilities. They want to help every one to a fuller re-alization and use on his powers, and to greater morale. If you are an athlete, they want to help you to "play the game;’’ if an orator or debater, to work for ‘the highest glory of the school; If an officer or in any other way a contributor to the school life, to work for that "Quality" school: and if just living, helps you to enjoy life’s truest joys and satisfactions. Help them and let them help you!
—W. L. S.
The above pictures are being ex-hibited through the courtesy of the General Electric Co.
"A Trip Through Film Land," an intersting reel furnished by the Eastman Kedak Co. will be shown. Through the kindness of Raymond Trostle the Chemistry Club is being loaned a motion picture projector.
Subscription Rate -- $1.50 per year.
Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Faculty Adviser
Courtesy is measured by thought-fulness, the kind that not only in thought, but which prompts action.
How courteous are you in the newspaper room in the library? Did your thoughtfulness ever include the idea thar confusion, waste of time; and inconvenience for other readers and the librarians would be avoided if the papers were hung on the rack when you finish reading them? It does not take much time and the lib-rarian has suggested that she would appreciate such coutesy.
In Chapel Wednesday, Dr
Schwalm pointed out some of the "earmarks" of a cultured life There were three >
First, loyalty to truth, involving a devoted search for it and facing it fairly and squarely when found. Dr. Schwalm gave five rules for the use of truth in straight and con-structive thinking, namely, find facts, filter them, focus them, face them and then follow them
Second, respect for personality, wherever and in whatever condition found. It should always be treated as an end in itself, and not as a means to an end.
Third, reverance for that which is searched. The real test of culture-is respect for what other people regard as sacred, though we do not ourselves so regard it.
Friday morning the college or-chestra furnished a very pleasant And much appreciated Chapel pro-gram of music.
Bluefield, Nicaragua March 27, 1928
Dear Editor.
The jails of Nicaragua are no where near as comfortable as those in McPherson.
The head man here said I was being held as a deserter of Sandino's army. One glance in a mirror told me why. If I had the use of a bar of Ivory soap I could wash the dirt off and prove my identity, but there is no soap. Four days ago I hired six men to scour the country and find me a bar. They reported this morning that none could be found.
Soap in this place would be as strange as ice men in Greenland. They hang me here for using tooth paste. Please send me a bar of Ivory P. D. Q. and in plain wrapper. If my Identity isn't proven by April 1. I'm to be shot at sun rise. You can't be too quick. Make it pronto and save Nicaragua a box of shells.
This is a thankless world.
— The Good Will Embassador.
P. S. Pox Voblscum
The other day a visitor to Fahnestock Hall made a fool of himself by asking if we had anything planted in our wash basins.
Trostle "I sure told that girl what I though of her."
Stutzman "What did she say?"
Trostle "She said she loved me too.'
Bill Bigham—"We'd been hunt-ing all morning and hadn't seen a thing; the all of a sudden a coyotte as big as a pony jumped up in front of me I pulled up my 45 and blooey! That old coyotte rolled over a dozen times.''
Izenbise—-(bored) "What did he stumble over?"
Ira I. "One thing you girls can be thankful for and that is you don’t have to shave."
Thelma S.—"You're just like all men, trying to fool me. Don't think I’m so dumb I haven't read shaving cream ads, I know you men get pleasure out of it.”
Never buy a wedding ring on payment. It is too often a case of paying for that and alimony at the same time.
Royal Yoder was one of a number of the boys who took cold last week as a result of taking their heavies off.
ace of parts at all times. Professor Doll was the recipient of many flattering compliments from State and National, officers, speaker and musicans present. McPherson and McPherson College should be proud
of this achievement.
By The Way
Dr. H, Saylor of Marion called on his son Lavelle last Wednesday at Fahnestock Hall.
The Misses Edna Myers Portia Vaughn and Irene Steinberg. Law-rence Barnardt. Herman Bowen and Oliver Ikenberry left Saturday for an extended deputation tour through northern Kansas and Nebraska.
Misses Ida and Edith Markham were week end guests of the Misses Fern Shoemaker and Mercie Shatto at Arnold Hall.
Mr and Mrs. Paul Sargent enter-tained Rev. Hugh J. Heckman, How ard Keim, La Verne Martin and Miss Goldia Goodman at dinner Sunday.
Paul and Ralph Bowers were Sunday guests at the Boone home.
Miss Elsie McConkey left last Wed. nesdsay evening for western Kansas after a few days vacation at home,
Misses Rosa and Myrtle Moyers were the week end guests of Miss Melda Mohler at the home of the latter's sister. Mrs. C. L. Doty, of Hutchinson,
Miss Mary Lou Williams left for her home in Bartlesville, Okla., last Wednesday. She was called home because of the serious illness of her mother.
Ray Trostle was at his home near Nickerson last week end.
Mrs. V, F. Schwalm went to Munice. Ind,. last week to be with her father who is very ill.
Dr. J. J. Voder made a trip into Oklahoma the latter part of the week in interest of the college.
Miss Eugena Dawson of Hutchin son visited Miss Lois Dell Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Ruth Hoffman was at her home near Hope last Friday and Sat-urday
Mrs. Voran of Lorraine called on her son Alvin on the hill last Saturday.
Those who went to Moundridge last Sunday as a deputation team and in interst of the Christian Endeavor were: Mr. and Mrs Hoisinger, the Misses Mildred Wins, Mary Prather Arlan Brigham and Jessie Churchill, Walter Fillmore, Ross Curtis and Irvin Rump.
Marvin Steffin visited his parents at their home in Ellinwood last week end.
Miss Margaret Devilbliss and Earl Kinzie visited the latter's brother at Lyons Friday and Saturday.
Misses Thelma Seitz and Lillian Horning, Charles Collins and Clifford Negley spent the week end at their respective homes near Larned.
The Chemistry clubs offer the unusual this week in the way of six reels of educational motion pictures which will he presented next Thursday evening at 7:.30 p. m. in the chemistry lecture room.
"The club invites all who are in-terested," said Dr. Hershey, head of the chemistry department.
The films, are of a scientific nature although none of them are technical. Nearly an hour and a half will be required to review all of the pictures. The following films will be shown. The Land of Cotton, The Sugar Trail. Our Daily Bread. Thomas A. Edison. Pillars of Salt, and A Trip Through Film Land. The film "The Land of Cotton was produced at some of the largest plantations and mills in the south. It is an instructive story of the cotton industry told in a fascinating manner.
"The Sugar Trail," depicts the beet sugar industry from the beet to the finished product. It is full of valuable information,
The evolution of the wheat industry is visualized in the film "Our Daily Bread," An interesting part is the primative methods used several hundred years ago.
The film which is probably of more interest than any other is entitled "Thomas A. Edison." We fol-low this great genius through the extensive General Electric labora-tories as he was being entertained twenty years after his invention of the incandescent light. The picture memorializes one of the greatest
days in Edison's lift. Such eminent scientist as Dr. W. R. Whitney. Dr. Irving Langmuir, Dr. W. D Coolege, Dr. Charles P. Steinmetz, also appear in this priceless film.
The firth picture “Pillars of Salt." was photographed several thousand feet below the earth's surface. The film reviews the salt mining industry.
Girls will be girls and Nature will be Nature.
Nothing can stop them
Grandmother rubbed red calico on her cheeks; mother "tinted” hers with red tissue paper dipped in col-ogne, daughter colors hers with scented rouge— but they all got painted--if-- with different brushes.
Grandmother drove the grey mare; mother drove the dob cart; daughter drives the flivver—but they all are "going somewhere" and nobody can stop them.
Grandmother blushed; mother flushed; daughter "laughs it off" — but they all Listen when a man starts talking sentimental nonsense.
Grandmother flirted, mother spoon-cd; daughter pets-- but they all got kisses sooner or later
Grandmother loved only one man; mother one at a time; daughter one after another— but they all go the same old surprise and the same dis-appointment and bear pangs.
Grandmother was proposed to on a moon-light buggy ride, mother was coursed on a "bicycle built for two," daughter in a taxi cab but they all got the same old beautiful dreams.
Grandmother dropped her eyes and clung to his coat lapel, mother hung on his arm and trembled; daughter trapples him around the neck—-but they all did their best to keep him from getting away,
Grandmother called him ‘my unitor;" mother "my fiance;" daughter calls him "my boy friend" — but they all manage to lead him to the altar in the end.
Grandmother coddled him; mother bossed him, duaghter joshes and jollies him but they all know that a man has to be managed, babied and mothered
Other times, other manner-but all roads lead in matrimony when a woman drives.— Lindenwood Collegian.
The facility and their wives spent a social evening at the home of Dr. and Mrs. V. F. Schwalm Wednesday evening, March 21, 1928. About forty-five were present.
The evening was spent in playing dignified games including Dr. Schwalm's favorite bean bags. Coach Gardner was the cheerful victim in the game, Congress The evening was made very enjoyable by everyone joining in the games. Miss Fern Ling-enfelter played a piano solo, and Miss Della Lehman gave two reading dur-
ing the evening.
Since it was the first day of spring the color scheme, of yellow and white was carried out in the dainty refresh-ments.
The faculty say it was a good thing for them to get together in this social way and to forget about the cares of school for a little while.
Miss Ruth Hiebert entertained ten guests at a tea Saturday afternoon. The time was spent playing "spoof" and in social chatter. At five o'clock the guests were served with sandwiches, olives, cake, nuts and tea.
Misses Mabel Roskam, Autumn Lindbloom and Dorothy Swain assist-ed the hostess in the entertainment. The other guests were the Misses Katheryn Swope, Mary Prather, Arian Brigham, Mildred Wine, Roberta Brown, Esther Keim and Lucille Dunning.
The annual furniture week proved to be more popular and bigger than ever this year. In the five days of work spent in repairing there mere one hundred and seventy-nine separate articles rejuvenated. An item-lized account was kept of all articles as they on me into the shop. Each article was given a number and the form of repair, place to be returned and the time for return was record.
An itemized list of the articles repaired is as follows: dresser drawers 29; rocking chairs 17; straight chairs 62; piano bench 1; scenery frames 2: folding tables l; picture frames 2; stools 4: tables 32; dav-enports 3; kiddie cars 2; desk chairs 2; cooking tables 2; drawing boards 3; easel 1; transoms 2: wagon 1: breakfast table 1; cedar chest 1; filing cases 2.
On Tuesday morning, March 2O, the members of the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. held a joint installa-tion service in the college chapel. The program for the service was as follows:
Processional, Miss Fern Lingen-felter.
Invocation. Earl Kinzie.
Vocal Solo. Miss Wilma Batchelor.
Talk. President V. F. Schwalm.
Postlude. Miss Fern Lingenfelt-er.
The President, Vice-Pres., Secretary and Treasurer of each group were elected by the organizations and the remainder were appointed by the four that were elected
The new officers for the Y. M. C.
A. cabinet are:
President. Warren Sisler: Vice-Pres.. Harold Crist; Secretary, Ralph Frantz: Treasurer, Walter Fillmore; Program. Harold Fasnacht; Social. Henry Hall; Devotional, D. L. Miller; Music, Ross Curtis: Extension, Lawrence Lehman: Publicity. Leland Lindell: Em-ployment. Keith Hays: Athletic, Irvin Rump: Advisor, Prof. Bright.
The Y. W. C. A. chose the following cabinet;
President. Lois Dell; Vice-Pres., Dorothy Swain: Sec., Mildred Swen-son; Treasurer, Margaret Devilbliss: Chorister, Mary Prather; Program, Harriet Hopkins; Social. Arlene Saylor; World Fellowship, Irene Gibson: Publicity, Alberta Hovis; Con-ference, Ruth Anderson: Service.
Ruth Blickenstaff: Advisors, Mrs. V. F. Schwalm. Mrs. George Gard-ner, Mrs.. J. D. Bright.
"Suggestions for McPherson College Girls” is the title of a little pamphlet found in a corner of the library among other pre-historic relics. The purpose of the booklet was to "further the interests of the wo-men, students as they are related to dress.” When was it printed is the question. Evidences seem contridic-tory.
The fact that "good materials will wear long and look well are always the most economical" was suggested. Judging front that, the thing must have been printed since we began to stretch the nickles, if not to shorten to stretch the nickles, if not to shorten the skirts. Another indication of recent publication is, "Class rooms are of varying temperature." Why. it might have even been created in 1928
That solution is made to waver when we read in the suggested list of clothing there is no evening gown mentioned, and the thing becomes almost antiquated when we find no mention of galoshes. The pamphlet gets older yet when, among the things “which are not in good form at McPherson College", is discovered "stockings or other colors than the shoes!" At least another decade is added to that age as we discover, "High shoes should be worn duing the winter months,"
Ten any idea that the thing was a modern compilation was knocked to smash when among other things in poor form at the institution 'use of rouge, lipstick, or an immodest use of powder" was found. Some one inquires, "Why don't they still print such a list of suggestions to fit this day and age?" The suggested answer is that the "Authorities" have learned not to waste their time.
On the afternon and evening of Friday, April 6, the Christian endeavor societies of McPherson County will hold an institute or rally in the Church of the Brethren in McPher-son.
Mr. W Roy Berg, the State Field Secretary, will be present and give several worthwhile addresses. There will be discussion groups for those who are interested in the work of Christian Endevor officers and committee members. There will also be a period given to the discussion of how to organize a society. The meeting will start at 4:30 Friday afternoon.
Later In the evening a McPherson County President will be chosen. It is hoped that this meeting will be a stepping stone in putting our county on the map in the work of Christian Endeavor.
Prof. and Mrs. Doll and Marilyn at-tended the Wednesday and Thursday session of the Kansas Federation of Music Clubs Convention at Hutchinson. They report a well-attended, most enthusiastic and worth-while convention. A number of lectures on the various phases of music by prominent music educators of Kansas and other states, besides a number of recitals by representatives of Kansas Music Clubs were much enjoyed. A Hymn contest was a feature of the Junior Music Clubs Wednesday afternoon, Thursday evening after the Salon Orchestra prelude. Mrs. Cora G. Lewis, of Kinsley, well-known speaker and co-worker of Mrs. Edwards Mac-Dowell, gave a powerful address and plea for the MacDowell Colony at Petersborough, New Hampshire, A choral contest revealed some very fine ensemble singing. Other inter-esting events added much to the value of the convention.
The Cecilia Music Society mem-bers able to attend the Thursday evening program were the Misses Jessie Brown, Jewell Newton, Ruth Pentecost and Jessie Davisson. Our music club has taken a wise step in joining such a great organization as this Federation of Music Clubs.
No husband likes to be treated like a dog. You can' feel dignified in a woman's lap.--McGill Daily.
With the coming of these bright warm days the tennis courts are be-ing used continuously. The projects this year are very good. With three letter men and as many other good men that are going to make the letter men work to keep their old places, the competition is going to develope a wining team. Just now there is only two courts. But in the near future work is to begin on the construction of the Class ’27 Memorial Courts.
Thursday and Friday of this week will ace the initial appearance of the track and field men in an inter-class meet to be held on the college field. By that time work on the field will be in a complete state for the sprints and distance events with a splendid squad of material in competition—material that has been working out daily since the beginning of the second semester.
As the rules provide that no let-terman may compete in the event in which he won his letter, the new material will have the limelight. The winners of the events are to be tak-en for the varsity squad.
Gardner will act as starter and official and with, the assistance of some of the students, the meet will be run off in a fast ordered manner.
With the selection of the mem-bers of the squad after the class meet, the Bulldogs will have just a short week to train up for the first dual track meet of the season with Sterling at Sterling on April 6.
(Continued from Page One)
the winning of the first state debate and how the team was honored. And every since Hess and his men have kept right on winning." said Mohler. The Dean went on further to say that the thing to do now was to show the same enthusiasm in helping develop a quality school that we have shown in athletics, debate, and all the other activities of the school in doing this we would be farthering the ambitions of a certain tall, well dressed man, that is seen about the campus. (?)
Dr. Heaston gave the final talk of the meeting. He brought the greet ings of the down town business men to the school and coach along with his team. In speaking of the backing of the team, Dr. Heaston said of this team Mr. Heaston said the town has been back of them as it has never been before. "Coach Gardner has done a very unique thing. We as down-town men must grant that it was no accident that you had a good team, but they did it by staying ever-lastingly at it." said Mr. Heaston. He went on to say that in the forty years that McPherson him been in existence no greater number of persons, as compared with the larger colleges and universities, have graduated from it but that it is a quality group and a group that have accrediably proven themselves.
(Continued from Page One)
cessful plays of recent times, por-Thank God!! Thank God!!! Then the news comes that Carl, her hus-band was killed in the last engage-
ment. The play closes with the char-acters praying: "God give us toler-ance! God give us love! God give us Peace!" Much interest and comedy is added to the play by Carl's father, a mililtaristic Junker, who urges everybody else into the war, but wealthy through profiteering, re-stays at home himself and grows reiving in the end "the highest dec-rection of Jack Oelrich, promises to oration for services in the war." rection of Jack Oelich promises to be one of the greatest dramatic treats.
of the year. It is sure to have the hearty support of both student and citizens.
The following cast was chosen by tryout:
Carl Behrend — LaVerne Martin
Pauli Arndt ............ June Ellis
Daruska —........ Portia Vaughn
Bruce Gordon Raymond Trostle
August Behrend Alvin Voran
Jan John Whiteneck
Dr. Arndt--- Howard Kelm Jr.
Mizzie Winckelman Arlene Church
Kurt ------------—- --
Fritz Winckelman LaVelle Saylor
One of the activities in which McPherson College students participate, that is not so much heard of as some other activities, but at the same time one of fur-reaching influence, is Deputation Work. Possibly some of the students have never heard this work mentioned before. The work is done by Gospel Teams, each composed of from four to six students, which go to Brethern churches in Kansas and the closer parts of neighboring states to give programs of inspirational, devotional, educational, and missionary nature.
In this work the students come into closer contact with the constituency of the College, and are able to understand them better, help them to a better understanding of the College, and at the same time give programs which are mutually helpful to the people listening and to themselves in learning to render service of a religious nature to other people. Not only do the Teams give programs In churches, but they also get into high schools at every opportunity to give programs and boost for M. C. This work means of our students serving the Church and receiving helpful training, as well as being an advertisement of great effect for the College
The trips are financed by free-will offering taken at the churches visited. Last year there wan a surplus of about $200.00 which was sent to the General Mission Board to be used for summer-pastoral work. There probably will not be as large a surplus this year, but what there is will be used in the same way. The teams have already been in Missouri and Colorado this year as well as having given programs in several Kansas churches. A team is in Nebraska
this week and in a few more weeks Oklahoma will be visited
This work is sponsored by a com-mittee representing the Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A., World Service Group,
Christian Endeavor, and Faculty, It is an important part of our extracurricular activities and deserves your hearty support.
Miss Della Lehman's class in Dramatic Art put on a group of plays at Monitor church Thursday evening as a number of the lecture course sponsored by the Monitor community.
The plays presented were "The Exchange", by Althea Thurson. “For Distinguished Service" by Florence Clay Knox, and “Joint Owners in Spain" by Alice Brown. Although the crowd at Monitor was not large because of other interests in the community, the class was very much gratified with the response and ex-pressions of appreciations they received.
This was a new undertaking for the class but no serious mishap occurred. The whole class cooperated in making the trip a success. All ex-pressed themselves as having enjoyed the experience. Incidentally, the return trip included a visit to the Palace of Sweets.
Those who went to Monitor were Ruth Blickenstaff, Goldie Goodman, Jennie Yiengst, Bernice McClellan. Esther Keim, Irene Gibson. Elizabeth Hess, Mable Beyer, Marlin Hoover, Clarence Hawkins, Marvin Steffen, Herman Bowen, John Cottingham, Lawrence Varnhart, Miss Lehman, and Prof, and Mrs.J. A. Blair.
The First Baptist Church of Hutchinson was packed with dele-gates, officers and friends of the Kansas and National Federation of Music Clubs on the last evening of the three-day state convention,
Thursday, March 23, At two minutes of eight the McPherson Salon Orchestra took its place on the platform. Two minutes later the honorable State President, Mrs. Richard M. Gray of Wichita, presented Pro-fessor Doll and his orchestra, the first senior orchestra in Kansas lo federate.
The concert opened with Haydn's Second Symphony. When the first movement was ended the Orchestra knew by the prolonged applause that it had won its way into the hearts of the music lovers of Kansas. The next movements each earned a similar applause. Edwin John-son. Violin student of the college music department, then played the beautiful Meditation from "Thais" by Massenet, His broad and music-ianly playing demanded an encore and he responded with the popular Souvenir by Drdia.
The orchestra was at its best playing with great sonority and delicate shadings at will, with fine bal-"Physical Education" by Wild and White is a new book in the library that is lifting used by the public department. It contains games and folk dances for elementary schools. The book is a bulletin of the Iowa State Teachers College.